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SAFIRE: Smart Arduino-Based Fire Incident Response And Evaluation

A Research Proposal
Presented to the Institution Review Committee of
Department of Research, Gusa Regional Science High School - X
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Research 3
Junior High School- Science Curriculum

Louis Gabriel V. Abejuela

Jievann M. Adaza

Ayessa Kena C. Alvarez

Jerricel Y. Avila

Rainne G. Bacarro

Jhan Richer U. Cabus

Reyan Scarlet D. Carbos

April 2024
Chapter I


SAFIRE is a smart fire detection device that can detect fire and send an SMS and the

exact location of the fire using Arduino to nearby authorities. This device could minimize the

danger of fire disasters by automatically detecting the fire and sending the info to the Fire

Department. These days, a lot of different safety and security applications use fire detection

systems. Electric short circuits are the primary cause of most fires. It results in both property

damage and fatalities (Patil et al., 2021). One of the biggest worries for property owners,

builders, and designers is house combustion. For a very long time, single sensors were utilized to

detect fires; however, these sensors were unable to gauge the intensity of the fire to notify

emergency response teams. The goal of this project is to develop a smart fire detection system

that will simultaneously protect valuable assets and lives by not only employing integrated

sensors to detect fires but also notifying nearby police stations, emergency services, and property

owners (Alquorabah et al., 2021).

The creation of creative and effective fire detection and emergency response systems has

been a crucial topic in the field of safety and security. Fire incidents often result in loss of life,

and property, and it also leads to environmental damage. Statistics from the Bureau of Fire

Department in the Philippines (BFP) show that the number of fire incidents in the country rose to

8.3% in the first four months of the year 2023 (Chavez, 2023). In this context, the application of
Internet of Things (IoT) technologies has garnered significant attention for its potential to

enhance the speed and effectiveness of fire detection and response mechanisms (Aglan, 2022).

This research addresses the shortcomings of traditional fire detection systems by

proposing an IoT-based Fire Detection and Emergency Response System with Location

Tracking. Utilizing readily available components such as temperature sensors, GSM modules,

and GPS devices, the system is seamlessly integrated within the framework of an Arduino

microcontroller. It continuously monitors ambient temperature, activating alarms and notifying

emergency responders when predefined fire conditions are met. Incorporating a GPS module

allows for real-time tracking of the fire's location, with precise geographical coordinates

transmitted via SMS to the emergency response unit, ensuring swift and accurate resource


Beyond its technical aspects, the research delves into the practical considerations of the

proposed system. It explores issues related to power management, reliability, and usability,

taking into account factors like false alarms and data accuracy. Furthermore, the study

investigates the system's adaptability and scalability, assessing its potential applicability in

diverse environments, including residential, industrial, and urban contexts.

Conceptual Framework

SAFIRE or Smart Arduino-Based Fire Incident Response and Evaluation is a device that

can detect fire and alerts the authorities. After creating the device we will test its effectiveness

such as how fast it can detect fires and send SMS.

Figure 1

The Schematic Diagram of the Study

Input Process Output

The diagram above shows the schematic diagram for the study. It involves the input,

process, and output of the research. The input of the study is the materials, the process being the

fabrication, coding, testing, etc. The output of the study will be SAFIRE and its benefits.

Research Objectives

The main objective of this topic is to determine if the device SAFIRE can be used to

minimize fire disasters and the response time of authorities.

1. The sensor detects if there is a fire when the temperature reaches a certain level.

2. To send alerts to nearby rescue teams.

3. The device is efficient enough to alarm the people within the building about the fire.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope of this study involves the development and assessment of SAFIRE, a smart

fire detection device utilizing Arduino technology. SAFIRE is designed to autonomously detect

fires, transmit SMS alerts, and communicate the precise fire location to nearby authorities.

Emphasizing a comprehensive approach to fire safety, the study addresses challenges associated
with electric short circuits, a primary cause of fires, and seeks to enhance the capabilities of fire

detection systems by assessing fire intensity. Additionally, the research explores the application

of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies in responding to the rising incidence of fires, as

indicated by statistics from the Bureau of Fire Department in the Philippines. The study aims to

contribute to the improvement of emergency response mechanisms, especially in terms of speed

and effectiveness. While this study advances fire detection and emergency response systems,

certain limitations are acknowledged. The research primarily concentrates on the technical

aspects of system design and implementation, leaving avenues for future exploration of

socio-economic factors and user perceptions. The proposed system addresses challenges related

to imprecise location pinpointing by incorporating GPS technology, yet it recognizes potential

issues such as power management, reliability, and usability. The study also acknowledges the

importance of data accuracy and the potential for false alarms in shaping the effectiveness of the

system. While practical considerations related to scalability and adaptation to diverse

environments will be explored, they may need to be more exhaustively covered in this research,

offering opportunities for further investigation and refinement of the proposed system.

Significance of the study

Bureau of Fire Department. In this study, the GPS tracking technology assists firefighters

by mapping the fire, coordinating rescue attempts, detecting and directing fire crews to the

hotspot, and dispatching more aid to the appropriate place.

Community. Through this study, the community will be able to reduce losses and

damages while being rescued and evacuated safely by emergency responders during a fire.
Future Researchers. This study can act as a guide and reference for future scholars who

have a close relative study.

Operational Definition of Terms

GPS Technology. A network of satellites and receiving equipment is called a global

positioning system (GPS), and it is used to find objects on Earth. Refers to the Global

Positioning System technology incorporated into SAFIRE. GPS enables precise geographical

coordinates to be transmitted to emergency responders via SMS, facilitating accurate tracking of

the fire's location.

GSM Module. A GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) module is an

electronic device integrated into SAFIRE in this study. It enables the transmission of SMS alerts

from the fire detection system to predefined contacts, such as emergency services and property


Internet of Things (IoT) Technologies. Encompasses the network of interconnected

devices that communicate and share data. In this study, IoT technologies are integrated into the

fire detection system to enhance speed and effectiveness, allowing real-time communication

between the device and emergency response units.

SAFIRE. It is the abbreviation of the device Smart Arduino-based Fire Incident Response

and Evaluation, the smart fire detection device developed in this study. SAFIRE utilizes Arduino

technology to detect fires autonomously, send SMS alerts, and communicate the exact fire

location to nearby authorities.

SMS (Short Message System). Texting is another name for SMS or short message service.
Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

Fire Safety

Unwanted fire is a destructive force that results in billions of dollars worth of property

loss and thousands of fatalities annually. People everywhere assume that an uninvited fire won't

destroy their houses or places of business. Regretfully, fires may happen in practically every type

of building, and they usually do so unexpectedly. Numerous elements of building design and

construction, many of which center on people's ability to evacuate burning buildings, affect

occupant safety. The ability for firefighters to enter buildings and their contents and for

occupants to escape is contingent upon the buildings' ability to contain fires and prevent their

spread (Buchanan & Abu, 2017).

Studying fire safety science is a multidisciplinary field that is quickly growing. It

requires the integration of numerous scientific and engineering disciplines. If all flames were

averted or put out at the size of a match flame, the number of fatalities and losses to property

from fires might be entirely reduced. Although there are several ways to lessen the likelihood of

a catastrophic fire occurring, none can be completely prevented. Given that certain fires will

always happen, designers will typically employ a combination of these numerous solutions to

lessen the damage of these fires. Automatic fire sprinklers have been demonstrated to have a

very high likelihood of controlling or extinguishing any fire, making them the best-proven fire

safety device. In addition, it's critical to have an infrastructure for fire detection and warning,

secure routes for firefighters and residents to transit, smoke and fire barriers to stop the spread of
fire and fire-resistant buildings. It's crucial to choose, plan, and use building materials correctly

(Buchanan & Abu, 2017).

Development of a Fire Extinguishing Robot with SMS Alert

Fire incidents pose significant risks to both life and property, often resulting in loss,

injury, and long-term damage. Firefighters, while essential in managing such emergencies, face

considerable dangers, particularly in hazardous environments. To address these challenges

comprehensively, a unified solution encompassing fire outbreaks, smoke, and combustible gas

leaks is proposed. This solution entails the creation of a fire-extinguishing robot equipped with

an SMS alert system. This robot serves multiple functions, including alerting building occupants

via alarm and SMS notifications to registered numbers, as well as autonomously extinguishing

fires. Its compact design facilitates maneuverability in narrow spaces, while ultrasonic sensors

prevent collisions with obstacles. Moreover, flame and smoke sensors enable automatic fire

detection, with the robot utilizing stored water to extinguish flames. This innovative autonomous

system showcases its ability to identify fire locations and mitigate emergencies effectively

(Owoeye et al., 2021).

Using Arduino Uno for Fire Alarm System

Unwanted events like fire have the potential to cause significant losses in both human life

and societal wealth. Many alarm systems, including temperature sensor-based systems and

smoke detectors, have been created to stop these losses. With the advancement of technology and

the decreasing cost of devices like cameras and temperature sensors, a variety of automatic fire

alarm systems are now accessible. Alongside the more affordable devices, internet-based and
wireless broadband technologies have advanced, resulting in various systems that allow for

high-speed, low-cost data transmission and wireless networking. The development of multiple

automated monitoring systems with low power consumption and faster processing capability at a

cheaper cost has been made possible by the emergence of inexpensive single-board computers

the size of credit cards, such as the Arduino Uno. The system's ability to remotely send an alert

whenever a fire is detected is its main feature. When smoke is detected, the system will display

an image of the room on a web page. The user must validate the event before the system can use

a Short Message Service (SMS) to notify the firefighter. The advantage of using this strategy is

that there will be a decreased chance of false alarms being reported to firemen. Since the camera

will only take one photo, this method will require some power and storage (Bahrudin et al.,


Arduino Uno and GSM Module For Fire Alarm System

The Arduino board serves as the primary controller board in the creation of the house fire

alert system, interacting with the GSM module that handles communication. The purpose of the

interaction is to inform the user of the home's present state. This system only uses wireless

network communication because the GSM module sends the user an SMS. The Arduino board's

microprocessor functions as the circuit's brains, directing how the circuit flows and carrying out

all decision-making. The circuit's communication component is managed by the GSM Module. It

receives instructions from the Arduino regarding what information needs to be transferred and

where to send it. For communication, a GSM SIM card is used. It is essentially just a modem that

interfaces with the Arduino using a serial connection and requires AT commands that are

compatible with Hayes. Through the project codes, the user provides the alert message and the
recipient's phone number. The SIM card placed into the module will send an SMS to the

recipient's phone number as soon as a fire is detected (the temperature will reach a predetermined

limit) to notify the user when a fire is detected in the home (Mahzan et a., 2018)

IoT-based Fire Detection Alarm System

Building designers, builders, and property owners are primarily concerned about house

combustion. Long before other sensors could estimate the extent of fire to notify emergency

response teams, singular sensors were the go-to method for detecting fires. The project intends to

address this issue by putting into practice a smart fire detection system that will simultaneously

protect lives and valuable properties by not only alerting local police stations, emergency

services, and property owners of the fire via integrated sensors. Many integrated detectors,

including heat, smoke, and flame detectors, are used in the model that is suggested in this work.

Following the system's algorithmic analysis of the data from those detectors to determine the

potentiality of the fire, and then use the system's GSM modem to disseminate the anticipated

outcome to other parties. An Internet of Things technology has been used to give the fire brigade

the real-time data they need without endangering human life. Ultimately, the primary goal of the

suggested method is to reduce false alarms, which increases the system's dependability. Because

the system makes use of the Ubidots platform, which speeds up and ensures the reliability of the

data interchange, the trial results demonstrate the superiority of our model in terms of cost,

efficacy, and responsiveness.

Forest Fire Detection System Using IoT

One of the frequent dangers that arise in forests is forest fires, sometimes known as

wildfires. Pre-fire (taking appropriate action for fire control), during-fire (detection of fire and

planning to control fire), and post-fire (damage assessment and mitigation planning) are the three

stages of fire monitoring. The manual fire detection method was employed in the past. Modern

forest fire detection systems use satellite-based observation, but they are only effective when the

fire has spread to a vast area. Thus, these methods are ineffective. A report indicates that almost

80% of forest losses result from fires that are discovered too late. Thus, we employ Internet of

Things technology to solve this issue. An early fire detection model has been suggested in this

paper with the assistance of the necessary sensors and the Raspberry Pi chip. Data analysis and

storage are done on a centralized server. For prediction, a feed-forward fully connected neural

network is employed. The administrator and anyone nearby are then notified via alert message.

Arduino Uno for Gas Sensing

In 2018, research on "LPG Tube Leak Detection Through an SMS Gateway Using an Arduino

Uno-Based MQ2 Sensor" was implemented (Santosa et al., 2009), and the results show that the

MQ2 sensor is connected to an Arduino board to monitor LPG gas and cigarette smoke.

However, gas detection is based on gas content rather than distance between identified gases.

The thicker the gas, the faster it can be identified. The use of sensors to interpret temperature and

humidity was investigated by (Suherman et al., 2015; Christian & Komar, 2013) with a prototype

model, but their findings did not reveal how information messages are processed and sent using

short messages. As a result, this study will build a system using an Arduino microcontroller,

which is an open-source electronic board. Arduino's main components include the ATMega 328
microcontroller. This board operates according to the program flow that is uploaded to it. This

design also incorporates the MQ2 sensor, which is used to detect smoke, gas, and other

substances. The DS18B20 sensor can also be used to measure room temperature. The short

message-based fire detector makes use of another device, a GSM shield module. This device will

be installed in the house and will help to send messages to house owners and firefighters,

allowing them to carry out an immediate evacuation.

Sensors Used in the Project Smoke Sensor

The MQ2 gas sensor detects the concentration of gases in the air, such as liquefied petroleum

gas, propane, methane, hydrogen, alcohol, flue gas, and carbon monoxide, using an electronic

sensor. The MQ2 gas sensor is also called a chemoreceptor. When in contact with gas, a sensitive

material changes its resistance. This variation in resistance value is used to detect gas. A metal

oxide is MQ2. Gas semiconductor-based sensor. To ascertain the gas's concentration, Utilize the

network of pressure dividers in the detector. The sensor runs continuously at 5 V of power, and it

can identify gases in a range of 200–10,000 parts per million. The Wi-Fi module ESP8266 is a

separate SOC paired with an integrated protocol stack of TCP/IP, permitting any microcontroller

for the WiFi access network. One way to host an application is on the whole Wi-Fi network, or

the ESP8266 routines from another source can be loaded processing applications. AT command

set Each device has pre-programmed firmware. module ESP8266. The module ESP8266 is a

very profitable board featuring a broad and fast-expanding user base (Pandey et al., 2021).
GPS-based fire detection system (Global Positioning System) and SMS Gateway
(article need pa ni i cite)

This detection system has the advantage of early fire detection depending on the ability to

detect temperature conditions while taking into account the characteristics of the fire and

detecting any increase in temperature brought on by the fire's presence. Any smoke produced by

a fire must also be readable by this detecting equipment. It needs sensors with temperature and

smoke detection capabilities to make the system a reality. The system's brain control mechanism

is the Arduino Uno microcontroller. The DHT 11 and MQ 2 sensors, which detect smoke over 50

parts per million from a fire, will kick in when the temperature rises above 35 degrees Celsius

(Aryanti et al., 2021).

The Global Positioning System (GPS) will give the user information in the form of

coordinates for the location of the point of fire using the GSM SIM900 Module Short Message

Service (SMS). The system will also activate the Buzzer as a warning in the form of the next

alarm sound. The temperature reading was 38 °C, the mq2 was 128 ppm, and the GPS data

showed a latitude of -3.04798388 and a longitude of 104.78263092. The data indicates that when

the temperature rises above 35 °C and the mq2 value exceeds 50 ppm, the detector will sound a

buzzer and send out an SMS alerting the user to the coordinate point, stating "FIRE available"

along with the GPS coordinates of the fire's location (Aryanti et al., 2021).
Chapter III


Research Design

In this study, an experimental research design is implemented to focus on the

development and evaluation of SAFIRE, a smart fire detection device. The objective is to

overcome limitations in traditional fire detection systems by introducing an innovative IoT-based

Fire Detection and Emergency Response System with Location Tracking. The research process

encompasses the creation of SAFIRE, followed by rigorous testing to gauge its effectiveness in

detecting fires and initiating emergency responses. Additionally, the study delves into practical

considerations, emphasizing aspects like reliability, usability, and adaptability. This

comprehensive approach aims to not only introduce a technological solution but also to ensure its

practicality and functionality in real-world scenarios.

Research Setting

The setting of this study will be conducted at Gusa Regional Science High School-X.\

In this study, we will be conducting tests on our topic the SAFIRE, which is the abbreviation of

the device Smart Arduino-based Fire Incident Response and Evaluation, the smart fire detection

device developed in this study and it utilizes Arduino technology to detect fires autonomously,

send SMS alerts, and communicate the exact fire location to nearby authorities. The researchers
chose this setting for our research because it is the most convenient, has a lot of space and we

will be supervised for our safety.

Figure 2

Satellite View of Gusa Reginal Science High School - X (Google Maps)

Sampling Procedure

Convenience Sampling. Convenience sampling refers to a technique used by researchers

to gather market research data from several respondents who are conveniently accessible. It is

the most often utilized sample technique since it is so quick, simple, and inexpensive. Members

are frequently easy to contact if they want to be included in the sample (QuestionPro, 2018).
Sampling scheme. This study uses convenience sampling, selecting participants based on

their accessibility and relevance to the development and testing of SAFIRE, a smart fire

detection device. The focus on readily available components and specific technical expertise

indicates a practical approach to participant selection. The study centers around project-specific

goals, involving individuals engaged in the fabrication, coding, and testing of SAFIRE. The

convenience sampling method allows for a straightforward and efficient selection of participants

within immediate reach. However, it's important to note that this approach may introduce biases

and limit the generalizability of the findings to a wider population.

Data Collection Method

The data collection method for this study involves a systematic process aimed at

evaluating the performance of SAFIRE in two key aspects: Temperature Monitoring, and

Immediate Alert and SMS Notification Systems.

Gathering Materials. Collecting the necessary materials for us to build the mechanism.

Figure 3

The materials needed will be (a) DHT22 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Module, (b) GSM

Module (c) Active Buzzer Alarm Module (d) Male-to-female Jumper Wires (e) Male-to-male

Jumper Wires (f) NEO-6m GPS Module (g) Breadboard.

a) b)

c) d)

e) f)

Fabrication of Device. To set up the SAFIRE device, start by connecting the DHT11

sensor, linking its data pin to Pin 2 on the Arduino, and powering its ground and power pins

appropriately. Next, connect the buzzer by attaching one leg to Pin 9 on the Arduino and the

other to the ground pin. Proceed to configure the NEO-6M GPS module by connecting its RX

pin to Pin 3 and TX pin to Pin 4 on the Arduino. Power the Arduino using a USB cable for

programming or an external power supply. Moving on to code implementation, open the Arduino

IDE, include necessary libraries, define constants like DHTPIN and GPS_SERIAL_RX, and

create instances for the DHT sensor, GSM module, and GPS module. In the setup() function,

initialize components; in the main loop() function, manage temperature readings, trigger alarms,

collect GPS coordinates, and send SMS alerts. Develop functions for sending SMS alerts and

retrieving GPS data. Finally, upload the code, monitor the Serial Output in the Arduino IDE, and

conduct tests by adjusting the temperature around the DHT sensor to confirm alarm functionality.

Troubleshoot any issues using the Serial Monitor, make necessary adjustments to the code or

wiring, and successfully create the SAFIRE device, a comprehensive temperature monitoring

system with alarm triggers and SMS alerts.

Coding and Upload. Writing code for the Arduino microcontroller to enable SAFIRE to

detect temperature changes indicative of fires. Uploading the coded program onto the

microcontroller to execute the specified functions.

Step by step on the coding of the device:

1. Open Arduino IDE: Launch the Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) on our

2. Include Libraries: At the beginning of our Arduino sketch, we will include the necessary


3. Define Constants: Set constants such as `DHTPIN`, `DHTTYPE`, `ALARM_PIN`,


appropriate values based on the hardware setup.

4. Create Instances: Instantiate the DHT sensor and GSM module in the `setup()` function.

5. Setup Function: In the `setup()` function, initialize components and check for the GSM

module's proper connection.

6. Main Loop: Implement the `loop()` function to read temperature data, trigger alarms, obtain

GPS coordinates, and send SMS alerts based on the temperature threshold.
7. Send SMS Function: Define the `sendSMS` function to send alerts to the Fire Department. We

will replace `"Fire Department's Phone Number"` with the actual phone number.
8. Get GPS Data Function: Create the `getGPSData` function to retrieve GPS information.

9. Upload Code to Microcontroller: Connect your microcontroller (Arduino board) to your

computer using a USB cable. Select the appropriate board model and port in the Arduino IDE

under "Tools." Click the upload button (right arrow) in the IDE to compile and upload the code

to the microcontroller.

10. Monitor Serial Output: Open the Serial Monitor in the Arduino IDE to monitor the output.

Ensure that the code is executing without errors and that the expected messages are displayed.

Testing and Troubleshooting. Conducting comprehensive testing and troubleshooting for

SAFIRE involves systematically evaluating the system under simulated fire conditions to assess

its Temperature Monitoring capabilities. This includes collecting data on the device's

responsiveness to predefined fire conditions and addressing any issues through troubleshooting.

Additionally, we are evaluating the Immediate Alert System by assessing the speed and

efficiency with which SAFIRE activates alarms in response to detected fires. Data is being

collected on the time it takes for SAFIRE to register a potential fire and initiate the emergency

response process. Simultaneously, we are assessing SAFIRE's SMS Notification System by

collecting data on the accuracy and speed of GPS-enabled SMS notifications sent during fire

incidents. The reception of SMS alerts by emergency response units and property owners is
being monitored to comprehensively evaluate the overall effectiveness of the notification system.

Throughout this process, any identified issues will be promptly addressed to enhance SAFIRE's

performance and reliability in real-world fire scenarios.

Cost Analysis

For the SAFIRE device project, the estimated cost breakdown includes an Arduino Uno

board, DHT11 sensor, buzzer, NEO-6M GPS module, breadboard, jumper wires, external power

supply, and USB cable. Prices for these components can vary based on local suppliers and

market conditions. An Arduino Uno board may be priced around ₱153, while a DHT11 sensor

could cost approximately ₱70. The buzzer, with a cost ranging from ₱32, and the NEO-6M GPS

module, priced around ₱85, are essential components. A basic breadboard is around ₱128 and

jumper wires may be acquired for ₱49, and an external power supply/power bank, ranging from

₱200 and up, can power the device. USB cables, miscellaneous items, and the Arduino IDE

software are additional considerations. The total estimated cost will be ₱717 to ₱1000 depending

on where the components are bought.

Data Analysis

The data we collected from the tests will be calculated and compared with other

generators to determine the efficiency of the mechanism. The data will be analyzed using mean,

standard deviation, percentage, and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA).

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