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DLP Learning Area: English Grade Level: 4 Quarter: 4 Duration: 50min

Learning Competency/ies:
Distinguish fact from opinion in a narrative. Code: EN4RC-IIi-36

Key Concepts /  Facts are statements that happened or can be proven true.
Understandings to be  Opinions are statements that express one’s ideas, feelings or point of view.
1. Objectives
Knowledge Identify fact and opinion statements in a narrative
Skills Differentiate fact from opinion
Attitude (Responding to
Tell the importance of being able to distinguish fact from opinion
Values Show respect to everyone’s opinion
2. Content Identifying Facts from Opinions
3. Learning PPT, fact-opinion ball, mystery box, clock model
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each
step will consume)
Preparation Presentation of Learning Objectives:
5minutes At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
Identify fact from opinion statements in a narrative
Differentiate fact from opinion.
Tell the importance of being able to distinguish fact from opinion

Classroom Management
Remind the pupils about the proper behavior during the class by asking them some questions.
1. What will you do if somebody is talking or answering?
2. What will you do if you are to answer a question?
3. What will you do during group activities?

Review: The teacher conducts review on fantasy and reality.

Tell whether the following statements are fantasy or reality.
1. Doctors treat sick people at the hospital.
2. The fairy touched Ben’s wounded leg and it healed.
3. Children go to school to learn.
4. The book talked to Jim who was sitting sadly at a corner.
5. We rode on a horse that flew us to the clouds.

By using a mystery box, the teacher calls volunteers who shall touch one animal toy inside it. The
learner volunteer describes what he touches and says what his guess is.
Example: It has wings. I think this is a bird.
After the learners says his/her guess, she/ he draws the animal to verify if she/she is correct.
The teacher calls at least 3 volunteers.

Unlocking of difficulties:
The teacher presents the unfamiliar words used in the paragraph and discusses what it means through
1. energized

2. steel

3. huggable

4. claws

Lesson Proper Presentation:

Teacher presents Jacob’s diary on February 10, 2024.

Last February 10, 2024, our family went to Cebu Safari. We left home at exactly 4:00 in the morning and
arrived there at 7:40 in the morning. The trip was tiring but seeing the different animals energized me. It
was my first time to see a lion and a tiger. They have sharp teeth and big claws. I think they were
huggable though they looked angry. Then we moved to the crocodiles! There were lots of them! Some
crocodiles were on land, some on water. I was thinking that if I ever fall off from that steel bridge, I will
never come up alive. Afterwards, we grabbed some ice cream and went to the Bird Show. A parrot
sang a Happy Birthday song. I believe the parrot was everyone’s favorite. Another set of birds solved
Math! I really enjoyed in Cebu Safari. For me, that was the best day ever.

Comprehension questions:
1. Where did Jacob and his family go last February 10?
2. At what time did Jacob’s family leave home on that day?
Math Integration: Using a clock model: Can somebody move the short hand and the long hand to show
the time 4:00?
What kind of angle is formed when the clock tells 4:00?
3. What time did the family arrive at Cebu Safari?
Numeracy: If Jacob’s family left home at 4:00 and arrived at 7:40, how long did they travel? Who can
solve the elapsed time?
Developing HOTS:
4. What kind of place is Cebu Safari? Why do you say it is a zoo?
5. What animals did Jacob see in the zoo?
6. What animal does Jacob think was everyone’s favorite?
sentence flashes on the screen: Jacob thinks that the parrot was everyone’s favorite.
Is this a fact or an opinion? Let us know first the definition of fact and opinion.
The teacher discusses the lesson using the PowerPoint presentation.

Facts are statements that tell what happened or sentences that can be proven true.
Sample signal words and phrases being used in the sentence fragments that often precede a fact
statement are:
The report shows and confirms
Scientists have recently discovered..
According to the result….
The investigation demonstrated …
Verified …
As per record…

An opinion refers to a personal belief. It relates to how someone feels or views about something.
Others may agree or disagree with an opinion, but they cannot prove or disprove it.

In my opinion…. My favorite...
I think … I am confident that…
I feel… The best/ better/ worst…
I strongly believe… It is his point of view…
Many scientist suspects that…
From my point of view…

Filipino Integration: In Filipino, Fact is katotohanan. Opinion is opinyon.

Ang Katotohanan ay mga pahayag na maaaring mapatunayan. Ang Opinyon ay pahayag na nagsasaad
ng sariling ideya o damdamin tungkol sa isang bagay.

Going back to the sentence, “I think that the parrot was everyone’s favorite, ” is this a fact or an opinion?
What made you say it is an opinion?

I have here more sentences taken from Jacob’s diary. Let us tell if each is a fact or opinion.

1. Last March 30, 2024, our family went to Cebu Safari.

2. Lions and tigers have sharp teeth and big claws.
3. I think they were huggable though they looked angry.
4. Some crocodiles were on land, some on water.
Science integration: Why do you think were some crocodiles on land? And some were on
water? Can crocodiles live both on land and on water?
5. A parrot sang a Happy Birthday song.
6. For me, that was the best day ever.

What is a fact?
What is an opinion?
What is the difference between facts and opinions?
How should we deal with other person’s opinions?
Developing HOTS : Is it important for someone to be able to distinguish fact from opinion?
Why do you say so?

Application: Collaborative learning

Differentiated Activity: Learners are grouped based on levels of ability.

They are given 5 minutes to complete their task. After the time, the teacher processes every group’s
Before the learners start with their group tasks, remind them of the following rules.
1. Each member should have participation or contribution to the task.
2. If the task involves the use of sharp and pointed objects such as ballpens, pencils, markers or
scissors, be careful in using them to avoid accident.
3. Minimize your voice while doing your task so as not to disturb other groups.

4. Be mindful of the time to finish the activity.

Group 1 - Write fact if the phrase is used to precede a fact statement and write opinion if it s used to
indicate an opinion statement. my opinion
2. The report shows and confirms that
3. I think
4. I am confident that
5. Based on the results

Group 2 – Read the narrative. Identify if the statements are a fact or opinion.

Identify if the underlined parts of the paragraph is a fact or opinion.

Group 3 – Choose two topics. Write an opinion and fact statement about each topic.

5. Evaluation (indicate whether it is thru Observation and/ or Talking/conferencing to learners and/or

Analysis of Learner’s Products and/or Tests
Written Test The Best Pet Ever
I have a pet dog named Jazzy. It has four legs used for walking. Jazy has a
blonde and long hair. I think blonde hair is so beautiful. My friend has cat
but I don’t like cats. For me, cats are too jumpy and messy. There are
different breeds of cats and dogs but I still think my dog is the best pet ever.

Directions: Identify if each statement from the narrative is a fact or opinion.

1. It has four legs used for walking.
2. I think blonde hair is so beautiful.
3. For me, cats are too jumpy and messy.
4. There are different breeds of cats and dogs.
5. I still think my dog is the best pet ever.
6. Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the
day’s lesson or Preparation for a new lesson)
Reinforcement Write 2 fact sentences, and 2 opinion statements in a one whole sheet of paper.
7. Wrap-
up/Concluding Activity Close the period by wrapping – up the day’s lesson.
2 minutes

Online sources of pictures used:

tired person clipart - Google Search
energized person clipart - Google Search
steel pathway - Google Search
wooden bridge - Google Search
huggable panda - Google Search
lion's claws clipart - Google Search
lions pinted teeth - Google Search

Prepared by:


Teacher I

Attested by:


Process Observer Process Observer Process Observer

Approved by:

District Supervisor

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