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Zivikele Pledge

Rules 1-6

Zivikele Pledge Rules

I will never enter the workplace under the influence of alcohol or drugs

I will never remove, bypass, tamper or interfere with any safety devices

I will always follow the isolation, lock-out and test procedure for all forms of

I will never enter or allow anyone to enter an unsupported or unsafe

working area

I will not work above 2m without attaching my fall restraint or safety


I will never operate a machine for which I am not licensed

I will never enter the workplace under the influence of alcohol or drugs
 Seriti has a strict zero-tolerance policy regarding alcohol and drug use in the workplace. This policy extends to all employees, contractors and visitors regardless of their position or
seniority. You are not allowed to consume or use alcohol or drugs in the workplace.
 Do not report or enter to the workplace while possibly impaired (under the influence of alcohol or drugs), do not drive your vehicle and, without delay, notify your supervisor. Taking this
proactive measure is crucial for ensuring the safety of both yourself and your colleagues.
 Do not operate any equipment / machine while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
 Should you use any medication you should report it to the clinic at your operation before you intend to start you work. (Over the counter or prescribed medication)
 If you or one of your immediately family members are struggling with substance abuse or addiction concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out for assistance. Seriti is deeply
committed to the welfare of its employees and provides access to REALITY (Employee Assistance Program – EAP) and resources specifically designed to support you in overcoming
substance abuse challenges.
 Report any violations of drug and alcohol misconducts should you witness any person contravening the Drug and Alcohol Policy and the Disciplinary Code and Procedure, ensuring a
safe work environment for all.
 Not all drug and alcohol related misconduct is capable of attracting dismissal on first offence.
 An employee is considered to be reporting for work if he/she arrives at any Seriti defined place of work with the intention to perform any work-related duties irrespective of whether or
not the employee is expected to work a planned shift, has been called out due to being on standby, has been requested to come to work by his/her supervisor or has reported on own
initiative for any other reason.
 Employees who report for training, workshops or other Seriti organized activities shall be considered to have reported for duty and at work upon arrival even if these activities do not
take place at a Seriti defined place of work.

Transgression Comment 1st offence 2nd offence Distinction between the exact location of
The Substance Regulation Standard Policy should be where the person is tested or found.
Testing positive for
taken into consideration when applying the
alcohol/prohibited substances
appropriate sanction against this misconduct. Final Written Warning  When reporting for work - Before the
(or metabolites) / drugs, when
As per the Medicines and Related Substances (12 months) & red line/designated access point.
reporting for work, or in the Dismissal
Control Act (Medicines Act) 101 of 1965 (Schedules 7 Employe assistance  Found in the workplace - Once you
possession of prohibited
and 8), the possession of illegal substances will be Program (EAP) cross the red line/designated access
substances (or metabolites) /
regarded as a rule violation as articulated in the point.
drugs in the workplace.  Consuming or using alcohol or drugs
substance regulation standard.
Found in the workplace under in the workplace
the influence of alcohol and or The Substance Regulation Standard Policy should be  Suspicion to be under the influence
testing positive to any prohibited taken into consideration when applying the Dismissal  Following any incident
substance above the threshold appropriate sanction against this misconduct  Testing during medical surveillance
 Random testing
I will never remove, bypass, tamper or interfere with any safety devices
 A safety device, is a mechanical, electrical, electronic, or procedural mechanism or system designed and
implemented to prevent accidents, reduce risks, and protect employees, equipment, and the environment from
potential hazards.
 A Safety belt is also regarded as a Safety devices.
 At Seriti, we have a wide range of safety devices in place, including but not limited to guards, emergency
buttons, sensors, emergency shut-offs, and interlocks. These are just a few examples of the safety measures
we've implemented to ensure a secure workplace environment.
 It's important to regularly inspect, maintain, and test these devices to ensure they always function correctly
according to the design parameters. If any of the Safety devices are not functional then work needs to stop
immediately and the Safety Device must be repaired
 At Seriti, we have established precise procedures for the removal, alteration, or modification of safety devices.
In the event that such actions become necessary, it is imperative that these procedures are strictly followed.
Employees must ensure that all pertinent stakeholders, as outlined in the procedure, are informed and grant
their approval. Additionally, employees must adhere to the controls specified in the removal or bypass permit to
maintain a safe working environment.

I will always follow the isolation, lock-out and test procedure for all forms of energy
 We have different forms of Energy not limited to but including, Electrical, Mechanical, Hydraulic and Kinetic
Energy (Moving Vehicles)
Electrical Energy: Electrical energy is the driving force behind a wide range of equipment and machinery within our operations. It is
imperative that our employees rigorously adhere to lock-out procedures when conducting maintenance or repairs. This
is done to prevent the occurrence of electrical shocks, as well as to ensure that unauthorized individuals do not
inadvertently start or interact with this equipment during maintenance activities.
Mechanical Energy: Mechanical energy is present in moving parts of equipment, such as conveyor belts, crushers, and drills. Locking
out mechanical energy sources is crucial to prevent accidental startups during maintenance or repairs.
Hydraulic Energy: Hydraulic systems are used to operate heavy machinery, like loaders and excavators. Locking out hydraulic energy
sources helps avoid sudden movements or pressure releases that could lead to accidents. Even if the source is locked
out the weight of the equipment can still pose risk. These items such as an elevated boom should be effectively
supported to prevent pressure build up due to the weight of the equipment
Kinetic Energy: Vehicles and mobile equipment, such as haul trucks and bulldozers, possess kinetic energy. Locking off and securing
these vehicles when not in use is vital to prevent accidents and collisions.
I will follow these simple steps:
 Identify all energy sources.
 Release stored energy. If it can’t be released, it needs to be effectively supported.
 Isolate and Lock-out. & apply your tag
 Test for dead 5
I will never enter or allow anyone to enter an unsupported or unsafe working area
 Always prioritize your safety and the safety of others over any other considerations when entering a working area. Familiarize yourself with the
specific working area before entering it. Understand potential hazards, safety protocols, and emergency exits.
 Obtain the correct authorization or permits before entering any potentially hazardous or restricted area. Never bypass these requirements.
 Continuously assess the working area for hazards or unsafe conditions. If you identify any, report them immediately to the responsible
 If you encounter unsafe conditions or activities within a working area, do not hesitate to halt/stop operations and report the issue.
 All dangerous working areas must be barricaded, fenced or demarcated off to warn or prevent unauthorized or accidental access to these
 When there is a requirement to access a barricaded area, it is imperative to strictly adhere to the established procedure. This procedure
mandates obtaining proper authorisation from the designated individual responsible for that specific area
 Always apply section 22 & 23 when you noticed a colleague entering or intending to enter an unsafe workplace.
 Section 22: Take reasonable care to protect your own health and safety and the health and safety of other persons who may be affected
by any act or omission of that employee.
 Section 23: Any employees the right to refuse dangerous work and leave a dangerous working place
 Section 83: No discrimination is allowed against employees who exercise their rights, standing for election, or performing any function, as
a health and safety representative or a member of a health and safety committee. "employee" includes any applicant for employment who
has previously been employed at a mine. Please report any discrimination immediately to the Safety department!

I will not work above 2m without attaching my fall restraint or safety harness
 Any protected area such as an elevated walkway or platform with handrails and approved scaffolding is
allowable to access without attaching to a fall restrain or harness
 Safety harness must always be worn and attached when using any Cherry picker or Manitou.
 Should the need arise that any of these protected areas must be altered with for example removal of a handrail
the Permit process will be required, and the appropriate controls should be put in place such as a fall restraint
or fall arrest harness
 Generally, all the equipment UG is below 2m but should you need to access equipment higher that 2m you
must use a safety harness, or a fall restraint belt. UG Roofbolts may be used as anchor points.
 It is prohibited to climb on any handrail or structure without following the working at heights process at the mine
 Do not use a harness or fall restraint if you are not competent to use it or if the equipment is not inspected

I will never operate a machine for which I am not licensed
 Always ensure you have your license card with you before operation a machine / vehicle or equipment
 Always verify that you possess the appropriate and valid license for the specific machine you are tasked with
 Ensure that your machine operator license card remains current and valid by renewing it as required and
participating in ongoing training and certification programs
 Understand the scope and limitations of your machine operator license. Only operate machines covered by
your licensing qualifications
 Do not allow unauthorized individuals to operate the machine / vehicle or equipment. Ensure only licensed
personnel use the equipment.
 The signature of the authorized Engineer must be displayed on the license card
 Ensure you are not fatigued, intoxicated or under the influence of any alcohol, drugs or medication, which will
hamper your judgement and ability to operate the vehicle or machine.
 Ensure you drive or operate the vehicle or machine within its prescribed design limitations and adjust to the
environmental and road conditions, not exceeding the set speed limits and ensure you as the driver and you
passengers wear their seatbelts.

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