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Advanced Level Grammar Exercise - MCQ Test 6

1. Until the eighteenth-century comparative linguistic 7. Much health education in recent years ------- towards
studies did not progress ------- beyond the stage the view that heavy drinker ------- subject for
where ancient Greek and Roman grammarians had amusement but for practical help.
left them.
A) has been directed / is not
A) so much as B) was being directed / wouldn't be
B) too much C) is directed / won't be
C) either D) had been directed / was not
D) very much E) is being directed / hasn't been
E) just in case
8. Galileo originated the method of controlled
2. Julius Caesar ------- a great historian if the making of experiment ------- now forms the basis of scientific
history ------- him the time and the inclination to write investigation.
A) what
A) could be / could have allowed B) who
B) would be / allowed C) where
C) had been / would have allowed D) whom
D) would have been / could allow E) which
E) could have been / had allowed
9. Unfortunately, the world's forest -------- at such a rate
3. Early in 1940, when Europe was already at war, Hitler that the remaining tropical rainforests ------- by the
------- the sale of uranium from the Czech mines he middle of the century.

------- over.
A) will be logged / would have been destroyed
A) has banned / has taken B) has been logged / is destroyed
B) had banned / took C) is being logged / will have been destroyed
C) banned / had taken D) was being logged / is being destroyed
D) bans / was taking E) would be logged / were being destroyed
E) was banning / had been taking
10. The continuing controversy -------- in 1924 by P.
4. Physics, as it ------- at the end of the nineteenth Hubble, who found that the great spiral nebula in
century, ------- to as classical physics. Andromeda -------- Cepheid variables.

A) has been known / might be referred A) was being settled / has contained
B) is known / has been B) has been settled / contains
C) had been known / had been referred C) had been settled / contained
D) was known / is referred D) was settled / contained
E) might have been known / was referred E) would be settled / contain
5. Sometimes people select certain foods that they 11. If weather forecasters -------- warnings of storms on
believe ------- their physical appearance and avoid time telecommunications companies -------- to take
those they believe ------- detrimental. steps to protect their satellites.

A) have improved / would have been A) could have provided / had been able
B) are improving / were B) could be providing / will be able
C) improve / might be C) can provide / would have been able
D) improved / had been D) could have provided / should be able
E) would have improved / have been E) could provide / would be able
6. It is not unusual for advertising campaigns ------- even 12. Up to the present time, oceanographers ------ lots of
before the new products ------- onto the market. seafloor mountains they -------- existed.

A) to have been launched / have come A) were finding / don't know

B) to be launched / come B) have found / didn't know
C) being launched / will come C) are finding / didn't know
D) having been launched / are coming D) will find / wouldn't know
E) to have been launched / will have come E) will have found / hadn't know

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Advanced Level Grammar Exercise - MCQ Test 6

13. It was the first canal of the US artificial waterways 17. There is a discussion -------- sending a bacterium,
built -------- the Great Lakes with sea. genetically engineered to digest atomic wastes --------
a space shuttle to Mars.
A) connecting
B) to be connected A) about / over
C) to have connected B) of / on
D) to connect C) for / with
E) having connected D) for / after
E) over / from
14. Had she realised just how potentially dangerous her
discovery was, she would surely have suppressed it, 18. The laboratory team endeavours ------ to generate
------? power as efficiently and cheaply as possible, ----- to
apply it economically.
A) didn't she
B) wouldn't she A) so / unless
C) hadn't she B) even / just as
D) wasn't it C) not only / but also
E) wouldn't it D) as much / as if
E) most / that
15. The prohibition -------- growing some sorts of plants
without official permission prevents farmers -------- 19. Chemical industry in the world developed very
growing anything by any means. quickly from 1935 ------, especially in the organic
sector of the industry.

A) over / over
B) in / to A) onwards
C) from / through B) upwards
D) on / from C) afterwards
E) of / by D) outwards
E) towards
16. ------ what extent does her book deal ----- the problem
of light pollution? 20. ------- any outside impacts, certain chemical
impurities would make such explosives unstable if
A) To / with they were kept in warm conditions.
B) On / to
A) Involving
C) With / about
B) Including
D) For / in
C) In case
E) At / by
D) Contrary to
E) Even without

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