LB3 Skills Test 5B

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8 Martin has offered to take Jodie to

Skills Test 5B (Units 8–9) an American football match.

Listening ___/8 marks

1 (LB3_SK5_1.mp3) Listen and match
the TV programmes (A–H) to the Reading
(1–8). 3 The teenagers below are all looking
for an after-school club to go to.
1 channel 1 Decide which club would be most
2 channel 2 suitable for each teenager. Write the
3 channel 3 D correct letter (A–H).
4 channel 4
5 channel 5 0 D
6 channel 6 Andy would like to learn how to take really good
photos. He uploads a lot of his photos onto the
7 channel 7 internet. He is also keen on designing photo books.
8 channel 8
A sitcom Emily likes singing and dancing. She has a little bit of
B sports programme acting experience, but not very much. She wants to
C talent show perform on the stage and go to a stage school.
D the news
E cartoon 2
F cookery programme Oliver would like to learn more about his family
history because his mum is from Scotland and his dad
G chat show is from France.
H wildlife programme
___/7 marks Tina wants to go to drama school when she is older.
She has lots of acting experience but doesn’t know
much about English plays or English writers.
2 (LB3_SK5_2.mp3) Listen and decide
if the statements are true (T), false (F) 4
or doesn’t say (DS). Veena is interested in the history of her town. She
wants to find out more about who lived and worked in
0 Martin is doing a project about the streets near her house.
American football. T
1 American football was first played in 5
Phil likes working with computers. He only knows a
little bit about designing websites and is interested in
2 Walter Camp invented the first rules learning more.
of American football.
3 American football is the second 6
most popular sport in the USA. Janet likes writing. She has written many short stories
4 The Superbowl is always in the and is trying to write her first book. She would like to
summer. meet other writers and learn from them.
5 A ‘touchdown’ is when a player puts
the ball on the end line of the field. 7
6 American footballers wear helmets Gemma likes reading. She often downloads new
stories onto her Kindle. She is particularly interested in
with their team’s name on them. historical novels.
7 American football can be a violent

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A History Group
Learn more about local history at History Group. We 4 Read the article and choose
will learn more about what archaeologists have found the correct options.
in our town and what it tells us. We will study modern
history in the area where you live.

B Theatre Group My school year by Samantha Smith

Are you interested in acting and appearing in a
musical? Well theatre group is for you. Each term we I’ve enjoyed being in Year 10, although it has been
do a show that has been in London’s West End. This hard work and we have had to do a lot of work to
year the show is Mamma Mia! prepare us for our exams next year. The best part for
me was the trip to the Natural History Museum in
C Literature Group meets every month to discuss a London. I really liked the dinosaurs – they were so
new book which is chosen by the members. Last year big. I think I want to be a palaeontologist when I leave
we read a book about King Henry VIII, and an school. That’s someone who knows all about
adventure story. Reserve your place soon as the course dinosaurs. You have to be good at Science and History
filled up quickly last year. to do this.
I started playing the clarinet this year. It’s such fun and
D Photography Club I play in the school band now. I like playing in a band
Learn the best way to use your camera at this class and but I want to get better and be able to play a solo on
take better pictures. Users of both small and SLR my own. That’s what the better players do in the
cameras are welcome, although you must have a school band concerts. It’s this year’s concert next
digital camera. Last year’s class had a show of work in week and I’m a little bit nervous.
the Town Hall and we hope to do the same this year.
Of course some things have been difficult. The exams
E Computer Club were really hard this year. And the teachers said that
Do you want to learn how to make your own website? they are just as hard for the real exams next year. At
Well this club is for you. We will start with the easy least they are over now, I can feel relaxed and enjoy
things and after ten weeks you will have a website just myself. I also got sick with flu in February. I felt
for you. terrible and was off school for two weeks. I had to
work really hard when I got back to school.
F History Group 2
Learn about your background and make a family tree. It’s been a great year and I’ve made some really close
Genealogy is the study of where we come from. Each new friends, but I’m looking forward to the last day of
week we will teach you different techniques to term. We’re planning a class party. We’re going to
research your family’s background and build a bigger make food from each country that we have studied in
picture. Some internet use. Geography. We’ll also play games and dance. I think it
will be great fun, and then the holidays start! My
G Theatre Group meets once a week to explore the family and I are going camping in Spain this year and
world of drama. We study famous writers from I’m really looking forward to it.
Shakespeare to Alan Bennett. At the end of each term
we perform a play which the group writes.

H Writing Club 0 Samantha has written about

Do you want to be a famous writer? Or have you a) her school year. b) her class.
written a novel or a short story? We meet every c) her holiday.
Wednesday after school and share our written work. 1 Samantha has
Come and learn some new skills and make some new
friends. a) not had a good time at school
this year.
___/7 marks b) not taken any exams this year.
c) enjoyed school this year.
2 The most enjoyable experience was
a) the exam preparation for next
b) the trip to the Natural History
c) playing the clarinet.

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3 Samantha wants to
a) become a scientist. Writing
b) work at the museum. 5 Write about your school year.
c) see more dinosaurs. Choose five of the topics from the
4 Samantha would like to be able to box. Write about 100 words.
play the clarinet
a) on her own. b) at home.
c) in the school band. ● exams ● trips ● subjects
5 This year’s school band concert ● friends ● illness ● holidays
a) is making Samantha feel a bit ● parties ● sport ● concerts
scared. ● plays
b) was last week.
c) is in the City Hall.
6 This year’s exams
a) were as hard as last year’s
b) were easier than last year’s
c) were as hard as next year’s
7 This year Samantha is
a) looking forward to her holidays.
b) sad that school will end.
c) OK that school will end.
8 Samantha’s class
a) is going to the beach.
b) is planning a party.
c) finished school last week. ___/20 marks

___/8 marks Total: ___/50 marks

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