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1 Przekształć zdania w stronie czynnej na stronę bierną.

1. One of the cleaners has found my purse.

2. John gave Elizabeth that beautiful ring.

3. The government has built new roads in this area.

4. The assistant passed me a note.

5. Many people use bicycles as a means of transport.

6. They were rebuilding the old roads when I drove by.

7. The waitress will bring you your drinks in a minute.

8. Lots of people had parked their cars on the pavement.

9. The helpers have not packed the boxes yet.

10. They are still preparing the food.

11. Students won’t write their essays on time.

12. Christopher Wren built the church in the 17th century.

13. We serve all main courses with vegetables and salad.

14. They should decorate the room with flowers.

15. The children send me messages every day.

16. They are going to finish the new road in a few days.

17. Two men were following Tom.

18. People can take photos in here.

19. Doctor Simms is examining her.

20. They didn’t pay me much for that job.

1. Przekształć zdania w stronie czynnej na stronę bierną.

1. One of the cleaners found my books.

2. John gave Elizabeth that beautiful ring.

3. The government has built a new road in this area.

4. The assistant has passed me a note.

5. Many people use bicycles as a means of transport.

6. They are rebuilding the old roads.

7. The waitress will bring you your drinks in a minute.

8. Lots of people had parked their cars on the pavement.

9. The helpers have not packed the present yet.

10. They are still preparing the food.

11. Students won’t write their essays on time.

12. Christopher Wren built the church in the 17th century.

13. We serve dinner at 4p.m. every day.

14. They should decorate the room with flowers.

15. John told us a secret.

16. They are going to finish the new pavements in a few days.

17. Two men were following my friends yesterday.

18. People can’t take photos in here.

19. Doctor Simms is examining him.

20. They didn’t pay me much for that job.

1 Przekształć zdania w stronie czynnej na stronę bierną. Poprawa

1. One of the cleaners has found my purse.

2. John gave Elizabeth that beautiful ring.

3. The government has built new roads in this area.

4. The assistant had passed me a note.

5. Many people use bicycles as a means of transport.

6. My friends make a cake every Saturday.

7. The waitress will bring you the meal in a minute.

8. Lots of people had parked their cars on the pavement.

9. The helpers have not packed the boxes yet.

10. They are preparing the food now.

11. Students won’t write their essays on time.

12. Christopher Wren built the church in the 17th century.

13. We serve all main courses with vegetables and salad.

14. They must paint the house.

15. The children send me messages every day.

16. They are going to finish the project in a few days.

17. Two men were following Tom.

18. People can take photos in here.

19. Doctor Simms is examining her.

20. They didn’t offer me a job.

1 Przekształć zdania w stronie czynnej na stronę bierną. Poprawa

1. One of the cleaners has found my purse.

2. John gave Elizabeth that beautiful ring.

3. The government has built new roads in this area.

4. The assistant had passed me a note.

5. Many people use bicycles as a means of transport.

6. My friends make a cake every Saturday.

7. The waitress will bring you the meal in a minute.

8. Lots of people had parked their cars on the pavement.

9. The helpers have not packed the boxes yet.

10. They are preparing the food now.

11. Students won’t write their essays on time.

12. Christopher Wren built the church in the 17th century.

13. We serve all main courses with vegetables and salad.

14. They must paint the house.

15. The children send me messages every day.

16. They are going to finish the project in a few days.

17. Two men were following Tom.

18. People can take photos in here.

19. Doctor Simms is examining her.

20. They didn’t offer me a job.

1 Przekształć zdania w stronie czynnej na stronę bierną.

1. One of the cleaners has found my purse.

2. John gave Elizabeth that beautiful ring.

3. The government has built new roads in this area.

4. The assistant passed me a note.

5. Many people use bicycles as a means of transport.

6. They were rebuilding the old roads when I drove by.

7. The waitress will bring you your drinks in a minute.

8. Lots of people had parked their cars on the pavement.

9. The helpers have not packed the boxes yet.

10. They are still preparing the food.

11. Students won’t write their essays on time.

12. Christopher Wren built the church in the 17th century.

13. We serve all main courses with vegetables and salad.

14. They should decorate the room with flowers.

15. The children send me messages every day.

16. They are going to finish the new road in a few days.

17. Two men were following Tom.

18. People can take photos in here.

19. Doctor Simms is examining her.

20. They didn’t pay me much for that job.

1 Przekształć zdania w stronie czynnej na stronę bierną.

1. One of the cleaners has found my purse.

2. John gave Elizabeth that beautiful ring.

3. The government has built new roads in this area.

4. The assistant passed me a note.

5. Many people use bicycles as a means of transport.

6. They were rebuilding the old roads when I drove by.

7. The waitress will bring you your drinks in a minute.

8. Lots of people had parked their cars on the pavement.

9. The helpers have not packed the boxes yet.

10. They are still preparing the food.

11. Students won’t write their essays on time.

12. Christopher Wren built the church in the 17th century.

13. We serve all main courses with vegetables and salad.

14. They should decorate the room with flowers.

15. The children send me messages every day.

16. They are going to finish the new road in a few days.

17. Two men were following Tom.

18. People can take photos in here.

19. Doctor Simms is examining her.

20. They didn’t pay me much for that job.

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