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Good day Doc and classmates. My topic to report is about the ORGANIZATIONAL
Organizational Change Management is about an organization achieving a desired future state
from its current state with minimal disruption or negative impact to the organization. Whereas,
Organizational Development is about how an organization achieves its purpose through its
design, function, structure, and processes.

Managing Change
• Sacred Cow Hunts
• The Paper Cow
• The Meeting Cow
• The Speed Cow

Organizational sacred cows are practices that have been around for a long time and invisibly
reduce productivity. Ito po yung mga activities na ginagawa sa loob ng company na hindi naman
po magbebenefit o contribute sa success ng company. And a sacred cow hunt, then, is an
organization-wide attempt to get rid of practices that serve no useful purpose. Kaya para maalis
ito mga useless sacred cow practices, may strategy na gagamitin na tinatawag na sacred cow
hunt and ito yung mga sumusunod po:
Paper cows are unnecessary paperwork—usually forms and reports that cost organizations
money to prepare, distribute, and read. From the word itself, paper cows, ito po yung mga papel
na kung tutuusin hindi naman talaga kailangan at naaksaya lang yung budget ng company
kakaprint o bili ng papers.
Ang sumunod ay The Meeting Cow. Another area ripe for change is the number and length of
meetings. May mga meetings na naattendan na po ba kayo before or recently na satingin nyo
naman ay unnecessary, kasi kung hindi naman ito timely at wala naman talaga kabuluhan yung
paguusupan, magwawaste lang ito ng time to both employees and supervisor. Na kung tutuusin,
panay meeting pero wala naman nauumpisahang plano o wala pa talagang nabubuong plano at
Lastly ay The Speed Cow, ito naman yung mga Unnecessary deadlines that are another source
for potential change. Requiring work to be done “by tomorrow” is sometimes necessary.
However, unnecessary deadlines cause employees to work at a faster than optimal pace,
resulting in decreased quality, increased stress, and increased health problems. For sure,
nakaexperience na kayo ng mga biglaang may ibibigay na project or work tapos bukas or worst
mamaya kaagad dapat tapos o submitted na. Yung speed cow ay yung mga ura uradang
deadlines na kung tutuusin hindi naman pa kailangan, at kung ipapagawa kaagad ito without
considering yung ibang tasks na dapat tapusin ng employees on that day, magsusuffer yung
employees with anxiety kasi syempre nagiisip na nga sila kung paano tatapusin yung mga taks
na meron sila at the time, tapos dadagdagan pa. Yung iba tuloy napipilitan mag overtime
matapos lang yung sang katutak na tasks na binigay sa kanila.

• Kriegel and Brandt suggest that in addition to sacred cow hunts, effective change
can be encouraged by using these strategies:
• Think like a beginner.
• Don’t be complacent with something that is working well.
• Don’t play by everyone else’s rules; make your own.
• Rather than penalizing mistakes, reward employees for making the attempt to
change or to try something new.

• Kriegel and Brandt suggest that in addition to sacred cow hunts, effective change can be
encouraged by using these strategies:

•Think like a beginner. Being a beginner means that you are open to learn and be trained. And
from the start or upon entering the organization, isa ito sa mga tinatanong sa interview, and this
can serve as a disqualifier type of interview question, kasi kung una palang tingin nila na you
are arrogant, magiging mahirap for them na turuan o itrain ka kasi tingin mo sa sarili mo na
magaling kana. So same din during transitioning period na dapat open ka to try new thing or
face the new system.
•Don’t be complacent with something that is working well. Sa company na pinasukan ko dati
ayaw nila yung masyadong kampante kasi kung magiging reliant nalang tayo sa system na
naabutan natin upon hiring, hindi ka nila makikitaan na pagiging creative or decision maker kasi
kuntento kana sa kung ano meron at ayaw mo sumubok o magisip ng iba pang pamamaraan o
bagay na mas magcocontribute sa success ng company.
•Don’t play by everyone else’s rules; make your own. Dito makikita ng employer natin yung own
identity natin kasi hindi lang tayo umaasa o nagrerely sa iba, may sarili tayong paninindigan at
independent tayo.
•Rather than penalizing mistakes, reward employees for making the attempt to change or to try
something new. Hindi kasi maganda sa paningin ng employees yung sanction, as much as
possible, prefer ng iba na maiwasan umabot sa ganitong level kaya binibigyan ng consideration
ang mga employees at para mamotivate sila hindi magkamali nagbibigay ng reward for those na
sumusubok na mas maimprove yung performance at mahasa pa yung skills nila.

• Lewin (1958) theorized that organizations go through three stages: unfreezing,

moving, and refreezing.
• In the unfreezing stage, the organization must convince employees and other
stakeholders (e.g., shareholders, the community) that the current state of affairs is
unacceptable and that change is necessary.
• In the moving stage, the organization takes steps (e.g., training, new work
processes) to move the organization to the desired state.
• In the refreezing stage, the organization develops ways to keep the new changes
in place, such as formalizing new policy and rewarding employees for behaving in
a manner consistent with the new change.

• Carnall (2008) suggests that employees typically go through five stages during
major organizational changes:
• Stage 1: Denial.
• Stage 2: Defense
• Stage 3: Discarding.
• Stage 4: Adaptation.
• Stage 5: Internalization.
Carnall (2008) suggests that employees typically go through five stages during major
organizational changes:
Stage 1: Denial. During this initial stage, employees deny that any changes will actually take
place, try to convince themselves that the old way is working, and create reasons why the
proposed changes will never work. Of course, iba sa atin kapag may changes na ini-implement
ito agad yung initial reaction natin. Kasi marahil nabigla o disappointed tayo kasi hindi yun yung
ineexpect natin na plan o ayaw lang natin talaga igive up yung system o process na
nakasanayan natin for a long time.
Stage 2: Defense. When employees begin to believe that change will actually occur, they
become defensive and try to justify their positions and ways of doing things. Here, sinusubukan
natin i-voice out yung opinion natin about sa change na iniimplement ng management. Or,
sinusubukan natin i-justify yung satingin nating tama o mas effective or kung ano yung
magwowork for the company and employees.

Stage 3: Discarding. That is, change is inevitable, and it is in the best interest of the employee
to discard the old ways and start to accept the change as the new reality. The hardest part is
letting go, and it's similar to losing a relationship, especially if it's been a regular part of your life.
Medyo may hugot no? So, dito unti unti nang tinatanggap ng employees ang new system.
Stage 4: Adaptation. At this stage, employees test the new system, learn how it functions, and
begin to make adjustments in the way they perform. Dito, inaaral o sinsubukan na ng
employees gawin yung changes na iniimplement, halimbawa sa process kung noon mabilis lang
o kunti lang yung dinadaanan ng papel for signatory, pwedeng madagdagan na.
Stage 5: Internalization. In this final stage, employees have become immersed in the new
culture, become comfortable with the new system, and accepted their new coworkers and work
environment. Dito, finally tanggap na ng buo yung change ng employees at nakakasabay na sila
sa new system.

• The Type of Change.

• Evolutionary
• Revolutionary
• The Reason behind the Change.
• The Person Making the Change.
• The Person Being Changed.
• Change agents
• Change analysts
• Receptive changers
• Reluctant changers
• Change resisters

Next topic is about The Type of Change. Organization change expert Warner Burke (2008)
distinguishes two types of change: evolutionary and revolutionary. The vast majority of change
is evolutionary, that is the continual process of upgrading or improving processes; for example,
the dreaded change from Windows XP to Vista, a change in the supervisor to whom one
reports, or a change in how to submit travel receipts for reimbursement. Ang evolutionary,
according to its definition, continuous ang process so ibig sabihin maaaring unti unti o
dumadaan sa proseso ang ano mang uri ng change na gusto iimplement sa loob ng company.
Ginagamit ito para bigyan ng time ang mga employees na iprocess yung change at maadapt sa
bagong system. Halimbawa sa paper kung saan iikot ito mula sa ibat ibang offices, maaaring
mabawasan o madagdagan yung mga involve or responsible departments for the approval or
signatory of such paper. On the other hand, Burke defines revolutionary change as a “real jolt to
the system” that drastically changes the way things are done. Examples might include
developing a brand new product line that requires a vastly different skill set, completely
changing the organizational structure, or organizational misconduct (e.g., Enron, Adelphia,
Arthur Anderson) that causes an organization to completely change its ethical policies and
behavior. Sa Revolutionary naman, isang bagsakan o agaran ang pagiimplement ng change.
Kung kaya’t ang revolutionary change is more difficult than is evolutionary change.
The Reason behind the Change. Employee acceptance of change is often a function of the
reason behind the change. Employees are least likely to accept change if they don’t understand
or were not told the reasons behind the change. Meaning to say, mahirap for employes to
accept the change kung hindi nila alam yung dahilan at kung para saan ba yung change na
iniimplement ng company. Sometimes, mas acceptable if we give our subordinates a chance to
comment or speak out about their opinions kasi we are letting them be involved with the plan.
The Person Making the Change. Changes proposed by leaders who are well liked and
respected and who have a history of success are more likely to be accepted than changes
proposed by leaders whose motives are suspect. Ibig sabihin, mahalaga na as leader we have

the trust of our employees at yung trust na yun ay kailangan ingatan. Kasi kung wala silang
tiwala sa atin, paano natin maeexecute ng maayos ang mga pano natin about change, kung
doubtful or against sa will nila yung mga gusto nating mangyari. Siguro need lang natin sila
bigyan ng reassurance na para rin naman sa ikabubuti nila yung plano mo bilang leader nila at
sa ikasu-success ng company.
The Person Being Changed.
Change agents are people who enjoy change and often make changes just for the sake of it.
Gusto po talaga nila yung change at bukas sa loob nila gawin ito. A change agent’s motto might
best be expressed as “If it ain’t broke, break it.”
Change analysts are not afraid to change or make changes but want to make changes only if
the changes will improve the organization. Change analysis will change if kung yun yung
magcocontribute sa success ng company nila. Their motto might be “If it ain’t broke, leave it
alone; if it’s broke, fix it.”
Receptive changers are people who probably will not instigate change but are willing to change.
Ang ibig sabihan ng instigate ay sulsol sa tagalog. And when you say to be receptive is to be
open to new ideas or change. Their motto is “If it’s broke, I’ll help fix it.”
Reluctant changers will certainly not instigate or welcome change, but they will change if
necessary. Reluctang changers ay nagbabago out of necessity o dala ng pangangailangan.
Their motto is “Are you sure it’s broken?”
Change resisters hate change, are scared by it, and will do anything they can to keep change
from occurring. Ang change resisters ay ayaw talaga sa pagbabago. Their motto is “It may be
broken, but it’s still better than the unknown.”

Implementing Change
• Creating an Atmosphere for Change
• Communicating Details
1. Communicating change is hard work.
2. Training is needed.
3. Two-way communication is essential.
4. Honesty is the best policy.
• Time Frame
• Training Needs
Implementing Change
Creating an Atmosphere for Change
This process begins by creating dissatisfaction with the current system. Employees should be
surveyed to determine how satisfied they are with the current system. By sharing these results
with employees, an organization can protect itself from employees reacting to change by
remembering the “good old days.” Instead, they will focus on the “bad old days” and be more
willing to change. Ang purpose po ng pagpapasurvey sa employees about how satisfied they
are with the current system, ay para macompare yung results or data na magagather nila mula
rito sa new system na inimplement nila. At ang intention ay hindi para mag reflect dun sa
magagandang experience ng employees from the old system kung hindi mas iemphasize yung
bad experience nila dito, so ang focus ay purely negative para makapagcreate ang
management ng dissatisfaction towards their employees at mapromote pa lalo nila yung plans
about change sa mga ito.
After creating dissatisfaction with the status quo, Denton advised organizations to work hard to
reduce the fear of change by providing emotional support, allowing employees to vent and
discuss their feelings, and providing employees with a safety net that allows them to make
mistakes during the transition period. Dito binibigyan natin ng chance ang mga employees to
comment and speak about how they feel or what are the thoughts they have in mind while
transitioning from old system to new one. Sa pagbibigay ng emotional support, mahalaga na

may empathy ang boss sa employees nya para mas lubos nya maintindihan yung
pinagdadaanan ng employess na naguudergo ng transitioning process.
Communicating Details
1. Communicating change is hard work. Mahirap ideliver yung plans about change, specially
kapag biglaan o yung kinakailangan agad isagawa.
2. Training is needed. The employees who were given the responsibility for communicating the
change had not been properly trained in such areas as dealing with employee hostility and
resistance. Sa training, maaaring ituro yung mga skills and knowledge pertaining to change.
Halimbawa kung dati gumagamit lang ng manual, right now iniemploy na ang technology sa
wokplace and it will be more difficult to elders gayan po sa government, kasi some of them are
not tech savy, like my coworker na mas prefer nya gumamit ng manual computation through
calculator than using formula sa excel. Kasi ang paniniwala nya ay mas accurate daw kung
icocompute manually well in fact, wala naman pong significant difference and besides mas
napapadali o bilis kasi ng Microsoft programs yung mga trabaho or reports natin, in general.
3. Two-way communication is essential. Employees must have the opportunity to provide
feedback to the people making the changes. Mahalaga na iniinvolve ng boss ang employees
nya sa decision making lalo pa kung major yung changes na gusto Nyang gawin, kasi kung
mula umpisa ay nasabihan at nabigyan naman sila ng chance na magbigay ng kanilang
reaction or comment, mas magiging smooth at maayos yung transitioning period.
4. Honesty is the best policy. Be honest with employees and tell them information as it arises
rather than waiting until all aspects of the change are completed. Isa sa mga tinitingnan natin
bilang followers ay kung trustworthy ang leader natin. Kasi mahirap magbigay ng trust at
commitment sa taong may hindi maganda yung reputation o track record.
Time Frame
Most successful organizational changes occur in a timely fashion. The longer it takes to change,
the greater the opportunity for things to go wrong and the greater the chance that employees
will become disillusioned. Many consultants advise that organizations should not remain in a
“change mode” for longer than two years. Ideally, 2 years yung maximum time for transitioning
period, kasi kapag humaba pa may chance na maging observant ang employees at makita at
mas i-emphasize yung small mistakes than sa bigger benefits nung change to their work.
Training Needs
After an organization has made a major change, it is often necessary to train employees. For
example, if an organization changes to a new computer system, all employees working with
computers will need to be trained in the use of the new system. Likewise, if an organization is
changing to a self-directed team environment, employees will need to be trained in such areas
as goal setting, teamwork, presentation skills, and quality analysis. As you can see,
napakahalaga talaga ng training para mas lalo pang maexplore ng employees yung potential
skills na meron sila.

Organizational Culture
• Changing Culture
• Assessing the New Culture
• Step 1: Needs Assessment.
• Step 2: Determining Executive Direction.
• Step 3: Implementation Considerations.
• Step 4: Training.
• Step 5: Evaluation of the New Culture.
• Creating Dissatisfaction with Existing Culture
• Maintaining the New Culture
• Selection of Employees
• Organizational socialization

Organizational Culture
Often referred to as corporate culture or corporate climate, organizational culture comprises the
shared values, beliefs, and traditions that exist among individuals in organizations.

Step 1: Needs Assessment. Because parts of the existing culture may actually support certain
organizational changes, the current culture must be analyzed and compared with the desired
culture to determine what might need to change. Dito sinasabi na kailangan na may
comparison between old system and new system, para madistinguish yung benefits, strengths
and weaknesses ng bawat isa.

Step 2: Determining Executive Direction. Management must then analyze the needs
assessment to determine the decisions or actions that will reinforce the culture and to assess
the feasibility of certain changes. From the world itself, executive, yung upper management
magaanalyze after conducting the needs assessment kung ano yung decision at kung saan
papunta yung direction ng organizations after implementing such changes na gusto nila for the

Step 3: Implementation Considerations. Here, this area addresses how the new culture will be
implemented. Meaning yung buong proseso kung paano ito iimplement including the
transitioning period from old to new system. At kung yung pacing kung mabilis ba o onti onti ang
pagiimplement para mapicture out kung ano yung magiging effect nito sa company at

Step 4: Training. Culture change means a change of philosophy, and that ultimately means different role
expectations. Dito, pwede maretain yung duties or pwede rin magbago ng role, so depending on the
management, pero what is sure is that, dapat mabigyan sila ng training para madagdagan yung kaalaman
na meron sila na kakailanganin for facing and embracing the change.

Step 5: Evaluation of the New Culture. As with any changes, an evaluation mechanism must be
established to review the new culture. Kung kanina pinagcompare at cinonsider yung mga important
factors like yung benefits nung new system sa company at yung mga problems na lumitaw, dito ieevaluate
na yung mismong new culture kung pasado o bagsak ba ang marking ibibigay nila base on their
evaluation process, kung passado, ang next na gagawin daw nila according sa book ay to create
Dissatisfaction with Existing Culture. Dito naman ipamumukha sa mga employees kung ano yung big
difference ng new system as compared to old one through survey kung saan iaask ang bawat isa about sa
naging feeling nila about it and kung gaano katas yung approval rating na makukuha mula sa kanila.
Maintaining the New Culture If the new culture is expected to last, developing new reward systems and
selection methods should occur. Pwede magdagdag ng new perks and benefits like kung before walang
travel trip to abroad, kung nonmaterial pwede rin yung additional vacation leave na pwede iavail ng
employees. So, depende sa management para mamotivate pa lalo ang employees iembrace yung new
Selection of Employees. Future employees should be selected on the basis of how well they epitomize the
new culture. For example, if the new culture is one of team decision making, new employees should have
not only the ability but the willingness and personality to perform in such an environment. Dito, kung
kanina reward system ngayon naman paano sila pipiliin yung mga deserving employees. So, pwede po
maging basis yung performance rating nila on how they perform well with the new system. Para maging
objective at hindi bias sa mata ng lahat yung criteria na sinet ng management.
Organizational socialization is the process whereby new employees learn the behaviors and attitudes they
need to be successful in the organization. Most organizations na napasukan ko ay madalas tinitingnan nila
kung obedient at resilient ang isang employee to face new challenges and embrace changing environment.

Meron din tinatawag na Rituals, in which by definition are procedures in which employees participate to
become “one of the gang.” Activities such as annual awards, banquets, or staff picnics are rituals that
reinforce the impression of a “caring” organization. Another ritual is requiring all new employees to go
through a probationary period before being considered a permanent employee. Meron din tinatawag na
Symbols, and it is a communication tools that convey certain messages to employees. For example,
establishment of an on-site wellness center conveys the organization’s interest in health. In addition,
communication techniques such as the use of mission and value statements can help acculturate the new
person to his environment.

Four Major Forces Creating Change in Organizations Today

• Globalization
• Technological Change:
• Knowledge Management
• Cross-boundaries Collaboration

A convergence of international activities such as the increase in overseas production of goods and
services; increasing consumer demands in emerging markets worldwide; declining barriers to
international trade aided by rapidly changing technology, have created a globalized economy in which
inter-dependency among countries has emerged as the norm today. In other words, para makasabay dun sa
trend hindi lamang sa loob ng ating bansa, but for international, may mga pagbabago na gagawin ang
company like rocedsa operation or procedures nila para makasabay sa trends.

Technological Change:
Technology has ushered in an array of high-tech devices that aid and facilitates companies in gathering
and managing information, maintaining contact with their employees globally, making and
communicating decisions instantaneously. This can be both a boon and a source of stress for managers
and leaders who must learn to manage their choice and use of these devices. In a global economy
technology can aid in knowledge management. May mga company na gayan ng BPO na kung saan ang
company ay nakabased sa ibang bansa, pero they source and hire employees in our country o sa pilipinas.
Through technology kasi naalis yung hindrances at nagagawang possible ang lahat ng bagay gayan ng
long distance at iba pa.

Knowledge Management
Driving forces such as shifts in buyer demographics and preferences; technology, product and market
innovation; changes in society, consumer attitudes and lifestyle all demand new ideas. This has created a
need for knowledge workers.
Knowledge workers comprise a company’s intellectual capital and are made up of creative people with
novel ideas and problem-solving skills. Managing its knowledge assets can give a company a competitive
edge as it effectively utilizes the expertise, skills, intellect, and relationships of members of the

Cross-boundaries Collaboration

An important part of knowledge management is effectively managing organization-wide collaboration.

Use of appropriate technology and applications such as a virtual private networks; VoIP, e-mail, social
networking websites such as Face Book, and even company-sponsored blogs can facilitate
communication between an organization and its stakeholders, and help in different types of internal and
external collaborative processes. An example of a tool that can be used in cross-boundaries collaboration

might be an easily accessible online database that provides a central source of information to employees,
customers, or suppliers.

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