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Republic of the Philippines b.

Department of Education c. Temperance
MIMAROPA Region d. Wisdom
Pangobilian, Brookes Point Palawan 9. What is the ultimate goal of human life according
to Aristotle’s philosophy?

1. 1. Metaphysics can be defined as a. Wealth and possessions

______________? b. Power and influence
c. Virtue and happiness
a. That which is logical d. Knowledge and understanding
b. Study and discourse
c. Analysis and synthesis
d. Theories of what which is “ beyond the physical” 10. What is the central principle of Kan’t ethical
2. Philosophy can be defined as______________? a. Principle of utility
b. Principle of autonomy
a. a science that seeks to explain the ultimate c. Principle of compassion
cause of everything by the use of human reason. d. Principle of duty
b. The thought processes characteristics of an
individual or group. 11. According to Musonius Rufus, how should one
study ethics?
c. It is the science of the highest good.
d. It is the study of what us right or good in human a. Through reading books and attending lectures
conduct or character b. Through contemplation and introspection
c. Through debate and argumentation
3. This man was a Greek philosopher and polymath d. Through daily practice and habituation
during the Classical period in Ancient Greece.
Taught by Plato 12. What is the relationship between sin and virtue in
Augustine’s Philosophy?
a. Plutarch b. Rufus c. Aristotle d. Socrates E.
Epicurus a. A sin is necessary for the development of the
b. Sin and virtue are unrelated
4. This philosopher philosophy believed that people c. Virtue can only be achieved through the
often grow up surrounded by bad role models. avoidance of sin.
However, we can steer people, by providing them d. Virtue is impossible in a sinful world.
with better patterns to imitate.
13. What is the ultimate goal of human life according
a.Plutarch b. Rufus c. Aristotle d. Socrates E. to Aquinas Philosophy?
Epicurus a. Pleasure and enjoyment
b. Wealth and power
5. This philosopher believed common with what c. Virtue and moral excellence
might call the typical Greek ethic; that is, d. Perfect Happiness in God
eudaemonistic in character, which proposes an
end for human conduct, namely happiness; but
this happiness is to be found only in God. 14.According to Plutarch, what is the role of education in
a. Augustine b. Rufus c. Aristotle d. Socrates
E. Epicurus a. Education is unnecessary for moral
6. What is eudaimonia in Platos Philosophy? development

a. A state of pleasure and happiness b. Education is necessary for moral

b. A state of wealth and success development
c. A state of power and authority
c. Education is important for moral
7. According to Plato, what is the relationship development but not sufficient
between virtue and happiness?
a. Virtue is necessary but not sufficient for d. Education is only necessary for intellectual
happiness development
b. Virtue and happiness are entirely separate
c. Virtue and happiness are the same thing
14. What is relationship of between pleasure and
d. Virtue is an obstacle to happiness
happiness in Epicurus Philosophy?
a. Pleasure and happiness are the same
8. What is relationship between reason and ethics
in Aristotles philosophy?
b. Pleasure is necessary for happiness
c. Pleasure is irrelevant to happiness
a. Ethics is entirely separate from reason
d. Pleasure is hindrance to happiness
b. Reason plays a minor role in ethics
c. Reason is necessary but not sufficient for ethics
d. Ethics is based entirely on reason

9.According to Aristotle, what is the highest virtue?

a. Courage
15. Socrates believed that the pursuit of wisdom and
virtue was:

a. A means to an end
b. A waste of time
c. The ultimate goal of life
d. Only for the elite and priviledge

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