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A. Change the given sentences with a form of causatives (have/get). Pay attention to the tense of the

1. A builder is going to repair the roof on our house.

2. The repairman is fixing our satellite TV.

3. The hairdresser cuts Rachel's hair twice a year.

4. Doctor will check Mrs Frost's blood pressure.

5. Does the repairman need to install our solar panels?

B. Complete the paragraph with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets

Some of the personality traits are believed to have biological origins. Many psychologists
traditionally have thought that ambition is something we (1) _____ (be born) with. They looked at
animals like wolves and noticed that when they are young, they sort themselves into more dominant
alpha wolves and more passive individuals. Most significantly, according to these scientists'
observations, these roles (2) _____ (keep) since the positions were settled in the pack. However,
many people have questioned if the same (3) _____ (can/say). of humans. Now, environmental
factors in childhood (4) _____(think) to play a more important role in the development of ambition .
Additionally, ambition needs (5) _____ (teach) .For example , take the case of American twins Gregg
and Drew McArthur. Their father owned a very successful company which sold advertising space in
newspapers and magazines, and the brothers had a very comfortable childhood with everything they
wanted, plus the promise of a healthy business to run after they left school. For this reason, they
didn't study terribly hard. But when their company (6) _____ (sell) before the brothers graduated,
they quickly realized that they'd have to make their own money in order to maintain the wealthy
lifestyle they had always known. So they started a luxury gym company and although they're now
very successful, they are both still ambitious and want to expand company further.
C. Complete the text with a word from the box. There are TWO EXTRA words that you DON'T need to

Smart meters Compost heaps insulation Water butts residential suburban

overpopulation Double-glazing Solar panels upgrade decontaminate significantly

Urban planning and housing are currently one of the most important agenda items for city
administrations because (1) _____ has become one of the main problems in many cities. The
buildings in the cities have outdated energy systems and inefficient tools. In addition to that, the (2)
_____ areas around the city have expanded rapidly. However, there is a growing trend toward
renovation, where homeowners (3) _____ their living spaces into eco-friendly homes. One popular
improvement is installing (4) _____, which help residents monitor and control their energy usage
moreefficiently. Additionally, improved (5) _____ has become a standard feature in renovated
homes for helping to conserve energy and reduce energy costs. For example, to keep the heat inside
(6) _____ windows are used widely. Alongside this, some other improvements like capturing rain
with (7) _____ to use in the garden makes the water bills (8) _____ lower. Similarly, (9) _____ are
gaining popularity, encouraging sustainable practices in managing food waste. These renovations
not only benefit the environment but also create more comfortable and cost-effective (10) _____

In the last few years, Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, has become recognized around the world as a
place for new businesses and new ideas. In particular, Nairobi is now one of the most suitable cities
for small businesses that have a focus on technology. (1) _____This new generation is prepared to
take risks and create new products for the local market since they are encouraged by government
support and interest from outsiders who are willing to invest money.

There are many reasons for Nairobi's success. (2) _____ Nairobi also has the right balance of creative
people and support from global IT companies, universities, the government and the local business
community. Many young Kenyans have been starting up new businesses and aren't afraid to take
risks in the hope of being successful.

(3) _____ For example, several of them have been able to respond to the demands of local people
working in farming and clothes making. The technology company, M-Pesa, is one such example of a
successful business. (4) _____ Because internet access is not always reliable in many parts of the
country, using text messaging is an excellent way of helping farmers and clothes makers take
payments and so expand their businesses.

Experts even think Kenya may soon replace South Africa as the technology centre of Africa. (5) _____
While Kenya has so far focused on its own region, South Africa does more international business. But
the future is certainly looking good for young business-minded Kenyans. As long as the government
continues to support them, it may just be a question of time before Nairobi becomes the new tech
centre after all.
A. Read the text about Nairobi, the capital of Kenya. Match 1-5 with the missing sentences a-f. There
is ONE sentence that you DON'T need.

a. Another key point is that many companies focus on the country's needs.

b. On the other hand, there is no guarantee that this will be successful.

c. However, at the moment, they both have very different customers.

d. Nairobi has a good geographical location in Africa, a good climate, and a strong education system.

e. Many of these have been set up by educated young Kenyans.

f. It provides a money transfer service that can be used on a mobile phone.

B. Read the text again and complete the sentences. Use one word from the text for each answer.

1. Nairobi is now globally _____ as a centre of new business ideas.

2. New businesses have been receiving _____ from the government as well as the interest from

international companies.

3. In many areas of Kenya, using text messaging is more _____ than using the internet.

4. According to _____ , Kenya may become more important than South Africa in terms of technology

5. Kenya ‘s business market is not yet as _____ as South Africa’s .

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