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El Filibusterismo Characters

El Filibusterismo, a captivating novel by Dr. Jose Rizal, serves as a sequel to his earlier work, Noli Me Tangere.
This literary masterpiece, delves into the social and political issues that plagued the country during the
Spanish colonial era. With its powerful narrative, El Filibusterismo explores themes such as revolution,
education, and justice, vividly illustrating the struggles faced by Filipinos and inspiring the nation’s fight for
In this article, we made a simple guide on El Filibusterismo characters. We’ll introduce you to the fascinating
personalities found in the famous novel penned by the Philippines’ national hero. Perfect for students of all
ages, our guide will help you get to know these characters better and make your reading experience more
enjoyable. Let’s explore the world of El Filibusterismo together!

El Filibusterismo Characters (Main Characters)

Explore the key characters in El Filibusterismo, who make crucial contributions to the novel’s narrative.
1. Simoun
Simoun, the alter ego of Crisostomo Ibarra from Noli Me Tangere, is a wealthy jeweler who disguises himself
after being presumed dead. With his tanned skin, sparse beard, long white hair, and blue-tinted glasses, he’s a
mysterious and sometimes confrontational figure. Although he appears arrogant, he secretly plans a violent
revolution to avenge his past and accelerate Elias’ reformist goals.

Simoun symbolizes revolutionaries who advocated for a bloody revolt against the Spanish government, but his
death in El Filibusterismo shows Rizal’s disapproval of armed rebellion.

2. Basilio
Basilio, the son of Sisa from Noli Me Tangere, is a hardworking student on the verge of earning his medical
degree. As Captain Tiago’s protege, he dreams of a better future through education. Despite his success, he
remains indifferent to society’s needs.

Basilio represents the youth striving for personal advancement but lacking social awareness.

3. Isagani
Isagani, Basilio’s friend and aspiring poet, is the passionate and idealistic nephew of Father Florentino. He
values his principles above all else, even when it costs him his relationship with his girlfriend, Paulita Gomez.

Isagani embodies the youth with great love for their country, willing to stand up for their beliefs.

4. Father Florentino
Father Florentino, Isagani’s uncle and a retired priest, is a respected figure despite his past romantic

Having chosen priesthood over love, he represents the secular Filipino priests of Rizal’s time. His character
also emphasizes Rizal’s opposition to a bloody revolt.

5. Ben-Zayb
A patriotic and jingoistic journalist, Ben-Zayb writes for the Manila Spanish newspaper El Grito de la Integridad
under the pen name Ybañez. He is unscrupulous in his storytelling, often distorting facts to make stories more

Ben-Zayb represents the corrupted media of his time.

6. Placido Penitente
A University of Santo Tomas student, Placido Penitente reluctantly continues his studies at his mother’s
request. After clashing with his physics professor and meeting Simoun, he becomes a devoted follower of
Simoun’s revolutionary cause.

His name, which translates to “silent suffering,” reflects his temperament and struggle.

7. Father Irene
As Capitan Tiago’s spiritual adviser, Father Irene is criticized for his alliance with temporal authority for power
and monetary gain. Despite receiving gifts from the student association, he betrays them by advising against
their vision of a secular, privately managed school. He secretly supplies Capitan Tiago with opium, and upon
Basilio’s imprisonment, ensures Basilio inherits nothing from Tiago’s estate.

Father Irene represents the few Spaniards who show sympathy towards Filipinos.
8. Capitan Tiago
Don Santiago de los Santos, Maria Clara’s father, is a wealthy landowner with properties in Pampanga, Binondo,
and Laguna. Despite his wealth, he falls into depression after Maria enters the convent, leading him to develop
an opium addiction, fueled by his association with Padre Irene.

Capitan Tiago hires Basilio as a servant-student, who eventually becomes his caregiver and estate manager.
He dies from shock after hearing of Basilio’s arrest and tales of violent revolt.

9. Captain-General
The highest-ranking official in the Philippines during the Spanish colonial period, the Captain-General is
Simoun’s friend and confidant. He is driven by an insatiable lust for gold, which Simoun exploits to manipulate
him and drive the country towards revolution. After a public rebuke, he is shamed into not extending his
tenure in the Philippines.

10. Father Camorra

Father Camorra is the parish priest of Tiani and often mocks Ben-Zayb’s liberal views, despite their contrasting
appearances. Known for his insatiable lust, Father Camorra’s actions ultimately lead Juli to take her own life
after he tries to assault her within the convent. Due to his misconduct, he is placed under “house arrest” in his
order’s lavish riverside villa just outside of Manila.

11. Father Bernardo Salvi

The former parish priest of San Diego, Father Salvi is now the director and chaplain of the Santa Clara convent.
Implied to have assaulted Maria Clara, he remains fearful of Ibarra’s potential revenge.

12. Father Hernando de la Sibyla

Introduced in Noli Me Tangere as the curate of Binondo, Father Sibyla now serves as the director and chaplain
of the University of Santo Tomas. He is a liberal friar who values reason.

13. Father Millon

A Dominican priest who serves as a physics professor at the University of Santo Tomas.

14. Paulita Gomez

Isagani’s girlfriend and Doña Victorina’s niece, Paulita eventually breaks up with Isagani to marry Juanito
Pelaez, believing she has no future with Isagani.

15. Don Custodio

Custodio de Salazar y Sanchez de Monteredondo is a contractor tasked with developing a proposal for a
Spanish language academy. An opportunist and social climber, he is portrayed as incompetent and laughably

16. Quiroga
A Chinese businessman aspiring to become a consul for China in the Philippines. Simoun coerces him into
hiding weapons in his warehouses for the planned revolution.

El Filibusterismo Characters (Minor Characters)

Meet the supporting cast of Noli Me Tangere; although they may not hold the spotlight like the main
characters, they still greatly influence the story’s overall progression.

1. Kabesang Tales
Telesforo Juan de Dios, also known as Kabesang Tales, is a former cabeza de barangay of Barrio Sagpang in
Tiani who becomes the bandit leader Matanglawin. After losing his land to the Dominicans and facing
countless hardships, he joins the bandits to fight back.
Kabesang Tales symbolizes Filipinos who were driven to rebellion by injustice and land seizure.

2. Juli
Juliana de Dios, Basilio’s girlfriend and Kabesang Tales’ youngest daughter, is a symbol of purity and
innocence among lower-class women during Rizal’s time.

When her father is captured by bandits, she petitions Hermana Penchang to pay his ransom, agreeing to work
as her maid in return. Basilio rescues Juli and provides a home for her family. When Juli seeks help from Padre
Camorra during Basilio’s imprisonment, she chooses death over dishonor by jumping from the church tower to
avoid being assaulted.
3. Tandang Selo
Father of Kabesang Tales and grandfather of Tano and Juli, Tandang Selo is a deer hunter and broom-maker.
After Juli’s suicide, he leaves town and later dies at the hands of his grandson Tano during a skirmish with

4. Tano
Son of Kabesang Tales, Tano is nicknamed “Carolino” after completing Guardia Civil training in the Carolines.
He unknowingly kills his grandfather Tandang Selo in a battle against bandits.

5. Hermana Penchang
A wealthy woman who lends Juli money to ransom her father from bandits. In return, Juli serves as her maid
until the debt is repaid. Although pious, her virtues are influenced by the teachings of the friars.

6. Hermana Bali
A mother-figure and advisor to Juli, Hermana Bali assists her in securing ransom for Kabesang Tales and later
helps her in efforts to free Basilio.

7. Macaraig
A wealthy leader of the student association, Macaraig owns several houses, one of which he lends for use as a
Spanish language academy. After the association is outlawed, he posts bail and leaves the country.

8. Sandoval
A Peninsular government employee who identifies with the Filipino students’ cause. He uses his oratorical
skills to pass his courses even after the student association is outlawed.

9. Pecson
A pessimistic, chubby student, Pecson often opposes Sandoval’s optimistic speeches. He suggests a torch-lit
dinner at a restaurant after receiving disappointing news about the Spanish language academy project.

10. Tadeo
A truant and charlatan, Tadeo dreams of an eternal “holiday” from school. Despite his antics, he is beloved by
professors and passes courses. After the student association is outlawed, he welcomes imprisonment and
celebrates his release by burning his books.

11. Juanito Pelaez

The son of a metalworks trader, Juanito is a prankster and a favorite among professors. He competes with
Isagani for Paulita Gomez’s affection and eventually marries her after Isagani’s arrest. Though initially involved
in the student association, Juanito easily breaks away when it is outlawed.

12. Señor Pasta

An elderly Filipino lawyer, Señor Pasta refuses to support Filipino students in their push for educational reforms.
He represents the portion of society that caters only to the wealthy and influential.

13. Don Timoteo Pelaez

Father of Juanito Pelaez and a business associate of Simoun.

14. Donya Victorina

Aunt of Paulita Gomez and wife of Don Tiburcio.
15. Don Tiburcio
Hides from his wife, Donya Victorina, and seeks refuge with Padre Florentino.

16. Captain Basilio

A wealthy captain in San Diego, married to Kapitana Tika, and father of Sinang.

17. Kabesang Andang

Mother of Placido Penitente and a resident of Batangas.

18. Kapitana Tika

Wife of Captain Basilio and mother of Sinang.

19. Mr. Leeds

An American who hosts a fair.

20. Imuthis
A talking head in the fair.

21. Pepay
A dancer who is asked by students for help in speaking with Don Custodio about the Spanish language

22. Sinong
A coachman who gets beaten up multiple times for forgetting his residence certificate and having his lights go
out during a procession.

23. Mautang
A Filipino civil guard who mistreats fellow Filipino prisoners.

24. Tiyo Kiko

A close friend of Camaroncocido.

25. Paciano Gomez

Brother of Paulita Gomez.

26. Camaroncocido
A Spaniard who is disdained by his peers due to his appearance.

27. Sinang
Friend of Maria Clara; daughter of Captain Basilio and Kapitana Tika.

28. Momoy
A guest at Paulita Gomez and Juanito Pelaez’s wedding who discusses the chaos at their feast.

29. Captain Loleng

Discusses the chaos at Paulita Gomez and Juanito Pelaez’s feast and advises Isagani to hide from potential

30. Captain Toringgoy

Discusses the chaos at Paulita Gomez and Juanito Pelaez’s feast, speculating that friars, Quiroga, or Makaraeg
may be responsible
31. Chichoy
Discusses the chaos at Paulita Gomez and Juanito Pelaez’s feast, suggesting that Simoun planted a basket full
of explosives.
32. Maria Clara
Dies in the Santa Clara convent, believed to have been repeatedly raped by Padre Salvi.

Chapter IV

Rizal’s Early Childhood

José Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonzo Realonda, the seventh child of Francisco Engracio Rizal Mercado y
Alejandro and his wife, Teodora Morales Alonzo Realonda y Quintos, was born in Kalamba, June 19, 1861.

He was a typical Filipino, for few persons in this land of mixed blood could boast a greater mixture than his.
Practically all the ethnic elements, perhaps even the Negrito in the far past, combined in his blood. All his
ancestors, except the doubtful strain of the Negrito, had been immigrants to the Philippines, early Malays, and
later Sumatrans, Chinese of prehistoric times and the refugees from the Tartar dominion, and Spaniards of old
Castile and Valencia—representatives of all the various peoples who have blended to make the strength of the
Philippine race.

Shortly before José’s birth his family had built a pretentious new home in the center of Kalamba on a lot which
Francisco Mercado had inherited from his brother. The house was destroyed before its usefulness had ceased,
by the vindictiveness of those who hated the man-child that was born there. And later on the gratitude of a
free people held the same spot sacred because there began that life consecrated to the Philippines and finally
given for it, after preparing the way for the union of the various disunited Chinese mestizos, Spanish mestizos,
and half a hundred dialectically distinguished “Indians” into the united people of the Philippines.

José was christened in the nearby church when three days old, and as two out-of-town bands happened to be
in Kalamba for a local festival, music was a feature of Page 65the event. His godfather was Father Pedro
Casañas, a Filipino priest of a Kalamba family, and the priest who christened him was also a Filipino, Father
Rufino Collantes. Following is a translation of the record of Rizal’s birth and baptism: “I, the undersigned parish
priest of the town of Calamba, certify that from the investigation made with proper authority, for replacing the
parish books which were burned September 28, 1862, to be found in Docket No. 1 of Baptisms, page 49, it
appears by the sworn testimony of competent witnesses that José Rizal Mercado is the legitimate son, and of
lawful wedlock, of Don Francisco Rizal Mercado and Doña Teodora Realonda, having been baptized in this
parish on the 22d day of June in the year 1861, by the parish priest, Rev. Rufino Collantes, Rev. Pedro Casañas
being his godfather.”—Witness my signature.

(Signed) Leoncio Lopez

Birthplace of José Rizal.

Page 66José Rizal’s earliest training recalls the education of William and Alexander von Humboldt, those two
nineteenth century Germans whose achievements for the prosperity of their fatherland and the advancement
of humanity have caused them to be spoken of as the most remarkable pair of brothers that ever lived. He was
not physically a strong child, but the direction of his first studies was by an unusually gifted mother, who
succeeded, almost without the aid of books, in laying a foundation upon which the man placed an amount of
well-mastered knowledge along many different lines that is truly marvelous, and this was done in so short a
time that its brevity constitutes another wonder.

At three he learned his letters, having insisted upon being taught to read and being allowed to share the
lessons of an elder sister. Immediately thereafter he was discovered with her story book, spelling out its words
by the aid of the syllabary or “caton” which he had propped up before him and was using as one does a
dictionary in a foreign language.

The little boy spent also much of his time in the church, which was conveniently near, but when the mother
suggested that this might be an indication of religious inclination, his prompt response was that he liked to
watch the people.

To how good purpose the small eyes and ears were used, the true-to-life types of the characters in “Noli Me
Tangere” and “El Filibusterismo” testify.

Three uncles, brothers of the mother, concerned themselves with the intellectual, artistic and physical training
of this promising nephew. The youngest, José, a teacher, looked after the regular lessons. The giant Manuel
developed the physique of the youngster, until he had a supple body of silk and steel and was no longer a
sickly lad, though he did not entirely lose his somewhat delicate Page 67looks. The more scholarly Gregorio
saw that the child earned his candy money—trying to instill the idea into his mind that it was not the world’s
way that anything worth having should come without effort; he taught him also the value of rapidity in work, to
think for himself, and to observe carefully and to picture what he saw.

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