Conditionals Unreal Past

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Unreal Past The Simple Past can be used to talk about imaginary, unreal or improbable situations in the present and the Past Perfect can be used to talk about imaginary, unreal or improbable situations in the past. This is called Unreal Past. Unreal Past is used as follows: Past Simple Past Perfect Conditionals Type 2 (unreal in the present) © Conditionals Type 3 (unreal in the past) If were you, I wouldn't do that. ithe had warned me, this wouldn't have happened. wish (present) © wish (past) a I wish she were more cooperative, only | hadn't lost all my money last night. I'd rather/sooner sb ... (present) © I'd rather/sooner sb ... (past) I'd rather you paid me today. I'd rather you had not told everyone. Suppose/Supposing © Suppose/Supposing Suppose your father caught you smoking, what Suppose he had left before the boss came, would you do? what would have happened? as if/as though (untrue situation in the present) as if/as though (untrue situation in the past) She behaves as if she were the Queen. Soon after being introduced, they were talking to each other as if they had been friends for years. it’s (about/high) time ... It's time you started work. would rather = I'd prefer when the subject of would I'd rather + Present bare infinitive (present/future reference) rather is also the subject Perfect bare infinitive (past reference) of the following verb I'd rather play tennis. I'd rather not have gone out with him yesterday. when the subject of would I'd rather sb + Past Simple (present/future reference) rather is different from the Past Perfect (past reference) subject of the following verb _/'d rather you stopped smoking. !'d rather you had mentioned that before. prefer + gerund/noun + to + gerund/noun (general). ! prefer (drinking) tea to (drinking) coffee. prefer + full infinitive + rather than + bare infinitive (general preference) | prefer to drink coffee rather than (drink) tea. would prefer + full Infinitive + rather than + bare I'd prefer to live in London rather than (live in) Swansea. would rather + bare infinitive + than + bare Infinitive. /'d rather fly to Munich than go there by car. ive (specific preference) had better = should | had better + present bare inf (present/future reference) He had better consult a lawyer. (= He should consult a lawyer.) It would have been better if + Past Perfect (past reference). it would have been better if you hadn't talked to James last night. (= You shouldn't have talked to James last night.) 13. Tom's mother made him go to school although he would rather ...... 14. | feel a bit sick now. I wish | 20 You'd better .. 1 Biseavonsens we Unreal Past Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Suppose they ...had cancelled... (cancel) the flight. How would you have got home? We'd rather you : (take out) separate holiday insurance, \ hate it when you speak to me as if : sev (D2) a Child, She'd rather “. (Rol/show) him her passport. It’s high time he . (face) up to his responsibilities. Htonty! (not/leave) the window open! they (go) out less, they'd have more money. Chris prefers (work) mornings rather than evenings, Suppose Helen ite) your ex-boyfriend, would you still go to the party? I'd rather Sam .. suns (Not/play) his music so loud. Sylvia wishes she (have) long hair. She had only lived there three months but she spoke the language as if she... .- (ive) there longer. (stay) at home. see (Bat) $0 Much, . (go) to live concerts, 5 He much prefers (listen) to CDs to 16 I'd prefer .. (tide) my bicycle to the shops rather than ... (take) the bus. 7 I'd rather /e) alone than ... (share) a flat with a stranger. 18 | prefer... .. (talk) with friends rather than svn (WatCh) television. 9 If she .. wees (work) harder, she wouldn't have failed her exams. (go) to bed as we have to be up early tomorrow. 2 Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words. 1 Your mother's worried about you. You should phone her. better You ...had better phone... your mother as she’s worried about you. 2 Will you ever think about finding a flat of your own? time It's 3. Look at how he lives - he thinks he's a millionaire. if H (es 4 This summer, | would rather book a holiday in Monaco than Lyons. prefer This summer, |... ... @ holiday in Monaco rather than Lyons, 8. Why didn't you tell me yourself that you were eng? rather Id .. i 6 She wants to ben more Tike her mother. wishes She... 7 [should have taken that job in Canada last year. . about finding a flat of your own. a millionaire. .. me yourself that you were leaving . more like her mother. only a: alti. that job in Canada last year. 8 You should have checked the oll before you set out. better It. womens YOU ad checked the oil before you set out. 3. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate auxiliary verb. He hasn't got a yacht but he wishes he ...ha She can't afford a maid but she wishes she .. | didn’t pay attention in class but | wish | He had his hair cut really short but now he wishes he He's going to the dentist this afternoon but he wishes he She made a terrible mistake but now she wishes she ... They probably won't change their minds but | wish they He always brings his dog to my house but I really wish he . | forgot to enclose the cheque but I wish | He won't lat me leave early but | wish he ... Soorourens 4 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Dear Jenny, Sorry | didn’t answer your last letter. If 1) ..had realised... (realised) how serious the situation was, | would have written to you straightaway, You obviously need my advice. | only wish 12 . (be) with you now to help you. | think it’s about time you 3) . cee (leave) your job and 4) . .. (Start) to look for a new one. If your boss 5) (insist) on treating you so unfairly, then you have very little choice. You say that you'd rather 8 vss have) a'job you hate than no job at all, but is that really true? If you Dai (be) worried about money, don’t be. You can come home and live with your father and me for a while. I'd rather you 8)... sw (ive). nearer home ‘anyway, Your old boss at the library, Mr Green, says you could have your old job back if you 9 : (want) it, You could have been Head Librarian by now if you 10) (not/leave)! Anyway, fll let you know if111) . hear) about any other suitable jobs. Take care and let me know if you 12) ... . (make) ‘any decisions i Mum Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words. 1. I didn’t pass my exams and now | can't go to university. wish —_|...wish | had passed.. my exams; then | could go to university. 2 Iwas about to buy the painting, when I realised it was a fake. it I would have bought the painting . it was a fake 3. | didn't see the TV programme because | didn’t know it was on. Known Hc the TV programme was on, | would have seen it. 4. think you should go on holiday. were If 8 You shouldn't have told Sally my secret told Posen 6 You'd think he was a politician. would go on holiday. ... Sally my secret. though He behaves ... @ politician 7 You should be in bed now. It's late. went it's .. to bed. 8 It would have been better if you had passed ‘on the message. only ine the message. 9. Ifthe teacher asked you to answer that question, what would you say? asked Suppose .. to answer that question, what would you say? 10 it's a pity i's raining, stop ie . raining. 14 She couldn't tell you because she didn’t know. would = Had . told you. 12. Why did | listen to John? He always tells lies. listened If. .. to John. He always tells lies. 13 We should have left by now if we don't want to miss the bus. time its if we don't want to miss the bus. 14 | would have liked you to have informed my parents about my change of plan. rather |. sanmennen MY parents about my change of plan. 15. It would have been better if they had got the earlier train only If. fe ... the earlier train, 16 You ought to have set a wedding date by now. time It's a wedding date.

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