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Pune District Education Association’s

College of Engineering Pune

Department of Computer Engineering
Academic Year: 2023

Internship Presentation on :



Prof. M.P.BORAWAKE Deokar Abhinav Santosh
PDEA COEM ,Pune . Roll no.: 23
Internship Details :

1. About Company

2. Internship Details

3. Introduction

4. Web Development

5. Methodology

6. Internship Task

7. Conclusion

8. References
About Company :

Name of Company : COD SOFT

Address : Kolkata , West Bengal

Product / Service Offered : IT Services and It Counsulting.

Type of Company : Start UP

Owner of Company : Suresh Kumar.
Contact /website :

Linkedin :

Mail :
Internship Details :

▪ Intern name : Deokar Abhinav Santosh .

▪ Company name : COD SOFT

▪ Duration of Internship : 1 Month (4 weeks )

▪ Start Date : 01/01/2024

▪ End date : 31/01/2024

▪ Job title : Web Development

Supervisor Details :
Name : Nikhilesh . Shinde
Designation : Project Manager
Contat no : 9371159033
Introduction About Project :

●The purpose of this presentation is to provide an overview

of the internship project and its key objectives.

●We will discuss the development of a Project based on

Web Development .
What is web development ?

Web development is the process of creating websites and web applications for the Internet or intranets.
Web development involves various aspects, such as web design, web publishing, web programming, and
database management. Web development is a dynamic and creative field that requires both technical and
artistic skills. Web developers use different technologies and tools to build functional and attractive web
pages that meet the needs and expectations of their clients and users.
Key Points of Web Development :

• Domain
• Hosting
• Technology
• Purpose
• Content
• Navigation
• Optimisation
• Security
• Flexibility
Methodology :
Task 1 :
"Landing Page": In the initial phase of my internship, I was tasked with developing a captivating landing
page using HTML and CSS. This project allowed me to leverage my knowledge of HTML and CSS
components to create an engaging and interactive landing page. It was instrumental in reinforcing the
principles of component-based development .
Task 2 :
"Portfolio Website": The second project involved creating a dynamic portfolio website using HTML CSS.
This endeavor deepened my understanding of the Web Framework, encompassing aspects such as routing
and state management. The project enabled me to construct a more intricate application with multiple
pages and dynamic content.
Task 3 :
"Basic Calculator": The final project involved the creation of a basic calculator application using HTML,
CSS, and JavaScript. This project required me to implement complex logic and dynamic rendering, honing
my problem-solving skills and further advancing my proficiency in Web Development.
Conclusion :
Within this report, I provide a detailed account of my daily responsibilities, projects, and the skills I
cultivated during my internship. It explores how my contributions aligned with CodSoft’s mission and
contributed to the organization's objectives. Additionally, I reflect on the invaluable lessons and insights
gained from my interactions with talented colleagues and mentors.

This internship has been a transformative journey, offering a firsthand understanding of web development
and the dynamic world of technology. My experience with CodSoft’s has deepened my passion for web
development and honed my ability to collaborate effectively in a professional setting. The abstract offers a
glimpse into the forthcoming sections, which further elucidate the milestones and insights of this
remarkable internship experience.
References :

• LinkedIn

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