Surat Lamaran Kerja Mega Finance

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Perihal : Permohonan menjadi karyawan Cileungsi, 27 oktober 2023

Lampiran : 5 lembar

Yth. Pimpinan Perusahaan

pt mega finance

Dengan hormat,
Sehubunngan dengan informasi yang di dapatkan mengenai lowongan pekerjaan di
perusahaan Bapak/Ibu , dengan ini saya beridentitas:
Nama : Aleandra Achmad Rizky
Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Bogor, 01 Agustus 2001
Pendidikan terakhir : Hubungan Internasional di Universitas Prof. Dr. Moestopo
Alamat : Harvest City Cluster Oleander, Oj XII No.1
Telepon & Email : 087818435912 –
Bermaksud mengajukan permohonan untuk menjadi karyawan di perusahaan Bapak/Ibu.
Sesuai dengan persyaratan yang telah disebutkan, saya memiliki kualifikasi yang cukup
memadai untuk menjadi karyawan di perusahaan Bapak/Ibu. Oleh karena itu, bersama ini saya
lampirkan beberapa berkas yang menunjukan kualifikasi saya yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan
1. CV
2. Fotokopi KTP
3. Transkrip Nilai
5. Ijazah
Atas pertimbangan dan perhatian Bapak/Ibu terhadap surat lamaran ini, saya mengucapkan
terima kasih.

Hormat Saya,

Aleandra Achmad Rizky


Bogor, West Java • • +62 878-1843-5912

Hello, my name is Aleandra, people always call me Ale. I am a hard working, honest individual,
motivated, enthusiastic, self-motivated, reliable, and responsible. I am a mature team worker and
adaptable to all challenging situations. I am able to work well both in a team environment as well as
using own initiative. I am able to work well under pressure and adhere to strict deadlines.. I always strive
to achive the highest standard possible, at any given task and any situation. I am accustomed to working
in a challenging and fast-paced environtment, particularly when dealing with multiple projects and
priorities at the same time. I am a good timekeeper, always willing to learn new skills. I am flexible,
reliable and possess excellent time keeping skills. I am a creative, artistic and ambitious Graphics
Designer with a talent for thinking outside the box and coming up with innovative ideas and designs. I
pride myself in providing excellent service to all stakeholders and seeing the positive impact I make in
people’s lives and businesses.


Universitas Prof. Dr. Moestopo (Beragama) 2019-Now

Physics Education. GPA 3.49/4.00

SMK Pariwisata Metland School Multimedia. 2016-2019


Kementerian Perdgangan RI November 2022 – January 2023

Internship in ASEAN
in the ministry of trade republic Indonesia I like collecting data through microsoft word then help solve
problems in some hardware or software,make pamphlets,and make power point for presentation


• English - Intermediate
• Indonesian - Fluent

• Ms. Office Management Team

• Adobe Illustrator Multitasking Skills
• Adobe Photoshop Confident
• Adobe Premiere Creativ
• Music/Composer Teamwork
• Corel DRAW Communication
• Social Media Self-motivation
• Adobe audition Presentations

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