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Q 1 From the following table, calculate the coefficient of correlation by Karl Pearson’s method:

X 6 2 10 4 8
Y 9 11 missin 8 7
Arithmetic mean of X & Y series are 6 & 8. (Ans: missing frequency = 5, r = -0.9192)

Q 2 Calculate Pearson’s coefficient of correlation between X and Y from the following data:
X 14 19 24 21 26 22 15 20 19
Y 31 36 48 37 50 45 33 41 39
(Ans: r = -0.947)

Q 3 From data given below, find the number of items (N):-

r = 0.5, ∑xy =120, σy = 8, ∑x2 = 90
where x and y are deviations from arithmetic means. (Ans: N = 10)

Q 4 Determine Pearson’s coefficient of correlation from the following data:

∑X = 250, ∑Y = 300, N = 10, ∑(X – 25)2 = 480
∑(Y – 30)2 = 600, ∑(X – 25)(Y – 30) = 150 (Ans: r = 0.28)

Q 5 Calculate coefficient of correlation:

∑XY = 8425, X = 28.5, Y = 28.0, σx = 10.5, σy = 5.6, N = 10 (Ans: r = 0.756)
Q 6 From the following data, compute Karl Pearson coefficient (Ans: r = 0.997)

X series Y series
No. of items 7 7
Arithmetic mean 4 8
Sum of squares of deviations 28 76
from arithmetic mean
Summation of products of deviations of X & Y series
from their respective means is 46

Q 7 Deviations of the items of 2 series X & Y from assumed mean are as under:-
Deviations of X 5 -4 -2 20 -10 0 3 0 -15 -5
Deviations of Y 5 -12 -7 25 -10 -3 0 2 -9 -15
(Ans: r = 0.895)

Q 8 From 2 series X and Y, Cov(X, Y) = 25, r = 0.6, variance of X = 36. Calculate Standard deviation
of Y. (Ans: σy= 6.94)

Q 9In a fancy dress competition, 2 judges accorded the following ranks to eight participants:-

Judge X 8 7 6 3 2 1 5 4
Judge Y 7 5 4 1 3 2 6 8
(Ans: R = 0.619)

Q 10 Calculate coefficient of rank correlation (Ans: R = -0.369)

X 15 10 20 28 12 10 16 18
Y 16 14 10 12 11 15 18 12

Q 11 Calculate Rank Correlation: (Ans: R = 0.429)

X 40 50 60 60 80 50 70 60
Y 80 120 160 170 130 200 210 130

Q 12 Rank correlation: (Ans: R = 0.155)

X 50 55 65 50 55 60 50 65 70 75
Y 110 110 115 125 140 115 130 120 115 160

Q 13 Find out which of the following batsmen is more consistent in scoring. Would you also accept
him as a better run getter? Why?
Batsman A 5 7 16 27 39 53 56 61 80 101 105
Batsman B 0 4 16 21 41 43 57 78 83 90 95

Q 14 Find the correlation coefficient between age & playing habits of the following students:-

Age 15 16 17 18 19 20
No. of Students 250 200 150 120 100 80
Regular Players 200 150 90 48 30 12
(Ans: r = -0.991)

Q 15 The age & blood pressure of 10 women are:

Age 56 42 36 47 49 42 60 72 63 55
Blood Pressure 147 125 118 128 145 140 155 164 149 150
a. Find correlation. (r = 0.892)
b. Determine the least square regression equation of blood pressure on age. (83.758 + 1.11X)
c. Estimate the blood pressure of woman whose age is 45 yrs. (Y = 134)

Regression Analysis
Q1 From the following data obtain the two regression equations and calculate the correlation coefficient:
X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Y 9 8 10 12 11 13 14 16 15
Estimate the value of Y which should correspond on an average to X = 6.2 (Ans: Y = 7.25 + 0.95X)

Q2 From the data, estimate the height of a person whose father is 150cm tall:

Height of father 164 176 178 184 175 167 173 180
Height of son 168 174 175 181 173 166 173 179
(Ans: Y= 0.7302X + 46.12, Y= 155.65 cms)

Q3 The following data, based on 450 students, are given for marks in Statistics and Economics at a certain

Mean marks in Statistics 40

Mean marks in Economics 48
S.D. of marks in Statistics 12
The variance of marks in Economics 256
Some of the products of deviation of marks from their 42075
respective mean
Give the equations of the two lines of regression and estimate the average marks in Economics of
candidates who obtained 50 marks in Statistics.

Q4 Two random variables have the regression equations:

3X + 2Y – 26 = 0
6X + Y – 31 = 0

Find the mean values and the coefficient of correlation between X and Y. if the variance of X = 25,
find the standard deviation of Y from the data given above.

Q5 The following calculations have been made for prices of 12 stocks (X) on the Calcutta Stock Exchange
on a certain day along with the volume of sales in thousands of shares (Y). From these calculations find
the regression equation of prices on stocks, on the volume of shares.
∑X = 580, ∑Y = 370, ∑XY = 11494, ∑X2 = 41658, ∑Y2 = 17206

Q6 The following table gives the aptitude test scores and productivity indices of 10 workers selected at

Aptitude scores (X) 60 62 65 70 72 48 53 73 65 82

Productivity index (Y) 68 60 62 80 85 40 52 62 60 81
Calculate the two regression equations and estimate (i) the productivity index of a worker whose test
scores is 92 and (ii) the test score of a worker whose productivity index is 75.
(Ans: Y92 = 96.536, Y75 = 70.96)

Q7 Find out the regression equation Y on X and X on Y from the following data:
∑X = 30, ∑Y = 23, ∑XY = 168, ∑X2 = 224, ∑Y2 = 175, N = 7
Also find coefficient of correlation. (Ans: Y = 0.728X + 0.166, X = -0.357+0.643Y, r = 0.712)

Q8 Find out the regression coefficients of Y on X and X on Y from the following data:
∑X = 50, X = 5, ∑Y = 60, Y = 6, ∑XY = 350, Variance of X = 4, Variance of Y = 9.
(Ans: byx = 1.25, bxy = 0.556)

Q9 Variance of X = 9
8X – 10Y + 66 = 0 and 40X - 18Y = 214
Find on the basis of above information
a.Mean values of X & Y (Ans: 13 & 17)
b. Correlation coefficient (Ans: r = 0.6)
c.Standard deviation of Y (Ans: 4)

Q10 The equations of two lines of regression obtained in a correlations analysis are the following:
2X = 8 – 3Y and 2Y = 5 – X
Obtain the value of the correlation coefficient. (Ans: r = 0.866)

Q11 Calculate the correlation coefficient from the following results:

N = 10, ∑X = 350, ∑Y = 310, ∑(X – 35)2 = 162,
∑(Y – 31)2 = 222, ∑(X – 35)(Y – 31) = 92
Also find the regression line X on Y and Y on X. (Ans: r =0.485, Y = 11.05+0.568X)

Q12 Given the following data: -

N = 8, ∑X = 21, ∑Y = 4, ∑X2 = 99,
∑Y2 = 68, ∑XY = 36, using the values find:
a. Regression equation of Y on X (Ans: Y = -1.025+0.581X)
b. Most approximate value of Y for X = 10 (Ans: Y = 4.785)

Q13 The following are the intermediate results of two series X and Y:-
X = 90, Y = 70, N = 10, ∑x2 = 6360, ∑y2 = 2860, ∑xy = 3900
Where x and y are deviations from respective means). Find two regression equations.
(Ans: Y = 0.613X + 14.83, X = 1.363Y – 5.41)

Q14 You are given the following:-

Arithmetic Mean 5 12
Standard Deviation 2.6 3.6
Correlation coefficient r = 0.7
(i) Obtain two regression equations
(ii) Estimate Y when X = 9
(iii) Estimate X when Y = 12
(Ans: X = -1.12 + 0.51Y, Y = 7.15 + 0.97X, Y = 15.88, X = 5)

Q15 If σx2 = 9, σy2 =1600, rxy = 0.5, obtain bxy. (Ans: 0.0375)

Q16 If σx2 = 25, σy2 =625, bxy = 0.16, obtain rxy. (Ans: 0.8)

Q17 Agricultural production index (X) and the index of wholesale prices Y is 5yrs.

X 10 110 11 114 120

4 2
Y 10 116 14 175 173
6 0
(i) Find rxy the correlation coefficient between X & Y.
(ii) Find the regression equation of wholesale price index on agricultural production index.
(iii) Obtain the estimate of wholesale price index when the agricultural production index is 125.
(Ans: rxy = 0.8838, Y= 4.809X – 396.608, Y = 204.517)

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