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a. There were a few major tribes of Madina.

Firstly there were the Aws and

Khiraj tribe. These were major tribes in Madina, and they were named Ansars after
the muslims migrated to Madina. They had been fighting amongst one another for the
past 120 years, and even had the battle of Bu’athbut the prophet PBUH resolved it
when he came to Madina
Secondly, there were also quite a few Jew tribes in Madina. They included the Banu
Qunaiqa, Banu Quraiza, and Banu Nadeer tribe. These were very wealthy tribes of
Madina economically and considered themselves superior to the arab tribes due to
their industrial units as well as generally just being a lot more developed. When
the prophet first came to Madina, he tried to make good relations with the Jews. He
made a treaty with them which allowed them to practice their own religion and much
more. He even did other things like changing the Qibla of his mosque towards
Masjid-ul-Aqsa and held fasts on the 10th of Muharram. However, despite the
muslim’s good intentions the jews were still jealous of them due to the prophet not
being from banu nadir, the aws and Khizraj tribe going getting better economically
due to being able to pay back debts through spoils of war, the condemning of their
habits by the prophet due to them changing the rules of their book, and the
continuous victories of the muslims.
Because of this, each Jewish tribe showed resentment. Banu Nadir, after badr went
to mourn the death of those who died and encouraged quraish to fight muslims. For
banu Qunaiqa, when an old muslim lady came into a store, a jew made fun of her so a
muslim killed the jew. Then the jew killed the muslim which was in violation of the
treaty so the prophet laid siege on them and they were captured after 15 days. Banu
nadir were the people who started the battle of trench and the banu Quraiza broke
the treaty and helped them. Because of this, all men from banu quraiza were killed
and children and women were made slaves and banu nadir was defeated. and lastly, in
the battle of Khyber the muslims decided to defeat the banu nadir tribe in Khyber
after treaty of hudaibiya. The banu nadir were also defeated by siege for 15 days
when they planned to kill the prophet by throwing a rock at his head.
Anyways, due to the extreme discourse in Madina the prophet pbuh was put in charge
of central government who was originally going to be Abdullah b. Ubay to try and
stop the constant warfare. When the prophet was in charge, he created the charter
of madina which has 2 sections, 1 to determine the rights of the ansaar and
muhajireen and the second to determine the rights of the local people and jews, the
rights of the muslim community, the arrangement of battle plans in case of war and
the management of resources for the indivisuals. The charter had 47 clauses and was
in 2 parts. Before badr and after badr when muslims were more established. A few
laws of them were
1. Treasury was set up which could be used by tribes or to pay things like blood
money or ransom
2. All included in the charter had the permission to practice their own religion
3. All citizens would receive equal rights and would be protected in case of
4. In case of attack it is compulsory for all to participate to deal with the
5. No quraish would be allowed in at all regardless of any reason
The constitution stayed in place for 10 years and strengthened relations between
each of the groups and it’s the perfect example of how central government should
be. it was completely fair-minded and nobody was at an advantage nor a
disadvantage. They engaged in commercial dealings iwht one another and received
help from eachother.
b. By the constitution of madina, a muslim today can learn the importance of
equality when it comes to agreements. In the charter, the prophet pbuh made a law
where everyone would have religious freedom and equal rights. This is good as it is
essential that even the minorities, whoever they might be, be given their due
rights and their own religious freedom. Other points can include how every law was
made so that it was in the best interest of all parties. Like in the charter the
prophet said that if there was a threat, all would come together to stop it which
not only forms unity but also helps protect the interest of each and every
individual tribe. Another fact is how the treasury was set up. This would go on to
be beneficial for all parties as it would allow non muslims and others to draw
loans being in the best interest of the community.

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