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Bottom-Up Model-

Ex: - building letters into words and words into sentences

- can sound out syllables and words correctly

Interactive Model
Ex: - varied reading experiences that involve children sitting quietly, silently
- reading library books or making a book based on their own experiences.

Top-Down Model
Ex: - ask readers to construct meaning from text; this knowledge is made from the whole (text) to the part (words).
This model does not focus on phonics and decoding, but instead, allows children opportunities to read 'real' books and
make sense of them.

Scheme Model
Ex: - It is a process of using reader's existing knowledge (schemata) to interpret texts in order to construct meaning.

The four Quadrant of Teachers:

Teacher Drop Outs (quadrant I) -Low Commitment, Low Abstraction, comes late, leaves early, write sloppy lesson plans
Unfocused Teachers (quadrant II) - energetic and full of good intentions, but can not act fully and realistically
High commitment, Low Abstraction
Analytical Teachers ( quadrant III) - High Abstraction, Low Commitment Is often late, leaves school early
Professional Teachers (quadrant IV) - High Commitment, uses original,innovative solutions to problems, High

STEP - is a community-based specialty training program that addresses the specific skills needs of the communities and
promote employment, particularly through entrepreneurial, self-employment and service-oriented activities.

Direct Contracting- single source procurement, not require elaborate bidding documents
Limited Source Bidding- (Selective Bidding) - direct invitation to bid by procuring entity from the list
Repeat Order- procurement of goods from the previous winning bidder.
Shopping- simply requests for the submission of price quotation for readily available off the-shelf goods.
Procurement - acquisition of appropriate goods and/or services at the best possible price.
Small Value Procurement - is where the procurement does not fall under shopping in section 52 of IRR

Indulgent/Laissez - classroom mangement that present environmental that has no demands on students of any short.
Business-Academic Style - high degree of “time on task”
Behavioral Modification Style -methodological behaviorism, limiting behavior-change procedures
Group Managerial Style -group students’ behavior
Group Guidance - manipulating the surface behavior of the students on a group basis.

Forum Shopping- case which has been filed to the Head Office as an administrative complaint and was also filed in
court as criminal case.
Performance Indicator - baseline data in the Basic Education Information System (BEIS)

DepEd Order No. 51, s. 2004 has formally launched MADRASAH Program in public schools system.
-It provides the standard curriculum on Islamic studies and Arabic Values

DepEd order No. 25, s. 2006 organized the Division/school Calamity, Disaster and fire Control (CDFC) Groups
and guidelines on the calamity and Disaster Preparedness on the following
a. Tsunami, La nina and Flood
b. Storm, Earthquake and Fire Drills
c. Zenorium and First Aide Management

Section 99 of RA 7160- known as Local Government Code, provides that the local Sanggunian has the power
to change the name of the school

RA 8980- is about the Early Childhood Care and Development Act (ECCD) Which of the following describes best
the ECCD Act?
-It is supports the 8 weeks curriculum of the DepEd’s Pre-School Program

Red/black-The top priority in the allocation of classroom/school furniture following the color coding system

Mortis causa -a donation or property for school use,

When it takes effect after the donor’s death which require a last will

The minimum classroom size shall be 7m wide by 8m long. Which is considered adequate for: a class of 56?

The minimum for administrative space is 5 square meter per person and an air space requirement of
12 cubic meters per person

Coaching-When the followers can do the job, at least to some extent, and perhaps is over confident about their
ability in this, which telling may demotivate them or lead to resistance. The leader thus need to sell
another way of working, explaining and clarifying decision is coaching.

Delegating-When the follower can do the job and is motivated to do it, then the leader can basically leave
them to it, largely trusting them to get on with the job although they also may need to keep
relatively distant eye on things to ensure everything is going to plan is delegating
- When the leaders facilitates and supports subordinate efforts toward task accomplishment
and shares responsibility for decision making with them is delegating.
Directing-When the leader provides specific instructions and closely supervises task accomplishment is
Supporting-When the leaders continues to direct and closely supervise task accomplishment, but also explains
decisions, solicit suggestions, and support progress is supporting
Pygmalion Effect- is a psychological phenomenon high expectation least to improve
Managerial grid model the authoritarian leadership style- is characterized low level concern with people
and higher level of concern with production
DepEd Order no. 7, s. 2019 - Annual Celebration of fiesta of barangay or town is not one of the activities
that shall benefit teaching learning process, thus the cancellation of work
or classes is not allowed.
DepEd Issuances - Directive and regulation for the information of, or compliance by the field are generally
issued in the form of DECS order, memorandum and bulletins
DepEd Order - issuances on policies, guidelines or regulations which are generally permanently in nature
and are in rescinded
DepEd Memorandum - issuances containing instructions and information which are temporary in nature
and are usually applicable only during the year of issuance. These include
announcement of conferences, seminars, examinations, surveys, competitions
and celebration.
DepEd Bulletins - are primarily informative issuances. These include educational statistics, curricular materials
and professional papers, on academic, industrial, health concerns, etc. DECS
memoranda and bulletins are numbered consecutively starting with the first
issuance in January every year.
DepEd Order 7 series of 1999, school heads who have served five years in their assigned school must be
transferred to other schools. This is to ensure a fresh air of leadership in schools and at the same time, expand
the leadership horizon of school leaders

The following are Indicators of Different Rates of Learners:

1.Apparent/Gross Intake Rate- reflects the general level of access to primary education., access to grade 1 for the
official school- entrance age population.
2.Transition Rate- pupils are able to move to the next higher level of education (example: primary to intermediate, and
elementary to secondary).
3.Completion Rate- measures the percentage of grade/year 1 entrants who graduate in elementary/secondary
4.Retention Rate- determines the degree of pupils/students in a particular school year who continue to be in
school in a succeeding year., It is vulnerable to migration, not advisable to compute
at the school level.

DepEd order no 8, s. 2007- all schools through the CPC shall monitor compliance with and report violations of
tobacco control policies.
DepEd order no 63, s. 2012 - Guidelines for the preparation of GAD Plans.Utilization of GAD
Budget and Submission of Accomplishment Report.
DO no. 42, s. 2016 - DepEd policy on DLL submission
DO 53 s. 2003 - refers to the leave credits rendered teacher services
DO 25 s. 2006 - Division/School Calamity Disaster of Fire Control (CDFC)
DepEd Order No. 4, s. 2007 Re: Revisions to the hiring Guidelines for teacher I positions, provides that school
selection committee has the following functions
a. Receives all application
b. Verifies all documents as to completeness and authenticity
c. Recommends to the superintendent qualified applicants in the division RQA to be
recommended for appointment in their school
hot color “gold” means Manageable ratio Under Teacher Deployment Analysis
red - means Ratio is 56 plus , For instructional rooms’ deployment analysis,
“red”- means more than 3pupils per seat s, school furniture analysis
Red/black - allocation of classroom/school furniture
Bid - signed offer or proposal to undertake contract submitted by a bidder.
Domestic bidder - offering unmanufactured articles, materials or supplies of the growth or production.
E.O. 322, s. 2000, and EO. 40, s. 2001- PhilGEPS shall serve as the primary and definitive source of information on
government procurement.
R. A 6713 -This is an act establishing code of conduct and ethical standards for public officials and employee,
upholding the time-honoured principle of public office being a public thrust.
- Code of conduct and Ethical Standards for Public officials and Employees
Section 8 of this RA- Statement and disclosure of assets and liabilities.
R. A 7877- This act declares that sexual harassment is unlawful in the employment, education or training
environment, and for other purpose.
R. A 8187-This act further provides that this also applies if his spouse suffered a miscarriage and for the
purpose of enabling him effectively lend support to his wife in her period of recovery and/or
in the nursing of the newly born child.
- this act grants paternity leave of 7 days with full pay to all married male employee in the private
and public sectors. and first 4 deliveries of the legitimate spouse with whom he is cohabiting

RA 6713 - The Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees.

RA 4670 - The Magna Carta for Public School teachers

RA 6655 RE: Free secondary Education Act of 1989 during the administration of President
Corazon C. Aquino provides among others:
a. Nationalization of all barangays high schools
b. Provision of salaries of teachers through the national government
c. Provision of maintenance, operating and other expenses (MOOE)
R.A 7160 - School Based Management (SBM) is the institutional expression of the decentralization of education
at the grassroots level based on the national policy of decentralization originally set by
the Philippine Local Government Code of 1991,

RA 7160 - National Policy decentralization originally set by the Philippine Local Government Code of 1991

RA 7160- (Local Government Code) The local School Board has the following functions,.

a. Serves as an advisory committee to the Sanggunian on educational matters

b. Recommend changes in the name of public school within the territorial jurisdiction of
the local government unit for enactment by the Sanggunian.
c. Determine the Annual Supplementary Budget for the operations and maintenance of
public schools
R.A 9184 - “Competitive Bidding” and public Bidding
R.A 9184- (An Act Providing for the modernization, Standardization and Regulation of the procurement
activities of the Government and for the other purposes) upholds the following principle in
government procurement:
1. Competitiveness by extending equal opportunity to all public and private parties who are eligible
and qualified, to participate a public bidding
2. Transparency in the procurement process and in the implementation of procurement contracts
through wide non-government organization
3. Revised procurement process that will apply government procurement standards
RA no. 11210- An Act Increasing the Maternity Leave Period to One Hundred Five (105) Days for Female
workers with an Option to Extend for an Additional Thirty (30) Days Without Pay and Granting
an additional Fifteen (15) Days for Solo Mothers, and for Other Purposes
RA no. 7160 of sec 99 (Local Government Code of 1991)- authorizes the Sangunian to change the name of
schools through an ordinance. DO no. 29, s. 2011 entitled “Revised guidelines on the naming
and renaming of schools.
RA 10627- is other wise know as the Anti-Bullying Act of 2013
RA 7610 - an act of providing for stronger deterrence and special protection against child abuse, exploitation
and discrimination, and for other purposes.
RA 8525 - Establishing Adopt a School Program

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