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A Report


carried out as part of the course CSE CS3270 Submitted by

Aayushman Ranjan


in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree



Computer Science & Engineering

Under the Guidance of :

Guide Name : Dr Umashankar Rawat

Guide Signature :

This project would not have been completed without the help, support, comments, advice,
cooperation and coordination of various people. However, it is impossible to thank everyone
individually; I am hereby making a humble effort to thank some of them.

I acknowledge and express my deepest sense of gratitude to my internal supervisor Dr.

Umashankar Rawat for his constant support, guidance, and continuous engagement. I highly
appreciate his technical comments, suggestions, and criticism during the progress of this
project “GoStash”.

I owe my profound gratitude to Dr. Neha Chaudhary , Head, Department of CSE, for her
valuable guidance and for facilitating me during my work. I am also very grateful to all the
faculty members and staff for their precious support and cooperation during the development
of this project.

Finally, I extend my heartfelt appreciation to my classmates for their help and


Registration No. 219302123

Student Name: Aayushman Ranjan

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
School of Computer Science and Engineering

Date: 29th March 2024


This is to certify that the project entitled “GoStash" is a bonafide work carried out as Minor Project

Midterm Assessment (Course Code: CS3270) in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering, by Aayushman Ranjan bearing

registration number 219302123 during the academic semester VI of year 2023-2024.

Place: Manipal University Jaipur, Jaipur

Name of the project guide: Dr. Umashankar Rawat

Signature of the project guide:



The sequence in which the project report pages should be arranged and bound should be as follows:

Page No.
Cover page


Table of Contents (with page nos)

1 Introduction
1.1 Objective of the project
1.2 Brief description of the project
1.3 Technology used
1.3.1 H / W Requirement
1.3.2 Software Requirement
1.4 Organization Profile (if applicable)
2 Design Description
2.1 Flow Chart
2.2 Data Flow Diagrams(DFDs)
2.3 Entity Relatoinship Diagram(E-R Diagram)
3 Project Description
3.1 Data Base
3.2 Table Description
3.3 File/Database Design
4 Input/Output Form Design
5 Testing & Tools used (if applicable)
6 Implementation & Maintenance (if applicable)
7 Future scope
8 Conclusion
9 Bibliography

1. Introduction

GoStash addresses the prevalent issue of scattered links and disorganized digital content, causing
frustration and reduced productivity for users. The project aims to provide a centralized and user-
friendly platform, allowing individuals to seamlessly save, manage, and access valuable resources
from various sources. Through custom categories tailored to users' interests, GoStash facilitates
efficient content discovery and retrieval.
The platform's core purpose is to empower users to reclaim lost productivity and unlock the true
potential of their digital bookmarking experience. By offering an intuitive interface and powerful
features, GoStash becomes a clutter-free solution for students, professionals, and web explorers to
manage their digital resources effectively.

1.1 Objective:

The primary objective of GoStash is to revolutionize digital bookmarking, providing users with a
centralized, user-friendly platform to efficiently save, manage, and access valuable resources.
GoStash's goal is to offer a clutter-free interface that simplifies bookmarking, empowering users to
focus on discovering and sharing content while reclaiming lost productivity in the digital realm.

1.2 Brief description of Project:

GoStash aims to address the challenge of scattered links and disorganized digital content by
providing a centralized platform for users to save, sort, and access their links from various sources.
The project focuses on creating a streamlined solution to revolutionize digital organization, offering
custom categories for personalized content discovery. GoStash's user-friendly interface and powerful
features aim to simplify bookmarking, making it easy for individuals to manage digital resources
efficiently. using Flutter and Dart as the programming languages, GoStash aims to make the digital
disorganization of users clutter free and easy to use.

1.3 Technology Used

1.3.1 H/W Requirements: A good laptop with adequate RAM and high speed processor.

1.3.2 Software Requirements: Android Studio, VS Code, Figma

2. Design Description

2.1 Flow Diagram:

2.2 Data Flow Diagram(DFDs)

2.3 ER Diagram
3.Project Description

1. Objective: GoStash addresses the prevalent issue of scattered links and disorganized digital
content by providing users with a centralized platform to save, sort, and access links from various
sources seamlessly.

2. Platform Features: GoStash boasts a user-friendly interface designed to enhance user experience.
It offers custom categories for personalized content discovery, ensuring that users can organize their
digital bookmarks according to their preferences and needs.

3. Mission: At the core of GoStash's mission is the empowerment of users to reclaim productivity and
unlock the true potential of their digital bookmarking experience. By streamlining the process of
managing digital content, GoStash enables users to focus more on their tasks and projects.
4. Comprehensive Solution: Positioned as a comprehensive solution, GoStash takes a user-centric
approach to tackle the real-world problem of digital disorganization. By offering a range of features
such as resource aggregation, idea repository, content discovery, research compilation, digital
library, project management, and study materials, GoStash caters to diverse user needs.

5.Free of Charge: GoStash is completely free to use, ensuring accessibility for users of all
backgrounds and financial means. This commitment to accessibility aligns with GoStash's overarching
goal of providing value to users without any financial barriers.

6. Future Plans: In phase 2, GoStash plans to enhance its functionality further by adding extensions
support, allowing users to customize their experience according to their specific requirements. This
demonstrates GoStash's commitment to continuous improvement and adaptation to meet evolving
user needs.

7. Cross-Platform Support: GoStash offers cross-platform support, ensuring compatibility with both
Android and iOS devices. Additionally, GoStash is accessible through all web browsers, making it
convenient for users to access their digital bookmarks across various devices and operating systems

8. Accessibility and Ease of Use: GoStash prioritizes accessibility and ease of use, with an intuitive
user interface that simplifies the process of adding links. Users can effortlessly add links to GoStash
without even opening the application, streamlining the bookmarking process and saving valuable
time and effort.

4. Input/Output Form Design :

Input Section:

1. URL/Link Input Field:

- Text Field: Users can paste or type the URL/link they want to save.

2. Category Selection:
- Dropdown Menu: Users can choose from pre-defined categories or create custom categories for
organizing their links.

3. Tags/Keywords:
- Text Field: Users can add relevant tags or keywords to facilitate easier search and organization.

4. Add to Favorites:
- Checkbox: Users can mark if they want to add the link to their favorites for quick access.

5. Save Button:
- Button: Allows users to save the inputted link along with selected categories and tags.
Output Section:

1. Saved Links Display:

- List/Grid View: Displays the saved links with their associated categories, tags, and whether they
are marked as favorites.

2. Search Bar:
- Text Field: Enables users to search for specific links using keywords or tags.

3. Filter Options:
- Dropdown Menus: Allows users to filter saved links based on categories, favorites status, or date

4. Edit/Delete Functionality:
- Edit Button: Enables users to edit the details of a saved link, including categories, tags, and
favorites status.
- Delete Button: Allows users to remove unwanted links from their collection.

5. Export/Share Options:
- Export Button: Allows users to export their saved links to a file format (e.g., CSV, JSON) for backup
or sharing purposes.
- Share Button: Enables users to share specific links with others via email or messaging apps.

6. Pagination/Infinite Scroll:
- Navigation Controls: Enables users to navigate through multiple pages of saved links, ensuring
smooth browsing experience.

7. Feedback/Support:
- Feedback Form/Support Button: Provides users with a means to provide feedback or seek
assistance if they encounter any issues with the application.

5. Testing & Tools Used:

I will test GoStash using various tools and methods to ensure its functionality and user-friendliness. I
will start by testing individual components to confirm they work as intended, such as adding links
and organizing them. Integration testing will ensure that these components seamlessly work
together. Additionally, I will assess the user interface for ease of navigation and understanding,
considering factors like responsiveness across different devices. Compatibility testing across
browsers and devices will ensure widespread accessibility. Performance testing will verify that the
app remains responsive under various loads. Security testing will identify and mitigate potential
vulnerabilities. Accessibility testing will ensure inclusivity for users with disabilities. Finally, user
acceptance testing will gather feedback from real users to validate the app's usability and
effectiveness in meeting their needs.

6. Implementation & Maintenance:

In implementing GoStash, I'll begin by setting up the project environment and integrating Firebase
services, utilizing Firestore for database management, Firebase Authentication for user
authentication, and Firebase Cloud Functions for server-side logic. I'll design a user-friendly interface
using Flutter's widgets, implementing features for adding, organizing, and accessing links, as well as
custom categories and tags for personalized content discovery. Integrating Firebase Authentication
will ensure secure user access, while cross-platform synchronization will enable seamless link access
across devices. Testing will encompass unit, integration, and end-to-end testing to ensure
functionality and reliability, followed by deployment through the Google Play Store and Apple App
Store. Maintenance will involve ongoing monitoring, bug fixes, and user support, ensuring GoStash
remains a dependable and efficient digital bookmarking solution.

7. Future Scope:

Future Scopes for GoStash:

1. Enhanced Privacy Controls: Implement advanced privacy settings to allow users to selectively
share specific stashes or links publicly while keeping others private. This feature would give users
more flexibility and control over their content sharing.

2. Collaborative Stashes: Introduce collaborative stash functionality, enabling users to invite others
to collaborate on a stash, facilitating teamwork and knowledge sharing among groups or teams.

3. Cross-Platform Synchronization Optimization: Continuously optimize the synchronization process

to ensure seamless and efficient syncing of stashes across different devices. This optimization could
involve leveraging Firebase's real-time database capabilities for faster data transfer and

4. Curated Pre-Made Stashes Expansion: Expand the collection of pre-made stashes curated by the
GoStash team to cover a wider range of topics and interests, catering to diverse user preferences
and needs. This expansion could include stashes tailored for specific industries, hobbies, or
educational purposes.

5. AI-Powered Content Recommendations: Integrate AI and GPT capabilities to provide personalized

content recommendations based on users' saved links and browsing history. This feature would
enhance the user experience by offering relevant and timely suggestions for new content discovery.

6. Browser Extension Development: Develop browser extensions for popular web browsers such as
Chrome, Firefox, and Safari, allowing users to seamlessly add links to their GoStash directly from
their browser. This extension support would streamline the bookmarking process and further
integrate GoStash into users' existing workflows.

7. Social Sharing Integration: Integrate social sharing functionality to allow users to easily share their
saved stashes or individual links with friends, colleagues, or followers on social media platforms. This
feature would promote user engagement and facilitate knowledge sharing within their social

8. Advanced Search and Filtering Options: Enhance search and filtering capabilities to enable users to
quickly find and access specific links or stashes based on various criteria such as tags, categories, or
keywords. Implementing advanced search algorithms and filters would improve the overall usability
and efficiency of GoStash.

8. Conclusion:

In conclusion, the future of GoStash is marked by a commitment to continuous innovation and

improvement, with a focus on providing users with a seamless and personalized digital bookmarking
experience. By implementing advanced features such as enhanced privacy controls, optimized cross-
platform synchronization, expanded pre-made stashes, AI-powered content recommendations,
browser extension support, social sharing integration, and advanced search and filtering options,
GoStash aims to empower users to organize, discover, and share digital content more effectively.
With these developments, GoStash endeavors to remain at the forefront of digital organization tools,
helping users reclaim productivity and unlock the full potential of their digital bookmarking

9. Bibliography:

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