DailyAI Mastering AI Tools Your Guide To Enhanced Productivity in 2024

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Mastering AI Tools:

Your 2024 Guide to

Enhanced Productivity
Table of

Grammarly 22
Sanebox 23
Brain.fm 6
Magic Eraser 24
Wysa 7
ChatGPT Prompts 25
ChatGPT Prompts 8
What’s Next? 26
What’s Next? 9


Motion 28
Genei 11
Otter.ai 29
Youtube Summary 12
ChatGPT Prompts 30
AskYourPDF 13
What’s Next? 31
ChatGPT Prompts 14


Rocky 33
Duolingo 34
Formula Bot 17
ChatGPT Prompts 35
Cleo 18
What’s Next? 36
ChatGPT Prompts 19



The pace and volume of AI tool Fortunately, there are some really simple,
easy-to-use tools that can make a real differ-
development can be overwhelming.
ence in your daily life. We’ve put together
Maybe you feel like you’re missing a list of quick-win AI tools that you can use
out but have no idea which end of today with minimal fuss, and maximum
impact on your productivity.
the AI pool to dive into. While there
are some really powerful AI tools
Also, if you’ve played around with ChatGPT
out there that we absolutely love,
you know it can do some pretty cool tricks.
the truth is that it takes a bit of work But can you actually use it in practical ways
to get the best out of them. that make a difference in your daily routine?
We’ve got some game-changing prompts
that will turn ChatGPT into your personal
productivity sidekick.

Let’s start by seeing how AI can get your

head in the right space and your body in
better shape.

4 dailyai.com

To be productive you’ve got to be feeling turns out that AI is really good at being a great
good physically and mentally. Need some help listener if you need to unpack and don’t want to
with stress management, meditation, or even pay for a therapist.
nutrition? AI can help with that.

There are some great AI tools that can help get Here are our favorite quick AI hacks for a

your head in the right space for work. And it healthier mind and body.

dailyai.com 5


You know how sometimes you feel super focused and other times
you just don’t seem to be in the right headspace to get work done?

Your brain state shifts throughout the day but fortunately, you can adjust it
with the help of Brain.fm.

Brain.fm uses music overlaid with AI-generated sounds to shift your brain patterns.

Their solution can help you get into one of 3 brain states:

focus relax sleep

If you need to focus and get some deep work done this app really helps. Pop your
headphones on, select Focus, and hit the Play button. The music sounds a little strange at
first but soon enough you find that you become really focused.

Do you struggle to switch off at night and get some decent sleep?

Switch Brain.FM to Relax mode if you feel like doing some meditation or
Sleep mode for 20 minutes or so before going to bed. Brain.FM lets you
control your brain state like a pro.

It costs $6.99/month which is worth every cent when you think about
what you could achieve if you could get focused on demand.

6 dailyai.com


Let’s face it. We have good days and we Maybe you just need to talk some things
have some bad days too. And getting work through or tell someone what an idiot your
done on those bad days is tough. When boss was today. Wysa listens and responds
you’re feeling down, anxious, or unmotivat- in an intelligent way that helps you get
ed it often helps to just talk with someone your thought patterns moving in a positive
that listens without judgment. direction.

Wysa is a conversational AI mental health It’s a free mobile app that works on Android
coach that creates an anonymous, safe and iOS devices.
space for you to talk through the things that
are causing you anxiety or annoying you.

dailyai.com 7


ChatGPT can deliver some great tips for health and wellness if you know the
right questions to ask. Here are some great prompts you can try out today:

01 I have only 20 minutes a day to exercise. Cre- 06 Create a weekly nutritional chart that I can
ate a [low/medium/high]-level workout plan copy and paste into Excel that includes mac-
for my week to help me achieve [goal] with ros, calories, and goal macros to compare.
[equipment] available.

07 I’m looking for a yoga sequence to help with

02 I live in [Country] and have a budget of [x- [relaxation/ flexibility/ balance/ ailment]. I
amount]. I follow a [specific requirement] diet. have [beginner/ intermediate/ advanced]
Provide advice on creating a nutritious weekly experience. What can you suggest?
meal plan that suits my dietary needs and
preferences. Ask me any questions you need
08 Ask me 10 questions that will be helpful to
to determine this.
determine a personalized morning routine that
aligns with my goals and preferences.
03 I need your expertise as a personal trainer. I
will provide you with all the necessary infor-
09 You are a sleep therapy expert. Ask me any
mation you require so that I may [insert goal]
questions you need in order to determine a
through physical training. Your role is to create
personalized evening routine that promotes
a tailored exercise program based on my
relaxation and prepares me for a restful sleep.
current fitness level, goals, and lifestyle habits.
Utilize your knowledge of exercise, science,
nutritional advice, and other relevant factors. 10 My child is [number] years old and I have
What questions do you need to ask me before [number] hours available a [week/day]. What
you tailor the best fitness plan suitable for me? cheap activities can we do to incorporate
healthy exercise for all the family?

04 Create an exercise plan chart for me to copy

and paste into Excel. 11 I follow [religion/ public figure/ activist]. Help
me develop a personalized plan for practicing
gratitude and cultivating a positive mindset
05 Suggest a healthy recipe for dinner with these
following this guidance.
ingredients: [Ingredients].

8 dailyai.com


AI already does some cool stuff in the health and wellness space but expect
it to become even more integrated into your daily healthy lifestyle. Google
is working on some powerful AI health tools that will soon perform your
initial screening and diagnosis before you even see a doctor.

Is this just a mole Can’t find a diet that seems to

on my skin or should work for you?
I get it checked out?
AI combined with biometrics will soon be
able to monitor your vitals and tailor an eating
AI will soon tell you faster and more
plan based on things like your blood sugar,
accurately than your skin specialist.
allergies, and even your DNA.

For now, your human doctor and therapist should still be your first call when you’re not feeling well.
But if you’re just trying to get your head in the game or want to get into better shape then AI tools
can definitely move the needle for you.

dailyai.com 9
If you’re a student or need to do research for a paper then there are
some great AI tools that can save you a lot of time.

If you have to wade through a lot of material to get the main points you’re after then the
summarizing ability of AI is a lifesaver. ChatGPT is also very useful if you’re looking for a
tutor or study guide.

Here are some of our favorite AI tools for distilling really long videos and articles into facts
without the fluff.

10 dailyai.com


TLDR, too long; didn’t read. Just give me the short version. Genei uses AI to
analyze long documents and then paraphrases them so you don’t have to read
it all. This tool is especially useful if you’re an academic doing research for a
paper or need to produce content that requires a lot of background reading.

Simply upload the PDFs or URLs of all the articles If you’re using multiple documents as refer-
you need to reference and Genei extracts and ence material then Genei helps to keep them
summarizes the important information for you. organized and highly searchable.

The editor makes it really easy to pull content, If you need to research and write up a paper
images, or graphs collected from the source for your next assignment then Genei will make
articles and insert them into the content you’re it happen a lot faster. If you don’t need the AI
producing. You can also choose to have the AI research assistant function but just want the
expand, rephrase, or summarise a section that short version of long text then check out ‘TLDR
you highlight. This’ which is a great free AI summarizer.

Source: Genei

dailyai.com 11

Youtube Summary with

ChatGPT & Claude

Some Youtube videos or news articles

are far too long for the limited time you
have available. You just want to know if
the video delivers the information you’re
after or not, or what the main points of
the news article are.

Youtube Summary, created by Glasp,

solves that problem with the clever help
of OpenAI & Anthropic. On Youtube,
it grabs the transcript of the video and
uses a preset prompt to get ChatGPT to
summarize the video for you.

On web pages, you’ll see an icon in the

bottom right corner. When you click that
Source: Youtube Summary
it grabs the URL, opens a window, and
prompts it to summarize the article.

There are ways you could do all of this

with copying and pasting into your fa-
vourite AI chatbot yourself but this plugin
makes it so much quicker. You can also
change the summarizing prompt in the
settings if you want something a little
different to the bullet point summary.

12 dailyai.com


Sharing documents in PDF format is very convenient but finding the info you
want inside a large document can be tedious. AskYourPDF is an AI tool that
allows you to ask a question and have the answer extracted from the PDF
document without you having to find it.

For example, what if you wanted to know how to That’s a fairly simple example but imagine
delete a photo from a camera that you haven’t used the time this could save you if you’re trying
for a while but didn’t feel like wading through the PDF to wade through long research papers to
user manual? find a key point. With this AI powered tool
you’ll never need to read a PDF again. Simply
upload it and ask for the specific information
Simply upload the PDF and type your question: “How
you’re after. AskYourPDF can even extract data
do I delete a photo from the camera?” It instantly
from tables in the document.
delivers the answer in an easy-to-understand way.

Source: AskYourPDF

dailyai.com 13


ChatGPT does a great job at helping students or academics to fast-track their

research. If you’re trying to learn a new skill or are looking for a study buddy
then ChatGPT is perfect. Here are some of our favorite prompts to do that.

01 Create a [number] question quiz designed for 07 Refine the most important lessons from
[subject] at an [education-grade] level. Don’t [Book Title] into a comprehensive, but digesti-
give me the answers until after I answer them. ble summary.

02 Can you give me an example of how to solve 08 Explain [complex topic] like I’m 5 years old.
“[Problem statement]”? Show the theories and
steps used to do so.
09 As an expert in [topic], your role is to share
your expertise and guide me as your student.
03 Suggest 5 apps I can dowload as a student to Through a series of sessions, your objective
help me further my learning in [subject] and is to help me become proficient in [topic].
boost my productivity. This will involve conducting tests that replicate
real-world situations, ensuring I gain practical
skills and knowledge.
04 Come up with 10 ways to improve memory
and recall while studying for exams.

05 Please proofread and correct spelling and

grammatical errors in the pasted text, with the
aim to increase clarity whilst keeping a [style]
tone: “[Paste your writing]”.

06 Help me create a prioritized to-do list for the

day based on the following tasks: [List your

14 dailyai.com


There are some interesting AI developments in the works in the EdTech space.
Soon students will be able to take their exams remotely with AI performing the
proctoring to make sure it’s really you taking the exam.

We’re also looking forward to AI being used in more immersive learning experiences as VR and AR
headsets become more affordable.

If you want to learn a new skill or feel overwhelmed by your coursework then use one of the tools above.
ChatGPT and the prompts we shared will make your learning and researching experience so much easier.

dailyai.com 15
Are you better with ideas than you are with numbers?
AI has got you covered. If you need to wrestle with a spreadsheet or
need to manage your money better then there’s a tool for that. We’ll
share two of our favorites as well as some cool ChatGPT prompts that
work magic with budgets and spreadsheets.

16 dailyai.com

Formula Bot

If you do any kind of work in an office then at some point you probably use Excel or Google Sheets to crunch numbers
and track data. You can do some cool things with spreadsheet formulas but they can be tough to write. Formula Bot uses
AI to understand a natural language request and convert it to a formula that you can drop directly into your spreadsheet.
For example, you could enter “I want the sum of the cells in column A every time column B equals the word “market-
ing”” and the tool spits out: =SUMIF(B:B,”marketing”,A:A)

Source: Formula Bot

Have you ever been working on someone else’s spreadsheet and thought “What on earth does this formula do?” Sim-
ply enter the formula into Formula Bot and ask the tool to explain it to you. You can even ask it to analyze your spreadsheet
data. Upload your sales spreadsheet and ask “Show me profit by state” and Formulat Bot will generate a data table and
charts to answer your request. Even if you only need to write one formula or create a spreadsheet or chart every few days,
this free tool will save you at least an hour or two per week.

Source: Formula Bot

dailyai.com 17


Cleo uses AI to monitor your spending and help you budget and save money. You start
by linking the app to your bank accounts and credit cards. Cleo looks at your spending
over the previous 3 months and works out an initial budget for you.

It helps you get a handle on where you you budget better it’s busy building
spend the most money. You can ask it your credit score. And if you need a few
things like “Can I afford a pizza” or bucks to tide you over Cleo offers you
“Where can I cut back this month?”. short-term loans of up to $100.
The “hide money from yourself” feature
figures out how much you can afford to
save each week and sets it aside for you. We love how Cleo quickly
learns what your spending
Cleo acts like a sassy accountability habits are and then helps you
buddy. She’ll give you recommendation identify areas where you can
when you meet your saving goals but will
cut costs.
roast you when you’ve spent money you
shouldn’t have again. While it helps

Cleo costs $5.99 a month but will

save you a lot more than that. Let’s
face it, you were going to spend
that much on a coffee today anyway.

18 dailyai.com


Although you shouldn’t put all your coins into one basket when taking financial
advice, there’s certainly some helpful questions you can ask to help review and
determine your budgeting goals:

01 I’m looking for strategies to reduce my debt 06 You are a personal finance consultant. I live
and improve my credit score over the short in [City/ Country] and my take-home pay is
and long term. Ask me any questions you need [amount] a year. I pay [amount] toward utilities,
in order to determine the best plan to work for [amount] toward debt, [amount] on rent and
me. I’d like to save [amount]. Ask me the questions
you can whilst keeping in mind my lifestyle,
goals, and priorities in order to tailor the best
02 Create an Excel spreadsheet template to
plan for me.
budget my holiday from in [Country].

07 Describe the best investment strategies for

03 I need to set up a budget that will help me
someone in their [age bracket]s with a [small/
reach my financial goals to [explain goal] with-
mid/high] risk tolerance.
in [time frame]. What do I need to consider?

08 Identify any discrepancies or errors in this

04 Create a monthly Excel spreadsheet to budget
balance sheet: [paste balance sheet].
my personal finance expenditure as somebody
who lives in [City/ Country].
09 Give me 10 [funny/ creative/ tech-related]
ideas for a birthday present for my [friend/
05 Generate a template for a monthly financial
colleague/ partner/ family-member] amounting
report for a small to mid -sized [sector] busi-
to no more than [amount].

dailyai.com 19


Ever wondered how AI will revolutionise the financial world in the near future?
Get ready for a wave of game-changing benefits. Imagine AI as your ultimate
financial ally, poised to help you spot opportunities to save money, swiftly detect
tax discrepancies, and provide incredibly accurate predictions for your business.

AI will delve into your spending, suggesting saving with a clear cut insight that hasn’t been seen before.
For taxes, inconsistencies will be easily flagged, saving headache & preventing errors. AI is already
predicting market trends much more accurately, guiding savvy decisions based on data insights. In
business, these predictions could provide a clear edge, keeping you ahead.

Imagine being equipped with the power to make choices that are not only incredibly intelligent
but also grounded in a profound understanding of the financial world. It’s like having a crystal-
clear roadmap that guides you through the intricacies of finance and economics. With AI by
your side, the future looks exceptionally bright, financially speaking.

20 dailyai.com
Communicating with your colleagues and clients
probably takes up a big part of your day.
AI hasn’t found a way to get rid of email, presentations, or having to write that weekly
report your boss insists on yet but it can make it a lot easier.

Here are some cool AI tools and ChatGPT prompts to hack your office communication.

dailyai.com 21


Grammarly is a free tool that uses AI to monitor your spelling and

grammar in real time. As you type it autocorrects commonly misspelled
words and underlines in red others you spelled incorrectly. Hover over
the misspelled word and it allows you to select the correct spelling.


Grammarly also suggests alternative words you could use

in your sentence to improve readability. It’s great at punc-
tuation too. Not sure if there should be a comma in your
sentence? Grammarly knows and will tell you exactly where
Start using Grammarly today
to add or remove a comma or other punctuation.
and never send out another
email with poor spelling or
It works on multiple devices and operating systems as well
as an extension in different internet browsers like Chrome. grammar.

22 dailyai.com


Do you have to brace yourself before opening your email inbox?

Sorting through piles of emails to see what’s important and what isn’t takes forever.
SaneBox uses AI to organize and highlight the emails that matter to you.

Normally your inbox is sorted with the latest email

at the top, regardless of whether it’s spam or impor-
tant to you. SaneBox uses AI to track and analyze
how you interact with different emails and learns
which ones are important to you. SaneBox claims that it can save
you 4 hours per week by using
It then arranges your emails by importance with the artificial intelligence to bring
ones that matter most at the top of your inbox. It
sanity to your inbox. They offer a
puts the less important emails in a separate folder
for you to review when you’re not so busy attending 14-day trial and their basic plan
to the emails that matter. starts at $7/month.

Source: SaneBox

dailyai.com 23

Magic Eraser

Sometimes the picture you want to use in a social media post or work
presentation is perfect, except for that one little thing you wish wasn’t in
the picture. Removing an object from a picture used to involve hiring a
Photoshop expert and took a fair amount of time to make it look good.

Magic Eraser uses AI to remove unwanted objects from product from the image you want to include in a sales
images and regenerates the image so that it looks like presentation? It’s gone in seconds.
you haven’t fiddled with it at all.

It’s a free tool and super easy to use. Upload an image,

Don’t want to see that guy in the background ruining mark the bit you want removed, and then click Erase.
your vacation pic? No problem. Want to remove a Done.

Source: Magic Eraser

24 dailyai.com


01 Write a [number] word email to [prospect’s 08 Write an email to update [person or team] on
name], my manager when I worked as a [job the status of [project]. Include the completed
role] at [company] to ask for a referral. tasks: “[list]”, work in progress: “[list]”, and
assistance required: “[list]”.

02 Generate a list of [number] common miscon-

ceptions about [product/service] and the facts 09 Rewrite the following email in a more persua-
to dispel them. sive tone: “[paste email]”.

03 I need to write an email to a client regarding 10 Write a persuasive email to my team to encour-
a change in the project timeline. Can you give age their support for [project].
an example of how to phrase it? Include some
top tips for me to remember when writing
after this.

04 Offer a detailed review of a [specific software

or tool] for [business type].

05 Provide a [skill/job role] tip I can share with

my followers on Linkedin.

06 I’m a [job role]. I’m struggling with [areas

where productivity needs to improve]. How
can I [specific goal you’d like to achieve]?

07 I’m the [job role] at [company name]. We

specialize in [product or service]. Write a per-
suasive follow-up email to [name] at [company]
who expressed interest in our offering. Include
the following benefits we offer: [list benefits].
Keep the email shorter than 150 words.

dailyai.com 25


Written communication tools like email and Slack are still very linear and poorly
integrated with the rest of your office communications. Expect AI to soon be able
to pull data from all your internal and customer interactions to automate project
updates, follow-up emails, and reports.

Your internal messaging to your colleagues or staff will likely soon start with you verbalizing your request
and then have AI deliver a personalized message to the recipient in a way that is most likely to get the
desired action from that person.

The best creative and strategic ideas will still need to come from inside your head. Using the tools above
can help you communicate those ideas faster and more effectively.

26 dailyai.com
Does your to-do list consist of a list scribbled on a piece of paper or an
unformatted Excel sheet that keeps getting longer? Are there two different
meetings you need to be in at the same time? If you feel like there’s not
enough time in the day then these AI tools can bring you a little sanity.

ChatGPT can also help you smooth out your schedule and organize your day if you ask it one of the
powerful time management prompts on page !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

dailyai.com 27


Motion is an AI-powered scheduling tool that helps you automate and

schedule your daily planner. If you currently work with a to-do list that you
scribble on paper or try to manage on a spreadsheet or calendar app then
you’re leaving time on the table.

Motion claims its task scheduling tool can save you a your calendar and blocks out your busy times so your
whole month over a period of a year. Imagine what you team members know when you’re available or not.
could do with that extra time. Once you’ve created your
tasks and set deadlines it will automate your schedule
The drag-and-drop interface makes it super easy to use
and prioritize tasks.
so if you decide to try the tool out there’s very little time
investment required. Once you get it set up you never
Work that isn’t completed is automatically rescheduled need to wonder what task you should do next. Simply
so nothing slips through the cracks. It integrates with follow your automated daily planner.

Source: Motion

28 dailyai.com


If you work for a company or have clients of your own then chances are you have
to spend some time in meetings. Otter is an AI meeting assistant that automatically
transcribes your meeting so you don’t have to take notes.

Source: Otter.ai

It works for in-person meetings and can also If you’re interviewing someone or attending a
join your online meetings on Zoom or Teams. lecture Otter allows you to stay in the moment
It records, transcribes, captures slides, and and pay attention without worrying about taking
generates summaries in realtime. notes. Even if you miss the meeting you can ask
Otter for the complete notes or a summary of
the main points.
What did Sven say was the quarter we need
to focus on? Ask Otter and it’ll tell you. It
doesn’t just record and transcribe, it under- The free version allows for conversations of up
stands the context and the meaning of the to 30 minutes. You can even set it up so that it
words too. automatically joins meetings that you have set up
in your calendar.

dailyai.com 29


01 Create an Excel spreadsheet for a social media 05 Create a simple daily task list for our
calendar that is best utilized for [Social Media [department] team.

06 Our work meetings are too long. How can we

02 Act as an HR manager. We intend to hire a make them shorter and more effective?
new person for the [position]. Give me some
good questions to ask during the interview.
07 Act as a time management coach and set up a
daily planner for the next four weeks to reach
03 Here is my list of tasks today: “[tasks for the following goals: [list goals]. Display the
the day]”. Please schedule my day whilst planner in an easy-to-read layout.
incorporating a similar structure that [infl
uential fi gure] would use. Please prioritize
08 Ask me questions about my goals to refine my
effectively and also provide a morning and
planner into SMART objectives.
evening routine.

04 Write an agenda for the

executive team meeting.

30 dailyai.com


As AI becomes more integrated with each of our devices we’ll go beyond using
different apps for each part of our working and private life. Soon we’ll have an AI
personal assistant that knows everything about us and helps us prioritize and plan
everything from our next meeting, shopping list, or doctor’s appointment.

Simply asking your colleague in a meeting to remember to do something will automatically prompt their
AI assistant to make an entry into their calendar. A conversation you had at the water cooler will be
transcribed and accessible to you later without you having to do anything.

Creepy? Maybe, but very useful. For now, using Motion and Otter are some of the easiest wins when it
comes to being more organized and productive at work.

dailyai.com 31
AI keeps getting better and smarter and so should you. With AI automating a lot
of your mundane tasks you now have more time to take on bigger challenges and
work on personal growth. Thinking of starting a new career or getting a better job
in your field? There are some great AI tools to help you do just that.

Personal growth involves learning new skills that would normally require signing up for a course or hiring a
tutor. With the right prompts, you can turn ChatGPT into your personal coach or even a career advisor. We’ve
got some great prompts for you to do that too.

32 dailyai.com


Rocky is an AI-powered personal development and leadership skills

coaching app. It uses an AI chatbot to give you 5-minute coaching
each day to help you move towards achieving your growth goals.

The conversational chat helps you to explore

your goals, challenges, and true potential.
Rocky follows up on your chats and holds
you accountable for goals, actions, and
positive habits.

The coaching that the app provides is less

about helping you learn new skills and
more about getting your self-awareness and
thinking aligned so that you can achieve
your goals. It’s a lot like journaling but with a
coach guiding you to ask the right questions
about yourself.

Self-growth is a very personal thing and

knowing that it’s an AI asking you personal
questions removes the judment and priva-
cy concerns. If you want to become more
self-aware, build confidence, and develop
positive habits then let Rocky coach you.

Source: RockyAI

Start out with their trial and then sign up for the $9.99 individual
package if you’re convinced that it’s adding value for you. If you’ve
seen what a life coach charges then you know that this is a great deal.

dailyai.com 33


Learning a new language is a great way to widen your job prospects, exercise
your brain, and become a way more interesting person all at once. Duolingo
uses AI to teach you a new language by using machine-learning algorithms to
personalize your learning experience to your pace and abilities.

The app generates interactive lessons and quizzes and gives you real-time feedback on areas you
should focus on to improve. It adapts the focus of the lessons and testing to focus on the areas you
need help with and challenges you more on the areas you’re doing well in.

Source: Duolingo

The daily practice reminders and progress It’s a free app and you can choose to do as
tracking are great for consistent learning. There little as 5 minutes per day. Even if that’s all you
are a lot of language options on the app, even do, you’ll be learning a new skill and giving
including Klingon. Although the job prospects your brain a workout. The AI driven process
for Klingon speakers are understandably more makes your progress a lot faster than attending
limited than for Spanish or Mandarin. in-person classes.

34 dailyai.com


01 Share a step-by-step systematic approach for 06 I’m considering a career change to [role]
solving [specific problem or challenge]. and have [x] hours available per week to
dedicate to this. Ask me questions about my
abilities, lifestyle, and options to determine a
02 Here’s the situation I’m currently facing: [Insert
customized plan to help me on my journey.
Situation]. Based on these circumstances, what
would [figure of inspiration] recommend me
to do? 07 Recommend Ted Talks and books that are high
rated and related to [subject].

03 Help me create goals for [career or personal

objective] using the SMART framework. 08 Provide insights on how to transition from a
[current role] to a [new role] position.

04 Using the GROW (Goal, Reality, Options, Will)

coaching model, help me create a personal
development plan to achieve my goals.

05 As an expert in [topic], your role is to share

your expertise and guide me as your student.
Through a series of sessions, your objective is
to help me become proficient in [topic]. This
will involve conducting tests that replicate real-
world situations, ensuring I gain practical skills
and knowledge.

dailyai.com 35


It’s unlikely that we’ll be downloading new skills directly into our brains any time
soon but AI will continue to shorten the learning process for a diverse range of
skills. As AI tools get a better insight into the psychology of human thinking they
will get better at prompting us to think and act in a way that aligns with the
potential we have to be better versions of ourselves.

The key to growth and personal development is to focus on fewer goals and aim
for consistency. Choose one of the tools we recommended above and aim to use
it for a few minutes every day. Success is inevitable!

36 dailyai.com
ChatGPT is a powerful tool but it takes well-crafted prompts to unlock.
Here are a few tips to create great prompts of your own.

Assign a role

Tell ChatGPT what role you want it to Examples:

Act as a personal finance adviser.
take on. The response you get will take
You are my language tutor.
that context into account. As a specialist in nutrition…

Define the length

If you want a shorter or more Examples:

Briefly explain how…
in-depth answer then ask for it.
Give me an in-depth explanation of…
In less than 200 words explain why…
In 5 bullet points describe what…

Define the complexity

ChatGPT doesn’t know your Examples:

I’m an expert in [subject]. Explain [topic] to me.
proficiency in the subject
Explain [topic] as if you’re speaking to a 5-year-old
you’re asking about so you’ll I have no experience in [subject]. Explain how to….
need to tell it. Give a simple explanation for…

dailyai.com 37

Give context

Prepare ChatGPT for what you want by Examples:

I want to ask you questions about this text. Here
giving it some background or context
it is: “[paste text]”.
before asking your question. Tell it Imagine you’re living in the 1920s in New York
about the project you’re working on or City. What would you see walking downtown
give it time or locations as context.
I’m writing a paper on how AI will affect differ-
ent job roles. Explain….

Refine the output

ChatGPT doesn’t always give you ex- Examples:

Please simplify the explanation.
actly what you want. Ask it to refine
Explain it again but include [aspect].
the response or ask more questions I don’t understand.
about it. Make it shorter.
Expand on that.

Treat ChatGPT like a Genie

Pretend ChatGPT is a Genie that Examples:

I wish I knew how to plan my day better.
grants wishes. That way you’ll
I wish I could lose 10lbs in a month.
speak more naturally and not have I wish there was another movie like
to overthink your prompts. [favorite movie].

38 dailyai.com

Ask ChatGPT to ask you questions

Instead of overthinking the Examples:

I need a 6-month planner for my work and per-
questions let ChatGPT do that for
sonal life schedule. Ask me for the detail you
you. Define the task broadly and need to refine the plan.
invite ChatGPT to ask for the detail I’m looking for an enjoyable fiction book to
read. Ask me questions so you can suggest
it needs.
3 good options.
I’m going to interview an expert on [field].
What questions should I ask him about the
future of [topic]?

dailyai.com 39

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