Short Film Script

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Keith Reyes (Jasmine Blado)

John Cortez ( Benz Addatu)

Vince Gonzales (Karl Justine Dela Cruz)

Lyneth Reyes (Angela Verdadero)

Robert Reyes (Pierre Kurt Simeon)

Faye “Bing” Reyes (Jaymarose Iquin)

Bea Liquigan (Jennifer Sabedra)

Anthony Perez (Jaylord Tagana)

Director: Jasmine Blado, Benz Yves Addatu

Videographer: Pierre Kurt Simeon, Karl Justine Dela Cruz, Jaylord Tagana

Script Writer: Jennifer Sabedra, Jasmine Blado, Angela Verdadero, Jaymarose Iquin
 There is no force greater than love. We believe it can overcome any obstacle.
We will risk everything just to have happily ever after. But there is one thing may
get in the way of our happy ending, and it’s the one thing none of us can ever
escape. It is (very) the only in this world that will force us to surrender in the end.
And just like love, it has the power to change the course of our lives.


Bea: Keith, I can’t believe you bought his apology.

Keith: But he meant it this time and Vince was crying too.

Bea: Oh! So once a playboy cries he won’t cheat again?

Keith: Bea, He promised not to cheat on me again. And I warned him earlier. If he
cheats on me again, we’re over.

Bea: Wait! Correct me if I’m wrong. Didn’t he say that before?

He made the same promise so many times!

Keith: Yes but I know Vince. I know him better than you. We’re in a relationship for 2
years and I know he will not just throw our relationship away. And I know he loves me.

 Sometimes, we have a hard time letting go, even though we’ve been hurt so
many times because we think we’re destined to be with that person because
we’re too blind to see that. They serve as our inspiration. They teach us about
love and forgiveness, make us look…………. (starting at Vince with someone
flirting around)

Keith: Stupid! I’m so stupid! He fooled me so many times! I hate that bastard!

Best actor, wow! I’ll start ignoring him from now on. I have better things to do
I just graduated that’s why I need to find job.

Bea: What if he ask you to come back?

Keith: Of course I’ll say NO!

Bea: And he begs and pleads?

Keith: NO!

Bea: Really now?

Keith: I am deadly serious!

Bea: we’ll let’s see

(while playing, she accidentally hit John by a ball)

Keith: Sorry. I’m so sorry. Are you okay?

John: I- I’m fine. I’t doesn’t hurt. John… I’m John by the way. (He gave a shake hands)

Keith: Jasmine… I’m really sorry again. So, how can I make it up to you?

John: Let’s play. Let’s play a round of volleyball.

Keith: Are you sure? You might get another bump on your head.

John: I noticed you’re really good. But I just might surprise you.

Keith: If that so. Okay, game

Anthony: Finally, If she didn’t hit you you’d never make a move.

John: Yes because she hit me pretty hard.

Bea: Hey! He’s cute.

Keith: He look like a bum.

Bea: How can you be so sure? Shet! He’s staring at you!

Keith: Okay! Game, game, game!


(While Keith is browsing on her laptop)

Lyneth: I thought you we’re checking on that guy again.

Keith: Mama, I told you we broke up.

Lyneth: That’s good! I don’t like that guy! You we’re together for 2 years but he never
even Bothered to introduced himself to us. Keith, stop worrying about finding a
Boyfriend. What you need to focus on is finding a good job.

Robert: That’s what our daughter’s doing, Love. Look, she’s working on her resume and
Applications form. Why don’t I walk you out? And tonight, we’ll go on a date.

Lyneth: You’re so full of it. Come on, let’s go.

(John sent friend request to Keith. After a second, Keith accept his friend request)

John:” Thank you for accepting. What are you doing?

Keith: Just fixing my resume.

John: Wow!

Keith: Okay, bye. I have a lot things to do.

John: Am I bothering you?

Keith: hmm… No.

John: Can we chat some more? If it’s okay?

Keith: Sorry, I’m busy. Don’t you have summer classes or something?

John: I didn’t enroll this semester. Maybe I’ll follow my parents to Italy. They are working

Keith: Oh, I see.

John: you’re an awesome player, idol!

Keith: Really? You’re good, too.

John: But I get tired easily.

Keith: You’re a smoker, huh?

John: Of course not. I don’t have any vices. I’m not just playing that because you’re my

Keith: Go find someone else. I already know that style.

John: But you’re one of a kind and cute, So am I. See? We’re meant to be.

Keith: Tsk! Ok bye. I have to work on my application.

John: Okay. But I hope you’ll accept my application in your heart, too.

 Guys we’re the last thing on my mind, especially after I landed a job at beach
hotel far away from my family and friend.


Bea: Fiend, I’ll call you later. I’m at work.

Keith: Okay. Bye.

(John’s message popped up)

John: How are you idol? How’s work?

Keith: It’s okay. But we need more sales for our island tour packages. It’s quite

John: Don’t feel depressed, stay positive. I’m sure things will pick up soon. If you want,

I can you in all 7,107 islands in the Philippines.

 From then on, John and I kept in contact everyday. Because of him, I was able
to adjust to my work. Even though I was far from home, I didn’t feel alone.
John: Keith, I want to ask you if, hmm… what are we? You’re special to me, Keith. From
the moment we met and most especially now. I’m happy whenever we talk. Just
thinking of you makes me happy. That’s why I want to know if it’s okay with you…. Can
you be my girlfriend?

Keith: (speechless)

John: Did I say something wrong? Sorry. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way.

Keith: Hmm... okay

John: Okay? You’re my girlfriend now?

Keith: Yes?

John: Really? Thank you, Universe. Thank you, God. I love you.

(After a minute)

Keith: I got by surprise.

John: Huh? About what? Are you okay? (Drinking water)

Keith: Things are moving too fast, John. I don’t think if I’m ready to enter a relationship.
I told you about my ex right? It was a very unhealthy relationship. The wounds are still
fresh I want to try to recover first. We’re okay right? We communicate constantly,
nothing’s official but we know we’re special to each other. Can we? Can we keep things
that way for now?

John: is that what you want? To keep things casual? No commitment?

Keith: John, I’m sorry. I really am. But I’ll always be here. I wont go away.

 After that I never expected to hear from John ever again. I got back together
with Vince I knew I was being stupid and I might hurt John because I made the
wrong decisions.

Bea: That’s what you get for getting back with Vince. Look at you now, you’re miserable.
I can’t believe you, Keith. John is so in love with you but you choose Vince over him.
Vince is such a loser! I really don’t understand why you love him so much!

Keith: I don’t love him.

Bea: What? Then why did you choose him?

(Vince arrives)

Vince: Keith, let’s go home. (Vince pulled her)

Keith: What happening with you?

Vince: Stop acting like you're innocent! What are you doing here? Is it because John is
here right? Are you waiting him?

Keith: What are you saying, Karl? I'm here with my friends, can't you see? And if there's
someone is lying here, it's you not me!

Vince Were leaving! (de pulled Keith again)

Keith: Can you please let me go! I'm hurting!

Bea: Stop it Vince! or else I will call the police!

Keith: Vince we're done. Did you hear me? We’re done

Bea: Kuya! get him out here he's harassing us!


Bea: Keith what's taking you a long? Lets play!

Anthony: Bros what’s up?

John: Just finished a basketball game. I came to see if you guys are here What's up?
Bea: we’re fine. Just practicing as usual.

John: Ah okay. Jay do you have cigarettes? Marlboro blue? Give me a stick

Anthony: Sorry bro, I don't have

Bea: Oh. I didn't know you're nous a smoker

John: Yeah. That's life people change. But some people change too quickly. (referring
to Keith) Anyway I have to go, take care guys.

(John calls Keith)

Keith: John

John: Sorry for what I said earlier.

Keith. No, it's okay. I deserved it and I should be the one apologizing to you.

John: Why? You told we you didn’t want to commit yet but I am special to you - Then
right after that, you gut back with your ex. So you lied to me? I’m not important to you

Keith: Because when I got back together with Vince, Bea thought that I was acting like a
Fool again because I still love him despite everything he did to me. But I don't love him

John: Then why you did it? (teary eyes)

Keith: Because I was afraid, cause I know that you’re more than just a friend to me. I
know that I've Fallen for you, I've fallen deeply in love with you. I get hurt and I didn't
want to go through that as much as possible. So I kept my distance from you and I go
back together with Vince instead of admitting how I really feel I know it was stupid and
weird but I'm sorry John. I’m so sorry for hurting you and I understand if you cant forgive
me anymore.

John: I won't over hurt you. Keith. You have nothing to be scared of: And you’re wrong. I
will Forgive you because I love you. If you're ready, we can start over again.

Keith: (inhale exhale) I'm ready.

John: So... I can now call you my girlfriend?

Keith: Yes! You can, boyfriend? I love you.

 John and I started over again. We did things right, he did what my past boyfriend
Couldn't do.


Lyneth: It's so messy. Everything's a mess! Look at this house! Look at this! You’re
already adults, you Fix all your mess. Don't expect me to do that.

Keith: Are you sure you want to meet my parents?

John: Of course

Keith. Ma, Pa. This is John, my boyfriend.

John: Good afternoon, Ma'am and Sir.

Robert: Good afternoon to you, too.

John: It's nice to meet you, Sir. Good afternoon, Ma'am.

Robert: How old are you?

John: I'm 20 years old. Sir.

Robert: Working or still studying?

John:. Both are not sir. I wasn't able to enroll

Lyneth: So you mean you're still depending on them?

John: Yes Ma’am you're right.

Lyneth: Keith, come with at Help me to prepare drinks.

(in the kitchen)

Lyneth: What's wrong with you, Keith. Are you thinking? Why would you choose a bum
like him? While you're breaking your back working! Is that the kind of life you want?

Bing: You know. Ate. Kuya John was the same way when you gut back together with
your ex. He kept asking me about you.

Keith: Really?

Bing: Yes, on social media. But he didn't want you to knows because you were seeing
with someone else

(Phone rings)

Keith: Hello love

John: Love I have a surprise for you

Keith: What is it?

John: I'm going back to school.

Keith: Really?

John: Yes I told Papa that I wanted to get my degree, so he immediately seat money for
my tuition. Of course. I want to show your parents that I'm deserving for you. Love. I'll
work hard. I'll. do my best for you!

Keith: Ma! Why did you talk to John that way? Where are your manners? Hout could
you do that?

Lyneth: (slap) How dare you talk to me that way! I don't know what's happening to you.

Keith: I just don't get why you're so mad at him! He haven't done anything wrong with
you. He went back to school and he isn't getting in the way of my job. And the always
comes here, just to prove to you that he is deserving for me.

Bing: Kuya Benz is a good guy, Ma

Keith: He introduced himself to you, Ma. Even if I didn't want him to do it, the insisted.
It's because he respects you and Papa. But what about you? You cant even look of talk
to him! You can't even do that! John doesn’t deserve that, Ma. Because he hasn’t
shown you anything. but kindness!

(in the morning)

Keith: I'm really sorry for what Mama did. I didn't know the can do it..

John: It's Fine She's just protecting you because she only wants what's best for your
That's what I want for you too. That's why you should apologize because she's still Your
mother after all I have to go now, your mom might get mad if she sees me. Bye.

Keith: You know sometimes I feel you're older than me. Why are you so kind?

John: Don't you know that handsome guys are kind and I'm extremely handsome.
That's why. (Keith's mother arrives)

John: Good afternoon, Ma'am.

Keith: Where are you going. Ma?

Lyneth: I'm going out. Keith Your Father is not here. John, no fooling around okay?

John: Uh.. of course, Ma'am. Don't worry. Did that really happen? She looked at me and
talked to me?
 From then on, Mana gradually warmed up to John.


Keith: The sunsets beautiful, right?

John: Really beautiful (while staring at Keith) It's stunning.

Keith: Ah You're looking at me But seriously it's beautiful, right?

 Things were going very well for us.


Keith: Really? You're starting your internship?

John: Yeah. I'm starting really soon! And one step closer I will graduate.

Keith: Good

John: I remember, since you have a (degree) tourism degree, and I'm taking up
HRM we call both work abroad and we wouldn't have to be apart.

Keith: Sounds good. And if we do that were easy to save money for future, right?

John: Yeah nice

Lyneth: Guys, easy on the junk food. I prepared your favorite John. You can have
dinner here.
John: Really, Tita?

Lyneth: Of course

John: Tita, you're making me pat. Jasmine might break up with me (Keith
snobbed John)
But sure, I'd love to join you for dinner Tita

Lyneth: Okay

John: Thank you, Jasmine. You’re really such a huge blessing.

(They both laughed until John choked)

Keith: Why? What's wrong?

John: You're burning up, Love. Are you sick?

Keith: I've been taking medications, but it doesn't want to go away. And look at
this? (showed the bruise on the hand)

John: How did you get that? (start worrying)

Keith: wait, look

John: Love…

Keith: It doesn't hurt

John: Well have your check up, okay?

 My bruises did not go away. My tonsils swelled. I had recuring Fever and I felt
weak all the time After 2 days. I underwent a bone marrows biopsy.

John: Love eat up so you regain your strength

Keith: Will you please go home, John? You've been here all day You're whole
world's revolving around me again

John: Love, this is a what I want... being with you.

Keith: If you’re here all day, what will happen to your studies? You'll slack oft now
that you’re about to graduate?

John: Love tell me the truth. Are you getting tired of my cute face?

Keith: Stop joking! Do you think I'm joking? Benz, it's not like I just have the plu

John: I know! but you can recover. We'll get through this. Just stay positive.

Keith: Positive?! Hove could you stay positive? Don't you understand? I have
cancer, John! I have cancer! I can die anytime!

John: I’m sorry

Keith: Go home.

Lyneth: Keith

John: Love….
Keith: I don't want you to see me like this to leave!
(John just smiled and left)

John: Tita, I have to go

Lyneth: Thank you, Benz Take care.

John: I will, Tita Bye

Lyneth: Keith why did you do that to John? He's just showing his concern.

Keith: for what, Ma In just stalling the inevitable. My condition will get worse And
it will keep getting worse until you won't recognize me anymore! He'll get tired, la
So why should I wait for that time to come? It's better to end things now. This will
all be better For John. He still has his whole life ahead of him He has so many
dreams and plans. And I don't want to be the reason why he won't be able to
accomplish any of those I don't want that, Ma. I can’t allow that to happen...
because I love him.

Robert: Keith You sound like you want to give up. The battle rent over yet. We
haven’t given up on you, especially John. That's why I'm begging you, please
keep fighting for yourself.

Keith: I still want to live. Pa, I want to live.

• At first, we tried using natural medication, but my condition did not improve.
Because of this, I had to undergo chemotherapy.

Keith: Didn't I tell you not to come here?

John: Didn't I told you I want to be here, right?

(John helped Tasmine to get up in the bed)

Keith: We can manage here without you are not obliged to take care of me.

John: You think I'm doing this because I have to? or because I feel sorry for you?

Keith, I'm doing this because. I love you. And I won't leave no matter how many
times you drive me away. I know you want to give up, but I don't. If you don't love
me anymore, then that's your problem. But I'm not going anywhere. I won't leave
you do you understand?

Keith: Mama, I need to go to the restroom.

John: I'll help her. Tita

Lyneth: Okay.

Keith: Mama, will do it

John: Let me

Keith: You're so stubborn!

John: Are you seriously uncomfortable around me? Don't you remember? You
asleep on my shoulder one time. You drooled all over my shirt. And your mouth
was wide open! hike this ahhhhh oh you see And what did I tell you. I called you
cute remember? Did you hear what I just said? I said you look cute when your
mouth is open (Keith and John both laughed)

Keith: Whatever Okay Fine you can help me

John: There you go. Nice!

(After 2 days)

Keith: John? why are you all here? Anthony where's John? Where is he? Why
won't anyone answer me?! Where is John?!

Robert: Keith You need to be strong. John is gone.

Keith: What do you mean he's gone?

Robrt: He's dead, Keith.

Keith: No... He was just here last night. He was watching over me, Pa. No!
Anthony: It's true. He passed away. When he was in Cavite, the van he was on
got into an accident There were 8 of them, but only 3 survived. John didn’t

Lyneth: we’ve known for quite some time, Jasmine. But we couldn't tell you
because we didn’t knows how you'd react.

Keith: No... It's not possible. No! That's not true! I'm the one who's about to die!
I'm the one who's sick, right?! I'm the one who have cancer, right?! I'm the one
who's dying! I cant... You’re lying. You're all liars! It's not true. I won't believe you.
I'm the one who should die! Ma! Pa! No... I'm the one who's sick! Not John, I was
supposed to go first! That's not true! (crying out loud) After 3 days)

Bea: Tita said you want to stop your treatment

Keith: for what? I wish he just got tired of taking care of me and decided to leave
me It only the just broke my heart like Vince did. Then I'd be able to make accept
it, long as John is alive. You know until now I'm waiting for someone to say this is
all joke. Hover could life be this cruel?
That will awe me pain but the person' I love dies before me.

Bea: Keith, that doesn't mean you should give up...

Keith: Don’t you understand?! Don't you? (crying) You don't understand, her
guide. John is gone.

You don't understand.

Bea: If John we’re here he wouldn't to see you like this. During his last days all
the could talked about weas you. You told him that he didn't take your sickness
seriously. But Keith, he did. He carried that pain with him everyday. The only
thing he wanted was to see you live, Jasmine. (she hugged Keith).

• You're so unpair. I vias preparing to say goodbye, but you left me. You didn't
even give me any warning. I had my last chemotherapy last week. The doctor
said I'm now in remission - My condition is improving, I'm sure you did this all,
thanks to you. Somehow, you convinced them people in heaven to grant your
wish. I miss you, john I miss you so much. I still ask myselfs why this happened
to me. If why did we meet and Fall in love if I'm going to lose you anyway? Bust
now. I know the answer. You came into my life to make me stronger Your love
gives me courage I will fight this illness. I'll treasure the time I'm here on Earth,
because that's what you taught

Me, John. thank you so much, John. (while talking to his tomb)
* I thought the saddest things in life is death. But wasting your life living in fear,
anger, and doubt is worse. In the end, it is better to have loved and lost than
never to have loved at all.

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