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International Conflict

- Serious disagreement or argument, prolonged armed struggle over opinions and

International Conflict:
- Conflicts between nations and the conflict does not need to be violent.

Key Causes of Conflict Among Countries

1) Competition over scarce resources.
Natural resources refer to land, water, oil and fish that are unevenly distributed
among countries. (Eg Conflict over fishing grounds between Iceland and Britain. Early
1970 the fish stocks started to decrease around Iceland. Iceland referred the situation
to the UN Conference on the Law of the Sea. The suggestions were then ignored. In
1975 Iceland extended the control of the zone of the fishing ground. Britain refused to
recognise the extended region and continued to fish there. Britain Warships and
Icelandic Coast Guards came into conflict. Eventually Iceland & Britain signed an
agreement to resolve the conflict. These COD wars occurred between 1958 & 1976

2nd Gulf War

Coalition forces
- United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia
Bush, Blair, Howard

- Iraq was in possession of a lot of WMD(weapon of mass destruction)

1 Senior Bush (1st Gulf War)

2 George W Bush (2nd Gulf War / 9/11) 11th of September 2001
Both related and presidents of the United States
Both related to Iraq and the centerpiece was Saddam Hussein
Coalition Forces
- USA (Bush), UK (Blair), Australia (Howard)
- Invading Iraq for wealth, oils and riches, also to get rid of missiles and
“weapons of mass destruction.”
- Why is oil important?Main uses of oil are for transportation, heating in
buildings and energy.
- How does scarce oil affect Australia as a country
It Affects Australia's produce such as Fruit and vegetables. Due to the cost of
exporting the goods and it being held costing oil which is scarce and

Organisation of

Why Iraq?
Iraq is a middle eastern country. Most middle eastern countries have an excess
amount of oil. They choose Iraq because it is the 5th country with the most
amount of oil and are already under extreme measures due to the 9/11

How did Australia benefit?

2) Different Values and Beliefs.

Conflict between democracy and Communism
Countries following different ideologies can stir conflict when they think their religion
is being threatened. For example in the Lindt store in Sydney there was a Islamic
gunman by the name of Man Monis. Another example is in Libya when ISIS beheaded
all christians for their faith.

3) Competing claims over territory and defense or national pride (Eg conflict over

- Land which is strategically located for defense needs to be protected

- Two claimants to a piece of strategic area can cause conflict among nations

Conflict over Border

• India gained its independence from Britain

Late 1960s
• China contested India’s presence in several areas along its borders

• Tension escalated between India and China

• China had occupied more territories which India claimed as theirs

• War between India and China

1.Conflict Between Democracy and Communism

• Japan was defeated
• Korea was divided into 2 parts
• North Korea became the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

1949 – 1950
• Clashes between North and South Korea began
1949 China was known as PRC (People Republic China)

June 1950
• North Korea invaded South Korea
• UN troops assisted South Korea and defeated North Korea

October 1950
• UN troops reached the Yalu river. Is the border between Korea and china.
• China joined the war

January 1951
• Chinese troops worked with North Koreans against the UN troops

June 1953
• An agreement to end the fighting was signed. An armistice was formed

Armistice is another word for ceased fire

Treaty of Versailles (TOV)

This was signed on June 1919

Why did it take so long for America to get involved in the war?
- America was isolationist
- “Why should I get involved in someone else’s problems”

The Big Three

Woodrow Wilson (USA)

- He wanted the treaty to be based on his Fourteen Points

- Wanted Genuine peace & wanted to punish Germany but not severely.
- Wilson wanted to set up an international organization called The League
Nations which would settle disputes
David Lloyd-George (Great Britain)

- Couldn't afford to treat Germany harshly because they were:

- Primarily trading
- Didn't want Great Britain to be a communist country
Georges Clemenceau (France) (NN: The Tiger)

- Wanted Germany to pay (Revenge)

- Never wanted war with Germany again
Terms of the Treaty of Versailles
To do with Germany’s armed forces :

- The German army was to be reduced to 100,000 men. It was not allowed to
have tanks.
- Germany was not allowed an air force
- The area known as the Rhineland was to be demilitarised
- The Allies were to occupy the west bank of the Rhine for fifteen years
- The German navy was to have no submarines or large battle-ships

The War Guilt Clause

In simple terms it was Germany who accepted responsibility for starting the war. They
had to pay reparations of 6600 Million Pounds oundsUD (Today Currency Rates). They
only finished paying the reparations in 2010.

Post War Germany:

Weimar Republic

1917- 1923
- Political Instability:
- Economic Ruin:
- Unemployment: Millions of soldiers have returned home to find no jobs

Other factors

- Government established in difficult circumstances

- Mistrust of government and animosity towards it from its inception
- Refusal of the rest of the World to accept Germany
- Hitler and the NSDAP – National Socialist Democratic German Workers Party
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei

Hitler made a book in prison could ‘Mein Kampf’

“My suffering”
Germans came up with a tactic called passive resistance
After the increasing production of money Germany became a hyperinflation country.
Hyperinflation is when all goods and services

Multiple choice
Gustaf Steressman became the next premier

Problems 1919-1924

- Anger directed at the government for signing the Treaty of Versailles

- Economic problems as all profit is sent directly to the Allies as reparations
- Valueless currency as economic crisis leads to hyper-inflation
- Rise of extremist groups attempting to wrestle power from the de-stabilised
government (Freikorps, Spartacists etc.)

Other factors:
Government established in difficult circumstances
Mistrust of government and animosity towards it from its inception
Refusal of the rest of the World to accept Germany
Hitler and the NSDAP – National Socialist Democratic German Workers Party -
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei

Post war America *Won't be used for essay, only study for multiple choice*

- Political
- Economic
- Social

- In the US, the war led to a growth in intolerance. In addition the US citizens
responded to this by multiple racial riots in 1919. Many Black people (Prestigious
African American War Heroes Who sacrificed their lives for America) in accordance
with the discrimination and poor circumstances.
- After the war, Americans did not want their soldiers to be killed trying to resolve
disputes around the globe. They were afraid that the US would end up paying the bill
for European squabbles. They wanted a return to isolationism.

- The USA came out of the world's first ever War as the world's leading economy.
- Throughout the war, there had been a 1 way trade with Europe. Money had poured
into the USA for food, raw materials and munitions. American industry and agriculture
had prospered.

The Roaring 20s

1. US industry had been boosted by the war.

2. Protectionism - Import duties raised (1922)
3. Mass product : Cars, Radios, Refrigerators.
4. Higher Purchase - People could buy on credit. There is massive consumer spending
With more money to spend, people invested on the stock market

The Great Depression

Overproduction → Stocks of Unsold Goods → Demand Falls → Profit Falls →

Source Analysis

*Same questions for test and exam

- Sources and evidence
- Fact (Objective) and Opinion (Subjective)

*Primary and Secondary source* NEED TO KNOW *1917-1923 in Germany*

Primary Source
- A primary source is a first hand account that comes from the time of the event being
studied. They are sources of evidence consisting of historical remains and original
*If the date is in between 1917 and 1923 then it is automatically a primary source*
Secondary Sources
- A secondary source is one that comes into being later on and is more remote from the
particular event being studied.
- When a historian who did not experience the Haiti Tsunami writes an account of it in
Objective (Fact)
- A fact is something that we know to be true. The fact can be checked and shown to be
true or false, right or wrong.

Subjective (Opinion)
- Opinions are points of view and not based on certainty. They cannot be verified, ie,
shown to be true or false, right or wrong. They are often disputed as people disagree
with the opinions of others.

*1 mark for determining what source & 2 marks for explaining*

TinyWow (Chat gpt)

Question 3: Inference: Being able to make a logical conclusion due to the evidence

PEE Acronym used for paragraphs. One Pee per paragraph (2 marks).
P - Point
E - Example
E - Explanation

Explain the Historical Context of the Source

- It tests your understanding of the immediate sequence of the relevant events leading
to the source in question
- Do NOT mistake this for the message of the source

- What is happening in the source, what happened to cause this article.

(4 Mark Question)

This source is classified as a primary source as for a source to be primary, it has to be

created during the time of the event being studied, and this source was created on 19 Feb
1919, being in between the two war dates of 1917 and 1923.

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