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A Report

Hybrid Approach for Improving Image Forgery Detection
Using Deep Learning
carried out as part of the course CSE CS3270 Submitted by
Chirasha Wadhwa
Shrija Banerjee

in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree



Computer Science & Engineering

Department of Computer Science & Engineering,

School of Computer Science and Engineering,
Manipal University Jaipur,
March 2024

A Report
Hybrid Approach for Improving Image Forgery Detection
Using Deep Learning

carried out as part of the course CSE CS3270 Submitted by

Chirasha Wadhwa
Shrija Banerjee


in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree



Computer Science & Engineering

Under the Guidance of :

Guide Name : Dr. Uma Shankar Rawat

Guide Signature:


This project would not have been completed without the help, support, comments, advice,
cooperation and coordination of various people. However, it is impossible to thank everyone
individually; I am hereby making a humble effort to thank some of them.

I acknowledge and express my deepest sense of gratitude to my internal supervisor Dr. Uma
Shankar Rawat for his constant support, guidance, and continuous engagement. I highly
appreciate his technical comments, suggestions, and criticism during the progress of this
project “Hybrid Approach for Improving Image Forgery Detection Using Deep Learning”.

I owe my profound gratitude to Dr. Neha Chaudhary , Head, Department of CSE, for her
valuable guidance and for facilitating me during my work. I am also very grateful to all the
faculty members and staff for their precious support and cooperation during the development
of this project.

Finally, I extend my heartfelt appreciation to my classmates for their help and


Registration No. Student Name

219301525 Chirasha Wadhwa
219301343 Shrija Banerjee

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
School of Computer Science and Engineering

Date: 29/03/2024


This is to certify that the project entitled “Hybrid Approach for Improving Image Forgery Detection
Using Deep Learning)" is a bonafide work carried out as Minor Project Midterm Assessment (Course
Code: CS3270) in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in
Computer Science and Engineering, by Chirasha Wadhwa and Shrija Banerjee bearing registration
number 219301525 and 219301343 respectively, during the academic semester VI of year 2023-

Place: Manipal University Jaipur, Jaipur

Name of the project guide: Dr. Uma Shankar Rawat

Signature of the project guide:

Table of Contents
1. Introduction

1.1. Motivation

2. Literature Review

2.1. Outcome
2.2. Problem Statement

2.3. Research Objectives.

3. Methodology and Framework

3.1. System Architecture

3.2. Algorithms, Techniques etc.

4. Work Done

4.1. Work Done till now

4.2. Results and Discussion

4.3. Individual Contribution of project members (in case of group project)

4.4. Outcome

5. Conclusion and Future Plan



Figure 1 Digital Image Forgery

Digital image forgery, a pervasive issue in the realm of digital content, encompasses various techniques
employed to manipulate or alter digital images for deceptive purposes. Among the myriad forms of image
forgery, one particularly prevalent technique is image splicing which is a passive approach for digital image
forgery, which involves combining different parts of multiple images to create a composite image that appears
authentic. This introduction provides an overview of digital image forgery with a focus on image splicing,
exploring its implications, detection challenges, and countermeasures.

Image splicing, often employed in contexts such as photo manipulation, journalism, and propaganda, poses
significant challenges to the integrity and authenticity of digital images. Perpetrators of image splicing may alter
images to deceive viewers, conceal information, or manipulate public opinion. For instance, a spliced image
may depict individuals in situations they were not present in, locations they did not visit, or events that did not
occur, leading to misinformation and misrepresentation.

Detecting image splicing poses significant challenges due to the sophistication of modern editing tools and
techniques. Perpetrators may employ advanced software to seamlessly blend different parts of images, adjust
lighting and color tones, and remove traces of manipulation. Moreover, spliced images may be further
disseminated through social media platforms, making it challenging to trace their origins and verify their

Despite these challenges, researchers and practitioners have developed various techniques and tools to detect
image splicing and enhance digital image forensics. These techniques may involve analyzing inconsistencies in
lighting, shadows, textures, and perspectives across different regions of an image. Additionally, researchers
leverage advancements in machine learning and computer vision to develop automated algorithms capable of
detecting subtle anomalies indicative of image splicing.

Moreover, efforts to address image splicing extend beyond detection techniques to include educational
initiatives, legal frameworks, and industry standards. Educating users about the prevalence of image
manipulation and its potential consequences can foster greater skepticism and critical thinking when consuming

digital content. Legal frameworks and regulations may impose penalties for deceptive image manipulation,
deterring malicious actors from engaging in fraudulent practices.

In conclusion, digital image forgery, particularly image splicing, poses significant challenges to the integrity and
authenticity of digital images in various domains. Detecting and mitigating image splicing requires a
multidisciplinary approach involving technological innovations, educational initiatives, and legal interventions.
By raising awareness, developing detection techniques, and fostering collaboration across sectors, stakeholders
can work towards mitigating the impact of image splicing and upholding the integrity of digital content.

1.1 Motivation

In today's digital age, the widespread availability of sophisticated editing tools and the ease of sharing digital
content have led to an increase in the prevalence of digital image forgery, with image splicing emerging as a
particularly deceptive technique. Understanding the motivation behind undertaking a project on digital image
forgery detection, specifically focusing on splicing, is crucial for addressing the growing challenges posed by
deceptive image manipulation.

1. Protecting Integrity and Authenticity: The integrity and authenticity of digital images are
paramount, especially in domains such as journalism, forensics, and digital evidence analysis.
Detecting and preventing image splicing can safeguard the credibility of digital content,
ensuring that images accurately represent reality and are not manipulated for deceptive

2. Combating Misinformation and Fake News: In an era where fake news and misinformation
proliferate across digital platforms, detecting image splicing can play a vital role in combating
the spread of false information. By identifying manipulated images, researchers and
practitioners can mitigate the impact of deceptive visual content on public perception and trust
in digital media.

3. Enhancing Digital Forensics Capabilities: Digital image forgery detection, including splicing,
is essential for enhancing digital forensics capabilities in criminal investigations and legal
proceedings. Authenticating digital evidence and ensuring its admissibility in court rely on
robust techniques for detecting image manipulation and tampering.

4. Advancing Technology and Innovation: Addressing the challenges of image splicing detection
involves leveraging advancements in machine learning, computer vision, and digital signal
processing. By undertaking research in this field, we can push the boundaries of technological
innovation, developing more effective and reliable tools for detecting and mitigating digital
image forgery.

5. Safeguarding Personal and Organizational Reputation: Individuals and organizations can

suffer reputational damage due to the dissemination of manipulated images that misrepresent
their actions or intentions. Detecting image splicing can help protect personal and
organizational reputation, ensuring that digital images accurately reflect reality and do not
tarnish reputations unfairly.

6. Ethical and Societal Considerations: Undertaking a project on digital image forgery detection,
particularly focusing on splicing, aligns with ethical considerations regarding the responsible
use of digital media. By promoting transparency, accountability, and integrity in digital
content creation and dissemination, we contribute to a more trustworthy and ethical digital

In conclusion, the motivation for undertaking a project on digital image forgery detection, with a
specific emphasis on splicing, stems from the pressing need to protect the integrity of digital images,
combat misinformation, enhance digital forensics capabilities, drive technological innovation,
safeguard reputations, and uphold ethical standards. By addressing these motivations, researchers and
practitioners can make significant strides towards mitigating the impact of image splicing and
promoting trust and authenticity in digital media.


Digital image forgery, particularly image splicing, has garnered significant attention from researchers and
practitioners in the fields of computer vision, image processing, and digital forensics. This literature review
provides an overview of key research findings, methodologies, and advancements related to detecting image
splicing, highlighting the challenges and opportunities in this area.

1. Image Splicing Techniques:

Image splicing involves combining different parts of multiple images to create a composite image that
appears authentic. Various splicing techniques have been identified in the literature, including copy-
move, region duplication, and object insertion. Farid and Lyu[2] (2003) introduced the concept of the
copy-move forgery, where regions of an image are duplicated and pasted within the same image to
conceal or replicate objects. Similarly, Ng et al.[4] (2005) proposed a method for detecting region
duplication by analyzing the similarity between image blocks using correlation-based techniques.

2. Detection Approaches:
Detecting image splicing involves analyzing inconsistencies in lighting, color, texture, and perspective
across different regions of an image. Several detection approaches have been developed, ranging from
traditional handcrafted features to deep learning-based methods. Fridrich et al.[3] (2012) introduced the
concept of sensor pattern noise (SPN) analysis, where inconsistencies in noise patterns introduced by
digital cameras are exploited to detect image tampering. Deep learning-based approaches, such as
convolutional neural networks (CNNs), have also shown promise in detecting image splicing by
learning discriminative features directly from the data (Bayar and Stamm,[1] 2016).

3. Dataset Creation and Evaluation:

The availability of annotated datasets plays a crucial role in advancing research on image splicing
detection. Researchers have created benchmark datasets, such as CASIA v1.0 and v2.0 (Zhao et al. [5],
2007), which contain authentic and spliced images along with ground truth annotations. These datasets
enable researchers to train and evaluate detection algorithms under controlled conditions and compare
their performance against state-of-the-art methods.

4. Limitations and Challenges:

Despite significant advancements, detecting image splicing remains a challenging task due to the
sophistication of modern editing tools and the prevalence of real-world scenarios where spliced images
may exhibit subtle inconsistencies. Challenges include detecting small-scale manipulations, handling
post-processing operations, and dealing with compression artifacts. Additionally, the lack of
standardization in evaluation metrics and protocols makes it difficult to compare the performance of
different detection algorithms objectively.

5. Future Directions:
Future research directions in image splicing detection include exploring multimodal techniques that
combine information from different sources, such as image content, metadata, and camera sensor data,
to improve detection accuracy. Additionally, integrating domain-specific knowledge, such as forensic
analysis of digital cameras and image acquisition pipelines, can enhance the robustness of detection
algorithms in real-world scenarios.

In conclusion, research on image splicing detection has made significant strides in recent years, driven by
advancements in detection techniques, dataset creation, and evaluation methodologies. However, addressing the
challenges posed by image splicing requires continued collaboration across disciplines and the development of
innovative approaches that can adapt to evolving manipulation techniques and real-world scenarios.

2.1 Outcome of Literature Review
The literature review reveals several key findings and trends in the field of digital image forgery detection,
particularly focusing on image splicing. Here are the outcomes derived from the review:

1. Understanding Image Splicing Techniques: The review highlights various image splicing techniques,
including copy-move forgery, region duplication, and object insertion. These techniques involve
manipulating different parts of multiple images to create deceptive composite images.
2. Identification of Detection Approaches: Researchers have proposed numerous detection approaches for
identifying image splicing, ranging from traditional methods based on handcrafted features to more
advanced techniques using deep learning algorithms. These approaches leverage inconsistencies in
lighting, color, texture, and perspective across different regions of an image to detect splicing.
3. Importance of Dataset Creation and Evaluation: The review emphasizes the significance of annotated
datasets for training and evaluating image splicing detection algorithms. Benchmark datasets, such as
CASIA v1.0 and v2.0, provide researchers with standardized evaluation protocols and ground truth
annotations, enabling rigorous testing and comparison of detection methods.
4. Recognition of Limitations and Challenges: Despite advancements in detection techniques, the review
acknowledges the persistent challenges in detecting image splicing, including handling small-scale
manipulations, post-processing operations, and compression artifacts. Additionally, the lack of
standardization in evaluation metrics poses challenges for objectively comparing detection algorithms.
5. Future Research Directions: The review identifies several promising research directions for enhancing
image splicing detection, including exploring multimodal techniques that integrate information from
different sources and leveraging domain-specific knowledge to improve detection accuracy in real-
world scenarios. Additionally, there is a need for continued collaboration across disciplines to address
the evolving challenges of image forgery detection.

Overall, the literature review provides valuable insights into the state-of-the-art in digital image forgery
detection, highlighting the progress made, challenges encountered, and future directions for advancing research
in this critical area of digital forensics and security.

The primary objective of analysing a hybrid algorithm for image forgery detection work is to develop robust and
accurate methods for identifying manipulated or forged images. This involves the application of various
techniques, including traditional image forensics and advanced machine learning approaches, to analyse and
authenticate digital images.

We will focus basically on the objectives as stated below:

Detection Accuracy: Create algorithms and models that can accurately and reliably identify various types of
image forgeries, such as copy-move, splicing, and retouching. Achieving high detection accuracy is essential for
building trust in the results and ensuring the effectiveness of the forgery detection system.

Algorithm Robustness: Develop algorithms that are robust against a wide range of image manipulation
techniques and challenges. This includes addressing variations in image resolution, compression, and noise, as
well as handling different types of image content and contexts.

Scalability: Ensure that the forgery detection system can handle large datasets and scale effectively to meet the
demands of applications with a high volume of image content, such as social media platforms and news

Ethical Considerations: Address ethical considerations related to privacy and consent, particularly when
deploying forgery detection tools in contexts where personal or sensitive information may be involved. Striking
a balance between security and privacy is an important objective in the development and implementation of
forgery detection systems.
By achieving these objectives, our aim is to contribute to the advancement of image forgery detection
technologies, fostering a more secure and trustworthy digital environment where the authenticity of visual
information can be reliably verified.

2.3 Problem Statement

The proliferation of digital image manipulation techniques, particularly image splicing, poses a significant
challenge to the integrity and authenticity of digital content. Image splicing involves combining different parts
of multiple images to create a composite image that appears genuine but may contain deceptive elements.
Detecting image splicing is crucial for mitigating the spread of misinformation, maintaining trust in digital
media, and ensuring the reliability of digital evidence in various domains such as journalism, forensics, and
content authentication.

Despite advancements in digital image forensics, detecting image splicing remains a challenging task due to the
sophistication of modern editing tools and the prevalence of real-world scenarios where spliced images may
exhibit subtle inconsistencies. Traditional methods based on manual inspection and handcrafted features are
often inadequate for detecting sophisticated splicing techniques, which can involve blending, resizing, and post-
processing operations to conceal traces of manipulation.

Moreover, the lack of standardized datasets, evaluation protocols, and benchmarking metrics complicates the
comparison and evaluation of different detection algorithms. Existing datasets may lack diversity in terms of
splicing techniques, image content, and real-world scenarios, limiting the generalizability and robustness of
detection methods.

Therefore, there is a pressing need for innovative techniques and methodologies to improve the detection
accuracy and reliability of image splicing detection. Addressing this problem requires interdisciplinary
collaboration between researchers in computer vision, image processing, machine learning, and digital forensics
to develop robust, scalable, and efficient algorithms capable of detecting a wide range of splicing techniques
across diverse datasets and real-world scenarios.

In summary, the problem statement revolves around the challenge of detecting image splicing, a prevalent form
of digital image forgery, and the need to develop advanced detection techniques that can accurately identify
spliced images, enhance digital image forensics capabilities, and preserve the integrity and authenticity of digital
content in the face of evolving manipulation techniques and deceptive practices.

2.3 Research Objective

The primary objective of this research is to devise robust methodologies for detecting image forgery, with a
specific emphasis on splicing manipulation.

1. Investigate Existing Techniques: The research will commence with a comprehensive review and
analysis of existing methods and algorithms utilized in image forensics, particularly those targeting
splicing detection. By examining the strengths and limitations of current approaches, this study aims to
identify areas for improvement and innovation.
2. Development of Novel Algorithms: Building upon the insights gained from the review phase, the
research will focus on the design and implementation of novel algorithms tailored specifically for
splicing detection. These algorithms will leverage advanced image processing, machine learning, and
deep learning techniques to enhance accuracy and efficiency in identifying manipulated regions within
3. Dataset Collection and Curation: A diverse and representative dataset comprising authentic and spliced
images will be curated to facilitate the training and evaluation of the proposed algorithms. Special
attention will be given to ensuring the dataset's quality and diversity to ensure the generalizability of the
developed techniques.
4. Performance Evaluation and Validation: The effectiveness and reliability of the developed algorithms
will be rigorously evaluated through extensive experimentation and validation. Performance metrics
such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score will be utilized to assess the detection capabilities of
the algorithms across varying degrees of splicing complexity and image characteristics.
5. Integration and Deployment: Successful algorithms will be integrated into practical image forensic
tools and software solutions, enabling their deployment for real-world applications. User-friendly
interfaces and efficient processing capabilities will be prioritized to facilitate widespread adoption by
forensic experts, law enforcement agencies, and digital content creators.
6. Ethical Considerations: Throughout the research process, ethical considerations regarding data privacy,
intellectual property rights, and potential societal impacts will be carefully addressed. Transparency and
accountability will be maintained to uphold the integrity of the research outcomes and ensure
responsible dissemination of findings.

By achieving these research objectives, this study aims to advance the state-of-the-art in image forgery
detection, particularly in the domain of splicing manipulation, thereby contributing to the enhancement of digital
image authentication and integrity verification techniques


3.1 System Architecture

Figure 2 CNN Architecture

Figure 3 E-R Diagram

Figure 4 Training Dataset Reference

3.2 Algorithms and Techniques

1) Bilateral filtering –
The bilateral filtering algorithm is a multi-step process that applies spatial and intensity domain Gaussian filters
to an image simultaneously. Here are the steps involved in the bilateral filtering algorithm:

1. Input Image: Start with an input image that you want to filter. This image may contain noise that needs
to be reduced while preserving edges.

2. Spatial Domain Gaussian Filter: Define the size of the filter window or kernel (usually an odd number)
that moves over the image. Compute the spatial Gaussian kernel based on the size of the filter window
and the standard deviation (sigma_space). This kernel emphasizes pixels closer to the center of the
window. Convolve the input image with the spatial Gaussian kernel. This step smoothes the image in
the spatial domain, reducing noise.

3. Intensity Domain Gaussian Filter: Define the intensity range for the Gaussian filter. This range is
determined by the intensity values of the pixels within the filter window. Compute the intensity
Gaussian kernel based on the intensity range and the standard deviation (sigma_color). This kernel
preserves edges by giving less weight to pixels with significantly different intensities. Convolve the
spatially smoothed image with the intensity Gaussian kernel. This step smooths the image in the
intensity domain while preserving edges.

4. Combine Filters: Multiply the results of the spatial and intensity domain filtering operations pixel-wise.
This step combines the spatial and intensity domain smoothing effects. The resulting image is the
output of the bilateral filter algorithm. It effectively reduces noise while preserving edges in the image.

5. Output Image: The final output is a filtered image that retains sharp edges while reducing noise in both
homogeneous and textured regions.

These steps together form the bilateral filtering algorithm, which is widely used in image processing for tasks
such as denoising, edge-preserving smoothing, and tone mapping. Implementations of this algorithm are
available in various image processing libraries, such as OpenCV, MATLAB, and scikit-image.

2) Canny edge detection-

The Canny edge detection algorithm is a multi-step process used to detect edges in images while minimizing
noise and preserving important edge features. Here are the steps involved in the Canny edge detection

Grayscale Conversion:

 Convert the input color image to grayscale. This simplifies the edge detection process by reducing the
image to a single intensity channel.

Noise Reduction (Gaussian Blur):

 Apply a Gaussian blur to the grayscale image to reduce noise and unwanted details that can interfere
with edge detection.
 The Gaussian blur is a low-pass filter that smooths the image by averaging the pixel values within a
defined kernel size.

Gradient Calculation:

 Compute the gradient magnitude and direction at each pixel in the blurred image.
 Use gradient operators (such as Sobel, Prewitt, or Scharr) to estimate the intensity gradients in the
horizontal and vertical directions.
 Calculate the gradient magnitude as the square root of the sum of the squares of the horizontal and
vertical gradients.
 Compute the gradient direction as the arctangent of the vertical gradient divided by the horizontal

Non-Maximum Suppression:

 Suppress non-maximum pixels in the gradient direction to thin the detected edges.
 Traverse the gradient direction at each pixel and compare the gradient magnitude with its neighbors
along the gradient direction.
 Preserve only the local maxima in the gradient direction and suppress all other pixels.

Edge Hysteresis Thresholding:

 Apply two threshold values, a high threshold (high_threshold) and a low threshold (low_threshold), to
categorize pixels as strong, weak, or non-edges.
 Pixels with gradient magnitudes above the high threshold are classified as strong edges.
 Pixels with gradient magnitudes below the low threshold are classified as non-edges.
 Pixels with gradient magnitudes between the low and high thresholds are classified as weak edges.
 Perform edge tracking by connecting strong edges to weak edges along the edge contours.
 Remove weak edges that are not connected to strong edges.

Output Image:

 Generate a binary edge map where pixels classified as strong edges are set to white (255) and all other
pixels are set to black (0).
 The final output is the edge-detected image, highlighting the edges present in the original grayscale

These steps together constitute the Canny edge detection algorithm, which is widely used in computer vision
applications for tasks such as object detection, image segmentation, and feature extraction. Implementations of
this algorithm are available in various image processing libraries, such as OpenCV, MATLAB, and scikit-


4.1 Work Done Till Now

Figure 5 Timeline

4.2 Result

Figure 6 Original Image Figure 7 Image after Bilateral Filter

Figure 8 Binary Black and White

9 Ground Truth Image

4.3 Individual Contribution

1) Chirasha Wadhwa-
 Research paper reading and theoretical analysis
 Data set cleaning and enhancement
 Image pre processing and post processing algorithm
modification and implementation

2) Shrija Banerjee-
 Research paper reading and algorithm analysis

 Machine learning model implementation and modification
 Data set generation and alteration

4.4 Outcome
We are modifying and creating our own data set of ground truth images and data set for any further works to be


1. We are highly motivated to publish a good research paper on the proposed work. (With impact factor >5)

2.We are modifying and creating our own data set of ground truth images and data set for any further works to
be done.

3.We have the theoretical knowledge and an accurate plan and methodology to progress ahead with the paper
writing part.


[1] Bayar, B., & Stamm, M. C. (2016). A deep learning approach to universal image manipulation detection
using a new convolutional layer. In Proceedings of the 4th ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and
Multimedia Security (pp. 5-10).

[2] Farid, H., & Lyu, S. (2003). Detecting hidden messages using higher-order statistics and support vector
machines. In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Information Hiding (pp. 340-354).

[3] Fridrich, J., Soukal, D., & Lukáš, J. (2012). Detection of copy-move forgery in digital images. In
Proceedings of Digital Forensic Research Workshop.

[4] Ng, T. T., Chang, S. F., & Sun, Q. (2005). Blind detection of photomontage using higher order statistics.
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 1(3), 302-315.

[5] Zhao, W., Sun, X., Jin, X., & Zhang, H. (2007). A new image dataset for tampering detection research. In
Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Multimedia & Security (pp. 274-278).

[6] Shanthi, G. & Velanganny, Cyril. (2018). A Novel Approach for Efficient Forgery Image Detection Using
Hybrid Feature Extraction and Classification. International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE). 7.
215-219. 10.14419/ijet.v7i3.27.17879.

[7] Ding, H., Chen, L., Tao, Q. et al. DCU-Net: a dual-channel U-shaped network for image splicing forgery
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[8] [cs.CV]


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