Wisdom For Wealth by Nathaniel Stephen

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Nathaniel Stephen

Published by GreatMinds Concepts

“Wisdom for Wealth” - Nathaniel Stephen


I've told you God's desire isn't for you to receive a favour once in a year It should
be continuous but the continuity depends on you.

The first money you receive as favour comes as a test many times Know how to
spend it if you want the money to keep coming. Many of us are meant to enjoy
alerts on regular basis but you failed God. Some came so you can sow it to
someone. Some came so that you'll give to an orphanage. Etc. Every money that
comes to your hand has it's location for effective spending. When the money isn't
well spent, the flow will definitely be suspended. Not every money you receive
came for you to take care of yourself. You wanted buying your soap, making your
hair etc but God wanted you to sow it somewhere cos He already sent someone
else to get then for you.


Know this Miracle alerts will be a norm to people who spend well not to wasters.
Know this too God is interested in you saving. When you can't save, you can't
get more. Many times God has led me to empty my accounts I obeyed and the
money returned. But avoid careless spending. I know you wanna look good You
may not buy expensive things but you can buy necessary things What may be
expensive many not be what is necessary. Many times I lacked subscription, yet I
got money and gave it out. The subscription came from another source. Not the
money I had. Many times you suffered LACK was a test to prove patience.
FINANCIAL WISDOM. It's called financial wisdom cos when the wisdom is
lacked, abuse is inevitable. They're many proven formulas on how to make wealth.
We begin to wonder why unbelievers seem to be richer than Christians. Years
back, this word was used on us AS POOR AS CHURCH RATS. That word is so
striking as it reveals even the rats in our churches ain't living well. The church has
no crumbs to feed the rats that resides there. Rats enter the church yet they are
malnourished. They grow pale instead of fresh. Since the members are poor, the
rats live poor. Since they barely got things to feed the rats with, they die starving.
While they're specific proven formulas, you must know what God is saying to you
to enjoy wealth.
Things to Note
Wealth is a function of a direction you need to follow. You can practice what
others do to make wealth. There's a specific thing to do to attract wealth While
poultry business may be good for you, fish business may be good for you. Having
POS doesn't to mean you should open a shop for others to withdraw. Wealth is a
function of a location you need to stay. Allocation will come when you're in your
location. That every one travels to Canada doesn't mean Canada is for you. Going
to a place that isn't for you will never produce results Your street lacks a laundry
shop and you say it's Government Resided Area (GRA), you must go, you may
end up paying for the shop and end up chased out of it. There's a place you need
to stay. -having Wealth lies in your hands and not with God, all you need to
make money is in you.

The unbelievers know this and they engage it well. A believer who got God should
have an advantage yet we live suffering instead of enjoying. Even the Bible said,
learn from the unbelievers. Learn from them because many of us in the church are
blind we're foolish. They have some positive traits you can learn.

Don't forget I do tell you, no one is stingy. Not a story for now. But know that no
man is greedy Many people who you think are greedy are spending and investing
in things that will count for their lives Their investing in the location God has sent
them to. I personally discovered anything that has to do money investment doesn't
work for me It ends up crashing once. I enter Many may say is a coincidence, you
have bad luck etc but I understand I don't have bad luck because other things work
for me. This is God telling me that this one isn't for me. Maintain your lane. What
is approved for others may not be approved for you. That it works for others
doesn't mean it works for me.

Poverty isn't Holiness but foolishness. It's like telling God you ain't interested in
all the investment He has made in you. Poverty isn't a function of lack of cash, it's
a function of a bad/poor mentality.

To proceed They're specific criteria that enhances wealth. Many believers are
foolish We think speaking in tongues must make you have a vision. Everyone
want to start a church. Everyone want to head a vision. The Joseph are frustrated
doing Paul's work. The Isaac left farming and want to be like Samuel who's a
Prophet. We chase the wrong things and we expect God to bless us. Many chasing
titles. Many who weren't called into ministry going into Bible school with the
mindset to start ministry. C'mon Your pulpit must not be in the church. Those who
were genuinely called run from it because they know what it's all about. Those
who didn't even receive It from God are calling God to launch into full-time
ministry. We're not okay with the title being called SONS OF GOD. All we want
is PROPHETS and APOSTLES. We chase the wrong things God doesn't bless
wrong things.

God doesn't bless a man in his wrong location. God doesn't bless a man who has
missed His direction. God has endowed you with alot and He expects you to work
it out. He gave you a mind. They say you're dull in class yet you cry. How about
the hair you do neatly? Are you that dull? C'mon not every smart person know
how to plait hair. Not all can weave. You ain't dull. They call you a dullard
because you can't speak English, yet you're good with craft. You can create things
with your hands. You're not good with maths yet no one can cheat you in business.
You give change accurately. No mistake. Understand this and let it register, You
may not be good in class doesn't mean you're dull. Many of us won't even make
wealth from what we studied in school. We're dealing on FINANCIAL WISDOM
Understand this. I'm not saying you shouldn't go to school. Go to school but you
may not necessarily need it. That's why we should learn this things.

Wealth come to wise people and not foolish people.

How do you know you're wise:

1. Know how to spend.
God doesn't bless wasters of resources. That's why to whom much is given, much
is expected. That's why the PARABLE of the sower is there for you.

2. GOD wants you to invest more as you save.

I had to join them together. As you save, you must ensure to invest.

3. Use your mind effectively:

You possess a MIND that is difficult to FIND. Inside you is an idea that needs to
be worked on. You aren't empty. You must work on the ideas that God births in
you so that it can produce that it desires.

Wealth doesn't happen sudden They're some characters you need to have or a
mentality you need to possess

- To lives: a great man once said, "the fastest way to the top is helping others get
to the top". When you facilitate the footsteps of others, you authenticate your

I understand that man can disappoint and fail but ensure to have the mentality of
not getting a reward from who you help. So long as you're doing as God led, know
God will reward you and not the man. God wants you to invest in lives Those in
need Those stranded Etc.
- Business: the one who dugged and saved the money didn't do well. The money
was taken back, those who invested where congratulated. God has invested a
lot in you. Through the potentials, revelations, teachings etc you've gotten over
time. He expects you to engage them well Work it and bring out something
meaningful in it. So while you save, trust Him on where to spend and how to
spend. It is foolishness wasting Like I said what was expensive wasn't
necessarily what was needed. Avoid waste When you live in luxury, you die in
misery. It is foolishness complaining that Infinix are always launching new
phones. Technology will keep increasing. It can never stop. That I have hot9, I
shouldn't be thinking of how to get hot10 when it comes

- Patience: it may not be sudden, it needs your patience.

- Consistency: you need to be consistent with whatever you've started. So long

as you're doing the right thing, be consistent. Don't stop doing it, the reward is
in the continuity and not necessarily the first hit.

- Perseverance/ Never give up: don't give up easily on whatever you've started.
Not every time you sow seeds, you will get the reward immediately.
Sometimes the reward is waiting for manifestation at a particular time/season.
God has prepared it to happen.

How to live?
- Learn to be appreciative.
When you can't appreciate God for the little He gives, you will forget to thank
Him for the much when it comes.
- Live with a positive mentality.
You need to get your mind rich in God's word. How well you live in this World
is dependent on how rich you're in His Word. A positive mentality is necessary
too FINANCIAL WISDOM. It unveils FOCUS. A distracted mind can never
reveal wisdom Your delivery in wise counsels is a function of how FOCUS you're.

- Be updated with what's happening around you:

You can manufacture a car now with 1980 model Technology is changing. Be
vast in knowledge. If you're into fashion, be updated. If you make hair, be updated.
The advantage of the Holy Spirit is that He can teach you things you've never
learnt before. As a fashion designer, the Holy Spirit can give you ideas on what
to sew. As a baker, you can get designs that's yet to seen on Earth. Everything you
see on Earth today were first downloaded somewhere. Everything at all.
Technology is conceived. This leads me to the next thing.
- Be innovative:
Learn to create something Be a problem solver. You're created to solve a problem.
There's a solution in YOU to tackle a problem in the WORLD. Find it. While you
wanted to work in that big company, God wanted you to start up something.

You don't need much to start, you can start small.

Many people are longing for big things. They've despised the little thing God sent
them. You can start small yet wise than starting with much yet foolish. Like you'll
always hear.


1. Be Kingdom focus: matt6:33
Years back I received 30k from a 419. To support our meeting, begging for
prayers too. I wanted that money so badly to honour the minister you know we
were inviting. After prayers, the money came by 12midnight. I then realized that
many bad people still desires prayers too. Truth be told, God doesn't bless fraud.
God blesses those who are kingdom focussed. All they do is for the kingdom,
Sowing into missionaries. Getting Bible for others. Reaching out to souls, Welfare
2. Be a giver:
Check everyone who has money to give a lot. Many of them train people in school,
they give to churches, they have orphanage homes etc. You don't need to have
much to be a giver. Don't tell God to give you 5k before you give 1k when you
have 2k with you already. Don't sow into a stingy ministry. Don't sow into a stingy
You're blocking your financial gates.
Who to give:
-Those in need.
-Give to God.
-Give to your spiritual heads Etc.

Be led.


This test must be known by you. I'll give just 2, forgive me.

-Test of Obedience: many money that came to you wasn't your own. It was for
someone else. Many times it will come when you have nothing, pls don't fail that
testPlan you finances with God.
-Test of integrity.
Don't lie to make money. Don't cheat, Don't increase the price if you want to keep
the stream flowing. When given excess change, return it. As little as telling daddy
it's 10k instead of 5k can cause you a lot. Don't steal a money in church. Leave
God's money. So much to say but I'll end here. God bless you all

3. Have a skill/learn a skill.

You know this already. David was called into the king's palace because he had a
-Strive for excellence: mama Nkechi restaurant and bar doesn't exist again. Sweet
names everywhere. Ella's comfort etc. Excellence start with the name you give
your brand. If you have a brand, name it well, Package your product well, present
it well.
-Be versatile to relate with anyone: One of the reasons I learnt how to speak
pidgin was because effective communication. I once encountered an old woman
who don't understand English, I kept speaking, she was never hearing I was pissed
off and I had to learn. Know when to use your English, no when to use your
grammar, know when to speak pidgin. Your audience determine how you speak.
I'm saying this one for people who got business. This financial wisdom is
necessary. You don't go to the market speaking big grammar, keep it for
somewhere else. For effective marketing, your product needs the best way of


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