Shailansh's FM Notes

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Unth 2 - Tin value Of Ffnandicat Hanagencen + = Valu of a muper witch We necetved — teday fg more than that fy fr wing seated tn. Firtwes = 8 veacens / factors that ainSoures Tndaual’s tine preference for money: - (1 Uncnttdinty (2) Cwount consumpFen @w Posiietitiy 4 Foucstaunr oppertsty Futw value: Fp = Pt Sr le(ex. = Pxoxr) log Gategonised tn 2) pats Pomunl compen | ats Companion pnts * Wy 2 y(t? 2 bya} Fp =" [emmy ¥ Computed volue fer i interest rE te > crane of, fies compoindad see . fr yee For Guotenty a m=4 Ser onrusaley s+ m=2 BNA Ol) : es od vee f y Se iD Gol i Re 8 | nf iy Re eS FV = Py hig. = 0+ 8 = Jog CDs Fy ie pyle? = lO (Ito-08)' = 108 ; ps af n= pee, Fp = fo (ee” = 2 = !00 (1+ 0-08) re am 2902): / 61 + %% = 10,00,000 = Syeaue v= 87 (> IF Firan at Ssitrute dives SI-, pos annum 4 ST = pxpxwr = 10,00,000%5x 0-08 = 00,000 Fv. c2 fo + $I = 10,00,000 + 4,00, 000 = 1W,00,000 ye e) sotr: per nll ; ‘ © | , 5: FVy = + fobite) = » ito,00,000(1+ 008) ' >, WYogaes er. @t-an > ee vnapeley axe Fup = foCterm 10,00, 000 ( (1+ 0:08/2) . — = 1ysonuy CX qpaterly = (0,00,000 ( I+ 0- o8fa) >) 2 G25 04F 2 Compeurdict valu of 4 series of cash Flas — Uneven cash Flous + Thuestmenr % done ot tne end of tae yrase or 2 Tv, - & (tr) tf (ley) re tfp., Cite) + Po ot Investmunt fe done at te beginning of, tre yoo We = WC) eaten? + £e Cee + hl trY) Gah f, = 5000 ; Pa = 10,000, Py = 15,000, fy = 20,000 t= mere @ era oh yas ; r= br 3 Fu = 9 30-5 u * By Firmuta! 5000 (1+0°06)"" + 10,000 (1.08 + 15,c00(1-06)" + 20,000(1-06)' + 25,000 = BI, Sus Rg /~ , ip . a FE e by Tabu: Yeare 0 x Foley Ve ob ' 5000 x (ire) baée 6310 2 lop00 x Ctr )P= ba) “1910 3 toe xCirr)> = 123 1e @US ' xUtr). > 1:06 _ 21200 5 ro 25000 Bizte SEIN - : a Py p - 1460 Gr = F605; - (Doo , Hy 1260; fu 1500, 65 ZA @ veginni 6 o- 5 > No od © vrgionfing of, cach year 7 : , Ei \3 4 1600 (1-96 a “TF 450 (1H. 06» KoolrosyHy 1280 (1 66)? # ( Ak ‘ (106) “3 t UES wy a = Ry #295 ib OE AE Ronit y tven Cash Roos “ > Compound value oy youd annuiry } Bequlow An ws — at end ch yer “a f a Flan = P [eee] et ¥ ot we . of + Compound value 4, Ponuity dur - at beginning ef yer ef of Plan = e [aran-y Cle ot = _ Gf : a . \@ Gf Sub P= R39 500-, end of each Year 3 D= 6 5 4= «l@ ot 4 aa Ponavty aufpaseed of . G + Way = 500 [(i+r0-08)* - | - BB BuBt-65 <4 we F Re ause S| — ne be] Sr P= Fs 2500 ; beffartng cy ea ge ; les | Annus e UY) lu < | Flan = 2600 [es Eoioe aa (140.08) se 19, 30% ¢ og Os —— © ¢ 7 & Pee OOS STUORCEPIELEATITITAL EL Td dds EIT A Confincys, Com poruneting 7 value of compeunding depen upen its Frequency . 2... : oe Valu stses pon Paty “In cose of, con tino. compenety Fup = Px et es 24182 | fresent value dkcounting Rs dom at te end of He yeose Py = CIF, | tie (ite)! (tee)? +o. t OF, : Cy? oe ¢ > dfs counting fs dow at tre begrnming af, de Yeo Pye CIF, + CF 4 4 CEH F Cre)" (iy : _ d B3r tip. O07 2000 1+ 3000 23 2% 40% @ vegioting of, yews aaa 10% Snterest vate a+ US0O B+ S500 f % pv €1 2000 t 3000 ugoo sooo 4 USoof” 5500 = 2500 [@ 9} Cr, = 5008; cIF = [000 ; CF, = 600; CIFy = 2000 , Os @end of year 5 TF 12% + fv = 500 ,+ 19900 + 1s00 4. 29000 4 2500 (ta) rRy> ore Cl m4 (2)? = 500.896 © = 5001/- Present value of Ponity > PV of Annuity dujoweed — at end of me yer gan alec be wntitn as, Nan = ores = ce fy = of ite)” . [ a] + PV of annuity due - at beGinning of Ha Yee Van = CIF [ | (tty) itr)? @ioe CIF = A5W0,000 ; 92 6 yes 7 4s i 5. - pony snot adewntin & %. 2 ry Tet, % Fs consducd os Beguion / cupoueesh annutey Sea gear Pian = 4000 { (i ee ont. f reysio ue ff a RANMA Sub CIF: Robo @ sft 7 =U yeas 5 ws (DY, eh each your + Annuity due. Pvan = S00 : ST (ay. fey ar etl Ox (hay8 = 1443. ye TTT Present vate % — groding annuity = Brrording Ponty Muang +he cadh Foe that ee oe Constant vate fir a speciea. coved of Hne, > of grosing anmusty dupuvud, ~ © end of, geor Py = Oe (' _ cergy? “3 Cire)? PY of growing annifty du ~ @ cegfing oh yeox eves oe ft (rg | Cite) r-9 (ire? Gi n= 5; Ces A 6,00,000; g- 5% ; r= IU ; P=? wt + Assuring , rent fs vreaived % advan = PY of grating anny dite Pv = 600000 | 1- (1.06)” (ui) 0-09 crtyyeé = 2569.269.056 PY & 25, 62,259 Continous discounting ~ Value of) AB.counting atepents Upon “ths Frequanuy value Fall expowen lly fin case of, comifnous ai counting tvs Wx LL = Fue or FV e et Ohow e = 2@tBg Present Votue Of Rempenity = Praulity . off TnRig duxattin ae fb Terre tty Py = CF vr 9: Porpetuot amt [CIF = Rs 1000 » ms Bx Pa = 1000 fs 12500/- 0-08 2 2 Present value of Grwowing Purpetuity + assures that cach Rave Gu ditamds arsodiosed wry Guten Fucctments Gre stocks grad at a constant compo wore iy aBeountr rote cle + Creading perpetuty + PVip = = 3 + growth vate : Bh Wits Permulo can be urech oly when rg. Plans + © 20,00,000 tumpsum ® 3,50,000 each yeorr For Oo yeous + © %,09000 amp sum * PVp = 20,00,000 Do = _20,00,000° © 2,50,00 . . 250,000 for 10 yee © (ox condtnerg vequine annul geo "Pian = 250,000 x roy —_ One 1 Pon = 15,36,1U2 Choose option, Sina, tue present value fe move than thar of, option @. SS be 2 12Y, ee +e oa > PM = fs-100,000 ape Segoe 5 Pug = 480;000-x He) = or (i2) eG <9 r=igy / - @ a fs 1,00,000 nod + PV = 85 100,000 bs 1,80,000 at tu end of 5% yer me ayy ea Ole ~ 1, 80,000 af (O31 36 834 — ans =S! Curr)” (tz )F CRs UO por yease — Forever OV of porpetuity = P¥q = W400 2 Re 95,000 out ’ Rs 19,000 each yeose Fis 10 years + Constaesding annuity dubecud py, ye “Toray x iz)? ‘an = (9000 * 5 oN eae 10% ,S54 Forever > PV of grosng perpetulty PV G00 = Cle = 7-9 Opin a be are best chee On te, % Wigwe than alt tun options. ?, yn Foandat Honest = Unit 1 > Introduckan t | S of Buginas Swnure vip I 1. Sok Poprctorersp { f ( ® Rasemovenits ; * Emin Cautioy Pawtruses Hp ‘ 3» Co-eperatine Soekty é ¢ " Company Fe of Sudiews own hip c So: Grovexnnent corn pany ¢ € le Poutntelétp [oe tnelevedua | ME "Wey e seperate tiga] Hor a entity Frome cepauiake 7 ‘v ye, gal any 2 ss ; Labiery | United. Untintoa - Tax S eautiiry | Pursanar | Farinoeye | Fore rs o-cpeatbew) Fersonat incond Regios Soitety EM — desthiten + Aovetwes Crating Panis § tiie ePrecie _uttiimattor Win obfeetiic of Maviniting shaywhowLus Wealth TS concasinad dim modinfeing erauehodius vale Primauity trough (Sound Rovesinunt and Roan ding audBiord ), (een WOM, Fukefous aH EF wed dedgrud porkirmmaner Wrasiegement ey stenag J 2 2ken Eranbag 2 ax in = cenuuned wey (acquostien, anding f asset marageruet SAME avercalt goal ta meth f. a fea aries th GA ah a ( PP | 17. Fu > cncumd wo 2 achiBios 2 2 Ye Pagi patiog Finandel nds - want cefimatin Runds Yequaved Ree Tovestaen+ th fixer f Ceca “osects *eaiay Rrardot cuits ~ wane F rad to obikin me Tunas 70 France tee antZeatea fRrandeR needs. Buiwcatug Fars “We gustess ~ allocatin of Funda Guars aa) eine RU bese plans of, exsets-(abu to Maxinicce sharchobees ealth ) Fnandet decttme - u Majer aectony - Ob} Max. Standen’ te Theestuent decroo + taken “wo que fe of, thine pene Tnpack om ghaxholdixs wealth, ~ Rage captiat actay , Was longterm Tupiatdus ~ usually Treveatu + alse weed os Gap budgeting oe ~ wGRZar fire tong -teomy sewevitvod and > selecituy ue Meer productive avenues that maxenitces Rol 2g! t&ponden, Hodwwoteatan § replacinent , BED expendidurce & oan cing dedisions + Capa Struchwe dedi ons ~ due, Frandai xsks £ +tmus & +0 bing daan tur test of Phan diag. - convmneg htt Taartbying tee sifarte Soran of Funds and Tappiag of Hone eae — Nofo fssus 2 - Wine to proce rept furcs Fram? -Wrar should be the opitnal, née of VOR Sounced Do Proportion Rahat - term § tong - teem Funds 9 SUSSSS TTT ETT adda ad. ECT REE ATS 9 aq vf hs Score usin dackaty re of Pref! 9 TKdend de “4 te at slough wack 9 Yo we diSriinued an afPdeady ant tense to & fi For Riker. Ahanciiy neds busied ~ cupencts o1 trade off Hd Ratoee handing 9d 4 feo F cesuceat consumpiion veqs ca glare Hole . — Rees ty sectors wo Keg groath wake Riad a prey it) Magu oetenfin flow payout 2 uw Dering Qpitat audsras - coniwaed in managers eee ee fare Govent asses - R key decision pdinis 7 1. Lue of, uesinent cuvenrr eset 2 handing of aweunr oxsets Funchons of finance manages : lL Beasuwe = Foancing € favesting aches 2+ Controle = Manaperaeat & control of) ossahs | | | aaagcecans Pe Groat of FM: ( Pool Hoxtnitcakion : 7 Cizeaiten + Maxinzing NOV 4 A COMER Je Wealth moxinitratten : 9 9. Shaseeholdext!s aoe ; 3. Moxtnitcatten ef ROE ers é ug, tusrwes for grat § epartion, ui 5. Monagencnt ooneeeooe ase ie HITT POTPECCEADEE ADAG IIADATT SII Idd Is sssssdd Ayeney @roblene + Shaehotdine - owns ne compan a aa np 7 L (pubic Utd) 4 tr even May be In crores, spread Mraequout Me county ne cannot’ controt / manage the company i 2 ~ euets oPs as represePtatine or aysent § oawGo gee wesponstttiy to hem, bricked. Shas holants power > res (exept whoo shawhokuts ae Bobs) + One. Bods aug cketed, = To nap the Fics prospects, can vcfer ' annual ecports, accounts , Sock oroksts, Gournale and day RUDSPAPOXK . 7 e2 Excumstenees * Bods act Wn Titers of shaxeholdsxe R. try 40 achive persowt goals at cost of Sharuhordo-s Gach Compt of Thteret bo Piin&pe $ Agen couneen Agenyy Robem Lo on ford to overcome 2 = comeeting pay to the profs canned - Rawandtng managyts with — evasee = erect ‘Thkeavertan by ORV = Twat & ROG — Theat of throver Rp ne SPancieag — Thetieutten, L = Pansiing ro fentval Commercial — eg te Pub ceoksr Pivale Seema RRes ‘Sein Banks —__ Kane . < ; on ; PAPER Matkets “F Muchariem hat enabts pouttGants to dtat wn Fhandtae otaime + Place that “alloos peopte to eoxily buy . € sel seaucctts JM Kann ste) hang varwiites of, Ngan er lsd — Shot term naweketolee. seunldtes wa traced __d hee = Call Moury make = Freasway otha —Cermucey wus mee SS T — + movities sauings § —— 1 “eporativ-e r some t duvtlopuunt banks = no ovgathsafénal sup P vecarrice only by speckedes Eno fuatonat, Buitey that P verdes to bndirs| berms coptat Aird, oF Kine I (easter For LTE) Hon - Banking eee Fiuesinunt inschctoy ps 4 uc ait UT) ESSER S Re eR Cap Tag e ea . “ Tock Mxcharyel ~ Old securdties a Beud, = qrankea S€ tiny 9999.5, — pysteat ofan Located. pokes gio. ous OT ~ Plays an Tndimect al ote tn tndurbfo Gal handy by provetly e LB to Saverinants ©) obiaed moo. a i haa SOOO SHHASEEEEAALAS Rinetions Le dhigtnaton of We Tssae mcuckebs Q Underwriting S Xspibuton Randa Themunwars / Asset (security repscaent claims agesnst = ae tne Rehue ooene [eseatth of, an entity Bonin assew :_ - direct (¢.g:! shauna § cebeotues of =—_ H% comp.) & Fel tadeet (09: ons oy weak Bre) | Stor ~Riiensy 2 fe | : see | 3° 5 - Rees § aptionc) = on Ss = 7] Dewvadves (eg f j Fe - Kpandat Seis — Sanat saveres ade & conktus to both : | | 2 = FKrandot syste? prods § Sncestors - Poopessionat sews Indudea | Po Fancast sotitey ! —Fnvestmant, Uoding # manayement of Money F assets - Vator, Roms prom a wcange of, fs: ~ Oc prepanatifon - fasusance CONCHA BE, £ —Tnvesrmenr port Potlos a | ee 1 Fee ~ bayeq : = Nucchant Baring 2 2 = Gude Rattong j = MDegyns loan % ‘astdbuent ff Ammonfita tion ern 9 ne = fayount of (en ammartisahen a) « 5 UL: p | etre” = tego 5 ant Orem 07 Ci ig ‘ a wy? m7 Traesest ff sepayabrte a rE loan L speehc posed Wstalnant Rate a, Mieners (wunpsun om wn iatesnenr$s) . ov i Poe be ooranncd - Ff hme Q <1 = ia nwa , P= 8 10,00,000 we ¥% cea 7 “ \Io< ? = (0 000 x Og x LOF lore - 1 = %OS#IG Lan Ammorksafern studule wy er : o ae. pd \ Pane me Yoox Iaut nfeaty ao 7 Onestst | Pine p \ ei ta Be 1 10,00,000 209,496 40,000 189496 Bory 2 geo20y nog tae \ ouY | 19582 |x Gee. = e toore | 2,046 | ¥9F4® | le0052 550570 e SSO 540 209,456 | 38540 (#1256 SFSRPy cm. u 09 1 s stgugy | 2,09,496 | 255K |'832kty 209,496 | ree | (36095 6 [30 CFB 1425 SSS SSCSCECE EMAC SEI IIIb Lie €ME = kyatect Hovtuby TnstaLment ~ — condicleug oan amt, “imexesr va fon ported as voriGhee " . , 7 12p eNy R he (trope) - — 7 6 ("A ee = e, 1,00, 000 ve 9 9= 5’ eM = 20+6 Fiign = 10,00 900 or © Somuy Funct Riefor p= Wao vo (te)? a, ut3-F4 gusty Anauae - Buatorty/ VawPouts Compennctig ap fF nom Cypectue Sh be greater Man Sane €R\ = (14,9 "” _| v= ley eR + annualy = sat ay nualy quaterly Mounts = 12°364 12-SS7 i268 7% ? Nowak, ? © . ¢ , ° t- Poulatrvy porto f sFrectie gute Rute of #2 £8 » 12Z, 9D yeas Op = tre FR | HVE gee CR] = 427 bp = % 65 Ppplic bf 1 - (07 Hee acco Pp = 0-38 4 69/5 ecuure y eR, = 035 4+ 6 | “ as Cormperanet grote wate ee sear one Tn 7. y ot Cr 32 Vo (tex) = Vp Sy Yee aus ® vase € end of 9 yoo endl of, yor O Vo 2 2 Vy = 3) ° n-5 City)” = V4%6 ai(ttr)? 2 I (ey = Ute tr = 10805 % = 0-07 OY = & ob Interest cbubtiiy por a @) g ae cap an = 220,000 polo e r= lo so — 0, e PVgn = “| Un” _) Cc 2<0000/ ger ¢ “(Pd Z « e E [228 II S __ Uae = —————— “e eg ee = & 0 ———710 $ eee 8 e © go00/yous e xz lo” e SEO SS SCESSASEEAAARAHKBEEECREdMddddddddddd = As 80,00,000 Wan 00, ne = v ve 47, #2 Puan 7 tHe)“ Pe (3A — — ‘ O —— Ye a os (1 WByeaxs, 2,00,000/yecrx, Ni Fi> vgn = 200000 [ Ther sere oo > AGEN tEM ALastong ¢ Budgeting 7 (re) i LTR | =e manent © clan dipretat en wer | Vv . ©, ; te Ree tanger penned re Ty perp ha lube propfcttty taprntin Martone.» Clee FY » Rawls ® re] cogt * dew x Musaatiy Xe n R v » Jo, 00,00 © a 3 e) x c i. ~ e@ Aypraiuct efueas / NDCF f pcr ea 5 -— 00 TV wouny — hon = Gaccunked (sh Flaos MaMOe vet eo, © . Peay baer poten. = Teter vestrrent a coubk annuee orf Sr cemst annual Cie @ it - 40 ,0vO toe for 2 yeo™ cle + 19 000 wagers reo | Qaey Y FQ WAR AN qQ itt 7 loo elem eae eeeeee «ee aa a eee eee eee eka a eee dddd dd dci ddd ddd ceceeed F 3.9 yous (x gr" OI . 40,09° eee ae Camm. UF 1 | e1F, = (4000 (eo : = - ve 2) ce = (xo09 80000 cont 3 | am - se00| 37000 ra Prope + EBITDA 4G | cry = ood 4000 = ; eer - I eeT rer= Syfous + ROCE a a an bAT + ef eC raT = 2.83 yeas 2 oe x & Foxes _ o dip"! SLM 5 tax 50% epite eer | eat creat 15,000 #500 22300 | pose; : 22880 . 13,000 00 21s00 4qooo 2 aoooo | 3000 \ $000 7 2500 tespe | eeee 5 {5,000 460° % 1so00 | 13900 ; |s000 S100 1 s000 | 15000 © = cost - sv pee = 4 me ee \ ie 45000 © 15 ,900 Ss ao rT pep = Gr 392 £3000 Cost = As to,00,000 0 ur etre txts Annuat porfits = Rs 8,00,000 fer ap O-leS x20, 00,008 = 250,000 2 aS # Tr = 50% cep = Or = 20,900,000 Cet = 200,000 —+ oft offer dip™ bub before faney je T = 180,000 eAT =. 180,000 + -4+ per 2,450,000 ‘ oe yoo 000 FAT pap =. 2’ eo CERT . 7 2 BARRO OC A Qagg Pap 80,000 13.0000 3000 - . HAGOO ot . DV yan Sree Mache e faniPeataues Mrcitne a Dep? = cost of mle = SY 80000 [6,000 130000 _ 25,000 ~ id 6 = bbe = Tort Savings = sakags fo 8008 ~ dieer Ways ee 60,000 Jo,000 ~~ ERE d dd bddddddddtedddddddscceeEeds { oe \ ) ? a | a AR a RT| Po | | | | 3s lalée a el 8 Sf i | n [6000 290008 > oe _ oe is Se a uu ooo 6S) 000 oe 22,000 s2goo 25000 (ARE; Aug vate of vetwen / Necorwthy rate of setwen . KuMOd Focuses on avg gk Sacme, dows nor wre CEAT a ' un Genviatad Ma a profect "th oclaten = uses EAT Yo project's avg “nsextmant ent (Tow) outer) ARB ug» Unye sine rst = x (00 We tel = Frvetves accountly Mvestuenk “ig nor Hey Sawoge value ¢ 0 Cor" Maa Ot I Seige #0 purRomonse 2 ewonwe of ROCE WLR cosh of fe. 4 ; Bvg Thucstnunt (#8 + *") 4 her WS 2 Annual dus} * profit apy Faxes nn ee 2 1,80,000 to,00,000 ~ wreises) 3 + 80, bE? s a , e* 3 4 5,000 eT oT Yeon, crat PEP Cut ay “T 19,000 1,000 6 ’ ‘ a | 2 40,000 50,000 es ee 0,80 a 3 ’ 50 130,009 «l 4 20,0 135,000 | Ez S,000 , e se = Ayes + BA © 7 ra : e- 7 eo = 2 BeBigeaue : aie nc Yo- Wo Pa i a 8 ad r “ j (0,000 9030-3 5080 °9 40,000 23 054-85 421ys. FT 60,000 UCOrB: 88 greet 6S 20,000 13 660° 26) 100884 B9F 5/000 31 0480 103992495 pree = Syeaxs + 2342: SF Bees 660 269 3+ ongeBer / 0° 99S = B6286 = 8985 yeuy 0- 90909 0-826 O-48/ 6683 0-620 uci > PVCOF RPV > evciR ~ PvCOF { raselly ue He DPV > expeast!) = deh WHEK oceogtice, exp HK — Bofects edits greats UPVC Weor = 10,000 Yease Ie 2000 (eo1-8S 18S).38S° 2 3000 2542-01 w23 26 3 F000 BSE. Be 3980 -¢8 NeV = 99%0-68 — [0,000 — -19-32 Fm dow not Tout 10,000 25 upy 25 negative ae — — — —--_a_eae nan eS Frofivabietiry cha (PN) Meluods > + Rafio Suculd ve Pr = Pvel PNCLE ( greater man J) Pycor NCEE = 28000 Sere I qooo gist 3) ooo eeu SF ue gs- 38 Tov s2s9°2 20s? $8 bop © wnge 08 = 24 150° 66 Soto Boy -G ZEBS-2C ‘ Rey 2 22s 26 pL = 1 03. (@ Pyeor . = As S00, 000 Pep = ¢ °F ost & Sv = S00000 @ Sogo Se oo Bp? = Ust00 PAT = Le¢605 Revi) fete SNE CICOr. oe YS,000 CFAT = lusoon Ne Pay IF Wan = tusvoo | ye! oe (4005° high SV" = (tusvoo » Ses) + (803000 %o 222+) 2 Saer0 | 385,250 ae 35280 — S0000 335350 a F es > KRALRRACSC CIA ad @ ho a om _ a wp 8310, 000 Ce “00 3002 s000 200° sev - we wT 7 7 7 7 =] “o “4 “6 J a 9 @ @ a J 4 , : ] ) ) ) ) 1366-07 ee L1ev8 Thiernal sate , ecu acc $4 00L - ru. adjust pate of, rehern Metro Pye = pveor PV Ree . Rreovpefate o ( BrerPCOM mela 40 cale. Satemmal rate af rrharn (1p 6°) brocet “atiesesk race + NPY of tee Yale | (0 yousesake = HPV let vate — NPY Ber care: i sh RPRRABRO ARR EOD BOO - COF = 82400 ‘eon oe epv@tor * PV@ tox ; leooo WSUS US 13239 ay 43 2 (4O0o UBtO- 24 6422 10) “So 3 (2000 Jos 44 a ws PYCIF = 85130 29.997 : NPV = 2#90 a & e ) 20m ® wr ate eS my + 240 « a « We see x ay 10% « an - B O-(s3e e , [5-327 : eGedeSSCCER ES See dda ds des Isis ddissidds Siw) my RPV = PyeiE - Pvcor CoF = : : + ? 2 HacWine Hachie 8 Yoo CERT opvOIF Cenr ' Wood «= Sack 120000, 1ogo80 2 txonp0 FFI FS 55 135 53755 \60000, 132160 3% (60000 = 129210 36 255449] | 200000 130200 4 — Augon0 «eS g2E-22 —UIFEHI-IS | TeOGeO 81960 BO s \Goo0p agsut Ul BIOs Sy} BOO Wg6 SK 20,000 12B-A2 53143696] 20000 1242.0 — 53 B,B00 ae p. T PvCoR = YoDo0O 4, 20/000 (iro)? aay = Ugisi-s! & User nev fee Nactiiie AF WS25y ———— =—— Varina & + Wt 21S Quy pele, og”: 4Qege00 WE = 10,00, 000 = 4,00,000 fe Pyele Secu Pay Foep? crar 89285) gogapo 29286 + 10,00,000 0-903 ! po o 497193 | wkqoko 1195490 1200000 15,00,000, | Onite 2 £00,000 OLFBO 15, jo 1423560 & 1300000 20,00,000 | oegnsi8 | yer 62! 12,00, 000 oe uy S00000 ae 0 564426 624 1% ‘ {1,00 , 000 oon s uood00 4 * ele sot 126 SWC 19,00,000 '0,00,000 28 2418 5. 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