Two-Year Evaluation Oas A Variable-Thread Tapered Implant in Extration Sites. McAllister BS Et Al

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Two-year Evaluation of a Variable-Thread Tapered Implant

in Extraction Sites with Immediate Temporization:

A Multicenter Clinical Trial
Bradley S. McAllister, DDS, PhD1/James E. Cherry, DMD2/Martin L. Kolinski, DDS3/
Kenneth D. Parrish, DDS, PhD4/David W. Pumphrey, DDS5/Robert L. Schroering, DMD4

Purpose: The purpose of this clinical trial was to evaluate the survival rate, bone remodeling, and soft
tissue health surrounding variable-thread tapered implants placed in fresh extraction sites and loaded
immediately. Materials and Methods: Sixty implants were placed in 55 patients at six centers according to
a predetermined protocol. All implants were placed in extraction sockets and were subjected to immediate
temporization. Definitive prostheses were placed within the first year. Clinical and radiographic examinations
were performed at implant placement and after 3, 6, 12, and 24 months. Assessments of implant stability,
Papilla Index, plaque, peri-implant mucosa, and marginal bone levels were performed at the respective
visits. Results: Fifty-five patients were treated and were restored with 58 single crowns and 1 two-unit
fixed partial prosthesis. The cumulative survival rate was 98.3% after 2 years. One implant failed prior to
3 months. The mean marginal bone remodeling from implant insertion to 1 year was –0.22 ± 1.30 mm (n
= 41), followed by an average bone gain of 0.12 ± 0.77 mm (n = 33) between 12 and 24 months. Mean
marginal bone remodeling was –0.10 ± 1.38 mm (n = 35) from implant insertion to 2 years. Papilla size
increased significantly over the 2-year study period. Patient assessments of function, esthetics, and self-
esteem also showed significant improvement. Conclusion: The 24-month results indicate that the variable-
thread tapered implant can be used safely and effectively under demanding conditions as an immediate
postextraction tooth replacement. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2012;27:611–618.

Key words: dental implant, extraction socket, immediate loading, variable threading

O sseointegrated dental implants are considered to

be an accepted means of providing a predictable
outcome for the replacement of missing or soon-to-
Advances in techniques and materials, along with
patient demand for shorter treatment time, fewer
surgical sessions, and reduced costs, have paved the
be-extracted teeth. A literature review of 31 articles1 way for immediately placed implants to be placed into
showed that the survival rates of implants placed in immediate function.2 Numerous studies have shown
extraction sites are comparable to those of implants that, with sufficient primary stability, immediate im-
placed in healed ridges. The authors of the review plants in extraction sockets that are placed into imme-
concluded that, along with the benefit of being less in- diate function can also have successful results.3–10
vasive, such treatment also contributes to the preser- Early implant stability, which is crucial for the success
vation of the volume and anatomy of the original soft of implants placed into extraction sockets and imme-
and hard tissues. diately loaded, can be affected by both the implant’s
surface chemistry and by its geometric design. The
variable-thread tapered implant examined in the pres-
Practice Limited to Periodontics, Tigard, Oregon.
2Private ent study (NobelActive, Nobel Biocare) was designed
Practice Limited to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
Jacksonville, Florida. to optimize the osseointegration process (see Fig 1a).
3 Private Practice Limited to Periodontics, St Charles, Illinois. The TiUnite surface (Nobel Biocare) is an oxidized,
4Private Practice Limited to Periodontics, Louisville, Kentucky.
highly crystalline, phosphate-enriched titanium diox-
5Private Practice Limited to Periodontics, Atlanta, Georgia.
ide surface that has been demonstrated to preserve
Correspondence to: Dr Bradley S. McAllister, 11525 SW primary implant stability and reduce the risk of failure
Durham Rd, Suite D-6, Tigard, OR 97224. Fax: +503-968-5419. (compared to machined-surface implants) with imme-
Email: diate loading protocols.11–16 A comparison of machined

The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 611

McAllister et al

and rough-surfaced implants placed in extraction All participating subjects met the following inclu-
sites showed higher success rates for the implants with sion criteria: (1) a need for an implant-supported, fixed
a rough surface.17 Macroscopic grooves have also been restoration in an extraction site; (2) sufficient bone vol-
placed on the threads of the NobelActive implant. Bone ume and density to receive implants with a diameter of
formation has been shown to occur faster within the 3.5 mm and a length of at least 10 mm; (3) an extraction
grooves, which results in faster osseointegration of the socket with at least three intact walls (a dehiscence de-
implant and increased early stability compared to im- fect of up to 3 mm was permitted on the fourth wall);
plants without the groove.18 (4) fulfillment of criteria for immediate temporization
The threads of this novel implant were designed to at the implant site, ie, a minimum of 35 Ncm of torque
provide high insertion torque. The implant acts as an without further rotation, and the absence of tooth
osteotome, condensing the bone as it is being placed. remnants; (5) good health and compliance with good
The spacing between the threads increases toward the oral hygiene; (6) a stable occlusal relationship with no
coronal end of the implant, allowing for axial and ra- pronounced bruxism; and (7) availability for the entire
dial bone compression during implant insertion. This 3-year term of the investigation.
can be especially useful in areas of minimal bone qual- A subject was not admitted to the study if any of the
ity or quantity and can provide the increased primary following existed: (1) alcohol or drug abuse, as noted
stability that is necessary for immediate loading. The in the subject’s records or medical history; (2) health
implant also has a built-in platform switch occurring conditions that would preclude surgical procedures;
at the bone level. This is enabled by use of an internal (3) any pathologic conditions in the planned implant
conical connection that allows for increased soft tissue area such as previous tumors, chronic bone disease, or
preservation by providing a secure internal prosthetic previous irradiation; (4) any psychiatric disease or relat-
interface along with a narrow emergence profile. This ed problem, as noted in the patient’s records or medi-
concept of placing a smaller-diameter abutment on cal history, that might have a negative effect on the
a wider-diameter platform has been shown to have subject’s overall situation; (5) severe bruxism or any
positive effects on the hard and soft tissue remodeling other destructive parafunction; (6) inability to provide
that is seen around dental implants.19–22 informed consent; (7) a need for bone augmentation
The primary objective of the present ongoing study prior to implant insertion to obtain an ideal position
was to determine the survival rate of this novel implant for the implant(s), although a minor augmentation
when used for immediate placement in extraction procedure to cover exposed threads or interproxi-
sites and to evaluate bone levels and soft tissue health mal/buccal grafting owing to hard tissue deficiency
at the implant sites over time. was not an exclusion criterion; (8) ongoing infectious,
endodontic, or periodontal problems associated with
teeth in positions adjacent to the extraction site; and
Materials and methods (9) inability of the implant to withstand a final torque
of 35 Ncm without further rotation.
Patient Selection All participants who met the criteria for study inclu-
The present analysis was an open, multicenter, pro- sion underwent a pretreatment examination in which
spective study. The results represent the 2-year fol- patient data and medical history were documented
low-up data of a planned 3-year study. The study was thoroughly. Patients were selected between November
designed in accordance with the Belmont Report of 2007 and June 2008.
1979. Approval for the study was obtained by an ethi-
cal review committee (Independent Review Consult- Surgical and Prosthetic Protocols
ing; approval 07173-03) for all participating centers. The study protocol called for a variable-thread tapered
Subjects in need of an implant-supported fixed resto- implant (NobelActive implants, Nobel Biocare) to be
ration placed in an extraction site (immediate place- placed in fresh extraction sites and immediately load-
ment) were asked to participate in the clinical trial. ed with a provisional restoration. The implants for the
Informed consent was obtained from all subjects on study were available in lengths of 10 mm, 11.5 mm,
a written form approved by the ethical committee. All 13 mm, and 15 mm, as measured on the threaded
subjects were provided with oral and written informa- part of the implant. The available diameters were
tion about the purpose of the trial, the clinical proce- 3.5 mm, 4.3 mm, and 5.0 mm, although no 3.5-mm im-
dures, materials used, and the risks of and alternatives plants were selected for insertion in the study patients.
to the proposed therapy. Those subjects who fulfilled Abutments for the implants were available in narrow-
the inclusion criteria, expressed interest in participat- platform and regular-platform (RP) configurations.
ing, and provided written informed consent were in- The RP abutments were used for both the 4.3-mm and
cluded in the study. 5.0-mm implants because of the implant’s platform

612 Volume 27, Number 3, 2012

McAllister et al

Fig 1a (Left)  Diagram of variable-thread implant. Arrow indi- Reference

cates the reference point. point
Fig 1b (Right)  Periapical radiograph of a variable-thread im-
plant in situ.

shifting design. All components used in the study had and Silness26 Gingival Index and registered as normal,
received proper regulatory clearance from the US Food bleeding on superficial probing, or spontaneous bleed-
and Drug Administration. ing. Plaque was assessed as either no visible plaque or
Pre- and postoperative medications were admin- visible plaque using a modified version of the Silness
istered according to the clinical protocols of the re- and Löe Plaque Index.27 For all parameters, the mea-
spective study center. The surgical procedure was surements obtained at implant insertion served as the
performed according to the implant manufacturer’s baseline measurements for comparison over the study
guidelines (Nobel Biocare CFB and SFB Self-Cutting period.
Implant Systems, Surgical and Prosthetic Manual, Crestal bone levels around the implants were as-
GEN 53513/03). All implants were placed by dentists sessed with evaluation of intraoral radiographs by an
experienced in the field of implant dentistry, and all independent radiologist. Radiographs were made us-
participating clinicians received individual training ing a long-cone paralleling technique28 at the time of
at their clinic. The implants were placed in extraction implant insertion (baseline measurement) and at each
sockets immediately after tooth extraction. A single- follow-up visit. Each center used digital radiograph sys-
stage surgical approach with immediate provisional- tems with an exposure time that was appropriate for
ization was utilized. Implants needed to be clinically each system. All radiographs were evaluated digitally.
stable, as judged by the clinician, and provisionalized The marginal bone level, defined as the position of the
within 24 hours of surgery. Insertion torque was mea- most apical bone-to-implant contact point as compared
sured using a manual torque wrench (0- to 150-Ncm to the reference point on the implant, was evaluated.
range, Nobel Biocare). Using a modification of criteria Radiographs were displayed using computer software
suggested by van Steenberghe,23 a “surviving implant” (Illustrator CS3, version 13.0.2, Adobe Systems) on a
was defined as an implant that remained in the jaw 24-inch monitor (iMac, Apple) with a screen resolution
and successfully functioned as planned, and a “failed of 1,920 × 1,200 pixels. The measuring tool built into
implant” was defined as an implant that had been re- the software was used to calculate the measurements
moved, fractured beyond repair, or could not be classi- (with magnifications taken into account). The observers
fied as surviving. adjusted the brightness, contrast, and zoom of the im-
Bone quality and quantity were assessed at each ages to achieve the best possible measurement condi-
implant site according to the Lekholm and Zarb clas- tions. The reference point (Fig 1a) used for the readings
sification.24 Papilla contour was assessed according to was the coronal shoulder at the top of the implant. The
the Jemt Papilla Index.25 Following implant placement, distance from the reference point to the bone level was
all subjects were provided with home care mainte- recorded both mesially and distally, and a mean value
nance instructions and were scheduled for postopera- was calculated for each implant (for example, Fig 1b
tive checkups on an individual basis. shows a distal reading of –0.7 mm and a mesial read-
ing of 0.0 mm). The esthetic and functional outcome of
Follow-up Evaluations the restorations was evaluated, subjectively, based on a
Clinical follow-up examinations were performed at 3 visual analog scale29 (VAS) completed by subjects at the
months, 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years after implant pretreatment visit, implant insertion, and at the 1- and
insertion. Implants were classified as stable, having 2- year follow-up visits. The scale ranged from “poor” = 0
rotational mobility, or requiring removal. Soft tissue to “excellent” = 100, with “average” = 50. Cumulative
esthetics were again assessed with the Jemt Papilla survival rates were calculated by an actuarial life table
Index.25 The status of the peri-implant mucosa was method.30 The dentists were also asked to evaluate
evaluated according to a modified version of the Löe their experience while placing the implants.

The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 613

McAllister et al

Table 1  Implant Placement

Maxillary position, US (FDI)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
(18) (17) (16) (15) (14) (13) (12) (11) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) Total
No. of – – – 1 8 4 4 12 10 0 1 5 7 – – – 52
Mandibular position, US (FDI)
32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17
(48) (47) (46) (45) (44) (43) (42) (41) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) Total
No. of – – – 2 1 – – – – – – – 1 1 3 – 8

Table 2  Diameters and Lengths of Table 3   Bone Quality and Quantity at
Implants Placed (Failed) Implant Sites24
Diameter/length Maxilla Mandible Quality
4.3 mm Quantity 1 2 3 4 Total
10 mm 2 0 A 0 19 18 0 37
11.5 mm 1 1 B 0 8 12 (1) 0 20 (1)
13 mm 16 1 C 0 1 1 0 2
15 mm 24 (1) 3 D 0 0 1 0 1
Total 43 (1) 5 E 0 0 0 0 0
5.0 mm Total 0 28 32 (1) 0 60 (1)
10 mm 1 0 Numbers within parentheses indicate failed implants.
11.5 mm 0 0
13 mm 4 3
15 mm 4 0
Total 9 3
Overall total 52 (1) 8

Results Subject age at time of surgery ranged from 19 to

82 years, with a mean of 52.6 ± 13.3 years (n = 55).
A total of 55 subjects (31 women, 24 men) were treated The mean ages of the women and men were 50.1 and
consecutively at six participating clinics. Two addition- 55.9 years, respectively. Between November 2007 and
al subjects were enrolled but not included in the study June 2008, a total of 60 implants was included in the
because the insertion torque did not reach the required study; 52 (87%) were in the maxilla and 8 (13%) were
minimum of 35 Ncm. Data for withdrawn subjects up in the mandible (Table 1). The distribution of implant
to the time of withdrawal are included in the analysis. diameters and lengths is shown in Table 2.
Twelve subjects (corresponding to 14 implants) with- All of the implants were placed in bone quality of
drew over the 2-year period, 11 for noncompliance or type 2 (47%) or type 3 (53%). Bone quantity was as-
relocation out of state and 1 because the study im- sessed as type A or B for 95% of the implants (Table
plant was lost. Attempts were made to contact the 11 3). Forty-eight implants (80%) were reported to have
patients but were unsuccessful. There is no knowledge been placed with some cortical anchorage, while 12 im-
of any problems related to these implants. Fifty-three plants (20%) were not anchored by either cortical plate.
subjects attended the 3-month follow-up, 50 attended Forty-two implants (70%) were placed in areas of normal
the 6-month follow-up, 48 attended the 1-year follow- buccal mucosal thickness, 7 (12%) were judged to have
up, and 43 subjects have been followed for at least thin mucosa, and 11 (18%) were judged to be thick mu-
2 years, although four of these were seen at 3 years and cosa. Twenty-one (35%) sites had shown chronic infec-
had missed their 2-year appointment. All but one sub- tion that led to the extraction; only one site (2%) had
ject have been restored with definitive prostheses. an acutely infected area. Thirty-eight (63%) sites had no

614 Volume 27, Number 3, 2012

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Table 4  Insertion Torque (Ncm) of Table 5  Life Table Analysis

Implants Placed No. at No. No. CSR
Insertion torque No. of implants % of implants Time risk failed withdrawn (%)

35 12 19 Insertion to 3 mo 60 1 1 98.3

40 5 8 3 to 6 mo 58 0 4 98.3

45 6 10 6 mo to 1 y 54 0 3 98.3

50 20 32 1 to 2 y 51 0 5 98.3

55 0 0 2 y+ 46

60 2 3 CSR = cumulative survival rate.

65 0 0
70 15 24

100 Papilla
Mean marginal bone level (mm)

0.0 scores:
80 1

Papilla score (%)

–0.5 3

–1.5 20

–2.0 0
0 6 12 18 24 Insertion 3 mo 6 mo 12 mo 24 mo
Follow-up (mo) Time

Fig 2   Mean marginal bone levels over time for implants with Fig 3   Papilla scores of implants over time.
readable radiographs at all follow-up appointments (n = 35).
Error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals.

infection. For 55 of the implants (92%), minor bone aug- Between insertion and 1 year, 41 implants showed
mentation was performed to cover the exposed threads a mean bone loss of 0.22 ± 1.30 mm. Between im-
or for interproximal/buccal grafting. Bio-Oss (Osteo- plant insertion and 2 years, the 35 surveyed implants
health), Regenafil (Exactech Inc), Oragraft (LifeNet showed a mean loss of 0.10 ± 1.38 mm of bone. Bone
Health), and PepGen P-15 (Dentsply-Friadent) were levels increased by an average of 0.12 ± 0.77 mm be-
used in 98% of these cases, and one case was treated tween the 1-year follow-up and the 2-year follow-up
with Puros (Zimmer Inc). The mean insertion torque was (n = 33). Marginal bone levels observed over time are
50.0 ±12.7 Ncm (Table 4). Fifty-eight (97%) of the im- shown in Fig 2. All implants were reported stable at the
plants were placed as single-tooth replacements, and 6-month, 1-year, and 2-year follow-up examinations.
implants (3%) were part of a fixed partial restoration. All The distribution of papilla scores (mesial + distal/2)
definitive restorations were placed within a window of at different time points is shown in Fig 3. Papilla scores
3 to 12 months following implant insertion. increased significantly (P < .001; Wilcoxon signed rank
Only one implant failure was observed during the test) between insertion and the 2-year follow-up, with
2-year follow-up period. This implant had to be re- most of the increase occurring during the first year. An
moved at the 3-month follow-up appointment be- increase in mean papilla scores was seen for 69.2% of
cause of infection of unknown origin, and the patient evaluated papillae, while a decrease was seen in only
was withdrawn from the study. The resulting cumula- one subject (2.6%). The percentage of implant sites
tive survival rate was 98.3% at 2 years (Table 5). with plaque (89% to 95%) and bleeding on probing
The marginal bone remodeling from implant inser- (92% to 98%) remained stable over the 2-year evalu-
tion to the 2-year follow-up is presented in Table 6. ation period.

The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 615

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Fig 4   Patient satisfaction scores

over time, as indicated by the VAS.
100 Function
90 Esthetics
80 Self-esteem
Mean VAS score

Pretreatment Implant Definitive 1y 2y
insertion prosthesis

No serious adverse events have been reported to Discussion

date. Nonserious device-related adverse events includ-
ed implant failure as a result of mobility (n = 1), along The results of the present study indicate that the vari-
with recession (n = 2), swelling (n = 1), and drainage able-thread tapered implant can be used as a successful­
(n = 1). Both the drainage and the swelling had sub- and predictable implant, even under demanding con-
sided by the time of the next follow-up visit. ditions such as an immediate postextraction tooth
Mean subject ratings for function, esthetics, and replacement with immediate provisional loading. The
self-esteem prior to treatment ranged from 58.9 (es- procedure requires the appropriate insertion condi-
thetics) to 68.7 (self-esteem). At the time of implant tions as well as an experienced clinician to judge the
insertion, the mean values had increased to a range conditions and perform the surgery. The technique
of 63.6 (function) to 84.2 (self-esteem). At the 2-year should be limited to cases that can be placed in a po-
follow-up, the mean scores were 94.4 ± 8.13 for func- sition that meets the requirements for initial stability
tion, 83.3 ± 13.59 for esthetics, and 91.2 ± 11.15 for without adversely affecting esthetics. In this study, two
self-­esteem (Fig 4). All scores increased significantly implants did not meet insertion torque requirements,
(P < .014; Wilcoxon signed rank test) between implant and two implants were included even though they
insertion and the 2-year follow-up. had to be placed deeper than suggested to reach the
All clinicians were asked to evaluate their experi- minimal torque. To the author’s knowledge, only one
ence with the NobelActive implant. Forty-four percent implant has failed; this took place early in the first year
of the implant surgeries utilized the “redirection” fea- of the study and resulted in an overall survival rate
ture of the implant, an option in which the clinician of 98.3% over 2 years (Table 5). This is comparable to
can redirect the axis of implant placement during studies in which similar implants were used in healed
insertion. In one case, the lingual plate prevented its sites under similar loading conditions.31–34
use, and in one instance there was not enough palatal The variable-thread implant was designed to pro-
bone present to redirect the implant. The remainder of vide high initial stability, presumably making the
surgeries indicated no need for this function. In 93% of implant more effective for immediate placement in
the cases, the clinician indicated that they were able extraction sockets. The implant has a 1.2-mm thread
to position the implant as planned. Two implants had spacing, which causes the implant to advance 2.4 mm
to be placed more deeply than anticipated to achieve with each rotation (according to the manufacturer);
initial stability, one implant had to be moved more this is much higher than conventional implants. The
palatally than desired, and in only one case was the high thread pitch requires more torque at insertion.
clinician unable to change the angulation of the im- The mean insertion torque for the implants placed in
plant. In 82% of cases, where initial insertion was not the study was 50 ± 12.7 Ncm (n = 60), similar to the
optimal, the clinician was able to remove the implant torque reported by Kielbassa et al.31 This compares to
and correct its position/direction. reports of less than 20 Ncm for other implants used in
soft or poor-quality bone.35,36

616 Volume 27, Number 3, 2012

McAllister et al

Table 6   Marginal Bone Remodeling (Bone Loss)

Insertion–1 y Insertion–2 y 1 y–2 y
Amount of
remodeling (mm) n % n % n %
>0 11 27 12 34 16 49
0 5 12 4 11 3 9
–0.1 to –1.0 17 42 10 29 11 33
–1.1 to –2.0 5 12 7 20 3 9
–2.1 to –3.0 1 2 2 6 0 0
–3.1 to –4.0 2 5 0 0 0 0
Bone remodeling data from all available radiographs. Average amount of remodeling is shown
(mesial + distal)/2. Negative numbers indicate bone loss.

Measurement of crestal bone levels is often con- Conclusion

sidered as a marker of treatment success. The present
study revealed less bone remodeling over the first year Within the limitations of this study, stable bone and
compared to studies of conventional implants used in soft tissue levels were seen around the tested variable-
similar circumstances,37,38 and approximately 50% of thread implant after 2 years in function, indicating that
the early loss (which occurred between the 1-year and the implant can be used safely and effectively under
2-year follow-up examinations) was recovered (Table 6). the demanding conditions of immediate loading of
It should be noted that the radiographic bone level implants placed in fresh extraction sockets. However,
findings in this study were limited to immediate im- long-term follow-up analyses are needed to evaluate
plant placement and loading where a bone graft was function over time, and continuing follow-up is indi-
typically employed. Different bone grafting materials cated to confirm the results of this study.
may have affected the apparent radiographic determi-
nation of the bone levels, and placement in mature na-
tive bone may have shown a different outcome. Some Acknowledgments
radiographic readings were approximated by the radi-
ologist because of inadequate quality of the images. This trial was supported by Nobel Biocare Services AG, Kloten,
Switzerland (grant T-122B). The authors are grateful to the sub-
This was the case for the two implants that were re-
jects for their kind cooperation and want to thank all persons
ported to have lost between 3 and 4 mm of bone in the who were involved in the implementation of the present trial.
first year. Both of these implants remained in the study
and were reported to have regained some of the lost
bone during the second year. References
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