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Galgotias University

School of Computer Application and Technology

Batch : BCA 2022-2023

Semester: 4
Section: 1 and 8
Academic Session: 2023-2024(Winter)
Deadline of Submission: 30 March, 2024

Assignment 1
(Submit Hand written document)

S No Problem
1 Write a Java Program to perform the arithmetic operations using switch case
2 How JVM makes java platform independent?
3 Write a java program to find the greatest among three numbers.
4 Write a java program that will read a number and print square of this number
5 Write a java program to implement binary search mechanism in use of
following concepts (Operations, Expressions, Control-flow, Strings)
6 Write a Java program that reads a line of integers and then displays each
integer, and the sum of all the integers ( Use String Tokenizer class of java.util)
7 Write a Java Program for sorting a given list of names in ascending orde
8 Write a JAVA program to implement class mechanism. - Create a class,
methods and invoke them inside main method.
9 Why Java is secure language?

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