Unit 1 (Evolution or Created by God)

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The word "evolution" means continuous and gradual change.
The Theory of Evolution was proposed by Charles Darwin (1809-
1882), a scientist from England who conducted research on the
Galapagos Islands. Charles Darwin is referred to as “The Father
of Evolution.”
There are 2 main points in Darwin's Theory of Evolution:
(1) Species that exist today have descended from species in the
(2) Evolution occurs through the natural selection process.
Charles Darwin
1. Development of Species

According to the theory of evolution, life began with the first

cell. This cell emerged due to chance factors governed by
natural laws. Over millions of years, the initial living cell
developed into various forms, leading to the variety of
species of living creatures on Earth. For example, bacteria
evolved into fish, fish transitioned into reptiles, and then
reptiles transformed into primates. These primates
eventually evolved into humans.
Is it possible that God used evolution to create humans
from animals? This is in contrast to the statement in the
Bible. The Word of God says that He is the Supreme
Planner, Creator, and Sustainer of the Universe.
There is no factor of 'chance' in His glorious plan.
Everything has been planned by Him, and the outcome
of His creation is 'truly very good' (Genesis 1:31).
2. Natural Selection
Natural selection is the process of selecting among individuals
within an environment. Those who are capable of adapting to
their surroundings will survive and reproduce, while individuals
unable to adjust to their environment will eventually die out and
become extinct over time.
If someone asked, "Why does the giraffe have a long neck?"
Darwin would reply, "At first, some giraffes had long necks,
and some had short necks. But since the short-necked ones
couldn't adapt to their environment and faced natural
selection, they died out. Only the giraffes with long necks
The Bible says, "From the beginning, God created the
giraffe with a long neck, for in His wisdom He has placed
food within its reach."

The Bible states that God saw everything He created

as good. There is no transition from lower animals into
higher forms that eventually become humans.
Humans, no matter how foolish, are uniquely made in
God's image (Imago Dei). Meanwhile, animals, no
matter how clever, are not created in God's image.
Darwin's theory eliminates the act of creation by God,
replacing God's power as a living and creative being
who creates everything (Genesis 1:1; 2:7-22; 5:1-2; 9:6;
John 1:1-4; Ephesians 3:9). Darwin's theory diminishes
the stature of humans as God's creation, created in a
similar and in the image of God, to the point of making
them equivalent to monkeys.
Many miracles in the Bible contradict the theory of
Darwin. Darwin theory rejects the testimony of the Bible
as the inspired word of God to His servants.

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