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Unit 4

Need of Run Time Environment

● A compiler must accurately implement the abstractions embodied in the source language
● The compiler must cooperate with the operating system and other systems software to support
these abstractions on the target machine.
● To do so, the compiler creates and manages a run-time environment in which it assumes its
target programs are being executed.
● This environment deals with a variety of issues such as
○ the layout and allocation of storage locations for the objects named in the source program
○ the mechanisms used by the target program to access variables
○ the linkages between procedures
○ the mechanisms for passing parameters,
○ the interfaces to the operating system, input/output devices, and other programs.
Storage Organization

char X int a
char y int b

● the executing target program runs in its own logical address space in which each program value has
a location.
● The operating system maps the logical addresses into physical addresses.
● we assume the run-time storage comes in blocks of contiguous bytes.
● An elementary data type, such as a character, integer, or float, can be stored in an integral number
of bytes.
● Storage for an aggregate type, such as an array or structure, must be large enough to hold all its
How data is stored?

● On many machines, instructions to add integers may expect integers to be aligned, that is, placed at
an address divisible by 4.
● Although a character array (as in C) of length 10 needs only enough bytes to hold ten characters, a
compiler may allocate 12 bytes to get the proper alignment, leaving 2 bytes unused.
● Space left unused due to alignment considerations is referred to as padding.
● When space is at a premium, a compiler mayp ack data so that no padding is left; additional
instructions may then need to be executed at run time to position packed data so that it can be
operated on as if it were properly aligned.
Static vs Dynamic Storage Allocation
Stack Allocation of Space
Activation Trees : Procedure Calls Nest in Time
If a procedure p call q then activation of q must end
before p.
Activation Records
● Procedure calls and returns are usually managed by a run-time stack called the control stack.
● Each live activation has an activation record (sometimes called a frame) on the control stack

Actual Parameters The actual parameters used by the calling procedure

Returned Values Space for the return value of the called function, if any

Control Link pointing to the activation record of the caller

Access Link to locate data needed by the called procedure but found elsewhere,
e.g., in another activation record

Saved Machine status information about the state of the machine just before the call to the
procedure. This information typically includes the return address and
the contents of registers that were used by the calling procedure

Local Data Local data belonging to the procedure whose activation record this is.

Temporaries values, such as those arising from the evaluation of expressions, in

cases where those temporaries cannot be held in registers
Calling Sequences

Calling Sequence Return Sequence

1. The caller evaluates the actual parameters. 1. The callee places the return value next to
2. The caller stores a return address and the old the parameters
value of top_sp into the callee's activation 2. Using information in the machine-status
record. field, the callee restores top_sp and other
3. The caller then increments top_sp . That is, registers, and then branches to the return
top_sp is moved past the caller's local data and address that the caller placed in the status
temporaries and the callee's parameters and
status fields.
3. Although top_sp has been decremented,
4. The callee saves the register values and other
status information.
the caller knows where the return value
5. The callee initializes its local data and begins is, relative to the current value of top_sp;
execution. the caller therefore may use that value.
Variable Length Data On Stack

● The run-time memory-management system must deal frequently with the allocation of space for
objects the sizes of which are not known at compile time, but which are local to a procedure and
thus may be allocated on the stack.
● In modern languages, objects whose size cannot be determined at compile time are allocated space
in the heap
● However, it is also possible to allocate objects, arrays, or other structures of unknown size on the
stack, and we discuss here how to do so.
● The reason to prefer placing objects on the stack if possible is that we avoid the expense of
garbage collecting their space.
● Note that the stack can be used only for an object if it is local to a procedure and becomes
inaccessible when the procedure returns.
● Procedure p has three local arrays, whose
size determined at run time.
● The storage for these arrays is not part of
the activation record for p, although it
does appear on the stack.
● Only a pointer to the beginning of each
array appears in the activation record
● Thus, when p is executing, these pointers
are at known offsets from the
top-of-stack pointer, so the target code
can access array elements through these
● The activation record for q begins after
the arrays of p, and any variable-length
arrays of q are located beyond that.
● Top - top of stack
● Top_sp - find fixed length fields
● Code to reposition these pointers can be
generated at compile time

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