Project Charter

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Project Charter: [Menu Tablet]

DATE: [26/01/23]

Project Summary

Launch a pilot rollout of tabletop menu tablets at bar area of Souce&Spoon Norh and
Sauce&Spoon Downtown to increase the profitability and customer satisfaction.

Project Goals

● Increase product mix and promote specific items 10% by adding appetizer and
special drinks in the first x weeks
● Decrease table turn time by around 30 minutes by decreasing the time waiting
for server in the first X weeks of the project
● Increase customers counts by 10% by efficient consumption journey in the first
x weeks
● Decrease food waste by 25% by customerizing the demand by customers at
the end of the project
● Increase the customer’s satisfactory 10%
● Decrease the stall burnout and turnover 20%
● Increase the sales of appetizers by 15%, 10% in Sauce&Spoon downtown,
15% in Sauce&Spoon North

● Selecting tablet packages with the function, ordering, payment, showing
product, promote upselling items and customizing demand and compatible with
current system.
● Install the menu tablets which customers can use to place order and pay the
bills without waiting servers to decrease table turn time by 30 minutes and
increase the customers counts by 10% and increase the customer satisfactory
● Add the features to increase product mix, promote upselling items and let the
customers customized their demand to decrease food waste
● Connecting new menu tablet system with the existing POS and host systems
without any compatible problems.
● Training the employees to use current systems with the error rates lower than
● Making promotion materials to attract and educate customer to increase the
usage rate reach to 90%
● Increase the sales of appetizers by 15% averagely, 10% in Sauce&Spoon
downtown, 15% in Sauce&Spoon North

Scope and Exclusion

Decrease the time customer waiting for food by reduce the sending back
Increase the sales of appetizers 15% averagely by increasing product mix and
promotion upselling items
Decreasing the table turn time by 30 mins and increasing the 10% customers
counts by decreasing the waiting time
Decrease the employee burnout and takeover 20%
Decrease the food waste and sending back orders by customerizing the

New policy launching, no more free send back, increasing staff satisfactory

Benefits & Costs

Increase the profitability by increase the sales of appetizer and table turn time.
Faciliting the marketing for unselling items.
Decrease the employee burnout and takeover
Increase Customer satisfactory by decreasing the waiting time
Decrease the return orders by customerizing the demand by customers
The estimated cost of the project is around $50550.
The hardware and software will takes around $30000. Then the cost about
training will take around $10000. The maintanence and
The project will estimate takes x months and will involve in restuarants and
other teams support.


● Discussing with Deanna that if should add increase the sales of appetizers in
the goal
● Discussing with Deanna that if the decrease waiting time should be deleted due
to the existance of increase the table turn.
● Discussing with Deanna if we should add the goal to relocate the payroll
● Discuss with Alex and Gilly that Increasing the sales of appetizers by 15%
averagely, 10% in Sauce&Spoon downtown, 15% in Sauce&Spoon North
● Discussing with Alex and Gilly that the decrease waiting time should be deleted
due to the existance of increase the table turn. Talk to Deanna next.
● Discussing with Alex and Gilly that the relocation of payroll should be
considered in June starting from evaluation based on the data in previous 2
● Discussing with Carter, Deanna, Alex & Gilly about the staff performance by
decreasing the customer waiting time and confirmed the adjustment of policy is
not in the scope

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