Plac907 Dap Record 2023 Child 2

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Context: Date: 1st March 2024
Child’s name and age: Isaac Ardati, 3 years old
Educator’s name: Mr. Shaneel Nair
Activity name: Cylinder blocks
Location: Indoor classroom
Running records
Today Issac picked cylinder blocks during the Montessori work cycle time, he grasps and holds the cylinder blocks with both his
hands and place them on the table. He then picks up one by one block with his finger and place them at the back of the cylinder
holder. When he is finishes this activity, he then picks up one by one cylinder and place them back at their correct socket. To give
more challenge for Isaac, Mr. Shaneel suggests Isaac to place these cylinders at random order and then place then back correct
order. Isaac, “I will put this one over here”. This time Isaac took a bit more time as he picks one cylinder and places them in
different spot that is away from the socket. Then he did few trials and error to figure out which socket is for which cylinder. Mr.
Shaneel said, good job Isaac for placing the blocks back to correct sockets. he said, “all of them are placed at the right place now”.
Mr. Shaneel askes Isaac, if you can show me which one is bigger and which one is smaller, He picks up the bigger block says, this
one is bigger and this one is smaller. Mr. Shaneel asked him to count each block as he places them back, he counted from 1 to 10
and then he arranges them from small to biggest and packs the activity away.
Each portion of the documentation above is to be reflected on and identified domains, milestones and dispositions must be linked to where the skill was
demonstrated in the observation and referenced.
Domains Milestones Dispositions
Language Development: Isaac uses comparing Given Isaac speaks using “bigger”  Isaac demonstrated his
words such as “bigger and smaller to differentiate and “smaller”, this links to his hand to eye
which blocks they are and their shapes” (Petty, 2015). language milestone been meet for coordination and
being 3 years and 5 months (Raising concentration when
Physical Development: He used his fine motor skills Children Network, 2023). able to pick the blocks
to pick blocks and place them at the end of the and place them outside
sockets. He further picks the bigger blocks with three Given Isaac is able to grasp the the cylinder and
fingers to indicate a strong grasping skill (Petty, cylinder block with both his hands, returning it back to the
2015). this links to his fine motor ability of correct socket (Robson,
performing painting activity with 2019).
Cognitive Development: Isaac used his logic to both hands (Fine Motor
rationalise which shapes are smaller and bigger. He Development, 2023).
further places the blocks in a random order and then
places them back to their correct sockets (Petty, Givan Isaac is able to rationalise the
2015). correct order of placing the blocks in
the socket’s links to his cognitive
milestone (Developmental
Milestones, 2023)


Each portion of the documentation is to be analysed for learning that is occurring and the curriculum areas the children are engaging in
Learning Curriculum Areas
Learning of heights and dimensions: Isaac is able to Language: Isaac displayed use of language advancement
discriminate his visual senses according to different heights and through the observation as he expressed to discriminate
dimensions of the cylinders. He does this when his compares the heights and dimensions of cylinder blocks (The Australian
bigger and smaller cylinder together (The Australian Curriculum, Curriculum, 2024).


Development and Education Theory Early Years Learning Framework Principles, Practices,
Maria Montessori: Given Maria Montessori states that children 3.2.3: LOC - Child effectively engages in activities
need to be given objects to manipulate so they can exercise their requiring fine-motor and physical skills

sensory learning. Given Isaac was uses cylinder blocks to explore Isaac demonstrated this through use of his fingers to hold to
sizes and shapes, this can further be extended to his ability to hold pick the blocks (AGDE, 2022).
pencil to write (Garvis, Phillipson, & Clarke, 2018).
4.2.1: LOC - Child is able to apply a variety of thinking
Gardner: Focuses on children experiences supporting variety of strategies to solve problems and adapt to new situations
forms of intelligence such as linguistic, logical, and interpersonal. Isaac was asked to place the cylinder in random order and
As such Isaac’s understanding of hand and eye coordination then place them back, he did a bit of trial and error before
improves his interpersonal skills and language development of placing the blocks back to the original sockets (AGDE, 2022).
identify height and dimensions of each block (Garvis, Phillipson,
& Clarke, 2018). 4.2: LOC - Children develop a range of skills and
processes such as problem solving, inquiry,
experimentation, hypothesising, researching and
Isaac demonstrated his investigating skills when he did the
trial and error (AGDE, 2022).

4.2.2: LOC - Child is able to apply their mathematical

knowledge to problem solving
With the early introduction of cylinder blocks, Isaac is able to
count from 1 to 10 while doing this activity(AGDE, 2022).
Principle 5-Equity, inclusion and high expectations
Given Isaac is provided with cylinder block that is age
appaorch, he is presented with a challengaing activity of
randomly sorting the blocks before placing them back at the
correct sockets(AGDE, 2022).
Practice 1-Holistic, integrated and interconnected
This activity was aimed to provide a holistic approach to
Isaac, a such it links to counting 1 to 10, language when he
picks the biggest and smallest shape, rationalise with his eye
coordination when sorting them randomly (AGDE, 2022).
Each portion of the documentation is to be analysed for pedagogical skills and knowledge demonstrated by the educators.
Play-based Pedagogies Teaching Strategies EYLF Educator Evidence Child Development
This activity encourages Isaac to use Interacting: Isaac is Outcome 1: Children Have a While Isaac was picking
free-play to explore and investigate interacting through the Strong Sense of Identity: the blocks and placing
the cylinder block and make sense of experience and express As an educator, I ensured Isaac them, I ensured he was
what shape, size he notes, then he is his thoughts as he sees received feedback in a sensitive able to express his
guided to count how many blocks things from his manner when he did trial and thoughts and voice, so I
there are and then is does it on his own perspective (Masterson, error trying to figure out where assisted to ask him open-
(Sheridan & Howard, 2017). 2021). the cylinder blocks would be. ended questions to
With use of good job for trying to prompting him to think
and share his
Discussing and find out where the blocks go
understanding of which
questioning: During the linked to initiate interactions and
blocks are bigger and
discussion and question connections (AGDE, 2022). smaller an early
time, Isaac is asked introduction to
opened ended questions mathematical concept.
such as, Show me which Hayes et al., 2017).
cylinder is bigger and
smaller? (Masterson,
Objective for future holistic learning and development
Physical development: Indirect preparation for writing skills by holding pencil
Learning Experience
Learning experience name Combination two-cylinder blocks together
Experience rationale Given Isaac’s mum shared they wish Isaac starts writing, I assisted to provide activities

that would prepare him to indirectly train his fingers for hold pencil correctly. The knobs
are being grasped using the fingers and thumb, which will subsequently be utilised to grip
the pencil. These numerical values also play a role in the functioning of many uses, such
as a spoon, scissors, and brush. Consequently, the lower extremity is undergoing training
to develop manipulative skills.
Physical development: Isaac’s ability to use his fine motor skills to hold cylinder and
later hold pencil to start writing (Petty, 2015).
Development and learning goal:
Language: Isaac’s provided such extended range of materials which expands his
vocabulary such as to use and speak about “spoon, scissors and brush (Petty, 2015).
This activity is presented on the table where Isaac goes and pick the cylinder and place it
on the table. He engaged in active differentiation of these cylindrical knobbed cylinders.
He assembled cylindrical blocks because of their varying heights and dimensions. He
Experience outline:
engaged in the process of cylinder swapping and attempted to arrange the respective
sockets. After a few tries, he successfully arranged all of those cylinders in their
respective slots.
- spoons, pencil, double cylinder blocks

A list of materials required with photo(s):

(Etsy, 2022)
 3.2.3: LOC - Child effectively engages in activities requiring fine-motor and
physical skills
 4.2.1: LOC - Child is able to apply a variety of thinking strategies to solve
problems and adapt to new situations
 4.2: LOC - Children develop a range of skills and processes such as problem
EYLF child evidence links solving, inquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating
 4.2.2: LOC - Child is able to apply their mathematical knowledge to problem
 Principle 1-Secure, respectful and reciprocal relationships
 Principle 5-Equity, inclusion and high expectations
 Practice 1-Holistic, integrated and interconnected approaches (AGDE, 2022)
I will setup the activities on the table and invite Isaac about how he did the trial and error
with single cylinder block. I will further recap the activity we did last week about how he
Introduction counted 1 to 10, which sizes he differentiated. I will further introduce all the resources
and materials Isaac could use for this experience. I will link to language and numerical
development and explain how to double sort the cylinder blocks and count accordingly.
Body Isaac will be encouraged to reflect and think about how he did the single cylinder block
and motivate to try to do the same with double blocks now. This will allow him to take
his time and think about his experiences last week and attempt to sort the double cylinder
in the random order. I will ask him open-ended questions to ensure his able to rationalise
what he is doing and why he is making the decision of placing the cylinder in front and
Implementation plan
Conclusion I will point at random sizes in no order to get him express his thoughts of what they are
called so it links memory to recall the sizes. Hence, dvances his language development.
After this, I will randomly place the cylinder around and ask him to use only three fingers
to hold the nob and place it back. Based on the modelling approach and questioning, I
would like to hear his voice, so I can reflect if he understood the concept of using single
cylinder, and analysis he can hold a pencil eventually or if further training is needed.
Engagement What can you tell me about the single cylinder we did last week?
Why did you choose to start with small cylinder first?
How do we count the empty sockets?
How do we hold the nob of cylinder ?
What is numbers are your favourite from 1 to 10?
Play pedagogies Intentional teaching and relationship with child and educator as I will be engaging with open-ended

questions with Isaac.
Listening: Actively listening to Isaac’s feedback on what he is doing and why he is doing it in this
Teaching strategies
Encouraging: Using encouraging words such as, good job Isaac, you sorted the blocks back to their
correct sockets. Great job for counting the numbers from 1 to 10 of the empty spots.
 3.2.3: LOC - Child effectively engages in activities requiring fine-motor and
physical skills
 4.2.1: LOC - Child is able to apply a variety of thinking strategies to solve
problems and adapt to new situations
 4.2: LOC - Children develop a range of skills and processes such as problem
EYLF links
solving, inquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating
 4.2.2: LOC - Child is able to apply their mathematical knowledge to problem
 Principle 1-Secure, respectful and reciprocal relationships
 Principle 5-Equity, inclusion and high expectations
 Practice 1-Holistic, integrated and interconnected approaches (AGDE, 2022).

- Isaac is an effective communicator as he is able to vocalise his thoughts in words.

- Isaac is able to use his fine motor abilities to hold the nobs that can later allow him to
Child development hold pencil.
- Isaac is having sound memory as he is able to remember from last week how to randomly
place the blocks and put them back in the correct sockets.

Documentation and/or digital evidence of

implementation, acting and doing


How did the children respond? Did they achieve the learning objective? Were there any unexpected outcomes? What was your role? How
did you support and teach the children? Would you do anything differently? Where to next?
How did the children respond? Isaac demonstrated his keen understanding and difference between small or large items. He can count numbers
and rationalise them. He can show signs of indirectly holding of pencil in the manner his holding the nob.
Did they achieve the learning objective? Yes
Were there any unexpected outcomes? No
What was your role? By introducing the indirect pencil holding technique and encouraging him to count from 1 to 10 assist his language, fine
motor abilities, and rationalise his cognitive development. I encourage and challenge him with activities that can later act as muscle memory to
start writing.
How did you support and teach the children? By engaging in one-on-one conversations with the child and paying close attention to their
perspectives and ideas, it is possible to incorporate these concepts into the curriculum. This may be achieved by posing open-ended questions and
offering relevant materials, so enabling Isaac to get writing skills soon.
Would you do anything differently? No
Where to next? Every week, the class will be introduced how to hold spoon, brush to further enhance their fine motor abilities before holding the
pencil to make attempts in writing


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