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PSYC 100 : Introduction to Psychology

Sample Midterm 2

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Which one is an example for conditioned stimulus?

a) An angry warning that mother gives to her child after
every time he screams.
b) A salivation of a cat when she sees meat.
c) A whistle that makes dog extremely happy because he
knows that it means going out.
d) A candy that teacher gives after every successful

Which experiment shows an example for stimulus

generalization in classical conditioning?

a) Robbers Cave Experiment

b) Little Albert Experiment
c) Bobo Doll Experiment
d) Jigsaw Classroom

When you were studying for an exam, the clock on the

wall was ticking so loud. It distracts you at the beginning but
later, you realized that you do not focus on that sound as much
as before. It does not distract you anymore.

In such situation, which process do you experience?

a) Operant conditioning
b) Extinction
c) Habituation
d) Stimulus generalization

1) Which one is an example for observational learning?

a) Student raises hand more after she is rewarded with an

A+ for her answer.

b) A child sees his brother getting punishment for not

cleaning room, thus, he always cleans his room.

c) You heard a ringtone same with your phone, so you

immediately move your hand to your phone.

d) You get used to study with a loud noise in a café after a

certain time.

A family is trying to teach their son how to get dressed.

They first reward him for putting t-shirt successfully.
Then, they move to the pants, socks and move on
gradually. This teaching step-by-step method is called


Observational learning



1) An increased sense of feeling that makes someone

act immediately in a dangerous situation is called
diffusion of responsibility.


2) If we present CS without presenting UCS for a long

time, the CR will weaken and that is called extinction.
3) If someone gives reward after every response, it is
called continuous reinforcement.

4) Lottery games(e.g., slot machine) are great

examples for fixed ratio reinforcement.
True / False

Which has the lowest heritability level?

a) Height
b) Eye color
c) Weight
d) Preferred characteristics in a mate

Which statement is not correct?

a) Dd is an example of a heterozygous trait.

b) Ethology is the study of human behavior in natural
c) Evocative influence refers to the fact that humans will help his
relatives more than anyone else.
d) Sexual strategies theory suggests that our mating preferences
are the results of evolutionary tendencies.

Our mating preferences are influenced by society

and culture.
Which theory supports the mentioned phrase?
a) Evolutionary Personality Theory
b) Reciprocal Altruism
c) Social Structure Theory
d) Kin Selection

What is the most effective study type for understanding the

relation of genetics and environmental factors in
determining our personality.
a) Family Studies
b) Adoption Studies
c) Kin Selection
d) Twin Studies

Parents do not try to engage with their child (providing

opportunities for new experiences) because their children
is always inactive, don't talk much and a bit antisocial.
This is an example of?

a) Evocative Influence
b) Reciprocal Altruism
c) Reaction Range
d) Behavioral Genetics

1) Reaction range refers to the fact that phenotype

will be determined by both genetic
background(genotype) and environment.
2) One of the most influential determinant of our
differences in behavior is the unshared environment
that we experience.
3) In mate preferences, males were much likely to
prefer lots of partners for a short time period, whereas
females are the opposite.

If a child sees a plane and says "bird", it is called ______?

If a child sees a plane and says "plane", it is called______ ?

a) accommodation; assimilation
b) perceptual narrowing; accommodation
c) assimilation; accommodation
d) object permanence; assimilation

What are the findings suggest regarding Piaget's theory

a) Unlike Piaget argued, children go through stages in
earlier ages, but the order of stages is the same.
b) Unlike Piaget argued, children do not go through some
of the stages.
c) Unlike Piaget argued, children go through stages in the
exact years, but the order of stages is different.
d) Piaget was totally correct about his proposed stages.

What is the order of Piaget's stages?

a) Sensorimotor - Preoperational - Formal Operational -
Concrete Operational
b) Preoperational - Sensorimotor - Concrete Operational -
Formal Operational
c) Sensorimotor - Concrete Operational - Preoperational -
Formal Operational
d) Sensorimotor - Preoperational - Concrete Operational -
Formal Operational

Which one is the experiment that shows infants can

understand basic concepts about physical principles?

a) Three-Mountain Problem
b) Violation-of-expectation Experiment
c) Third-eye Problem
d) Cat in the Hat Experiment

From which experiment we know that environment

has an influential role on brain development?
a) Rat Experiment
b) Principle of Conservation Experiments
c) Object Permanence Experiments
d) Three-Mountain Problem

If a child can understand that other people have

mental states different from himself, we could
say that the child has ?
a) Perceptual narrowing
b) Egocentrism
c) Principle of Conservation
d) Theory of Mind

q Newborns can only learn through classical conditioning.

q Children do not have the ability of principle of conservation in
preoperational stage.
q Immaturity of prefrontal cortex and peer pressure are the main
factors for high risk-taking behavior in adolescence.
q Puberty is the social aspect of the development period between
ages 12-20.
q Voice changes and body hair growth could be counted as
secondary sex characteristics.
q High usage of cocaine in pregnancy results in abnormal prenatal
development that is called “crack baby”.


What is automatic learned attachment that occurs in a

sensitive period?
a) Secure attachment
b) Ego identity
c) Imprinting
d) Ambivalent attachment

What is Freud's idea about conscience?

a) We acquire conscience through punishments and
b) Conscience is an innate tendency that can be observed in
infants younger than 12 months.
c) We acquire conscience by identifying ourselves with our
d) Conscience is a process learned by classical conditioning.

According to Kohlberg, what is the highest level of moral

a) Postconventional
b) Competence
c) Preconventional
d) Conventional

Through which study, we understand infants' social-

referencing strategy?
a) Still-face paradigm
b) Strange Situation
c) Harlow's Monkeys
d) Visual-cliff Experiment

In Strange Situation experiment, a child does not react

to any situation including his mother's leaving, return or
meeting a stranger.
What could be said about this child's attachment type?
a) Secure
b) Anxious-Resistant (Ambivalent)
c) Anxious-Avoidant
d) Disorganized

If parents do not care about anything that their child

does, do not provide limits and give warmth, what
type of parenting style do they have?
a) Neglectful
b) Authoritarian
c) Indulgent
d) Authoritative

1) A person's ability to control his/her emotional reactions is called

2) Temperament is the biological dispositions that cause abnormal
developmental patterns.

3) The feeling of distress when caregiver leaves is called stranger


4) Secure attachment is the healthiest type of attachment that

gives positive outcomes in later life.
5) In authoritative parenting style, there is no warmth/care to the
6) If someone treats others depending on their gender, that person
is doing gendertyping.

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