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Medieval Europe
The Medieval Ear
The era lasted nearly 1000 years

476 CE - 1500 CE

Up until this point, Rome had been in control of most of Europe

New beliefs, Rules, territories and customs emerged

The Bayeux tapestry

The Bayeux tapestry gives an account of the Norman invasion of England and
the battle of Hastings in 1066ce. The tapestry is 70cm long and 5cm high

Both a primary and secondary source: Primary source- it was created at the time
at the time period.

secondary sources- it was created by the wives of the men who fought


Medieval Europe 1
Feudalism: A set of legal and military customs that organise the society of
Medieval Europe into a social hierachy

Feudal system In Medeival Eroupe.

How was Feudal system created

Used the money to control both France and England.

A strong army to enforce this structure while King William was away.

Feudalism is A set of legal and military customs that organise the society of
Medieval Europe into a social hierarchy. The kings were the highest in the feudal

Medieval Europe 2
system. The kings had most of the land in the kingdom and were the most powerful.
the kings would also have to give land to nobles and bishops. The Nobels gave land
to the surfs and knights in exchange for money, and allegiance. The knights gave
their protection and military service for land. The safes gave their farmed crops and
money in order to stay on their land.

Manorialism: a system of land ownership where the king provided lords with a
section of land in which knights and peasants lived in.

Heresy: Beliefs that go against the catholic church. someone who commenter Hersey
was called a heretic


medieval serf fire

bishop trial blacksmith

exchange hassle king

Religion is a set of organised beliefs practices and systems that most often relate to
the belief and worship of a controlling force. eg: Hinduism

Religion in the middle ages

The crusades:

1. When was the first crusade?

In 1095 CE.

Medieval Europe 3
2. who were the crusades fought between?

Between the Christians and the Muslims.

3. how many crusades were there?

8 crusades.

Roman chatolic church: the domanant religeon in medeival euroupe.

Religeion Importance
1. c

2. D

3. C

4. B

5. A

6. A

7. D

8. B

Role Description Why was it important

- guided people’s thoughts and actions

- The church expected
Changing the - structured people lives
people to prey daily
structure of daily - Holiday created economic
- Introduction of holiday
life. opportunities
(Chrictmas and Easter)
- bought comunities together

- Collecting money and food helped the

church grow
- Taxation is the collection of
- Collecting food and money made the
money from people
church the most wealthy ad central in
Taxation and tithing - tithing is a proportion of
economic force, in the medeival world.
good, (food) that is expected
- Collection of money was also
to be provided. (Atlest 10%)
essential for maintaing the church and
supporting livelyhoods of the clergy.

Medieval Europe 4
Role Description Why was it important

- Church evolved into the first

- Church officials were often - If people were feeling unwell you
skilled in healing and knew could go to your local church to get the
Healthcare how to create herbal aid you required.
remedies. - Made sure that people were not
- Sooner or later became getting unwell
more sophisticated and
turned into hospitals

- made people scare to

behave badly because they
- showed the importance of being kind
knew that they will go to hell
to others
Moral guidance and that hell would be a bad
- one way to make pwople follow the
- Made people be respectful
and kind to the people

- Ritual that made sure that

the person dying
- To make sure the dying travels to the
Provision of last travels safely to the after life
afterlife safelv
rights - Rituals conducted by a
- To satisfy the loved ones
priest by holy oil and offering

- monks were the only people

- monks were writing down so people
who could read and write.
could learn about the past
Education - religion had a beefed impact
- it was passed on the future generation
on education during the
- taught others to read and write
medieval era

The Roman Chatholic Church

The most important impact of the Roman Chatholic Church in the middle ages was
Heathcare. In the middle ages there were limited people who know how to perform
medical activities. Healthcare was imoportant because in the middle ages there were
lots of crusades and fights and so if you got injured you would have to seek advice
from a doctor. another reasin it was important was because that the peole could help
others after they learn form the

Medieval Europe 5

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