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Review of Related Literature Outline: Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory and Job


I. Introduction A. Overview of the Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory B. Importance of Job

Satisfaction in Organizational Context

II. Understanding Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory A. Explanation of the Two-Factor

Theory 1. Motivational Factors (Satisfiers) 2. Hygiene Factors (Dissatisfiers) B. Key
Concepts and Principles 1. Motivation vs. Satisfaction 2. Factors Influencing Job
Satisfaction 3. Dual-Continuum Approach

III. Theoretical Framework: Job Satisfaction A. Definition and Dimensions of Job

Satisfaction B. Theoretical Perspectives on Job Satisfaction 1. Contentment Theory 2.
Discrepancy Theory 3. Affective Events Theory

IV. Empirical Studies on Herzberg's Theory and Job Satisfaction A. Studies Validating
Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory 1. Research Findings Supporting Motivational Factors 2.
Research Findings Supporting Hygiene Factors B. Critiques and Challenges to the Theory
1. Limitations and Contradictory Findings 2. Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Job

V. Applications of Herzberg's Theory in Practice A. Implications for Human Resource

Management 1. Employee Engagement and Retention Strategies 2. Job Design and
Work Environment B. Case Studies and Organizational Examples 1. Successful
Implementation of Motivational Factors 2. Addressing Hygiene Factors to Improve

VI. Contemporary Relevance and Future Directions A. Relevance of Herzberg's Theory in

Modern Workplaces B. Emerging Trends and Modifications in Job Satisfaction Research
1. Technological Impact on Job Satisfaction 2. Remote Work and Changing Employee

VII. Conclusion A. Summary of Key Findings and Insights B. Implications for Future
Research and Practice

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