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Dalalil ul Khayrat

Burdah Shareef links

Salawat ala Rasul Links

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Extremely Effective Dua’s to increase Rizq - Sustenance Provisions
Largest Gallery on net
Personal note from me - Muhammad Sajad Ali, i've used Dua's 1, 2, and have combined 4 and 5 while reciting!
Powerful Dua's

Mixed Topics Dua 1

After every Salah without talking to anyone
Women and Islam

Midwifery and Health 1st - Any Darood/Salawat ala rasul 3 times

2nd - Ayat kursi once
Audio and Video Links
3rd - Surah Talaq (65:2-3) -once only
UK Links From: wa may-yatta qillaha yaj-'allahu makhraja wa yarzuqhu min haythu la yahtasib
\ . ;'\;
Links wa may-yata-wakkal 'a- lallaahi fahuwa hasbuh
innallaha balighu amrih
MarryMuslims Events qad ja 'a lallahu li kulli shayin qadra - (65:2-3)
(see below for Arabic)
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And for those who fear Allah, He (ever) prepares a way out. And He provides for him from (sources) he never
could imagine. And if any one puts his trust in Allah, sufficient is (Allah) for him. For Allah will surely
accomplish his purpose: verily, for all things has Allah appointed a due proportion.(65:2-3)

4th -Surah fatiha once

5th -Surah ihlas 3 times
6th - Any Darood/Salawat ala rasul 3 times

Then do a dam-(meaning Blow) into the sky

=== ==== == ==== ======

Dua 2

Ya wahabbu - O Bestower read it 1000 times After the Isha Salah

After the Fard of Isha Salah and between the 2 sunnah of Isha Salah and witr

1st Any Darood/Salawat ala rasul 11 times

Then read Ya wahabbu - O Bestower 1000 times
Close with Any Darood/Salawat ala rasul 11 times

Some extra Notes from the 99 name of Allah:

16. Al-Wahhab, the Bestower, The Donor,The Most Liberal Bestower, The Great Giver, The Giver of Gifts
The Bestower. He who constantly bestows blessings of every kind. The Giver Of All Things, The One who is
Generous in giving plenty without any return.

YA WAHHABU: O Bestower! If you repeat this seven times after making a supplication, your plea will be
accepted. If one has a particular wish, or is held captive by an enemy, or finds it hard to make ends meet, one
should invoke this Name one hundred times after midnight on three or seven nights (following ablution and a
ritual prayer of two cycles). Allah will then grant whatever one needs.

A poverty-stricken person should say this Ism constantly: or write it and keep it on him (as a taweez) or say it
40 times in the last sajdah of salat-Duha (Chast in urdu ):... Insha-Allah he will be freed from poverty in an
unexpected and amazing manner. For a particular need to be fulfilled, observe sajdah thrice in the courtyard
of the house or majid and then lift the hands (as in Dua) and say this Ism 100 times: If Allah wills, the need
will be fulfilled. If a person really wants somethig so he should do three sajda's in his house's yard and raise his
hands and read this name 100 times God will give him his desired need.

The One who continually bestows gifts, favors and blessings upon all of creation.
The One who is the most generous and liberal giver.
The One who gives freely and endlessly, without expectation of any return.
From the root w-h-b which has the following classical Arabic connotations:
to give for no compensation, to give as a gift to donate, to offer as a present, bestow to give liberally and
freely to grant, endow to cause something to be.
This name is used in the Qur'un. For example, see 3:8

With regard to mankind's role in giving, Abu Hamid al-Ghazaili notes that:
Whoever bestows gifts with an eye to some interest to be realized by it sooner or later, be it appreciation,
affection or release from blame, or or acquiring distinction of mention - he is neither a giver nor generous,
but rather engaged in transaction and recompense. ... But the one who sacrifices all he owns, even his life,
for the sake of God alone - such a one is worthy of being named giver and generous.

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Dua 3

After Isha Salah read "Ya musabi-bal asbab" 500 times ( O Originator of Causes or Causer of causes! )
1st Any Darood/Salawat ala rasul - 11 times
2nd Ya musabi-bal asbabi -500 minimum to 1000 times
3rd Close with Any Darood/Salawat ala rasul 11 times

But the condition is that you must read it outside with nothing on your head.

Some Notes:
i also found these note on some blogs about other Duas taken from http://seekthetruth-islam

Ya Muqallib al-Qulub - O mover of hearts,

Just some beautiful du’as with the words muqallib al-qulub, one of the names we as muslims can call upon
Allah with :

- Ya muqallib al-qulub, thabbit qalbi ‘ala dinik

O mover (or flip-flopper) of hearts, make my heart firm upon your religion

- Ya muqallib al-qulub, thabbit ‘ala’l-haqq

O mover of hearts, make my heart firm upon the truth

- Ya muqallib al-qulub, thabbit qalbi ‘ala ta’atik

O mover of hearts, make my heart firm upon your obedience

- Ya musarrif al-qulub, thabbit qalbi ‘ala ta’atik

O director of hearts, keep my heart in a state of obedience to you

- Ya muqallib al-qulub wa ‘l-ahwalhawwil halina ila ahsan ‘l-hal

O you, transformer of hearts and spiritual states make our states the loveliest of states

- Allahumma, ya muqallib al-qulub wa’l-absar, thabbit qalbi ‘ala dinik

O Allah, O controller of the hearts and eyes, let my heart hold fast onto your religion

- Allahuma Ya Musabbib al-Asbab, Ya Mufattih al-Abwab, Ya Muqallib al-qulubi wal-absar, Ya Dalil al-
mutahayyirin, Ya Ghiyath al-mustaghathin, Ya Hayyu, Ya Qayyum, Ya Dhul-Jalali wa-l-Ikram! Wa ufawwidu amri
il-Allah, inn-Allaha basirun bil-’ibad

O Allah, o causer of causes, o opener of doors, o transformer of hearts and eyes, o guide of the stupefied
ones, o redresser of complainants, o living, o eternal, o majestic an venerable.

Allah is the one who controls the hearts of people. Remember the hadith – in Sahih Muslim – that Allah doesn’t
look at your bodies and appearances but rather at your hearts (and your acts). In the Qur’an it is said that only
the ones with a clean heart (bi qalbin salim) will be accepted by Allah. Oh Allah clean our hearts and deeds
from hypocrisy and make us better people.

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Dua 4

Dua 5

Dua 6

Muhammad Sajad Ali

Sufi Webmaster / Instructor, Herbalist and Healing Therapist
Uns Foundation UK- Uns means-'Spiritual Love'
and its through Spiritual Love we are helping to heal broken souls and hearts

If you suffer from any physical pain or emotional issues and need help
or Spiritual Healing, Support, Mentoring,Therapy or Sufi Islamic Guidance?
Contact: Sufi Healing Project- Uns Foundation-Muhammad Sajad Ali

Contact: 07960-85-85-42 UK - (non-UK): +44 7960-85-85-42

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