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Openlab cds 2.3 user manual.

. This article provides links to user manuals and resources for OpenLab CDS on Agilent.com.
You can find information on how to prepare, install, configure, and manage OpenLab CDS Version 2.7 and 2.6. You can also learn about the data management features of OpenLab CDS, such as ECM and ECM XT/OpenLab Server. If you are new to OpenLab CDS or want to explore the add-on software, you can check out the general OpenLab CDS
resources and the ChemStation migration guide. To access the online help for Agilent OpenLab CDS Software, please use the links below for different languages: OpenLab Help — English (US) OpenLab Help — Português (Brasil) OpenLab Help — Pусский OpenLab Help — 日本語 OpenLab Help — 中文 (简体) This article applies to: Agilent OpenLab
CDS 2.x This article shows you how to overlay chromatograms for OpenLab CDS 2.x. Follow these steps: Load data from result sets or single samples. See Load or add data. Pin the chromatograms that you want to overlay. Go to Chromatograms Windows. Choose Overlaid in the Display Mode. (Figure 1) Figure 1: Overlaid chromatograms To show
overlaid chromatograms in a stacked mode, click in the Chromatograms toolbar. Click Setting icon to open Chromatogram Properties. Go to Chromatogram stacking and select the Display chromatograms stacked option. You can adjust the following settings: Time offset: Offset for the time axis Response offset: Offset for the response axis Hide peak
annotations in stacked mode: Choose to show or hide the peak annotations such as retention time or compound name when showing chromatograms in a stacked mode. The baseline will be hidden if peak annotations are hidden.
Figure 2: Chromatogram properties Click OK Did you find this article helpful? We appreciate your feedback! OpenLab CDS is a chromatography data system that offers productivity, usability, and data integrity. With a single user interface, you can control your instruments, process your data, and report your results. OpenLab CDS is a software that
can control and manage different types of instruments in the lab, such as LC, GC, single quadrupole LC/MS, and GC/MS, from Agilent and other vendors. It simplifies the training and support for the lab staff.
It also offers built-in tools that help with the analysis, interpretation, and reporting of the data. It has technical controls that ensure the quality, security, and traceability of the data. OpenLab CDS is suitable for analytical labs that require the highest level of data integrity. To get a quote, see related products, or check promotions, please click the
links below.

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