IS Revision Question 1

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1. Nigeria officially became a colony of the British in the

2. The lands and regions were finally divided into how
many protectorates?
3. The protectorates were amalgamated by__________.
4. Who was the first British Governor General of Nigeria?
5. Who was the last British Governor General of Nigeria
before independence?
6. The name Nigeria was gotten from River______
7. The name Nigeria was given by __________
8. What is the full meaning of NCNC?
9. The two(2) nationalist who formed NCNC are
_____________and ________________
10. Mention four(4) nationalist leaders you know.
11. Who is the father of Nigerian nationalism?
12. In 1963, Nigeria became a _________________
13. Who was the first indigenous Governor General of
14. Who is the first prime minister in Nigeria?
15. Who moved the motion for independence?
16. In what year was the motion or independence moved?
17. Define Climate.
18. _______refers to the condition of the atmosphere in a
particular time and place.
19. Mention two (2) seasons in Nigeria.
20. Which season falls between April to September?
21. Which season fall between November and March?
22. What climate zone is Nigeria found in? ________
23. List five (5) elements of weather and the instruments for
measuring them.
24. ___________ is the relationship of a person and his or
her country.
25. Mention three (3) ways to become a citizen of a
26. What is Naturalization?
27. Mention two (2) responsibilities of a citizen.
28. Who is a citizen?
29. Mention three types/forms of government
30. What is constitution?
31. Which form/type of government is practiced in
32. Which type/form of government is practiced in Nigeria?
33. Which form/type of government is practiced in North
Korea and Russia?
34. Mention the three tiers/levels of government.
35. A group of people elected to control the affairs of a
state or country is called ______________.
36. Mention two (2) members of federal executive council.
37. Mention two (2) members of the state executive
38. Mention two (2) members on the local executive
39. There are _______ number of local governments in
40. State two (2) functions of Government.
41. Who is the head of the local level of government?
42. Which level of government is regarded as the grass root
43. Who is the governor of Lagos State?
44. Who is the president of Nigeria?
45. How many states do we have in Nigeria?

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