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Michael’s School, Inc Mathematics Grade 7 Big idea: Optimism

Las Piñas City Prepared by: Christian Manginsay

Stage 3 – Learning Plan

Summary of Key Learning Events and Instruction

April LC: * Illustrates the measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode) of a
16, statistical data.
2024, LT: *I can illustrate the measures of central tendency
Classroom management


Find the mean, median and mode of the following data given below. Show your solution.

1.35, 54, 58, 61, 40, 38, 29, 34, 37, 22, 15, 38
2. 26, 32, 12, 18, 11, 18, 21, 12, 27, 20, 19
3. 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 11, 12, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15

The teacher will present a video presentation
1. How was the video presentation? Did you enjoy it?
2. What is the definition of mean, median, mode?
3. Can you explain how can we get the measures of central tendency according to the

1. What measure of central tendency is calculated by adding all the values and dividing
the sum by the number of values?
2. Which of the measures of central tendency can have more than one value for a set of
3. This measurement arranges data from least to greatest and chooses the middle value of
the ungrouped data?
4. What is the mean of the following numbers?
10, 35, 70, 39, 65, 39, 28
5. The mean of four numbers is 71.5. If three of the numbers are 58, 76, and 88, what is
the value of the fourth number?


1. 1. A student has gotten the following grades on his tests: 87,85,78,87 and 95. Find
for the mean, median and mode.

2. Which of the measures of central tendency you must use to the following below:
a.) you want to see how well you are on your grades in all of your subjects.
b.) the number of votes of the candidates
c.) half of the employees’ daily salary are below the minimum wage and the other half
are above the minimum wage.

1. Wigan’s grade for this quarter is as follows. What is the lowest possible grade
he should get in Mathematics for him to have an average of 90?
English 89
Filipino 91
Science 88
Mathematics ?
Araling 91
2. There are MAPEH 90 three basketball teams and each has played
five games. Their winning scores from each game are as follows:
Team Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Game 4 Game 5
Eagles 67 87 63 99 78
Archers 85 90 64 80 61
Tigers 62 101 65 88 62

a. Find the mean, median and mode of the 5 scores of each team.
Team Mean Median Mode

b. Suppose you want to join one of the teams. You want to join the one that is
doing the best so far. Which team would you join and why?


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