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Brenda never wanted to be famous.

While most of her friends dreamed about being

famous, she could see the negative aspects that those who wanted to be famous
seemed to ignore. The fact that you could never do anything in public without being
mobbed and the complete lack of privacy was something that she never wanted to
experience. She also had no desire to have strangers speculating about every aspect
of her life and what each thing she did was supposed to mean. Brenda was perfectly
happy with her anonymous life where she could do exactly as she wanted without
anyone else giving a damn. Thus, her overnight Internet celebrity was not something
she was thrilled about as her friends told her how lucky she was.
Green vines attached to the trunk of the tree had wound themselves toward the top
of the canopy. Ants used the vine as their private highway, avoiding all the
creases and crags of the bark, to freely move at top speed from top to bottom or
bottom to top depending on their current chore. At least this was the way it was
supposed to be. Something had damaged the vine overnight halfway up the tree
leaving a gap in the once pristine ant highway.
Welcome to my world. You will be greeted by the unexpected here and your mind will
be challenged and expanded in ways that you never thought possible. That is if you
are able to survive...
Finding the truth wouldn't be easy, that's for sure. Then there was the question of
whether or not Jane really wanted to know the truth. That's the thing that bothered
her most. It wasn't the difficulty of actually finding out what happened that was
the obstacle, but having to live with that information once it was found.
The river slowly meandered through the open space. It had hidden secrets that it
didn't want to reveal. It had a well-planned strategy to appear calm, inviting, and
appealing. That's how the river lured her unknowing victims to her water's edge.
The blinking light caught her attention. She thought about it a bit and couldn't
remember ever noticing it before. That was strange since it was obvious the
flashing light had been there for years. Now she wondered how she missed it for
that amount of time and what other things in her small town she had failed to
Sometimes it's the first moment of the day that catches you off guard. That's what
Wendy was thinking. She opened her window to see fire engines screeching down the
street. While this wasn't something completely unheard of, it also wasn't normal.
It was a sure sign of what was going to happen that day. She could feel it in her
bones and it wasn't the way she wanted the day to begin.
The coin hovered in the air, spinning over and over again. It reached its peak and
began to descend. Both boys were pleading with it to land a certain way but the
coin had already made up its mind on what it was going to do.
Debbie knew she was being selfish and unreasonable. She understood why the others
in the room were angry and frustrated with her and the way she was acting. In her
eyes, it didn't really matter how they felt because she simply didn't care.
She counted. One. She could hear the steps coming closer. Two. Puffs of breath
could be seen coming from his mouth. Three. He stopped beside her. Four. She pulled
the trigger of the gun.

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