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GRAPHIC ERA (Deemed to be University)

Department of Management Studies

Summer Internship Project (SIP) Manual

Masters of Business Administration

Internship/ Field Project Guidelines

1. At the end of second semester examination, every student of MBA undergoes 06 to 08
weeks industrial Internship/Field Project.
2. During the internship, the student is expected to learn about the organization, its
structure and functioning, the functional area or domain where attached, and analyze
and suggest improvements and solutions of a live problem.
3. The objective is to equip the student with the knowledge of actual organizations,
systems and processes, their functioning, competitive positioning, and problems faced
by them for exploring feasible solutions and suggestions, and to facilitate students
with the practical understanding of the functional domain.
4. During the course of training, the organization (where the student is undergoing
training) will assign a task/problem/project to the student.
5. Student on joining the company, will send Internship joining report to faculty
mentor and Internship Coordinator, as per Annexure - X

6. The student, after the completion of internship will submit the Internship Report (hard
bound and soft copy as per colour scheme) along with fortnightly progress report (to
be attached in report as Annexure-XI), and an evaluation sheet duly signed and
stamped by the industry to the Institute immediately after the completion of the
training. Apart from this the student will also submit internship feedback form given
by company mentor (See Annexure -XIV) to assigned mentors/ supervisor.

The Internship is an integral part of the MBA Programme and aims at achieving the following
a) Practical Application of knowledge and techniques learnt.
b) Gain exposure and insight about working in the organization.
c) Gain deeper understanding in specific functional management areas.
d) Develop and maintain good networking with the key management personnel of
e) Explore career opportunities in their areas of interest.
General Guidelines
1. The following guidelines are merely indicative, not exhaustive and deviation can be
made on recommendation of project guide. The suggested colorization is indicative,
student may deviate from existing chapterisation, as suggested by faculty mentor. The
decision of project guide will be final and binding on the student.

2. Student must adhere to formatting guidelines as mentioned, any deviation from

mentioned guidelines may lead to rejection of Internship Project.

3. Conference/ Research Paper: It is recommended to prepare & submit a Conference/

Research Paper based on the Research work/Task that a student undergoes during
Internship/Field Project. The Plagiarism should not be more than 10%.
Since Research Paper Publication is not mandatory but desirable, a Conference/
Research Paper acceptance/publication will fetch higher marks in the Project/
Internship Report and General Proficiency.
Please refer Annexure – A (attached), for guidelines on writing a Research Paper.


Department of Management Studies, Graphic Era (Deemed to be University) is committed to

produce “Industry ready Professionals”, and to achieve this industrial internship plays a crucial

Internship/ Field Project is a 06-credit course and it is evaluated based on successful

completion of the student’s internship and submission of the required documents.


Summer internship carries 06 credits, and carries 100 marks, divided into three parameters
1. Project Report : 25 marks
2. Report Presentation : 25 marks
3. Viva-voce : 50 marks

1. Project Report Marks:

The Project Report Marks will be evaluated by the internal mentor who shall grant the
marks based on his/her feedback on the work done.
Marks will be allotted on the basis of
• High commitment to learning showcased by the intern
• Quality of Report
• Interaction/Contact with mentor
• Commitment towards work
• Ability to Learn
• Interpersonal & Team Working Skills
• Work Quality & Productivity
• Professional & Career Development Skills
• Listening and Oral Communication Skills
2. Presentation – 25 marks (Annexure – XIII)
Student has to give a presentation to the mentor/panel; they will be judged on
following criteria
• Field/Industry Knowledge
• Major Learning take aways along with justification on the most challenging part of
• Communication ability
• Handling Question Answers session
• Professional Conduct and General Behaviour
3. Viva Voce – 50 marks
Student will be evaluated by external examiner on basis of his/her report and viva voce.
Internship/ Field Project Structure
The report prepared by the student will be known as Internship/ Field Project. The report should
be ordinarily based on primary data. It should reflect in depth study of research issue pertaining
to any management domain. It should be supported by relevant tables, figures and
references/bibliography. The report will have two certificates. in case of on job report, the report
will have two certificates. One by internal project guide/supervisor from the department, and
one by the reporting officer of the organization where the student is doing job
1. Arrangement of Contents:
a) Cover Page (Annexure - I, Inner cover page should be as main cover page)
b) Title Page (Same as cover Page)
c) Declaration (Annexure - II)
d) Certificate by Internal and External Guide (Annexure - III A & III B)
e) Acknowledgement from students (Annexure - IV)
f) List of Symbols
g) List of abbreviations
h) List of Tables (Annexure - V)
i) List of figures (Annexure - VI)
j) Executive Summary: A summary of the project, of maximum 2 A-4 size pages are
required This should briefly state the main aims and conclusions of the project.
k) Table of contents (Annexure - VII)
l) Chapter: Introduction (Annexure - VIII)
m) Format of Bibliography (Annexure - IX)
2. Description of the work (to be divided into following chapters)

Chapter – I Introduction
Chapter- II Review of Literature
Chapter - III Industry & Organization profile
Research based:
Chapter - IV Research Design & Methodology
Chapter - V Data Analysis and Interpretations
Chapter - VI Conclusions, Suggestions, and Recommendations
Job/Experience based:
Chapter - IV Domain, Job design and responsibilities handled
Chapter - V Observations and problems areas, strategies & solutions
Chapter - VI Outcomes and Key learnings

Chapter 1 Introduction: This chapter includes the project title, study area/problem,
need for study/significance of the project, objectives, research questions, hypotheses (if
any), operational definitions, structure of the study with sound
Chapter 2 Literature Review: This chapter should reflect the student’s understanding
of the relevant theoretical and empirical background of the problem. For this, it is
expected that a thorough /systematic review of past researches/publications in the area
are made. Publication and indexing databases such as SCOPUS, WoS, Ebscohost,
Google Scholar etc should be helpful in this. Focus should be more on the logical
presentation of the empirical evolution of conceptual and methodological issues
pertaining to research problem. Also highlight the methodological clues drawn through
this review for your project. This exercise helps to identify research gaps that can be
addressed through the project research work.

Chapter 3 Industry & Organizational Profile: Basic overview of Industry, Major

players, Company Overview, History, Mission, visions etc., Company hierarchy chart,
Overview and functions of different departments, Product profile etc.

Chapter 4 Project Design & Methodology: Research Design, Sampling Technique –

Sampling Unit, Sample Size and Sampling method, Data collection Method, Statistical
tools and techniques of analysis, Limitations of Study.

Chapter 5 Data Analysis and Interpretations: Present your data analysis and
inferences. This section will vary considerably in both length and content depending on
the nature of the topic. It may include models or systems constructed by the student as
a result of the investigation. Significant features of the findings must be clearly
indicated. Raw data, if appropriate, should be presented in Annexure.

Chapter 6 Conclusions, Suggestions & Recommendation: Gives an overview of the

project, conclusions, implications and recommendations. Also specify the limitations
of your study. You may indicate the scope for further research.

Note: Each chapter should start at a fresh page with a heading of a chapter.

3. Report dimension & Binding specifications:

The dimension of the Internship/ Field Project should be in A4 size and report should
be Hard Bound as per colour scheme. Reddish Brown for Marketing, Black for Finance,
and Blue for Human Resource. The Front page should be as like given format.

4. Paper & Typing dimension:

A4 size white papers which do not deteriorate rapidly are to be used. The paper must
be with informally even edges. The report should be typed on both side of the paper
only. Photocopies should be on copy bond available at most reproduction centers. In
case of mathematical expressions equation editor is to be used. Report should be
Computerized (Microsoft Word) [Two copies: - One original and one photostat and
Softcopy]. Soft Copy must have title of project, name of the student, Roll number and
Font Size:
• All Chapter headings are to be centered in the Font Times New Roman 14 size
• All headings of section shall be in Times New Roman 12 Bold
• All sub-section headings shall be in Times New Roman, size, 12, Bold, Italic.
• All minor sub-section headings shall be in Times New Roman, size, 12,
• It is advised that the sections and sub- sections are to be limited to 3rd level
i. Zero Level - Chapter Headings
ii. First Level - Main sections in each chapter: to be numbered as 1.1, 1.2,
2.1, 3.1 etc.
iii. Second level - Sub- sections in each section: to be numbered as 1.1.1,
1.2.2, 2.1.3, 3.2.1 etc.
iv. Third level - Minor sub-sections ie., sections in sub-sections.: to be
numbered as,,, etc. - to be avoided to the
extent possible.
• All the references/ Bibliography are to be listed at the end, arranged in the
chronological order and are to be numbered 1, 2, 3… etc.
• Margin: left, Margin 3 cm, Right margin 2 cm. Top margin 2.5 cm and Bottom
margin 3.0 cm to be maintained

5. Pagination
Each page must have a page number, numbers should be centered at the bottom of the
page. All pages must be numbered consecutively as follows:
• Lower-case Roman numerals (i.e., i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, etc.) are used for preliminary
pages. The numerals appear at the right bottom of the page, approximately ½”
above the bottom.
• Arabic numerals (i.e., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc.) are used for the body of the
thesis/project. The numerals appear in the right bottom corner of the page,
approximately ½” up from the bottom and ½” in from the right margin.
• Appendices and the bibliography or reference list should be numbered
consecutively with the rest of the report.

6. Caption of figure & tables

Caption of figure and table should be provided at the bottom of the table and diagram.
Captions should be italicized and should be at the center. Figure and table numbers
should be in tune with the chapter numbers (e.g., the first figure of the chapter I should
be numbered as Fig.1.1, first figure of chapter II should be numbered as Fig. 2.1 and so
7. Style
a) Clear, simple language should be used.
b) When an ordinary word is used in a technical or special sense, explain its meaning
c) A general rule for numbers in the body of the text is that, up to ten, they are
expressed in words (one, six) and above ten in figures (124, 1,762). However, ‘one
hundred’, ‘five thousand’, ‘ten million’ etc. are expressed in words.
d) Use paragraphs as an aid to developing an argument. As a rule, paragraphs are often
about one third to half a page in length. Within each paragraph it should be clear to
the reader where the literature searches end and your own original work begins.
e) The project should normally be written in the past tense using the third person
singular (e.g., “a questionnaire was sent to all, equal authority leisure departments”

rather than “I sent questionnaires to……”)

8. Guard Sheets
A blank white page (Preferably thick) must be placed at the beginning and end of the
Annexure – I

Title Page

Summer Internship / Field Project Report


“Title of the Project”

(Times New Roman, Bold, Font size 16 & 1.5 Line spacing)

Submitted for partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of degree

Master of Business Administration
(Font Size 16)


GRAPHIC ERA (Deemed to be University)


Session 2022-24 (Font Size ‘16’)

Supervision by Submitted by
Name of the Guide Name of the student
Designation Roll No……………
Enrollment No……


Annexure – II

<Font Size 16>

I hereby declare that the Internship/ Field Project entitled “ ..................................” submitted

for the Degree of Master of Business Administration, is my original work and the Internship/

Field Project has not formed the basis for the award of any degree, diploma, associateship,

fellowship or similar other titles. It has not been submitted to any other University or Institution

for the award of any degree or diploma.

(<Font Size 12>

(Signature of Student)

Name of the Student

Annexure – III A


I have the pleasure in certifying that Mr./Ms. is a student of Graphic Era

(Deemed to be University) of the Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA). His/her
University Roll No is. ………..……. .

He/ She has completed his/her Internship/ Field Project titled as “ ” under my

I certify that this is his original effort & has not been copied from any other source. This project
has also not been submitted in any other university for the purpose of award of any Degree.

This project fulfils the requirement of the curriculum prescribed by Graphic Era (Deemed to
be University), Dehradun, for the said course.

I recommend this Internship/ Field Project for evaluation & consideration for the award of
Degree to the student.

Signature: Name of the Guide:

Signature: Name of the Area Chair/ HOD:

Note: This certificate is to be signed by respective mentor and area chair, in case mentor is the
area chair, it will be signed HOD, Management.
Annexure – III B


I have the pleasure in certifying that Mr./ Ms. is a student

Graphic Era (Deemed to be University) of the Master’s Degree in Business Administration
(MBA). His/ Her University Roll No is. ………..……. .

He/ She has completed his/her Internship/ Field Project Title as “ ” under my
guidance while working with (organization name).

I certify that this is his original effort & has not been copied from any other source. This project
has also not been submitted in any other university for the purpose of award of any Degree.

This project fulfils the requirement of the curriculum prescribed by Graphic Era (Deemed to
be University), Dehradun, for the said course.

I recommend this Industry Internship/ Field Project for evaluation & consideration for the
award of Degree to the student.

Signature : Signature:

Name of the Guide : Name of the Area Chair or HOD

Annexure –IV


I express my sincere thanks to my project guide, Mr./Dr./Ms./Mrs.

Designation , Department for guiding me right
form the inception till the successful completion of the project.

I also record my indebtedness to my supervisor, Prof. /Dr. /Mr. /Ms.

, for his / her counsel and guidance during the preparation of
this Internship/ Field Project. I am grateful to (Director, Head or any other faculty)

I wish to record my sincere thanks to (your family members or friends etc.)......................... for
their help and cooperation throughout our project. My thanks are due to (those who have helped
in collecting data or analysis or typesetting etc.).,

(Signature of Student)
Name of the Student
Annexure –V


Table No. Title of the Table Page No.


Note: The first number indicates the chapter number; the second number following the dot
indicates the number of the table in that chapter.
Annexure –VI


Table No. Title of the Table Page No.


Note: The first number indicates the chapter number, the second number following the dot
indicates the number of the figure in that chapter.
Annexure –VII

Table of Contents

Title Page No.

Declaration by Student i
Declaration Certificate by Organization/Company ii
Certificate by Guide iii
Acknowledgement from students iv
List of Symbols
List of abbreviations
List of Tables List of figures
Executive Summary
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction to Problem 1
1.2 Need for Problem 3

and so on

Bibliography ix
Annexure x
Annexure –VIII

Chapter – I


Use the following convention for listing references to published papers/ articles: List all
references used in the test in alphabetical order by the author’s surnames according to the
convention detailed as follows:
• Surname and initials of author(s), year of publication, title of article, name of journal-
accepted abbreviations may be used, Volume number (issue number if possible): pages.

• Basic Format for Book

• Last name, First Initial. (Year). Book title: Subtitle. (Edition) [if other than the
1st]. Place: Publisher.
• Miller, T. E., Bender, B. E., & Schuh, J. H. (2005). Promoting reasonable
expectations: Aligning student and institutional views of the college experience.
San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
• Journal Article
• Knotts, H. G. & Haspel, M. (2006). The impact of gentrification on voter
turnout. Social Science Quarterly 87(1), 110-121.
• Newspaper Article (use pp. for page numbers of newspaper articles)
• Chavez, L. (2006, March 30). American dreams, foreign flags. The New York
Times, pp. A25.
• Newspaper Article, Anonymous Author
• Religious leaders protest House immigration bill. (2006, April 11). The Keene
Sentinel, pp. 2.
• Basic Format for an Online Database Article Abstract
• Author’s Last Name, First Initial. (Year, Month Day). Article title. Magazine
/Journal/Newspaper Title, Volume number (Issue number), Page numbers.
Abstract retrieved from URL of database homepage
• Haddad, A. D. M., Umoh, G., Bhatia, V. & Robertson, M. M. (2009). Adults
with Tourette's syndrome with and without attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 10(4), 299-308. Abstract retrieved
Annexure -X

Department of Management Studies

Industrial Internship Joining Report
(To be submitted within one week of Joining to Internship/ Field
Project Coordinator)

Name of the Student:

Major Specialization:

Working Phone No.:

Date of Joining:

Company’s Name:

Company’s Mentor Name:

Company’s Mentor E mail

Company’s Mentor Phone No

Faculty Mentor
Annexure -XI

Department of Management Studies

Graphic Era (Deemed to be University), Dehradun
Industrial Internship Progress Report
Fortnightly Progress Report


Students need to use this format for submitting fortnightly report, and must be mailed it to the
mentor, and Internship/ Field Project faculty coordinator/mentor within the stipulated time.

Student need to attached completed fortnightly progress report signed by respective

mentors at company, and department and attached as Annexure in final report.

This is an academic report, and thus must be filled in professional manner, without any errors.

Name of the Student Roll No. Name of Faculty Mentor

------------------------------ -------------------------- -----------------------------------------

Company Name Name of Company Mentor Location

-------------------------------- ------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------

Topic of the Project

Responsibilities for this report period

What experiences were particularly

rewarding during this report period?

What experiences were particularly

disappointing or frustrating?

Describe other professional growth

opportunities (e.g., conferences,
field trips, directed readings,
meetings, research...) that you were
able to capitalize on last two weeks
and/or hope to have next two
Describe principal tasks
accomplished in last two weeks
and duties to be performed during
the upcoming weeks.

Other Comments

Student Signature Company Supervisor Signature

Annexure -XII
Department of Management Studies

Graphic Era (Deemed to be University), Dehradun


Name of the Student: Project Title:

Name of the Mentor: Company Name:

Sl. 1 2 3 4
No. Description Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Good Excellent

Progress Reports
(Seven- Eight Submitted only 1 Submitted 1st & 2nd Submitted 1st, 2nd
report on time Submitted all reports
1 reports) reports on time 3rd report on time
on time

All questions
Poor write up, all Main points given
2. Quality of the answered but few Detailed report with
questions not but answered all
Report points given, missed substantial evidences
answered questions
main points
Partial signs of
No sign of self- Inquisitive and seeks Presents a professional
Development, answers, takes image and reaches out
Self-Development Development (
3 passive initiative in different to co- workers,
e.g., change in
aggressive activities assertive

Updating the
Interaction/ Partially contacted, Interacting with Updating regularly
mentor weekly,
Contact not answering calls mentor once in 15 over mail , regular
answering calls or
during IIP or replies to mails days interaction and gives
4 replies to mails
all project details

Positive attitude and

uses common
Generally, shows
courtesies and reach
defensive behavior, Positive attitude,
Commitment out to help others,
towardswork -- Not keen to accept faces difficulty to keen learner, readyto
accepts mistakes and
Attitude, Time mistakes which accept his mistakes help others,
takes feedback, keen
Mgt, affects work quality, , low on taking sometimes appears
enthusiasm to learner, shows high
Makes excuses initiative, misses secretive &
learn etc) involvement to
5 opportunities/ egocentric
complete the task on
deadlines, egotistic
time, ability to
prioritize the task.


Signature of Mentor
Annexure –XIII
Department of Management Studies
Graphic Era (Deemed to be University), Dehradun

Name of the Student: Name of the Mentor:

Sl. 2 3 4
Description 1 Marks
No. Needs Excellent
Unsatisfactory Good

Knows sector and company

well, current status, could
Focused analysis ofthe
do the comparative analysis
Explained the current findings, substantiating
Partial knowledge &financial analysis,
Industry status of the company, with practical
about the Sector and explained Government
Knowledge not awareabout other applications,
the company regulations & Initiatives,
1 relevant information stimulating further
Porter five
work in the area
forces, could discuss future

Not confident while

Could understand Could identify the
Most Challenging and identify the Could identify the challenges during
struggling to
part of internship challenges but was challengesand internship, explained in
understand question,
2 withjustification facing difficulty to explainedwell detail. Shared good
not taken internship
prove his answer learning’s and suggestions

Could express very

Unable to Could express
Communication Was able to speak well, clarity of thought,
express, Missed well, good
3 ability and express transforming ideas into
mainpoints sequencing ofideas
proper presentation

Very well prepared to

handle questions.
Facing difficulty Able to understand Able to understand, Answered almost all
Handling Question tounderstand questions, was answered questions,
Answers session questions, convincing and
questions unable to articulate could articulate well precise response to

Formally dressed, carrying

Formally dressed,
Was informally positive attitude, could
carrying positive
dressed, showedun Was informally maintain eye contact,
attitude, assertive,
General Behaviour professional dressed, soft spoken professional body
facing little difficulty
5 Behaviour, poorbody , low on assertion language, confident, very
to maintain eye
language consistent during
Annexure -XV
Department of Management Studies XVI
Graphic Era (Deemed to be University), Dehradun

A panel comprising of two to three faculty members will be constituted, to evaluate

student project report.

Name of the Student: Project Title:

Name of the Mentor: Company Name:

1 2 4
Sr. Unsatisfactory Needs 3
No. Description Good Excellent
Improvement Total

Ability to learn Not ready to learn Takes initiative but Open to new experiences, Observes and/or pays attention to
new things unable to complete the takesinitiative others, asks pertinent and
task, impulsive purposeful questions, open to new
1 experiences, accepts responsibility
for mistakes and keen learner
Work Quality Reactive, unable to Unable to set priorities, Meets all deadlines, Plans ahead to complete work
&Productivity plan ahead misses targets and shows positive thoroughly andaccurately,
deadlines attitude, Proactive, understands
Needs to be proactive, requirements, sees assignments
understands job
2 responsibility, seeks through to completion, and meets
instructions and advice all deadlines and expectations.
from key colleagues. Displays positive attitude, sets
goals and is organized
Interpersonal & Faces difficulty to Takes time to adjust Open to new ideas and Willingness and ability to work
Team working interact with others with group members, pro- active in and cooperate with others.
Skills and working in lacking cohesiveness findingways to Solicits the advice and
teams avoid opinions of others and is open-
3 problems, Looks for minded. Seeks to collaborate with
and considers the team on solutions, wants to learn
alternative solutions.
new things and asks questions to
clarify information.
Professional & Lack of interest in Understands personal Shows interest in Understands personal Strengths &
Career deciding career Strengths but not using determining career weaknesses, exhibits self-motivated
Development direction his competency to direction, manages approach, ability to set goals and
Skills personal expectations priorities, clear goals, uses common
achieve goals
consistent with work courtesies and reaches out to help
4 role others.
Listening & Poor attentionspan, Good verbal Demonstrates good Listens to others in active
Oral Misses important communication but verbal skills, could and attentivemanner,
Communication instructions attention span needs articulate well most of comprehends and follow
Skills improvement the time Keeps instructions, demonstrates
5 supervisor and co-
workers updated on good verbalskills

Annexure -XV
Department of Management Studies XVII
Graphic Era (Deemed to be University), Dehradun

Student Name: Date:

Industrial Supervisor: Title:
Supervisor Email:
Internship is: Paid Unpaid
Internship Address:
Faculty Coordinator: Department:
Dates of Internship: From To
***Please fill out the above in full detail***

1. Give a brief description of your internship work (title and tasks for which you were

2. Was your internship experience related to your major area of study?

Yes, to a large degree Yes, to a slight degree No, not related at all
3. Indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements.

Strongly No Strongly
Sl No. This experience has: Agree Disagree
Agree Opinion Disagree
Given me the opportunity to explore a
career field
Allowed me to apply classroom theory to
Helped me develop my decision-making
and problem-solving skills
Expanded my knowledge about the work
world prior to permanent employment
Helped me develop my written and oral
communication skills
Provided a chance to use leadership skills
(influence others, develop ideas with
6 others, stimulate decision-making and
Expanded my sensitivity to the ethical
implications of the work involved
Made it possible for me to be more
confident in new situations
Given me a chance to improve my
interpersonal skills
Helped me learn to handle responsibility
and use my time wisely
Helped me discover new aspects of
myself that I didn’t know existed before
Helped me develop new interests and
13 Helped me clarify my career goals
Provided me with contacts which may
lead to future employment
Allowed me to acquire information and/or
15 use equipment not available at my

4. In the Industrial internship project, faculty members are expected to be mentors for
students. Do you feel that your faculty coordinator served such a function? Why or
why not?
5. How well were you able to accomplish the initial goals, tasks and new skills that were
set down in your learning contract? In what ways were you able to take a new
direction or expand beyond your contract? Why were some goals not accomplished

6. In what areas did you most develop and improve?

7. What has been the most significant accomplishment or satisfying moment of your
internship? What did you dislike about the internship?

8. Considering your overall experience, how would you rate this internship? (Tick one).

V Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

9. Give suggestions as to how your internship experience could have been improved.
(Could you have handled additional responsibility? Would you have liked more
discussions with your professor concerning your internship? Was closer supervision
needed? Was more of an orientation required?)

Student Signature

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