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School: San Francisco National High School Year & Section: 8-Molave

Cooperating Teacher: Ms. Ma. Kris Rebancos Time: 2:00-3:00 pm

Student Teacher: John Lenard C. Samodio Date: February 22, 2024

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of: African
literature as a means of exploring forces that human
beings contend with; various reading styles vis – à-vis
purposes of reading; prosodic features that serve as
carriers of meaning; ways by which information may
be organized, related, and delivered orally; and
parallel structures and cohesive devices in presenting
B. Performance Standards The learner transfers learning by composing and
delivering an informative speech based on a specific
topic of interest keeping in mind the proper and
effective use of parallel structures and cohesive
devices and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives At the end of discussion, the learners are expected to;
a. Define Prefixes, Suffixes, and Roots.
b. Explain the meaning of a word through
structural analysis( Prefixes, Roots, and
II. CONTENT Prefixes and Suffixes
III. Learning Resources
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources Portal
B. Other Learning Materials laptop

IV. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Preliminary Activities
Good afternoon class! Good afternoon too, Ma’am!

Before we start everything, (select a In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy
student), can lead the prayer? Spirit…Amen.

Okay, before your take your seats,

kindly check and pick up the pieces
of paper that will see and kindly put it (The class will follow the instruction.)
in the bin. Also, kindly arrange your
chairs properly.

First, let me check the attendance.

Say present if your name is called.

Great job everyone. That only means

everyone came to learn today! Yes Ma’am!

A. Review of the Past

Lesson/Presenting the New Lesson
Preliminary Activity:
(Cognitive Approach)
Activity 1. What I know

Instructions: For each question, identify the

prefix, suffix, or root in the word provided
and write down its meaning. (The students will answer)
1. Word: Rebuild 1. Re- (prefix) - again or back
Prefix/Suffix/Root: _ 2. Un- (prefix) - not
Meaning: _ 3. Dis- (prefix) - not or opposite of
4. -ly (suffix) - in a manner of
2. Word: Unhappiness 5. Mis- (prefix) - wrong or badly
Prefix/Suffix/Root: _ 6. Care- (root) - to be concerned or attentive
Meaning: _ 7. -ness (suffix) - state or quality of being
8. Teach- (root) - to instruct or educate
3. Word: Disagreeable 9. Im- (prefix) - not or opposite of
Prefix/Suffix/Root: _ 10. Dis- (prefix) - not or opposite of; Appear (root) - to
Meaning: _ come into sigh

4. Word: Beautifully
Prefix/Suffix/Root: _
Meaning: _

5. Word: Misunderstand
Prefix/Suffix/Root: _
Meaning: _
6. Word: Careless
Prefix/Suffix/Root: _
Meaning: _

7. Word: Happiness
Prefix/Suffix/Root: _
Meaning: _

8. Word: Teacher
Prefix/Suffix/Root: _
Meaning: _

9. Word: Impossible
Prefix/Suffix/Root: _
Meaning: _

10. Word: Disappear

Prefix/Suffix/Root: _
Meaning: _

B. Establish a Lesson for a Purpose

Now class how do find the short (answer may vary)

C. Presenting Examples
Instruction: Read this poem slowly
and reflect on the transformative
power of prefixes and suffixes in
shaping our perception of the

In the realm of "un-"

Where shadows dance and dreams undone
A "re-"birth of hope takes flight
As "pre-"dawn breaks the night

"Dis-"tance fades, "re-"vealing light

A "mis-"step leads to paths made right
The "in-"finite sky, a "post-"card view
"Trans-"forming gray to vibrant hue

"Sub-"tle whispers in the breeze

"Un-"seen forces, ancient trees
"Re-"flecting on the "inter-"play
Of "multi-"colored shades of day

"Dis-"coveries in every nook

"Pre-"pared to face the "overlook"
"Un-"raveling the tangled thread
Of "inter-"connected lives we've led

So let us "re-"write our story's end

With "pre-"cision, let love "com-"mend
For in this world of "re-"birth and "re-"new
Prefixes and suffixes guide us through

D. Discussion Skill #1:

Now, let’s talk about prefix,
suffix and roots.
5. Inferring meaning
Sometimes, even without specific clues, you
can infer the meaning of the word through the
other words in the context.
Example: They don’t easily give up as
resilience is one of their traits.

In order to draw out the meaning of

resilience, one must analyze the sentence
well. You would infer that Filipinos don’t
easily give up. The context clue is don’t
easily give up. Thus, resilience means being
able to get up or recover in times of failure.

E. Discussion Skill #2:

WHAT IS A PREFIX? -is a letter or sequence
of letters attached to the beginning of a word,
root, or phrase to change its meaning. It also
changes the meaning of a word.

1.Un- which means“opposite of”(E.g.
uncover, undo, unclear).
2.Dis- which means“not or no”(E.g.
disregard, dishonest, disable).
3.Re-which means“again”(E.g. recover,
remake, retake)
4.Mis -which means“wrong”(E.g mistrust,
misspell, mismatch).
5.Post -which means“after”(Eg. postwar,
postgraduate, postal). 6.Pre -which
means“before”(E.g precede, predict,

● Her attitudes are unfriendly.
● I hope they don’t discontinue my favorite
flavor of ice cream.
● The teacher made the students redo their
homework because they had the wrong
● The boy felt misunderstood.
● The basketball players had a postgame
● The students took a pretest to prepare
them for the real one.

WHAT IS A SUFFIX? -is a letter or sequence

of letters that may be added to the end of a
word, root, or phrase to change its meaning.
1. Ness- which means “a state or condition”
(E.g., kindness, cleverness, likeness)
2.Able- which means “can be done” (E.g.,
breakable, readable, understandable)
3.Ful- which means “full of” (E.g. useful,
cheerful, colorful)

● Fox is known for its cleverness
● The children were not allowed to play ball
in the house because there were so many
breakable items.
● The girl was careful not to scare her first
when cleaning its tank.

What is a root word?

A root word is a basic word with no prefix or

suffix added to it (a prefix is a string of letters
that go at the start of a word; a suffix is a
string of letters that go at the end of a word).
By adding prefixes and suffixes to a root
word we can change its meaning.

For example:

The root word astro could have the suffix -

nomy added to it to make the word

'Astro' means 'stars' and 'nomy' means the

study of something. Astronomy is the study
and knowledge of stars.

The root word lingual could have the prefix

bi- added to it to make the word bilingual.

'Bi' means two and 'lingual' means pertaining

to language. Someone who is bilingual is
fluent in two languages.

F. Developing Mastery

Activity 3:
(Cognitive, Inquiry-based Reflective

G. Finding Practical Application


(Inquiry-based Approach)
1. Why do you think it is important Applying the knowledge on context clues upon
to understand context clues upon reading texts from a paragraph will help you
reading text paragraphs you understand more the idea of the paragraph and what
encounter every day? message does the author delivers.

Wow! That’s well-said class.

H. Making Generalization
So today, what did we discuss? We discussed about context clues and its five different
Who can recall the five types of
context clues? The five types of context clues are definition or
restatement, example, synonyms, antonyms, and
Well done my dear students! Please inferring meaning.
keep in mind everything that have
learned in this discussion.
I. Evaluating Learning

Activity 4:
(Cognitive and Kinesthetic Approach)

Directions: Identify the unfamiliar word and

type of context clue used in each sentence. (The students will do the activity.)
Write the meaning of the unfamiliar word and
use it in a sentence.

1. The dates in Philippine history are listed in

chronological order; they start at the
beginning and end with the last event.
2. Filipino children enjoy playing because it
is an idyllic day. Its sunny and warm.
3. Known as a tropical country, Philippines is
often confronted with sweltering summer
days which are quickly replaced by the cold
and heavy rains of a typhoon.
4. Endemic trees like Talisay, Molave, and Unfamiliar Type of Meaning Sentenc
toog are abundant in the Philippines. Word Context e
5. Nationalism which is the love for one’s clues used
country is present among Filipinos. 1. Definition It starts
Chronologica or from
Unfamili Type Meanin Sentenc l restatement beginnin
ar Word of g e g to end.
Contex 2. Idyllic Synonym Sunny or
t clues warm
used 3. Sweltering Antonym Very hot
4. Endemic Example Locally
5. Definition Love for
Nationalism or country

V. Assignment
1. What is Bibliography?

Prepared By:
Student Teacher

Checked By:


Cooperating Teacher

Noted By:


Principal I

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