t3 History's Test of t20 Series 2024

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t3 Test of t-20 Series 2024 by Jawad Bajwa

(History: Chapter # 10, 11 Plus P1 Oct/Nov 2022)

Name: School/Campus: Group Time: Time: 40 min Marks: 50

Q1: (a) Fill in the Blanks: (This Part is based on Short questions of History) [4]

1. In 1933 Ch. Rehmat Ali and some fellow students produced a pamphlet called in which he argued in
favour of partition and gave the name to this new Muslim state that would be formed. He also
established a party known as to propagate the idea of proposed new state for
the Muslims of the sub-continent.

2. In the years, immediately before and after partition there erupted too much Communal Violence in India, After
the announcement of Boundary Comission (or Award) situation got worse, and alsmost
Million people migrated between the borders of two newly born countries, Many people lost their lives, this was the
migration witnessed by Earth, Many people became homeless, Pakistan had poor economy and
weak government, Pakistan had to face a difficult situation of rehabilitation of refugees which were in such a large
number and Jinnah established Fund to solve refuges crisis.

3. It was agreed that assets were to be divided out of the ratio of to India and to Pakistan,
Pakistan was to receive Rupees Million out of Billion Rupees in the reserve bank, first installment
of Million were paid to Pakistan , then the Kashmir war broke out over Kashmir issue, India refused to
pay rest of the amount, They thought Pakistan would use that money to buy weapons, persuaded
the Indian Government to pay remaining share of money and Rupees Million were later on paid
to Pakistan..

4. Pakistan is a fertile agricultural country, With not plentiful rainfall so it relies upon irrigation from canals which
draw water from River Indus, Jhelum and Chenab, During partition most of the head-works (that control the flow of
water of these canals and rivers) went in Indian Punjab, The Indian Government promised not to interfere with the
supply of water to Pakistan, Later India stopped Pakistan’s water especially of Doab Canals,
Pakistan called for the matter to be settled by the International Court but India refused, In 1948, India after an
agreement allowed water supply to Pakistan with a condition that Pakistan would find alternatives. This issue was
finllay settled when Treaty was signed in 1960.

Q2: Read the Picture Source given below and answer the questions. {Solve Q2 on Extra Sheet}

(a) Describe the impact of Lord Curzon on India. [4]

(b) Describe what happened at Allahabad in 1930. [4]

(c) Explain why the Simon Commission of 1927 was unpopular [7]

(d) Why was Chaudhry Rehmat Ali an important influence on the struggle for a separate homeland for Pakistan? [7]

(All the Best for whole t-20 Test Series and remember that regularity is the key for Success in t-20s)

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