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Level: B a s ic 2

Elfa Setiawan
- First Thing First - Basic 2 - i
First Thing First
Basic 2

By. Elfa Setiawan

All rights reserved.

First Thing First Team


2. Nurdin Hidayat
3. IAS Siregar

5. Zulvi Arifa Hadi

7. Annisa Fitriani

9. Silvi Callista

11. Venny
12. Surya Winata


Layout : Zula Desain

ii - First Thing First - Basic 2 -

To the students

Dear Students:


Elfa Setiawan

- First Thing First - Basic 2 - iii

Table of Content

Characters …………………………………………………………………..... v

Let’s get started ………………………………………………….…………… 1

Progress Check Units 1 – 2 ………………………………………………….. 42

Progress Check Units 3 – 4 ………………………………………………...... 77

Progress Check Units 5 – 6 …………………………………………………. 115

iv - First Thing First - Basic 2 -


- First Thing First - Basic 2 - v

1. Numbers
Complete the columns with the numbers you need to pronounce

1 One 21 Twenty-one 41 Forty-One

2 Two 22 42
3 Three 23 43
4 Four 24 44
5 Five 25 45
6 Six 26 46
7 Seven 27 47
8 Eight 28 48
9 Nine 29 49
10 Ten 30 Thirty 50 Fifty
11 Eleven 31 Thirty-One 60
12 Twelve 32 70
13 Thirteen 33 80
14 Fourteen 34 90
15 Fifteen 35 100 One Hundred
16 36
10.000 Ten Thousand
17 37
18 38 One Hundred
19 39 Thousand

20 Twenty 40 Forty 1000.000 One Million

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

2. Family

Complete the missing words related to the family members!

1 Parents 7
2 Grandfather 8 Son
3 9 Daughter
4 Uncle 10 Brother
5 Aunt 11
6 Father 12 Cousin

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

3. Parts of Body

a. Read the parts of body loudly!

1 Head 9 Chick
2 Hair 10 Shoulder
3 Face 11 Arms
4 Eyes 12 Hands
5 Nose 13 Chest
6 Ears 14 Back
7 Mouth 15 Legs
8 Teeth 16 Feet

b. Complete the sentences!

1. My eyes are for


2. My nose is for

3. My ears are for


4. My Mouth is for

5. My teeth are for


6. My hands are for


7. My feet are for


- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

c. Ask your friends for the questions?

1. How many eyes do you have?

I have____________________ eyes.

2. How many nose do you have?

I have ____________________ nose.

3. How many ears do you have?

I have ____________________ ears.

4. How many teeth do you have?

I have ____________________ teeth.

5. How many arms do you have?

I have ____________________ arms.

6. How many hands do you have?

I have ____________________ hands.

8. How many legs do you have?

I have ____________________ legs.

9. How many feet do you have?

I have ____________________ feet.

10. How many toes do you have?

I have ____________________ toes.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

4. Occupation

Fill in the blanks with one of the occupations in the boxes below!

Pilot Judge Painter

Technician Chef Dentist

Architect Policeman Journalist

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

1. My grandfather is a

2. My grandmother is a

3. My Father is a

4. My mother is a

5. My Uncle is a

6. My Aunt is a

7. My sister is a

8. My brother is a

9. My cousin is a

10. My brother in law is a


- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

Learning Goals
Sounds Like a Vocabulary: Words, phrases, sentences
about Likes & Dislikes

Good Plan Reading : Going to a movie

Speaking : Talk about likes &
dislikes, giving opinion.
Grammar : Modals ‘Should’
Writing : A letter to editor


A. Jasmine and Dian are talking about movies they like to watch

Jasmine : Hey Jasmine, let’s go see a movie tonight.

Dian : Sure! What’s playing?
Jasmine : I heard that “The Wolverine” is really popular.
Dian : I already saw it. I didn’t like it very much.
What else is playing at the theaters?
Jasmine : Another new one called “Iron Man 3.”
Dian : I don’t really like action movies.
Jasmine : So if you don’t like comedy, you don’t like action, what do
you like?
Dian : I like love stories, drama, and horror movies.
Jasmine : Ok. Let’s go to the theater and you can choose.
Dian : Sounds like a good plan.

Talking about likes and dislikes

Expressing likes and dislikes
To talk about your likes and dislikes, you can use these expressions.
Expressing likes:
t I like…
t I love...

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

t I adore…
t I ‘m crazy about…
t I’m mad about…
t I enjoy…
t I’m keen on…

Expressing dislikes:
t I don’t like…
t I dislike...
t I hate…
t I abhor…
t I can’t bear...
t I can’t stand…
t I detest...
t I loathe...

Examples of likes and dislikes :

- I’m mad about basketball, but I can’t bear ice hockey.
- I adore reading poetry, but I loathe doing the housework.

If you neither like nor dislike something:

- “I don’t mind doing the housework.”

Conversational Understanding:
B. Dialogue: Juang and Agung are talking about Bandung city.
Juang : So, what do you think? How do you like Bandung?
Agung : I’m having a great time. I love it. I’m glad we came.
Juang : Yeah. I really like the stores and the shopping.
Agung : I love the museums too.

Juang : It’s almost lunchtime. What do you want to eat?

Agung : Let’s go American. Let’s go to the nearest Mc Donald’s.

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C. Vocabularies:
1) Great time : having a wonderful moment
2) Shopping : buying many clothes, accessories etc.
3) Museums : place where can see paintings, sculpture, etc.

D. Expressions:
- How do you like it?
- What do you think of the painting?
- I really love
- I really like
- I can’t stand it.
- I hate it.
- I don’t like it at all.

E. Pair work task: Now, make a dialogue about “likes & dislikes”
with your classmate. Follow the dialogue pattern as in Exercise B.
You may develop the dialogue with your own sentences.
YOU : So, what do you think? How do you like
Agung : I’m having
………………………………………………………… bla bla..

2. READING: Going to a Movie

A. Pre-reading questions:

Do you like going to the cinema?

How often do you go to the cinema?

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

Going to the movies is favorite way to spend a rainy or hot
day, but a successful movie-going experience takes a little
forethought. Here are some tips to make any trip to the movies
1) Know how to get the tickets. You may have to buy them

make sure it’s not sold out.

2) . Normally,
theater lobbies will be jam-packed with people on weekends,
so allow 20-30 minutes to get your tickets, get snacks, and
then get good seats. Allow extra time for blockbusters, like a
Harry Potter or King Kong.
3) Buy snacks and be prepared to pay more. If you have kids with you, limit how
many extra items they can have. Try not to buy a lot of snacks: the movie seats are
generally small, and you won´t focus in the movie if you have to rescue that falling
super-size stack of candy.
4) Most movie theaters like it if you buy food from them, but they normally
don’t enforce the rule. A great way to save money on snacks is if you put a box of
candy in your purse and pockets. Buy drinks at the theater, if you put them in your
bag, they may leak.
5) If you’re bringing your own snacks, wear cargo pants - it’s far easier to stash
snacks in cargo pockets (just don’t stuff them to the gills). No theater in their
right mind is going to ask to search your pants pocket for snacks - too much risk of a
sexual harassment lawsuit.
6) Pick your seats. If you planned ahead and arrived early, you might be able to
sit at a desirable seat. The best seats in most cinemas are at the back of the room
because you won´t have those annoying seat-kickers, or in the middle as you will
have the best view there. Try not to arrive late, or these seats might be occupied by
7) Discuss the Film. After you have watched the movie, you can discuss the movie
with friends or family that you went with.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

1. When choosing a movie to see, you should take a look at movie reviews
on a variety of websites.
2. Don’t be rude and keep getting up -- it’s distracting and inappropriate.
up, and all the fun stuff you supposed to do, won’t be as fun.
4. If someone behind you is kicking the seat, turn around and nicely ask
them to stop.
5. Remember, this is supposed to be fun! A relaxed attitude means
you’ll enjoy yourself more!
6. Try inviting your friends to the movie. If you are a friend of someone,
you probably share the same taste for movies. Besides, when the movie
ends, you will end up having a subject of conversation.
7. Go to the wash room before the movie starts.
8. Be considerate of others and turn off your cell phone or pager when
inside the movie Theater. Also, try not to comment on the movie while
you are watching. Even those whispers will distract the people around

B. Look at these statements. Write T (True) or F (False).

1. ________ to make sure the tickets are not sold out. You may have to

2. ________Normally, theater lobbies won’t be jam-packed with people

on weekends.
3. ________A great way to save money on snacks is if you put a box
of candy in your purse and pockets.
4. ________The best seats in most cinemas are at the front row of the
seats because you won´t have those annoying seat-kickers, or in the
middle as you will have the best view there
5. ________When choosing a movie to see, you shouldn’t take a look
at movie reviews on a variety of websites.
6. _________ turn around and rudely ask them to stop If someone

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

behind you is kicking the seat.
7. ________ Watching movie is supposed to be fun so you should enjoy
yourself more.
8. ________ Going to the wash room before the movie starts is
9. ________ Be considerate of others and turn on your cell phone
when inside the movie Theater.
10. _______try to give comments on the movie while you are watching
even though people around you never care about it.


English Words for Likes and Dislikes

a. To be into : to like something and be very interested in it.
- “My brother is really into his car. He works on it everyday.”
b. To be head over heals for: to have very strong emotions for another
person. This usually involves romance.
- “I can’t get Betty out of my mind. I am head over heals for her.”
c. To be crazy for: to really like something a lot.
- “I am crazy for the new Twilight movies. They are so fabulous!.”
d. To be down with: a slang way to say you are comfortable with a
person or a thing.
- “You can invite Bob to the party. We are all down with him. He is
e. To be cool with: another slang term for liking something.
- “I am cool with going out to eat tonight. Let’s go to the Mexican
place downtown.”
f. To be a junkie for something: to have an extreme liking of a certain
- “I am a Starbuck’s coffee junkie. I love it so much that I go twice a

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

g. To die for: Something that is so great that you have to try it. This term
is usually used to describe a great meal or drink.
- “You have to try the strawberry shortcake my mom makes. It is to
die for!”
h. To be a fan of: to like something a lot.
- “I am a huge fan of the deli down the street. Everything they serve
is great.”
i. To not be your cup of tea: To not be something that you are interested
- “Hiking up a mountain is not my cup of tea. I’d rather be eating a
hamburger on my couch while watching TV.”
j. To be turned off by: to have negative feelings towards a person or a
- “We were turned off by the salesman’s aggressiveness. He was
very pushy and just wanted us to buy something quickly.”
k. To be put off by: to be annoyed by someone or something.
- “Sara was put off by your racist comments.”
l. To rub the wrong way: to cause negative feelings.
- “That teacher really rubs me the wrong way. Why is he so mean?”
m. To not be your thing: an activity that you really don’t enjoy doing.
- “Going to the mall to shop all day is not my thing. I wish my wife
didn’t make me do it.”
n. To gross you out: Something that makes you disgusted.
- “John grosses me out. He always picks his nose at dinner.”
o. To irk someone: to annoy greatly.
- “My daughter’s boyfriend irks me. He dresses like a slob and he
has bad manners.”

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

p. To not care for: to not have good feelings for a person or a thing.
- “I do not care for my new boss. He is rude and he makes us work


Direction: Complete these sentences correctly by picking out words, phrases

or sentences from the box.

a. to irk
b. to be a junkie for
c. not your thing
d. to be put off
e. to be head over heels for
f. tea
g. to die for
h. to be crazy for
i. to rub the wrong way
j. to be down with

1. To really like something a lot__________________

2. This term can describe food that is so could you wouldn’t want to not try
it ________________
3. To be annoyed by _______________
4. An activity that you don’t particularly enjoy doing can be described
5. To annoy someone intensely____________________
6. To really like another person __________________
7. A slang way to express that you are comfortable with a person or an
idea ________________________
8. To have an extreme liking and desire for a certain thing __________________
9. An expression that means that you are not interested is “it is not your
cup of _________________________
10. To cause negative feelings__________________________

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -



Things to remember about likes and dislikes:

a. When these expressions are followed by a verb, the latter is put
in the -ing form.
- “I like listening to music.”
- “I hate wearing sunglasses.”

I like
I detest VERB+ING
I don’t mind

b. Note that” very much” & “ a lot” always come after the things you
- “I like basketball very much/a lot. NOT” I like very much/a
lot basketball.”

c. Be careful when you use “I don’t mind...”

- “Do you mind playing football?”
- “No, I don’t mind.”(Although it’s in a negative form, it means that
it’s ok for me. I neither love it nor hate it.)

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

Steve is at home. His girlfriend comes in. Notice how they express their
likes and dislikes


tonight. How about going out instead.
Roy: OK. Do you feel like going to the theater?

Oh, no. I hate it. Do you like eating at the new Chinese

Roy: I don’t mind. The Chinese cuisine is alright.

Girlfriend: Well I really love it. Let’s go.

Exercise 1:
Practice English expressions for likes and dislikes. Fill in the blanks with
the correct word from the box.

thing put off fan cool cup of

irk rubbed out into

Last night I went to a party that a guy from work had at his place.
I knew I wasn’t going to know anyone who was there, but I promised my
friend I’d go. I am usually________________ with meeting new people.
Unfortunately, the people I met were not the nicest people in the world.

who looked a little bored. She told me that house parties were not
her ___________________. She said she was more ____________ going
out to dance clubs. I guess she is a techno_______________. House parties
are too mellow for her. I met another girl who seemed______________ by
my presence. She looked at me with anger in her eyes like I had killed her

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

cat or something. I must have somehow ___________________ her the
wrong way. I didn’t stick around to see what I had done.
To be honest, house parties are not my _________________
tea. I am not a_____________ of just standing around in a crowded
house trying to make friendly conversation. I had to go to this party so I
wouldn’t__________________ my friend, but this is the last one I will go
to for a while.


Should is an auxiliary verb, a modal auxiliary verb. We use should mainly

t give advice or make recommendations
t talk about obligation
t talk about probability and expectation
t express the conditional mood
t replace a subjunctive structure

Structure of Should: Subject + should + main verb

subject auxiliary verb main verb

+ He should go.
- He should not go.

? Should he go?

Notice that:
t Should is invariable. There is only one form of should.
t The main verb is always

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

He should to go.
There is no short form for should. The negative should not can be
shortened to shouldn’t.

Use of Should
should: Giving advice, opinions
We often use should ought to):
- You should see the new James Bond movie. It’s great!
- You should try to lose weight.
- John should get a haircut.
- He shouldn’t smoke. And he should stop drinking too.
- What should I wear?
- They should make that illegal.
- There should be a law against that.
- People should worry more about global warming.
People often say “They should...” Usually, the “they” is anonymous and
means the government, or the company, or somebody else - but not us!

Should: Obligation, duty, correctness

Another use of should ought to) is to indicate a kind of
obligation, duty or correctness, often when criticizing another person:
- You should be wearing your seat belt. (obligation)

- I should be at work now. (duty)

- You shouldn’t have said that to her. (correctness)

- He should have been more careful.

- Should you be driving so fast?

Should: Probability, expectation

We use should
it to happen):

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

- Are you ready? The train should be here soon.

- $10 is enough. It shouldn’t cost more than that.

Should: Conditionals
We sometimes use should would

- If I lost my job I should have no money.

(If he lost his job he would have no money.)

- We should be grateful if you could send us your latest catalogue.

will )

Should: (If I were you I should...)

We often use the conditional structure “If I were you I should...” to give

- If I were you, I should complain to the manager.

- If I were you I shouldn’t worry about it.

- I shouldn’t say anything if I were you.

Note that we can omit “If I were you...” and just say:

- I should complain to the manager.

- I shouldn’t worry about it.

- I shouldn’t say anything.

In these cases, the phrase “I should” really means something like “you

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

Should: Pseudo subjunctive
We often use a special verb form called the subjunctive when talking about
events that somebody wants to happen, hopes will happen or imagines
happening, for example:

- The president insists that the prime minister attend the meeting.
However, this is much more common in American English. British English
speakers would probably convey the same idea using should:

- The president insists that the prime minister should attend the

Here are some more examples:
Subjunctive Using should
typically American English typically British English
The president is insisting The president is insisting that
that pollution be reduced. pollution should be reduced.
The manager recommended The manager recommended that
that Mary join the company. Mary should join the company.
It is essential that we decide It is essential that we should decide
today. today.
It was necessary that It was necessary that everyone
everyone arrive on time. should arrive on time.

Should: Why should..? | How should..?


- Why should it be illegal to commit suicide? It’s your life.

“Why should..?” and “How should..?” can also indicate anger or irritation:

- “Help me with this.” | “Why should I?”

- “Where are my keys?” | “How should I know?”

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

Exercise 1:

Choose the correct answer.




world has changed.









Exercise 2:

Complete these sentences using “ should, shouldn’t or mustn’t “.

1. We _________ invite our old neigbours to our party. They are nice


2. Young children _________ stay at home on their own.

3. Before you go to the dentist’s, you _________ brush your teeth.

4. You _________ smoke in bed!

5. You _________ shut the windows because it is raining.

6. You _________ forget her birthday again.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

7. You _________ go to the theatre when you are in Vienna. It’s great.

8. They _________ tell her about John’s accident. She could break



10. The doctor told Charlie that he __________ drink too much alcohol.


Listen to a conversation between two friends in class talking about their

weekend. Complete the missing information on each sentence by using
words or phrases from the box.
Rahman : Hey Dian! How was your weekend?
Dian : Hi Rahman. ____________. I went out with some friends on
Friday night and had sushi. You know I’m a sushi junkie and
___________________ without having it.
Rahman : Yeah. You’ve told me that before. I am not a huge fan of

Dian : I know. _________ I didn’t invite you. Also, Juang was there
and I know he rubs you the wrong way with her obnoxious
humor. What did you do this weekend?
Rahman : Well, I went out with Jasmine again. I really like her. She’s
into all of the same things that I am. She watches basketball
and she __________ golf. What more could you ask for?
Dian : She does ____________ for you. I am just worried that
you are going to fall head over heels for her and we will
Rahman : You don’t have to worry about that. Jasmine told me she is
turned off by guys that try to spend every minute with her.
She likes her space.
Dian : __________. Putri and I are going to the movies tonight if you
want to come. We are seeing a new romantic comedy with

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

Julia Roberts.
Rahman : I don’t know. _____________ for romantic movies. Besides,
Julia Roberts irks me. She is in every movie and she always
plays the same character.
Dian : Oh, so going to a romance movie with two girls is not your
cup of tea? I can’t say _____________.
Rahman : Yeah. It sounds like torture. I think tonight I’ll watch the game
on TV and order a pizza.
Dian : _______________.

that’s good that’s why I blame you!

never see you again can’t go over a week Sounds like fun

sound perfect I don’t really care likes to play

It was pretty good

6. WRITING A Letter to the editor

A. Read this letter to a newspaper editor To whom it may concern:

B. Write a letter to your local newspaper

and it’s getting worse! A few years
in your neighbourhood that you like or
you dislike. than thirty minutes during the rush
hour! Here are my suggestions to

need more ……….

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

UNIT 2 Learning Goals
Vocabulary: Words about Health &
Aerobics or Reading
: School Health Projects
Treadmill? and Ideas & health &
fitness Quiz
Speaking : Talk about Health and
Grammar : Present Perfect Tense
Writing : About favourite


A. On Saturday morning, Dian and Jasmine plan to meet at the

gym to work out together. Dian has a membership plan and
can invite one person every week.

Dian : What’re you up to Jasmine, aerobics or treadmill?

about you?

Dian : It makes no difference for me, either way: aerobics or


Jasmine : I get tired on the treadmill quickly these days.

Dian : Did you try to lower the pace?

my trainer increased the pace a little bit.

Dian : How often are you doing it?

Jasmine : Well. I used to go on the treadmill twice a week. For the

last two months I’ve kept putting it off.

Dian : The cardiovascular activities are like that. If you stop

running even for a week, the heart gets lazy.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

Jasmine : What time will the aerobics class begin? I need to change
to my gym suit.

Dian : Take your time, Jasmine. We have almost an hour. Now

it’s 6 o’clock. The class begins at 6:55.

Jasmine : Great! Then let’s meet in the gym room around 6:55.

Dian : Okay. See you then.

B. Vocabulary:
1) gym: noun. a place where we go to exercise
2) membership: noun. entitlement to services offered by an
organization. Membership could be free or payable.
3) plan: noun. A program in this conversation
4) invite
will invite my boss to my daughter’s birthday party.”
5) aerobics: noun. Used in the plural but it takes singular verb
forms. “Aerobics is good for you.” Types of exercise such as
walking, running, swimming, and dancing that help to regulate or
improve blood circulation.
6) treadmill: noun. An exercise device
7) lower: transitive verb. To decrease the amount, volume or
intensity. “Lower your voice!” “Lower your calorie intake if you
want to loose weight.”
8) pace: noun. The rate of speed
9) How often: It means how many times in given time period
something is done or occurs, for example: ‘in a day’, ‘in a week’,
‘in a month’, and so on

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

10) regularly: adverb. Often
11) trainer: noun. A professional person who trains people on how to
exercise properly
12) increase: a transitive and intransitive verb. To add more to the
speed rate of exercise in this conversation
13) cardiovascular: adjective. Associated with the heart, its anatomy
and function
14) change to; change from (nouns/pronouns or phrases as an
object) to (noun/pronoun or phrases as an object): transitive
and intransitive verb. To alter from one condition to another.
“They have changed the schedule from 9 o’clock in the
morning to 3 o’clock in the afternoon.” “I have changed my hair-
color from blond to brown.”
15) gym suite: compound noun. A two-piece clothes we wear when

C. Structure:
1) at the gym: Use the preposition ‘at’ to indicate a place or

2) at a lower pace: Use the preposition ‘at” when you need to

3) on the treadmill: Use the preposition ‘on’ before the treadmill.

4) twice a week
occurs within a time period, such as an hour, a day, a week, a
month, or a year.

5) for the last two months: Use the preposition ‘for’ when an action
began in the past and continues into the present.

6) stop running: Add the ‘ing’ to the base form of the verb ‘stop’.
“Stop talking!” “Stop calling me every day.”

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

7) begin at: Use the preposition ‘at’ with time or place. “I began this
lesson at
School.” I have worked at the City Bank three years.”

8) Great! An exclamation we use to emphasize our satisfaction

when some body answers a question or does something we like.

9) let’s meet: let us meet. The verb ‘let’ always takes the base form
of a verb. “Let’s go.” “Let’s eat dinner early today.”

Exercise 1:
Number these items from most important (1) to least important (7). Explain
how you made your decisions.
__ eating healthy foods
__ getting plenty of exercise
__ keeping your brain active
__ getting lots of sleep
__ seeing the doctor regularly
__ avoiding stress
__ laughing a lot
__ taking medicine
__ socializing

Exercise 2:
Now, interview your classmate by following these questions.
1. How do you feel today?
2. What do you do when you feel ‘under the weather’?
3. List some illnesses you’ve had and how they affected your daily life.
4. When was the last time you saw a doctor? Why?

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

6. What’s a bad habit you need to change?

8. How does weather affect your health?

9. What’s the relationship between how you feel and your health?
10. What’s the relationship between food an your health? What do you eat


Reading 1:

School Health Projects and Ideas

By Sara John, eHow Contributor

Eating Habits

One topic that is universal to all grades is the idea of healthy eating habits. For
kindergartners, teachers can begin to present the idea of the food pyramid
and how eating something from each color every day is good. To get young
students engaged, a simple game can make learning entertaining. Have

what each color means -- green for veggies, red for fruits and so on -- when
a food from their group is called out, the kids can yell and clap their hands.
Older students can do more in depth projects, like keep a food journal to
keep track of their food intake or complete a study on the effects of obesity
on the body.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

Fitness and General Health
Fitness is an essential aspect of overall health, and learning how to stay
active is something students are learning at an earlier age. Add to their
knowledge of the food pyramid by explaining how the body utilizes food to

idea, students or the school can bring in activities not normally done in gym,
such as holding a dance class, offering skateboarding lessons or learning
Pilates. These activities can be run by a teacher, parent or even a student and

of stairs can illustrate how extra weight strains breathing and makes the heart
and muscles work harder.

The Heart
The heart is perhaps the most important muscle in your body. Its purpose is to
pump fresh, oxygenated blood throughout the body. Teaching students how it
works and functions is an important step in basic biology and understanding
the heart’s role in overall health. Students can take time learning to take a
pulse, read blood pressure and learn what happens to these measurements
as the body is in motion. What happens to respiration, heart and pulse rates
after climbing stairs, doing jumping jacks or running in place? Students
can reinforce this information with colored diagrams of the heart, the path
of the blood through the organ and learning what the normal heart rate is.
Advanced students can even create their own heart model with a variety of
art materials.

Eating Disorders
Eating disorders are becoming increasingly common amongst middle and
high schoolers. The problem is not strictly an issue for girls but is growing
among the male population. Reinforcing a positive body image and the harmful
effects of eating disorders are important points to make while discussing
eating disorders. There are a variety of videos and other media that can aid
in visualizing the struggle of recovering bulimics and anorexics, which can
help students understand the lifelong effects of these diseases.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

A. Reading Comprehension
Answer these questions in complete sentences.

1. What is the most important muscle in our body? Why?


2. What is the idea of healthy eating habits for kindergartens?


3. How do the teachers explain the student’s functions of food?


4. What information that students can get about how the heart works?


5. What do you know about eating disorder?


- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

Reading 2:

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

A. Take the quiz and add up your score. Does your quiz score match your
original guess? Do you agree with your quiz score? Why or why not?

B. Group work:


Activity-the state of being active and moving

Activity Pyramid
Adolescence-the time period between the beginning of puberty and
Aerobic Exercise-steady activity in which the heart can supply all the
oxygen the muscles need
Agility-the ability to change the position of your body quickly and to
control your body’s movements
Air-a colorless, odorless, tasteless gaseous mixture, mainly nitrogen

Anaerobic Exercise-physical activity done in short, fast bursts in which

the heart cannot supply blood and oxygen as fast as muscles use it
Anger-a strong negative feeling toward someone or something that is
caused by a sense of being hurt or wronged
Anorexia Nervosa-an eating disorder that involves self-starvation, a
distorted body image, and low body weight
Artery-a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to other parts of
the body
Balance-the ability to keep an upright posture while standing still or
Balanced Diet-eating and drinking the right amount of nutrients for a
health balanced diet
Bend-movement that causes the formation of a curve

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

Blood Pressure-a force of blood against the artery walls; normal is ~

Calorie-a unit of energy found in food

Calorie requirements for boys and girls
An active 15-year old boy needs about 3,000 Calories per day
An active 15-year old girl needs about 2,300 Calories per day
Carbohydrate-a nutrient contained in sugars and starches that provides
Carbon Dioxide-a gaseous waste which is carried from the cells to the
Cardiovascular System-body system that includes the heart, blood
vessels, and blood, and functions by carrying oxygen and nutrients to
cells and removing cell wastes

Cholesterol-a fat-like substance found in animal cells and some foods

such as meats, dairy products, and egg yolks

Dehydration-lack of adequate amount of water

Exercise Stages:
1. Warm Up-any activity that gets the body ready for exercise and
helps prevent injury
2. Stretch
3. Workout
4. Cool down-a series of activities to help the body recover after a

at a slower pace than the workout to slow the heart) and a muscle
cool-down and stretch (stretching exercises; stretch without

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

Exercise 1:

1. Environmental Health a. a disease in which a person’s body cannot

regulate the level of sugar
2. Fitness Log
b. breaks down food into the nutrients your body
3. Drug Addiction needs
4. Fitness Goals c. any harmful change in the state of health of the
body or mind
5. Fat d. a condition in which a person can no longer
6. Disease control his or her drug use
e. is keeping your air and water clean, your food
7. Exercise
safe, and the land around you enjoyable and safe
8. Diabetes f. purposeful physical activity that is planned,
structured, and repetitive and that improves or
9. Fitness
10. Digestive System g. is a nutrient that provides energy, help growth
and repair cells, and dissolve and carry certain
vitamins to cells
h. the ability of the body to perform daily physical
activities without getting out of breath, sore, or
overly tired

Exercise 2:

Vocabulary Quiz
Choose the right answer of each number of the question.
1. You shouldn’t drive because this medicine might make you
A. Life threatening C. Malignant
B. Light headed D. Swollen


- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

A. vein C. ward
B. transplant D. wound

3. Discontinue using this cream immediately if it makes you

feel ___________.
A. itchy C. sprain
B. allergy D. bandage

4. Your blood count is abnormal, so you may have _______________.

A. Amnesia C. dementia
B. Anaemia D. asthma

5. The doctor wrote me a _____________ for a new type of pain reliever.

A. prescription C. radiation
B. patient D. scrub up

6. ______________ from this medication include nausea and

A. side effects C. spasm
B. stress D. stable condition

7. The ___________ suggests that your wife is seventeen weeks

A. sore C. ultrasound
B. therapy D. seizure

8. The patient has asked for some____________ while her family is

A. poisonous C. scrub up
B. privacy D. second opinion

9. The physician will be monitoring your ____________ to make sure it

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

isn’t cancerous.
A. antibiotics C. immunization
B. laboratory D. growth
10. You couldn’t have inherited the disease because it is not
A. feverish C. genetic
B. allergic D. therapy



The present perfect is formed from the present tense of the verb have and
the past participle of a verb:

The present perfect continuous is formed with have/has been and

the -ing form of the verb:


We use the present perfect tense:

t for something that started in the past and continues in the present:

- They’ve been married for nearly years.

- She has lived in Liverpool all her life.

Note: We normally use the present perfect continuous for this:

- She has been living in Liverpool all her life.

- It’s been raining for hours.

t for something we have done several times in

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

the past and continue to do:

- I’ve played the guitar ever since I was a teenager.

- He has written three books and he is working on another one.
- I’ve been watching that programme every week.

We often use a clause with since to show when something started in the

- They’ve been staying with us since last week.

- I have worked here since I left school.
- I’ve been watching that programme every week since it started.

t When we are talking about our experience up to the present:

Note: We often use the adverb ever to talk about experience up to

the present:

- My last birthday was the worst day I have ever had.

- Note: and we use never for the negative form:
- Have you ever met George?
- Yes, but I’ve never met his wife.

t for something that happened in the past but is important at the time
of speaking:
- I can’t get in the house. I’ve lost my keys.
- Teresa isn’t at home. I think she has gone shopping.
- I’m tired out. I’ve been working all day.

We use the present perfect of be when someone has gone to a place

and returned:

A: Where have you been?

B: I’ve just been out to the supermarket.

A: Have you ever been to San Francisco?

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

B: No, but I’ve been to Los Angeles.

But when someone has not returned we use have/has gone:

A: Where is Rahman? I haven’t seen her for weeks.
B She’s gone to Paris for a week. She’ll be back tomorrow.

We often use the present perfect with time adverbials which refer to
the recent past:

just; only just; recently;

- Scientists have recently discovered a new breed of monkey.

- We have just got back from our holidays.

or adverbials which include the present:

ever so far; until now; up to now; yet


- Have you ever seen a ghost?

- Where have you been up to now?
- your homework yet?
- No, so far I’ve only done my history.


We do not use the present perfect with an adverbial which refers to past
time which is :
- yesterday.
- We have just bought a new car last week.
- When we were children we have been to California.

But we can use it to refer to a time which is not yet :

- Have you seen Helen today?

- We have bought a new car this week.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

Exercise 1:

Complete these sentences in present perfect tense.

1. Juang _____________ not been to New York.

3. They ____________ gone to a rock concert.

4. ____________ you been to Japan?
5. We __________ never eaten Mexican food.
6. Andrea has __________ her umbrella.
7. __________ the sun come up?
8. The children _____________ the lost puppy.
9. How long have you ___________ a vegetarian?
10. I haven’t worked ___________ last December.

Exercise 2:

Complete these sentences in present perfect tense.

1. Though it is very early in the morning, the little fellow ___________

2. It is hard to imagine that the little boy I knew ______________

number of criminals in hardly a few years.


- First Thing First - Basic 2 -




that he will follow them.


About favourite activities

A. Write about your favourite activities. Include one activity that is false.



B. Group work: Take turns reading your descriptions. Can you guess
which information is false.

“You don’t play tennis in the afternoon, right?”


A. Listen and repeat this dialogue. While listening, complete the blanks
with words or phrases from the box.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

Juang : So, Dian, have you asked your parents about the Sea World
trip yet?
Dian : Yeah, I asked them yesterday. They won’t let me go!
Agung : Bummer! How come?
Dian : I have to do a book report for English and I haven’t read the
book yet.
Juang : Too bad. Who do you have for English?
Dian : Mr. Siregar. He’s the one who gave Roy a ‘D’ last year.
Juang : Oh, yeah. I’ve heard about Mr. Siregar. I hope never get
Agung : The class that I’m really worried about is economics. It’s
Dian : Have you had any tests yet?
Agung : Yes, we’ve already had three. I did OK on them, but I had to
study a lot.
Juang : It’s so hard for me to study at home. It’s always really noisy
at my house and I can’t concentrate.
Dian : Hey, Juang, I know this great place where It’s totally quiet
and no one bothers you.
Juang : Really?
Dian : Yeah, It’s called the Library!

B. Comprehension: Discuss these questions with classmates.

1. Why can’t Dian go to the Sea World?
2. How do the kids feel about Mr. Siregar?
3. Which class is Agung worried about?
4. Why does Juang have trouble studying?

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

U N I T 1-2


Dialogue Arrangement
Re-arrange these sentences into the right orders of a dialogue.

One evening Mr. & Mrs. Setiawan visit ‘Sederhana restaurant’ for having
a. Mrs. Setiawan : I don’t like sweet tea, so please don’t put any sugar In
b. Mr. Setiawan : Well, a glass of tea for my wife and a cup of coffee.
c. Waitress : What else, Mum.
d. Mrs. Setiawan : Wait a minute, please.
e. Waitress : OK, madam. Wait a minute please.
f. Mr. Setiawan : Yes, would you like giving me the menu list please.
g. Waitress : Here you are, sir.
h. Waitress : What do you like to drink, sir.
i. Mr. Setiawan : Two plates of fried rice, please.
j. Waitress : Excuse me, what can I do for you?

Rewrite the right dialogue here.


- First Thing First - Basic 2 -



Write “Love, like, don’t like, doesn’t like, dislike or hate” in the blank
1. I ____________ eating Pizza on Saturdays.
2. My sister _____________ tidying her room.
3. She ______________ making dinner on Mondays.
4. Arthur ____________ playing rugby with his friends.
5. My aunt ___________ driving at night.
6. Your brothers ___________ sleeping in the tent.
7. Those children ___________ listening to the radio.
8. These men _____________ working on Sundays.
9. My niece _____________ reading adventure books.
10. Your father’s friends ____________ driving their cars when it is

Use ‘should / shouldn’t / mustn’t’ on each sentence.

1. My mum thinks I__________ spend so much money on clothes.
2. “Twilight” is a really great book. You ___________ read it soon.

3. The teacher said to me, “You ____________ get up earlier because

you are late again!”
4. You ____________ tell lies!

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

5. You ____________ drive the car. You are only thirteen!


1. Health a. Fat
b. A mental illness in which people eat far too little or far too
2. Variety much food and are unhappy with their bodies.
c. Any substance which plants or animals need in order to live
3. Diabetes and grow.
d. When someone eats less food, or only particular types of
4. Eating Disorder
Obesity : Extremelyfood, because
fat or they want to become thinner or for medical
5. Additive
e. Eating more than your body needs.
6. Vitamins f. A food that is used with other foods in the preparation of a
particular dish.
7. Nutrients g. A condition that makes a person become ill or develop skin or
breathing problems because they have eaten certain foods or
8. Overweight been near certain substances.
h. A substance which is added to food in order to improve its
9. Prevent taste or appearance or to preserve it.
i. To stop something from happening.
10. Regular j. Often changing and being different.
k. When you want to eat food.
11. Diet l. A substance in foods such as fruit, vegetables and brown
bread, which travels through the body as waste and helps the
12. Fibre contents of the bowels to pass through the body easily.
m. Happening or doing something often.
13. Overeating
n. Any of a group of natural substances which are necessary in
14. Appetite small amounts for the growth and good health of the body.
o. A disease in which the body cannot control the level of sugar
15. Ingredients in the blood.
p. The condition of the body and the degree to which it is free
16. Allergy from illness, or the state of being well.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

UNIT 3 Learning Goals
Vocabulary: Celebration, vacation,
I Know She Reading : Eid Al Fitr, Thanksgiving.
Speaking : Talk about Holiday,
Likes Hiking festival, and religious
Grammar : Relative

Writing : A Travel Guide


A. Discussion about festivals and celebrations

- What are some of the most popular festivals or celebrations in your
- When are they celebrated?
- Are they celebrated as a family or a group?
- Are they religious holidays?
- Is attending a temple or a church on that day part of the
- Are there special foods connected with the celebrations?

B. Talking about holidays: “A Trip to Bali”

Roy and family is from Jakarta. they have just arrived in Bali for a two-
week trip. Roy’s father has a hotel reservation booked in advance. At his
hotel, he asks the concierge for information.

Roy’s father : I’ve just arrived in Bali today. I have some questions.
Concierge : Please go ahead, Sir.
Roy’s father : First, how can I
out about neighborhood restaurants?
Concierge : Would you like to try our restaurants on the

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

premises ?
Roy’s father : Maybe.
Concierge : We have two dining rooms. One is casual and self-
served. The other is French gourmet, and formal attire
is required.
Roy’s father : I’ll take a look at the casual diner tomorrow. Today, I
want to eat out.
Concierge : Okay. You’ll Bali City restaurant listings
on our computers. We have a few laptops in
the lounge. They’re all connected to the Internet.
Roy’s father : How can I sign in?
Concierge : Login with your room number . On the desktop
you’ll see a Bali City restaurant menu. The menu also
includes restaurant reviews.
Roy’s father : Do you recommend any restaurant off the cuff.
Concierge : I’ll try, sir. Give me a minute, please. The concierge
goes behind the information desk. He appears again in
seconds with a brochure in his hand.
Concierge : Here’s a quick information guide for restaurants. I
would recommend the Ocean Restaurant in Nusa Dua
Tourism area.
Roy’s father : Ocean Restaurant? What kind of food do they serve
Concierge : Mostly international cuisine. It’s a -rate restaurant,
but moderately priced.
Roy’s father : Thank you very much, I’ll ask you later on. Bye.
Concierge : Have a nice holiday in Bali, sir.

C. Vocabulary
1. concierge: noun. a usually multilingual hotel employee who handles
luggage and mail, makes reservations, and arranges tours

2. premises: noun. building or buildings belonging to a company,

organization of private persons.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

3. on premises: adverb phrase. in the building or buildings of a company,
organization or private individuals. “We don’t have public telephone
boots on premises but there is one outside the main entrance.”
This sentence means: “We don’t have public telephone boots in our

4. casual: adjective. not structured or strictly coordinated in accordance

5. cuisine: noun. a style of cooking belonging to one culture, ethnic group

of region. French cuisine; Tai cuisine; Turkish cuisine

inquiry; to inquire

7. eat out: prepositional verb. to go out to eat a meal; not to eat home. “I
like to eat out on weekends.”

8. gourmet: noun. strictly styled cooking in accordance with one cuisine,

for example, “French gourmet”.

9. continental cuisine: compound noun. a few styles of cooking

belonging to diverse European cultures or ethnic groups, including
North American cooking.

10. in advance: time adverb. before an event occurs. “Please buy the
tickets in advance but not in the movie theater.”

11. include: verb transitive. to hold inside, to contain

this conversation)

13. appear: intransitive verb. to come out into view; to become visible.
“She appeared from the dark all of sudden in the movie.”

14. off the cuff: adjective. without thinking hard about something; without
preparation. “Tell me off the cuff what you know about this novel.”

15. serve: transitive and intransitive verb. to provide a service of food,

medical attention, advice or any professional service to others. “I’ve
served my country well.” “The president served for two terms and did
a good job.”

16. continental: adjective. possessing the properties of a continent.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

17. lounge: a large room to seat and relax in public places such as in

18. sign in: verb intransitive. to sign a document to be admitted to a


19. login: verb intransitive. to key a user name and password to be able
to use a computer


21. grill: verb transitive. to cook food, especially meat, over a rag heated

22. moderately priced: inexpensively priced

23. cab: noun. taxi used in the United States

24. brochure: noun. a booklet to give information on a certain topic

published by a business, government or private individuals

25. dining: eating a meal, usually a full course meal, such as a meal in a


Reading 1: Eid al Fitr

A. Read the following text on Eid al Fitr. Then answer the comprehension
Eid al-Fitr is a Muslim holiday that marks the end of
Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting
sawm). Eid is an Arabic word meaning "festivity",
while Fi r means "to break fast"; and so the holiday
symbolizes the breaking of the fasting period. It is
celebrated after the end of the Islamic month of
Ramadan, on the first day of Shawwal.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

Eid al-Fitr is sometimes also known as the "Smaller Eid" as compared to the Eid al-
Adha that lasts three days following the Hajj
casually referred to as the "Greater Eid"

At the end of Ramadan every Muslim is required to pay Zakat al-Fitr

breaking alm) as a token of thankfulness to God for having enabled him or her to
observe the obligatory fast.

Typically, on the day of the al eid Muslims generally greet each other have a small
breakfast before attending a special Eid prayer that is performed in congregation at
mosques or open areas like fields, squares etc. Muslims are encouraged to dress in

Source: Wikipedia

B. Choose True or False on each sentence of the above reading.

1. _________ Eid al Fitr is celebrated at the beginning of Ramadan.
2. _________ Eid al Fitr is also called the greater Eid.
3. _________ Muslims fast on the Eid al Fitr.
4. _________ Muslims perform a special prayer on the day of the

Reading 2: Thanksgiving
A. Develop your reading skills. Read the following text and do the
comprehension question.
Thanksgiving is celebrated in the USA and Canada.
In The USA, it is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in
November every year. The Canadians celebrate it on
the second Monday in October. It is associated with
giving thanks to God. In the beginning people
expressed gratitude for the harvest they reaped. It
used to be a religious holiday but now it has become
a secular celebration.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

The most important part of the celebration is the dinner which includes the
customary turkey served with cranberry sauce, and pumpkin. A lot of business goes
on during this holiday. For example, restaurants take advantage of the holiday to
sell turkey dinners

Families and friends usually get together for a large meal or dinner during
Thanksgiving and have a lot of fun. That's why, the Thanksgiving holiday weekend
is considered one of the busiest travel periods of the year. Students are given a
four-day or five-day weekend vacation. Thanksgiving is also a paid holiday for most

B. Choose a or b as the best answer.

1. The origin of the name “Thanksgiving” comes from:
a. thanks given to God
b. thanks given for the help the early settlers got from each other.

2. Thanksgiving is a time to ________________

a. worship God
b. Thank god, eat and have fun.

3. It is a vacation for
a . everybody
b. a lot of people

4. The main food that is prepared in this celebration is:

a. cranberry sauce, and pumpkin
b. turkey


What is a celebration?
It is a joyful occasion for special festivities to mark some happy event.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

What is the difference between holiday, festival and vacation?

The words holiday or vacation have related meanings in different English-

speaking countries and continents, but will usually refer to one of the
following activities or events:

t A general leave of absence from a regular occupation for rest or


t trip

t observances
celebrations or

So what is the difference between holiday, vacation and festival?


Holiday is a contraction of holy and day, holidays originally

represented special religious days. This word has evolved in general

rest such as the weekend).


A festival is an event, usually staged by a local community, which centers

on some unique aspect of that community. There are numerous types of
festivals in the world. Though many have religious origins, others involve


summer break. The French term is similar to the American English: “Les
Vacances.” The term derives from the fact that, in the past, upper-class
families would literally move to a summer home for part of the year, leaving
their usual family home vacant for countrywide holidays.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

Sabbatical, gap year or career break

Longer breaks from a career or occupation also exist, such as

a sabbatical, gap year or career break

Types of holidays:

Holidays are either religious or secular:

t Most holidays are linked to faiths and religious. They are religious

t Secular or non religious holidays can be national

Day) or international

Celebrations around the world:

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -


Relative Clauses
What are relative clauses?

A relative clause

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

- The man who is smoking is the murderer
The noun the man who is smoking.

or thing we are talking about.

How to use relative clauses

They are used to provide extra information. This information can either:

The girl who is standing there is a world champion in karate.

Michael Jackson, who was a famous singer, died of an overdose.

Relative clauses can be introduced by:

1. A relative pronoun: who, whom, which, that, whose.
Example: “The man who is standing there is a famous writer.”

2. A relative adverb: where, why and when.

Example: “ The restaurant where I have dinner is nice.”

3. None of them.
Example: “The man I met is extremely wealthy”

Relative Pronouns
who - subject or object pronoun for people

They caught the lady who killed her baby.

which - subject or object pronoun

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

I read the book which is on the table.
I visited the town which you told me about.

which - referring to a whole sentence

They were unsuccessful which is disappointing.

whom - used for object pronoun for people, especially in non-restrictive


The boy whom you told me about got the best grades in mathematics.

that - subject or object pronoun for people, animals and things in

who or which are also possible)

I like the vase that is over there.

Relative adverbs
where - referring to a place

The restaurant where I usually have dinner is nice.

when - referring to a time

There are times when I feel so lonely.

why - referring to a reason

This is why she refused the offer.

Subject Pronoun or Object Pronoun?

You can distinguish subject and object pronouns as follows:

t If the relative pronoun is not followed by a noun or pronoun, it is

a subject pronoun. Subject relative pronouns can never be omitted

The apple which is lying on the table is sweet.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

The teacher who lives next door is nice.

t If the relative pronoun is followed by a noun or pronoun, the relative

pronoun is an object pronoun. Object relative pronouns can be

(which) we watched yesterday was fantastic.
The writer (who/whom) we met last weekend is very famous.

Restrictive Relative Clauses

1. give detailed
necessary information. They are not put between commas.
- I know the man who is standing there

2. These clauses are often used in .

- A novelist is someone who writes novels.

- Example:
The boy (who/whom) we met yesterday is from New York.

Non-Restrictive Relative Clauses

interesting additional information which is not necessary to the meaning of
the sentence. These clauses are put between commas.
- Example:

was assassinated in 1968.


In non restrictive relative clauses:

1. who/which may not be replaced with that.

Jim, who we met yesterday, is very nice.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

Jim, that we met yesterday, is very nice.

2. Object relative pronouns cannot be dropped.

Jim, who we met yesterday, is very nice.
Jim,we met yesterday, is very nice.

Exercise 1:
Choose the correct relative pronoun (who, which, whose).

1. This is the man _____________saved the kid.

2. The house _______________windows are open is beautiful.

3. The writer _______________wrote that article won the Nobel Prize

4. He bought a car ____________runs fast.

5. He was wearing a cap ______________was black.

Exercise 2:
Re- write these sentences using relative clauses.
Use who, whose and which.


He drank the juice. He made the juice.

He drank the juice which he made.

1. A lion is an animal. It is very strong.

A lion__________________________________________________
2. A novelist is a person. He writes novels.
A novelist_______________________________________________
3. A bottle opener is a device. It opens bottles.
A bottle opener__________________________________________

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

4. The girl speaks Chinese. Her mother writes poems.
The girl________________________________________________
5. A detective is someone. He discovers the truth about crimes.
A detective_____________________________________________

Exercise 3:
Complete the sentences with relative clauses. Use who or which.



A. These sentences are in the wrong orders. Re-arrange them into

the right dialogue.

1. Rahman :

2. Roy : ________________________________________________

3. Rahman:_______________________________________________

4. Roy : ________________________________________________

5. Rahman: ______________________________________________

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

6. Roy : ________________________________________________

7. Rahman: ______________________________________________

8. Roy : ________________________________________________

9. Rahman: ______________________________________________

10. Roy : ________________________________________________

a. Well, let me think about it. I don’t know if Dian has made any special plans for
the weekend. I will let you know after talking with her.
b. Yeah. So how are you going to spend these days? Any special plans?
c. Do you want to join us? I think that would be great.
d. Me too. Think about it. It’s a long weekend. We have got four days in a row.
e. Let’s hope so. Anyway, you’ll hear from me in the evening.
f. Well, I haven’t decided yet. What are your plans? Are you going somewhere?
g. I know she likes hiking so she should have no objections.
h. Yeah. Mike and me are going to go hiking in the mountains.
i. That must be really nice.

B. Listen and read the dialogue above then practice with your

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

6. WRITING A travel guide
A. Write a paragraph for a travel magazine about a festival or celebration
where you live. When is it? How do people celebrate it? What should a
visitor be sure to see and do?



B. Pair work: read your partner’s paragraph.

What do you Like about it?
Can you suggest anything to improve it?

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

Learning Goals
I Won’t Have Vocabulary: Adjectives to describe
Enough Times Reading : Personality Development
Speaking : “I won’t have enough
times to hang out”
Grammar : What….like
Writing : About a best friend


A. Listen and read the dialogue.
Dian : Rahman, thanks for understanding. It’s not you; it’s my
Rahman : It’s OK. If there’s any way I can help, you’ll tell me, right?
Dian : Absolutely!
Agung : Thanks God, I’m glad that’s all worked out. Do you guys
want to hangs out for a while at my house?
Rahman : Sounds good to me. Dian?
Dian : Um, I’m going to have to pass.
Rahman : Really? Are you sure you can’t—even for an hour?
Dian : No, really, I can’t. if I don’t get home soon, I won’t have
enough time to study.
Agung : You mean, for the Math test?
Dian : Yes, if tomorrow’s test is like the last one, I’m going to be in
big trouble. I’ll just catch the bus.
Rahman : Oh, well. We can wait for the bus with you—right, Agung?
Agung : Oh, sure.
Dian : You don’t have to. Really.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

Rahman : Tell you what. If the bus doesn’t come in 10 minutes, we’ll
just go.
Dian : OK. It’s a deal.

B. Discuss these questions with a classmate.

1. What does Dian mean when she says, “It’s not you; it’s my parents.”?
2. Why won’t Dian go to Agung’s house?

on the test?
4. How long will Agung and Rahman wait with Dian for the bus?


Reading 1:
A. Read the descriptions about these people.
Daisy works for a very large company that sells cars.
She always wears the neatest and best clothes and has
her hair done perfectly. She is 35 years old, not married
and lives in a high class penthouse flat in an expensive
part of London. She often says bad things behind
people’s backs.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

John is sixty seven years old and works is the owner of a
small shop. He has worked there all his life since his
father gave him the business when he died. John doesn’t
like change. He speaks very softly and does not like
talking to strangers. He makes very little money and
spends very little.

Lukas works as a hotel manager in a big bright hotel in
the centre of Paris. He thinks he is the best hotel
manager in the world. He shouts at his employees all
day long and likes to fight with the guests who stay in his
hotel. He is very rude to his staff. He always thinks he is
right and will never say that he is wrong.

Tracy is only fifteen. She lives in a very big castle in the
centre of Paris with her rich parents. She is very loud and
never listens to anyone. She thinks she knows
everything. Every week she spends more than £200 on
new clothes and jewelry.

B. Write True if the statements are correct, False if they are wrong.

1. ________ Daisy always wears the neatest and r casual clothes and
has her hair done perfectly.
2. ________ Daisy is a kind woman, she often says good things behind
people’s backs.
3. ________ John has been running his family shop since a long time
ago since his father died.
4. ________ John is a sociable person, he likes talking to strangers and
very generous.
5. ________ Lukas thinks he is the best hotel manager in the world.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

6. ________ Lukas cares to his staff so much. He always says that the
staffs are very Important assets for the hotel.
7. ________ Tracy lives in a very big castle in the centre of Paris with her
rich parents
8. ________ Tracy is very loud and never listens to anyone.
9. ________ Tracy is an arrogant girl, she thinks she knows everything.
10. _______ Tracy never spends more than £200 on new clothes and

Reading 2:

Complete Personality
A happy, happening, prosperous and a successful life is what
everyone of us strives for, but practically very few manage to achieve it. The
reasons can vary from person to person. But the fact is that success lies
in our own attitude, our perseverance of life, and our ability to carry on
our endeavors till the end.

How to be successful in everything that we undertake?? This is

the question that bothers many of us. The answer simply lies in how well
we manage ourselves in the course of perceiving our life goals. It lies in
our ability to learn and adapt ourselves to the demands that life bestows
on us. Its all about our attitude, perseverance, personal improvement,
personal growth and development. In short, it is our complete personality
development that is going to guide us towards success in life.

Winning in everything that we take up in our daily life is the key

factor that keeps us on the track of our dream success. We should make
ourselves capable of delivering the best of our abilities, both physically
and mentally. Only then we can be successful in life. Having said that, it

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

not an impossible task either. All you need to, is develop a strong positive
personality that will in turn develop the qualities of planning, vision and

To accomplish all this, you need to make yourself strong, physically,

mentally and spiritually. This is exactly our motto here, to help you achieve
the ‘Perfect You’.

C. Comprehension: Answer these questions in complete sentences.

1. What does everyone of us strive for in life?



2. According to the passage, Where does success lie in?



3. How do we manage ourselves in the course of perceiving our life


4. What should we do be able to win in everything we take up in our daily


- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

5. How about you? What do you have to prepare to get the success in
your life?


“Adjectives to describe Personality”

The following list of adjectives describing personality are useful when

developing a CV or preparing for a job interview where questions such as
“What are the 5 adjectives to describe your personality?” are often asked!
Look through the list of personality adjectives and be prepared to answer that
terrible question:

“What are the 5 adjectives to describe your personality?”

Positive Personality Adjectives

The following positive Personality Adjectives are in common use in the English

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

Positive Personality Adjectives
adaptable exuberant protective
adorable fabulous proud
agreeable fair punctual
alert faithful quiet
alluring fantastic receptive
ambitious fearless
amused relieved
boundless frank resolute
brave friendly responsible
bright funny rhetorical
calm generous righteous
capable gentle romantic
charming glorious sedate
cheerful good seemly
coherent happy selective
comfortable harmonious self-assured
helpful sensitive
cooperative hilarious shrewd
courageous honorable silly
credible impartial sincere
cultured industrious skilful
dashing instinctive smiling
dazzling jolly splendid
debonair joyous steadfast
decisive kind stimulating
decorous kind-hearted successful
delightful knowledgeable succinct
detailed level talented
determined likeable thoughtful
diligent lively thrifty
discreet lovely tough
dynamic loving trustworthy
eager lucky unbiased
mature unusual
elated modern upbeat
eminent nice vigorous
enchanting obedient vivacious
encouraging painstaking warm
endurable peaceful willing
energetic perfect wise
entertaining placid witty
enthusiastic plausible wonderful
excellent pleasant zany
excited pleasant zealous
exclusive plucky

Positive Personality Adjectives

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

Negative Personality Adjectives

The following positive Personality Adjectives are in common use in the

English language.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

Vocabulary Practice:
Exercise 1:
Complete these sentences by using words from the list above.

t I like someone who is diligent because her/his parents will like


t I enjoy being around people who are _______ because _______.

t I can’t stand people who are _______ because _________

t I dislike someone who is __________ because _______________.

t I am happy being with a friend who is ___________ because


t My parents like children who are ______________ because


Exercise 2:

Complete the sentences below with the best answer:

1. I really like people who are ______________ because they always

believe that things will work out in spite of challenges.
A. dependent

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

B. humble
C. optimistic

2. Monica is very ______________ and always gives her time and

resources to help those who are in need.
A. ambitious
B. generous
C. reliable

3. To be honest, my father can’t stand coworkers who are ____________

and won’t consider new ideas or ways of doing things.
A. close-minded
B. dishonest
C. inconsiderate

Exercise 3:
Follow- up:

Think of three things to describe the ideal boss, roommate, and partner.
Use the vocabulary and expressions above to explain your ideas

4. GRAMMAR: What... like?

1. Look at this question and answer:

- A: What’s Julie like?
- B: She’s very pretty and she’s very kind, but she’s not very clever.

We use What … like? to ask about a person’s physical appearance tall,

short, pretty, etc.) or character interesting, boring, friendly, unfriendly,

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

We can also use What … like? to ask about places, books, and
events e.g. a party, a football match):

- A: What’s Rio de Janeiro like?

- B: Well, the beaches are wonderful but the is awful.

- A: What’s Spielberg’s latest like?

- B: It’s excellent.

2. We use look like? to talk about someone’s appearance:

- A: What does Julie look like?

- B: She’s tall with brown hair.

We can also use like with taste, feel, sound, and smell:

- A: What does that taste like?

- B: It tastes like cheese.

- A: What is this material?

- B: I don’t know. It looks like wool but it feels like cotton.

3. We can also use like, with the question word Who and in statements,
to mean ‘similar to’:
- A: Who’s Julie like – her father or her mother?

- B: She’s like her mother.(= She is similar to her mother.)

- Rio de Janeiro is like Buenos Aires.(= Rio is similar to Buenos


4. The word like in What’s she like? is a preposition; it is not the verb
like. Here is an example of like used as a verb:
- A: What music does Julie like?

- B: She likes rock music.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

5. We usually use How?, not What … like?, when we ask about
someone’s health or temporary state:
- A: How’s your brother today?

- B: He’s feeling much better.

- A: How was your boss today?

- B: He was very friendly today

Exercise 1:

Use the words in brackets ( ) to make a question that goes with the answer.
Use is/are or look. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.

- What Sally like)

A: What is Sally like ? B: She’s clever, but she’s

a bit boring.

- What Jane like)

A: What does Jane look like ? B: She’s quite short and

has dark hair.

A: ……………………………………….? B: He’s not a very

interesting person.

A:………………………………………. ? B: They’re very generous.

A:………………………………………..? B: He’s very tall, and he

has blond hair.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

A: ……………………………………….? B: She’s tall and strong.

A: ………………………………………..? B: They’re very amusing.

A: ………………………………………..? B: She’s tall and slim,

and she wears

Exercise 2:

Read the following descriptions.

Kiwis are a round, brown fruit with a rough skin. They have almost no

A double bass is a musical instrument. It is the largest member of the

violin family. It has a deep sound.

Now for each of the answers, write a question about kiwis or a double
bass, using

look/sound/taste/smell/feel + like.


- What do kiwis look like ? They’re round and


1. ……………………………………. ? It has a deep sound.

2. …………………………………….. ? They don’t really have a


- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

4. …………………………………….. ? Like a very big violin.

5……………………………………… ? They are rough to the


Exercise 3:

Use the words in brackets ( ) to write a question with the preposition like or
the verb

like. Add any other necessary words.

A: What music do you like ? B: I like rock music.

A: What is Julie like ? B: She is very amusing.

A:……………………………………… ? B: She likes a boy in her


A:………………………………………..? B: They think they’re

clever, but I don’t.

A: ………………………………………. ? B: She likes toast and


A: …………………………………………? B: I’m like my mother.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

A: ……………………………………….. ? B: He is rather boring.
He’s not like her.

5. LISTENING: Are they similar?

A. Listen and complete this dialog with the words or phrases from the
Mrs. Agus : Oh, are those pictures of your kids?
Mr. Siregar : Yes. These are my three daughters and these are my two

Mrs. Agus : Your sons look so alike. Are they similar in …………., too?

Mr. Siregar : It’s funny you ask that. My wife and I are always saying
how different they are from one another, even
though they’re the closest in age. Sergey, the younger
one, is …………… and a little …………, while his older
brother, Dennis, is …………….. and ……………….. all the

Mrs. Agus : That’s really interesting. You know, I have an older sister

and we’re only a year apart, but we have very different

personalities, too. When I was little, I was …………….. and

I always fought with my brothers and sisters, while

my sister was a little angel. She was always …………….. I

really looked up to her.

Mr. Siregar : It’s hard for me to believe that you were ever bad-

tempered. You’re so even- keeled now. Me, on the other

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

hand, I was a ……………… and ……………… kid. I’m

surprised that my parents put up with me.

Mrs. Agus : I’m sure you’re ………………….
and stubborn, I think. Good thing most of us grow out of it
as we get older.

Mr. Siregar : Well, that may be true, but according to my wife and kids,
I’m still the most stubborn person in the world. They may
be right.

cheerful moody personality timid

talkative bad- tempered

B. After completing the dialogue, check with your classmate or your

C. Read and practice this dialogue with your classmate aloud.

6. WRITING: About a best friend

A. Pair work: Talk about your best friend. Then write a paragraph.

My best friend is someone who is sensitive about my feelings. She’s a

person who is very supportive and always listens to my problems ……

B. Exchange your paragraph with your classmate.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

U N I T 3-4


Reading Comprehension - Eid al-Adha

“Greater Eid” is an important religious
holiday celebrated by Muslims all over the
world to commemorate the willingness of

God, before God intervened to provide him

divided into three parts: the family retains one third of the share, another
third is stored and the other third is given to the poor and needy. Eid al-

being Eid ul-Fitr. Like Eid ul FitrEid, al-Adha begins with a prayer followed
by a sermon. Eid al-Adha is celebrated annually on the 10th day of the
12th and the last Islamic month of Dhu al-Hijjah of the lunar Islamic
calendar. Eid al-Adha celebrations start after the Hajj, the annual
pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia by Muslims worldwide. The date is
approximately 70 days 2 Months and 10 days) after the end of the month
of Ramadan. Ritual observance of the holiday lasts until sunset of the
13th day of Dhu al-Hijjah

Source: Wikipedia

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -


1. Eid al-Adha is also called Eid ul Fitr

a. True
b. False

a. True
b. False

3. Eid al-Adha is celebrated on the 12th day of Dhu al-Hijjah

a. True
b. False

4. Eid al-Adha starts with the annual pilgrimage

a. True
b. False


A. Choose the correct relative pronoun (who, which, whose).

1. This is the man_____________saved the kid.

2. The house_______________windows are open is beautiful.

3. The writer _______________wrote that article won the Nobel Prize

4. He bought a car____________runs fast.

5. He was wearing a cap ______________was black.

B. Re- write these sentences using relative clauses

Use who, whose and which.


- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

He drank the juice. He made the juice.

He drank the juice which he made.

1. A lion is an animal. It is very strong.

A lion___________________________________________________

2. A novelist is a person. He writes novels.

A novelist_________________________________________________

3. A bottle opener is a device. It open bottles.

A bottle opener_____________________________________________

4. The girl speaks Chinese. Her mother writes poems.

The girl__________________________________________________

5. A detective is someone. He discovers the truth about crimes.

A detective________________________________________________

C. Choose a, b, c, or d as the best answer.

1. I got married ____________ I was 27.

a. Where
b. When
c. Which
d. Why

2. Our love of fast cars is the reason ________ we bought a Porsche.

a. When
b. Which
c. Why
d. Where

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

3. Sarah is the woman ________ was wearing the red dress.
a. Whose
b. Who
c. Why
d. Where

4. The taxi ride,_________ brought me here, was very cheap.

a. Who
b. Which
c. Where
d. Why

5. It is my brother ________ lives in Brighton, not me.

a. Why
b. Where
c. Whose
d. Who

6. My company has a cafe ___________ I use at lunchtime.

a. Where
b. Which
c. When
d. Who

7. A calculator is something _________ we use to do Math problems on.

a. Where
b. Which
c. When
d. Why

a. When
b. Who

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

c. Which
d. Where

9. Tom, __________ girlfriend is a model, is standing over there.

a. Which
b. That
c. Who
d. Whose

10. The doctor, _____________ name is Frank, is away today.

a. Why
b. Who
c. Whose
d. When

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

Learning Goals
Do You Like Vocabulary : Hobbies & Recreations
Reading : Looking for dangerous
Fishing? hobby?
Speaking : ‘Do you like fishing’
Grammar : ‘Going to’ – Future
Writing : A short speech.


Dialogue 1:

Last Thursday, Dian and Agung were talking about their hobbies and
interests in their class room.

Dian : What is your hobby, Agung?

Agung : So, what is your hobby?

Dian : My hobby is reading.
Agung : What kind of books do you read, Dian?
Dian : Many kinds, like novels and science books.
Agung : Why do you like to read science books?
Dian : Because I want to gain knowledge. By the way, why do you

A. Answer these questions!

1. Who were talking about their hobbies and interests?

Answer : .................................................................................................

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

2. When were they talking about their hobbies and interests?
Answer : ...............................................................................................
3. Where were they talking about their hobbies and interests?
Answer : ...............................................................................................
4. Is Jacky’s hobby reading?
Answer : …............................................................................................
5. What kind of books does Jessica like to read?
Answer : ...............................................................................................
Answer : ...............................................................................................
7. Are Jessica and Jacky students?
Answer : ...............................................................................................
8. What is the title of dialogue?
Answer : ...............................................................................................

B. Talking About Hobbies/Interests

A great way to make small talk is to talk about what you do for fun or your
hobbies. It’s also a great way to get to know someone. There are a few

your hobbies.

Conversation Opener:
- “What are you into?”
- “Do you do anything for fun?”
like to do to help you relax?”
- “What sort of hobbies do you have?”
- “What are you keen on?”

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

Possible Responses:

- “I like to....”

List of Reasons Why:

great stress reliever.”

- “...because it helps me to relax.”
- “...because it’s fun and interesting.”

- “...because it helps me to think.”

- “...because it’s a great form of meditation.”

doing it ever since).”

Dialog 2:

Rahman has taken up a new hobby and has decided to call his friend
Juang to share the news.
Juang : Hello?

Rahman : Hey man. Guess what? Today I was at the bookstore and
I found a Spiderman comic book from 1971. Guess how
much it’s worth?
Juang : I am not into comics so my guess wouldn’t be good. How
Rahman : Rp.1,3 million! Can you believe it?!
Juang : I guess Rp.1,3million is a good price?
Rahman : Yes. One reason is because there aren’t a lot of them out

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

there anymore and the second reason is because I only
paid Rp. 20 thousand for it!
Juang : That is really good... I didn’t know you were into comic
books? I thought you were keen on collecting model
Rahman : I am still into that, but I was at the bookstore with and saw
boxes of old comic books a week ago that they were
trying to get rid of and started to go through it and found it
to be fruitful.
Juang : Really? How?
Rahman :
condition. The problem is that they have so many of them
and nowhere to store
Juang : That’s okay. I will stick to collecting guitars, but thanks for
the invitation.
Rahman : You are going to regret it... I got to run.
Juang : Bye.

Now Your Turn!

Use the phrases above to talk about your hobbies/interests or things you
do to relax.

You :
questions above).
Your friend :
You : Why do you enjoy doing that?
Your friend :

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -


Reading 1:

Looking for a dangerous hobby?

When it comes to picking a hobby, everyone is different, some
long for the peace and quiet that being alone in the great outdoors
brings, whilst others long to stand up on stage and awkwardly act
out famous plays and musicals for the entertainment of others.
There is a whole section of hobbies that can be classed as death
defying and dangerous, whether it’s the adrenalin rush that accompanies the
hobby or pushing the body to the brink, we’re yet to discover what brings a
person to put their life on the line all in the search for a little bit of fun.
It probably wouldn’t come as a surprise to learn that those taking part
in extreme or dangerous hobbies such as bungee jumping, skydiving or those
on our list will probably struggle when it comes to getting life insurance quotes.
Far from focusing on some of the more well-known dangerous hobbies, we’ve
pulled together a list of four extreme but lesser known hobbies that regularly
bring their participants close to danger…

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

BASE jumping

and essentially, the hobby involves

participants jumping from a fixed object with a
parachute strapped to their back. The description
alone makes it sound dangerous!
Having evolved from skydiving, most BASE jumps are
made from a lower altitude than skydiv
600m) therefore involving a shorter length of free-fall

and requiring the parachute to be deployed almost instantaneously following

the jump to ensure a safe landing. There is little margin for error when BASE
jumping and those wishing to give it a go generally have done 100 or more
standard skydives and have received tutoring from an experienced BASE

that of standard skydiving gear.

Bull running
Rather a niche hobby, bull running originates
from 14th century Spain where the tradition
of driving bulls from corrals outside of the city
through the streets and to the bullring where
they were to be killed. The running of the bulls
happens in towns and villages across Spain,
Portugal and some cities in Mexico, though
the most famous of the events is the one run
in Pamplona, Spain as part of the seven day
festival of Sanfermines.
Taking place each morning between the 7th and 14th of July, participants line
up at 7.30 am each morning then shortly after at 8 am 12 bulls are
released and chase participants along a pre-planned route through the city
streets and toward the bullring. There are a few simple rules those wishing to
participate need to follow; they must be 18 years old, run in the same direction

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

There are obviously dangers involved in willingly being chased by a pack
of angry bulls, which is why it won’t surprise you to know that each year

most through slips and falls) though since 1924 when records began, 15

A. Read the passages above carefully. Answer these questions in

complete sentences.

1. Why is everyone different when it comes to picking a hobby?



2. What kind of hobby is the BASE Jumping? What does BASE stand for?



3. Where does the Bull running originate from? Where is it usually




4. When does the Bull Running take place? At what time do the
participants line up?



5. What are the rules for participants to follow this activity?

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -



B. Read the paragraphs above again, then answer the question by writing
True or False on each sentence.

2. _________ There is huge margin for error when BASE jumping and
those wishing to have received tutoring from an experienced BASE
jumping mentor.

3. _________ The running of the bulls happens in towns and villages

across Spain, Portugal and some cities in the United States of

4. __________ they must be 18 years old, run in the opposite direction


5. __________ each year there are over 300 injuries occur during the

Reading 2

My Hobby
My hobby is different from work since it done to get rid of boredom and
to refresh one’s mine after exhausting physical or mental work. There are
many kinds of hobbies, but mine is stamp collecting I started collecting stamps
in my childhood and gradually I developed my hobby. Now I exchange stamps

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

with my friends and make purchases even in the market. I have also joined
a number of philatelic societies. Thus I have collected about three thousand
stamps of different countries and various denominations.

Most of these stamps are rare variety and I have arranged them in a
number of albums in a systematic manner. I have stamps which delineate

days or events. I spent my leisure time among my lovely stamps and forget
all worries of the world.

C. Choose the correct answer based on the text above!

1. What is the writer’s hobby?

a. Dancing Stamp
b. Playing game
c. Swimming
d. Writing
e. collecting

2. “hobby is different from work since it done to get rid of boredom and to
refresh one’s mine after exhausting physical or mental work.” The word
printed in bold means ………………..

a. Tiring
b. Interesting
c. Boring
d. Exciting
e. Amazing

3. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

a. Philatelic society
b. The writer’s stamps collection
c. The writer’s childhood
d. The writer’s leisure time

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

e. Kind of hobbies

4. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

a. Philatelic society
b. The writer’s stamps collection
c. The writer’s childhood
d. The writer’s leisure time
e. Kind of hobbies

3. VOCABULARY: Hobbies and Recreation

A. Introduction
Having a hobby is a great way to relax and enjoy your free time, and spending
time developing interests can also have many emotional, intellectual, and

1. bird watching 11. photography

2. coin collecting 12. playing the piano
3. cooking 13. quilting
4. dancing 14. scrapbooking
5. drawing 15. pottery
7. genealogy 17. reading
8. hiking 18. stamp collecting
9. knitting 19. playing chess
10. painting 20. woodworking

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

B. Practice
Now, complete the sentences below with the best answer.

1. Laurie decided to take up _______________ as a hobby because she

has always been fascinated with old money.
A. knitting
B. coin collecting
C. dancing

2. I developed an interest in ____________ after my grandmother told me

about our ancestors.
A. genealogy
B. gardening
C. cooking

3. Since she loves working with her hands and clay, __________ was the
ideal hobby for her.
A. photography
B. quilting
C. pottery

C. Now, list 10 kinds of hobbies of your friends around you.

1 6

2 7

3 8
4 9
5 10

D. Vocabulary Task

What supplies are needed for each hobby? Which hobbies are popular
among teens, adults, and seniors?

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -


A. Listen, read and practice these dialogue with your classmate.

Dialogue 1
Roy : Let’s talk about hobby.
Dian : OK, actually my hobby is gardening. What is your hobby,
Roy : My hobby is drawing. I love to draw mountain view.
Dialogue 2

Rahman : What are you doing in your spare time, Agung?

Agung : I like doing camping.

Rahman : Wow… Can I go camping with you?

Agung : Of course Rahman.

B. Work in pairs, listen to your teacher about the following

dialogues. While you are listening, complete the dialogues.

Juang ; Hi, Jasmine! Where have you been?

Jasmine : Hi, Juang! I’ve just come out from the bookstore on the 3rd

Juang : Did you buy any books?

Jasmine : Yes, of course. Reading is my ……………………..……..
By the way, what is your hobby Juang?
Juang : ……………………………………….watching cinema.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

I have 2 free tickets. Do you want to join me watch “Iron
Man 3”?
Jasmine : I’d love to but I’m sorry I can’t because my mom

………………..…… for me.

Juang : Ok, see you at school Jasmine. Bye.

Jasmine : …………………………….


‘Going to’ – Intention

We use the special going to construction when we have the intention to do

something before we speak. We have already made a decision before
speaking. Look at these examples:

- I have won $1,000. I am going to buy a new TV.

- We’re not going to see my mother tomorrow.

- When are you going to go on holiday?

In these examples, we had an intention or plan before speaking. The

decision was made before we spoke.

We often use going to to make a prediction about the future. Our prediction
is based on evidence. We are saying what seems sure to happen. Here are
some examples:

- The sky is very black. It is going to snow.

- It’s 8.30! You’re going to miss the train!

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

- I crashed the company car. My boss isn’t going to be very happy!

gives us a good idea of what is going to happen.

t We use will for prediction when we have no real evidence: “It will rain

t We use going to for prediction when there is some real evidence:

doesn’t rain I’ll be very surprised.)

Present Continuous for Plan

We often use the present continuous tense to talk about the future. Of course,
we normally use the present continuous to talk about action happening in
the present, but if we add a future word, we can use it to talk about the
tomorrow, next
week, in June. The future word may be clearly expressed or understood from
the context.)
going to) and a
present continuous). In this case, it doesn’t matter which we use.
- We’re going to paint the bedroom tomorrow.

- We’re painting the bedroom tomorrow.

We use the present continuous only when a plan exists before we speak.
Look at these examples:

- Mary is taking her music exam next year.

- They can’t play tennis with you tomorrow. They’re working.

- We’re going to the theatre on Friday.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

Present Simple for Schedules

for a plane), we often use the present simple to express the future. We
tomorrow, at
6.30pm, next week.

Only a few verbs are used in this way, for example:

be, open, close, begin, start, end, finish, arrive, come, leave, return

Look at these sentences:

- The train leaves Detroit at 9pm tonight.

- John starts work next week.

- Tomorrow is Thursday.

Future Time: Summary

t When we speak, we choose the tense that we use. This is important

in English, because the tense we choose expresses more than just
a simple fact. When we speak about the future, the tense we choose
can express how we “see” the future, even our personal feelings about
the future. It certainly expresses what we believe to be the probability

already decided to do it.

t This table gives a simple scale of probability for each structure. It

is not exact because language is not a science, and there are many
variables. This table should help you to think about the “concept” of the
future in English. This concept does not exist in all languages, but it is
rather important in English.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

t It is impossible

be billionaires!)

Exercise 1: Write positive sentences in going to future.

1. I am going to work.
2. you dance : ____________________________________
3. it rain : ____________________________________
4. they ask : _____________________________________
5. he stays : _____________________________________
6. we speak : _____________________________________
7. I give : _____________________________________
8. she try : _____________________________________
9. they help : _____________________________________
10. he push : _____________________________________

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

Exercise 2:

Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate
1. Right now, I am watching TV. Tomorrow at this time, I watch) _______
TV as well.
2. Tomorrow after school, I go) _________________ to the beach.
3. I am going on a dream vacation to Tahiti. While you
do) ____________ paperwork and talk)_____________ to annoying
customers on the phone, I lie)____________ on a sunny, tropical
beach. Are you jealous?
4. We hide)_____________ when Tony arrive) _____________ at his
surprise party. As soon as he opens the door, we jump) ___________
out and scream) _____________ , “Surprise!”
5. We work out at the center every day after work. If you
come)_____________over while we work)________________ out,
we will not be able to let you into the house. Just to be safe, we
leave) ________________ a key under the welcome mat so you will
not have to wait outside.
6. While you study)_______________ at home, Magda
be) ________________ in class.
7. When I get)_________________ to the party, Sally and Doug
dance) ________________ , John make)_______________ drinks,
Sue and Frank discuss)________________ something controversial,
and Mary complain) __________________ about something
unimportant. They are always doing the same things. They are so

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

8. When you get)___________ off the plane, I wait) ____________ for
9. I am sick of rain and bad weather! Hopefully, when we wake) ______
up tomorrow morning, the sun shine)_____________
10. If you need) _______________ to contact me sometime next week, I
stay) _____________ at the Sheraton in San Francisco.

6. WRITING “A Short Speech”

A. Think of skill, hobby, or craft you have learned. Read these questions and
make notes. Then use your notes to write a short speech.
- What is required to be successful as it?
- What are some ways people learn to do it?
- How did you learn it?
- What was about learning it?

I enjoy cooking, and many people say I

am a good cook. To be a good cook, you need

creativity to combine ingredients in new ways.

Some people learn to cook by taking
classes or by following recipes in a cookbook.

mother and helping her in the kitchen. Then


B. Now compare your short speech with your classmate.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

Learning Goals
I’m Back to Vocabulary : Means of transport
Driving Reading : public transit
Speaking : Transportation and
Gasoline Prices
Grammar : If sentences & Unreal


A. Discussion:

Which transportation do you prefer – air, sea or road?

car, plane, bicycle, motorbike, boat, foot)

What do you think of the transportation in other countries?
Are you happy with the public transport system in your country?
What type of transport do you think we will see in the future?
What’s your favourite method of transportation?
What do you think is the most dangerous form of transportation?
Do you often use public transportation?

B. Conversation: Transportation and Gasoline Prices

Two workers are talking about their problems with public transportation.
Dimas : The train slowed down for ten minutes this morning. I was
late to work again.
Putri : Well. I took the train last month and I was late to work
almost every day. You can’t rely on the Jabodetabek

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

train. Now, I am back again to driving.
Dimas : I can’t afford to drive every day. With the gasoline
price hike, I paid 570,000 rupiahs more for the gas last
Putri : I have no choice. Almost every day last month my boss
literally waited for me at the door; looked at his watch, and
then gave me that hard look.
Dimas : That’s ridiculous. Is he going to pay for yours gas bill?
Putri : Of course not! You know how it’s like: take it or leave it.
Dimas : I just heard on the news this morning, per gallon of

Putri : Really? That’s not a bad news. Right?
Dimas : It still is too much for me. I drive to work almost an hour.
So my gas bill will still be too high, even with falling gas
prices. Besides, my wife drives to work, too.
Putri : Oh. That’s an entirely different ball game. I am alone, so
my gas bill is much lower than yours.
Dimas : Then the new gasoline price at Rp9.500 is a good deal for

C. Idioms:

1) I have no choice: I don’t have any other choice. If you have no

choice, that means you must accept the situation as it is. Example:
My job is not good but I have no choice. This sentence means: I don’t
like my job but I don’t have any other job. So I have work on this job.

2) a different ball game: slang. a matter at hand. Example: This is a

new offer. It is a whole new ball game. It is much cheaper than the
other offer.

3) give somebody a hard look: slang. to look at somebody with

disapproval. If you give a hard look at somebody, that means you
disapprove of that person. You send a message: I do not like what
you have or said. He gave me a hard look after I said: “Men are not

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

as responsible as women in marriage.”

4) how it is like: conditions in a place, work place, country or


5) take it or leave it: accept the situation, or refuse it and walk out.

6) not a bad news: idiomatic expression. It means: It is good what I

hear. Not bad at all.

D. Vocabulary:

1) transportation: noun. Vehicles we use to travel from one place or the

other. Vehicles are car, bus, taxi-cab, train. boat, and plane

2) gasoline: petroleum used for transportation vehicles

3) slow down: verb. to become slower in speed, action or thinking.

Example: The crime has slowed down in New York. The crime
decreased in New York.

4) rely on: to take something for granted. Example: I rely on my

husband. He helps me around the house when I work until late. This
sentence means: My husband is very helpful in the house. He helps
me all the time. So I know I can trust him.

5) the train: ride the train to travel from one place to the other. There is
no difference between saying “I take the train.” and “I ride the train.” I
always take the train. My wife rides the train on weekends. These two
sentences are the same meaning and correct English. Take the train
is more common in the US.

6) to be late to: To arrive late at work, your appointment, entertainment

or any place or event. Example: Hurry up, Jane. We are late to the
movie. This sentence mean: The movie will start soon or already

7) to be back: To come back, go back. Adverbs also form complete

sentences with the to be forms of helping verb’ to be’ Back is an

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

adverb. Examples: I am here. ‘here’ is an adverb. She is upstairs.
‘upstairs’ is an adverb.

8) hike: noun. price increase

9) with gasoline prize hike: If you use ‘with’ next to a phrase before a
complete sentence or after it. the phrase suggests a complete idea.
Example: With this stupid doctor, I am getting better. This sentence
means: because my doctor is stupid, I don’t think I am getting better

10) literally: adverb. exactly so, precisely so. Literally is used to emphasize
the exact accuracy of a statement. Example; He literally insulted me. If
someone literally insults you, this person must have used statements
that anybody else would take those statements as insulting.

11) Really: adverb. Is that so? Really is used to show some doubt or
surprise to an idea expressed. If you say “Really” after you hear
something in conversation, that means you feel supervised, It is little bit
hard to believe
A: I have lost so much weight in two weeks on this diet. Now I am
size 6.
B: What size were you before?
A: I was 10.
B: Really? I want to try your diet.

In this sentence, really means: I am surprised. This is fantastic. Wow!

But ‘B’ doesn’t mean: Oh, you lie. That cannot be true. No one can lose
that much weight in two weeks. Really simply I am surprised to hear
12) drive to work: to drive a car to go to work

13) falling gas prices: Gas prices are coming down. The verb ‘fall’ can be
used metaphorically as well in literal meaning. Example. The Microsoft
stock prices are falling again. This sentence means: the micro soft stock
are getting cheaper to buy.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

14) a good deal for you: a good price you pay. Good value you get
out. Example, Take this insurance. That is a good deal for you. This

perhaps the cost is not that high.

15) look at: verb to give a look at something in this conversation. Look
is used with different conjunctions. To look at means you are facing a
person, a thing or place in. You can also look at something to study it,
to get an idea about it. Example, I looked at your web site yesterday
and I liked it. This sentence means: I looked at the web pages to have
an idea. I looked at your proposal. It is to much money for me now. So I
cannot accept it.

2. READING: “Public Transit”

A. Pre-reading questions
Ask and answer these questions with your classmate in complete

1) Do you often use public transportation?

2) What’s your favourite method of transportation?
3) What type of transport do you think we will see in the future?
4) What do you think is the most dangerous form of transportation? Why?
5) At what age can a person obtain a driver’s license in your country?
6) Have you ever missed your last train or bus home?
7) What do you usually do to keep yourself entertained when riding a train
or bus?
9) Do you like traveling by aeroplane?
Public transport North American English: public
transportation or public transit) is a shared passenger transport service
which is available for use by the general public, as distinct from modes such
as taxicab, car pooling or hired buses which are not shared by strangers
without private arrangement. However, taxicab is a form of public transport

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

in Singapore.

Public transport modes include buses, trolleybuses, trams

and trains, rapid transit metro subways undergrounds etc) and ferries. Public
transport between cities is dominated by airlines, coaches, and intercity
rail. High-speed rail networks are being developed in many parts of the world.
Most public transport runs to a scheduled timetable with the most frequent
services running to a headway. Share taxi offers on-demand services in many
parts of the world and some services will wait until the vehicle is full before it
starts. Para transit is sometimes used in areas of low-demand and for people
who need a door-to-door service.

Urban public transport may be provided by one or more private

transport operators or by a transit authority. Public transport services are
usually funded by government subsidies and fares charged to each passenger.
Services are normally regulated and possibly subsidized from local or national
tax revenue. Fully subsidized, zero-fare free) services operate in some
towns and cities. For historical and economic reasons, there are differences
internationally regarding use and extent of public transport. While countries
in Old World tend to have extensive and frequent systems serving their old
and dense cities, many cities of the New World have more sprawl and much
less comprehensive public transport.
Bus services use buses on conventional roads to
carrying numerous passengers on shorter journeys.
Buses operate with low capacity i.e. compared with
trams or trains), and can operate on conventional
roads, with relatively inexpensive bus stops to serve
passengers. Therefore buses are commonly used in
smaller cities and towns, in rural areas as well for

for shuttle services supplementing in large cities. Bus rapid transit is an

ambiguous term used for buses operating on dedicated right-of-way, much
like a light rail. Trolleybuses are electric buses that employ overhead
wires to get power for traction. Online Electric Vehicles are buses that run
on a conventional battery, but are recharged frequently at certain points via
underground wires.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

Coach services use coaches long-distance buses) for suburb-to-CBD or
longer distance transportation. The vehicles are normally equipped with more
comfortable seating, a separate luggage compartment, video and possibly
also a toilet. They have higher standards than city.
Passenger rail transport is the conveyance of
passengers by means of wheeled vehicles specially
designed to run on railways. Trains allow high
capacity on short or long distance, but require track,
signaling, infrastructure and stations to be built and
maintained. Urban rail transit consists of trams, light
rail, rapid transit, people movers, commuter
rail, monorail suspension railways and funiculars.

Commuter, intercity, and high-speed rail

Commuter rail is part of an urban area’s public transport; it provides faster

services to outer suburbs and neighboring towns and villages. Trains stop
at stations that are located to serve a smaller suburban or town center. The
stations often being combined with shuttle bus or park and ride systems at
each station. Frequency may be up to several times per hour, and commuter
rail systems may either be part of the national railway, or operated by local
transit agencies.

Intercity rail is long-haul passenger services that connect multiple urban areas.
They have few stops, and aim at high average speeds, typically only making
one of a few stops per city. These services may also be international.

High-speed rail is passenger trains operating faster than

conventional rail—typically as at least 200 kilometres per hour
120 mph). The most predominant systems have been built in Europe
and Japan, and compared with air travel, offer long-distance rail journeys
as quick as air services, have lower prices to compete more effectively and
uses electricity instead of combustion.

B. Write True for correct statements and False for the wrong answers.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

1) __________ Public transport between cities is dominated by taxi
and small buses.

2) __________ Public transport services are usually funded by government

subsidies and fares charged to each passenger.

3) ___________ For historical and political reasons, there are differences

internationally regarding use and extent of public transport.

4) ___________ Bus services use buses on conventional roads to carrying

numerous passengers on shorter journeys.

5) ___________ Online Electric Vehicles are buses that run on a

conventional battery, but are recharged frequently at certain points via
underground wires.

6) ___________ Passenger road transport is the conveyance of

passengers by means of wheeled vehicles specially designed to run on
the roads.

7) ___________ Intercity rail transit consists of trams, light rail, rapid

transit, people movers, commuter rail, monorail suspension
railways and funiculars.

8) ___________ The stations often being combined with airport systems

at each station.

9) ___________ Intercity rail is long-haul passenger services that connect

multiple urban areas.

10) ___________ High-speed rail is passenger trains operating

faster than conventional rail—typically as only 200 kilometres
per hour 120 mph).


- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

Means of Transport Vocabulary

Means of travel or means of transport refer to the different kinds of


facilities that are often used to transport people or cargo.

A. Means of transport

car train plane


van pick up truck

B. Useful means of transport expressions

traveling by ...
rail air sea

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

station bus terminal airport port
train bus aircraft ship
get off board disembark
platform get off departure gate
passenger train departure gate liner
journey voyage
journey take off sail
arrive land dock
engine arrive cockpit bridge
engine driver driver’s seat pilot captain
bus driver aisle gangway

C. Make sentences using the words or phrases in the list. A sample is

catch “I am going to catch a bus to work today”

1. drive a car : ____________________________________

3. get


A: When is the bus going to get here?

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

B: _______________________________________________
A: It was scheduled to be here about thirty minutes ago.
B: _______________________________________________
A: I hope so, because I’m running really late for work.
B: _______________________________________________
A: So do I, you can never count on public transportation.
B: _______________________________________________
A: I really can’t stand being at the bus stop in the heat and rain.
B: ________________________________________________
A: We’re going to have to get a car of our own.
B: ________________________________________________

I hate having to take the bus every

I couldn't agree with you more.
I know what you mean.
I'm sure it'll be here in a little bit.
It's obviously late.

B. Read and practice this conversation with your classmate.



the use of conditional tenses, and the ‘unreal past’, that is, when we use
a past tense but we are not actually referring to past time.


There are four main types of ‘if’ sentences in English:

1. The ‘zero’ conditional, where the tense in both parts of the

sentence is the simple present:

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

If + simple present simple present
If you heat ice it melts.
If it rains you get wet
In these sentences, the time is now or always and the situation
is real and possible. They are often used to refer to general truths.
2. The Type 1 conditional, where the tense in the ‘if clause is
the simple present, and the tense in the main clause is the simple
If + simple present Simple future
If it rains you will get wet
If you don’t hurry we will miss the train.
In these sentences, the time is the present or future and the situation
is real. They refer to a possible condition and its probable result.
3. The Type 2 conditional, where the tense in the ‘if’ clause is
the simple past, and the tense in the main clause is the present


If + simple past Present conditional
If it rained you would get wet
If you went to bed earlier you wouldn’t be so tired.
In these sentences, the time is now or any time, and the situation
is unreal. They are not based on fact, and they refer to an unlikely or
hypothetical condition and its probable result.
4. The Type 3 conditional, where the tense in the ‘if’ clause is the past
perfect, and the tense in the main clause is the perfect conditional:
If + past perfect Perfect conditional
If it had rained you would have got wet
If you had worked harder you would have passed the exam.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

In these sentences, the time is past, and the situation is contrary to reality.
The facts they are based on are the opposite of what is expressed, and
they refer to an unreal past condition and its probable past result.

A further type of ‘if’ sentence exists, where Type 2 and Type 3 are mixed.
The tense in the ‘if’ clause is the past perfect, and the tense in the main
clause is the present conditional:
If + past perfect Present conditional
If I had worked harder at school I would have a better job now.
If we had looked at the map we wouldn’t be lost.
In these sentences, the time is past in the ‘if’ clause, and present in the
main clause. They refer to an unreal past condition and its probable
result in the present.

Exercise 1:

Answer these questions by choosing a, b, c, or d as the right answer.

1. Tell her if you _____________ see her.
a. can see c. could see
b. see d. will see
2. If I were younger _____________ you marry me?
a. would c . will
b. are d. were
3. If I had lost my job what _______________ now?
a. will I do c. would I do
b. was I do d. had I do
4. I would have eaten the meat if it ___________ tough.
a. had not been c. has not been
b. have been d. was been
5. If she ______________ her hairstyle she would be pretty.
a. have changed c. has been changed
b. changed d. have been changed

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

Exercise 2:

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.



would get a discount.

put some spices on it.

A. Write sentences in going to future.

Positive : He is going to get up early.

Negative : he isn’t going to get up early.
Question : Is he going to get up early?

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

Positive : _________________________________________
Negative : _________________________________________
Question : _________________________________________

Positive : _________________________________________
Negative : _________________________________________
Question : _________________________________________

Positive : __________________________________________
Negative : __________________________________________
Question : __________________________________________

Positive : __________________________________________
Negative : __________________________________________
Question : __________________________________________

B. Put the verbs into the correct form (future I). Use ‘going to’.

1. is going to rain.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -


C. Complete these sentences using the verbs in parenthesis.


- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

U N I T 5-6



Song: “Everything At Once”
Song By: Lenka As sly as a fox, as strong as an ox
As fast as a hare, as brave as a bear
As free as a bird, as neat as a word
As quiet as a mouse, as big as a house

All I wanna be, all I wanna be, oh

All I wanna be is everything

As mean as a wolf, as sharp as a tooth

As deep as a bite, as dark as the night
As sweet as a song, as right as a wrong
As long as a road, as ugly as a toad

Strong like a family, strong as I wanna be

Bright as day, as light as play
As hard as nails, as grand as a whale

All I wanna be oh, all I wanna be, oh

All I wanna be is everything
Everything at once
Everything at once, oh
Everything at once

As warm as the sun, as silly as fun

As cool as a tree, as scary as the sea

Sweet as sugar and everything nice

As old as time, as straight as a line

As royal as a queen, as buzzed as a bee
As stealth as a tiger, smooth as a glider
Pure as a melody, pure as I wanna be

All I wanna be oh, all I wanna be, oh

All I wanna be is everything

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -



Penelope Cruz

Penelope Cruz is a beautiful Spanish actress and Oscar winner. She

Vicky Christina Barcelona is one of her best

Italian and English. She is 1.63 m tall. She is a vegetarian and her hobby is
Penelope’s family is from Alcobendas near Madrid. Her mother’s name
is Encarna and she is a hairdresser. Her father’s name is Eduardo and he is
a car mechanic. Her brother is also called Eduardo and he is a singer. Her
sister Monica is an actress like Penelope and she is famous on TV in Spain.
Captain Corelli’s Mandolin and All
the Pretty Horses and in Spanish Belle Epoque and All about My Mother. Her
Penelope’s friend is Javier Bardem and he is also a famous international
Vicky Christina Barcelona with Penelope and he is

No Country for Old Men

and his hobbies are painting and rugby. Javier is the son of famous Spanish
actress Pilar Bardem. His brother and sister are actors and his grandparents

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

Before Night Falls, The Sea Inside and
Mondays in the Sun.
(Source: (

Answer the questions below:

1. Who is the director of Vicky Christina Barcelona?


2. How tall is Penelope Cruz?


3. Is she a vegetarian?

4. What is her mother’s name?


5. What is her father’s job?


6. Is her sister also famous?


7. Is Havier Bardem also an Oscar winner?


8. How tall is Havier?


9. What are Havier’s hobbies?


10. How many brothers and sisters does Penelope have?


- First Thing First - Basic 2 -


Exercise 1:

Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box.

Get - Tidy - Do - Brush - Make - Go - Go - Have - Meet - Eat

1. She doesn’t like ___________ her room everyday.

2. Do you like _____________ to bed at eleven o’clock?
3. My mother dislikes __________ up at 7.
4. Does your sister hate ____________ cold food?
5. Anne’s father loves ____________ to work by car.
6. I always like ____________ my homework before 7 o’clock.
7. John likes _____________ his teeth every night.
8. Your grandmother hates _____________ dinner for 6 people.
9. Does she like ________________ a shower after dinner?
10. Hannah loves ______________ her friends once a week

Exercise 2:
Complete the list of suggestions for “Trick or treat”.
Write: should or shouldn’t in the gaps:

1. You _____________ wear a Halloween costume.

2. You _____________ play really mean tricks on people.
3. You _____________ wear black clothes at night.
4. You _____________ take a bag with you for sweets.
5. You _____________ go on your own.
6. You _____________ stay out very late.
7. You _____________ always go with friends.
8. You _____________ always tell an adult where you are going.

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -


1. Fundamental English Grammar-Third Edition, Betty Schrampfer Azar &

Stacy A. Hagen, Pearson Education-Longman, NY 2006.

2. Postcards 3, Brian Abbs, Chris barker & Ingrid Freebairn, Pearson

Education, Inc.-Longman 2003.

3. Connect-Second Edition, Jack C. Richards, Carlos Barbisan with Chuck

Sandy, Cambridge University Press 2010.

4. Interchange-Third Edition, Jack C. Richards with Jonathan Hull and

Susan Proctor, Cambridge University Press 2009

5. Complete Practice Book for Grammar, Vocabulary & Comprehension,

Pte,Ltd, 2010.

6. Developing Reading and Vocabulary Skills—Elementary, Gillian Flaherty,

Chris Coey, Just English Sdn Bhd, Malaysia 005.

7. ExpressWays-English for Communication 3, Steven J. Molinsky & Bill

Bliss, Prentice hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ-1986

8. http

9. http

10. http

11. http grammar terms.htm

12. http

13. http

14. http reading.html

15. http

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -

16. http daily-conversations working-out-at-

17. http doc conversation_sports cw_health_


18. http health article

19. http HealthFitness .


20. http

- First Thing First - Basic 2 -


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