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ay Bal Bharati J" PUBLIC SCHOOL HOLIDAY HOMEWORK 2023-24 CLASS VI - Integrated Subjects Practice Sheet Week 3 SUBJECT - GERMAN Q1. Stell Fragen. (Make questions) (a) nN ?-Ich bin Vera Schule (b)_ \ ?- Nein, ich hele Malika (0) ?- Ja, ich bin ¥2 Jahre alt 2 Ich wobrfe in Delhi ?- Ja,ichwohne in Deutschland, Vi Q2. Der oder Die? Erginze. (a) Das ist _ Tante vor) (ark. (b). Freundin von Markys heiBt Klara. (o) Familie wohnt in-Chicago (d) Harshit ist ohn von Fray Sharma. (e) Ich bin Spieund von Sia SUBJECT - FRENCH | QA Create a collage on any one of the following topics (on an Ad size sheet) : Hi Monuments of France ; oR | b. Types of cheese 1 OR ©. Famous French people *) aT 7 fm OT wy: 1 au: 1. Rig Veda 2, Hindustan 3. Exeavation 4, Historian 3. H+ Ye qh FSH sate 4 F+ F+ TT 91 = 5. [BY + ot = sop SUBJECT - SOCIAL SCIENCE QI) Match the following: Indus Q) Tb) A scholar who uses the information found from manuscripts and inscriptions to study | the past 4°) | ) Sanskrit 4) 4) To dig under the surface of the earth. 3) th 1-02-a3-d4- B |-a 2-b3-c4-d ii.C I-b2-c3-a4-d Bal Bharati UBLIC SCHOOL 2) CASE sTUpy This celestial body marked bind the solar system and is locsrst up of hot gases. Has its own light and heat. It provides pulling force (0 8 located Is 150 million km away from Earth, é : i) This celestis vy Star b) Meteoroid body marked as A is an example of: ©) Moon d) Asteroid ii) Ace ding to you where is the marked celestial body “A” located: 4) Between Venus and Mars ) Between Mars and Satur ©) Between Mars and Jupiter &/Centre of the solar system Q3) State any three reasons why early 1) Fer agrelcuuliece a) For doirdiing wall 3) Eany aveailadrt ofesain. Fy } Q4) Mention any two points of dif Moon Aun Lita a aolaite. 1. it daa Atay, Dea ib own heat tt oun haat and. preferred (o live near banks of the river. nce between Moon and Sun, © Bal Bharati SUBJECT - SCIENC QI Food items rich in component x Observe the given picture and answer the following questions: 1 (a) The food items shown are mainly rich inX’,a nutrient component of food. What is". Protiend 1 (b) Name the disease caused by deficiency of component tr Manaprnes 1 () What is the main function of this food compone nv? Body auitddng 1 (d) What are the chemicals used to test the presence of the X’ in the food items? ‘Fouste- ded Lehhos A Q2. If there are two hollow pipes one made of copper a will help to identify the pipe made of copper? ind the other made of plastic, which of the following Place the pipes in water and check if they absorb water Rub the pipes with sandpaper and check if they appear shiny. Hold the pipes under a glowing bulb and check if they produce shadows Bring the pipes near a magnet and check if they are attracted by the magnet ow ' | | ' { { { | { | ' | 1 | | | ' \ ' ' { ' ' ' | ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' i { | ' ' ' i ' { { ' { I ' ' ' | { { | { { SUBJECT ~ HINDr Fe sayy — 38 ATE, Rong, STE Fee: ra ae era ng ! eH Rarer 1400 area Seog oan. aba Races creer oe f Tee Renn anaartaeganre emgage 2967 ra ae aap 8 eat ee ar ere rN eS ey er eee el era AN aR ee rl i ee) erga 5 eo sa are eh ee eal eB Parra carrey rrr eH axe 8 re Rae Herel wey A wea aol nifA @ alsa are SE 8 en ae ar ea ae od Rea Pepe awa fa Aorepe tg, te one at aft sor ea ore 8 fre weir A Aoere- se aren BI aya OMA TAA, ARIS SH Tea I ote 1A ab PTL Ha cor TBI UY TAT TAT eee ost" %) @) wea wre 2. aH cers Set Shh 8? H)agrdH wh) eT meer wearer arch 3, 91a ort Rr fara wre DIT a? Sanaa w@ fem al aaax : MarR wy fer sored A ¥, Ome OnE are fea SA ae Tae aS 2 ) Fait saa Hear site e efaife aah cen Hae 7) Aha A Gb RU Uiaitamara &, 20gy A are at aT eH eM et ag eh? Hewpaerara Wagugd ory era Rare goat aA es SOI IORI III

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