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Unit 12: Time off

Speaker 1
- Go for a meal with friends
- Go to a party if invited
- Happiest at home
- Get in from work quite late
- Music/ television
- Cook something to eat
- Paint and draw
- China pottery
- Collection of DVDs
Speaker 2
- Get together with friends
- Go round to someone’s flat if there is a big match
- Cook or takeaway
- Play cards or go out if a chance
- Go clubbing
- To the beach/swimming/surfing
- Barbeque
- Spend time in/ reading a book
- Music
o Listen to something exciting like rock or pop
o Listen to something soothing like classical music
o Listen to something relaxing like K-Pop or ballad
o Music add color to my life
o Music turn a boring and monotonous moment into
an exciting one
o Music wash away sorrow and sadness
o Music is important to my soul like food is to my
- Reading
o Non-fiction: science books/travel guide/
o Fiction: detective novel/romantic novel/sci-fi
o Broaden my horizons
o Live in a make-believe world
o Escape from the reality (a form of escapism)
o Learn how good people are rewarded and bad
people are punished without being harmed
- Traveling
o Broaden my horizons
o Sample delicious cuisine
o Admire breathtaking landscapes
o Make friends
o Become more mature and responsible
- Have
o Have a quiet night in = stay in
o Have a barbeque
o Have friends round : chơi cùng bạn bè
o Have a party
- Go for
o Go for a drive: lái xe đi dạo
o Go for a walk
o Go for a drink
o Go for a meal
- Go to
o Go to a concert
o Go to the beach
o Go to a match
o Go to a restaurant
- Go
o Go clubbing
o Go surfing
- Take
o Take after = resemble = look like
o Take in information (nghe và hiểu)
o Take off your hat
o Take on work = accept work (nhận việc/thêm
việc)/ take on a role
o Take over a business = gain control of: kiểm
soát/tiếp quản
o Take to a new friend (develop a liking for) bắt đầu
o Take up space = fill up: chiếm không gian
- Box office: phòng vé
- Critic: nhà phê bình
- Rehearsal: tập duyệt
- Soundtrack: phần âm nhạc của một bộ phim
- Special effects: hiệu ứng đặc biệt
- Thriller: thể loại phim giật gân
- Narrate = describe: mô tả: documentary)

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