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Upgradation, Operation, Maintenance and Transfer of JNPCT on PPP Basis

Letter Number: Through Mail

Submitted Date: 11 November 2023
Document Number: RSJV-JNPT-MS-02
Title of Document: Risk Assessment for Deck Widening
Revision: 1
NSFTPL / Eka Infra - Comments/Response NSFTPL / Eka Infra - Comments/Response RSJV - Reply/Compliance Compliance Status
SI No Description/ Item No / Page No
Date: 23-11-2023 Date: 14-12-2023 Date : Date :

1 Risk Assessment - Deck Widening HIRA shall be inline with the activities sequence Not complied, HIRA shall be inline with the activities sequence

Not complied, following activities shall be incorporated:

Following activities shall be incorporated:
- Resource mobilization
- MS liner casings transport - Liner fabrication
- lifting operation by cranes/ winch - Reinforcement Cage Fabrication
- Liner pitching by vibro hammer - MS liner casings transport
- Boring by Bailer and Chisel - Reinforcement Cage transport
2 Risk Assessment - Deck Widening - Boring by Rig - lifting operation by cranes/ winch
- Use Drilling fluid - Liner pitching/driving
- Cage Fabrication - Boring by Bailer and Chisel
- Assembling of tremie pipe elements - Boring by Rig
- Borehole cleaned by air flushing - Use Drilling fluid
- Attach hopper with tremie pipe - Assembling of tremie pipe elements
- Pile Concreting by using concrete pump - Borehole cleaned by air flushing
- Attach hopper with tremie pipe
- Pile Concreting by using concrete pump

3 Risk Assessment - Deck Widening All the hazard shall be identified for each of the sequential activities Not complied for all activities, proper hazard analysis shall be done

4 Risk Assessment - Deck Widening All the risk shall be analyzed as per identified hazards Not Complied, each hazard should have its risk assessed separately

5 Risk Assessment - Deck Widening Necessary control measures shall be incorporated, also Hierarchy Not complied for all activities, Hierarchy method shall be used for
method shall be used for control measures control measures

6 Risk Assessment - Deck Widening Proper risk analysis not done, most of the Initial/ Actual Risk and Proper risk analysis not done, most of the Initial/ Actual Risk and
Residual Risk rating are not appropriate Residual Risk rating are not appropriate

7 Risk Assessment - Deck Widening Risk analysis is missing for Resource mobilization activities

Proper risk analysis shall be conducted for Cage Fabrication

8 Risk Assessment - Deck Widening according to all sub activities

9 Risk Assessment - Deck Widening There is mention of "Concrete Mix Design & drawings" as an activity.
Proper activity needs to be incorporated.

Proper risk analysis shall be conducted for Liner fabrication

10 Risk Assessment - Deck Widening according to all sub activities

Risk analysis shall be conducted separately for rig and gantry

11 Risk Assessment - Deck Widening movements since they are different activities with different levels of

Proper risk analysis shall be conducted for Installation of permanent

12 Risk Assessment - Deck Widening casings according to all sub activities

Proper risk analysis shall be conducted for reinforcement cage

13 Risk Assessment - Deck Widening lowering according to all sub activities

Proper risk analysis shall be conducted for Pile Concreting according

14 Risk Assessment - Deck Widening to all sub activities

15 Risk Assessment - Deck Widening Revision No shall be corrected for HIRA

Upgradation, Operation, Maintenance and Transfer of JNPCT on PPP Basis 1 of 1

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