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A. Content Standard
B. Learning Competencies with Code
C. Learning Objectives Through the Quiz Bee, the students are
able to:
a. Determine the pointers to review
on the examination
b. Justify their answers
c. Reflect on the outcome of the
II. CONTENT The Different Type of Approaches, The
Different Approaches in Critiquing a
Literary Selection, The Cases of
Pronouns (QUIZ BEE)
A. References
1. Learning Materials
2. Textbook Pages
3. Learning Materials from the Portal
4. Other learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Preliminary Activities

● Prayer
● Greetings
● Checking of Attendance
● Checking the Classroom Cleanliness/Orderliness
● Reminders
For the past months, we’ve discussed about the different types of text
which are argumentative, persuasive and informative. Also, we discussed
the different approaches in critiquing a literary selection which are: the
Formalist Approach, Feminist Approach and Moralist Approach. Lastly,
we discussed the cases of pronouns which are the Subjective, Objective
and Possessive Pronouns.
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Learning objectives that the students will achieve after the activity. Through the Quiz Bee, the students are
able to:
a. Determine the pointers to review
on the examination
b. Justify their answers
c. Reflect on the outcome of the
C. Presentation of examples or instances of the new lesson
The teacher will present to the students the activity which is the “quiz

Instruction: You will be grouped into 5. Our groupings will be through

counting. Now, I want you to count starting in front going to the back.
1. 30 seconds time to write and discuss with group mates.
2. The chalk and board will rotate after each question. All must
write and participate.
3. When I say “Raise your board”, raise your board.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills

Preparation of materials that will be distributed to the students.
F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment)
First topic: Argumentative, Persuasive and Informative text Answers:

1. You're participating in a debate competition and need to construct Argumentative Text

a speech defending the importance of using a school uniform.
What type of text would you employ to craft your speech for the
2. Juan Dela Cruz is launching a new product and needs potential Persuasive Text
customers to purchase it. What type of text would you create for
your marketing campaign?
3. You are preparing a presentation for a community event about the
importance of mental health awareness. What type of text would Informative Text
be best for providing information about common mental health
disorders, symptoms, and available resources for support and
4. Write one purpose of argumentative text
5. Write one purpose of persuasive text
6. Write one purpose of informative text

Second Topic: Formalist Approach


1. How would you analyze a literary work solely based on its

internal structure and form? What approach will you use? Formalist Approach
2. Formalist criticism encourages readers to focus on the text's
patterns and structures as they contribute to its meaning and
aesthetic experience, rather than on historical or cultural
background. Is it true or false? True
3. In this sentence, what literary device is used? “ Her laughter was
so loud that it echoed through the entire house, causing the walls
to shake and the windows to rattle, as if the sheer force of her joy Hyperbole
could not be contained within the confines of the room”
4. How about in this sentence, “"The clock on the wall ticked and
tocked relentlessly, marking each passing second with its
rhythmic cadence, reminding me of the fleeting nature of time."
What literary device is used?
Part 2: Formalist Approach
Write FA if it is a Formalist approach. If not, write NFA

A formalist critic…
1. Must be a close or careful reader who examines all the elements of a Answers:
text individually.
2.Questions how they come together to create a work of art. 1. FC
3. Look beyond the work by reading the author’s life, or literary style. 2. FC
3. NF
4. NF
4.Examines the work’s historical background and condition of the 5. FC
society. 6. FC
5. Allows the text to reveal itself. 7. FC
6. Analyzes how the elements work together to form the unity of 8. NF
structure and to give meaning to the text. 9. NF
7. Achieves understanding of the text by looking inside it, not outside nor 10. FC
8. studies how the text’s influences or figures out similarity with other
9. takes the elements distinct and separate from each other.
10. scrutinizes the point of view, structure, symbols, tone, theme and
other elements or literary devices.

Part 3: Element of A short story Answers:

1. Characters
1. It is a person, animal, being , creature or anything personified in a 2. Point of View
story. 3. Tone
2. It answers the question “Who is telling the story?” 4. Setting
3. It is the overall emotion conveyed by both the choices of words, 5. Theme
theme, sensory images, symbolism and the narrator of the story
such as suspenseful, affectionate, happy or sad.
4. It is not only the place and time a story takes place but also
includes the atmosphere.
5. It is the author’s message to the readers

TOPIC: FEMINIST APPROACH 1. Feminist approach
1. This approach analyzes literature through the lens of gender 2. Step 3 Research
dynamics, examining how gender roles, stereotypes, power 3. Step 5 Edit
dynamics, and patriarchal structures influence the portrayal of 4. Step 4 Support
characters, themes, and narratives. 5. Step 2 Thesis
2. In what step on feminist approach does this sentence apply?
“According to Gamo, (2021) purposive because it was merely a
tool to justify his desire to go against society; that for once he will
not be a puppet, but the master of his own fate”
3. The step in feminist approach where you polish your work
including checking spelling and grammar mistakes.
4. In what step is this in feminist approach?
“The feminist approach focuses on understanding ways gender
roles are reflected or contradicted by texts, how dominance and
submission play out in texts, and how gender roles evolve in
texts. It shows that Esperanza cannot decide to marry Alfredo for
she is waiting for Alfredo to decide first if he will marry
Esperanza. It is the Filipino custom that the man will have all the
decisions and women will wait and agree to whatever decisions
made by men.”
5. It is the road map for the paper—it tells the reader what to expect.
A good thesis is specific, limited in scope, and offers a
perspective or interpretation on a subject.

Part 2: Feminist Approach

1. False
2. True
3. False
4. True
1. In feminist literary criticism, the analysis primarily focuses on 5. False
male characters and their roles in the narrative. 6. True
7. False
2. A feminist approach to literary criticism often examines the
8. False
portrayal of women characters and their agency within the text. 9. False
3. Feminist critics disregard the historical and cultural context in 10. False
which a literary work was written.
4. Intersectionality is an important aspect of feminist literary
criticism, considering how race, class, and other factors intersect
with gender in the text.
5. Feminist critics believe that there is only one correct
interpretation of a text from a feminist perspective.
6. Feminist literary criticism seeks to challenge and deconstruct
patriarchal ideologies present in literature.
7. Feminist critics are only interested in works written by female
8. The representation of female characters in literature has no
real-world implications according to feminist critics.
9. Feminist literary criticism emerged in the 21st century as a
response to contemporary gender issues.
10. Feminist critics believe that gender is the only lens through which
literature should be analyzed.

1. True
Topic. Moralist Approach
2. False
3. True
4. True
1. The moralist approach to literary criticism primarily focuses on 5. True
the ethical and moral messages conveyed in the text. 6. False
2. Moralists believe that literature should primarily serve as a source 7. False
of entertainment rather than a tool for moral instruction. 8. False
3. Moralists often evaluate characters' actions and choices based on 9. False
10. True
a predefined set of moral standards.
4. The moralist approach considers the socio-political context of the
text irrelevant to its moral assessment.
5. Moralists argue that literature should reflect the prevailing moral
values of society rather than challenge them.
6. Moralists are primarily concerned with the author's personal
moral character rather than the ethical implications of the text.
7. In moralist criticism, the ending of a literary work is considered
irrelevant to its overall moral message.
8. Moralists believe that literature has no impact on shaping readers'
moral values and behavior.

Topic: Pronouns

What are the 3 types of pronouns? Discuss.

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
With your activity, what realization do you have in mind? What will you
do to get high scores on your exams?
H. Making generalizations and abstracts about the lesson
To wrap it up, please have a review starting from the different types of
texts until our last topic which is the cases of pronouns. Your exam will
start next week and I am counting on all of you. Good luck.
I. Evaluating Learning
Counting of scores of the different groups.
J. Additional activities for application or remediation

No. of Learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
No. of Learners who require additional activities for remediation
Which teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

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