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1101 episodes . this if the answer receive cheek Mando That's right .


" Okay ."

Hyun-Young duvet kick pay body caused _ habitually head turn window looked at he
glance a little frowned .

' the sun Are you out ?'

Today is little overslept ruler abandoned .

normally overslept sleeping Work like to be number However , the disciples to Gangnam
liver During few days day and night sigh pond Sleep the night whole I woke up
accumulated tired one at a time rushed seemed to

" Oh , my bones ."

shoulder puffy knocked . muhak ripen body neatly make after paying but the age Also
beat number Do not have looks like

duvet completely kick paid he that on the spot cross-legged turned on habit and same
good luck breakfast finished only after on the spot wake up clothes changed clothes

" Hmm ."

the door step out I'm he a little Eyes rolled up

the volcano to success success over and over there is However so that more have to be
vigilant do _

always good luck _ _ _ Tue (禍) and together coming law . little that it was successful
become arrogant or to success to get drunk if certainly that pay the price to pay felled is
the law

' Be careful .'

this case young the disciples just like that missing are the parts one even if you are old
more eaten he first be vigilant have to read do _

Hyun-Young a little evil smile stayed _

" Then Today is pods little catch Shall I see you ?"
the disciples for today one day ghost to become determined Hyun-Young firmly the door
open outside went out However His determination is fire one eating plan pass by before
neatly collapsing fell .

" ⋯⋯ this is all What ⋯⋯ ."

manor at the entrance line Hyun-Young vacant with face murmured .

like a mountain stacked load lumps in front of obstruct there was manor Ahn Eun
Besides , as a manor incoming entrance , that to the outside identity egg number Do not
have something with a mess layer by layer stack up raised there was

" ⋯⋯ Magic guys here even if you come in did you say evacuation go ?"

" Oh , no . That It's not ⋯⋯ ."

Baek Sang Lee on the forehead flowed sweat wiping answered .

" morning from the wind People after rushing in magic beat it for giving Thank you ⋯⋯

" This , this ?"

" Yes ."

" This all ? "

Hyunyoung's pupil even an earthquake happened seemingly Big trembled _

stacked us follow head raised he finally that end view before neck behind grabbed _

" Oh my gosh . The back of my neck is ⋯⋯ !"

" Are you okay ?"

" ⋯⋯ this is go ?"

" Inside more piled up day without now the disciples manor outside things receive pile up
There is ."

" What ?"

Hyunyoung's two in the eyes sparks sudden woke up

" This guy mind there is bastard , no dude ! that good flounder got it ? money with a
rake scrape up there is guys Every day eat and live tiring sheep people brought girl
thought without be punished ?"

Baek Sang Lee terrified and hand I stumbled .

" Oh my gosh , Elder . Riga do you have of course it's okay I refused . By the way
recklessly giving girl I What how would you like to? "

" ⋯⋯ Reckless ? "

" nothing no , why this too not do you get self cost of life only that not can you to do I
what would you like to no matter how even if you block it swish throw put run away You
throw it away ⋯⋯ . "

" ⋯⋯ Huh , huh, huh ."

Hyun Young-eun stop outrageous no as if Smile abandoned .

from all over sent things on the volcano stacked that Yesterday Today work No. _
Hyunyoung Also already Various th saw it's a thing However with it This case different _

so far on the volcano came the gifts shamanic powerful people volcanic favor get for sent
things were no matter how good even if you look pure with my heart sent that would
speaking difficult , dare pinch as it were It was a bribe .

However Here stacked things that make sense Not at all different isn't it ?

the volcano soon this Yangtze River watershed leave far to the island conflict will _ this
Fat People then To them favor buy what would you ?

that In other words , this every things really this place sheep people pure thanks as a sign
June What are items it meant

" Heh heh heh ⋯⋯ . "

meaning guess tiring laugh infatuated Hyun-Young spellbound as if stacked load as a pile
approach at the bottom there is us one loose saw _

stuttering tied bot gym inside notably to be precious will do number Do not have grain
tight for tea there was Hyun Young-eun Still that Look at at your fingertips a little
caressed _

" ⋯⋯ this Precious ⋯⋯ that ."

powerful people sending rare the gift that it's worth is it expensive I don't know , but to
Hyunyoung, ' Precious ' thing ' this to be net there was no money leftover these
Moderately condescending I'll give you sending crab how big meaning would you have

However this grain is No. _

Yangtze River watershed living these are now barely aqueduct at your fingertips escaped
_ Every day in the mouth even to paste easy not these are then People thanks heart put it
in themselves winter During to eat will do grain relieve dare brought will _

this grain how then than treasure Can not do it will do number will there be

" petty things many , most of them eat things ."

" ⋯⋯ ."

" By the way Too sheep a lot storage easy does not . Proper a merchant wanted You have
to sell it ⋯⋯ ."

" What , you bastard ?"

Hyun-Young double wick turned on swish head turned _ white statue staring in the eyes
anger etc. _

" What sell ?"

" , ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ . "

" This guy Are you crazy ?"

Hyunyoung's two in the eyes bloody stood up

" This is which It ' s ! this which it's a thing judgment Did you mean ! this with money
replace number there is what are the things ? Here leftover guys cow older brother will
do to the extent rice eat it stand They're carnivores , they all if you feed not ! this why
judgment What do you mean !"

" Come on , elder . It's grain . leave eat number but right now came in meat or vegetable
same that is soon upper extremity I wo n't ⋯⋯ ."

" all Eat !"

Hyun-Young from the mouth light up let's blow phenomenon sneakily to wear closed .

" one toldo leave behind not all eat put it away ! right if not you are all 👌👌 line I know !"
white coat face dark dyed _

of course here there is these are Normal Jang Jeong-eun five or six ship eat put it away
Hyunyoung's stomach sick doing the culprits That's right . However no matter how Yes
even , huge lumberroom Heat the dog even filled to remain things what channel few
days within all eater mean ?

" Oh , no ⋯⋯ ."

" Noisy ! Today from lunch right now feed it ! all all Spread it !"

" ⋯⋯ ."

" Do you understand ?"

" Yes , yes ⋯⋯ ."

" ttt ."

dissatisfied with face tongue cold Hyun Young-eun new by eye stacked the gifts looked

I have to ⋯⋯ young the disciples to understand Tiring will _

to someone consultation is of choice problem, but for some car dazzling look at capital
Do not have It was desperate that .

past the volcano on the back of the head laid to be When , Hyun Young-eun sidewalk
like dream too do not borrow could n't which for them ability even if equipped if it
bothers you not will do number there is at work It may be only , but Hyunyoung including
sage to the ship in What is cooperative travel? just dazzling it was something

that tough life inside them hold on sun June that someday _ them Also strong
commanding as unmanned suffering the civilians for fighting , volcanic name extensively
allyl the day to be that vain It was hope .

east longitude inside reflected My Head increasingly white wish conflict Every time , youth
is crab forever stay not saying Thing know conflict every time , little by little put down
then Hope I mean .

Hyun Young-eun carefully caressed grain carefully get off put it

" ⋯⋯ is wrong It wasn't ."

" Yes ?"

" No. "

Hyun Young-eun bluntly answering head turned _ now face to the disciples see want to
did n't

little Time in expression only after managing Hyun Young-eun again look at give asked .

" So , outside still came people you are is it? "

" Yes . The disciples now us under There is ."

" go Let's see ."

" Yes !"

Baek Sang Lee quickly Forward went out Him follow me for awhile after something barari
cheap holding Wow line up line these seemed _

Waiting at the end disciples Before arrived big long-haired snore spouting in hand all
things suddenly Forward pushed out

" The wizards meat do you eat I don't know , my notably reminds me crab without even
this cheap come ."

" Thank you . We meat too eat ."

" I hope you 're happy ."

bluntly said Jang Jeong-eun a bundle disciples in your arms almost as if thrown took over

" ⋯⋯ a lot I see ."

" Fuck crab many I 've seen it !"

" Go, thank you . "

that blunt in attitude the disciples on the forehead flowing sweat wiping us receive heard

" Where Living ⋯⋯ ."

" All right . That 's it . " know What do it ."

" ⋯⋯ Oh , yes ."

man regret no seemingly body swish try to turn not swipe volcanic disciple look up

" Thank you ."

us receive all cheongsang question young by eye the man looked up

" old mother come on maybe evacuation Gaya If you did , the wind outside Vertage you
couldn't just here stagnant must die will do It was a plate ."

" ⋯⋯ ."

" thanks lived . Thank you ."

for a moment blankly Him seen Cheongsang-eun Within Binggrae smile built .

" must will do work would have only ."

" Great ."

man head nodded body swish turn whistle walked away

Hyun Young-eun that in-house back view stare looking at look at sideways turned _ have
you slaughtered how much not not Is it meat? bag below wet wet there was

“ ⋯⋯ Baek Sang-ah .”

" Yes , Elder ."

" go the disciples more call me The weather Chande line Too it 's long refusal pond will
do if it's west there is even time reduce I have to give it to you."

" Yeah ? Now Cheongmyeong the guy kids Hit me ⋯⋯ . no , water lily letting because I'm
in the middle no more not send line would you ?"

" I called do subtract Come . no , cheongmyeong the guy including practice there is
bastards all all drag come from the load get it do it ."

" that Water lilies are ⋯⋯ ."

" Come on ."

" Yes ! Elder ."

Baek Sang Lee inside Burinake ran away no matter how Cheongmyeong called him chart
Jang Moon-in Hyunyoung elder's on instructions vomit all in case there is no notably the
problem is there will be no will _

Hyun Young-eun line up line these silently looked up

ponytail Jang Jeong-do , age listen waist bent old woman , rough by hand child's hand
hold west there is woman together something in hand all Chae , envy young by gaze
volcanic the disciples looking up there was

" That ⋯⋯ . "

something want to say seemingly to wear I took off Hyun Young-eun Within again to
wear closed . head I want to turn suddenly someone's voice is ears rubbed off

" view good didn't you ?"

swipe back looked at Hyun-Young bluntly said .

" When Did you come ?"

" a little before ."

Hyunjong Binggrae smiling Him report there was

" What is a Jangmunman? yangban leisurely do . What cheek thing that So far come out
do you see it ?"

" However busy have to see will do crab there is It's the law ."

" Then hand or Would you like to add it ?"

Hyunyoung's on horse Hyunjong quietly laughed _

" them have to meet will do these are U.S no _ Is that right?"

that at the end Hyun Young-do without a word head nodded .

" Consultation reciprocate hoping to fulfill not felled will _ reciprocate wish Moment that
concomitant not transaction price Became throw away It's the law ."

" ⋯⋯ ."

" But ⋯⋯ ."

Hyunjong said .

" This If the answer is ⋯⋯ . yes take it cheek Mando That's right ."

Hyun Young-eun lips only It squeaked . to wear open amon sound come out throw away
thing same car to wear Heat number there was no

at that time I from afar lol jumping the disciples seemed _

" It's work !"

" Damn it ! will do number there !"

" I I will ! please I A little let it Please !"

rather than training Days better seemingly god then jumping with the disciples from the
back to wear that feet are stretched out stick tattered walking clarification copy Hyun
Young-eun prey Smile abandoned .

" quick quick move ! this lazy things !"

kinky Hyunyoung's in the voice for a while Browse hard vitality full for tea there was

1102 episodes . this if the answer receive cheek Mando That 's right .(2)

" Now be fine will ."

hour hand finished Soso blink smiling spit neatly arranged _

" Thank you ."

" Nevertheless yet body completely recovered case because no well have to eat I do ."

" ⋯⋯ Yes ."

spit all organized Soso woman's in your arms hugged asleep child's ball cook stabbed .

" Hakido ⋯⋯ well ."

that Moment a woman hugging there was a child In a instinct Myself towards sudden
pulled _

" Oh ⋯⋯ ."

woman's Snow shook .

" Sin , sorry ⋯⋯ ."

" No . I thinking There wasn't ."

Soso shameless with face back hair was scratched

the body spit put medicine write better , but the wound picture just like that not healed
does not this a woman suffered work think look One by one delicately , carefully have to
approach I did

" I'm sorry ."

Soso depth head bow down a woman what to do line I don't know and head I stumbled .

" No , really ⋯⋯ really No. "

a child embraced woman's on the face thick embarrassment came to mind

" like this well about I give you I , I pond learn scared So many ⋯⋯ ."

" such words summer solstice Don't ."

Dangso Sodo what to do line unwittingly I was stumped . medicine I got used to it oh
my at the time how have to deal with do you know barga there was no

' What should I do ?'

just let's back off a woman long time blame yourself thing same , yes feel loose hungry
kid used in vain uncomfortable make thing same _ even like this even that can't I love
thigh only pinch to be It was then

Tung !

crudely the door banging sound rang _

" Huh ?"

gully .

behind turned around moment , the door wide open opened . However only that ,
appeared people there was no visible that would door over open manor It was only the
scene .

' What ⋯⋯ .'

key !

" ⋯⋯ Oh ."

of our place gaze down , again Under went down

" ⋯⋯ Was it you ?"

pure white weasel one marie tail swinging to be dissatisfied pair Do not have facial
expression (? ) building there was

Tang ! Tang !

why hurry get to know couldn't you reproachful seemingly by tail the floor put th
smashed white baby Next laid My body only one bowl sheep with forefoot catch holding
room in entered .

in a bowl soaked case she to Qingming bring it ask for did It was a potion . of our place
face distorted _

" no , this Humans are ⋯⋯ ."

oh my , that simple girl do I'm bored people too not to the beast made mean ?
furthermore make it that arguably doing the beast In addition something ?

about this when People Is it the problem or the beast ? is it a problem indistinguishable
won't it was close to

tattered two expression walked Baek Ah of our place in front decoction bowl chin put it
down and like a person depth sigh exhaled _

" ⋯⋯ suffering a lot ."

to the beast will do the horse No , but somehow I look Bonnie this speak sun should give
will do thing was like

Baek Ah our party glance report Moment behind swish looked back Then fast run open
the door urgently closed room pair into the corner go balladang lie down abandoned .

Moment static flowed _ white baby swipe head I heard our party stare saw _ that eyes like
' _ together suffering in plight disrespectfully braided Let's not .' Called talking thing was

" ⋯⋯ Yes . You too It will be tough ."

perhaps here most hardship many be tiring capital there will be I the guy that Qingming
death penalty day all day stick going around 'cause it's a beast hurry go back have to see
in vain just to suffer will do

' Then look Oh yeah It's amazing .'

why I the beast why like that Qingming to the death penalty stick going around maybe ?

At Namman Beast Palace spirit creature of as a spirit all kinds of luxury enjoy lived thing
like , here handling Normal Weasel Mando Ca n't you?

If you are bored 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌 _ _ in face me A little it got chilly if with a scarf used ,
sleep when neck as a pillow used , drink when it falls 'cause I'm going to be vicious sense
good wine bottle bill around the time already alcohol bring let go and all kinds of errands
all take charge ha ⋯⋯ .

' The death penalty I wish ⋯⋯ .'

where young one number of animals do n't you

" Joe , weasel ⋯⋯ ."

that Moment from a woman amazed voice is leak came out her round Snow Baek Ah
pierce through report there was

" Oh ⋯⋯ ."

hey , ordinary people's in the eyes weasel decoction bowl fetch and open the door open
and close , two expression walk going around crab wonderfully to be seen will do

" don't worry do n't good ⋯⋯ . no , just It's a spirit ."

“ Woah , are you a spirit creature ?”

" Yes . Well ⋯⋯ . Just A little A lot of smart beast if you think all right ."

a woman interesting seemingly Baek Ah saw _ look at did you feel Baek A-do swipe head
turn a woman facing saw _

with people beast Between ethereal Sight exchange there was something did you think
white baby chin do on the spot happened _ jolly jolly to the woman Approaching you ,
jump up woman's neck My by body wrapped around

" Oh ⋯⋯ !"
amazed a woman reflexively My on the neck coiled Baek Ah grabbed it , but soft to the
touch Within in hand carried power unwind fell .

" It's warm ⋯⋯ ."

" Wow ."

Soso surprised Eyes Big popped up

so much like a tiger hit went to happy to be seen However , at first Baek Ah spirit person
plus self esteem exceptionally sen is an animal I pure white smooth hairy coveted tame to
see on the face toenail mark obtained volcano disciple where one or two ?

Qingming except never side by side I'll give it to you not the guy myself to a person are
you approaching

" It's amazing ."

that in the meantime Baek Ah Something in the heart not Does it cost head while
smirking Within sneak peek woman's neck Under came down Then with child woman's
Between cut in comfy posture grabbing Eyes wind up abandoned .

" It's not dangerous ⋯⋯ ."

" will be fine will ."

The party office said 'to the death penalty ' 💋 I didn't want won't Because .' in speak
small murmuring but added woman's ear can't hear did n't

reassured the woman white My back carefully swept down seemingly at a glance never to
a person threaten not not small called beast dot to her fall for giving was the shape

woman's expression softly untied Thing copy Soso me too without knowing head nodded

' he useless to be day There is .'

no actually _ useless there was a lot Qingming only for the death penalty .

a woman little softened in voice said .

" the weasel People accompanying case first I saw it ."

" Oh , right ?"

actually me too first I saw it . Of course , ' people ' accompanying Guernsey A little think
have to see will do It 's a problem .

" ⋯⋯ Animals good only people I 'm following you."

woman's At the end of the day expression what to explain difficult to the extent It got
complicated .

" That , yes ."

However finally Within Eyes sticky wind up abandoned .

' I'm sorry . that word liar thing I think .'

then I white baby clear Next stick to be Riga no . However this at work the truth anyway
what make sense is there only heart if you are comfortable ok .

still white appear Thanks to awkward atmosphere loose thing like It was fortunate .

" Before I'm sorry ."

" ah , no . what It's a big deal ."

" just worried many I did ⋯⋯ . really ⋯⋯ Are you okay ?"

" Yes ?"

woman's on the face depth was young

" From now on I him guard have to live I do ⋯⋯ like this scared a lot Are you okay ?"

Soso is just like that don't answer could n't think without throwing be fine Khitan up, in
the end situation Moderately avoid passing over on pass not saying girl get to know
Because .

" I ⋯⋯ ."

Soso what try to say to wear kite It was then

" Soso in Are you there? "

out the door Familiar voice is heard _ Soso sparkly surprised looked back

" Yes , long writer ! Disciple in There is ."

" Even if you go in can you ?"

Soso swipe woman's complexion looked at the woman a little uneasy but it was Within
slowly head nodded . Soso is right away run respectfully the door opened .

Within Hyunjong slow step by step room in entered . with a woman Snow let's meet he
Person good warm smile ⋯⋯ while building Within shaky in voice asked .

" I the guy why over there like that Are you there? "

" ⋯⋯ Well ."

Baek Ah now all things annoying with expression to the fullest droopy there was that
shape Just ⋯⋯ .

" The animal the owner They look alike ."

" That's right I mean ⋯⋯ ."

head the bottom Hyunjong Still in place sat down of our place in the eyes that movement
in each how much attentive caring young whether well seemed _ signs one step _ not
one opponent threateningly feel so as not to Most power minus will _ do not know
People look just Spoon field strength Do not have I'm old to think it was about

" The body Are you okay ?"

" Yes ? Oh ⋯⋯ ."

perplexed a woman looking Hyunjong Binggrae smile built .

" I volcanic My name is Hyunjong do ."

" volcanic Long sentence ⋯⋯ . "

Soso quickly something want to add Moment Hyunjong a little hand listen blocked _ in
vain opponent burden feel worthy the horse summer solstice malan meant _

" many work suffered Hura , of the heart tidy up I must have needed it . therefore dare
not looking for didn't . However by now Wow pussy not Backwards polite not thing like
Wolf I came . if rude forgive me please give me I hope ."

" Oh no . Never . right not ."

a woman bewildered fiercely head it was

" Everyone Too well about Thank you for ⋯⋯ . I this treat receive People It's not ⋯⋯ Too
warmly about give me body two bar I don't know ."

She is stretch head soggy bow down thanks expressed _ that look seen Hyunjong
suddenly in your arms hugged to the child look at gave _

" the child Oh yeah cutely It looks like it ."

" Yes ⋯⋯ ."

Hyunjong softly laughed _

" with child together conflict day Are you there ?"

that to the question woman's face awkwardly hardened _ long time hesitant She is creep
in going in voice to wear opened .

" Anywhere ⋯⋯ I have to go . anywhere ⋯⋯ ."

" ⋯⋯ ."

" I Too lungs It hurt . Sorry ⋯⋯ . shameless I don't have ."

Soso is Moment bewildered Hyeonjong looked up Like Hyunjong a woman pushy blazing
shape has been Because .

nevertheless Soso to wear open not The reason is two have _ The one is dare to the long
writer this on the spot to point out net no because , and The one is Hyunjong nothing
think without this speak spit People no trust It was because

" The woman's by body child dry out of the country to live easy Days No. "

Hyeonjong on horse a woman Sad face to face head bowed down

" The world Absolutely warm place, but also Absolutely be stingy don't do it right now
conflict place to decide easy won't will ."

" Yes ⋯⋯ ."

Hyunjong shallow sigh and together head it was

" Yangmin compassionate that partisan obligatory one , us Also limit without take care to
give It's difficult ."
a woman head small nodded . facial expression and gesture is Calm , but lips barren heart
car don't hide can't Farre trembled _

it's her how don't you know this to people how much big lungs did it hurt I mean . in the
first place senator treatment is money there is a person or receive number there is
luxuries Is n't it ?

doing work without warm a room occupy lie down Meals be treated treatment subject
gun , dare she dream too ask cheek number there was no It was life . just now stop into
reality have to go back will do time became will _

" This Grace is ⋯⋯ definitely , definitely I will repay you ⋯⋯ ."

" Do it ."

" Come on , long sentence ⋯⋯ ."

finally Soso What do you say try to speak again to wear shut up Hyun Jong-eun then to
her snow road gist without just calmly only women staring there was

" The child there is mother Isn't it ? My expression stand up do ."

" ⋯⋯ Yes , Master ."

a woman again head nod It was then Hyunjong asked .

" Maybe this Around know People Are you there ?"

the woman heavy heart what to do can't for awhile Eyes rolled up now here leave know to
this Trust Haran in words heard Because .

in Gangnam up to here On to her acquaintance to be lee is there

indeed nonchalant It was a question , but people resentful the heart even alittle lift did n't
already they to her Too Many girl give gave _

Because the woman calmly said .

" Yes . There is ⋯ . Don't worry . Don't ."

" Oh , then Perhaps that an acquaintance food is A little will do line Do you know ?"

" Yes ?"

a woman This In addition what sound seemingly Hyeonjong saw _

OK Hyunjong gimme that it is difficult turo said .

" than I thought in the manor long time to stay became Besides , those guys so much
eat Danny sleep to save It is difficult . By the way the disciples one food is at all Person
eat that pond It 's okay . So sleep seeking is in progress . just material don't spoil without
Person eat only to the extent to cook line you know will be . this place Inhawado
distance there is to the host a room take out give and pay sad not line I'm thinking ⋯⋯
maybe you know Minutes ⋯⋯ ."

" I , I ⋯⋯ !"

" Yes ?"

a woman urgent with face Hyeonjong looking voice raised _

" I I will , I ! I Cooking Good job !"

" ⋯⋯ ."

" Really hard to work number there is me let it Please ! really do your best do it all I will
work !"

" Hmm ."

" Please , Master ! Please ⋯⋯ ."

Hyunjong I'm in trouble with face glance frowned .

" But work to have health Too bad I see you ⋯⋯ . decoction well don't eat not thing Same
as ⋯⋯ . "

that horse end awfully a woman hastily on the floor laid medicine bowl snatch all the way
inhaled . at once decoction drink discarded She is bowl put down awfully Hyeonjong
looking Most clearly said .

" Look . I now I'm healthy !"

Hyunjong that it is difficult turo immersion shedding our party looked up

" you how do you think this person ⋯⋯ work ."

" do number There it is , long writer !"

" ⋯⋯ ."
" In two days will be . in two days enough to work number to be fix drill number there is
no problem It will !"

" Is that so ?"

of our place valorous In response , Hyunjong slow head nodded .

" ⋯⋯ suksu to save easy Days no star number there is no then From now on this person
is here living on eater no , rightly at the volcano pay under you are working is a minute in
the face lack of so as not to do it ."

" Yes ! Surely I will do that, long- timer ."

" Well then ."

Hyunjong wait smiling body caused _ the woman all kinds of emotions tangled with face
dazedly head bowed down

" Go , thank you ⋯⋯ . "

at that time body half way caused Hyunjong asked .

" Oh, then . Bonnie , from now on we how when you call would you ? "

that equine meaning understood a woman faintly trembling in voice said .

" ⋯⋯ _ My name is ⋯⋯ This is Chuyoung . " _

" Chu You are your wife ."

" And ⋯⋯ this A child is ⋯⋯ ."

Choo Young-eun Still My in your arms hugged a child saw _ again head all her the voice
now more More than tremble did n't

" It's a crane . It 's a science . "

Hyunjong softly smiling answered .

" Then Forward well Please , Chu Mrs. "

1103 episodes . this if the answer receive cheek Mando That's right . (3)

on the horizon to dazzle pure white the sun half way hanging there is looking at just by
infinitely warm the feeling is lifting pure white the sun shaking Shaking ⋯⋯ .
" straight not Park ?"

Keyee ⋯⋯ .

no , the sun No. _ waist roundly not there was pure white weasel clear in the voice a little
fell off waist quickly flash heard _

of course weasel waist dry case Weird Days No. _ threaten would have felt Sometimes ,
stretching turn on When , animals naturally upper body lower waist there is amain
consolation listen raising because the law

However the floor straw that cute paw not small cute head ⋯⋯ . no , the head that is
exactly Weird it was a thing

and Person forearm only one body consolation My body Heat the ship Became visible big
burlap bag sack chin chin raised there is that is strange beyond bizarre it was a thing

⋯⋯ this ⋯⋯ . _

gadfly raised , fist only one stone tight for tea there is sack on weight bubbling trembling
white baby whine sound and together swipe waist again lower it was time

" No , but Who is this bastard ?"

like a ghost heard in the voice white baby terrified My back listen raised . However then
effort to no avail All of a sudden ran Cheongmyeong Baek Ah gettin kicked _

hey hey hey hey !

sky Height flew away white baby both side front legs stirring to the floor fell down in the
air Pangur body turn desperately landed Baek Ah Within island war same at speed run
scattered sack urgently pull together gadfly shouldered _ and quickly again hair stuck _

" Even the beast feed me grow up June grace is I know which the guy did it ! which
bastard !"

" ⋯⋯ ."

" No !"

clear Snow was giddy

" Yeah , grace I don't know not . By the way rice I wish I had eaten the price of rice must
! feed give raise June by value errand one I did that bird pond Reference play a joke
beating are there ?"

Key ⋯⋯ !

talk back awfully Cheongmyeong again Baek Ah blow up abandoned .

Whoops !

Pangur to the sky fly went up white baby quickly little I'm did action Repeated .

percussion !

like an island hair loaded white baby short front paws waist from behind catch up to see
struggling wrote _ now in vain mind wrong when touched in the midfield only only one
rare scarf felled crab it's confirmed as if I mean .

" I am a person It is a beast and ⋯⋯ ."

Cheongmyeong zero in the heart lift not saying seemingly tongue kick Baek Ah I stared .
that eyes received white two in the eyes transparent Tears bubbly filled up

of course pain or from sorrow coming out tears are it wasn't that of tears meaning is
thoroughly It was shame .

white baby speak will do number there is If you were a person , ' conscientiously you
when my rice take did you give this even the beast unhappy Baby !' Called shout out
would it have been

I mean That 's right , in fact Cheongmyeong one that would Roughly Baek Ah wrapped
around went only thing no _ rice is white baby By-self hunt eating , in the kitchen Go find
eat and steal eat ⋯⋯ . no , this Except . Anyway .

By the way feed give raise I gave like that condescending pay Yes , Baekah from the
standpoint crazy and twinkle to run it was served

However What what to do with words boredom grass number there is also not In addition ,
⋯⋯ diarrhea human's speak will do number that chart to that guy what is a horse crab
will it work ?

oh my when just me dead do flat get down no choice but to no _

" You too on the volcano enemy If you leave it ! huh ? even if you die together die or live
together I have to live ! the death penalty to be trained roll up there is alone play a joke
hit ? waist upright not listen ?"

Keyee ⋯⋯ .

white baby quickly waist Height listen raised .

that look from the side watched Jong-gwa Yoon jogger each other facing saw _

" When we Weasel the death penalty became are you? "

" ⋯⋯ me too It's a golden door But ."

" That's likewise ⋯⋯ about that when animal abuse Isn't it ?"

one hundred thousand that horse to be wrong seemingly head stir _

" spirit creature It's abuse ."

" Anyway abuse is abuse Isn't it ?"

" I There do not agree does not I to know Cheongmyeong is this world more than anyone
animals Loving is a person ."

" Yes ?"

' This is a jogger ' what sleeping pongchang banging Sound ?' in by eye one hundred
thousand looked back one hundred thousand cool in voice said .

" Because it's an animal . I to the extent it 's over U.S I wish now on the Yangtze River
stuck with fish best regards asking there would have been will ."

" Oh , yes ."

Jo Geul-eun All of a sudden I understood . white baby greatly Special treat under that
there is Thing one at a time understand number there was training during play a joke I hit
barely head Parkgo kicking level , if they were to die until just before beat up hit three
days water too rice too without Backwards hung I would

" ⋯⋯ Cheongmyeong surprisingly fond side There is ."

" Is that right ?"

" and think look greatly Are you reasonable ? playful if you hit even an animal jaljal
without punishment to receive because it is ."

" upside down thinking I cub see U.S with the beast different also no I'll talk ."

" ⋯⋯ It's clear ."

that Conversation heard Jong-eun Yoon me too without knowing from them stride fell .

' This humans too normal No . completely crazy .'

However Cheongmyeong from the guy unexpected fond look discovered volcano with
people Dali , green forest the people of the party just to wear walk away open up no
choice but to there was no

" ⋯⋯ what Weasel ⋯⋯ ."

" That's ⋯⋯ . "

their pupil shakes _

However while surprised now themselves to what surprised there is Guernsey accurately
to explain easy did n't indeed they amazed for a reason weasel like a person be punished
under to be is it because if not Even the weasel longing persecute Person is it because

" Heh heh heh ."

" We also It's us , but really ⋯⋯ ."

" But I two middle which side from the beast think A little sun You have to see ⋯⋯ ."

at that time to Baek-ah one chapter give a speech laid out Cheongmyeong head swish
turned _

' Ike !'

' eyes do not meet Don't .'

' breath Hold on, breathe !'

gaze encountered Department of Greenery people of the party quickly look at Under
knocked down I with humans Eye encounter just by life is that it gets hard case past for a
few days not proven Wasn't it

" Are you laughing ?"

" ⋯⋯ ."

" now laughter come out is this ?"

clear two Snow was giddy

' Wow , that Eye Look , eyes .'

' rather Sapa cub He was a man .'

' Jang Il-so bottom more I 'll be comfortable , damn it .'

volcanic taste . shamanic high volcano from the top feel number that there is volcano
Inherent Taste midfield all over Department of Specialty far away Sichuan also in fat
recognized It was a moment .

" Anyway Person baby , beast Baby !"

" ⋯⋯ ."

" The beast feed give put to sleep June grace unwittingly I'm kidding beating there is !
Person the cub knife garage to go guys Meantime training degree properly not so What
how much roll map I didn't panting down there is ."

" ⋯⋯ ."

" Oh my . sell it , i in a previous life what ⋯⋯ _ No , yes . sinful built it sinful I made it !"

Yoon Jong one hundred thousand looking back asked .

" I young now what are you? "

one hundred thousand delightfully laughed _

" just as usual bullshit is that right ?"

" Oh ."

" Is that so do it ."

" Yes ."

Meanwhile Cheongmyeong to the fullest dissatisfied with face chin 괸 chae , all over the
place overturned green road party people saw _

' Than I thought Seriously .'

these some th roll Bonnie past the volcano What did you miss clearly seemed _

Basically of these inactive never low not . prestigious of prestigious four thousand times .
and midfield mountain range ruler greenery , especially pick select green elite if weak that
is more strange will _

the problem is called strength crab never Single element only not done not saying point

Called 'No Wisdom ' on the side A little lacking level Pyeonghae line number However ,
the problem is of these is stamina

" uninhabited To be weak ⋯⋯ . this what the fish drowning sound ."

history and stamina is similar but Perfect synonym is No. _ no matter how history
overflowing said chart three days day and night rest without recoil look stamina first Dong
Yi Nagi it was meant to be

and what is a person stamina losing Moment mental power cut off get out becomes _
then these are fight started in the moment let go to exert number but the fight continues
In addition If it continues finally My of skill Peninsula not perform do not let felled is the

huh ? then training felled crab isn't it ?

of course Yes . fighting In addition fight , out of control Peninsula not perform unable in
any situation life bet fighting work repeat look is stamina is mental will do thing without
all training to become will do will _

' Survived the guy That 's right .'

that before placenta die outgoing crab problem .

magician scary The reason is they being a fanatic Because . and fanatic scary The reason is
simply they death don't be afraid not because of this No. _

already go through pussy did n't

the magician not tired does not that the body tired will it be hard I don't know , their the
spirit Normal these are dare imagination will do number Do not have Hard with iron
armor surrounded there is

what is war never at a whack it's over does not in the situation therefore each other
dying killing hell same situation seven day and night beyond to be continued do _
no , even fighter not connected not saying chart opponent when will come in not
knowing in anxiety tormented day by day hold on doing that it is war My skill it's
excellent believed these too that of war cruelty win inside can't sore throat away exit it
was ten

" ttt ."

Cheongmyeong nervously cheek scratched .

" so called It's prestigious the cubs I like that peel I said ⋯⋯ finally me too prestigious
faction that he was from giant ."

" huh ? what sound ?"

" No. "

Cheongmyeong sigh snuggle exhaled _

' Me too wrong Do not have crab No. '

in my mind past hearing department shared talker suddenly came to mind

- Chung Myung-ah . shaman skill scarce the reason is what do you think

- talent Do not have That 's it .

- ⋯⋯ Then Jongnam is .

- human less That 's it .

- ⋯⋯ Then Namgung is .

- cheap None .

- ⋯⋯ how fix write Way no ?

- Aye , the death penalty . stone to cut cracked Will it work ? cut off have to see pretty
stone . in the first place like that born kids what channel do you change let it go

- ⋯⋯ .

Oh ⋯⋯ . do you think really answer there was no

Cheongmyeong with both hands My face wrapped around

' No , then really like that looked girl look at me What how to do it?'

same muhak I'm learning skill not growing there talent Do not have beggar . Different the
reason is what whether you need it , then Cheongmyeong know could n't know I don't
even want did n't

However this human not even the same not greenhorn the cubs push , kick , clench hold
pull up Person role to do to make kid only after writing Know became _

stone road well shaving cracked to be number that there is fact I mean .

However The past Cheongmyeong , Plum Blossom Zone Cheongmyeong know I could
n't , need there was no for that reason heart rather than consume just directly Go all
group kill throw away crab more Because it was convenient .

' Now then in a way not all right .'

Cheongmyeong head holding party people I stared .

" ⋯⋯ Greenhouse generic flowers ."

" ⋯⋯ Yes ?"

clear between the brows sudden distorted _

he Before some Birth and son - in -law shaman young the disciples leave greenhouse
generic It's called a flower flat enemy there was magic is let alone live young Sapa only
guys even if we meet My skill not perform not able to shape feasible called the halves .

Cheongmyeong wrong the part Right away that point is

' Only young people The problem was not beggar .'

greenhouse generic florist well grow up what is it ?

what good luck what okay . well grown up greenhouse generic florist felled beggar .
seemingly gorgeously well grown up Healthy I see , but cold wind put only once if right
wither _ eventually warm indoor if not to use place Do not have decoration felled will _

like that adult guys The Age holding , skill increase My role to do to be I'd say Measures
without believed crab It was a mistake .

Danga and even green vegetables this I'm close to Different the guys look What would
you ?
" Is this in front no matter how even if you fight rear It fell apart . "

recall loath remember recalled clear from the mouth lament leak came out

no wonder here die fighting if there is over there collapsing , over there die fighting if
there is again the front it collapsed

In retrospect hearing urgent name received Cheongmyeong I'm in the midfield spread
out there was battlefield Here and there move to go wasted This time really fought on
time second to none it 's near

opponent Whether it’s Sapa , Magic , or Old File Room the same

he properly attack if you want on the back there is these at least hold on even give Sun
do _ that is not when Cheongmyeong no matter how run rampant have to see The past
hell to be repeated Only .

then How ?

" ⋯⋯ what way crab seperately is there ?"

clear two Snow like hell burned up

" It's stamina . roll rising That 's right , it's mental . with fists , with words be beaten look
occurring that 's it ."

he Let's mumble , somehow ominous feel received Everyone is Eyes Big popped up
Cheongmyeong clap hit .

“ Come on , everyone . Again . Let's get started ."

" I , there , Cheongmyeong Dojo ."

" Yes ?"

party awkward with face the sky pointed _

" There ⋯⋯ already sun Are you losing ?"

" So ?"

" Oh ⋯⋯ Qingming the dojang well As you may not know , we each sectarian called
work that there is at night document tidy up including work Sun clan Returning ⋯⋯ ."

" So ?"
" This , this please Sun doing work ⋯⋯ ."

" So ?"

speak bereaved party vacant by eye clarification looked up

Cheongmyeong continuity understand pond will as if head tilted .

" So , now Different work cheek This time that it is not enough is that right ?"

" That 's right ! You understand ."

party on the face color turned around However Cheongmyeong Within again head tilted
said .

" That's Weird sound ."

" ⋯⋯ Yes ?"

" time if not enough Sleep not sleep will do ."

" ⋯⋯ ."

" War is usually sleep pond Sleep ten days each continues then beggar . Finish Good job .
then this time already experience see you today perfect until midnight will do I was
thinking like this became more than one Si Jin add Let's see ."

party is Moment something Big to be wrong got it around every green road people of
the party Him group kill blazing by eye I stared . once head snuggle bow down that live
young the eyes elusive no choice but to there was no

" Come on , let's start ! You guys to be counted I live ! So this Shut up !"

I'm midfield volcanic clinging in progress there was

1104 episodes . this if the answer receive cheek Mando That's right . (4)

iron puddle .

party that in place turned upside down fell over

" Turn it off ⋯⋯ . "

breathe properly to rest Tiring as much as Tired . nose through dust harness pushed I
came in, but I shook my head sideways turn even the energy stay yes did n't
" ttt ."

Within Cheongmyeong to the fullest displeased tongue filled sound ears rubbed off

"I 'm weak Without it , ⋯⋯ ."

that voice is ear and body stab stand only same _

" What ? Poison and memorize delicately to deal with do you ?"

" ⋯⋯ ."

" horse not like sound chattering I 'm sleepy poison he By-self flying , memorizing if you
are alone alone even dance spring ? finally poison memorize People inscribed beggar .
stamina without hand rattle vibrant guys what channel memorize write is it? "

" Turn it off ⋯⋯ . "

" delicate to be ignorant Because stamina do not train even if you don't felled crab no ,
delicate The more uneducated stamina okay doing it ' ll minute only with trembling
completely to be ruined number there is crab party it is ignorant outside see me too that
I know that muhak inscribed Needle why that I don't know ."

Cheongmyeong overturned these all the way looking around body swish turned _

" Tomorrow sun open again start _ late coming out the guy all 👌👌 line I know ."

finally whistle walk getting away clear My back glance copy party is again face on the
floor knocked down from the side worried voice is heard _

" ⋯⋯ Brother ."

" ⋯⋯ ."

" Brother ⋯⋯ . Are you okay ?"

" Are you okay ⋯⋯ ?"

" ⋯⋯ ."

" Uh ⋯⋯ . "

party strenuously legs moving to home came back

think like it's washing sleep , just muddy stay that on the spot fall asleep throw away
wanted _ that impulse barely stop paid that is party Sogaju was responsible .

no matter how even if it's hard Yes , of the Four Heavenly Houses About Sogaju felled
human gymnasium on the floor lie down well number is Do not have serve Isn't it ?

" ⋯⋯ Die , die ."

" It's me ."

" Surprised !"

furiously amazed party shouted _ Within on the bed lie down there is sassy look seemed
_ party is flapping chest holding back paid out

" what doing are you ? stranger in place nonsense without !"

" Okay ."

easy strenuously body caused _ bed straw arm moon moon trembling crab , that Also
pretty much tiring was the shape

" the difference no come ."

hurry up open easy glance sudden frowned .

" With my brothers of uncles dissatisfied only this No. "

" ⋯⋯ ."

" Owner older brother in front everyone directly speak do difficult It looks like it , but
these days from behind time only after fillet pouring There is .

" Star ⋯⋯ ."

party is sigh snuggle exhaled _

" What Filling ?"

" That ⋯⋯ we too this water lily that it is necessary case do not know bar No, but ⋯⋯
Probably shape Too Isn't that bad ?"

sassy At the end of the day , the party without a word glance frowned . actually that Also
easy what speak doing Guernsey I understand . Bondi necessary even water lilies have to
have will do the format there is is the law sacheondang inquiry solo they volcanic the
third disciple on instructions follow the floor rolling case exactly shape good not .

" passing these gossiping sound hear Whenever self esteem A lot of hurting shape .
especially the uncles That 's right ."

" Hmm ."

" So I mean ⋯⋯ ."

easy swipe party notice take a look glimmer noticing see look good _ Also My at will here
On that is not was the shape Bona mana to the uncles My back must have been pushed

" To the Lord tell me give number is Do n't you?"

" To the Lord ?"

" Yes ."

easy head nodded .

" now Qingming seal to enforce novice mostly Lord Also to do number there is is it that of
course the Lord in public affairs busy that is we too understand but yes _ Even if ⋯⋯ ."

" Impossible ."

sassy horse stick to end before party waist of horse cut abandoned . to think open map
no as if

" to mention value too Do not have it's work never my in front then word take it out tell
me ."

" Brother ."

" tell me Don't tell me ."

" But ⋯⋯ ."

party is decidedly head I stumbled .

actually Specific on the matter about mention forbidden case as a small owner will do
work No. _ solemn to the owner car will do number Do not have speak instead listen ,
that matters go to conveying thing Also petty Work middle because one

However this at work in as much as to yield thinking there was no

" You now father's ability suspicious would it be ?"

" that , it will Riga would you like to I Just ⋯⋯ ."

" If you do , Father now of the chefs dissatisfaction I understand can't just watching say
you are do you think ?"

" That's ⋯⋯ ."

party Snow thinned out

" all at work worthy lice there is the father this at work Volcano Swordsman said to be the
right person If you think about it , the chefs that on horse just according to to be work ."

Dang is First without a word head nodded . this on horse if you rebut california to
authority challenging Days to be will _ Different where is how about I don't know , but in
the Sacheondangga imagination will do number Do not have it was a thing

volcanic swordsman Qingming stamp met since then A lot of It was harmful, but in the
first place poison king Tang military music Danga within implicit majestic is a symbol
Especially a senator dismantle party price completely seized behind nobody dare that
authority do not deny could n't

However head while nodding sassy on the face still not convinced unhappy crab clearly
seemed _

that look looking party swipe mouth hardened _

" Zan . I understand. pond you do ."

" such case No, but ⋯⋯ brother ."

" that not like self esteem really so too Was it important ?"

" ⋯⋯ Brother ?"

party cool by eye drink a cup look up

" People in front Pointed out , the dirt floor rolling Days family in face damage did you
give volcano the third disciple instructions receive back and forth running around
unfamiliar even if it gets hot did you ?"

" ⋯⋯ I am ⋯⋯ ."

" In the belly oil you 've got it ."

easy to wear closed . party presented cold eyes Him clumsy pond to do make there was

" Pride is good Clothes dressed arrogantly _ They say they eat it kept crab No. _ clothes
getting dirty poor A little getting funny by the way figures feeling , why once upon a
time also against here didn't the volcano Us overtake advancing in that disgrace feel I
don't mean ?"

Dang is nothing answer too summer solstice could n't

" we the family volcanic most priority going It's an alliance ."

" Yes , brother . I know . So ⋯⋯ ."

" But this time to Gangnam Danga do not accompany could n't volcanic side by side kept
case U.S not It was a southern palace, and it was a green forest . that is what whether it
means Do you understand ?"

" ⋯⋯ ."

" Of course the Lord directly go ahead capital there must have been But ⋯⋯ the Lord
really I the volcanic sword assist to Gangnam destined that I got hit do you see Really ?"

" That , that No !"

" Yeah . That's never as for not felled it 's work then I I will ask this time Gangnam bound ,
Magyo stop pay midfield to protect that More than anything important at work Danga
not participate unhappy The reason is What was it ?"

" It is ⋯⋯ . "

this time too Dang is don't answer could n't the answer is know but , don't mouth outside
pay courage there was no However party is in the wound salt sow as if decidedly said .

" Weak because you and I. "

" ⋯⋯ ."

" Isn't it? "

" ⋯⋯ That's right ."

easy head snuggle bowed down

of course party the elders too go out number there would have been will _ However
Volcano Swordsman want Talent is just just strong one lice No. _ His with the limbs
hands and feet fit number there is is _

what if party easy I as much as a hundred thousand If it was strong , the clarity really
them leave to Gangnam would you have headed ? not will _

Dangpaedo , Dangzando already feel there was they faith gist because I couldn't to
Gangnam together Branch I couldn't that .

" that disgrace the year let go ⋯⋯ now come self esteem hurt ? that is four thousand
direct lineage dare on the snout raise number there is Did you mean ?"

in the voice anger etc. _ Dang is withered head field even dare chamam inside could n't in
the voice young anger It's anger , but on horse even alittle refute will do number there
was no Because .

" of Namgung Sogaju , Namgungdowi how much before father even though I lost
Namgung's name shoulder to Gangnam headed _ he already Namgung's name represent
yes . But ⋯⋯ ."

party from the mouth laugh out loud flowed out

" with him same elderly my embrace people in front dirt floor rolling crab embarrassed
face that hurt say chattering there is this the difference is how Where coming out would
it be ?"

" Brother ⋯⋯ ."

" today Namgung Eun with us same water lily received _ However they are than us more
early water lily finished fine in the form returned _ you also did you see it ?"

" ⋯⋯ Yes ."

" It report that horse that from the mouth well You 're out ."

party cold the voice now sassy heart lancinating seemed to party like this anger revealing
also common not it was a thing

" self-esteem Are you offended ?"

" ⋯⋯ ."
" Me too self esteem hurt _ However I Pride hurting The reason is That face because of
this No. _ under heaven Four thousand songs ! and four thousand uninhabited in other
words lagging behind that there is girl my by eye overtly I confirmed because ."

party this clenched _

" To the unmanned in to be weak than more shameful Days was there ?"

" Tongue , brother . But We with them using muhak different Isn't it ⋯⋯ ? We are ⋯⋯ ."

" mouth shut up ."

party in the voice chill was young

" Volcano Sword Consultation on horse wrong thing one no _ we are always then in a
way Exemption damage came . skill if not enough more strong poison develop , more
fatal memorize make inside becomes _ yes . therefore we Danga only one at least once
best in the world in place right enemy was there ?"

Dang is will do speak lost .

" in front of there is from this nothing learn If not , already It 's over . you From
tomorrow on water lilies come out even if you don't good . no , only you not on water
lilies to fall these are all to fall do it I I will take responsibility ."

" Tongue , brother ."

party decidedly to wear opened .

" But I this water lily till the end to follow will _ the floor rolling thing anything nothing
No. _ in the mouth mud even if you throw it it doesn't matter I certainly to be strong will
_ someday party the state became I I Namgung's Sogajuna , volcanic more than a
hundred thousand to be weak just say perishing Han Yi even if listen won't will _

" ⋯⋯ ."

" so tell me Just !"

party thick eyebrows wriggling drink a cup I stared . His in the face party evil look
Peeping thing was like

" don't even if you don't to be work So suffer self-proclaimed in the volcanic sword
about scarred see lice If yes , the Lord go ahead also without small owner I directly to
punish would tell me called party last name inscribed lice grace do not know like a beast
noodles of course like a beast about line will ."

" ⋯⋯ ."

" Do you understand ?"

" ⋯⋯ I will keep that in mind ."

" Go ."

" ⋯⋯ ."

" Even sputum !"

easy head snuggle bow down stick outside went out that look watched party is the door
close awfully sigh exhaled _

A little was it too much I wanted what to do number Do not have it's a thing now drink a
cup including Different these too reality egg time because it has been

" ⋯⋯ easy It's not."

His from the mouth again once long sigh flowed out

" ⋯⋯ Hmm . "

eaves above lie down there was clear from the mouth low sound leak came out

" ttt ."

he all things annoying with face bottle of wine listen raised . However Unfortunately
already Dongan ji long live taltal even if you rob alcohol one Bell fall off did n't

" Zep ."

bitterly taste again body to get up will do it was time

" here there is ."

" Huh ?"

watery heard in the voice Cheongmyeong head turned _ Suddenly Next appeared Tang
military evil bottle of wine stick out Binggrae laughing there was

" ⋯⋯ what this girl all. "

" Sit down would it be ?"

" Sure ."

Tang military evil clear Next sat down

" together mash . Today is me too little drink because I want to ."

" The Lord and together drink it's me Good ."

" Is that so ?"

Tang military music prey smiling bottle of wine listen one fundraising inhaled . then the
night sky looking up to wear opened .

" You too It must be difficult ."

out of nowhere in the sound Cheongmyeong party music wait saw _

1105 episodes . this if the answer receive cheek Mando That's right . (5)

Cheongmyeong party music toward asked .

" What ?"

" Well ."

Tang military music Right away answer giving instead skeptically laughed _

Cheongmyeong Moment glance frowned . Feel go bad No. _ I in the face yourself looking
hijuk Smile Daedan which human's face saw Because .

' The bloodline bloodline Is it ? '

What is a family for this reason scary _

each other Different these same will Following outgoing with Munpa Dali , the clan
fatigue continues _ so that sometimes from these past People's look used to be seen
doing will _

" Not at all Tiring crab Do n't you?"

" If so It would be nice, but ⋯⋯ ."

Tang military evil end of words overcast My in hand heard bottle of wine swipe looked

" my in the eyes picture invisible I don't ."

" ⋯⋯ ."

" Actually now your from the standpoint See , my the son dare care write line need Do not
have pyramid not just ."

he Binggrae smile building blunt visible clear face wait looked into

" By the way all day people push to teach what is power power is all except dare state to
take a look Here Wow there is crab Isn't it ?"

" just alcohol eating good take a seat found That 's it ."

" here mean ?"

Tang military evil plain eaves above looked around

" ⋯⋯ taste It's unique ."

" such word A little I hear you."

Moderately turn over Cheongmyeong bitterly laughed _ for this reason Danga People
easily look not becomes _ carelessly tuk tuk the core stab coming .

of course that humans are then Even in our different kind same was human though .

" You enough do well came ."

out of nowhere came out that on horse Cheongmyeong party music glance saw _

" The volcano this much nurture and grow make pay , and eventually saffron I stopped it ,
and the magician even the call stop paid _ until now you accomplished achievement
alone be a hero to be called lack of None . old school nerds you I look down on it even
if not by now under heaven your fame blah blah ringing there must have been ."

" ⋯⋯ ."

" Sometimes you report If there is , I why What doing is it human doing a sense of
wonder field That 's about it ."

" ah . what then say the word ."

" true then girl What would you do ?"

Tang military evil bitter laugh stayed _

" Would you like a drink ?"

" Yes ."

two people lightly each other bottle of wine bumped into and At the same time alcohol
all the way inhaled .

" Great ."

bottle of wine tear off pay to wear stolen Cheongmyeong hijuk laughed _

" Then look big four thousand the Lord whole bottle alcohol eating case common not
Work Isn't it ?"

" ⋯⋯ with you drinking Days if not I will Days no Don't ."

Tang military evil strange by eye My in hand heard bottle of wine looked up

" But Feel not bad I didn't ."

" Then became That , what ."

" Yes ."

Tang military music slowly head nodded . Still bottle of wine touched he for awhile after
again to wear took off

" Yeah , that's great . So far one also as I mean . But ⋯⋯ "

he Within head I stumbled .

" You that more than want to you do ."

" ⋯⋯ ."

" Sometimes you one branch forget there is thing like I'm worried ."

“ What is ⋯⋯ ?”

Tang military evil head turn clarification stare looked up

" You too being a person fact I mean ."

" No , I what stupid too not ."

"That 's right, you idiot . no _ so of course know there will be ."

serene it's night time in a bottle all drink fluttering sound exceptionally Big heard _

" But oddly enough last word that fact mostly forgetting this is stupid no . rather
excessively smart People that fact forgotten He said."

Cheongmyeong dare don't answer did n't

" What is the reason ⋯⋯ Various branch there will be himself it's okay believe it or you if
not will do number Do not have work or ⋯⋯ . each in circumstances follow that's the
reason to be will ."

" Um ⋯⋯ ."

" But what the reason is that Even if it 's too much there is true changing case no . right
Isn't it ?"

clear expression get weird Tang military evil lightly laughed _

" What think do you ?"

" What ⋯⋯ Similar nonsense how on whether therefore the feeling is Oh yeah different
then I think ."

" Huh ?"

Cheongmyeong hair was scratched

- Damn it , you not if you run that cubs all Even if one ? no , that no ! that the cubs all
Either way whether or not what Does it matter ? Usual I said swearing guys 👌👌 if the
plate good applause even if Not enough ! By the way that my brother why to save are
you going ? injured palm branches in the body now stop to leave rattle The state of ⋯⋯ .
me ? me , me ! hey ! man ! there not stand ? hey !

⋯⋯ Looking back that guy exactly he was crazy

good luck that bloodline not connected not because party from the standpoint lucky _

" If you think little laughable It's work ."

" Yes ?"

" the party tempered place only you one the right person None . that dare think cheek
also Do not have work ."

speak did Tang military evil bitterish expression built .

he My of ability limit I know , Cheng Myung have ability to understand is a person crest In
order to this that's the best Thing know there is

" That ⋯⋯ A little If so directly would you like to ?"

" No . That crab no ."

swipe notice looking out clarification looking Tang military evil laugh burst fell . once
again this people too Oh yeah A lot of has changed it was because first in Sichuan would
have seen when how here too People Ahn Ha Muin number Is there I thought .

" self-esteem hurting crab not bitterish beggar . for us This time picture a lot it 's not so
most efficiently move on no choice but to no . The problem is ⋯⋯ that efficiency make
smoking people finally you no choice but to no , so One by one efficiency Pursue look
eventually to you every Days to be driven no choice but to no that 's it ."

" ⋯⋯ ."

" That's good direction no . right Isn't it ?"

listen there was Cheongmyeong Within prey laughed _ talking the way different , but also
What are nagging people in fact same _

" you now Wow them to teach doing The reason is ⋯⋯ ."

" Only a volcano limit there is so Cheon Woo Meng the whole to be strong do _ By the
way then work doing the guy self alone limit that there is girl thought map without every
work alone to take over do _ stupid ."

" ⋯⋯ ."

" that word you want to is it ?"

Tang military evil Binggrae smile built .

" stupidly to subtract Don't ."

" Oh , personality . Not bad ."

giggling smiled Cheongmyeong shoulder Shrug seemed _

" Worry thing None . like that not stupid because it does n't not still realized It was true ."

" What mean ?"

" just one side unilaterally cycle only doing relationship is call me friend will do number
None ."

" ⋯⋯ ."

" obvious It's true ."

Tang military evil head nodded .

" well know there is ."

" no still now slowly request wanted to give It was true ."

" to me mean ?"

" Yes ."

Tang military evil interesting with face clarification saw _

he here On The reason is Cheongmyeong jin us little share under because I want ever
Cheongmyeong Too Many work take charge sun came . even Hyunjong or Even for Tang
military music notably hand Berlin enemy no _

Tang military music now no more yes not to say speaking for here came . By the way
Cheongmyeong this in a way to ask crab that freshly said will _

' I'm curious .'

really prepared that there is Guernsey , just Moderately made up say , that clear speak
listen look conclusion me will _

" What ?"

that Moment clear corner of the mouth wickedly curl up went up

" Clearly Lord party price teaching case easy not It 's work . eventually did girl to repeat to
be Because it will ."

" Yes ."

" But ⋯⋯ think a little bit change look Lord too very easily the devil to be number There
is ."

" Ummm ?"

Cheongmyeong My think Confess started _ Stories listening party evil corner of the
mouth strangely party's and look alike Going started _


a room spiral Jo Geul-eun Big stretch turned on now membrane rise started harm looked

" Good ."

Absolutely whistle come out sprightly step by step I want to move His etc. from behind
bland voice is heard _

" morning from the wind what Feel like that are you okay?"

" Oh , the death penalty !"

Jo Geul-eun welcome Jong-eul Yoon looking back giggle laughed _

" these days body Too I'm happy I mean ."

Jong-eun Yoon what speak try Within head stir abandoned . actually he too Nowadays A
little to be comfortable did _

" Cheongmyung that guy Different place care to spend Us pond don't bother isn't it ? ha
ha ha ."

" That's like that to laugh work ?"

" to laugh work No . However Feel good girl What What would you do ?"

Jong-eun Yoon pond to dry seemingly head it was

actually even in volcanoes most Cheongmyeong bastard Harassment ⋯⋯ . no , robber

High on water lilies afflicted case Different not it's a sword

Different volcanic with the disciples together to train Occasionally , toxic Oh Gum-eun
some pear felled by robbery practice came . that nobody do not envy not , love young (?)
special in handling bald was born enemy where one or two is it burn ?
However recently that Cheongmyeong the guy Department of Greenery to the party care
to spend them properly don't bother can't there is Thanks to Different like the disciples
water lily bay if felled Oh Gum-eun energy leftover the situation was

" It's great . From a long time ago I wish how much ok ."

" good Days because it isn't ."

" I know . I know . I work hard . have to practice to be strong thing . However death
penalty . living this me too A little should be doing thing Isn't it !"

" ⋯⋯ He too picture wrong the horse no ."

Jongdo Yoon finally small laughing fell .

Jo Geol-do Jongdo Yoon well know there is this situation picture long lasting can't that
fact .

Cheongmyeong bastard tenacity is common sense transcend _ then the guy misogynistic
honey sucking look continue to watch Lee no _ then rather rest number to be at the time
at ease rest put crab might be better I don't know .

in the gym arrived Jo Geul-eun first come out there is the death penalty looking whistle
blown up

" Hey . Anyway everyone energy overflowing ."

that in return being sacrificed there is Department of Greenery Danga , Namgungse

people thinking Tears forward I cover it up ⋯⋯ still good girl What what to do People oh
my when should be

jogger one hundred thousand toward brightly greeting handed over

" Sook , are you out ?"

" It's late !"

" ⋯⋯ A , Cheong Myung guy too yet not came out , what ?"

be kind vibrant jogging Looking , the hundred thousand sigh snuggle exhaled _ that guy
amount of activity High puppy same bastard , enough water lily through energize don't
forget if not suffocation not becomes _

" that degree of maturity face great Can you see it ?"
" Awesome ⋯⋯ . "

" On the other hand, ⋯⋯ ."

jogger swipe Different on the side west there is these saw _ Department of Greenery go
to at all face darkly die there was by the way Namgungse is going little I got better very
minute difference just , it's hard I see It was every single thing .

" pitifully ⋯⋯ . "

" ⋯⋯ work Do it , walk . and then Cheongmyeong the guy again only us George Myeon
how want to Is that so ?"

" what that is any problem Will it work ? always suffered is it? "

" Listen Bonnie even so do ."

" I Repeatedly don't scare me do not I just today only live I am dying . Good good
nonsense pond do you giggle ."

one hundred thousand just all give up head I stumbled . in the first place horse control
the guy No. _

was then

" Hey there , Cheongmyung ."

Lee Seol loose said . one hundred thousand that direction looking back indeed
Cheongmyeong the guy everything annoying tea pop out coming up there was

" Um ?"

notably surprised work No. _ Cheongmyeong the guy always like that because it looks one
hundred thousand puzzled The reason is that guy Next Different one People together
there was

" Who are you ?"

" You are the lord thing Do you think ?"

volcanic the disciples between the brows frowned .

Dang is My Next line party looked up the horse like that sun put go to speak out did you
give question in sight packed there was However party is Not at all do not know called
work seemingly head I stumbled .
" good It's morning ."

in the gym arrived Tang military evil lightly greeting hand over smile built .

" From today me too on water lilies get involved it's done well Please ."

" ⋯⋯ teaching are you? "

" Then would you like to learn are you kid ?"

Yoon Jong make a noise sun stand to the jogger without delay curse stuck _

Cheongmyeong party music looking said .

" Then well Please ."

" Leave it let it go ."

with him smile exchanged Tang military evil bum bum bum walk volcanic disciples Before
stood up

Bekcheon is puzzled with face party music see undisturbedly said .

" The lord of the family . The family ⋯⋯ over there ."

" here That 's right ."

" ⋯⋯ Yes ?"

Tang military evil strange smile build seemed _

" You why I party price directly not teach whether or not know are there? "

" Well ⋯⋯ . That's ⋯⋯ ."

" Of course Various the reason is yes . and most big reason middle One is our muhak
poison memorization the focus it will be poison each other cancel the contract eat throw
away Stop it , memorize maybe while doing it wrong irreversible number Do not have
Days burst throw it away ."

" I do ."

issued memorize come back because it does n't opponent's competency a little bit
wrong even if measured People dying number there is
" So I to be number if there is watching side up I chose But ⋯⋯ Volcano Swordsman Say
it Give it to me ."

" ⋯⋯ what mean ?"

" You guys , somehow. enemy in attack surviving law only three year all the time did you
learn therefore now how much male and female in writing scratch one not I mean ?"

" ⋯⋯ ."

⋯⋯ Yes ? Depp Show, which is the beginning of gold hour ?

" good work , me too very much . not Still ⋯⋯ me Also People against memorize throw
cheek chance to find easy not ."

Tang military evil Binggrae smiling in the sleeve hand took it out in the palm of your
hand blue shining yes sack bidoga caught came out

" If you mind at ease to throw number yes . each other puck help not wouldn't it ?"

" ⋯⋯ Then not to be thing Do you think ?"

" You guys I believe ."

" If you believe not Is it okay?"

" Come on then Let's start !"

" No , man. word A little Listen ! Lord !"

“ Hahahaha ! _ Until there !"

" a little Listen !"

party evil on the face bright smile spread _ Cheongmyeong this leave report said to
resemble evaluated , but smile is actually blueberry look alike there was

bidoga to heat up the air split _

1106 episodes . one once in a while creeps 'cause it 's sprouting (One)

" Come on ! Today up to here !"

Whoops !
Whoops !

clear voice is burst come out awfully Hyeyeon including volcano the disciples like a straw
fell over early morning to the training ground come out when relaxed the appearance
Eyes wash even if you find cheek number there was no

" Um , already ?"

" midnight all okay Let's go ."

" Hmm ."

Tang military music regret A lot of left as if slow rain recovered _

" Now A little body to be released I did I mean . me when once hee hee rise three days
night and day rain throw too I did ⋯⋯ . dare this at the moment have to stop do you ?"

" don't worry do n't perfect two Si Jin behind again start Because it is ."

that horse , like a corpse down there was volcano the disciples like lightning head heard

" Two , two Sijin ( Yes time )?"

" Originally count It was Sijin , this baby ! why horse It changes !"

" Oh , did you?"

Cheongmyeong tt do tongue full .

" But these are belly button did you call Different people too no under heaven The lord
of the house personally train I 'll give you that Thousands of gold same hour even as a
rat more try to secure kid not writing I hope not !"

" Ugh ⋯⋯ ."

To be honest that one wrong horse No. _ no i _ cub in the group protruding to say rarely
, very rarely correct it was the sound

Different people too No , it 's party evil . poison king party music . he hyeon strong
dominating never master middle is one

then lice simple Bimuna Dalian no , one day all day in practice near water lily personally
sun giving situation Isn't it ?
" other guys this word I hope you hear billions of dollars cheap holding come please one
at least once hand A little mix ask for head go down wished I would ! this cubs very
Hosae winter have it !"

" Turn it off ."

That's right ⋯⋯ fit together ⋯⋯ .

" ⋯⋯ billions of gold Nabal , once have to live will do thing Isn't it ?"

" _ skill increase how what Is it any use? "

" live give it to me ."

" Amitabha Buddha ⋯⋯ . That , paradise seen ⋯⋯ ."

" There ⋯⋯ Hell , sir . you paradise pond Let's go ."

Oh Gum doleful tears squeezed _

party evil hand in hand really Are you ruthless ? no , that to some extent No. _ he really
Heartily to attack I did , and Ogum that day all day just block Sun doing if the situation
this middle live to be lice indeed how many would it be

of course Tanggunakdo their skill be considerate Moderately circumstances put was in

progress furthermore they are already Department of Tang Gun Music equal , maybe that
ideal skill with blueberry three year During practical department same do the rain sun
backcountry Wasn't it

' Yes , you know . I know .'

one hundred thousand body burr fell . that every fact know despite being gadfly
sprouted goosebumps at all sink tinge there was no

the problem is sword and unethical in the difference there was

to them clear on the sword About implicit trust there is no matter how he to live there is
Road packed their neck toward sword to swing chart that sword never on the neck really
not stuck won't that last belief there is

that belief if not each other watering blow up stand bismuth same case never will do
number there will be no will _ clear in skill About implicit confident because there is
power do it all attack to defend number there is will _
However the problem is raining sword no will _

no matter how Tang military evil under heaven It's called a monarch Even so , the rain to
release dealing with place as for I Cheongmyeong guy too look over can't skill have Even
if it 's bad once in hand leave throw away ending weapon Isn't it ?

really momentary mistake , very simple Calculation just by mistake that bidoga on the
boss locked up might throw it away do not know it's a thing

' That's like this creeps sprouting every day give it a go .'

fierce energize embrace bidoga face rub pass by Whenever exaggeration little added soul
body got out returning It was a feeling .

near death experience one once in a while sun report want People if there is this in place
stand up just let it go chart becomes _

By the way that today from morning until midnight all day Repeated . sane People where
will there be

" pity ."

" ⋯⋯ just body rolling crab better ."

" ugh volcano are people that one pond Don't follow me ."

they how much limit experience do whether around Department of Greenery party
reaction only look at it egg number there was for a while volcanic bay relaxed look to
original cold by eye seen these , now in the world most poor this copy as if tongue full .
three days starved Opening beggar Even if you face like that by eye not seeing won't will

" How are you ?"

clear to the question Tang military evil strange smile built .

" for sure alone rain blow up stand unlike that The difference there is the other day at
Maehwado fight would have done when felt part there was Say it ."

" Is that right? "

Tang military evil head nodded .

" help hungry started It's a job , again help get to be it's a plate one full moon water lily if
repeated what get caught also It's like ."
" Hey , is it a full moon ?"

" This full moon more do you ?"

" Are you kidding me?"

Oh Gum seizure caused _

Even now clothes with a needle became Virado stricken seemingly hole Soong Soong
perforated and all over the body a scratch It's full ⋯⋯ this full moon more Sun do you ?
full moon ?

" And ⋯⋯ to the party what maybe it wasn't enough egg thing it 's like solution too I
mean ."

Tang military evil meaningful by eye volcanic party price alternately saw _ resemblance
funny toys discovered blazing In your eyes , volcanic with the disciples party the spoons
At the same time body burr fell . wonderfully spine It was creepy .

" the combination okay ."

Bondi Danga eggplant most fatal weakness is their muhak have from the root start _

Different the doorstep each other sword wielding Dalian repeat weakness
Complementary, but per price that is Impossible . they using memorized mostly
inspectors Dalian at the time using like a wooden sword Moderately power killed a
substitute to exist number Do not have are things

like a feather light take a nap iron instead with wood cut off make how would it be same
make Too because it is light novelty not seen not , yes weight to increase size If you raise
memorized characteristic Live throw away make sense no _

furthermore no matter how end bluntly make it chart memorize memorize . tick by
mistake in the eyes even if stabbed if real name as well as to life it is dangerous

so go to in the air Daego memorize to release to adjust water lily will do number
However, the opponent leave memorize Heartily sprinkle copy experience is extremely
enemy no choice but to no _ this is born even with limits It was the same .

But ⋯⋯ .

" Anyway my rain blocked I mean ."

" ⋯⋯ Is it us ?"
" such enemy Do n't you?"

" ⋯⋯ I just west there was ."

Tang military evil Binggrae smile built .

" for sure volcanic the disciples Be humble . the volcanic sword resembling Is that so ?"

" Isn't that a ⋯⋯ curse ?"

" Lord . That line You passed . Apologize ."

" I cub Are you humble ? Humility ?"

Tang military music seizure causing volcano the disciples looking delightfully head
nodded .

" yet cheerleader . Also Trustworthy ."

playfully while speaking actually Tang military music interior fairly surprised .

' So far to do to be line is I didn't know .'

no matter how blueberry that you practiced However , the late index The late index
stereotype there was so Tang military music My of skill three Haldo not use can't go
considered _

However of these skill is party evil anticipate lightly jumped over seemingly not express
sick but also _ fairly tired state was

' After all really watering write It was obvious .'

no matter how rain throw Daedo somehow blocking far away hit out Forward go ahead
coming in appearance spine to be cool did _ how which water lily repeat if you come this
young people this on the level to climb number was there

defense harden sustaining that no , forward while advancing he make smoking unethical
to change not be deceived does not

" again In other words, ⋯⋯ ."

" Yes ?"

party evil smile darkened .

' my rain stop pay level , we the kids are blow up stand Memorization to some extent
notably threat not I don't sound .'

so possible will _

he now these against to your heart's content rain throwing me myself to check as if it
were a party chefs Also no matter how even if you attack at any rate get hurt not Perfect
target getting thing or Is n't it the same ?

" The Volcano Swordsmanship ."

" Yes ?"

" Only skills if whatever good Will it work ?"

" ⋯⋯ ."

" Is that right ?"

that quiet under pressure Cheongmyeong volcano the disciples swipe saw _

' what whether the sound I don't know , just please not to say Do it !' Called ardently
crying eyes to the blue pouring there was Cheongmyeong worry dry seemingly firmly
head nodded .

and party music looking said .

" Of course Word ."

" hey , this 개새끼야 !"

" I to rot cub ! the death penalty sell ?"

" Even in hell to curse Teda ! certainly Kill it !"

Cheongmyeong ears whimpered .

" On the moonlit night a dog like this bark ."

volcano the disciples miasma cold by eye clarification I tried , but meaning is there was
no no matter how still with eyes People kill souya will there be

" Come on then Let's go ."

" I do ."
" How are you ? lively thing looks like drink ?"

" Hmm . You I recommend to refuse It's hard . instead Today is Moderately mash .
alcohol I uneven ."

" a little I'm sorry , but it is ."

Duran Duran talking getting away two People obliviously seen volcano the disciples
Within hair touk dropped it

" ⋯⋯ Yoon Jong- ah ."

" ⋯⋯ Yes ?"

" hook I young snout A little Sew it ."

" ⋯⋯ Soso A little before needle to go I went ."

" Yeah . It's fast ."

one hundred thousand inconsequential barely body wake up sat down

" ⋯⋯ Bidoga like this scary would have been line is ."

" I will . Really . sharply to feel is in progress ."

" Once people's in hand squeeze yes not saying crab It's scary ."

" my say ."

they so far face it On these are Everyone is that by hand weapon wield or directly fist
blow up coming These were that In other words , people miss it if not somehow to face
number there was means _

However Tang military music Not at all different _

he just west to be only that , his in hand left bidoga machinable at speed fly away them
was fooled

" ⋯⋯ restrictions none ."

" Yes . That 's right , Sister . "

one hundred thousand heavily head nodded .

the inspection no matter how to be free chart finally sword in hand holding that there is
in pharmaceutical get out number no _ so of sword change Also physical to the limit
trapped it's bound to happen

However people's in hand left raining then limit no _ so that imagination will do number
Do not have change causing will _

This To them In addition Single It was a shock . always in hand sword gripped stick Because
I have lived , the sword the body to the limit trapped that there is think only one never
sun pussy not will _

" ⋯⋯ learn crab Too a lot ."

" Jindo Too It's fast , Suk -suk ."

" But ⋯⋯ sure thing ⋯⋯ ."

one hundred thousand now quite far away party evil My back looking speak was _

" This perfectly if embodied we the volcano one step more to be strong it will as
unmanned never miss number Do not have opportunity . I to be happy There is no limit

His well-groomed two in the snow Jung Kwang-yi flowed out

However actually that speak heard of these the reaction is I'm just annoying did _

"That too not 👌👌 at the time talk ."

jogger grunted .

" Right now tomorrow Even if not weird won't Panguman ⋯⋯ . chance is frozen die ."

" ⋯⋯ ."

" Sleep go to bed let's go I feel tired I will die ."

" Yeah , let 's go ."

" apostasy I'm hungry ."

" what A little to eat do it ."

everyone one two take a seat whisk wake up one hundred thousand throw away leave to
home headed _
" Anyway that too It's sick ."

" Leave it alone . It's private, isn't it ?"

" one hundred thousand the donor Once in a while Too weight catch it . that In addition
obsessive that ."

" one once in a while creeps 'cause it 's sprouting uhh ."

left behind one hundred thousand tattered walking their back view blankly saw _

" I ⋯⋯ Guys ?"

at the riverside blown cold The wind one hundred thousand swept passed _

he burr trembling sneakily body caused _

" Great ."

lightly cough in vain and then awkward with face children followed .

" together Let 's go , guys . guys ? over there ?"

My share of water lily finished from the back that the sight watched white baby sigh
snuggle exhale head it was

1107 episodes . one once in a while creeps 'cause it 's sprouting (2)

party is blankly My hand looked up bean spoon in the air per second twelve every time
convulsions cause there was

' Heh heh ⋯⋯ . '

His eyes are light go away half way die there was

around looking back by hand something pick up to eat in the first place give up
discarded the brothers in a bowl face go down there was

rice Eat if not withstand medical charge no , by hand rice eat away case it's impossible
just prestigious is face what all throw it away somehow mouth in to ' put ' food in will _

' Stamina ⋯⋯ .'

why Cheongmyeong party in ignorance stamina that it is essential Did you do it ? this
Moment perfectly I understood .
right now rice too don't eat it unable by hand what bastard memorize will you throw

party in ignorance sophistication that it is necessary the horse wrong crab No. _ However
that What is sophistication finally which in any situation not shaken not firm health from
above to be exercised number there is will _

My hand pond canu the guy sophisticated have to see how much would you be smart
this I mean .

' I know I know ⋯⋯ .'

Before one hundred thousand to him one horse I remember .

Cheongmyeong mouth only opened if cursing stand one hundred thousand looking
party puzzled water is enemy there was Qingming seal correct speak doing thing I guess ,
why like that angry are you mine at that time one hundred thousand clearly like this had

- ⋯⋯ later go through look acyl will .

yes . now I understand . sharply I understand .

correct sound sun Danny to rebel have a chance no _ yes shut up letting Road let's follow
right now I dying it's a plate

the problem is here backlash if party only Guts no , try not nerd Became throw away point
is justification with rushing crab like this scary to be line who Imagine did you?

" Turn it off ⋯⋯ ."

" My , damn ⋯⋯ ."

Danga People's from the mouth endlessly sick sound leak came out

' the volcano why like that have you gotten stronger I said . this water lily if you do
rabbit too tiger spanking place some year not I'll take it .'

" Tongue , brother . Really . like this perishing thing Isn't it ?"

" worry do n't not die ."

" No , how Do you know ?"

" over there Look ."

" Yes ?"

" no Are you dead ?"

easy head listen party indicated place looked up At that place face dark dead volcano
People on the chair half way droopy Before laid food just blankly looking up there was

" ⋯⋯ Why not Did you have it ?"

" morning eaten girl all You said you vomited ."

" ⋯⋯ ."

" Me too did n't know Lord like that excited to run rampant give it a go ."

" live live then the appearance first I saw it ."

" true I'm happy ."

" Yes ? What ?"

" We then look first copy crab That is ⋯⋯ . that not see crab better beggar ."

Tang military music the water met _

rain pond throw Han Yi condensed dead Wongwido champ Is it the shape of a volcano ?
people only look Greetings Sanya rain throw Daego there was of course he Greetings
Sanya thrown Vidora so that rain subject People as a greeting accept number to be Lee
there was no

even in a day several dozen every time of life threaten felt volcanic the disciples by eye
look at it obviously tea me as much as dry Going there was

' in the body lively going out crab like that girl leave doing That's right .'

party spoon put down sigh exhaled _

" Nevertheless U.S position A little better side Is n't it ? so whine summer solstice Don't
tell me ."

" ⋯⋯ nails Did you hear me?"

" What ?"

" ⋯⋯ earlier morning training after finish Qingming The seal is ' now slowly the basis is
Caught . then now robbery A little up properly sun I'll have a look .' Called Are you saying ? "

" that crazy new ⋯⋯ . Heh heh heh !"

party quickly cough in vain from the mouth popping out speak cut abandoned .

' No . What ⋯⋯ .'

about this when now blueberry Tang military evil who more the other side the disciples
well do you bother competing the level Isn't it ? two whale in the fight amon of shrimp
back only burst going out there is will _

" ⋯⋯ know girl doing that in the world most it's hard and said ."

sigh fuwook exhaled party suddenly warmth young by eye volcanic the disciples looked

" Nevertheless those people in Oh yeah I'm happy ."

" Yes ?"

" ⋯⋯ If Danga only this forage that I was hit think see . by now dissatisfied Heat the ship
more don't come out Would n't it ?"

" That ⋯ thing right? "

easy head nodded .

expect report not will do also there was no right now few days until volcanic in Qingming
about vomit voice is no rest without It flowed, but the Tang military music directly
volcano the disciples catch started since then then horses fit Go in abandoned .

and ethereal hostility instead comrade unconscious to come into being started _

anyway you too same pain subject colleague , now they subject water lily ever receive
came people Isn't it ?

" Jim together For any getting lighter It's the law ."

" ⋯⋯ just load stretched thing Isn't it ?"

" just yes Let's play ."

party strange by eye volcanic the disciples looked up

' The lord Qingming the seal this even that in mind Dunn will ?'

think look Danga and volcanic relationship each other close case little in illusion near was
the word

in reality between near that is Hyeonjonggwa Tanggunak , and blueberry It 's party music

they volcanic party price are you representing clan interracial between close also picture
wrong the horse no , actually each sectarian among the members notably like this will do
exchange there was no

each other reluctant relationship is no but yes so private Conversation to share as much
as not friendly didn't mean _

' again as it were now the leadership on the spot back off If so , volcanoes and party
relationship diagram now not equal won't Khitan Meaning .'

party is depending on volcanic relationship try to keep I will try , no matter how think
look at it party is like party music imperial the state to become difficult . then Eventually
Different of these comment listen won't dory Do not have will _

However now and same situation if repeated volcanic Danga also in between comrade
unconscious to arise , and not only the leadership not , even among members each
other good relationship to keep might be I don't know .

' So two People the villain volunteer will ?'

perhaps the leadership he not yet cheek number Do not have big picture and may be I
don't know . like that thought party is me too without knowing head nodded .

then party think do not know Dang is to cry building said .

" ⋯⋯ afternoon water lily In addition how do you?"

" Crying summer solstice tell me sleeping time is gist do n't you?"

"I 'm sleeping fatigue all recovering also Isn't it ? Nowadays fortune chart at all body get
lighter does not . on the shoulder a lump of iron under going around thing Is it the
same ?"

that speak heard party head nodding drink a cup saw _

" That's It's key ."

" ⋯⋯ Yes ?"

" forward we are short fighter not war have to go through do _ that understand will there
be ?"

" Yes ."

easy head nodded .

" War is in one day conclusion me does not that this time plum blossom situation at the
time Everyone is would have felt will _ if short a few days , if some to the moon properly
Neither rest nor sleep can't fighting daily life may lead I don't know ."

" ⋯⋯ ."

" Look ."

party on horse easy head turned _ Danga People still rice too properly Eat can't die Going
there was

" There too ."

party on horse follow head turned sassy Snow a little swung around certainly little late
same like a corpse droopy there was volcano People Suddenly energize set up food
mouth in pour in there was

" We now this in a state to war if put in which poor fly Understanding are you going ?"

" ⋯⋯ Yes , brother . Maybe My of skill half of the peninsula not perform do not let It will
be ."

" He too wrong that is ."

" Yes ?"

" don't perform unable skill same thing , in the first place skill not will _ that in excuses not
just in practice wholly to exert number there is only power It's skill to be called number
there is ."

" ⋯⋯ ."

" so if you think world every that reversed beggar . Danga in terms of power than a
volcano previously that there is public evaluation Also wrong will _ now we are only them
can't ."
" Tongue , brother . That ' s ⋯⋯ ."

party cool by eye drink a cup looked back

" Why ? You too Appearance only see of the people on evaluation piggyback yourself up
beating want would it be ?"

" ⋯⋯ ."

" than us to be strong evaluated Namgung Sega picture wretchedly suffering forage
report ?"

" such case No , bro ."

party head nodded .

" I to look Qingming stamp department Lord is simply just one report work doing people
no it is at least three or four eggplant report you will be there now right now even if it's
hard believe according to certainly light cheek moment all will _ no way they Us I'm going
to torture you Would you like to go there ?"

" ⋯⋯ that nonsense That's right ."

" Yeah , so let 's eat to hold out must eat ."

party food bowl how hold on mouth in shake off put started _

However that Moment party is did n't know

no matter how intention good even if , infinitely good in the sense doing work though ,
that on the way therefore malice with doing than work more be terrible number that
there is Thing I mean .


" ⋯⋯ What did you?"

" This is Understanding not okay? "

Cheongmyeong Absolutely brightly laughed _

who look at it to be fresh pair Do not have It was an expression, but at least party in the
eyes I smile great invisible did n't no , I'd rather in hell came up devilish laugh same
seemed _
" You too You're tired ."

" ⋯⋯ That's right ."

" rest you want right ?"

" It is ⋯⋯ . "

" So rest number there is chance I 'll give you."

party is Moment speechless clogged _

No , dojang ? I stupid too no that's it of course I understood .

" By the way that The way is ⋯⋯ ."

" Big . Yeah . That ' s that the key beggar ."

Cheongmyeong taak sound get better finger fried .

" It's a break thing good . Oh yeah ok . By the way what is a person crab yes ? just touk
Hani throw giving in that value pond feeling It's the law ."

" That's In addition what dog ⋯⋯ . no , that what Are you talking ?"

" So I that value to feel sun to give beggar ."

Cheongmyeong hijuk laughed _

" You too as a member of the party in skill About self esteem you know ? with whom
even against beat number there is ."

“ ⋯⋯ Yes, but .”

Cheongmyeong of course So that that seemingly head nodded .

" Yes . But that those guys too same thing is it ?"

Cheongmyeong with a chin volcanic the disciples pointed _ two in the eyes only poison
Namji not they was starving killer same by eye head nodding there was

" of Moorim the law Not simple . strong self have , proven self get _ So ⋯⋯ ."

Cheongmyeong again once perfect sound get better finger fried .

" won the guys tomorrow morning training subtract give this is it Is n't it simple ?"
" Come on , wait a minute . That what ?"

no matter how still together practiced with colleagues side Gala fight ! this act be
tolerated number that thinking is it ?

and now Danga and the volcano side Gala fight at the outside budding comrade
unconscious pulled out go out isn't it This Don't not becoming ⋯⋯ .

" Ah , that poisoner young word Oh yeah A lot . Well , yes . What Not yet not used to I
would n't I understand . it to solve law very It's simple ."

Cheongmyeong brightly laughed _

" Once beaten look mind flash field will ."

" Yes ?"

" at the end west there is side win . Get ready ."

" Yes ?"

" Start ."

Cheongmyeong clap match hit .

party is laugh out loud spilled _ no matter how still this to force pamper I put it on who I
will follow ⋯⋯ .

" Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah !"

and that moment , desperate scream heard _ danfane sparkly surprised head swish turned

blood divided like a comrade felt volcanic Disciple ⋯⋯ . no , volcanic proselyte guys two
in the eyes bloody feet stand up crazy as if rush there was

" Kill me!"

volcanic party ally completely smithereens I It was a moment .

1108 episodes . one once in a while creeps 'cause it 's sprouting (3)

slap .

till the end persevere endured knee finished broken on the ground reached _
on the lips flowing blood , bubbling trembling hand . as original full cold snow .

hate and grudge all Damned mouth slowly opened .

" Why ⋯ standing ⋯⋯ ."

" Fufufufu ."

unintentionally line white coat handsome My Before knee kneeling the man so cool
inexpressive with face looked down

" so resentment Don't ."

" ⋯⋯ ."

" Kang Ho-ga all then thing Is n't it ?"

" Everyone , you ⋯⋯ ."

in sorrow cold voice is stick all to come out before , handsome beside west there was
deceitful impressionistic Curly hair man tortile smile building Forward one foot went out

His in the snow with contempt ridicule young eyes poured out

" This ⋯⋯ acyl worthy min why Would you like this ?"

believed this .

Trends because I'm from More believed dental mean face report let's go chest sharp with
a knife being egged only same _

" Oh my God as much as belief useless horse In addition is there 👑👑👑👑 _ of stupidity pay
the price I paid Think about it ."

" Dog ⋯⋯ ."

man Forward slowly turned upside down

" You bastards ⋯⋯ . "

slap .

till the end endured party fallen moment , volcanic the disciples thunder together hurray
called .
" Win !"

" Tomorrow half a day rest !"

" Mom ! I Danga I won !"

half day take a break guaranteed volcano the disciples each other embrace in place
Bangbang running cheered _

" Half day ! Half day ! Oh my gosh !"

" I Cheongmyeong young coming then half day rest see thing It's my first time !"

" Tomorrow Overslept sleep ! really never not wake up well it will! "

" It's alcohol ! Today the night It's alcohol !"

almost crazy rampageous level was .

party bubbling scalding with face that the sight look up

even a somersault rock as if roll stand volcano disciples between sparkling bald
exceptionally in the eyes appeared _

' ⋯⋯ That too I'm doing it .'

of course Different taoist guys good job case not , however still notorious called a monk
human People knock down alcohol I'm going to eat it rejoice is there how the world
Where Going there is horse ⋯⋯ .

huh ? ⋯⋯ Are you Soso ?

you like that if you like not not . I yes Aurabinde ⋯⋯ .

you most Happy look ? huh ? are you soso ?

" Kyahahahaha ! It's a break ! Break ! Accident , tomorrow before casting play Get out !"

" live Bonnie this me too Coming ."

" rest . recharge . rest . good thing ."

Happy rampageous volcano the disciples looking at party people in the eyes Tears
flickering flowed down
' I believed it , you bastards .'

what ? colleague ? comrade consciousness ? like that Person not even the same not to
the guys then girl hopefully not felled it was

' It is unfair . This It's unreasonable .'

from the beginning wrong there is It was a fight .

no , in vain sword inscribed With this memorize throwing these Right away from the side
fight to start crab say felled is it work ? Moreover go to to heat up tick by step stick there
was That 's right !

Basically memorization to emanate place distance need _ Proper distance keep it space
have to secure My power to exert number there is

suddenly rush in just swing if felled knife with dimension differently delicate What is
weapon That 's right !

By the way street map not give , heart readiness less became in the state colleague
believed guys raid sun if you dance

' like this felled beggar .'

completely smashed me lying around the people of the party sense of shame in anger
body shaking fell .

" This ⋯⋯ this cowardly ⋯⋯ ."

" Huh ? Sasuk ? Over there what Do you?"

" huh ? what say ?"

" Are you cowardly ?"

" This guy !"

one hundred thousand solemn with face jogging Big scolded _

" They are Danga we are people Danga people even after losing make excuses laid out
then naive by small boat seen mean ! where then mang hair Do you put it out !"

" Great . Sasuk . I thinking It was short ."

party expression Moment I became numb .

he little before realized will _ People Too artist after horse not coming out crab which
Guernsey .

However Dang is rather than artist less I whether the shape jump head holding bloody
line by eye shout out put it on

" No ! That's ⋯⋯ !"

" Suk -suk , obviously Can you hear me?"

"I will Riga Don't you know !"

" Then This what Are you talking ?"

" river wind blowing sounds like it ."

" Oh ."

" ⋯⋯ ."

I 개새끼들이 real ⋯⋯ .

easy this popping grind shouted _

" The joke is that enough All right , one hundred thousand stamp ! no matter how practice
same Dalian , but at least surprise is Isn't it ! of the mind prepare will do hour to some
extent You should have given it to me !"

" Oh ⋯⋯ ."

Moment drink a cup looking at one hundred thousand eyes it became dull

easy minutes win can not with fist the floor thud slamming exclaimed .

" right from the side raiding crab , calm commanding as a political will do is it an act ?
Answer me Look !"

one hundred thousand face Seriously hardened _

that Moment Dang is one hundred thousand to bring every in logic to respond prepare
finished . already the match I and if so At least their heart even if it's embarrassing want
to make did _

However Following heard one hundred thousand the horse then His motivation all in the
gutter throw away abandoned .
one hundred thousand hair I scratched shoulder Shrugged .

" That's partisan jurist if not well , we partisan not as a girl I do ."

" ⋯⋯ ."

" sapphire as a girl Let's do it ."

to wear walk away Berlin drink a cup toward one hundred thousand openly shoulder
Shrugged .

" Non-Mudou not really to prepare thing all prepare Courtesy dress up going fight there
just Sapa if It will be ."

" Big . We private residence Today, depending tongue You 're smooth ."

" Cheongmyeong Shingong at polarity It's over ."

" Sook , then now in saffron to join Gaya Ha ⋯⋯ ."

" line not over Don't !"

Yoon Jong in fist beaten jogger on the floor was scattered However be beaten bounce
while going out jogging on the face happiness was full in minutes winter shaking shaking
there is with the Tang family Dali I mean .

" Turn it off ⋯⋯ . "

" I , that ⋯⋯ ."

party people in the eyes bloody stood up

beaten in a place felt pain is withstand worth it Danga people really withstand number
without fabricated shit , cowardly rush in win win put in the world most nice with face
Happy tea smoking I damn it volcano were the guys

' I It's been a while like that things colleague I thought .'

' only profit when heaven map to sell bastards It's the same !'

' me fundamental Do not have bastards !'

a volcano see party people eyes increasingly Cheolcheon support water looking at by
eye change conflict it was time
" The decision I got it ."

at that time heard in the voice Everyone is head swish turned _ Tang military evil
Binggrae smiling head nodding there was

" my from the standpoint sorry work, but the promise is is it a promise the volcano
tomorrow morning water lily rest as a girl Don't ."

" Hurray !"

" Wow ! You are wise . That's the word , my lord !"

of volcanic people cheers pouring in the middle , cheongmyeong zero in the heart lift
not saying as if taste finished . However promise is promise . just like that promise
against when Next pamper to eat that it gets harder girl , that Also well know there was

" ok . are you okay ? the headmaster too rest ."

" I mean ?"

" Yes . I will train you . guys Are you gone ?"

" Ha ha ha . Interesting speak you do water lily rest people I not Right away You guys ."

" Yes ? Me ?"

"That 's right . You too. volcanic wave Isn't it ? This certainly winning side rest it would
have been a win would you?"

" ⋯⋯ That 's right However , I Exception ⋯⋯ ."

" It ' s fine . Tomorrow . " in the morning A little rest come ."

" No. I _ It's okay ⋯⋯ ."

" rest come ."

" No ⋯⋯ ."

" Take a rest ."

increasingly hardened going in the voice Cheongmyeong to wear shut up glance party
evil notice looked at always solemn quietly hardened there was His around the eyes finely
convulsions cause there was
' ⋯⋯ You are mad .'

I yangban facial muscles control pond will do if the situation simply artist born as a girl to
be expressed Days No. _ usually in the volcano this case Leave the ' eye color returned .'
Called tell me wasn't it ?

' I have to ⋯⋯ . '

still believed petrol What sun not even seen can't smashed me discarded situation _
hostess Tang military evil not hot if not that is more strange will _

Different if for them My skill to exert situation that it wasn't excuse might work I don't
know , where Tang military evil then excuse control were you human ?

" After ."

Tang military evil briefly took a deep breath . then Binggrae smile built .

" Probably I little was easy thing It's like ."

that moment , clarity spine Riding cold sweat flowed _ from a person this feel receive
copy crab how how much Was it only ?

" The winner is win enjoy deserve yes . you are tomorrow volcanic together snuggle to
rest make it to be number there is one long ."

" No , only in the morning ⋯⋯ ."

" long rest . People Too rest without running also good it 's not I certainly don't talk Was
n't it ?"

" No ⋯⋯ . That already done Hey ⋯⋯ . "

" horse hear me ."

" Yes ."

Tang military evil freshly head nodding little voice raise said .

" Come on then volcanic wave Those who stop take a seat empty give it to me ."

" It's great . Lord , we ⋯⋯ to win ."

Tub !
one hundred thousand sense without uproarious jogging to wear hurry Shut up , Yoon
Jong jogging on the belly government flew _

" Ouch ⋯⋯ . "

in no time bubble biting loose jogging round up one hundred thousand respectfully
party music toward head bowed down

" Then We stop go Let's see ."

" Fuck rest ."

" Let 's go , hurry !"

" Yes !"

" Everyone , run !"

face fresh green ginseng Soso Different these urged _

jogging except noticing hundred single volcano guys Burinake run in the gym
disappeared . even Even Baek Ah on the soles of the feet fire to wake up run of the
disciples durr fast chased after

" Hmmm ⋯⋯ ."

even a ghost copy as if running away volcanic the disciples take it easy staring Tang
military evil to the people of the party look at turned _

" Go , Lord ⋯⋯ ."

" Don't get me wrong if not That would be nice ."

" Yes ?"

Tang military evil Still head it was

" lost that is never embarrassing crab No. _ skill if it's a hat to lose capital yes . me Also
living just win one that is no ."

" Oh ⋯⋯ ."

" So then expression to build thing no _ important case not lose not crab not from defeat
what I 'm going to learn ."
right now decree get off line knew the state soft in voice speak let's hand it over party
people two in the eyes hot Tears tied up

division regret At the same time flowing It was a feeling .

" Lord , ⋯⋯ ."

" Sogaju ."

" Yes !"

" what did you learn ?"

party this clenched answered .

" Oh my God believe the guy no thing ."

" And ?"

" Also when where be vigilant not to be It's true ."

" Good ."

Tang military evil Still head nodded . His thick Swordsman (劍眉) _ mood good dreamed

" Only ."

" ⋯⋯ Yes ?"

" That's everything is no ."

suddenness party evil in the face expression disappeared .

" However surprise that I was hit one four thousand if you ask never picture easily to
break down not becomes _ your most big the problem is once heat collapsed Moment
play a game give up abandoned will ."

even in the voice emotions disappeared .

" and that finally poison to lack Because . why line do you know ?"

" That , that 's ⋯⋯ ."

" to lose crab no Because . lose chart not die not because of that , lose chart loss cheek
that no because ."

" ⋯⋯ ."

" today with you the volcano clash Thing looking me Also my make a mistake realized ."

" No , what ⋯⋯ ."

that moment , sleeve in hidden there was party evil cheat outside slowly came out

" you tempered place dare up to memorization write also no fact my not yet I think I
couldn't ."

" ⋯⋯ ."

" for sure This I not enough gaping it's a thing so from me first Reflect and ⋯⋯ ."

Woodduck .

Sleeve outside came out party evil hand slowly dried . OK with the back of the hand woo
hoo dul bloodline sprouted _

" Never again ⋯⋯ this miserable forage not hit lest I _ do your best do it all Don't help
me ."

fist closely gripped stick oncoming party music obliviously seen party is suddenly I far to
the sky look at threw it

' Erra ⋯⋯ . rot .'

again think look I volcano with the cubs from the start It was a bad match .

colleague horn , fried kill guys .

1109 episodes . once creeps 'cause it 's sprouting (4)

" Aww !"

jogger lively stretch turned on body caused _

" It's crazy !"

this how much in the bay ruler see Did you sleep late ?
I devil cub on the volcano came in after that the third disciple in life overslept the word is
perfectly disappeared _ a night's sleep word too wholly not keep can't It's a plate
overslept say felled Are you Sorin ?

However today ! this historic as much as me I damn guy too them what to do number Do
not have will _

conscience refined jogger unstoppable step by step a room went out

" Are you awake ?"

" Did you cough , death penalty !"

" Yeah ."

Yoon Jong to the fullest smile building jogging faced _ His also on the face slick shiny
turn around there was normally face puffy that flick touch crumble thing It was like ⋯⋯ .

" ⋯⋯ really interesting it 's work being a person crab sleep only snuggle sleep like this
body getting better was it ."

" Big ! That 's right . The body now just the same if Cheongmyeong with the guy one
board stick cheek worthwhile thing It's like ."

" No. That _ Too went out ."

prey laughed Yoon Jong Something thinking born seemingly head tilted _

" No , wait a minute . Then ⋯⋯ ."

" Yes ?"

" ⋯⋯ others all like this live that there was thing Isn't it? "

Moment two people vacant with face each other facing saw _

" Then this usually My body status mean ?"

" Yeah maybe ?"

" ⋯⋯ crazy , this good girl Different only guys know there was why only me didn't you
know ?"

Yoon Jong around the eyes blazing to bite wipe gave out
walk . that you didn't know crab not forgotten it will and now soon again forget it it will
be on the volcano the devil living Korean ⋯⋯ .

jogger bubbly neck broke _

" Anyway aura It's overflowing . about a day to rest if you did feeling guilty because of
sneak peek to practice might have gone I don't know , just half a day because this to
some extent I'll be fine I want to and ."

" Me too then I feel ."

Yoon Jong prey smiling dance hall toward walked away the sun in the middle I woke up
now water lily I'll have to

" danga Those who suffer A lot of Did you ? "

" It is But ⋯⋯ ."

Yoon Jong shoulder Shrug .

" The prestigious easily pussy tell me suddenly due to to be embarrassed , but the
prestigious prestigious the reason is there is is the law grain different then that is ,
originally did water lily than this can't would not have will ."

"I will Riga ."

" Huh ?"

Yoon Jong behind looked back Suddenly approached Soso meaningfully laughing there

" If so I on the volcano first come in so far not shocked It wouldn't have been ."

" ⋯⋯ ."

" Grain Different also it's true However , the robber Different also It is true . like a volcano
crazy water lily letting the doorstep Oh my gosh only not one None ."

" That , yes ?"

" In the beginning Different In the clan this water lily let even if you want pond do it ."

" Why ?"

" A person pond I will endure it ."

Yoon Jong puzzled with face head tilted _

" we Did you hold out ?"

" This execution talking thing Look ."

Soso absurd seemingly Jong-eul Yoon looked up

" No , the heavenly all search Look . like a volcano elixir spreading clan to be I'd say do
you think ?"

" ⋯⋯ ."

" volcanic Jasodan is Shaolin Even in the Great Hall of Fame lagging behind not It's an
elixir . no , any in terms of Than the Great Hwandan more Great It's an elixir . know you
are is it ?"

" That , yes ."

whopping that medicinal Because it's an abbreviation .

" Even in Shaolin Daehwandan anyone not give me talent verified these among the pick
pick barely one by pill get off giving crab It's a reunion group ."

" Yes ."

Soso between the brows sudden distorted .

" By the way the volcano that what medicine like eating You eat it ."

" ⋯⋯ ."

" Even Hyeyeon monk on the volcano come eaten perilla medical charge in shaolin eaten
Great Hwandan than number Will there be many ?"

two People honey eaten dumb to be head nodded .

like that according to Hye Yeon-do Bald , Shaolin muhak write only , in fact volcanic I say
disciple have to see do _ people more Many girl beaten on the side be loyal doing crab
duty Is n't it ?

" such it's a volcano this sustaining beggar , other clan if equal already song many It
happened . young when body pond hold on water lily pond and old _ A little listen the
level when it comes up practiced inertia in easily pond Change it . have control difficult
age too and ."
" I have to ⋯⋯ . "

Heat year old cultivating and thirty year old cultivating crab be the same number is no _
of course backlash to be will _

' Cheongmyung bloke same human if not That 's right .'

if you resist die . no , I'd rather perishing crab better . and run away even dare not fly _

then because I'm human volcano all over Danga and Green forest , up to Namgungse stir-
fry group Daego there is beggar ⋯⋯ .

" Anyway This do want to so will do number there is crab No . so arabina brothers too
now dying taste will ."

" ⋯⋯ That's right . "

" People volcanic the core Qingming to death thinking side There is , I to look perilla
dagger him It's not like that ."

" ⋯⋯ that that word Isn't it? "

" Yeah ? That's what Are you talking ?"

" jasodan made crab Because it's blue ."

Soso for awhile think see seems to be head nodded .

" That's right ⋯⋯ . "

at that time Something thinking by eye horse there was no jogger to wear took off

" Soso ."

" Yes ?"

" Then A little Weird crab , other the clans why like that Youngdan not unraveling are
you? "

Soso is ' what this think Do not have human all Are you ? ' in by eye jogging saw _ that
eyes received jogger neck shrugged off

" No , the death penalty . really merchant house management son-in-law right ?"

" He and that this what Does it matter ?"

" What Youngdan only heart eat tick tock made case line do you know It's called
Youngdan case at least Precious of spirituality Inner podium , a few dozen in the year
one th will you find Shall I not one elixir to some extent should be assistant possible will

" That , yes ?"

" of the party Cheondok Dagger Eyes wash even if you look for it Example tiring poison
to save manufacturer It's possible . perilla really Great thing , anyway People only heart
eat save number there is as material that is made will ."

" Oh ⋯⋯ ."

just then every Thing understood jogger head nodded .

" It has been practiced Previous volcanic perilla now than perilla efficacy in terms of
better capital There may be , but at that time perilla one egg to make In order to now
perilla several hundred dog fabricated effort Do you need it ?"

" So In conclusion In other words, ⋯⋯ ."

" Um ?"

jogger hijuk laugh _

" danga people too now stamina run die exit daily report just before Meaning ."

" ⋯⋯ means That's right ."

back and forth word all cut eat then the meaning do n't

" Heh heh . That too . funny things to see Looks like ⋯⋯ . where once to take a look go
Shall I see you?"

jogging on horse Yoon Jong glance frowned .

" Soso Before leave will do the horse not thing to be equal together ⋯⋯ . you why like
that to the party bad feelings are there many Sichuan born ."

" Sichuan I was born then will ."

" Why ?"

jogger tongue kick Jong-eul Yoon looked back

" such the death penalty Shaanxi buy it Jong-nam Are you okay?"

" ⋯⋯ I will Lee ."

" similar That 's it . young since Danga only look scared living crab habit to be Bonnie me
too without knowing antipathy to happen do you now overcome there is That 's it ."

Yoon Jong head Hwihwi it was

' you it forever pond Fix it.'

right now sosoman look at it yet pecking the guy what channel party price will you
overcome ?

no ⋯⋯ . than the price sosoga more scary is it ?

giggling smiling jogul and head stir-fry Yoon Jong , and complication ethereal facial
expression Soso to the dance hall entered . and ⋯⋯ .

" Ugh ⋯⋯ . It 's cold ."

" Suddenly what The chill is ⋯⋯ ."

count people At the same time body burr fell .

" ⋯⋯ already Is it winter ?"

count People already in the gym come out line up there is volcano disciples through dug
into and Familiar back view as soon as you find backwards tight stuck _

" Suksuk ."

" Uh ⋯⋯ huh ? "

" the atmosphere why Is it like this ?"

" Uh ⋯⋯ . That's it ."

one hundred thousand Something speak will do seemingly to wear I was dumbfounded
Within front toward chin _

" directly Look ."

" Yes ?"

count people one hundred thousand point the sight looked up three mouth who first also
without happened _

" Uh ⋯⋯ ."

" Wow ⋯⋯ . "

" Huh ⋯⋯ ."

shut up different case there was no just Danga People their Before line up to be it was
only usually water lily was starting as when I mean .

trivially Different dot one ⋯⋯ if yes .

" Oh , my brother ⋯⋯ . "

Soso body burr fell .

at the forefront line four thousand songs small town party face black blue water is listen
there was who look Intentionally with paint to paint said way as much as clearly I mean .

" Mommy , I 'm stupid ⋯⋯ . "

" Instead ⋯⋯ . "

swollen Danga People's face is to be funny pair there was no However that nobody that
face report laugh to burst number there was no

puffy pour can not like a buttonhole small Eye In between , in Wondok cold eyes one
after another leak come out to be It was because

" Volcano ⋯⋯ ."

"You bastards ⋯⋯ ."

" all kill it ."

jogger squat backwards stifle backed away

over there ? that people like that made case we not thing I guess ? By the way why in
Amanda cheek hit ⋯⋯ to us .

" The traitor ⋯⋯ ."

" rot Shaanxi seeds ."

and ⋯⋯ saffron Even if you face like that by eye not I will see you .

“ Big , blah blah .”

one hundred thousand Big cough in vain did _

" All right , the Lord of the house. artist A lot of was born It looks like it ."

" ⋯⋯ Is that so? I see you ."

" However artist me too Yes . sa , people I Molgolo ."

Soso immediately rebutted _

" It's okay . Sacheondangga medicine is 'cause it's the best perfect to fix number to be as
much as You lost ."

" ⋯⋯ ."

oh my when exactly Know becomes _ of our place blood where whether it continued I
mean .

" all are you here ?"

at that time back jin Cheongmyeong bluntly walk came out Then each other facing line
Danga and a volcano swag took a look

" Uh ⋯⋯ . Originally today in the afternoon seperately will do Days there was ."

seperately will do called work horse burst come out Scaryly , the people of the party
gaze in concert clarification toward like a sword returned _ with eyes People kill number if
yes now clear the body out of bounds Five divisions would have been will _

" ⋯⋯ that some ⋯⋯ . uh ⋯⋯ Tiring thing same ."

Cheongmyeong swipe look at avoid far the sky looked up

' ⋯⋯ Yes blood not connected no fortunate line I thought .'

think look anyway They are relatives go have to see Where will you go

Cheongmyeong sneakily behind looked back loads face hardened Tang military evil arms
crossed worn stick sizzling with eyes Him report there was
' I never not a word summer solstice won't and in education about your inherence
authority is never not touched not , but now Different water lily might I don't know
talking this situation very Inconvenient .' in tea pop out I mean .

" Oh , that ⋯⋯ . Heh heh . Just once stick report to finish each other Are you sorry ?"

horse to end awfully volcano guys pixarly head I stumbled .

we are very , very , very A lot of it's okay as if I mean . It's regret as much as a hair no as

of course Cheongmyeong don't know pretended _

" So What star number no . Today, too like yesterday one board stick It's ⋯⋯ winning the
side tomorrow too half day rest as a girl summer solstice what ."

" Come on , wait a minute , Chungmyeong . This is not thing same ."

" eyes not see ? Murder fly ?"

volcano of the disciples in the eyes , right not shy Cheongmyeong with the guy now in
the heart to cost seemingly heartwarming smile building party evil look seemed _

" Well then , let's get started . "

" Kill it !"

" all in all hit Kill it !"

" Bury Throw it away ! I proselyte bastards !"

horse stick to end awfully people of the party blue me line memorize in the sleeve pulling
out rushed in

" Hey , hey, hey !"

" Blood , damage "

in the sky like rain pouring memorize looking volcanic the disciples realized _ something
firmly wrong go back that it started that .

1110 episodes . one once in a while creeps 'cause it 's sprouting (5)

thin thin reflection (飛針) _ obvious history hold on the sky covering flew away one
hundred thousand pupil Absolutely earthquake caused _

" No, stop it !"

volcanic the disciples terrified quickly sword pulled heard _

" Urachaaaaaaaaaah !"

sword spouting water Sal aperture Do not have shield hit .

Kaga River !

yet iron and iron bumping into sound and together on the sword bumped into see
through in all directions bounce went out

dismountable even the rain all stop pay as much as water Sal aperture Do not have sword
! However Danga shoot paid see through mere rain with to compare number there will be
no as much as sharp It was bittersweet .

" Oops !"

" Ah , Takge !"

all over the place scream ring spread _

already Bangvirado if any more dense the sword shield _ _ seven number there would
have been will _ However in haste unfolded be black Bonnie minute gap existed , and see
through out of bounds that break the gap dug into

by the way fortunate gun , sword wrapped around play a game pierce to pay power
bereaved see through flesh do not dig into can't skin scrape stand on the level pass
didn't point is

" This the cubs cowardly surprise do you ?"

jogging in the eyes spark bounced off

right now yesterday think look car that in the mouth To put not to be , inconsiderate It
was bullshit , but it was obviously jogger then fact to think lee there was no

" Kill it !"

" Cherbala Throw it away !"

bandits What is strength how much big High mountain did you occupy to be evaluated
do _ midfield oak middle one , rugged a volcano occupied volcanic bandits two Eyes
turning over party price toward rushed in

no , run did _

" all smashed ⋯⋯ . Cut , ⋯ . "

" Oops !"

" keke !"

" What , what ?"

etc. from behind heard scream in the sound one hundred thousand fiercely behind
looked back His sandy in the mouth bubble up door stick backwards swish passing over
there was

dark change going that the faces looking one hundred thousand two Eyes whirlpool
popped up

" Do , poison ?!"

no , this what is it crazy , in the rain poison write ?

for awhile situation I understand can't there was one hundred thousand from the mouth
urgent shouting burst came out

" My , my strength pull up in poison Resist ! those guys poison Write !"

shout out friend one hundred thousand again head swish turn Danga side up saw _ in
the eyes bloody feet built he voice raise protest did _ No , I'm protesting. did _

However than that first the crook write stand lice there was

" in Bimu poison write this _ dastardly cubs ! where obscenely Toxic , poisonous ! this
dirty mean Babies !"

Huh ⋯⋯ . Heh heh ⋯⋯ .

Oh , right . that right I mean . yes i _ do want horse That was it .

By the way That is ⋯⋯ . that speak you doing case A little it's weird don't think Is n't it ,
Soso ?
you now complete volcanic disciple became thing like this Sook-eun infinitely I'm glad .
But ⋯⋯ there yes brother too there is thing Looks like ⋯⋯ sense of belonging Too
excessive case maybe ?

" That 's right ! Bimue poison Write !"

" Cowardly !"

" Dangga when like this degree of honor do not know Was it somewhere? "

pouring praise (? ) heard go to of course do your best do it all answer me gave _

" Lie down !"

terrified on the floor flat prostrate volcanic head consolation history embrace
commendation storm water rub passed _ perfect look at it polished thing , poison
Ballado very thoroughly bala Dan are things

" Brother . Where what sound Can you hear me?"

" the dog barking shape ."

that voice heard volcano of the disciples two in the eyes bloody stood up

" But I cubs ?"

they let's have a seizure people of the party giggling Smile put it on

" Oh my gosh . Painter . A lot of I'm good ."

" raining like in real life Sun to say mouth shake off Daedan gentlemen poison little I
wrote in the mouth very bubble ignore it ."

" Yeah , we dastardly as a girl Let's do it ."

" The king dastardly at Kim where once properly cowardly see you Spray it !"

at the forefront line people of the party sheep sleeve up shake off smoking momentary ,
fickle light ash color choreographer thickly spit out came out choreographer All of a
sudden wind Riding volcanic waves run over came .

" What ?"

" It 's the Sangongdogok (散功毒) ! "

" breath rest Don't ! history Scattered !"

a little bit Don't breathe history in operation problem causing mountain goose poison
like a cloud wake up a volcano covered up came .

dirty lethal horse in the throat Absolutely It was tight , but now then speak spit out
situation it wasn't

Awesome love !

lumpy bloomed to smoke piercing bidoga densely flew away that to rejoice union attack
the floor rolling Harm paid volcano the disciples Eyes turned over

" Ouch ! This You motherfuckers !"

" Kill Throw it away !"

evil writing in the lead pop out out Oh Gum sword shaken off they unfolded plum
blossom sword flying the rains quickly hit put it on

of course now Danga using poison is People killing toxic that is No. _

furthermore volcanic the disciples Basically history high , with perilla changed
constitution thanks poison About resistant High I like it obese do if there were see
through one or two dog I got hit bubble water work there was no

fallen these are poison about thought summer solstice can't history At the same time pull
posted these are

However that That's it !

" This cubs bismuth nastily Do !"

" Once let's try right ?"

" I to rot poisoner cubs , from time immemorial Is it prestigious? what to do and Person
looking down crab in the heart not I heard ! Sichuan Villagers !"

that sound heard Danga Also two Eyes turned over

" But I the cubs pierced mouth ?"

" In the beginning poison inscribed To Munpa , poison without bismuth let's crab dirty
beggar ! that is car pho take off long time let's sleep horse and what different ."
" Then you guys knife write Don't ! where Daego cowardice Good luck !"

bad feelings enough Confirmed . stacked also enough Confirmed .

then left case only one no _

" L Kill it !"

" hit Kill it !"

two in the eyes poison Damned the volcano party price toward crazy as if rushed _ that
look copy go to like rain memorize sow At the same time bitter to smoke in all directions
spout put it on

" wild boar the cubs Coming !"

" all underfoot Throw it away !"

" Ahhhhhhhh !"

eternally pervasive shouting and pitiful scream , sergeant bumping sound in the gym
Sweeping started _

" Die

jogging sword backwards retreating Danga unmanned side was beaten

Wow !

of course blade not with sword I was beaten up , but in the first place inner hole loaded
throw away moment , thin Kendo than an iron rod more hardening crab of course Is n't it

side hit directly lice scream not yell can't bounce went out

" If it sticks nothing pond doing things !"

neatly one People processed jogger quickly next target find went out

" Urachaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah !"

two in the eyes came in opponent toward suddenly rushing moment , the target became
Dang Ga-in retard without body backwards flying rain sprinkled _
" It's no use , ma'am !"

jogging black like a viper fast moving flying rain hit paid out no matter how party bidoga
splendidly It's moving, but it 's crazy rampageous clear on the sword compared to this
Something about ⋯⋯ .

Lovely liquid !

However that Moment poison buried mark jogging whole body covered up came .

" It's no use !"

that behind than hair thin Woomochim (牛毛針) .

" no use No ⋯⋯ ."

that stop pay Nani poison sand Toxin (毒粉) . _

" Cow , useless ⋯⋯ ."

that at the outside Harm pay Nani this time get poisoned on the floor sprinkled , black
with iron beads like rain flew away

" ah ah ah ah ! You motherfucker !"

jogging Snow returned _

this cubs really nastily fight _ same one-sided when I didn't know , the enemy Became
Bonnie than this more dirty the cubs no _

poison memorized Manipulation , more than a viper more cold blood with Are you a
reaper? and held up the cubs really fight is it started suddenly backwards escape going
around saliva throw poison or poison sprinkle Go !

" properly Let's face it ! right !"

like a groan shout out striking moment , to the full Berlin His to wear toward
Dangmunjeon (當門錢) using coin form of memorize ) _ flew away

jogger terrified body roll party Harm paid out the floor one wheel rolled he giggling
laughter find head swish listen raised .

Danga soldier one hijuk laughing there was jogging blood pressure rapidly elevating
laugh at shedding he said .
" prepaid stricken wild boar seperately None ."

" Damn it !"

jogger this popping grind sword closely grabbed _

" you this baby ⋯⋯ . you from scratch in the heart not I heard ."

" hey , who when you hear I you in the heart heard line I see . in Sichuan wish my from
below rolled guy ."

" Oh , yes . Of course . It must have been ."

" Huh ?"

jogger hijuk laughed _

" So Oh yeah good luck in Sichuan because you left you cool group line capital there is I
mean . handsome Danga the master my on the sword head broken the floor roll up
Whoops if you cry which feeling diary Are you curious ?"

" But this Baby !"

" What ! _ What what to do I mean , this Baby !"

jogger sword holding up drink a cup toward rushed _ that Moment sassy fluttering in the
sleeve dozens doggy memorization poured out

Kaga Gaga River !

flying memorize hit paid Jo Geul-eun backwards retreating to Dangzan die caught up
However Dang is blatantly backwards backing away memorize to sprinkle it was only

get caught as if caught as if at all not caught not drink a cup looking jogger in sorrow
cold shout out exploded _

" Ahhhh ! Bimu really nastily hey ! properly A little fight this _ dastardly Baby !"

" praise Thank you!"

" you , you I please Kill it !"

Eyes twisted jogger at all reason turn off throw away drink a cup toward rushed in
the situation Different these too was like from all sides profanity Goseong came and went
what bad feelings picture Was it a lot , even at Cheolcheon Jiwonsu? met sheep two
group all reason lose ran away

now at all Bimuna It's called Dalian will do number Do not have Abigail little from afar
looking at Cheongmyeong delightfully laughed _

' very That's fucking bullshit .'

rampageous hundred thousand and snow back stick someone's neck grab hold of give a
chin turning of our place look seemed _

Guys ⋯⋯ . Of course , uh ⋯⋯ you hard fight wished case It's true ⋯⋯ . Honestly ⋯⋯ .

' So far will do line is I didn't know .'

no matter how still degree yes , this Baby ⋯⋯ .

A little Moderately face figure set up which degree ejaculation take a look , I will line
Okay . no way like this prepayment stricken Sapa like cubs double bath pour going fight
line I okay ? huh ? guys ?

" That ⋯⋯ ."

Cheongmyeong swipe head turn party music saw _

" Are you okay ⋯ ? "

" Um ? What ? mean ?"

" a little overheated thing Looks like ⋯⋯ ."

Tang military evil that speak to hear Binggrae laughed _

" to worry about to some extent not thing it 's like usually the kids fighting growing thing
Isn't it ?"

" ⋯⋯ ."

over there ? fighting growing crab not fighting Would you like to ?

" There even if it hurts If you do ⋯⋯ ."

" So how do want is it? "

" a little ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ ."

" Huh ?"

that Moment party evil in the eyes poison filled up

" Oh , win . put to get rid of me is it? "

" ⋯⋯ ."

" In the island then jurist Whether I don't know , but Sichuan no . do you know win put
except me sleeping on the branch dagger Bak Hill Resolution to some extent Sun Don't

Cheongmyeong speak lose I thought .

' This people too normal is No. '

to the realm right unattended a normal person no case Cheongmyeong like a habit
doing was the word However Tang army evil still among the dogs better I'm on the side
thought crab It was a problem . this human too eventually that mental out cub blood
inherited human will _

" Uh ⋯⋯ ."

involuntarily head turned clear in the eyes of the party shave off with soles kicking there is
Yuisul's look came in Cheongmyeong stop brightly Smile abandoned .

' Now me too I don't know .'

yes . the kids fighting growing Beggar , what .

heh heh heh heh heh . Heh heh heh heh !

1111 episodes . me do well number will there be (One)

most overlook easy It 's a job , but in the first place it was called ' normal ' . the concept is
implicit crab No. _

someone normal called a person to be called When the opponent myself belonged social
, cultural in recognition Big get away not being a person make sense nested there is

this In other words , which where I'm normal referred to Ira though , at all Different these
living where alone if it falls monstrous by teeth to be called number there is sound _ and
now Namgungdowi is that fact sharply feel it there was

' I wrong Maybe? '

long ago how it would have been I don't know , now myself thinking firm this is no prided
itself on

By the way now in front of your eyes going on there is things are then Namgungdo
Latitude accept easy did n't

no , this no matter how even thinking His wrong No. _

Oh my gosh who this look Imagine will do number will there be

volcanic disciple partyism son-in-law above get on with fist chin chin turn volcanic ,
volcanic female swordsman Danga petty arm mercilessly beating there is

no what _ up to there Yes let's play

I will capital yes . Mind ha ha together large Ramen this work

' what I will number yes .'

do bluntly might understand I don't know . However seal hewn monk Danga people's on
the face foot stamp take a picture Daego , Danga native female swordsman My the
brothers with a knife sting stand to the last look throw away then these too horse little be
different no choice but to there will be no will _ huh ?

one person Do not have thing same … … .

“ Step on it ! Step on it !”
“ Kill Throw it away !”

“ Aaaaaaaaaah !”

Aigoo , Yoon Jong stamp .

why at there trampled on are you there oh my god _ fun You are trampled on … … .
distrust saturated by eye desperately in front of the sight seen Namgungdowi is Within
Eyes sticky wind up abandoned .

volcanic black uniform dressed pure white weasel polka jump up Danga people's cheek
fiercely slap up to the look report Nani now _ no more the thought girl do want to didn't
Because .

' the world how to be .'

shamanic loser and Sichuan loser this in the Yangtze River clash there was

just talk when you hear really grandiose Great It's a job , but that actually gossip black too
... … . no black dodo A lot of I hit the back alley gossip each other grabbing dogfight
doing forage different crab there was no

that Terrible (? ) Horrible fight Harm gymnasium to the corner pushed out Namgungse
People rare Thing like watching that fight watched _

“ Certainly the volcano stamina good .”

“ danga before me to be weak awareness There was , for sure then case it was n't in the
first place this melee Became throw away poison to avoid easy not I mean .”

“ such for that volcano people well Are you fighting ?”

“ danga than poison more stiff to human training You are .”

“ Oh , right . I understood .”

I understand Don't !

that why understand !

It's silent and dark mask increasingly Namgung Seido it gets weird going thing same _
Previous if it were the same I look looking I'm ugly glance frown these Now is back
Heartily admiring up to applause beating there is

However Namgungdowi what speak would you ?

in the first place these with the blind drag Wow this make a shape (?) discarded lice
Different not Namgungdo Wii that .

“ Oh , no . really anyway felled is it? ”

for him bitter evaluation , but now Namgungse is going I two in the doorstep to be
compared difficult . Cheon Woo Meng know Ramen anyone I two clan Cheon Woo-blind
it's the key way will _

By the way that two main point clan now double bath pour going fighting there is

' like this if only bad feelings pile up Isn't it ? '

at all this on water lilies what make sense whether to understand It was hard . However
more big The problem is , I Qingming party music to dry Bangdoga no it was so left How

“ I , there … …

“ Yes ?”

“ That … … .”

Namgungdowi dry saliva swallowing Lim So-byeong looked up With Namgungdowi Dali '
this bastard in the corner what Days even if it's wide open astonishing crab None .' in
posture leisurely situation watched Im So-byeong chin a little lifted up look at guess
came .” Why Are you ?” on Namgungdo expression extremely It got awkward . he too
understanding is do _ In Cheonwoomeng sectarian border map Jeonggwa four division
diagram exist not saying that . just in a sense each other believe number there is Ramen
anyone Cheon Woo-blind fence in come in number that there is fact I mean .

and green forest myself Cheon Woo-blind commanding member to be qualify proved _
in the first place green chieftain Im So-byeong life bet magic facing place join discarded
moment , that nobody His sincerity to doubt number without Became discarded will .' I
know ... … . certainly that know There is .' with the head I understand To Handel and Im So-
byeong speak hanging crab made easy case it wasn't in the first place he Namgung
Sega's soga state . Sapa to the chief friendly speak handing over the day all Khitan think
only one never sun copy enemy without have lived then to him I have The king of green
forest , someday neck bear cooperation to blow will do scapegoat that Lee Sang-do Lee
Ha-do it wasn't no , I mean That's right . in the first place green forest which are you guys
fine mountain take over going back and forth of the peoples high blood sucking leech
same cub ... … .

“ Sogaju .” “ Yes ?”“ Now … … Person Call put by eye curse you do thing Do you think so ?”
“Yes , it is. Let's go .” Namgungdowi is prestigious restrain yourself In the clan Rarely
minimal polite crab what understand there is was a person he calm down wanted to speak
took it out .” The … … the difference not little calm down have to summer solstice
Wouldn't it ?” “ What ? to do Do you mean ? ” “ Yes ?” Im So-byeong annoying as if
shoulder I shrugged .” Cheongmyeong seal By-self you would Our lord too You are .” “
Oh , no . that I know ... … there in vain only bad feelings pile up maybe I want to Yes .” “
Huh ?”

that Moment Im So-byeong meaningful by eye Namgungdowi I stared .” Oh , so yourself

I Volcanic Sword Association than the monarch more far cheek number there is insight
Did you have it ?” “ Yes ?”” So they do not know girl only myself noticing now take
measures Say it giving are you on That too on the other side not uncomfortable not to ,
though position A little there is me as a herald Would you like to use it ?” “ Now , wait … …
.” Namgungdowi is in the eyes conspicuously I was perplexed . this so far interpretation
to be Is it work? ” again Say it I the two greatly Inconvenient, but a bandit boss the cub
nastily Are you happy ?” “… … me , i then speak summer solstice I didn't !” “ Ah . in front of
you there is bandit boss the cub directly speak summer solstice if not noticing pond chall
as much as stupid Are you human ?” “… … .” People so far Bae Bae even if twisted Will it ? '
usually this Were you human ?'

certainly to Gangnam together conflict only when chart grumble frequently yes , very
nimble distribution big said I thought … … . this the reaction is exactly green trees even to
look is it weird bandit the guy head squint sneakily to Lim So-byeong asked ." Boss . why
like that Are you mad ? notably pond will do speak one also not thing It looks like .””
means pond will do crab No. ” “ Yes ?”” Say one People Is it a problem ?” to Lim So-
byeong speak case bandit glance Namgungdowi Saw .“… … what any problem Are you
there ?” “ Problem ? over there The problem no . the problem is To me Yes !” “… … no .
that is what are you talking I keep … … .” “ Why ?”

that Moment Im So-byeong Eyes flirting bandit I stare . “ Why ? bandit bastard at home
born somehow Good luck with your admission I'll see you to the past I hit it , but I failed
finally bandit or do living I in a prestigious born sympathetic the master report the belly
button twisted doing this thing Is it the same ?” “… … .” “ Haha ! not even funny not
sound ! I not one envy not ! of course I no matter how uncompromising dory recite have
to see bandit on the cub nothing but that guy road go fine the guy Even if I beat you to
death Roughly with identity face report Then ' ah , dead the guy dying do would have
done it .' do go over giving comfortable life living bastard , but I not one envy not this I
mean . I what I'm sorry that guy Are you envious? ” “… … breath A little rest Please tell me
.” the green trees as well as Even Namgungse no wonder became sober once popped
Lim So-byeong dressed never stop I didn't .” Oh my , I think I was wrong . I I was wrong .
dear min work leave it to me I give you , lowly Sapa the guy somehow name have to
complete doing that ! how now _ Go tell Would it be okay?”

perhaps like that little getting awkward to end it might have been I don't know . at this
point Namgungdowi thinking that it was short briefly apples only even though would
have will _ of course Namgungdowi is I will willing there was , and in fact Right away to
apologize did _ However It's the world case only at will felled time not really no , always
small in the fire with a big fire in no time spreading law Is n't it ?" Well , too much
crooked You get it .” from behind heard In the voice , Namgungdowi terrified looked back
on the back west there was Namgungse Inspection one zero sarcastic with face Lim So-
byeong looking touk speak I threw it away .” So Bae Bae It has to be twisted ."" This , the
mouth close … … .”

Namgungdowi hastily inspection to wear to stop did _ seemingly and Dali Im So-byeong
is the king of green no matter how still Namgung Sega's one uninhabited picture easily
speak will do number there is lice No. _ However His horse stick to end before someone
that speak Received .” Bae Bae Twisted ?” “… … !” on Namgungdo head up this time to
the opposite stroke returned _ Lim So-byeong on the back west there was inclement
impressionistic green forest one on the floor spit widely I spit it out .” Oh my gosh . in life
tiring crab without up and down did not exist it looks like where handyman cub to the
king of green mouth Are you kidding me?” “ What ? this bandit guys word only line do you
know ?”

“ A bandit ? come on, I not a bandit therefore are you you yet A long ago Namgung Sein
line know shape ? volcanic bay if not you same the guys A long ago Once upon a time
knife hit It’s gone .” “ Oh , right ? who ? are you no way you like I will number that there
is the horse Is n't it ? subject You should know , bandit They .”” the subject. do not know
crab Who are you?” Namgungse inspectors knife handle grabbing sneak peek moved _
OK green trees too on the waist cold knife pinch threateningly went out .” Luck good line
Know . here Cheon Woo Blind if not you are all dead .” “ Who will do sound ! Qingming
seal you as a servant beating yes if not U.S directly you would have subjugated It will .” “
What ? species ? My clan throw away So far escape came out Things !” “ What ? run away
? bandit the guy that too popped called the mouth bullshit Are you talking ?” atmosphere
extremely became ugly perplexed Namgungdowi hastily everyone to dry will do it was

perplexed Namgungdowi hastily everyone to dry will do It was time .” Oh , good .

Atmosphere . ” “ Cheongmyung stamp !” Suddenly appeared Cheongmyeong whistle
coming up there was he knife knajun Department of Greenery sword caught Namgung
Sega Fall all the way I took a look glance sudden frowned . Namgungdowi is First storm
stop reporter one step I went out . ” I rectification … … .”“ Finish Good .” “ Yes ?”
Cheongmyeong shoulder shrugged . ” also without atmosphere already make put it
down well done beggar . anyway you too that report only sight do Were you bored ?” “…
… .” “ But one in the heart not lifting case there is I mean .” “ Uh , what … … .” “
nonetheless notorious Namgungsego , the name It's green, but I have no complaints if
there is to cut harden , punch harden have to good knife leave it alone why that in words
do Is there ?” “ Yes ?”

Cheongmyeong back jin stick chin .” Over there . see ? there fighting That .” “… … Yes .” “
Uh , different . thing no . today At last west there is side tomorrow take a break jin the
side until dawn to roll It will .” “… … .” “ You know . start . winning the guy to report Wow .”
“ Come on , wait a minute . Qingming stamp ? Qingming stamp !” will do speak finished
Cheongmyeong back road look back without gone away
blankly then that back view seen Namgungdowi bloody vassal with face squeak behind
looked back knife knajun green forest lost room smiling Namgung Sega Fall toward
approach , and Namgungse inspectors then them plastic seemingly looking up There was
.” Hey , this like this I didn't like it . True .”“ Intention no Terrible .” “ What ? medical
charge None . bad feelings speak out I don't have I mean .” rather curse Do it , rather . ”
did you hear today I to the sandals Kang Ho-ga how much scary let me know Runners !” “
Bandit the cubs in the mountains when you come down what forage do you suffer
clearly let me know Give it to me !” Even so usually each other zero not happy not
thought Namgung and green forest have bar dissatisfaction all popping to each other
rushing It was a moment .

1112 episodes . me do well number will there be (2)

“ Koo , cool .”

one hundred thousand body rattle fell .

poison pickled discarded the hand right away convulsions cause there was However body
encroached upon poison energy there was no chart shaking to be would have will _ that
much exhausted power is even alittle stay yes because it does n't
“ Cool !”

speak stick closing prayer before one hundred thousand body Forward turned upside

“ Win … all … … .”

iron puddle .

last left one person rotten like an old tree torn down

that how look Comedy , how look tragic It was a sight .

dance hall to break down seemingly the crook write flirting fighting these middle west
there is this is now no one there was no volcanic party price to cover thing without
Everyone is on the floor scattered stick moan or bubble door stick ritual lose there was

“ Turn it off … … .”

“ Dog … children … … .”

“ Kill … … .”
moaning in the midst intermittently abusive language mixed came out this leave
Awesome Sun whether or not pathetic Sun Whether _

pair in the corner stupid standing that the sight watched Cheongmyeong sneakily head
turned _

“ finished thing Do you think ?”

“… … .”

“ Lord ?”

“… … .”

“ Are you there ?”

party evil eyebrows Farre trembling there was with snow Even the mouth finely trembling
there was

“ Such … … .”
speak did party evil lice Absolutely closely interlocked _

“… … thing It’s like .”

calmly want to see struggling there is It was clear , but number without this going sound
mixed came out the day before planting again even though I'm stuck finally that he was
defeated true very much in the heart not lifting was the shape

“ Hmm . that to the extent Was it not enough? ”

“… … Then die .”

“ You will do horse not thing Do you think ?”

“… … I look at it severe word all one That ’s it .”

that on horse party evil between the brows sudden frowned _ see Cheongmyeong do
not curl if not Today, too harshly do chores was thinking looks like

' really normal Because it's not .'

head Shaking my head low Cheongmyeong Forward went out and fall down there is
these Before standing to wear opened .

“ So Originally … … .”

he reflexively back hair scratch _

“ gin the side until dawn to train I was thinking .”

“ Turn it off … … .”

“ Oh my… … . Aigoo … … . me dying … all … … .”

winner , loser will do thing without wretchedly scattered these looking Cheongmyeong
head I stumbled .

“… … see I will situation not thing because it's the same today water lily So far and as
promised go to tomorrow In the morning , the volcano tomorrow Afternoon when you
come out okay .”
“… … .”

“ Listen is there ?”

“… … .”

“ Hey ?”

returning the answer is there was no head Shaking my head the bottom Cheongmyeong
body turned _

“… … That's it In addition what Days Do you want it to happen ?”

sigh snuggle exhaled he Department of Greenery Namgung grabbing it there is place

toward tattered walked away


“ I I will carry it ! ” “ No. I I will !”

“ yet body too Sung Ha say you don't I heard ... … .”

“ I’m fine ! Wolf Please !”

weight wife the hostess all plate as if stolen receive heard _

“ Ah , no , already . like that don't overdo it even if you don't will be . we chart It will be

“ No. _ for free doing work no , pay under doing It 's work . of course hard I have to .”

“ Then … … .”
weight the wife blink smile building inside step by step moved _

Hyunjong went after She is manor in the kitchen working there is Not yet to adapt rather
than cooking on chores to focus but all _ at work do your best done _

' Never load not to be not all right .'

she Also now myself big help not not saying that is know there is However help not not
saying the sound hear number Even if , in sympathy lean on Roughly to work only the
sound even if you die listen want to did n't
people grace if you don't know beast be different bar no _

she Also now myself big help not not saying that is know there is However help not not
saying the sound hear number Even if , in sympathy lean on Roughly to work only the
sound even if you die listen want to did n't

people grace if you don't know beast be different bar no _

Here big sun June that is Besides , it's uncomfortable so as not to even employment sun
June volcanic the disciples feeding it's a thing only one dentistry negligence to be number
there was no

to grow up a child also for I mean .

work Than you think Are you tired did not , her circumstances which degree know there
is these everyone be considerate subject uncomfortable also there was no

The problem if there is only one .

plate all stick to the restaurant entered weight wife's step little slowed down Something
gritty where approaching as if unwilling not step by step moved She is on the table
carefully plate put it down

and sitting dental notice swipe looked at

to make a dedication pair not … … As usual to the author outgoing just by People's look
at one on the body would have gotten in-house .

However weight wife His face glance The reason is he handsome because of this No. _
that Handsome face to be exhausted even in words not enough to the extent broken
there was Because .

“… … A lot of Eat .”

“… … thanks … do … … .”

yes . The problem if there is only is one this called a volcano place Probably Normal place
not thing the same point is

'… … people goofy ... … .'

this the sight first if you saw Si-Rao Kang encountered line know might have fainted I
don't know .

why Is n't it ? People together all qian with face all over the body bandage Ching ching
winding up like a corpse table Before sit down there is

“ A little … … You have to … … .”

“ Yes … … .”

weight wife toward helplessly head nod June one hundred thousand helplessly chopsticks
heard _ that look confirmed weight the wife a restaurant went out

one hundred thousand die going in voice said .

“… … let 's eat You have to eat , guys ... … .”

“ Yes … … . lodging .”

“ Eat … hey ... … .”

volcano the disciples squeaky body in action My in front rice bowl pick up heard _ that
action eighty old man too tongue kick as much as slow exploded _

To be honest Say it rice pass over situation it wasn't

However volcanic the disciples by experience know there was now right now food pass
over I don't like it one eat sparingly when tomorrow more big pain waiting that there is
fact I mean .

to live to eat do it No , in order to survive to eat do _

that is volcanic implicit It was a rule .

“ Ouch … … .”

" groan . mouth ease all exploded .”

“ Oh . I want to be bitter … … .”

food chewed volcano of the disciples from the mouth sick sound leak came out
be beaten popped where food I reached cursing Absolutely popped out However from
the mouth felt pain is nothing it wasn't

“ Wow , whoop .”

“ Ah … … . vomiting thing like .”

“ Sook . cheat roaring pond I will swallow … … .”

“ Oh … … . what poison .”

volcano the disciples Oh Man-sang frowned . poison Because cheat turn over Bonnie
food smell only take charge cheat roaring feeling nauseous all will _

“ No. _ dirty cubs like that win do you want in the bimu poison ... … .”

Right away It was then

originally Yangtze River back and forth merchants us to keep for made warehouse
remodel made big Restaurant On the one hand , food eat even dare pond pay only sight
do there was people of the party in concert look at turned _ volcano of the disciples in
conversation reacted will _

“ What ? cowardly ?”

I what speak sun have you thrown away realized Baek Sang Lee behindhand by hand to
wear shut up

“ Ha . haha ... … .”

Yoon Jong awkwardly smiling on apprenticeship went out

“ Oh , sorry . we excited … … .”

“ If you say only line know ? U.S really cowardly poison if you wrote now on the volcano
survived People to be thing like ?”

“… … Sleep !”

kick off happened easy party shout out to hear squat again in place sat down

“ I’m sorry , brother .”

“ Be careful . no matter how That's right chart opponent mood badly Don't not becomes
_ anyway jin case jin Is that something ?”

very canonical was the word

However listening people's Mind twisted if there is that right words dearly audible will _

“… … Are you right ?”

jogger Eyes flirting party and drink a cup I stared .

“ Oh my , we this I didn't know that you won like There was , I know Bonnie U.S Danga
give June Xavier life diligent It was .”

“ Ummm . no . What yes case not … … .”

“ so be embarrassed there properly poison write win . why lose put tongue like this Are
you going to cry ?”

“ What ?”

“ Walk ! horse It’s serious .”

“ No , Sasuk ! true That 's right ! I cubs talking tribe Us subtly Ignoring you!”

“… … .”

“ ji If prestigious It's prestigious ! really prestigious Namgung Seido not They say four
thousand gates Since when than Namgungse more It was prestigious .”

“ What , this baby ?”

that Moment party angry hold on can't on the spot jump happened _

Sacheondangmun Gate always of the five generations It was this person Hebei Pangawa
together in the south palace ethereal sense of inferiority with to be no choice but to
there was no By the way then part directly stab come in Moment fever sudden unruffled
have no choice but to

“ No. _ What I wrong word did you not Is that so ? Namgung cow … … .”
gently speaking head turned jogger Moment to wear closed .

Namgung Sega's Soga liquor pull in dominance divination I was thinking , on

Namgungdo state little It was strange . always refined His the appearance I'm nowhere
to be blood line two by eye someone kill as if stare there was

“ Namgung Sohyeop ?”

“ Oh my gosh . with eyes people too I will kill you.”

and then on Namgungdo Right away in front , at least Right away on the other side
sitting Im So-byeong on the chair almost like lying down sit down there was he feet on
the table raised stick with debt face salang salang butcher put it on

“ I say jin fight winning as a girl does it change ?”

“ This … … .”

“ Ah , if you twist Whether you win I What Did I do something wrong ? Greenery ! we
Greenery ! trivial bandit the cubs now Namgungse rather than more strong that . uh huh
I What what to do dory must be .”
Whoops !

Namgungdowi this replacement sound On in the restaurant rang _

of course like that talking Lim So-byeong state diagram picture good could n't fluttering
debt in the face get away Whenever blue dyed eyelid seemed _

However state anyway liver In Lim So-byeong victorious afford to the fullest buried _

“ Ah , so you will be embarrassed need don't you ? Namgung weak crab not green forest
strong because it is Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !”

“ Uh … … . uh ... … .”

on Namgungdo in the eyes bloody stood up

“ with skill If it sticks I won !”

" Whoa . Whoa .”

“ Before me not used to didn't that's all . just experience … … !”

“ Yeah , hey . 👌👌👌👌 _ Gosh Not like that . whether or not Are you there ?”

“ This … … .”

on Namgungdo hand rattle trembling Thing copy jogger Absolutely neck shrugged off

' That way Person one Are you going to die ?'

usually like that People Eye back more scary It is a corporation, the King of Nokrim fear
don't you really there is Road scrape Dude ... … . by the way over there how come
atmosphere so far okay ?

at that time Im So-byeong head turn Danga side up I looked prey laugh spill _

“ Oh my gosh . great The Sacheondang family Excitingly beaten it looks like this , this
partisan poor spirit .”

“ I bandit the guy ?”

“ Really 💋 Do you want to ?”

“ What ?”

Im So-byeong prey laughed _

“ Oh . I will skill is are you to the volcano beaten things ?”

“ Uh … … . Aww !”

easy no more hold on can't a table bang beating run away lets do it party shouted _

“ Calm down !”

“ But Brother !”

“ nail did you hear The Lord , and Volcano Swordsman Sassaoi sword plucking these are
certainly to condemn did ! Be patient !”

“ Uh … … .” Everyone is to each other About hostility there is Road while revealing car
prematurely run away could n't at that time easygoing voice is rang _
“ But that .”

“ Huh ?”

everyone's gaze to wear kite To Lee , Yi Seol returned _

“… … sword not If you pull to be meaning .”

“… … .”

“… … .”

weight the wife on foot speed up added . in both hands plate all She is fast Restaurant
the door opened up

“ here food more came … … .”

However that moment , her Right away sideways wen Person one fly away wall break
through went out

“ Ahhhhhhh !”

“ you from the beginning in the heart not I heard ! this You motherfucker !”

“ Who will do sound !”

“ rot bandit Baby !”

“ This sannim the guy see who Come on bandit ! Die !”

difficult made food in all directions scattered there was

table and chair , person the air flying someone someone's above get on fist scrawled put
it on who who you are don't know as much as messed up tangled these each other hit
can not biting there was

weight the wife body avoid even dare inside can't that the sight blankly looked up

“ It is an ally It's Nabal ! this You motherfuckers !”

“ Since when you with us Did you get it right? ”

“ I can’t up to the bandits It's Jill ! all kill Throw it away !”

“ Aww ! all Come on !”

in front of Abigail seen She is me too without knowing Eyes sticky rolled up

' I … … do well number Is there … … ?'

perhaps grace dressed crab not soybean paste bite may bet not knowing think For the
first time sun see weight was Mrs.

1113 t . me do well number will there be (3)

“ straight not Park ?”

“ Turn it off … … .”

“ Turn it off … … .”

a stone fluff hanging stick on the floor hair Parkgo there is hundreds of number of
people looking up Cheongmyeong Eyes was giddy that saul furren eyes of the Thousand
Rains My back without mercy stabbed .

“ People not did caring girl so A little rest sun I gave it to you! that bird pond Reference
fight a fight sun big ?”

“… … .”

“ This To me protesting is it ? strength turn around I'm going to die rest said rebellious is
it ? huh ?”

that Moment hair Parkgo there was jogger on the spot jump wake up hand heard _

“ What ?”

“ misunderstood it looks like U.S strength turn around fought crab No. ”

“ So ?”

jogger shoulder Shrugged .

“ power really There was no one Too tight hit it strength It was me .”

“ Oh .”

“ Are n’t you curious ? haha .”

Cheongmyeong that I understand seemingly head Big nodded .

" Al thing Like , death penalty .”

“ Is that right ?”

“ Uh . I now perfect then I feel like this Baby !”

land kick off flew clear feet jogging on the face locked up

“ keke !”
jogger the floor let's roll Cheongmyeong then His ship consolation got on Within clear
upper body Long time no see lively left and right returned _

“ Die ! die ! please A little Die !”

“ Evil ! Aww ! evil ! Buy , live ... … .”

“ Die ! this baby ! Die !”

during the day Danga and fighting , in the evening in the restaurant Here and there
beaten up , now up to Qingming Excitingly hit there is It was a jogger , but unfortunately
here there is nobody Him sympathize gist did n't

' He be right All right .'

' honestly even if you die will do word None .'

' still save Dunn Qingming seal real Doin .'

messed up twisted yes clan People momentarily unison felled significant It was a moment .

“ Woo-wook ! Whoops ! Whoops ! Whoops !”

miserably scattered jogging leave body caused Cheongmyeong two eyeball glistening
Different these I stared . Everyone is quickly Eyes winding up clear look at turned away
Eye when you meet they too I poor to be will _

“ I … … uh , yes . I … … thinking A little It was short .”

“… … .”

“ It’s like this everyone stamina good lively . I okay worry librarian did .”

here everyone is people's even in the voice so much ear frost number there is girl
realized _ very different experience, but at the same time terrifying experience too did _

“ all my Wrong ! Everything !”

“… … .”

“ like this everyone stamina good enthusiasm there is line wish I knew in advance robbery
A little would have posted I would huh ? you that training all even though fight will do to
the extent strength leftover line didn't know my Wrong !”

“ Come on , wait a minute. Cheongmyung-ah !”

one hundred thousand terrified head heard , but already late discarded it was behind

“ People !”

Cheongmyeong the floor bang stepping on shouted _

“ same make a mistake if repeated not not . Cancer , not like that . yes . where once let's
do this cubs . you guys die I die ! First only three days not Sleep roll see … … .”

“ That , then Die !”

“ Die doing it , this Baby !”

Eyes twisted Cheongmyeong this time to a hundred thousand rushed in

dance hall All of a sudden with a mess has changed little fallen in a place that the sight
watched Hyunjong in both hands face buried . desperate sigh poured out

' How ... … .'

at the volcano Cheon Woo Blind it happened how even alittle changed that isn't there ?
How … … .

Primordial Heavenly One ... … .


“ to die thing … … same .”

“ I already dead .”

“ Cow , soso . me waist wrong thing It seems .”

“… … there saliva because bring Moderately plug it in ... … .”

on the floor scattered volcano of the disciples from the mouth sound of death leak came

Danga and fighting beaten no place sick , and behind just all tangled fighting beaten no
place it hurts However most painful where is clear in anger overworked waist and It was
the knee .

no how _ Department of Mumin fighting stricken than anywhere the floor rolling
overworked place more sick medical charge there is mean ? about this when clear to roll
slowly artistic called the realm have to see summer solstice maybe ?

“… … Cheongmyeong to the cub who Did you braid ?”

“ Baekah Like ? fight Nago how much not along door towards running thing I I saw it .”

“ dirty weasel guy ... … . the death penalty Betrayal ... … .”

“ Ouch … … .”

Soso in anger hit vibrant in the meantime one hundred thousand strenuously body wake
up on the chair sat down

“ I’m going to die … … .”

neat clothes to keep Dee world that more than anyone excellent A hundred thousand , but
now His clothes are sweat and soil tangled It was a mess . body to wash even dare me
won't as much as strength heard.
jogger grumbled .

“ Oh . that Danga bastards okay by sound quarrel … … .”

“ You please that mouth A little shut up , this Baby !”

“ Evil !”

Yoon Jong jogging without mercy kicked _ scrutinize look easily pass over number there
was Days that guy group club Because grown thing Is n't it ?

“ temper like sudden just ... … .”

Yoon Jong Eyes turn it over one hundred thousand then Him dissuaded _

“ Stop it , Yoon Jong- ah . Distance wrong ... … . no i _ young it's wrong together _ yes i _
cub completely I was wrong cub every of work culprit case Obviously , I young wrong No.

“… … on horse contradiction Yes , private residence . ”

“ Ok .”

one hundred thousand sigh snuggle exhale arranged _

“ We feverish crab Wrong .”

“… … actually from the other side angry worthy speak but did you ?”

“ It is Don't .”

lose put I saw you doing than People pissed off doing work Do not have is the law tongue
cold one hundred thousand little attitude different everyone looked up

“ no still that I mean .”

one hundred thousand gaze to our party heading to

“ Soso .”

“ Yes , sir .”
“ You how do you think at the party one word That is .”

“ What You mean ?”

“ That … … poison properly if you wrote U.S not one pond would have survived that horse

“ Oh , is it? ”

Soso in good spirits head nodded .

“ Yes . we brother line A little A lot of turn over I did . then speak if not felled I mean .
from now on My sense pussy drink , just to your heart's content group if you throw it
away All right .”

“ Oh no _ that horse not .”

“ Yes ?”

he What did you wrong seemingly questioning our party looking one hundred thousand
cold sweat spilled _

“ danga really properly read aloud if how would have been thing Is it the same asking will

“ Ah … … that You said it .”

Soso a little between the brows frowned .

“ Well . scrutinize look private residence People and the death penalty properly one case
It wasn't . volcano swordsman The integer is … … My Into the mouth to say Whatever it is
, on the sword that have to see to do that in Dalian write number Because there is none .”

“ It is .”

“ But that degree situation when Even in our spleen Excessive reading (絶毒) and Golden
Lava Age (禁用暗器: Dangerous use forbidden memorize ) _ all would have poured tego ...
… .”

Soso to be worried seemingly chin ff 

“ Um . this A little It's difficult ... … .”

she willingly don't answer let's not one hundred thousand guessed seemingly head
nodded .

“ danga You must have won .”

“ Oh , no . please then the horse No. ”

“ No. _ my thought It was like .”

OK jogger was furious

“ That’s what Are you talking about it , Sasuk ? we Lose ! I will work None .”

“ my speak to the end Listen .”

“ Yes ?”

one hundred thousand sigh resting said .

“ Tanga first if you clash we are to lose we are to poison Even in memorization not used
to it 's not like a party fighting these are first face it pussy Is n't it ?"

“ That , that But … … .”

“ We party price how much know where _ no , well I know proud whether there was I
don't know . However that as a colleague as an enemy Danga No. ”

“… … .”

“ Even we are with perilla poison how much withstand number Although there is a first in
surprise Many medical charge fell down that the horse already don't prepare if not not hit
won't Suedo to be beaten number that there is Meaning .”

ogum middle most first with a sting right addicted abandoned Jo Geul-eun quietly to
wear closed . This What excuse have a chance there was no

“ on the battlefield suddenly party price hostilely If we meet , really U.S skill properly to
exert number there would have been thing are you the same maybe more big damage
see the side certainly we would have been will .”
“ Ok .”

to refute speak bereaved jogger sick sound paid out

“ Then we yet rather than the price to be weak are you ? that the elders too not
participating in the war Even though it wasn’t ?” “ A little make sense different .”

“ Yes ?”

“ first when we collide It's a loss , but two th fight more get better will , and heat burn fight
victory will do myself there is I Danga from scratch to the end not develop without if the
same That is .”

Yoon Jong head nodded .

“ What horse I see .”

opponent because I don't know lose _ However on the opponent when you get used to
it able to face number that there is it meant

at that time sleep listen there was Lee Seol the palm of your hand make it visible hand
poof spread out suddenly pushed out

that meaning don't know in action Everyone is Her looked up

“ Five times .”

“… … .”

“ Five once Enough .”

one hundred thousand on the lips smile tied up

“ brother-in-law like that say , five once It will be .”

that on horse Soso is complex and strange expression built . four thousand Yongdokdae
in cancer technology picture easily that adapt that like a bluff was considered , but on
the one hand completely wrong like a horse can't hear it was because

“ Everyone as you know Qingming … … I to rot devil cub ... … I even with firewood pond
write goby , in hell Gear came up damn devil same … … .”

“ Calm down , Sasuke .”

" uh huh , yes . anyway that cub letting practice make sense Do not have that is there was
no this just simply fight sequence Gariran meaning is not will _ certainly To us party
poison cancer technology experience behold would mean .”

“… … At the same time Me too .”

“ Yeah , me too . And … … Various clan in one place mixed up to be at the time to
happen collision degree by body feel behold meaning will .”

one hundred thousand meaningful in tone gossip was _

“ Soon we are that little more fierce in the form must experience will do because it will .”

that on horse In a instinct saffron Jang Il-so face recalled volcano of the disciples
expression Absolutely got serious at that time jogger said .

“ No , too only good you think , that young if personality just pear twisted harassed girl
capital Are you there ?”

“… … .”

“ I plaguy back and forth instruction not chart become , everyone die go out It would
have been convenient .”

Everyone is Him looked back

OK jogger reflexively unfair expression built .

“ Again My horse that's wrong Will you ?”

“… … no . persuasive in .”

“ Very persuasive power yes .”

“ Actually my heart disease over there close do it .”

everyone's from the mouth even a promise one seemingly sigh leak came out

of course in common sense to be number Do not have It's a job, but it's a shame to Jang
Il-so rush Shaolin moderator hit by to the guy common sense wish crab more Weird thing
maybe _
“ Wow , anyway … … .”

one hundred thousand coughing in vain somehow situation rectified _

“ forward U.S Sun will do water lily Because it is clear now that one prepare … … .”

“ Forward ?”

“ Huh ?”

jogger face Warak distorted .

“ This do shit in the future to continue are you? ”

“… … .”

“ This crazy do you ?”

“… … crazy beaten case I agree , but to face experience not need Isn't it? "

“ Are you Sapaeyeon ? Sapa-ryun ?”

jogger at all Understanding not going seemingly say .

“ No , sir . this do shit If you continue saffron to deal with before by infighting Cheon
Woo Blind damn Is it a plate ?”

“… … .”

“ Two days full chart go to we was a colleague . By the way Now ?”

“ Damn poisoner bastards .”

" cowardly cubs .”

“ Sichuan country boy .”

“ Kill !”

jogger snort hit .

“ This see it my I bet , like this just a few days more after now only eyes even if we meet
swordsman me will . There king of green that With the yangban , subtly easily furious
Namgung until the small town when mixed now Yangtze River color red stained case
work Is n't it ?"

“… … .”

“ Chun Woo Meng now damn will . dream too hope None .”

walk , today Repeatedly right just talk you do great interesting It's a day ... … .

1114 episodes . me do well number will there be (4)

“… … ok . body Sunghan day None .”

easy My fiery chin kneaded _ damn jogger the guy beaten chin So far throbbed .

“ Damn cub ... … .”

to live giddy jogging even the eyes yet lively _ that certainly emotions there is Road
carried It was a fist bump .

this puffy gone easy scream screaming chin grabbed _ this change it chin more hurt come
started will _

“ Next time no doubt kill that _ cub !”

bad feelings raw as it is exposed easy fist burr fell .

at least once Trends called a person good emotions had crab only foolishly felt _

“ Brother . volcano cubs chart chart not too not … … . brother ?”

involuntarily to the party speak handed over easy head tilted _

party perfect look at it serious visible with expression on the bed sit down something
contemplating there was
“ Brother . Are you okay ?”

“ Ummm .”

in trouble immersed party from the mouth submissive flowed out

“ a lot Are you sick ?”

“… … .”

“ He It's poisonous He said.”

that on horse party me too without knowing My eyelids rubbed _ Yuisul's the
government locked up Snow Suddenly dark bruised there was

“ Soso older sister accident , accident while doing please follow why that way I said … …
indeed usually People It wasn't . So Too then expression do not build do not live look A
little be right capital yes .”

“ That’s No. ”

“… … yes ?”

party Warak make an impression distorted .

Dang is he to a woman be beaten Mind maximum line know looks like of course go to
four thousand Basically family to women muhak don't tell not As much as it is a place ,
in any case to women be beaten cheek Days no _ so to think therefore shock to be capital
there is it's a thing do _ However now party got serious The reason is then that it wasn't

“ Sleep .”

“ Yes , brother .”

“… … you Are you okay ?”

“ Me ? I It's ok . lice A little shaking thing to be equal together this to some extent what
... … .”

“ No , that horse No. ”

party head I stumbled .

“ Again support didn't you?"

“ Ah , that You are talking .”

easy hair was scratched

“ No. _ what ... … tired did , but in fact scrutinize look jin also Is n't it ? poison memorize for
practical use if you used of course would have won thing It seems .”

“ Really like that do you think ?”

of course yes to answer did Dang is Moment party expression report to wear closed .
party expression think More than it was serious

“ Of course yes as the saying goes U.S extreme poison use , and damage I think not for
practical use memorize if you used situation A little get better souya there must have
been However that volcanic the same Isn't it? "

“ That’s what Are you saying … … .”

“ Because it’s Dalian yes chin Hurt will , my Snow bruised that 's it If it was real yes sore
throat cut off , my Snow would have flown will .”

just then sassy face do the same got serious party deep sigh exhale said .

“ They it's an inspection especially volcanic swordsmanship Sapa More than poisonous
comment take it didn't you ? they in practice one to a person two of to cut will do Days
to be thing Is it the same ?”

“… … .”

“ I at Maehwado copy their black that which sectarian than a sword concise and also It
was cruel . what if that sword To us If swung ... … they Us to knock down Time chisel
need there wouldn't have been swordsman range in entering Moment life be broken
because it will .”

Dang is this on horse don't refute could n't

what if today gaping Dalian If it was real he copy that is two Eyes flirting His chin turn
Daedan jogging face not His neck cut passing by frosty jogging it was just the back will _
picture do you think once again spine get cool came .

“ Of course If it was real you too clinging could n't But … … no matter how even thinking I
result not change would not have thing It’s like .”

“… … brother .”

“ to deny number Do not have girl try to deny studious as much as stupid done no _
important thing , there is fact to deny that not problem how will you solve it you now
party The problem what do you think ?”

party to the question Dang is in trouble fell out really problem to find if one or two it

“ reminds me case Too But … … critical case say one see .”

“ What ?”

“ practice experience .”

party head Big nodded .

“ my thought same .”

two People thinking The problem same the reason is there was this time Dalian suffering
only after two people It's called Sacheondangmun clan Specific Different Moonpawa
properly fight copy experience no fact recognized will _

“… … In Maehwado this The problem I didn't … … .”

“ misunderstood beggar .”
sassy at the sound of volmen party bitterish in tone said .

“ Then we are party dignity under a thousand shaken I was happy, but … … turn around
look that Danga well done that not the volcano that was great will _ they to the party
pouring out every attack stop give up the road pierce inside Was n't it ?"

“ Even in the water Us aiming up to the numbers face it gave it .”

“ Yes . However we that is party It's skill I thought . colleague life bet shield listen protect
giving in the meantime comfortably arrow only shoot Dan archer My hit the mark proud
It was like that.”

that poignant on evaluation easy lips a little bit off

too much cool It's an evaluation , but don't refute could n't this speak and cheat thrill
people rather than called party girl know to be It was because

“ properly became practice go through pussy if not problem to discover medical charge
no _ this time Dalian suffering only after I Danga have the problems I saw it .”

easy head nodded . listen Bonnie felt dot There were many .

go to distance leave fight when best in the world It's called Moonpa chart exaggeration
not , but the distance getting closer from the moment that of skill Peninsula properly not
perform ca n't

problem is , from now on they have to go through will do fighter from all sides enemy
rushing melee to be probability high will _ then in the situation protect without to the
enemy if exposed what forage Whether to be too much Shh guess not isn't it ?

firm with face in thought locked there was easy suddenly head flash listen party looked up

“ By the way , brother .”

“ Um ?”

“ Then … … Volcano Swordsman this every girl anticipate this situation made will it ?”

“ Perhaps .”

party bitterish smile was worn

“ directly suffering feel behold it must have meant Volcano Swordsman in practice in as
much as other to follow It's not allowed , Danga have problem Clearly invisible Would n't
it ?"

“ The Lord also you didn't know... … No , the Lord know you might have been I don't
know ... … anyway then part Volcano Swordsman first Are you pointing out ?”

“ Don’t get me wrong tell me .”

that Moment party voice is a little it sank

“ The Lord than volcanic swords more strong Go Soo-il number is may be , but with in
practice About experience is separate It’s a problem .”

“… … .”
“ other clan life case in the fight to be exposed while , go always one foot back off there
was even Even the old file room life have to walk did Yangtze River Disaster sometimes ,
this time hangzhou horse flower when go to not participate Did n't you?"

“… … that Yes, but .”

“ _ dozen year U.S suffered In practice Only plum blossoms . However I Volcano
Swordsman some sun before My life threatening enemy endlessly fight came . to
everyone Headquarters to be attacked and in the North Sea I magic fought _ black
dragon chai battlefield in the middle Jang Il-so fought , this time In addition How are

Dang is Moment brain creepy in the mood nothing speak summer solstice could n't

“ We Meantime a volcano friendly consider On that is true , but maybe that friendliness
Because called a volcano Moonpawa It's called volcanic sword uninhabited Too easily
even thought I don't know . they U.S thinking More than Great These are .”

easy deep sigh exhaled _

“ Then just in words sun even if I gave to be I would .”

“ Then Did you understand ?”

“… … .”

“ to understand chuck would have done However inside the bone depth not engraved
couldn't will _ what is a person directly suffer not work always Roughly accepting Because
it is the law .”

party throbbing My Eye around was touched

“ stop a lesson getting If the price is … … this degree about a wound cheap eaten that is .”

Dang is Moment blankly party saw _ party puzzled with face asked .
“ Why Is that so ?”

“ No. _ nothing No. ”

Dang is don't answer without head I stumbled .

oh my from time to time realistically became _ why party four thousand give the cow he
just party evil son Is it just I mean . just age it's because even to look difficult . the bowl
different and accepting time different _

at least once party dismissed he Soga-ju might be not knowing dream had crab now _
circumvolution only funny did _

“ Brother . then now how Sun do you?”

“You have to go through it .”

party on the face determined will rubbed off

“ The Volcano Swordsman there with sincerity plate lay gist didn't you? scarce practice
Most to complement myself most cherish here is volcanic the disciples generously take
out gist didn't you? then gratefully to use crab U.S Sun will do duty Is n't it ?"

“ What are you talking I see .”

“ Only .”

“ Yes ?”

party Binggrae smile built .

“ Yeah so continue like now blindly to be broken number is no . children Gather Come .”

“ what to do... … .”

“ Lord, Volcano Swordsman To us wish Days just bump into to break case not will _
desperately thinking and again complement volcanic equally to face How to to find out it
would be .”

“… … .”
“ That’s with you I two people I'm thinking conclusion come out worthy The problem No.
_ little more Many of these speak listen , a little more Many these have to think will do It's
a problem .”

“ But bro ... … . like that if brother's authority … … .”

“ useless sound you do volcano within Volcano Sword Consultation authority is more
than anyone strong _ Yes so where Volcano Swordsman ears blocking My just talk follow
me shouting Ether ?”

“ such thing Do you think ?”

“… … .”

speechless blocked party Moment hazy expression built .

“ That … … . uh ... … . no . that … … . yes it is together _ That's ... … Whoops !”

party quickly cough in vain atmosphere ventilated _

“ Anyway I In our view , we Sun will do work authority tout crab No. _ perhaps volcanic
power is from above down to the bottom distribution get off leave formal without
talking communicating from thing coming out may bet I don't know . Right away Before
most excellent example there is eyes and ears blocking did way only adherent that is
stupid shit only .”

party Binggrae smile built .

“ a little more open it see you Volcano Swordsman now To us this work letting thing , to
us little more coming up My heart little more to open meaning will _ that much have
eardrum yourself opening , we what closely closed stick have only Will you keep it ?”

that on horse easy head I stumbled .

“ Honestly In other words , I brother's the word well Understanding Branch does not . the
volcano okay have to see emerging in the doorstep just , we go to already hundreds year
Sichuan as a loser skill prove it On clan Isn't it ? of course everyone's backlash to be will .”

“… … I will capital there will be .”

“ But … … .”
easy hardened by eye party facing saw _

“ Brother’s the word I will follow you . However , my in the eyes the volcano awesome
show me not that _ name coming down min Different not to be brother it's because
Thing if you know do .”

for awhile speechless blocked seemingly was silent party head one th snuggle bowed
down small in voice said .

“ Thank you .”

“ Then I will go .”

“ Yes .”

easy Hurry a room spiral After , the party deep sigh exhaled _

' I Too easily I thought .'

Everyone is in a sense if we gather every that Shh unravel line got it However each other
Different these in one place gathering moment , visible that is each other have difference
and Own scarce was the point .

“ Yes . handl turn away number is There will be none .”

party lightly fist gripped it

the volcano Cheon Woo Meng lead Handle , their Next only as an assistant to remain
thinking is Chuhodo there was no go to never a volcano assisting these not won't will _
sometimes a volcano lead prayer and at any time the volcano lean on number there is
such clan should be do _

that is Dangain pride , and small owner party It was pride .

“ that before For once … … I volcanic even for demons defeat what is one Burn is let me
know I have to give it . U.S felt Thing bag and baggage feel Let's see .”

party puffy this grinded .

Unfortunately he unwittingly there was His expression Suddenly volcano with demons
look alike Going that there is I mean .
1115 episodes . me do well number will there be (5)

like that go to very sombre in the mood wet heard _ one Burn is by mistake I lost make
excuses number Whether I do not know , but in a losing streak excuse have a chance there
was no Because .

and shock is This time as time goes by rather more darkened . really would have lost
when crazy I was sick I will capital that I passed , but thinking about it The more I think
cheat sorely came .

petty by name at the party strength A little to write these all summoned after this the
atmosphere More got serious return situation , this defeat Seriously to accept girl see
gave Because .

But … … today Cheon Woo Blind dwelling manor within most atmosphere good not the
side Danga not Right away It was Namgungse .

on Namgungdo ball rest bird without convulsions caused _

then His face copy Namgungdan is maybe even the snow meet you head snuggle bowed

Namgungdowi Someone's was it your son ?

Different not that of Namgung is the son of course parents called a child so that
inclination completely to be continued the law no , but generally which degree
resembling not wasn't it ?

Namgungdan is know there was usual Namgungdowi is Namgung Palace recall difficult
as much as common sense Although it is a character , the eyes go back discarded
Namgungdowi is which in terms of Namgung Palace to surpass as much as rushed side
that there is fact .

so oh my when me dead do head bow down do _ really bone diagram pond reasoning
smashed Nago want to if not .

' angry A lot of You're born .'

hahaha I will Mando did _

Namgungdowi is in heaven coming in really Many Thing abandoned .

to the family About self- esteem , self About pride . furthermore clan stack up laid
blowing Besides , external even the honor how much put it down

However then Also to Namgungdowi never put down number Do not have that there
was … … .

“ other these too not … … .”

“… … .”

“ To Sapa … … .”

on Namgungdo around the eyes convulsions caused _ that expression copy Everyone is
head snuggle bowed down

“ In the underworld you are the father this forage If you saw ... … .”

just imagining body Absolutely burr trembled _ Snow back stick sword holding running of
Namgung look in my mind painted will _

really Namgung Hwang this forage if you saw of the flame neck even by hitting in the
present to come would have will _ that is possible one thing not sure second I mean .

Namgungdowi is now to your fingertips rattle fell . shock it was extreme

“ Somehow Namgung Sega ... … .”

“ Cow , Lord of the cows ! Too don't blame yourself Do not ! This Lord of Soga wrong
No !”

“ Yes , my lord ! This all we weak It's your fault !”

“ ugh . Sorry .”

portrait book seperately there was no silks This on Namgungdo ten thousand No. _

of course green forest Normal safaga no , green among the Choi Jeong Ye-man gather
there is greenish never comfortably cheek number no _ of electric power placenta
bankrupt Namgung Sega to face yet heavy may have been a place I don't know .
However that realistic story day Only . Namgungse people perishing Han Yi even if Sapa
only for guys surface not to be speak like a lullaby listen Goto sleep came . high in pride
hurt can't happen won't lee there was no

“ No , no . This all my It is wrong .”

“ Lord of Soga . right does not .”

“ I not my father you if in command Wolf wretchedly losing Days Was there ?”

Everyone is Moment to wear shut up abandoned .

“ simply swordsmanship discussing that No. _ father's inaction me to the extent was only
though , he Namgung if led in the greenery losing work there wouldn't have been will .”

that speak be positive no , answer will do medical charge there was no yes let's do it
Namgungdowi disregarding it's like that no let's do it Namgung Palace slashing poor
Became throw away isn't it ? this one too over there too the answer no just to be silent
have no choice but to

“ Yes . Now is I not enough Namgung not enough But … … .”

on Namgungdo in the eyes bloody clerk started _

“ like this being hit but not won't will _ my to them certainly Namgung Sega which where
clearly let me know Giving and Namgung honor get back will !”

“ Yes , Lord Soga !” ” Yes . number to be It will !” cheering the gasoline looking
Namgungdowi Big head He nodded .” But … … .”

“ Yes ?”

How come on Namgungdo expression strangely change let's go petrol flinched _

“ That’s only me so felled work Is n't it ?"

on Namgungdo voice is strangely It was blunt .

“ Is that right ?”

“… … that … right ? ”
“ You to blame the horse It's not ... … Probably everyone skill little , very any that it is not
enough thinking into That is .”

“… … .”

“ skill if not enough water lily to stretch no choice but to no won't you ?"

“ here water lily more ?”

Even now 👌👌 as much as do do you have this not enough ?

“ No , no .”

Namgungdowi head Hwihwi it was

“ You to be lazy the horse No. _ Just … … I even the saffrons win can't there is situation If
you think about it , a little more have to try summer solstice won't you this I mean .”

“… … .”

“ How do you think ?”

“… … .”

“ Huh ?”

“ That … … .”

Namgungdan awkwardly to wear take off swipe behind looked back Everyone is resigned
with face Eyes winding up there was

' to rot ... … .'

have to, other people too not of Namgung The name come out I threw it away what
channel resistance would you ?

“ Meaning … Road do it .”

“ Thank you !”

Namgungdowi on the spot jump happened _

“ The horse came out at Kim Right away to practice Let 's go !”

“ Yes ? Ji , now ?”

“ Any problem Are you there? ”

“ No … … . today dressed injured yet … … .”

that on horse Everyone is sneakily head nodding timidly responded .

“ The bones aching … … .”

“ eight tingle … … .”

Everyone is look at avoid Namgungdowi them stare see Within head turned _ out the
window the night sky see face it was sad

“ Father watching you will I would ... … .”

“… … .”

“ On the Yangtze River to scream dead predecessor the Lord U.S Namgung's name to
recover Oh my gosh … … .”

“ Oh , damn it ! I do ! What hey , this cubs ! Let 's go ! to practice Let 's go !”

“… … yes .”

“ Turn it off … … .”

in the slaughterhouse dragged like a cow outside outgoing these looking up

Namgungdowi is delightfully laughed _

“ The truth is all through It's the law .”

like this In addition one People to fall there was


“ Uhhhhhhh ! Green King ! that cubs expression Did you see it ?”

“ Is it a prestigious school or something ? damn it Dude ! Ha ha ha ha ha !”

“ Oh . ten year aged congestion all Come down !”

of green trees fraud is the sky stabbed .

Bondi To them Namgungse is going with heaven was like Meantime I to rot Namgung
last name to the guys how much Many green trees embarrassment did you pay

of course that fundamentally green It's wrong , but it 's wrong Wrong , refreshing that is
exhilarating it was

partisan of bastards nose flat make giving just by alcohol one Bell without take number
there is , that sectarian Different not I Is it Namgung Sei? the green trees than this more
Feel good medical charge there was no

“ nothing not things !”

“ I properly If it sticks all smashed pay number that You did it !”

“ Huh . this enough I Namgung Hwang live even if there were try Would you have done
it ?”

now reality beyond to the delusion to take start around time , somewhere c do fan
folding sound heard _

for a moment mouse dead seemingly quiet green trees swipe look at turn Lim So-byeong
complexion looked at His face in the eyes conspicuously hardened there was

“ Are you okay ?”

“… … .”

“ Are you okay? Babies ?”

awkward with expression lingering green trees on behalf of caterpillar sneakily Forward
went out

“ Why like that Feel are you bad I Namgung Sega Fall squeak pond to do step on I gave it

“ step on give me ?”
Im So-byeong snort hit .

“ This is now stepped on bastards is it shaving ? trampled bastards shaving Is n't it ?”

that on horse some of bastards face red heated up

Excitingly to be happy but , their face too zero horse it wasn't struggle to pay Here and
there puffy swelling up there was will _

" nerd same guys . blue with young guys stuck far away hit barely win put like this good
run wild there is .”

“ That , though winning case won ... … .”

“… … what ?”

Lim So-byeong Snow get thin caterpillar Thick neck like lightning shrugged off

“ Twitter .”

Im So-byeong uncomfortable a sign there is Road revealing tongue full .

' If only lost .'

today they winning The reason is very Simple .

Namgung Sega's power in the past half way crazy unable plus greenery conducted crab
Different not was a sick Because .

Backwards Say it Im So-byeong do not direct if not half way die sluggish Namgung Sega
Fall also against to lose number that there was make sense becomes _

' This It's a problem .'

Im So-byeong sick sound gave out

green forest never few strong lead going clan No. _ their power is overwhelmingly Many
in the number come out so to think therefore regret feel even if you don't to be may be
the result I don't know . However Im So-byeong know there is
This just excuse that only fact . and this Right away so far green forest historically most
old Even in Sapa only one never Sapa chieftain not unhappy that the reason I mean .

“ now exposed if it is street we are Namgungse one to organize difficult . that the horse
Different sapphire clan against smashed me that only beggar .”

“ That’s what are you talking ? under heaven there is we the brothers just to gather if Oh
my gosh not against can't clan None !”

“… … Gather ?”

Im So-byeong what is that a dog seemingly caterpillar I stared .

“ So those guys so far in one place gathered few are there ?”

“… … That's it ... … .”

“ horse as it is I'm in the midfield all spread out there is guys what channel in one place
gather ? Moira news transmitted Deman one the moon over I will take it .”

caterpillar to wear closed . he too right I mean . green forest under heaven on the
mountain influence injurious I'm a cunning man , but so extensively spread out have
Bonnie collective movement almost because it 's impossible

“ And … … diarrhea person transmitted Handle , those guys really my Command in one
wild vegetables all empty everyone Shall I run ?”

“ Yeah natural I mean ! of the green forest You have a name !”

“ Really ?”

“… … .”

“ Really ?”

“… … that … … wild vegetables Too if you let it go The problem handsome do .”

“ Ew .”

Im So-byeong sigh puff exhaled _

in heaven lifting until he too this every Thing to clean up able to afford there was no right
now sickly body lead Him hositamtam aiming long day against look hide going delayed
game unfold just by every heart consuming because the situation

no matter how excellent resourcefulness with have chart limit is clearly there was now
Cheon Woo-blind holding Single problem barely I solved it again Different The problem
tremendously popped out

“ Once … … In reality tell me , the greenery never not weak not .”

“ Of course speak .”

“ But In addition At the same time relentlessly weak . power is overflowing , in fact to use
number there is power is nonsense not very Weak .”

“… … .”

“ And Gather let go have to see only people a lot Before the local war Not at all take
advantage of not okay . from this in the midst of war will do number there is do it
number of heads used supply except no bottom I mean .”

Im So-byeong murmur everyone all the way looked around

“ How Do you think ?”

“ Yes ?”

“ problem if there is solve have to not okay ?”

“… … hey But … … .”

“ Fortunately I this solve How to know there is a solution knowingly not fulfill not case
under heaven asshole bastard even if called will do word Do not have would it be ?”

“ I … … .”

caterpillar sneakily asked .

“ I’m sorry , but that that's a solution crab what is even if you ask Would you ? ”

that on horse Im So-byeong bite for giving that it is unique as if head nodded .
“ It's not that simple . for now main point power reinforced it ' ll green vegetables when
you get stronger green influence to increase tego , then in the greenery About my
influence get stronger then Eventually green wood the whole A little more Will it be fast

caterpillar puzzled with face asked .

“ That’s Until now do there was Work Isn't it ? therefore The Green Forest King ... … .”

“ No. ”

Im So-byeong finger left and right it was

“ and there is line I thought it wasn't beggar . me too born Sapa it's a bastard Bonnie
water lily crab everyone by itself By-self doing case line All right .”

“… … .”

“ But volcano guys doing girl Bonnie this It's a newspaper wanted to like that if It
becomes in the meantime why not would you do it? ”

“ That , that we way … … .”

“ Ah , that to worry about thing no . I to decide crab we it's the way what _ not okay ?”

“… … .”

“ And I It looks … … volcanic method diagram little Weak .”

“ Yes ?”

Moment to wear walk away Berlin green trees Lim So-byeong blankly saw _ in the eyes
This In addition what is that a dog question was full

“ Like in real life To really like in real life have to partisan it's bastards cost weak who one
will I die look pretend you do .”

“… … .”

“ People really be prepared if chopped a sacrifice have to endure right do n't you?”

“… … .”
“ Whoops, whoops . this no way this in a way Volcanic Sword Association
resourcefulness to compete Days to happen line is did you not know I very properly see
give . Sapa way what is I mean .”

of green trees face pale die Going started _


next me morning .

“ Whew .”

Hyunjong deep sigh exhaled _

he faced situation if you think anxious Do not have that more Strange , but that even
taking into account today Hyeonjong facial expression exceptionally dark seemed _

“ will come Days not ... … .”

actually they on the Yangtze River perched that is intent No. _

Originally only the refugees somehow rescue I behind to the island to go back It was a
thought .

By the way suddenly magician to appear situation twisted here sit down Became
discarded will _

of course My name is Hyunjong so this situation only badly here that is No. _

anyway party price including Thousands of men together stay it's done make friends
minced to be this More than good chance none I thought Because .

yes . make friends for … … . make friends In order to I mean .

But .

“ replace How come ... … .”

make friends far from chopping mask increasingly each other interracial goal deepening
thing not the same isn't it ?
Cheon Woo-blind lord Hyeonjong from the standpoint cheat ride can not rot to stand
out thing same the situation was

“ Ok .”

in my mind giggling smiling clear look recalled Hyunjong head loudly it was

that guy nothing think without work happening not , definitely this situation subsequent
case good unhappy it's a thing

“ no It will be .”

the guy more rampage before Proper in line in arbitration have to go in do _

today water lily directly to visit made up Hyunjong quickly dance hall toward feet moved

yet Cheongmyeong guy too come out would not have situation , first go take a seat hold
training all the time notice give situation at least a little it will get better

However then Hyeonjong leaning in the gym to arrive Moment word as it is shattered
came out

“ Ahhhhhhhh !”

" hey this Sapa Baby !”

“ This dog same poisoner Guys !”

“ You most It's a problem ! this volcano devil Babies !”

“… … .”

Hyunjong vacant by eye ballroom Molgol (? ) looked up

now friendly enemy no _

volcano . per price . Namgung . greenery .

each the world to represent enough clan arbitrarily entangled fight a fight doing there
“ Uh … … .”

Hyeonjong mouth Absolutely happens _

“ Die !”

of our place painting same angle of rotation My old-fashioned chin chin blow up throw
away look copy Hyunjong himself too without knowing Eyes sticky rolled up

here It's an endless hell . here .

" hey . By-self already started .”

“… … .”

Hyunjong slowly head turn whistle walking clarification looked up

“I don’t even did n't good job great . this teaching It's rewarding ! Enjoy !”

“… … .”

probably .

Cheon Woo Maeng damn thing same _

1116 episodes . that all get ready I put it ! (One)

People People looking at the eyes generally to schedule it's bound to happen

mature child looking at My mother's Eyes , lovely daughter looking at father's eyes , or
bold disciple looking at master's the eyes most in the situation It's the same .
However now here there is these clarification looking at the eyes Truly to complicate It
was not .

“ Why ?”

and Cheongmyeong these this eyes sending The reason continuity I understand unable
was the shape

“ Why People then by eye see ?”

finished Hyeonjong from the mouth sick sound leak came out

self is nothing wrong no seemingly innocence dazzling by eye look up coming

clarification report let's go inside a thousand dollars soaring It was a feeling .

However Hyun Jong-eun is a thief so Most calmly speak took it out

“… … Cheong Myung-ah .”

“ Yes ?”

“ Probably now blind little The problem there is thing same I see you .”

“ Yes ? Is it a problem ?”

“… … .”

“ Are you here ?”

Cheongmyeong Not at all I don't know seemingly head tilted .

unconsciously clear expression Again look discarded Hyun Jong-eun Own folly lamented
_ What to do I face look already upset deceive one th more turn over mean ?

“ Turn it off … … .”

Hyunjong tantrum burst speak Following Branch let's not phenomenon bitter laugh
building to wear opened . oh my at the time will do speak instead sun giving also elder
role wouldn't it ?

“ Moon-in Jang now in cheonwoomeng going on there is do things you are concerned
will .”

“ Ah , is it ? ”

Cheongmyeong that I understood seemingly head nod _

“ Certainly be concerned worth it Jang Mun-in what say the word do you do I see .”

“You know ?”
Hyunjong suspicious with face clarification looked up this guy Wolf hurry horse through
the guy not ... … .

and Cheongmyeong I knew it this time too Hyeonjong anticipation not betray did n't

“ Practical only to suffer Foundation water lily that it is not enough you say not still I Also
that part I was thinking It was a car .”

“… … .”

“ Ha . this Oh yeah easy I don't . Originally two all should be parallel You say . on one
side Too if it is biased not felled I mean ... … . Sleep A little tell me to cut Sun one .”

“ Then all die ... … .”

“ Ah , what that to the extent People die ? not die , no die .”

chubby no seemingly hand stir-fry Cheongmyeong the guy looking Hyunjong My chest
bang knocked .

“ Hey , you bastard ! Nowadays witnesses each other how do you treat do you know Are
you there? ”

“ Yes ?”

“ Only in the gym fight Good luck ! three days Between in the restaurant swordsman I
crab count Burn it ! sleep not side frontal department fight attached crab two Burn !”

“… … .”

“ And ! to fight even finely fight That 's it ! borrowed in the manor wall Destroy it ! roof
hit blow up Go ! even until the fire run ?”

“ Wow , fire A little It was bad .”

not still volcano the disciples magician have come in at the time that damn guys tired fire
Because engraving Holly blow up eaten experience in fire sound only listen even while
sleeping cold sweat shedding jump it 's happening ah so _ tired is it ? It must be a small
soldier .

This certainly it's a small sickness indeed to belittle number not … … .

“ This is how What doing what are you doing ? This is it ! manor borrowing than money
bite giving money more a lot Got it !”

“ Ah , the money. A lot of while earning .”

“ This is money problem ! money ?”

“ Yes !”

that Moment Hyun-Young annoyance shout out screaming Hyeonjong help go out
surprise amazed Hyunjong head stroke turn Hyun-Young looked up this guy like this my
side field the guy isn't it ?

" hey , this boy ! no matter how money even if there are many picture popping write put
look beggar pond avoiding it ! the more spare line need to know ! So that old age be
comfortable crab Isn't it !"

… … was that one

Hyunjong then right doing with face sigh snuggle exhaled _

“ Cheongmyung-ah .”

“ Yes ?”

“ I Probably worried It will happen .”

Hyeonjong face I became serious , but clear face is still infinitely it was bright

“ a day far do fight happens .”

“ The kids usually fighting growing That ’s it .”

“ The wounded infrequently come out There is .”

“ The kids fight look get hurt doing That ’s it .”

“… … each other emotion the day increasingly getting worse There is .”

“ Originally the kids cheat narrow well beep , then me when no matter what not reconcile
That … … .”
“ Seriously A little Listen !”

ears pull flirting answering clarification looking finished Hyunjong roaring exploded _ and
stiffen coming neck behind chin grabbed _

“ Aww !”

“ Oh my gosh , long doorman !”

“ Hey , age. you have not excited drink it why keep going !”

“ Turn it off … … .”

Hyunjong bad breathe hook hook exhale clarification looked up However Hyunjong or or
not Cheongmyeong still ' I Perhaps What Did I do something wrong ?' do asking as if in the
world most innocent expression building to be it was only

' me abominable … … .'

oh my when really kicking want to to Hyeonjong in most big misfortune to him red
clothes embrace giving existence and vase embrace giving existence that it is the same
divination will _

“ Hey , you bastard !”

“ Yes ?”

“ Chun Woo Maeng which Is there any place !”

Hyunjong half way as if, and half way back like mine said .

“ Everyone in a sense friend felled it's a place certainly yes Into the mouth tell me Wasn't
it !"

“ It was … … Was it ?”

“ Hey !”

“ Oh , I remember . Do you remember? ”

“ Turn it off .”
tantrum popped seemingly take a deep breath one Hyunjong determined speak was _

“ But you really everyone Gather put one work is each other fight paste it ! side Gala make
a fist to do one only thing more Is there ! only like this blind only to be divided doing
thing Isn't it !"

“ A split ?”

that speak heard Cheongmyeong Eyes round popped up

“ Yes ! not divided Isn't it !"

“ No , the old man . that is what Are you talking ?”

Cheongmyeong then outrageous the horse for the first time in my life to hear seemingly
asked .

“ In the beginning properly combined equator No , is it a split ? no , kid to give birth

raised poetry collection sent or not marry sent or not Don't .”

“… … what Dosaran the guy parable Is that so ?”

“ The truth is That’s right .”

Cheongmyeong shoulder Shrugged .

“ The horse it 's cheonwoobeng U.S when greenery with Namgung friendly copy ever do
you have Sacheondanggarangdo friendly copy enemy Do not have It's a plate ."

“… … Are you friendly? ”

“ With Jang Moon-in Lord is You must be friendly .”

“ No , the children … … .”

“ Oh ?”

Cheongmyeong hijuk laughing Hyeonjong look up

“ Oh my gosh . like that friendly kids touk stabbed like that collar hold kill as if fight stand
It looks like hey ! midfield moral on the floor you fell Sapa cubs swear crab None .”
will do horse gone Hyun Jong-eun honey eaten like a dumb clarification blankly looked
up actually I horse notably not wrong not . Cheon Woo Blind really each other between if
it was good this up to the situation wide open would not have will _

actually Cheon Woo Maeng by nature each other between good number Do not have
where _

no matter how sectarian work Moonju to decide that But , even the heart following case
No. _

each sectarian patrons each other friendship to divide did so even the monks of the mind
the wall crumbling case Isn't it ?

However yes clear on horse agree case it wasn't

“ So More this Days shouldn't summer solstice won't you ?"

“ Why ?”

“ not friendly if not familiarly to make will do that Isn't it ! By the way fictional me fight or
do there is between more only get worse summer solstice Do n't you?"

“ That’s what Are you talking ?”

“ Huh ?”

Cheongmyeong this time joke not really Understanding not going seemingly head tilted _

“ People getting acquainted place fighting than more good way Are you there ?”

“… … huh ?”

“ Usually punching A little share after greatly I was friendly .”

vacant by eye clarification looking at Hyunjong suddenly Something egg thing the same
seemingly asked .

“ that Maybe … … Cheongmyung-ah ?”

“ Yes .”
“ That … … you said to be friendly crab … … Perhaps opponent don't refute not or become
suddenly friendly or … … .”

“ Yes . alcohol give .”

“… … .”

“ The rice give .”

“… … .”

Hyun Jong-eun stop Eyes sticky winding up fell . on the corner of the eye moist dew tied

this guy how on the volcano come in Before which life mountain will ? how which in hell I
wish I rolled People like that way of thinking have done is that

“ That’s getting acquainted crab not succumbing thing Is n't it ?"

“ That’s that I mean , what .”

“ That’s how same Did you mean !”

that Moment Cheongmyeong prey laughed _

“ The old man . now those guys fighting there is radical the reason is what Do you think

“ You Because I messed up .”

“… … .”

“ Isn’t it? ”

“ That … … calendar part , very small the part right I mean that is radical The reason is No.

Cheongmyeong perfect cut said .

“ The old man . we are I am a Taoist , but that Before Unmanned .”

“ That’s In addition what mean ?”

“ Min is what to do number without who more whether you are strong compete report
want Seungsim Ho as one living It’s a tribe .”

Hyunjong to wear closed . that expression copy Cheongmyeong hijuk laughed _

“ blood hearty kids Gather let go , just Each other respect salah to say that is would you
like someday to burst if it's a problem rather suck blow up throw away sum up throw
away crab Better .”

Hyunjong outrageous no with face clarification looked up

“ So yes The words … … now they order fight do that there is was it ?”

“ In other words, That ’s right .”

“ No , what town dogs too no what sequence ... … .”

“ A. _ that is not It's the other way around .”

Cheongmyeong hand Hwihwi it was

Cheongmyeong hand Hwihwi it was

“ Neighborhood dogs too doing girl how People not will do medical charge Is there that
Too natural That ’s it .”

“… … .”

“ Originally ' we side more ' count _ East and West regardless never disappear not I mean
. that by force press let go just stick to fight put crab All right .”

Hyunjong to wear blah blah spread out

“ Oh no _ this .”

let's listen if this Taoist logic and congruent side there is

to go naturally flowing Thing by force against lift does not that is of the world flow or
whatever not people's mind the same by force blocking that rather angry raising work
Because .

' other People this speak if you did excellent would have praised But … … .'
the problem is this malco the guy sacred Taoist thought My sophistry reinforced like a
footwrap here is being human was the point .

“ The words … … yes i mean That's right . Whoops !”

However gate long writer Hyun Jong-eun this on horse to rebut Too It was difficult .
some times in my mind speak Choose barely to wear opened .

“ But … … yes . Yes handl each other get along staying that good didn't you ? if possible
Suncheon (順天) easy Do n't you?"

“ Oh ?”

Cheongmyeong strange expression built .

“ So inside what think harden liver seemingly friendly chuck ha ha ha let's do it this the
word right ?”

“ Yeah , so far .”

“ Good . of course That too bad does not .”

“ Huh ?”

than expected Different to answer Hyunjong head tilt _ this guy In addition what speak
try to .

no Is it different , Cheongmyeong on the lips evil smile bloomed _

“ But that … … Is it face? what all take it , they Great work do there is while praising
seemingly ha ha ha pretend drop Daego friendly pretending place .”

“… … .”

“ such place I very well I know . that … … It's called the old file room. listen did you see I
don't know .”

Hyun Jong-eun Moment popping deceive what to do can't face wrapped around gripped
“ Oh my gosh , Jang Moon-in so too like an old file room do it if you wish student
became by way What what to do ! tears hold on that hypocrisy pretense to the world
feet soak out of necessity … … .”

“ work Do it , you bastard !”

“ Giggle giggle .”

Hyeonjong deceive to the fullest turn over laid Cheongmyeong swipe in color to wear
opened .

“ Moon-in Jang really then girl do you wish You will not .”

Hyun Jong-eun doing number without head nodding fell .

1117 t . that all get ready I put it ! (2)

old file room Is it like

that the horse at all put up with number was the word Hyunjong old file room in
hypocrisy how much Many disappointment did you

However think look he mouth outside exhaled horse I old file room behavior and picture
different not thing was like each other emotions hiding good face to face to treat repeat
piled up stacked that finished 🥳🥳 popped crab Right away now old file room Is n't it ?

Cheongmyeong Hyeonjong upright looking said .

“ In the beginning with people Person Between The problem Do not have also Weird It's
a job , Munpa and clan nothing Problem without to reconcile number to be Riga None .”

“… … .”

“ It’s a problem of course There is . important case that problem how do you solve Is n't
it ?"

“ It is But … … .”

that solution it's a way crab zero pond dubious crab Problem Is n't it ?

" pretense skimmed case good it's a thing However that as a result to each other about
Bad only emotions remain if rather pretend vibrant only unhappy thing Is n't it ?"

It's called the old file room. so pretend shaking I want to would it be Basically society
each other confidential heart clearly reveal difficult where _
in good faith competition the horse to hear good , but actually dragon giraffidae be
different bar no _ the horse exist but that reality Do not have will _ People with people
competition do look eventually jealousy lifting crab natural thing Isn't it ?

Cheongmyeong shoulder Shrugged .

“ What like that you would think capital but it is difficult not solve without covering crab
savvy Is n't it ?"

“ Ummm … … .”

Hyun Jong-eun suddenly this situation Oh yeah it's weird felt _

normally he theory talking , cheongmyeong sophistry laid out case There were many .
However Now is clear from the mouth coming out horse rather on the theory close _

keep difficult practice tiring theory I mean .

“ I Probably concern It will happen .”

“ Long-Wayman .”

Cheongmyeong serious by eye Hyeonjong facing saw _

“ If they Danga No , it 's green No , Namgung if not how have you been thing Do you like
it ?”

“ Um ?”

clear from the mouth Hard voice is flowed out

“ volcanic white porcelain ship and celadon ship Between goal If yes , indeed like now
Moderately cover it friendly chuck stay Did you say ?”

Hyunjong to wear hold on closed .

' Surely … … .'

what if white porcelain ship and celadon My stomach each other bad feelings hiding
each other prettier goo situation If it happened , Hyeonjong how anyway that situation
try to solve would have will _ yes somehow _ I mean .
that volcano the whole for never good Days because no

“… … I to them wall beating that there is Did you mean ?”

“ It’s a wall. will do up to that there will be no But … … really one like a clan don't think
you won't will .”

Hyeonjong between the brows narrows down really Is it like that ? no deny I want to with
the thought Dali mouth just like that fall off did n't

Cheongmyeong shoulder Shrug looks and said .

“ What like that be serious case None . that is like a horse easy case Is n't it ?"

“… … .”

“ Me too It was the same . this enough that's enough I thought . But … … It wasn’t .”

horse Do not have Hyeonjong looking Cheongmyeong bitterly laughed _

" Friend , what chatter If you put from us them one like a clan have to consider until now
U.S one the shape we the kids hard roll up hard have to practice However , others Home
the child dearly big to say adult soothing and be different crab There is none .”

“… … .”

“ That’s seemingly to look stranger child give preference giving thing same , but actually
my child only fond of That 's it . from now on yes not not Would it ?”

Hyunjong laugh out loud building fell .

he know Cheongmyeong on the volcano About affection maniac is a person sometimes

volcanic long writer than that Cheongmyeong a volcano some pear more dearly I think to
be felt as much as I mean .

then lice volcanic other gate liver discrimination do not put let's not talking there is will _

“… … Cheong Myung-ah .”

“ Yeah , the long writer .”

“ That’s correct was it ?”

“ Yes . I like that I think .”

“ that Because The problem to happen even ?”

“ Yes . every the problem case solve it throw away Moment nothing not That 's it .
dangerous case The problem occurring crab not The problem will it happen look blindly
covering I'd say Look .”

Hyeonjong from the mouth submissive flowed out

“ And .”

“ Huh ?”

Cheongmyeong hijuk laughed _

“ hey beating fight look As before ha ha ha with joy well stay number is there won't be At
least … … on the battlefield etc. behind line this believe number is to be to be It will .”

“… … .”

“ If that became thing Could it be? ”

Hyunjong head I stumbled .

“ I you friend say you want I thought . However now Bonnie you want case friend not
comrade _ _ _ _ It looks like it .”

“ No. _ I want case really Friends .”

“… … .”

“ On the surface friendly pretending crab not each other cursing slander However in crisis
if you face more than anyone first come running number there is Sai .”

until then Still two Conversation listen there was Tang military evil to wear opened .

“ so far the volcano that role enough sun gave it .”

“ Yes , that 's right . Occasionally Bonnie like that ok . However I wish case then crab No .
in heaven belonged Everyone is each other then relationship wish you wish That ’s it .”
“ difficult work .”

“ Yes , it is difficult .”

Cheongmyeong calmly said .

“ Of course persistence difficult will . But … … struggling if you try for a while not possible
Would it ?”

“ saffron and magic to face until mean ?”

Cheongmyeong that on horse dare don't answer did n't just shit Smile would have seen
Only . that laugh copy Tang military evil head I stumbled .

“ Rather than rather in delusion near work, but … … anyway I dissatisfaction None .”

“ Yes ?”

“ This on a chance party price to rearrange number that there is just by enough Because
I am satisfied .”

speak finished Tang military evil gloomy With a face ' last the winner Dang it , damn it
volcano bastards .' do murmured . that look seen Hyunjong to Qingming quickly notice
gave _ like that there is girl report then horse from the mouth do you come out seems

However Cheongmyeong still chuckle Smile Daego there was Hyun Jong-eun finally sigh
exhale fell .

' When not I wonder if it was … … .'

Cheongmyeong nothing think without work bee not saying that is Hyeonjongdo
accustomed know there is

just this time volcanic bay The problem not Different up to the clan get caught in Bonnie
concern deep only .

“ Cheongmyung-ah .”

“ Ah . worry Don't do it , long writer ."

“… … .”

“ The problem is there will be no It will .”

Hyunjong soberly sunken by eye clarification facing saw _

' It's still there .'

Hyun Jong-eun actually Danga and Different the clans protect wanted that No. _ perhaps
Cheongmyeong done to work Serious The problem would have looked If , other nobody
not to Qingming responsible Shall I go back I was worried will _

However Cheongmyeong already Hyeonjong then heart guessed was the shape

“ Yes . I see . yes meaning affection If so … … .”

Hyunjong heavily head nod _ finally he too Cheongmyeong to the guy power put on line
no choice but to there was no

“ But Chung Myung-ah . the problem is only that No. ”

“… … In addition what Are you there? ”

“ now this situation lead … … . no , aiding that more better yes thinking is enough I
understood . However they this situation hold on pay number whether there is separate
Problem Is n't it ?"

“ That’s In addition what … … .”

that Moment phenomenon in hand all ledger 🤩🤩🤩 turn over to wear opened .

“ Till today at Namgung injured fifteen person , light wounded twenty name . in the
greenery injured twenty eight number of people light box … … Is comprehension not ok .
Even in our injured Heat people came out .”

“ The casualty dare count didn't . go to that to some extent by itself to treat number
Because there is .”

“… … yes You are doing it .”

phenomenon party evil horse let's finish Hyunjong between the brows frowned .
“ Did you understand ?”

“… … .”

“ recently listen wounded Occur frequency rapidly increase there is furthermore injured
degree gradually getting worse there is I to look This water lily intensified happening
rather than a problem body Vertage unable on close I see you .”

“ Uh … … .”

Hyunjong this time get out difficult that seemingly conversion smile built .

“ However good It's called water lily chart body Vertage if not nothing to no avail Do not
have thing Is n't it ? you normally this part was considered , but this at a time that fact
missed It is the shape .”

“ No , Danga there is … … .”

Cheongmyeong swipe party music let's look Tang military evil Still smile built .

“ The best done but easy not .”

“ Really do your best done you are thing right ? Really ?”

“ Heh heh . natural sound you do you in the eyes I That small Seungsim Ho Because same
rice eating these discriminatory by teeth Can you see it? ”

In the past not I did . By the way Nowadays A little doubt to hear and … … .

“ I swear No. ”

“ Ok .”

of course Tang military music believe _

However I party evil in the body flowing party blood believe medical charge there was no
I noble also on the body in the world most it's embarrassing with face casually Yabawi
beaten human's blood flowing ' cause

“ Twok .”
heart disease there is evidence no _ Cheongmyeong questionable with face party music
shedding to Hyunjong again look at turned _

“ So at this point Moderately sutured crab it would be better at the outside each other
unison became bone disease listen properly fight do not let if not one only can't because
it will .”

“ Ah , that to worry thing None .”

“ Yeah , well . think … … . huh ? What ?”

“ Worry thing There is none .”

“… … Oh no . _ Cheong Myung-ah .”

“ So now situation while maintaining kids withstand way should be that You are talking .”

“ That … right ?”

“ A. _ Jang Mun-in . I who is it ! that all get ready I put it !”

“… … huh ?”

this way there is work ?

“ What , what how are you going to do it ?”

most realistic Way novice robbery lowering but in fact impossible it's a thing This
Cheongmyeong letting water lily not Because .

“ Volcano the kids How are you ? ”

“ Huh ? Volcano ?”

Hyunjong phenomenon looking answer requested _ OK phenomenon little shaky with

expression answered .

“ The volcano … … only minor injuries twenty or so name the injured None .”

“ No , why ?”

“… … Well . needlessly Are you strong ?”

Cheongmyeong giggling laughed _

“ volcanic regular take kids to be strong Lee None . that is all continuous constitution of
improvement result Is n't it ?"

“… … .”

“ nail hold on ? then hold on make give not . where because I'm weak I want to get out
make excuses do you ?”

“ Chung Myung-ah . how What get ready put is it? ”

“ Maybe now soon all It will .”

“ What ?”

“ What … … this prayer and who is also I do . soon Beast Palace binggong all will . top of
the galaxy Through pass it on I put it on . past three year During Gather put those all
holding Come .”

“… … .”

“ Jasodan one by pill in the mouth sting Put give rest even if you want rest do not let will
it be cum cum cum cum with the beast palace ice archery over there mix I have to put
that yangbans too Meantime far that there is as an excuse at ease lived , that forage
continue cheek number is Do n't you?"

“ Uh … … that … … .”

Chung Myung-ah . Binggung and Beast Archery care to write speak Oh yeah bizarrely
you do listening Person to misunderstand perfect good … … .

“ Giggle giggle !”

Cheongmyeong ship hold laughed .

“ In the meantime only us die blood I saw , how long that forage cheek number is no .
now even if you die all together perishing it ! later taken thing without we are backwards
falling out the sound even if you die pond to do sun give it ! Heh heh heh !”

Ah ... … .
misunderstanding was not it looks like

yes . yes ... … .

1118 t . that all get ready I put it ! (3)

“ Uhhhhhhhhh !”

one hundred thousand flying rain at a whack hit paid out

rubbing just by People in a coma to miss as much as strong poison is plentifully valine
bidoga on the sword soaked power win can't sky Height bounce went up

“… … Roughly I see .”

“I will .”

one hundred thousand sword closely grabbing in front of you line these looked up

“ So this Water lilies are … … simply adaptive crab approach no Are you a giant ?”

Danga and Namgung , and Department of Greenery fighting Know did it so even though
we fought their practice experience still that it is not enough Thing I mean .

accurately speaking In the face-to-face experience garage It's overflowing , but it's a group
battle experience is extremely not enough Especially each other inclination Different
Various group together together fight when you start My skill Peninsula not perform do
not let Became throw it away

maybe Cheongmyeong bastard in the eyes this would have seen will _ so this water lily
would have done it
and this time too Cheongmyeong bastard small sure effect performed _ fight the more
you fight this fight in what way pay do you rapidly to understand became _ Head get to
know before body first understand moving case this case leave talking would be

Yes , good . all good . The problem is … … .

' that only us suffering crab no beggar .'

I the yangbans group war About experience is Besides , in practice even experience this
training as one all absorbing is in progress a day differently get stronger , day by day
differently become sharp

facing one hundred thousand startle surprised as much as I mean .

' Meanwhile Us see People's Feel Was it like this ?'

Right away in front in the eyes make it visible growing these to watch that is greatly
different It was an experience . especially sword face to face that growth by body feel
until you see if emotions are My stomach becomes _

growing this watching thing , proud one person At the same time sense of crisis aroused
_ never catch up unwilling to will Absolutely burned up

This certainly good it was a thing

.... … simply Only their ' skills ' growing if it's I mean .

“ But … … This a little ... … .”

one hundred thousand Him toward sneak peek oncoming these trembling looked up

in both hands rain all stick fishy smile shedding party is enough understand number there
is in the first place to the family I have this water lily a volcano win for started because it

But … … .

“ Hmmm .”

Something little It's annoying what to do number no with expression sneak peek tighten
coming Namgungdowi or … … .
“ Heh heh heh … … .”

bluntly ' you this young well took ' doing with face oncoming Im So-byeong case little
different isn't it ?

“ There … … .”

one hundred thousand sneakily hand listen raised . and oncoming these toward allusion
speak handed over

“ Something … … novice make sense little faded thing It is like … … ?”

“ Oh ?”

“… … this melee Wasn't it ?"

“ Ha ha ha .”

that speak received that is Different not It was a small sickness .

“ Oh my gosh , we hundred thousand Dojo Something delusion do you are It looks like it

“ Yes ?”

“… … this Still training same you see shape ? huh ?”

openly growling Lim So-byeong looking one hundred thousand body burr fell .

“ No , what … … think look water lily Right Do n't you ?”

However party is indeed I vulgar Sapa with the guy opinion Different was the shape
indeed prestigious sacheondang inquiry cow … … .

“ The water lily water lily volcanic bay alone fun see water lily .”

“… … .”

No , no . party A little more cold _ I have to … … think look bad feelings Danga more it
must have been piled up
“ that fun we too A little together I 'll see you... … zero cheat You are narrow . hundred
thousand stamp .”

“… … therefore yesterday we eating on rice poison Did you ride ?”

“ Ha ha ha . enemy in the opposite I have means and How to cover don't tell let me
know given case Right away the volcano Isn't it ?"

“ Nevertheless that case … … .”

sleep listen there was Namgungdowi to wear opened .

“ Don’t get me wrong Don't do it , one hundred thousand stamp . bad feelings even
alittle None .”

“… … .”

“ This is just strategic judgment day only . just mixed up harness fight Danny volcanic bay
continue Are you winning ? losing war repeating as if stupid work None . not Is that so ?”

right , Namgung soga state . of course Yes .

However that horse persuasive power to be to hear that rocking sword little sideways
moved behind you have to tell will do thing I guess … … . sword keeps on twitching crab ,
my neck stab Daego I want to pond to endure willful by expression visible thing … … Is it
an illusion ?

“ Until now fun It would have been good .”

“ Win return Feel very It must have been refreshing .”

“ Slowly of defeat bitter taste see also bad won't will . We enough to taste as much as
taste it I got stronger . This all a volcano thinking from the heart doing work .”

“ in the mouth saliva put on … … .”

“ Nevertheless that case … … .”

sleep listen there was Namgungdowi to wear opened .

“ Don’t get me wrong Don't do it , one hundred thousand stamp . bad feelings even
alittle None .”
“… … .”

“ This is just strategic judgment day only . just mixed up harness fight Danny volcanic bay
continue Are you winning ? losing war repeating as if stupid work None . not Is that so ?”

right , Namgung soga state . of course Yes .

However that horse persuasive power to be to hear that rocking sword little sideways
moved behind you have to tell will do thing I guess … … . sword keeps on twitching crab ,
my neck stab Daego I want to pond to endure willful by expression visible thing … … Is it
an illusion ?

“ Until now fun It would have been good .”

“ Win return Feel very It must have been refreshing .”

“ Slowly of defeat bitter taste see also bad won't will . We enough to taste as much as
taste it I got stronger . This all a volcano thinking from the heart doing work .”

“ in the mouth saliva put on … … .”

“ Ha ha ha . Even a joke .”

Namgungdowi be kind trembling one hundred thousand waist of horse cut .

“ Volcano enough we three At the same time facing place Not at all The problem there
will be no will .”

“ problem Is there ?”

“ Am . That 's right . Different not It’s a volcano .”

“… … Problem Is there ? over there ?”

one hundred thousand sweat beep shedding backwards stifle retreated _ him follow His
around guarded Different volcano the disciples sword kokok grabbed stick sneak peek
backwards retreated _

However three sides surrounded , and behind full angle obstruct there is Where conflict
number will there be in the first place This place strategic retreat exist not battlefield Is n't
it ?
“ Cheongmyeong stamped deep teach now I understand .”

“ Once to win from the head hit do this Are you talking ?”

“ here head Is it a volcano ?”

each clan leading count people's in the eyes madness was young word of mouth
Moderately face set up but , I in the eyes be merciful no _ right away a volcano hit it to
throw away determination like wildfire Riding to be Only .

one hundred thousand vain laugh exploded _

'… … Bogs . '

their skill growing case Oh yeah good it's a thing volcano Also these looking motivation to
burn number ' cause But … … .

“ like this dirty disrespectfully goo case line It's over !”

“ George !”

“ crush Throw it away !”

“ today well caught ! volcano Babies !”

All of a sudden formed Danga , Namgung , Green Forest Union power a volcano run
over came . that like water rushing these copy volcano of the disciples face blue Tired .

“ Come !”

“ Damn Babies !”

“ Hey ! Stop it , stop it !”

“ Aww ! from poison not sprinkle Don’t !”

the volcano violently resisted , but this time on a chance a volcano completely step on I'll
let go determined count the doorstep front and back look back without rushed in

“ Step on it !”
“ You guys on the sword die liver of colleagues Revenge !”

“ no killed this _ Baby !”

" Al crab What !”

that confusion inside one hundred thousand in the chest one stem mourning was young

Chung Myung-ah … … . I'm midfield It's called a volcano, and this is I'm midfield blue
flower is n't it I this really okay Guernsey well I don't know . huh ? Chung Myung-ah … … .

other hand , the training center one side .

heartless strong reality Truly blatantly see giving training ground watched
Cheongmyeong in hand all beans mouth in flick throw put in

“You guys are having fun.”

Kids grow up fighting.

“Are you okay?”


“I think the volcano is being beaten?”

At the words of Tang Gunak, Cheongmyeong laughed.

“They also have a bit of wind in their lungs these days, so it’s not a bad idea to take
them out on this occasion.”


Tang Gunak smiled broadly and looked at Cheongmyeong.

"haha. funny joke... … .”

But I couldn't keep up with all the words. It was because he wasn't smiling at all.

“… … Isn't that a joke?"

“… … .”


Tang Gunak let out a small sigh. For a moment, I underestimated Qingming a little.
Qingming said sullenly.

“Because I know that kids these days are strong on the subject.”

“I know you are strong… … .”

Tang Gunak held the accusation.

Now, Hwasan is dealing with Danga, Namgung, and Green Forest at the same time. Of
course, they were behind, and the three forces were not the full power of each faction,
but it is important that they are facing each other anyway.

If they even call them children, then where are the non-children in this midfield?

“I think your standards are too high.”

“The evaluation criteria of the midfielder are too low.”

“It might be.”

Tang Gunak, who had been looking at the dance hall again as if he had said everything
he had to say, opened his mouth implicitly without turning his gaze.

“Are you okay?”

Same question, but different meaning this time. And he nodded as if he understood
what he meant.

“It’s not about saving money.”

“But the Charizard is not a corps worth wasting so easily. If you use it on a volcano, it
might have a bigger effect.”

“If everything becomes stronger by eating the spirits, the emperor will be the strongest
in the world. Or maybe the merchants are the strongest.”
“That’s right, but… … .”

The important thing is harmony.

There is a limit to the profits that can be obtained as a spiritual group. In general, if
you don't take Youngdan, the level of ignorance is higher than your history. Therefore,
if you take Youngdan, your weakness will increase dramatically.

However, after having more than a certain amount of history, the Spirit Team is not
particularly useful. If this had not been the case, each clan would have driven the
Youngdan to the highest rank of the clan rather than the latter.

“Volcano bastards eat so much that it doesn’t really matter anymore.”

“Of course, that is also true. Yeah, that's right. However… … .”

Tang Gunak turned his gaze and looked directly at Cheongmyeong.

“Aren’t they the last ones who will become disciples of the volcano?”

Qingming also shut his mouth at those words. Dang Gunak, who sighed softly, spoke
as if he had made up his mind.

“As you may know, ice crystals and algae do not fly indefinitely. Already in the North
Sea, the yield of ice crystals has fallen dramatically. And since you've been digging for
a long time, it's probably right to assume that you can only get a very small amount
from now on. Otherwise, use low-quality ice crystals.”

“Ummm… … .”

“It’s the same with jasmine grass. In the past, weeds were not so hard to find. But now,
in Yunnan, doesn't it only grow in certain places? Things that cannot even be cultivated
are decreasing day by day, even in their native areas.”


Qingming scratched his head. This statement is actually not wrong. Considering the
situation in the North Sea and Yunnan, it is clear that the weapon of the Jasodan will
soon run out of utility.
“Perhaps this will be the last one you will make. But you're saying you're going to give
those precious jasodan to them? Isn’t it the descendants of the volcano?”

“… … .”

“There is no way that Jang Mun-in would be unaware of this fact. And the disciples will
find out soon. This is not an easy matter to judge.”

Tang Gunak continued speaking with a stiff face.

“As long as the Jasodan is used well, the volcano may be able to secure its position as
the best sword in the world, not only for the next generation, but also for the next
generation. However, if you use up that perilla, there will be no more elixir that will
make the volcanic splendor for generations to come. Are you sure you won't regret
that decision?"

While listening to the story, Qingming didn't say anything. He's just making an
expression that makes it hard to guess what's going on.

Episode 1119. It's all ready! (4)

“Hmmmm.” Cheongmyeong sighed long and looked at Tanggunak. Tang Gunak asked,
seeing how he looked deeply troubled. “Have you changed your mind a little?”

“No, it’s not like that.”

Tang Gunak looked at him with a puzzled look. Then, Qingming smiled and continued.
“I thought that such a person would become the head of the household.”

“… … Suddenly what... … .”

Cheongmyung clenched his chin with his fist.

“Well, Elder Hyunyoung seems to think so. Right now, I don’t like it, but later on, I
think I’ll end up being a long story.”

“… … .”

“It seems that even Jang Moon-in thinks like that once in a while.”

Tang Gunak laughed bitterly.

In fact, it was strange for him not to think like that. The influence of Qingming in
Hwasan now has surpassed even Hyeonjong. Even if Baek Cheon and Yunjong become
long gates, if Qingming puts his mind to it, it wouldn't be a problem to turn them into

It doesn't matter if Qingming has the will to do so. The fact that Chengming can do
that is important.

Considering how big a problem that fact can be to the clan. Wasn't it troubled by the
senate who didn't want to let go of power even if it was just Tang military evil?

“I think I know what you are thinking.”

Rather than dividing power in two, it might be better to give it to one cheongmyeong.
I don't know if it was the Cheongmyung of the past, but the Cheongmyung of the
present is also the kind that secretly takes care of people.

“But that’s a pointless idea.”

“Uh? How?”

“Because I’m never going to be a long writer.”

Tang Gunak made a face that he did not understand at all.

Of course, Chung-myung may think that he has no desire for power. However,
Qingmyeong, seen by Tang Gunak, is a human being who has seizures when things do
not go his way, and bursts the mountain in the way to get things back.

Can it be said that people who do not have the desire for power if they do not take
the initiative and get what they want? I don't know if you'd be mistaken that it's
acceptable now... … .

Tang Gunak, who was pensive in thought, asked calmly.

“What would you do if Dojo Yoon, who later became a long-time writer, behaves
completely contrary to your thoughts?”

"yes… … ?”

Tang Gunak pushed Cheongmyeong, who seemed a little embarrassed, to the corner a
little more.

“What if, in your opinion, you would execute a work that was damaging no matter how
you look at it with the authority of a long-time writer?”

“… … .”

“What are you going to do then?”

“Will you convince me?”

“What if I don’t accept persuasion?”

There were no highs and lows in the voices of Tanggunak. There was no such thing as
emotion. But that's what made it sound more obvious.

“Will you subdue even by force? Or would you just help them go the wrong way?”

Qingming couldn't come up with an answer right away. Tang Gunak said this time in a
slightly reprimanded tone.

“If you are going to step back, you have to let go of power. If you're not going to let
go, you shouldn't back down. If you act arrogantly, everyone else will suffer.”
“Hmm.” Cheng Myung clasped my hand with her chin. 'You probably didn't know.' But
knowing a person doesn't necessarily mean doing it. Things that are not right in front
of you right now are often put on hold. Even if you know that someday the delay will
come back with even greater anger. … .”

“No, there seems to be some misunderstanding.”


Cheongmyeong looked at Tanggunak. His expression was gloomy, not suited to this
serious conversation.

"If that happens, I'll just let it go."

“… … are you?”

"yes. What's weird?"

“Isn’t it obvious? Those of you I know are not the kind of person who can stand the
sight of Mundos going astray.”

“That’s right.”

“Then it is a contradiction.”

"no. The Lord’s question was wrong from the very premise.”

At those words, Tang Gunak took on a puzzled look.

“Is the premise wrong?”


Cheongmyung said with a face that didn't move even an inch.

“If that happens, there is no need to worry. Because I am wrong and the death penalty
Yoon Jong deserves.”

“… … .”
“It’s just that I’m wrong that I don’t change my mind even after I’ve persuaded you
enough. Executioner Yoon Jong is not someone who will go the wrong way, nor is he
someone who cannot find his faults in other people’s words.”

Tang Gunak made a face that was ridiculous.

“Does that make sense? Everyone makes mistakes and makes mistakes.”

"yes. It would be. However… … At that time, the death penalty was not a person, but a
magistrate, not a disciple, but a long writer.”

“… … .”

“People misjudge, but long sentences do not. I will make it happen.”

Tang Gunak was at a loss for words.

'What the hell is this... … .'

How can a person be so trustworthy?

“Is the Hundred Thousand Dojo the same?”

"ah… … The dormitory is a little different. That person is reliable in wartime, but usually
has a bit of pretentiousness.”

“… … .”

“If you do anything stupid, I will immediately bring you down and change it to the
death penalty of Yoon Jong. Of course, before that, a moving accident will stab you
with a knife and bring you down.”

"her… … .”

Seeing the Tang Gunak, which could not hide its absurdity, Cheongmyeong laughed.

“You know? Why can’t I become a long writer?”

“… … .”
“I saw and felt what the Lord was saying today. Ah, Gaju is what such a person does,
and a long-distance writer must think about such things as well. Then I can’t become a
long writer even more.” “Isn’t that the case with you too?”

“Because I can’t do that.”

Qingming chuckled and laughed.

“Didn’t you say it wasn’t worth it?”

"It did."

That was the beginning of this conversation. Wouldn't it be a waste to give Jasodan to
other clans other than the descendants of Hwasan? The answer to that statement is
now available.

“It doesn’t hurt at all.”

“… … Really?”


Cheongmyung shrugs his shoulders.

“So that’s what I’m talking about. I don't know about the future of volcanoes. I tried to
understand, but honestly, I still don't know. And no matter how much I understand it, I
really don't think I'll be able to take care of it, right?" "Can't we do it?"

“There are things that come from the head, and there are things that come with the

Tang Gunak was speechless for a moment. Qingming waved his hand.

“So, instead of using what we have right now, saying that we will take care of our
descendants who do not know their faces and do not know what will happen to them,
I would like to save at least one more person by dissolving the Jasodan. That’s a
hundred times better for me.”

“… … It's an unknown word. No matter how important the current disciples are, it is the
splendor of the volcano that will be passed on from generation to generation… … .”
“There is no comparison.”

For a moment, Tang Gunak flinched. It was because there was an unknown creepiness
in the voice of Cheong-myeong, who came in after cutting his back.

But when he looked again, Cheongmyeong was still smiling.

“Or, you can do something like that. In return, so that each and every surviving disciple
becomes a person worth more than a hundred chisels. To become someone who can
pass on more than that to his descendants.”

“… … .”

“Isn’t that enough?”

Tang Gunak finally shook his head.

“I don’t know, all right.”

“So that’s what I’m saying. Because that's not what I'm good at. Do you know what I
felt this time?” “What?”

“I don't have to do everything. Everyone can do what they are good at.”

Qingming turned his head and looked at the theater and said.

“Baekcheon will lead and develop the volcano. No one can do it better than him.
Executioner Yoon Jong is a person who will achieve the path lacking in the volcano
now. The person with a higher reputation will be Sasuk, but the person who will have a
greater impact on future generations will be the death penalty of Yoon Jong.”

“… … .”

“Lee Seol Sago is the one who will be the textbook for the Volcano Sword. The mere
existence of that person will change the attitude of the descendants towards the
sword. Jo-gal's death penalty... … That human is going to do something different, but
the clan really needs someone like that, right?”

"Well… … .”
“And my daughter-in-law is someone who will nurture female disciples who are lacking
in the volcano. It won't be as good at thinking as a priest. And they communicate well,
so it will serve as a channel for conveying words that the private tutors and the death
penalty would not be able to say directly.”
Cheongmyung shrugs his shoulders.

“So is the rest. Baeksang Sasuk will enrich Hwasan’s finances, and other celadon vessels
will pass on the present experience vividly to future generations. Everyone has their
own work to do. No one can lose.”

Tanggunak looked at Cheongmyeong again with a new feeling.

This is because he did not think that Qingming was watching each of Hwasan's
disciples so carefully. As a result, another question arose.

“Then, what are you here for?”

"Me? It’s obvious to me.”

Qingming smiled, revealing this.

“A sword that cuts through the enemies of the volcano.”

“… … .”

“I will do anything to cut down those who threaten the volcano now. Jasodan? None of
that is worth it. If it is to save a disciple who is now in the volcano, not a hundred
perilla, but a thousand perilla. How great is that?”

A deep sigh leaked out of Tang Gunak's mouth.

“I thought I knew you well, but… … I still don't know.”

“You only need to know one.”

“… … What do you mean?”

“It means that I really need the Sacheondang family that much.”

Tang Gunak looked at Cheongmyeong with a slightly fat face. However, seeing his
smiling face still made me laugh without realizing it.
“… … If you're going to eat it, I'll take good care of you."

"sure. Absolutely."

Tang Gunak, who was looking at Cheongmyeong with strange eyes, got up and started

“Are you going?”

“Because there is no taste in seeing an obvious match.”

“It’s kind of fun. Well, see you later.”

Tang Gunak turned around and opened his mouth.

"and… … Let me correct one thing.”


“Did you say that it is a sword that cuts through the enemies of the volcano?”


“… … It is not a sword that cuts through those who say that it cannot be exchanged for
even a single disciple even if it is possible to use a thousand of those precious spirits.”

“… … .”

“I call it a guarding sword. The sword that protects the volcano.”

After those words, Tang Gunak moved on silently. He felt the gaze of Cheongmyeong
piercing his back.

'I couldn't ask.'

Tang Gunak closed his eyes slowly.

There is one thing I really wanted to ask. However, it was a question that even Tang
Gunak did not dare to ask.
'Everyone has grown so perfectly that they lead the volcano in their own place. I know
that's ideal.'

Obviously, the volcano will become a great clan. Perhaps it will become a great clan
that will never be seen again throughout history.

However, if the role of Qingming is a sword that protects a volcano, if it is a sword

that cuts through the enemies of a volcano... … In a world where the volcanic enemy
has disappeared, where is the place of clarity?

In a world where swords are no longer needed, what should he live for?

'Do you really think that the position of a long writer doesn't suit me?'

if not… … .

Tang Gunak immediately shook his head.

That's too far in the future. Yeah, it's still too far. There are still a lot of mountains to
climb, so it's not a story they can talk about.

Tanggunak moved away with a whistling pace.

And the back view, Chungmyeong, looked at me. It was an infinitely darkened gaze.

Episode 1120. It's all ready! (5

) The handsome handsome man who was addicted to poison and stumbled finally got
down on one knee. Countless eyes looking at him as if they were tired of it were
colored with a low level of pleasure at that moment.

"this… … .”

The man, who was shaking and shaking, could not raise his head and fell forward.

"Garbage… field… … .”

The moment the last remaining Baekcheon collapsed, everyone around him burst into

“You have defeated the bad guys!”

“I won!” “How are you? Volcano bastards! This is justice!” Unpleasant moans came out
of the mouths of the volcano disciples who fell on the floor. 'Justice was harsh... … .''

'Then are we evil, you bastards!'

Even the fact that there were even rotten bandits among those shouting made them
even more injustice.

No, just winning it a little drives people this far. People you know... … .

'It's too much to do.'

'Is this really true?'

But at that moment, Danga and Namgoong hugged each other and wet their eyes.

“The moment is coming when I will get rid of this stigma.”

“Great. Namgung hyung. You suffered.”

“Those babies laid us last time, 'There's nothing.' When I was doing it, I really wanted
to bite my tongue and die... … .”

At those words, the collapsing volcanic students exchanged glances.

'Did you?'

'… … I think I heard it.'

“Don’t talk. I said 'A. It's a famous song, but it's very corrupt.' When I heard the sound,
I wanted to go to my ancestors’ grave and cry.”

Volcanic disciple... … . No, the volcanic gnomes flinched and looked at each other

'Did you even do that?'

'This is the death penalty. I heard.'

'Anyway, that bastard... … .'

Then, the bandit of Nokchae, who could not be hugged tightly, cried out in tears.

“We said, 'We are not all the same.' I even heard it!”

“Wow, that was bad.”

“That was the worst. Anyway, I don't get along well with everyone."

Volcano guys... … . No, the villains of the volcano secretly turned their heads. I
remember hearing this very well... … .

'Was it a private residence?'

'It was a hundred thousand executions.'

'If that person gets drunk once, it's more than a Jo-girl.'

Of course, he wasn't drunk by a million people. If only one or two people had done
such a thing in the first place, it would have been immediately noticeable, but not
knowing until now means that everyone has done similar things.

“Justice triumphs, scum!”

“How are you? Now you know our wrath!”


Watching the triumphant union enjoying the joy of victory, the disciples of Huashan
grinded their teeth. In particular, Jo-Geul, who could not stand this situation, turned on
the lights in her eyes and raised her head.

"this… … These filthy bastards... … . You have no pride! It’s a joint venture!”

“Fufufu. You can do it, Jogirl Dojo.”

Lim So-byeong fluttered the fan. Of course, one of his eyes was filled with blue water,
so he didn't live in the shape of a spirit.

“I didn’t expect Jo-Geul Dojo to understand the strategy in the first place. Whoops
whoops. What would you do? The world we live in is different.”
“Turn it off… … .”

Jo Girl, who burst into tantrums, vomited blood and crumpled.

The cheers of those who completely smashed the volcanic gnomes for the first time
echoed in the dance hall for a long time.


“Heh heh heh.”

“… … .”

"older brother. Jogirl seal that bastard... … . No, have you seen that human face?”

“… … .”

“The ten-year-old congestion seems to be going down. Oh my, I'm full today even if I
don't eat."

“Are you that good?”

“I know what your brother is going to say.”

Tangzan put both hands on my waist and made a solemn expression.

“Isn’t it so much joy that three factions rushed in and defeated only one faction?”

“… … .”

“Is this what you are trying to say?”

“Ha ha.”

The party smiled and shook his head. Dan Zhan said with a smile on his face.

“I know it's embarrassing, but today I'm just going to be happy. Do not dry it.”

“I won’t dry you out, so be happy enough.”

The party smirked and laughed. However, Tangzan soon slumped down on the chair.

“Actually, I want to be happy all day, but I don’t have the strength to do that… … .”

Dangzan tilted his head back with a tired body like cotton soaked in water.

“… … I thought I wouldn't be tired at all if I won... … Winning means fighting to the

end. If I fall down early, I lose even less energy.”

“That’s right.”

“The volcano bastards… … It's great, it's great. How do you do this every time? … .”

Dangzan didn't finish his speech and just rolled it up. The party leader turned his head
and looked at him like that. He fell asleep as if he had fainted.

“… … It must have been difficult.”

In fact, the body was already at its limit in the past. Dalian is different from water lily.
As if caught in a spell, stamina evaporates in an instant.

It wasn't a normal matchup, and it was only natural that he would be completely
exhausted as he had been fighting hard to tell the pia apart for several days and

'I mean, training is like this.'

If so, how hard must it have been for those who fought with demons in the past
without sleeping properly for tens of days and fought wars over and over again?

At that time, the ancestors of the Tang family must have fought with their best on the
battlefield. But were those who are today really celebrating their hard work then?

'Maybe we were too indifferent in the past, I don't know.'

It is said that if you are absorbed in a splendid glory, the blood shed to achieve that
glory is buried, and that statement is correct. What they really had to pay attention to
was not the achievements achieved by those who overcame the magic, but the people
who sacrificed to achieve that result… … .
Even the party, who thought that if he returned to the family, he would have to look at
the records of a hundred years ago left within the family, fell into a dark sleep.

In the room where the two of them were sleeping, only the lamp was burning quietly.


Humans sometimes have experiences that go beyond their limits.

Physically, there is only one driving force that has been able to sustain those who were
already broken. It was one of the will to stick bamboo bread on the faces of those
mean and dirty volcanic bastards.

That strong will burned their mental power and made them move.

Of course, it will be a precious experience for those who have stained this arena with
blood and screams. Some would have found a way to reach a higher level in the
process, and some would have been deeply troubled as to whether the path they were
taking was the right one.

Even for those who have not made such progress, the experience of fighting and
fighting to the limit will surely help. Maybe in the future, when I stand on the
crossroads, I might be able to survive thanks to this experience.

Yes, it will definitely help.

… … in the distant future.

“Uh… … .”

“It looks like it’s going to be… … .”

“Lord, kill me… … .”

But what matters to them is now, not in the distant future. For those who burned with
all their might by using their own body as a candle, what was left was the melted
candle wax… … . No, it was just a body that was half broken and an intense dull pain
that seemed to burn just by rubbing it.
Her lips were chapped and her eyes were wide open. At first glance, 'Are they open
beggars?' Those who had been broken to the point of making a sound were barely
standing on their shaky legs.

“… … I think I'm going to die, Soga-ju."

“… … I think it’s harder than the plum tree.”

“Isn’t that a bit too far-fetched?”

"no. It really seems like that... … .”

Even Namgung-se, who had already experienced the limits of Maehwa Island, is not
able to come to his senses. At that time, the sense of danger for their lives made them
endure, but now there is no such hill. Isn't it a situation where you have to support
your shattered body only with your mental strength?

The situation was better for the Sacheondang family and Namgungse family, who tried
to stand up somehow.

Nokrimdo, who had nothing to look out for and who had no face, were just plainly
sitting down in the dance hall and making a tune.

"Gosh… … . Huh, the waist... … .”

“Hey, brother. Still, lying down is a bit harsh, isn't it?"

“You too lie down. comfortable.”

“… … Will it?”

“Look at the boss over there. You are already lying down.”

“… … It’s real.”

Lim So-byeong was also half-lying, throwing away the fan she always carried. The face,
which was originally pale, has now changed almost like a river.

"I… … what… … I want to enjoy the wealth and glory... … .”

“King of Green Forest. Speak in moderation. Then I'm afraid I'm going to lose it sooner
or later."

“Turn it off… … .”

The words of a person who had forgotten the fact that he was ill by turning his eyes to
the good feelings about the volcano was so horrifying.

Normally, they would have gasped at seeing such greenery, but now they are looking
at them with infinite envy.

'It will be comfortable.'

'I want to lie down too.'

'Sapa is better. Why am I born in a Tang family.'

The two sects realized anew that face and naval can only be afforded with a minimum
amount of leeway.

Then a group approached them.

“Hey, it’s cheesy.” “It hurts so much from being hit yesterday?”

“I have to get my revenge today!”

“You can lose once. But not twice!”

They were the disciples of the volcano who entered the dance hall. Namgungdowi and
Dangpae were stunned and looked at the scene.


'Why are you so lively?'

It is incomprehensible.

Yesterday they must have said that... … . No, didn't you beat the savages thinly? But
when all the fans are dying, why are those beaten so lively?

Even if we practiced, we did it together, and even if we fought, we all fought together.
“Come on, today… … . yes?"

Baekcheon, who was about to shout loudly from the front, tilted his head.

“Why are these yangbans like this?”

“… … .”

“Did you guys fight again yesterday?”

A gust of wind leaked out of Namgungdowi's mouth.

'Are you human?'

This was not a problem that could be explained by differences in tenacity or

experience in the first place. Isn't this enough to see that the seeds are different?

“… … If I don't hit them, will I die?"

"Well… … . Do you see that?”

“Shall we just go back today?”

“Jong-ah Yoon.”


"I can't help disappointing you."

“… … Why?”

Baek Cheon spoke with a solemn expression on his face.

“Even if you are exhausted, they are the noble children! Are you not aware that such
consideration is rather disrespectful and disrespectful?”

"ah… … .”

“At times like this, I do my best to hit him… … . No, dealing with it is polite!”

One hundred thousand seals... … . Such courtesy is fine.

“But Suk. Still, we are a faction... … .”

"yes? U.S?"

“… … Yes?"

“Did they call us evil yesterday?”

“… … .”

Baekcheon smiled and walked towards the dying people.

“If you’re treated like a villain, you have to treat me like a villain, right? Isn't it?"

“Giggle. That’s right.”

“Kill.” “Come here, the cup. when you say nice things. come here otherwise kill If you
come, you will kill, if you do not come, you will be killed.”

Seeing Baek Cheon, Jo Geol, Yu Yi Seol, and Dang So So go forward slowly, Yoon Jong
shook his head.

Isn't that the only real villain?

“Blood Revenge!”


As Baekcheon rolled his eyes and ran forward, someone suddenly appeared from
behind and kicked him in the ass.

“Listen up, you man!”


Seeing Baekcheon leaning forward, Cheongmyung clicked his tongue.

“I believe in this… … .”

“Cheongmyung. It's a private residence... … .”

“I’m not doing this because it’s a private residence! Get some iron!”

“It certainly makes sense.”

Baekcheon was convinced and got up. Cheongmyung bit his tongue once and looked
at Namgung, Dangga, and Nokrim, where he was barely holding on with a gang-like
tantrum. The immediate family seemed to be in a little better condition, but the rest
were almost on the verge of passing their breath.

Cheongmyung shrugged.

“I think I want to roll for a while longer, but… … Well, I’ll have to do that while looking
at the situation.”

“… … Are you sure you have a day off today?”


Qingming widened his eyes.

“Is there such a thing in the world?”

“… … dog… … .”

“I have to do something different today instead of Dalian.”

"yes? which… … .”

“Let’s welcome the guests first.”

Namgungdowi tilted his head at the sudden remark. At that time, Cheongmyung
looked to one side and said.

“Come here.”

At that moment, a roaring sound was heard in Namgungdowi's ear. For the first time
in my life, I hear the cry of an animal.
Episode 1121. If your friend calls, you should definitely come. (One)

“Hey, what does this mean?”

“Does it sound like a tiger crying?”

"no… … . Does it sound like a cow’s cry?”

“It’s Sogo, why all of a sudden?”

The Nokrimdos and the inspectors of Namgungse did not understand this situation at
all and closed their eyes.

However, Sacheondangga and Hwasan can be guessed 'Ah!' ' he groaned and shook
his head.

"no way?"

Tanga and the Hwasan disciples rushed towards the door without saying anything.
Then, Namgungse and Nokrimdo also started running along with the atmosphere.

In the eyes of Baekcheon who radically opened the door, he guessed… … No, a more
splendid sight came in than I expected.

It was a procession. A long procession along the river. The problem is that people
aren't the only ones making up the line.

"Wow… … .”


“Is that the culprit?”

“Is that a snake?”

“… … Then what is that?”

The word “various” was a perfect fit. Literally, a tiger the size of a house, a leopard that
looks fierce at first glance, a giant snake that can swallow a whole human... … .

Even a huge, unidentified animal that cries out with its long nose up like a snake.

“Hey, what is that?”

“Are you a monster?”

“You morons. That’s the target.”


"okay! elephant!"

"OMG? I see the real thing for the first time What does an elephant look like?”

It is surprising to see only the giant beasts I have ever seen for the first time in my life,
but the shock was doubled when I added the men who seemed to be strong at first
glance, walking with them to see if they were not afraid.

Everyone's eyes widened at the rare sight. Where else would you see a sight like this?

In particular, Namgungdowi, who saw this for the first time, had no reason not to be

“Hey, what is this… … ?”

The party team smiled bitterly and helped out with that kind of Namgungdowi.

“The warriors of Namman Beast Palace.”

"ah… … .”

Namgungdowi nodded as if he understood. He, too, knew only the information that
the archers at Namman Beast Palace deal with wild beasts. But there is a big difference
between knowing with your head and seeing the scene with your own two eyes.

“Then you are my friend.”

"exactly. They are also the guides of the Cheonwoo Meng.”

The party leader smiled slightly.

“Yasugung is the clan that started the Cheon Woo Meng. Before Namgung or Green

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the sect with the most familiarity to the
Beast Palace is the Danga, with the exception of Hwasan. Because of Yunnan tea trade,
there has been frequent traffic. So, there was no choice but to mix favorably with their

"By the way… … .”


“… … Do they normally travel with animals like that?”

“… … .”

“Coming all the way here, I must have met a lot of other people… … . It's a little bit like
that in broad daylight... … .”

"that… … uh… … .”

The party leader scratched the back of his head with a troubled face. Obviously, it will
not be easy to get used to seeing that scene for the first time.

“Sometimes I do and sometimes I don’t… … . I haven't been taking it very well lately.
But this time, they brought a lot.”

Namgungdowi rolled his eyes and saw the beasts approaching in harmony with
people. None of them were unusual. Although Namgungdowi is not particularly well
versed in beasts, he felt a force different from those of ordinary beasts.

'Are you saying that all of them are spirit creatures?'

Hey, no matter how different Yunnan is from Central China, there are not many tigers
the size of a house like that. How would people live in such a place?

Even in Yunnan, it was clear that these beasts were special spirit creatures.

Unsurprisingly, the tiger, who was walking dignifiedly at the front of the group, looked
at Namgungdowi and its members, who stood as if waiting for them, and revealed
their terrifying teeth.


Goosebumps ran down the spines of those who heard it when they heard the low-
pitched cry characteristic of a tiger. That cry aroused the instinctive fear of people.

Namgungdowi swallowed dry saliva. Those standing next to him also flinched and took
a step back. Crumpled! Seeing that, the tiger, who raised more momentum, slightly
shrugged his neck. Then it swallowed up the Yangtze River whole and roared like it
was about to break it.

Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh!

A wave that shakes the atmosphere. The roar was so immense that even those who
knew what the palace of the beast was like, as well as the southern palace, instinctively
grabbed the handle of the sword.


The moment when Beom is about to roar once again, staring at everyone with his
bright yellow eyes.

do do do do do do.

With the most adorable footsteps, something quickly jumped out from among the
volcano's disciples.


Namgungdowi's eyes fluttered.

What popped out was an animal he was familiar with. A pure white weasel wearing a
volcanic robe that I have seen many times over the years.

The weasel, which hurried forward, arrived right in front of the large tiger, and stood
on its two feet with its back straight.

"I… … !”

In a moment of embarrassment, Namgungdowi stretched out his hand without

realizing it.

Of course, he knew that the weasel was a spiritual creature, but just looking at it, the
size difference from that tiger was too extreme. At best, the weasel was large enough
to fit around a person's neck, but the tiger standing in front of it was much bigger
than most cows.

The little weasel stopped in front of such a tiger, how could he not be embarrassed?


The tiger looked at the weasel standing in front of me, revealing eerie fangs just by
looking at it. It looked like it would bite a small weasel and tear it in half.

With clear hostility in his eyes, the tiger lowered his body as if he was starting a hunt.
The tiger's stiff hair stood up arbitrarily. Its appearance was so ferocious that it looked
more like a yokai residing somewhere in the yokai rather than a criminal.

Heh heh heh heh heh!

At the moment when the tiger finally vomited a huge roar that even shook his
intestines, Baek-ah, who had an uncomfortable look by flapping her tail on the floor,
soared into the air. Then, he turned his sharp hind legs and slashed the tiger's chin at


The tiger hit by Baek-ah's hind paw bounced off as if it had been shot, and bounced
off the floor like a water swallow.

thud! thud! thud! thud! thud!

The two eyes of Namgungdowi protruded forward.

"OMG… … .”

Baek-ah, who blew up the tiger with one blow, immediately spat on the floor and
pounded the floor with her hind paws.

'that… … .'

Where have you seen that back? that… … .

No, wait. Previously… … Do weasels spit? Is it correct to call that a weasel?

Can I call you like that? The tiger, who had been thrown on the floor, trembled and
got up.

hey hey hey hey!

As soon as a tearful cry erupted from Baek-ah's mouth, Beom was tired enough to be
clearly seen by a human being. The tiger, who ran like lightning, quickly fell flat in front
of Baek-ah.

widely. widely. widely. widely.

Baek-ah, who made a very insignificant sound and clenched her tongue, raised her
insignificant front paws, not being cute compared to a tiger. And tapped the tiger's

For some reason, it felt as if I could hear a voice saying, 'Find a concept.'

Perhaps it wasn't just Namgungdowi who heard the hidden voice, the house-sized tiger
bowed his head with a gloomy face. It was a sight that a three-year-old child could
understand who was stronger.

Baek-ah, who had subdued the tiger in an instant, rolled her eyes and looked back at
the other beasts behind her. The beasts, which until a little while ago were so majestic,
curled their tails in an instant and averted their eyes.

At that moment, loud laughter erupted. After a while, a man who looked twice as tall
as most men stepped forward.

“This guy has become more ferocious than ever before. Since I sent it to Domun, I
thought my personality would improve a bit.”

Looking at the man, Namgungdowi flinched for a moment. It is the first time in my life
that someone who makes me feel so intimidating just by looking at them.

“My lord!”

On the other hand, the disciples of Hwasan and the Tang family were displeased as
soon as they saw Meng So, the lord of the beast archer.

'The king? That person?'

There was little tension in Namgungdowi's eyes. Truly the Beast Palace. That
oppression was no joke.

Then a loud voice came from behind.

“No, what did you bring all these things for?”

Meng-so burst out laughing as he watched Cheong-myeong walking with a frown on

his face.

“I understand. Didn't you bring all the guys you could use with you?"

“Are they worth using?”

"no. The good guys are the others. Even though it is a spirit creature, is it not a beast
after all? If you bring in all those who can fight, no one will control them. Shouldn't it
be possible to bring them along to avoid any problems?"


“Don’t look at me with those eyes. Because I didn't bring them all. They brought only
some of the more ferocious and bad-tempered dogs out of them.”

“… … Are you ferocious and bad-tempered?”



As Qingming smiled and gestured his chin, Meng So turned his gaze to where he was


When Baek-ah raised her tiny front paws and pointed to one side, the wild beasts of
the Beast Palace became depressed and trudged towards it. At first glance, he looked

“… … Because there is such a thing as a heavenly enemy.”

Perhaps this appearance was surprising to even Min-so, causing a devastated smile.

“I don’t think it was like this before, but what the hell did you do to that guy? Just
looking at it, it looks like it has become several times stronger than it was before.”

He didn't even dare to say that his personality seemed to have gotten worse several

“I didn’t really do anything. It just made me understand that playing and eating as a
baby would end up being an expensive scarf.”

“… … You suffered.”

“I am?”

“No, that guy.”

“… … .”

Meng-so shook his head. Who would have imagined that there were people in the
world who could handle spirit creatures better than the Beast Archers?

Baek-ah, who had driven all the animals the size of a house into the warehouse with
one gesture, pounded on the floor with her hind feet, and then slowly came right in
front of Cheongmyeong. Then, he put his arms around his waist and thrust his
stomach forward.


bang! Tang! As Baek-ah hit the floor with her tail, she smiled as if she was not the
same as Cheong-myeong.

“Yes, yes. Good work."


Baek-ah nodded her head and quickly climbed up the cheongmyeong and stood on
one shoulder of him. Cheongmyung glanced at Baekah and tapped her black nose with
her index finger.

"Instead of."


“If those bastards get caught in front of you, you’re going to lose.”


“Let’s do it.”

Baek-ah, who had become pale, fell helplessly on Cheong-myung's shoulder.

Everyone who watched the absurd situation shook their heads.

'Is it a great person or a great beast?'

'Anyway, there is no consensus or common sense happening here.'

'Let's not think about it. It's easier if you just accept it.'

Qingming smiled as he looked at Mengso.

“It must not have been easy to bring all the animals, but you arrived earlier than
expected. You struggled because you came from far away.”
“You say everything.”

Mengso smiled brightly. It was a soft and warm smile that was unimaginable when
only looking at the overbearing appearance.

“If a friend calls, you should definitely come.”

At that, Qingming laughed.

“I met a friend, so I should have a drink after a while.”

“Uh-huh! Knowing that I would, I brought all of Taowonhyang.”

"Five? What an awesome drink! big! You will be strong in a short time!”

A large sage and Qingming, a little smaller than a normal person, clasped their
shoulders, giggled and walked inside.

Namgungdowi, who was standing blankly, asked with a bewildered face.

“Are you two really that close?”

“… … Strangely enough, it was.”

“… … .”

Namgungdowi thought again. It's great to have such a bad personality and good

Episode 1122. If your friend calls, you should definitely come. (2)
“Ah, did you bring your own herbs?”

Meng So laughed bitterly at Qingming's words.

"iced coffee. It's called the Shinryungcho (神靈草). I brought it But there are some

"yes? a problem?”

“It seems that it will be difficult for us to supply the spirit vinegar for a while.”

Qingming frowned slightly at those words. The sage sighed.

“Don’t make that face. We're not talking because we're bothered or have other
requirements. I've searched all over Yunnan, but I can't find any more Shinlingcho. It
still takes some time for the divine herb planted in the last time to grow, and... … .”

He scratched his head as if in trouble.

“The spirit plant doesn’t seem to have fully grown, so I guess I’ll have to wait a little

After speaking, Meng-so glanced at Qing-ming's eyes. It's because he doesn't know
how precious he is. In the first place, didn't he not hesitate to run all the way to
Yunnan in order to get that grass grass? I said I couldn't give it to someone like that
anymore... … .

“What can I do?”


But, surprisingly, Cheong-myeong shrugged as if it was insignificant.

“It's not like it's just a weed that's just growing out of nowhere, should it grow as
much as you need? It’s something you have to deal with.”

“Hmm… … . is it?"

"Never mind. If you leave it alone, it will grow again.”

“Maybe it will be ten more years until the next harvest?”

“It’s been ten or a hundred years, and I’d be happy if I could get it even then. If you
can’t get it even then, that’s also unavoidable, well.”

Qingming spoke quietly, then glanced at Meng So's face and smiled.

“Are you making such a harsh impression that it’s such a big deal?”

"I? Ha ha ha ha ha.”

Meng-so, who was somehow relaxed, stopped laughing out loud.

It's true that I had that thought in my heart. The reason Qingming is treating Yunnan
now is probably because Yunnan is essential for procuring grass and making money
from the tea trade.

If either one of them fails, the treatment of Yunnan may be different from the past.

No matter how different they are, Cheongmyeong is also a Jungwon man.

However, Qing Myung's attitude was the same as before he heard the news. It's like a
person who criticizes a friend for not bringing a present for worrying unnecessarily.

“When you say that, it makes me feel like I’m a bit of a moth.”

“Actually, there were some aspects that didn’t fit the size.”

"haha. It’s the first time I’ve ever heard such a word.”

“Then the people I’ve met so far don’t know Gungju very well.”

The mourner chuckled and laughed. It seemed that Qingming's words were not so

“Anyway, you are a very strange person.”

"uh? Are you accepting it?”

“You can’t just suffer.”

Mengso smiled. He passed it on like a joke, but to say that he was a strange person
was his true intentions.

It is unknown whether Cheong-myeong was trying to guess Meng-so's inner feelings

and put his mind at ease, or whether he said it out of his true heart. But either way,
that insignificant word reassured Meng-so.

He knew that Cheon Woo Meng was not simply a relationship tied to profit. Like the
Plum Blossom Zone, which saved Yunnan without asking for any profit, Huashan is also
a place where you can reach out to them for no reason.

However, even knowing that fact, I had no choice but to worry because the
discrimination between Jungwonin and Saebae was so deep-rooted.

“Oh, by the way, is this your first time seeing this?”


“Hey, Namgung.”


Cheongmyeong gestured for Namgungdowi. Then, Namgungdowi approached the two

of them with a slightly awkward and erratic pace. Qingming introduced him

“I am the Sogaju of Namgungse. Well… … He is still the head of the small family, but
he will soon become the head of the Namgung Sega family.”

“Oh, is that so?”

Mengso looked at Namgungdowi with slightly narrowed eyes.


Is there anyone in the world who doesn't know Namgung Se's fame?

A noble among nobles. Among the many Sega in the middle of the country, Namgung
Sega is one of the most prestigious. Perhaps it was because he was the owner of such
a place, his prayer was different even at a glance.
“Nice to meet you. They say I am Meng So, the lord of Namman Beast Palace.”

“Ah, I… … .”

At that time, Qingming smiled and dissuaded Mengso.

“You can’t be so harsh on me. If you think about it backwards, it's because you're not
even a head of state yet. I’m still a child, so please look at it in moderation and help

“… … What does that mean? If Namgungse's Soga is... … .”

The moment Meng-so tried to refute with an absurd face, Namgung Do-wi hurriedly
spoke out.

“No, my lord.”


Namgungdowi politely swooped towards Mengso, who had lost a little bit of spirit.

“The Qingming Dojo is right. There are still many shortcomings, so please give me a lot
of guidance and support.”

Mengso blinked his big eyes.

He was usually a daunting ox, like a giant lion, but with his bewildered face and his
eyes closed, he looked like a naive cow rather than a ferocious one.

"you… … Do you know me well?”

“I don’t know.”

“By the way, what kind of map is it that you want to take advantage of?”

At that, Namgungdowi smiled brightly.

“I don’t know much about King Gung, but now I think I know something about the
Qingmyeong Dojo.”

“… … .”
“He always talks half-jokingly. However, there is a truth that should not be missed. I
think Qingmyeong Dojang told me that I need to learn many things from Gungju.”

Meng-so stared at Namgung-do-wi, then gently turned his head to give his gaze to
Cheong-myeong. Cheongmyung shrugged as if it was something he didn't know.

“So, of course, shouldn’t we ask for instruction?”

“Look… … . I am a new foreigner. There is nothing I can give to Namgung-se, a

prestigious family who symbolizes the midfield.”

“What does it matter?”

“… … What did you say is important?”


Namgungdowi slightly turned his gaze to look at someone and wrinkled his face.

“At the very least, in the yard where I’m eating rice in one pot with the Sapa guys.”

“Hey, you don’t seem to be very good at taking care of your eye color, do you?
Wouldn't it hurt to get stabbed then?"

Lim So-byeong trembled. Namgungdowi's face became even more distorted.

“… … Did you see it?”

“… … .”

“Now, I eat rice with the Sapa guys. It is absurd to renew the distinction between Sae-
eun and what-if in such a yard.”

Namgungdowi burst into laughter. Because he didn't know he would say something
like this.

“At least within the Chunwoo Meng, such a distinction has no meaning.”

“… … But aren't you the one who will lead the southern kingdom of the world?"
“I immediately threw away all those façades.”

“Did you throw it away?”

Namgungdowi nodded his head.

"Yes. Namgungse is nothing special or different. Please think of it as just a request for
the horse.”

The sage smiled haphazardly.

Of course, he is not without pride in the Beast Palace. But isn't it a completely different
matter for him to be proud of himself and to be recognized by the world?

There is a huge gap between the noble family that symbolizes the midfield and the
palace of the beast, which is disregarded as Saeoe, that cannot be narrowed. But now
the young man's eyes didn't seem to be able to see the gap at all.


Namgungdowi once again swept deeply.

Meng So looked at Namgungdowi who bowed his head, to be more precise, the
people standing behind him. Even though Soga-ju is bowing his head, those who do
not think about it again.

'Do they not feel that this is strange?'

Even just ten years ago, they would have thought that even if the sky were torn apart,
the direct descendants of Namgung-se would bow their heads to barbarians other
than Sae-eok. Those people are now just staring at this spectacle in silence.

The parties may not be able to feel it, but for Meng-so, who was outside and joined,
this huge change felt so vividly.

“Hey, you’re going to lose your throat.”

"uh… … .”

When Qingming glanced at him, Meng So nodded as if he couldn't help it.

.“If I can help, I will do my best.”

"thank you!"

Namgungdowi smiled brightly. It was a smile that didn't feel any pretense.

Looking at that face, Meng-so could not help but feel clearly that all of this wasn't just
a casual look around.

Meng-so, who became somewhat awkward, turned his head and looked at Cheong-

“… … you."


“What the hell are you making?”

“What else do you mean?”

"no… … .”

Mengso smiled as if it was ridiculous.

It is not difficult for one or two people to have similar favors to foreigners. Even when
the relationship between Joongwon and Sae-ae was to the extreme, there were people
who showed favor to the Sae-ae.

However, it was certainly rare and it was the first time I had ever seen it in such a place
where so many people had gathered. Even those who saw the Beast Archers for the
first time today.

Unfamiliar clothing or the act of carrying beasts would be frowned upon from their
point of view... … .

“But why are those yangbans wearing tops?”

“You come from a hot place.”

"ah. I didn't think of that.”

“What’s wrong with taking off your shirt? I also hang out with people who are skinning

“… … Shall I take your skin off you?”

“Then, is that neck okay?”

Meng-so shook her head as she saw the people who started to pound as if they had
lost interest in the Beast Palace. I swear this was the first time in my life that I had
been so out of touch.

'… … Cheonwoomaeng.'

I thought it was a dream story. Meng So joined the will of Qingming simply because
he thought it would be beneficial to the Beast Palace, but not with the expectation that
he could change anything big.

Because the reality felt by new foreigners and the reality felt by Jungwon people are
very different. There would be no reason for the Jungwon people to step forward and
change that reality.

But now, here, Meng-so is clearly feeling the change. perhaps… … Indeed, one day,
those who are in the fence called Cheon Woo Meng might look at each other with
unbiased eyes. Meng So laughed bitterly. Suddenly, he knew that expectations were
overflowing in his heart.

Great expectations only lead to great disappointment. Meng So decided to be satisfied

with this level. However, even if he had lowered his expectations, his feelings with
Cheon Woo Meng could not be the same as before.

Because I wanted to see you. How will the world change if the day comes when they
lead the world?

“… … What the hell did you do?”

“What do you mean?”

“Everyone has no respect for each other. Regardless of your rank.”

“Ah, what is that, of course.”


Qingming replied sullenly.

“Because it’s Namgung or Green Forest, they’re kids who won’t be able to use them all
anyway. It should be slaughtered without discrimination.”

“… … .”

it… … It's kind of weird, but... … .

Confusion and confusion arose at the same time. It was at the time when he thought
that this might be better compared to an ideal that was only empty and could not be

"uh? I’m coming too.”


Meng Su turned his head at Qingming’s words. As soon as he saw where Cheong
Myung was pointing, a smile leaked out.

“It arrives salty. By the way, aren't they hot? You came all the way here wearing that
thick coat.”

“Isn’t it the same as the Beast Palace you wear here?”

“… … I have nothing to say.”

The two laughed side by side. In the midst of this, people in snow-white clothes were
approaching quickly.

It was the advent of the North Sea Ice Palace, which started farther than Yunnan and
finally arrived after crossing the world.
Episode 1123. If your friend calls, you should definitely come. (3)

People in pure white fur approached with a gait as if they were measured with a ruler.

If the Beast Archery was as hot as a dense jungle under the scorching sun, the North
Sea Ice Archery was bitter as if it had brought a cold snow from the north wind.

As for whether a person's temperament should change depending on where he grows

up, at least for them, it was not strange to say that they brought the cold wind of the
North Sea.

'It's so different.'

Namgungdowi had a strange feeling.

Namgung is also a place where swords are used, but the temperament of the
swordsmen of Bukhae Binggung is somewhat different. The feeling that you are talking
about such a thing as a blade-like force came to my mind.

It was interesting to see that the momentum was completely opposite to that of the
Beast Palace. Whereas the Beast Palace is a place that is infinitely free and
unconstrained, Binggungdo seems to have coined the word theft.

That's why, unlike the beast palace, it feels difficult to approach easily... …


… … it was

A man suddenly jumped out from among those who exuded a force like a blade. Then
he sprinted fiercely in front of Qingming.



The man did not hide any sign of delight, and grabbed Cheong-myung's hand with
both his own hands. It was almost like a grabbing movement.

“How much is this! How have you been?”

“… … uh?"

“The dojang really hasn’t changed! I was relieved! Still, I thought it would be awkward
because it’s been a while since I’ve seen you!”

“… … huh?”

“Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to have come a long way to see you again! Oh my God,
why is it so hot in Jungwon?! It seems hotter here than in midsummer in the North

“Oh no, wait a minute.”

"I… … .”

Cheongmyeong tilted her head with a face that she did not understand English at all.

“Who are you?”

“… … .”

man, no. The expression of the person who should be called a young man became
blank for a moment. But for a moment, he burst out laughing out loud.

“Ahahahaha! You are also a dojo. He often farmed like this.”

“No, that’s not what… … .”

“I also need to learn the dojang’s leisure like this as soon as possible. Why is it not so

"no… … .”

“Still, if you work hard every day, someday… … .”

"hey! Let me talk too! Who are you, man!”

At those words, the young man stiffened his body. Then he looked at Cheongmyeong
with a really shocked face.

“Hey, dojo. Do you really not remember me?”

“No, it seems like we are meeting for the first time with hair, so why do you keep
pretending to know me?”

“That’s Sobaek!”


“It’s Seol Sobaek.”

"who? snow white? Binggungju?”

"Yes! Me!"
Now, Qingming looked at the young man in front of him with blank eyes. With clear,
white skin, and over five inches tall... … .

“Is Sobaek the one I know?”

"yes! That’s me.”

“… … you?"

It was not only Cheongmyeong who responded to those words.


“Are you Seol Sogungju?”


The sword behind Cheongmyung reacted violently as if he could not believe it at all.

Qingming glanced up and down several times at the young man in front of him. It's
hard to believe that this cool young man is Seol So-baek... … .

“Then it seems to me that they look alike… … .”

“Because that’s right.”

“Now, if you look closely, the eyes and lips are the same.”

“Where are you looking?”

“I didn’t expect much from Jo-girl’s death penalty, so even if you don’t know, you just
know that.”

“… … no… … .”

Baek Chen rolled his eyes. After listening to it, it seems like Seol Sobaek is right... … .

"her… … . Heh heh heh.”

Qingming could not hide his absurdity and looked at the mature young man in front
of him.

“Are you really Sobaek?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Your voice is completely different.”

“I think I’m the same, is it that weird?”

“It’s not like that… … . that… … oh yeah He’s grown a lot.”

no. Isn't this the level at which a human being has almost changed rather than being
too big?

It seemed that he had grown almost twice his height, and his chubby face, which was
full of breasts, had suddenly changed to that of a rather slender and tall young man.
Rather than a strong impression characteristic of the North Sea, it is somewhat like a
handsome man with a thin line.

“By the way, the last time I saw you, let’s see… … Was it almost four years ago?”

"Yes. It has been four years already.”

“… … Then it will be different.”

Because I was in my prime... … . Of course, the problem is that there is a big gap
between what you think with your head and what you see with your eyes.

The eyes of Cheongmyeong are young people... … . No, he headed towards the sword
that was hung on Seol So-baek's waist. He was wearing a pure white robe and a
sword, so now he felt like he was a real warrior.

“It’s been a while, Seol Gungju.”

“It was so majestic, Lord of the Beasts!”

Qingming, who was surprised, turned his head and looked at Mengso and asked.

“Would you like to know?”

“It looks the same, but why is that reaction?”

“Again, is it the same?”

“Isn’t it just a little bit up?”

Hey, Mengso is a person who distinguishes and calls ten tiger cubs that look alike. A
yangban who recognizes all animals must have no reason not to recognize people.

Seeing what he was saying like this, it seemed that Seol Sobaek was right.

Cheongmyeong struggled to push away the subtle awkwardness and greeted her with
a smile.

“Anyway, I had a hard time coming here. It must have been a long way.”

"You're welcome. Of course you should.”

Seol So-baek smiled brightly and said a little shyly.

“Actually, I was a little worried about it.”

"yes? worry?"

“There were a few opinions like that within Binggung. After all, he was just arrogant,
saying, “What is it?”


Seol So-baek's words became a dagger and stabbed Cheong-myung's chest without

“… … is that right?”

"Ha ha ha ha ha. I'm sorry, Master. I didn't even think of it that way because I've seen
and knew the master in person, but to those who don't know the master, it seems that
he was not at all suspicious. Thoughtless people even cursed the dojang as Malko
pretending to be a guru. Ha ha ha ha ha."

“Oh, don’t worry. Those are the kind of people I sting. However, being a human being
is so deceitful, I thought that there was no way that could ever be the case, but since
the dojang didn’t come to visit me, I wondered if he had completely forgotten about
the North Sea. Ha ha ha ha ha!”

Boo woo woo!

“I can’t possibly do that. How can I not know how terrible the dojang is to the North
Sea? What kind of money did the Taoists who live deep in the mountains have to
come to the far North Sea? haha. It’s really absurd.”

“… … .”

“However, if you have forgotten us, one in a thousand, one in ten thousand, I am
ashamed of all of you for looking for us like this. The dojang thinks of us this way, but
to have such an unscrupulous thought in a position of receiving grace. What am I so
guilty of?”

“Well, you were wrong.”

"Yes? Dojo, what did you just say... … ?”

“Oh, no. Nothing."

The back of Qingming's hair was wet with sweat. Of course, I can't say I completely
forgot it, but isn't it an undeniable fact that he had it slightly tilted back?

If I had complained about that fact, Qingmyeong would have been able to go out
shamelessly again.

“Oh, and!”


"here! Bring it here!”

When Seol So-baek shouted, the Binggungdoers dragged something from the back
with a loud reply. Something very familiar to Volcano's disciples.

“Is it that big?”

"ha ha ha. If it was made of iron, it would be the same as the one used in a volcano...
… . Is that iron?”

The binggungdoers dragged a huge cart without any sign of difficulty. The problem
was that there wasn't just one such cart.

Curry! Curl rumble!

At least five carts were moved, forming clouds of dust.

“Hey, what is this?”

“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen Dojang, can’t you come empty-handed? A gift
from the North Sea.”

“Come on, a present? North Sea goods are also received through the upper part of the
galaxy... … .”

“It’s something they sell. This is a precious gift that cannot be compared with it. I will
give it to the master.”

“… … yes?"

“Come on, this is… … .”

Seol So-baek removed the cloth covering the first cart.

“Hey? hey, what is this?”

“These are precious animal skins brought from the North Sea. We also prepared the
hides of seals from the North Sea, the hides of gray wolves, and even the hides of
bears, which are rare.”

“… … .”

“These are hard-to-find things. When I visited the other day, I thought it would be very
cold in the volcanic winter, so I prepared it for the masters.”
“… … Was the volcano cold for you too?”

“I didn’t feel anything like that, but wouldn’t the masters be cold? These leathers will
keep you warm through the winter.”

Cheongmyung burst into tears.

'I'm the one to kill, I.'

Have you ever been treated like this by someone in your life? Oh my God, the guy
who lives in that cold North Sea just comes with a hide because he's worried about the
cold on the mountain... … Leave those kids behind... … .

- Cheong Myung-ah. To be honest, this was a bit harsh on me.

Oh, I know. I'm feeling very guilty right now!

“And the ones in this cart are rare planting materials even in the North Sea, and here I
have collected some cold seasons. And this is… … .”

“… … what did you bring all this Embarrassingly... … .”

“Ah, it’s a burden. Considering what the dojang did to the North Sea, this is nothing.”

“… … .”

“Oh, of course I didn’t bring it for Boeun. Please think of this as just a sign of my little

Seol So-baek blew his taste buds away.

“If the distance had not been so far, we would have brought more ships.”

“Hey, stop… … .”

Even if it's free, it's said to drink lye, but if you eat it all, your stomach will burst and
you will die. These days, Cheong-myeong has been reminded of the fact that there is a
conscience in her.

At that time, Seol So-baek's complexion darkened a little.

"but… … .”


“I couldn’t find a lot of ice crystals that the dojang said. Since the output is so low... … .

“Sorry what!”

Qingming quickly shook his head passionately and waved his hand.

That's what I've been scraping for decades in the past, and if you ask me to give you
more, I'm a thief.

“The quantity is somehow filled, but the quality is not very good. If it was in the past, it
would be embarrassing to even put it out as ice crystals... … .”

“Oh, it’s okay. It’s really okay.”

I'm not even going to eat it, okay?

It was at that time when I saw Seol So-baek, who had grown so much, that I deeply
realized that I was not envious of Hana, Dong-ryong of the North Sea, who had grown

A voice came from somewhere.

“No, then you mean that you have been slaughtering animals and skinning them?
These are the people who can't really relate to this!"


The archers of the Southern Wildlife Palace were staring at Seol Sobaek and the animal
skins in front of them with ferocious eyes.

“Is there any problem?”

At the same time, Seol So-baek's face became as cold as ice. As if to prove that he was
the enemy of the North Sea Ice Palace, a cold feeling of intimidation began to flow
from his body.
Episode 1124. If your friend calls, you should definitely come. (4)

“I asked if there was any problem.”

The beast archers flinched at Seol So-baek's cold voice.

They, too, aren't stupid enough to understand what's going on. It is impossible not to
be unaware that this young man is the Bukhaebinggungju, which belongs to the
Saeoeogung Palace along with Yasugung Palace.

However… … The faces of the beast archers who glanced at the carts layered with
animal skins were still dark. Even if the other person is the Bukhae Binggungju,
shouldn't he have something to say?

“No need to… … .”

The voice that had been flowing as if it had been pressed down gradually regained its

“Is there a need to kill an innocent beast over there?”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

Seol So-baek cut it off as if it was not even worth talking to.

“It is meaningless to judge whether an animal is guilty or not, and even if it has any
meaning, is there any reason why I should be evaluated by you for its conduct?”

"Five… … .”
Cheongmyeong looked at Seol So-baek as if curiously, and Oh Gum, who remembered
Seol So-baek, also opened their mouths all at once.

'Is he Sobaek?'

'Sook. Probably not?'

'Is this the Sobaek I know?'

'Oh my God, in the old days, small things were really cute.'

Cheongmyeong looked at Seol Sobaek with a new look.

Although he grew up to be unrecognizable from the outside, Seol So-baek is still a

child in Cheong-myeong's mind. A child of the North Sea Ice Palace who never
received proper hospitality.

However, what Sobaek Seol is showing now is clearly far from the innocent child who
lived in the hut he remembers.

Seol So-baek, who was glaring at the beast archers with cold eyes, was full of the
dignity of the North Sea Ice King who led the North Sea.

'that's interesting?'

Four years is enough time for a small child to become a devoted young man. But it
must have been an insufficient amount of time for an innocent child to show her true

Does a place make a person? Or was the blood of the North Sea New Year's Eve was
thicker than Qingming's thoughts?

“Then you mean that killing innocent animals was a good thing?”

However, the beast archers did not easily back down even after receiving such a

There is something about everyone that you can never back down. The Beast Archers,
who treated animals like friends, seemed unacceptable for Binggung's actions as it was
a gift and had completely stripped the skins of the animals.
“Isn’t it the skins of animals that you are wearing?”

“This is not something you get killed. It was stripped from dead animals according to
the flow of nature. At least we don't risk the life of a healthy animal to get the hide."


At that moment, Seol So-baek smiled as if it was ridiculous.

“Are you saying that those who have learned the martial arts of killing people should
not kill animals recklessly? That sounds absurd.”

“Man sins, but animals do not.”

At that moment, Seol So-baek's eyes widened.

“The place where you live seems to be quite affluent.”

“… … Yes?"

“Seeing you ranting like that. But how? The North Sea, covered in snow and ice, is a
place where you have to do anything to survive. Can't you afford to even consider the
circumstances of a mere beast?"

Seol So-baek's voice was terribly cold.

In fact, Binggung is a place where people live quite affluent in the North Sea, but Seol
Sobaek is not a typical Binggungdo. Moreover, he lived a life that had nothing to do
with binggung until he reached his maturity, and experienced with his own body how
the people of the North Sea live.

So he must know. How difficult it is to live and take root in that cold land that cannot
properly grow even a single grain.

How full would it be to hear the words of the Beast Palace saying that innocent
animals should not be killed?

“Are you saying we are wrong now?”

"Well. It's not like that. but… … .”

Seol So-baek slowly turned his head. Large animals could be seen through the crack in
the warehouse door.

“Did you bring them?”

“Is that so?”

“It’s fun.”

Seol So-baek laughed.

“There must be a lot of work that goes into raising beasts that big. As far as I know,
Yunnan was also not very good until recently.”

“… … what do you mean?"

“If I had food to feed these beasts, I would give it to the hungry. Even in the midst of
difficult times, you took care of the animals. Do you think animals are more important
than humans?” “You have already said everything… … .”

“What are you going to do when you’re done?”

The atmosphere became chilly. Seol So-baek spoke in a cool voice.

“I heard that the Beast Palace is a free-spirited place, but I think this is not free-
spirited, but loose-minded. Even if there is a problem here, is it right for you, who are
mere mundos, to ask me directly, the owner of Binggung?”

“That, that… … .”

“The term “defense guard” is used in this case. Thanks to you, I knew what the Beast
Palace was like.”

“Hey, you’re talking too much!”


Seol So-baek revealed this. At the same time, a cold chill flowed from his body.
“Is it okay for you to ignore the North Sea Ice Palace, and is it too much for me to talk
about the Beast Palace? I didn't know the Beast Palace was such a great place. I'm
curious. How much more can you ignore Binggung?”

“… … .”

"At this point, I guess I'll have to prove that Binggung isn't a place to be ignored so
much, right?"

A gloomy life was poured out. It was then that Seol So-baek, whose eyes were as cold
as the ice of the North Sea, stretched out both hands and took a step forward.

“No, why don’t you fight as soon as you see it? Get along well.”

“… … You are fighting!”

As soon as Qingming’s words were heard behind his back, the chill that Seol Sobaek
was exhaling disappeared as if washed away. Seol Sobaek, who had changed the mood
in an instant, looked back at Cheongmyeong and smiled shyly.

“Hey, we just chatted for a while. The dojang is in front of me, how can I do that!”

“… … .”

“Ah, please. Hehe."

The strength of the bodies of the Binggungdoers, who were thrilled to see the young
Gungju who had grown so much, ran out. With their shoulders drooping and their
heads bowed helplessly, the corners of their eyes were moist.

'Volcanic disease has come again.'

'No, why if anything related to volcanoes happens... … .'

'Why the hell are you like that, damn it!'

Who knows how the binggungdoers feel?

Seol So-baek has grown really well, even from their eyes. At first, there were certainly
those who did not like the fact that a child who had never experienced binggung
properly ascended to the throne simply because he inherited the blood of a former
royal prince.

But now, no one in the North Sea doubts that Sobaek Seol will be a great archer. It's
because Seol So-baek's appearance was so good that I couldn't be suspicious of it.

.Unlike previous kings who grew up in a comfortable place called North Sea Ice Palace
and did not understand the lives of those living in the North Sea, Seol So-baek
understood the hardships of the North Sea people better than anyone. For this reason,
he is becoming a person who takes care of the people of the North Sea more than any
previous palace lords.

They will grow from the one they need to protect to the one who protects them. It
may not be perfect right now, but it was Seol Sobaek, a contemporary of Binggung
who was evaluated that one day he might become more perfect than anyone else.

Only one.

'Except for volcanoes.'

It was impossible to understand why such a cool, rational and warm-hearted person
would lose consciousness when only two letters of the word ‘volcanic’ were

The same is true of those animal skins.

- Goo, my lord. Those volcanic people live in the warm Jungwon… Do you need run

- Well. So?

- Oh, no. It's hard to get hold of this, and everyone's tired... … . Because it's so rare... …

- So?

- that… … It's not that I don't want to do it, it's that I have to do this... … .

- therefore?

- … … .- therefore?
- … … I'll do it. It's not something that can just be called precious.

How many nights the North Sea Ice Archers have stayed up all night to prepare those
hides! In the first place, animals with such skins are so nocturnal that they cannot be
seen during the day!

Can you imagine how crazy it is to go hunting for animals at night in a snowstorm in
the still cold North Sea?

A person who is trying to take care of whether the place where Binggungdo is lying is
not comfortable or that the food is not poor will become a crazy person who drives
the archers to hunt on a cold night with a blizzard when only the two letters of
volcano are intertwined.

"which… … Anyway, I think it's too harsh."

“Oh, right?”

Seol So-baek, who heard Cheng-myeong's suggestive words, shed a pleasant laugh.
Cheongmyeong tilted her head at the incomprehensible reaction.

"Why are you laughing?"

“I think I did well.”


“I tried. You should be warm normally, but shouldn't you be giving a inch of warmth to
your enemies or adversaries?"

“… … Yes?"

uh… … . That's correct, but... … Isn't the beast palace the enemy?

However, Seol So-baek had a brighter smile, whether or not he knew the feeling of
such purity.

“It wasn’t easy, but I worked hard and the day comes when I hear something like this
from the dojang. After all, the dojang was right in saying that hard work never
“Wow, what effort?”

“Of course it’s the dojang.”

“… … uh? what is that... … .”

“I tried to emulate the image that the dojang showed me. It was just like this when the
dojo was fighting. Then the magicians just did this! membrane!"

“… … .”

“I still lack a lot, but if I try harder, maybe one day I can become like a dojo, right?”

Cheongmyung looked at Seol Sobaek, who smiled brightly with blank eyes.

When I moved my gaze a little, I could see the figures of Bingungdos who bowed their
heads in the momentum to dig into the ground, probably because it was difficult to
see this figure. Their bright red faces and their pure white uniforms contrasted sharply.



“… … Did I say this?”

Cheongmyeong looked back at the sword standing behind me. But, as if it was difficult
to explain, Ogum was making a fuss while avoiding his gaze.

“Well, it’s not quite the same.”

"little… … Uh, a little bit similar.”

“What were you trying to resemble? … . Yes, I can see what you were trying to

“Indeed… … .”

Cheongmyeong looked at Ogum blankly, then turned to Seol Sobaek again. Seeing
him smiling with his big eyes blinking, he immediately thought of a large puppy
waving his tail fiercely.
A soulless voice leaked out from the mouth of Cheong Myung.

“… … really?"

- Now I'm doing it all the way to the North Sea... … .... …

No, you bastard. I've never been like that?

Wow… … .

wow... … . I will turn, really... … .

Episode 1125. If your friend calls, you should definitely come. (5)

Unlike Volcano and Binggung, where there is no harmonious love (?), the atmosphere
of the Beast Archers was not so good.

In the end, he could not disregard the authority of the North Sea Ice King, so he
resigned, but there was no way he would feel happy because he was pushed by
someone who was nothing more than their son in a cool way.

Moreover, it also offended them that the young man's attitude toward them was so
different from that of the volcano.

According to the view, all these actions had enough room to be seen as an act of
ignoring the Southern Wilderness Palace.

Just because they were tied together under the name of Sae-O-Gung, how much
relationship was there between Bing-Gung and the Beast Palace? The only factor that
held them together was the discriminatory treatment they received from the Jungwon

However, once Chun Woo Meng solved such problems to some extent, cultural
differences that had not been revealed before began to surface.

“Even so, isn’t it a bit harsh?”

“I think you said we were enemies a while ago?”

“Can they be good men who kill innocent animals for their unnecessary hides? They’re
the ones who can’t get along.”


The beast archers exchanged opinions amongst themselves. The hostility towards
Binggung only increased.

“I’m still young, but I’m also very cheeky.”

“Words will go round and round. If it were the Beast Palace, I wouldn't even be a small

“You seem to lack the ability.”

“I don’t like it.”

In particular, the part that they found unsightly was that Binggung-ju didn't seem that
strong no matter how much he looked at it.

Of course, there is no denying that the momentum he shows is excellent for his age.
However, whoever sees it, the people behind it seem a little stronger than Binggungju.

In nature, it is natural for the strong to be the leader. It is incomprehensible to their

common sense that a person who does not yet have the age or strength to occupy
and sit in the upper seat with only one status is not understandable.

."You don't know that you're high in the sky just because you've written a

At that moment, a sharp voice could be heard in their ears.

“What did you say now?”


Contrary to the noisy volcano, the Binggungdos, who were quietly observing the
situation from behind, seemed to have heard their conversation. Some of the ice
archers who took the lead approached the beast archers with their cold eyes.

“What did you say now?”

“… … But these guys, are we happy?”

"Savages who don't know how to dress properly are talking about open mouths. what?
Are you lacking in skills?”

And of course, the gaze of the Beast Palace was also unacceptable to Binggung.
If the Beast Palace follows the law of the weak, the six strong, then the Bing Palace is a
place where you fight Mother Nature. We take it for granted that the wise survive, not
the strong survive.

And Seol So-baek is a palace lord recognized even by the elders of Binggung. Denial
of Binggung owner Seol So-baek was no different than denying the way of life of
Binggung practitioners.

“… … Did I say savage now?”

Living between the two groups was tight.

Until the opening ceremony of the previous Cheon Woo Meng, we did not have a bad
relationship with each other... … . No, rather, the two clans belonged to the good side,
but now they are revealing it to each other.

That's when the tension between the two groups was extremely high.

“Until there.”

Beast Archer Meng-so, who had been observing the situation quietly until now, cleared
up the situation with a roaring voice.

As soon as the Beast Archer stepped out, the Beast Archers bowed their heads and

The Binggungdos didn't like it either, but they backed away without a hitch. It was
because they knew that if they ignored Meng So's words now, it would be the same as
giving an excuse for the actions of the Beast Archers who had oppressed Seol So Baek
a while ago.


Meng So looked at my men and frowned.

“You are wrong this time. Apologize to Binggung-ju.”

“Oh, my lord! We… … .”

“Stop.” Meng-so waved his hand.”

What did the midfielders say to us?”

“… … .”

“Didn’t they say that they are barbarians who do not know how to live and do not
know manners? What did you say each time?”

“… … .”

“Answer me.”

One of the beasts bowed his head and answered.

“They also said that if they come to the end of Yunnan or live in South Bay, they have
no choice but to live like us.”

"right. A person's life is inevitably different depending on where he lives. By the way…
… You, who were so displeased with that gaze, are doing the same thing to Binggung.
You're just blaming me according to my standards, without understanding."

“… … .”

“If I had been a little more rude, I would have cut you guys in the back.”

"crime… I send you.”

“I am not the one to apologize.”

At those words, the beast archers bowed their heads towards Seol So-baek.

“I’m sorry, Lord Binggung.”

“We were rude.”

Seol So-baek glanced at the beast archers. In the past, Seol Sobaek would have
accepted that apology right away, but this time, he didn't say a word. It's not that he
feels bad, it's that the North Sea has been ignored.

“I apologize too, Binggoongju. Please understand.”

“Oh, no. lord. Of course I understand.”

But even that kind of heart melted like snow when Meng-so bowed his head slightly. It
was because Seol So-baek also knew how difficult it was for someone who was about
the level of a beast archer to bow his head to others. Seol So-baek scratched my nose
as if he was indifferent.

“At first, um… … I was a little sensitive too.”

"I understand. You, too, must have heard similar things to us.”

A sigh escaped Seol So-baek's mouth. They are not that different from being ignored
because they live differently from Jungwon. Therefore, it was inevitable to be sensitive
to these remarks.

“If you look closely, the midfielders are the problem.”

“It is.”

“There is no reason for us to fight.”

"Yes. The king is right.”

Cheongmyung, who was listening to that, rubbed his ears with a fat face.

“I don’t think you have anything to say in front of the midfielder.”

"ha ha ha. you are separate Because you are not a person who separates Jungwon
from Sae-eui.”

"Yes. you're right. I completely agree.”

“… … Is that an insult?”

“Ahahahaha. Could it be? If you know that your life is precious, there is no way you
would dare to curse the volcanic swordsmanship of the world.”

"you're right! Who dares to curse the dojo! I will dump you directly at the bottom of
the North Sea lake.”

Long sentence death sentence. I hate them... … . uncomfortable… … .

Qingming sighed as the ground went out. What would you do? It was the path he
chose with his own hands to carry all these yangbans.

“Then what shall we do now?”


“Give me an order! We are ready.”

Seol So-baek, who was approaching, became burdened, and Cheong-myeong took a
step back in a cold sweat.

"that… … Motivation is good, but since I had a hard time coming from a long way,
wouldn't it be better to get rid of my addictions first? Should I see you first?”

"Yes! I will!”

Seol So-baek nodded his head violently enough to be too burdensome. Then he
quickly began to lead the Binggungdos into the manor.

“Be careful not to damage the gift cart!”


Qingming wiped the sweat from his forehead. Meng-so, who was standing next to him,
said softly.

“… … It looks like he grew up in a strange direction.”

“That’s right?” “I don’t think it’s a bad thing… … . So, it’s a little odd.”

Mengso held a bitter smile. A deep sigh escaped from Qingming's mouth.

Somehow the situation was sorted out, but the Bing and the Beast Archers looked at
each other badly as the sediment did not disappear until the moment they retreated.

Cheongmyeong, who watched the scene, clicked his tongue slightly. And then he said
in a serious voice.

"thank you."
“What do you mean?”

“Even the prince must not have been in a good mood.”

The mourner laughed bitterly.

“What’s wrong with you?”

Of course he said this, but he couldn't have been in a good mood. In the first place,
the way of thinking of the Beast Archers and the way of thinking of Meng So are not
very different. What the archers are offended by means that Mengso is bound to be
offended as well.

No, maybe he felt worse than the average archers. Because he is none other than the
lord of the beast palace.

But he endured that feeling and scolded my archers first.

Seol So-baek is the one who is said to be the palace lord of the same Sae-O-Gung,
but cannot even be compared with himself. If he had tried to press down with force
and authority, there would have been no difficulty, but he apologized first and bowed
his head. That's why Cheongmyeong rarely said thank you.

“It’s nothing compared to what you do.”

“… … Yes?"

“Isn’t a hot-tempered person like you also enduring by killing my temper?”

"no… … . My personality is not as dirty as you think... … .”

“If it were you in the past, the moment the archers set their blades on each other, you
would have lost both without thinking.”

uh? I heard... … .

“But isn’t it funny that I get angry?”

“… … .”

“More than that… … It won’t be as easy as you think.”


Meng Su looked at Qingming, as if he knew what to ask again.

“It’s impossible for me or Seol Gung-ju to run to intervene every time something
happens. If that were possible, I wouldn't have asked for help when you came to
Yunnan in the past."

“… … but."

“The archers recognize and respect the strong, but I don’t understand why they have
to endure it. They find it difficult to endure, especially in situations they do not

“It’s so free-spirited.”

Meng-so put on a bitter expression on his face. I came here to help, but I felt
apologetic because it seemed like I was just passing on a troublesome task.

“It might be a bit of a problem, is that ok?”

“Hey, what’s the matter.”


When Qing Myung's reaction was so dull, Meng So asked with a puzzled face.

"What does it mean?"

"Well, you'll find out soon."

Instead of answering, Cheongmyeong rolled up the corners of her lips and smiled.

“More than that, did you come to the Beast Palace neatly?”

“Like you said, I have made arrangements so that I don’t have to go back for a few
years. That’s why it took so long.”

"It's good."
Qingming nodded his head.

With this, the power of the existing Cheon Woo Meng was fully gathered here.

'It's not really a joke when you put them together.'

Volcano, Danga, Namgung and Nokrim, and Binggung and Beast Palace.

Six of the clans that rule the world are gathered here. Considering that the old file
room was treated as the ruler of a stronghold with only ten clans, this is absolutely no
small amount of power.

'Still, it's still not enough... … .'

right. Wooduk. Cheongmyung bent his neck left and right.

“Well, that’s something we have to fill out from now on.”

It's not that difficult. Just like volcanoes are big, shouldn't these be raised as well? Of
course, since there is no time to take it easy, it will be a bit extreme, and it will be
painful for those who suffer… … .

“Everyone is saying everything is going well, so you have to understand. If you don't
understand, what are you going to do?"


“No, nothing.”

Cheongmyung giggled as if he was happy just thinking about it. It looked like a child
with a funny toy in his hand, so he was a bit anxious.


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Thank you for your interest.

The merry New Year holiday is approaching.

Happy New Year, and I hope that the coming year will be filled with joy, readers.

thank you

Episode 1126. This is hell, this is here. (One)

can't breathe

No, it's scary to breathe. There are a lot of people lining up in a huge square where
the expression "extensive" is more appropriate than the expression "wide".

The bizarre thing was that the faces of those who had unusual aura at a glance were
all turned white. A menacingly long spear was held in a noticeably trembling hand.

Of course, in our lives, we often experience fear. Nevertheless, the reason why this
scene cannot be taken for granted is that those who are trembling like children are the
madams of the Sapae-ryun, who say that their name alone drives Gangnam into fear.

“Ryeo, Ryeonju! my, please! please live... … .”


The sword that soared into the sky fell violently and struck the man's neck. The head
that had been cut in an instant floated into the air.


Red blood gushed out from his fallen body like a pile of straw.

The faces of those who saw the scene grew even paler and tired.

All of them have enemies in Sapa. Of course, I've seen people die countless times.
There is nothing particularly exciting about seeing someone die now.

However, the scene unfolding before their eyes was clearly different from the 'death'
they had seen so far.


With the cold voice of the name, the body, which has not yet cooled down, is dragged
away like a rotten tree. And to that place another was dragged like an ox to the

Bloodstained in his eyes, completely exhausted from fear. A terrifying voice rang out
like a seizure.
“Ryeo, Ryeonju! lord lord! I am not! I am not an idiot who resists the Lord! lord lord!
Trust me, please! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!”

That cry was hard to hear.

Perhaps the one who is being dragged now is also a wicked man who has taken the
lives of countless people with his own hands. However, even such a person was no
different from ordinary people when they faced their own death.


He was dragged to the wide square and raised his trembling head to look at Daejeon.

"flaw… … . uh... … .”

At that moment, the sound of air coming out of his mouth came out of his mouth. His
terrified appearance did not match the reputation and position he had built up in the

But no one here could criticize him for his shabby appearance. Anyone who sees this
scene now will have no choice but to react in the same way.

The main building was newly built after Sapaeryeon was built. In the center of the main
altar, luxurious white marble was spread widely, reflecting Jang Il-so's taste to the

When the sun shines, the appearance of the plaza shining as if it was snowing was
nothing more than a symbol of Sapae-ryun in itself.

But the dazzling marble was now all dyed dark red. The blood of those who died here
flowed again and again.

Who can keep their composure in the face of such a sight?

“Ugh… … .”

A foul smell of blood stung my nostrils. The man's pants dance got wet in an instant.

“Ryeo, Ryeonju! Lord, please save me! Anything if you just let me live! I will do
anything! It's all motherfuckers! I've never been against the Master! please! Please save
me! Ryeonjunii!”
Squeezing out a scream, whether it was a shout or a scream, he looked up with
desperate eyes.

His gaze crossed the red-stained ground and headed for the high stairs connected to
the square. While the lower part was completely stained with blood, the white light
gradually appeared as the stairs went up. And finally, the top of the stairs was shining
divinely white.

The stark contrast seemed to tell the difference between the man who was brought
here and the man at the top of that high staircase.

A gorgeous and huge throne was placed at the top of the stairs, and there was a man
sitting at an angle.

“Ryeo, Ryeonju… … .”

Red long sleeves embroidered with gold threads with colorful dragons. The white hand
that was exposed below gently grabbed the glass next to him.


Jang Il-so, the man who raised the glass, looked down at the screaming man with
languid eyes.

“Ryeo, Ryeonju!”

Seeing the last rope under the cliff, the man shouted like this. However, as if losing
interest soon, Jang Il-so leaned back, leaning his back to the back of the throne.

Instead, it was none other than the nickname that opened his mouth.

A cold voice rang out terribly.

Responding to that voice, those who flinched slightly moved immediately. Then he
dragged the screaming tooth and pressed it against the stake.

"he… … hey profit!”

The sullen fury sword that was struck at once cut off the man's head at once. His spiky
head splattered with blood in all directions, and he rolled on the floor in vain.

Those who watched the scene without lifting a finger managed to swallow dry saliva.

The name of the person who had just been decapitated is Jo Pyo (趙慓). One of the
great masters of the Black Demon, Yi Yi, who had a reputation as a demon in Fujian.

However, such a person could not even resist properly, and his throat was cut off like
an insect.

Who could have imagined such a sight just a month ago?

These people are not afraid of death. From the moment he decided to enter Sapa, he
was prepared for the fate of becoming a twisted corpse in a field on the battlefield.

However, among the last images they thought of themselves, such a sight never
existed. It was natural that no one imagined the end of being dragged like a criminal
and having their head cut off without even resisting.

Not all deaths are the same.

This worthless feast of death was enough to terrify even those who were ready to
become manure in the fields.

“It’s boring.”

And, in this strange atmosphere, there was only one person not related to fear.

Jang Il-so took a sip of Miju from the glass and opened his mouth.

“How many are left?”

“A total of three hundred and sixty-two are scheduled for today. A little while ago, the
keynote was one hundred and seventy-eight.”

“Half left.”

Jang Il-so sighed and leaned back on the throne.

“If you are bored, I will finish the rest of the execution.”

“No, no.”

At the words of the nickname, Jang Il-so shook his head slightly.

“Still, these are people who once ate rice in one pot, wouldn’t it be polite to watch the
last time they go? I am a person with that kind of consideration.”

“… … .”

"and… … .”

Jang Il-so slowly lowered his head and looked at the people who filled the square. A
satisfied smile spread across the lips of Jang Il-so, who saw the frightened faces.

“By the way, for an event like this, seniors should be with you. Wouldn’t that make it
even more meaningful?”

“You are right.”

Ho Ga-myeong glanced at Jang Il-so's complexion and asked.

“If that’s the case, the execution a little faster… … .”

“Ttttttttttttttt. pseudonym.”

“Yes, my lord.”

“They are living like garbage, and they are criminals that are difficult to save, but aren’t
they human?”

“… … .”

“It is not reasonable to kill quickly just because it is bothersome. Do it as planned.”

“Yes, my lord.”

Hughes nodded his head reluctantly.

Well. I do not know.

The fate of those who are scheduled to be executed today will never change. And they
too know they are going to die today.

At first glance, the leisurely execution seems to give them a little more time to breathe.
But if you think about it the other way around, waiting for death in despair is nothing
more than increasing the time to tremble in fear.


The nickname was not someone who had compassion for anyone, but he could not
help but sympathize with those who were trembling in fear while waiting for their turn.

But that's all, in fact, it's unavoidable. Their fate was decided from the moment they
dared to be displeased with the defeated.

“Continue the execution.”


At the call of the surname, those in charge of the execution began to move in a hurry.
Another criminal was brought out.

Jang Il-so looked down at the scene indifferently and raised his glass of wine.

“What a nice sight.”

One life is lost, and one drink is empty again.

One life, and another life.

The blood and blood execution continued until the sun fell over Seosan Mountain and
colored the whole world with the sunset.

Today, even the white marble in the place where Jang Il-so is located is dyed blood
with the red glow of the sunset.


Jang Il-so, dressed in a pure white saliva, stared at the glass of wine.

As I looked into the still glass without shaking a single point, my slightly excited heart
seemed to have subsided.

Jang Il-so's gaze, who raised his head, turned to Sibi standing next to the bed.

Suddenly, Jang Il-so's eyes narrowed slightly.

“Such. Why are you shaking so much?”

“Ryeo, Ryeonju… … .”

Sibi's face, which had already turned white, is now almost blue.

“Are you not feeling well? Do you want to go and rest?”

“Oh no, my lord! How dare I... … .”


Jang Il-so clicked his tongue as if he was sorry. Contrary to the way he looked at the
warriors under the stairs a while ago, his gaze was very soft.

“Then go and get some stronger drinks. The bloody smell on my body is so strong
that I can't feel the alcohol."

“Yeah, I will.”

“No rush. Go slowly.”


As he hurriedly ran outside, getting tired of the quarrel, Ilso Jang chuckled and

“I don’t know why those kids are so scared of me.”

In fact, I had no doubts about it.

Aren't there a lot of tyrants who easily kill or harass? However, Jang Il-so has never
killed Si-bi, who was not familiar with martial arts. He has never coveted his body, nor
has he ever harassed him by whimsy. Once again, they even gave out large sums of
money when they stopped working.

Even so, it was very interesting to see his gaze still drenched in fear.

“What do lowly things know? It will just be difficult to see.”

“Ttttttttt. You do it again.”

Jang Il-so sighed lightly.

“It is not humble. Why do you keep calling the children who are doing their job well?”

“… … .”

“The word humble is not a word used for such children. It's only for pigs who sit down
in a fountain overflowing with things that don't fit the topic."

“I will keep that in mind.”

“Don’t just say it, but try to understand a little bit, pseudonym.”

Jang Il-so gave me a pint glass. However, Ho Ga-myeong looked at him without a
change in expression and opened his mouth.


“Say it.”

“… … Do you intend to continue the execution tomorrow?”

“Aren’t there still two days left?”

“The plan is yes.”

“Then it should be. groan Even if I'm tired of sitting all day... … . A place called Ryeonju
would be like this.”

“The loss is too much, Ryeonju.”

Hearing these words, Ilso Jang suddenly shed a deep smile.

1127 episodes . here Hell , here it is . (2)

“Excessive ?”

“Yes .”

nickname firm with face speak was _

"today executed only these chart It's called a ragweed to call number Do not have
These are . everyone Humpback in the aqueduct depending on in an important
position sat down these Isn't it ?"

“Yes ?”

Jang Il-so then in that notably Interest no meaning It was dull . this reaction Boyle I'd
say Nickname accustomed expected is did _ However will do the horse Sun doing crab
In addition His it was a thing

"then these Wolf hit inside... … finally of electric power weaken avoid number without It
will be .”

“Hmm .”

Jang Il-so swipe door side up I looked out of nowhere sound murmured .

"slowly Come on but but once _ alcohol bring it rest I wish I mean .”

“… … lord .''

nickname from the mouth sigh leak came out

“Ryeonju you think bar do not know crab No. _ However… … As you know our
situation picture relaxed does not . to be executed these have strength Sorry , more
sorry that is they as it disappears to happen administrative These are spaces . that to
replace to be quite long-time This time take will .”

just then Jang Il-so nickname upright saw _ color pale the pupil still was indifferent
nickname dry saliva swallow speak was _
“The Lord’s meaning to break Ham No. _ just… … Ryeonju and saffron for to be
executed of these number a little bit reducing crab how about Find out more It is Ham

“Hmm .”

“They already in fear tired There is . Ryeonju have mercy if you give dare never to the
Lord to oppose dare inside can't will .”

“A pseudonym , a pseudonym .”

“Yes , my lord .”

"always feeling would be That is .”

“Yes .”

Jang Il-so strange laugh building nickname looked up

"you safaga not fit not thing It’s like .”

“… … yes ?”

that outrageous on horse nickname Eyes Big popped up single mind nickname Sapa
not fit not saying speak if you listen People what will you react ?

under heaven Jang Il-so from the mouth came out because of the end to refute
difficult only , other dental from the mouth this horse if it came out anyone as soon as
I hear snort hit will _

“How… … .”

“Is that so ?”

Jang Il-so squeaky laughed _

“Sapara the guy have mercy to give speak poor quality isn't it , then never not against
can't Khitan speak poor quality isn't it? "

"However that… … .”
"know there is .”

Jang Il-so like a sigh prey smiling said .

"once scary crab what I see , in the future to oppose dare inside can't Khitan think
about it .”

“Yes , I… … .”

"By the way That is .”

waist of horse drip cut off Jang Il-so two Eyes chill owed _

“It’s a person case yes like thought not wise I don't . mostly once a lesson when you
get that a lesson reflective crab no, how much pass no Forget it .”

“… … .”

“And then My good towards think throw it away Jang Il-so to him opposed guys too
eventually being released I 'm alive , once in a while more Even if I try not maybe ?”

nickname lips hold on closed .

“Yes . what is human then that 's it especially sapara the tribes I mean .”

Jang Il-so hand Hwihwi I stumbled . thinking just by sick I seemed to

“Humans grace just like that Forget , grudge never forget it it 's not However than
grudge more forget it unable also there is that is what line Do you know ?”

“… … .”

"Right away Fear .”

Jang Il-so two Snow sullenly it sank

“stiff depth engraved fear . resistant just by perishing crab better poor to be that fear .
I never author beat number no horror .”

“… … .”
"People moving case Right away then extreme It is fear .”

“Ryeonju .”

nickname long day Still Look at to wear opened . asking crab make sense no girl know
But… … This just in a long day About His pure was curious .

“The servants believe Don't you ?”

"funny speak you do .”

Jang Il-so giggling laughed _

"Oh my gosh believe guys seperately yes . like that trash same guys believe mean ?
those guys do you believe rather I partisan guys I believe . At least they are not
capricious do n't like a cow Don’t be honest .”

nickname from the mouth sigh leak come out I the answer is It's not surprising not I
feel it rather cheat It was frustrating .

“But , Ryeonju . I to them warmth give Doom gave that No. _ like that trash same guys
too if necessary to write that Isn't it ?"

"of course that nonsense That's right . Person same only guys leave if left this in
saffron leftover this is only only you There will be none .”

Jang Il-so strange smile stayed _

“ How are you? As before again two people sun cheek do you ? have thing no was
awful that like the old days ?”

Jang Il-so from the mouth Previous story come out nickname on the lips Example rare
smile took _

"To be honest as it were picture horn thing not equal I don't, but… … to go back
number is There will be none .”

“Yeah , that's right . sorry it's work pseudonym , we Too far Wow Because I threw it
away .”
"However that is Ryeonju wished bar Isn't it ?"

“Of course .”

Jang Il-so in regret don't fall for it does not the past miss you does not His gaze
toward there is where is always the past not Tomorrow is here not more High where _

monstrous it's a thing

Jang Il-so Countless Thing in hand put in once upon a time like a dream... … no , I'd
rather like a delusion felt Countless things into reality done paid Force underfoot My
under your feet push put in

However Jang Il-so boiled past and notably be different that no _

insignificant in Nangin of all people the ark become , and eventually sapphire
rendezvous despite being to Jang Il-so changed The part is to reside room little more
glamorous and drinking drink little more expensive it is only this case dare sapphire
week by week not even if you don't However much to achieve number there was are

nevertheless Jang Il-so every Thing gluttonously eat put away there was Like craving
that itself coveted like an ogre .

"so like that even these take advantage of How to to find summer solstice wouldn't
you ? rusty even if it's a knife Do not have rather than better It is the law .”

Jang Il-so 👌🏽 a drink at eye level leave Still see said .

“A pseudonym .”

“Yes , my lord .”

“The force that is sword too not the same Isn't it? "

“… … called a knife Did you?”

“Yes , yes . you a famous sword make at the time important that what is Do you
know ?”

“… … good iron inscribed That is .”

“Yeah , that ’s right .”

"However have that except for junk If not , that Even if it's miscellaneous to utilize that
the default Isn't it ?"

“Of course . By the way surprisingly a famous sword fabricated place most important
that is material questioning that no .”

“What if ?”

“The greed inside not that is .”

“… … .”

nickname between the brows swipe frowned . Jang Il-so doing speak to understand
easy didn't Because .

“To you sword make one lumpy Han Cheol extra Han Cheol a little bit more that let's
do it with that sword to create how Should I do it ?”

“Yeah… … .”

nickname extremely common sense answered .

"one lumpy Han railroad the sword made and left Han railroad handle I will make that
is if not in the sheath mix or... … .”

“Yeah , that’s right .”

Jang Il-so Also that horse not wrong not saying seemingly head nodded . However
followed by His from the mouth came out the horse nickname expected and a little
was different .

"then sword ruin it It happened .”

“… … yes ?”

Jang Il-so that's fun seemingly small out loud laughed _

“To the handle Han Cheol let me in when of sword weight change . ideal in weight get
away okay . sword to protect use in the sheath Han Cheol mix need More than to
harden becomes _ then the day hurt Don’t .”

“… … .”

"most good Way one lumpy Han railroad sword make stranger the extra throw away it
will Well , even if you sell it It will be fine .”

Jang Il-so bottle of wine Backwards turned over falling one drop of alcohol looking
glance frown he sigh resting speak was _

"However being a person things most that extra Han Cheol throw away did n't yes like
a horse in the sheath write or on the handle inscribed these are by the way get better
By the way mostly how doing line Do you know ?”

“… … I don't know .”

“On the sword have Han Cheol all Put Throw it away .''

“… … .”

"that value only expensive just cheap _ than an iron sword unhappy in the trash it is
only nevertheless People that Great master swordsman sheep swing land . that sword
inscribed crab body skill cut off to eat girl do n't know no , maybe knowingly greed
throw away I can't .”

nickname from the mouth sigh leak came out

“They extra Are you iron ?”

“Yeah , you know .”

Jang Il-so slowly body wake up erected _

“What is greed? yes . star useless no , there is have to see sell it too difficult Thing you
know right away throw away do _ However do it ca n't then even iron Someday write
number to be thing Because it is the same .”

“… … .”
“A force is case extra like iron width in with stick to forget number there is that No .
present just by me wield felled that 's it Do you understand ?”

“Ryeonju .”

"I me bluntly make redundancy like need no _ what is power like a sword my in hand
perfectly must match do it impurities Deokjidokji mixed properly me too properly not
line sword holding waving case clown doing do it only to be bloated do arbitrarily in
action stand Things… … neck bedon , fire tired so all get rid of did it .”

Jang Il-so on the lips suddenly playful and extravagant smile tied up

"that in the meantime to remain for them good Lesson one give going That's right ,
there 's no more expensive value receive smoking crab it will be right Is n't it ?"

nickname finally head nodding fell .

few Absolutely strong _ so that nickname somehow saffron A little more to raise did _
However Jang Il-so thinking with him Different was the shape

then Jang Il-so meaning to follow do _ this power moving this is he not Right away
Because it's a long day

“A pseudonym .”

“Yes , my lord .”

"Forward U.S have to go through will do war is so far aspect be different will _ one not
enemy Various in a place have to deal with I will .”

“… … .”

“I will Whenever I stupid things My as you please in action if you do beat number
there is even in war to lose no choice but to None .”

nickname head nodded .

that that Also accustomed know there is It is true .

"so first they People not with a dog have to make if you bark barking , tail Chi Ramen
tail striking with a dog I mean . a dog not unwilling things as a person to die sun give
to be work . that is… … really mercy is it will Do you understand ?”

“… … they really Lord's a dog to be number Are you there ?”

Jang Il-so on the face ear was young

“Then . not follow not things all hit kill me _ name not follow not that enemy in hand
perishing than more afraid result that brings Thing Know If... … humans are disappear .”

“… … .”

"long time it will take Bothersome process have to go through will do will _ However
that every that finish only If... … .”

Jang Il-so two Snow the ceiling stared at no , the ceiling beyond to exist something
looked up Sun be right will _

"for the first time I the world in hand Jules qualify get It will be .”

nickname hand a little trembled _ Jang Il-so like that speak in the mouth contained
enemy In the past was there

“If so just I will follow you .”

then Sun do _ saffron not Gangnam the whole fatigue infected Han Yi even if I mean .

“Yes .”

Jang Il-so two in the eyes heated desire filled up do the same nickname chest too hot
simmered .

at that time Jang Il-so something emerged seemingly Oh , and said .

"that before , go alcohol A little Bring it .”

“… … .”

“Fight I need to change... … .”

“… … .”

nickname from the mouth sigh leak came out

1128 episodes . This is hell , this is here . (3)

deep dawn .

tolerable full-width all darkened It's a sight, but Military single mind nickname dwelling
place still fire brightly turned out there was

big on the desk sit down documents looking into nickname stiff Eyes rubbing on the
chair body leaned on

'It's easy I don't .'

that Also is unmanned tolerable Work like to him feeling tired Cycle difficult . However
already ten days closely continued all night unmanned even that exhausted to do It
was enough .

nevertheless yet conflict the road far away _ that is even dare pay number there was

“… … one once in a while Too excessive girl Because you want it .”

he loose the sound of volmen did _

Jang Il-so means enough I understand . and that meaning Absolutely to be worthy also
now perfectly I understand .

the problem is Jang Il-so a drink Tilt ' like this if I'll be fine .' do touk throw discarded
that grand target in reality fit implement smoking crab Different not nickname the role
point is

I mean easy .

right now this time almost in one thousand near these while executing saffron within
colossal human blank occurred . They're little ones dead whether or not it doesn't
matter However this time to be executed these middle each sectarian at the core near
these too many that there is case It was a big deal .
they disappearing appeared administrative blank minimize , and a person Proper in
place must appoint do _ at the same time , while each in the clan inefficient and
loosely operated things all find out efficiently need to be rearranged do _

is that the only Hook ears All people , by the waterway each divided there was the
forces as one unify need to adjust do _

This clan one New fabricated unlike that comparison not not vicious it was a thing

past all people even when nickname amount of work copy these are tongue hang out
did _ By the way Now is all people not some the ship grown saffron The past like
everyone efficient and at the same time Jang Il-so taking place of excursions take the
back Sun do _

this where People will do would you do it ? imperial capable instead of take let go few
days Vertage can not running away would be left

But nickname horseshoe without that every do things silently endured _

what if Cheongmyeong this fact If you know , the past like all forget Work A little
together sun see you tears sprinkle to the nickname may have hung I don't know .

slang at the volcano blueberry Hyunyoung , Phenomenology meteorite , even top of

the galaxy instead sun giving up to day nickname all take charge doing mean I mean .

anyway situation like this Bonnie , moderately beckon instructions down Jang Il-so
deep to sleep immersed this deep until dawn nickname alone stay work cheek no
choice but to Do not have will _

saffron Jang Il-so without to exist number Do not have where At the same time, the
nickname without not moving unable was the place

'Let's see .'

nickname hand stretched out little I'm from Haomen came in report My Forward drag
placed _

system to maintain in the meantime Information to miss not becomes _ information

field most Precious thing . and to Jang Il-so rising Information is Among them More
important _
Different to them entrust number Do not have this Information first receive classify,
and only the core to Jang Il-so raising also nickname undertaken work middle was one

“In the palace of the beast It's binggung... … .”

furthermore now came up report Different not I in heaven about it's a thing recent
Cheon Woo-blind Dongtaewa Relevant Information is saffron even within as a special
are classified

“These guys all call how What want to right ?”

nickname glance frowning murmured .

This zero not efficient not do it right now war happen also Is n't it ? By the way I Many
number of people to the Yangtze River Call throw away them feed sleeping Deman
chart vast money transfer go in

Moreover each other Different inclination with these together Gather let go inevitably
conflict and accident occurs _ now saffron Also that to the problem struggling myriad
blood spilling yes isn't it ?

By the way dare summer solstice even if you don't to be work by committing dispute
provoke ? This who look at it Foolish do it

“Damn it… … .”

nickname from the mouth frustrated sigh leak came out

nevertheless this Information stupid like shit neglect hand over throw away number Do
not have The reason is one . this work doing there is lice that Cheong Myung-gi
Because .

'Volcano Swordsmanship .'

admit it want to However , the volcanic sword nickname with the head can afford
number Do not have This was .

of course nickname I know . myself as a librarian picture excellent existence no Thing I

mean . of course Normal lice seemingly nickname Also greatly excellent military log I
don't know , the world My as you please twist laying of monsters on the battlefield
even the nickname normal can not beefy in humans pass does not
that much they competing the battlefield the culprit feet to take in number Do not
have realm will _

nickname the temple habitually cackle pressed .

'Nothing that true it was embarrassing few but .'

His strength exerted the part seperately ' cause

His value is plan No , administrative power and operate ability , and Jang Il-so speak
somehow come true smoking in execution there is under heaven Countless these but ,
I long day to satisfy worthy Work processing see line number there is people nickname
only one there will be no Because .

nickname that in fact pride with there was

However oh my Only when... … them between happening complicated fighting back

side look at ability no crab stuffy to be felt no choice but to there was no yes . oh my
only when I mean .

“… … petulance I am .”

nickname low murmuring holding there was report to the left moved _ on the left laid
case His in line to deal with number because there is no to Jang Il-so have to raise
doing were reports .

recent For , especially hangzhou magic suffered after that in heaven Relevant the
reports to the left transferred Days became frequent

'That much... … impressive I guess .'

nickname two Snow darkly it sank

soberly Say it hangzhou magic resolved is , especially I demonic bishop killed that is
long day sona saffron not Right away that It's a volcanic sword gorge .

that day he see gave appearance and he had run the plan is nickname in mind not
erased won't the fire left behind
nickname cool human, and that self to yourself too It was the same . he never yourself
don't overestimate did n't he Own with the head clarification can afford number no
Thing acknowledged _

'Nevertheless Understanding Branch I don't .'

resistance a hint Boyne these are leave let go not to be true Jang Il-so forced
command nickname horseshoe without fulfilling The reason is only is one

now them everyone accept to rehabilitate This time no Because . war is picture far
away because it was n't so hurt 🧡 before rather wound the part cut out throw away
side up selected will _

on the other side Cheon Woo Maeng how about now Cheongmyeong doing the act
body all over the place myself hurt more carved and be different bar Do not have do it
how what by thought this do handan mean ?

'no way The problem grow up before Even a preemptive attack will Is it ? '

nickname prey Smile abandoned . passing by even in thought horse not felled it was a

"The reason is there is certainly The reason is there is However that The reason is I
guess difficult it would be... … .”

nickname loose squeaky laughed _

he is a person people monster and the monster each other fighting reason way
understand number no _ just watermelon outside lick guessing crab everything .

Jang Il-so clear fight is to the nickname in then kind of it was a thing he just myself to
Jang Il-so who not hope not to wished _ therefore Jang Il-so that big meaning come
true bet wish Only .

“Misconception It was long .”

regret without in hand gripped report sideways throw laid nickname new report caught
it the day brightness before have to deal with will do do things hour within to finish
even the thoughts extravagant _
However Mind even in a hurry His thinking is willingly New listen raised to report not
heading could n't

'The Volcano Swordsmanship... … .'

In recent years Him When I recall The chest get cramped came .

that It's called volcanic sword sleeping… … admit it want to but surprisingly _ Jang Il-so
look alike there was completely while different resemblance existence . that the horse
soon Volcano Swordsman that much Great called it meant

'Can afford myself that there is I guess .'

nickname from the mouth sigh Absolutely leak came out

anyway their in the act certainly intention to be will , and that the intention is Volcano
Sword Consultation in confidence originated to be ter .

'However At last correct that is U.S to be It will , Volcano Swordsmanship .'

Gangbuk-i there is towards look at June nickname lips a little bit off and Within again
on the papers to focus started _

Jang Il-so Own will into reality to make In order to one time rest gap there was no


that nickname try to interpret struggling vigilant clear place .

Likewise big on the desk sitting Cheongmyeong crumbly face buck sweep hair biting
there was

at that time the door urgently gully opened .

“Cheongmyung ah ah ah ah ah !”

Cheongmyeong soul half way passed out with face run away came in this looked up
one hundred thousand face confirmed Cheongmyeong all die going in voice
murmured .

"why… … In addition… … .”
“… … .”

"In addition fight It happened !”

“Dang-ga Namgung Fight !”

“… … Why ?”

no , that In addition what is it a combination ?

“I don’t know ! rice To eat not suddenly I tapped Were you fighting ?”

“… … Moderately dry it .”

"knife Did you pick it ?”

“… … .”

"how A little sun Look ! building all fly away came up .”

"that… … .”

Cheongmyeong Something want to say moment , hundred thousand pushing jogger in

head suddenly pushed in

“Cheongmyung ! with green we with kids fight did it happen ?”

“… … then dry it .”

“No , the privates together fighting in I to dry not Listen ! … … huh ? hundred
thousand Sook ! why here are you there now oh my time not lodgings to dry do .”

"you do it ! me now with Namgung Danga to dry do it !”

“No , they It's someone else ! we kids green wood kids mouse like a catch beat is
there ?”

"we kids beaten there It doesn't matter . right also not .”

“Huh ?”
jogger Oops and blankly murmured .

"listen Bonnie Is that so ? me why Did you run ?”

“… … .”

half way stay there was clear soul Again about half went out

that is why okay I mean . this crazy Guys .

However His suffering is yet it's over did n't

“Sorry !”

jogging sideways face brought in our party looking Cheongmyeong dazedly murmured

“… … Why ? with Binggung with the beast palace fight ?”

“No ! death penalty , that not !”

"then what ?”

“In the Palace of the Beast brought the beasts warehouse run out a private house It's
over !”

“… … that why just look do you have catch You must come !”

“Hands Not enough ! Different the death penalty now with green You say you're
fighting ."

“What about the Beast Palace ?”

"now with Binggung fighting there is .”

“Huh ?”

Cheongmyeong vacant by eye our party looked up

"not fighting... … ?”
"that My business no meant . among themselves fight or not whether or not I Know
What is it ?”

“… … .”

“For fighting I'm crazy rice on time not giving in the wind escaped What 's the shape ?
left only people suppression is difficult thing Looks like an example Sanya put number
of animals even if you beat me okay ? ”

melted Cheongmyeong on the chair slurp stretched out

“Hey , this how do you? ”

"now fight continue me ?”

“Hey . rest sun June crab wrong like ? officially Dalian not because it is pasted among
themselves strength stay Are you fighting ?”

ears stretch stab coming in the voice haha Smile discarded Cheongmyeong the ceiling
blankly looking murmured .

“Yes .”

“Yeah . how Shall I ?”

"all… … .”

“All ?”

"all If 👌👌 I wish .”

“… … .”

“Dogs… … .”

clear around the eyes Riding one stem Tears flowed down

unity ? Unity same sound do I 'm sleepy

Aigoo , long sentence death sentence .

here Hell , here it is . oops .

1129 episodes . here Hell , here it is . (4)

“Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much !”

temporary long writer at the place loudly throwing out voice is heard _ location
forward past these tongue kick head I stumbled .

"In addition This is the beginning .”

"anyway Cheongmyeong that guy even a day quiet the day because there is none .”

“That too play tricks It's a talent ."

laughter and concern mixed gaze for a moment location towards It poured , but that
was all . amazed this is there was no This in volcanoes , and the volcano staying where
always happening because it 's everyday

"this say being ! huh ?”

burst coming out in shouting bitter laugh building step tried to urge this middle one
suddenly I stopped head tilted _

“Wait . this Cheongmyeong right ?”

“Huh ? that is what sound ? Cheong Myung if not Who is it ?”

"voice is Different thing Do you think ?”

“Voice ?”

that speak heard these Hyeonjong place again looked up ears tilt need without
colossal shouting burst came out

"I promotion Stretch out ! huh ? I !”

“… … .”

Moment everyone's face it got fancy

“ Is that right ?”

“It is . 0|, this Cheongmyeong voice Is n't it ?"

"then Who are you?”

“ Come on , Jang Moon -in. voice Is n't it ?"

“Huh ?”

Everyone is sparkly surprised blankly location side up looked up

“Speak A little sun Look , speak !”

“Great .”

“Ummm .”

“Okay .”

Hyeonjong Before gathered these swipe look at avoided _

Tanggunakdo , Mengsodo , Lim Sobyeongdo , Namgungdowido , and how come

whether it's work snow bag on behalf of perched Even two people Hyeonjonggwa look
at dare do not meet could n't

“The kids beating fight , dwarf Call it !”

“… … .”

“of the clan stripe felled People It should be dry ! that only sight do Is there !”

“… … That , um... … My lord .”

swear word good luck laugh spilled _

"that Volcano Swordsman to do one It's work... … .”

"words Well done !”

“Yes ?”

"there not do you see over there ?”

Eyes half way twisted Hyunjong fiercely sideways pointed at he point where just now
like a corpse fading Cheongmyeong on the wall lean stick droopy there was

'Me , that what... … . ten days Are you hungry ?'

'Eye bottom shade how up to the chin Did you come down ?'

'That's it dying Isn't it ?'

“That Person Are you a mogul , is that ? bishop beat up come when giggling two
expression walk came in It's a bastard ! By the way now baby goofy how whether it
has been Boshiran That is !”

“… … .”

“Someone else’s Home Precious my son I like make let it go this humans let's see Do it

“Gee , calm down , old man .”

arm kicking up Hyun Jong- eul , Hyun-young cold sweat spill going dried .

"What Calm down ! I now calmly What do you look like ?”

this to be weird pair Do not have situation looking one hundred thousand to wear
walk away spread out

'live cheek it's a thing this look cheek the day all give it a go .'

Hyunjong Cheongmyeong bloke side holding back pay , that back Hyun-Young
dissuasive the situation the world Backwards not overturned only without this horse
felled is it work ?

Hyun Jong-eun holding droopy Hyun-Young push paid out and Eyes flirting party
music I stared .
“The word A little sun Look , my lord !”

“Big , blah blah .”

“In Dalian poison inscribed case I understand ! By the way ! Dalian no quarrel stuck
poison do you use now with a volcano once let's try are you? ”

"that… … that the part I drill the word None . However that poison Jeoldokdo not plus
already cancel the contract I gave... … .”

“Ah . People group put cure give Is it enough ?”

"then the horse No, but… … .”

Tang military evil will do horse whether or not swipe road look at avoid fell . no ,
maybe Dalian no in the restaurant while fighting poison loose throw away line say that
did you know

Different Moonpawa this Days if it happened a life-and-death decision me too not

weird not it was a thing suffered these is a volcano Bonnie this to the extent passing
over beggar .

“And , Lord of the Beasts !”

“Yes , my lord .”

"how beasts management how because I did in a private house go in dwarf Do you do
it , darling !”

“Ahahahaha !”

swear word special day no seemingly giggle laughed _

"so beast Is n't it ? that Jekyll line you know It is a person .”

However Hyun Jong-eun then with kindness go over line thinking Do not have was the
shape two in the eyes bloody feet built Hyunjong openly swear by I stared .

"now laughter Are you coming ?”

swear word swipe look at down _

"word Oh yeah Well done ! the beast then things line if you know management Sun
will do thing Isn't it , management ? the archers how What to do it the beasts
rampageous girl just look there was are you? ”

"that drill Words... … .”

“Those guys in a private house go in People eat grain all Eat , the sheep people raised
livestock all I ate it . Cheongmyeong the guy protest receive eardrum I went out !
eardrums !”

“Nice thing I guess... … .”

“What ?”

“Oh , no .”

swear word that big in bulk not fit not shoulder shrugged off gentle People artist after
more It was scary now perfect that was a pair

“And !”

naturalization gushing Hyeonjong gaze this time to Lim So-byeong plugged in

However that Moment Im So-byeong first player hit .

“Wait a minute !”

''... … uh ?”

he confident with face debt poof unfolded _

''Us want to beat It looks like it , but check it out look This we unfair Work Isn't it ?"

"now It's a shame Did you ?”

''Yes ! this time I Danga guys first quarrel walked I mean . no matter how we gross
Sapa They're cubs, but they quarrel bet first saliva blow up stand guys wrong thing
Isn't it ! then I'm hitting just right Is there !”

"that is… … .”
Hyunjong Moment speechless blocked meaning let's stop Im So-byeong chance miss
without pushed _

“Lord too that thing No. _ we hand wash cleanly to live one bastards Isn't it ! then with
warmth caress You have to give it to me like this Danga and discrimination If you do...
… .”

"that is not !”

“… … yes ?”

“In the office People come I went !”

“… … Is it a government office ?”

Im So-byeong This what out of nowhere do you mean seemingly head tilted _
confidently wide open unfolded His debt a little Under sagging _

Hyunjong openly dissatisfied tea pop out speak Following went _

“Yes . recent oral back alley at the gambling house fight that it happened say , there to
gamble did these gambling house people all group throw away to the safe shake off
that he ran away do .”

“… … Oh no ! ”

Lim So-byeong world unfair with face shouted _

“With that we what Does it matter ?”

“… … Right side on the chest tree shape engraved green Clothes Wearing that there
was He said .”

“ Wow , that Wearing go _ crazy guys... … .”

bang !

Hyunjong tease there is amain slammed down

“People I'll help Wow let go to gamble do you gambling ? and ! to gamble one case
good night This is it ! why fine a gambling house it sucks ! Why !”
Im So-byeong humble smile captivated _

"that… … no , we crime Do not have Yang Min turn also no . a gambling house
operated if they civilians blood sucking leech same Guys , like that the guys A little
Even if you shave... … .”

"then money share should have given it ! that money all from the people came out It '
s ! that money is How are you ?”

“… … We will find it .”

“Hey !”

Hyunjong hand listen let's upload Im So-byeong what flying line know body stroke
bowed down Then Within coolly head listen raise it

Hyunjong smashed case My was the chest . cheat get on to die seemingly bang
striking in hand Han Yi condensed there was

“Binggung !”

“ Sorry , I’m sorry .”

already half way pole discarded Han Lee Myung It's called Binggung horse to come
out awfully sneak peek backwards retreated _

“No , why ? the king not Are you coming ?”

“… … circumstances little… … .”

“Okay .”

Hyunjong sigh snuggle exhale again Han Yi name I stared .

"Different where is all Yes let's chip Dalian tympanum if not fight don't tell like that
please did , how to the iceberg fight a fight will do number do you have in front like
that speak will listen as if Hasher let go , even binggong first the beast palace said to
have attacked I heard ! this how became work ?”

“That , that the story There is .”

"what A story ?”

Han Yi name sweat muddy bewitched answered .

"actually we the lord Qingming stamped as requested private fight wide open so as
not to do your best done . yesterday too Beast Palace binggung Between quarrel stuck
speak as soon as I hear run situation You intervened .”

“The king Did you dry it ?”

“Yes ! you know we the king where Volcano Sword Consultation please to break are
you a person of course It 's dry !”

“… … By the way how became is it work ? I certainly binggong first the beast palace
said to have attacked I heard .”

“That , that… … we The king said ' Cheongmyeong seal fight don't tell said .' Called
speaking both sides dried up together think Do not have Beast Archery one lord in
front of ' that taoist the guy what have spoken I Know what ?' in speak sun throw away
in the wind... … .”

“… … in the wind ?”

Han Yi name Eyes sticky rolled up

"What… … bald thing Is n't it ? taoist called the guy on horse Snow go back discarded
we the king that speak one beast archery don't ask do not follow without pay group
Abandoned... … .”

that speak heard Oh Gum applause hit put it on

“Great . we sobaek all It was big .”

"even beast archery 👌👌 _ hey , skill very did you increase paper… … .”

“Shut up , you bastards !”

Hyeonjong roar let's fall Oh Gum sting shoulder shrugged off long breathe exhale
barely angry little pressed Hyunjong asked .
"therefore Here not come are you? ”

“Oh , no . that 's too while running A lot of right too He said You were sick .”

“Gu , the palace lose ?”

Hyunjong Eyes it's terrifying swear by let's look swear word awkwardly Eyes rolling
nose bridge scrape put it on

“So when I was young palace master line I didn't know... … .”

"before Did you see it ?”

"that… … for a moment copy go... … .”

well pond I'll find out I crazy Beast Palace guys .

“So ? anyway one Munpado without exception everyone Did you have a fight ?”

“… … Sorry .”

“The face None .”

"that in the meantime the beasts a private house shake off , the beasts not entered the
back alley bandits shake off About ?”

“Great .”

“Ehem… … .”

“Safari main body Here even if this riot not I'm fine ! hey this ... … .”

“Hey ! Long Moon ! Long doorman !”

“Chubby ! body pain you have to keep I do !”

phenomenon Hyun-Young from both sides Hyeonjong to wear hastily shut up to be

rude pair Do not have it's a thing car Thunderboltism from the mouth this horse come
out two number is there was no

Hyeonjong drying Hyun-Young instead terribly to wear opened .

"how much dwarf smoke If you put Cheong Myung soul are you leaving ! my live live
that guy sick the appearance first I saw it ! how thoughts there is Are you sure ? Are
you? ”

Everyone is swipe head turn clarification looked up

every Thing let go discarded blazing that look Bonnie ethereal feeling guilty Japanese
everyone bitterly taste finished .

"hurry don't apologize Ca n't you ?”

“Big , uh huh . I'm sorry , Volcano Swordsmen ."

“Sorry , Dojo .”

“… … sorry ok .”

that apple heard Cheongmyeong lost room Smile put it on all die going with face
brightly smiling look Something uncanny feel gave , but still laughter is laugh… … .

"just all die , this Babies !”

“ Oh! Cheongmyung-ah !”

“Patience , Cheong Myung-ah !”

“It’s the Moon Masters ! this You crazy !”

Cheongmyeong suddenness Eyes turn over rampage Let's start , waiting Oh Gum
Immediately rush in take a picture pressed .

“Let it go ! Moon Ju ? Moon Ju frozen 👌👌👌👌👌 _ those are what Moonju !”

“Ji , calm down !”

Cheongmyeong finally in the mouth bubble biting have a seizure put it on

"me not do it ! me not do this _ cubs ! I'm a savage and Nabal just I all will do it ! not
Hey hey hey hey hey !”
myself fetched in disaster crushed dental desperate scream in the manor sadly... …
Indeed sadly spread out went out

1130 episodes . here Hell , here it is . (5)

clear riot Hyun Young-eun Besides , even Hyunjong spiral only after was suppressed in
the corner on the line Ching ching bound stick fallen clarification report There you go ,
of the occupants back bone Riding cold sweat flowed down

Hyunjong troublesome to be sick as if everyone looked up

"why like this have control not felled are you? ”

“… … .”

“Dalian during fighting case to understand I did it pass over work . However as usual
each other fight back stand case The problem big Don't you ?”

everyone that on horse that I sympathize seemingly head nodded .

However Hyun Jong-eun that reaction more in the heart not to cost seemingly glance
frowned .

"then each the moon lords situation sum up you have to give it why Repeatedly this
Days happening are you? ”

“Great .”

patrons everyone without a word choke smoked _

"inside cool the words A little sun Look .”

“ No. that is… … .”

“Hmm… … .”

Hyunjong despite being urged the patrons just just coughing to fire it was only
Hyunjong It's absurd expression let's build finally Tang military evil bitter laugh
immersed stick to wear opened .

"This of understanding in the difference gaping Problem It's like... … .”

“of understanding the difference Did you?”

here each other Understanding be different crab what there is mean ?

“The lord we only heart eat them to control that easy I'd say You think... … actually our
authority is the lord you think as if not strong does not .”

“… … yes ?”

that speak heard Hyunjong vacant with face Eyes It was terrifying .

This what nonsense not felled is it sound ?

“Namgung or About the same felled place authority Are you weak ? this what mean ? I
know prestigious sega Sae-Oegung Palace munju authority Absolutely strong as know
There is .”

Tang military evil sigh snuggle exhaled _

"that is It is a problem .”

“Yes ?”

“… … that to authority About awareness the problem That is . in the world most
authority strong lice Who are you?”

“Yeah… … You are the emperor .”

"that even the emperor of the people notice pussy won't number Do n't you ?"

Hyunjong honey eaten dumb became _ I mean right 'cause I mean

under heaven most mighty authority have even the emperor of the people to plant
look and tell them favor get for try _

"of course our even by force one or two Burn is just to press number There is .
However… … dissatisfied piled up loose not giving can't same Days when repeated
eventually authority to weaken no choice but to None .”

“Oh , no , that how… … .”

Hyunjong at all Understanding not going seemingly Different the patrons looked up
However Different patrons Also that horse that's right as if head nod it was only

"Heartily you do Are you talking ?”

Hyunjong again ask Tang military evil sigh snuggle exhale _

“This is why tell me was in trouble will . the lord understand worthy Days No. ”

Hyun Jong-eun for a moment in silence hair was scratched just to rush little sensitive
said to be part was thought Because .

“… … no matter how yes However, to the disciples don't fight don't tell commanding
even that It's annoying you do case… … .”

“Long-writer .”

“Yes .”

“Dangga california authority Will you be strong ? Shaolin chairperson authority Will you
be strong ?”

“Yeah… … .”

Hyunjong just like that don't answer could n't

For the Tang Army little Listening good not I mean , no matter how still party Gajuwa
Shaolin moderator to compare number is Do not have it was served Shaolin the
chairperson simple Shaolin head not strong as a representative recognized position Is
n't it ?

of course that clan within authority be strong no choice but to no _

“The other day Did you hear that ? Shaolin the disciples court of law to people
revolted at the end out of to the headquarters returned word I mean .”

“… … I heard I did .”

that's it I'm bored think… … . No , that… … Even in Shaolin thinking there is these A
little there is did it
"think Look , long writer . slang in the river most mighty authority have Shaolin even
the boss then work get hit some of choice in the heart lift no the disciples protest to
the headquarters go back throw away Don't you ?”

“… … .”

"then On the plate , we What picture awesome crab that signs as one the disciples
Would you like to ?”

Hyeonjong mouth sneakily happened _

listen Bonnie right horseman also same... … . no , though horse not felled also same
as .

Confused seemingly strong Hyeonjong looking Tang military evil bitterly laughed _

"so Lord... … . No , the Jang Moon- in to understand have a hard time go I told you
will .''

“… … Why ?”

“Why It's simple . Jang Moon-in we faced position different Because . I know the
volcano in the river analogous there will be no to the extent long writer authority
strong It’s a moonpai .”

“A volcano ?”

“Yes .”

“A volcano ?”

“… … yes .”

“A volcano ?”

Hyunjong said, ' This is what ghost wash away forgetting Sound ?' do asking blazing
expression let's build patrons everyone bitterly laughed _

of course Hyunjong to hear Weird may be the sound I don't know . exactly Hyun Jong-
eun Different with the patrons Dali with the disciples Like like a friend staying ' cause
so that sometimes volcanic the disciples Hyeonjong against Different In the clan to
imagine tiring words and deeds through throw away do _

However friendly and that authority strong that is Not at all separate It was a
problem .

Tang military evil to look the volcano long writer authority imagine transcendent break
the door

what if each inquiry Moonju Not at all odds no visible on the wire the disciples
committed situation to happen sun Let's see . justification no silido no visible in the
fight I mean .

then indeed people of the party party evil on horse follow My life Gladly throw away
will ?

Well . Tang military music was skeptical

maybe that for a moment party evil than people Own life give priority to be will _ Tang
military evil have power is justification in the position coming out that's in California
About faith and in trust coming out crab because no

I don't know I don't know here there is Different of the owners think Also picture
different won't will _

However Volcano , only volcano No. _

volcanic the disciples Hyeonjong if a person myself dying Thing knowingly life bet rush
lice even if you can't half is pass over will _

'that is authority beggar .'

authority then will _ usually no matter how neck stiffly Even if it strikes , it is decisive at
the moment not shown unable that is finally authority No. _

Hyun Jong-eun very to understand even though it's hard for now somehow head
nodded .

“Off . So… … the disciples will you react want just like that to stop number no That ’s it
“Um . little embarrassing I'm just talking ."

“It’s a shame what Are you ashamed ?”

that Moment Lim So-byeong said ' This is why partisan They are .' do talking blazing
with face to wear opened .

“It’s you still cursing eating at the level after finish farouche snow or subject beggar .
we are if it's wrong I'm sleeping knife It's flying , the sword !"

“… … .”

"and it's you no latitude most sen on your side kids holding even if you wake up how
suppress It is possible , but I same the guy All of a sudden invoice felled will ! invoice .
what horse Do you know?”

"already half invoice Do you think ?”

“… … still very rather than invoice half invoicer crab get better .”

Im So-byeong grumbled . and bluntly speak was _

“In the beginning pointing finger as one mundos reluctant work letting crab possible
the doorstep under heaven two out of place no I mean . The one is Volcanic and other
The one is… … .”

“Is it Shaolin ?”

“Yes ? Shaolin frozen die . It's saffron , saffron ! dare one more let's eat It must be
magic .”

listen there was Hyeonjong face greatly strangely distorted _

"that… … to hear therefore the volcano Saffron or magic same it's a place by sound I
can hear... … .”

"To be honest What picture Different also Don't you ? everyone Jang Moon-in
command only did if in the eyes bloody feet stand up , river Weed or Gangnam
thought without I 'm running that is where sanity studded humans will do are you
doing normal No. ”
Hyun Jong-eun was silent Something greatly It's unfortunate in words to rebut greatly
It was hard . this the feeling Before Cheongmyeong the guy sophistry laid out at the
time after that Oh yeah It's been a long time .

he sigh resting to Lim So-byeong again asked .

"therefore that… … In conclusion , the moon owners to block difficult are you? ”

“To stop though , a little cool down if only who on fire oil swelling that what channel
would you like to stop half If I touched all burning That ’s it .”

"even embers brought myself too I rode it .”

"there very tight I rode it .”

patrons in the corner tied up there is clarification looking head I stumbled . they to
look that one My on the body oil sprinkled stick light up shouting I'm sick whale whale
sound scream stand it was shit

"then how this how… … .”

At that time , two people at all Understanding not going with face to wear opened .

"I To be honest this have a meeting why do there is Guernsey I don't know . in the first
place clan each other just like that to mix number there is if it were What to do each
inquiry name share by clothing the disciples Do you want to differentiate ? nothing
meaning Do not have consolidation training , and Dalian fake fight why do there is are
you? ”

Everyone is vain by eye Han Yi name looked up

'We too that is I doubt it .'

'When understand did you just do it did .'

'I yangban far from came zero situation grasp not It's going to happen .'

Different of the owners expression stick not read unhappy Han Yi name back like mine
said .
"Various the moon lords you are in a place dare I will do the horse not , just this
training stop, and each sectarian place separate throw away to end Problem no... … .”

“Ura-chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah !”

that Moment Cheongmyeong My on the body Ching ching coiled Donga's line at a
whack hang up out body jump caused _

“What ? separate ?”

“… … .”

"where weak sound do There is !”

patrons everyone admired seemingly head nodded .

this in a state of affairs due to most big damage report there is this is Different not it's
a blue name However now Cheongmyeong I at ease conflict number there is Path even
if you die refuse there is

I opposite same the side a volcano So far led Volcano Sword Consultation Wondong…

"then I losing That 's it ! Damn it !”

… … power it was n't uh… … . just personality Bad that 's it

“Okay . Volcano Swordsmanship .”

Tang military evil sigh deep exhaled _

“Your the heart You see , now the situation picture not simple it 's not barely calmed
down situation Beast Palace binggong interrupting completely twisted throw away did
n't desire is you know sometimes excessive enthusiasm poison is to be when there is
first little Calm down... … .”

“Are you serious ?”

“… … .”

“Who ? them ? if not me ?”

"uh… … .”

Originally them have to calm down to say to say I did... … see you A little need to calm
down will do also same... … .

“Uh . what horse Okay .”

“ Huh?”

"So this in a way not do Is it this ?”

“… … .”

"that… … .”

That's right... … . fit But... … . Probably you my speak Not at all Different in a way
understood thing same… … .

“I understand . That's right . I back off .”

Cheongmyeong two Snow into madness flashing started _

"then really properly I have to .”

“… … What are you going to do it ?”

"What will do thing Do you think ?”

“… … .”

"really know want ?”

no . really know want to I didn't . Tang military evil crane popped up

Cheongmyeong heartbroken like a person giggling funny started _

"I mind went out how I Since when Reference lived ! this No !”

“… … .”
“Don’t worry Don't ! I those really perfectly unite line I will !”

“… … .”

of the owners on the back cold sweat seep out started _ something , not cheek forage
see to be thing same have a feeling smugly came rushing

Smully... … .

1131 episodes . together once get close Let 's see ! (One)

Confucius Please tell me , it 's Woogi Jeongin Child Translation Midnight History of the
Limestone History of the Child (從遊邪人我亦自邪) right with people take off if me In
addition myself correctly become and cheat People follow when me myself It's getting
tricked said .

again Say it people's that is character case that myself have not only not around
friend's Affect to receive mean _

and that on horse wrong If not... … now in heaven gathered things together car as a
friend for the sake of not felled human talkative crab it was clear

“… … I , Mr... … .”

"Today is please kill .”

Oh Gum to evil supported with face training ground toward walked away their two in
the eyes poison full bloomed _

“Because it’s cold mouth return line Okay .”

“ No. engraving U.S Did you burn it ? fire tired case It's green, isn't it ? then green
forest Get kicked out , why U.S together do you catch it ?”

“So ! outside to sleep rather binggung that cubs export that 's it those guys only saliva
Wearing sleep it's hot a window is the door all open it put I was sleeping !”

“Wow , open the door open ? I will there Jijil outside Wake up !”

one hundred thousand head left and right rumble rumble break put it on
“It’s done .”

His in the eyes naturalized burned up

"Different the guys I don't know green wood the cubs today really bury throw it away
this crazy guys do do in full width until the fire run ?”

"this Bona mana king of green that human made will .”

“The King of Green Forest frozen die . just bandit say baby Call me !”

not still on fire , especially in full width attached on fire mental hurt there is it is a
volcano Cheongmyeong bastard as the saying goes every on fair fire Thanks to the
volcano totally get on throw away crisis suffer wasn't it ?

“It obviously even knowing light up run ? Person baby Really ?”

one hundred thousand in the eyes bloody stood up

full angle burning girl looking rug Smile Daedan Lim So-byeong face Because
yesternight all the time in a nightmare suffered from that The expression is ' in a fight
to win doing crab not volcano cubs I'm pissed doing will .' do shout out stand thing
like cheat more turned over

“Lim So-byeong… … .”

one hundred thousand this popping I went , but Jo Girl thinking little Different was the

“No , now . king of green story only will do when is it ? Danga the cubs more Problem
Isn't it !"

jogger Eyes turning over feverish threw up

“No , that crazy the cubs think Do not have bandit guys in full width light up tired First
together turn off have a look flaming plus poison throw it ?”

“… … .”
"that only poison _ _ _ if not somehow fire turn off full-width would have saved thing
Isn't it ? that pink solitary grass grass blooming thing looking it's spectacular admired
party young pardon memory not Are you okay?”

“It’s spectacular did .”

"a little plum field same as and .”

“Yeah , it was pretty .”

"What agree I 'm bored , this crazy Guys !”

“… … Walk , calm down . still private residence Isn't it? "

“Huh ? death penalty ? Today is why not Are you hitting me?”

“… … Oh yeah to understand difficult work , but me too with you same think doing was
in the process .”

Yoon Jong head Shaking my head stir speak was _

“… … and toxic degree Solitary, but of the Beast Palace the beasts like that I run
rampant even if not full angle Holly get on chuck before light up It must have been
turned off . still notorious that is a spirit things on the tail on fire I'm running that
What how do you U.S Baek A-do not .”

“Then Bonnie Baek Ah how are you okay not Did you see it ?”

"at that time desperately beasts while controlling exhausted I fell apart... … .”

"therefore sick are you ? pitifully... … .”

“ No. exhausted case now Ulchu I was healed , the beasts that ran wild sound listen
pissed off Cheongmyeong to the guy I was caught .”

“… … with that that is what Does it matter ?”

“The beast if wrong must white Are you responsible ?”

Everyone is Eyes sticky rolled up white only from the standpoint to be embarrassed will
_ he no matter how awesome let's see eventually It's a weasel, but only one the beasts
fire stick crazy I'm running What what to do

This of ability The problem not congenital size Because what to do number Do not
have but the problem is Cheongmyeong to the guy then excuse control lee no will _

“Amitabha . please May you live in paradise... … .”

"yet not dead !”

However Hye Yeon Eun cool head it was

"just empty obsession only . to the devil dragged lice how live would you like to come
back Next cheek when maybe good scarf Became to be other than that .”

“… … how come in the fire this human Are you out ?”

"first saw when certainly shy I was good .”

"then we Wrong .”

"actually that to deny difficult It's part of it .”

volcanic before original sin (?) Everyone is became sober actually Hyeyeon just one
report even if the court on the volcano embrace bad feelings Gro Because committed
do it understood throw away the level Isn't it ?

Shaolin next stand lead genius draw twist every night Gokjuna find stand in a rush
make discarded From the moment , the volcano and Shaolin relationship is irreversible
number gone will _

“Anyway hell It was like .”

one hundred thousand boring hair flying seemingly head it was

in full width light up screaming bandit guy and fire as soon as you see prepayment
stricken like a wild boar in all directions running scream worn volcano guys .
and volcano guys terrified light up to turn off lets do it that in full width poison throw
put giggled Danga niggas and fire stick rampageous spirits to catch sweat shed to the
beast archers .

Oh my gosh present every confusion and malice all that At night mixed up there was
that look if you saw certainly Asurado head Stirring ' Master . progress Too It's fast .'
do would have muttered will _

“… … Then Bonnie at that time binggung People where have you been glacial If it's an
ice machine fire attractable place help would have been I would .”

"fire only nearby wado it's hot back road not look back It was bouncing .”

one hundred thousand hold on multi-faceted lips Farre convulsions caused _

'how sane guys not one Don't you ? '

don't know it's a thing Gather laid guys in the first place together sane was not
Guernsey , that if not normal clan Only in Cheonwoomeng when you come in mind get
out throw away Guernsey .

"Anyway really all kill .”

Everyone is this replaced _

“… … as much this time I agree .”

“Me too .”

“Orabigo and Nabal pardon in the middle take a nap beaten throw away It will! ”

volcanic the disciples fighting spirit burning to the dance hall headed _ and At that
place no different already Different clan gin beating there was

“Aigoo .”

Oh Gum appeared and At the same time Im So-byeong leisurely debt fluttered _ yo.
this few days more emaciated dead body same with face relax pamper have to see
soon dying only as a person invisible but didn't I mean .

“Last night zaal did you sleep I don't know , we thieves .”

Whoops !

volcano the disciples this going sound Like like music ring spread _ that look looking
Im So-byeong giggle laughed _

at the lodging light up tired the master report Yes , the volcano of the disciples even
in the chest hell fire burned up that guy catch burn not kill without turn off won't it
was fire

“Doo , it’s pierced . Mouth !”

“Ha ha ha . Sleep installation… … . Cool ! Cool ! Cooler ! Come on , sleep... … . Kueh

eeek !”

Im So-byeong lungs vomiting seemingly cough sun put it on to cough Whenever Red
blood in all directions pop out let's go up Around there was bandits too swipe gloomy
expression building sideways retreated _

“Koo , cool . sleep… … . Sleep… … . Cool .”

“… … I humans are just let it go let it go Are you going to die ?”

"just Are you two ? in vain billing I feel .”

"not not . even if you die we in hand must die finely to die naturally before please Beat
him to death .”

"Also residence . volcano tenacity ranking two It is the second .”

“What ? I two is the second jogging What are you doing ?”

car hundred thousand degrees myself count th below is not claim could n't

at that time Various People giggle smiling came _ Probably yesterday the volcano
suffered forage ridicule give want case Department of Greenery Only Im So-byeong
not was the shape

“Oh my gosh , scorch torn Clothes just Wearing you came elegance no .”

“On the volcano money Do not have shape .”

"yesterday left clothes Holly get on I threw it away What star number is there
ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt _ That's right , sleep wake up carelessness I should have done
it .”

one hundred thousand to sue as if laughing out these sentence I stared .

"very… … god are you okay?”

“Nothing to be depressed reason no Is n't it? "

“That’s right . infirmity well done .”

"Person caliber well done .”

“Oh , is that so ?”

one hundred thousand neck crooked breaking My waisted sword grabbed _

"By the way how don't you soon disrespectful Excitingly did that eyeball now Sungchi
can't thing Do you think ?”

“Aigoo . Nowadays the master intimidation do you will do number if there is sun Can
you see it ?”

"pond will do thing like ?”

now long talk not need did n't

already warm with fist ill-feeling , tender with a knife grudge thick stack up raised
relationship Is n't it ? now Conversation without Pass by Snow met just for a reason
suddenly watering blow up stand A close (?) relationship became _

Bondi in words dividing friendship is properly became friendship No. _ now value Do
not have rather than words into action to each other About friendship prove it there is

"all Kill it !”

“Damn this Baby , today is the day yes Jess... … .”

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa _
“Aaaaaaaah !”

Right away that moment , someone blue the sky toward at the speed of light flew

“What , what ?”

“Hey , walk !”

“Joe , Jo Girl death penalty !”

rotating flying jogul and he in the air draw paid Red trajectory copy volcanic the
disciples In a instinct flinched _ usually jogging hit to blow did Different sectarian the
disciples momentarily bewildered that in place stop stood up

'What ?'

yet volcano towards the no one Branch didn't you? perplexed these Eyes it's terrifying
jogger there was place looked up empty should be will do there jogger Instead of in
the eyes ripe Different lice west there was

"jean… Myung-ah ?”

“The Volcano Swordsman ?”

“No , why… … .”

poop poop .

jogger in the air sprinkle Dan blood like a drizzle fell . that inside Cheongmyeong
glance laughed _

Moment one hundred thousand The chest rattle fell down

'Wow , it's dangerous... … .'

dressed laughing but the eyes awkwardly hardened there is and Eyebrow side slightly
convulsions cause there is This danger signal among the superlative It was a danger
signal .
“My wife , Cheong Myung-ah ! what whether it's work I don't know... … This , once
Calm down... … .”

“Really ?”

Cheongmyeong More brightly laughed _ one hundred thousand face pure white get
tired started _ with him At the same time sense fast Lee Seol quietly slow down
backwards retreated _

Cheongmyeong to wear took off

“No , no . sassy , something misunderstood It looks like I now Bad heart eat On crab
no .”

“It is , isn’t it ?”

common sense Ramen then Jo Geul-eun why group blown do you? I have to ask, but
for now nobody then fact in the mouth support did n't no , it's a jogger dead whether
or not my egg bar no… … .

"just A little to ask .”

“Huh ? What , what ?”

"no… … . Nowadays wonderfully sorority , death penalty Dalian not do fight a fight that
horse there was therefore Confirm once sun to see this now fighting are you ?”

one hundred thousand face blue Tired . this every work made the guy blue and green
no doing that is now nothing make sense no _

“ Yeah , it Lee .”

“Maybe !”

“Ah ! nonsense not It will be , Dojo !”

“ Who , who then speak do ! U.S like this We are friendly !”

“It’s Dalian , Dalian ! just Dalian !”

Cheongmyeong which Is it human know these All of a sudden speak fit _ kill as if each
other cursing Daedan Danga and the volcano never again close friends met as if
shoulder-to-shoulder stick Laughed , Green Trees Also cold sweat beep shedding
Namgung Segawa hand caught on

forever not come true won't thing was the same old file room Five generations ,
Sapawa sectarian each other harmonious historic It was a moment . However that in
soaked sincerity to be miserable this place there was no

“Oh , right ? then I misunderstood is it? ”

“That , then !”

"this all each other good luck doing do it .”

“Self is not one don't you ? Ha ha ha ha ha !”

“Yes , sir !”

even Jong-gwa Yoon Even Hyeyeon cold sweat muddy shedding to make excuses was

However People at most zero noticing Do not have these too to be arrange .

“No , why ? suddenly friendly Chuck . damn Guys !”

"who with you friendly pretend said it ! this Savages !”

“What , this baby ?”

midfield yes in the doorstep affiliated of these head up fiercely returned _ this situation
Not at all I understand unhappy Binggung and Beast Palace to each other this
revealing Again fighting there was

'Shut up !'

'please sense Take it !'

'I the cubs I later please Kill it!'

Everyone is car to wear open couldn't Right away then .

“Ah , then fighting crab it was n't then each other friendly right ?”

“That , then !”

“Of course !”

“ A. now each other without pond live .”

Cheongmyeong was satisfied seemingly head nodded .

“Yes . each other getting acquainted In progress to fight do that beggar . fight look
firmly degree It piles up , right ?”

“Okay !”

“Ha ha ha . than this more friendly number None .”

party and Namgungdowi desperately speak made up at that time Cheongmyeong

said .

"therefore A little It’s unfortunate .”

“… … yes ?”

he hijuk smiling taste finished .

"think Bonnie me too same Identity , everyone only me without become friendly you
know not okay ?”

“ Yeah , it Let 's go!”

“Painting and most It's friendly !”

"Not at all right No , it really is !”

“ A. like that Courtesy right just talk lay out do n't therefore me too From now on
together hanging out A little get close to see .”

“City , city lord . for awhile… … .”

Cheongmyeong neck left and right Excitingly broke _

“That . r . you _ how .”

that in place there was everyone is saw _

Volcano Swordsmanship . demonic bishop defeated sapphire supreme . that great

name have dental two in the snow Madhu guy too pond spout chest light spit out
coming out look .

woohoo !

Cheongmyeong the floor q let's trample blah blah blah sound and together Spider
web same cracked came up

"where me too together once get close let 's see this Babies !”

he Eyes turn over Forward rushed _

“Hey hey profit !”

Everyone is I was confused . mad beom run away of the poor (?) sheep desperate
scream manor full fill started _

1132 episodes . together once get close Let 's see ! (2)

later The beast archers that day like this recalled _

"sheep in the herd jumped in beom what to do but in fact beom the sheep I'm aiming
so far riot not born do n't you?"

“Yeah , right .”

"normally beom come German silver one side ur ur rushing , the gang swarm in the
corner there is sheep or one number of animals bite Going Because it's over .”

“In the beginning wild beast do not eat won't the beast Intentionally attacking in case
well Isn't there ?"

"right… … . certainly Yes .”

so of that day the sight this in words to explain number there was no

“Do not dare Similar girl Let's find... … .”

“With that Similar girl find medical charge Is there ?”

“ No. not similar I wouldn't, but... … still in the palace stay there is to them to explain
speak dare I found only one There was none .”

"which thing ?”

"Before i , chicken coop inside marten crawled girl copy enemy there is that marten the
guy so much out of savagery do not eat won't the chickens just all kill abandoned Say
it .”

“Yes . marten Yes .”

"that in the meantime the chickens chicken coop in trapped in run away pond Because
I hit... … Truly riot nandan I mean .”

“… … Yes .”

“Just right that It was like that, just right . we are It was a chicken... … .”

“The Volcano Swordsmen marten is it? ”

"no… … . think Bonnie this non-guided A little wrong thing it 's like that in marten
analogous also at all will do do it No. _ that… … Well , yes . just chicken coop inside
broke in It was the Volcano Swordsman Association .”

“… … .”

“… … I Still of that day nightmare I 'm dreaming devil same Volcano Swordsman me
toward Eyes turn over I'm running... … .”

“Hey , stop it . stop , please... … .”

"that day heard scream Still audible thing it 's like like a hallucination I mean... … .”

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !

volcanic the disciples be brave

that in fact that nobody do not deny can't will _ that dangerous to Gangnam most
Many number of people moved no place was a volcano , and afraid demonic bishop
also against back off without confronted these Also it is a volcano

actually dare then example bring it does not chart today in the river the volcano most
valiant Moonpa... … . little more further simple ship outside protruding Moon Para fact
to deny this is no one there will be no will _

However to be brave under heaven which Even in the clans lagging behind not that
volcanic the disciples Now is even a ghost copy as if scream screaming scuffle running
away there is

“Get out of the way !”

“No ! Sook ! privately bouncing how do you?”

“Shut up , this baby ! my life is two individual line No !”

long-time victim… … . no , please long time go through On as much as now

Cheongmyeong the guy which status more than anyone well know will _
Cheongmyeong like that status day when coping no _ live if you want First to bounce
do _

However Unfortunately , their back Also to Qingming Too accustomed to

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa _

“Aaaaaaaaaaaah !”

“Hey hey .”

etc. from behind heard desperate to scream cowardly one hundred thousand In a
instinct body on the floor rolled _ that Moment His head consolation fiercely
something rub passed _

“Lord , kill count… … . Aww !”

stick horse to end before Cheongmyeong one hundred thousand chin chin hit up
abandoned . one hundred thousand very ramrod posture in the air flew away

beaten flying in the midst dignity to keep The appearance is ' really a hundred
thousand' doing admiration Absolutely come out was straight of course beaten flying
the party that speak listen I'm glad I wouldn't I mean .

with one blow one hundred thousand blow up discarded Cheongmyeong blood line
Eyes glistening next victims find went out His from the mouth beast same sound
flowed out

Yoon Jong posture lower one hand carefully stretched out

“My wife , Chung Myung-ah . This , once let's calm down huh ? not good... … .”

“Really ?”

"that… … .”

“Ginger oooh huh ?”

“Hey ?”

clear feet Yoon Jong face in the middle pay locked up scream do not pay unhappy
Jong-eun Yoon well stricken like a top rotating Danga and greenery beyond manor
fence in the corner tossed out

shh hee hee .

fallen Yoon Jong in the face pure white Kim bloomed _ on the face clearly left
footprints see moment , everyone on the body goosebumps ran out

'A ship , a hundred thousand stamp department Yoon Jong The painting… … .'

'Ha , Han In my room… … .'

here there is these are already Various me each other terribly fought _ each other
competency very much well even after understanding left _
hundred thousand and one Yoon Jong-myeon now at all The late index speak paste
number Do not have these are now right now strong throw If I let it go , even if I can't
climax the sound hear as much as excellent inspectors Isn't it ?

However excellent inspection Nabal, and their fate is Qingming in front just It was fair .

“Okay , I why… … .”

that Moment spirit set up upper body caused jogger bewildered by eye around looked
back monstrous in the mood head grinning he Moment stopped . Snow almost half
way turn discarded blueberry gaze encountered will _

ethereal silence flowed _

jogger Binggrae smile built .

"ah… … rather A little before just should have died I did .”

and that Moment like a tiger fly jogging hit Cheongmyeong without acknowledgment
fist blow started _

“You guys !”

“Ahhhhhhhh !”

"Person are you baby Person baby ?”

boulder same fist on the face like a heavy rain poured out jogging head up crazy
stroke returned _

“Die ! die , this cubs ! Die !”

stroke head up take turns sight change every time , tired with face this one looking at
with these eye color obverse clear look alternately seemed _

'flaw… … .'

fading Consciousness in the midst jogging on the lips small smile was young Finish
ritual bereaved Yoon Jong look seemed _ that Also jogul and Similar smile immersed
stick faint there was
of course crazy no , the mind get out Even if I throw it away No. _

'You guys... … now all 👌👌👌👌 … .'

in the meantime volcanic bay suffered girl Different guys too all together if you get hit
This right even if you die It was beneficial .

'once… … the year See... … .'

face puffy swelling in the meantime gear up happily laughed jogging head up sideways
touk spread out Cheongmyeong axis loose jogging leave slow body caused _

again .

His fist at the end deceased blood one drop to the floor fell . that small sound mouse
dead seemingly serene in the gym extensively spread out went out

“… … Person If they are babies .”

fainted jogging obliviously seen these Startle body trembling to the blue look at
turned _

"still It's called crab must be .”

“… … .”

“Fire sagging ?”

"that Greenery... … .”

“Eat on rice poison ride ?”

"that It is per price . I I saw it !”

“The palace the cub most first fighting I'm sick , I'm sick So far the beast drag On the
cubs control chart pond so a private house to raid leave it ?”

“… … that Binggung .”

“The Beast Palace… … .”

"Person Baby , are you guys ?”

of course mouth Heat even a dog will do the horse no _

no matter how Cheongmyeong situation created, but the situation So far drag On that
is everyone's Because I was responsible . the superior at ease surprised said that _ in
place blanket laid boner if you hold it side as a blanket stupid roll even if will do horse
Do not have law Is n't it ?

"I thinking it was short At least Person line you know , you because I'm a person like a
human cave line Okay . By the way… … People Was n't it ?"

“… … .”

"then him right way there is beggar . past ! volcanic great one Moon-in Jang Wolf said

“What , what… … .”

“The dog with a madman word not listening priest to the guy hawk It’s medicine !”

- Gaerang crazy guy then word one enemy no !

“Noisy !”

who one take a picture sound smoking human too there wasn't at once in the air blunt
Cheongmyeong Finish Near there was party toward rushed _

“ No , stop it !”

“Lord of Soga Keep it !”

party petrol terrified exclaimed . and rushing clarification toward see through flying ,
poisoning spout put it on

“Ahhhhhhh !”

Cheongmyeong sword pulled like a windmill turning Forward flooded _ strong in wind
pressure solitary pushed out reflections Also in all directions bounce went out

“ Hey , hey !”
complexion blue tired party hastily backwards backing away Sleeve in all memorize
shut up Road catch sprinkled _

“Aww ! Be poisoned ! Whoops ! Demon King ! Bloodline ! Oh ! again ! In addition what

! Oh ! Chilbochu… … .”

slap .

However that struggle colorless up to the front reached Cheongmyeong party wrist
caught up

“Chilbo , what ?”

“… … .”

“Chilbochu Honsa ?”

"under… … haha .”

party on the forehead cold sweat line by line flowed down

“Do , dojo ! I no way to the stamp then vicious Thing… … .”

“Yes ? then this in hand caught case What ?”

Cheongmyeong wrist gripped stick party hand lightly shook . OK His in hand caught
poison bag helplessly shook .

“… … This that… … . Yes . that , just Normal It's a sanctuary . very weak that… … .”

“Oh , is that so ?”

“That , yes… … .”

"this cub now with me Are you kidding me?”

Cheongmyeong fist retard without party stomach dug into that in shock party mouth
Moment taak happened _ Cheongmyeong party in hand squeeze there was poison bag
open it bag and baggage that gaping mouth in sting stuck _

"Normal If it's a mountain gossip special day There will be none .”

“Eup ! Oops !”

“It’s okay . not die , no die . okay have to see Chilbochu will be married . no way to die
will you ?”

party bubble up spouting backwards passed over dangaya Basically poisonous

tolerance nurture water lily young from the enemy Hani About Sogaju felled lice I used
poison addicted dying it's work No , but Chilbo Chu Honsa degree felled poison that
much I wish I ate for a while Person role to do I missed it have to see do _

"dream… rumble rumble !”

no different , back passed over party all over the body convulsions rising up oddly
body warp started _

that situation copy these are together half way soul let go abandoned . world where
Go Danga People My poison the year felled look will you see That too party Soga
owner .

“Oh , you all poison burning thing do you like it ?”

clear to the question party petrol all desperately head it was However Cheongmyeong
fallen party sleeve up search something one after another pull out started _

“That , that thoughtlessly if you touch dangerous… … !”

"By the way that... … where write have you seen why like that naturally… … .”

in both hands party poison bag fluff gripped Cheongmyeong giggle Smile Waiting
started _

“Oh , write Did you see it ?”

“… … .”
“Ah , I this girl where write did you see of course First time .”

“… … not thing It seems .”

"A lot of You're used to it... … .”

“It’s the first time, the first time . So… … where once 👌👌 look at this Babies !”

“The horse front and back not That's right !”

Cheongmyeong poison bag throw away tension flew _ Danga line to seat green and
black , and pink solitary in no time spread out went out

“Hey profit !”

“No , I yangban What there Evenly take come !”

“Can , breath rest Don't ! Addicted !”

at all this of the world sight not thing same solitary banquet in , not right like clothes
under there was things throw off can not all tear discarded Cheongmyeong like a
madman giggling rushed in

“Heh heh heh heh ! Exciting aaaaaaa !”

foggy alone trapped party the gasoline resemblance shoot raised like firecrackers to
the sky one after another soared _ pitifully I mean .

every indulgence certainly pay the price to pay Became that there is Normal the truth
now realizing it was a cunning

1133 episodes . together once get close Let 's see ! (3)

“Woah ah ah ah ah !”

colorful performance inside like firecrackers something pop out went up

“Aaaaaaaah !”

one , and In addition one consolation In addition consolation soars _

soared things colorful smoke wrap around raising in the sky round rainbow draw paid

Oh yeah rare fancy look _ I colorful smoke party Solitary , now pop out rising there is
things being a person fact unwittingly if you look I mean .

of course then circumstances know or not outside see for them fairly comedic It would
be a sight... … that solitary inside there is for them than this plus tragedy is exist did n't

“Sweet hey hey !”

In addition one People clear in fist beaten I far fell out

“Run away !”

“Oh , it’s coming !”

terrified head turned of these in sight Horrible sight came in two by eye Red eyes one
after another spouting black to smoke break through rush coming clear look I mean .

'Mom .'

in a dream come out scary _ Is it heaven? what is no matter how it's scary chart than
that not terrifying won't will _

on arrow right to evil supported like a tiger rushed Cheongmyeong running away
volcanic wave student one pay from behind kicked _

“I ! promotion stretched out this Babies !”

“Ahhhhhhhh !”

quaang doing sound and together beaten disciple bangle bangle turn around Forward
bounce went out at all in common sense understand number Do not have in the
situation Everyone is to wear blah blah spread out

“Die ! this cubs ! Die !”

successively In addition Different victims snatched Cheongmyeong on the floor

overturned back gadfly get on fist wield started _
“Buy , buy !”

that look watched Soso by the way beevil hill person Yuisul's sleeve up pulled .

“Uh , how A little sun Look . execution completely Taste I went .”

“How ?”

“Sa , accident the horse A little You hear it . curl up You must see it !”

Yuisul's head up sideways a little tilted _

“That one ?”

“… … .”

“He ?”

uh… … . it A little excessive lean I did . Yes , an accident .

“Soso .”

“Yes ?”

“Bounce .”

expressionlessly spit that speak Finally , Yui Seol swift ran away on the face change
there wasn't her as far as feet very It's urgent seemed _

“… … answer None .”

Soso helplessly to the brain quickly her backwards caught up

other hand , this confused situation most understanding pond doing these are They
were beast archers .

"this what not even funny not the situation ?”

"why like this everyone Is it a fuss? I don't know . barely one I'm a person . no matter
how It's called volcanic sword though .”
that that's the reason very Simple . To them Volcano Swordsman Plum Blossom Zone
because he is a descendant savagery acknowledge received , simple of the beast to
friend was only Because .

of course Cheon Woo-blind at the opening ceremony volcanic power Confirmed ,

volcanic be the center will do number there is the volcanic sword negligible thinking is
there was no But that one People to be afraid reason Also even alittle there was no

so for them this every sight just ridiculously to be felt no choice but to there was no
Like well woven one Convenience Peking Opera see as if I mean .

"just Roughly scary pretend giving thing maybe ?”

“We too guess have to give one ?”

"What so far .”

"I to look just I poison Because then thing like ? party poison is Than you think more
vicious It looks like it .”

The beast archers to themselves running clarification even looking notably threaten feel
did n't

“Hey . to hurt summer solstice do n't still dear body, and the lord cherish minutes .”

"Moderately press let go not what .”

snort friend these swipe Forward went out of course Volcano Swordsman that at age
Right not even in midfield knowing I'm Gosu alone to face number no , but now here
gathered of the beast archers numbers only chart able silver exceed _

furthermore practice no dying risk I don't have dare to be afraid the reason is no isn't
it ?

“Come on , first I… … .”

Beast Archery one pale laugh at shedding Forward went out first he clear feet catch It
was a thought .
of course Cheongmyeong like a beast running but in the first place the beast dealing
with that is of the beast it 's special Cheongmyeong prepayment stricken like a wild
boar If you rush First sideways swipe avoided Next legs... … .

that It was a moment .

from the front running Cheongmyeong the floor spur Moment look become blurred I
wanted suddenly of the archery Right away Before appeared .

“Huh ?”

Something wrong did you see do doubt embracing prayer before His the world dark It
was darkened .

'What ?'

why suddenly the world black... … . Oh no . _ the world blackened crab not in front of
you what there is that 's it

this What… … .

"main… … .”

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa _

stick ' Eat' in the mouth letters Even to come out before of the archery on the face
clear fist locked up All of a sudden one blow beaten the beast archery child kick
discarded like a wooden doll arbitrarily twisted flew away

he blown away track follow scattered blood only now hit blown away lice a wooden
doll not being a person girl proved _

"uh… … ?”

that the sight copy of the beast archers Snow Forward touk popped out

Strike ? a blow ?

of course now right blown away lice in the palace of the beast Great coriander jerking
this is it wasn't However like that one In my room fly away if it was enough wild beast
road even admit it pond take it wouldn't it ?
By the way this what... … .

“Ugh… … .”

at the forefront line this only one In my room blow up discarded Cheongmyeong Eyes
I flirted corners of the lips shit raised . a little gaping Lips through exposed pure white
lice oddly enough Absolutely ominous seemed _

“ Oh , yes . you guys yet situation grasp not felled It looks like it .”

“… … .”

"today where 👌👌 Look ! with you too You should be friendly ! Exciting !”

“The horse front and back different… … .”

like a biho Forward jumped in Cheongmyeong blankly west there is dental chin chin hit
flew _

Quang !

beaten the beast archery the elephant kicked like a mouse flew away common sense
out of In the circumstances , the archers just then situation figured it out

However Unfortunately they are today big a lesson get no choice but to there was no
in the river situation late Once you figure it out , always big pay the price pay that fact
I mean .

“Die !”

Cheongmyeong in front of you visible these shut up Road hood open up kick put it on
His two in the eyes moment by moment extreme madness spit out came out

and that in madness caught up of these in words It was miserable . face rice cake
became these a nosebleed line by line shedding tumbling floppy fell down

skilled farmer well ripe rice with a sickle bend chart than this cheerfully not lay down
can't seemed to

“Hey hey profit !”

behindhand risk sensed with the beast archers ice archers back road look back without
subtract started _

'If caught Die !'

'what like that the monster... … !'

Volcanic Swordsman , Volcanic Swordsman . that it's a name in the ear nail so as to be
parked heard _ so of course strong give it a go Okay . By the way that to be strong
crab this about a day give it a go who Imagine did you?

I only dance without somehow I 'll try , but covered up coming solo dance crazy
rampageous Cheongmyeong merge Truly disaster Became abandoned .

“Me , over there mask become ! over there !”

"just fence go over it ! this You sick people ! why by the entrance going It will! ”

Danga and Beast Palace most It was fast . wide open open manor liberal arts picture
high not fence seemed _

“Only there over... … . huh ?”

urgently moved they suddenly Eyes whirlpool popped up

membrane to contain trying to get over moment , familiar of these look appeared
Because .

“Lord !”

easy with reflection shouted _ Suddenly Tang military evil the elders lead their Before
appeared will _

“ Go , my lord ! Over there , over there ! Volcanic Swordsmanship , no , that crazy

taoist the guy very Taste I went ! hurry suppression... … !”

Thousands of thousands no different reinforcements I got it how 100 times the

courage won't number Is there Dang is brightened with face behind pointed _

but .
Perk !

Dang is Within sideways poop fell down

flinch _ flinch _

on the floor scattered His body rattle convulsions caused _

fallen His on the forehead something flick do away degur rolled away that with wood
made It was a postcard . this confirmed these blankly head turn party music looked up

Tang military music in hand heard tree postcard one into the air lightly threw receiving
loose said .

"of course in the volcanic sword on horse all agree that is But… … .”

he to wear kite Moment His behind guarded party the elders sulky with face Forward
one step went out

"check it cheek need is there will be authority without pond beaten crab no , not lose
authority disappearing that word That is .”

“… … yes ?”

that is what You are the word... … ?

"personal emotions are None .”

Tang military evil nice with face head it was

"of course me too you in the heart not carrying , stuffy, and annoyed Nago , deceive
not pop didn't case but not .”

there… … . personal emotions full Can you see it ?

"then case california in place right lice of course have to bear will do it 's work
personal with emotion solve work No. _ so… … This never private with emotion
selected crab no girl I understand I wish do .”
corners of the lips roll up raised Tang military evil sky Height throw raised tree a
postcard stroke snatched away

that smile blueberry similar that it seems in the feeling Everyone is body burr shiver it
was time

“Step on it !”

“Yes !”

party evil instruction falling awfully His behind guarded the elders Eyes flirting party
price toward rushed in

"this frizzy hair Do not have Guys !”

“The Senate disappear you worldly line know cheekily roll I did !”

“The courtesy whatever do not know Guys ! I you when I mean... … !”

senator collapsed after young layer by layer power when transferred back room as an
old man lived the elders this chance take advantage of cackle press put tantrum
exploded _

pushed out old people to the party counterattack inflicting It was a moment .

not only no , everywhere Similar Days going on there was

“Hey ! lord ! why Are you like this !”

“Uh-huh ! This all It's a water lily ! water lily !”

swear word that giant in bulk like lightning moving running away the beast archers
slap go ahead , all of a sudden appeared Seol Sobaek to the elders instructions get off
in unison ice archers beat up there was

so unfair case two is a person

"no… … .”

on Namgungdo face whiten Tired . that Next line Im So-byeong Also darkly dead with
face sick sound gave out
memorandum patrons My the mundos hood beaten look clearly came in

"we why Here… … .”

them Also over there together should be doing thing Isn't it ? why two only people
From here together be beaten there is mean ?

and that moment , two People toward one People slowly has been walking

“Why ?”

“… … .”

“Why? thing like ? I let me know give me ?”

this Moment most do not meet without want this encountered two people's face dark
died .

"that… … .”

“Oh , no . seal , don't know to be thing It's like... … .”

“No , no . You should know .”

Cheongmyeong hijuk laughed _ At the same time , curled up His from fist puddle
sound came out

"Different people I don't know you guys you should know not okay ?”

Quang !

clear feet the floor dig into went _

"From now on clearly let me know line because it will .”

“… … .”

"that on the body properly engraved Leave it .”

"there… … seal If you lose I dies .”

“It’s okay . to die beaten will .”

“… … people too No. ”

Cheongmyeong giggling to Lim So-byeong rushed in

therefore corner after .

wide dance hall filled poison fade away around the time , that large in the dance hall
only one only people west there was

“Whoa… … .”

Cheongmyeong world fresh expression building by retail face stole _

“Deceive all Cool .”

“… … .”

“How are you? we now A little acquainted thing not the same do n't you?”

on the floor layer by layer stacked half corpses tears stayed _

1134 episodes . together once get close Let 's see ! (4)

"under… … .”

Cheongmyeong infinitely fresh with face stretch turned on even the face rub it in half
Boyle it was about

"now A little fat thing It’s like .”

“… … .”

"so Moderately A little summer solstice That's right , Sasuk ."

Cheongmyeong glance looking down doing at the end of a hundred thousand around
the eyes Tears tied up

'you to do this bastard .'

acknowledgment I'll take a look not Farral when when and now In addition It was too
much . how which in rhythm guess dance Churan mean ?

of course What… … hundred thousand degrees into to open up crab Do not have case
it wasn't little too much did it A little… … no actually _ A lot of too much did _

"anyway knife to write things degree I don't know . loose give loose giving Road
Because it climbs .”

wooduk . wooduk .

Cheongmyeong neck left and right breaking scattered these looked around

wretchedly scattered the shapes report there is , something amazing girl done thing
same Absolutely became happy

if these all normal if it was no matter how Cheongmyeong Different Moon Ju-na with
the elders hand I guessed it chart so far neatly (? ) sweep away throw away couldn't
will _

However this crazy guys almost in ten days near hour During sleep not Sleep each
other to hit repeatedly who from the side flick just touch chart pass over the situation
was so take it easy while watching stamina preserved the strong to face number to be
lee there was no

"Especially you ! you this Baby !”

Cheongmyeong My at the feet fallen this tuk tuk kick it

half way soul get out discarded Im So-byeong Cheongmyeong filled Road without
pulse rolled away

"chart Moderately must ! Person sleeping plus light up run ?”

"shoemaker… … silver From ancient times… … used strategy… … .”

"this energy left _ Patience do n't Die , little !”

Lim So-byeong gettin car discarded Cheongmyeong remorseful with face body turned
_ Tang military evil subtle expression building came _ Cheongmyeong greeting handed

“You suffered .”

“Ummm .”

Tang military evil That's right not suspicion saturated with face ball small was scratched

“You Haran Road but I did... … this really well done whether it's done I don't know .”

"then for that Pretty happy You have a face .”

Tang military evil a little face blushing I was coughing . of course it's now this think but
a little I'm Danga guys toward a postcard blow up Dal when cheat all it's cool did _

"usually the kids A little right going growing That ’s it .”

“Kids… … .”

Tang military evil ethereal with face scattered these look up Ramen in Saga already
home achieve kid would have given birth are old this the guys say baby will do
number Is there... … .

"What U.S emotions put forward one also No , training kind of not .”

“… … That's right do .”

swearing on horse Tang military evil head nodded . of course that… … emotions
preceded case no at the end little I was stabbed I mean .

"everyone well Listen .”

fainted these well hear number will there be I was skeptical , but Cheongmyeong nerve
write without shouted _

“Tomorrow same to train Because . strict not beak not everyone me .”

“… … .”
"strength turn around grass day Do not have It looks like I very properly let me loose
sun line Because . More than that !”

“… … .”

“Let’s go .”

“ Yeah , it is .”

“Oh my gosh , I’m deceived cool _ Giggles giggles .”

Cheongmyeong memorandum the chiefs co-operating in the gym far away went _

dusty Became on the floor stuck there was jogger that look looking small murmured .

“… … Sons . ”

Everyone is at least in my mind that on horse violently Agreed .

"really Are you okay ?”

“What ?”

"everyone now limit over thing looks like this in the situation same water lily to repeat
case… … .”

Tang military evil worried case Different crab No. _

Cheongmyeong said same water lily among them sun stand Dalian called that not will
_ from tomorrow blueberry Different patrons , and the elders them pushing water lily
will mean _

"what Any problem ?”

“… … rest break the gap have to give summer solstice wouldn't it ?"

“ A. Lord too confident You are exaggerating .”

“Um ?”

“They I state if not U.S beat number to be thing Do you think ?”

Tang military evil a little in thought missing seemingly horse none complexion
hardened _

“It’s not easy I will not .”

“tightly shake off let go in the future shake off eating good That ’s it .”

“… … intention A little impure thing It seems .”

Cheongmyeong bluntly answered .

"that is It’s the key .”

Tang military evil head tilted _

"that In addition what mean ?”

Cheongmyeong prey laughed _

"now everyone together these which degree skill equipped whether would have figured
it out will . each other make a fist going to the bottom look Because I threw it away .”

“Yes .”

A little excessively look abandoned crab problem However I mean .

“Until there Well , I thought . Than you think A little excessively right… … . some , um .
yes , some a lot .”

"very It will be a lot .”

“… … To be honest so far crazy guys line is I didn't know . it's a volcano Yes even if go
to why By the way ?”

“It’s quiet and dark. speak listen Have you seen it ?”

“I have to Danga A little dark Don't .”

speak bereaved Tang military evil shaky with face Let's go back Cheongmyeong
shoulder Shrugged .
"Anyway up to there I have to go . usually what is a person clumsy Courtesy in the
each other properly I understand You can’t .”

"However only bad feelings Namji Was n't it? "

"So lead water lily necessary That ’s it .”

“Huh ?”

Cheongmyeong shit laughed _

"People really colleague need time when line Do you know ?”

“… … Well .”

"finger one tickle power is no , I alone what to do number Do not have enemy in front
of you to be when .”

Cheongmyeong calmly said .

"then really anyone It gets desperate . that is yesterday fist fight did Guys , usually like
an enemy thought no matter what between , so nice to meet you thank you medical
charge There is none .”

Tang military evil Still head nodded . experienced enemy but no understand number is
there is far conflict also without on the maehwado trapped there was Namgung Sega
on the volcano which reaction I saw think look at it the answer come out isn't it ?

that after that Namgungse is going a volcano Oh my gosh both Do not have as a
benefactor consider there is

"like that when By-self unite Became there is .”

“… … that I mean... … .”

clear speak understood Tang military evil a little Eyes thin popped up

"People bunching to be public enemy that it is necessary I mean .”

“Yes . what to do cheek even dare me not… … mighty enemy .”

Cheongmyeong swipe head listen far the sky looked up

first magician would have appeared When , the midfield word as it is quadrant fissure
Became there was no , more accurately as it were magic war paid even in the
beginning It's a mess It was the same .

dare The reason find need no _ contemporary For the powerful suddenly where did it
come out egg capital Do not have rather than crazy Meantime each other growling
next door guys more gritty will _

the volcano even on the battlefield With Jongnam take a seat not together couldn't
also That's why Wasn't it

However war Continuing , the magician have of strength size The more you realize ,
and More than anything cheonmara the guy which the guy the more you understand
each other interracial relationship is which degree was sutured .

battlefield not wherever I don't know , at least battlefield at the forefront line these are
doubt without Own My back enemy same sectarian to the monks surrendered _

colleague what is consciousness like that emerging will _

'What… … was the guys one hundred thousand from the top sagri 👌👌 I threw it away .'

maybe that later Kang Ho-ga open-ended become the volcano smashed I case this
influence would have been great will _ only Work of hal even a survivor If left , they
strong hero would have been will , and the future strong led I would

that corps not participate unhappy coward and incompetent only guys survive strong
lead became crab every situational that might be the cause

anyway In conclusion , it is divided into quadrants there was strong seemingly to one
place unite make June crab Different not celestial that there was mean _

“This time too finally like that to become I would do it . Jang Il-so Yes , heaven that
baby too will you come back I don't know .”

“Ummm .”
"However at that time stick together to see if late . then like now beaten crab not with
life pay the price to pay to be because it will .”

Kang Ho-ga in a sense until it moves how much numerous sacrifice pay , how much
Many blood did you spill

"already must experience friendly the bottom see also , mighty enemy against fight see
Also , growling fighting lice beside there is just by strength felled situation .”

“… … .”

"directly suffering on incomparable number is no , at least not doing rather than get
better Won't you?"

Cheongmyeong head turn Department of Tang Gun Music swear by looked up swear
word Cheongmyeong to wear Heat before player hit .

"To properly to do giant . later Go archers lose no regrets not I mean .”

“Yes .”

Cheongmyeong shit laughed _

"What… … I'm resentful A little I hear you, but you resent listening crab kids die
outgoing girl see rather than Is it better ?”

then in intention pulled out is it a horse egg number but this _ the horse Absolutely
sharp dagger Became Department of Tang Gun Music swear by stabbed .

clear As said , one sectarian Moonju most should be prioritized will do work the
mundos punctual will _ resentment will you hear fearful , authority will you fall feet
withdrawn crab No. _ curse Eat , Mundos holding up forage see Han Yi even if them to
live lead do _

yes . rightfully So that did _

However until this time Department of Tang Gun Music swear by do it could n't just
they are will do number Do not have work , that volcanic bay possible it's work feet
subtracted Only .

“… … It was this way .”

"what Are you talking ?”

bewildered choke call clarification looking Tang military evil bitter laugh stayed _

'I to children artist I line All right .'

real clear anger headed where is each inquiry who were lords looks like today I
children beat up Pan is , their in indulgence About It is also a punishment I would
eventually situation so far aiding each to the patrons About warning prayer did _

“… … what horse I understand .”

Tang military evil sigh snuggle exhaled _

Danga Also have to change that case know there was Forward they have to go
through will do do things thinking like this survive difficult Because . However in my
mind I drew that of change at target Suddenly that yourself without there was looks

Cheongmyeong party children well lead number if there is Danga Also it will be
different believed .

'I will Riga None .'

top water it's sunny no , how bottom water will it be clear ? think look too much
natural that .

“I am ashamed .”

"English don't know sound only You do .”

nothing do not know chuck shoulder shrugging clarification looking Tang military
music bitterly laughed _ swearing Also Department of Tang Gun Music thinking Is it
the same Serious with face head nodding there was

'The King of Green Forest Namgung Soga liquor with them together dealt with case
profit It wasn't .'

they are dare seperately to whip need there was no will _ they are already Different
with these mixed want to be different trying because there was
that meaning understand Naja that look looking Smile said myself how much Was it
pathetic? feeling came out once again face it was hot

to change to try same treat subject this by yourself stagnant because not together
unable lice I laughed how much Was it ugly ?

today beaten that is children , but actually be punished received that is Department of
Tang Gun Music it was an oath

“Great .”

Big cough in vain one Tang military evil make a decision harden clarification looked up

“… … you if you say U.S Absolutely mighty enemy Became I'll give it to you . little bad
feelings accumulating Han Yi even if I mean .”

“Between them fighting rather than that is It will be better .”

Department of Tang Gun Music swear word understood seemingly say Cheongmyeong
shit laughed _

"will do there Surely Please .”

“I see .”

“Leave it Let it go .”

head nodding Tang military music anew one branch felt _

'finally this every water lily Everyone is unison felled place there was crab No. '

quarrel , fight , petty with disagreement growl _ and Absolutely mighty enemy
Welcome , until yesterday fighting with these power put together oppose _

This someday they I magic against have to go through will do it's a thing
Cheongmyeong Right away this in the manor later Cheon Woo Blind suffer to be pain
more moderate in a way make paid will _

that annoying cumbersome inside burning process dare suffer one The reason is too
much It was clear .
clear every behavior the principle is one volcanic the disciples only one even a person
more save smoking thing . now that have to live will do target only the volcano no
became will _

just only words No , sincerely .

“… … I you little I misunderstood .”

“Yes ?”

“I am ashamed I really you hot children beat up Pan case line Okay . all thinking there
is case line I don't know .”

“… … .”

"now Bonnie today I children scolded also all your As planned... … .”

Tang military evil speak do suddenly stopped _

Cheongmyeong Eyes wobbly wiggle rolling look at avoided Because .

“… … are you ?”

"under… … . haha ! That 's right ! usually It was today ! all thinking Because there
was !”

“… … .”

“Oh my gosh , this I hear it . Embarrassed .”

body stroke turn getting away clear back view blankly looking at Tang military music
Within laugh burst fell .

"pond I will dry it .”

head the bottom he shoulder poof unfolded _

clear the intention is I understood . then now he Sun will do work It is clear .

"then for a while devil the state Became Shall I see you? ”
motivation to the fullest exposed Tang military evil fist strongly grabbed .

His in hand flowing bone joint thick sound English unwittingly to be of the Thousand
Rains the future Say it giving only was like

1135 episodes . together once get close Let 's see ! (5)

Aww !

till the end resisted one hundred thousand on the forehead hand marks buried postal
transfer locked up

sack !

with wood made postal transfer smithereens born one hundred thousand bubble biting
backwards passed over

iron puddle .

Daero outstretched His on the forehead pure white Kim up and down peer went up

till the end resisted to a hundred thousand George discarded Tang military music a
postcard thrown hand lightly shake off paid out

"exactly volcanic waves tenacity There is .”

“He Than Danga the guys zero tenacity Do n't you?"

“… … Is that so ?”

down there was people of the party that short Conversation listen body flinch fell .
head lift even if you don't Tang military evil which by eye them looking down Whether
obviously seemed Because .

"What what to do number Do not have It 's work . we the kids that steep in the
mountains rolling around rolling They 're bastards kids water good Sichuan on the
ground comfortable lived They're kids to compare medical charge Are you there ?”

“… … Danga with goodwill poison no in words Can you hear me?”

“Ha ha ha . that word very That 's funny . Danga poison there is no Ha ha ha ha .”

“… … .”

"haha… … .”

“… … .”

"Joke Was n't it ?"

woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much

Tang military evil this replacement sound clearly heard _ that uncanny down on the
noise there was these again body burr fell .

'No , I crazy guy... … .'

'What People so far scrape land ?'

fallen these are blood vomiting It was heartbreaking , but Cheongmyeong then girl
nerve write work ever There has never been , and will never be there will be no it was

“Oh , think Bonnie that maybe not I don't know .”

“… … that In addition what mean ?”

Cheongmyeong shell worn by hand My back hair supporting be kind fell .

"think Bonnie with goodwill then case not thing I think . than the price more be
sympathetic grown up Namgungse the kids exactly tenacity There is .”

“… … .”

"then go to why right ? continuity egg medical charge None . the ground not good ? if
not to be born... … . Hmmm .”

Moment party evil venomous snake same gaze party and to Dangzan plugged in Even
so notice take a look there was the two quickly hair on the floor knocked down

“… … dare The reason is not important I would n't result only change to be It’s work .”
“Well , that ’s right . I do . by the way that is easy not It’s work .”

“It’s easy even if you don't if to be it 's work somehow .”

party around the eyes transparent Tears spread _

today's Tang military music yesterday and was different . of course yesterday too
radically them I pushed, but today how what make a decision one Whether word as it
is in the mouth knife door with momentum ran away

in the snow to live spewed party music just remember chart the pants dance get wet
It's a plate , so People why more scrape Dandan mean ! how Why !

I to rot taoist cub !

that in the meantime Cheongmyeong scattered these swipe looking at to wear opened

"Fortunately it's time be enough will . see yet long time more that's right will do thing
Because it is the same .”

"I'm glad bad luck I don't know .”

party evil on horse Cheongmyeong prey smiling scattered these toward shouted _

“Tomorrow same training will do Because . Ready properly so to come out .”

“… … .”

"What get ready have to see anyway result be the same thing same as . Giggles
giggles .”

Cheongmyeong body turn dance hall went out fallen these a glimpse each inquiry with
the elders swear word that behind followed .

the only clarification follow me without that in place left Tang military evil between the
brows frowning to wear opened .

“Sogaju .”

“… … .”
“Sogaju .”

“Yes , yes ! Lord !”

party head flash heard _ that Moment coolly sunken party evil eyes face to face
became _ party is body burr fell . recent entering well cheek number there was no eyes
. Like clarification meet I'm party evil a look same _

“What is a person everyone minimal My share is Sun do .”

“ Sorry , I’m sorry… … .”

"you during today four thousand a descendant in the name worthy look Boyne lice Are
you there? ”

“… … .”

“The volcanic sword association with a farm one That being said , for me only with
farm inaudible it doesn't My by hand get inside even if you don't whatever given Mind
urgent reason no , desperate reason There will be none .”

party is without a word head snuggle bow down fell .

“As punishment… … today go to all It is fasting .”

“… … yes .”

the price of rice I couldn't rice Eat malan on horse excuse have a chance to be lee
there was no

I'm indifferent visible with eyes everyone looked around Tang military music Within
dance hall get out abandoned . with him At the same time strenuously persevere there
was party like falling hair on the floor knocked down

for a long time This time only after jogger inconsequential body caused _

“Turn it off . no… … everyone day Did you catch it ?”

in the voice irritability and fatigue loads buried _ Jo Geul-eun My Next like a corpse
overturned this swipe looking said .
“The death penalty .”

still reaction let 's not , now feet stretched out Yoon Jong side cook stabbed .

“The death penalty , live . can you death penalty .”

Cook . Cook .

“Are you dead ?”

“… … not dead , this baby .”

“Ah , what is it ? I In addition 👌👌 give .”

“… … Ugh .”

Yoon Jong from the mouth sick sound flowed out

energy at least a little stay if there were I arrogant group club without mercy turn I
would have thrown it away , but now jogger not saffron even if you run what to do
dory there will be no as much as loads Tired . More than anything Cheongmyeong to
the guy beaten the top of the head I was sick granularity Heat Tiring enough .

how jogger this guy same Thing even through what strength behind there group club
tease stand maybe ? that guy two the ship more I was beaten

"by the way this A little not bad Don't you ?”

“What ?”

"no… … I mean That's right . Cheongmyeong with the guy From the monks to the
elders side eat I'm running U.S that what channel Are you facing ! this what it's a water
lily water lily fake Beaten .”

"What anew . always suffered Big .”

“Huh ? listen See... … .”

jogger head tilted _ that in the meantime Jong-eun Yoon sigh snuggle exhaled _ the
horse not did , but he same think do there was
channel if you look they winning crab Too natural It will happen , but again as
emphasized In Kangho military the difference crab big make sense no _

all big the adult six year old than a child at most Heat ship degree of power more pay
number to be Only . However that is all big an adult than a child perfect Heat ship
more to be strong girl don't mean does not

I will it's work no , but all big an adult six year old to children Heartily if you run fever
not even a hundred hatch number there is crab Of course isn't it ?

in the river absolute high that Under there is of these the difference is that More than
big _

by the way Cheongmyeong with the guy trial when without stick copy it's a volcano
this situation I'm used to it the problem is… … .

Yoon Jong spread out there is these swipe looked up down there is these are
expression take a look number there was no sky report lie down there is of these face
is cheek number there was

Jong-eun Yoon neatly conclusion got off

'all Taste I'm gone .'

past in the exam room Perfect answer write and manor confident triumphantly came
out lice , in fact in the answer name write not put no said to have been disqualified girl
that day At night when you realize like that face not maybe ?

no , rather then of these state little more better want to see thinking field as much as
everyone soul missing It was the face .

Jong-eun Yoon their feel ten minutes I understood .

'We too at first That's it .'

strong I'm uninhabited garage overflowing , but everywhere peak high water
acknowledge subject this is surprisingly to browse difficult . each in the doorstep just
one or two even if that the doorstep as a noble treat receive number to be enough .
so Kang Ho-in name while writing forever During climax face one th pussy unable
these too there are many

by the way in the prestigious belonged these are each inquiry an adult cheek chance
because circumstances which degree get better I don't want to... … My skill little more
pull even to upload busy peak season Paris take off likewise family with children hand
mix line Days common lee no _ at most Talent there is Child to a few play Sanya some
th teach line about a day Only .

'then gentlemen Eyes turn over with power rushing girl I saw it .'

climax to live in front of your eyes authentically I was right soul run away if not that is
more it would be weird

“Shut up .”

at that time Finally fell down one hundred thousand stagger upper body wake up
erected _

"Also dormancy , recovery You are fast .”

"right to be shivering I You are a man .”

“I have to . me too be right as much as right I saw it , in private compared to bird

initiative Blood .”

is it a compliment Is it an insult? don't know speak listening one hundred thousand

face distorted .

“Damn… … .”

he this puffy replaced _

“Cheongmyung bloke even with one I'm going crazy ."

alone volcano one sweep away eating Cheongmyeong facing also usually Days No. _
By the way that bulk Because than the blue more look at attractable swear word like a
beast run wild , that in between party evil memorization fly away

barely winter found break the gap each sectarian the elders fill up throw away This
What the answer there was no
of course training subject these Also medical charge I've grown... … .

"It's in the way ."

Yuisul's easygoing on horse one hundred thousand inside the bone deep empathize
fell .

'rather Do not have crab better .'

ally occurring crab disturb felled Days to happen I'd say only one never Imagine copy
enemy no _ By the way that nonsense not felled Days this in the dance hall going on
there was

they clarification to deal with for perfectly develop On pass is what the hell to use
medical charge no _ they move in the direction Different guys interrupted , confused
other question atmosphere on the volcano as it is is contagious

rather those guys without only by volcano blueberry swear word , party music if you
face than this situation would have been better Khitan thinking field it was about

'War is crab usually like this complicated Was it ?'

just more strong power just to build if winning I'd say I thought . However today this
in the gym he suffered work His think fundamentally twist to put It was enough .

'That's it in one place power excessively when focused rather the sun I'll be fine .'

then how how Sun do ? power collect each other disturb become and power collect if
not mighty enemy to face number Do not have what if the situation ?

“… … only like this each clan seperately moving , few some pushed place to support
wandering around no choice but to Do n't you ?"

Yoon Jong on horse one hundred thousand heavily head nodded .

not wrong not . this if the situation that is Best . However So... … .

Right away It was then

"this Damn it !”
Beast Archery one body jump caused _ Then puffy swelling with face back paid out

"why Repeatedly in front rattle is it ! the king you like to face number there is min no
That 's right ! Jingumdo lord in the body not I'm stuck wooden sword holding What
What are you going to do !”

that on horse jogger Eyes jumped out

"now no way to us one sound ?”

“Yes ! you volcano cubs ! that rattle with a knife What what to do forward obstruct do
you have ! you Because U.S properly fight medical charge No !”

volcanic the disciples to wear blah blah spread out obstruction ? how who who to
interfere there said mean ?

"no… … .”

However dare that on horse to refute need is there was no that on horse angry my line
people seperately ' cause

“Even the head muscle only cold things dog whistle chatter you're doing it you in the
middle do not intervene without with us the volcano unite number only to be sun even
if I gave situation the ship would have been better will .”

“What ? same knife inscribed it's bastards Is it this ?”

"that is the truth it 's just you like nothing help too not All right! ”

binggong immediately volcanic side holding spiral will _

at that time listen there was Im So-byeong snort hit .

"What then two people face it See you.”

OK Namgungdowi this grind intervened _

“Allies don't criticize Do not . why divisive room Do you make it !”

“Aigoo . that handsome Namgungse People this dirty Sapa to the guy nonsense walk
give it this in emptiness won .”

“… … What ?”

each other blatantly sarcastic responsible pass on emotional goal Too deepened this
even in circumstances to each other this grind stand will _

one hundred thousand deep sigh exhaled _

'I this right Guernsey well I don't know , Chung Myung-ah .'

His gaze Cheongmyeong far away to a place headed _

1136 episodes . still What what to do (One)

“Oh my gosh , you bastard !”

jogging from the mouth swearing Absolutely popped out this bad writing he there is
power do it all Forward sword swung _

Kaaaah !

sword and sword bumping into Moment wrist muscle twisted _ scream how I
suppressed it, but in shock body backwards bounce outgoing case what to do dory
there was no


like a cannonball backwards being shot His My back someone supporting stop gave _

head turn identify need no _ etc. behind line Yoon Jong existence felt jogger
unconsciously feet pulled _ yet he Yoon Jong knee Let's step on it at the same time
Jong-eun Yoon lightly knee bounce Him consolation float raised .

“Ahhhhhhhh !”

soared jogger Under Falling , Jong- eun Yoon face to face beating ran _

Forward rushing , Yoon Jong- eun Before there is this watched _ terribly coolly sunken
clear two Eyes see moment , one stem creepiness chest skimming passed _
“Ah !”

that pressure somehow hold on paid Yoon Jong sword Absolutely delicately was swung
blazing blazing with the chest differently Absolutely canonical it was a sword

His knife consolation falling jogging sword overlapped _ Yoon Jong sword and
perfectly contrasting fast and sharp sword !

but .

bang !

spurt like an island moved clear sword two people's sword At the same time hit flew _
jogging than a sword the ship fast , yunjong than a sword the ship more delicate _

and that in soaked power is dare comparison will do number no _


painful moan leak came out this that's about it already expected . in the first place I
damn the guy faced crab where one or two was it ?

backwards bounce outgoing two people's from the sword At the same time plum
blossom bloomed _ victory caught More than that guy certainly attack sun all will _ so
for now feet one th tie... … .

' What?'

that Moment Yoon Jong Snow got bigger

backwards bounce born extended with sword in Namgung Sega's inspectors come in
abandoned . like this sword unfold they His on the sword swept away to be that it was

Yoon Jong terrified sword sideways turn moment . Cheongmyeong that break the gap
miss without Yoon Jong sideways dug into

“Oh , no !”

woohoo !
side kicked Yoon Jong string fallen like a kite flew away absurdly alone left behind Jo
Geul-eun amazed in the meantime somehow sword swung _ However bewildered
suddenly play it discarded on the sword what strength will it work

“Cheer hey hey hey !”

face kicked jogger pig bitten sound out bounce went out

and Right away that moment .

“Wow !”

My make a mistake noticed Namgungdowi two Eyes woke up All of a sudden jogul
and Jong-eul Yoon sum up discarded Cheongmyeong indifferent can not coolly sunken
by eye Suddenly Him toward rush coming there was

“Profit !”

Moment knee I was trembling , but Namgungdowi desperately on the leg power give
fiercely sword swung _

Namgung's black volcanic sword and that grain completely different _ Strong and
heavy !

However… … .

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa _

on Namgungdo face wretchedly distorted _

between swords abutting moment , his sword without pulse backwards bounce out will
_ he power do it all wielded sword Cheongmyeong lightly shaken sword take it inside
could n't

Unexpectedly , I like a joke wielded sword His than a sword some the ship more heavy
the truth embrace there was will _

soon after Cheongmyeong expression one change without on Namgungdo on the chin
My fist flew _
Whoops !

Namgungdowi kicked like a ball bounce went out

Paaaah !

belting awfully the floor Park Chan Cheongmyeong as it is bounce outgoing

Namgungdowi caught up

slap .

on Namgungdo shoulder grabbed Cheongmyeong half way ritual bereaved that body
My Forward pulled stick party toward rushed _

“No , damn it !”

Cheongmyeong If you rush whenever to eject for in both hands rain holding there was
party is Moment bewildered hardened abandoned . two Snow even an earthquake I
seemingly shook .

Cheongmyeong Namgungdowi Like like a shield preceded stick to him rush there is
only like this rain to throw tank car Is n't it ?

party a little bit more if you were calm first distance wide open or that if not
Namgungdowi Harm clear My back aim number there is line fee tossed and it will if
not First poison sprinkled will _

However estimate unhappy in the situation encountered party is How to not find can
not for a moment hesitate fell . Qingming same this to face when momentary
hesitation fatal _

Paaaah !

on Namgungdo armpit through stretched out came out sword like an island party
toward flooded _ cowardly party is bidogo and Nabal First body sideways rolled _
However that Moment Cheongmyeong hold there was on Namgungdo body as it is to
the party pick up threw it

party is Moment Be in agony Eyes sticky winding up flying Namgungdowi Harm body
flew _ that receive give it's later Too it's obvious isn't it
'Hey , fuck you .'

However party is that make a choice All of a sudden regretted it

he Namgungdowi Harm body blown where already Cheongmyeong waiting there was
will _ Like he then make a choice will do line know that there was as if

rather that receive give if you got hit even for a reason I got it... … .

Quang !

“Aww !”

chin kicked party like a cannonball fly away the floor rolled _ rolling around rolled over
he already spread out there was on Namgungdo beside get along fell over

tak .

on the floor get down Cheongmyeong nonchalant by eye around looked back

“Turn it off… … .”

"Gosh Die… … .”

the situation just It was miserable . properly resistance sun pussy can't All of a sudden
smashed me discarded these together somewhere grabbed stick moaning there was

that pathetic groan Still watched Cheongmyeong loose sigh rested .

"no… … . Chung Myung-ah... … .”

jogger Something speak try to wear quickly closed . clear expression as usual not
hardened there was

cool by eye jogging a glimpse Cheongmyeong fallen these looking back to wear
opened .

“The third day .”

that speak heard jogger without a word head snuggle bowed down
“Three days It's gone , it's changed crab nothing no . no rather than the first can't .”

that speak heard of these face distorted _ actually that Too natural Work Isn't it ? three
days all the time just be beaten I did of course more tired strength there will be no
have no choice but to

However their then thinking is next clear horse came out Moment washed seemingly
Live abandoned .

"Something mistaken It looks like this If in practice to you next chance to be thing
like ?”

that horse Great meaning embrace be there No. _ that in the voice soaked emotions
Too because it is heavy heart go down shoulder tremulous it was

“Somehow to be I'd say Believe it ?”

“… … .”

"just felled Road if somehow to be resolved I'd say think ? someone saffron sum up
line there , someone magic deal with it line would you?”

around mouse dead as if It became quiet .

"and then luck badly strong enemy met when If the Is it enough ?”

voice is Too dark heavy .

into dissatisfaction boiled these too this for a moment car clear Eyes facing pussy
could n't normally wild rage curse do angry threw lice , emotional shake without calmly
handing over I mean . therefore More heavy it was dark

“Yeah , so sun Look . then Know to be Because . really scary case perishing crab not
surviving that gal .”

“… … .”

I survived until yesterday together fighting swearing the guy forever come back not
that it's done Know felled the moment girl I mean .”

cool by eye everyone staring Cheongmyeong body turned _

"you same fool the cubs speechless know Will you eat it? I don't know .”

he sword in the sheath push put in dance hall went out that the sight watched
Department of Tang Gun Music swearing , and the elders too firm with face dance hall
went out

they all look hidden behind in the dance hall silence fairly for a long time continued _

for awhile after .

"I… … .”

“Good job . damn it .”

Namgungdowi Something want to say Moment Lim So-byeong from the mouth
abusive language poured out

“Damn , how much well are you born to refute horse None . for this reason only the
theory laid out humans most first I lost beggar . etc. from behind knife Because that's
right ."

Namgungdowi outrageous by eye Lim So-byeong looked up correct speak said sound
there sarcastic will do number there is also Great ability Isn't it ?

“Hey , damn it !”

that Moment jogger big in voice to cry threw up

“Understanding pond I will ! between us fight when so far wretchedly Bali is didn't ! By
the way why like this What a mess !”

jogging anger is glimpse It was justified .

the volcano blueberry some year over sword mix came . of course clear power that I
pulled be confident number no , yes handl Wolf readily to be beaten to some extent it

There power Added , common sense more superior fight should be to do How come
the situation increasingly not get better stuffy Mando did _
However that jogging position, and other the doorstep differently accept no choice but
to there was no

"then U.S What even wrong said are you? ”

easy this let's replace jogger live equal by eye Him I shot

"then What Even if you do well... … .”

“Stop it .”

“No , Sasuk ! I wrong speak one case… … .”

“Shut up did .”

jogger shoulder shrugged off

Jong-eun Yoon jogger not to anyone angry look well invisible not is a person However
than that more angry look invisible not lice there is , different not one hundred

then one hundred thousand now coldly jogging stare there was

"no… … I… … .”

jogger head snuggle bowed down that look seen one hundred thousand to Yoon Jong
look at give asked .

"etc behind People that there is girl Did you not know ?”

“… … Got it .”

"By the way why then sword Did you open it? ”

one hundred thousand coolly was confused

"By-self avoid line okay ? nerve write because it wasn't ? skill if it's a hat My subject
know far away back off do you ?”

“That , that … … .”
"Since when yes in then arrogance Are you full ?”

“… … Sorry .”

Yoon Jong to refute dare inside can't head snuggle bowed down

Jong-eul Yoon including volcanic the disciples coolly seen one hundred thousand
Different the clans took a look with him Snow encountered these me too without
knowing swipe head bowed down

one hundred thousand slowly on the spot happened _ that moment , everyone gaze to
him was focused

everyone anew volcanic high disciple one hundred thousand feeling of weight I felt it .

this Between Lim So-byeong Excluding , more than one hundred thousand more big
influence have this is no _

no , maybe one hundred thousand have influence is king of green than Lim So-byeong
more big map I don't know . volcanic kick Jang Moon-in position , at least this Cheon
Woo Meng inside bottom of the bar even in words because it's not enough

then lice determined angry Nanny everyone shout out will do even dare inside could

four thousand small owner Dangpaedo , Namgung substantial hostess Namgung

Latitude , Beast Palace Binggung is of course, and even Even the Lim So-byeong
horseshoe without one hundred thousand saw _

"all… … .”

one hundred thousand mouth opened . Everyone is it was stingy Bona mana sting
rebuke pouring out I'd say I thought .

However At that time , a hundred thousand everyone toward depth head bowed down

“I’m sorry .”

Everyone is vacant with face one hundred thousand looked up

everywhere mouse dead seemingly It became quiet .

1137 episodes . still What what to do (2)

dance hall filled of these expression spurt I was stunned .

'Oh , no... … .'

what have to express do ? Is n't it absurd ? if not Are you crazy ? that is if not zero
strange ?

until now a volcano at least a little suffered these are know there is a volcano
representing this is who what chart it's a blue name outside in sight or in to look It's
called Cheongmyeong this is called a volcano in the doorstep nonsense not felled
influence to exercise ' cause

However a volcano how much shortly long time go through copy of these the gaze
little change .

called a volcano sectarian the center is Cheongmyeong Journal I don't know , on a

volcano affiliated of the disciples the center is one hundred thousand Cheongmyeong
just these lead only , their think as one to coordinate realistically to control case who
what chart this dedicated young man will _

volcanic long writer Even Hyeonjong to the disciples something have to tell will do that
to be when Cheongmyeong not one hundred thousand not going through isn't it ?

simply Cheongmyeong busy Because chosen the next best thing No. _ volcanic big
direction leading that is It is clear , but volcanic the disciples leading these are be a
hundred thousand that implicit consensual is the result

then a hundred thousand , definitive later volcano a long-time writer hyeon volcanic
the disciples representing one hundred thousand their Before out of nowhere head
bow down will _

party vacant with face around looked back Different said be different crab without all
to wear take off even dare pond pay there was

among them moved crab It was just a loser is it because or said to be the right person
I thought maybe because everyone's gaze to him gathered .

implicit pressure received party is finally shaky with face to wear opened .
"stamp… … . suddenly why like this are you? ”

just then one hundred thousand bowed down head heard _ and party including to
everyone look at evenly gave _

that Moment one hundred thousand in my mind Various Branch horse came to mind
nice horse , in moderation adult soothing horse , opponent to be sorry more depth
apologizing word etc. _

However then things finally All of a sudden disappeared . Now is Moderately while
fading to be sutured worthy situation it wasn't

“Like this not It will be .”

finally from the mouth came out case His candid was the mood .

"now we are where waiting room capital Do not have never the masters against
practice There is . one moment , one moment which also with incomparable number
without You are precious .”

that at the end Everyone is head nodded .

this water lily hold on smoking crab is it hard not sure Second , this at any rate again
all number Do not have an opportunity only Everyone is I agreed .

four thousand Gasol chart Gajuwa face to face cheek chance in a lifetime some times
will there be of the beast archery so Beast Palace and Earnestly fight cheek chance was
there ?

then these not one no three rampageous situation how where experience will you see

"By the way now we are this Time to waste There is . never backcountry maybe not do
not know this chance I mean .”

“… … .”

“Cheonwoomeng think and go strong think , honestly then ambitious case well I don't
know . but I this Precious Time this in a way to waste want to does not . those guys
facing on every power have to focus will do on time old emotions put it on put want
to does not .”
some these , especially Namgungdowi Big head nodded .

"so Please . power Gather Please .”

party a little cloudy with face to wear opened .

"that is cause for length Is it because ?”

“No. ”

one hundred thousand perfect cut said .

"that is on the volcano help felled length Because. ”

one hundred thousand gaze to the party plugged in

“The Soga owner right Don't you ?”

party selling price a little hardened _

now one hundred thousand to him asking there is that nothing not bad feelings
Because petrol this good chance just beaten by time blow up throw it away do you
want if not yourself to develop by time to take do you want

' mean Good job .'

momentarily tantrum it was tight in the first place this every of work the beginning I
the volcano party price like a joke beat up beating gaping work , volcano belonging to
Volcano Swordsman everyone severely torment stacked it's a thing

By the way let's go no different these mouthful sound sun Danny fever soar have no
choice but to

murder is wrong it's a thing However that speak already murder guilty lice take
revenge suffering in the meantime speak out if you do the belly button twisted crab Of
course wouldn't it

“The volcano then speak in the mouth containing crab outrageous There is none .”
one hundred thousand excuse without again head snuggle bowed down in vain once
scold catch saw party is that in appearance sick sound paid out and sigh exhale said .

"However… … advisory the disciples thinking crab It's just a painting don't think roll up
Please .”

now party in mind emerged that is Different not party evil It was the eyes .

My by hand get inside even if you don't whatever given Mind urgent reason no ,
desperate reason no that word I mean .

'wrong horse one None .'

now most be desperate will do that is Different not go to they are more superior on
entry even though there was volcanic the disciples the year inside can't ' cause

so they more in a hurry do they more I have to be happy do _ now one hundred
thousand do there is work party first should have do _

However party is just lie down there would have been only , urgent the reason is Do
not have the volcano first head bowed down

If you are desperate have to move do _ only in my heart kid burn not moving not that
is for real eager crab No. _

“It’s an emotion. what , once anything Sun that in that I agree . those people To us you
do work , beating strong to grow the intention is not because I mean .”

one hundred thousand firmly head linger around

"me too I agree .”

that Moment quickly Namgungdowi to wear opened .

“Like this Work year past changing crab None . each other to each other disturb not to
be never to face number None . by will , by practice to overcome number there is crab
No. ”

This Namgungdowi Own pride hurt will do number there is It was a statement .
he Namgung's let's go the same small owners clumping if not let's go to face number
no talking and hostess lice Different let's go to face number no talking that is Not at
all Different it's a thing

the best in the world Sega called big Namgung Sega's as head of state in the mouth
to contain worthy the horse never it wasn't

However Namgungdowi is Own limit obediently acknowledged _ The past If so even if

you die mouth outside inside would not have By the way , now he Own limit inevitably
not admit it not crab , more Pride hurting called work girl get to know It was because

"together fight number there is length to be will . each other to each other disturb
felled crab not help _ to be number there is way certainly to be will . from that
browsing crab How are you ?”

on Namgungdo on horse party decidedly head nod _

However It was then

“Good job .”

situation watched Beast Archery one blatantly laugh at spilled _

“The midfield handsome clan three people very great make a decision did it .”

count People firm with face speak pulled out this saw _ Different these to wear Heat
before one hundred thousand player hit .

“If you are unhappy Sorry .”

“No , no . What be upset crab do you have great count clan People picture if you
decide We just following beggar . gross wild guys where that on horse revolt Would
you like to hear it ?”

just personality twisted Person one blatantly sarcastic that simply accept work it wasn't
speak pulled out this is was one , but behind sitting of these eyes all was similar even
only beast archers not Binggungdo too make sense that there is seemingly head
nodding there was

"We I will intention... … .”

"It's the intention You will be fine .”

this time ice archer to wear opened .

"However which Days to be Whenever Cheon Woo-blind direction to decide case

volcanic Danga , Namgungse Isn't it ? and to us returning case just It's just a notice ."

“… … .”

"so this time too to accept I'm guessing what any problem Are you there ?”

this at the end hundred thousand degrees take out the answer is I was confused .

out of nowhere caught up It's Namgung little to be embarrassed work, but in fact so
far Cheon Woo-blind big talk decide On that is volcanic It was a party, and the other
these are just notice would have gotten that only the horse to deny It was difficult .

exactly that Cheon Woo Meng In the beginning made in intention out of it's a thing

that is one hundred thousand wrong is no though , everyone there is in a place Danga
and Namgung obviously first then throw away the situation they stack up came
dissatisfaction to touch enough left _

"that the part Sorry . but We I will intention... … .”

“No , one hundred thousand . stamp . dissatisfied there is crab I'm not why picture do
you say I don't know . We just you are speaking Road follow to be It’s work .”

one hundred thousand from the mouth sigh leak came out honest attack coming to
these about However much to deal with number but this _ in a way sarcastic coming
out case puck to deal with It was difficult . volcanic called the great disciple His from
the standpoint what speak chart kind chuck more than to be number Do not have
situation Because .

how how speak Sun Shall I one hundred thousand troubled meanwhile , annoying
mixed voice one blah blah blah ring spread _

"nastily sarcastic , damn barbarian cubs .”

Moment Binggung and of the beast mundos hotly in concert look at turned _ However
said this copy Moment their half way opened mouth road closed .
wretchedly crumpled school spirit dressed Im So-byeong upper body only barely built
Chae , what is annoyance? annoyed all put it in everyone looking up there was that in
appearance spurt Everyone is became sober

“You guys discrimination receive have to see Sapa as much as babies did you get it we
are Namgung Sega join even before on the volcano like a slave It was rolled , so far
here like this There is !”

Im So-byeong back let's Binggung Dowa Beast Archers swipe look at avoided _

"I The green forest king cubs ! Green King ! you courtier here like this if there is
Needle well I'll be patient , this cubs ! my form Can you see it ?”

pair Snow blue dyed Im So-byeong openly angry let's car that nobody to wear Heat
medical charge there was no slang Different sectarian Moonju I forage if you got hit to
that day is a federation and Nabal war it must have happened

However Im So-byeong then treat dissatisfaction one word without endure there was
Im So-Byeong green forest suffered on compared to except for birds VIP treat receive
came chart exaggeration Is n't it ?

“This is why it's midfield Sae Foreign High School just humans are together shameless
because there is no you until now Cheon Woo Meng for What said take ask for It's
crazy ! some year During slave serve one we too yet then speak pond I do !”

“… … no , what... … .”

“Uh-huh .”

Reflexively, ' you It 's Sapa .' Called answer it was obvious these hastily My to wear
shut up that Are you new? discrimination take it to be horse and picture different
because it does n't

"dissatisfaction lay out there three year is goo come Talk .”

“… … .”

“Damn it .”

exhausted discarded Im So-byeong the sky looking sigh snuggle exhale _

“A hundred thousand stamp .”

“Yes , King of Green Forest .”

“Right as much as That 's right ."

“… … That's right .”

Im So-byeong in the eyes light up turn on said .

"me too now petulance then more fit 'Cause I don't like how prepare Let's see . now
you right girl look at it have fun There is none .”

that on horse one hundred thousand corners of the lips a little roll up raised .

“sympathetic It is a bar .”

“So. ”

Im So-byeong naturalized flaming by eye blueberry Different these Live liver place I
stared .

"I handsome affected to the gentlemen rebellion how much scary Guernsey Say it give
it to me ! Emperor , let me go , just bamboo spear one If it's a room... … .”

“Hey , over there !”

that line It's over , Sapa bastard !

"everyone gather Look !”

All of a sudden situation organized Lim So-byeong In the direction , spread out there
was these sneak peek gathering started _

that look copy one hundred thousand prey laughed _

'I will do as much as did , damn bastard .'

maybe somewhere this look watching to be to Qingming at least in my mind speak
handed over one hundred thousand nothing not knowing with face Lim So-byeong
toward approached _

1138 episodes . still What what to do (3)

every these Lim So-byeong to the center gathered together

that look copy Im So-byeong Absolutely satisfied smile built . and hundred thousand
Also do the same delightfully laughed _ this the look Meantime conflict and divisive
Path walking Cheon Woo Blind Calm as one agglomeration that started... … .

"why all come ? mental ferocious .”

“… … yes ?”

“The ragweed turn it off ! head only Gather ! Only the head !”

one hundred thousand me too without knowing startled around looked back Im So-
byeong said girl know despite being Like Cheongmyeong speak do liver thing same
weird a feeling of dizziness felt Because .

"First there small town with you two .”

“Yes .”

“Ummm .”

“With Binggung Beast Archery representative singly Forward send it Volcanoes... … .

moan , the volcano just five all Oh show .”

at that time party hand flash heard _

“What ?”

"why the volcano Five ?”

that on horse Lim So-byeong around the eyes it was lame

"kids there is Teresa speak not want to did , so party Lord Soga I with five Work big to
work stuck beat Myself Are you there ?”
party quietly to wear closed .

"maximum power is seperately treat you have to give will do thing Isn't it ! this up to
one by one I have to tell you Will it? ”

“I’m sorry .”

“Twitter .”

Im So-byeong zero that it is boring as if with debt My face thump thump sent it

"and that… … .”

“Yes ?”

“Shaolin representation Will you come ?”

Hyeyeon's face bright red heated up

"that… … king of green the owner little misunderstanding you do thing Same , but I
Shaolin representative No. ”

"then volcanic six secondly Join us .”

that on horse Hyeyeon's on the face deep anguish bloomed _

Shaolin the representative seat map horse not However , he volcanic six secondly to
join also shape a lot , very A lot of It's strange . no matter how still he tympanum Is n't
it ?

in my mind felled all kinds of suspicion and mess around ruled Hyeyeon determined
with face to wear opened .

“Shiju !”

“Yes ?”

“… … even a word five secondly Let's do it .”

“… … .”
"still I than humans duira case a little .”

"Wow… … . monk . to me why Are you ?”

Hyeyeon's outright in sight jogger hot world unfair expression built . However Him
Except everyone is then Hyeyeon's heart ten minutes that I understand seemingly head
nodded .

"then five number one .”

“No , just like this to decide are you ? my opinion ?”

“Walk . Noisy .”

“… … harsh world .”

anyway Lim So-byeong around Everyone is gathered together anyway Here one clan to
represent worthy identity have this is There is only the Lim So-byeong . and Im So-
byeong at least informally Cheon Woo-blind by military to be recognized there is this .
of course Everyone is His on horse ears tilt no choice but to there was no

However Im So-byeong everyone collect pulled out the first word trick looking forward
gathered these All of a sudden dazedly made _

“What are you? ”

“… … .”

“… … .”

gathered these each other Different emotions put it in Lim So-byeong saw _ Lim So-
byeong said ' what What ?' do asking blazing with face debt salang salang butcher put
it on

"there that… … The King of Green Forest .”

“Yes .”

“Measures there is crab Wasn't it... … ?”

“Measures ?”

Im So-byeong snort hit .

“losing Road die just be beaten did , to me countermeasure where would you like to
countermeasure wish already wrote it I What right girl very I like it Reference there was
thing Is it the same ?”

“… … that right I mean... … .”

Everyone is a cup of tea subtract at the time necessary this is Also was a jogger .

“No , the head . That's good ! Something thinking there would have been thing Isn't
it ?"

“Oh , the head ?”

“Yes , the head !”

Im So-byeong snort beating jogging look up

"So the needle until now just be beaten I did , now more right case A little by the
way , head to roll because it's annoying here there is Sapa cub By-self head roll with
now not be beaten worthy giga blocked plan squeeze ?”

“Well , so far… … .”

"You guys same those Because bookkeepers dying It will! ”

Im So-byeong hot to run lets do it Yui Seol Yoon Jong naturally Him from left to right
catch pressed . certainly first doing even if it's work very much water flowing It was
natural .

“Scheme ? this the yangbans maneuver What from time to time Tick Tick Tick made
case line know ? I what trick deceit in your pocket Put go around from time to time
take it out inscribed are you a person hey this _ Humans ! maneuver like that
omnipotence thing if equal in the first place the bookkeepers give preference give it !
normally knife pond write head or roll say that while ignoring oh my When , what ? on
time trick pond take it out Is it useless ?”

“Oh , no one then the horse not did... … .”

"this the yangbans bookkeeper what fresh felled line Ana ! therefore Zhuge Gong
Myung northern bee did you succeed ? that Yangbando pond one girl why To me It's
crazy !”

"no one riot not hit... … .”

"dirty knife handle bastards It’s the same !”

vain by eye Lim So-byeong looking at these me too without knowing greenery toward
head turn _ will do speak bereaved with them Dali , of green vegetables the green
trees this situation Are you familiar ? human In addition party It's gone .' doing with
face Yawn or sun Daego there was

"thing… … one every time So nerve write Mash .”

“… … .”

Everyone is Moment I wondered . I humans are how which life lived Guernsey I mean .

“Great .”

one hundred thousand cough in vain atmosphere ventilated _

"So in conclusion… … now notably countermeasure no Are you talking ?”

“Measures if yes ?”

“Yes ?”

Im So-byeong bland with face said .

“Measures if there is I letting Road to follow number is are there ?”

“Yeah of course… … .”

Im So-byeong head turn the beast archers saw _

“That one body strong Roughly while being beaten Volcano Sword Consultation limbs
hold stretch out of course What that In progress head A little broken , limbs to break
However , to win will do It will .”
that horse stick to end before Beast Archers annoyance shout out hit .

"why U.S So that doing It will !”

OK Im So-byeong farouche with face one hundred thousand looked back

“Did you hear that ?”

one hundred thousand miserable with face head snuggle bowed down

think look the volcano I don't know Different the clans Lim So-byeong totally
trustworthy the reason is no _ no , diarrhea trust chart target achieve for myself more
big damage to bear the reason is no _

'really It's difficult .'

once again one hundred thousand realized _

each sectarian silliwa justification to coordinate them as one to weave that how much
is it hard I mean . if you suffer the more you suffer this really it's possible one whether
it's work doubt to be enough .

what is a person just ambitious cause put forward , anyone right thinking Path to walk
so yourself until the sacrifice not follow does not then crab in reality if possible Oh my
gosh why quarrel will it be full ?

“Twitter .”

Im So-byeong swipe one hundred thousand looking at tongue car put it on that in
appearance bewildered felt one hundred thousand membrane head to tilt will do
When , Im So-byeong touk speak threw it

“The answer is already come out there is thing Isn't it ?"

“Yes ?”

“The painting is until now What Did you ?”

"What did you yeah... … .”

hit , kick , catch rip... … .

'… … only fight not I did .'

once again guilt pushed it's coming up

"ha… … . the seal why every time half Are you going ?”

“Yes ?”

"that is seal do I want to did are you ? this every hand-picking earned the devil Who
are you?”

“Yeah… … .”

It's Cheongmyung .

Dare ' this every hand-picking 'punished' speak Before paste also without , now Cheon
Woo Meng within the devil to be called the guy in the first place Qingming only one
no isn't it ?

"then that yangban why this situation encouraged Do you think ?”

that the answer is immediately popped out one hundred thousand not that Around
gather there is from Ogum .

“Personality It's dirty ."

"U.S beaten forage to see .”

“To harass .”

"usually like that occurred eaten Because he's a guy ."

Im So-byeong flinching Something want to say Moment party and Namgungdowi

sneakily speak contributed _

"right thing It seems .”

"actually to him notably What is the reason crab need None .”

Im So-byeong will do horse desperate seemingly was silent logic and eloquently turn
over doing It's a situation this speak break logic do not rise did n't

“Yeah… … long But , yes... … . well , it will number there... … . no , that Of course .
usually then I am human .”

right no to do he suffered crab Too many . too .

"anyway that is of reason everything is not thing Isn't it ?"

"by force good think runner It would be .”

"then that devil bird… … . no , blue seal how why this work did you do it this That 's
right ! think Please ! think .”

“Yeah… … .”

one hundred thousand a little glance frowned .

each other clash to fight one Why ? To be honest that well I don't know . each other
emotions how much piled up whether there is to find out is it ?

"then upside down .”

“Yes ?”

"that beating fought Thanks to What Know Have you been? ”

one hundred thousand answer looking speak to choose silent between , next to there
was jogger bluntly to wear took off

“Algin What do you know I not I'd say I of humans temper how much is dirty and how
_ Sun I the humans A little more well tempering number only whether None .”

“It is .”

“Yes ?”

In addition pin cup hear go expected jogger surprise surprised Lim So-byeong saw _
unexpectedly Im So-byeong answer good job seemingly head reminiscing there was
"Right away That ’s it , that’s it !”

“… … What ?”

"how Sun each other more well tempering number Are there? ”

“… … .”

"that Backwards as it were Different clan which weakness have , and I which strength
whether you have that I understood horse and different does not . my as a strength
enemy weakness striking that is strategy to discuss also no , default of It’s basic .”

right say thought these head wandered off

“What ? I now well done thing Do you think ?”

desperately crying jogging the horse cleanly ignored stay I mean .

"and that I mean , I What will do number map egg number that there is will .
Meantime be beaten hitting would have felt thing Isn't it ?"

“… … .”

“The Volcano Swordsmanship same lice rush at the time you are What will do number
do you have What would you like to? ”

that speak heard of these expression got serious

“Yeah… … .”

in trouble missing these looking Im So-byeong face garin fan from behind swipe smile
built .

'Think about it .'

someone instructing Thing just accompanying by the way not becomes _

they Forward fight on the battlefield nobody immediate instructions get off line
number no _ Everyone is survive In order to that situation inside beside there is of
these ability perfectly understand , and Sun will do work quickly to judge that
important _
instructions accompanying that not myself thinking moving thing .

enemy get to know before first yourself and Own clan including , together fight of
these competency and characteristics first need to know do _

“The party goes… … .”

party Something speak do before Beast Archery touk speak exhaled .

“Run legs hold droopy case Myself not , but moderately Time pull giving case Beast
Palace most do well number there .”

“ Huh?”

Lim So-byeong debt mood good shook .

gaze let's focus the beast archery little naughty seemingly hair was scratched

"U.S A little I'm down everyone to be mistaken easy , but in fact beast move imitated
Our Muhak-eun someone's attack elusive place efficiency good . what is nature then
because it is .”

“Then See... … .”

the beast palace most A lot of faced binggong convince going seemingly head nodded

“Okay !”

Im So-byeong debt c sound get better folded .

For the first time horse came out also good work , but always one foot backwards Back
off, ' you how much Us admit it Will you give Let's watch' attitude held Beast Palace
first speak pulled out also meaning there is it was a thing

This he one speak they that I understood because it means

“Danga help number There is . rushing these deterring case Danga most do well
number there is because it 's work Beast Palace in front if you run to attack A little
getting difficult side But… … Beast Palace with the side some th exchange copy enemy
there is to understand difficult won't will .”

"However go to when approached Are you feeling vulnerable ? Too closely going
case… … .”

"that we binggong stop drill number there is in defense we too knowledgeable that
Because I am confident !”

“No , Binggung. as a defense inscribed case A little waste same as . glacial black on
attack A little more not fit isn't it ? rather we Namgung stop giving crab… … .”

“Rather than Binggung the volcano attack Sun… … .”

First is it started All of a sudden all over the place numerous opinions poured out most
in the center gathered only these not that backwards west there was these too each
word by word add started _

sometimes fiercely , again sometimes softly pouring equine flood Inside , Im So-
byeong swipe with debt to wear covered up

'It's simplified .'

Bondi Single target when it is decided people to come law Is n't it ?

swipe smiled Im So-byeong debt poof folding to wear opened .

“If you come no matter how They are chart… … .”

"then greenery as a shield if you put it out It will be !”

"actually useless no you do ! meat shield That ’s right !”

“Yes ! rather than the beast green forest strong good thing Isn't it ? just First push Put
it in !”

speechless blocked seemingly that sound heard Im So-byeong two in the eyes
naturalization lit up

“What ? Sapa the cubs meat shield or to do is it ! this dirty partisan Guys !”
like that Thousands of men quarrel fighting shouting of conversation Jang is that day
until dawn continues In addition continued _

1139 episodes . still What what to do (4)

next me .

“It’s a tea .”

Cheongmyeong sprightly shoulder turn put it on

“Come on then Today, too where slim group Would you like to see it ?”

Cheongmyeong still energy There were leftovers , but Tanggunak and swearing facial
expression like the blue bright cheer up could n't

“… … you are tired map Is n't it ?"

“Are you tired ?”

Cheongmyeong swipe Department of Tang Gun Music to the oath look at turned _
their in the face feeling tired stinky buried there was

of course in the gym entering Moment nice unmanned with face change But , here
dare then smoke sun power subtract need Do not have was the shape

“ A. What said already Are you tired ?”

“Okay… … .”

"The Age It’s scary .”

swear Tang military evil head Hwihwi it was

First clear helplessness Second , this not tired not only physical strength they at all to
follow number Do not have was part

"okay have to see kids facing I hope _ whine you do case Is n't it ?"

clear Kindly two People head Shaking my head it was

"one Burn is nothing But… … this two th count th Continue In the morning to get up
easy not .”

“It’s a person crab fortune do Sleep to sleep perfectly recovering crab Is n't it ?"

that on horse Cheongmyeong tongue full .

“War when it starts three days , four days not one moon , two the moon not rest have
to fight doing work it 's happening at that time even if you go same sound Will you ?”

Cheongmyeong swipe head turned _

“I see Elders too everyone Similar think you do it looks like later war I woke up , I The
Age into as much as you continue fight medical charge there is no behind Go rest to
come horse protruding moment , table being cleared will . back room gaffer become if
you don't like it everyone even if you die Hold on .”

“Turn it off .”

"Ugh… … .”

of elders from the mouth sick sound one after another leak came out cheat turned
over , but every word wrong crab there is no what refutation to do hard _

“In the beginning picture might be hard won't would what It’s tough .”

that on horse Tang military evil bitter laugh stayed _

'Are you tired no... … .'

which in terms of right I mean . them facing thing itself picture difficult not . weak look
never invisible without , at the same time suppression only Sun that condition if not I
mean .

'furthermore… … the more it repeats clearly getting better There is .'

them Also this one facing How to by body with the head cooked Going there is that it
was clear

“Like words easy crab No. ”

at that time swear word to wear opened .

“They Also we same these as a group face it copy experience It would be strange, but
in reverse we too I Many these hostilely leave muhak unfold copy experience Do not
have thing or the same Say it .”

that on horse Everyone is head nodded .

“I mean That's right , under heaven who this experience sun will you see each at the
door many facing water lily do chart that number is five not over not it's the law we
too to adapt Sun that I mean .”

swear word That's right not weak sound I laid it out, but the clarity perfect cut
abandoned .

"then You have to adapt .”

swearing speak also by ear hear need no as if the expression was cold

“You have to adapt doing crab if there is if you adapt That 's it . no way magona
sapphire blade you avoid only to them heading go you think case Is n't it ?"

“Yeah What… … .”

swear word a little speak dazed Moment party evil Snow strange light stayed _

“… … later U.S this in the situation to be dealt with Days many thing Is it the same ?”

“Many write down scold Days No . this situation there will be no Riga no crab
important beggar .”

by that alone not enough not saying seemingly Cheongmyeong speak contributed _

"weak the side anything Sun All right .”

“… … .”

“You were Road arrogantly behind sit down the lower ones the lower ones facing , we
enemy brain or aim to be in a way moving enemy head to meet before kids all die get
out It will .”
that on horse Department of Tang Gun Music swearing , and of elders face a little
hardened _

"then lacking power is finally honey number there is these honey no choice but to
There will be no . what if really war When it happens , you back under take it easy the
war situation to figure out number there is the situation not come out never .”

clear two Snow a little thinned out

“Choose number there is case two middle It would be one . in front die outgoing kids
looking I time waiting that make excuses that is if not most in front mud while eating
or fight .”

"Well… … .”

"which side up you choose right ?”

the elders something to answer to wear to take off Cheongmyeong hand Hwihwi stir
stop abandoned .

“Ah , okay . like this if you ask anyway everyone self is on the front line fight I'd say
Answer . However in reality like that doing people not really None . mostly scared eat
backwards back off , really enthusiasm there is these are he how far will do number
map unwittingly while running most first I die .”

“… … huh .”

"So this time on a chance get used to Look . many to face crab which Guernsey That ’s
right .”

Tang military evil bitter laugh stayed _

"always feeling beggar you are requirements Too A lot .”

“The volcano is everyone doing It will .”

“… … so inside to burst It’s okay .”

Tang military evil head Shaking my head I stumbled .

them while practicing Own progress to promote case excessive demand _ However of
the disciples growth wishing I pond I will feet subtract capital Do not have serve Isn't it

“Heaven anywhere this water lily doing where is There will be none .”

"so all that It looks like it .”

“… … .”

“Munpa liver only The problem there is case No . oddly end disciple started people too
upper seat occupy after the people below understanding pond I do it . Before himself
not I will I'd say capital without I promise and later , ' you I don't know that ' , ' Gina
Bonnie Understanding do' while chanting That ’s right .”

Tang military evil I was coughing . interior stabbed nook there was Because .

“I don’t know that there let me know give Stop it , you first if you understand together
understand number so that to explain felled I mean , that not while doing Through
look Know just do it doing case… … just that is comfortable sound Is n't it ?"

“… … Yes .”

"So have to be different doing case only them not It will .”

Tang military evil Something want to say Moment swear word hair buck was scratched

"Nag enough I heard hurry gossena . to you scolded there is rather them facing crab
cheat be comfortable thing It’s like .”

“Yep !”

that at the end Cheongmyeongdo horse sweet did n't

actually in the river by position see , outwardly visible by age See , these from
Qingming nagging hear worthy People No. _ objectively let's see volcanic to the third
mere clear nagging loath ground color without listen giving this two People Great will

Cheongmyeongdo that fact to know excessively going out did n't

'Okay . nerve write crab Too Because there are many .'

In the past just ' what ask ? shut up letting Road Do it !' only say chart At least His in
front no one shout out summer solstice did n't now people Feel upper extremity not
Most finely speak hand line need to know do _

'The death penalty . I since live .'

- I you bastard mood upper extremity not word turn will do at the time which how did
you feel Do you understand ?

' A. with that This different .'

- me to rot... … .

Cheongmyeong head Hwihwi stir to the dance hall headed _

'Today, too change Do n't you want to?'

People transforming most fast Way cock take a picture problem let me know giving
will _ However then in a way nothing not change won't when there is

This he let me know for giving to be Days not they directly have to feel will do it's a

'like that not easy I don't think so .'

patience need _ Cheongmyeong easily not change won't Thing knowingly waiting In
addition waited hearing department same patience I mean .

“Whew .”

Cheongmyeong that in place line stick take a deep breath did _

Mind when in a hurry not becomes _ the more urgent to go back the horse
Cheongmyeong most reluctant word during One, but for now this speak on the chest
engrave In addition to engrave do _

hurry not change not saying their neck hold directly drag go throw away finally
Cheongmyeong Do not have where broken get better to be will _ he everyone Jekyll
number if not Everyone is yourself Jekyll number to be to make do _
that is no matter how last one work do or do won't dory if not Sun do _

“Okay .”

Cheongmyeong head nodding the corner turn to the dance hall bravely entered .

“ Come on , today Excitingly be right ready is Been... … . Huh ?”

However to the dance hall step in not Moment stopped . clear head up a little got

“ What?”

in the eyes incoming sight as usual A lot of was different .

until now each clan among them gather waiting there was However now His in the
eyes came in that is who look at it obvious It was herpes .

most Before Beast Palace library , that behind Namgung be seated at the back Danga
whenever water out will do prepare do There was , and with Binggung the volcano like
two wings _ _ from left to right sword pulled holding there was

basic on step only , but definitely something that I prepared crab felt It was a sight .

“Hmm ?”

“Hey… … .”

follow On swear Tanggunakdo that's fun seemingly that look looked up

Cheongmyeong swipe with fist My lips covered up me too without knowing curl up
rising corners of the lips see give want to didn't Because .

'Than you think It's fast .'

certainly one hundred thousand including ogum and Im So-byeong like this just get hit
Hajin won't I'd say expected is did _ However even if you can't ten days more take line
I thought .

'children's growth is always parents thinking than it was fast me too finally man .'
all a day differently growing up there is will _ shortly always I watched slow to be felt
only .

clear gaze confident smile immersed to a hundred thousand headed _ Him stare
looked at Cheongmyeong this time party on the back perched greenery , especially
Lim So-byeong saw _

Im So-byeong My shoulder shrugging up to confirmed he complexion maintenance

and hand got off

“In the past What but one It looks like... … .”

His from the mouth came out that is satisfied praise not outright It was a laugh .

“I mean what Will it change ?”

“Well ?”

one hundred thousand giggling clear provocation received _

“I don’t know , what will it change that handsome on the snout knife might get stuck I
don't know .”

Namgungdowi gently speak was _

“Expectations didn't defeat to experience may you be I don't know .”

of course party support did n't

"all even if it perishes addiction is avoid Will it be difficult ? Lord too Same !”

“Ha ?”

Cheongmyeong It's absurd seemingly everyone let's look from the back debt shaken
Im So-byeong voice raised _

"always I say !”

everyone's in the ear His voice is dug into

“Win losing later problem . First I luck Do not have on the face one room feed cycle
only if be done !”

“Oh !”

“Damn it ! then Today is snuggle well number yes !”

“Please ! Please ! Please !”

that heat tableware before Im So-byeong holding there was debt Forward aim
clarification pointed _

"Myself if you have jump on Can you see it ?”

“Yourself ?”

"if not why like that ass without are you there even if you're scared Have you eaten ?”

"ah… … . okay ?”

Cheongmyeong haha smiling sword caught it

slurping .

His from the scabbard dark sword slowly pulled out came out that look looking
Everyone is spit gulp swallowed _

"fairly myself have you It looks like... … .”

clear left and right Department of Tang Gun Music swear word stand up and them
backwards the elders giggling caught up

"okay have to see A little more long right it's just level make the difference Know sun
Zuma , this Babies !”

sword holding rush coming clarification looking Im So-byeong Big exclaimed .

“Step on it !”

“Kill it !”
“Justice is win ! Evils !”

Everyone is two in the snow to live exhaling rushed in

Cheongmyeong posture lowered stick a little head bowed down for them invisible not
veiled on the lips , very pale smile rubbed off

1140 episodes . still What what to do (5)

out of breath chin to the end it went up overwhelming out of breath almost like
vomiting stretch Whoops , whoops , it poured . Jong-eun Yoon sword break it
closely grabbed _
' That guy Tired . one only once luck good sword Enter !'
His two in the snow fire spit out came out
“ Urayaaaaah ! Die !”
wholeheartedly power do it all sword swinging Forward fuck off rushed in However
that every power pouring out in any situation Jong-eun Yoon interior know there
that ' one only once luck good ' _ never need at the time burst gist not saying fact I
mean .
Paaah !
like an island stretched out came out clear sword flying Yoon Jong sword at once
bounce paid out
and .
Bullfight woohoo !
successively flew dark sword the handle Yoon Jong on the chin without mercy dug
“ Ouch … … .”
Yoon Jong in sight dimmed the sky full of came in
' to rot ... … .'
slap .
finally till the end stay there was Yoon Jong rotten like a straw on the floor fell down
Cheongmyeong a dark sword in the sheath push put in briefly tongue full .
“ black there is .”
“… … .”
“ What ? plural ? Multiple woo woo ? this the cubs Kang Ho-ga I'm happy ! Roughly
herpes one hold Will overflowing If you rush result change thing like ? I will thing if
equal water lily What to do do it !”
scattered to them give a speech lined up Cheongmyeong Heng do snort hit .
“ one hundred year is It was far ! Sweethearts !”
“… … .”
“ Ah , development Do not have things .”
Cheongmyeong body stroke turned _ firm with face that the sight watched two
Moon Juwa the elders with him together dance hall went out
like that Bomudo Boldly in the gym continued manor the corner money moment ,
they in concert on the floor sat down
“ Oh my… … .”
“ Really losing line Okay .”
even swear Tanggunakdo body Kanogi is it hard manor on the wall My back
leaning there was
“… … It was dangerous .”
“ This time really It was dangerous .”
Tang military evil head Shaking my head I stumbled .
seemingly only to see as usual effortlessly victorious as As you can see , this time
really easy did n't medical charge few as much as one at least once momentum if
handed over out of control number without would have collapsed ter . If it was hard
over there spread out there is case Right away they would have been will _
then in a sense today they are Oh yeah well fight will do number but … … .
“ By the way , Volcano Swordsmanship .”
“ Yes ?”
with them Dali still briskly answering clarification looking Tang military evil a little
glance frowned .
' really end I don't know .'
it's stamina Yes but like this fighting In addition fighting Days be connected look
people's mind not cut won't dory there will be no I would like that equanimity to
keep mental power how where coming out mean ?
“ my I'm thinking ... … Today is Rather … … .”
“ lose giving crab might have been better Don't you know ?"
“ Ummm .”
Tang military evil Still head nodded .
of course losing Thing Favorite unin no _ when , what in any situation eventually
win want doing that is unmanned so opponent Own Whether it's the disciples or
the whether the scoundrels Tang gun music Also Intentionally lose give want to did
n't But … … .
' situation situation .'
they maybe today big heart would have eaten will _ Meantime beating fought with
these aged emotions postpone leave in a grand way make a decision get off did n't
By the way result changed crab there is no enthusiasm to break Mando do _
usually oh my when each other other blame to do becomes _ what is a person well
unravel when every that fun , but work well unravel would not have when other
from fault to do felled because the law
“ my thought That 's right . lose giving case Even so , each other power put
together fighting crab make sense that there was awareness have to give summer
solstice Wouldn’t it ?”
swear word chin stroking party evil on horse power contributed _
that speak heard Cheongmyeong hijuk laughed _
“ What are you saying I see .”
“ Um ?”
“ darling the disciples Too weakly you think thing It seems . I beating so yes , in
fact they where would have put out at the time refluent case Is n't it ?"
“… … that In addition what Sorin ?”
“ directly Look .”
Cheongmyeong with a chin gymnasium side up pointed _ Department of Tang Gun
Music swear word sneakily manor to the corner approach head swipe pushed out
“ In the beginning herpes Because it's wrong ! to the palace of the beast pond I can
stand it !”
“ No , the Beast Palace. Time pull June that is It's true !”
“ time drag What do , in the end It's collapsing ! I monster same the yangbans to
prevent herpes thick to build up because I do ! a volcano binggung middle The one
is attack give up by defense turning crab That's right !”
“ Then on the other side sense of crisis without comfortable attack only will do
number you know ! so time only chisel it's just ultimately beat number None . best
defense is called attack nonsense Don't you know?”
“ That’s it . Idealism !”
spread out there was these Suddenly in the center gather fiercely debate doing
there was swear party evil from the mouth the breeze leak came out
“ Oh , damn it . beaten chin yet It hurts .”
“ But Hado A lot of right That 's right , now even if it's right A little withstand It’s
worth it .”
“… … it Boast not thing It seems .”
“ Anyway Between !”
jogger in the eyes light up turned on
“ today lord of the house gasp thing Did you see it ?”
“ I saw it !”
“ breath very chin to the end Were you full ? soon pass over thing was it like
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk !”
Tang military evil hotly on the body power Runner swear word swipe shoulder
grabbing dried .
“ Lord of the Beast Palace How are you? Hey ! People because it's big shoulder
only Even if I'm excited what landslide I thing It was like !”
this time Tang military evil sneakily hand stretched out swaying swearing wrist Still
held on
“ Not at all terribly one also no , today really try I did it .”
“ If this is really properly one room feeding me too soon this I mean !”
“ So again stick together Look ! for now I useless green wood from the guys how
Whether think See you!”
“ Come on , wait a minute . Volcano Swordsman how will do are you ? that is most
Problem Isn't it ?"
“ That’s it . volcano people somehow will do we don't think Let’s not do it .”
“ No , that why to us Are you passing it on ! that to us What do you say!”
intensify going Conversation listen there was Department of Tang Gun Music
swear word sneakily body backwards subtracted _ body turned their on the face
It's absurd expression come up there was
“ Is that right ?”
“ Huh … … .”
Than Tang military music rather swear word more amazed seemed to
' Those guys ... … .'
Suddenly Beast Archers with them naturally hanging out there was the beast
palace in Yunnan so much isolated where located there is Then Bonnie Normal
with these come and go well no _ only beasts friend Sanya alive with outsiders well
not fit unable crab of the beast endemic problem Was n't it ?
then archers now Yunnan also no with middle people formal without Conversation
do there is half way spread out sitting stay I mean .
' Al medical charge No. '
Cheongmyeong what even by magic burin is it doing doubt field enough .
“ Originally parents self child well I don't know , Master self disciple well do not
know It's the law . well need to know to do Strangely .”
smiling clarification looking Department of Tang Gun Music swear word head
nodded .
“ So they to worry about on time themselves from worry you do crab better thing I
guess . While tickling to be humiliated thing It was like .”
“I will work None .”
“ The words not felled sound !”
giggle Smile Dan Cheongmyeong body turning stretch turned on
“ Well , that have to see know work .”
whistle walking clarification looking swear Tang military evil head Shaking my head
I stumbled .
“ Oh my gosh . body Sunghan place None .”
“ Walk … … . in the restaurant top Until Don't .”
“ between men there is what any problem Are you there ?”
“ Sosodo Are you there ?”
“ Ah , Sosoya . It’s family .”
“ The death penalty .”
“ Huh ?”
Soso smiley smile laughed _
“ The death penalty same Brother Dunn enemy None .”
“… … .”
“ The death penalty same younger brother wish right away my by hand buried . the
death penalty to the party not born girl fortunately You know .”
“… … that always thank you there is .”
Sincerely .
at that time one hundred thousand on the spot happened _ jogger stroke look at
give asked .
“ Huh ? Sook , where Are you going ?”
usually one hundred thousand Meals first even after the rest Meals finish until
waiting is a person then he suddenly meal during wake up curiosity can't happen
won't number there was no
“ special No. _ for awhile stop by day in I do . Eat .”
“ Yes , Suk -suk .”
one hundred thousand quietly a restaurant went out left these are not really care
not tilted without Within among them to talk was busy
one hundred thousand slowly river follow walked _ His the gaze carelessly flowing
on the river reach there was
“ Whoa .”
from the mouth sigh leak come out
dare Time my book by the river came out The reason is recent he feeling boredom
fairly grown up Because .
' That guy this all how one right ?'
so far the volcano Cheongmyeong lead came . However Recently Cheongmyeong
volcano within happening at work about notably to wear flock without there is
of course Cheongmyeong Cheon Woo Meng of everything work have to deal with
Hani one by one volcanic inside in circumstances nerve write situation not to be
capital there is like that to think capital there is
However one hundred thousand I know . Cheongmyeong then in a way moving the
guy no that . need if you feel Sleep reducing Han Yi even if Sun will do work doing
the guy it's a blue name
then the guy so much attention hang up that there is is … … .
' Now By-self to do unspoken It must be pressure .'
one hundred thousand again once sigh snuggle exhaled _
a volcano lead outgoing thing in itself burden feel there is that is No. _ of course he
like the blue will do number that there is don't think but in the first place he
Cheongmyeong as much as a bastard Many work will do need because there is no
furthermore he alone a volcano leading crab No. _ with priests sandy Him I'll help
isn't it ? furthermore Hyeyeon up to the monk subtly to him pouring Days not
excessive whether or not care write give there is It's a yard ... … .
' Crying laid out crab embarrassing About .'
so exactly at the volcano great disciple role doing in that notably burden no _
usually he should have will do it's a thing to Qingming for awhile leave it to me put
Days now place coming it is only
that The problem No. _ one hundred thousand cramped fabricated The reason is
seperately there was
one hundred thousand swipe My of sword handle Still grabbed helplessly hand
took off
'It 's stagnant .'
the problem is Right away that is yourself
close up did three For years , he by leaps and bounds grew up However that since
then Countless work even though I've been through skill increasing that there is
feel the real summer solstice could n't
Initially notably Big don't worry did n't This This time solve it line because it's a
problem However which Moment one hundred thousand Know Became
abandoned .
' time None .'
bishop facing blueberry long day Looking , the hundred thousand sharply realize
fell . they each other life bet fight time is Than you think hurry all that Girl .
and that moment come When , a hundred thousand will do number there is work
nothing there will be no girl I mean .
“ Whoa .”
breathe long even if you exhale cramped the heart thorn did n't
one hundred thousand strong _ objectively saw When , he certainly strong _
Namgung's every anticipation one on the body received Namgungdo, latitude , of
the Tang family next gajuro confirmed party To be honest His the opponent No. _
if now Even Jin Geum-ryong Heat number within to subdue number Whether I
don't know . that much one hundred thousand same in the distribution opponent
look up number Do not have as a strong grow up there was
However nevertheless he Cruelty feeling The reason is that degree by skill this
giant the camps clash in battle notably help not not saying was the point .
' how Sun Don't you?'
skill is Not enough , time no _ like this someday in front of your eyes Different the
disciples die going look two Eye floating have to watch will do the day may come I
don't know .
and perhaps that time is His Than you think closely to be capital there is
that worry and nervousness one hundred thousand to here led _ widely open river
look Mind little might be comfortable 'cause I do n't know
However flowing river look at it the heart even alittle get comfortable did n't rather
more get cramped only come did _
he successively sigh resting riverside follow to pay walked _ like that blindly walked
ji how much would it have been
“ Huh ?”
one hundred thousand step suddenly stopped . head tilted he ears tilted _
' What ? this The sound is … … .'
His two Snow sharply shined _
' Sergeant bumping sound ?'
this at night this where ?
in no time a foothold killed one hundred thousand sergeant sound heard to a place
fast run went out
1141 episodes . still What what to do (6)
overgrown bush towards quietly approached one hundred thousand posture little
lowered _ sergeant bumping into sound A little more shortly clearly I've heard
Because .
' Two ?'
in several fighting the sound not thing I guess … … .
a foothold Most reduced he carefully Forward went on sound audible place to the
nearest approach luxuriantly overgrown bush carefully sideways leaned over
' Huh ?'
that Moment in front of you Boyne unexpected In the sight , the hundred thousand
me too without knowing to wear spread out sound wanting to come out moment .
“ Shh .”
Right away from the side voice is heard _ cowardly one hundred thousand sound
I'm tired but came _ hand fast His to wear covered _
“ Shh .”
“… … .”
Bondi about a hundred thousand felled lice Different to this obediently face to allow
Lee No , but this people It was an exception . to wear clogged up lice Different not
It was Yuisul Because .
“ Quiet .”
one hundred thousand without a word head nod Lee Seol from the mouth hand
group gave _ her even in appearance the question is There were many , but now
right now this one important crab No. _ First look at turn in front of the sight looked
Chae-ae-ae !
sword and sword collide _
pure white uniform dressed young young man backwards bounce without mercy
was scattered
“ Ouch !”
youthful from the mouth hold on unhappy moan It flowed out , but buril aperture
anything there was no the young man reflexively body sideways turned on
woohoo !
until just before youthful face there was where feet falling to the ground clear
footprint left _ what if body flip if not what Days did it happen too much bald
situation .
However stick feel safe before land trampled on lice body turn youthful My back as
it is kicked _
bang !
the young man to the child kicked like a frog fly away big on the tree trunk got stuck
woohoo !
imprisoned body Under through sliding fell . that look carelessly looking at Lee ,
Cheongmyeong sunken in voice to wear opened .
“ Wake up .”
“… … .”
“ Why ? now will do as much as did you?”
that speak heard young man _ fingertips flinched _
“ Cool !”
dry cough Hani blood mixed came out Seol So-baek stagger body caused _ on the
body strength all did you get out some over and over I staggered , but my sword
cane Sanya how sustain stood up
“ Reaction late .”
Cheongmyeong nonchalant by eye Him looking said .
“ power running case what to do number no . history because it's not enough
speed late also what to do number no . strength because it's not enough However
reaction itself late case totally yes It's a problem .”
sword caught snow white hand shaking trembling there was clear on horse shock
take it No. _ thoroughly stamina completely to run out exhausted trembling will _
His state is already It was a mess .
north sea like snow new year uniform with dirt covered in in yellowish color dyed
There were , and there were black blood dry up there was original white face is
faint even the blood Live almost like a corpse pale seemed _
“ Why ?”
Cheongmyeong then snow bag looking chill asked .
“ up to here Shall I ?”
“ Oh , no , Master !”
Seol Sobaek trembling by hand sword closely grabbed _
“ Stop if you want stop it okay . you enough did .”
“ No !”
Seol Sobaek this clenched said .
“ The dojang did you say enough did you right isn't it myself to decide I would !”
“… … .”
“ I not enough does not ! so more You must !”
Cheongmyeong prey laughed _
“ that Like ?”
“… … .”
“ Honestly Say it Let's see . dare do this even if you don't okay . you to be weak so
you negligible people no one no . At least I live there is while north sea nobody you
not touched can't will .”
Seol Sobaek this clenched _
“ And objectively saw when you _ enough I tried nobody Thee at ease that you've
been not speaking can't it ' ll So body hurt before … … .”
“ No !”
Seol Sobaek annoyance sound beating clear waist of horse hung up resemblance
scream same it was the voice His blood line Snow clarification upright I stared .
“ Enough did , hard did !”
this going sound loudly , clearly heard _
“ such crab what make sense do you have finally meaning eggplant thing , I glacial
in water lily not participate can't to the extent weak that fell That 's all !”
“ Of course thing Isn't it ? you muhak learn started timing late , in the first place
strong courtier became also no .”
“ That’s why Of course !”
Seol Sobaek back like mine exclaimed .
“ such Thing I understand giving equator do you have glacial courtier I'm weak how
Archers ! and north sea the residents Jekyll number Are you there ?”
“… … .”
“You are young by the way responsible disappear does not ! later mask to be
strong Khitan the horse consolation No ! that finally now I weak now _ Sun will do
work summer solstice can't sound Isn't it !"
Seol Sobaek on the ground studded there was sword fix hold pulled out
“ to be strong will . me too As a binggungju , other like the lords binggung lead
number to be qualify be equipped will . even for a day Hurry !”
“ Anyway this foolish the guy ... … .”
“ To whom learned Thanks .”
that Moment Cheongmyeong at once to Seol So-baek rush in sword swung _ Seol
Sobaek quickly sword listen stop paid , but that Moment His the body out of
bounds bounce get out abandoned .
the reaction is on time I did clear on the sword carried power Vertage unhappy will
“ Wow !”
badly scattered Seol Sobaek finally red blood vomit paid out that look looking
Cheongmyeong bland with face approached _
“ Is n’t it unfair ?”
“… … .”
“ Clearly reacted , out of force pushed _ This I how sun cheek number there is also
not . then I how how to win mean ? continue just only lose to do is it? ”
snow white Snow a little shook . I horse His feeling as it is represent give there was
Because .
“ But I mean . Kang Ho-eun usually then it's a place sad and again infinitely It's not
fair . effort ? I'm trying so just reward to receive guarantee no . But … … .”
Cheongmyeong small laughed _
“ Nevertheless What what to do will do number there is crab trying only thing
without even that have to not okay ?”
Seol Sobaek trembling body by force wake up erected _
“ Cool !”
strenuously cough vomit while paying steadfastly again posture caught it
Cheongmyeong that look see calmly asked .
“ know is it ? this time war wide open before you one Person share will do as much
as to grow the possibility almost no . one people's as an archer My role will do the
possibility More None .”
Seol Sobaek head nodded .
“ Nevertheless will do are you? ”
“ Yes !”
“ Even if it’s pointless ?”
“ Yes !”
snow white in the answer only one dentistry Hesitation packed yes did n't that
strong eyes copy clear on the lips satisfactory smile bloomed _
“ less stricken it looks like then where no more pond will sound come out until
group Shall I see you ?”
Cheongmyeong in a straight line snow bag toward rushed in that Moment
Seolsobaekdo this clenched clarification right land full of
Dalian , no . Dalian disguised one-sided be beaten watched one hundred thousand
head turn Yui Seol looked up
“ Sister .”
“ Yes .”
“… … Since when like that there was are you ?”
“ When ?”
Lee Seol head a little tilted _ that speak to understand difficult like . However one
hundred thousand again to elaborate before her the answer is flowed out
“ Is it the first day ? … next from me .”
“ next me ?”
“ Binggung On next from me .”
one hundred thousand Moment flinching again snow bag saw _
' Today first time Isn't it?'
then I Cheongmyeong the guy during the day them Hit me up , at night snow bag
drag come out water lily letting life ever sun came is it ?
No , no . that is no _
' Binggung when Did you come ?'
then binggongju every night like that Work big to work while being beaten
persevere that there was is it ?
' Crazy ... … .'
notably Weird the sight No. _ he too always As much as Seol So-baek … … . no ,
that More than to Qingming Because it was rolled . However in the first place with
him Seol So-baek real estate different isn't it ?
hundred thousand degrees hold on heavy like that water lily I young courtier hold
on pay Riga no _
' But persevere You know ?'
one hundred thousand this the sight how have to accept Whether interior confused
_ at that time Lee Seol nonchalant in voice whispered .
“ Grow up .”
“… … huh ?”
“ a day differently . surprised as much as quickly .”
Lee Seol is in person About appraiser generous lice No. _ then People this speak
said thing , really Seol Sobaek fast get stronger that there is would mean
'A talent ?'
no . that not will _
of course talent there is no Not sure , but Yui Seol like this to say case talent not
Different something that there is will _ and that is what is dare to ponder need there
was no
“ Ahhhhhhhhh !”
Seol Sobaek clarification toward rushed in properly far from reaching fall down
without up to there conflict Suna Is there want in a state I mean .
that look copy one hundred thousand me too without knowing fist grabbed .
' So far ... … .'
excessive to the extent try came . and excessive to the extent hard sun came .
nobody one hundred thousand do your best done fact undeniable number there
will be no will _
However this Moment one hundred thousand myself realize fell .
' Me too that know There was .'
be enough to the extent hard did and will try as much as did and this more than do
It's difficult , my heart picture think discarded looks like
feet vaginal while dragging sword one at least once more I'll swing it evil write
stand snow bag report there is felt _ Suddenly hundred thousand degrees
someone from above looking down lice Became abandoned crab .
' I … … .'
lips a little bitten one hundred thousand head turn Yui Seol looked up
“ The sister-in-law Why ?”
“… … Initially by chance .”
maybe it would have been
Lee Seol is from long time ago individual water lily to others to show hated it only
volcanoes not Different up to the clan together there is in the manor to practice
very would be awkward will _
' No , that The words … … buy-in that much even though individual water lily In
addition sun came Is it ? '
even a hundred thousand In recent years do yes I didn't I mean .
“ that Behind … … .”
Lee Seol What do you say try to speak to wear closed . accurate The reason
speaking difficult I mean .
However one hundred thousand why Lee Seol this the sight to watch did it egg
thing was like
bang !
Cheongmyeong snow white side kick blow up abandoned . and fall down there is
snow bag toward height without to wear opened .
“ People dragging case picture easy crab no .”
“… … .”
“ in front standing case difficult it 's not However dragging case Before standing
unlike that Not at all Different it's work more than anyone have to try and never _
falling behind not okay . and myself clearly correct in the direction moving on that
there is to certainty should have do it .”
“… … yes .”
“ certainty out of trouble come out I thought crab maybe wrong not knowing out of
doubt come out Someday you also contemplating In addition thinking about it down
conclusion me So far led I still right in the illusion falling in love moment welcome to
be it ' ll just until now did only on the boulevard if to be I'd say mistaken moment .”
that speak heard one hundred thousand fist grabbed .
“ Remember Leave it .”
Cheongmyeong coolly said .
" standing seat if it changes was right also wrong , wrong also get right and that
time when will it come no one I don't know . perhaps Work year later capital there ,
maybe tomorrow capital there , maybe it may have been yesterday I don't know .”
“… … .”
“ So wrong want to if not endlessly contemplating to doubt no choice but to None .”
Seol Sobaek strenuously head nodded .
" to lead case yes . tiring it 's work However you what if that get it done tens of
thousands If … … .”
Cheongmyeong sword gripped stick one wheel swish turned _
“ Binggung really properly became archer get number there will be .”
“… … of course like that to be will .”
“I mean who pond do it Wow Look .”
“ Yes !”
Seol Sobaek this clenched clarification toward Again rushed in
Cheongmyeong sword down stick snow bag Watching , Seol So-baek power
toward Forward go ahead them upwards bright Moon is float there was
one hundred thousand me too without knowing Eyes wind up abandoned .
' stagnant crab it was n't just I in place rundown It was .'
he resemblance Own body same sword grabbed _ too much accustomed to , so
now get comfortable discarded that of sword feel from scratch One by one again
feel , inside increasingly more dug into
1142 episodes . that did you bring (One)
“ Is this here ?”
Hwangjong's fall in front of you visible big manor looked up
“ Yes . lord lord . I to my knowledge here volcano people There is .”
general on horse Hwangjong's fall sigh snuggle exhaled _
“ barely you have arrived far away .”
“ _ the Lord directly come Even if not … … .”
" don't know sound summer solstice Don’t .”
Hwangjong's fall firmly head stir _
“ The volcano is top of the galaxy friend prayer However most big also a customer
do it make a deal open that So , friendly that so to customers be lazy look was
close even between getting away It's the law .”
“ Ah … … .”
“ And . Here where volcanic bay was there top of the galaxy most big business
partner North Sea Ice Palace Namman beast palace map together yes isn't it ? at
the top most big customer in one place gather there is I how Wow pussy won't
medical charge is there Yangtze not It's West Station chart directly You must come
“You are right It is the word .”
the general admired with face stretch head nodded .
Hwang Moon-yak dead after for a while that in an empty place struggling
Hwangjong, but recently alive Hwang Moon-yak to be colorless to the extent the
top perfectly lead there was
at the top Everyone is If it's like this top of the galaxy hwangjong on the stand to
the top of the heavens leaping also dream no speak openly will do as much as I
mean .
“ Father always you said to the merchant important that is trust , and called a
person I just paternalistic say the word to follow It is only .”
Hard with face manor looked at Hwangjong's fall blink smile built .
“ And … … . personally volcano people report want mind too was big tired Tiring
Whenever them report if there is strength it 's me actually as much as they lively
people too well no Isn't it ?"
“ Ha ha ha ha . Too lively That's a problem . volcano People mountain empty chord
is as well as island island quiet It’s a feeling .”
“ It is Say it .”
Hwangjong's fall bitter laugh built .
all place is I don't know I place is I knew
' That much in Shaanxi the volcano important place said I mean . fire some year in
the bay I mean .'
as it were mouth only it hurts
the volcano again come alive before shamanic representative the doorstep He was
a servant, and Jong-nam out of nowhere in the bongmun to go in would have when
Many these concern had seen
However the volcano then son-in-law empty seat It is perfect can not garage
overflowing fill up gave _ and now simply in Shaanxi stay without midfield all , more
beyond until the new that influence shake off there was
so the volcano for awhile take a seat misfortune just by Shaanxi the whole vitality
lost going will _
“ Me too volcano people I see you Somehow god comes .”
“ Where only you Is that so ?”
Hwangjong's fall prey smiling manor the door pointed _
“ Come in .”
“ Yes . lord .”
Hwangjong's fall manor toward go ahead
“ the door punctual lice Do not have thing Is it the same ?”
“ Not at all would you need volcanic sugar , and Sae-Oegung middle two clan
staying where I think at least a little there is Ramen dare go crazy number There
will be none .”
“I have to That too Yes .”
“ Come in . the door open came in example to discuss as much as closely blocked
these No. ”
“ Yes .”
Hwangjong's on horse the general Forward get out the door open it up door in
entered Hwangjong's fall a little smile built .
' strangely on the volcano On thing same I'm in a good mood .'
Taoga distinctive stillness and Qingming distinctive lively shuffled volcanic
atmosphere here too feel it the volcano there is where is all That 's right .
“ I who ?”
Hwangjong's fall Before going dental back view report was half - coloured as soon
as you come nice to meet you this to meet ok Feel sudden get better
“ jog stamp ! jogger seal No !”
volcanic the disciples everyone same uniform Wearing there is only from the back
who who is to distinguish difficult It's the law, but Jo Girl distinctive Curly hair
Because even from the back Learn easy was on the side
dissatisfied Hwangjong's fall jogger towards approach smile build _
“ It’s been a while . jogger also … … Mom !”
jogger head turn Hwangjong's let's look Hwangjong's fall terrified So backwards
retreated _
“ Joe , Jo Girl seal ?”
“ Ah … … .”
jogger Hwangjong's after looking head snuggle bow down
“ Lord Sodan … … . no , my lord You are here .”
“ Wow , what even if ill hanging Are you ? ”
“… … yes ?”
“ face why right ? face ?”
jogger powerless in action My face sweep away pay _
“… … A little I was hurt .”
A little Shanghai ?
Hwangjong's fall will do speak lose jogging looked up
'The grave green onion corpse take it out this forged No. '
this pure white I'm tired Sun do you or dark dead Sun do you do
bloody no pale the skin rather bark more to be soft thinking field to the extent
become crumbly there was , snow under black shade is Like with food Green as if
it was intense
Intentionally make-up chart up to this can't thing same feel _
“ Damn , substitute what Days there was are you? ”
“ What It's a job , that's ... … .”
was then
“ Sir . Are n't you ?"
from the side heard in the voice Hwangjong's fall head with a bang do turned _
“… … Who , who ?”
“ Yes ? Lord , I This is Jong-Yun Yoon .”
“ Yoo , Jong Yoon seal ?”
Hwangjong's fall two Eyes stretch It was terrifying .
Yoon Jong form Also jogul and picture be different crab there was no no , any in
terms of than jogging more deep sea seemed _
“ Even with saffron break in Are you here? ”
that speak heard Yoon Jong not fit not prey laugh _
“ Sapa-ryun … … . opponent If it's saffron Tiring also None . just ... … just group
kill throw away felled It’s work .”
“… … .”
“ The problem is on the volcano than saffron plus People that there is That’s it .”
“ My wife , Cheongmyeong . Is it a painting ?”
People this shape this like make number there is People out of cheongmyeong
more will there be
However Hwangjong's speak heard Jong-gwa Yoon jogger At the same time head
stir _
“ Cheongmyung get better .”
“ He still He was a man .”
“… … yes ?”
two People answer without head Shaking my head it was
at all return situation understanding pond one Hwangjong's fall membrane want to
ask momentarily .
“ These guys ! to the training ground Come on would have would , why at there
Time drag Are you there !”
fume mixed voice is let's hear it Jong-gwa Yoon jogger flinch neck shrug _ At the
same time two face be horrendous to the extent distorted _
hwangjong Also reflexively head turn shouted this looked up
“ A ship , a hundred thousand seal ?”
“ No. _ lord Are n't you ?"
Hwangjong's copy one hundred thousand respectfully took over
“ After a long time See you .”
“ Yes . yes ... … . hundred thousand stamp .”
“ now you have arrived are you? ”
“ Yes . It was so .”
“ far would have been a long way I would , really suffering You were a lot . Jang
Mun-in also you'll be happy will .”
bizarrely Different these are all die Going but a hundred thousand he known one
hundred thousand in appearance picture changed that there was no
no Again ... … .
' strangely polished also same as .'
ten million water lily summer solstice not is it ? no i _ Person in character would
have Riga there will be no would you?
" Go . to the doorman guide I will .”
“ Ah … … . yes .”
“ A moment .”
Hwangjong's toward infinitely gentle expression build Boyne one hundred thousand
swipe Jong-gwa Yoon jogging toward head turn _
At the same time His expression Hwangjong's look at from time to time perfectly
Dali changed .
“ water lily This time all It has been ! here What do Are you there !”
“… … now Going There was .”
“ That … … . the lord see you awhile .”
Jong-gwa Yoon jogger cat in front like a mouse shrugged off zero in the heart not
to cost by eye two People looked at one hundred thousand Eyes sudden frowned .
“ quickly go . I the lord I'll take you I will come .”
“ Yes .”
“ Yes !”
two People hundred thousand and one Hwangjong's toward head bowed down
often with a step to the dance hall heading to
“ No , really . why that will . how much until together While swearing !”
“ I do you know ... … .”
“ I would rather Cheong Myung it happened Whoa ! distribution chart High yangban
Eye 'Cause I'm turning how lower leg I can’t .”
“ Shhh . I will hear you.”
“ kids all die . why only us Add water lily do you not still tiring I will die .”
“… … finesse not let's go Hurry up .”
“ Ok .”
two People to the dance hall running look watched Hwangjong's on the back cold
sweat soak came out
Something shaky by feeling head Let's go back , one hundred thousand still
Person good smile building there was
“ Go away .”
“… … yes .”
this yangban Than you think scary I was a person .
one hundred thousand to guide Road manor walking Hwangjong's fall swipe to
wear opened .
“ other clan You too everyone here Are you there ?”
“ Yes . now membrane afternoon water lily over everyone rest or have a meal to do
would have gone will .”
“ Oh .”
Hwangjong's fall head nodded .
“ Certainly the volcano singular side There is . all together there is in a place
Different than the clans water lily more doing that easy Days not I would .”
“ Ah , that case No. ”
“ Yes ? little late Different the clans I'm taking a break volcanic bay water lily do …
… .”
“ Oh . That's it .”
one hundred thousand hair scratched .
“ over there There is . If you look acyl will .”
“ Yes ?”
one hundred thousand on horse Hwangjong's fall head listen Before open the sight
looked up
“… … .”
big manor through me there is in space muddy became these word as it is spread
out there was
' beggar oysters ?'
no , this the poor rather than oysters What … … loser crowd ?
where skinny beat up hit barely only life live back the losers down there is figure
was like
most Before on the dirt floor hair beaten stick bubble up biting there is these
looking Hwangjong's fall tired hair beat .
“ No , green forest people It looks like it .”
“ No. ”
“ Yes ? green clothes … … .”
Hwangjong's fall to wear closed .
green Wearing in of course it's green I thought . green forest only if not there it's a
torso what all pick up throwing down to be number is there will be no Because .
However he report fell .
spread out there is of these on the chest engraved there is called the party _ _ the
text .
“ danga People .”
“… … .”
party price ? this people ?
Eyes terrifying Hwangjong's fall it's a torso and Nabal all knocked out stick on the
dirt floor down there is these new by eye looked up
' No matter how look at it Are you like a beggar ?'
That too just beggar not full moon starved beggar like that
how Since when Danga with open affiliation changed mean ?
“ radish , water a little ... … .”
“ Gwae , are you okay ?”
“ Lord , porridge … … porridge … … .”
“ Die ? dying Do you want me ?”
“ I’m dying … … .”
“… … .”
Hwangjong's fall bewildered face lets do it one hundred thousand glance
Hwangjong's looking back insignificant not saying seemingly said .
“ Nerve write do not everyday there is work .”
no , this crazy Human !
this Days everyday if there is not not ! that is where Person living where is it ?
“ I , I white … … . no yellow Clothes dressed Who are you?”
“ This is Namgung . well today _ Namgung Eun state It's fine .”
“… … .”
oh me _ people ?
that Changcheon Namgungse Is your company ? under heaven most ramrod a
prestigious family Changcheon Namgungse Is your company ?
that back too almost plague money Town same groan looking fed up beaten
Hwangjong's like dried squid on the wall hanging there is Lim So-byeong report
more More than thinking Thing give up abandoned .
' strangely don't think Let 's not .'
Cheongmyeong there is where always happening things happen Isn't it ?
he there is place common sense tailoring thing itself Foolish it's a thing So Keep
calm and … … .
“ This is it . uh ?”
long writer in place arrived one hundred thousand Eyes frowned .
“ Hey , get up .”
he Hwangjong's leave long writer location front on the wall spread out there is to
this approach shoulder knock _
' me People … … . huh ? where copy thing Like ?'
“ Lord of the house . here If you sleep not will be . get up … … .”
“ there party price why there !”
Hwangjong's from the mouth eventually loud burst come out fell .
why party the state stranger location in front town like a beggar spread out do you
have ! Why !
“ Ugh , uhm . hundred thousand Is it a seal ?”
“ Yes . Lord .”
“… … the lord to see you go for awhile to rest crab It looks like it .”
“ I do . drink in place Go little resting crab .”
“ No. _ uh ? top of the galaxy Danju-ro .”
“ He , so far hello how are you? Lord ?”
“ Hello Can you see it? ”
“… … .”
that strangely the day west there is voice heard Hwangjong's fall head fuwook
bowed down
“ Come in .”
“… … yes .”
Tang military evil at the forefront location in go in
that look copy Hwangjong's fall the land go away sigh exhaled _
' come word girl … … .'
really the volcano there is where came feeling on the bone to work hard rushing It
was Hwangjong .

1143 episodes . that did you bring (2)

room in entered Hwangjong's fall copy that is if you are used to Familiar It was a
sight .

in the center sitting Hyeonjonggwa that left and right perched volcanic elders .
exactly that even in volcanoes often seen Because it is a sight .

The problem is … … .

' That one who … … .'

pair on the wall lean stick water eaten like cotton droopy there is giant stature
the man copy Hwangjong's fall Eyes It was terrifying .
' where copy It seems ... … . Ah !'

that big cotton stagnant past Cheon Woo-blind opening ceremony at the time
saw Beast Palace Lord Thing sensible Hwangjong's Moment startled body fell .

how what work if you've been through I pylon same visible in-house in the body
energy all fall out abandoned is that Normal lice loose appearance and like that
lice loose the appearance see feeling itself was different .

furthermore certainly Hwangjong's fall To remember , the Beast Master

seemingly and differently polite very right I was a person … … .

' how much If it's hard ... … .'

Qingming stamp department on the volcano entangled give the beast let's go
will do thing without all to hell to be beaten true once again was realized

' and me too It must be the same .'

what ? the volcano miss you

think look the volcano Shamanseo emptied yo. this some as much as a month
was at peace enemy In addition was there People drunk addicted when drunk
crab natural case line Know Come on , what by thought these I missed you mean

“ Oh , my lord !”
room in came in Hwangjong's copy Madhu's head … … . no , volcanic long writer
Hyunjong with reflection on the spot happened _

retard without come to me Hwangjong's two hand snap caught Hyunjong bright
smile built .

“ Sir . this how how much is it only ? this far in a place the lord meet you to be
happy There is no limit .”

“ Yes . that … … Yes . Long doorman , me too see you become … … .”

volcanic about a long doorman felled lice Wolf pleasure express give there was
no thanks too Absolutely to bloom Pleasantly , oddly enough Repeatedly Mind
became shaky

' No . Jang Moon-in to blame Days No. '

Hyeonjong hand hold while being Hwangjong's fast around took a look this
every situational because it is the cause obvious this find I mean .

all evil the source always was as if this every Days with yourself nothing related
no seemingly smiley smile laughing there was

“ More than expected Are you late ?”

that far in Shaanxi up to here in a month ran to this will do the horse never No ,
but Hwangjong then fact notably mood badly here did n't barely like that by
word To make fun of each other Too Many girl go through abandoned .
“ well Have you been ?”

“ here What nothing special can you ? of course well Been doing it .”

“ Ok .”

“ Uh-huh .”

Cheongmyeong to answer awfully from all sides lamentation and sigh leak came
out that every reactive The reason able guessed Hwangjong's just head Shaking
my head it was

“ I guess … … .”

clear weak look looking even if it's deaf hit to see did Hwangjong's fall suddenly
head a little tilted .

“ Huh ?”

“ Why Are you?”

for a moment I was thinking Hwangjong's fall sneakily clarification toward

approached _

“ Come on, once . wake up Can you see me ?”

“ Yes ?”

Cheongmyeong head while smirking First letting Road on the spot happened _
Hwangjong's fall tight come closer Cheongmyeong What chewed with face
sneakily retreated _

“ I this taste is no … … .”

“ You Tall little big thing Do you think ?”

“ Yes ? Really ?”

that on horse clear Snow sudden got bigger

clarification up and down skimmed Hwangjong's fall again look at it that's right
seemingly head nodded .

“I am sure .”

“ Oh ?”

Cheongmyeong hwangjong sideways tight approach My head and Hwangjong's

head height by hand draw going compare saw _ also around agree voice is
flowed out

“ It is . A little big also same .”

“… … yet grow up When is it ?”

“ Great ! the sky me discarded crab It wasn't ! now not big line I thought !”

of this bastard the body The past on the body compared to short I like it
uncomfortable crab There were many , fortunately yet more big possiblity there
is was the shape

“ Somehow Recently knife I write what it was cool wait , angel cub !”

“… … Favorite part little Weird thing Do you think ?”

“ tall when it gets bigger eight provinces of Korea long , arms when it gets long
knife inscribed place good dot There are many . of course Excessive not but now
_ A little It 's because it 's full of shit . little more big crab Good .”

Hwangjong's fall head Shaking my head it was anyway this people first saw since
until now changed crab no _ People so much Choji Jurisdiction number that
there is also Great it's a thing

“ Oh , right . that Did you bring it ?”

“ whose say stand up linen won't number will there be of course I brought it .”

“ Big . Also believe people only the lord Because there is none .”

“… … that on horse sincere one even a penny Go in if there is It would be nice .”

“ Hehe . I'm always perfectly only sincerity say . therefore where Are you there ?”

“ You than me the thing is more nice to meet you It looks like it .”

“ A. _ I will go ri . just exactly let's It is , for sure .”

that on horse Hwangjong's fall prey laughing fell .

“ Inside take it come in difficult it's a thing I door Before I left it .”

“ Oh !”

horse end awfully Cheongmyeong Eyes shining door towards squish run the door
wide open opened up

how What bring it I did it this guy Wolf do you react I was curious these too
snooping door Before laid item Confirmed .

“ A pot ?”

“ That something ?”

door Before laid case dark It was a pot . this copy these I was puzzled . room in
there is these in the middle volcanic wave only people that of things identity got
“ Han Cheol It's a pot ."

“ Han Cheol cauldron ? It's called Hancheol Did you?”

“ Many-year-old railroad made It is a pot . Then Bonnie that at the top of the
galaxy keep it I left it .”

that on horse volcanic waves not of these Snow swung around

nope _ _ what by thought that Precious old railroad a pot made mean ? money
rot falling apart also no .

“ No , crazy !”

Especially Tang military music fiercely run away laid there is a pot looked at Then
Within soul bereaved with expression murmured .

“ Really It's the end of the year ... … . no , last time volcano bastards sword all
Han railroad I made … … . on the volcano what Han Cheol even in veins is there
now do do a pot make ... … .”

soul let go discarded party music seen Hyunjong clarification toward whispered .

“ The head of the party that Did you not know?”

“ Then look Say it June enemy Do not have thing equal It says . What dare to say
reason There was none .”
“ It is Don't .”

“ But why like this Are you late ?”

clear to the question Hwangjong's fall bitter laugh built .

“ That where usually is it a thing ? the volcano holding if you go no problem not
, but we while moving even a robber if we meet The problem get bigger
wouldn't it ? escort the warriors for arranging This time A little caught .”

“ Ah … … . I that think pond did it I will line wish I knew playing there is bandit
bastards by sending bring it I will do it .”

“… … .”

Hwangjong's think doing girl gave up in cheonwoomeng happening things are in

the first place His accident in the category get out discarded ji it's been a long

“ Anyway suffering There were many .”

“ Ok .”

at that time tossing on the spot happened swear word outside the door laid a
pot I looked laugh out loud spilled _

“ That why bring it one will it ?”

" useless There is .”

“ Are you going to use it ?”

“ The kids Nowadays zero wretched thing like .”

“ That’s who Because !”

Cheongmyeong shoulder Shrugged .

“ Illness give approximately give You say you do . bottle I gave now medicine I
have to give it to you .”

“… … that I will at the time inscribed horse No. ”

“ A. _ midfield the horse than the king I more well You know . oh my at the time
inscribed word Is that right ?”

savagery giant Head Under axis sagging _ that look looking Everyone is pity I felt
it , but nobody Him defend go ahead did n't blueberry speak mix have to see
mouth only to be sick case already Everyone is know there is because it 's true

“ But Are you on drugs ?”

“ The material is there is forgot a pot not I brought it now cauldron I'm here kids
medicine A little I have to feed it .”
that on horse Hyunjong admired seemingly clarification looked up

not crab not Recently witnesses Too struggling thing like slowly again curl up
have to see doing crab is not it I was thinking It was true .

“That ’s right . good thought .”

Hyunjong head nodding moment , swear perplexed seemingly strong with face
hastily asked .

“ Come on , wait ! to whom What give it ?”

“ To the kids Medicine .”

“ To whom ?”

“ To the kids give it ? the king too giga A lot of You are weak . speak pond You
understand .”

swear word outrageous no with face clarification stare saw _

“… … if it's kids volcanic the disciples talking is it? ”

“ No , everything. line will . here there is kids all all. ”

that on horse swearing eyes shook .

" Beast Archery mean ?”

“ Of course . most important material with the beast palace binggong I brought
you two If you take it out not It 's okay . People conscience must be .”

swearing mouth firmly closed . for a while troubled seemingly to wear close
there was he Within heavy in voice to wear opened .

“… … in a way Right not .”

“ Yes ?”

“ material and finished elixir value is even compare will do number None . no
matter how U.S material I brought it , but in return elixir subject that just that the
transaction no one don't think won't Go .”

“… … .”

“ But that nothing cost without to give is it? ”

This Too excessive it's a thing Cheon Woo Blind with the men affiliated clan
discrimination without I will treat you announced case true , but really that is it
will be possible thought this is no one there will be no will _

even Cheon Woo-blind main point middle one even swear then girl for real
wished did n't By the way now Cheongmyeong that nonsense not felled work
really will do intentionally invisible isn't it ?
perplexed swearing In the voice , the clarity prey laughed _

“ The price no no what then speak .”

“… … huh ?”

clear on the face evil smile bloomed _

“ cow even if you try trough well to feed work fast go and say overthrow carrot
well to feed letting Road Are you going ?”

“… … .”

“ only even the beast That's right , people more well to feed sonar like a horse
not working Won't you?"

“… … .”

“ no still Nowadays this Babies , it's hard what to do horse There were many
where that in the mouth elixir sting beaten even if you give dissatisfied come out
Let's see . People minimal conscience if there is horseshoe without I will roll
Giggles giggles !”

swear word body burr fell . that expression copy Cheongmyeong want to know
as if head nodded .

“ worry do n't with the lords Elders too one by pill drill Because it is .”
“ Uh , how about us ?”

“ these days kids to deal with zero hard thing Looks like an elixir eat rampageous
kids what channel would you like to deal with not still The Age in energy run I
would .”

“… … .”

“ Even the elderly well have to eat sonar horse … … . no , nimble young kids deal
with not easy wouldn't you ? all thinking giving will . all thinking about it .”

… … Oh yeah good I mean . that Precious elixir for free to give horse how Bad
last days number will there be

However that speak which in the situation who on whether follow Bad horse to
be capital that there is fact here there is Everyone is sharply feel it there was

“ well eat well should be big this one egg feed two side Forward even if you can't
some for a month hard sound mouth outside pond It will be mine !”

clear eyeball increasingly flash swear word sneakily ass subtracted _

“ I , I not even if you eat to be thing same … … .”

“ Eat it .”

“ No , really . ok ... … .”
“ Eat it .”

“… … yes .”

outside the door laid a pot looking at clear on the lips happy proud smile spread

“ up to the eat it after than now A little more even if you roll will it be not still I
was frustrated , just good at the time you 're here Giggles giggles .”

that speak heard everyone's complexion dark die went _ black dark Cheon Woo
Blind staying full-width flocking there was

1144 episodes . that did you bring (3)

“ You yesterday Did you see it ?”

“ What ?”

“ There , that … … Cheon Woo Meng people dwelling manor I mean .”

“ Oh . that I'm talking . What anew that Stories do you there now oral specialty
became he someday .”

speak heard lice laugh out loud exploded _ His as the saying goes the volcano
dwelling Jang Won-eun already in the mouth very much become famous there
“ The words do n't this time that … … Mr. Jang He said he was sick .”

“ Again ?”

“ or what again ? I that the yangban right away Person A little more to save I did
not I heard .”

“ no can you hear me man _ people I saved it . saved these three days pond
persevere run away Yes !”

“ That’s Yes .”

“ Oh my gosh . that yangban In addition I was lying down . very money with a
rake Sweep it , draw it .”

“ Uh -huh , money Is it a problem ? priority People I have to live .”

“ Chuckle . I even if you die good that much earn if you saw It would be nice .”

these talking Mr. Jang Different not in the mouth most big food store operated is
_ in the manor perched the volcano to him food materials procurement while
commissioning to him Hwabok At the same time came _

“ No , by the way what rice like that eat do you pay ?”

“ body inscribed warriors aren't you? Normal with people eating sheep be
different no choice but to None .”

“ However still Yes . that gentlemen eat positive oral the whole even eat stay _
There People picture many thing not even the same I didn't … … .”

“ I don't know . strong the warriors how live U.S how Do you know?”

notably externally something will do need there was no to the manor entering
colossal positive meat and only grain the volcano dwelling Jang Won-eun oral
specialty to become 'cause that 's enough

“ And Mr. Yoo He said he was sick .”

“ Mr. Why ? Mr. Yoo with food related Is n't it ?"

“ Ah , this Person Repeatedly rude sound you do Mr. Yoo doing Days something
? form carved Work Isn't it ?"

“ Is that right ?”

“ that in the manor from Yunnan On the beasts It 's overflowing , that the beasts
eat get rid of grassy sheep playful no do .”

“ Ah , so Mr. Yoo The other day the workers on a large scale I've been recruiting
... … . No , wait ? By the way at that time At least twenty is over to hire would
have I would You said you were sick ?”
“ Twenty what mean ? thirty over he long time ok . among them half now You
said you were lying down . daytime it's night will do thing without grass bear
stand up now oral around mountains all bare mountain to be It's a plate ."

“ Huh … … . heh heh Terrible .”

speak heard lice head Hwihwi I stumbled . when you hear the more you hear Oh
yeah monstrous things were

“ so listen well you eat , why that forward pass Whenever visible People's goofy
that is the shape I in heaven open joined line Okay .”

“ 👑👑👑 . Yes , yes . let's listen Hani eaten than more fiercely water lily to say You
do .”

speak did lice head Hwihwi it was

“ I that Great prestigious faction Those who sky Over stubborn crane like dare
look up capital Do not have people line Got it , they to train girl report Nani now
not even envious I did n't.”

“ I envy you! I for free introductory let it give chart run away girl . that is where
People will do is it ?”

“ Not like that.”

strong the big men no matter how to the people closely approach chart that
distance just like that not narrowed down does not even in peacetime knife
garage going around to these About refusal at any rate shake off pay number no
Because .

they good being a person Thing with the head understand anyway , anytime one
on the knife yourself bear pay number that there is it's fear if a person everyone
have no choice but to no wouldn't it ?

However now Cheon Woo Maeng even they not expected unhappy in a way
with the natives sense of distance narrow down there was

“ This time hostess in bulk You said you were hired ?”

“ The words don't tell me this time New entered Soo-man Sook thirty . that In
addition to manor to manage to people , beasts caring up to people I picked it
up .”

“ Heh heh . Terrible .”

“ I'm happy . how much are you happy I number guys while running meat to
catch pond go out half way fucking these how much was there a lot ? then
gentlemen now everyone I to the manor Go work do pay under yes isn't it ?
Thanks to oral road A little out of breath It was open .”

“ But … … Cheon Woo Blind like that money Many where is it ? let's listen Hani
for planting on the hay , people up to wages money little by little lifting crab not
thing Do you think ?”

“ ttttttt . this man .”

“ Huh ?”

“ Chun Woo Meng of course money a lot . that outstanding clan gathered
money there is no would you ?”

“ That’s But … … .”

“ And you as much as you think money A lot of lifting also No. ”

“ Huh ? that what Sorin ?”

speak did lice giggling laughed _

" hey , this man _ I mean That's right , Cheon Woo-maeng To us sun June that A
little many ? all ruin it went mouth save it gave it I the magicians northward also
stop give me Was n't it? "

“ What bald sound do is there oral for a person in heaven thank you feel not
People who is there where Is that all ? number with the guys saffron run
rampant Ogal place gone Yangtze River in the watershed people save it the main
prayer Did you?”

“ Yes , yes . By the way My pay all under working , my money all under item
eight sides that is where Person Are you new ?”

“ So ?”
“ working these are everyone pay half I'll take it and that _ with Jang Mr. Yoo
workers wages except read the door leave behind without sell There is .”

“ Heh heh . yes ? great thinking there is These are them . So ? at the volcano
Did you like it ?”

“ Do you like it ? riot it happened .”

“… … why In addition riot Am I ?”

“ volcanic You are a long writer Hyun Jong-jin why money properly not do you
get length that you ran you do My pay received , properly read the door to get
drunk Say it .”

“ Huh … … . Also volcanic You are a long writer .”

“ It is last word therefore work doing People long writer pants crotch hold I
begged you.”

“ What , what mean ?”

“ second pay all receive and read when drunk Different oral to people right to die
would have done actually What wrong the horse Is n't it ? only me chart Still yes
would not have Go .”

“ Heh heh heh . that's it funny work . money not I'll take it I beg you do it .”
“ Moon-in Jang never not to say but in the end People's meaning not break
unhappy it looks like worth the price if paid work not I will do and work will do
people It's urgent What What would you do ? that fresh same minutes what to
do number Do not have Days there is It's the law .”

“ Good to think we oral people fresh minutes Did you win ?”

“ In other words, Yes .”

two People each other facing looking giggle laughed _

a volcano including Cheon Woo Blind Yangtze River in the watershed to dwell
getting started die went in the city lively bloom started _ like that the
gatekeeper not one no several dwelling have Bonnie petty crime or even an
accident Eye molten seemingly disappearing secondary effect map there was I
mean .

“ By the way , this bald Stories going to do speak Did you take it out ?”

“ Oh my gosh . horse 🤩 . So , you pond Did you see it ?”

“ from before how What pond did you see doing is it ? that in the manor what
any work look like ?”

“ No , a few days . before night only when that in the manor monstrous light
leak came out really pond Did you see it ?”

“ I seaman when it falls Right away sleeping is a person I saw … … .”

“ Twitttttttttttttttttttttttttt been . today at night please see . I few days During I
watched , the night deep mask suddenly in the manor purple dazzling light
flashing last word oh my , that light spout when this world that not thing same
thick incense together I am ... … . my live live then the sight first I saw it .”

“ Is it real ?”

“ I expensive rice eat without thread deaf will you hit right now today At night
check it look to be Work Isn't it ?"

“ Yes . if true really amazing It's work . how I in the manor what Days happening
is it ? purple in the light It's scent ... … .”

a little head grinning man Oh , and clap match hit .

“ Maybe that … … volcano min to line up thing Isn't it ?"

" ah , this man ! no matter how there you are people great It's people , but the
top line crab where picture easy Is it work? ”

“ No. _ no _ I mean rightly under heaven who I have top line will do number will
there be it's the top line don't know Shinseon to be features equipped childbirth
will do number there is thing Isn't it ?"

“ With that this what Does it matter ?”

“ think sun see . that shaman long writer the guy top line would you ? that damn
Shaolin moderator the guy liberation would you ?”

“… … .”

“ under heaven it's new to be called it's a minute volcanic Hyun Jong-jin not
more is there I tomorrow right now he top line you say chart even alittle
surprised won't Girl … … .”

“ Oh , no . that Hyun Jong-jin excellent you are a doin case That's right, but ... …
that Different story … … .”

“ What ? you now Hyun Jong-jin disregarding is it? ”

that horse flowed out moment , passed these all they there is side up looked

“ Who ?”

“ What cub dare Hyun Jong-jin Did you ignore it ?”

“ Which mental out the guy dare In the mouth !”

bloody eyes pouring awfully some long-distance arm rolling up came _ that look
copy man terrified So shouted _

“ No ! No ! It's a misunderstanding ! I will Riga Will there be ! volcanic I'm Hyun

Jong-jin in words under heaven most great It's a minute ! Aww ! Cancer !”
be beaten not for dental desperate scream on the street ring spread that when
they _ praising Hyun Jong-eun word as it is isometric just before flock there was

“ Turn it off .”

slap .

Hyunjong on the floor spread out

“ Lord , I’m dying … … .”

“ Long doorman ! Are you okay ?”

“ Turn it off … … .”

blood color denigration dead Hyeonjong from the mouth stretch sick sound
flowed out His next to already phenomenon Hyun-Young soul out stick stretched
out there was

“ I what … … a wealthy movie Let's enjoy ... … .”

“ Wow , here water Yes , long writer !”

“ Turn it off … … .”

Hyeonjong from the mouth sick sound stretch leak came out
' to no avail strength is raise let go have .'

I damn the guy from time to time to take care of yourself elixir I want to spread
it , though this guy respect taking care the heart there is did _ By the way that
It's here thrifty Use it , thrifty !

“ that Long doorman … … . already Five It is the first day .”

“… … almost all would have been will .”

Hyunjong head nodding pure white Kim stretch leak coming out the door looked

that moment .

flash !

firmly close door through dazzling purple light spit out came out

“ It’s okay !”

At the same time inside heard big voice is stick fade away before someone the
door kick off outside came out

bang !
“ Great !”

Hyun Jong-eun the door kick off came out clarification blankly looked up My
than the body more big visible big a bundle gadfly wrapped around he from the
mouth purple Kim spit out there was

“ podium some th sun Bonnie skill nah ! If it is perilla all same case line I thought

“ Okay . Chung Myung-ah . all Are you okay?”

that on horse Cheongmyeong shouldered a bundle touk hit .

“ Perfect ! this time Jasodan is effective than before more good will . Hehe !”

“… … then Good luck .”

old guys Five Work day and night grind I put it in , it works should be fine ... …
damn bastard _

“ Heh heh heh . where this Even if you eat gossip number whether Let's see . all
dead , this Babies !”

Cheongmyeong giggling swift body flew _

“ My wife , Cheongmyeong … … .”
All of a sudden getting away His back view blankly looking at Hyunjong half way
outstretched hand helplessly got off and sad head turn the elders looked up

“… … everyone hardship many .”

“… … rot .”

“… … .”

faint abusive language subtle perilla fragrance and together ring spread _

1145 episodes . that did you bring (4)

“ all Did you write it ?”

“ No. _ this ... … little more must sweep … … .”

“ Come out . with me ! This time All right !”

“ No , already ?”

full width through I Path sweep lice rising harm report quickly by the roadside
backed away tight erect their in sight Again that weird sight unfolded _

Bump ! Bump !
Overnight mouse dead seemingly was quiet of full length the door say at the
same time chart good as much as in concert opened . Path sweep these that
look report dry saliva gulp swallowed _

Eventually , that open to the door People inconsequential look revealed _

Life is not one can't feel it does not rather than a person corpse or it's a ghost
vocative side rather little more appropriate visible these without pulse walk came

“ Oh my… … .”

Path sweep these are that look looking fed up hit .

lately only come in every day see It is a sight , but look at it adaptation not
becomes _ the dead walk going around thing same this in sight how to adapt
will do number will there be this I mean .

procrastinate moved these are half about sijin boiled Seaweed same molgolo to
the dance hall flocked _

' something light A little faded until the feeling into creeps Because it sprouts .'

Initially this to some extent it wasn't

rather Initially to the dance hall headed these Too lively overflowing It was a
problem . each other pointing sun Daego severe in case beating tangled until
the fight because I did
However recent entering everyone just half way soul out stay in the
slaughterhouse dragged like a cow to the dance hall moved _ like that I don't
like it squeaky going crab more marvel it 's normal

' This how until when continued beggar .'

' Ogeum asleep pond I will live .'

of course this look watching these too It will be difficult , no matter how still that
goofy Became discarded with the parties to compare number is Do not have it
was served

Slaughterhouse … … . no , to the gym destined of these brain full filled thinking is

only There was only one .

' die thing like … … .'

' just one Si Jin-man more if you slept I hope … … .'

' really People even so not die ? Really ?'

capital without to listen did _ really war when it explodes ten days Of course , if
you are wrong one moon all the time properly sleep cock can't to fight to be
sound I mean .

However that horse What do you mean Earnestly think copy this is almost there
was no directly go through Example until I mean .
' We still sleep I'm sleeping ... … .'

' this how Continue ?'

now to each other About emotions, and they polished to the patrons About
anger what nothing stay to be did n't left that would just somehow Eyes paste
rest want to primitive only desire By the way ... … .

“ I will die , my lord .”

“… … plum blossom than ever more severe thing Do you think ?”

“ say thoughtlessly you do There die vassal to those About polite No. ”

“… … Sorry .”

at least briefly one th Similar work go through copy Namgung Eun exactly
Different to these Than even like a rat's tail afford there was

therefore more annoyed fly _

rather to compare target if not inside cool even swear would have will _
Occasionally water lily doing The reason I don't know I mean . However I damn
Namgung guys at least faintly brisk look Can you see this novice effective what
by eye make sure became _
so openly lust summer solstice while not being able pain is as pain subject unfair
situation gaping will _ Besides … … .

“ Oh , damn it . just rather neatly kill me .”

“… … word thoughtlessly summer solstice do n't Cheong Myung I hope you

hear really to do that would have will .”

“ Just How much? crab better , this What is it ?”

“ want Road sun give Are you there ?”

“ Yes ?”

“ This continue encounter look finally 👌👌 because it will .”

Around there is these blueberry long-time Time sent a volcano helplessly looked
back only Single question came to mind

' But I the cubs why not Tired ?'

' Those guys that tired You think ?'

' Volcano the guys perennial ginseng as a snack do you chew the volcano It's a
famous mountain , I know look at there I wild greens all elixir thing Is n't it?'

' But I cubs only meat not Did you eat ?'
' The master still okay? '

of course Danga and green forest subject hitting degree formidable but this _ in
the situation most outrageous Do not have these are Different not Beast Palace
It was an iceberg .

' how this work … … .'

the beast palace It's binggung so reality sense falling that is No. _ seemingly
Pride even because midfield prestigious Geopawa once stick cheek deserving
speak in the mouth sweet live , but in reality their inaction midfield old file room
in the fifth generation crazy class no girl be aware there was

However that In any case, it 's called ' unwitting ' on the side it was only

them firmly support give there was that is barren tough nature fight On their
physical fitness in spirit About It was pride .

By the way in reality go through Bonnie Know became _ that self esteem how
much useless was it I mean .

' Only the mental power ... … only mental power lagging behind won't I'd say I
thought … … .'

of course that speak Cheongmyeong If you've heard ' mental power is to train
sometimes spend Yes , in practice devastated as much as spitting beggar ! Usual
playing and eating the cubs on the neck knife when you come in suddenly there
was no strength do you rise ? huh ?' Called would have been confused will _
However to someone too much natural Days which for them Of course not work
too do _

someone hardship , and someone hardship and wounds , and In addition

someone ethereal to cry I had it , but it's my heart anyway every these lively
bereaved with face in the gym arrived _

' First come out There is .'

' For a moment let 's rest damn Guys .'

' me the cub how the day increasingly Are you alive ? How ?'

already in the gym take a seat caught clarification discovered Moment

everyone's face horribly distorted _

continuity don't know it's a thing common sense would have thought when they
_ tiring As much as … … . no , that More than them right fighting these more
must be hard doing thing Isn't it ?

in reality clear Next west there is Department of Tang Gun Music swearing on
the face tired seemingly it was complete people ahead posture upright stand up
but rough _ skin and on the face fringed only the shade to hide number there
was no

But … … .

' Why I the cub like that Do you want to rub it in half? '
clear in the face light Nago there was even first they water lily started than ever
now more it's cool visible feel _

' really monster Is n't it?'

' Even on a regular basis Do you suck ?'

' in a dream come out It's scary , really ... … .'

what is life from afar look it's a comedy shortly look tragic law .

so far clear in a bad way desperately suffering a volcano looking giggled

Thousands of men that of laughter pay the price desperately subject was in

' But Today is In addition why like that take a seat hold Are you there? '

' This time In addition What to make … … . please did only Let's … … . Please ... … .'

Everyone is uneasy by eye blueberry that left and right line the patrons looking
at It was then

“ Great .”

Cheongmyeong That's right not with fist to wear obscured gently I was coughing
volcanic wave the disciples this Cheongmyeong the guy Something ambitious
Thing start at the time visible Typical called action Thing noticed _ their on the
face anxiety like dark clouds flocked _

“ Everyone … … .”

Cheongmyeong gathered these all the way take a look to wear opened .

“ spirit hawk None .”

that speak heard these in concert to cry clarification I stared . this all who It's
because casually like that ... … .

“ Twitttttttttttttt ”

However Cheongmyeong nerve diagram not used not saying as if openly tongue
full .

“ What said already energy out of Whoops ! I you age When , huh ?”

“ You most young , this Baby !”

“ Oh , right .”

hot jogging in a cry Cheongmyeong Oops and then head nodded .

“ Anyway !”

Cheongmyeong pathetic with expression everyone looking speak Following went


“ That … … anyway what , you guys it's hard gasping poor Example I'm sorry No ,
so … … anyway you that … … power A little inside novice efficiency going up … … .
novice efficiency go up to use good . huh ? therefore then I mean ... … .”

' what are you ?'

' where a dog do you bark ?'

' Again What to make I Are you crazy ?'

Something awkwardly gossip horse Let's continue Tang military evil finally hold
on can't sigh snuggle exhaled intervened _

“ The Volcano Swordsmen Association .”

“ Yes ?”

“… … hurry up west there is also It’s hard .”

Cheongmyeong without a word to wear It squeaked . and Within behind put

down a bundle porridge pull Wow undoing started _
“ Elders , this kids share Please .”

“ I see .”

“ one It's an egg ! in the middle plot if caught hands Fly away !”

the elders head Shaking my head rowing come to me bag in all pill receive heard
_ Then to the disciples approach one by pill distribute gave _

“… … what ?”

“ What giving are you ?”

on the back standing puzzled with face looking at these slow down forward
flocked _

Something the case there is thing to be equal But , so People many Bonnie
exactly what Days happening Guernsey to figure out easy did n't

' What ?'

of the beast Mundo one My towards oncoming of the beast elder looking up
head tilted _

' what Great case not thing Like ?'

Great girl share if you give Beast Palace binggung put it on line Riga no isn't it ?
simply middle school outside discrimination to discuss Previously , with the Beast
Binggung is Cheon Woo-blind on the nongong giggle worthy deserve Do not
have are places so in the first place big leaning summer solstice not crab … … .

“ Take it .”

“ What … … .”

His up to the front approached the elder holding there was ring one erratically
stretched out His hand above without a word put it up

“ This is what ... … .”

a little purple Tin ring copy Beast Archery head try to tilt even by lightning
stricken seemingly flinched _

with the tip of the nose flooding , indescribable number there will be no to the
extent elegant fragrant this what than words more Surely explain give because
there was

“ Wow , young … … Elixir ?”

brilliant purple Tin ring two by eye again once confirmed moment , hand
trembling started _ maybe shiver Because medicine on the floor will it fall want
quickly with both hands support all the beast archery terrified around looked
“ Oh , Mom . this what ?”

“ Youngdan ?”

“ This , this suddenly why giving what ? no , that before Youngdan like this even
if there are many felled are you ? scam Isn't it ?"

Different of these reactivity It was all the same .

in the first place It's called Youngdan crab which is it a thing ? one clan even
within only a very small amount made , the mundra lead conflict main point
Talent or big the ball said to have been erected Everyone is acknowledging only
these to see number there is is a thing

of course in a previous life country saved these are mountain even when riding
Doll Hasuo _ _ _ Hundred- year - old ginseng elixir find out eat it too but that 's it
ten in the year one th when it opens good luck to the extent Rare it 's work

under heaven most rich Moon Para Even in Shaolin Daehwandan as well as even
the summons forever one never take a look pussy unable these nine to do to
exceed crab orthodoxy Is n't it ?

By the way then Youngdan what At home raising Yellowy Snack as if giving share
to give crab really possible is it work ?

Fortunately here their this question loose line lice there was
everyone's gaze reflexively four thousand small town party towards stroke
returned _ he blankly Youngdan looking up there was for awhile soul put he
Within Youngdan nose close Daego sniffed . and murmured .

“… … really Youngdan . That too It's top notch ."

son-in-law mouse dead as if It became quiet .

1146 episodes . will do case all I did I mean . (One)

' No , what spirit … … .'

common sense horse not not crab Too There were many .

first this Many Youngdan how how did you make However This First aside two
number there is problem . more important that is this Youngdan how why To
them share do you give doing It was a problem .

' That too party Soga-ju like that to evaluate worthy spirit … … .'

of course size is A little small did _

Generally Yeongdan is At least Albamman one called size listen came , now their
in hand heard Yeongdan is bean only one was the size .

However that is somewhere ?

it's a bean Nabal , the superlative striking If Youngdan only grains of rice one
also strong untied Moment blood wind blow usual Is n't it ?

The strong men in ignorance life hang up at least a little inaction increase way if
there is even the sword do not hesitate does not so that somewhere elixir that
appeared just talk even if I hear together weapon pinch rumor heard to a place
running will _ Own by skill elixir in hand put probability sparse Thing knowingly
that small hope throw away can't I mean .

' But then Youngdan like this sprinkle ?'

everyone outrageous no with face clarification looked up

small share let go yes , this Many to them share line if sheep volcanic for the
disciples small Youngdan not properly became sized Youngdan singly all even
give Namji wouldn't it ?

world which sectarian Moonju advisory to the disciples line Youngdan to others
share do you give

“ Gee , really Is it Youngdan ?”

so even knowing to doubt no choice but to there was no

“ Do , poison maybe ?”

“ to us poison why Feed it !”

“ these days Because it's useless even if it's poison by feeding to roll thing
maybe ? to keep if you don't like it hard do it ... … .”

that is horse can you tried to refute these Something ugly seemingly clarification
looked back nonsense not felled work , but I if human really will do Capital … … .

“ danga Soga owner It’s a young gang !”

Oh , yes .

“ Oh , no . It 's a party . that the yangbans dogmatic like an elixir do you eat it ?
then dogmatic It's Yeongdan will do number there is thing Is n't it ?"

“ Huh ?”

make sense that did you think of the people gaze again to the party headed _
OK party it's embarrassing as if protested _

“ However still I dogmatic Youngdan division pond Would you like to ! and
Danga People poison like an elixir to eat case all This is nonsense !”

“… … Are you serious ?”

“ Then knife inscribed In the clan Youngdan instead knife Do you eat it ?”

“ Then What about the Cheondokdan ?”

“ With that Different It's a problem ! just poison by eating history to stretch
number if there is U.S than shaolin history There must have been a lot !
Namgungdo beat I would go .”

“ No , suddenly . we Why … … .”

that the horse exactly understandable did you go everyone head nodded .

“ Then this really It's called Youngdan I mean ... … .”

the question is have a solution but more _ big question came into being Even
though it's absurd give an explanation wish eyes did you send Cheongmyeong
carelessly chin _

“ all I wish I had Eat .”

“… … .”

“ for nothing divided eat with plaguy summer solstice No , the elders escort line
at the time all eat Good luck .”

“ No … … .”

Beast Archery one bewildered with face clarification looking up asked .

“ This , this really even if you eat felled are you? ”

“ Then pond eat girl to eat share would you ?”

“ such horse not … … .”

here there is these together Great shame to have in hand heard Youngdan Eat
can't just look will there be

these Also right now in front of you Youngdan if there is later it's work how
whatever it is for now shut up swallow to throw away think did _

However every It's precious that is finally get for just pay the price pay process
through doing is the law By the way car dream too pond dreamed Youngdan just
west there was in hand came in will _

like this Bonnie everyone how What how Sun Whether persimmon magazine
can't there was

here alone if there is I'm sorry and Nabal First swallow As you can see , the same
in plight faced these so much many Bonnie first step forward Youngdan even to
eat it was ambiguous

“ Ah , eat ! not can you hear me these are even if you give pond Do you eat it ?”

in front heard in the new moon Youngdan in hand all stick restless these each
other look at exchanged _ However who sharply answer take out line capital no ,
in the end their gaze advisory to the patrons headed _
swearing from the mouth Moment laugh out loud burst came out to be strong
pair Do not have archers What hard like a puppy restless ardently this one look
oni giga clogged _

' This Was it enough ?'

This simply elixir because I got it coming out reaction it wasn't His the archers in
the first place nothing cost without to the middle class something to receive
thing itself I understand can't there was

middle school cooperate It's called Cheon Woo Maeng eaves under together
nest let's play Say it came , but their inside perched disbelief not lifted didn't
mean _

actually this problem should have solved doing this is Different not I swear from
the past most Positively with midfield exchange think came he first hand should
have written will do It was a job … … .

swear word swipe clarification looked back annoyed I seemingly face loads
frowning there was

' just expression I will only beggar .'

now he too It's called Cheongmyeong Therefore about any I know . People treat
crab strangely wretched this people shy or public affairs receive Days if there is
back there day to set up girl I mean .

“ Great .”
briefly cough in vain one swear word to wear opened .

“ that Youngdan is … … .”

what have to say do ? swear by yourself looking at these at a glance containing

speak Following went _

“ In Cheonwoomeng you guys for prepared It’s a spirit group .”

categorically Wolf talking that That's right . that certainly wrong horse because

this Yeongdan is north sea ice crystal of the beast prickly pear , and thereto
volcanic effort add make paid Cheon Woo-blind clean up

little to force let's call it Namgung's financial power and world everywhere
happening going up smoothly make June green decision . and party Even the
refinement help I gave have to see do _

no matter how the volcano that's great Handel , alone by force make pay
number Do not have the thing is Right away it's a jasodan

“ So then with eyes cheek thing no _ you are of course to enjoy will do girl enjoy
Because that's all ."

this maybe Cheon Woo-blind official I'm in a position belonged these interracial
wall knock down doing clear entry date will _
one side Different to one side something the year before line when finally grace
June side and dressed side split becomes _ Cheongmyeong that want does not
that small position The difference Eventually up and down dividing because the

in heaven belonged these are clan cover without same treat receive _ that is
Cheongmyeong freshly established Cheon Woo-blind principle Is n't it ?

so that big principle Protect go out doing as an oath will do number there is the
answer is Only It was only this . But … … .

“ But Also … … .”

swear word for awhile speak cut off swipe clarification looking at small laughed _

' I your on horse please to follow will do The reason is no . Isn't that right ?'

in heaven hurting exist not saying said that Is it Cheongmyung? that

contradiction use so Bad that is no it wo n't

“ plausible packaging take off If you look , this Yeongdan is at the volcano make
to you into June is also do .”

“ No , it was … … .”

Cheongmyeong what speak want to Moment swear word quickly speak

Following His to wear stop abandoned .
“ give June Thing to refuse need is no _ What is Yeongdan? Is it a cause? what
while laying out to refuse number to be as much as small that because no but
give _ June Thing thank you mind without fly take also dory know lice will do
work no .”

Cheongmyeong two Eyes screaming swear by saw _ However swear by that look
at neatly turned away

“ So few days the night Shrimp Youngdan create , selfish without to you take out
June on the volcano grateful heart embrace If you take becomes .”

clear Snow burned up

“ Great .”

handicraft whole even eat it will do blazing In your gaze , the oath sneakily look
at avoided _ OK this time Tang military evil then swear by support went out

“ danga Also the same .”

that on horse people of the party all party music stared at

“ personality Bad who People pulled eating for well to feed would , but that like a
horse easy Days is not Everyone is know to be will .”

“… … .”
“ Thank you the horse will do need no _ no , like that easy in words to avoid lift
do n't this spiritual pay the price paid Way difficult Simple . later to you back
Youngdan that value enough said plain come out doing thing . that's it to be will
_ that more than wish eardrum not .”

“… … .”

“ Only … … this Youngdan to make exhausted fall down you are with the lord
volcanic For the elders certainly thank you heart to have that with this It’s
separate .”

the people of the party mind on the other hand becoming heavy girl feeling
head nodded .

“ You will are you ?”

Cheongmyeong this clenched ask Tang military evil shoulder Shrugged .

“ Then what do you nothing not I'd say Shall I ?”

“ Actually picture even if it is difficult You didn't .”

" inside comfy sound you do that speak sun throw away moment , we that easy
work pond sun June an idiot Became throw away girl why Don't you know ?"

“… … .”
“ We incapacitated stupid not not even for will do the horse I have to no way
excuses summer solstice not blame to listen the sound Is n't it ?"

“ Ouch … … .”

Cheongmyeong sick sound paid out

“ No , I that is not … … .”

Then involuntarily head turned he Moment flinching backwards stifle backed


little until strong poetry seperately Do not have in color all die went guys
dazzling with eyes look up coming sight zero It was embarrassing .

perplexed Cheongmyeong broken me abandoned .

“ He , uh … … .”

“ Oh , really .”

that Moment the savior appeared .

“ What puppy to train also no ! Youngdan Before put withered stay are you? ”
People's gaze sore throat burst came out to a place heading to Suddenly on the
floor Cheol Puduk crouched down Im So-byeong up to debt throw me away Oh
Man-sang frowning there was

“ Thank you grace repay that Each By-self do it , from courtesy to dress up what
passing by people order when it's over now A little Let 's eat . yes ? right now
legs wobble I guess , now this and that to cover When is it ?”

“ Uh … … .”

exactly right I mean .

“ no eat there shit show . I eat because it will .”

Im So-byeong retard without My mouth in perilla shake off put cross-legged

turned on

always most difficult case first time Is n't it ?

Im So-byeong peek place Runner Different these too one two that in place cross-
legged play sit down mouth in perilla push put in

“ But , Chung Myung-ah .”

jogger Something Understanding not going seemingly hand let's go

Cheongmyeong hear too annoying seemingly hand Hwihwi I stumbled .

“ You too just Eat .”

“ That’s not … … .”

“ Oh , just eat it other give What will do thing no . all same eating because it is it
more to eat What mask I also not .”

“ No , that horse not !”

“ Huh ?”

jogger My share of perilla listen looks and face distorted .

“ We share Different place than A little small thing Do you think ?”

“… … .”

“ Really all same thing Are you sure ?”

“… … .”

“ scam jiji not upright Say it Let's see . now speaking look at you .”

on the forehead blood built Cheongmyeong in a short time My sleeve up kicking

up It was a moment .

1147 episodes . will do case all I did I mean . (2)

it's still

big in the gym uninhabited loads gather there is figure at any rate Example It 's
hard , but Many these in concert cross-legged play sit down fortune doing the
appearance with him to compare number there will be no to the extent rare It
was a sight .

'It's amazing .'

Tang military music new with my heart fortune doing the scoundrels looked up

Kang Ho-in life do not know these to look just interesting look I don't know , but
the strong men characteristics understand there is these if you look make sense
singular light day no choice but to no _

Basically What is a fortune teller? of others Eyes Harm secret in a place to be

done it's bound to happen Why ? too much Simple . the unmanned fortune-
telling will do at the time most to be vulnerable Because .

normally in one blow rock break , step one at a time river beyond Ira chart
fortune doing as long as child's Even kicking in the mouth of a coin field number
there is

so that the unmanned myself fortune doing look sibling also against well see gist
not it's bound to happen sandal approached the beast secret oyster As you find
yourself weakened moment Different to them invisible unwilling that is on
instinct near it's a thing
However now here Countless these Everyone is watching in the gym fortune
doing there is

' command there was Because ?'

I will Lee . usual if they were no matter how party evil people clear instruction
that there was Even though the spirits all stick quiet place would have found will
_ at least at least Own even in place Go in fortune would have done

then these this large in the gym no matter what not fortune-telling do that there
is that , these more More than Around there is these as a threat accept yes not
saying Thing means _

' don't know work .'

Tang military evil head I stumbled .

trust the horse Oh yeah monstrous I mean .

each other interracial trust that it is important girl do not know these are no _
clan leading these are everyone the disciples each other liver trust to build up
Hope . so that Countless in a manner disciples interracial hierarchy build up ,
many by discipline disciples interracial shibibi fairly to cover doing will _

However nevertheless just like that pile up not that trust _ seemingly each other
believing as if even if you act critical at the moment Different make a choice
doing that being a person Because .
' At the party I same work if really everyone like this fortune will do number Was
there ?'

that the answer is already know there is

so that don't know it was a thing these so far gathered together one work is
each other crazy as if fight against each other bone broth feed and power
together to the patrons opposed except no _

human called exchange that is coming conflict even to spare no did n't By the
way how what believe to each other My back entrusted Chae , own most
vulnerable even part without hesitation show me it happened mean ?

Tang military evil swipe clarification looked back

oh my Whenever once again realize became _ Volcano Swordsman he pussy

unable something report that there is fact I mean . how when should be I People
report there is girl together cheek number to be will it be

“ Why Are you?”

“ a little heartache then Say it .”

“ Yes ?”

“… … .”
“ personality A little You're bad . no , long time ago compared to getting better
is it? ”

“ Sigh .”

Tang military evil head Hwihwi stir abandoned . I Shim Seong-man A little how if
add Nawi there will be no would I mean .

' Anyway good work .'

far away far Path I came back , but this sight to him Say it give there is thing was
like Volcano Swordsman so the ball in make came down Cheon Woo-maeng 's '
relationship ' now slowly established Going that I mean .

“ But well I to children all to feed Youngdan make I paid .”

" groan . That's ... … .”

Cheongmyeong chin was scratched

“ Actually properly became Yeongdan is No . every It's called Youngdan case

appropriate sheep there is That 's it . By the way the material not enough size
reduce no choice but to there wasn't , right became perilla would have eaten
when compared to effective five quarters work not come out It will .”

“ five quarters work or to be is it? ”

“ Um … … . than that A little more enemy capital there is .”

“ This time Jasodan is than before more well that it was made did you?”

“ Yes . so five quarters any work anticipate cheek number there is That ’s it .”

Cheongmyeong sigh snuggle exhaled _

“ well to feed well fighting It is .”

“… … always you are others dream too pond honey work sun put myself that it
wasn't enough You're banging . self to yourself Too harsh .”

“ to me harsh crab no , we faced situation just harsh That 's it . but that it was
unsatisfactory obediently 👌👌 line number is Do not have serve Is n't it ?"

“ Rebuttal It’s difficult .”

Most of these are myself one of work on performance pay attention However
Cheongmyeong just myself have to achieve will do on goal how much Did you
approach identify Only .

from the side that look Watch look sometimes to be creepy time there is

Tang military music once again clarification hostilely not meet not because I'm
glad I thought .

“ By the way … … .”
His from the mouth Absolutely sigh leak came out

" Blind from the standpoint Absolutely good work , but my from the standpoint
just like Bangil work No. ”

“ Um ? Why ?”

“ five quarters it's work chart Yeongdan is Youngdan Isn't it ? especially volcano
perilla five quarters If anything , whatever sectarian vision Youngdan to some
extent to be But … … .”

Tang military evil That's right not sick sound gave out

“ Historical rising stamina get better I would , like guys have to deal with do it .”

the kids are each other become sticky Youngdan through more getting stronger
that is Baramaji didn't work , but such children to control from the standpoint
think let's see In addition just like Bangil ten thousand it wasn't

Youngdan not taking not children while facing exhausted on the sidewalk fall
down fall asleep It was close , but the spirit taken them what channel can you
afford it

“ A. _ no worries all you do Lord case seperately take I put it .”

“ Huh ?”
embrace back Cheongmyeong well sign Youngdan took it out

“ the best medicinal effect good in part get ready I put it on . Lord Goo , my
lord Georang , Sobaek thing and .”

Tang military evil clear in hand heard Youngdan pierce through looked up to
children share June unlike that from size other , properly became It was a self-
defense team .

“ This … … .”

“ for nothing to the kids more share Jura the word Don't .”

“ If it was before face even because then speak sun As you can see , I now then
face set up sagging No. ”

“ This is take drill because today In the evening seperately Eat it . Ah , elders also
A little small get ready I left it .”

exactly this in terms of gap Do not have it was clear

“… … Wait a minute . come out two courtiers would you? then that … … The
King of Green Forest … … .”

“ Shh .”

Cheongmyeong around looking over in the mouth index finger bring Daego
whispered .
“ well take put it on others not see from Eat it . Did you know?”

“… … .”

“ Only greed Many Sapa cub far away If you rush It’s annoying .”

Tang military music head turn fortune do there is Lim So-byeong looked up

Youngdan got it true are you happy fortune while sulking look puck It was
bizarre , Lim So-byeong report let's go from the chest pity like water rushed in

' how in Sapa Born … … .'

no , exactly Occasionally in Sapa born lice clarification meet you... … .

healer impossible clear Root deep Sapa hatred know there is Tang military music
horseshoe without received Youngdan width not deep where it was captured

“… … I see .”

“ Yes , hehe .”

Cheongmyeong head turn fortune doing these looked up

“ Slowly to end time would have been I would .”

His on the lips pale smile spilled out

woo woo

inside deep to a place to settle In addition settling Namgungdowi energize with

white blood push raised . with giraffe digging aura at once consolation In
addition consolation soared _ Like ascending like a dragon I mean .

Whoooooooooo !

At the same time head inside big paper ringing blazing sound ring spread _

on Namgungdo nose from the mouth denigration dead blood one after another
flowed out inner wound dressed that not long long on water lilies spoiled stale
things dead blood together body outside being discharged there is will _

' Again !'

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa _

again once soar right energy His in a hundred times touching fancy explosion
caused _ body everywhere spread out out energy in words all to explain number
Do not have vitality make paid out

“ After … … .”

Namgungdowi slowly Eyes popped up At the same time he copy that is from the
front back jin stick them watching there is clear was the look
' This is the time You did .'

body in overflowing aura Say it giving thing same _ this Youngdan water lily
getting started before if eaten as much as now effect see that is that it was
impossible Thing I mean .

spiritual the medicinal effect history up give _ However that More than important
that there is Youngdan taking Just for a moment , normally never to operate
number Do not have big energize take advantage of chance get to be point .

that genius ilwoo same chance how do you save important _

endlessly fighting In addition fighting , own limit and scarce dot reduced these
are In a instinct that energize how to write will do Ji Know felled will _

' wall The one is passed .'

spiritual help If not , how much more Many This time would have caught egg
number no _ appropriate at the time given Youngdan that Time by leaps and
bounds shorten June will _ This body in freshly stacked history like nothing no
feel as much as it was a pleasure

he Confidence full cold with face body caused _ two in the snow Absolutely clear
Jung Kwang-yi poured out

and he body caused ji how much not no , not even a party on the spot happened
_ His face Also Namgungdowi and Big different did n't
In addition one . and In addition one .

cross-legged play there was these one two take a seat whisk happened _ and
stick half sijin pass by before fortune heard these all wake up that in place heated

their gaze towards where is of course Before line Qingming .

what speak take it out Whether to I did n't know this Moment they have to look
will do lice who is Surely egg number there was

everyone's look at receiving Cheongmyeong Big head nodded .

His sharp eyes received , and everyone Confidence overflowing smile build
seemed _

Cheongmyeong to wear opened .

“ Once … … .”

“… … .”

“ Wow !”

“… … huh ?”

suddenly disgusted Cheongmyeong nose hold backwards back down retreated _

“… … A little Go wash Come , please ... … .”

Everyone is flinching My body looked at in the pores got out wastes clinging
tangled clothes dark change there was

“ Uh … … .”

“ Okay . this what It smells .”

“ Wow !”

just then My in the body flowing evil stink undertaken these all over the place
sick sound betting start _

one by hand solemnly nose blocked Tang military evil Loudly voice raised _

“… … by the river go . Hurry !”

“… … .”

“ Ah , go !”

Great something expected these shy with face Yangtze River toward ran away
and that after For a few days , the Yangtze River in the watershed living these as
a group stomach ache caused _ Gro Because officials plagued by sign whether
or not do an investigation coming out Minor The problem but … … .

anyway Yangtze River just all over flow only did _

1148 episodes . will do case all I did I mean . (3)

“ Are you done ?”

“ Joe , a little left … … .”

“ No , by the way yard inscribed Days What how much Great it's work every time
like this at the right time pond finished mean ? laziness Too severe thing Isn't it

“ Oh my gosh do not hour within to finish outline did bad command falls off .
volcanic the elder come and It's a waste of rice how much back Do you pay !”

“… … Hyunyoung elder mean ?”

“ I Hamza accurately well I don't know , but that kinky minutes … … .”

“That ’s right .”

“ Yes . anyway He … … in the manor going back and forth people too there are
many cleanly maintenance not when see these here gathered these easily Seeing
you… … .”
“… … then You have to sweep it .”

“ Yes ?”

“… … .”

in the manor working to them most afraid existence is Cheon Woo-blind lord
Hyeon Jong-do , Cheon Woo-maeng demon Cheongmyeongdo it wasn't

This is Hyunjong muhak unripe not for a person be gentle can not Saenghogu …
… . no , that … … Anyway infinitely warm is a person Cheongmyeong I'm Yangmin
uninhabited veil going harassing this is not , right now first to bother will do
these there is Different up to them Eyes do not turn did n't

then to them the grim reaper no different this is Right away volcanic
housekeeper This is Hyunyoung

“ It’s called the master everyone that … … personality Are you good … … .”

“ Uh huh , this people ! where then speak mouth outside pay ! thunderbolt to fit

“ Sorry , I’m sorry .”

“ such the horse quietly , others not see from do it .”

“… … yes .”
advice did lice suddenly head stroke turn the sky Confirmed .

“ time ok ! hurry Get out of the way !”

“ Yes !”

two People urgently sideways escaped _ everyday repeated Days to begin it was
time Because .

' Ugh , really .'

' Today too that forage In addition I see .'

of full length the door even a promise one seemingly in concert let's open two
People with tension body hardening dry saliva swallowed _

However today open the sight as usual obviously was different .

“ Ura-cha-cha !”

“ It’s morning !”

“ Let ’s go ! To the gymnasium !”

People's look stick to be seen before loud voice is burst came out yet open to
the door sergeant all witnesses ur ur came out
“ What ? What , what ?”

always half like a corpse sobbing walk came out these lively run out amazed the
workers two Eyes Big woke up

' What ?'

' I now in vain report Is there ?'

However Probably wrong copy case not was the shape out the door came out
these lively stretch turned on chuckle Smile stand shape Bonnie I mean .

“ Great ! body like this be light medical charge There it is !”

“ Everyone why like that elixir , elixir while doing Snow go back now I see !”

“ All day long fight number There will be !”

“ Let ’s go !”

“ I First !”

flocked these in concert dance hall toward Running started _ on the wall tight
attached two people My forward like the wind rub passing by these looking Eyes
It was terrifying .
“ Hello !”

“ Yes ?”

“ hard work There are many !”

“ Go , thank you … … .”

so far Eyes to encounter work there was no these vigor full cold in voice greeting
handed over of course greeting do awfully I Forward rub Gina I threw it away I
mean .

“ today therefore what Are you practicing ?”

“ With the lords sticking thing maybe ?”

“ Yeah ? finally revenge One day !”

“ A. _ still These are the moon owners. revenge the horse A little Yes .”

“ The words like that while doing why hurry Are you running ?”

big cloud of dust left behind Chae , the scoundrels dance hall toward
disappeared . on the roadside tight stick there was two people Earl missing with
face each other facing saw _

“ You … … .”
“ Yes ?”

“… … this from scratch again Should I sweep it ?”

mess became Path looked at lice sigh and together head snuggle bowed down


in heaven all these are together Many change suffered _

one clan only inside lived these Different Moonpawa together must coexist do
Bonnie change is choice not inevitable no choice but to there would have been

However in heaven belonged Countless these Between most A lot of changed

this is surprisingly uninhabited it wasn't

“ There !”

weight wife's from the mouth big roar poured out

“ The pot field when two people lift drink it You did it ! it Than you think because
it is heavy accident I'm flying ! three stick All right! ”

“ Yes , madam !”
“ Chicken yet Is it far ?”

“ Aigoo ! little more to boil do . this cauldron so much Cursor … … .”

“ fire You are weak ! hurry firewood more bring it to sponsor New brought in
firewood to be It will !”

“ Yes ! yes ! now I will go !”

weight wife fiercely left and right looking over missed that whether or not take a
look it was time

“ Boo , madam ! rice more Do you want it ?”

“ just one kettle Are you out ?”

“ Oh my gosh . today very day caught it a pot put down awfully all Gone !
everyone what anglerfish Did it stick … … .”

“ Mochi ! rice is yet little more should be because First for dessert to give up did
from rice cake carry it anything eat crab if there is A little waiting for you it will !
I behind in Gwangju There is !”

“ Yes , yes ! now Right away I will !”

“ Bob one cauldron … … . no , two kettle more Upload it ! no ! just count kettle up
Throw it away ! Hurry !”
“ Yes , madam !”

sore throat to rest instructions down weight the wife face run over coming Heat
Because spilled sweat by retail stole _

' this what riot .'

manor meal time is always the battlefield reminiscent of do _ However Today is

exceptionally more riot I was the shape

“ Madam ! rice None! ”

“ Meat ! what about meat ? Meat !”

“ Oh , chicken . one number of animals more wish It would be nice .”

kitchen the door through head fit stretched out volcanic wave the disciples
hungry baby new … … . no , hungry Adult like a bird cry Waiting started _

weight the wife that look looking fed up hit . However she What do you say to
wear tear off before their from the back protruding hand polished of these the
back caught up

“ I in the kitchen don't go in I didn’t !”

“ Sa , Sasuk , that not !”

“ Oh my , I pond live ! how why doing this It will !”

“ No , Soso . My stomach Too Go … … .”

hundred thousand and one Soso volcano the disciples vaginal drag went _ sigh
resting head stretched out Yoon Jong weight wife toward head nod bowed down

“ I'm sorry . the heart kind They're kids just A little , no . A lot of I'm stupid ... … .”

“ Oh , no . hurry I will bring you .”

“ Slowly sun You can give It will be .”

“ Ah , the death penalty ! slowly in the meantime meal hour into me all pond eat
… … .”

“ You that mouth some !”

behindhand head protruding jogging the crown with elbow take a picture
discarded Yoon Jong shy with face again head it was tight

“ Well then .”

two up to person let's disappear weight the wife on the forehead flowed sweat
again wipe gave out
' what Days Have you been ?'

usually rice A lot of to eat even though together on the face liveliness there was
no then these suddenly there god I with face rice I urge you , your body even if
it's hard no wonder do the same god I It was a feeling .

" Maw same guys well eat it You do .”

at that time from the side heard in the voice weight wife Startle surprised head
stroke turned _ all over the body kinky flowing Hyun-Young bland with
expression walking there was

“ Are you here ?”

“ Today Especially A lot of eat Besides . hardship A little sun give it to me .”

“ Suffering is I one . hostage people Do it .”

“ The words .”

Hyun-Young dissatisfied expression built on the side wearing there was

something weight to the wife suddenly pushed out

“ Oh my! Crane !”

Hyun-Young stretched out a child report weight wife surprise startled receive
heard _
“ The kid Why … … .”

" baby Repeatedly cry turn over Noisy I'm going to die ! for a moment A little
Comfort me !”

“ I’m sorry … … .”

sorry with expression child's state looked over weight wife Within sigh snuggle
exhaled _

“… … Elder . baby the diaper not grind You can give to say I … … .”

“ Hado dense cry Danny one beg , i What keen because it's pretty did you ?
nerve write tell me .”

“ Still … … .”

“ Small talk … … . this guy ! here keen there is where knife holding Come on !”

“ Sin , I’m sorry , Elder .”

think without sideways about to pass hostage one Hyunyoung's in a scream

terrified backwards retreated _ of course host's rather than a sin a child
dangerous in the kitchen along On Hyunyoung's It may be wrong , but I dare
then fact scrutinize the water as much as simple big people no one there was no
furthermore Hyun-Young why dare a child here along coming all to know more
and more speak will do number there was no

weight wife kid Soothe let's sleep Hyun-Young bland with face weight from wife
again Crane receive hugged _

“ Is it hard ?”

“ No. _ It's not hard ... … .”

“ work usually tiring gay _ pay under while working strength lift if not that is a
thief Geez .”

Hyun-Young bland with face murmured .

“ Instead of difficult worked wages all worked people's share beggar . who who
help me not will do thing no . do you know ?”

“ Yes , elder .”

“ Twok .”

Hyun-Young swipe a child pull hugging body turned _ and like lightning
Different to the host nagging poured out

“ There ! on the floor flowed thing properly You have to wipe it !”

“ Yes , yes ! I'm sorry , Elder ."

“ From tomorrow planter two the ship come in Tenni in the morning People A
little minus tidying up thing help me do it .”

“ Aigoo , elder … … . People Too Not enough . up to that if We … … .”

“ I when Person don't pull don't tell did you if it's a hat more have to pick it up
by talking Person pull out right now !”

“ Yes , yes ! not so much sun If you give … … .”

step by step take off Whenever all over the place pointing out Hyun-Young far
away went _ that back view looking at weight wife's on the lips small smile
bloomed _

' Really ... … .'

tiring work suffered but that _ in the meantime here all number there was that is
really fortunate it was a thing

“ Bob Is it far ?”

“ here now chicken Do n't you?"

“ Evil ! green wood with the cubs Namgung the cubs meat leave fight ! meat !
here from meat A little Please ! Hurry !”
“… … .”

weight wife My face wrapped around gripped _

' No . please but not not thing like .'

I crotch same Humans … … .

However Within weight wife flash head holding shouted _

“ drill because in the kitchen go out ! quickly ! there blocking if there is more
long time that it takes You did !”

“ Oh , no . We just ... … .”

“ Hurry up !”

“ Yeah !”

Sok Sok Sok backwards refluent heads looking She is head Shaking my head I
stumbled .

“ Chicken all Did you boil it ?”

“ now Let's go , madam !"

“ quick quick carry Please !”

sleeve up kicking up her shoulder lively It shook .

riot I Restaurant inside watched Cheongmyeong chicken leg one all the way
ripped off the little ones Youngdan singly I ate it lively can not very run wild
there was

' Than I thought effective Are you okay ?'

I knew it People to drive Road have to push weak hair properly standing was the

usually people no have to see to be when happiness know is the law normally
notably importantly don't think didn't physical the importance I felt now By-self
to train will _

“ Then , where Let's see . now how much will do case all I did I mean .”

the system catch put it

so now past the volcano was as if these myself yourself push start will _ the
waterway New Heat In order to land paya But , once open it Dunn by way water
is endlessly flowing as if I mean .

again Say it fairly long rough was past the process now the end I will _

“ Then now next step by step I must pass .”

lively head nodded he tear off paid chicken leg mouth in squeak push put in and
Oil buried finger perfect sound get better fried .

“ Moon lords all meal after say moshi do it !”

all over the place backlash poured out

“ in the mouth thrown in thing all eat tell me!”

“ It’s bouncing , this baby ! dirty I will die .”

“… … .”

kids giga Too mountain thing same as do _ eh .

1149 episodes . will do case all I did I mean .(4)

one old man cross-legged turn stick Eyes winding up there is

to the waist came down white-haired up to the chest long grown up beard , white
eyebrows and all over the body wrapped around Sae-an to clothes . It 's called
Seonpungdogol _ last days Absolutely reminiscent of It was a breeze .

Also , that the old man Normal in person look up number Do not have even the
atmosphere it blew watching lice Absolutely to be reverent classical atmosphere I mean .

fresh existence believe not I'm a person chart this old man see if Oh my gosh Shinseon
that it exists to admit no choice but to without will be

little light faded elderly lips a little open whispering blazing Mantra (眞言) flowed out

dark downtown revealing shaking myriad candle , and that from the center mantra
foreign high school there is fresh same old man .

that piety awake that is old the door twist opening blazing sharp competition it was the
quick profit .

rough sound old man except mantra in the sound mixed in However the old man that
sound listen unhappy like , shaking Do not have posture mantra was out

jerk . jerk

clear footsteps increasingly more getting closer

elderly Around staying there was peace and Koyoga that at the sound of footsteps dizzy
moment , old man in the ear low voice is dug into

"I went ."

here present this is Only old people , obviously old man towards say it . However oddly
enough he that speak even listening nothing special reaction invisible did n't he Boyne
The reaction is as if singing lonely mantra rundown it was only

" than I thought long time I got caught . damn it slug same bastards because ."

voice is to flow Whenever room in candle dizzy shook . However sunken elderly the heart
even alittle shake there was no

" as directed the guy dead ."

people's death is which slap never small Days no it wo n't nevertheless still silent elderly
on the face change there was no

" But ... unnecessary do one thing It seemed like dare Branch even if you don't to be It
was obvious ."

heard in the voice a little sharp emotions buried _

" I Branch even if not midfield of bastards in hand would have died ' cause ."

elderly in the mouth answer instead again mantra flowed out that which voice , that which
work elderly equanimity breaking that is difficult seemed _

" that volcano bastard in hand I mean ."

and that moment , to continue only was the same elderly mantra subsided .

old man to wear firmly shut up two people present room in heavy silence fell down long
silence at the end , at last old man reciting seemingly faint in voice to wear took off

" It's a volcano ... "

he Eyes wound up stick small murmured .

" I miss you It's your name ."

" Heh ."

old man behind line man , thousand years old glance frowning elderly back view stared

" Nevertheless that in the ear called a volcano the horse audible It's shaped ."

" Yes . I miss you name . they yet stay to be give it a go ."

elderly on the lips soft smile tied up

" If possible one th report I want to that the volcano Now is how did it change mind like
past if it were I hope . for me past and continue there is things picture Namji Because it
wasn't ."

that speak heard thousand years old lips a little twisted _

" Not much change didn't ."

" That's nice to meet you sound ."

" Even swordsman same guy too There was ."

that It was a moment .

ever fixed to pay not moving didn't elderly head up slowly backwards turned around at the
same time , firmly closed there was elderly Snow opened .

elderly eyes are Normal of these and too much was different .

like blood red , like pitch black dark _ red black color shuffled blazing Snow pure white
ocean in the middle dot as if imprinted studded moment , fresh same elderly good looks
All of a sudden turned over abandoned .

now this elderly look copy this is no more fresh remember can't will _ eyes are inside
containing of the mind it is a mirror together interest in the eyes present that is Only thick
thick 'Cause there 's only darkness

"... what did you ? "

" Cook Cook Cook ."

thousand years old to wear cover up Smile put it on

" Now up to the ears eat did you throw it away ?"

" What did it asked ."

" Swordsman same the guy I saw did ."

" Gumzone ?"

candle trembling started _ no , strictly according to old man present full width the whole
shake started will _

" You talking Swordsman , maybe that to be cursed the guy called will it ?"

" Oh my God swordsman In addition was there ?"

in turn sink there was elderly Head increasingly Backwards soaring started _ that the sight
watched thousand years old haha sound take out laughing head Shaking my head I
stumbled .

" Calm down , Archbishop . Just feeling it 's just it was a pity yes , just It was a pity ."


" Well , I don't know . Han fifty year only after really swordsman same the guy it might be

" Impossible ."

soared elderly Head in no time again it sank equanimity recovered the old man any sharp
change discarded in voice was confused

" Oh my God then the guy In addition to be number is Because there isn't ."

"... that nonsense That's right ."

the old man loose sigh exhaled _

" The volcano resurrected and again swordsman same this grow up pay that there is giant

" in the eyes stand out case one Guy but ... … buds visible guys too certainly there is He
said damn bastards ."

" that much the years that flowed will be ."

elderly in the voice regret buried _

" hundred year is never short This time because no even the framework disappeared clan
again flower smoke to bet scarce time is no ."

" We here rot Going to be During I mean ."

that on horse elderly lips a little it was lame

" A thousand years old ."

" know there is old-fashioned the story Moderately sun say two hundred year During I
heard now sick me Because it's worthy ."
old man Still a thousand years Look at head turn _ His gaze again Forward fixed _

" The priests What did you do?"

" that dull bastard instructions followed that the only thing one , built guilty Do not have
that is no _ sinful bite in Magog _ _ _ one moon During tell me to go in did ."

the old man Katabuta speak summer solstice did n't OK thousand years old swipe His My
back looking bluntly said .

" obviously me Also that greenhorn the guy that's wrong I think ... … "


"That guy did word middle one but only I agree . with you my life too how much Namji
did n't what if the angel U.S to die before not come again If not … … "

" The angel come back ."

" Sure . Yes , yes . as you say However he U.S to die until yourself not find If you can't ,
that not come again not and be different barga no Isn't it ?"

" What speak do want right ?"

old man sharp by eye a thousand years I shot OK thousand years old tortile smile built .

" I until now just waiting that my devotion to prove would I thought . But … … little
Different thought I heard perhaps Here blindly waiting that idle whether or not not
knowing thinking I mean ."

" sister I said … … "

" midfield situation fun I 'm back ."

speak rundown elderly Snow a little thinned out

a thousand years old more More than old man laugh at me did n't back than the elderly
more serious with expression speak was _

" big war to happen probability high . midfield the whole swept away Daejeon I mean ."


" Do you understand ? U.S go ahead even if you don't midfield with fear to be covered
will _ that is What do you mean Do you understand ?"

elderly mouth firmly closes _ However His lips as before Dali certainly slightly convulsive
there was

" that to the one even that small at work it would be only However for us no ."
thousand years old a little fist gripped unfolded _

" Nevertheless really like this just waiting just by Will that be enough ?"

" life I did ."

of conversation flow hang up incoming elderly on horse thousand years old expression
hardened _

" volcanic I'm a kid did you?"

" now that The story … … "

" again more I'm curious . okay have to see hundred year live unhappy Therefore be mere
I would which I want you to sleep you shake it up did you let go ?"


" I have to , just have pasted on mere chart It's called swordsman name is to anyone pull
in number there is no ."

swordsman most hateful where is Gyoda .

they to hell falling instead swordsman in the soul wee even a scratch pay number if there
is the priests scruple without that work to do will _ dare to be damaged not to be
absolute divinity to damage knocked down lice Right away being a swordsman Because .

However Backwards swordsman in the world most acknowledging place Also Gyoda .

they swordsman disparaging moment , that swordsman in hand life sick celestial divinity
Also collapsing _ so that To them swordsman never to be damaged not to be , absolute
by evil must exist do _

However simply doctrinal problem wit let it go War at the time swordsman go through
copy Ramen car that swordsman to disparage number there will be no will _ cursing
cursing cry out number is there will be I mean .

" my speak clearly Listen , Archbishop ."


" fight I want to reaching crab No. _ this place getting bored doing this also no ."


" just I worried it is only that to war Countless these If you are swept away , yet not
awaken couldn't great minute Also safety to bet number is there will be no ter .
something take action do … … "

" to him About belief scarce that's all ."

"... now my devotion suspicious is it? "

thousand years old two in the eyes spurt to live soared _

However the old man just cool by gaze to live receive pay it was only never shaken _ not
serene like a lake .

thousand years old expression swipe distorted _

" how much ligamentous wait number Is there pious the scale Became discarded that in
the heart lift won't only ."

" That's excuses ."

" Oh , yes ?"

thousand years old Snow strange line painted .

" Certainly ... I I'm curious ha ha you just believe let's wait doing that really he Us you will
find go Because I believe ."

His corner of the mouth Also slowly twisted went _

“ Or … you Also that min that you have come again fact not sure can not just afraid
whether it's just I mean ."

" Alright ... "

that Moment from the old colossal Maggie spit out came out pure white white coat All of
a sudden black with light dyed His body around evil spirit same Maggie was starving like
an anglerfish swing started _

" Sick derago Were you stabbed ?"

" A thousand years old !"

" So me to dry thinking is summer solstice don't say I with you thinking Different thing
because only you thinking if different I my in its own way How to I 'll find you ."

“ He … ”

" last in a moment !"

thousand years old suddenness howling elderly speak cut paid out

" my out of breath cut off last in the moment , directly that minutes find go ahead not
Thing with regret dying want to not . rather that minute permission without moved guilty
pay the price the second coming that minute in hand Gwangyeong young death right
side up I will choose ."

" to dry number if there is curl up Look , Archbishop . However me to dry Way me killing
thing except there will be no will ."

thousand years old body turned _

"That too depending on bad not so long friend ."

thousand years old regret without Daejeon went out

alone left the old man thousand years old close out the door stare looking at deep sigh
exhaled _

' That's why in the midfield feet stepping in not felled that .'

It is human's heart shake it up

so that Different the priests not send can't a thousand years directly I sent no way I even
a thousand years old shaken up all give it a go

' My lord ... … '

old man Eyes rolled up

" Perfect you not complete unhappy our pain how Do you understand ? Please … … please
as soon as possible Please come again . Please … … "

elderly at the mouth again mantra flowed out endlessly successively like a song, like a sob
ring unfolded _

1150 episodes . will do case all I did I mean .(5)

" Lord Soga , where are you? are you going ?"

" Ummm ."

Namgungdowi is speak pick for awhile hesitating _

' this what Sun don't you middle-class meeting ? management meeting ? house owner
meeting ?'

Volcano Swordsman each sectarian the patrons all Call to collect going In the midst of it ,
but to this to explain Proper horse to come to mind did n't

' think look greatly It's Junggu heating .'

Normally blind spot distinction greatly strict _ each sectarian They are the owners
seperately position prepare to sit down difficult side there is Moon Ju-ro to have an
insight However , in blind seperately have to work doing each sectarian elders the
middlemen Moderately take a seat make Cycle it was meant to be
However bizarrely Cheon Woo Maengman then seat seperately there was no good luck
clear inclination free-spirited and Hyunjong _ Also then Thing do not force not Because .

' swear by undertaken clan go go Is that so ?'

what if on Namgungdo father-in-law Namgung Hwang Cheon Woo-blind If you were

the lord , first of all blind from systematization hand put it on will _ blind Sun will do
every day to lead position make and that in the position appropriate greeting Posted
from have started

' Anyway the more you look Oh yeah unique It's a place .'

" Lord of Soga ?"

" Ah , um ... yes . Volcano Swordsman You are calling ."

" Ah , bosses. meeting You 're going ."

"... what meeting ?"

casually answered dental side Next line lice with elbow cook stabbed . OK speak one lice
Oops do to wear closed .

" Oh , nothing No. _ well Go Come ."


" Go ahead ."

" Uh , uh ... yes ."

petrol waist bow down greeting lets do it Namgungdowi etc. like being pushed body
turned _

' Bosses ?'

That , what ... …

' No , no matter what still we that … … '

one blind big talk take over see to them paste worthy the horse not thing same … …

' Wait a minute ."

Namgudowi aesthetic and magical Forward moved feet stopped _

So … … people many , exactly position is A little ambiguous , all work hey ability there is
People Roughly By-self and … … normally head Between most Head good People Roughly
Jeonghan direction think without following group Because I draw … …

"...you 're a bandit ...

no wonder what greatly unfamiliar be used to did ! this Wild vegetable , this !

of course petrol this up to the point thinking It's a boss not calling Probably not , but
they Something the feeling is that it was story Is n't it ?

' Like this _ not All right! '

burr body some Namgungdowi is in the eyes light up turn on meeting open Hyeonjong
to a place toward fast feet moved _

' have to change Do it !'

firm pledge on the chest engrave I mean .


" all Are you here ?"

enlightenment get reason recovered Namgungdowi cool by eye around looked at

' Then look in the first place gathered from people Strange .'

anything world every what is work Proper format to be equipped do _ that the format
properly not equipped if not people lesson to buy confused becomes _ every in the
group occurring evil is Right away this lesson four out of chaos coming out is the law

Then now this take a seat see . gathered People's side by side Too It's random isn't it ?

" roughly all come thing Do you think ?"


Right away I human problem . I human being . always clarification including five swords
dear by eye looking at on Namgungdo Snow Today, depending it was thin

' Cheongmyeong it's a seal what to do number none hit , frankly Different Those who
exactly The problem there is Isn't it ?'

misunderstanding it is forbidden Namgungdowi to them good not emotions in this think

doing crab No. _ Namgungdowi is Oh Gum blind big or small comment pay deserve
that's enough see _ However any job title without willing Road who coming in who not
come in not crab the problem will _

So … …

" Yes . Death penalty . Everything come thing I think ."

Dangso Sodo Come on in , Dangsoso too ! no , in the first place he is Ogumdo no !

' No , recently. Oh Gum called ?'

in the past then tinge to be However , Qingmyeong absolutely Different ogum and as
one tied up to call number to be worthy lice No. _

of course Ogumdo now late index call embarrassing these are I at the age with them by
the way skill to compare number there is this is Hyeyeon Namgungdowi two People be
unique Because .

past Oh dragon called these are Lee Eun-eun dare one hundred thousand go out need
without Jong-na Yoon jogger in line is sorted out no , sober speaking Dangsoso in line
might be sorted out I don't know . so Ogumdo of course Great these are

However Hwaseon Swordsmanship Cheongmyeong then at the level to discuss lice No. _
blueberry one-on-one adversary possible this to discuss each sectarian highest number
drag come on doing situation Isn't it ?

' honestly That too difficult thing same as .'

Cheongmyeong Jang Il-so together with the bishop fighting look watched If it is , in the
world discussing clear inaction real than skill greatly book evaluation Became that there is
fact not admit it won't number there will be no will _

perhaps under heaven clarification to face number there is lice Heat finger in may be
picked I don't know . By the way then this how What is Ogum by name together will you

Then Bonnie people too slowly from the sword clarification subtracted _ and five swords
It's a sword vocative instead in concert often together went out , and Recently at
Maehwado cooperation blown our party sneakily push put there is situation , but anyway
official case because no

' Yes . the volcano Yes let's play Volcanoes are .'

" No , not yet . green forest king come didn't ."

then I the yangban why do you have ! Namgungdowi a little twisted by eye party looked

in the first place here Moon Ju-level It's a meeting ! By the way why party small owner
party of course seemingly take a seat hold is there this I mean . Tang military evil already
Wow there is !

" Oh my gosh ! I A little It's late ."

" Kuh-hum . Hello ."

on Namgungdo cheek it was lame

His gaze this time of the green forest behind accompanying iron kidney to the caterpillar
bloomed _ so far I of equipment dedication same appearance looking admiring It was over
, but once annoyance start all kinds of that annoyance started _

' At first I people Elder Road No !'

do this along Oh Ramen that Is it one way? Something doing people too More than this ,
why dare I People to the meeting drag came in mean ? perfect look at it hair to write
doing to the meeting necessary people too not though !

" Why like that Bosch ?"

“… it’s not .”

head turn discarded on Namgungdo from the mouth sigh snuggle leak came out His
Shinseon Eun now all evil to the source bloomed _

" all are you here ?"

I is human Right away I Human ! all evil source !

bland in tone to wear tear off Cheongmyeong , Namgungdowi ax eye knitted stick
looked up

world every at work cause there is in the first place this every work volcanic The third
disciple nonsense not felled as an identity Proper spot one without have a meeting
leading I human when gaping it's a thing

To Dangpe , to Ogum , to Bunchung !

their in existence about die otherwise bet chart , ' volcano three generations of disciples
come in , why only me with Are you sure ?' in one in a sentence all refuted throw away
isn't it ?

' This so much Wrong .'

Forward blind more Many work have to go through do _ so at this point steady system
catch need there is Different not Cheon Woo Meng for I mean .

" today like this everyone called The reason is in the future at work about article Let's
discuss cheek need there is ."

Cheongmyeong everyone looking around speak was _

" Once Roughly big the problem is all done thing Because it's the same , from now on
What focus sun will you go out together A little talk to me have to see will do thing like

" Ummm ."

Tang military evil head nodded .

" hey in thought of the thieves on water lilies About the problem is primarily the end did

" Yes ."

"... this the day Ogin Coming ."

that on horse Everyone is At the same time sigh exhaled _ forever to end thing not the
same didn't long cave inside Finally light discovered It was a feeling .

" By the way let's discuss mean ?"

" horse as it is ."

Cheongmyeong shoulder Shrug seemed _

" now squeeze of course Sun will do work I did . A little urgent work too and ."

" Yes ."

Cheongmyeong shut up work to promote at the time suspicion young by eye that
process watched These too , now that is certainly necessary that it was on empathize
there is

if the original forever each other to mix number shouldn't would have Department of
Greenery Namgung , Sae- eui with unmanned middle cause recent entering formal
without each other treat yes isn't it ?

' respectful Too without the problem But .'

anyway integration said case certainly fortunately way it was a thing if this process go
through not stick blind this like on the battlefield what if you went out ?

' just imagine chart Terrible .'

Tang military music head fluttering it was

he already at Maehwado each other Different clan to get along at the time smoking
destructive power realized barga there is what if at that time Danga volcanic behind
properly support gist , or a volcano party price protect at the forefront Path open it gist if
not of battle the aspect completely would have been different will _

simply now this in the manor each other Hwahyeong go for no , forward Cheon Woo
Blind through go out will do do things even for that numerous training is certainly
necessary It was a process . that the process hell was like case even if pushed I mean .

" urgent fire is turned it off now Next What will do Guernsey You have to think ."
" Um , indeed ."

that speak heard of these reaction in two split _

first The second is ' Really Cheon Woo Maeng this Work not one each other by
discussing 'You 're pushing ahead ' admiring these . generally Binggung or like a beast
yet a volcano A lot of go through pussy unhappy These were

two The second is … …

" No , the meeting is What to do do you ! okay have to see Eventually you do want Road
will do while there !"

like a sword Cheongmyeong opening meeting in itself distrust have were people

" I when ?"

" When " when ? now when did you?"

" ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt _ _ thinking short What are things ! I sleep now have a
meeting Through everyone's comment prejudice without converge did you come ?"

" Suksuk ."

" Huh ?"

" I know prejudice and I cub talking prejudice A little Different mean ?"

" obvious sound you do Cheong Myung doing word Between with us same meaning have
is ' that young head ' Break out ' None ."

" Ah , now A little Understanding I 'm going ."

" But really this cubs ?"

Cheongmyeong let's get mad Hyunjong hand all the way stretched out His the back
catch press was suppressed

" I Also same out of my mind ."

name of on horse gloomy these too Hyunjong to wear Heat awfully expression seriously
calmed down

" Tell me , long storyteller !"

" No ! Attitude Different thing see ! you now Person Are you discriminating ?"

"... so that doing thing isn't it ?"

" Huh ? Uh ... That's right . Oh , yes . should be discriminated against ."
no matter how still I Jang Moon-in same treat when received not not . Ah , not like that .

All of a sudden convincingly head nodding clarification looking Everyone is sigh exhaled
_ I the cub how when Cheongli hear me

Hyunjong Binggrae smile building said .

" so far everyone suffering It was a lot ."

“ No , my lord !”

" Everyone crazy to run actually Cheon Woo Blind Sun will do do things properly summer
solstice unhappy also Is it true , this on vaporization everyone in my mind thought the
problems take it out let it go together talk to me Let's see . Forward Cheon Woo Blind
which the parts fix go out do you beyond words ."

" to fix As for the point … … "

" just I Person just one if you fix it to be thing Do you think ?"

" But I Sapa baby ?"

" I who story not I did Why are you stabbed ?"

" Me !"

All of a sudden mayhem Became going location inside Namgungdowi Boldly hand heard
_ Hyunjong head nodded .

" Tell me , Soga- ju ."

" First !"

Namgungdowi lively speak exhaled .

" ruthless Cheon Woo-blind system repair and properly became position to be newly
established need that see !"

he Around there is these all the way looking back was confused

" Like now Jung-gu Heater situation Organize even for I mean ."

that on horse cheat stabbed some sneakily look at turned _

1151 episodes . well , sure if necessary .(1)

" Title ?"

clear the reaction is zero It was dull .

" That's What please necessary are you ?"

he room in sitting these all the way I looked said .

" Well , that thing without who which role do you Roughly each other you know dare what
... … "

OK Namgungdowi hotly said .

" No , that between us story Isn't it ?"

"... huh ?"

" Actually war born think Try it ! saffron comes rushing in . then on the Yangtze River
there is small and medium the clans how would you like to? "

" Yeah ... "

" Everyone Chun Woo Meng together to fight to us line up bibliography Wouldn't you ?"

Cheongmyeong a little admired with face Namgungdowi I looked said .

" that People in the old file room Branch maybe ?"


Moment will do speak bereaved Namgungdowi clarification obliviously saw _ Oh Gum

head reminiscing one word by word contributed _

" I the same old file room on the side don't stick ."

" Honestly that one Confidence It's overkill . to live in the old file room You have to stick

" Shaolin big volcano . old file room big Chun Woo Man . ah , this to think also None ."

" on Namgungdo eyebrows Farre trembled _

" I confidence is where coming out right ?"

" The death penalty , I yangban Namgungse Native Isn't it ? usually Namgungse People
they than shaolin can't crab no I thought ."

“… Really ?”

" Or Would you like to go there ?"

I cubs ? Namgungdowi is soaring get angry barely cackle pressed . usually What is
discussion first hot side losing will _ oh my the more time do your best exhausted
rational look have to show do _

“ That … of course . I will capital but in the situation therefore old file room on the side
Branch can't with us together these too to be thing Isn't it ?"
“…… Is that so … huh?”

Cheongmyeong shaky in voice reluctantly Agreed . ' That's what dog bullfinch I don't
know , I anyway dog bullshit Whether it's Nabal listening give one thing because it's the
same First Be patient .' in will clearly melted there was

" think Try it . then People who who is know instructions properly to follow number Will
you be there ?"

" Huh ?"

listen there was People exactly make sense running seemingly head nodded .

" horse it's okay ."

" Um, I think . pond did It's a matter ."

" No , but ... Roughly others doing thing report according to felled Work Isn't it ? if a
person everyone Nozilla crab there is ."

that speak heard Namgungdowi Moment to wear a little Berlin stick jogging look up
jogger bluntly asked .

" What ? That ' Nunjira horse yes in the snout will it come out I didn't know .' Called
talking thing same face ?"

" Wow , ghost . You are the same ."

" Yes ?"

" Oh , no ."

Namgungdowi Big cough in vain and then speak was _

" Of course noticing if there is I will capital There is . However Probably efficiency fall off
and think sun Try it . gray hair holy famous sectarian the elder instructed , but suddenly
blue little boy pops out that is no , this way Gaya to say shouting situation I mean ."

" Uh ... "

" Then who speak to follow do you to think difficult … … "

" Little boy ."

" young cub ."

" blue young cheap without talking cub ."

" Among them most petulance pay there is bastard ."

almost At the same time protruding to answer Namgungdowi Eyes It was terrifying .
" Why , why ?"

he really bewildered asked . OK one hundred thousand gloomy smile built .

" In the heavens age all the elder ignore petulance out My will do just talk doing the guy
only one more Will you be there ?"

wow , that really persuasive power there is

Namgungdowi is I understood . Then Within spirit set up

" It is _ But … … that only between us know is that right ! Out People It's called volcanic
sword the nickname I know Qingming seal how what it looks like I don't know I mean ."

" Hey there , Lord Soga ."

" Yes ?"

"... we are It's called Cheongmyeong not I did ."



Namgungdowi trembling by eye clarification looked back

Cheongmyeong ' ah ? like that report you were there You mean ?' in with face blink
smiling look up coming there was Namgungdowi is me too without knowing clear look at
Harm abandoned .

“ Big , blah blah .”

oh my the more time hurry topic need to switch do _

" Anyway that … … I People well do not know these suffer confusion is in advance to
prevent even for system and position is I need it ."

that Moment Lee Seol hand heard _

Everyone is sparkly surprised Her looked up even even the gang music perplexed face
don't hide could n't until now there was numerous to the meeting Lee Seol is fall out
without used to attend did _ However Own comment to present all case It was the first
time .

" That , that ... uh , yes . Say it Look , Seol -ah Lee ."

" Really Don't you know ?"

"... huh ?"

" He ?"
Lee Seol head turn clarification looked up

Yuisul's the horse only two in the word was only , but that horse everyone convincingly
did it

"... to be honest ... don't know medical charge is there ?"

" Actually Still if you don't know Kang Ho-in no ."

" He face is don't know number that Strike , in a volcano rampageous young the guy look
passed by town Even the kid said, ' Oh , he It's a volcanic sword gang .' I will ."

" Cheongmyung bloke to not know ear blocking have to live doing thing isn't it ?"

Namgungdowi to wear closed .

think look I nonsense zero not wrong not . Volcano Sword Consultation Notoriety … … no
, the name Too high up it's now A little wish discarded like an old story I feel it , but
anyway onetime It's called Volcanic God Dragon. as a star to be called when the best in
the world as a late index to be recognized I did … …

' Hangzhou horse flower since then from then to compare number there will be no to
the extent It became famous .'

opponent Different no place not it 's magic

Actually Jang Il-so together unitedly with the bishop fought but no matter how It's
cheonwoobeng chart that fact there is as it is to say number is no , roughly
Cheongmyeong the guy Different with the angels together bishop beaten up to talk no
choice but to there was no

saffron according to the saffron Jang Il-so bishop I got it claiming is in progress

anyway I Even the old file room car this in fact openly die otherwise bet because I can't
silence guard have Bonnie , Cheongmyung bishop won the news already under heaven
dug _

perhaps It's called Cheon Woo Maeng than the name volcanic swordsman My name is
Cheong E Young The name more might be famous do not know situation Isn't it ?

one uninhabited how much famous going town small the alleyway looking back egg
number there is little children stick a stick swing When , ' plum blossom sword method '
Shouting out ' Volcano Swordsmanship ' shouting if the situation all done Beggar , what .

“ That , that … ”

speechless blocked Namgungdowi let's hesitate People tongue full .

" Lord Soga unnecessary place obsessed side you are ... … "
Im So-byeong this chance miss did n't

" Originally there is Home child people needlessly formal pond made eagerness Isn't it ,
Namgungse You gave me a cow Do you want to die ? Namgung Sega Cheon Woo-blind
lord wish there floor inscribed worker up to one position it would look Manor
Environment Management Committee What this gal ."

“ Turn it off … ”

to Lim So-byeong if you get hit Different to them right than count the ship more Hurt
feel like somehow change your mind report I want to , but from the beginning example
wrong listen throw away at all I will an excuse come out did n't

However then , mind kind Hyunjong Namgungdowi save it gave _

" Hmm . So to say only No. "

Everyone is Hyeonjong looked up

" Bang belonged these all Cheongmyeong like a guy famous that is Is n't it ?"

" that the word That's right , my lord ."

" Actually title authority make smoking the law I Also picture wishful paper I don't, but …

Hyunjong a little humble with face everyone saw _

every Thing nature still water flowing let it go Dura in teaching accompanying Taoist As a
Daoin , the human role to limit subdivided the process picture in the heart field number is
there was no

" Nevertheless People gathering in a place appropriate position should be that on I agree
. each sectarian the elders each other opinion would have been different when The
problem to happen number yes wouldn't you ?"

“ For sure … ”

" sensitive It's a problem ."

Department of Tang Gun Music swear word that I understand seemingly head nodded .

each between the lords quarrel Days picture no _ each other liver which degree implicit
rule piled up Because . However each sectarian the elders Still Own from the standpoint
get away unable case often there was

comment to tune This time there is if the situation notably Problem to be crab there will
be no will _ However moment by moment by judgment war situation reversed in war
that small opinion crash big problem to cause possiblity there is
Especially … …

" Mostly damage is U.S not with us together fighting small and medium clan People get
not would n't you for us no problem no degree of for a reason beyond not to say see ."

" Ummm ."

" such in a sense Namgung Soga owner very well point out sun given That would be it ."

" My lord ... "

Hyeonjong looking at on Namgungdo in the snow thrill drip spilled _

indeed I deep thoughts and warm Caring , Cheon Woo-meng lord to become a little lack
of Do not have I Personality !

little I'm Im So-byeong Namgung Sega Cheon Woo-blind lord felled situation I talked
about it , but work wide open won't will _

Bondi Namgung Hwang under heaven most superior this middle was one offspring Even
Namgungdowi picture I thought . However then It's Namgung chart Hyeonjong go
through if you saw finally lord take a seat take out line no choice but to there wouldn't
have been will _

the volcano Cheon Woo Meng leading that Oh yeah It was fortunate . like that min lord
become … …

"... but ... "

that Moment Cheongmyeong a little suspicion young in voice to wear opened .

" Huh ?"

" No , what ... opposing case no . suddenly A little radical question into that It is ."

Tang military evil to be puzzled turo asked .

" Fundamental I wonder what talking is it? "

" That … now that small and medium clan punctual crab that it's important you are
speaking thing I guess ."

" Yes ."

" We them to life nerve write have to give okay ? "


" in utter nonsense they What did you?"


Everyone is will do speak lose clarification looked up However Cheongmyeong really

English I don't know seemingly head tilted _

" I what wrong any words ?"

“ That … ”

Moment stunned these vacant with face clarification Look at in concert Eyes sticky rolled
up even Even Hyeonjong with both hands face wrap only , do n't which nonsense summer
solstice could n't

How come ... … how come like that Hyeonjong from below like that human came out
mean ? and here everyone is how come like that human's instructions under there is
mean ?

Cheongmyeongdo noticing very Do not have case not around I looked sniff speak
changed .

" Well , sure if you need it the opposite not I will ... … "

" There . Namgung Soga lord ."

that Moment jogger sneakily speak handed over

" Yes ? Yes , Jo Girl stamp ."

" Lord of Soga if you say I baby too Moderately High Seat The one is Will you take it ?"

head turn clarification copy Namgungdowi for a moment in thought locked .

It's blue , it's blue ... …

" Is that … right ?"

no matter how even thinking I People not to be missed way no _ that it is efficient under
the cause happening if it's work I to a person musketeer degree of take a seat for giving
each munju Except Everyone is name follow … …

think Following go momentarily of the situation the seriousness understood

Namgungdowi is towering hardened abandoned . face in no time whiten Tired .

' here until the battle write ?'

I person ?

jogger hastily hand heard _

" I , I Opposite … … !"

" Oh , yes ?"

However that Moment Cheongmyeong flow miss without suddenly intervened _

" so when I doing speak not when you hear rebel felled is it? "

“…… Now , wait a minute . Do … ”

" Then I Agree ."

clear corner of the mouth shit went up

" Let 's make it position what ."

that moment , everyone knife same gaze to Namgungdowi bloomed _

Namgungdowi is just then myself what do commit have you thrown away realized _ His
in the body soul get out started _

1152 episodes . well , sure if necessary .(2)

barely spirit set up when , first all thinking is perfect was one

' Can , I need to fix it All right! '

this situation somehow do not fix If not , this a room outgoing Moment ghost same by
eye stare to be their on foot trampled on might die I don't know .

Then ' Namgung Lee Dae side by side in the Yangtze River go .' Called graven
tombstone will be built

Everyone is a cubic baby bang will _ by the way My father bravely fight I went , but my
son foolishly snout wrong teasing be punished I said I mean .

' Oh no _ all right .'

Namgungdowi draw On Countless Own last during then the picture is no _ extreme in a
sense of crisis body trembling Namgungdowi desperately to wear it blew

" This , once this the agenda little postpone you put crab … … "

" Why ? Okay ? I see . right now if not . What Great work ."

" That 's right I don't !"

on Namgungdo Head lived that which than ever fiercely to rotate started _

" I , appropriate take a seat make and that in place appropriate People to elect case really
important work . this on the spot Roughly Tick Tick Tick to decide worthy Days no That 's
it !"
" Hmm ?"

" Greetings ( People ) _ say everything summer solstice Isn't it ! from generation to
generation greeting properly summer solstice unhappy the dynasty certainly It's ruined !
so no doubt seriously it's here I do !"

"... so far ?"

" All right , of course . Work Isn't it !"

" Hmmm ."

Cheongmyeong Something sorry as if taste finished .

" But just important Seat some the dog already set leave , another petty place is later even
if filled felled thing isn't it ?"

" sa , man the heart crab right does not . important take a seat first set two side that
behind take a seat to select work Probably little get lazy Wouldn't you !"


" all that is Cheon Woo Meng thinking My the heart girl I understand if you would I do !"

" Well , so far If you say … … "

" That , yes . Chung Myung ah . This is this on the spot Right away to decide Days not
thing It's like ."

" That 's right , Volcanic Swordsmanship . This work with the elders together deep think
about it I'll see you."

Hyeonjonggwa Even Tang military music on Namgungdo side holding let's go

Cheongmyeong taste again swipe one foot retreated _

" What , Jung If so … … "

" Ha ha . That 's right . This is picture simple Days No , then ."

at that time Cheongmyeong swipe Namgungdowi looked back

“ But … ”

" Yes ?"

" Namgung Soga Lord tongue Oh yeah You 've become very competent ."


" Originally not was thing looks like I mean . Nowadays Sapa with baby to match Is that
so ?"

" good thing learn _ Oh Eun Jo thing ."

unfair in the heart Namgungdowi face distorted to wear was dumbfounded no matter
how still yes , me Sapa with a water monster make a comparison Do !

" one th watched ."

Cheongmyeong prey smiling head turn everyone saw _

" Then Different What 's on the agenda ?"

" Hmm . It's an agenda ... "

Tang military evil swipe I was coughing . already Various th go through copy Whatever it
is , everyone equal on the spot each other comment to exchange on still get used to did
n't However oh my when he what even an opinion to pay do _

" Look , Volcano Swordsmanship ."

" Yes , my lord ."

" War is will you wake up ?"

party music see clear eyes got fat now come what new is it a story means _

" Then you are war until it unfolds this Yangtze River wire to keep are you thinking ?"

" That's U.S to decide crab No. "

" Huh ?"

" old file room guys to decide That 's it . I the cubs a room not without There is , we first
a room subtract throw away case A little Is that right ?"

" for sure that right That's right ."

Tang military evil glance a little frowned .

' The court how what think doing right ?'

Cheon Woo Meng Also half way accidentally here take a seat prepared but in fact than
that more suddenly on the Yangtze River open up caught case Shaolin including old file
room It was a generation old .

precisely old file room five generations Middle School , Shaolin Department meaning
together some It's called Moonpa Sun will do will _

this story come out one hundred thousand hair was scratched
" Then Bonnie we right now shut up Days in a hurry care Not at all pond write There was ,
but they What do there is Is it? "

" Huh ?"

" Is that right ? It's us . From here training degree and in fact Sae et al. people to join no
place iffy Bonnie naturally Here crouched but … … old file room The fifth generation then
situation It's not ."

" for sure That 's right ."

" feet to subtract whenever subtract number to be thing I guess … … "

in the beginning old file room Also just like that Yangtze River leave number there was
no saffron when river will it go over egg number Do not have was the situation Because .
However now ?

"... in the saffron inside maintenance that it is necessary Information They are don't know
Riga None ."

" That's old file room Too disregarding That 's it . of course know to be will ."

continuity Understanding have did n't saffron don't go north If not , the old dare Yangtze
River watershed guard to be need no _ By the way why Still over there take a seat hold
there is mean ?

" what like that complicated do you think ?"

" Ummm ?"

everyone's gaze clear on the face plugged in expression add Nawi without It was dull .

" so far deep think doing crab Is n't it ? just they from the standpoint think look It will be

"...that 's In addition what mean ?"

" The Lord that bald if the position how would you like to at the outside tail get out I ran ,
case nothing no . magician call out so that by chance Sanya to see I did , some guys Go
bud solve it throw it away ."

position change put do you think Oh yeah It's difficult would wanted _

" It's us then girl nerve write not On the other hand , I maharaja bald whopping nerve
inscribed crab There is ."

" face and justification talking giant ."

" Yes . That 's it ."

Cheongmyeong prey smiling speak was _

"I don't know I do not know , such in the situation than us first in the Yangtze River feet
without want to would not have will . At least they till the end Yangtze River kept
justification The one is get going back want to because it will Initially just perfect just one
You must have thought . Moderately watch U.S disbanded Each Munpa-ro back
themselves too I will fall ."

"... ah ."

" Yes . But U.S zipel not going That 's it ."


" such in the situation we look at them why you at home not are you going when asked
they are cheat burst Are you going to die ?"

Tang military evil laugh out loud built .

" hey horse all wrong case No, but of the clan base let it go leave Here Time to send crab
like thought easy Days no . like a volcano Jong-nam bongmun sun in Shaanxi Affect to
inflict clan seperately if not The problem not would be , but the clans momentary blank
fatal problem to bring up capital yes ."

" Hmm ?"

" Of course you said face and cause very Affect not to inflict case no , but that reason one
at the time they there stay that thinking case little excessive thing it 's like never that's it
not Go ."

Tang military evil certainty put it in talking Moment , So-Byeong Lim suddenly intervened

" What thoughts half do you ?"

party evil gaze to him headed _ Im So-byeong room on the wall My back lean stick
drowsy with face said .

" From the grandson slippery surface a hundred battles did , we high partisan For those
of you together few you know yourself Because you don't know ."

" That's In addition what Sorin ?"

Tang military evil ask name of admission prey laughed _

" think sun Look , think . from the other side so far U.S What do whether continue would
have watched thing Isn't it ?"

" Is that … right ?"

in the first place this Jang Won-eun internal work outside concealment number there is
structure No. _ furthermore manor work undertaken these capital without come and go ,
open up to mobilize need without simply here Information in hand won't number there
would have been will _

and actually which in terms of let's see they than saffron Cheon Woo-blind trend more
wonder Tenni , of course attention would have ter .

" Then they what think do Will you be there ?"

" What do you think ?"

" They Meantime how What report have you heard think sun Because you can see it ."

" What report Did you hear that ... … "

that Moment one hundred thousand to wear opened .

" Volcanoes and Danga all day fight back Daego there is ."

Yoon Jong that behind supported _

" of the party the Lord hot the elders accompany the disciples mouse like a catch lose ."

party sneakily intervened _

" Suddenly from Yunnan came up Beast Palace There by participating in the war
Different with the clans beating is there ?"

Namgungdowi cold sweat shedding speak was _

" Stand , please Namgung Sega Department of Greenery jiggle do that there is up to the
sound Did it open up ?"

party evil expression to be distorted about time head backwards both hands shell worn
jogger smiling speak was _

" with a final blow that forage copy Cheongmyeong the guy half way mind get out
abandoned up to the sound You must have heard , what ."

"... huh ?"

" Do you know?"

Im So-byeong this behold as if wedge stuck _

" Now " you here how What do Are you there? ' do asking want case U.S not maybe over
there will ."

Tang military music now might cry don't even laugh could n't

" Chief ."


" replace until when Here stay do you think ?"


" Maybe Here bones swelling thinking is Do n't you?"

the chairperson Eyes wound up stick was silent the bell type never give up without again
Him was full

" Bangjangdo Asaji is n't it for a while saffron don't go north I can't . now plum blossoms
occupy there is aqueduct Yangtze River pass over able to afford not will be . chieftain
injured aqueduct sapphire support without alone work earn number to be lee Do n't you


" By the way why this where continue stay you are do you ! endlessly time only stuffed
crab already What day is it ?"

the bell type doldrums heart win can not My chest hit put it on

" Disciples between coming out dissatisfied Iru to say number None . me too me , in a
hurry head office leave this far Taj feet bound their heart rate I understand weeknight
summer solstice Isn't it ! panga on the side already even alone Here let's leave horse
infrequently come out have I do !"


" Chief ! What ? even a word sun Look , please !"

that Moment the court winding up there was Eyes slowly popped up However only that ,
he depth sunken by eye shape of the bell just look did _ still Katabuta the horse there was

"... the chief ."

that in reaction Jong-hyung make a decision hardened seemingly to wear took off voice
is than usual even was low .

" This the word drizzle I don't want to I did ... … now children in between the host scared
ate it horse turn around There is . Goto sleep report amazed chest pot lid report I'm
surprised I mean . My word Do you understand ?"

“… the lid of the pot. did you?"

" Yes . Chief ! That much Now … … "

" That's what problem ?"

"... yes ?"

perplexed Jong-hyung Eyes Big floating court looked up the court still was casual

" To Zara bite self lid of the pot report surprised crab why Is it wrong ? it's okay not
pretending again bitten crab more Foolish beggar ."

the court a little this replaced _

" It's stupid that it is boring sound Even if you can't hear me to them again disgrace to be
beaten number Do not have serve Is n't it ? my horse wrong ?"

" Bar , chief ."

court of law eyes are clear face to face sitting to Jong-hyung toward there was However
really he report there is that is bell type beyond emerged clear was the look

'The Volcano Swordsmanship .'

the court nose long breathe exhaled .

' Again what hand-picking doing will ?'

clear welcome giggle Smile put it on the court me too without knowing fist closely
grabbed .

1153 episodes . well , sure if necessary .(3)

"... the chief ."

the court Eyes sticky rolled up

' Is it Simma ?'

recent listen the volcanic sword thinking The chest fluctuating Days often _ so not to be
girl know while being I mean .

" Amita Buddha ."

like a habit dislike foreign language heart Most calmed down somehow keep calm
recovered after Eyes popped up and concern young with face look up coming shape of
the bell facing saw _

" Moon-in Jang what are you concerned know There is ."

" The headquarters long time empty put crab good not saying that is enough I
understand . Here notably achievement not get unhappy stick Time to waste there is
seems like Mind that you are in a hurry thing too ."

" sure then that is No, but … … "

in vain humble Jong-hyung swipe ass subtracted _ the court said .

" But now same in the situation we first Here retreating case difficult work ."

" Chief , the heart I understand , but that there is so get crab generated won't will ."


" Cool Say it We already in the Yangtze River public mind lost ."

Jong-hyung sigh Nashmer speak was _

" just native The problem No. _ this place the residents us treat attitude and Cheon Woo
Meng treat attitude in the eyes conspicuously difference comes . Then Bonnie children's
fraud mask increasingly falling There is ."

"... Amitabha Buddha ."

" In this way just time only wasting from cease crab no , lose shouldn't will do Thing losing
crab is not it worried will be . bereaved time and gain is somehow to recover number but
, one th collapsed pride is just like that not recover not saying girl moderator Also know
Are you there ?"

bell-shaped intellectual It was justified . that Also one sectarian long in place right this .
what right what Wrong not grasp can't People it wasn't

he to look now the court do there is work simple to insist pass did n't

“ Chairman . What is victory or defeat? I'm sick did . even if this time lose Handle , at the
end winning lice all winning thing Is n't it ?"

"...that 's right ."

" This is already we defeated It's a battlefield . the master before defeat regret do not put
not It's the law . rather that on time new battlefield make up and defeat to make up for
place spare pour it out ."

court of law lips a little it was lame Jong-hyung said It's a defeat the word in the heart lift
didn't Because .

every that in the heart lift does not

What is defeat say , that defeated target even saffron degree not It's called Cheon Woo
Maeng also . furthermore It's a defeat by the end heard , but actually with whom fist one
th mix pussy didn't know even the truth all in the heart not heard _

However most gritty cheat burning part is that speak while listening to refute dare inside
unable that it was yourself

not lose I didn't , but I lost War

That is the court looking at this It was the Yangtze River War .

" of the chief position delivered some clan already support doctor revealed backcountry
Wasn't it ?"

" Yes ."

" They Also this situation just leave cheek number is none You must have thought .
However chieftain . them Where come would you like to this to the Yangtze River ? war
might happen won't in the situation them to here come would you like to ?"


" Shaolin chairperson by body like a hall this together customer to get do you they indeed
here you are moderator look what would you think that one body burn it saffron to
contain you do to the chief really Would you admire it ?"

court of law lips again once it was lame However the bell type then reaction even looking
speak never stop did n't

" People's authority on the spot comes out . What is Zari? position and stature also mean
but say _ as it is there is place also mean doing It's the law . imperial on the throne sit
down there is with the emperor in the field in the barracks sit down there is the emperor
same Boyle number is Do not have thing Isn't it ?"

that Also wrong horse it wasn't

" The chief them that's right will do where is this place No. _ the host you have to be will
do where is Different not This is Shaolin . My horse Are you wrong ?"

court of law from the mouth rare sigh leak came out

all right I mean . all right horse . However The problem is , the court Also this every Thing
I don't know here Wolf dying beating there is no It was true .

' lost It's a battlefield ... … '

perhaps that horse maybe right I don't know . already defeated on the battlefield regret
put as much as Foolish work no _ momentum lost on the battlefield by force momentum
to make up for while damage only stretched Only .
But … …

" Moon-in Jang you are speaking bar do not know that is No. _ Just … … "

the court a little hesitating a sign let's see Jong-hyung sense good first asked .

" Cheon Woo-meng Because Are you ?"


" Chief ... the host them nerve do you write Also I understand . However already the wire
stuck discarded More than that , they what would you like to? "

Jong-hyung that it is boring seemingly fast speak was _

" I Also they why here continue stay whether that The reason is know I can't . However
that is why U.S together have to stay will do the reason is Will it work ? they here stay
saffron I'll stop If you do , so myself shield shield I would if you do yourself yes Please .
that is why Our is it damage ? if it's profitable it 's profitable now The chief that simple …

court of law eyebrows spurt dreamed of

"It's ' simple ' did you?"

His from the mouth flowed out ice field same in the voice Jong-hyung to wear hold on
closed .

court Also myself excessively that I reacted did you notice Still Eyes winding up dislike
was out and sober energy missing soft in voice again slowly said .

" Jangmunin . If you say , I will ask you . Jangmunin said to think I this place on the
Yangtze River arrived after that critical make a mistake guilty that Were you there ?"

“ That is… ”

the bell type car easily don't answer could n't In the beginning emerged The thought is '
Yes .' was _ Backwards turn around if you look Yangtze haywire after the court guilty
every Days Because it was a mistake .

However the bell type work picture simply thinking People it wasn't

' The chief really shake hands Did you leave it?'

that just result Only . at the time the court most best make judgment did _ rather
Different these in emotion to be swung when , the only cool that it was Sun do _

problem is , that sober extremely common sense make judgment all shake hands Became
abandoned thing . no , that every make judgment I Cheon Woo Blind Force with a
handshake make abandoned will _
enemy gin friend stick , trap put waiting there is plum road advancing that really correct
was it a decision ? At that time court of law cool haha even that crane I took it off ,
really plum road if you advanced what Days did it happen count fat child too egg will _

defeated to war regret to put not to say said that is Right away bell type Myself Isn't it ?
already through abandoned that fight the volcano overturning Shaolin Department joint
as a bladder make discarded it is only

' Magic Also It's the same .'

magic stem for I saffron , and black devil did you see no different Hangzhou Road
destined that really common sense normal is it judgment ?

the master winning battlefield have to select to say said thing Also It is a bell-shaped he
even to look Hangzhou they fight number there is battlefield it wasn't that judgment is
never not wrong did n't

I the volcano alone to Gangnam break in bishop's neck while cutting Shaolin Department
joint Vessel Do not have as a coward downgrade throw away if not I mean .

" Chief ... "

" However think look at it I don't know . how I what make a mistake did it I mean . Heat
burn , hundred burn , cloth burn again think look at it I should have gotten off will do
judgment is It's clear ."

Jong-hyung head nodded . only this he too undeniable number there was no

" By the way that proper of judgment the price What is it ? I Cheon Woo-blind
momentum incomparable bar without It rose , and in the Yangtze River gaping in a
situation About zero Also all Cheon Woo Blind I took it . under heaven every these
Shaolin pointing a finger a volcano I praise you . even !"

woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much

the court Before laid tease grabbed _ finger the end raw wood dug into

" I Even the saffron magic blocked ball there , hands put there was Than Shaolin better by
the end come out yes isn't it? "


" deplorable It's okay ."

the court haha Smile abandoned .

" If it's right they already I should have lost do . However Was it so ? they of course have
to lose will do on the battlefield win and lose will do in a place profit get paid out . really
to imagine capital Do not have in a way ."

" again Let me ask you , the long writer . really Goto sleep report amazed lice lid of the
pot vigilant that wrong is it work ? that is really so too Foolish work ?"

" Chief ... "

" No. I _ in thought to be beaten as much as the year let it go same do repeating as
much as Foolish do it None . with the head understand number if not At least same the
mistake not repeat I shouldn't ."

"... so continue here you are are you ? I Cheon Woo Blind what work Whether to earn I
don't know border grass number Do n't you?"


" They this Yangtze River leave not the reason is to be that you see are you? "

the court answer without at teak hand it blew His the palm of your hand with sweat
cheerfully wet there was My palms looking down court finally to laugh spilling fell .

" I stuffy Boyle number that there is that is I understand ."

the bell type car that no don't answer could n't

" Amitabha . But one only once more practical Days If it happens , really irreversible
number Do not have up to the situation may be rushed I don't know . that's it stop
summer solstice Wouldn't you ?"

the bell type Eyes sticky winding up fell . here myself what speak even if court of law
heart turn number no fact know discarded will _

" The chief so far you say … … I more More than not persuade I will not . But , boss . one
eggplant you have to think do . now the host you do the word nobody I understand
can't will ."


" to hear Therefore … … Yes . to hear along that … … "

Jong-hyung a little hesitating sticky lips biting fiercely speak vomit paid out

" The chief just I to the volcanic sword scared ate up as if to be seen do ."

Moment court of law in the snow with blade same eyes leak came out jumpy Jong-hyung
Immediately head bowed down murmured .

" Of course I picture don't think but … … thinking short these are only like that not accept
can't will ."

" So chief , one only once more consider Please . The chief also from above leading are
you in position accustomed As you know , sometimes best choice the best not even one
It's the law . Different these I understand can't as much as Too previously out thinking is
following these far away So division give birth only ."

Jong-hyung last speak leave behind on the spot happened _

" I do not force I will not . However moderator , of course the best not of the result do
your best think Please . Then ."

Jong-hyung a room get out abandoned . the court then His back view looking horse
there was no

know there is

the horse there chart the bell type the disciples Soothe court to defend that it is
imperative fact I mean . hairy rotten in the meantime maybe somehow court want to help
field will _

However that fact know while being thanks Before in vain first rushed in

"... I'm afraid ate it ... … "

Funny . Too laughable story _

he who is it cloth year Shaolin contemporary host it 's court then he now barely volcanic
to the third mere to this scared eat it ? That too force time no , his think understand
number no when ?

this how funny paper won't number is there

" Really nevertheless I don't know ... … Heh heh heh ."

frustrated court of law the sound of laughter room inside filled .

and for a long time This time to pass that in the room dislike except The sound and the
beads rolling no sound can't hear did n't

1154 episodes . well , sure if necessary .(4)

"... awesome ."

Tang military evil Big cough in vain did _ just a little think look at it now the court how
what think do will there be in hand get caught seemingly drawn Because .

"... then Shaolin is … … "

"You know I guess , what . U.S then up to care write have to give one ."
that on horse Eyes sticky wind up discarded Tang military music again allusion asked .

" But you if you say they take a seat empty have to give we too Yangtze River leave
number there is thing Isn't it ?"

" Ah , sure then case No . actually we are in the first place get case all you got it go throw
it away It's over ."

" huh ? _ they to decide I mean ?"

" That's Different story . U.S like this should be I the cubs pond to fall thing No. "

"... maybe ?"

Cheongmyeong head nodding giggle laughed _

" Moderately kill it just sit even if I the cubs die outgoing It's a plate , I why first wake up
give me ? to keep until just before You have to hold on ."


" Originally the fight is to win doing crab No . form Example loath bloke I said doing
beggar ."

clarification looking Tang military music once again again I thought .

' the enemy not Good luck .'

first I human met at the time tick by mistake the enemy to be if now the court suffering
forage Different not Tang military evil being hit there would have been crab is n't it Then
in the stomach hole A little pierced to the extent it's over would not have will _

" So they are nerve Let's turn it off . in the eyes fire turn on report that there is What will
do number there is also not Because . actually now really situation twisted case saffron not
It's an old file room . for a while from afar sting gossiping thing except will do number
there is crab there will be no will . now quarrel to hang the public mind Too not Because
it's good ."

"I 'm sure ... "

People's mind case substantial strength not not , but quite people's My back push
blowing will _ especially cause there will be no when public mind at the time work
pervert Days often _

Furthermore face and justification most prioritizing if the court for a while Cheon Woo
Blind what even if not moving can't will _

' But … … '

Tang military music Careful is a person he again thoroughly think groping said .
" so be at ease worthy work not Go ."

" Yes ?"

" now not moving can't the horse finally Someday move that horse and picture different it
's not and I know If it's a court , it's time became want to at the time really huge … … "

Tang military evil speak stop to wear closed . on the face perplexed seemingly worked

a little Eyes thin floating then Him looking at Cheongmyeong again speak finish gave _

" Enemy Became appear would you?"

Tang military music car nonetheless , yes not even don't answer could n't he which speak
hagan , this on the spot spit out the horse ripple power too much size Because .

' Enemy ?'

so far Tang military music Cheon Woo-blind from the standpoint Various th I Shaolin
Department conflict brew came . sometimes a volcano support , and sometimes His by
will .

However so far he sun On things are clan liver happening of conflict It was an extension ,
me old file room five generations Calm hostilely to recognize it wasn't By the way today
His from the mouth too much Naturally , ' enemies ' horse come out bald will _

even I Shaolin against I mean .

' this really okay work? '

Suddenly naturally awareness change abandoned . perhaps so far Cheon Woo Blind old
file room how whether to deal with about Clear position not decided without in gaping
daily map I don't know .

"... the Volcano Swordsmanship ."

" Yes , my lord ."

" Ana asking want crab there is … … "

that on horse Cheongmyeong shoulder Shrugged .

" What say the word do want Guernsey know there is a place not appropriate not thing Is
it the same ?"

like a ghost intention sensible clarification looking Tang military evil bitter laugh built .

" Um , that's right ."

" what actually that's it U.S not over there run thing Is n't it ? if you watched As you know
, I first over there badly About few There wasn't ."


" Why Is that so ?"

" No , what ... just ... … "

something speak wanted to Tang military music Within haha Smile abandoned .

" Yes , human entry is all Different because it is ."

" Do you understand I'm happy ."

just This think summer solstice no throw away side better .

" Then First that the story fold to let and ."

to understand Also , I don't understand unhappy eardrum that at the end First head
nodded . Cheongmyeong look at moved _

" So. "

" Huh ?"

suddenly target became one hundred thousand English I don't know Eyes It was
terrifying .

" Again ."

"... to me suddenly why Is that so ?"

" now only us speak there is thing like . will do horse yes do n't you no way thinking there
was no case not Tego ."

Don't ' anyone think Was n't there ?' Called don't answer unhappy one hundred
thousand erratic with face made excuses

" Do not I tell me No matter what ... … "

" Oh , who step forward sun line is it ?"

Cheongmyeong goofy in tone said .

" all the time did It's a story I mean ."

" Huh ?"

" in war when you enter someone instructions get off give wait hour same thing none ."

" Immediately he judge , and have to move do it I make judgment summer solstice
because I can't head turning even for a moment People die ."

bluntly speak but , that on horse soaked make sense small did n't

' So Usual to think , to judge , to express an opinion smoking Thing naturally sun Dura Big

this bald meeting even one war prepared it's work do you think tension and At the same
time a little crampiness flocked _

" Then , say came out Kim on … … small and medium sects that is ."

" They Why ? just now I said case just ... … "

" No . That horse no , war going on By-self join me wait crab not Positively incorporation
aiming crab get better maybe ?"

" ho ?"

Cheongmyeong that's fun seemingly one hundred thousand looking up asked .

" Why ?"

" came out it's a story Cheon Woo Blind properly system not caught Otherwise , they who
to follow Whether I don't know to be Backwards Thinking about it , we they which
whether these already cooked do not put would not have when appropriate instructions
to come down getting harder maybe ?"

“ Oh … ”

“ Wow … ”

Jong-gwa Yoon jogging fierce in reaction one hundred thousand Eyes slenderly popped

" What ? Why ?"

" No , Sasuk . Laughing crab not … … "

" Really Long time no see private residence same speak heard thing like ."


" Then look Before Sook-eun I was like this ."

" The volcano lead conflict write sound heard equator there was Now is just town bar … …

"... and desperate snout shut up crab yes to the gods good thing Do you think ?"
" Yep !"

jogger immediately to wear closed . one hundred thousand this popping grinded . that in
the meantime agree seemingly silently head nodding Lee Seol keeps on on the nerve it
was annoying

" bad not I think ."

" Actually just waiting case passive did ."

all over the place in favor opinion came out especially Department of Tang Gun Music
swear word Positive reaction seemed _

"You have to lead will do these accurately to grasp case certainly important work ."

" ah Volcano Sword Consultation As they say , they mostly yet old file room little more
trusting thing As it is , snow floating take away before Positively then look also bad I will
not . now same the public mind diluted they old file room naturally again accept before I
mean ."

" Um , my thought same as . one hundred thousand good comment take out gave it to

one hundred thousand shoulder in a short time strength went in

' Yes , right this ... … '

" Ugh . Nothing meaning Do not have do it ."

returning in confidence candles pop striking voice is suddenly intervened _ one hundred
thousand looking back still on the wall hear lean Im So-byeong hijuk smiling said .

" Oh , I'm sorry , 100 thousand . stamp . ㅛ group club one every time Specter ."

My to wear ridiculously swipe hit stand Lim So-byeong Bonnie fire pit more It boils .

"... meaning no did you?"

" Yeah , what that … … hundred thousand stamped thinking bad case not , but that What
… … getting case no only the head to rot work self-proclaimed thinking Repeatedly into I
mean . that is partisan of people called the characteristic case me too accustomed know
but … … haha ."

" Why make sense no do you see even if you ask would you like I to look clearly help to
be Work I guess ."

" Help It ' ll help . Oh my gosh help not to be Days where would you like to Here you are
people the door open go out ㅓ yard even if you sweep living place it's helpful It will be
rather help not to say do it this baby . one hundred thousand stomach upset chukkuk
sting came . Qingming hahaha chart to afford It's hard , even Lim So- byeong together
there is stomach upset from both sides tingling feel like

" so Think … … "

" the reason even if you ask can you ? of course It 's okay . what , that Answer me giving
crab Would it be difficult ?"

Im So-byeong at the wall My back take off posture fix sat down naturally His in hand was
heard debt chock unfolded _

" In the beginning conference purpose lost this unnecessary opinions coming out will .

"... yes ?"

" one I solved it Different will do work Let's find it . that Before premise What is it ?"

" Yeah ... more efficiently Cheon Woo Meng Maintenance _ _ Against fight for … … "

" That's the problem It will , that !"

Lim So-byeong in one go head nodding there was these flinched _

" such floating cloud grasped sound do So , useless by story a meeting round and round
turning thing Isn't it ! hour waste and !"

head nodding these himself then enemy no seemingly hair fixed it and naturally head
reminisced Oh Gum-eun back Lim So-byeong on the side stick to a hundred thousand
Healan's eyes Send started _

one hundred thousand on the chest a thousand dollars it was tight

' me loyalty Do not have cubs ... … '

I Someday it's saffron and Nabal from you catch up Really … …

" To Sapa-ryun confront go for No. "

percussion !

Im So-byeong folded with debt My hand slammed down

" To Sapa-ryun win It's for ."


" What is a person anything to do when for now I'm relieved . he playing yes without ,
trying that there is relief get number Because . However that relief sometimes People
hammering It's the law . anywhere useless do and Time to waste making it ."
" Ummm ... "

" I 'll ask you , so position If new saffron beat number are there? "

Lim So-byeong sharp in the eyes Namgungdowi flinched _

“ That is… ”

" Then ? _ clan join them and organize make let go saffron beat number are there? "

" no doing rather than … … "

hundred thousand degrees horse tail cloudy fell . that is on the battlefield big Affect line
number no case hundred thousand Also know there was

" Twittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt been "

percussion !

Im So-byeong again My with debt palms for said .

" This gentlemen Cheon Woo Meng this like There is !"

Namgungdowi and one hundred thousand face bubbly turned red right say to refute
difficult also true , but that speak one lice at least Im So-byeong crab them More
shamefully made _

they living when Sapa to the guy admonish listen will you see

" Nevertheless Namgung cattle give A little Better ."

" What ?"

Namgungdowi in amazement Lim So-byeong saw _ no way I human Him defend give … …

" position that it is necessary point is exactly That's right . this the humans gather in a
meeting Time to waste Bae , I'd rather properly Military position made me There seated
crab Better ! then Bad hair dare to roll to suffer thing without just I letting Road Just roll it
, aww !"

flew in the throat beaten Im So-byeong the floor swarm swarm roll on the wall got stuck

" Anyway I Sapa the cub giggle place not giggle derl unwittingly minute by minute line
over it ."

Cheongmyeong hand taktak robbed . blankly looking at these are that Moment
Hyunjong swipe outstretched hand reaping look looking flinch fell .

huh ? Then Bonnie I sore throat usually that … … my lord on the side there was … …

uh ... …
" By the way What illy Do not have the story no ."

Cheongmyeong shoulder shrugging wriggling Lim So-byeong looked up

" Yeah , Han th chatter Look . therefore saffron win if you want U.S What Sun do you do it

" like this group let go ?"

" Oh , then more right ?"

" Ah , rotten ."

flowed out a nosebleed by retail buck polished Im So-byeong Oh Man-sang writing

again posture Right away did _

Everyone is serious by eye His to wear looked up

1155 episodes . well , sure if necessary .(5)

that atmosphere In the midst , even the clear a little anticipation embrace Lim So-byeong
looked up

he this have a meeting convened The reason is From now on What Sun do you I don't
know No. _ he in its own way from what Sun Whether think finished placed _

nevertheless he have a meeting hosted The reason is two .

one , now more More than alone thinking alone lead going way By adhering to not
become when .

little I'm to a hundred thousand Like I said , here there is these each one war would have
happened at the time myself by judging Different these lead doing are people

someone make a decision get off cycle waiting habit listen throw away myself have to
judge will do at the time properly make judgment get off unable situation to happen will

so At least these are self myself do your best to find these should be do _ to do that In
order to Qingming Also My comment take a little reduce need there is will _

diarrhea that conference result Cheongmyeong thinking best way and out of line even
though , as a result the best to be that believe there was

In addition Different One … …

' I alone not all right .'

Cheongmyeong omnipotent No. _

no matter how that was terrible war suffered , and others dare guess number Do not have
diagonal line in abundance passed even though finally clear experience and in
recognition limit there is

so far he thinking way It matched, but with Jang Il- so called magic giant enemies to face
His by force alone not enough

so comment Gather want to see will _ here there is these are Cheongmyeong ears to tilt
lack of Do not have because they are

that Moment Im So-byeong to wear opened .

" to win In order to what Is it important ?"

"... yes ?"

Namgungdowi dazedly ask Im So-byeong folded with debt My hair tok tock knocked .

" a question A little was it difficult I see . two People fight which lice do you win ?"

" Yeah ... little more hard practice On That 's it ."

“ No , no . _ more well grasped This is it ."

" I Rather , his limit Clearly know there is lice beat probability more high I think ."

theories poured out

then , obvious word hives sprouting lice outrageous no seemingly touk exhaled .

" just more sen the guy winning thing isn't it ?"

Moment static flowed _ everyone's gaze to yourself let's focus jogging face red heated up

" Oh no , my _ The words … … "

" That's right !"

"... huh ?"

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah _

Im So-byeong debt unfolded _

" Something modifier paste going round and round turn Say it have to see in conclusion
There is only one . more sen side win . that is strong only truth Is n't it ?"

" Look , look ! My horse That 's right !"

" Goa what did you?"

" Why alone Are you mad ?"

" Oh my gosh , Cha -am good job ."

" this , this Gentlemen !"

Everyone is from jog soberly look at turned _ in the world good luck praise Cycle loath
human to be it's bound to happen

" Then in war win In order to What should I do , Namgung? Is it Soga Junii ?"

that burdensome look at received Namgungdowi upper body backwards a little leaned

" Yeah ... "

this outrageous the answer is My from the mouth come out Days to be all that
imagination pond sun look came , but now return the atmosphere only to him one Branch
answer forcing there was

" I , we more count down It's okay ."

" Oh my gosh . Now A little Head You 're dead ."


living most stupid visible answer do praise received _ that true Namgungdowi egg
number Do not have in a sense of wonder missed out of course that in the meantime
saffron to Lim So-byeong praise under interior glad on about strange not notice could n't

" Come on then more counting in the way what Will you be there ?"

" Yeah ... "

Im So Byeong-do up to here answer don't expect not sure , clean tidy up sun abandoned

" Just right two branch . quality strengthen or increase increase or ."

that on horse one hundred thousand was furious

" No , then just now small and medium … … "

" Maybe so talking I mean , the sheep to increase case power to be these to supplement
girl means . no way What are you talking about all all to attract strength more to be
strong Khitan one-dimensional think you do the minute Here Would n't it ?"

" That , yes ."


momentarily speak turn discarded one hundred thousand toward sting gaze poured out
head snuggle bow down he interior this grinded .
" By the way that … … "

party sneakily to wear opened .

" sure way that only two case Isn't it ? strategy or tactics , and … … "

" Oh , a trick ?"

Im So-byeong prey laughed _

" Oh , what I will number There is . Soga owner too hair well write than myself two ship
degree strong enemy against to fight number There will be ."

" not easy I wouldn't, but … … "

" Then count the boat ?"


" Five ship ? Heat the boat ?"

party Moment honey eaten dumb became _ hair to write Heat ship sen this against beat
number If there is , people why at night mountain rising girl would you be afraid with bare
fists tiger to catch don't go

" Do you know ? In the first place power difference in front strategy or the tactic is It's
pointless . head not write beat number if there is crazy head rot going beat in a way
Would you like to invent ? body bad Head suffering beggar ."

" Ah , no ... Han Gojodo port I won ."

" One-on-one If it sticks right dead ! that Yangbando there is power , no power all drag
Taguri friend thing Isn't it !"


listen Bonnie That too right I mean do _

" now saffron we during who more Are you strong ?"

" Yeah ... "

This think pussy even if you don't answer will do number there is

" It's saffron ."

" Yes . That one Count ."

yet Cheon Woo-blind by power saffron alone facing crab easy not . of course each other
united these how much in unison whether you are moving therefore situation to change
However , it was revealed power alone saffron exactly in the upper hand there is
" In the beginning thinking there is If a person lacks with power more strong power get
over it pay plan to weave Time don't waste does not . that Between power to stretch How
to find it ."

Everyone is Lim So-byeong on horse bewitch started _

" By the way military Jill is !"

Im So-byeong head swish turn clarification looked up

" here in charge to deal with yangban are you there I yangban Property dirty and different
to be absolutely to use day without this ability The one is manor urgent grade … … hey
hey hey ! it put it down with inkstone if right I really die . Die !"

Cheongmyeong reluctantly listen posted inkstone again got off Im So-byeong cold sweat
by retail stealing speak was _

" So left case sheep increasing only thing no will ."

“ But … ”

that speak heard party ambiguous expression built .

" Small and medium-sized help not if big wave pulling no choice but to no , now in the
situation to us to join place Do n't you ?"

" remaining power there is also no , in the first place everyone amalgamation I did ."

" Hmmm ."

Everyone is puzzled with face say Im So-byeong meaningful smile built .

" Then the gatekeeper that it is necessary in point everyone agreed to right ?"

"... it's possible if you do ."

" Of course to be tens of thousands if there is However , realistically is it difficult Problem

Isn't it ?"

Lim So-byeong intellectual their Hurt part accurately stabbed .

in the first place now Cheon Woo Blind to each other About understanding increase and
connect want to strengthen The reason is two have _ The one is victims cut down is for ,
and One … …

' Even so not if really pond beat Because .'

one hundred thousand Serious with face Lim So-byeong saw _ until now Im So-byeong
spit word middle most was sick is ' a person anything to do when for now It was safe ' .
that to a hundred thousand perfectly fit was the word Chun Woo Meng saffron Between
the gap clearly that there is Thing consciously while being Every day to train only to
every spirit sold _ radical problem rather than solve will do number there is Thing want to
all will _

' this visual difference ?'

perhaps This myself thinking try to solve doing Im So-Byeong Not yet someone a
solution my cycle waiting one hundred thousand maybe the difference I don't know .

one hundred thousand this moment My in the chest fiercely engraved put in

Im So-byeong debt widely sound get better folding said .

" Okay . Bunchung !"

" Yes , the King of Green Forest !"

" map open Look !"

" Yes !"

caterpillar in hand holding there was big map chock open heard _ bulky so much Big
Bonnie two People from both sides open listen will do map even alone wide open unfold
number there was

' That already get ready came ?'

Tang military music outrageous with face Lim So-byeong saw _ now Bonnie the green
king in the first place Here this talker Ogal Thing already guessed was the shape

" present in the midfield belonging not clear not the doorstep all yes where it is ."

" yes where is it ?"

" Yes . The two you too know where . Saeoesa Palace middle left two people Namhae
Palace of the Sun It's Podalab Palace ."

" Ah ... "

that speak heard these Eyes It was terrifying . and It's called Podalab Palace. horse come
out clear Snow momentarily shone _

" and In addition One … … It's a new palace self-proclaimed at the time included It's a
bloodbow ."

" That , but The blood arch is … … "

" Yes , yes . I know . But for now of possibility problem fold leave , do not belong not
power only put discuss let's see will ."
" Ummm . If that's the case ... "

in the first place blood bow that main body wherever clearly unknown not Mystery
Moonpain Besides , the Mundos propensity so much to be special famous With Cheon
Woo-meng that grain Right did n't

" With a bird the midfield not fit I can't But , that At least Only for Cheon Woo Meng not
accepted not I mean . and Here Fortunately Sae et al. two sectarian chapter Wow are you
there them to persuade any to be suspect will ."

"... why ? that think pond did ."

" That's right ... "

Everyone is It's absurd seemingly each other looked back

of course Beast Palace binggong Cheon Woo-blind be a member so they Cheon Woo-
blind side will listen Khitan guarantee is no _ Saeoesa Palace notably representing clan
there is also no , that solidarity think More than Because it is loose .

However that two clan scarce Cheon Woo-blind power fill up line possibility to have thing
Also obvious actually Is n't it ?

" This Between most power to be worthy where is First It's Podalab Palace ... … "

" no okay ."

Cheongmyeong with a single knife hand I stumbled .

" In the chief So far come war to burst will ."

"That 's correct ."

Im So-byeong sorry seemingly taste finished .

" Besides Podalab Palace at any rate My area leave not , really big deal only if not get on
inquiry even in dispute not intervene not as a girl known There is . so possiblity there will
be no Tego ."

Oh Gum-eun past met Banseon Lama remembering head nodded .

no , in the first place that for a person with us together fight ask for nonsense pond take
out thing was like that short even by meeting egg number there was Normally with
unmanned that the ark to be different Girl .

" Then left where is Here it is ."

👌👌👌👌 _

Im So-byeong lightly map of one place straw Moment People's Snow swung around
"... to there are you going ?"

“ Ah , no , there too . People Sana ? midfield like that wide ?"

" Okay ."

Im So-byeong hewn place looking swear word hair buck scrape put it on

" It's Namhae Sun Palace ."

" Yes , yes . Currently . which wherever do not belong not It's a big door ."

" But ... ha ha that easy Days no . in the first place that … … Namhae Sun Palace to Im -
eup _ yes Isn't it ?"

"That 's right ."

" In the beginning they are with us horse and writing itself different . Shh to mix number
there won't be ."

" That's You have to endure it ."

“ And … decisively Namhae Sun Palace you guys know as if outside the bird imperial
power wielding clan no ."

" Yes ?"

" Really you are the king Namhae Sun Palace archers It's royalty ."

"... huh ?"

This Im So Byeong-do didn't know Eyes gagged _

" Really ?"

"... I this as a girl by lying What would you ? so they are that … … in a foreign country
come fight think in the first place summer solstice won't girl . them from the standpoint
Chun Woo Meng be together ask for offer how can you hear me?"

" Yeah ... "

" The imperial to themselves Different in the country happening to war as a nerd get
involved ask for in words can't hear wouldn't it ?"

" Uh ... "

" If reaper to send there I subtract give me At Lee Yeok Man-ri time division being hit
want to because it doesn't ."

Im So-byeong honey eaten dumb Became swear by obliviously saw _

and at that time Cheongmyeong to wear opened .

" majestic started and what is it Eventually no one pond along coming is that right ?"

" Yeah put handsome as if Mushran Ignoring all and ."

" What ? Nothing meaning Do not have did you?"

atmosphere slowly get rough Im So-byeong stifle backwards faded away especially
Namgungdowi and one hundred thousand eyes Sim Sang-chi did n't

" Come on , wait ! Not yet ! Not yet ! more There is !"

" again what A revamp !"

" useless resistance quit quietly That's right ."

" No , because there is ! In the first place ! yes called the army Did I tell you ! here for
sure ! Right away Here it is !"

percussion !

Im So-byeong Again map of one place straw moment , everyone gaze that finger finally
turned to

"... what ?"

“ Are you crazy … ”

" This human really Are you crazy ?"

everyone's from the mouth outrageous reaction At the same time burst came out

1156 episodes . all sectarian discarded Moonpara .(1)

all will do speak bereaved blazing reaction Boyle when , just one Different reaction flowed

" That Why ?"

that Moment Yoon Jong don't ask do not follow without jogging chin turn abandoned .

" Fuck !"

at once out jogging looking Yoon Jong briefly tongue full .

" Please like a human a little ... … "

However that Moment jogger jump body got up shout out hit .

" Oh , I No! "

" Huh ?"

Yoon Jong bewildered Eyes let's chew jogger chagrin full cold with face protested _

" No , the death penalty ! I still upward ate merchant house management I bring my son ,
please over there somewhere line Don't you know ?"

"... that , huh ?"

Yoon Jong shyly back hair was scratched

Too school haha horse come out don't ask do not follow without just First reflexively
jogging cracking I thought _ Bonnie he too right was the word

" That , then who ?"

" No , a living person. I hope you catch from apple I must !"

" you ok . Usual less stricken thing this time Even I got hit Think about it ."

"... you really Are you robbed ? Really ? Are you lying ?"

jogul and Yoon Jong again thump start it was time

" That Why ?"

again once same heard in the voice ax eye knitted Yoon Jong head swish turned _

" Huh ?"

inexpressive Yui Seol discovered Moment His Snow conflict place unwittingly back and
forth flipped over

" Why ?"

" Ah , no . Accident . Ha ha ha . The wind It's cool ."

indoors fire map not wind enjoying Yoon Jong somewhat Eyes down _

" Wow , man discriminatory thing Look ."

" Noisy , man . You discrimination A little even if okay ."

"... Oh my God ."

Jong-eul Yoon sunk Lee Seol again head tilted _

" That's Where are you? why only there apart ?"

as always in the middle Moderately cut off throw away a little to understand difficult
horse However , only Dangsoso like a ghost Yuisul's mean I understood .
" Accident . Over there It's an island . therefore on land seperately away there is will ."

" Island ?"

" Yes , island ! Map cheek line Do n't you know?"

" Yeah ."

" Oh , then I will number There is . over there island , and land and island Between slash
hit laid the part It's the sea ."

" If it's an island ?"

" Haenam Island ."

Lee Seol is still English I don't know It was the face . However this more than Dangso
Sodo solve it line medical charge there was no now Lee Seol bewildered The reason is I
human why Haenam-do pointing whether there is was a part, and it was even the small
The reason know I couldn't Because .

Yuisul's fierce gaze and of our place suspicion young gaze At the same time let it pour
Im So-byeong shit smile built .

" Huhhhhhh . Yes , that's right . This place is Right away This is Haenam-do ."

"... now , wait a minute ."

that Moment one hundred thousand outrageous no seemingly intervened _

" Haenam- do?"

" Yes !"

" Really Haenam- do?"

" Maybe Snow Are you bad ?"

" Oh no , that 's not … … "

one hundred thousand at all Understanding not go , though First to ask handan with
expression to wear took off

" Then Maybe … … the green king said , we to join number there is Daemun Para where is
it ? I hope … … Is n't it ?"

" Whoa . Why ? Isn't it ?"

Paang !

Im So-byeong map with the palm of your hand phut beating triumphantly said .
" under heaven Countless clan but , I South ocean in Haenam-do as a base take the
gatekeeper Oh my gosh Only Only one !"


" Yeah ! What Hide it ! Right away It's Haenampa !"

" Walk ."

" Yes , the death penalty ."

" today point diet know are you there? "

" today was beef thing I guess ."

Oh , good . rice or to eat Shall we go ?"

"I do ."

" Then me too water lily I have to go ."

" ok , think about it . Bonnie Days A little left _ First From that … … "

People goofy with face one two on the spot stand Let's start , Lim So-Byeong even more
elevated in voice shouted _

Oh no , no reaction why Is it like this ! I like this gaga blocked strategy with I 'm here !"

" I'm hungry ."

" Oh , yesterday . practice injured shoulder zero hang ."

" Even in the evening to train are you? "

" horse A little Listen !"

Im So-byeong annoyance shout out let's shout one hundred thousand ears reluctantly
bluntly responded _

" What word should be the same listen give it ."

" I Yangbando all ok . still for a while A little smart I wanted to ."

" bandit all That 's right . like that Head if you like I'm doing banditing Would you like to
live ?"

Bina Naeul beyond Healing poured out However that Moment Im So-byeong debt c
unfold I heard lower pipe to cover loose laughed _

" This , this ... "

head rowing Lim So-byeong looking Everyone is glance frowned .

" I yangban In addition why Are you there? "

" Leave it Leave it . crooked thing I guess ."

or or not Im So-byeong own in the world don't get out did n't

" Fufu . Always the times leading the genius around jealousy I do not understand to
suffer doing It's the law . of course have to go through will do work suffering is it notably
Hwado me not ."

"... Ah , yes, yes . You must be ."

" Bob let 's eat Hungry ."

People really outside to get out lets do it Im So-byeong hastily debt falling down
shouted _

" No ! Once listen Because you can see it !"

" listen have to see What do you anyway It's bullshit ."

" No ! Why ? not just do it are you doing it ! People every possibility open it leave think
Sun doing beggar ! that closely blocked prejudice and stereotype how much good
thoughts blocking ... … !"

" no , this Yangban !"

intolerable one hundred thousand annoyance voice raised _

" horse felled sound must ! Haenam wave old file room I belong to , why to us Stick , why
! that gentlemen thinking Isn't there !"

" here now five generations origin two yes Isn't it ! slang dangana Namgung in the fifth
generation get away Chun Woo Meng to be together I'd say think copy few Are you
there ?"

" Huh ?"

Im So-byeong firmly said .

" Just right Five year only before then speak If you did , in heaven where even if you go
orphan certificate receive number there would have been will . Person handling or sun
give You must have been lucky !"

" Yeah what ... … "

one hundred thousand end of words it was cloudy actually that is picture wrong the
horse not Because . they are that a series of flow in the middle there was , all that
naturally would have felt Only .
However Cheon Woo-blind walk from afar seen for them dangana Namgung Whether it's
Cheonwoomeng thing Also shocking Days Was n't it ?

" The five generations it happened It's called the old file room. not to be crab What !
those guys What to be born since on the head gold terrazzo wrap around because you
were born Damn it ! to burn If it's an old file room It's an old file room ! why People
discriminate ignore … … "

" Wow , the king of green forest . That's No. _ sergeant without You have to tell me ."

" Oh , yes ."

caterpillar let's calm down Im So-byeong Oops and then expression bud changed . that
the sight see of these Snow little more became thin

" The old file room same rice eating is a person . one th It was an old file room. forever
The old file room no case volcano people directly proven actually no ... … "

" What , this are you kid ?"

" Cheongmyung !"

" Cheongmyeong-ah ! Be patient !"

" I human put it away ! Hurry up ! no that the story suddenly why take out rested baby
seizure get up Do you make it !"

cowardly ogum and the elders Eyes twisted clarification pressed down half way back clear
in the eyes madness paroxysmal spit out came out

" What ? In Gupa are you kicked out ? this bandit cub pierced Mouth !"

" Damn , I was kicked out. not I did ... … "

" But this baby ?"

" Tea , hold on !"

" hey ! tight Hold on , tight ! now to him if right king of green Golo Go !"

Im So-byeong cold sweat shedding backwards stifle retreated _

" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... " _ _ _ _

Paang !

Im So-byeong palms poof spread out on the map painted Haenam-do again once hit .

" I doing horse which whether it means know In order to now Haenam wave be in trouble
there is situation understand need There is ."
" Listen one ?"

" Why ?"

all over the place vein refluent reaction leak came out , but Im So-byeong steadfastly
speak Following went out

" It should be noted will do the part Here it is ."

Im So-byeong big map of the central part horizontally all the way drew _

that line what do you mean do not know this is here exist did n't midfield long draw
passing by thing . that soon Yangtze River means _

" Hyun the midfield Yangtze River to the border male and female drum divided There is .
Gangnam saffron dominate, and Gangbuk old file room of the five generations influence
more more It's huge ."

" Hmm ."

know story come out Start People slowly attention had _

" The Yangtze River the water stream Sichuan Gina and Sichuan chief border fabricated to
the cross mountain range It will follow . again In other words , the Yangtze River
occupied Moment from below consolation rising the road completely clogged Meaning ."

" What bald sound ."

" Then Try it . The old file room everyone where are there? "

" Yeah ... "

bluntly want to answer one hundred thousand expression Moment It became subtle .

" Would you like to see it ?"

Im So-byeong quickly width inside pencil take it out the lid I opened it and it was on the
map close dot took a picture

" Do you know?"

one hundred thousand without a word head nodded . Im So-byeong shoulder

Shrugging said .

" As you can see old file room in the fifth generation under clan middle mostly Yangtze
River to the center on top flock There is . ARMY , Cheongseong , Jeom Chang-eun
Yangtze River Right away stomach Sichuan Province exists, and the shaman Yangtze
River stomach Hubei , Jongnamgwa volcano , and Shaolin Hubei Over Hanam-ga in
Shaanxi There is . stir in the blue sea there is Kunlundae in the simmer there is joint to
say need None ."

" That's right ."

new it was a thing old file room five generations Gangbuk to the center seated that there
is case already extensively known because it was work dare again scrutinize the water also
no _

I one place except I mean .

Im So-byeong with a brush Guangxi Province Under there is Haenam-do fiercely drew _

" here How are you ?"

"... it's south ."

natural it's a thing Haenam-do midfield at the southernmost point ' cause

yes . Only Only the Haenam Wave in Gangnam exist _ That too just Gangnam no , saffron
dominating Gangnam Through in the south sea alone drip away there is that which Even
in the clans help receive number Do not have to the plight I mean .

" As you know , the old file room saffron no more come back number Do not have river
crossed . each other when this whether to reveal problem only ."

" Yeah ... "

" Then one I'll ask ."

Im So-byeong pair corners of the lips pull raising laughed _

" War is Where Shall we start ?"


" Until now everyone of course in the Yangtze River war to begin I'd say would have
thought will . But … … really Will it ?"

one hundred thousand to wear closed .

" one I'm going to ask you , really loser My etc. behind enemy leave left unattended war
to start would you like to? "

No. _ here there is Everyone is that Surely to bet number there was Jang Il-so never My
hear aim number there is these save do not put won't will _

" I promise , of war signal to inform where is Yangtze No. _ Right away Haenam-do . Our
in the eyes Haenam-do an isolated worker Became alone crisis suffering as As you can
see , the in the eyes ?"
Cheongmyeong yet yourself crush there is these sneakily push out in place upright sat

"... behind seperately drop it there is like a byeol-dong that it seems is it? "

"That 's correct . front , main on the wire troops would have focused when , when
sapphire into the realm beating come in rear smashed pay number there is to a place You
will see it ."

Im So-byeong shit laughed _

“ How about you , Dojo ? If you are defeated Haenam-do What would you like to do ?"

" I Jang Il-so that Sapa cub not that _ Questions A little petulance me ."


“ But … ”

Cheongmyeong chin 괸 chae , eyes shined _

" I If it is Jang Il- so… … No , Jang Il-so no chart Haenam-do just two thing not equal it's
not ."

“ For sure … ”

" But at there war that it begins case wrong I mean ."

"... yes ?"

that Moment clear voice is loose it sank

" War getting started before first sum up to put I will ."


" now right away I mean ."

that horse and together room in atmosphere chill it sank

1157 episodes . every sectarian discarded Moonpara .(2)

strange atmosphere room in fell down

Cheongmyeong on the map painted Haenam-do pierce through looked up

' I missed Is it ? '

no , like that case No. _ no matter how His in the era Haenam wave old file room that it
wasn't handl . now Haenam wave old file room belong to in Haenam-do that there is
fact miss number is there was no
nevertheless clear in mind Such true stay yes didn't The reason is in the first place The
old file room he in my mind put have to coordinate will do target was not Because .

' That's maharaja bald It's up to you .'

Cheon Woo Meng one wholly dry also It's hard old file room until ejaculation look at you
number is Do not have thing Isn't it ?

By the way now Different not Im So-byeong that part point out came out will _ exactly
This As a name to think tiring was part

Different these Also this situation Than you think Sim Sang-chi not saying Thing Did you
know , more More than Lim So-byeong not bruised without Serious with face in trouble
locked .

Tang military evil chin kneading to wear opened .

" that I mean … … now Haenam wave one hundred vertebrae in the situation be in
trouble that there is do you mean ?"

"I will will ."

" But Understanding not going side there is Yes chart that situation solve these are U.S not
old file room Isn't it ?"

that on horse Everyone is head nodded . However Im So-byeong Meaningful smile built
said .

" change think Let's see ."

" Huh ?"

" of the Haenam on entry standing Let's see . that the yangbans anyway in Haenam-do
well eat well live There was . By the way which me suddenly Shaolin including old file
room Namgung that … … no what _ The five generations … … "

swipe Namgungdowi looked at Im So-byeong humble expression building speak was _

" In the Yangtze River water vegetables beating Sapa the year suddenly discussion
without Gangnam inviolable treaty have concluded then Haenamist from the standpoint
How would you like it ?"

" It's a lightning bolt , what ?"

" People baby I'd like to ."

" I if equal bald on the crown fire to rush went ."

deep to think also Do not have it was a thing

Gangnam inviolable the treaty Different old file room For the generations Sapa pressed
Gangnam land step on do not let became humiliating it is a treaty However that
Backwards as it were would have been a humiliation only , practical the threat that it
wasn't means ,

However Haenamist from the standpoint how was it

Gangnam Violent treaty with one Haenam wave unwittingly Sapa to the guys surrounded
isolated discarded that is

" Wait a minute . But that even before same here Wasn't it ?"

" It's different ."

on a jog to the question Im So-byeong perfect cut said .

" Of course Gangnam even before safaga dominant It was land . However Shinjuo Pae
and saffron Different is … … each other hostilely do you recognize or as a colleague Do
you recognize it? "

" Ah ... "

" Shin Juo Pae even in times Sapa It was strong . haha man that strength show off It was
difficult . each other each other Because it was the enemy . in the first place U too that
to rot all people with cubs war not take Wasn't it ?"

that on horse Tang military evil heavily head nodded .

" It was ."

" So Haenam wave In terms of isolated that sea , safaga unite work there is no picture as
a threat felt didn't That 's it . and in the bay one safaga attack coming Days If it occurs ,
the Yangtze River in the watershed there is Namgung Sena independents , and
geographically by the way near Sichuan clan Right away support all thing Isn't it ?"

"I guess so ."

Tang military evil to think also no seemingly head nodded . Danga only chart then
situation if it happened every work aside leave to Gangnam would have been will _ that
gupawa five generations each other liver tied promise or because it was the same

" But Gangnam inviolable treaty tied moment !"

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah _

Lim So-byeong brush again one th Yangtze River follow map width drew _

" Haenampa what work Either way , the old file room them not support I can't ."
" Ah ... "

just then Haenam wave would have felt pressure Everyone is I understood .

" so three year … … "

" Yes , that is true . Haenam group is whopping three year blood dry heartily hold on paid
will . when safaga them to aim not knowing Anxiety inside I mean . Then Finally ! that
long long three years This time through I'm going ... … "

" Plum blossoms It exploded ."

" Yeah, bang . do burst I threw it away ."

everyone's gaze momentarily on one side turned to Namgungdowi blushed with face
head snuggle bowed down

' thinking pond did .'

of course already think said so Namgung Palace to dry number Wouldn't have been ,
anyway they Sapa while attacking Haenam wave which position will it be Not at all not
consider could n't

" Plum Blossom the situation left behind in conclusion is one . Gangnam inviolable the
treaty now It will be over, but … … that's all thing . now anyway each other each other
land to tread number None . that hangzhou horse flower when , me Shaolin directly
proven Work Isn't it ?"

"That 's right ."

one hundred thousand Big head nodded .

Shaolin at that time treaty The problem if not saffron dominating on the ground
sectarian feet to take it's embarrassing Thing under heaven announced thing or the same

" Then now Haenam wave which Is it your position ?"

one hundred thousand firm with face map looked up which Are you in your position ? …

"I was abandoned think do There must be ."

"That 's correct ."

Im So-byeong match sound get better clap hit .

" shaman of Haenam position at least a little If you think about it , the Yangtze River like
open up not It 's done . and Shaolin of Haenam position at least a little If you think
about it , the magician's call out at the time somehow Gangnam land step on Minna
Yang ally be dangerous in the city old file room to Gangnam heading number that there
is signal have to give did ."

Im So-byeong coldly was ridiculed

" But two th all do it didn't ."

People's shoulder a little trembled _ position change put think Bonnie Haenam wave
would have felt feeling of despair desperately felt Because .

" Already Haenam wave Finally in the old file room joined Moon Para sense of
entitlement there would have been will . then in the meantime neatly Do not have clan
up to handling suffered That 's it . this in the situation they really old file room position
to keep Just by Shaolin shaman themselves for run line Khitan faith with Will there be? "

" no I would ."

" Yeah, stupid . heaven and earth not more than do it won't will . old file room of the five
generations solidarity Previous if equal I don't know , internally quadrant fissure me there
is this in the situation I far away where there is Haenam wave exoneration for saffron to
face clan how many will it be In a nutshell ... … "

Lim So-byeong eyes It was cool . always degree shouted partisan in reality About cold
ridicule packed there was

" there won't be will ."

no one prematurely to wear open could n't no speak I want to, but the truth is that it is
Thing Everyone is know ' cause

' Gangnam there Have you grown up ?'

suddenly map bottom the end without vast seemed _ Haenam wave Apply In order to I
large Gangnam as a servant have to cross do _

' say not all right .'

one hundred thousand lips a little trembled _

actually Hangzhou in Gangnam picture deep where not located did n't Yangtze River
Riding transversely Gaya will do length far crab It was a problem , in the first place in the
Yangtze River far away there is no place Is n't it ?

However Haenam wave completely horse different _ I Haenam to support Going In order
to convenience den or no different Gangnam completely across to the sea have to arrive
do _

" No , actually in the sea Even if you arrive … … "

" To the island how go ?"

"... the saffron dominate there is in Gangnam Haenam Road conflict up to the ship to
save that I mean ."

" Even war born horse hear then when you depart to arrive before the end me it ' ll so
already Gaya that is that sound ?"

Im So-byeong Big head nodding tidy up did _

" Yes , that ' s right . So . Haenam help In order to that condition must be equipped
Haenam salvation not request even though it wasn't to Namhae heading number should
be And saffron _ seething Gangnam even if you break through Haenam Road heading
How to In addition have to find do ."

Hyun Jong-eun stunned with face map looked up

' This is … … '

This really simply old file room to rebuke worthy Days No. _ realistically Here Haenam-do
help way exist not saying chart exaggeration it wasn't

“ The King of Green Forest , this is … ”

" Yes , I know . But so that make sense there is That's it ."

👌👌👌👌👌 _

Im So-byeong debt chop open holding to wear opened .

" The Haenam group salvation hopefully , but realistically themselves to save all these to
be go don't imagine can't will . so that Only Before the decision , the jade chain be
prepared There must be ."

" Ummm ."

" But I will When !"

Lim So-byeong brush at a whack Gangnam across to Haenam to reach line painted .

" We help number if yes ?"


" in the old file room strength It's getting weaker , and it's called the old file room The
name bringing profit become meaningless now same Under the circumstances , Haenam
old file room to resign My expression in heaven to join the situation dream too not will ."

Paaaah !
Im So-byeong map was beaten how much strongly did you hit solid cloth made map of
one part Boouk sound out torn it was about

" Do you know?"


" In the old file room Departure . until now strong in history only one never wake up not
! Ah ... … of course My expression came out crab it's the first time I'm talking . kicked out
Munpa is … … "

" No , but I cub Really ?"

" My wife , Cheongmyung-ah ! Be patient !"

" now then situation no !"

" Me too to be spoiled I do , once all listen report Let's kill it !"

flirting clarification again depressed Hyunjong Lim So-byeong urged _

" Continue ."

" Yes ."

Im So-byeong Something People scrape stand with face clarification swipe at a glance
speak was _

" It's easy not story , but if only success if in the old file room belonged Haenam wave
myself old file room take a seat take off in heaven joining girl under heaven every clan
see to be will ."


" That's what whether it means do you know little before everyone You said . small and
medium-sized why in heaven Do you want to join? small and medium-sized in the old file
room I'll stick I mean . why then horse come out ? Different not It's an old file room
Because ! they have history and fame Cheon Woo Blind Amira Even if I become strong in
a short time to overcome It is difficult . But !"

taaaah !

debt at once folded Im So-byeong shit smiling said .

" It's Haenam . It's clumsy . small and medium-sized not , right that old file room middle
one Haenam wave … … old file room throw away Cheon Woo Meng Choose ,
Cheonwoomaeng more value there is it's a place girl under heaven to declare to be will ."

" so And what?"

ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo _

Lim So-byeong fan the end map of one part Jigsi pressed . that of debt the end reached
where is Different not Sungsan . Shaolin there is was the place

" The old file room Cheon Woo-blind weight too ."

Cheeky profit .

debt almost map tear like mine sideways has moved everyone's gaze that of debt end
follow moved _

" to change number yes … … "

Finally debt stopped _ long line draw paid debt rundown where is Different not shamanic
volcano . volcanic waves there is where _

" Would it ?"

Lim So-byeong Snow creeps injurious light fired _

" If that is only possible If , which sacrifice at any cost pay the price take out giving Han Yi
there was sun cheek worthy called work crab My It's a thought ."

Tak !

lightly debt My palms pounded he shit smiling backwards one foot retreated _

" It's over ."

Lim So-byeong horse let's finish room in weird atmosphere winding started _ perplexity
concerns , and strange excitement mixed weird atmosphere I mean .

1158 episodes , all sectarian discarded Moon Para . (3)

nobody easily to wear open could n't will do horse appeared seemingly to wear opened
eardrum car speak mouth outside inside can't again close up to throw away to repeat it
was only

that much Lim So-byeong horse left behind the wavelength It was great .

“ Namhae …”

“ I Gangnam through ?”

someone Im So-byeong built of the plan in recklessness was dazzled .

Gangnam word as it is sapphire it is land even in the past To them not favorable didn't
place, but now word as it is dragon dam blood . Sajira horse not colorless not where _

then where at the southernmost point located clan Would you like to support this In
reality it's possible one is it work ?

“ the boat how how Rescue ?”

“ the island Do you want to apply ....... to Gangbuk ? there is fineness no .”

someone Haenam wave perched Haenam-do location in itself noticed _

Haenam-eun To them Absolutely Familiar name, but on the other hand the end without
far also the name did _ It's called Haenam name listen pussy unhappy Kang Ho-in exist
Not sure, but in Haenam - do directly visit copy Person Also in hand Hard to pick ter .

which in a sense old file room one Moonpae but Sae - eok than the clans more far felt
place Right away It was a Haenam group .

“ No , wait a minute … in the first place . This they Our support should want possible It's
business , I think . without to Gangnam went they refuse throw away really only us to be
isolated capital there .”

“ That’s really Worst .”

and In addition someone Haenam Para clan itself trustworthy number whether question
had _

But ... each other Different thoughts In the midst of these hair dominate there is most
strong thinking is seperately there was

“ The old file room . . . ”

Cheongmyeong to wear kite moment , in the intestine Everyone is head turn Him looked
up look at one on the body received Cheongmyeong strange smile built .

“ that in the old file room departing clan to happen is it? ”

“ Yes . Yes .”

“ Even My expression old file room come out with the blind incoming shape is made this
right ?”

“ right away That's it .”

“ Hmm .”
Cheongmyeong chin 괸 with your finger My cheek tok tock knocked . However deep in
thought immersed blazing shape and Otherwise , the conclusion is Than you think hurry
came out

“ just think Even if …”

clear corner of the mouth wickedly twisted _

“ mood Are you cut off ?”

This dare that aftermath think pussy even if you don't to be worthy it's a thing

“ It is possible if . yes really _ so if wave it would be terrifying This really midfield the whole
even if turned over to remain work .”

long long strong history .

that long-time Also in the midst My expression old file room position kicked the
doorstep there was no no , Kangho living If these then Days occur even the possibility
think copy enemy there will be no will _

It's called the old file room. the name eggplant symbolism that much because it 's

strong present every partisan the goal is old file room one place occupy or occupy one
place filled would chart exaggeration No. _

even volcanic Mundo among the subtly in the old file room to return day waiting these
to be enough . of course Shaolin full volume have If it's an old file room Freely take a
seat take out give chart I will decline , but if it changes openly to refuse this is a lot won't
will _

In this way , the old file room name is Meantime partisan was a symbol midfield to
protect last boruna it was no different

By the way Now ......

“ that Hard in phase jingle crack going sound audible thing same right ?”

clear corner of the mouth More curl up went up

if on cloth one , in one really then Days if it happens It's called the old file room. name is
more More than partisan as a symbol stay to be number without to be ter .

yes . really just open if I mean .

“ Ummm .”
generally face harden there is It's a party evil , but that Also now than usual the ship more
Serious It was the expression . this situation that much big meaning eggplant will _

“ The King of Green Forest as the saying goes only come true If yes , sure ..... awesome
It will work .”

that on horse Everyone is spellbound seemingly head nodded .

“ Haenam Paman chart usually power no . old file room one axis . At least , well… ”

Tang military music end of words cloudy abandoned , but he wanted to speak sense
good understood Namgungdowi he car mouth outside inside unhappy speak Even
complete gave _

“ of power half more than fly away discarded Namgung Segawa to compare capital to
the extent that there is no big It’s power .”

“ ......... like that meaning is It wasn't .”

“ Nerve write Don't , my lord , in fact Because it is true .”

on Namgungdo eyes are even alittle not shaken did n't that Eyes are important that is
now not It will be later ' talking only was like that eyes it's a report Tang military evil head
nodded .

“ Namgung Segawa to compare that is Excessive , but under heaven enough power have
clan a lot not saying that is certainly it 's true Chun Woo Meng to be together possiblity
there is Munpa-ro if limited even more That's right .”

“ in the old file room Horse stone is chart right ?”

jogging on horse Tang military evil head I stumbled .

“ Haenampa most At last joined Moonpaine But , that power old file room during most
that it is low will do number None . in the first place Magic Road Because almost
smashed I Kunlun same in the doorstep compared to more mighty place .”

“ Oh , is it ? By the way Why …”

“ obvious sound .”

Cheongmyeong Tang gun music instead Answer me gave _

“ in the old file room belonged than the clan more sen clan to happen so usually there
was clan kick out number is there is no that in morality Right not work .”

“ But we Did you get kicked out ?”

“ Kaaaaaah !”
clear Snow in no time again go back Start Everyone is ax eye floating jogging I stared . As
usual nothing not at work Eyes overturning Cheongmyeong the guy I must have blamed it
, but as much as part touched side wrong crab That's right .

“ Ah , no , me too . It's volcanic this word chart felled thing Isn't it ?"

“ Walk , just to wear Shut up .”

“ Yep !”

jogger into the corner Promptly let's shrink Cheongmyeong tt do tongue the garage
speak was _

“ . . . anyway ! back and forth scrutinize look at it Haenam Wave Bay one clan Do not
have case for sure .”

“That ’s right .”

Tang gun music Also this on the part about perfectly Agreed .

“ power it 's power However than power More important the part would be symbolic
Haenampa degree felled clan old file room not Cheon Woo Meng that you choose thing
. that is which whether it means do not know People Are there? ”

room ease mouse dead seemingly It became quiet . someone dry saliva swallowing
sound like thunder to hear as much as I mean .

“ Of course no matter how It's Haenam chart finally one in the doorstep it's just just a
declaration the world not overturned I would n't However At least …”

party evil firm eyes room in everyone took a look

“ of water direction to some extent warp number to be girl . Obviously .”

shell worn hand head behind over Cheongmyeong bluntly muttered _

“ Already Namgung Sega in heaven holding awareness changed That ’s right .”

“That ’s correct .”

Tang military evil lightly finger fried . everyone's look at to focus seemingly I mean .

“ my Into the mouth this speak to do A little But... in fact Oh Daesegawa The old file
room same in a class tied up little difficult . of course Namgung Hwang autumn day
when If it's Namgungse old file room which Moonpawa too match But .... that except
Different the clans To be honest in the old file room to compare it's hard have to see do
it public recognize Also five generations old file room same in a class not put without .”

“ That’s it's true I do .”

“ Therefore make sense there is thing Is n't it ? Finally Cheon Woo Blind five generations
beyond Even the old file room embrace number to be said make sense to be Because .
Maybe …”

party evil on the lips blueberry Similar smile tied up

“ This chance through Cheon Woo Blind old file room stature beyond Days might happen
I don't know .”

that horse It was a decisive blow .

old file room go beyond

that to Cheon Woo Meng I have Someday certainly have to be done will do It was a task .
However In addition At the same time Too far car to discuss difficult work too did _

By the way now Not at all not expected unhappy in a place that a clue unwind started
will _

“ ..... really like that when how felled are you ?”

Yoon Jong dazedly let's mumble jogger snort beating answered .

“ How good luck how Will it work ? maharaja bald in the head seaweed Pearl Pearl I
beggar . very just heated rock You will be !”

“ Really the court with a vase perishing the last cheek number Will there be? ”

“ that enough wearing a coin it's confirmed have a look Shaolin chieftain change capital
there will be .”

that Moment Im So-byeong widely sound get better debt slammed down

Everyone is to wear shut up Lim So-byeong looked back even before speaking ability
picture not weak but this _ Moment His speaking power Even Tang military music jump
over there was

“ barely that degree No. ”

“ Huh ?”

“ ttttttt . well think Try it . old file room Cheon Woo-blind most big The difference What
is it ?”

“ Are you cheap ?”

“ ..... right I mean , that …”

Im So-byeong sigh exhale said .

“ The old file room why Is this the old file room ?”

“ That’s In addition what sound .”

“ ten doggy only Moonpa that name get number to be Because . However Cheon Woo
Maeng No . Cheon Woo Maeng clan in number limit None . and please Only Daemunpa
listen doing no place No. ”

“ Ah …”

“ So far numerous clan old file room notice to watch aesthetically There was , but the
stature old file room beyond moment ! no , equal moment only wado awareness change
will .”

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah _

Im So-byeong extended with debt My face half way obscured sly laughed _

“ in the old file room follower do rather than _ commanding Cheon Woo Meng
belonging felled crab better I mean .”

“ ……”

“ there already I giga blocked cemetery already put Did you leave it ?”

“ Is it a graveyard ?”

“ Green ! Right away It is greenery . in heaven green forest if it hadn't been tolerable the
doorstep dare Cheon Woo Meng to come dare inside couldn't will . discrimination
without receive give chart just talk yes You must have thought . However now In
Cheonwoomeng Different not Sapa guys come in Are you there ?”

“ Then everyone You would think ! U.S power is A little not enough, but at least Sapa
rather than babies better treat take it maybe ?”

“ . . . me Green Forest King .....? wrong the story It's not ... The King of Green Forest then
Stories you can do it Will it? ”

“ The truth is By the way What How about ? I evil to write Person treated also No , if you
regret it in Namgungse I should have been born .”

“ No , but from long time ago why Repeatedly us biting Stretching …”

“ So !”

👌👌👌👌👌 _

Im So-byeong annoyance voice raised _

“ sweet one number ! this only one in tens of thousands midfield dominion itself change
throw away number There is . and this one tens of thousands to succeed number If yes !”

His Snow blue light exhaled _

“ Chun Woo Meng I saffron against fight number there is minimal power is have number
to be to be will . only this make it successful number if there is I mean . Did you
understand ?”

So far even listening situation I understand unable this is here to be deserve no _

“ I have to .”

“ Somehow Sun doing work .”

“ Then who go ?”

this work certainly I want to make it successful Everyone is pledged It was then

bland voice is ring spread _

“ I the opposite .”

“ Huh ?”

everyone's Snow swipe got bigger

they amazed The reason is one . this work against spiral Leega , more than anyone
strongly work to promote thing was like it was clear Because .

1159 episodes . every sectarian discarded Moon Para . (4)

“ Huh ?”

“ You ?”

absurd blazing gaze let it pour Cheongmyeong face sudden distorted .

“ Why ? I if against not okay? ”

“ Actually that is Weird crab No. ”

“ No , after all . look you Different Person speak obediently to hear crab more more that's
weird Don't .”

Cheongmyung authority one hundred thousand last on horse Everyone is I agree head
nodded .

“ Is that so ?”

“You are correct .”

" ugh It is a private residence .”

“ This cubs ?”

However Cheongmyeong Eyes bra liza in concert swipe look at avoided _ me too without
knowing together Eyes down Tang military evil Within flinching quickly head back to
place turned _

“ The Volcano Swordsmen Association .”

“ Yes .”

“ Your thinking is how Is that so ?”

OK Cheongmyeong head swipe listen map looked up

“ Hey , straight . listen Look .”

“ Yes , brother !”

caterpillar hurry map tight spread out consolation raised . green forest king to make than
ever more more tight flag all looks, but no one that fact oddly here did n't how much
Weird work Cheongmyeong entangled Is that so to do felled because the law

Cheongmyeong ears reluctantly said .

“ What . me maharaja bald hot well ripe octopus head poor felled crab loath case No. ”

“ More than anyone I hope .”

“ my in thought that day I young Climb up .”

“ ... in the realm of the receiving will you give me?”

“ Ah … that ’s think pond did it .”

Cheongmyeong even on the top line doing on the day in the realm Measures have a
meeting have to open will do will _ like that girl said to be fresh if you receive what Days
will it happen egg medical charge because there is no I mean .

“ Of course That 's right . furthermore This simply shaolin only emotions leave to discuss
Days Is n't it ?"

Tang military evil serious in tone speak was _

" Shaolin fucked Food ....... Khhhhhhhhh ! No , in Shaolin aged emotions unraveling that
is just additional at work pass it 's not important case Cheon Woo-blind power Reinforce ,
Cheonwoobeng now old file room equal place said Thing under heaven confirming work

“ Ummm .”
“ You too as you know People new Thing well not accept ca n't canonical in a way than
the old file room big influence to have In order to Forward hundred year It will not be
enough .”

this at the end even Even Hyeonjong agree seemingly head nodded .

the volcano The road to destruction _ walking to be When , Hyeonjong dream is

someday again in the old file room entering it was to achieve possiblity no Thing myself
know while being I mean .

in the old file room advisory kicked out sorrow suffered Even Hyeonjong That's right ,
other these are would you mind ?

“ But in the old file room belonged one clan old file room not Cheon Woo Meng to
choose make number If yes , one hundred year take that work at once get it done
number there is right Isn't it ?"

“ What . that's it I would .”

However Cheongmyeong zero bland was the reaction .

“ But why oppose doing will ? Cheon Woo Meng more strong to a place make saffron in
magic have to fight that case you always claimed Days Is n't it ?"

“ Oh . Good , good . of course only to be if good It’s work .”

“ Huh ?”

Cheongmyeong shit laughed _

“ Come on then From now on set Let's see . I Mattangi go discarded saffron the cubs
swarming Gangnam . I torai Jang Il-so cub Eyes blue It opens and says ' Oh ho ho ho !
well creep in You're here !' do at full speed run welcome line Gangnam land as a servant
break through ,”

Cheongmyeong finger taak let's fry Hyun-Young waited as if said .

“ For reference mouth Based If you do , in Haenam- do adjacent up to Damgang going

Deman three thousand Lee Gaya do .”

“ Hey hey !”

“ Four , three thousand li ?”

“ It too in a straight line .”

Eyes whirlpool knitted Yoon Jong our party looked back

“ Cow , soso . U.S in the North Sea would have gone at the time distance How much was
it ?”

“ Then … well , then maybe five thousand about li would have been will . in Shaanxi
Because I left .”

“ Boo , as far as the North Sea five thousand only Lee not did you?”

jogging from the mouth soul missing voice is leak came out

“ Even then 👌👌 It was obvious ,”

“ . . . so . really perishing line I thought .”

“ Even there even the enemy there was n't By the way only enemies Do not have
Gangnam land scream three thousand Lee Gaya do you ?”

Everyone is devastated with face map looked up midfield all over one in the cabinet draw
put map report there is sense of reality for awhile had lost three thousand lira speak listen
only after for the first time feeling came out

“ That , then how much that it takes are you ?”

“ common going up if the standard where Let 's see ...... in a day seven , eighty lee to the
extent somehow conflict number that If you hit …”

“ Four , forty work ?”

“ luck if you like one it will be the moon That too well wiped public road only would have
gone at the time I mean .”

“ Ha … ha ha ……”

one hundred thousand sound take out Smile abandoned .

' This not becomes .'

I mean That's right , I saffron dominating in Gangnam one moon During to survive
number there is if a person in the first place to Haenam conflict need Do not have is a

that People martial arts work _ _ would , what to do power to strengthen going mean ?
that on time just saffron sweep away throw away stop it

“ No , what . Gagin I'm going hit it to Haenam I'm going Let's play ."

Cheongmyeong farouche with face ears reluctantly said .

“ Go what to do is it? ”
“ That’s In addition what mean ? Oh ! what horse I understand . well , by the way situation
not good Haenam Wave cooperation summer solstice maybe ?”

“ No , if you cooperate . what to do is it? ”

“ … Huh ?”

Cheongmyeong face Warak distorted .

“ They mind Go out and say ' Oh ! not still we too I maharaja bald to the cub pissed off
there was It was true !' Called do Let 's play ! therefore now in heaven to join Hit it !”

“ Yeah .”

“ Then ' Oh my gosh ! now well Please !' do just come back then with now changing crab
What ?”

“ ..... of Haenam belonging It will change .”

“ Oh , yes . That 's right . very oh oh oh work . then now saffron the cubs Haenam wave
slap starting from afar sight or do that there was sound U.S listen it will be I maharaja bald
tongue While driving, ' If it's an old file room would have helped I would Damn tabul !'
sound sun Dal there .”

listen only chart stomach upset twisted thing same _

“ . . . then Help me ... No , no .”

This even jogging did speak in the middle hang up abandoned . that much It was absurd
. three thousand Riga over fallen where what channel troops send can you help

Gangnam at the southernmost point focus on to send number to be enough help not
will do need no _ already up to there going During saffron all defeated next day Because

“ A. _ that think Too only on one side one beggar .”

“ Huh ?”

at that time jogger hoo hoo hoo smiling said .

“ Me too Meantime to you learned crab because there is oh my when think on the other
way sun look not ! saffron Haenam If we hit , we to the Yangtze River breaking in it ! then
the wire on both sides They are separated !”

“ Oh , right ? then With Cheon Woo Maeng in saffron full-scale transition gaping from
the side maharaja bald Excitingly clap I will hit it ! good job ! good job ! two all fight two
all all Get it !”

jogging cheek slightly convulsions caused _ Cheongmyeong was confused

" hey , this crazy Human ! Haenampa one more to eat to us What saffron beat up
strength to happen thing is it the same power weak side doing bucket what doing line do
you know ?”

“ That , well ?”

“ It’s an individual breakout . this baby ! Breaking each one !”

hot Cheongmyeong jogging toward to run lets do it Hyunjong hurry His the back pulled .

“ Cheongmyung-ah .”

“ No , I human Person inside It will explode …!”

“ Yes , yes . However still meeting I'm in the middle later hit me .”

“ Ok .”

Cheongmyeong sick sound let's jogger head fuwook bowed down

“ Ummm . However Volcano Swordsmanship . I jogger stamped nonsense make sense

that I think . called a bucket crab please troop Many side write number there is strategy is
Isn't it ? somehow gossip move way only If you find it …”

then to Jang Il-so dissuasive That ’s it .”

“ . . . for some reason ?”

“ that baby Normally as a human thinking not will it happen ? that the cub My on the
ground appeared magic guys slap for So far come to me even on the knees I will kneel
one It's a bastard .”

“ such long day against behind beating ?”

Cheongmyeong snort hit .

“ I bet you to the Yangtze River push entering moment , nothing not troops backwards
oooooooooooooooooooooooooo subtract Are you going to throw it away ?”

“ ...... Now , the Yangtze River throw it away ?”

“ ttttttt . for this reason The superiors are …… No , the superiors are .”

Cheongmyeong head Shaking my head I stumbled .

“ Once have land just like that don't give up can't to prejudice captivated because Jang Il-
so to fight back go thinking That 's it . Jang Il-so punctual the guy No . attacking are
human U.S on attack when you enter Jang Il-so How are you? do troops subtract throw
away will . then how Sun Shall we ?”

“ Yeah ”

Tang military evil sigh exhaled _

“ Continue attack should go in if not make sense Because there is none .”

“ Yes , to Haenam. attack I have to go in . some Lee ?”

“ . . . three thousand li ”

“ Yes . troops lead Moderately hour pull giving bastards against mask one one the moon it
will take that if time Jang Il-so Haenampa steamed fattened eat there Namhae Villa one
build put trial one wash face degree building playing wado It would be .”

“ so Jang Il-so when you come back ?”

Cheongmyeong cold by eye map stared at

“ We magic situation at the time like that was concerned Days really You will earn it .
Gangnam in the middle cheap Will it work ?”

“ …… thinking just by Horrible work .”

distance problem . distance . then In reality Haenam wave to be attacked when they _
help Way no have to see do _

at that time one hundred thousand Understanding not going seemingly head tilted _

“ No , I mean … I horse why So far came well I don't know . U.S first discussed case
Haenam wave there put crab it was n't that Haenampa …”

“ Dongryong-ah .”

“ Huh ?”

Cheongmyeong in the world most pathetic by eye look up literal one hundred thousand
flinched around notice looked at

“ Oh , yes . Haenam kids here along come it 's over right ?”

“ That , yes . My stomach the problem but somehow _ that make a plan well Squeeze …”

“ Oh , yes . ship Riding shore arrived _ then now what to do is it? ”

" What ? That’s …”

“ Yeah . Haenampa kids tens of thousands chart five hundred silver pass over I mean ,
that along Gangnam to pierce do it .”
“ that in the meantime power when lost make sense because there is no that wholly
watch over I mean .”

“ Wow … awesome Is it an achievement ?”

“ What , this baby ?”

“ Ah , little in words do it ! in words !”

Hyunjong clarification I pulled , but this time Cheongmyeongdo just like that calm down
could n't

“ I that is hopefully here contemplating will there be just Gangnam go down Jang Il-so all
kinds of picking come ! hey this _ crazy ! saffron to win power reinforced I mean , saffron
have to hit possible work drag come ? that everyone Wow, wow do are there hey this _
Humans ! I you Because cheat very rot It's cracked , it's cracked !"

all coughing in vain clear look at avoided _

for a while courageous he barely did you calm down deep breathe vomit paid out

“ It’s called Gyeryuk. the horse oh my at the time inscribed it ' ll when you get good . By
the way get for have to lose doing crab getting than a lot .”

“ ……”

“ The great king bald cub thinking without let it go put crab because it's not map the
answer Do not have beggar . This in vain touch rather fading It's a place .”

“ Um , definitely …”

“ We thinking Too It was a lot .”

“ I’m sorry . good I was thinking .”

gathered these realistic difficulty understand head nodded . have a plan not bad but this
is just like that touch number there is that it wasn't rather like this bystander side more It
is beneficial .

Everyone is that fact I understood . However only one People , Seolman Yu that in the
meantime transparent by gaze without a word face to face clarification staring there was

that nonchalant in sight pierced Cheongmyeong Eyes thin popped up

“ Why , an accident ?”

“ Then Haenam ?”

“ Huh ?”
“ .... of the Haenam group people ?”

“ like this abandoned are you ?”

Cheongmyeong suddenly to wear closed . His Snow darkly it sank

1160 episodes . every sectarian discarded Moon Para . (5)

“ Abandoning it , sister -in-law .”

one hundred thousand glance frowning Yui Seol looked back

Oh Gum-eun each other pond will do horse Do not have cider . diagonal line together
some turn crossed their Judea is perhaps more than blood more might be dark I don't
know .

However relationship Yes though , now Yuisul's the remark certainly line passed _

“ This is U.S made situation diagram Isn't it ?"

“ Yes .”

However Lee Seol is still emotions not seen not in voice briefly answer it was only

“ But I think , the result is .”

“ Just asked only that .”

up to there said Lee Seol is as it is to wear shut up abandoned . perhaps From here to
finish number there was may have been a topic I don't know . here gathered these in the
position capable My think concealed place handy if they were I mean .

However pitiful work or _ fortunate whether it's work the conversation with this it's over
did n't

“ ..... how felled are you? ”

anyone please have to did ask a question thrown crab If it's Yuisul , then topic Following
liver this is Right away It was Yoon Jong .

Yoon Jong the gaze to Lim So-byeong toward there was this situation most well figure
out to be this . no , maybe this situation most objectively talk to me line this towards .

“ Then Haenam-eun how felled are you? ”

“ Well .”

Im So-byeong that it is difficult as if fan with the tip hair was scratched
“ Of course Well , Haenam Wave thinking Do not have these are no themselves most first
harm to wear possiblity big girl know to be will . of course to escape About plan stand up
There must be . stupid If not .”

“ Oh , of course . That ’s right…… ”

at that time Im So-byeong shoulder Shrugging added .

“ But only with them possible if it were already in Haenam-do feet subtracted will .”

relief for a moment nestled Yoon Jong expression again hard hardened .

“ yet situation report to be Capital ……”

“ now same in the situation mean ?”

Yoon Jong car don't answer let's not Im So-byeong bluntly speak was _

“ For you this situation now suddenly gaping Work Same, but for Haenam on the skin
reached ji old It is reality . they are maybe some sun before this in the situation to be
driven capital that there is girl would have known will . what if I Haenamist Moonju
Ramen in the Yangtze River plum blossom the situation would have happened when ,
two middle The one is would have chosen will . back road not look back the island
escape or that if not sapphire behind hit do it .”

“ . . . , of course . ”

“ that two everyone not choose didn't know thing , something the reason is that there
was That 's right . that the reason is what is I don't know . word as it is three thousand
Reena fallen in a place what Days going on whether we how do you know But ....... guess
going barga to be I do .”

“ guess If you go……?”

“ till the end on the Yangtze River not join didn't Sapa guys Are you there ?”

“ Haomen ?”

“ Yes .”

tak .

Im So-byeong with debt My palms lightly knocked .

“ Hao Mun Information dealing with In nature , wide area to watch good It's a moonpa .
thinking there is Ramen Haenam to watch role is Hao Mun I would have left it to you.”

“ Come on , wait a minute . Hao Moon-ju To Hangzhou ......”

“ on surveillance up to the moon do you need it it's work under guys doing beggar .”

“ ……”

“ Maybe Hao Moon-ju Haenam wave to monitor as an excuse so far Jang Il-so pressure
Harm On whether or not I don't know . and then now no more avoid number Do not
have situation Became to Jang Il-so completely would have succumbed will .”

make sense that there is seemingly Yoon Jong head nodded .

“ That’s In the end , Haenam Where even when landing them catch kill prepare Jang Il-so
already sun put That 's right . that deliberate the guy etc. behind there is knife as it is let
it go not put would not have because it will .”

jogger understanding pond will seemingly head tilted _

“ No , I will . there earlier if you removed felled Work Isn't it ? until now let it go two The
reason …”

“ in the old file room belonged clan to attack case old file room the whole complete
hostilely to turn declaration of war no different . that Jang Il-so will do number there is
the choice is It must not have been . At least plum blossom situation until I mean .”

that on horse jogging mouth hold on closed . instead Yoon Jong again asked .

“ The horse little San thing It's the same ... so Haenam wave how to be Are you talking ?”

“ Well . dare that to me asking the reason is what I don't know , Yoon Jong stamp .”

Im So-byeong to laugh stayed _

“ obviously know while you are nothing guesswork pond doing pretend are you ? what to
do number Do not have in the situation that it is boring seemingly kind even pretend
sun Do you want to see it ?”

to the fullest sarcastic on horse Different Oh Gum I was furious , but Jong- eun Yoon just
calmly Lim So-byeong speak got it back

“ Just of the green forest comment check and wanted only .”

His shake Do not have Snow Lim So-byeong stared at

“ second thinking is not complete can't Because it's short . so than me more play the
game well read you are minute think to listen This is Ham . So that not wrong not make a
choice will do number Because there is .”

without a word stare Jong-eul Yoon looking at Im So-byeong Moment humble

expression built My hair again was scratched

“ I'm sorry . okay sound You did .”

head nodded Im So-byeong frankly to wear opened .

“ Jang Il-so repatriation leave put lice No. _ and wave Own under all to subdue nonsense
not felled sound to chatter worthy eardrum No . Jang Il-so scary The point is , the absurd
ambitious to the dreamer near the guy , that dreaming come true outgoing the way
damn to the extent that it is realistic will .”

“ Then …”

“ such Jang Il-so to choose that's the way it's obvious Wouldn't you ?"

Lim So-byeong eyes sullenly it sank

“ No one survive can't will .”

“ ……”

“ Even on purpose stubbornly find I will kill you . maybe child , adult Regardless Haenam
Para name inscribed these are all seed to dry field will .”

mouse dead blazing silence room inside filled . long time in the bay to wear kite this is I
knew it It was Yoon Jong .

“ .. so far Sun will do the reason is Are you there ?”

“ Well , if of course There is .”

Im So-byeong insignificant not saying seemingly answered .

“ So saffron Gangbuk on the ground came in When , gossiping not against can't crab Isn't
it ?"

“ How are you doing ?”

“ small clan , scoundrels , retreat living These , the saffron in the Yangtze River to midfield
came in at the time main etc. from behind disturb do supply line aim number there is
these .”

Im So-byeong tongue car put it on

“ of Sapa from the standpoint Let's see , we midfield conquering Thing from time to time
frustrate came They are .”

“ Ah ……”

“ such to them example visible will . in saffron hostile these are ant young one number of
animals survive I can't , so when Originally of course old file room in heaven by joining
together would have fought Small and medium-sized to hesitate become and life bet
fight affiliates too one Burn is hesitantly It’s okay .”
Yoon Jong face distorted _

“ Only then For a reason ... only then example Because picture cruel number bitter mean ?”

“ Only then Why ?”

However Im So-byeong That's right not frost columns same by gaze Jong-eul Yoon I
stared .

“ The seal now U.S do there is things how what do you think town the kids are stick a
stick holding running around like a soldier game you see are you? ”

“ This is It is war .”

Big amazing nonsense No. _ However this horse For the first time here there is to them
now situation realistically did _

“ In war help consultation to discuss don't think Do not paint . in war win Dogo , won self
It is a consultation .”

“ However Still …”

“ Well , that’s right . I mean .”

“ Cheongmyung !”

“ To be precise, ‘ losing dental Conference like no one remember gist do n't go That's
right ."

Yoon Jong without a word lips bit off Cheongmyeong then Him for awhile see to Lim So-
byeong said .

“ But that is all no , no okay ?”

Cheongmyeong transparent by gaze yourself let's look Im So-byeong small sigh exhaled
hair was scratched

" ...... Yes . in the past that is Dara I would have .”

Jong-gwa Yoon Im So-byeong each other one step by step back off atmosphere in a
quiet state went in

“ Great .”

and that quiet atmosphere inside Tang military evil to wear opened .

“ ...... Haenam Eun pitiful work , but my in thought U.S what to do number there is work
not thing It’s like .”

His from the mouth long sigh leak came out

“ In the beginning Haenam-eun Cheon Woo-blind affiliation Isn't it ? actually they first To
us hand if you stick out I don't know , we to them first hand stick out I'll help doing also
how look presumptuous do it .”

“ Yes . presumptuous It’s a thing .”

that on horse answered case Different not It was a hundred thousand .

“ But Lord . someone that presumptuous do summer solstice if not Haenam wave really
to crumble to be will .”

“ Look , one hundred thousand Also ......”

“ And .”

one hundred thousand easygoing in voice said .

“ Me too someone one once in a while then presumptuous do sun I wish wish
desperately wish time There was .”

“ Frankly to ask for help will do number no , no pride Because head sleep over number is
was not , but more than anyone ardently I mean .”

“ It is…”

“ We here Haenam turn away if Old file room , Cheon Woo Mengdo them throw away crab
will be . that anywhere help receive number without It will be .”

so far to wear close there was Namgungdo Latitude to wear opened .

“ Me too same It is a thought .”

party evil look at felt Namgungdowi blink laughed _

“ that rash help Thanks to I now Here live Because . besieged stick only death waiting
dental heart more than anyone well know There is .”

“ Sogaju ....”

“ to there Gaya will do lice if you need tell me Please . Namgung Eun don't hesitate won't
will .”

“ Look , Soga- ju . you are Namgung Sega Fall again get up Do ......”

“ The future Many Thing for now Sun will do Thing turned away crab Namgung's long
don't think does not .”

“ ……”
“I will at the bar rather correct meaning for perishing that to Namgung worthy It will be a
long way .”

Tang military evil me too without knowing Hyeonjong looked up Hyun Jong-eun just firm
with face Eyes winding up to be it was only

fed up Tang military evil anything to say will do when , his in the ear easygoing the
sound of laughter heard _

head turn Bonnie Cheongmyeong strange smile building there was

“ under heaven every sectarian discarded Moonpara ....... Yes . it exactly somewhere A lot
of heard It’s a story .”

“ The Volcano Swordsmen Association .”

Cheongmyeong frosty gaze hundred thousand and one Namgungdowi At the same time
pierced through

“ But clearly know leave it that unsuccessful pay the price your death like hit number that
don't think do n't that failure is Cheon Woo-blind defeat and sapphire to victory lead
capital there is then your that stroke here there is these everyone to hell drag let me in to
be will .”

“ ……”

“ other these are heartbroken without to wear shut up that think ? an adult A little be
good this to rot greenhorn cubs .”

one hundred thousand lips bite clarification I stared .

“ Then you how What how do want are you ? just let's turn away are you? ”

“ I …”

Cheongmyeong something speak want to will do it was time

“ Mae , my lord !”

out the door urgent voice is pouring came in

“ What Is it work? ”

that in the voice young the seriousness sensible Hyunjong quickly shout it asked . yet
room in there is Everyone is ears to doubt doing horse heard _

“ Cow , Shaolin the host coming You are there !”

“ … what ?”

Hyunjong more get bigger number there will be no as much as Eyes woke up
1161 episodes . U.S what Sun would you like to (One)

“ Chief , this is…”

firmly close manor front door toward while walking to the court a little Hesitation there
was no

often with a step caught up the bell type complicated review what to do unable with
face urgently Him dissuaded _

“ Chief . like this time only killing that is make sense no I told you case clearly This is me .
However no matter how yes chart This too .....

“ Amitabha Buddha .”

small dislike left the court shape of the bell looking back Binggrae laughed _

“ Long-Wayman .”

“ Yes ?”

“ Thank you , Jang Mun-in . Jang Mun-in did words Thanks to Snow opened .”

“ …… that , that what Are you talking ?”

“ to me of the result do your best think He did .”

“ Yes , that 's right . I certainly picture to say did . But …”

the court slowly head nodded .

“ that word Thanks to Know has been . now I what Sun do , what most correct is it the
way I mean .”

“ Ha , ha , ha , chief .”

“That ’s right … Yes , that’s right. that is then It meant . Meantime I what report was there I
don't know . small delusion one eternally get bigger People swallowing that Sim Mara
Then , I at Simma caught shape . Thanks to cold water stricken as if mind I heard .”

Jong-hyung on the forehead flowed sweat wipe gave out

“ Chief ..... I chairperson deep meaning guess would you like to However no matter how
deep meaning that You can do it , here suddenly they dwelling where to visit The thing

“ no to be that what Are you there ?”

“ so urgent If it's work , I'd rather them call in Did you ? Shaolin the host Cheon Woo
Meng visited horse turn around People even if I misunderstood Shall I It’s scary .”

“ Ha ha . I will Days No. ”

“ Yes ?”

the court Binggrae smiling head I stumbled .

“ In the past Hyun Jong-jin me Since you came , this time I coming that in a way That ’s
right .”

“ That , that how in a way Is that correct ? each other position different , each other have
identity different .”

“ Well . for me notably reluctance None . back with them picture far away not where stay
I'm glad even thinking it takes determination as soon as you stand them Wolf everyday
number there is I mean .”

“ ……”

“ Don’t worry do not all be good will .”

bell-shaped from the mouth sigh snuggle leak came out

“ replace What you want to Whether even if you ask Would you ? ”

“ Answer give difficult crab what do you have I to them hand pushed out do .”

“ Yes ? bar , host . Chun Woo Meng we are already irreversible number Do not have river
cross over Wasn't it ?”

“ Not yet irreversible number There is .”

Jong-hyung absurd with face court looked up

“ That , then they make a suggestion if you refuse back then What are you going to do

“I will work there will be no will .”

“ Even if …”

" Hmm , well . I don't know . I know if they not deny not , but if then Days If it happens

court of law Snow a little darkly it sank

“ No , that work there will be no will be . don't worry even if you don't It will be .”

the bell type head Shaking my head stir court of law behind followed _
' replace what make a suggestion you want to right ?'

room inside a few days moan ill People suddenly the door kick off came out back road
not look back with the blind headed _ monstrous that is court of law expression with so
far Dali Absolutely that it is refreshing was the point .

' Really suddenly Even the Great Five Awakening did Genga ?'

bite have to see answer sun gist I don't stuffy serve Isn't it ?

' watching no choice .'

front door guarded the wefts oncoming court report what to do bar I don't know
floundering there was enough I will only did Shaolin chieftain suddenly to visit situation
they Imagine sun copy enemy will there be

the other day copy enemy in from afar court recognized crab by the way if you're lucky
good luck it was a thing

“ Long text ..... No , Lord Maengjoo in Are you there ?”

“ The bar , the manager See you .”

“ Heh heh . picture be nervous thing None . just chana to share come It’s just .”

“ Woah , the chandelier is Put I left it . De , come in !”

“ me to bring in person Did you come ?”

“ That … thing No, but .”

“ Then Here I will wait . owner's permission without guest in lifting that is Yega no .”

“ That …”

with weft trembling by eye each other look at crossed _ how how have to answer
Whether go away magazine unhappy will _

However at that time Fortunately inside the door Absolutely opened .

perplexed seemingly strong Hyunjong fiercely the door kite will _ door Before west there
is court shape of the bell discovered he a little bad breathe was blown away and said .

“ . . . come on Come , Chief .”

“ My lord . so far How are you ? ”

slow Class monitor doing court right Hyeonjongdo depth supremacy did _

“ in advance speak the year before if you would I to meet came out But , how Wolf
Yeontongdo without Suddenly …”
“ thought then I stopped by . once Mind Excited , relaxed example be equipped This time
There wasn't . Sorry . My lord .”

“ No. _ look out to be happy limitless It’s work .”

“ together come the minute common This is a long sentence . each other face-to-face Are
you there ?”

“ volcanic This is Hyunjong . common Jongli Jang Moon-in see you Became to be happy
There is no limit .”

“ No , my lord , I more It is an honor .”

Hyunjong bright smile built . However and His eyes are small suspicion contain court take
a look there was

Finally would have seen When , the court emotional day there is Road had revealed
together now the court from then quite different seemed _ rather first would have faced
at the time felt leisurely softness was full

“ in Have it .”

“ Then shame I will blow .”

the court Hyeonjong follow manor in heading to

Hyeonjong one step from behind Him followed the court Within in the yard come out
Him waiting there is these faced _

" Everyone Long time no see See you .”

the court warm smile and together speak hand over that in greeting who swipe
unpleasant seemingly between the brows Frowning , who First head nodded , anyway
mostly shaky inside out to hide was busy

“ party the owner too You were there .”

“ here I to be place Isn't it ? Long time no see See you , Chief .”

“ The owner of the small house too .”

“ … . Nice to meet you .”

each other last one picture not fun I couldn't Perhaps because of this , Namgungdowi as
usual neat courtesy see gist could n't

“ This one ?”

“ Yes . this way For those of you of the beast with the palace glacial You are the king .”
“ Ah .”

the court Binggrae smile built .

“ precious people meet see you to be Indeed Nice to meet you .”

“ It’s an oath .”

“ Come on , it’s Seol Sobaek. do .”

the court this time head of class not drunk without lightly head bowed down

slowly head all court of law gaze on the back there is one to a person headed _ I waited
seemingly voice is burst came out

“ What get damn it crab that In addition chung chungle Cheers ...... Oops ! Up ! Whoa !"

hundred thousand and one Jong Yoon , Jo Geul At the same time clear to wear shut up

court of law from the mouth For the first time sigh leak came out

“ You You are still .”

“ Ugh ! Oops !”

Yui Seol to our party limbs caught Cheongmyeong reddened with face what what shout
it I said Unfortunately can't hear did n't

head Shaking my head stir discarded the court Different these looking back soft in tone
to wear took off

“ With you chat share want the heart full but private to work On that not long hour pay
number no I understand feel free to I hope .”

“ Oh , no .”

" civil servant you're in a hurry You must do it .”

“I understand Thank you for Thank you .”

court of law gaze to Hyeonjong go reached _

“ My lord . seperately for awhile I hope to see you do .”

“That ’s right , Chief .”

court of law gaze to Tang Gunak reached _

“ And The Lord too .”

“ I will .”
Hyeonjonggwa party music minus Different these backwards back off will do it was time

“ The owner of the small house also come .”

“ …… I Are you talking ?"

“That ’s right .”

Namgungdowi firm with face head nodded .

“ I see .”

the court swear snow bag toward head bowed down

“ Originally of course two minutes rightfully must serve I will , but I now to discuss doing
that midfield undergarment sensitive one person as much as soapstone not recommend
can't you please forgive me feel free to I hope .”

" Gwameungchi do not enough I understand .”

“ Yeah , that ’s fine .”

blink laugh build Boyne the court Still eup eup sound out writhing clarification strange
with expression looked up

“ You too come in, and you beside there is Different volcano the disciples together .”

“ …… We also mean ?”

“ You guys Without it , the Volcano Swordsman me hit me to death will do at the time
curl up line lice Is n't it ?"

“ That , that What …”

“ Ha ha ha ha .”

the court handed over on the farm jogging face turned red

“ By the way … important People one invisible not thing Do you think ?”

“ Yes ?”

at that time Lee Seol caterpillar side up toward chin _

“ There .”

“ Huh ?”

Lee Seol point towards swipe head minus Yoon Jong Within glance frowned .

“ . . . by the way at there What do Are you there , King of Green Forest ?”
wormy wide etc. from the back hair wrapped stick squat sit down there was Im So-
byeong sparkly surprised quickly Eyes rolled _

“ Ha ha ha ha …… I am ……”

“ Um . You are the king of green forest .”

the court Binggrae smiling Lim So-byeong looked up

“ How is it? Would you like to come ?”

“ Hey profit !”

“ Huh ?”

“ Okay , you were wrong ! Sorry ! never Bad act summer solstice I will not !”

“ ……”

“ I , I bandit to be became crab No …!”

" that Greenery ....”

“ Ahhhhhhh !”

Im So-byeong hard scream paying off full width back run away abandoned .

Everyone is blankly that the sight look up even even the court to wear spread apart Eyes
It was terrifying . absurdity what to do can't to wear swimming spread apart there was
Jong-eun Yoon outrageous no seemingly to a hundred thousand asked .

“ Why … why ? Are you bad ?”

one hundred thousand humble with face My cheek was scratched

“ before I to the yangban heard By the way , Shaolin to middle right blood cake became
stick dead bandit body only all Even if I pull Yangtze River half It was filled .”

“ ……”

“ Namgung loath just enough Shaolin is it scary Look . in blood engraved , how sun to
see chart not it will be

“ That’s horse Will it? ”

“ middle head look because I'm scared pecking only human survive continued crab They
say it's green , I what horse well I don't know .”

“ Then Hyeyeon Monk Hanten why Is that so ?”

“ The succession in a bandit changing job crab it's basic not It’s scary .”

“ .... the break not .”

Lim So-byeong empty seat disappointed with expression seen the court head I stumbled
. Hyunjong embarrassing seemingly Him guided _

“ this way Have it .”

“ Yes . Thank you . My lord .”

together to attend one the personnel in Let's head to the yard stay that look watched
Seol Sobaek head tilted _

“ heard unlike that little Different thing It seems .”

“ What part mean ?”

swearing on horse Seol Sobaek a little glance frowned .

“ In the meantime heard rightly Oh yeah Bad minute It was like …”

“ here Bonnie Than you think good Person same ?”

“ . . . yes . just picture visible Is that right ?”

“ No. _ maybe I what is court middle that as you think good maybe a person I don't
know .”

"...... Yes ? Then Why …?”

swear by slow arms crossed put on and the court entered make a visit Look at loose
murmured .

“ Sometimes upright the ancestor than the wicked more scary when there is It's the law .”

Seol So-baek to understand difficult seemingly head tilted _

1162 episodes . U.S what Sun would you like to (2)

room in the atmosphere very It was weird .

of course here there is to them the court picture unfamiliar lice it wasn't so far the court a
volcano come to me first Conversation request equator Various Bungie wasn't it ?

However so far court conversing this is usually It was either Hyeonjong or Cheongmyeong
. Likewise Many with these together perched that is first there is it's a thing so atmosphere
itself to be subtle no choice but to there was no nobody willingly first to wear Heat
number because there was no

that atmosphere loose to wear kite that is of course It was Hyunjong .

“ even a car take out come on will do But , I ready Not enough .”

“ No , my lord .”

the court Binggrae smile built .

“I see this place Lord's dormitory It looks like it , indeed frugal . Lord's character as it is
exposed thing It is like .”

“ Just in a foreign country properly the world not equipped unhappy That's all . how
Would you like to be frugal ?”

“ Ha ha . still You are humble . only lord see you the little one Oh yeah I am ashamed .”

“ middle head in the mouth saliva Bar ..... Oops ! Whoops ! Oops !”

naturally clear to wear clogged up these awkward smile It was built , and with Yu Seol
Soso from both sides clear side puck puck took a picture

“ ……”

The court's ' true ' you also It 's you ' by eye clarification let's look Hyunjong reddened
with face instead apologized _

“ I’m sorry … you know …”

“ Apologize Days No. ”

the court small sound take out laughed _

“ Ordinary lice doing the gossip rude However, the hero doing the gossip folktale felled
law Is n't it ? Volcano Swordsman already that deserve Enough .”

Hyunjong sigh puff exhaled _ Oh yeah proud student bastard , sometimes really , really ,
really Shame .

“ drill the word No …”

“ Just giving horse No. ”

“ Yes ?”

the court Binggrae smile building said .

“ The Volcano Swordsman in Hangzhou accomplished work , in the past the world for one
work if you look His in front example to dress up will do this is rather This is me . who
more thousands of people did you help in the eyes make it visible bald Days Is n't it ?"

“ So Gwameomchi don't drink I hope .”

" That ... Lee tell me give me Thank you .”

trembling answered Hyun Jong-eun brain little got busy

' what Do you think ?'

of course he court of law inside out clearly to figure out souya No , but once now court of
law horse and in the attitude pretense even alittle can't feel it did n't

so that Hyeonjongdo how which with attitude court have to deal with Whether sense not
caught did n't already emotions Shanghai Road maximum state , but example set up
won't capital Is n't it ?

“ Chief .”

“ Tell me , sir .”

Tang military evil firm with face court looking said .

“ Thank you dividing also good , but what to work here Did you find it ?”

“ Hmm !”

unpleasant seemingly hem sound paid that is Different not It was a bell shape .

“ The head of the house Cheon Woo-blind Injara Lee He said , Cheon Woo Meng's
prestige to be great one shape . Meng Judo not the person to the chief to work girl
Bonnie I mean .”

Tang military evil without a word shape of the bell I stared . However bell type Also one
dentistry even retreat without that look at got it right

“ Yes . Too nice to meet you Mind ahead stop .”

However their short confrontation court of law soft in the voice due to naturally unravel
no choice but to there was no

the court slowly head of class and depth example expressed _

“ First old file room On behalf of Hangzhou tribulation subdue given to the people
thanks mark .”

“ How …”

“ length to remain It was a collaboration . My insight short you Wolf wonderfully work
finish room line I didn't know .”

“ ……”

“ And My cheat narrow more early Wow thanks drizzle unhappy Thing forgive me please
give me I hope .”
“ That’s fishman Are you talking about it , boss ? Wolf step sun given just by thank you It
is .”

the court yourself continue Lower it , Hyeonjong posture diagram increasingly to be

lowered no choice but to there was no

that look looking this in place there is Everyone is Shaolin It's called a janitor of position
power sharply I felt it . so cursing gossip sun Even if I put it on , in front of my eyes
chieftain sit down that there is actually with one like this tension That is to say especially
there courtesy set up moderator Before doony more It was .

“ all after finish thank you will do there in the first place even to help do it .”

“ Cheongmyung !”

“ I What wrong word did you?”

now A little calmed down thing same loose I gave Cheongmyeong flick shoot abandoned
. one hundred thousand hurry again His to wear trying to block In an instant , the court
obediently head nodded .

“ Right I mean . I It was stupid .”

“ ……”

“ And this thanks get will do this is more than anyone you are Thank you .”

head bowing down court for a moment blankly seen Cheongmyeong Moment two in the
eyes double wick turned on

“ Ah ! Got it !”

“ Uh , huh ?”

“ you this Baby , Hao Moon-ju !”

“ … Huh ?”

“ here where dare Sapa cub maharaja bald Farewell ....... Eup ! Oops !”

Cheongmyeong again dragged away this time Yui Seol Dangsoso Next until Hyeyeon
cling to clear side puck puck hit put it on

" Turn it off !"

However clarification dissuasive these too bewildered the heart It was the same .
especially jogul and Soso is inwardly Not at all don't hide unhappy Chae ' _ cub coming
on the road What wrong Did you eat it?' doing with face court looked up

“ Are you weird ?”

their then heart that I understand seemingly the court smiling face to face to Hyeonjong
asked .

“ Rather than strange …”

Hyunjong to wear garin stick small coughing in vain speak was _

“ As before little changed thing like a little It’s embarrassing .”

“ so you would think thing None . just little back off one foot from behind looked at
That’s all .”

“ one foot Behind you?”

“ Amitabha Buddha .”

the court Still head nodded .

“ to perform doing lice most have to be vigilant will do that is stubborn girl know Even
though there was I obsessively captivated There was . that for the first time would have
realized only .”

“ ……”

“ For a person everyone seeking good (善) _ there is It's the law . that line come out it's
different so wrong crab not Thing forgotten Chae , I My line only forcing there was shape

“ ..... the chief .”

“ Wrong thought that finally right If it turns out , I to be wrong Thing have to admit But
.... Yes , my lord . I that not admit it Failed . so that not wrong not Thing leave that's
wrong shout it I put it on . the more My in delusion get bigger It was just that .”

Hyeonjong body burr trembled _ now the court doing the horse volcanic road and road _
_ reach there is I mean .

the court Binggrae laughed _

“ So I put it down . just Is n't it empty ? "

“ Yes , Chief . Yes .”

Hyunjong that I sympathize seemingly head nodded .

“ If you Today …”

“ Apologize give and again one offer a drill that in has come .”

“ It’s a proposal. Did you?”

“ Yes , it is a suggestion .”

the court smile Tin stick said .

“ all girl put it down Bonnie Know has been . I now what do do whether , and my egotism
Because Everyone is wrong Path Going that there is also I mean .”

Hyunjong for a moment paused asked .

“ We Everyone is wrong Path Going that there is do you mean ?”

“ Yes , yes .”

“ How …?”

“ …… Amitabha Buddha .”

Eyes winding up loose dislike left the court slowly Eyes popped up and shake Do not have
by eye Hyeonjong faced _ that in soaked Seriously , Hyeonjong on the back Absolutely
tension stood up

“ now midfield which whether the situation the lord more well know will be there I think

Hyunjong head nodding Thing to check the court speak was _

“ Gangnam Sapa to the bad guys tormented there is , and they anytime Yangtze River
beyond Gangbuk to invade field will be . and hundred year in the bay that mage again
track down exposed situation . Wind lantern , Baekcheok Gandura horse even alittle not
excessive not You should see it .”

“ Um , yes .”

“ But … that in the situation midfield Protect to pay will do We How about ? just each
other only half over and over yes Don't you ?”

clear eyebrows Again pointed moment , the court a little self-help said .

“ Of course that most cause is Different not to me that there was thing Also know There is
. so that Wolf see you apologize to give one That is . again once sorry It is according to
the little one too much Not enough ......”

“ Oh , no , Chief . that is how Chief's only it's wrong would you like to My wrong Also It
will be big .”

the court Binggrae smile built .

“ The lord picture do you say Bin Seung-yi More I feel ashamed . so far well inside come
alive Bonnie , the world all My at will to flow just give Got it . that is no girl wish I knew
reflect have to accept doing that , that rattolman one pride throw away can not the world
twist I looked shape .”

“ Chief ....”

Hyunjong shaking by eye court looked up

Shaolin chieftain so far yourself put it down say , that on horse soaked Sincerity to some
extent believe should give doing crab maybe ? even court of law Next sitting Even the
bell-shaped the court this speak will do line is did not know as if surprised a sign don't
hide can't yes isn't it ?

“ Then that it's a suggestion Hashim is …”

“ Bondi safaga flourish magician to call When , we what Sun would you like to Sun will do
work too much It was natural . just each other each other not admit it can't far Path
would be back It’s just that.”

“ ……”

“ So , I to the lord to suggest do . Not yet late would not have Tenni , more irreversible
number Do not have Days wide open before even now harmony doing that How would
you like it ?”

Hyunjong to hesitate also without head nodded .

actually This Hyeonjong from the standpoint Baramaji didn't it's a thing just court It's
called the old file room. place believe medical charge there wouldn't have been only ,
these yourself put it down to be together if you want he to refuse the reason is where
will there be

“ The chief picture if you say of course relationship …”

“ No , my lord .”

“ Yes ?”

However the court decidedly head I stumbled .

“ With that enough does not . I why a volcano not admit it can't have you been excluded
Do you know ?”

“ That , well .”

“ second that was not Because. ”

misunderstood have a chance there is on horse volcano the disciples Moment glance
frowned . However the court subsequent in words their misunderstanding loose gave _
“ exactly as it were one fence in yes didn't Because . then line knew place right not saying
Thing Know Come on , I hate it artist It happened . yes this is all I because it's not enough
then That is . But ..... my lord . the world handsome only these living place No. _
someone like me pray for lack I will .”

“ . . . so will .”

“ such to them old file room Oh Dae-se , and Cheon Woo-blind unity is just catering in
action merely to be felt will be . Now is just friendly pretend only , in the end again to
crack I'd say I mean .”

that on horse listen there was these all head nodded . right now only them chart that in
awareness get out difficult will _

“ Then what to do Are you talking ?”

“You have to throw it away . with there is Thing put down do . and first fence It should be
demolished . to do that for Way just There is only one .”

the court Binggrae smile built . blue sky like , also embarrassed , and In addition perhaps
Baramaji didn't speak exhaling _

“ Chun Woo Meng dismantle original to seat come back Shaolin volcanic old file room
make a comeback formally I ask for it .”

astonished of these from the mouth leak came out bullshit sound room inside All of a
sudden covered _

1163 episodes . U.S what Sun would you like to (3)

“ Old ... file room ....... ”

“ …… Return ?”

volcano of the disciples from the mouth moaning same voice is leak came out

their Snow endlessly court looked at now heard horse is it really check it want to see as if
that much shock big will _

However these received shock is Hyeonjonggwa the elders received on incomparable

barga it wasn't

woowook .

thighs straw phenomenon in hand flesh at any moment pierce seemingly closely strength
went in However phenomenon is even the pain feel can't there was
old file room come back no way then horse court of law from the mouth come out would
who Imagine did you?

the disciples I don't know . here there is white porcelain ship and celadon the ship this
horse sage to the ships which meaning have even imagine summer solstice can't will _

they are two by eye watched _ in the old file room kicked out volcanic ancestors which
with my heart Eyes did you feel Eyes wind up that until the moment unity be patient
inside can't , far even later Someday in the old file room volcanic The name again to
climb the day to come wished of these death Still clearly remembered _

their teacher Also stretch I beg you left _ Someday a volcano again on the rock up was
brilliant glory get it back ask for till the end Begging , begging , crying . never to achieve
number Do not have it's a dream girl know while being I mean .

By the way now that work to achieve strength there is self come back speak pulled out
will _

Of course , in the past the court same speak mentioned enemy there was However at
that time to the court ' volcanic' old file room ' return ' a volcano My as you please
beating for sweet bait interest on the checklist pass would not have ter .

However now the volcano more More than the court as you please buril number there is
place No , the air ticket tossed Moderately Soothe pass over number there is no place No.
_ the volcano now court of law in the remark About responsible the water number there
is Moonpain will _

that fact don't know lee Do not have the court this speak pulled out thing , now this offer
It's sincere it meant

“ that , that Horse ......”

are you serious wanted to ask Hyunjong suddenly to wear closed . now he which speak
chart situation awkward _ he volcanic He is also a long writer However , Cheon Woo
Meng's also a savior do _

Cheon Woo Meng dismantling condition to the volcano returning After the fruit _ _ not
becomes _

“ Excessive It is the word .”

that Moment Tang military evil to wear opened .

the volcano Cheon Woo-blind It's key . old file room no matter how that's great Handel
, Cheon Woo-meng stripe than the seat . awesome that is None .”

“ Ummm . like that to think capital There is .”

court Also obediently that fact acknowledged _

“ And Cheon Woo Meng if dismantled left the clans what to do Are you talking ?”

“ problem to be that Are you there ?”

“ … Yes ?”

the court Binggrae smile build _

“ Awkward that is Danga in heaven belong there is That is . Danga Bondi there was five
generations back that really Problem felled is it work ? hundreds year that in place there
was What is the price ?”

“ …”

“ Namgung Also The same is true . Namgung Sega Oh generation name again inscribed
that what picture Weird Would you like to work ?”

“ We I will thinking None .”

Namgungdowi cool let's answer the court head I stumbled .

“ Soga-ju , my to the owner drill the word None .”

“ …”

“ But Soga owner for real crest If you think , your stubborn any you have to put it down
do .”

“ I Chun Woo Meng together that crest for work I think .”

“ It is now of course That 's right . then hundred year behind How are you ?”

“ Of course …”

“ The lord you are here No , volcanic swordsman no , here there is these all with soil back
behind in heaven belong there is that to the family profit to be go here is will it ?”

“ …”

“ No. _ No. _ my Cheon Woo-blind high meaning and stubborn more than do not know
barga No. _ However That is…”

the court cool in voice declared _

“ Chun Woo Maeng make paid that no , here there is some People make paid will be . My
horse Are you wrong ?”

on Namgungdo face distorted _

“ that meaning Following mask to be It’s work .”

“ one in the clan ancestral meaning Following going also easy not work , many clan united
Cheon Woo Blind stand across repeatedly meaning Following going that really possible
work Do you think ?”

“ …”

“ The cattle giver excellent This is . I will number Surely there is , Hana , Sogaju , Sogaju
next on the stand certainly small town same lice the state to be guarantee is there is no
and next stand even more It would be .”

the court head I stumbled .

“ Chun Woo Meng long time Branch can't will .”

“ No , but …”

“ Chun Woo Maeng to lack because of this No. _ rather Too to overdo Because . people's
the bowl in the first place limit there is It's the law . they really Cheon Woo-blind large
meaning can afford number Are you there ?”

no one that on horse Shh don't answer could n't

“ I go through because I saw I know . I My the bowl said to be small here not He was
human , but he was meaning I understand Failed . if Let me ask you . Cheon Woo-blind
descendants middle I same lice if it appears how would you like Volcano Swordsman No ,
Hyun Jong Jin Do not have in the times I to appear if Cheon Woo Blind What will
happen ?”

“ Uh …”

this time nobody car speak will do medical charge there was no expected going the bar
obviously there is , that mouth outside smoking Moment in court About disparaging
Became throw away Because .

“ Nevertheless really Cheon Woo Meng to keep that the future for work ?”

at that time one hundred thousand me line in voice coolly said .

“ I dare to wear even if open felled whether the seat I don't know , Chief . In
Cheonwoomeng only us not outside You too you are there this say the word try to them
in place call me You didn’t …”

“ North Sea Ice Palace and Namman beast palace , two in the doorstep attached It's
called Sae-Oe letters dig two clan midfield Munpa-ro to admit will .”

“ …”
“ And on them About support is Like now , no . that More than will do Thing I promise .
then they so wanted Thing in hand put number there will be Cheon Woo Blind gist unable
thing . borderline savage not midfield at the center proudly to enter thing .”

“ No , what about green forest ! green forest even though it's sapphire It’s a chunwoo-
beng !”

jogging paroxysmal in a cry the court Binggrae laugh _

“ That’s me too I 'm worried together if we discuss to be it will work However already
green forest sapara to call number Do not have place Isn't it ?"

“ . . . that ’s right together .”

“ The green no more Yang Min do not harm I won't if you promise Jeongpa-ro admit it
gist can't also No , even the Buddha the wicked with penance lead did it , rather excellent
Days Is n't it ?"

“ Well , if that ’s the case …”

jogger hair is scratching backwards retreated _

maybe Im So-byeong this speak I hope you hear Eyes turn over to the court loyalty make
an oath might have I don't know . the volcano no matter how greenery give preference
give me Look , Shaolin one th admit it giving only one the ripple power never make
number there will be no Because .

“ Then became thing Isn't it ?"

at that time so far calmly listen only there was Cheongmyeong to wear took off

“ to him About the answer is already before gave thing I guess . we are only a fake not
left in the old file room to return The reason is …”

“ Only an illusion if not felled will it ?”

“ Huh ?”

the court clarification stare looking up Binggrae laughed _

" On the volcano Shaolin Department equivalent position I promise .”

“ What ?”

Cheongmyeong Moment me too without knowing half talk spit out fell . court of law
crop that's about it Palm above put it on that thought also for cheongmyeong this just
say it was shocking Because .

Shaolin which where was it ?

past with magic War at the time the volcano alone evil of development and shut up to
be even when old file room called the chief stubborn pride put it down didn't where _

By the way at that time on the volcano compared to yet long time scarce now on the
volcano even then not get couldn't position to say no I mean .

“ What Nonsense …”

“ Shaolin chairperson by name under a thousand I will declare volcanic Shaolin equivalent
position with each other cooperate I'm going out I mean .”

“ …”

clear mouth blah blah happened _

" That ... the chief , that ... this , this perhaps so asking It is .”

“ Something ?”

“ Maybe Nowadays in pants What Tired or self where whether memory well not It's flying
or ....... Thread !”

Cheongmyeong that on the spot Forward Cheol Puduk fall over and Hyun-Young clear
back of the head kick discarded feet sneakily recovered _

“ I'm sorry , Chief . this guy one every time mind Come and go …”

“ What about the elder ?”

“ It’s Hyunyoung. do .”

“ . . . remember I will leave it .”

the court Eyes It was terrifying . no way volcanic elder during clarification step on throw
away number there is People to be line is did not know as if

“ Amitabha Buddha .”

a little amazed heart to calm down seemingly dislike left the court Hyeonjong upright
looked up

“ My lord .”

“ …… Yes , Chief .”

“ Of course with this alone not enough not saying Thing know There is . now the volcano
enjoy and the volcano wanting to walk Path giving up in return this every that is too
much small on It’s just that.”

that Moment Cheongmyeong jump got up head fiercely up and down nodded . the court
calmly said .
“ But Yes Handeul , Lord My make a suggestion you have to get do .”

“ .... that In addition what Are you talking ?”

“ If the lord just volcanic If you are long My make a suggestion Even if you refuse will be
. However Cheon Woo-blind lord more than My make a suggestion you refuse not It will
be .”

Hyunjong willingly I understand unable notice do you see the court Binggrae laughed _

“ The reason It's simple . Cheon Woo Blind Right away to be blind Because . Ask me , the
old file room Cheon Woo Blind like now to conflict when and each other divided at least
cooperate when , and every Thing put it down again one when it becomes .”

Hyeonjong face hardened _

“ that three middle which side them to face more Would it be easy ? and that three
middle which side more Many these save number Are you there ?”

“ Yeah …”

Hyun Jong-eun answer to the end summer solstice didn't , but that answer or it was no
different This Samcheok-dongjado that on the spot answer number there is because it's a

“ I Cheon Woo Blind so far the civilians for fight On that never lie not I think . that
sincerity is already you all Prove it .”

the court here sitting these all the way took a look

“ So dare Please . Shaolin first I'll put it down . so you too Pride Because more Many these
save the world save chance not deny roll up Please . Please .”

Everyone is until the breath patient seemingly It became quiet . the court that on the
spot slowly head bowed down Because .

face Absolutely hardened Tang military evil lips sticky bit off

' This is ... an outsider .'

so far Cheon Woo Blind put forward justification . and to protect did value . that Right
away It was consultation . this is Cheon Woo-blind every would will do number there was

But that negotiator Now is rather Absolutely sharp dagger Became neck aim there was

' Court .....'

momentarily called court in humans about vicious fear felt Tang military music me too
without knowing My thighs sudden grabbed _
someone neck big Dong-a line slowly ...... very slowly tighten coming blazing feeling of
pressure came rushing

1164 episodes . U.S what Sun would you like to (4)

' This was it .'

Jong-hyung lips it is loose head bow down court of law My back looked up

' I hope .....'

Initially the court mind went out I thought .

a volcano in the old file room bring back and give line number there is Thing all take out
to give that speak old file room Different clan how would you accept

This in heaven About unconditional surrender declaration or Different Do not have I

mean .

However the court last speak one Momentary , Jong-hyung court of law sincerity to
realize number there was

' damage see that is nothing None .'

greenery Jeongpa-ro admit it give so in the old file room what hit will you come I outside
the clans midfield Munpa-ro I admit So , they suddenly base throw away this in the
midfield flock take a seat catch would you ?

Danga and It's Namgung back to place return it is only then realistically Shaolin yielding
that is just a volcano admit it giving only thing

of course Shaolin alone take the lead came old file room in the power called a volcano
the opposite point fabricated that is as a shaolin not happy not every day will _ But ......

' outside Cheon Woo Blind there is unlike that even compare will do number Do not
have work .'

no . think look a volcano at the opposite point erected that please in shaolin Bad work
not will _ Shaolin steadfast position carry there is if the situation I don't know , now
Shaolin certainly shaking yes isn't it ?

then in the meantime Shaolin Department to confront clan from the outside if you come

I on the volcano power take away loath Different the clans certainly Shaolin down to
gather to be will _ now Shaolin attack subject The reason is court of law error also
because But , that much Shaolin perfectly Different of the clans above to be because it is

people most Height line this somehow pull down want do _

' But people someone yourself overtake rising Thing in the first place high line than
people more I hate it .'

nobody My head above standing People in two increasing girl want won't will _ like that if
Shaolin back shaking position to recover chance get becomes _

' Thinking The more I think Perfect .'

what if this make a suggestion the volcano accept if the court at a whack saffron in
magic sea divided wave uniform hero felled will _ myself have Thing until I put it down
the world for sacrificed Hero !!

more disappointed that is this every that Bondi the court Sun would have called work
thing . just in order if it has flowed naturally Wolf flowed that , several pain relief
suffering dramatically made up will _

usually the people natural than victory this dramatic to the conclusion more attention
eggplant law Is n't it ? It's a phone scam the horse oh my time for present would be

' What are you going to do , Hyunjong ?'

bell-shaped gaze complexion hardened to Hyunjong plugged in

of course Cheon Woo Blind this make a suggestion if you refuse only in vain turned on
suffer It would be , but work to open up hard _ this make a suggestion refuse throw
away moment , so far Cheon Woo Blind put forward justification value is all on the
ground stuck throw away Because .

and leftover that is Only power to covet of the peoples sacrifice said to have been
neglected evaluation only will _

By the way how what channel this make a suggestion to refuse number that there is
mean ?

bell-shaped in the eyes looks like I Hyeonjong on the side locked up court of law rain
water . at a whack flesh pierce through the bone Gala to the lungs tear discarded dagger
I mean .

Hyunjong in pain moaningly in vain swallowing It was a moment .

“ Why … why ? please U.S So that doing are you ? I will there rather Shaolin in heaven
Come in !! old file room five generations in heaven even if you come in same result
coming out thing Isn't it ?"

with the head I don't know in the sense situation that it got weird girl felt jogger hastily
exclaimed . dare volcanic the third disciple as an identity Shaolin to the chief to do
excessively rude in words I mean .
However the court then jogging Far from blaming , again that it is unique seemingly
smile built .

“ Of course it would be possible However that not to be One day .”

“ … why ?”

“ People Also with us together fighting be these Because . they which in the name more
Are you used to it ?”

“ .... that is . . .”

the court sigh exhaled _

“ And embarrassing I mean , different old file room the clans old file room dismantle in
heaven to enter to refuse girl . that's why In addition Different division give birth only .”

“ Ooh , just us. Why …”

“ So Wolf begging it will be my in thought this ideal way exist I don't .”

the court left these look up

“ The great principle is there is only one more good in the direction power Gather more
Many these seeking thing . my Than you think more better How to know if there is teach
give me if justified my certainly I will follow you.”

“ ……”

then way to be lee no _

here there is even these all I'm convinced abandoned . now the court said the way is I
saffron magic facing place in most strong the means that .

' Old file room together Fighting ?'

little until somehow at least a little power strengthen I'll see you struggling hit crab
stupidly to be felt enough . of course that every Days in vain souya no , but anyway then
thinking field as much as old file room name is giant will _

Tang military evil a little lips biting said .

“ a little I am on the volcano equivalent position I promise You said . However finally that
just last days it's just isn't it ? In reality that is Is it possible ?”

“ It is possible no thinking The reason is What is it ?”

“ Sorim Even if I admit Different clan not admit it won't will .”

the court Binggrae laughed _

“ That’s why what is worry mean ? then here you are people please help to be thing Isn't
it ?"

“ ……”

“ affiliation to change so you all piled up Judaism not disappearing won't ter . that frugal
promise and status than more sure support Isn't it ?"

“ The old file room case A little …”

“ The head of the party . Oh my gosh Perfect that is None .”

the court head Stirring said .

“ my have thing not one take out let go without , but not one not yield I don't want to if
harmony compromise dreamlike story day only .”

the court Hyeonjong toward slow look at turned _

“ Yes . Isn't it , long storyteller ?"

Hyun Jong-eun stop Smile abandoned .

little until he Cheon Woo-blind be the lord to do one never without exception swear by it
called , now already he old file room member as if It's long call . Oh yeah crafty speak

“ one I will ask you , Chief .”

“You ask me .”

“ so far you do the reason is What is it ?”

the court shake Do not have by eye Hyeonjong looked up

“ Moon-in Jang now My sincerity to doubt you will will be .

“ . . . honestly Yes .”

“ Then To be honest Let me tell you . I now very private , explicit, and lustful full car There
is .”

“ Yes ?”

“ in the future which me , that called court crazy middle man I What Sun map unwittingly
while running the world Sapa to the den made sound same case never listen want to
does not .”

Hyunjong flinched _
“ second horse like a fright If you heard , I that much earnestly Because . I the world saved
the hero not Even if I can't , the world on the dottan missed rebel become want to does
not . if so even in death Shaolin predecessor see you unfamiliar there will be no will be .
rather to hell away forever suffering side more It would be better .”

Hyeonjong fingertips a little trembled _

the court just calmly Own inside out release there is However , for Hyeonjong Like me
line like a warning heard _ this make a suggestion to refuse if rebellious felled that is
Right away My name is Hyunjong I mean .

I will intention not Thing know despite being .

“ So , I usually Sun did work even now want to do . regret no matter how even if it's fast
late , past that is anyway irreversible number no , but nonetheless regret at all summer
solstice not rather than get better Won't you ?"

“ … you are right . It is the word .”

Hyun Jong-eun now no more egg medical charge there was no

now in front of you sit down there is lice Absolutely vicious poison embrace snake same
as did and again on the one hand of the world every obsession throw away gained high
priest same as did _

no , maybe that two branch all one may it look I don't know .

' I don't know .'

egg medical charge no _ certainly court of law behavior and purpose is ancestral That is ,
he doing of act result a volcano at a corner push put there is supreme line rather vicious
like evil Him press there is will _

' Maybe ... the chairperson from scratch like this whether or not I don't know .'

which Thing leave right If you do , do your best do it all that to be right to go through it
costs that in the process in sacrifice don't be afraid without , face hurting even that
accepting , momentary degree of humiliation persistently be patient pay _

yes this is until now the court their from the other side see giving look Only . The
difference if there is now court of law purpose with them together as changed thing only

that leave Wrong to say number is there

' I how Sun do you ?'

Everyone is Hyeonjong looking up there is

little until so Passionately Cheon Woo-blind The future about was discussing these now
what to do bar do not know with face just His mouth only looking up there was

here there is this Great these not one exhaustively to the court swing discarded will _

no , none without leaving ?

Hyeonjong gaze naturally one to a person headed _ he at a corner rushed Whenever

always Path open it gave to this .

“ in the old file room It’s a volcano …”

Hyeonjong gaze stick to reach before clear lazy voice is room in like water flowed _ that
voice is naturally everyone's attention focused _

“ What not bad I don't . chieftain you said girl all if you keep That ’s right .”

“ Faith if not even a pledge I will do it . that the price my even the neck It's okay ."

“ Well , so far If you tell me .”

Cheongmyeong shoulder Shrugged .

“ Then old file room now ten file room felled are you going The name zero It’s nothing .”

the court haha Smile abandoned .

“ the name what picture would it matter ? The old file room Heat doggy clan also mean
But , that by itself Single symbol Became discarded ji it's been a long time so in the old file
room eleven doggy clan say it costs chart the people You will understand .”

“ What . even so I will .”

arms crossed worn Cheongmyeong head linger around

“ Chief .”

“ Why Is that so ?”

“ More than expected That 's great . To be honest so far to be driven I'd say imagination
pond I did .”

that on horse the court Binggrae Smile seemed _

“ under heaven Volcano Swordsman Wolf Say it giving girl Bonnie , I good make a
suggestion one case right shape .”

“ Too I like it even dance dance want to It's close . Since when you thought right ?”
“ Just put it down I saw it .”

“ …… even Buddhism believe have to see one .”

Cheongmyeong pond to win seemingly head I stumbled . that look stare watched the
court again to wear took off

“ So how would you ? What is the answer ?”

“ … to refuse way thinking not I'm fine . To be honest this not when received the volcano
On under heaven curse while eating My stomach burst I will die .”

“ That’s just correct work It 's because right Isn't it ?"

“ .... that justification to some extent I used a knife , that chieftain swing give it a go .”

tt do Big tongue cold Cheongmyeong both hands a little listen raised . to surrender
seemingly I mean .

“ Then accepting as a girl you know Will it be ?”

“ Well , it should be . later how about I don't know , now First positively discuss I'll see
you answering crab First of all .”

“ Yes . me Also this on the spot an immediate answer wish case no . slowly think give it to
me .”

court of law from a smile His confident peeked out Cheongmyeong then Him see said .

“ But that before , one I will ask .”

“ What ?”

“ a little before one even a person more Many these exoneration for the sake of Did you?
to do that for all You put it down ?”

“ Yes .”

“ Are you serious ?”

“ Of course Yes .”

“ Oh , right ?”

Cheongmyeong fresh laughed _ two people's laugh young gaze each other encounter
moment .

“ Then Haenam wave what to do right ?”

“ …… Haenampa ?”
“ Yes , I am a Haenam group . I Gangnam at the end in saffron besieged there is Haenam
group .”

“ …”

“ It listen fix it tell me look at them what to do Guernsey ."

that on the spot hold your breath there was these are Moment clearly saw _ to chill cold
clear eyes court piercing look I mean .

1165 episodes . U.S what Sun would you like to (5)

White Nasam Under exposed white hand red a drink lightly gripped it

Jang Il-so head tilted stick slow Eyes blinking in the sky knitted the moon stared at like
that for a while without a word moonman looking at he My in hand heard with a drink
look at moved _

the drink at any moment overflow seemingly full of car there was that in reflected Moon
is waving it shook

“ my sing the moon Strolling ...”

His Lips New whispering blazing voice is slowly flowed out

“ my dance Chuny shadow Dizzy .”

by mouth a cup took Jang Il-so slowly tilted _

“ Wake up together amused thing , drunk behind trace There was no ...... ”

tongue empty discarded sake cup more More than alcohol and the moon exist does not
nevertheless Jang Il-so bean a cup without a word just looked up

“ It ’s Lee Baek . ”

nickname approaching loose said .

“ Ryeonju gaze at _ _ _ you like line is I didn't know .”

“… two hundred .”

Jang Il-so as if slurping laughed _

“ I don’t like I don't . no ....... rather reluctant good side .”

“ two hundred mean ?”

Jang Il-so gaze by the river move went _ river consolation roaring Moon is seemed _
“ Lee Baek-eun … in the river reflected the moon try to rescue in water fall out He was
dead .”

“ ……”

“ Stupid I mean .”

Jang Il-so holding there was a drink at a whack by the river threw it a drink caused in a
ripple on the river reflected Moon is was ripped off

However shaking shaken the moon Within again My look find went _ quietly .

“ That fantasy day it 's just no matter how to catch chart never catch number no .
However Nevertheless …”

Jang Il-so on the lips pale smile bloomed _

“ It disappears I don't I mean . so cheek no choice but to no . spellbound like .”

“ sky above really Moon is Are you there ?”

“ not reach Isn't it ?"

Jang Il-so head backwards hanging down leaned over

“ In the sky knitted the moon die hand stretched out have to see not reach I don't .
However river above knitted the moon catch number to be thing it 's like only hand
stretched out I mean …”

“ ……”

“ So Lee Baek-do in water fall out must have died that the moon somehow with wanted
Tenni .”

half way wound up blazing by eye long time During in water knitted the moon looking at
Jang Il-so gaze to the last name heading to

“ How are you? pseudonym . you also I in water reflected the moon to catch doing as if
Did you see it ?”

that on horse nickname small laugh built .

“ Well . that I don't know , I can't reach not the moon in hand enclosed Way know There
is .”

“ … how ?”

nickname without a word come on foot Jang Il-so Before bird a cup put down alcohol
filled . in a cup full cold alcohol up , again Moon is came to mind

“ here There is .”
“ ……”

“ If you drink disappear , but again fill again eggplant thing Is n't it ? disappeared the
moon no regrets drink again alcohol when poured That’s it .”

Jang Il-so chukkuk Smile put it on

“ Really smart this is seperately Because there is .”

Jang Il-so hand stretched out nickname filled alcohol slowly inhaled .

that look without a word watched nickname a little heavy in voice to wear took off

“ of the Talmyung Dokho (奪命獨虎) to persuade Failed .”

Jang Il-so don't answer without Kang Man looked up

“ dying Han Yi Even if it is , the Lord not follow I won't He said .”

still the answer is Do not have long day looking nickname loose said .

“ …… otherwise dory no executed .”

“ Yes .”

Jang Il-so slow to wear opened .

“ Family was there ?”

“ Fujian on the side wife son there is as a girl know There is . it's you house left ji ten year
is well past thing It’s the same, but …”

“ ruthless You are human .”

“ such these usually right Don't you ?”

“ Remaining to families forever write as much as money send Give me .”

nickname answer without long day looked up

“ Why So ?”

“ a little presumptuous is the question I don't know ..... he to the Lord revolt all This is .
stupidly the owner wrong with you , all the way wrong make a choice one lice Isn't it ?
then dental to the chefs No need to ……”

“ Wrong ….”

Jang Il-so again head turn river looked up

“ Yeah … I’m stupid. godfather of mangeum under Come on in, you idiot to the end
loyalty punctual beggar . people a dog no , like a dog living under heaven stupid bastard

“ Yes .”

“ But … well . that is indeed wrong Is it? ”

“ …… Ryeonju ?”

Jang Il-so chukkuk laughed _

“ It’s the world crab , right wrong exactly to share number if there is difficult crab what do
you have just who right though cover to be one person that .”

“ ……”

“ But A pseudonym ..... to a person each Your own ' right ' yes Isn't it? "

nickname slowly head nodded .

“ Therefore tiring that 's it nobody not wrong but to choose number there is the road
Because there is only one .”

“ If so what to do do you?”

“ Someone to convince will , and someone by logic take a picture to press will do
someone waiting , someone town, and again someone will be affected However I Just …”

chin !

Jang Il-so gripped in a cup blah blah blah cracked went Within smithereens came out

" trampling take away it is only that is most fast It's a way .”

Jang Il-so drink half way cold bottle of wine listen slowly tilted _ flowed out drink slowly
on the river flowed down

“ I trampled to them sorry but booze _ one glass that's about it line number there is thing
Is n't it ? right ?”

nickname Still head wandered off

“ as the name suggests I will .”

“ Yes . Do you want to .”

“ Yes , then .”

nickname up quietly let's back off Jang Il-so gaze again river above knitted by moon
headed _
' who Is that right .....'

in vain It was meaningless .


court of law mouth Still closed .

clear transparent eyes Him coldly crush there was Like coldly frozen incisive blade lung
deep place lancinating only same _

Suddenly darkness get off lamplight revealed room inside I only the eyes sentence
shining thing same _

this eyes see that today the first No. _ already some over and over Boa came .

and every time the court Own sincerity hide for kid to write did _ My half of the peninsula
live not child's in the eyes felt egg number Do not have awkwardness to avoid I mean .

Yes , it 's awkward . . . .

now only come doing I mean , that gritty perhaps of fear Different may it look I don't
know . never fear line number shouldn't will do from this felt because of fear that himself
too egg number there wouldn't have been only .

the court Still Eyes rolled up

inside out honestly admit it Nani , my heart calmly it sank here all When , the court
already this moment to face would expected .

'The Volcano Swordsman '

no matter how try to understand chart understand number Do not have this . always he
wanting to go direction and on the other way Furthermore he imagination will do
number Do not have achievements achieve throw away this ..

he existence itself in court About A threat , to the Shaolin About is a threat

so that so far the court the volcanic sword somehow try to control work hard came .
However deep deep come on at the end Know became _ he why clarification I'm afraid
came I mean .

' my that Because it 's not my in confine number because there wasn't was afraid only that

what if in shaolin blueberry same lice If so , the court indeed Him were you afraid ? he to
yourself threaten do consider be vigilant try to suppress did you hear
no , never right would not have will _ rather clear existence that more than anyone might
have been willing I don't know . now in Shaolin Do not have Thing fill up line said to
exist I mean .

this what do you mean

' understand number if not beside two side becomes .'

opponent enemy no felled moment , fear Also disappear Because .

so that the court down in conclusion one . Shaolin Department the volcanic sword
somehow embrace smoking will _ they never to refuse number Do not have make a
suggestion ready I mean .

the court slowly Eyes popped up

“ Chief .”

Cheongmyeong answer without court facing saw _ even alittle change not with eyes .

“ Honestly In other words ... here come before I this moment I expected it .”

“ … what mean ?”

the court Binggrae laugh _

“ What ask a question until I didn't know and what reaction might did n't know However
stock price certainly I not expected unhappy something take out would I thought .”

the court Binggrae laughed _

“ so far always okay I'm here Say it .”

clear lips a little it was lame he too intuition will _ now the court as usual different that .

“ Therefore here come before one Branch principle stand up came .”

“ That’s what ?"

“ that which ask a question subject Han Yi Even if there is .”

the court shake Do not have by eye clarification stared at clear look at one chido avoid
nor .

“ Never lie _ in the mouth supported won't I'd say I mean .”

Cheongmyeong glance frowned .

“ If you are a fire of course Sun will do work, but the Buddhist in the mouth to include
outrageous I mean . that finally until now lie rice like eating said That ’s it .”
“ Maybe I don't know .”

“ ........ Shaolin Island done It looks like It's called a janitor min casually then speak all and

Cheongmyeong a little let's criticize the court head I stumbled .

“ by yourself lie to say one few None . However sometimes even the truth lie to be time
there is It's the law .”

Cheongmyeong briefly tongue full . the court doing horse what whether it means get to
know Because .

“ I will try my best I will do my best , take responsibility even if you don't felled bald the
horse not will sound Do you think ?”

“ Amitabha Buddha .”

the court low dislike was out

“ Yes . this in place have look sometimes lie not lie in the mouth have to contain will do
when there is yourself too lie don't think did n't said as it is to protect because I did But
...... all Thing tell me not is different form of false It will only be .”

the court clarification looking up I thought .

' That's funny .'

Occasionally so far Became did you throw it away ?

he even to look Cheongmyeong under heaven is a hero now that fact nobody undeniable
number no _

he really Shaolin as moderator strong protect , and regular Right away erected Thing
lifetime aiming if you took Qingming same lice emergent Thing rightfully rejoice be
willing to would have will _

But ... how much until clear existence is His in the heart filled delusion , that Lee Sang-do
Lee Ha-do it wasn't

“ So honestly I will tell you .”

know there is

here he Sun will do the horse well packed it's false Girl . that is His position little more get
better make to give Girl .

Haenam exoneration for do your best I will do my best talking crab picture difficult work
because no so Cheon Woo Blind help I wish wish talking also difficult crab because no
However the court know there is that little before said form only Different false that only
fact . he already not determined did n't here a little lie too in the mouth support say no

“ You I asked . only one even a person more exoneration for do your best I will do my
best horse Is it true? ”

“ . . . it was .”

the court head nodded .

“ Yes , then . honestly I will tell you .”

dimly sunken court of law gaze and clear gaze in the air encountered .

“ The Shaolin ... I Haenam save thinking None .”

that the voice too much It was quiet . so that rather More thick clearly that in place sitting
of these chest dug into

1166 episodes . really I wrong will ? (One)

Cheongmyeong court I 'm staring

eyes are nothing changed that no _ one Everyone is clear in the eyes soaked make sense
changed Thing felt _

“ now he what speak doing Guernsey to know Are you there ?”

“ know there is .”

“ But …”

“ to the end listen .”

“ ……”

the court clear speak bitten speak Following went _

“ Also , I Shaolin Department meaning together that which Munpado to Gangnam beam
do not put won't It will be .”

“ Chief .......”

“ He Of course it is .”

court of law gaze blueberry His on the back sit down there is Hyeonjong one at a time
put it in pay _

“ Cheon Woo-meng Also , this consultative result Anyway , to Gangnam going Thing
restrain yourself line Thing formally to request It will be .”
clear face became expressionless

“ What if I refuse ?”

“ to stop Go .”

the court just calmly answered .

“ my will do number there is every Thing do it all to stop Go .”

and that on horse dare summer solstice even if you don't to be worthy horse add .

“ Even if that the price in shaolin sick come back even if I mean .”

thick silence room in fell down

breath one can't hear does not

court of law on horse soaked meaning too much it was heavy also because but rather
than court of law facial expression and atmosphere most was serious It was because

not fit does not

court of law speech meaning the bar too much It was harsh . illegal to seek lice dare in
the mouth to contain worthy horse it wasn't

However that on horse soaked with meaning on the other way the court speak doing
attitude is glimpse to the sublime to be felt as much as It was serious .

that each other don't fit not two branch coexist , and watching to them what to express
number Do not have weird feel the year before give there was

“ I said .”

cold clear voice is that weird atmosphere waking up smear go out

“ now yourself what speak do whether know Are you there ?”

terribly emotion Do not have with face talkative clarification the court just cool with face
looked up

“ Of course know there is .”

“ No , I don’t know . you are thing Do you think ?”

clear lips a little unfolding His lice revealed _ to endure chart at all put up with number
Do not have passion from him smugly soak came out

“ one even a person more exoneration for do your best I will do my best You did .”

“ Yes .”
“ Haenam People Isn't it ?"

clear the voice too much cold even to live to be felt it was close to

that voice heard the court answer without just Still Eyes persimmon it was only

that even the attitude in the heart lift Whether or not it is clear voice is little more
intensifies _

“ I midfield at the southernmost point Sapa surrounded Chae , day by day blood dry
heartily persevere to be these are People Isn't it asked .”

“ ……”

“ They also is a person and they are chief and meaning to be together one These are . It's
called the old file room. fence in Go in so far try On These are .”

of course to Haenampa About clear emotions are picture good side No. _

in the first place Cheongmyeong in the old file room belonged to the clans about good
emotions to be Riga Do not have Besides , anyway Haenam-eun usually the volcano
should be will do take a seat fly devoured clan Is n't it ?

It's called Haenam in the doorstep especially Great bad feelings there is case Even if not
, to them benevolent look at to send The reason is Not at all there was no

However nevertheless chairperson attitude is clear anger to arouse It was enough .

“ It’s a contradiction. do you think ?”

“ A contradiction ?”

clear corner of the mouth mockingly twisted _

“ The contradiction not That would be sophistry . that is if not Is it hypocrisy !”

“ Amitabha Buddha .”

sombrely dislike memorized the court slowly Eyes float _

that Moment clear on the face a little startled seemingly young _ trenchant blame beaten
court of law eyes previous and even alittle don't change not Thing saw Because .

the court low , again low sunken with eyes clarification facing saw _

“ so may be seen I don't know . no , maybe your horse maybe right I don't know .”

“ ……”

“ Yes . you That's right . Shaolin rightly them I'll have to save him . However I will ask .
only that correct will it ?”
clear face a little distorted _ the court what speak do whether to understand difficult as if

“ Why ?”

“ I don’t know asking are you ? That is…”

“ Of course reasonable to be consulted It must be because of it .”

the court clear speak hang up like mine say .

nevertheless Cheongmyeong angry far from betting back head nodded . court of law
horse exactly he want to one horse Because .

called consultation ambitious speak paste also without at risk faced this helping that is
too much natural because it 's work

“ If so one I will ask . Volcano Swordsmanship .”

the court Still to wear opened .

“ one hundred name save number there is length there is then Kang Ho-in , Buddhist of
course that work should do do you ?”

“ Of course It must be a sound .”

“ that in return a thousand people life to lose even ?”

“ ……”

Cheongmyeong to wear closed .

“ again Ask me .”

However the court speak never stop did n't

“ Two middle Single out of the way to choose number None . hundred name seeking way
and cloth name seeking road . among them what have to choose do you ?”

“ What Sophistry …”

“ Really Is it sophistry ?”

the court head I stumbled .

“ Haenam sapphire at the southernmost point there is them help In order to what to do
number without saffron have to crash and that _ old file room first saffron war declaring
and the difference None . certainly to an all-out war It will continue .”

“ That’s to be afraid are you? ”

“ I’m afraid .”
the court no matter what not head nodded .

“ Too for fear shudder to be struck that's about it that in war how much Many these die
Gaya whether to thinking even sleep not accomplished can't It’s close .”

“ ……”

“ You I'm not afraid Isn't it ?"

Cheongmyeong that on horse don't answer could n't

that Shim Jeong-man each other be different that because there was no

“ avoid number Do not have It is war .”

“ know there is know there is more than anyone else .”

court Also clear speak do not deny did n't

“ But Volcano Swordsmanship . avoid number Do not have it's war handl , that in the
way The difference there is U.S against the enemy Go in forced plan have to fulfill If you
do , you die . even if you don't to be these die I will go .”

“ ……”

" save pay of Haenam than people more Many these , maybe that some pear felled these
must die might I don't know . But ..... this fulfilling that indeed Is it a consultation ?”

“ own profit take care without doing that If not , consultation speak paste qualification
There will be none .”

that speak heard the court slowly head stir _

“ Hey , volcanic swordsman .”

“ ……”

“ I not die not .”

court of law from the mouth low sigh leak came out

“ What whether it's work I at the forefront new year number is Do not have work .”

“ Yeah ……”

“ What plan whether to fulfill not die won't self called consultation by name people on
the limbs driven that indeed will do is it ?”

clear Snow a little simmered .

“ always then It’s food .”

“ ……”

“ that excuses are plum blossom when I heard . everyone for is the length what to do
number Do not have it was a thing more Many these save it betting In order to have to
endure did _ So ? that result How was it? ”

“ ……”

“ Just scared eaten thing Isn't it ? Chief !”

court of law from the mouth vain the sound of laughter flowed out

“ terrified did you eat did you?”

“ Yes .”

“ It’s crazy Do not have That's a question . Too natural horse Isn't it ?"

“ …… Yes ?”

“ You scared me Is n't it ?"

“ ……”

court clear Snow in the air encounter _ However that moment , two people together felt _

each other eyes , that deep where behind there is what to do number Do not have fear .

Own by choice People dying number that there is Thing to understand only these have
number there is fear I mean .

“ On Maehwado about me too some over and over I thought some over and over I mean

“ ……”

“ I why what make a mistake one whether or not what make a mistake one whether or
not indeed my choice was wrong was it ?”

the court look at turn Namgungdowi look up

Namgungdowi emotions almost can't feel it not by eye court stare but , that look at
received the court just be quiet Only .

“ end I that conclusion get gave it away Volcanic Swordsmanship , and Namgung soga
state . I diarrhea back then again to go back handl , my the choice is don't change won't
girl . I that time even if Namgung's death just I will watch .”

“ ...... the host !”

Namgungdowi this squeaky replaced _

However the court on Namgungdo anger while facing just head take my own it was only

“ Hey , volcanic swordsman .”

“ tell me Let's see . where .”

“ You really I Different these lead plum road should have headed to say do you think ?”

“ Of course thing Isn't it ?"

“ Then I will ask . you guys come before I Shaolin Department joint lead plum road If you
advance , the result is how would have been thing Is it the same ?”

“ Yeah ……”

Cheongmyeong to wear close _

save it paid will _ Shaolin never not weak not .

But ..... back and forth follow up without If you run , there flowed blood never quite a bit
would not have will _

priority Jang Il-so in the mind river across gin beating there is Shaolin existence would
have disappeared Because . maybe everywhere circumambient stick gun shot would have

“ there stay there was Than Namgung more Many these would have died girl . right Isn't
it ?"

“ ……”

“ And that just tens of thousands questioned when it's a story with power say comparative
even worth there will be no survived Namgung's young these exoneration for someday _
saffron towards knife should be will do these capital without lost girl . you are really I that
Path have to choose said do you think ?”

that speak heard on Namgungdo face distorted _

“ Chief .”

“ . . . tell me . Sogaju .”

the court a little faded in voice head nod _ no matter how say that Handel ,
Namgungdowi in front this speak doing crab easy not saying as if

“ Maybe chairperson the word not wrong maybe not I don't know .”

Namgungdowi lips biting speak was _

“ But , nevertheless the volcano Wow gave . go to life walk gave .”

“ …”

“ That’s two sectarian the difference don't think Don't you ?”

the court haha Smile abandoned .

“ Look , Namgung . Sogaju .”

“ Yes . tell me .”

Namgungdowi where once Say it behold as if court I 'm staring

“ Therefore I I was thinking I summer solstice unhappy that , why Cheon Woo Maeng will
do number was there do I mean . I found that the answer is what is Do you know ?”

“ … well .”

Namgungdowi is the court which answer harden not accept won't prepare finished . that
which horse come out in excuses be mere Because .

However continued court of law the answer is then Even Namgungdowi dazedly made _

" to be dumb Because of that .”

“ … Yes ?”

the court just calmly answered .

“ I I than volcanic swords dull Harm without them to face How to not find I couldn't
Because of that .”

“ …”

on Namgungdo Snow Absolutely get bigger

“ Bar , room .......”

“ And Shaolin than a volcano dull , blood shedding without beat How to not find I
couldn't It 's because just U.S to lack due to Go .”

on Namgungdo body burr tremble _

no way Different nobody not in court this speak hear I'd say imagination summer solstice
could n't

that stubborn Pride only one under heaven with anyone to compare number Do not
have lice Right away the court Is n't it ?

“ It not admit it no , all that twisted _ volcanic go to sea ship not to be do one place
should be did , and we reasonable work even though unjustly curse eating place it has
been so my in the heart Simma coming also Weird Days no _ from the start it's wrong
Say it .”

“ …”

“ But now just Accepted . we are I will ability there wouldn't have been that only . then
again I will ask . lord , you really U.S Namgung exoneration for scarce with ability Yangtze
River fatigue until it is dyed plum road should have headed to say do you think ?”

Namgungdowi is finished answer summer solstice could n't

that reaction copy the court Eyes winding up dislike was out

“ In the world exist _ the criminals what to do number Do not have these last word they
are no matter how to follow chart to follow number no , ordinary these will do number
Do not have work too much easily Don't do it .”

that on horse Everyone is one People with a squint look up now chieftain referring to lice
who is this place Everyone is know ' cause

“ But Say it .”

Eyes knitted court of law gaze clarification pierce through

“ Only yourself get it done number there is routine , yes not work not distinguish can't
every Thing to yourself guess talking that is In addition Different of the name violent day
It is only .”

“ …”

“ I will ask you , Volcano Swordsman .”

court of law voice is slow flowed out

“ Really I wrong will it ?”

clear lips firmly closed .

finely trembling that lip the end now His feeling Say it give there is thing was like

1167 episodes . really I wrong will ? (2)

“ Ah …”

one hundred thousand from the mouth me too without knowing moan leak came out

that Also court of law from the mouth like that horse come out I'd say even imagine
summer solstice could n't
the court who is it Different not I millennium Shaolin chieftain Isn't it ? diarrhea the court
really picture felt sea , shaolin It's called a janitor position served there is lice in the
mouth to contain worthy the horse it wasn't

However one hundred thousand sick sound infatuated most big The reason is ......

court of law on horse sympathize abandoned Because .

genius to the criminal yourself and same way coercive that is just violent Different name
day that only on horse I mean .

Yes , I agree . perhaps for a hundred thousand more than anyone more sympathetic may
bet I don't know .

that Also severely because I felt

Cheongmyeong them leading the way just called harsh only by expression all to explain
difficult enough . and one hundred thousand Among them poisonous harsh life live there

he tiring tea pay , practice gritty here is express my feelings at least a little see If left , his
My back looking up there is the disciples first crumble throw away Because .

Oh Gum-eun clear My back report follow , but rough road together walking these see
case clear back not same water lily hold on pay there is one hundred thousand etc. _

Because one hundred thousand so far which dissatisfied even if to wear hold on multi-
faceted Chae , the most in front clear behind followed _

However so that I on horse empathize no choice but to there was no no matter how I try
, I try In addition even if you try at all not caught without rather just getting farther away
doing that gadfly most despair On this Also one hundred thousand days Because .

why think pussy wouldn't it ?

perhaps This wrong daily map I don't know , in the first place he catch up number Do not
have a mirage chasing may be I don't know I mean . to follow number Do not have
Thing to follow even that hammering crab is not it doing doubt there was no indeed
Myself to be to say number will there be

By the way now the court then one hundred thousand did thoughts and same speak do
there is will _ even even a hundred thousand car mouth outside inside unhappy that say .

“ That’s What …”

even the blue speechless blocked in shape , once pulled out speak to the end connect
could n't blankly court look at it was only

“ my horse wrong thing Is it the same ?”

ask a question thrown the court Still head I stumbled .

“ Looking back at Maehwado wrong make a choice one this is no one there was no
wrong lice if there is only to do not to be work one Only the Emperor Namgung .”

Namgungdowi lips crushed it the court sorry soaked by eye Him Jigsi looked up However
notably myself one speak do not correct did n't

“ his make a mistake make up for Different these by sacrifice leading that is I will do
choice it was n't if so I heartbroken overflowing flat I would have gotten it opinion in
return Different of these blood to dedicate would have done it .”

“ I …”

“That ’s right . yeah right _ Yes . However you are blood shedding without Namgung save
number there was yes . just that was the difference that 's all each other each other from
the standpoint will do number there is best make a choice one it's just Hey , Volcano
Swordsman . you are really I Shaolin Department joint until the sacrifice plum road
should have headed to say do you think ?”

Cheongmyeong all of a sudden sound get better this grinded .

“ As an excuse to be old don't think Don't you ?”

“ …”

“ In the world ability lack of knowingly in consultation life hanging these overflowing . will
do number there is ten thousand will do if it's called Jeongpa name is right away have I
should have thrown it away .”

“ Maybe I don't know .”

Amitabha Buddha do dislike left the court transparent by eye clarification looked up

“ Then my I will ask . same situation In addition if it happens you are plum road heading
Tenga ?”

“ Of course Say… ”

“ that in return volcanic student middle some degree even if you die Are you okay ?”

“ This ……!”

Moment clear in the body to live soared _ that one People in the mouth to contain
number there is horse No. _

However the court anger spouting clarification just nonchalant by eye looking asked .

“ Until ten Are you okay ?

“ Twenty ? thirty ? if not fifty ?”

“ ..... the chief .”

“ No , say change it .”

court of law gaze clear behind there is to the sword headed _ that from the side lips
biting there is Also Hyeyeon .

“ here there is these are how about these all even if dead you are Namgung Sogajuwa left
these save it I paid excellent that it was death satisfactorily head nod number Was there

Cheongmyeong to wear closed . and that Moment one hundred thousand felt _

so far Cheongmyeong while arguing to wear multi-faceted in case fairly There were
many . However that generally opponent's speak wait giving it was myself will do horse
without to wear multi-faceted in case almost there was no

However now , different not I Cheongmyeong chairperson on horse don't answer can't
there is

“ No. _ I will number there will be no girl . perhaps you are by now delinquent Became
there might have been I don't know . that every crab your by choice originated that the
result I don't know won't because it will .”

“ …”

“ Then I will ask you .”

the court determined in voice to wear opened .

“ You how yourself too will do number Do not have Thing summer solstice didn't others
Are you to blame ?”

“ …”

“ Your hypocrisy to blame Ham no . that hypocrisy it wouldn't have been Because . you
are certainly volcanic sacrifice I take it thinking plum road would have been girl . that It
must have been sincere .”

Everyone is that on horse head nodded .

Cheongmyeong plum road going girl how much fiercely against it , everyone clearly
pussy wasn't it ?

“ But last word your mind in one corner certainly plum road heading to handl , big
sacrifice without work solve number to be that confidence there would have been girl .
my horse Wrong ?”
“ …”

“ Yes . that is you hey you are then man .”

the court a little smile built .

every Thing put it down Nani looks like yourself that the culprit Thing Acknowledge it and
call it clarity lice with yourself Different Thing report that there is do you understand
seemed _ interest which are you a person

he clarification understand number there was no The reason is just there is only one

' It's called the Volcano Swordsmen. this is myself go through pussy unhappy work go
through copy as if here is is .'

and others not count unable area calculate smoking is _ to others infinitely only recklessly
visible Sun , Volcano Sword Consultation in my mind in hand get caught seemingly
painted that it is clear

then this Normal lice how how Do you understand ?

“ But for me then confident None .”

“ …”

“ So Answer me see you volcanic half lose Even so , you really plum road heading Tenga ?
in the future you are that consultation keep for like that to live number have Are you sure

clear face distorted _

prematurely answer will do medical charge there was no this the answer is to him fetters
to be Thing get to know Because . here yes answer sun throw away moment , forward the
volcano same Days to happen Whenever life take care without against the enemy to
jump in do _

Cheongmyeong hypocrite Became throw away that is nothing No. _ in the first place
Cheongmyeong then place nerve write lived lice because no

However now this of conversation fetters tied up that is Cheongmyeong no , this

Conversation listen there is these are even if Cheongmyeong want to do though , these
Cheongmyeong alone to hell falling Thing leave to see summer solstice won't Tenni .

“ That’s volcanic That’s the way .”

“ It’s wrong are you? ”

Qingming instead to wear kite one hundred thousand to the question the court slowly
head I stumbled .
“I will Riga is there not great too much not great just infinitely envy it 's just me Also
Shaolin then on location clerk for a lifetime Hope came .”

“ ……”

“ But I I will number None . I will medical charge no . I for that too much scarce Lee Il-se .
then stamp . my I 'll ask you , I bye picture Is it wrong ?”

one hundred thousand head bow down fell .

court Also is a person others exoneration for My the disciples have to kill doing situation
avoided that how as a person went wrong will do number will there be car nobody then
the horse summer solstice can't will _

It's called Shaolin clan that on location not fit not action said to blame number is Even so
, the court individual wrong make a choice said just like to blame number is no _

rather Because it's a volcano , more than yourself together living the death penalty more
dearly here is because it is a volcano even more that just say will do number there was

“ I not wrong did .. this answer get for I too much Many Thing I put it down .”

court of law cool in the eyes briefly regret rub against passed _

“ But … a volcano Also not wrong did n't rather That 's right . than me more .”

“ ……”

“ So laughable Days Isn't it ? wrong lice No , each other only wrong discussing there was

“ In the end want to doing horse Is it ?”

“ Look , Volcano Swordsmanship .”

the court sigh exhaled _

“ me any I understand give it to me .”

“ ……”

“ I like you to be number Do not have be a person By the way why you not I couldn't me
do you blame that me too Too harsh One day .”

“ ……”

then , all the way Reference there was jogger annoyance voice raised _

“ The chief did the word Wrong .”

the court head turn jogging looked up

“ Why ?”

“I mean all That's right . However that if you admit Different choice yes Don't you ?”

Everyone is puzzled with face jogging looked up their on the head Different choice crab
do not rise because it was n't

“ The chief yourself Cheongmyeong only the guy say no If you admit it , go to the old
file room. a volcano to take in crab not goofaga in heaven For will be . then Cheong
Myung old file room move number to be to be thing Isn't it ?"

“ ……”

“ Then all being resolved The problem Isn't it ? why more smart plate well see the guy to
the chief guess have to give do you everyone In order to that is more better thing Isn't it

Moment that on horse sympathetic seemingly head nodding these came into being

In reality impossible called work case I know , but anyway That too best one expedient
Isn't it ?

However that speak heard the court for the blue invisible didn't frosty by eye jogging I

“ You bye that is that's right Are you here ?”

“ Yes ! Correct !”

“ my this speak Sun Whether I was worried , but talk take it out me too just speak I will .”

“ …… Yes ?”

“ The Volcano Sword Hyeop as a limb push put there is these are Who are you?”

Moment jogger flinched _ that voice is too much was strict Because .

“ Hyunjong .”

Jang Moon-in lips bit off

“ The elders .”

Hyunyoung and phenomenon head bowed down

“ And here there is You guys .”

“ ……”
“ So far you are Volcano Swordsman come true paid Countless on performance just
admire I came . myself to achieve number Do not have Thing come true smoking to the
hero just Expectation I came . so you would have thought I to force just pond winning
chuck If you listen becomes _ then as always again Volcano Swordsman be right will .”

“ ……”

“ my life I walked did it ? my death too Are you ready ?”

the court anger equal by eye everyone I stared .

“ wisely listen let it go situation Repeatedly , volcanic swordsmanship full volume

eggplant situation to be repeated when you _ greet that is of you heroic death not !”

court of law voice is everyone was beaten

“ You guys saline after , chilly the corpse Became to be Volcano Swordsmanship . that is
someday here there is these have to meet will do It is reality .”

Everyone is vaguely know there was fact . nevertheless vaguely turn away there was that
true court of law from the mouth pouring everyone's lungs stabbed .

1168 episodes . really I wrong will ? (3)

“ What … … .”
jogger perplexed by eye around look back
However no one to wear open it jogging for excuse me gist could n't this the horse
to the jogger one horse no , they to everyone one because it was a word
“ What say ... … .”
“ not thing Is it the same ?”
the court head stir _
“ You guys middle I to Haenam Gaya that speak one this is Who are you?”
“… … .”
“ The Volcano Swordsman myself want to did you?”
court of law gaze one hundred thousand pierce through one hundred thousand
himself too without knowing sin built like a person head bowed down
“ Even if did so Handle , only you should have dried that from Haenam most be
dangerous lice who is too much bald It’s work .”
“… … .”
“ But I don't know I don't know , you finally to Haenam would have gone girl . and
that at the forefront of course Volcano Swordsman there must have been .”
car that nobody not tell me could n't
eventually be so probability high that is them Also know there was because it 's
volcanic work always then food did n't
“ The volcano is so far to be reckless even in words scarce do things some over
and over sun I came . of all people work Yes Chise , in the North Sea How is it? in
the Yangtze River ? and in Hangzhou In addition How is it? ”
that each one the case to be mentioned Whenever everyone's face short
convulsions caused _
“ Among them where one not dangerous not Days was there which place one life
bet even if you don't felled place was there ?”
“… … .”
“ And that at the forefront of course It seems like a volcanic sword there was .”
jogger lips wake up
just only the facts to convey I horse for the jogger Like so far they Cheongmyeong
the guy most dangerous where only at the forefront that has been built with anger
heard Because .
“ a few over and over life bet , a few over and over live I'm back . and that
achievement is bag and baggage volcanic Cheon Woo-blind with light continued .
Him accompanying these too naturally narrow discussing their activity discussed _
But … … .”
the court firm by eye everyone looked up
“ my to you I 'll ask you , at the forefront Volcano Swordsman there was no chart
you are really life bet fight number was there even if you die I don't care
consultation to go through number Were there ?”
“… … .”
“ It will not be . Yes , no .”
court of law the voice was adamant
“I will number there wouldn't have been it will be so far you guys courage take out
mighty with enemies to face number there was The reason is of you Before
Volcano Swordsman there was Maybe it's because until now myself paid called
courage would have mistaken only .”
one hundred thousand lips well done bit off
cheat flaming seemingly sorely Ohm too what one to refute number no true one
hundred thousand painfully make there was
“ Of course that is that it is wrong the horse no . in front of you volcanic swordsman
same lice if there is leaning want that is too much natural Work Is n't it ? But …
… .”
the court slowly head stir _
“ In the end that lean Volcano Sword Consultation My back pushing poor to be girl .
someday Him as a limb drive in only after regretfully it will be myself what do sun
have you thrown away realize .”
from a hundred thousand look at open court of law Snow again to the jogger
headed _
“ But Even Shaolin then Volcano Sword Consultation gadfly lean on that is it ? I
what one will do number no , that on the shoulder more big us to come up is it? ”
“ That … … .”
“ That’s At least Shaolin the way no . host I Sun will do work even more no .”
jogger out of breath clogged seemingly fist grabbed .
to refute medical charge no _
I confess , Jo Geul which from the moment court picture Great by teeth here
without there was
he have Shaolin It's called a janitor identity is would it be great do n't know , as
unmanned with inactive have to respect Whether I do n't know , as a human
respect or have to be vigilant will do this is no I thought .
so far he see June the appearance always than the blue one foot late regret or
clear want to go doing direction and on the other way while heading disgrace
suffering crab it was all Because .
However this Moment jogul and here there is Different these are sharply to feel no
choice but to there was no
why I the court Shaolin chieftain whether it has been Shaolin What is a
chairperson? in place right lice how much Great Is this .
Meantime court win On this is Volcanoes and them not just would have been clear
that only Thing even they Suddenly forget there was
“ Do you understand ? Volcano Swordsman ?”
“… … .”
“ So far you are nobody don't imagine unhappy work no matter what not sun I
came . that your strength became and you accompanying to them milestone it
must have been But … … .”
yourself towards court of law in sight Cheongmyeong briefly lips wake up
“ You too feel there must have been don't know medical charge there wouldn't
have been girl . that breathtaking cliff's at the end sword dance dancing and no
different It's a job .”
“… … .”
“ ten burn succeed chart only one th failing moment , all Thing lose it will be no ,
maybe accomplished that Many as much as more sharply lose it will be you most
lose want summer solstice not Thing I mean .”
the court to Qingming Still bite comes .
“ It’s heavy Was n't it ?"
“… … .”
“ lean on place there is people egg number Do not have my heart , only myself
responsible have to to say feeling Lee Man to afford burden burden . mask
increasingly It must have gotten heavy . to you leaning these are More more and
more , the situation increasingly more it gets dangerous this situation Continue for
the sake of you more unreasonable no choice but to no Isn't it ?"
the court pity seemingly said .
“ that at the end what there is line Knowingly , stop medical charge there will be no
that is you walking there is it's a long way that naked thorny road forever walking
and different I don't . Initially just small to scratch only , but that a scratch
increasingly the more that from wounds flowed one drop of bloody piled up branch
. Then Someday that bloody negligible number there will be no as much as
increase whole body wet to be Go .”
perhaps this moment .
Cheongmyeong For the first time yourself to understand this met whether or not I
don't know .
he what do whether there is , what life live whether to understand this I mean .
“ But volcanic sword gorge , the road only that Is n't it ?"
the court Different these sweep away see _
“ with us if together you picture Many Thing to shoulder need None . Shaolin
Department The old file room still lacking , I still stupid , but your us divided lose
line to some extent to be that is .”
“… … .”
“ So now stop stubborn throw it away .”
Cheongmyeong still in disbelief full soaked by eye court look up
“ It’s surprising .”
“ What mean ?”
“ The chief Wolf tongue smooth line is not yet I didn't know I mean .”
overtly twisted soaked was the word Shaolin moderator against how even thinking
not appropriate not .
However the court that speak even listening mood far from bad just haha Smile
abandoned .
“ live Bonnie Bin Seung-yi to you praise listening me too Coming .”
“ As a compliment Can you hear me ?”
“ Then Isn't it ?"
Cheongmyeong head stir _
yourself completely put down this much to deal with difficult eardrum no _ get hurt
work , anger pay work Do not have this against which provocation not eaten
because it does n't
now Cheongmyeong that fact sharply save there was
“I mean Oil right seemingly line by line come out, but in the first place that every
crab chairperson greed good in words adorned crab no girl what channel to
guarantee are you ? already we are to the chief deceive as much as I was
deceived . in the first place each other trust exist I don't , just believe do so believe
number to be Riga There is none .”
“ Look , Volcano Swordsmanship .”
“ Tell me Let’s see .”
“ You as the saying goes this every that my excessive with greed started work
Hase .”
“ I guess so .”
“ Then I doing horse wrong will it ?”
Cheongmyeong Eyes frown _ the court want to doing speak well understand
medical charge there was no Because .
“ Yeah … … .”
“ Yes . not .”
the court firmly said .
“ You guys consultation to protect doing thing Also kind of greed will do number
there is what is a person in the first place myself seeking Thing for living that Is n't
it ?"
“… … .”
“ The cause is picture Great that no . own greed Myself Single personal in greed
stop without , more big as heading When , greed cause felled law Isn't it ?"
the court gained like a high priest murmured .
“ I just wish it 's just the world this crisis little more effortlessly get through to go out
to do that for I what Sun going to too much not sure divided wave rectify and
strengthen as one merge number if there is that More than good Days where Will
there be? ”
that at the end a little shake degree there was no not even a little .
so that that speak listening even these himself too without knowing head nod throw
away it was about
“ And I embrace small greed . that greed make paid cause you walking road Before
there is the thorns kick pay it will be eventually volcanic road road I will lead .”
Cheongmyeong without a word court I stared .
“ Only one Let me know .”
“… … .”
“ As an excuse As you may hear , people everyone make a mistake commit a
mistake do be ready . important that is that make a mistake through learn
advancing thing Is n't it ?"
the court Eyes winding up head of class do _
“ Amitabha . I guilty wrong is all understand there is so Wolf head hold on
apologizing that's it so you too this ugly People one th I understand give it to me .”
Cheongmyeong himself too without knowing My hand gripped open it
People everyone make a mistake do _ important that is that on a mistake stay
without advancing will _
I agree . I understand . Qingming is that proverb power do it all practice there is
'cause I'm a person
“ Chief .”
“ Tell me .”
Cheongmyeong sigh snuggle exhale to wear opened .
“ the chief horse all that's right Let's do it .”
“… … .”
“ But that in conclusion I Haenam die to get out aiding to turn away last days only .
that sinful who Can you afford it ?”
“ Who is it ? of course I have to bear will do It is your share .”
“… … that is you Single with life to be afforded work Do you see it ?”
“ Yes . maybe not I don't know . yes my _ one by life may not be enough I don't
know . But … … What would you do ? alone to afford it's hard Different dental
blood have to demand do you if not Different to them together responsible to lose
Sun do you ?”
“… … .”
“ I if not who to hell will you go I just alone that every Thing accept girl . therefore
Kang Ho-ga this in crisis get out , one even a person more Many these save
number If yes , the thousand way sulfur fire even in the to laugh number yes
Wouldn't it ?"
the court Binggrae smile built .
“ do the horse all did it now left case It's just a choice . you guys my make a
suggestion receive will it be won't will it ?”
the court briefly dislike memorize on the spot happened _
“ This on the spot answer wished I will not . about three days back again I'll see
you . Long-haired man .”
“ Do you want to go ?”
“ Even Jang Moon-in proper make a decision get off please give me Hope . Bin
Seung-eun I Where Gaya do you do Got it . please Jang Mun-in also so be it Then
deep town one the court shape of the bell accompany outside went out
he go back discarded In my room at all what to explain number Do not have
atmosphere fell down
nobody to wear open couldn't and no one each other facing pussy could n't
and that moment .
swoosh .
Cheongmyeong that on the spot I woke up and nothing nonsense without outside
went out
“… … Cheong Myung-ah .”
that back view looking at one hundred thousand at the mouth flowed out small only
the brain room inside location without wandered around
1169 episodes . really I wrong will ? (4)
jerk . jerk .
slowly Cheon Woo-blind manor got out the court head listen the sky looked up
bright the moon report I wanted to , but unfortunately Moon is in the clouds Gary
invisible did n't
of regret sigh exhaled the court Within head stir _
' But the clouds anytime flow I'm sure it will be .'
no matter how the clouds densely put on Handle , forever moonlight not covered
unable is the law
Reference if you wait the moon again that look see , someday dawn when you
come yet the sun floaty that of the world reason Is n't it ?
“ Chief .”
Jong-hyung admired seemingly to wear opened .
“ This Jongli driven chairperson in wisdom really I admired it .”
“… … Is that so ?”
“ Yes , chief . no way in heaven then make a suggestion to do line is I didn't know .
in reality not come true not saying Even so , in the old file room as much as shaolin
authority to give make a suggestion who to refuse number Are you there ?”
“ will be done will .”
“ Yes . Actually … … yes ? what Did you?”
the court calmly answered .
“ I over there one word middle nonsense only not one None . I one offer is all to
come true will .”
“ Bar , manager . Volcanoes are … … .”
“ In the volcano I will deserve There is . already they that qualify I have proven it .”
“… … .”
“ And … … .”
the court head slowly stir _
“ This work Bondi sooner or later should have been done will do work . Different
these are I don't know we are know Don't you ?”
“… … However chieftain . that ancestral at work not just Isn't it ?"
“ I Also so far like that speaking Exemption damage came . However now turn
around look Indeed excuse not even the same not It was an excuse . Absolutely
unfamiliar blush as much as I mean .”
“… … .”
Jong-hyung honey eaten dumb Became court Let 's see , the court Binggrae smile
built .
“ ancestral daily lesson now work completely to separate If you wanted to , your
ancestors accomplished glory Also laying down that That's right . predecessor one
at work about take responsibility want to But , in the old file room as a long
sentence that right is wholly enjoy want it , that inconsiderate Days Isn't it ?"
“ It is _ I do .”
“ on the volcano proposed Thing all practice is as well as their lost degree of honor
back line will be . past they the world for what did it speak I have to .”
“… … then inside why that say the word summer solstice Didn't you ?”
“ That’s conditionally girl worthy that No. _ of course Sun doing Thing lineman as if
writing talking thing Also embarrassing every day only .”
Jong-hyung Understanding not going seemingly court looked at
“ But chieftain . backlash quite a bit won't will .”
“ Yes . does not . volcanic Shaolin each other to admit If yes , goofa middle which
Munpado Shh don't react can't will be . shaman right to speak Lost , son -in-law …
… . Well , Jongnamdo long to the bongmun My position A lot of lost .”
“… … .”
“ other the clans notably to lose that there is no dare volcanic day set up the
reason is None . simply thinking the volcano of Haenam empty seat fill in the cause
bereaved shaman role substitute That’s all .”
“… … to think therefore I will capital I will .”
indeed the court talking Road easily will it flow doing question left behind However ,
Jong-ri-hyung that fact dare mouth outside spit it out not point out did n't
in fact point out want to rather than not to point out It was hard .
original the court to deal with easy People It wasn't , but now the court he know
there was unlike that In addition Different because it felt
now court in front Shh speak take out number there is this is the world overall in
hand pick it up maybe ?
“ Then really a volcano ... … .”
“ It should be .”
the court Still head nodded .
“ Take it away come for the sake of No. _ to harmonize It's for the volcano already
Cheon Woo Meng make Various sectarian chieftain to be deserve that there is
myself proved it . then to the clan worthy treat summer solstice if not In addition
Different rebellious seeds to be only .”
“… … .”
“ power put together them stop summer solstice wouldn't you ? that representation
in front pride and rights all small to be only .”
“… … chairperson the word hundred times You are wise .”
Jong-hyung head nodded .
scrutinize look actually they are to lose that there was no called a volcano Ignore
pond will do clan real have power ideal treat subject case little dear it's a thing But
' their achievements not admit it won't torido None .'
eventually Everyone is convincingly to be will _
“ I moderator little misunderstood thing It is like .”
“ Is that so ?”
“ Yes , chief . frankly ... … I the host volcano Because Shaolin location Shall I
shake look them hostile think has come .”
“ The Shaolin , the Shaolin … … .”
the court head stir _
“ Sorim I body contain there is It is a place , but Shaolin itself purpose to be
number is None . Shaolin just pickled day only . What is a temple? illegal to spread
rebirth to rescue role if That's not enough .”
“ I dull that the word what do you mean well I don't know .”
“ Kang Ho-ga ruined after Shaolin what make sense would you like to anyway all
with manure to go back that .”
“… … .”
Jong-hyung that speak even listening It's
soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooy seemingly for awhile to wear closed .
“ Anyway really Great It was a plan . they this make a suggestion to refuse Tiring
will . chieftain only if not who this think will do number Are you there ?”
“ It’s great … … .”
the court Again head stir _
“ That’s No. _ Long-haired man .”
“ Yes ?”
“ great that is I not It is a volcano .”
“… … Too excessively humble crab Isn't it ?"
“ Yes . does not . think Try it . Cheon Woo-blind chieftain the volcano If not , I to
them this make a suggestion will do number Were you there ?”
“ That … … .”
the court in vain Smile abandoned .
“ Elderly Do not have work . under heaven which clan in the old file room
comparison power , five generations surpassing power make take out that on the
seat I sat down , and called consultation floating cloud chasing justification
Because that take a seat Would you like to give it up ?”
Jong-hyung me too without knowing head nodded .
position change Jong-hyung Hyeonjong If the position was , the court make a
suggestion did you hear ten thousand times . all-in-one value too Do not have say
listening Immediately on the spot wake up would have thrown away will _
“ Only because it is a volcano My speak listen there was will . Only because it is a
volcano My make a suggestion troubled will be . so that Great that is I no , my from
the mouth this horse come out number to be made It is a volcano .”
the court quietly dislike memorized _
“ Already Before knew work . already know there was It is true . nevertheless
selfishness in greed captivated them properly pussy I couldn't … … . current every
the situation I caused That is .”
“I will Riga would there be the host the world for you made an effort Thing who
Don't you know ?”
“ the direction wrong all wrong that .”
the court loose speak spit out again the sky look up
“ Not yet late I didn't to correct number to be will . that correcting even work their in
warmth lean on that true just be ashamed It’s just that.”
court of law from the mouth sigh leak came out
to Jong-hyung said Road Different If you were a munpa court of law speak properly
to listen lower leg would not have will _
far conflict also no _ right now yesterday's court only Hae- do , Hyunjong come to
me Similar Stories if laid out openly despised after congratulations would have
fallen Because .
curse Eat up , shame suffer chart all Own to blame thinking came long , they Him
rather than cursing rather His speak Seriously accept think about it gave _
' You write . '
Sun will do work did _ However that Sun will do Days bitter that is Different not
their attitude it's because will _
“ Chief . they make a suggestion Will you accept it ?”
“ Maybe I will will .”
court of law head up slowly nodded .
“ No , so will do will be . do it if not really crisis to come Tenni .”
saffron everything No. _
moderator Also now magician come back that speak believe _
Cheongmyeong than yourself to excel fact admitted , he doing speak believe won't
The reason is there is no
each other position because different length Galil number is Even if there is , the
volcanic swords dull not even won't work I'm worried to ridicule not felled will _
“ I … … . By the way Perhaps I mean . chieftain .”
“ Why Are you ?”
Jong-hyung swipe court of law notice report to wear opened .
“ If … … I will work No , but they chairperson make a suggestion refusing Days If it
happens ... … . then what to do Do you think ?”
“I will work there will be no will .”
“ But on cloth one , in called one nonsense Are you there ?”
court of law from the mouth sigh leak came out
“ If so I them wrong copy it would be that is if not they too much small on
obsessively big Thing pussy unable Either these .”
“… … .”
“ But collapsing won't I believe . the world for the sake of their my heart I'm serious
. that which suspicious not even room None . volcanic long writer Hyun Jong-jin ,
the Volcano Swordsman all excellent These are them .”
Jong-hyung for awhile Think carefully speak take it out
“ I still the host them Too Height to evaluate I think .”
“ I do . hope not to wish It’s just that.”
the court head turn serene manor in the eyes contained _
' Now you guys worry I'll have to .'
maybe easy not troubled to be will _
them Also person . until now with effort done On It's called Cheon Woo Maeng
base myself breaking down that be easy Riga because there is no
In Cheonwoomeng their more than bag and baggage packed there is maybe that
more than laying down work the court own delusion and pride put down thing More
than painful the process to be will _
dare to anyone willingly ask for Tiring as much as I mean .
However nevertheless the court they proper make a choice do it wished _
' Heavenly to be divided not That's right .'
so saffron demonic successively invasion never can afford number there will be no
will _
And … … the court convinced _
they this make a suggestion take it without in the future rash work continue to earn
If so , eventually Someday that reckless pay the price to pay to be that fact .
and that saffron magic stop doing strong also from the standpoint irreversible
number Do not have giant loss to be will _
for the blue the world shake up strength and plan and in court It's called
Cheongmyeong sword perfectly take advantage of line ability and resourceful there
Cheongmyeong plan make to pay Even if it is , the servant shaman My as you
please buril number is Do not have work . However the court I stubborn of the
clans nose bridge press clear instructions follow make strength there is is a person
blueberry the volcano at the forefront library court Shaolin that behind If you assist ,
that behind under heaven every sectarian in unison follow make number If yes ,
saffron magician be afraid that what would it be
' to you I have most good the choice is come out hand grasped it will be how long
to you luck not follow won't that fact forget it do n't Volcano Swordsmanship .'
the court Eyes wind up
His from the mouth low dislike sound leak came out
Within Eyes knitted the court again the sky I saw it , but still the moon cloud behind
veil to be it was only
“ day It's cloudy ."
“ A few days elegy to come do .”
“… … yes . okay I see it . However that a few days after again bright Moon is do
not float Won't you ?"
regret leftover seemingly again manor a glimpse the court slowly feet moved _
he will do number there is that is all done , now just if you wait to be it's a thing a
day Work year same waiting would be I mean .
“ Let's go . already Sun will do Days many will .”
“ Yes . chieftain .”
two People step by step moved _
the sky garin dark clouds More thickening darkness down manor More darkly dye
went _
even the sound of breathing leak come out not stillness and together .
1170 episodes . really I wrong will ? (5)
the court back back room _ in left these are dark silence protect three three five
scattered _ Now is each other take measures rather than discuss Each think to
clean up need that there is in fact without a word agreed will _
therefore In my room remain became case volcanic long writer Hyeonjonggwa
There were only elders .
“ Long-Wayman .”
phenomenon swipe to wear let's take off depth of water deep with face was silent
Hyunjong head listen Him looked up
“… … chieftain one speak how Do you think ?”
Hyun Jong-eun without a word blazing light up Look at heavy in voice to wear
opened .
“ Phenomena .”
“ Yeah , the long writer .”
“… … Such as wick all Became going thing not the same Isn't it ?"
phenomenon swipe My back report head nodded .
“ Tomorrow replace I will leave it .”
“ all worn out discarded the wick change it will be enough However replace number
Do not have that worn out if you go what to do will you? ”
phenomenon to wear closed . Hyunjong to discuss doing that simply on the wick
About crab no fact get to know Because .
Hyunjong bitterish with face recited _
“ know even though there was turned away It is true . so that the host one
intellectual more It hurts .”
phenomenon from the mouth sigh leak came out
usually if equal at this point like shooting a word to contribute Even Hyunyoung
Now is just firm with face to wear close to be it was only
“ Everyone know Were you there ?”
“… … .”
“ now the volcano It's called Cheongmyeong wick scorching with lanterns the same
that . wick brightly when it burns the more it burns more big light I will spit it out ...
… light the brighter that the wick More hurry worn out going Thing That is .”
“ Who picture Tara did you ?”
Hyun-Young at once annoyance back paid out
“ Are you dry ? do it even if you don't to say some times Did you say ! nevertheless
yourself continue rampageous Thing we What how do ! to dry medical charge
should be to dry thing Isn't it !"
normally volcanic more than anyone clarification dear This is Hyunyoung then lice
in Qingming about Wolf gossip laid out that's the reason it was cool blame yourself
to be Hyeonjong worried concerned will _
“ Hyun Young-ah .”
“ In the beginning that guy ... … .”
“ Really to dry Bangdoga Was n't there ?"
Hyeonjong on horse Hyun-Young for a moment be silent to wear hold on closed .
“ You too know , me too know it's a thing to dry that's the way somehow there must
have been .”
Hyun Jong-eun know there is Cheongmyeong His name not deny does not of
course to rebel to persuade to lift However , the last At last two between opinion
The difference not narrowed down not situation if it comes Eventually Hyeonjong
speak to follow will do will _
so that Hyeonjong Also always in Qingming About thank you engrave come alive
wasn't it ?
' That's It must have been a consideration .'
no , maybe belief I don't know .
However this moment , so far just just thank you did that caring and belief now
Hyeonjong chest stab coming there was
undeniable number because there is no so far blueberry five swords as a limb
eternally drive away On lice Different nobody not Hyunjong fact I mean .
“ Long-Wayman .”
phenomenon sigh exhale to wear opened .
“ Don’t blame yourself. do not anyone I will no choice but to there wouldn't have
been will .”
“… … yes .”
“ Cheongmyung is Our as a yardstick to be cut number there is lice No. _ I under
heaven Even the legal ambassador than yourself above that acknowledging child
Isn't it ?"
Hyunjong bitter laugh built .
exactly picture think if thrown away the heart be comfortable will _
However Hyun Jong-eun know there is It's called Cheongmyeong for a person
absurd to the extent tough part and understand Branch won't to the extent weak
part coexist that there is fact I mean .
Hyun-Young goofy in tone to wear opened .
“ So , what are you going to do ? court of law make a suggestion to receive are
you? ”
“ Well . I don't know .”
“ I not really in the heart lift does not . that yangban by mouth apologize Own make
a mistake I knew But , that speak how do you believe Bona mana Cheon Woo
Meng My under your feet trying to attract It will be a masterpiece .”
“ Yes . picture cheek capital there will be .”
Hyunjong sigh exhaled _
“ But already chieftain that in doubt About answer too summer solstice didn't you ?
that greed the world is for cause and same in the direction heading If yes , we to
refuse cause None .”
“ Justice , cause ! gnome's cause what like that Awesome !”
Hyun-Young petulance mixed in voice shouted _
“ that justification no sound now It's boring . sick It's coming ! Different these are
nerve diagram write not gnome's representative on the cause why only us so much
to suffer doing are you? ”
“ Hyun Young-ah … … .”
“ We Cheon Woo Meng how Did you make it !”
Hyun-Young lips sticky bit off
“ Yes , I know ! Cheon Woo Meng made that is U.S not Cheongmyeong called the
guy Also ! so that guy to do so if That should be it . However U.S first step forward
Cheon Woo Meng let's dismantle speak if not felled thing Isn't it ?"
Hyunjong sigh snuggle exhale _
“ Hyun Young-ah . Qingming is … … .”
“ Cheongmyung the guy I will the guy Or , we first step forward all have to throw do
Hyunjong bitter laugh built .
“ the chief speak well think see . Cheongmyeong the guy on the shoulder load
raised if there is In addition too much to remain the guy Isn't it? "
“ Then flock pond to do make stop it Isn't it ! Oh my gosh length how much Lots of
them , nigga one dissuasive length Cheon Woo Meng dismantle in the old file room
creep in going only thing Wouldn’t it be !”
Hyunjong What do you say to say However , Hyunyoung yet will do horse that left
as if last name loads I by eye I stared .
“ Jekyll that is guarding negotiating method diagram are you there why always Wolf
to be extreme Do you !”
“ simply Cheongmyeong keep it ending Days isn't it don't you know thousands of
people exoneration for Chun Woo Meng old file room one should be that
chairperson in the word where wrong Are you there ?”
“ That’s 'cause that 's right , then so far sun On Thing all in the strainer push put
head Joarija Is this ?”
“… … Hyunyoung -ah , we are He is a thief .”
“ Yes , I am a Doin . only us one Doin Oh my gosh where would you like to same
dogain shaman money and power sweep away contain , impossible Shaolin under
heaven to the north west There is , we I'm a doin rolled over My rice bowl too
kicking Yes , yes ! why no Would you?”
“… … .”
“ that handsome as a monk pride guard alive how what Has it changed ? I say
disciple came in bastards skin properly pond feed mountain crab fire some sun
Jeon In-ji Do you know ?”
“ Stop it .”
“ Long doorman ! To be honest Say it Try it . Jang Moon-in resentful enemy isn't
there ? that great clan forage with a rip off break it let go , irresponsibly disciple
receive discarded ancestors resentful enemy only one never Wasn't there ?"
Hyunjong sticky Eyes wind up abandoned .
why Was n't there ? with resentment Sae-Woon the night Heat with your fingers all
count can't will _
“ now the volcano then to some extent Isn't it ?"
“ Yes . in the past volcanic It was prosperous . rather than now more It was great .”
“… … .”
Hyun-Young lips biting say .
“ I don't know , long- timer . really I don't know .”
“ Hyun Young-ah … … .”
“ For a lifetime volcanic as a doin lived . Then rather Taoga what is well I don't
know . on the volcano first to enter when myself built meaning I was sure , now I
what Because Doin whether it has been memory me does not .”
Hyeonjong from the mouth sighing flowed out Hyunyoung's on horse I was
disappointed because of this No. _ rather His on horse Hyeonjongdo empathize It
was because
“ that whatever do not know do Because to children In addition take out jura Sun
do you to give up have to say doing are you? ”
Hyunjong head it was
“ Hyun Young-ah . Volcanoes are … … U.S to make did the volcano then it's a
place isn't it ? Even the ancestors … … .”
“ Yes , long- timer . the ancestors too He did . so we too That would be it . to
children picture I have to say . take out should give do it have to give do it That is
everyone for is the length It’s fair .”
“… … .”
“ But Jang Moon-in . the volcano to protect did that cause and duty Thanks to the
volcano completely It was ruined . and miraculously again So far has come .”
Hyun-Young lips bit off
“ And … … now Jang Moon-in one Select Also on the volcano stay following to
children milestone It will be . That is right to learn It will be .”
“ I … … .”
“ Someday this choice again a volcano ruined might I don't know . then U.S
suffered pain Our posterity bag and baggage again suffer to be will .”
Hyunjong Eyes wind up abandoned . so far heard that which than words this horse
most sick it was cold
“ No , more than that. I will add . At least we are luck good Cheongmyeong the guy
meet volcanic signboard down forage two by eye bojin because it wasn't However
later also for children Cheongmyeong same the guy would you like to like us luck
follow juju if not , maybe star shape all see It will be .”
“ Stop A little Do it , you bastard !”
“ What ! What Stop it !”
phenomenon annoyance shout out gardenia Hyunyoung Also one chido back off
without facing back paid out
“ Don’t get me wrong do not Long Moon ! Jang Moon-in There firmly the road
discuss , and to discuss number there is case Jang Moon-in that long-time hour
During the road Protect coming and that cause Following come because of this No.
_ in the sky drip fallen the guy earn On things My that sheep wrapped around
Thanks to like a beggar get kicked out would have Jang Moon-in stubborn dosain
pretend number there is will .”
“ This guy child !”
“ Phenomena !”
“ No , I mean not bad Isn't it !"
phenomenon let's run Hyun-Young this clenched Him I stared .
“ I wrong word did you ?”
“ Hey , you bastard . no matter how still will do horse there is … … .”
“ so Great cause and consultation chasing people bitter is In addition Listening
dislike shape ?”
phenomenon to wear closed . Hyun Young-eun a little blood line by eye Hyeonjong
I stared .
“ The cause and , and _ consultation discussing If you want , that handsome cause
and by way anything achieve Please tell me . the kids are fatigue earn Wow
prepare June that advanced on the bed sit down notice discuss before !”
Hyeonjong head up Absolutely subsided .
and then His by ear easygoing Hyunyoung's voice is dug into
“ now For the elders That is might be right I don't know . However I'm curious .
indeed volcanic signboard get off doing the situation sleepless the night sent some
sun ex Jang Mun-in also now Jang Moon-in same make a decision did you?”
“… … .”
“ It’s like if not that's the reason There will be only one . the kids are fatigue earn
On things long writer on the ship oil pinch made thing . only that more Are you
there ?”
“ Shut up I can't , you bastard ! "
finally no more hold on unhappy phenomenon annoyance sound beating body
caused _ His in the snow ugly energy smear came out
“ Listen let's listen Hani pond doing horse no ! yes Since when Wolf I've become
selfless Did you mean ! that is to the doorman dare will do number there is Did you
mean ?”
“ Yes . Indeed , ' you dare ' . ”
But Hyun Young-eun just cold by eye phenomenon Hyeonjong stare it was only
“ that by agreement under heaven praise sleepy To Hyun Jong-jin How can I ' dare
' this say the word Would you like to give it to me?”
“ Hey , this guy Until the end !”
Hyun-Young on the spot happened _ and Hyeonjong staring was confused
“ What make a choice harden finally it's us I will follow you . However , the long
writer . At least make a decision get off before think Please . I the kids are blood
spill batch Thing cause or called consultation by name throw it away throw away
that just to be straight doing long writer self-satisfaction whether or not I mean .”
that speak finished Hyun-Young rough the door open outside get out abandoned .
cold wind causing Hyunyoung's back view looking at Hyunjong Eyes Jigsi rolled up
His Lips New heavy sigh long leak came out
1171 episodes . answer too pond sun giving yangban . (One)
“ Hmmm .”
Im So-byeong in hand all debt lightly shake it put it on
“ such the stories It 's gone . Interesting .”
Namgungdowi a little bit unhappy palatable paper not by eye Lim So-byeong
looked up that sideways sitting Even swear words I mean .
' Me too me I don't know .'
The chest was boring that is It is true . so to anyone let go Stories do wanted _
However that ' who ' is dare this the man should be will do The reason is no isn't it
nevertheless wonderfully on Namgungdo footsteps to here headed _ that in the
meantime Im So-Byeong together there was outside with the royals to join together
became that is in its own way natural it was a thing of course sit down Bonnie that
shape notably natural but … … .
“ So Different of people the reaction is How are you ?”
“ It’s a reaction. sun have to see ... … .”
what have to say that atmosphere convey number will there be
Namgungdowi is myself around the horse scarce I'm a person think copy enemy
no _ However that seated ethereal atmosphere accurately to convey easy did n't
nevertheless Im So-byeong was brilliant luminous these are dare Perfect delivery
without in my mind situation draw pay line I know .
“ About I see .”
like now I mean . on Namgungdo only by face Different of these reaction expected
Im So-byeong loose laughed _
“ Um , this What … … . Oh yeah like a court Hurt place well stabbed will do
number is but … … .”
Im So-byeong swipe Namgungdowi saw _
“ that speak heard of people called reaction crab greatly It’s surprising .”
“ It’s surprising Did you?”
“ Yes . It's surprising . Everyone is obviously know there is actually Wasn't it ?"
yourself slip away looking at Lim So-byeong transparent in sight Namgungdowi me
too without knowing sighed _ Im So-byeong said .
“ In the beginning What is Cheon Woo Maeng? then where . here really called a
volcano two in letters led On these Are you there ?”
that at the end Namgungdowi is Of course , encyclopedia even swear answer
summer solstice could n't
“ No. _ Here gathered People Everyone is It's called Cheongmyeong two in letters
led will be . the volcano now and same things sun come handl , that of work
subject volcanic swordsman Qingming seal if not Cheon Woo Maeng never not
made couldn't will .”
“… … wrong the horse No. ”
arms crossed worn swear word heavily head nodded .
that Also It's called Cheongmyeong dental possibility report volcanic hand to catch
one because I am a person Lim So-byeong on horse do not agree won't medical
charge there was no
“ But on the other way speaking Cheon Woo Maeng volcanic swordsman It's called
Cheongmyeong dental sacrifice should be establishment possible it's a place
prayer meaning I do .”
“ Sacrifice the horse a little ... … .”
Namgungdowi agree number no seemingly glance frowned .
“ In the beginning Namgung Eun Qingming stamped blood requested enemy None
. U.S on the volcano led The reason is Qingming seal see June consultation and
character Because . he we instead the arrowhead sun line Khitan think because It
wasn't .”
“… … that to the yangban It's personality speak inhaling crab how much
outrageous whether it's work priority fold leave it .”
Im So-byeong cough in vain and then a little darkened by gaze Namgungdowi saw
“ What . Namgung petty horse picture wrong case not will . Namgung Soga-ju
Qingming stamp accompanying The reason is he see June sacrifice because of
this no , he Boyne heroic deeds it's because because it will .”
Namgungdowi head nodded .
he on the volcano help would have asked When , Qingmyeong a word scruple
without sword pulled holding plum road headed _ Namgungdowi is that look
forever forget it can't will _
always like a habit discuss came consultation .
that consultation in reality to practice dental back view most eager to this how do
you feel that Moment desperately feel because I threw it away
“ But … … that finally same I mean .”
“ Yes ?”
“ heroic it's a deed case to be dangerous pair Do not have called shit horse and
picture different not Because. ”
“… … no , that How … … .”
Im So-byeong faintly laugh at spilled _
“ Of course Namgung The owner of the small house heroic trajectory the core risk
not that in soaked It's called angina claiming As you would like ... … really Would it
be ? Qingming seal plum road heading when and same with my heart town bandits
if you hit Namgung The owner of the small house that two work same Would you
rate it ?”
“ That … … .”
Im So-byeong thing behold seemingly prey laughed _
“ It’s funny right I will not . because People see is ' what lice which work Did you do
it ? so that same bandit even subjugation prestigious disciple Shh if you do
moderately Sun will do Days However, the saga Yang Min-yi life bet fought that is
people inspiring Midam felled will .”
Namgungdowi let's be silent Im So-byeong shoulder Shrugged .
“ again tell me we Volcano Sword Consultation heartbreak evaluate The more you
praise, the more the world Cheon Woo-blind conscientiousness believe The more
you follow , the clearer the seal that called consultation in jail locked up to be
That’s it .”
Namgungdowi is lips sticky bit off no speak even if you want to , deny it logic rightly
to come to mind did n't already situation picture going back yes isn't it ?
“ So What is Cheon Woo Maeng? finally Volcano Sword Consultation sacrifice in
the near future laid made place to be no choice but to None . maybe Namgung
Soga owner too saffron with magic fight think would have come would , that
Imagination inside Qingming the seal what to do Were you there ?”
“ Yeah … … .”
car speak do not finish could n't Lips New sigh leak came out
most in front fight _ most desperately .
Countless these leading more than anyone brightly It shines , but Namgungdo and
latitude to deny It was difficult . that most shining place most dangerous it's a place
fact I mean .
“ I know Leave it . Namgung soga state . in the world exists . yourself take care
without , recklessly pair Do not have do casually repeating crazy Humans .”
Namgungdowi is to admit no choice but to there was no he know this during I to
expression most matching People It's called Cheongmyeong fact .
“ Of course then human middle mostly die I go out . But … … in a million one , ten
thousand one … … . no , maybe hundreds in the year across one .”
Im So-byeong debt closely grabbed _
“ that crazy do shit even though till the end luck good surviving lice There is . then
these the world what are you calling Do you know ?”
“… … what do you?”
“ He’s a hero. do .”
“… … .”
no more I called a hero horse good in words can't hear did n't
Im So-byeong mockingly then Namgungdowi looked up
“ Namgung petty Imagination in all _ war done back Qingming the seal hero
Became there must have been right Don't you ?”
that the horse Like clarification hell into push put there was crab Different not
Namgungdowi as if heard _ so that Namgungdowi is bow down head car field
medical charge there was no
“ Then … … .”
that moment , sleep Lim So-byeong speak listen there was Seol Sobaek to wear
took off
“ The King of Green Forest different Are you ?”
Im So-byeong blink smiling snow bag I looked answered .
“ What be different crab would you like to me too obviously knowing that Qingming
to the dojo parasitic That is .”
“… … .”
“ But … … Well . I don't know . know to use side and I I didn't know while doing
People slowly to the cliff push smoking these middle who more Bad Guernsey I
mean . of course that at the cliff live when you come back hero to become but …
… .”
listen there was swear word glance frowning intervened _
“ The King of Green Forest twisted Too excessive thing It’s like .”
“ Are you sneaky ?”
“ In the beginning Volcano Swordsman want not Thing Different these by force
pushed that No . Different these Also Volcano Swordsman walking on the road led
that 's all then these are inevitably Normal to them glaringly Boyle no choice but to
None .”
“ Hmm .”
swear by see Lim So-byeong two in the eyes swipe Lee Chae-ga was young
“ Really right It's the word . just I that bald in fact now Wow once again shock
received seemingly goo crab fairly ridiculously I feel it I mean .”
“ that just enough Let's do it .”
“ Yes , I do .”
Im So-byeong obediently back off
awkward atmosphere ventilate wanted swear word swipe Lim So-byeong toward
asked .
“ So , the King of Green Forest how Do you think ?”
“ what you are speaking Got it ?”
“ Sorim one offer the volcano accept go Do you see it ?”
“ Hmmm .”
Im So-byeong that's fun seemingly smiling My cheek was scratched
“ upside down me too one ask I would like to, but the palace how to answer do you
think Probably change avoid number is there will be no It seems .”
“… … promise only If kept , we also from the standpoint picture Bad offer is No. ”
“ Yes ?”
casual swearing In answer , Sobaek Seol sparkly surprised asked .
“ My lord ! that make a suggestion to receive Are you ?”
“ Calm down , palace lord .”
swear word head I stumbled .
“ Volcanic Swords Association the court Compare difficult . in the first place Shaolin
to trust easy not .”
“ Yes ! Of course .”
“ If now of course a volcano you should choose in the volcano Volcano Swordsman
Because there is .”
“ Yes . me too So … … .”
“ But hundred year behind on the volcano Volcano Swordsman Will there be? ”
“… … .”
Seol So-baek don't answer did n't
“ one hundred year behind Shaolin midfield big day girl . and they are squadron
chieftain one promise you will remember But … … hundred year behind the
volcano how would it have been egg number Do not have work .”
“ That … … .”
something tried to refute Seol Sobaek sneakily to wear closed . swearing horse not
wrong not Because .
“ Personally with Shaolin hand in hand want to it 's not However as an archer
Judging by the world which Munpado Shaolin protruding the hand to refuse
medical charge no . especially we same outside the doorstep Say it .”
“… … .”
“ I Single feel take precedence case archers responsible as an archer sea ship not
to be it 's work my this judgment palace I was wrong , someday posterity do not
resent I don't guarantee where Are there? ”
Seol Sobaek head snuggle bowed down
“ But so far Sae-Oeol nerve write June on the volcano About loyalty punctual thing
Also as an archer of course to keep will do doryil ter . so I the lord which conclusion
fall down just to follow I think . that is It will be fine .”
ho , say a little exclamation infatuated Im So-byeong snow bag looked back
“ Seol What about the king ?”
“ I … … .”
Seol Sobaek hesitate answer summer solstice let's not Im So-byeong want to know
seemingly head nodded .
“ I understand . actually that is most also a theory I do .”
“ So ? my to the question About What is the answer ?”
“ Actually What green from the standpoint refuse I wish wish I'm thinking do . this in
the situation Shaolin greenery don't throw it away Not sure , but now same
hospitality is It must be difficult .”
“ before and after Even in the field as a subordinate to be pushed Tego ?”
“ Yes , that 's right . therefore personally that one I hope ... … .”
Im So-byeong debt open holding face half way covered up
“… … However this time the court holding On medical charge too much It was
exquisite . maybe Only this time … … Maengjunim too , Volcano Sword Hyeopdo
that make a suggestion to refuse easy won't will .”
“ But the two so far which proposal refuse backcountry did n't then this time too
same thing probability very that less will do number there will be no It seems .”
“ That’s so far they sun On every things People save for called the length cause
and fit Because . However this time case different . think Try it . what if I make a
suggestion refuse Cheon Woo Blind alone saffron against moment ?”
swear word want to know seemingly head nodded .
“… … strength not enough to spill will do blood all that two people's responsible to
be giant .”
“ Yes . that choice rather more Many these to death drive away number There is .
so easy not thing Is n't it ?"
swear word sigh exhaled _ Oh yeah difficult it's a thing
“ Someday have to face will do It was real, but … … no way that is this in a way to
come line is I didn't know . Shaolin the chairperson indeed negligible lice It is not .”
Lim So-byeong gaze open window towards headed _
“ Me too I'm curious . so far he believe came every things , rather myself to protect
did Thing may harm do not know situation would have been at the time indeed he
which make a choice Whether I mean .”
that on horse Namgungdowi heavy long sigh threw up
dulled air I feel it , and Im So-byeong in the clouds half way veiled the moon stared
' long the night I'll be fine .'
him or the other every to these I mean .
especially one for a person too much long the night to be thing was like
1172 episodes . answer too pond sun giving yangban . (2)
in the manor picture fall off not riverside , familiar faces gather there is one hundred
thousand including ogum and until Hyeyeon . perhaps now blueberry most near
these .
they are little distance leave sitting stick vacant with face flowing river water saw _
it's still
grass beetle crying sound and Yangtze River waves by the river rushing only
sound noiselessly smear went out
these gathered where is always It was noisy . therefore now Koyoga More
unfamiliar might be awkward I don't know .
going back and forth waves dazedly looking at Yoon Jong head turn Different of
these expression looked at
' Heavy .'
no , exactly as it were heavily hardened rather than being everyone little dazed
seemed _
“ The death penalty .”
“… … huh ?”
His look at felt in shape jogger swipe to Yoon Jong look at give to wear took off
“ The death penalty how Do you think ?”
“… … chairperson word mean ?”
“ Yes .”
Yoon Jong from the mouth low sigh leak came out
how do you think usually if equal picture difficult crab Do not have A question , but
this for a moment Oh yeah to answer It was awkward . However Moderately froze
bury two worthy Question diagram No. _
“ Well , I don’t know .”
like a sigh loose said Yoon Jong head I stumbled .
“ Actually in the logic wrong that Weren't you?"
“ No , that say Do you ?”
Yoon Jong on horse jogger suddenly voice raised _
“ No … … . I will there What to do do you ask yes at will thinking not .”
“ The horse not felled sound because you do that thing Isn't it ! wrong that No !”
“… … If you do , you chairperson horse that's wrong do you think ?”
“ The death penalty yet long time It was far !”
jogger tongue kick said .
“ on the horse logic Is there without according to I coordinating bachelors where
zero wrong word would you like to that much learn until the exam hit entered
They're yangbans , everyone in logic right word I will !”
“… … that is with this what Does it matter ?”
“ Nevertheless among them My horse Right . my horse right and fight Earth Isn't it !
logic have so all okay crab no will . what more is it right It doesn't matter .
furthermore in the first place pond believe Person from the mouth came out I mean
that is right or wrong what Does it matter ?”
“… … .”
“ of horses than logic important case in person About credit department Trust . At
least I like that learned . in the first place chieftain trustworthy number there is Are
you human ?”
Yoon Jong shaky with face jogging slip away saw _
at any rate to the jogger by logic to be pushed Work there was no Although Jong
Yoon , this at the end he too notably to refute horse no _ court trustworthy number
Do not have case he too because it 's the same But … … .
“ Walk , yes. nonsense wrong case No but … … yes all being resolved crab Is n't it
“ Then what What 's wrong?”
“ I Also same Thing thinking that there was crab That would be a problem .”
jogger Moment speechless blocked seemingly be dumbfounded lips bit off
“ You right Is n't it ?"
“ I … … .”
he Something try to speak not head bow down abandoned .
again quiet two People Still looking at one hundred thousand to Hyeyeon look at
gave _
“ Sir .”
“… … tell me , one hundred thousand lord .”
“ one I would like to know . just check and want is it only misunderstanding summer
solstice roll up If you give Thank you .”
Hyeyeon Still head nodding to wear opened . already one hundred thousand what
ask know that there is as if
“ of people what is mind peering through that no , by your side I watched so all egg
number is there will be no will be . However At least My in the feeling the host did
in the word lie is no I saw it .”
“… … That 's right .”
one hundred thousand bitterly head nodded . actually notably identify need Do not
have it's a thing
chieftain lie to say the reason is no _ Cheon Woo Meng merged after , he one
horse that it was false crab If it turns out , from now on comparison not not colossal
backlash have to bear will do Because .
then justification real , that every Thing have to lose will do will _ perhaps old file
room have even the initiative in heaven take out have to give might I don't know .
Shaolin about the chief felled lice My fat cut off eating do will do the reason is no
isn't it ?
“ Hey there , Sasuk .”
“… … yes .”
Soso a little one hundred thousand notice looked at that expression copy one
hundred thousand in vain cheat sorely coming Thing felt _ Soso like that
expression building case really rare unfamiliar because it 's work
“ Suk-suk how would you think I don't know ... … I the host did offer like that bad
invisible I don't .”
“ Soso !”
jogger big sound let's Yoon Jong severe by eye Him restrained _
“ This … … .”
Jo Geul-eun lips sticky bit off then with him Yoon Jong notice salpin Soso sigh
exhale speak was _
“ Actually … … chief and old file room trustworthy number no jogger death penalty
nonsense enough Understanding go , another people so far lead On Cheon Woo
Meng to put down struggling also I understand . But … … .”
“ notice cheek thing no _ at ease tell me .”
“… … Yes , Suk -suk .”
Soso head nodding again to wear opened .
“ Yeah Handeul , Goo file room together fight help felled case It's true .”
“ The horse felled sound Do it !”
jogger again back paid out
“ replace What believe over there take command handing over It ' s ! that court
damn middle head the guy Us most dangerous where push not put not saying
guarantee is do you have nevertheless to remain It's a bastard !"
“ Walk !”
one hundred thousand sternly was confused
“ Be careful with your words .”
“… … Sorry .”
Eyes down Hyeyeon's face copy jogger My make a mistake realize humble with
expression apologized _ same speak even if little more Hyeyeon's feel have to
count did _
“ I speak little I'm wrong did , anyway To be honest I with them together fight more
to be dangerous capital that think .”
“ More ?”
Soso jogging stare saw _
“ here how more Is it dangerous ?”
“… … huh ?”
“ tell me Look , the death penalty . here how how more Is it dangerous ? Heat in
person only enemies Do not have in Gangnam go in magic fighting people ,
alternative What if more to be dangerous number Are you there ?”
“ No , it was … … .”
“ From long ago sister I told you . Then to die Qingming the death penalty like that
really die . that people My body piece of cloth about a doll felled line I know . no
matter how even if it hurts Sleep after getting better line I know . Person body then
crab No !”
Different Oh Gum-eun car our party facing pussy could n't
“ This time … … . yes this time fighter one by times It 's over . By the way You
know . war usually then crab no Girl . then the death penalty In addition dying as
much as body overwork properly No rest , no treatment can't again on the
battlefield I'll go ahead . But … … .”
Soso Different these looked back
“ It who to dry number Are you there ?”
“… … .”
“ No. _ this time too not It was . even me too pond dried up . no , no dried up .
together I'm going from the side the wind I breathed it in .”
“ Soso … … .”
“ now thinking were you crazy I want to Then who one die throw away left forever
regret would have lived I would , but what With guts .”
one hundred thousand saw _ somehow keep calm try to keep studious of our place
fingertips Farre trembling there is girl I mean .
' Sure . '
Soso is Are you a senator? add will _ who one when you die Different than these
more big responsible feel Because . no one to our party then Thing requested
enemy even without I mean .
“… … gupawa together fight what change ?”
“ If you’re a janitor At least the death penalty dying to a place sent It wouldn't . war
to end until death penalty live should be I do it . and mop became stay on the
battlefield In addition go out doing the death penalty catch to put number There
must be .”
“ the janitor Why ?”
“ That’s Because it is profitable !”
Soso angry by eye jogging I stared . Jo Geul-eun sticky lips bit off
“ over there favor same girl wish crab No . stupid if not You know . somehow the
death penalty till the end save put crab that it is beneficial gal .”
“ Then U.S If … … .”
“ to dry number do you have really like that Do you think , the death penalty ? U.S
Qingming the death penalty Dry ?”
“… … .”
“ on the head blood flocking first run away if not I’m happy .”
Soso body trembling said .
“ I I'm afraid , the death penalty . like this really that People perishing girl let's see
look ... … .”
lips snuggle bitten jogger what speak want to moment , forever silence adhered to
Lee Seol to wear opened .
“ Only Cheongmyeong leave will do story no .”
“… … yes ?”
“ Dangerous case we too same .”
blunt Yuisul's gaze there there is everyone like a glance rubbed off
“ So far no one not die not crab more strange enough .”
“ That … … .”
one hundred thousand half way opened to wear again closed . the answer is
anyway Everyone is know ' cause
“ Yes , the death penalty . It’s Cheongmyeong .”
“… … yes . that guy fighting in the meantime us save pay Because there was .”
“ that much I am more It’s dangerous .”
“ Yes , yes .”
one hundred thousand lamentingly briefly sighed _
Everyone is know there was It is true . However like now by skin not feel could n't
chairperson the horse these so far turn away there was reality in front of you pulled
“ Then Forward even a fist so dry to be Work Isn't it ?"
jogger still not convinced I can't seemingly was tough
“ weak sound Moderately Please . the volcano So far coming place who us did you
help ? By the way now Wow to others Are you going to wait ? Heartily help If they
were now not Before would have helped I will !”
“ Walk .”
“ No , Sasuk ! I ignorant gnome case right , stupid the guy No. _ will do The words
… … .”
“ brother-in-law as the saying goes Cheongmyeong not only the problem No. ”
“… … yes ?”
one hundred thousand everyone looking up to wear opened .
“ You really even if you die Are you okay ?”
“ What bald Sound !”
“ think Answer me .”
“… … .”
one hundred thousand in the voice carried heaviness for a moment jogging to wear
shut up
lips bitten jogging little pitiful by eye looking at one hundred thousand again to wear
opened .
“ We always life walk came . consultation for perishing if anything I'm not afraid no
Say it came .”
“… … yes .”
Yoon Jong as if agree head nodded .
“ But … … To be honest me too I doubt it . that is really my life even on foot
meaning go through want to my Was it the will , or … … still I not die won't thing
the same complacency inside exhaled Was it bluff? That is .”
“ Suk-suk !”
“ You yes horse No. ”
“… … .”
“ I yes means _ I … … .”
one hundred thousand for awhile Eyes Jigsi rolled up inside complicated swirling
things want to organize seems like
“ Chun Woo Maeng how is it ? Cheongmyeong the guy how Sun do you ?”
he Eyes slowly floating head I stumbled .
“ That’s it will be next we yourself too what do you want to not firm not , other Thing
to discuss deserve Are you there ?”
Everyone is like being sucked in one hundred thousand looked up
“ the chief on horse about discuss , and the future to discuss before , to yourself
Let me ask you .”
one hundred thousand the horse was calm It was firm , but heavy saul it was blue
“ We so far Say it came that every things , we really with life to go through number
whether . And … … .”
His eyes Severe everyone took a look
“ I to protect one consultation for my Next line these to death driven even that be
prepared number is there .”
that at the end everyone's face whiten Tired .
one hundred thousand they breathe turn even the gap gist without pushed _
“ Someday , I on the battlefield my on the chest knife locked up coolly cool down
conflict when .”
“… … .”
“ that from the side already miserably die dead body Became to be the death
penalty even looking really no regrets won't myself whether That is .”
knife same horse , cold sprinkled seemingly chilled on the chest locked up
1173 episodes . answer too pond sun giving yangban . (3)
everyone's expression each was different .
jogging face is It was distorted , and Hyeyeon a little whitened with face quietly
dislike I was brainwashed .
Soso is touk if you hit wool thing same It was the expression, and the Next west
there is Lee Seol is still I was expressionless only the eyes than usual darkly sink
there was
and most _ inside out guess difficult facial expression Jong-eun Yoon loose sigh
exhaled _
' always this ankle You catch it .'
oh my Whenever the world learned only on the boulevard go back not saying girl
realistically becomes _
consultation revere learned _ on the wave body contain there is Everyone is
picture learn will _ life even if thrown consultation punctual that sword all lice of
course have to walk will do called length I mean .
and In addition learn _ than life the death penalty to save do it
that the horses One by one wrong crab no _
But … … they so to protect doing negotiator than yourself more to save will do
even the death penalty irreversible number Do not have by way If you drive me ,
then what for consultation to keep doing will it
“… … Too extreme You are talking .”
jogger bluntly let's exhale one hundred thousand head it was
“ You too feel Were you there ?”
“… … .”
“ Honestly this think sun pussy not this is here there will be no will _ right Isn't it ?"
one hundred thousand head heard _ this for a moment nobody one hundred
thousand car facing pussy could n't built sin none , but something ugly like a
person sneakily look at avoid it was only
“ Me too sometimes then think did _ perhaps U.S so far hesitation without
consultation to discuss number there was that is lost pussy didn't maybe because I
don't know That is .”
“ No … … residence . as much as a volcano bereaved place where Is there ?”
“ You Did you lose ?”
“ Yes ?”
“ The volcano bereaved things you with there was things ?”
jogger that on horse to wear closed . then Him stare seen one hundred thousand
sigh exhaled _
“ We volcanic Mundo _ so that the volcano suffered work myself suffered like work
do n't think But … … soberly say , lost that is It was a volcano , we No. _
objectively think Look . U.S on the volcano introductory bereaved that Are you
there ?”
jogger head snuggle bowed down
bereaved thing ? then crab to be lee no _ in the first place they to enter from that
time the volcano more damn nook there will be no to the extent ruin it There was ,
and the clarity the guy came in from the back nonsense not felled with momentum
develop came .
paradoxically they are most Many girl bereaved in the doorstep As I entered , the
most Many Thing obtained These were
“ Right pussy not this is beaten pain I don't know . on the knife cut pussy not this is
that light cutlery how much are you afraid I don't know . So … … lost copy enemy
Do not have U.S bereaved of these pain completely egg Riga no .
“ A hundred thousand prey laughed .”
laughable Work Wasn't it one never on the knife cut pussy not lice I knife like scary
no , ten over and over hundred over and over veil number that say you are what do
you think ?”
jogger lips a little bit off Say it what would you ? on the knife bay pain too do not
know lice bluff tremble ridicule I 'd say."
then thinking it costs perhaps so far U.S Boldly shout out On things perhaps on the
knife cut pussy not of these in bluff maybe just I don't know I mean . lost pussy
Because I didn't , I lost also I'll take it shout out number there was Guernsey I don't
know .”
one hundred thousand Still Eyes rolled down they are always life walked _ always
believing Thing for fight came . But … … .
“ turn around look I fairly dastardly was human shape .”
“ Seoksuk … … . suddenly that is what Are you talking ?”
“ to Hangzhou conflict when , my in my heart a word hesitation there was no only
certainty was full I that is volcanic as a disciple of course Sun will do it's work I
thought .”
“ That’s natural Work Isn't it ? that is how cowardice Will it? ”
“ But then thinking Dandan I mean . indeed at that time my Before Cheong Myung
If not… … .”
“… … .” “ gnome without only us Hangzhou Road have to head If I did , I really
hesitation without step by step take off number was there you are I will number
there would have been thing Are you the same ?”
Yoon Jong head I stumbled .
“ Sook . that meaning Do not have home . consultation impossible on of course
challenge body to throw doing crab Is n't it ?"
“ Yeah ?”
one hundred thousand corner of the mouth a little twisted _
" beat number to be when profit and damage follow up without fighting that consult
and win _ number there will be no when rash fight summer solstice not that
negotiator It will happen .”
“… … .”
“ again ask . you are really gnome without Hangzhou Road conflict number have
you been that is right believe me _ life and Next there is death penalty life take
care without consultation to practice conflict number there would have been thing
Are you the same ?”
no one answer summer solstice could n't a little long silence severely continued _
silently answer waiting one hundred thousand heavily to wear took off
“ Yes . If not , we shout out On consultation is finally lost pussy not voluntary object
… … . no , lose lee Do not have voluntary cowardly it would be only etc. behind
father built count year old child I Heat year old brotherly by injustice hold on not
commanding stay crying and be different bar None .”
“ Amitabha … … .”
briefly dislike left Hyeyeon sombre by eye one hundred thousand looked up
“ one hundred thousand city shareholder . what speak do want to are you? ”
“ Let’s admit will . and think let's see will .”
“… … .”
“ now Wow turn around look we are so far only one never Cheongmyeong bastard
in the shade get out copy enemy None . even Cheongmyeong the guy Do not have
in a place fight copy even experience None .
” Hyeyeon expression hard hardened _
that speak listen Nani once again Know became _ so far they sun On fighter how
much unnatural was it
“ last some sun liver the volcano Countless a fierce battle paid , and in Shaanxi
small in the clan Cheon Woo-blind stripe up to the seat went up .”
“… … .”
“ But that Many Thing going through the volcano only one never power in two
share copy enemy no _ even small Byeoldongdae operate copy equator none ,
one Battlefield inside Byeongjin on both sides share copy equator no _ this what
whether it means Do you understand ?”
Lee Seol lips well done wake up that expression copy one hundred thousand head
nodded .
“ Yes . that guy U.S My Eye outside to fight Dunn enemy no _ that which battlefield
volcanic every these myself to protect number there is area in to put did .”
“… … .”
“ But now I will medical charge there will be no will _ no , so not becomes .”
Everyone is I agree head nodded . one hundred thousand long sigh exhaled _
“ naughty as if I lined it up , but it's me so what pointed the answer there is case
No. _ This we all think have to see will do That would be a problem . and every of
thing start is he where west whether to grasp to go from Is n't it ?"
“… … That’s right , Suk -suk .”
“ Consultation punctual that Is that right ? Haenam even if I throw it away more
Many these seeking that Is that right ? raw People exoneration for I cherish Loving
these to death my hair that Is that right ? really I consultation keep In order to life
I'm not afraid Isn't it ?"
one hundred thousand in my mind rising thoughts without fear listed . dare to clean
up need no _ as one sum up answer to find doing The problem because no
“ Everyone importantly thinking that different , preferential that would be different
But … … yes . this answer looking for Way only one thing It’s like .”
one hundred thousand the voice infinitely sink there was
“ Someday U.S battlefield in the middle stand up when , someone certainly as a
limb going Days to happen will _ definitely .”
“… … .”
“ Then important case you as a limb walk get in number Is there No. _ yes Next
there is colleague as a limb walk entering Thing knowingly magazine without send
line number should be you so far put forward negotiator the truth felled will be .”
Yoon Jong shoulder tremble came . that one too much harsh I mean .
“ The volcano really called consultation value chasing Anywhere , my only life not
volcanic _ of mundos even life consultation for give up line need to know do _ I
mask becomes _ Different than these I first when you die to be the horse just make
a choice avoid for to escape pass not .”
“… … lodging .”
“ You really I will number Are you there? ”
this time too returning the answer is there was no
“ Worry see you U.S really what want to did you really this only is it the way that is
if not even now Different Path have to choose do you do .”
Jo Geul-eun lips more closely bit off blood a little to grow it was about always calm
Yuisul's even your fingertips finely trembling there was
Everyone is agitated there is will _
“I will number If not , rather chairperson speak accompanying crab might be better I
don't know . then At least the volcano as much as others blood shed , with others
same result greet number to be Because . consultation by name more harsh result
not accept even if you don't to be will _ I like that make Because .
“ A hundred thousand on the spot happened _
His face is It was quiet . However one hundred thousand know these are egg
number there was that cool expression under so far from him look up number there
was no coldness nestle that there is that .
“ Worry see . you down conclusion I above I will tell you .”
one hundred thousand turn around to get away lets do it Yoon Jong one hundred
thousand Call caught it
“ Location .”
one hundred thousand feet towering stopped . Yoon Jong asked .
“ Suk-suk answer Have you decided ?”
“ That’s make sense Are you there? ”
“… … .”
" right wrong that is he to decide will _ to others don't ask do n't each other to
discuss also no _ At least my life how write will it to some extent self to yourself ask
” Yoon Jong head up Under fell .
without a word Jong-eul Yoon looking back one hundred thousand regret without
from them far away went _ that in place left behind long time During like a stone
statue stupid west there was these are briefly each other look without a word body
turn each to a place headed _
their on the shoulder Absolutely heavy moonlight go down there was
one hundred thousand slow footsteps darkness inside rang _
' It is difficult . '
do it I don't want to chart Repeatedly sigh leak came out
“ It’s difficult … … .”
some sun if it was before this worry same case summer solstice would not have
will _ just getting stronger only aiming if It was , and the volcano revitalizing only to
nerve write because it's done
I lacking foursome , foursome with the guys Woodang Tangtang chatter face to
face just try if felled it was a thing
But … … now the world To them make a choice forcing _ that in power worthy
weight to carry it shout out yet Many us jin also Nope , already shoulder Too heavy
. crushed Live throw away thing the same thinking field As much as .
' This It was .'
mighty enemy fight _ that simple on horse like this Many make sense packed
whether so far not yet I understand could n't
that the horse they so far Protect On every thing . So life and relationship , values ,
the every with things to fight was meant will _
' which it was a fight Maybe? '
now than them more harsh fight did hundred year ex the ancestors how what
report what felt maybe ? now they one hundred thousand beside if there is indeed
to him what to tell did you ?
one hundred thousand the moon toward look at turned _
time is too much flowed , and that much world too has changed hundred year ex
voice same case hear road road no _ However I the moon hundred year before or
right now Likewise over there float be … … .
suddenly the moon looking at one hundred thousand face I became numb . no
actually _ His gaze towards where is moon below _
the moon half way embrace eaves above .
one people's back view seemed _ moon and half way overlapping , a little sad
visible shoulder .
1174 episodes . answer too pond sun giving yangban . (4)
Cheongmyeong without a word in the sky knitted the moon looked up
to be indifferent only white one on the moon hearing face overlap seemed _
accustomed to nostalgic face Him looking Binggrae laughing there was
“ Funny … … .”
Cheongmyeong lips pouted .
“ The answer pond sun giving Yangban .”
I can't what to do number Do not have resentment . and what to do number Do not
have longing .
now no more Do not have being a person girl knowingly oh my when what to do
torido without I face to remind became _
moon and overlapped hearing face stare looking at Cheongmyeong a little
elevated in voice said .
“ No , that crab Because it is not .”
Lips New laughter prey leak came out
“ I The Age how many is that bald clumsy speak listen shock I'll take it . what
harden also by ear not listen . I where mouth only mountain bastards one or two th
see also not .”
insignificant not hand I stumbled . However Within he little exhausted in voice I was
brainwashed .
“ Just … … .”
little hesitating as if moxibustion brought in he head heard _ with clouds Moon is
without , infinitely black the night sky saw _
“ that bald one word because of this not … … my situation again turn around copy
that 's all to be number if there is don't think try not to I did .”
Different of these from guessing otherwise , the court one word during clarification
most Big shaken is ' he is most behind should be do .' in was the word
that horse not wrong didn't Because .
Cheongmyeongdo stupid No. _ every Thing leading this is most safe where should
be do _ that to some extent of course know there is so that past with magic even in
war preferably Hearing only never on the battlefield go ahead do not let summer
solstice wasn't it ?
The reason is Simple . at the time Cheongmyeong volcano the whole lead worthy
measure not could n't Cheongmyeong no matter how to be strong chart already
stethoscope bereaved in the situation even the hearing if you lose the volcano
center point bereaved stay My power not perform do not let become would not
have will _
yes . leading called case that much important _
that fact know despite being Cheongmyeong so far at the forefront west came .
and reckless degree of fight repeat came . have to experience About steady myself
because there was
But … … In addition Cheongmyeong know there is before from life now up to life
The successive ' heavenly luck ' never forever that not I mean .
now and same way if you stick to someday court of law as the saying goes
volcanic the disciples clear chill cold corpse two by eye to witness felled the day
may come I don't know .
and that behind a volcano waiting case It will probably be ruin . who one Harm
conflict number Do not have complete ruin .
“ I What like that That's great ... … .”
Cheongmyeong by force light chuck laugh out loud built .
ruin speak recalled crab It's absurd . Qingming one try have to see some people's
role or will do number will there be now volcanic puppies wholly just to grow If you
do , Cheongmyeong than more more Many work will do number to be will _
“… … yes it is That ’s right .”
Cheongmyeong head tilted stick helplessly murmured .
really he like that I thought .
I one hundred thousand properly became Jang Moon-in to be past hearing
footsteps to follow number If yes , I Yoon Jong properly became Doin Became on
the volcano lacking the road _ _ _ lead line number if .
jogger volcanic assault captain Became give it to you , yiseol the volcano to pursue
of sword textbook , and the so-called volcanic to the disciples severe master
Became line tens of thousands if .
that outside Different the disciples all in place Own role will do number to be If so ,
the volcano hearing led than at the time more more strong Great clan to be will _
long-time hour them watched Because it's clear be sure number there was
of course always I'm sorry ignore humiliated , but they really excellent are talented
people in the past Qingming with even compare will do number there will be no to
the extent I mean .
yes . obviously … … certainly like that to be will _
so that more I'm sorry .
“ It’s savage, isn’t it , long-distance executioner ?”
Cheongmyeong disappointingly laughed _
“ ten year only more If … … really like that make number there is I lead gist No
matter what , those guys By-self up to there conflict number to be I would .”
the world always okay As it came , to them enough Time take out gist does not
Cheongmyeongdo that fact know Because this _ into the world back from later one
time rest without a volcano lead came . little more High to some place more High to
a place . However eventually on time not reach could n't
what if ten year If it was behind , Cheongmyeong a word Hesitation without at the
forefront one even a person more save for fight will _ he from behind Sun will do
role sun line these However much ' cause
However Now is so not becomes _ now clear death is volcano all over Iru in words
all will do number Do not have loss to be Because . one even a person more save
In order to Cheongmyeong at the forefront standing not becomes _ yes . more
save For … … .
" true It’s crafty .”
Cheongmyeong bitterly laughed _ the question is he did _ Haenam what to do is it
that to the court I have answer find number Do not have should be a question did _
However the court was it intended egg number not , but that the question is rather
to Qingming came back
Shaolin Haenam through myself discussing cause have to prove doing as if
Qingming Also now myself talking negotiator what have to prove will do will _
someday Cheongmyeong certainly to face will _
volcanic student one exoneration for the sake of Different every disciple have to
sacrifice might do not know then to the situation .
I will at the time he what to do will ?
extremely tell me , in the trap missing hundred thousand one People exoneration
for volcano the whole demonic in the main camp charging thing In addition to
Different way If not … … how which make a choice Sun do you
come not to say blood vomit shouting one hundred thousand speak ignore with
everyone together life throw away will ?
if not myself eardrum tear off the eyes stabbing eight one hang up smoking heartily
body turn will it
“… … death penalty .”
Cheongmyeong bitterly murmured .
“You too Oh yeah Great it's a yangban how approached if you want In addition far
away there is … … .”
hearing to transcend thinking is in the first place not did _ However still now past
he feel I was worried things any understand thing the same I had thought
But oh my Whenever once again Know becomes _ past hearing which things get
through went out I mean .
“ volcanic It's a sword ... … .”
Cheongmyeong squeaky laughed _
really I will number if there were It would have been good . What is a sword don't
think not , just swing it felled because it is
Cheongmyeong want place is Right away then it was dare myself don't think even
if you don't felled place . just mood willing Road fighting take responsibility even if
you don't felled place .
But he I know .
he volcanic sword to be number no _ Someday back to place to go back number
Whether I don't know , now intact sword to be number no _ volcanic nobody Him to
your heart's content swing gist can't Because . It's called Cheongmyeong sword
properly listen do not raise can't Because .
then myself move no choice but to no _ My will and My self thinking have to
choose do _
“ Long sentence death sentence .”
slow Call copy Cheongmyeong loose sound take out laughed _
“ I'm sorry . I At that time , the subject I don't know … … .”
he stethoscope to save veil would have When , the hearing is Him stopped _ at
that time Cheongmyeong emotions don't hide without there is Road to the hearing
angry pour out paid out
However Now is I know . that is how much presumptuous did it happen
to choose About responsible support even if you don't felled lice , that to choose
About pay the price wholly have to accept doing to this dare then speak Don't not
said Thing I mean .
“ But … … I Still well I don't know , the death penalty ."
clear vacant gaze by moon headed _
“ must choose that case know there is , what have to choose Whether I don't know
. therefore procrastinate I delayed Eventually So far I 'm coming ."
volcanic the disciples more strongly grow up inside , somehow enemies look reveal
until strongly make that absurd make a choice not forced even if you don't Whether
I don't know I thought . no , so believed .
to the death penalty approached death not face I can't angry my came , but more
than anyone they faced death turn away there was case Different not it was clear
death Too A lot of look , so sharply I know . was together of these sudden absence
_ _ _ _ how much painful whether or not
therefore to choose myself Do not have will _
like a court more Many this saving that That's right , private ylang fold leave throw
away that is daringly throw away to say to say number no , yes everyone death in
the middle drag Go one People save it paid after it was great to laugh capital no _
really then situation If you face it , the clarity nothing summer solstice can't will _
just hand put what to do bar don't know stick sit down I will throw it away .
and that is someday a volcano to ruin lead will _ clear hesitation , clarity
indecisiveness a volcano more More than to come alive Bangdoga Do not have
into the abyss push put will _
“ More live look an adult to be line I knew .”
already he be enough to the extent lived _ no , that's enough can not excessively
lived _ already should have been broken will do life to be persistent live on came .
“ But … … in the first place an adult to be number there is people seperately
determined Is there Look . I that is not felled He was human .”
oh my at the time hearing beside if there is how much good ?
he get off number Do not have make a choice get off give , in front us lose giving
People here if there was at least hearing not even in stethoscope here I have If you
gave … … .
“ It’s greed .”
Cheongmyeong head I stumbled .
already Do not have these I miss you have to see be different case no _ they I
miss you case now Cheongmyeong that much get weak that there is evidence ,
that Lee Sang-do Lee Ha-do No. _
Cheongmyeong swipe My in hand caught bottle of wine looked down that in full
Chan , Han drop too not shrink not alcohol stare Look at sigh exhale to wear
opened .
“ The cup Did you bring it ?”
returning the answer is there was no
However Cheongmyeong of course I will line knew seemingly high road do not turn
without said .
“ I a cup not I brought it .”
jerk . jerk .
Familiar footsteps and together approached one hundred thousand dump His Next
side by side sat down Then clear in hand heard bottle of wine snatch take away
went _
“ in the cup follow don't drink not the guy anew .”
one hundred thousand bottle of wine tilt alcohol at a whack bum bum bum inhaled .
Cheongmyeong without a word then His side view stare looked up
“ Big .”
one hundred thousand make an impression writing bottle of wine got off
“ It’s poisonous .”
“ So It’s alcohol .”
Cheongmyeong one hundred thousand road stretched out bottle of wine handed
over However as usual Dali in the mouth Earth without just Under put down it was
that look quietly seen one hundred thousand look at Forward throwing to wear
opened .
“ here What do Are you there? ”
“ Just .”
“ Yeah ?”
in the sky knitted the moon slip away seen one hundred thousand slowly to wear I
took it off . “I was relieved .”
“ What ?”
“ You too … … .”
flowed out one hundred thousand the voice just It was quiet . However no wonder
egg number Do not have ring contain there was
“ You too You are human .”
Yangtze River above knitted the moon came on the waves was ripped off
1175 episodes . answer too pond sun giving yangban . (5)
out of nowhere was the word At least clear in terms of . so head smirking one
hundred thousand look at no choice but to there was no
“ What bald sound do there is then I man .”
“ not thing be the same time in .”
“ now swearing right ?”
one hundred thousand prey laughed _
' strangely to hear I will.'
each other know ' cause
Cheongmyeong Perfect People No. _ as human Cheongmyeong full of flaws
personality angular , in the exoskeleton, in the self About confident Too excessively
sometimes mistake commit _ know that is Surely I know , but myself well do not
know in the field As for absurd as much as ignorant _ someone to drive at the time
look at the situation line I don't know , my thoughts and misaligned something
acknowledging method diagram I don't know .
so that Cheongmyeong one hundred thousand doing speak understand number
there will be no will _ However one hundred thousand entry is Not at all was
different .
then The problem there is Cheongmyeong not perfect not Are you human ? one
hundred thousand like that don't think did n't
personality dirty , but Character Because enemy not make does not do not know
that many , so myself do well number Do not have things are perfectly to others
entrust totally trust _ someone excessively to push However , as a result which
nobody that Because give up or don't turn around did n't
My thoughts and Different things not admit it but as a result My thinking was right
prove it came . Not at all not perfect but as a result Perfect . so finally that result
lead smoking It's called Cheongmyeong people too Perfect crab maybe ? the world
talking with perfection that form even if different I mean .
so that sometimes It was heavy . I perfection chasing crab I mean . But … … .
“ Just then thinking heard _ you also you are a person and .”
“ It’s futile .”
Cheongmyeongdo that more than don't ask did n't one hundred thousand
Cheongmyeong put down bottle of wine catch again inhaled . Cheongmyeong it's
absurd seemingly that look see asked .
“ What me did you catch it normally alcohol well not eating Yangban .”
“ such me too there is beggar .”
“ People not did do if dying ... … .”
without thread was joking Cheongmyeong Something nerve was it written speak
hang up to wear closed . around the eyes a little wriggling one hundred thousand
insignificant not saying seemingly answered .
“ worry do n't than you long time fat because it will .”
“… … It might be .”
one hundred thousand swipe clear complexion looked at
perhaps Cheongmyeong myself just now what answer did it don't know will _ just
will do horse there is no Moderately nothing say around thrown may bet I don't
know .
However I will when is the time people's sincere coming out law . some sun ex If it
was clear never I short in words Roughly positive fall over would not have will _
forget there was no , ignore that there was horse A little more maybe right I don't
know .
Cheongmyeong never Perfect People No. _ no , diarrhea Perfect I'm a person
Even if it is not ' omnipotent ' not . he too Person More than limit is and in the end
alone can afford number Do not have Days exist _
' forget no choice but to There was none .'
this time that guy alone what to do number there will be no I'd say to think every
time , me damn the guy from time to time that expected to be wrong ' Cause I've
However one hundred thousand have to remember did _
Many girl can afford number there is called human so heavy not that is not . to train
hardship disappearing also no , the knife A lot of cut I saw so on the knife bay pain
feel do not let felled also No. _
no matter how even if treated the scar stay in pain who groaned memory is
disappear does not
have to remember did _ Different who I don't know one million silver have to
remember did _ one hundred thousand horse there is no Cheongmyeong asked .
“ no Ask ?”
“ What ?” “ For that On thing Is n't it ?"
“ So what ?”
Cheongmyeong zero I don't know by eye one hundred thousand look up
“ that damn middle head to the cub I what answer Whether to ask one thing Isn't it
“ no I wonder .”
“… … huh ?”
“ no I'm curious .”
one hundred thousand bluntly to answer alcohol inhaled . Cheongmyeong between
the brows frowned .
“ no Are you curious ?”
one hundred thousand Bothersome seemingly strong with face said .
“ If you wait By-self the answer come out I mean , that first I hear you what Will it
change ?”
“ No , I’m trying to convince you. will do capital there is .”
“ I if you persuade you listen ?”
“ no listen .”
“ But What persuade do you ?”
“ Is that so ?”
Cheongmyeong realized with face head nod _ Then Within more I don't know with
face head tilted _
“ Then why did you come ?”
“… … Oh yeah not funny not .”
“ What ?”
“ I yes private , and you my it 's shit we are one in the clan already some harm
every day face report spent cider .”
“… … that is Why ?”
“ Nevertheless Next sit down together alcohol drinking place dare business
department the reason is that it is necessary crab I mean .”
Cheongmyeong questionable with face one hundred thousand piercingly saw _ His
intention what is even a search will seems like in my heart one never this speak
heard enemy without perplexed thing same as did _
However one hundred thousand just It was dull .
“ Just drink felled beggar , what the reason is do you need it? ”
His index finger in the clouds half way veiled the moon pointed _
“ over there Look . moon Beautiful .”
“ Very Are you gloomy ?”
“ That’s pretty beggar .”
“… … residence . In the evening What wrong Did you eat ?”
one hundred thousand loose laughed _
ever did n't know no , maybe dare feel need there was no the gap Him shook .
Finally with this guy Saddam divided crab when was it memory me does not no , in
the first place then enemy there is did it well I don't know .
“ No , then . why did you come ?”
“ Ha … … .”
one hundred thousand annoying seemingly face a little distorted .
“ The age young cub alone moon looking Cheongseungna shaking to be there I'm
sorry Wow gave _ still I Because he's my brother ."
“… … really What wrong did you eat it ? Then if right not Are you sick ?”
“ Anyway not still You hit me , you bastard .”
“ That’s Yes .”
Cheongmyeong It's absurd by eye one hundred thousand looking at swipe moon
towards look at turned _
“ Come on .”
one hundred thousand holding there was bottle of wine pushed out
suddenly pushed in bottle stare seen Cheongmyeong slow by hand receive heard
_ and slowly on the lips Daego tilted _
for awhile the moon seen one hundred thousand to wear took off
“ But … … .”
“ no to ask .”
“ asking thing No . just I'm curious .”
“ But really today spirit put did you come we then Say ' I 'm asking ' do it !”
one hundred thousand insignificant not saying seemingly hand to stir asked .
“ Why so far do you? ”
“ Huh ?”
“ The reason I know . Roughly you know you What scared whether . But … … that
world Everyone is have to bear will do work , you alone It's far away will do work no
“… … .”
“ You worried Days in reality to happen even , the world nobody you not resent
won't it will By the way you why that every girl of course you have to bear doing as
if gulgo Are you there? ”
that have a question Cheongmyeong prey Smile abandoned . However draped
laugh increasingly in the face kick off went _
“… … Well .”
of course he Sun doing say things I thought .
However really Is that so ?
even in the past Cheongmyeong do your best done _ that way completely fit
wouldn't it I don't know , he one things happen As a result the world saved Thing
nobody do not deny can't will _
By the way why he one hundred thousand as the saying goes what even if it's a sin
built like a person , this every things alone to bear do there is maybe ? I will do as
much as done , the rest things you By-self do it lie down throw it away who one
don't point won't I would
even hearing watching that chart Him don't criticize can't I would ... … .
“ Well … … .”
did speak again once brainwashed Cheongmyeong Within poor speak picked up
and served
“ Me too well I don't know . I why like this is there .”
“… … Is that so ?”
“ Just , um … … . just then thing like .”
one hundred thousand clear side face without a word stared at and I thought . In
addition that is the face somewhere far place looking at I eyes .
“ do People there is no I Or .”
“… … .”
“ Just what ... … . Well .”
Cheongmyeong hair buck scratched .
“ Actually I What very responsibility there is people too no , who drag going girl
amused people too No . just I nothing not while doing _ doing to do It's different
walk stand then are you human and then leftover on time alcohol or Eat it up .”
“ It’s garbage .”
“… … .”
for a moment speechless clogged Cheongmyeong head I stumbled .
actually This just doing horse No. _ The past name really because it was magician
to call I'm was peaceful In the world , Cheongmyeong at the volcano most doing
thing without rolling around It was one quantity .
that time His in life most comfortable enjoyable It's also time and .
By the way how come like this Became did you throw it away ?
“ Anyway What I like this I want to like this there is crab no .”
“ Then not if It's okay .”
“ But that is easy not .”
“ Why ?”
“ No one There is none .”
Cheongmyeong bland with face sigh exhaled _
“ I if not will do People no one there is no I not do to throw me away who instead
sun giving also no , who as much as me sun line number there is also no .”
“… … .”
“ Me too pond I will hand let go throw away damn crab obviously I see it just report
there is also easy without .”
“… … .”
“ Then Bonnie One by one doing Days stretched That’s all .”
This time little more if yes , maybe Even now Sometimes at the volcano just having
fun might have I don't know . with the death penalty tangled giggle Smile against
each other torment , so time and together Many Thing fill up would have gone
that This time not enough come Thing who would you be resentful ?
“ Yeah what , who on behalf of I wish wish thinking also no . just This I have to bear
will do one person beggar .”
on behalf of have to give will do these are already here because there is no
Cheongmyeong picture I thought .
perhaps past he share should have heard did things into shoulder Because I
couldn't , now this every Thing wholly alone have to bear doing Guernsey do n't
then this every things he of course accept have to endure do it
“ So in vain unnecessary worry summer solstice do n't will do as much as sun
report not do if you want me too all throw it away throw away it ' ll Not yet will do as
much as said thinking not lifting only that .”
Absolutely never Bonnie Something unnecessary Stories sun abandoned thinking
heard _ Cheongmyeong in vain shyly I was coughing .
" ttt . me too zero Taste gone _ to Dongryong this story do there is .”
“ Die , really .”
Cheongmyeong prey smiling alcohol again inhaled . as usual gulp to the full inhale
lips by retail stole _ expression little more brightened up , and the voice than before
a little bit has risen
“ Don’t worry do n't soon because it's okay ."
“ Huh ?”
“ People live look I will when there is beggar . just this and that to think crab A little
a lot yes .”
“… … .”
“ one day degree after Something you will see then as usual return that's all me to
worry hundred year is It’s too early , Dongryong .”
“ It’s disgusting .”
one hundred thousand prey laughed _
two Between short silence fell down excessively not heavy not , just lonely silence .
The moon , the night sky , the clouds not , that beyond something blankly looking
at one hundred thousand slowly to wear opened .
“ I … … . no , we little more If only I had been strong . I wish you doing troubled
any Would it decrease ?”
each other look at not two Person between , the quiet voice is for a long time
hovered around
1176 episodes . I'll tell you crab There is . (One)
Cheongmyeong laugh exploded _
“ Anyway Dongryong confidence is need to know because I do that much even
though I'm strong yet lacking shape ? hahaha A long ago think If … … .”
“ An old story summer solstice don't tell did _ I clearly said .”
“ Ouch ! Yes , yes . whether or not Are you there ?”
Eyes sullen one hundred thousand in reaction Cheongmyeong exaggeratedly
frightened pretend and both hands listen raise it one hundred thousand sigh
snuggle let's exhale Within laugh popped Cheongmyeong alcohol inhaled .
Eventually , slowly bottle of wine down His Lips New warmth soaked voice is
flowed out
“ Seniority … … the death penalty everyone do well give there is .”
“… … .”
“ Just doing horse not really _ like that think . this More than do well line medical
charge no . everyone terribly survived .”
“I know yes .”
“ A little it's complicated do it report if there is one Sometimes ' how only like that
water lily not will do number is it ? that Person Are they cubs ?' I want to and .”
“… … .”
“ Again how about When ' they ' training except doing crab there is no really try .' I
want to and .”
“ Only one Do it , just one . as one decide .”
Cheongmyeong prey laughed _
“ know there is everyone bone to crush hard do that there is big . and at least a
little more help to be trying said to be in progress also .”
To be honest it 's weird
always say hat not enough It's rough , but it 's clear know there is everyone how
much do your best do it all yourself help whether .
“ Just U.S have to bear will do crab Too big it's just no matter how share listen
Everyone is hard enough .”
“ Nevertheless .”
“ That’s strength to be Don't .”
Cheongmyeong My to wear with fist cackle pressed . Like pond will do speak said
like . Then nose long breathe exhale said .
“ I alone all one crab No . I alone if there is nothing pond doing are human .”
add Nawi Do not have It was sincere .
Cheongmyeong I know . he something will do when always someone be together
gave that .
volcanic at the forefront new year when hearing lead , cheongjin behind support
gave _ most mighty with enemies fight when party His My back Protect gave _
they if not Cheongmyeong just then to the strong pass would not have will _ they
because there was Cheongmyeong Plum Blossom Zone to be number there was
“ Students , accidents , and death penalty without So far misdiagnosis couldn't it ' ll
of course Jang Moon-in elders , other volcano even people .
“ As usual never summer solstice won't horses flows out
perhaps tomorrow morning bright this speak did Time forever Erase it throw away
you might want I don't know , now just as you feel speak wanted _
“ Especially For Suk-suk thank you also many .”
“ such human okay ?”
“… … I will cancel . I for a moment mind had gone out .”
small smiled Cheongmyeong Within head I stumbled .
“ Anyway So in vain unnecessary think will do thing no . Sook-eun privately Sun
will do work perfectly sun give ' cause this More than wish crab there will be no
enough .”
“ young cub snout only alive .”
“ I I am an adult .”
“ Yes . continue chatter Look .”
Cheongmyeong lost room smiling the moon looked up
perhaps he really forever an adult to be number Do not have map of people I don't
know . that thinking is still change no _
However then he too an adult should be will do time there is at least adult chuck
Sun will do time there is
more young these yourself look at when , that in the eyes trust and belief packed to
be when . I will when all grow up unhappy even a small child shoulder poof spread
out reliable Person pretend Sun do _
perhaps everyone then crab maybe ?
increasingly yourself leave I'm an adult believing these When there are more , it is
still an adult not even though I couldn't which from the moment naturally adult
pretend and to live felled thing maybe ?
hearing If there was , Cheongjin If there was , maybe party news even a guy if
there were Cheongmyeong still immature without only the age scooped up volcanic
as crazy stay there might have been I don't know .
However here Cheongmun-do , Cheongjin-do , Dangbo -do no _
to Qingming left that is just stop looking up there , yet become complete unhappy
young children . Someday that talent like wings spread out too much brightly shine
are children
so on the shoulder power have to give summer solstice wouldn't it ? yet all grow up
unhappy even the shoulder Most spread out My back upright stand up summer
solstice maybe ?
' This It felt like a death sentence .'
egg thing same _
hearing why picture big did you see how so too shake no did you see
maybe hearing picture made that is hearing looking at clear It must have been the
gaze hearing clarification lead line When , Qingmyeong me too without knowing
hearing My back push give there was will _
Oh my gosh one-sided relationship no _ glimpse It's pointless visible even things
all One by one make sense there is
nothing not this conversation , nothing not this jokes clear on the head cloudy I was
young Cruelty kick pay there is as if I mean .
' So me too little more an adult It should be .'
clear on the lips small smile tied up
“ live Bonnie Dongryong Yido help to be time there is .”
“… … to fight right ?”
“ It’s a compliment .”
“ Puck I will .”
one hundred thousand bitterish with face murmured . then Him looking
Cheongmyeong I laughed .
“ Don’t worry do n't all be good Because it is .”
“… … .”
“ It’s Sapa-ryun, and it’s magic . cubs , all smashed my throw away it ' ll and
Someday a volcano the best in the world Munpa-ro fabricated beggar .”
Cheongmyeong sigh snuggle exhale _
“ Of course that volcanic Jang Moon-in Sasuk-na , Yoon -jong death penalty to be
Khitan case cheat It explodes .”
“ Then you Either way !”
“… … Really ?”
“ No. _ cancel _ please from memory Erase it give it Please .”
terrified to love one hundred thousand looking Cheongmyeong giggle laughed _
Then … … .
“ Shut up !”
on the spot jump happened _
“… … why Wake up ?”
“ thought It has become clearer .”
“ Huh ?”
Cheongmyeong shoulder Shrugged .
“ Why this worry do was there Understanding not conflict that's about it Thank you ,
Sasuk . Thanks .”
“… … What do you say ?”
one hundred thousand outrageous with face clarification look up
“ Also yet You are left .”
“ Oh ?”
Cheongmyeong My in hand heard bottle of wine in the mouth asked at a whack
waist backwards leaned over in all drink gurgling pouring clear neck Riding passed
“ I , I … … !”
“ Great !”
at a whack bottle of wine all misfortune Cheongmyeong bean bottle jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjal
waving shit laughed _
“ Now Do n't you?"
“… … crazy man .”
“ Giggle .”
cunningly smiled Cheongmyeong stroke eaves Under jumped off
“ private residence needlessly hour not drag not hurry Go Come on . tomorrow too
same to train Because it is .”
“… … People worry sun Even giving .”
“ Who who Are you worried ? privately me ? Aigoo , I'm sorry body two derl I don't
know .”
“ But this baby ?”
“ Thank you .”
Cheongmyeong body stroke turned _
“ Tomorrow See you , Suk -suk .”
and regret without whistle step by step moved _
" hey , this baby ! my word yet not it's over ... … .”
one hundred thousand I called , but Cheongmyeong finally look back did n't
“ I cub ... … .”
that back view only blankly looking at one hundred thousand finally head I
stumbled . and head listen the moon looked up
in the clouds veiled Moon is twilight light spouting there was
“… … alcohol is leave give go garden .”
frustrated voice is in the night sky empty spread out went out
time is soon flowed _
for three days manor in everyday life big change there was no still excessive on
water lilies afflicted of these sick sound manor fill up went out , and these
harassing of these voice Also only exalt did _
seemingly just just be calm one daily life All of a sudden flow , eventually court
promised the day It was bright .
“ The worries sun Did you see it ?”
early from morning Call collected one hundred thousand ask Oh Gum complexion
hardened _
“ The answer is Did you find it ?”
Yoon Jong sigh snuggle exhale most first speechless opened .
“ Location .”
“ Yes , Jong -ah Yoon .”
“… … I'm worried of course did . hair to bite off enough .”
that on horse Different these too head nodded .
for three days asleep This time in hand to pick enough . right away fall down as if
exhausted in place listen to sleep to fall medical charge there was no troubled their
hair full fill up abandoned Because .
Yoon Jong Different these swipe I looked back head I stumbled .
“ other People how about I don't know , I To be honest Still I don't know . what right
, what Wrong .”
one hundred thousand Absolutely serious with face then His speak listen gave _
“ I alone life have to walk doing If it's work, you can I will . I dying Different these
save number If yes , even that is later big damage even if I Gladly I will thing It is
like .”
that on horse some sympathetic light seemed _
“ But … … Different these exoneration for In addition Different these to death
driven case will do medical charge None . right now jogger the guy the civilians
exoneration for to die I'm going if I send line myself None .”
jogger a little lips bit off
“ This is in the first place right wrong scold The problem not thing same as . world
nobody that in the question don't answer can't will . Sook , really Earnestly think
about it I 've seen ... … . Sorry . I answer not find I couldn't .”
Yoon Jong in full face apologetic light Tin stick head snuggle bowed down
However one hundred thousand Him far from blaming just calmly smile building
head nod gave _
“You have suffered .”
“… … yes .”
“ other Are these ?”
notably to wear opening lice Let's not have it , a hundred thousand gaze naturally
To Yuiseol headed _ OK Lee Seol That's right not lips a little biting answered .
“ I don’t know .”
“ Is that so ?”
“ What Days even if at the forefront fight will . But … … to the four That said word
pond I do .”
“ Yes .” that horse not wrong didn't seemingly one hundred thousand head nodded
. this time gaze to the jogger move went _
jogger My hair buck was scratched
“ Sago and death penalty pond found answer I what channel Would you like to find
it ?”
“… … anticipation not did .”
“ Yes ?”
“ No. _ So ?”
“… … To be honest I just I only life girl line you know felled line Got it . But … … I
life bet consultation punctual crab to do that loath to someone life to throw coercion
to be number that there is thinking I heard it .”
that on horse Everyone is amazed by eye jogging looked up that in reaction rather
amazed jogger asked .
“ Oh no , why ? Is that so ? I pond will do speak one also Is n't it ?”
“… … he too the thought girl you do .”
“ Growth Yes , growth .”
“ If this Someday people too It will be .”
“ This Yangbans !”
jogger let's get mad one hundred thousand prey smiling Him dissuaded _
“ Yeah , you worked hard . Soso ?”
“ Sook . To be honest I go out to die pond though , together to die will do number to
be thing I think .”
“ Yeah ?”
“ Yes . I alone but survive if not felled That ’s it .”
“ Yes . then Soso is Is that you?”
“ But … … For the prisoners and the death penalty together die ask for will do
number there is later the disciples when you come in pond I will thing I think . they I
have to live . we are Even if you die .”
that on horse some head nodded .
“ So me too I don't know . to keep just do it I thought , I don't know someone for
really guard want these to be sacrificed number that there is thinking is not sun I
saw it . But … … I guard want and the volcano guard want crab be different
number There was … … .”
Soso head Let's get down , Yu Seol her shoulder lightly caress gave _
“ Hyeyeon What about you?”
“ Amitabha Buddha .”
Hyeyeon Eyes winding up dislike was out
“ Chief . the Buddha world every where bulldoze convey middle-aged save He did.

“ Yes . that is impossible It is a teaching .”
“ To protect doing of thing superiority dividing thing Also small in a relationship
About in obsession it 's just more Many these seeking that That's right .”
one hundred thousand head nod it was time Hyeyeon bitterly smiling said .
“ But … … that is if I Buddha , where Are you human ?”
“I have to .”
“… … think look I the yangban midway no .”
“ Heirloom .”
Hyeyeon's face soon turned red
“ I , I when break up got hit What do you mean !”
“ Is n’t it ?”
“ all like that Did you know ?”
“ That , that … … .”
Hyeyeon head of class do stretch dislike foreign language put it on sigh exhaled
one hundred thousand expression refining everyone looked up
“ Everyone Earnestly think about it copy thing same good luck think about it Bonnie
How were you? the answer to be thing Is it the same ?”
“ No. ”
“… … To be honest pond I will find it .”
“ This is in the first place the answer None .”
one hundred thousand head nodded .
“ Yes . This the answer Do not have problem . However you are need to know do _
we are the answer none Say it throw away it's enough Jang Mun- in, and
Cheongmyeong the guy that Do not have answer somehow have to find do .”
make a decision dismountable of these feeling a little bit I understand copy these
Serious with face nodded .
“ So today , what answer even if you listen never resent or that choice went wrong
scolding Days as for not becomes _ Do you understand ?”
“ Yes , Suk -suk .”
“ I will .”
“ We what qualified .”
“ Yes .”
with that said seemingly one hundred thousand body turned _ His eyes any than
ever depth sink there was
1177 episodes . I'll tell you crab There is . (2)
room in Various People gather there is
volcanic long writer Hyeonjonggwa volcanic elders .
and Cheon Woo-blind substantial Vice-Minister take charge there is party music .
yes People hard firm face one stick one People looking up there was
However that look at received Lee , Cheong Myung-man smiley smile to laugh it
was only
“ Really … … .”
Hyunjong speechless clogged neck fine-tuning again ask _
“ Really Are you okay ?”
“ Yes . what .”
Cheongmyeong shoulder Shrugged .
“ Actually in the first place the answer is determined there was Is that right ?”
“ Yes . Even if … … .”
“ Moon-in Jang thinking Are you different ?”
Hyunjong sigh snuggly exhale _
“… … my thought picture different It is not.”
“ Yes . My thoughts and long writer thinking if equal more to ponder also Do not
have That ’s it .”
clear gaze To Tang Gunak headed _
“ For the Lord A little I'm sorry ."
“ You be sorry Days No. ”
Tang military evil head stir _
“ the party damage copy crab None . party phase is in the fifth generation there
was than ever Cheon Woo-blind Inja Lee treat subject now the ship more Because
it is high .”
Tang military evil warmth soaked by eye clarification looked up
“ And only the phase no . in Sichuan Only My family profit only thought Four
thousand songs , with you volcano Thanks to what as a faction right standing
whether or not to learn it has been this is it that which also with replace number Do
not have precious It's an experience .”
“ Ummm . A little It's embarrassing .”
“ No , you enough proud … … .”
“ Actually perfect openly to say four thousand songs then side A little to be I did .
selfish poisonous and uh huh , just thinking though .”
“… … .”
party evil eyebrows Farre convulsions cause _
“… … Anyway .”
“ Yes .”
His from the mouth small sigh leak came out
“ other sectarian Even the mourners volcanic in the decision totally I will follow I did
it the backlash there will be no girl . However my one asking want crab There is .”
“ Yes .”
“ You really with that Are you okay ?”
“… … .”
Tang military evil Absolutely serious with expression speak was _
“ That’s more correct long Even if you so far achieved every things giving up a
decision case different it 's not the volcano again It's called the old file room. name
Even if you get diarrhea I Shaolin Department equivalent position in hand put to
say chart Say it .”
Cheongmyeong to wear close _
“ You Ilguryeo did that is simply the phase Is n't it ?"
“ Well , that ’s right . But ... … . It’s okay .”
that horse end awfully farouche with face sit down there was Hyunyoung said ' It's
okay ' what ok . Damn it .' do mumble inclement phenomenon expression report
lips wake up
“ Me too I know . equivalent It's a position , it's an old file room . that is What star
make sense Do not have the word take it actually This cash give note subject That
's it . on the bill amount how much Big written whatever in one day paper split to be
capital there is thing Is n't it ?"
“ well know there is By the way Why ?”
“ In the beginning Cheon Woo Maeng target not It was a tool .”
Cheongmyeong shoulder Shrugged .
“ The volcano Great place become I want to Cheon Woo Meng made crab No . one
even a person more guard I want to What is Cheon Woo Maeng? name Under
united That 's it . By the way that in Sudan obsessed more safe Path to give up
case the main guest overturned That ’s it .”
“ The court Do you believe ?”
“ Of course not I believe .”
Cheongmyeong perfect cut said .
“ I believing case with me volcano . and in heaven heard Different They're
scoundrels . I that maharaja bald thinking Road burial mounds speak will listen
thing Are you like ? chubby Do not have sound . where head too Do not have crab
“… … .”
a little courageous Cheongmyeong prey smiling speak continued .
“ So for now entering will . heavy rain beating in the field Can't stand it , in my heart
lift not bloke of home eaves even below entering crab It’s fine .”
Tang military evil head crossed _
“ If you hear the more you hear Understanding Branch I don't .”
“… … What ?”
“ For us Cheon Woo Blind that it was the eaves Isn't it ?"
“… … .”
Tang military evil blueberry upright look at faced _
“ It's a contradiction . If it's like this Cheon Woo Blind consultation for every Thing
give up number that to claim number is there will be strong the future for majestic
make a decision that it fell to be praised number is there will be However we are
lose shouldn't will do eaves lose felled crab Isn't it ?"
Cheongmyeong answer without Eyes rolled up
“ I Cheon Woo Meng inside U.S shared crab simply power is that it wasn't I think .
we are that beyond something pussy wasn't it ? By the way now Wow just more
get stronger to be safe side up that you choose crab … … .”
Cheongmyeong slowly Eyes again popped up
His the eyes infinitely sink there was
“ someday feel There was .”
“… … what mean ?”
“ Maybe I now decided as a result running there is , just that result turn away to be
that only I will .”
Tang military evil to wear shut up clear on horse carried weight too much it was
heavy Because .
“ The parents child correctly grow up I hope . by injustice don't give up without , to
the extent protect , weak this help line know People wish you I hope .”
“I will .”
“ But that which parents too My child to remain for instead to die not want won't It
will .”
“… … .”
“ Already gaping at work tears spilling out , good job praise sun line number is
There must be . However nobody self child to remain exoneration for in the fire pit
jump in not put won't It will .”
Tang military evil Eyes wind up abandoned .
Cheongmyeong what speak do want do you egg thing same _
“ But which Moment I volcanic , volcanic the mundos that into a fire pit push put
there was the volcano crying things As it gets bigger , the volcano More Great
place As they get older , they A little more It would be dangerous .”
Cheongmyeong shoulder Shrug .
“ Of course only the volcano not Chun Woo Meng It's the same . example For yes
That ’s it .”
“… … know there is .”
“ Which moment , such dream make up started _ U.S saffron Defeat the Heavens
Defeat everyone _ beat it Finally strong peacemaker coming That 's it . Everyone is
be happy number there is moment .”
“ That’s U.S wish Is n't it ?"
“ But There the volcano None .”
“… … .”“ Hwasando , Danggado , Namgungdo … … . Department of Greenery
outside two Moonpado . no one .”
Cheongmyeong bland with face the ceiling look up
“ As a result, well became That 's it . Everyone is to protect doing Thing kept and to
achieve doing Thing Because it has been achieved . But … … I that report laugh I
couldn't .”
that the voice Calm , but strangely It was miserable .
“ nothing don't change because it was n't same because the result
” well understand number Do not have was the word However that in soaked only
emotions clearly is coming that thick bitterness and regret I mean .
“ I just I do want Road sun On It's just that , sometime the volcano Great
consultation make smoking clan Became There was . and Everyone is which from
the bird consultation for life have to walk to say consider There is .”
“ You … … .”
“ that at the end what Will there be? ”
Tang military music car answer summer solstice could n't
“ forward Hangzhou same work some over and over to happen will . every time
'Cause it's a fool's errand because it is a volcano . 'cause we're going Before step
forward most fiercely fighting crab It will be natural .”
that on horse Tang military evil what to do number without head nodding fell .
deny even if you want undeniable number no _ already Cheon Woo-blind every
that then trend belt not start did n't
“ Then someday we are Our sacrifice based on Protect paid every Thing Different
only these enjoy result face to face might be I don't know .”
that is The past the volcano went is the length
Cheongmyeong sharply regret , never never same work not repeat I won't
promised _
However Oh yeah funny paper isn't it ? so resentful Even though I regret it ,
Cheongmyeongdo with him same Path walking there was
hearing understand the past more if you understand The more I try His selectivity
The past volcanic become equal
and that even the result will it be the same look scared came out
“ So what .”
Cheongmyeong again shoulder Shrugged .
“ I really Great If it was a cooperative company , it would still be good might I don't
know . To be honest I inside narrow selfish Being a bastard , we because of hard
work accomplished things only others enjoy forged pond I want to see you . just I A
little more when you get cowardly to be It’s work .”
“ You … … .”
“ That’s be right It will .”
Cheongmyeong prey laughs .”
I damn things now Wow body it's sari do so body sari map won't There , only as
much as others to fight so not even can't will . so I I have to stop it . more not
dangerous not , more Are you tired not .”
“ But … … you are sister like that Don't magic beat number no summer solstice
Was n't it? "
“ The way In addition find number There must be . in the first place the answer
there was no case from scratch Because it was the same .”
“ Irresponsible .”
“ I know .”
Cheongmyeong sigh exhale _
“ But this My It's the limit . no more It 's difficult . left case I maharaja bald and
discuss I have to see . unreliable However , the situation than me more well report
there is side view There is .”
Tang military evil heavily sunken by eye clarification looked up
“… … you too an adult It was .”
“I became cowardly in words I hear you .”
“ If it’s a compliment praise . until when only with vigor fat number is Because there
is none .”
clear on the lips bitterish smile it is borne
the answer is easily came out just he most to protect did crab what is turn around
would have seen Only .
he to protect did that is volcano , and volcanic Disciples . and volcanic future .
Kang Ho-ga no , midfield no , heaven not Right away It was a volcano .
volcanic the future keep for the world to keep that hearing on horse so revolted
crab Cheongmyeong Was n't it ?
However which Moment that Also hearing department same Path Going there was
so now that Path have to change do _
“ Even the Lord same Do you think ?”
“ I Also on a small boat It is only .”
Hyunjong head I stumbled .
“ of Cheongmyeong It is as you say . I dare I children's parents be yourself number
is no , oh my god which parents My child's fatigue the world May you be at peace
would you like to ?”
“… … .”
“ Just at least a little I the kids are to shed blood if less will do only . that of choice
in return Different these to shed blood more that more and more Handul … … . that
I have to bear will do guilty It will pay off .”
“ I understand . Enough .”
Tang military evil Eyes wound up stick head nod _
they are the civilians protect the world to keep do _ However to Tang Gunak
Danga As such, volcanic disciples Also they have to protect will do these are
perhaps under heaven than all more precious .
then these at risk driving consultation discussing that is perhaps over on sunken
discarded dental rude it might be shit I don't know .
so that Tang military music of these speak I understood . two all too much a
volcano terribly thinking Because these this make a decision get off no choice but
to there wouldn't have been will _
“ two minute means I see .”
changing case Big there will be no will _
just more big fence in entering it is only At that place now old file room became the
volcano to be will , and also five generations joined Danga and Namgung Sega to
be , and other than with the clans green wood Also we will be together
The name to change so that sympathetic disappear work no _
so changing that is just there is only one
“ Well then .”
Tang military evil little bitterly , do n't fall off not lips tear off said .
“ Chun Woo Meng That’s it .”
that speak heard Everyone is just Eyes wind up abandoned .
car each other face cheek number no as if
1178 episodes . I'll tell you crab There is . (3)
jogger fist closely grabbed . eavesdropping wanted case No. _ just greetings to
give by chance flowing speak would have heard only .
However now he I inside flowing speak which with intention did you hear picture
not important did n't that content like that than hundred the ship more because it 's
in the chest Something tight goes up
Back and forth follow up without in run wanting to enter His shoulder someone
closely grabbed _
jogger fierce emotions don't hide can't head backwards stroke turned _ However
artist there is Road Up right away sound inside thing was like Jo Geul-eun shoulder
caught this as soon as you check helplessly head dropped it
hundred thousand .
he Absolutely determined expression built Chae , head rowing there was
sound to kill signal sent one hundred thousand jogging back pulled _ that in hand
carried out of force resistance same case not tolerate unwilling to will felt _
Jo Geul-eun as it is helplessly dragged away long writer at the place long time
gone away just then jogging let go June one hundred thousand severe by eye
jogging saw _
“ Moon-in Jang which make a choice do you say without to follow to say tell me
Was n't it ?"
“ But … … But , privately .”
“ than you those people Heat the ship more would have been thinking tego , one
hundred the ship more cheat three room will _ you shouting crying hang so replace
number there is Days No. ”
“… … .”
jogging shoulder axis sagging _
'… … Damn it .'
why Do n't you know ? he too one hundred thousand meaning know because here
coming all the time heart caught up nevertheless fluctuating emotions what to do
number there was no myself thought thing More than he Cheon Woo Meng cherish
consider there was will _
and jogger not Different of these heart rate picture different not was the shape car
openly don't agree I can't , but around lined up ogum Also expression zero good
could n't
“ Ha … … .”
Yoon Jong from the mouth hold on unhappy sigh leak came out
“ Which degree thought work, but … … really in front of you come on Feel A little
It’s strange .”
“ Yeah ?”
one hundred thousand Jong-eul Yoon stare saw _
“ do not choose I couldn't but in my mind already which to some extent make a
choice put down It looks like it .”
“… … .”
“ Yes . indecisive rather than that is It will be better .”
one hundred thousand insignificant not saying seemingly to pass lets do it jogger
no more hold on can't voice raised _
“ Sook . still This Is n't it ?"
one hundred thousand without a word jogging looked back
“ The answer is Do not have What is a problem case know There is . However we
Stories once listen number is there is … … .”
“ Be cheeky .”
that speak cut off that is It was Yuisul . She is as usual Dali chill flowing by eye
jogging I stared . jogger flinched _
“ Accident … … .”
“ Moon-in Jang you have chosen work .”
he which nonsense summer solstice can't lips snuggle bit off
“ sister-in-law horse That ’s right .”
“ Seoksuk … … .”
and hundred thousand Also than usual the ship more was strict
“ You volcanic disciple Is n't it ?"
“… … .”
“ volcanic direction you decide the minute Different not You are a long-time writer .
of the disciples comment seeking thing Also Jang Mun-in you choose work , he
certainly should do will do duty is No. ”
“ But … … .”
“ You volcanic If you are a disciple , yes meaning and Right not part even if long
writer say the word believe to follow do _ that natural even that I again explain
should give do you ?”
jogger helplessly head dropped it that look looking at one hundred thousand slowly
head I stumbled .
“ The volcano is ever to the disciples get on In the clan dare wish capital Do not
have authority gave it away that Jang Mun-in Absolutely be great Because . then
him thank you line you should know so far enjoy came things natural right in
thinking not becomes .”
“… … yes .”
two Conversation listen there was Yoon Jong shaky with face to wear opened .
“ hanger Too don't push Do not , suk . My on the other cheat shanghai doing horse
Isn't it ?"
“ deceive I'm offended nothing say chart felled case No. ”
“ Then rather as usual to wear shut up do you Are you ?”
for a while static flowed _ one hundred thousand emotions guess number Do not
have by eye Jong-eul Yoon looked back However Jong-eun Yoon that look at while
receiving one chido back off did n't
two people's gaze in the air briefly bumped into
“ Moon-in Jang did to choose hanger babbling crab displeased case I see .
However the volcano in the first place that permissible place Wasn't it ?"
“ Permit ?”
hundred thousand instead to wear kite Yuisul's Snow a little thinned out
“ Indulgence .”
“… … .”
white porcelain ship's two with people celadon ship's two People each other as if
confronting facing stood up around the air sink want moment , soso helplessly I
was brainwashed .
“… … hear medical charge you didn't have thing Could it be? ”
yes People all our party looked back
“ listen If you throw it away … … together decide throw away that responsibility all
together have to doing That ’s it .”
“… … .”
“ listen Throw it away ... … .”
Yoon Jong Eyes sticky rolled up
deep deep sigh exhaled he yet Eyes floating one hundred thousand toward head
nod bowed down
“ I’m sorry , Sasuk . I think without … … .”
“ No. _ Gwameomchi Don't .”
one hundred thousand insignificant not saying seemingly lightly work I finished it ,
but with Jong-Yun Yoon jogging looking at Yuisul's the gaze still It was cold . so
much Hyeonjong About affection deep As much as Yuiseol Jang Moon-in
Jeonghan work stumbled crab still in the heart lift not was the shape
one hundred thousand severe in voice said .
“ All Listen .”
“… … yes .”
“ They U.S outside listen there was fact you didn't know Riga None .”
“… … .”
“ Nevertheless speak stop you didn't The thing is , we first listen know should be
that it must have meant that caring thank you to consider do .”
“… … yes .”
one hundred thousand two People stare Look at said .
“ Oh my God everyone satisfying Perfect Select same case no _ eventually more
better called the direction believing side up push get out have no choice but to not
choose without take responsibility not lice responsible shouldered of these make a
choice right wrong in terms of evaluation not becomes .”
“ I will keep that in mind .”
“ Yes .”
one hundred thousand head nodded .
“ to a place go back be there soon Jang Mun-in to call because it will .”
one hundred thousand answer don't wait without body turned _ cool energy buried
_ fast step by step getting away look little gritty seemingly watched Yui Seol Dang
Soso , Hye Yeondo take a seat popped up
“… … Sorry , death penalty . in vain I Because .”
Jong-gwa Yoon just the two of us remain let's be jogger sigh exhale apple handed
over However Jong-eun Yoon firmly head I stumbled .
“ It was done . you apologize Days No. _ whoever , what in any situation , want the
horse will do number because there was was a volcano thing Is n't it ?"
“… … nonetheless .”
“ It’s done. ”
Yoon Jong jogging shoulder lightly tuk tuk knocked .
“ You as it is becomes .”
“… … death penalty .”
he jogging toward Still Smile giving I far walking one hundred thousand My back
stared at
understanding is do _ yes . understanding is do _ this middle most superior from
the standpoint long writer make a choice believe me , maybe will it come out do not
know dissatisfaction to solve that one hundred thousand It must have been a role
But … … .' At least like that in saying not felled It was , Sasuk .'
getting smaller one hundred thousand My back stare looking at Yoon Jong cool
with face head turn abandoned .
“ Let’s go .”
“ Yes .”
two People without a word My place toward helplessly walked away
early morning pass Around the time , Cheon Woo Maeng dwelling manor towards
two People slow has been walking
Shaolin symbolic Huangpo dressed court and such Him like an escort following
bell-shaped .
Absolutely comfortable visible court glance looked at Jong-hyung Binggrae smile
built .
“ feeling great You can see it , Chief .”
“… … Is that so ?”
the court Rarely a little humble expression built .
“ It's disappointing . for a long time was struggling Days Finally that it will be solved
do you think on the face my heart exposed shape .”
“ Ha ha . why no Would you?”
smiling answered Jong-hyung swipe sue stayed _
at any rate on the face emotions don't reveal not lice it 's court giant in vain would
you be a giant ? However then the court emotion properly don't hide can't as much
as Cheon Woo Maeng sensitive was a problem will _
Jong-hyung asked .
“ good answer hear number Will there be ?”
“I will will .”
back to answer he head nodded . However I can't one Does it take a little glance
frowned .
“ By the way , Chief . it's me the host did say the word I believe ... … still concern
good luck do . chairperson if you say that Volcano Swordsman at all Where Tulji
egg number Do not have This is ... … .”
“I will work None .”
the court head stir _
“ what are you worried I know . certainly Cheon Woo Maeng monstrous as a
structure made up It's a place . volcanic long sentence _ lord , and green chief and
Namgung's successor _ _ to the royals gather there is It's a place actually that
Cheon Woo-blind direction to decide that is blue I am a child I mean .”
Jong-hyung head nodded .
Oh yeah understand number Do not have work too But , I Volcano Swordsman so
far sun On work if you think blindly that it was wrong disparage capital there was
“ The Volcano Swordsman Association capricious I am sleeping . At least from the
outside to look That 's right . so he heart momentarily turn Shall I throw it away look
you are concerned crab Isn't it ?"
“ Yes . so much report heard that Because there are many … … .”
“ But only this time then Days wide open won't will .”
“ Yes ?”
Jong-hyung ask the court head I stumbled .
“ volcanic Jang Moon-in Different not Hyeonjonggi Because . Normal if it's long this
if it's work feet take away will do will be . Own choice to bring result Shh can afford
number Because there is none .”
“ Yes , yes .”
bell type Also Similar think summer solstice wasn't it ? This one long writer at will to
lead too much ripple big it's a thing
“ But What is Hyeonjong people oh my when never back off does not . myself
make a choice procrastination moment , that every to choose About responsible to
the volcanic sword to be driven Thing know to be Because. ”
“ Ah … … .”
“ Amitabha Buddha .”
the court quietly dislike was out
“ So Hyun Jong-eun never this time to choose About authority to the volcanic
sword do not pass won't will be . what if Volcano Swordsman think to change say it
costs Even so , only this time volcano long writer with authority Him to press will be
. then later maybe The problem even if it happens myself swearing shoulder
retreating as volcanic the volcanic sword to protect number to be Because it will .”
“… … so far ... … .”
“ great is a person so that respectful This is it .”
loose said the court small sigh rested .
“ Only this time then Hyeonjong inclination every work in order lead to be will be .
To us fortunate Gun , Moonin Jang never again a thief called a gentleman thing ,
and under heaven Volcano Swordsman bizarrely My long Myung-man somehow to
protect that It must be a point .”
“ Indeed It is exquisite .”
Jong-hyung head stretch nod put it on
the court luck said it was good speaking opponent float give but really _ Great that
is then opponent's inclination accurately understand , never feet subtract number
Do not have into the situation lead liver court Is n't it ?"
so now stop them eagerly heart put it down . now one the family Became together
enemies have to deal with will do These are . Jongli Jang Mun-in first example
Became you have to give summer solstice Won't you ?"
“ Keep in mind , again I will keep that in mind .”
“ Amitabha Buddha .”
the court Binggrae smile built . Then for awhile manor Look at calmly feet moved _
“ go Let's see . Time Too attractable also pond will do shit Tenni .”
“ Yes , Chief .”
two People manor toward walked _
manor the closer you get court of law Snow deep it sank
' Now every that Right away I will stand .'
Oh yeah far Path returned , but as a result look hurry On than more better result
make paid it might be I don't know .
Cheon Woo Meng belong the clans than in the past More I became strong , and
the Shaolin The old file room then them wholly accept number to be because it has
' Now last one sweat only You're left .'
Cheonryeo Ilsil as for not becomes _ in my mind last one step by step to check in
the car Finally manor the door opened .
face hardened a series of crowd come out court shape of the bell met _
1179 episodes . I'll tell you crab There is . (4)
“ Come on Come , Chief .”
the court closely come closer Hyunjong when face have you hardened seemingly
bright smile building met _
“ again see you Became Absolutely Nice to meet you . short time but separate high
school Have n't you ?”
the court then to Hyeonjong half-dressed Binggrae facing laughed _
“ Moon-in Jang worry given Thanks to mercilessly sent . maybe what Days will it
happen want room outside do not go out did not .”
court of law Kindly Hyunjong corners of the lips roll up raised . Different If these I
don't know , the volcano of elders in the eyes that in a smile a little soak there is
bitterness clearly seemed _
this on the spot first farm to hand over thing , the afford that there is meaning .
already the initiative the court hold there is
“ in Have it .”
“ Yes . Thank you , old man .”
Tang military evil a little glance frowning said .
“ Chief . Not yet You are my lord you are referring to that be right I would like to .”
the court Eyes winding up head nodded .
“I think so . my main book I called . theravada make a mistake understanding
Please , my lord .”
“ No , no . title same crab what would it matter I Cheon Woo-blind I am a lord , but
also volcanic He is also a long writer Hani two all wrong horse No. ”
head the bottom Hyunjong inside toward let's beckon the court as instructed feet
moved _
clearly feel it before would have visited from time to time that atmosphere different
that . to meet came out these than then Him little more difficult seemingly worked
hard each other aged it's a feeling at that time more deep I would I mean .
that atmosphere court of law heart any excitedly did _
simply Him having a hard time to be because of this not that _ in the mood already
answer heard thing was like Because .
' The distance gradually narrow down I'll leave .'
so far each other sun On Days have and stack On bad feelings there is position
changed so in one day smiling stay number is there will be no will _ so from now
on court of law role important _ he properly tolerance see gist if not each other do
not merge I don't unhappy crab Became throw away Because .
then burden despite being the court to laugh number there was most big mountain
passed , remaining petty problem solution pond would you ?
swipe around looked around the court to wear opened .
“ By the way , the Volcano Sword Association come out Wasn't it ?”
“ Ah , that’s … … .”
Moment Hyunjong face blushed _
“ I'm sorry . that child body little not I like it … … .”
“ My lord . me to meet come out didn't impolite to blame doing that No. _ just that
People this to the meeting not attend not whether or not little caught … … .”
“ No. _ inside waiting There is .”
“ Ah , then It's done .”
just then the court again mood good head nodded .
to meet come out no at the meeting to attend , emotionally _ Him not accept but
didn't volcanic Cheon Woo-blind in the decision to follow make sense Is n't it ?
' You then People .'
of course that Volcano Swordsman with tabi feet run Him if welcome Absolutely
good every day will _
However the court know there is that just greedy that only that . that nobody the
volcanic sword My as you please swing number is there will be no Because . then
greed if you mess around certainly that pay the price to pay to be ter .
Volcano Swordsman Absolutely delicately to deal with doing is _ To be honest as it
were court that himself too perfectly to deal with number to be that confidence is
there was no
usually then these double-edged it's a sword However , the court to look Volcano
Swordsman double-edged knife same crab not the handle Do not have sword and
was like anyone that sword in hand lifting In order to My finger cut off get out be
prepared Sun do _
' But Volcano Swordsmanship . Fortunately for me that the handle There is.'
court of law gaze previously walking Hyeonjong gadfly plugged in
Hyunjong is nobody Jules number Do not have It's called volcanic sword sword His
in hand hugged line is the key he directly clarification wielding that is impossible It
may happen, but Hyun Jong- man I clarification move number there is
and the court Different not that Hyeonjong move number there is This was . then
As a result he the volcanic sword directly moving and draw thing no wouldn't it ?
' Long doorman . long writer the choice is never not wrong did n't I long writer was
in position even if Different way there wouldn't have been it ' s that is Moonju
became lice to shoulder no choice but to Do not have weight Is n't it ?'
into speak handed over the court Eyes winding up small dislike was out
Hyunjong so in the old file room again head bow down incoming Days how mind
Would you be comfortable ?
However to Hyeonjong Different choice is in the first place exist would not have will
one sectarian Jang Moon-in as a top priority Sanya doing that is sectarian movie to
achieve also , more strong power to build also No. _ clan survive Following going
will _
especially clan completely to hell falling signboard get off up to the situation driven
the sight two by eye watched For Hyeonjong even more Different choice exist
would not have will _
one stem sorrow felt the court again once dislike was out
“ Eat it .”
“ Yes , my lord .”
the court neat in action room in went in capacious room inside already one People
sit down there was room in seated With this look at faced the court smiling first
greeting handed over
“ It was exhilarating .”
“ three days before Did you see it ?”
“ In three days long it 's time from now on A little more often have to come and go
summer solstice Wouldn't it ?"
“ What already all decided as if you say and then face upper and lower would
“ That’s related Do not have It's work ."
“ Yes ?”
the court clarification looking Binggrae laugh _
“ Diarrhea today I want answer listen can not do it chart like now each other
disdainful that is good unhappy Work Is n't it ? so little more often to and fro that
That would be right .”
clear lips it was lame that look copy the court curl up going up corners of the lips by
force got off
at least in a small way in a quarrel win because ?
no , like that crab No. _ Cheongmyeong to wear multi-faceted reason is different
not Hyeonjonggi Because . in logic jin also not really Hyunjong entered just by to
wear multi-faceted will _
if it was before Volcano Swordsman character except Height to evaluate crab there
was no Hyeonjong preferential look looking at least a little Jealousy you may have
felt I don't know . However now to the court this look Absolutely reassuring great
only visible did _
“ The words later In addition Sharing tax .”
“ It is .”
the court in the center to sit down lets do it Hyunjong inside pointed _
“ Chief . Come this way Come .”
Hyunjong indicated top seat swipe looked at the court head I stumbled .
“ No , my lord . now My place is This is it .”
“ But … … .”
“ That’s My Mind comfortable like that Please . Please .”
“… … so far If you say .”
Hyunjong head nodding to the top headed _ Different these too room in come in
take a seat find sat down
tak .
the door closed sound and together room in quiet silence fell down the court that
silence break up without priority room in came in of these face up looked at
First volcanic Jang Moon-in Elders , Volcano Swordsmanship , and Oh Gum
referred to with these Hye Yeon .
There party hostess Department of Tang Gun Music small owner Party party ,
Namgung Sega small owner Namgungdowi and outside two princes . and king of
green Lim So-byeong up to the look seemed _ this seat zero uncomfortable on the
door perfect stuck anytime get out poised However I mean .
' These Cheon Woo-blind Central Road .'
Cheon Woo-blind direction to decide in place to attend that is that position and
qualify all have to have possible work . I volcanic Oh Gum Shaolin until Hyeyeon to
be together case little Weird work , but different these if you admit it the court to
talk work No. _
yet This place 'Cause it's a fool's errand
the court deep breathe inhaled _
' Now last It's a step .'
by time If you ask suddenly proceeded work , but that seemingly only by sight Yes .
the court worry about it On up to time if put together never Shh On seat no Sun
That 's right .
that long long anguished result this Moment face to face to be will _
“ My lord .”
the court to wear took off these first to wear open up doing that is polite no , these
this in the mood Too long time put thing Also polite not Because .
“ I do . It shouldn't be, but for today formal put it down I would like to we faced
situation picture not relaxed not , above all I no more to endure easy not Because.

“… … I understand , Chief .”
“ My lord . and here you are people .”
the court little slow room in there is these One by one looked up
“ First of all thanks mark . here you are people Because of it , the Shaolin old
school by force alone will do number there wouldn't have been things happen
resolved , and number there wouldn't have been these save number There was .”
“… … .”
“ And that fact there is as it is not accept can't petty acted on things about formally
apple give I would like to .”
the court head bow down Hyunjong hurry court dissuaded _
“ hey , do this Don't do it , boss .”
“ No. _ My lord .”
the court head I stumbled .
“ that which answer Even if you listen , time after after will do number Do not have
work . so answer Listening before first pointed passing over I wanted to . Days So
far On case Shaolin wrong nine will do More than that . no , shaolin not my Wrong
“ Chief … … .”
“ I’m sorry .”
the court again once deep head bowed down Him as if surrounded seated these
are that the sight looking together complicated expression built .
chairperson apple formally to receive it's Indeed good work , but now situation I
apple wholly only with pleasure take it to prevent did _
head all the court Absolutely strict with face again to wear opened .
“ Chun Woo Maeng to seek one that is goofa Also forget it won't will be . Kang Ho-
ga lost Going there was Thing again wake up June actually Also never forget it I
will not .”
“… … .”
“ Chun Woo Maeng sun On Thing Let's discuss today a day even if I'm tired It
won't be enough, but you know now the world faced situation picture not relaxed
does not . so … … .”
all in court Eyes flock could n't
“ I Shaolin as chairman , and old file room five generations representing As a
person , previously I gave on offer About answer to get do .”
than expected little more fast court of law from the mouth this horse came out Hyun
Jong-eun me too without knowing Eyes wind up abandoned .
“ My lord . answer hear number Are you there ?”
the court Hyunjong , and clear expression At the same time looked at already half
way result come out that there is girl know despite being saliva tight dry cheat burn
out went _ this the answer is how much is it important under heaven more than
anyone he most well know to be Because .
nevertheless he Hyeonjong not rush did n't Hyeonjong speed like that, maybe than
that more burn out Going to be Because .
short silence . However to the parties like eons long felt This time flowed _
“ a while ago you said … … .”
Finally Hyeonjong mouth opened .
“ on the proposal About answer I 'll give it to you , Chief ."
the court me too without knowing fist closely grabbed . His every nerve Hyun-jong
Hyun on the lips was focused
“ Chun Woo Meng is … … .”
Hyeonjong from the mouth with sighing same , but never revert number Do not
have voice is flowed out
“ The chief did make a suggestion accept It is a thought .”
that horse end and At the same time clear two Snow firmly closed .
never not open won't like .
1180 episodes . I'll tell you crab There is . (5)
this In my room As he entered , Hyunjong I speak take out Thing I think unhappy
this is only one people too there was no
nevertheless really expected horse Hyeonjong from the mouth Flowing , everyone
together out of breath clogged coming blazing in the feeling to submerge no choice
but to there was no
Weird It's a matter isn't it ?
Cheon Woo Maeng certainly that make sense singular was the place to them
Cheon Woo Maeng so far rain avoid number there is eaves and wind chimes stop
giving Because it was a wall .
However objectively Let's see , the old file room five generations that role summer
solstice can't The reason is no _ rather Than Cheon Woo-beng more for a long
time that role sun On place Right away old file room It's a big thing .
so actually Big changing that is no chart exaggeration No. _ important that is where
belonging Became Is there not that _ clan which will go through go out Is n't it ?
By the way then fact all know despite being Hyeonjong horse why so much Severe
is coming Oh yeah egg number Do not have it was a thing
court of law face is inside out guess hard it was weird heavy heart and relief
coexist blazing It was the expression .
“ My lord … … .”
“ Only .”
the court speak connect Before , Hyunjong fast first to wear opened . the court
every situation Wrap-up build throw it away do not put unwilling to as if
“ that before … … need to check will do that There is .”
Hyeonjong heavy look at face to face the court slow head nodded .
“ It is .”
Hyun Jong-eun little to get steep breathe refining undisturbedly said .
“ The chief this every that just chief and Shaolin greed is No , the cause for work
You did .”
“ Yes , it is .”
“ And chairperson great cause at least one more Many these save betting for the
sake of You said . that in my heart change Don't you ?"
the court retard without head nodded .
“ Of course , my lord .”
“ If so Forward old file room Five generations , more Furthermore under heaven the
factions lead on the go in that meaning change won't Khitan promise sun give
number Are you there ?”
“ I promise .”
the answer is too much hurry came out Is it because court looking at Hyeonjong
Snow little thinned out
“ Chief … … .”
“ It doesn’t matter not answering that No , my lord .”
the court Hyeonjong then heart already guess that there is seemingly head I
stumbled .
" don't think without put out the answer is No. _ to think need there wouldn't have
been only . that be prepared already compact If not , how I here all number Were
you there ?”
“… … .”
“ My lord . Cheon Woo Blind to me if you point your finger I laugh over number
There is . However same Gupae affiliated these to me doing finger pointing too
much sick bitter It is the law .”
that heart to guess seemingly Hyeonjong from the mouth submissive flowed out
“ So … … how I wrong lie in the mouth to contain number would you like to how
hesitation to be number Are you there ?”
“… … what are you talking I see .”
Hyunjong long breathe exhale again to wear I took it off .”
and the host As you said , Cheonwoomeng belonged clan discrimination Do not
have treat will you receive word Also certainly to be kept will do will .”
“ Amitabha Buddha .”
the court this Also to think also no seemingly perfect cut said .
“ one felled that is good work . in two stay there is that is good not It will work .
However than that more Bad that is as one merged these again forked will .”
“… … Yes .”
“ that situation no doubt stop smoking that my It would be a role . at the outside
one It has become, more than in the past not good comment receive souya no
wouldn't you ? I how Sun goofaga again not divided won't Whether contemplating
In addition I will think about it .”
Hyun Jong-eun Eyes hold on rolled down Neither too much nor too little not is the
answer so that blemish catch medical charge Do not have was the answer . yes ,
blemish catch number no .
Hyeonjong from the mouth small laugh out loud flowed out
' I blemish hold There was .'
already in my mind conclusion It fell , but this even for a moment make a decision
radish an excuse looking there was looks like
'It's greed , greed .'
Hyun Jong-eun me too without knowing Different to them look at turned _
Everyone is Him looking up there was that eyes report let's go for nothing
something chest one corner it was chilly
picture long not maybe it was time I don't know . thick was heavy Hyeonjong past
to life In comparison , these together time is It was short chart crowd no it wo n't
However that This time it's short So , I Sight in each soaked weight light that is No.
_ what Is that right ? what Is it wrong ? this even in the moment to wander brain
confused _
Hyun Jong-eun myself picture great deal not acknowledging is a person However
this make a choice Different to them procrastinate net no _ which side up Either
you choose , you must that pay the price pay will do Because .
' what is it right I don't know ... … .'
this choice pay the price If requested , that swearing someone shoulder If , that
people of course Hyunjong should be do _ then this choice went wrong chart
Different these are Hyeonjong manure Sanya move on number to be Tenni .
that is Cheon Woo-blind the lord in minutes overflowing take a seat enjoy On
Hyunjong have to will do is a burden that is Meantime believe June to them he
Boyle number there is Best .
“ My lord .”
then His inwardly guessed the court soft in voice to wear opened .
“ Me dubious say no you here mind , enough even understand It remains .”
“ No , chief . dubious not crab not … … .”
“ I Also same if the situation like the lord contemplating would have hesitated will
be . Shh will do number there is the answer is No. ”
“… … .”
“ But , my lord .”
court of law gaze that which than ever heavy It was dark .
“ What is a long sentence ? Bondi that every Thing shouldering lice Isn't it ?"
Hyunjong Eyes winding up head nodded . each other entry is different , but this as
much as words empathize no choice but to there was no
What is a long sentence this heaviness hold on smoking these are clan small or big
, who one to fall thing without .
for awhile back , again Eyes knitted Hyeonjong facial expression than before
Hankyul get comfortable there was
' just I shoulder to be work .'
he most have to be vigilant will do that is Cheon Woo Blind silliness losing that No.
_ their justification subject to lose that No. _
possibility losing thing . therefore the future losing thing . Cheon Woo Meng leading
young uninhabited that small on things Ankle caught wide open to bloom possibility
lost going only have to be vigilant do _
' Bondi I winter sustaining lice Was n't it ?'
spring line Okay , still spring backcountry didn't looks like then I'll have to wait .
someday I flowers to bloom when . that place If you are blind How about an old file
room? How about ?
just them for manure Became that Time if you wait to be it's a thing
Hyeonjong gaze to the blue headed _
washed seemingly expression crab Do not have is the face to Hyeonjong which
burden gist I don't want to emotions don't reveal not will _
Hyun Jong-eun know there is I inexpressive appearance inside Countless
emotions swirling around that there is that .
' Cheongmyeong-ah .'
Hyun Jong-eun sometimes I expression worked _
I firmly multi-faceted in the mouth soaked the will Only one . to the long writer
About respect . and volcanic The future About only the will What is Qingming? this
is damn to the extent only the volcano report buy it
therefore often Hyun Jong-eun asking wanted _
' Then yes in the hand how what Are you there ?'
Hyunjong will do number there is thing , just I on the shoulder carried heavy us a
little bit share listen giving it is only
“ Chief .”
“ Yes , my lord .”
“… … I chairperson meaning I believe .”
court of law on the face momentarily emotions blew up bungpo at the hem topped
fingertips finely trembled _
“ I Still what right and what wrong Whether I don't know . But … … this now I will
do number there is that's the best I think .”
“ Lord !”
the court Big head nodded .
“I will will be . no i _ like that I will make Hyun Jong-jin the world for excellent make
a decision that it fell world every these to praise number so that I one became
sectarian was right prove it I will .”
“ Just that just say Protect Please . this every that is more Many these keep for that
horse , that just say I mean .”
“ must be do that will .”
Hyunjong heavy heartily head nodded . this place is long continue have to see to
each other only hurt remains _ rather he arbitrarily make a decision and
resentment _ subject side better .
make a decision hardened Hyunjong not open not lips took it off
“ I Hyun Jong-eun Cheon Woo-blind lord became with qualifications … … this on
the spot declaration … … .”
“ Come on , hold on a second !”
that moment , all the time restless jogger like a scream shouted _
“ Come on , long doorman ! No , my lord ! At least Different Their … … !”
“ mouth Close it .”
“ Suk-suk !”
jogger Moment sudden blazing by eye one hundred thousand looked back
“ that mouth tell me to close did .”
“ This … … !”
spurt jogging in the eyes aging it was tight to the death penalty seemingly not to be
naked emotions that two in the eyes seething there was
However one hundred thousand frosty by eye then jogging take a picture pressed .
seething jogging eyes and ice field same one hundred thousand eyes fiercely
crashed _
momentary silence back .
finally in momentum pushed discarded jogger blood to wake up lips chewed on
head up helplessly Under fell .
room in atmosphere little more got heavy
Everyone is car that the sight look at can't look at turned _ this situation now
Cheon Woo Meng categorically Say it giving thing because it was like
the chest do it don't tell I shout , but the reason then emotions press down so to be
understood no choice but to there was no be patient inside unhappy Jo Girl too
jogging depressed hundred thousand degrees . this the sight to everyone I was
bitter . even even the blue on the wall reclining stick ceiling only looking up there
was look at turned will _
Hyeonjonggwa even the elders Harm inside unhappy that serene feeling inside
cool this is Only There were only a hundred thousand . rattle trembling jogging
shoulder without a word looking at he to the court look at turning head nod bowed
“ I’m sorry , Chief .”
“ No , no . Gwameomchi don't tell me of course I will number there is Work Isn't it
the court caring with face softly head it was just doing horse no , he jogging
reaction ten minutes I understood . he volcanic young If you were a disciple , rather
than jogging more fiercely might have reacted I don't know .
back Him surprised one that is jogging reaction no , this in any situation scary
degree of coolness keep there is It was a hundred thousand .
'The volcano is It's a volcano .'
I Hyeonjonggwa Cheongmyeong batch in the field this these growing up there is
will _ later , far later someday this lice long If so , the volcano than now more scary
clan will be
at that time one hundred thousand bowed down head holding court upright stared
“ Only .”
“ Um ?”
“I will seat not I know , but a little be rude have to commit will do thing same as .
please I understand please give me I hope .”
“… … be rude did you?”
the court puzzled with face asked . momentarily one hundred thousand speak I
understand unhappy will _ one hundred thousand facial expression and that from
the mouth came out horse too much contrary I will no choice but to there was no
one hundred thousand nothing special amplify without to Hyunjong look at turned _
“ Long-Wayman .”
cool At the call , Hyeonjong from the mouth sigh same sigh leak came out
“ Baek Cheon-ah . Now is I will time no ... … .”
“I will tell you crab There is .”
Moment Hyeonjong expression hardened _ one hundred thousand in the voice no
more firmness young that there is you knew
hundred thousand . volcanic high disciple shake without Him looking up there was
so far one never Boyne enemy Do not have with eyes .
1181 episodes . I'll tell you crab There is . (6)
that Moment Hyeonjong in mind past which one point in time came to mind
- on the volcano to enter I would like to
yet young even at age despite , alone steep mountain right a boy first met that time
that at that time the doorstep in the eyes conspicuously decline Going There was ,
and Hyeonjong day by day hold on smoking just by It was heavy . However that a
boy first copy In a moment , Hyun Jong-eun for a long time forgotten hope two
letters had remembered
yes . certainly It was .
no more sorrow do not repeat not for no more disciple take it shouldn't might I don't
know I was thinking To Hyeonjong , a hundred thousand existence is volcanic the
future Following conflict number may be not knowing It was hope .
that hope now Him looking up there was
“ Get away !”
phenomenon strictly shouted _
“ now this place is old file room chief and Cheon Woo-blind the lord each other the
future discussing seat _ to attend was allowed chart speaking up to allowed that is
No. _ no more be rude not commit not Get away !”
However one hundred thousand head I stumbled .
“ I do . I will not .”
“ Baekcheon-ah !”
“ Chun Woo Meng Bondi Unro stop not was the place . so student Also great work
ahead to the doorman some Branch ask questions crab Qualification Do not have
Days not won't I think .”
“ This Guy !”
“ And Also .”
one hundred thousand Hyeonjong looking said .
“ Moon-in Jang any with intention work Wolf are you proceeding know but covered
_ leave rather than guess asking in answer that intention clearly to understand that
each other for more better long I think . disciple thinking if it was short this seat
done back reasonable be punished get off Please .”
“ This guy Still !”
phenomenon on the spot jump about to wake up moment , Hyunjong hand listen
dissuade _
“ Stop it .”
“ Long Moon Man !”
“ It became .”
Hyunjong head I did , but when which slap long speak Absolutely accompanying
even the phenomenon as much this time expression unravel could n't
then Him back off one that is Hyeonjong It was extensive reading .
“ will be fine will .”
answer without sigh hoarse phenomenon finally reluctantly again in place sat down
Hyun Jong-eun phenomenon why here too fiercely whether you react to
understand much germany number there was qualify to pursue Ham No. _
Hyeonjong About be rude to discuss Ham No. _
The phenomenon is now old file room belonging to be one hundred thousand
Somehow court of law to plant adverse speak So anger live concerned will _
“ Yes nonsense not wrong It is not.”
Hyunjong head nodding to the court excuse me saved _
“ I'm sorry , Chief . customer Before leave will do work not as I know ... … .”
“ How I'm a guest do you now volcanic Shaolin one family the difference there is no
Gwameomchi Do not .”
“… … Thank you .”
court toward head bow down Boyne Hyunjong just then one hundred thousand
faced _
“ to say crab that did you?”
“ exactly Find out more It is Ham .”
“ Yes . sun Look .”
Hyunjong little relaxed with face one hundred thousand stared at
perhaps this might be better I don't know . wonderfully Answer me these make it
understandable number if there is good every day and the answer is desperately of
these anger buy if that Also bad crab Do not have it's a thing then responsible
quality lice who is little more to be sure Because .
“ Then disciple , volcanic as a disciple Different Thousands of men instead of Find
out more do .”
“ Ummm .”
Hyunjong head nod one hundred thousand slowly to wear opened .
“ Moon-in Jang Cheon Woo Blind old file room together that right Do you think ?”
“ It is .”
“ If so disciple , dare that The reason to save do . the lord If you decide the
witnesses that in the decision to follow do . so that before why then make a choice
did you to some extent egg deserve yes Wouldn't you ?"
“ difficult That's a question ."
Hyunjong hundred thousand and one that behind there is everyone at a glance
contained _ complicated by eye Him watching there is these I mean .
“ The chief did the word not wrong didn't Because. ”
“ not wrong didn't that is good That's the reason . However complete The reason is
to be number there will be no It seems .”
“ Yes . That's right .”
Hyunjong for awhile think arranged _ and again to wear opened .
“ one even a person more Many these seeking thing Also the cause on horse I
sympathized It is because .”
“ Cheon Woo-meng Also more Many these save number There is .”
“I will will _ However Baek Cheon-ah . to do that In order to too much Many blood
to spill summer solstice Isn't it ?"
for a moment drowning Hyunjong said .
“ Chun Woo Maeng built meaning go through betting For , we always lead the way
stand up and always _ dangerous to a place have to run do _ like that to achieve
number there is that not worthless won't will _ rather Absolutely important and
precious will _ But … … that Because to spill will do blood the price said to be
small will do number Are you there? ”
“ so to say number None .”
“ Yes . me too picture I thought . so that I at least a little blood less to shed How to
to find one only that .”
“ We myself to choose number If yes , that blood pay the price U.S to set to be will
be . However of others name follow if that pay the price myself to decide number
without It will be .”
“ Therefore chairperson sincerity check and In addition confirmed will _ and U.S in
the old file room say it costs So chairperson name totally just follow Sun doing
case Is n't it ?"
Hyunjong head Stirring added .
“ I Jekyll will _ and spare will _ that is my It is my duty, and I that my left life through
have to come true did it .”
one hundred thousand head nodded .
“ If you Moon-in Jang that is right Are you here ?”
Hyunjong eternally conflicted Ask a question , a hundred thousand take it out
placed _
“… … I don't know .”
Hyun Jong-eun suffocating with face head I stumbled .
" right wrong to decide that is too much strenuous it's a thing so just will do number
there is do your best want to do that 's all you to look boring not enough Boyle
capital there will be That is .”
one hundred thousand Still head nodded .
“ If you U.S gripped Thing by keeping due to , keep do not let to be on things about
what to do Do you think ?”
“… … .” “ We shedding not blood , other someone's fatigue come back cause and
consultation learn that go through learned we that blood turn away myself must see
If you do , keep on what worth it Are you there ?”
Hyunjong Eyes rolled up
most listen want to not horse This was it .
more Many these save for die going from these look at turn do _ that is how much
contradictory mean ? moderator to follow case finally that contradiction I will follow
horse and picture different did n't
Eyes float one hundred thousand Eyes copy Hyeonjong from the mouth sighing
flowed out
only heart eat somehow wrap around number may be I don't know . However he
volcanic it's a long sentence disciple like that eyes Before leave in the mouth valine
lie line up want to did n't
“ A hundred thousand .”
“ Yes .”
“ that to keep will do Just like these , for me you too too precious .”
“… … .”
“ You and _ Different Children , volcanoes . and in heaven be together June every
these … … .”
Hyeonjong in the voice deep regret buried .”
yes . I picture I said . I picture taught . that consultation for life girl line need to
know do it But … … I'm sorry . I too much ugly I'm a person I myself spit even a
horse not keep can't .”
“ The long storyteller … … .”
“ You to death that consultation to go through look watching good job praise line
courage to me there is no just one even a person more survive later more Many
Thing sun cycle wish only .”
“… … .”
“ So me cursing _ me be resentful This totally I I can't gaping It is work .”
one hundred thousand face hardened _ Hyun Jong-eun a little tired with face head
it was
“ The answer is if it was now stop Back off . moderator Too long time to wait doing
also polite no Isn't it? "
“ Then Finally just one I would like to know .”
“… … What is it ?”
“ If the Jang Moon-in volcanic long not volcanic one disciple If it were only then you
die going from these look at Did you turn it around ?”
Hyunjong to wear closed . to answer for many times lips , but in the end nothing
nonsense summer solstice could n't
one hundred thousand already at there answer heard seemingly said .
“ I see .”
“ No. _ No. _ Baek Cheon-ah , I ... … .”
“ That’s No , the long writer .”
Hyeonjong two in the eyes Moment puzzled seemingly rubbed off isn't it ?
“ Certainly Got it . Moon-in Jang not wrong does not .”
“… … .”
“ What is a long sentence ? place is never one disciple like not will be . a volcano
for , and Cheon Woo Meng for Jang Mun-in got off the decision is not wrong does
not . that anyone undeniable number there will be no will .”
“ Baekcheon-ah … … .”
“ Just would have known only . nobody not wrong even though it wasn't
dismountable decision each other be different number that there is Thing I mean .
each position It’s different .”
that speak understood some heavy with face head nodded .
one hundred thousand which with intention this Conversation lead did you go out I
don't know , this Conversation heard Ramen nobody Hyeonjong don't blame do not
let will be
Hyunjong in regret cold by eye far somewhere looked up one hundred thousand
calmly said .
“ I Jang Mun-in volcanic You are long really I'm glad I think .”
“… … Thank you.”
bitterish smile built Hyunjong Him get bitten will do it was time one hundred
thousand In addition Different ask a question threw it
“ The old man . Jang Mun-in got off the decision is volcanic as a long sentence got
off is it a decision ? if not Cheon Woo-blind as an ally got off Is it a decision ?”
“… … two it 's all which one not neglect did not .”
“ I see . all the answer is has been .”
one hundred thousand Hyeonjong toward head nod bowed down
that Moment Hyun Jong-eun saw _ dissatisfaction what to do couldn't of these on
your face , in your heart seething emotions what to do couldn't of these The face is
also called ' resignation ' emotions rubbing Thing I mean .
this make a decision rejoicingly not accepted Even if you can't , eventually
acknowledgment one will _ this look Different not I one hundred thousand make
gave _
'… … Baek Cheon-ah .'
Suddenly one hundred thousand so much did you grow up ? heavy only darkness
thick Hyeonjong on the chest Moment one stem light incoming seemed to
' Yes , with this done. '
this children Protect get out tens of thousands if there is he pond will do that no _
so certainty with move on number there is will _
However Right away It was then
one hundred thousand My back upright spread out Hyeonjonggwa face to face
faced _
“ So … … .”
“ Um ?”
Moment one hundred thousand that look Hyeonjong in the eyes Absolutely Big
seemed _
“ Chun Woo Meng’s big talk discussing in place not fit but not time to discuss
situation As much as not , the great disciple hundred thousand , volcanic as a
disciple to the doorman one Branch blue to give do .”
“… … Are you blue ? that is What was it ?”
“ Long-Wayman .”
momentarily son-in-law It became quiet .
just situation watched even these Something Sim Sang-chi not Days will happen
girl intuit breathe killed _ their the gaze only Hyeonjonggwa facing sit down there is
one hundred thousand wide gadfly fixed there was
“ volcanic great disciple with qualifications dare I beg you .”
everyone's fist in the midst one hundred thousand just clear with your eyes , and
only one dentistry even shaking do not mix not in voice proudly said .
" disciple volcanic as a long writer appoint Please .”
that voice is close quiet waking up like thunder fell .
1182 episodes . I I will shoulder it . (One)
one hundred thousand the horse Truly with thunderbolt was like
Everyone is two Eyes screaming Him blankly looked up too much clearly I heard I
will Riga Even without it , once wrong heard crab maybe ears to doubt it was about
astonished . that word except to explain length no _
However Different these feeling embarrassment no matter how Big chart , volcanic
mundos received in shock incomparable medical charge will there be
called a volcano two letters Own by fate take living these are you will do thing
without Eyes to the fullest waking up Chae , believe number no seemingly one
hundred thousand looking up there was
even little until hundred thousand and one most violently opposed even a jogger
Like a fool to wear swimming Berlin Chae , blankly look only will do it was only
“ I … … .”
that Moment clear from the mouth lament same as and moan _ same as one voice
is flowed out
“ I crazy guy ... … .”
expression be different number there may be , but that as much as words now
volcano of mundos feeling well see line number there is nonsense there will be no
will _
then Like the disciples , no . rather more big shock received Hyunjong obliviously
one hundred thousand see asked .
“ Come on , you’re a long writer. did you?”
“ Yes , yes .”
“… … to you ?”
“ Yes .”
confusion and distrust swirling in space the only alone equanimity keep there was
one hundred thousand calmly head nodded .
“ exactly as a proxy appoint please give I beg you . Jang Moon-in felled that is
sectarian in law follow that procedure and formal to be equipped will do work .
However long writer authority commissioned at Jangmoon About appointment is
hyeon long writer person if there is whenever possible as know There is .”
“ That ’s right Hadama is … … .”
no now _ then Thing questioning place what make sense is there a long writer
Jang Moon Dae-rina just talk be different only Isn't it ?
now this In other words , a hundred thousand Forward Hyeonjong instead volcanic
big talk directly to decide means _
no matter how situation circumstances , but strict Moon Kyu accompanying at the
volcano disciple to the long writer directly to request worthy work never it wasn't
“ Baek Cheon-ah . you what speak doing whether or not As you can see , this sari
Right not it's a thing you volcanic I am a disciple However , the long questioner isn't
it yes above Unam Lee there is even if request chart Fortune is … … .”
“ that the part meteorite boarding house already speak shared .”
“… … With Unam ?”
“ Yes .”
one hundred thousand head nodding was ambiguous
“ Son , today In the morning already meteorite privately My meaning forwarded .
meteorite Suk Sook do it You did .”
“ No , he … … .”
Hyun Jong-eun something speak want to seemingly be dumbfounded Within to
wear closed .
arbitrarily then make a decision one girl leave to blame this in place Unam Do not
have that Too took _ Unam this in place no that soon Chun Woo Meng volcanic
mainly in the decision he Affect do no harm can't proof Is n't it ?
' Somehow come in chart extreme He said no .'
Unam take a seat guarding one hundred thousand side if you listened the shape
little It would have gotten better, but a hundred thousand above several that there
is make an impression give me would have been will _ so on the spot by missing to
a hundred thousand power put on June it would be Unam is then 'cause I'm a
Hyunjong despair and embarrassment somehow to calm down to wear opened .
“ This on the spot Moderately decide take out the horse not thing It’s like .”
one hundred thousand head nodded .
“ Yes . brother , for a long time depth contemplating giving This is a request .
young Chiwa brash with blood down conclusion not Please find out .”
“… … But , Baek Cheon-ah . you I will Mind if there were Different of the disciples
agree Also to save summer solstice didn't you? I children's reaction see this on the
spot first listening story not the same Isn't it? "
“ So not felled work .”
one hundred thousand decidedly head I stumbled .
“ distribution low of the disciples stop _ _ _ _ Gather long take a seat requesting
that is that only the shape be different only , in the end from below meaning Gather
Jang Moon-in drive out and be different bar None . dare at the volcano as for not to
be work .”
“… … .”
“ So This wholly I alone to afford that That's right .”
that on horse Hyeonjong embarrassment somewhat subsided .
student became by way this speak take out that is too much difficult it's a thing
perhaps life bet as a limb jumping than more tiring daily map I don't know .
nevertheless one hundred thousand a little even shaking invisible does not that
determined attitude even Hyeonjong keep calm get it back did _
“ Yes . That's right .”
Hyunjong slowly head nodded .
“ No , this what … … .”
However Hyunyoung's the reaction is Hyeonjonggwa a little was different .
“ However sectarian jurist Backwards return anyway , how this Days to happen
number there is mean ? That too other question People there is seat ?”
Hyunyoung's two in the eyes bloody stood up
“ The long doorman , right now I arrogant to the guy sin ask do .”
“ Wait .”
“ Long Moon Man !”
“ Wait did !”
from Hyeonjong spurt strict momentum stretched out come out Hyun-Young
flinching to wear closed . he be quiet Hyunjong one hundred thousand facing saw _
that which more than ever More long writer same was the attitude .
“ Not worthy not if requested of course that in sin worthy profit to be taken down will
_ However to do that In order to first listen I'll have a look . Baek Cheon-ah .”
“ Yeah , the long writer .”
“ You to me Like I said , all in that the reason is need _ long text take a seat
demanding the reason is What was it ? I to lack Is it because of it ?”
“ Yes . does not .”
“ Then my choice in the heart lift not Is it because of it ?”
“ even more No. ”
“ If so Why ?”
“ As I said each other position different Because. ”
Hyunjong answer without wait _ continue Say it behold seems like
“ Moon-in Jang not wrong You didn't . Absolutely You are right . long writer most
big duty middle The one is the mundos punctual thing . in future generations
volcanic meaning Following outgoing thing . that duty to protect have mercy how
Wrong would you like to? ”
“ So ?”
“ But take over our entry is with him In addition different .”
“… … .”
“ Moon-in Jang Following you have to give However , for us to keep will do
posterity there is no than the future current price more It's important . so that we
Sun will do that is punctual that No. ”
one hundred thousand calm but steady in tone said .
“ We Sun will do work from ancestors inherited that not wrong that I didn't under
heaven to prove will .”
Hyeonjong Snow cried out
“ near from the ancestors , far hundred year before the world for life dedicated from
our ancestors , and more far away first volcano on the lotus rod called a volcano
conduit built From investigation !”
“… … .”
“ continue In addition continued meaning still on the volcano exist that , that in the
meaning Countless of these will added to than in the past More went on this by
hand , this with a sword , with life to prove will .”
closely gripped Hyeonjong fist faintly trembling started _ that look watching these
too who one that fact not notice could n't even party to Even Hyeonjong did n't
know Everyone is just one hundred thousand doing word , word in a word sucked
going in to be it was only
“ yet young the disciples to keep make a decision Wrong will do number is None .
However the disciples life take care without , weak these for I'm going to fight
talking thing Also Wrong will do number None .”
“… … Yes .”
I speak Wrong if volcanic every that is that make sense fade away becomes _ so
that wrong number Do not have I mean .
“ by I long writer make a choice Heartily understand I respect you . However
volcanic student became Doriro , volcanic will Following Gaya doing Thereby our
Conference Also have to go through do . each other right but Different that two
meaning as one all to satisfy Way Only There is only one .”
declaration same one hundred thousand horse continued _
“ For posterity Following giving only on a mission live from ancestors that heavy
duty and responsibility to prove doing these inherited thing .”
“… … .”
“ That’s I volcanic Jang Moon-in should be doing That’s why .”
even the elders no more angry inside does not just vacant by eye one hundred
thousand look at it was only
“ Unam to the master this speak the year before I gave . and meteorite Suk-suk
long writer take a seat May you succeed recommended . However meteorite Suk
Sook decidedly You declined . he is My meaning right here , but he to prove lice
not Protect pay because I am a person receive number none You did .”
“ Unam … … .”
“ Suk-suk picture if you are here have to prove doing lice take over no choice but to
None . now at the volcano that in the role most suitable this is Different not I am a
hundred thousand .”
Hyun Jong-eun Jigsi lips bit off
artist go ahead No. _ that small the boy Suddenly so much grow up this speak do
that there is in fact tears of eyes it got cold Because .
' When like this ... … .'
that I grew up Will know there was His Than you think more good grow up that
considered _ However always child's growth is superior anticipate beyond looks
disciple raising lice even in my dreams wish crab Right away this momentary will _
that every Time at once even after being compensated to remain as much as
emotions rush in
But … … .
“ Baek Cheon-ah . yes means enough I understood . However yet you … … .”
“ Not enough Would you like to ?”
one hundred thousand asking myself head it was
“ The old man . when when not enough Don't you ?”
“… … .”
“ ten year after not enough isn't it ? this ten year after I Will you be perfect ?”
“ That … … .”
“ the predecessor to look posterity not enough thing no visible the moment Young
Young backcountry does not . just Proper time to be only . I now Right away that
time I think .”
“… … .”
“ Not enough if you think lead Please . lack if you think advise whip Please .
However that I Deputy Manager Jang Moon in place ascent enough to do number
there is work .”
Hyun Jong-eun what to express difficult with face one hundred thousand saw _
long time During like that lips sweet Hyunjong the land turn off blazing sigh vomit
after paying asked .
“ Since when ?”
one hundred thousand stick to wear Heat before , again again asked .
“ Since when then think did you?”
one hundred thousand a little Eyes wound up stick think arranged _ and answered
“ The beginning is jogger sandy one word It was because .”
“… … Hanger ?”
“ Yes . every crab wrong going hook's In the end , I said . you what to do Whether
think Look . and I thought . I what to do do it .”
“ Yes .”
“ Answer not find unhappy to the disciples I said . in the decision take responsibility
not this is long writer to choose to talk deserve None .”
“… … ..”
“ That’s me too commonly used I mean . I long writer make a choice respect him to
follow do . However my position is my thought , my the will with him different .
However I Also take responsibility not Because this dare long writer make a choice
not follow won't number None . so that contemplating tormented In addition I
thought . that at the end I obtained in conclusion It was one .”
one hundred thousand fist grabbed stick said .
“ If so I that responsible shoulder becomes _ take responsibility not to this to
choose authorized not given if not I responsible losing People when becomes .”
that on horse one hundred thousand My back guarded the disciples lips closely bit
' Suksuk !'
especially Jo Geul-eun at any moment wool thing same with face one hundred
thousand My back looking up there was Own horse not delivered didn't I thought ,
that it wasn't not enough do not ignore did n't rather here more than anyone more
Earnestly jogging speak heard this is Different not It was a hundred thousand .
“ Therefore I to win do . ancestral teach received the disciples correct Path Going
that there is My by hand , death penalty and My of four qualities with a sword to
prove do .”
one hundred thousand slowly breathe inhaled _ next will do on horse sincerity all to
contain seems like
Finally that deep breathing is the will by name Reconciliation flowed out
“ that heavy responsibility , burden weight of the disciples to life young with
anything replace number Do not have value … … .”
“… … .”
“ I I will carry it .”
1183 episodes . I I will shoulder it . (2)
spellbound seemingly , or admired blazing by eye one hundred thousand looking at
case only the volcano it wasn't
here there is Everyone is from him look at flock can't there was even court Even
the bell-shaped quite a bit amazed it was a glance
Everyone is again report there is will _ a hundred thousand this . Hyeonjonggwa
clear in the name veil there was His true face .
“ Worry form equipped that is That was then . However really worry is already that
before It has begun .”
“… … that before ?”
“ Yes . start is Namgung It was the Soga Lord .”
“ Yes ? I Are you talking ?”
breath rest can't heat full soaked by eye one hundred thousand looking at
Namgungdowi me too without knowing I asked sparkly surprised My to wear
covered up
However one hundred thousand around reaction nerve write not , just calmly My
will do speak Following went out
“ Honestly tell me Namgung Lord Soga I picture great here didn't It was a person .”
“… … .”
out of nowhere one big beaten price became on Namgungdo on the face Moment
furious seemingly rubbed off to a hundred thousand even impressed feel there was
speak there sun throw it away
“ But now Namgung Lord Soga dare I to follow even dare me won't as much as
Great It is a person .”
“ A ship , a hundred thousand stamp .”
“ Namgung Lord Soga halved Namgung Sega Fall lead rebuild There is .
sometimes nobody do not deny can't as much as wonderfully I mean .”
that on horse Hyunjong head nodded .
“… … yes . Yes .”
Namgungdowi how much struggling whether don't know People here will there be
“ that in appearance sometimes admired , sometimes Jealousy did . the gap
narrowed down , now jump over number that thought lice All of a sudden again
distance wide open far away I went .”
Hyunjong to understand seemingly again head nodded .
they only to see just Weird, but the same elderly one hundred thousand warm only
by sight cheek number is there wouldn't have been will _ of course competitive
spirit feel Because .
“ So I thought . how come like this The difference did it happen ?”
one hundred thousand From Namgungdowi look at group Different these looked up
“ Then Got it . me previously outgoing these Namgung Soga Lord only no that .”
one hundred thousand gaze this time in sulsobaek stop stand up
“ Seol the lord rather Than Soga Lord more even when young glacial acknowledge
under There is . Everyone is new year the king excellent courtier to be would
believe , believe the king too that in anticipation respond for trying There is . sleep
at night reduce going I mean .”
that on horse Seol Sobaek shy seemingly back hair was scratched
“ And .”
one hundred thousand gaze this time in the corner half way behind there was to
Lim So-byeong go reached _
“ King of Green Forest Also with me old age picture difference me despite not
greenery wonderfully lead There is . Shinjuo Pae middle Single called the chief that
heavy place , me than long days more young the green king Different these
underestimate pussy so as not to My identity and age hide going led _
" Im So-byeong awkwardly cough in vain Then , I can't open it not with debt My
face butcher put it on
that everyone looked at one hundred thousand head turn to Hyeonjong asked .
“ Long-Wayman .”
“… … .”
“ With them I what Is it different ? I what for not enough like them to be number is
n't there with me different not better than me more young even those of you one
clan wonderfully lead There is , I why Still to the doorman protection under to
become cowardly pay the price to the doorman have to postpone do you?”
“… … That's … … .”
Even Hyeonjong this at the end answer will do number there was no
However one hundred thousand answer saved crab not seemingly head I stumbled
“ of the long writer wrong No. _ However that the difference is certainly exists . so
that I was worried . that The difference Where did you come ?”
one hundred thousand Namgungdowi looked up
“ second in conclusion It was simple . Namgung To the Soga Lord sorry As I said ,
Namgung the Lord live If there was , the Lord Soga never now not equal you
wouldn't will .”
rudely to hear number there is I mean . However Namgungdowi is even alittle Feel
upper extremity not with face head nodded . and to a hundred thousand power I'll
let you seemingly to wear opened .
“ Sorry thing None . that natural I mean .”
one hundred thousand lightly reminiscing speak was _
“ most big the difference is was one . what Did you carry it ?”
His gaze To Tang Gunak headed _
Like Tang military evil california in place to climb when same here Wasn't it
consent as if to save I mean . Tang gun music Also that look at receiving me too
without knowing head nod gave _
“ The seat People create . the state to be because this was excellent crab No , the
housekeeper because it has been be great capital there is will be . in place that in
place reasonable responsible is required . However that again In other words … …
one hundred thousand volcanic to the disciples look at turned _ them Also listen
that seems like
“ Responsibility Because I carried it on my back weight myself take it because I
paid to grow number that there was meaning It will be .”
“… … .”
“ do not carry not lice shouldered with these same on location library want
discussing that is , a child's to hit pass does not . for real same on location library if
you want myself to shoulder line need to know do .”
His voice is increasingly more clear became clear
“ I now that fact Knowing that , I have to will do us avoid I don't want to do . no , by
yourself that us tired do . My on the shoulder shouldered responsible through more
to grow for more _ to be bold for .”
“ Baekcheon-ah … … .”
“ So please Long-haired man .”
one hundred thousand slowly head bow down town did _ Absolutely polite , but
never not submissive did n't
“ Allow Please .”
Hyeonjong from the mouth sighing flowed out
how Wolf bold , how Wolf would you like to confront ? what to say number Do not
have emotions Him swept away
and at that time low dislike except sound His ear rubbed off
“ Amitabha Buddha .”
so far situation watched the court something in the heart lift not sure atmosphere
hang up get off did _
“ one hundred thousand The city owner Too urgent It seems . that responsibility is
… … .”
“ Baekcheon-ah .” “… … .”
However that the horse Different not Hyeonjong in the voice cut off abandoned .
“ Yes means know but , that too much difficult it's a thing that you can afford
number that do you see ?”
heavy meaning soaked It was a question, but a hundred thousand in the answer
even alittle hesitation there was no
“ alone It is difficult .”
“… … alone ?”
“ Yes . However , the long writer . Jang Mun-in also alone that every Thing you
took care of that is No. _ long writer next to the elders you were there phenomenon
the elder volcanic muhak lead You gave it to me , Hyunyoung the elder volcanic
finance take it You gave it .”
two elder on the face cry soaring emotions was young
“ Only work No. _ wind crashing , the waves to come when alone _ line lice that
suffering how can you afford it ? long writer Also those people because you were
hold on would have given will . and meteorite boarding house luck sword to stay
including Unja ship private residence do your best do it all Jang Moon-in Protect I
paid .”
“ Yes . me alone one Days it was n't Absolutely It wasn't .”
“ Yes , long- timer . Yes it is . I Also The same is true . alone will do number None .
However for me me support line People There is . but silent more than anyone
reliable believe number there is brother-in-law there is , and I wrong Path conflict at
the time Someone's noticing pussy without correct Path Say it line sandy There is
Yuisul's in the mouth hold on strength went in , Yoon Jong Still Eyes rolled up
“ Sometimes people cold reason not hot consultation to follow line need to know
that teach giving lice , and the distribution is even if low more than anyone
objectively situation mediate line People There is .”
jogger groaned seemingly look at consolation turn Throw it away head snuggle
bowed down
“ And … … just from behind watching just by that more than anyone me whipped
eardrum There is . I that eyes forever take it pay will .”
volcanic Everyone is one hundred thousand look up
Wearing there is pure white like a white coat light gushing this .
“ do number will there be did you ask ? Jang Moon-in . Disciple , more than anyone
well get it done will be . Everyone is me picture make will be . And … … .” one
hundred thousand gaze Finally to the blue headed _
“ I In the past about resentment no , later About debt Do not have This is . so that
Right away I now Jang Moon-in should be do . to come whole egg in the times
called a volcano sword correctly swing number there is this is Only It is only me .”
then Him looking at clear eyes are deep like the sea heavy It was dark . However
one hundred thousand that eyes even alittle avoid without there is as it is accepted
long time During clarification seen one hundred thousand slowly look at turn
Hyeonjong faced _
“ So Jang Moon-in . make a decision get off Please . disciple to believe summer
solstice do not disciple not a volcano believe Please . ancestors to tell one
meaning me too that it has been believe Please . the volcano disciple proper by
way lead will .”
Hyunjong Eyes rolled up then His in mind emerged that is one hundred thousand
everyday than ever more Prior it was a thing
' Master .'
nobody take over I don't want to one long straight , his the master yet ready less
became to Hyeonjong passed over and perishing that even for a moment
Hyeonjong I was worried .
Hyun Jong-eun that hard the years take it paid out Shirin mid winter wholly I mean .
phenomenon Hyun-Young side by side Protect gist if not never that cold chill hold
on inside couldn't will _
so that for them more Many Time give wanted _ long seat giving to responsibility
not crushed without , own life wholly look at able Time I mean .
However now one hundred thousand to him speak there is
that This time vain that that it wasn't that time , that seat , that weight now
Hyeonjong made I mean .
that horse Absolutely willing but Also … … .
Hyeonjong silence Getting Longer , Jong-Yoon Yoon sneakily around notice looked
what even if it's uncomfortable firmly uncomfortable visible court , at any moment
this what what are you doing sound seven Ki Sein bell-shaped .
even on the volcano friendly Cheon Woo-blind each Even the patrons now
atmosphere can't afford can't there was
Something like this Days me too Big I'll get better thought Yoon Jong sneakily to
wear took off
“ I would rather … … Today is First take a seat break it up , later Again … … .”
Right away that It was a moment .
“ The disciples Listen .”
Hyunjong Eyes floating solemnly said . that in the voice hardened volcanic the
disciples Immediately posture and attitude Right away did _
“ Yes , long writer !”
Hyunjong even though Abstract and _ _ _ same with eyes one hundred thousand
stared at one hundred thousand shoulder proudly spread out then His eyes faced _
“ in place not fit not by word volcanic honor on the ground dropped sinful
Absolutely big _ In addition dare to the long writer transfer requested sin , to the
death of the knights Appropriate !”
“ Come on , long doorman !”
“ No … … .”
Knight's Extinction on horse volcanic the disciples terrified Hyeonjong looked up
However His eyes speechless to clog because it's cold car like this will do backlash
summer solstice could n't
Everyone is Eyes sticky wind up abandoned , but only one million silver shake
without Hyeonjong stared at which conclusion even if I wholly that in the meaning
to follow seemingly was pure
“ So , I Hyun Jong-eun volcanic long writer with authority sin committed student to
a hundred thousand half a year martial arts forbid in Maehwa-dong confinement be
punished down .”
volcanic the disciples sticky wound up Eyes woke up
However one hundred thousand on the other way Eyes rolled up want to one every
Thing I did it regret no _ just … … .
“ In the doorstep certainly to keep will do jurist there is law . that the law which in
any situation to be kept do _ siwa when , and rank not equipped unhappy on About
condemned anyone Harm conflict number None .”
always comment yielded this is Hyunjong then he frost columns blowing in voice
commanding because of work nobody dare vomit sweet could n't just head bow
down accept only .
everyone's on the chest Shirin chill dug into
“ Elder phenomenon .”
“ Yeah , the long writer .”
“ volcanic as an unequal sinner's in sin about punishment Execute .”
“ name I will accept it .”
ugh . someone this going sound clearly I hear it . that sound irreversible number
Do not have catastrophe to inform only was like that Shirin catastrophe People's
chest walk away Gala pay When , all of by ear more and more knife same
Hyeonjong voice is like thunder dug into
“ Dan !”
Eyes wound up one hundred thousand upright Staring , Hyunjong he have every
dignity put it in declared _
“ Volcano long writer by authority , volcanic great disciple one hundred thousand
long writer authority to represent as a proxy appointed bar . this every penal
execution one hundred thousand Deputy Manager Jang Moon on the spot back off
until postpone it ! this is volcano as a long writer name , what disagreement take it
won't will .”
one hundred thousand Eyes flash popped up
a little blurred His the world become clearer , full Hyeonjong look came in
Hyeonjong on the lips from when soft smile bloom there was
one hundred thousand first on the volcano ascended me from Hyeonjong seen that
_ springtime like a plum warm smile .
“ A hundred thousand .”
“… … Yes , the long writer .”
Hyunjong softly smiling said .
“ Now you volcanic He is a long writer .”
“… … .”
“ please a volcano correctly lead give it to me .”
one hundred thousand head bowed down
His the shoulder little as before not proud could n't even pathetic to the extent
trembling there was However here that nobody that look leave finger or laugh at
me could n't
“ People , people … … .”
bite mixed one hundred thousand voice is flowed out
“ name I will accept it .”
on the volcano new Jang Moon-in to be born It was a moment .
Episode 1184 : I I will shoulder it . (3)
short and long close friend it was high
that rather than silence It was stillness , not stillness in silence was close
one hundred thousand last horse left behind aftertaste room in every to them
soaked in
perhaps picture great deal not daily map I don't know .
strong present Countless clan middle Single long changed on because only
However that the sight watched of these on the chest passion rushed in what to
express difficult as much as swirling numerous emotions them just like that this in
the afterglow don't get out do not let did _
here there is these middle who this in sight most Big were you impressed to guess
difficult will _ On the other hand , here there is these middle Someone's brain most
complicated to count too much It was easy .
court of law Snow stretch Farre trembled _ little until like the sea deep eyes was
seen said Example Tiring it was about
' this What the hell ...'
he embarrassment what to do unable with expression Hyeonjonggwa one hundred
thousand alternately saw _ outrageous there was no
one sectarian long to choose work never just like that to be decided number there
is Days No. _ Jang Moon-in which is it a seat ? one sectarian the future to decide
heavy is the position By the way then great work this in a way take care of it
no matter how the volcano form like right away Pay discarded aggressive It's called
Moonpa though , this common sense accept number to be worthy Days No. _
rather this everything volcanic mundos determined braided it's a play believe want
to it was about that side more believe only because
However court of law then vague even the expectation apart cut into pieces laying
lice there was
" This ... this What ..."
somewhere heard in the voice head Dolly completely soul let go discarded clear
look seemed _ soul that fell nonsense now clear state to express not enough it was
" This is ... no ... no , this is What ... is this ..."
" Munpa Backwards Even if I go back ... just enough yes . Aigoo ... Aigoo ..."
he rotten fishy by eye ceiling beyond far place looking up egg number Do not have
speak stretch murmured .
" I This ...... form see you i ... i ... igo death penalty ... the volcano It's ruined ... the
volcano is ..."
of course the court Cheongmyeong collaborator appearance and swindler look two
all with that there is well I know . However then the court even to look that one
absolutely it's smoke I'm shy tiring was the reaction .
then really this every Thing this on the spot has decided make sense Isn't it ?
' Are you crazy ?'
the court absurd can not disappointed with face Hyeonjong Hope saw _
he know Hyun Jong-eun It is timid want to to the extent Careful This was . By the
way then Hyunjong this great work Wolf Whituru Maturu handling it horse not felled
it was the sound
' No , no .'
blankly there was the court pop spirit set up
now Hyeonjong to blame time and now situation evaluate to be when No. _ already
work happened , and if you do it wrong Oops doing at the moment this seat not
expected unhappy in the direction swept away throw away capital that there is It
was important .
sense of crisis felt the court briefly dislike memorized _
" Amita Buddha ."
room in clearly ring spread that in the voice just then spellbound seemed these to
him look at turned _
the court work hard careful pretend to wear took off
"... my lord . I dare other question on the ambassador _ _ to talk Cheerny nope ,
this too much blitz seemingly do ."
the court speak spit out me too without knowing Oops doing expression built .
thinking properly not organized not stay urgently speak do Bonnie and Hyunjong
from the standpoint Feel bad worthy speak sun throw away only will _ momentarily
myself what make a mistake did it I realized , but Hyunjong surprisingly in good
spirits head nodded .
" The chief in your view you will capital There is ."
" But this work volcanic long writer I Jeonghan work . undercarriage long decide
appointed at work About authority is Only contemporary volcanic long writer to me
There is ."
court of law lips closely interlocked _
Hyeonjong horse That's right . one sectarian next long to decide work Only
contemporary long writer at will run work . long helping Elders , or Taesang
Jangmun chart this at work As for comment pay number to be Only , the long writer
make a choice to force number no _
then in the yard other question chieftain doing word like what make sense will there
However the court here back off medical charge there was no His position
absolutely just backed away not felled will _
" Ha- na ... a long sentence appointed work of course formal to be equipped will do
sectarian most big a great ambassador Isn't it ?"
" It is ."
Hyunjong again in good spirits head nodded .
" So now right now long No , Deputy Chief Jang Moon to be will be . Deputy
Manager Jang Moon Jang Moon-in Jeonghan at work about long writer authority
acting on behalf Is it a temporary job? dare formal not need not ."
"...that 's ..."
this at the end even in court will do horse got confused from the beginning by force
near It was a reaction , but now that even forcing buril nook Namji not will _
and that moment .
" Deputy Chief Jang Mun Listen ."
" Yes !"
Hyunjong My at the waist cold sword loose to a hundred thousand pushed out
" Volcano long by name volcano Assistant Manager Jang Moon to a hundred
thousand shaolin in consultation about full volume grant ."
" name I will accept it ."
one hundred thousand commanding posture sword receiving head bowed down
and retard without waisted plum sword loose paid after that in place Hyunjong June
your own sword tied up
that your own sword see court of law deceive in words sun what would you ?
I sleeping sword Different not the court find on the volcano returned will _ By the
way that sword now court of law position in trouble make yes isn't it ?
now Hwado me won't it 's near
on the waist your own sword cold one hundred thousand on the spot got up body
on the other way turn court facing report sat down on the floor seated His
backwards at the top sitting Hyeonjong look seemed to overlap .
that Moment the court arbitrarily twisting face muscles to calm down for colossal
heart to write did _
"...... Amitabha Buddha ."
In a instinct dislike left the court Eyes rolled up
' Let's calm down .'
think look be embarrassed work not so much outrageous Days in front of your eyes
because it happened at the long view even on fire I as if it must have been urgent
just follow _ look just to talk opponent changed on not just isn't it ?
I a hundred thousand lice see June look even in court again cheek to the extent
that was great case true, but that to the extent Lee Dae-Jin in a hundred thousand
About was an evaluation .
that of evaluation the standard Lee Dae-jae not If you are a long writer , tell him
dare generous score line the reason is Do not have will _
scrutinize look , anyway to presbytery as much as old-fashioned rather than
Hyeonjong now gat fight written freeze Jang Moon-in to face more Hyeon Hal
capital yes isn't it ?
the court breathe refined _ to a hundred thousand congratulatory speak handing
over it was for
However one hundred thousand than the court fast to wear opened .
" First , to the chief guilty be rude I apologize ."
" place and not fit not called work that is I know , but urgent it's a matter intention
not the host keep you waiting did . I'm sorry ."
one hundred thousand lightly head bowed down
the court what to do number without head nodding fell . anyway now Wow
complain have to see be different crab there was no so rather even with generosity
see giving side better .
"I understand Thank you for thank you I one hundred thousand volcanic from the
old man any authority entrusted As Deputy Chief volcanic position to reveal do ."
" Um , one hundred thousand stamp . No ... Assistant Manager Jang Moon ."
" Yes ."
" horse little Right not thing same . to the young Hyun Jong-jin volcanic long not
Cheon Woo-blind swear by about Dalahan case Right away you guys Is n't it ?"
the court swipe Different these looking back speak was _
" So Seung-eun here Cheon Woo-blind lord and consultation do for On that is ,
how volcanic long Cheon Woo-blind swear by on behalf of the theravada
consultation handan mean ? that sari Right It is not ."
sharp was intelligent . However one hundred thousand already the court that speak
will do line know that there was as if Binggrae smile built .
" misunderstanding A little do you are thing It's like ."
"... get it wrong did you ?"
" Yes , chief . I this consultation representing that No. _ the host on the volcano
suggested on About volcanic answer I want to hear doing will ."
" This The seat is ..."
" This place is of course Chun Woo Meng old file room the future discussing It is a
seat . However the volcano that meaning to reveal number Do not have it's a place
Hajin wouldn't you ? the host each every clan Different make a suggestion Since
you did , we Also that on offer About answer give summer solstice Wouldn't you ?"
"...... I guess so ."
to sum it up Hyun Jong-eun volcanic long writer take a seat to a hundred thousand
I replaced him , but lord place is gist did n't so that one hundred thousand Cheon
Woo Maengju deputy not volcanic As Deputy Chief the court on the volcano
handed over on offer answer will meant _
" The chief sun given in the proposal volcanic every mundos depth thank you
There is ."
" If so I'm glad . If you do ..."
" But , chief ."
one hundred thousand Still smile built . By the way infinitely soft have to show will
do smile oddly enough firm more than facial expressions some the ship be
determined seemed _
" The volcano the host did make a suggestion I will decline . the volcano to the old
file room not come back not ."
court of law Snow Absolutely cried out
Step by step Conversation Through good direction bring it down did _ By the way
this greenhorn the guy at once from the start conclusion down will _ That too he
want didn't in the direction I mean .
" Come on , wait a minute ! Assistant Manager Jang Moon !"
" And !"
one hundred thousand at there never finish without determined in voice speak
Following went _
" In the heavens About right is in heaven belonged every clan share eggplant bar .
even if now in heaven belonged clan old file room that meaning together though ."
one hundred thousand here sitting every these My in the eyes contained _
everyone's clear gaze to him toward there was
that in the eyes soaked expectation , that attitude the year before giving burden I
know . one hundred thousand that which not one avoid without alone accepting
Own every heart put it in said .
" The volcano in heaven to remain will ."
that the voice pure white paper above with one pen drawn like a line clear and
clearly spread out went out
" by volcano long writer by name I declare , that of Chun Woo Meng dismantling
None . every clan Cheon Woo Meng leave only the volcano remain Even though
the volcano is Thousands of Armed Forces name Protect get out will ."
court of law mouth Absolutely happened _
this puppies how what speak chattering there is will ?
However the court received with shock otherwise , such court facing one hundred
thousand taeyeonja weak this place there was no
" Oh , of course . misunderstanding summer solstice roll up Please ."
"... misunderstood ?"
Misunderstanding again _ what misunderstood ?
Taesan Guido together hold out strictly was talking one hundred thousand this time
like a breeze soft in tone said .
" Of course the host picture you would think Lido no , but yes so the volcano
Shaolin old file room hostile that is No. _ same place toward go little Different Path
walking It's just that ."
dedicated His on the face cool breeze same smile took _
Different if the situation how good make sense not number is there However Now
is it wasn't that smile see these , even volcanic even the disciples that smile
looking cheat twisted _
" We old file room under don't go in not saying Handul , I hope under heaven
Shaolin volcano one not embrace Ca n't you ?"
" Kang Ho shut up crisis to solve In order to I'm midfield collaborator Required .
and As you know I now membrane at Jangmoon right world water do not know in
the puppies not just Don't you ?"
court of law mouth me too without knowing happening moment , one hundred
thousand Absolutely respectful posture head nod bowed down
" forward Many the map moon Please , Chief ."
" Uh ..."
the court devastated with face speak connect could n't
openly court feed throw away one hundred thousand watched Tang military music
momentarily Head dizzy Eyes sticky rolled up
' Why ...'
why volcanic Humans ... all together I shape ? Why ......
they known the volcano came back in thought Everyone is joy and pain At the
same time feel there was
Episode 1185 : I I will shoulder it . (4)
seemingly it's packaging well is done , but here there is these middle one hundred
thousand to say ' good ' really mean ' good ' that I had thinking this is nobody there
was no
' Oh my God ...'
' me The chief ......'
Cheon Woo-blind patrons at any moment Snow pop out thing same with face one
hundred thousand looked up
of course the court fucked eating look see crab the first No. _ in the first place
openly hit abandoned human here ' cause But ......
' the way different this A little More ......'
Namgungdowi sneakily court of law complexion looked at no different , his corner
of the mouth faintly convulsive there was that minute glass trembling now court of
law Feel how about able guess did _
only the moderator look somehow First kick throw away just thinking doing even a
jogger little tired with face around look back to Yoon Jong so much asked .
" Father , the death penalty ."
" Why ?"
" Me , that way felled are you? "
" Is it okay ? "
Yoon Jong bluntly answered . However Jo Geul-eun so casually number there was
" That , but Sook-eun why that are you? "
" Why ? That yangban usually That 's what it was ."
will do speak bereaved jogger Moment like a seashell to wear closed .
' That's That 's right ...'
from the outside look at the volcano Qingming to the next membrane outgoing
human Jo girl As you might think , that wrong thinking _ volcano to the monks if
you ask only one people too disagreement without Everyone is one hundred
thousand most sane no I will answer it is clear
no , though Yes . opponent I It's a courtroom ...
that moment , silence the court to wear opened .
" Representative Jang Moon "
short It was a voice , but here there is these Everyone is egg number there was
court of law voice is than before obviously lowered that .
" Yes , Chief ."
"... that's volcanic do you mean ?"
" Yes "
However court facing one hundred thousand still It was quiet .
"... even the lord this on horse Do you agree ?"
the court sharp by eye let's aim Hyun Jong-eun one hundred thousand My back
glance I looked head I stumbled .
" so if you ask not It will be , Chief "
" What mean ?"
" I already this at work about every authority to Deputy Manager Jang Moon
delegated . so this is My comment ask Days No. _ diarrhea me handl , now Deputy
Manager Jang Moon meaning reversible number there is no I mean ."
court of law around the eyes in the eyes make it visible waves trembled _
called court to this only bad feelings Namji not even these that in appearance
momentarily anxiety feel it was about However that than anxiety freshness more
big fact too undeniable number there was no
" If so the volcano Shaolin Department that meaning not together unwilling to It
means ."
" Yes . Just this is just volcanic mean only . Cheon Woo Maeng that meaning be
different capital I will ."
terrifying by eye one hundred thousand staring the court look at to Hyunjong turned
" Chun Woo Meng means How are you ?"
" The situation it's changed that meaning again I 'll have to ask ."
" If so now Here Ask ."
" No , boss . That's ..."
" difficult the reason is are there? "
court of law in the face chill drip flowed _
" time I'm in a hurry formality courtesy is Ignore it to say do you didn't you ? Wolf
time urgent at work seperately This time need it don't you say Wouldn't it ?"
Jang Moon-in to decide even work Him Before leave So , comment asking also His
in front to do mean _ excessive demanding one horse _ in itself gap there was no
the court membrane one word more spit Hyeonjong trying to push that It was a
moment .
" For us don't ask even if you don't will be ."
Namgungdowi seated stick calmly to wear opened .
" We already answer did . first and different None ."
court of law expression just then released .
" wise It's a choice , small town . aged Feelings ..."
" The chief misunderstanding don't drink I hope ."
Moment speak hang up incoming on Namgungdo in the remark the court I was
startled . what misunderstanding that there is mean ? now if you say Namgung Eun
already in the fifth generation again want to join doctor said meaning .
Namgungdowi is court of law in sight young question read seemingly to wear
opened .
" Namgung this in place previously long writer in the decision to follow meaning
clearly said ."
" That's ..."
" volcanic long writer I mean ."
just then Namgungdowi what speak do whether understood the court me too
without knowing this grinded .
" changed that is None . volcanic Deputy Minister Jang Moon make a decision If
you get off , Namgung is that meaning and together . Namgungse Also five
generations go back I will not ."
" Sogaju !"
the court voice raised moment _ _ from the mouth easygoing the sound of laughter
leak came out
" Namgung Do not have If it's the fifth generation Sacheondang Road dare have to
return will do The reason find It 's hard . chief , danga Also volcanic make a
decision I will follow you ."
ugh .
the court lips chewing party music I stared . one hundred thousand It's
Namgungdowi yet The Age young blood and to hit to be swung number there is
However now the world egg as much as mountain Tang military evil how then
speak will do number there is is that
However Tang military music just It was relaxing .
" In the world abacus only bouncing to calculate number Do not have also there is
It's the law . Moreover ... here I in the fifth generation want to join speak did Danga-
do the state change It's a plate I What What would you do ? already to the back
room back off number is Do n't you ?"
that on horse Everyone is party looked back party humble with face cough in vain
did _
" No ... what so far thought case no , separately Earnestly the word A little I have to
give thought That 's about it ."
"... the thought there was ."
" have to in front of your eyes this I saw "
" Slightly sorry capital There will be , this one ."
" Hey , it's a carrier ."
party Kindly atmosphere sudden unwind start _ openly smiling this is not , but short
the sound of laughter faintly all over the place flowed out that one-sided in the
mood court of law facial expression More hard hardened _
" Rain , even binggung !"
at that time Seol Sobaek excited seemingly blushed with face shouted _
" North Sea Ice Palace volcanic that meaning We will be together . the volcano
Cheon Woo Meng If you keep it , Binggung Also volcanic together Cheon Woo
Meng to the end Jekyll will !"
one hundred thousand then snow bag toward blink Smile seemed _
" Thank you , my lord ."
" Rice , no words ! Too much natural Work Isn't it !"
rocking snow bag train lightly pulling as a girl calmed swear word meaningful smile
and together court looked up
" The situation When this happens , Namman Beast Palace seperately in the old
file room to go in sun have to see the host picture nice summer solstice You
wouldn't ."
" The owner welcome I don't guest take a seat ask for number is Without it ,
Namman Beast Palace in heaven to remain I will . the host be sorry work there will
be no Tenni I'll be happy ."
bone there is was the word However the court that solid wick while feeling what to
wear open it don't refute could n't
OK People's gaze naturally left one to a person go back that look at received lice
bluntly speak exhaled .
" What do you see it ?"
Im So-byeong openly loath tea out town dog chase seemingly gestured _
" good job partisan people all not Going in, bandit the cubs noticing without goofa
in a bowl Spoon push in on the head wooden table run down beggar . I
byeongsindo not ."
" What option or give to choose have to In the beginning even ask did you"
still gaze fall off let's not Im So-byeong fed up out handshake hit .
" Oh , it stays . It stays . That please my Into the mouth have to say one ."
that is It was over . Hyunjong Cheon Woo-blind dismantling in the mouth Damned ji
, fire one angle pass by before in heaven belonged every clan Cheon Woo-blind in
respect agreed will _
Im So-byeong prey smiling said .
" By the way Too brash thing is not it I don't know . it's us Yes hit and hit people
over there mask get crab A little there would be Namgung Lord Soga not Are you
sorry ? inside land beating you are thing Isn't it ?"
that on horse Namgungdowi petulance young with face swipe Him looking back
sigh exhaled _
" Like I said ... Namgung volcanic in the meaning to be together only is ."
" Well , that's it ..."
" Grace wear have to pay do _ that too natural It 's work . However that is
everything is No. "
Namgungdowi firmly speak was _
" Only grace there would have been when Namgung Eun a volcano to follow did .
However Now is volcanic Namgung's Between simply only grace present crab No.
_ long not hour During we are together water lily did , and sometimes slap beaten
up , cursing together the floor rolled over ."
on Namgungdo gaze to a hundred thousand headed _ to him in Hyunjong just just
thank you one If there is , a hundred thousand with him little Different it meant
" such these what do you Do you know ?"
" Yes ?"
" friend do ."
Namgungdowi one hundred thousand looking speaking swipe laughed _
" Of course picture Jung Yi not deep without , ugly Jeong Man piled up rather than
a friend in bad weather It will be close . However Yes chart naked friend Is n't it ?
on the volcano grace repaying that Namgung's If it's your duty , friends together
Going want Ham Eun Namgung's It's a will ."
on Namgungdo gaze this time to the court headed _
" And ... anyway Deputy Minister Jang Moon me excellent consider faith see gave
it chairperson in the gaze I still dubious unhappy only with puppies Boyle would I
mean ."
the court glance frowned . Namgungdowi is shoulder Shrug seemed _
" fool if not My ransom A little more jerking place to choose crab That 's right . even
there friends too there is Namgung What more would you hesitate five generations
to go back reason like only not one None ."
that on horse Im So-byeong prey laughed _
" naughty Identity with born a nobleman line Okay , just he handsome it was
without born bloke I'm sad will you live ?"
Lim So-byeong Kindly the sound of laughter little more Big flows out
However only the court to laugh medical charge there was no far from funny until
the cold turning by eye one hundred thousand stare it was only
' This is why ... this is why this the situation stop did .'
already know there was it's a thing a volcano when you get everyone get , and
volcanic if you lose everyone lose .
so that volcanic central Hyeonjonggwa Cheongmyeong get out number Do not
have by way them led _ By the way Hyeonjongdo Cheongmyeongdo not at all not
even expected unhappy lice suddenly stick out His every arrange ruin it discarded
will _
' No , not yet . '
the court rising tantrum anger cackle pressed . if it was before here there is Road
roaring might have thrown I don't know , that Also Previous not equal not . yet to
him length there is
the court have be patient Most pull raising one hundred thousand stared at
hundred thousand one Because situation So far If you come , a hundred thousand
only mean break every Thing in order turn number that there is say it .
" Assistant Jang Moon ."
" Yes , Chief ."
" Deputy Minister Jang Moon now the volcano one choice right see ?"
that to the question one hundred thousand without a word court stared at
to a hundred thousand of the times giant , court heavy gaze fell down
" blood overflowing choose each other voice It was raised , but Assistant Manager
Jang Moon myself one choice is it justified even alittle not prove could n't logic
without just only with blood wrong make a choice If , that Because to spill
numerous blood how how to bear Do it !"
one hundred thousand lips firmly shut up the court more momentum pull raised .
" Deputy Minister Jang Moon really heavenly a sinner felled Path want to go are
you ? that choice the world how much big on the dottan to miss really I don't know
that Anything else !"
frost columns same It was a roar . knee above seated court of law hand My
emotions win can't shaking trembling there was
one hundred thousand Still court looked up that every make a decision upright
receive I'm willing to pay as if and long time only after slowly to wear open it asked
" Blood did you?"
"That 's right ."
" Misunderstanding have you thing It's like that, Chief ."
court of law eyes It became bitter .
" here how what misunderstanding there is I mean !"
" Of course I yet blood overflowing in youth It's just . of course misjudgment will do
number and experience _ It will not be enough ."
" know If ..."
" One ."
that Moment one hundred thousand height Do not have voice is court of law speak
hang up out , his ears sharp dug into
" I maybe I don't know , but volcanic Jang Moon-in youth like sectarian direction not
choose does not . that is volcanic Jang Moon-in take a seat Because. "
" What ..."
" wisely know Leave it . now the host faced this is great disciple one hundred
thousand not volcanic Assistant Manager Jang Moon One hundred thousand ."
" Chief Jang Mun !"
" And !"
that Moment one hundred thousand fume young with face court I stared .
" The chief the volcano which where know If it is a minute , the volcanic ancestors
the world for what did it know If ! stupid cursing voice elevate before ."
for awhile speak rundown one hundred thousand Shirin eyes court cut _
" The volcano representing to this rightly to be equipped will do from time
immemorial have it ready that is People to keep will do to do will . Do you know?"
Wow !
court of law in hand caught beads egg finished smithereens broken .
Episode 1186 : In the future to walk It's a road . (One)
fight .
broken beads egg on the floor falling sound like thunder Big heard _ broken in the
thread jurr spilled beads egg the floor rolling sound bubbly carelessly continued _
not still big Eyes word as it is only the lamp to do waking up Soso to a hundred
thousand look at fixed stay only hand stretched out Yuisul's hem sneakily pulled _
"...... Accident ."
" Why ?"
" Uh , how A little sun Look ."
" What ?"
" No , I ..."
" nail Dry it , anyway ."
Lee Seol expression one change not Chae , bluntly murmur _
" sand is hit Surado yes ."
that speak only after hearing Soso is anew realized _
membrane to go out Decide throw away moment , in the volcano most to dry
number Do not have humans are I'm in the midfield notoriety shake off there is
volcanic dog Cheongmyeong No, Volcanic Sword a hundred thousand fact I mean
and this situation watched Different of these reaction Also Dangsoso and Big
different did n't jogging dressed almost torn as if It happened , and Yoon Jong- eun
how much surprised that going Eyes whirlpool floating there was
' Oh my God ...'
Yoon Jong round by eye one hundred thousand looked up
to assert number there is in the volcano one hundred over Mundoga However, the
heavenly court in front like that speak sternly go around number there is people
Only One , one hundred thousand will _
everyone's gaze to the court turned to no precisely finely trembling there is court of
law by shoulder headed _
Shaolin chieftain now anger hold on can't body shaking there is Shaolin What
Somewhere , in Shaolin chieftain which existence know people what to do number
without this in sight terrifying have to feel did _
But volcanic only the disciples that every Thing knowingly creepiness not Different
emotions embrace there was
yes obviously _ one hundred thousand behavior would it be too much I don't know
. Too fierce might have been I don't know . same say chart expression to purify net
there would have been will _
However that nobody one hundred thousand Excessive voice raise it not The
reason is one . now one hundred thousand pulled out horses on the volcano body
Damned Ramen everyone My chest on the one hand cackle press put there was to
cry It was because
volcanic ancestors the world saved _ However that fact remember there is even
these that the fact work hard Ignoring the volcano despise just to use did _ how
much shameful , how Was it cylindrical ?
By the way now this on the spot one hundred thousand that fact strictly pointed out
will _ Different eardrum no , me court against I mean . hoping In addition even
though I wished car even in a dream let's draw unhappy Days in reality happened
room inside sweeping silence inside the court the floor slip away looked down His
in hand shattered I beads eggs messy scattered there was
under heaven who Shaolin moderator court in front dare dory arguing mean ?
under heaven who Him to teach Dandan mean ? This Shaolin to the chief About
Ignoring interest _ walked what is court on old man About insult or There was
nothing .
However this in the situation About jealous the court not His Next sit down there
was bell-shaped from the mouth burst came out
" That's how what Is it bald !"
voice raised Jong-hyung anger by eye one hundred thousand I stared . until now
he go out situation not to wear close there was , but this he even to look line long
time over was the treatment .
" at Jangmoon I climbed up and saw visible crab Do not have will ? Deputy
Manager Jang Moon not formally long in place climb even if that in the mouth to
contain worthy speech no ! where heaven and earth I don't know ..."
However that Moment shape of the bell dissuade spiral this is Different not It was a
courtroom .
" Stop it , old man "
" Chief ! But This rude Excessive ..."
" Stop !"
Moment history Damned court of law roar fierce bell-shaped backlash at once
pressed down the bell type me too without knowing flinching court looked back
stray beads of beads stare seen the court head holding Eyes rolled up
"... the voice raise sorry However Jang Moon-in . the heart thanks , but this Jang
Mun-in anger room Days No. "
" Chief ......"
"...... Amitabha Buddha ."
the court Eyes please persimmon dislike was out small in voice dislike
successively left he barely equanimity recovered only after Eyes popped up
therefore faced that is still expression one change not one hundred thousand
casual It was the face . to someone infinitely commanding look and for someone
Absolutely cheeky in the form Boyle will _ to the court How is it?
"... that The part is ..."
a little speak hang up took a deep breath the court vomit like mine said .
" of the theravada Excessive . I apologize ."
that horse end awfully volcano of the disciples from the mouth the breeze leak
came out
simply let's accept one hundred thousand court of law make a mistake pointed out
, the court that acknowledged it is only barely that degree at work pass maybe not I
don't know .
However this simple visible of the situation on the back what packed whether know
these are never picture simply to evaluate number there was no
the court Eyes winding up again once dislike foreign high school said .
" You ... of the volcano Jang Moon-in representing This is the volcanic Jang Moon-
in him reasonable treat receive deserve that there is Thing my for awhile I forgot .
all the little one lacking It's your fault ."
volcano the disciples each other looked back
volcanic Jang Moon-in him reasonable treat get do _
to interpret therefore Various make sense to be number there is was the word
However now the court said ' volcanic' ' Lee , the long writer get will do hospitality
is today the volcano have strength and in power attributed that not
that meaning is overtly is one I the court For the first time public on the spot past
volcanic the ball acknowledged will _
that speak My by ear heard volcano of the disciples feeling how what in words to
express number will there be
one hundred thousand again to wear opened .
" one people's unpaid interest volcanic as a disciple horse excessive on the part
about I should apologize , but I one uninhabited not volcanic long representing
because the position apple say the word give difficult dot excuse Please ."
"...... understand also there is no that is correct treatment ."
the court in good spirits head nodded . that look copy party evil two in the eyes Lee
Chae-ga was young
Different these are how will you feel I don't know , his in the eyes court of law
changed part obviously seemed _ in the past if it were a court talker like this
continuing pond would have will _
' volcanic Affect received case only us No. '
no , maybe the court original look recovered it might be I don't know . volcano
Because shaken yourself renovate I mean .
ultimately good It will happen , but now right now picture nice to meet you Days it
wasn't anyway now one hundred thousand debate Sun will do because it's a plate .
this in any situation keep calm lose not court against I mean .
" But , Assistant Manager Jang Moon ."
no different , that Moment the court again speechless opened .
" So Seung I apologized part is that tone and in attitude there was Bar , Mr. Jang
Moon gave of the word meaning itself to deny that is no other than now Deputy
Minister Jang Moon theravada to the question answer give when ."
the court calmly sunken by eye one hundred thousand stared at
" Deputy Minister Jang Moon certainly this choice jeep only in blood originated that
no You did it . then the raven to convince worthy answer too of course ready
should be will do that's it ."
that on horse some people's complexion It got dark .
actually here there is these middle , emotionally in the old file room join wanted
these was there ? Everyone is in my heart Cheon Woo-blind Respect wished _
nevertheless who one openly not against I couldn't , anyway the court put forward
to the cause to rebel justification logic exist didn't Because .
one even a person more Many these exoneration for power put together that speak
how what by logic rebuttal will do number will there be
" I do If not , Deputy Minister Jang Moon just private with emotion under heaven
crisis caused evil to be number outside there is no know Will you be there ?"
crafty It was a technique . not excessive not to show not what is evil expression
write this to choose About responsible more heavily making answer this pushing
will _
However that small expression one biting if stretched the answer is poor lice pod
grasped poor Became throw it away
Everyone is worry young by eye one hundred thousand look at number outside
there was no
" Of course , Chief ."
However one hundred thousand the answer is drastic can not until cool did _
the court Snow swipe thinned out
" will do the answer is there is mean ?"
" Yes ."
" to understand It's difficult , Jang Moon ."
the court interrogating blazing with eyes one hundred thousand look up
" Sophistry lay out if anything please stop recommend give I would like to that
volcanic name slashing At the same time , Deputy Minister Jang Moon that in place
appointed long writer even honor on the ground dropping Days to be will ."
wait listen there was one hundred thousand quietly court called .
" Chairman . The chieftain not realize can't Are you there ?"
"... what mean ?"
" yourself now how much contradictory speak do whether you are I mean ."
the court how what sound seemingly let's look one hundred thousand head I
stumbled .
" a while ago you would have visited When , I chieftain past and it's changed
considered . so that willing and more without Honorable heart I had it . at that time
Perhaps the host what did you Do you remember ?"
"... well . so much Many speak one Tara ."
" Everyone not wrong did n't each other position would have been different Only .
someone not wrong didn't chart each other faced position otherwise seeking that to
deviate number there is The chief that day Wolf said ."
the court head wandered off This certainly he directly one was the word By the way
now this at the point why that Stories pulled out mean ?
" That day the host did the word to me big enlightenment gave . so that I My entry
and think looking back , what Sun do you correctly to realize number There was .
the latter from ancestors to learn case this girl leave talking it would be But ... now
The chief How are you ?"
that on horse the court glance frowned .
" What Are you talking ..."
" The chief Now , with the chief meaning not together not these are Everyone is
wrong , a sinner, and the world on the dottan to miss I'm wicked speak There is ."
that sharp to the point the court breathe did not breathe these to persuade did
horse look out dagger Became coming back there was
' Interest rate ......'
the court thin knitted by eye one hundred thousand piercingly saw _
actually from behind watching logical loophole pointing out case picture difficult not
daily map I don't know .
However one hundred thousand now For the first time Jang Moon-ri heavy
responsible losing in place up , another eardrum not court facing there was then
lice His ask a question swipe postpone put relax pamper going the court put
forward logical from huh stab coming in yes isn't it
" Indeed sad sorry work . At least I chairperson to the cause I agree , but now The
chief that to the cause worthy look I'll show you can't are you there I mean ."
" The Theravada is ..."
" I volcanic As Deputy Chief Jang Moon , you are speaking cause chairperson logic
assert for only as a tool not utilized hope not to wish only ."
court of law expression me too without knowing a little distorted _ However one
hundred thousand then His reaction stare looking at it , just calmly speak Following
went _
" one to worry case None . that in attitude About distrust to the chief About in
disbelief Following want to go Ham No. _ In addition consultation to break also for
reasons drag backcountry won't will ."
Everyone is one hundred thousand amazed by eye saw _
Deputy Manager Jang Moon Became chief and first eggplant It's a debate . then in
the situation profit drunk let go myself brought profit I'll put it down horse Isn't it ? to
understand difficult the situation was
However continued one hundred thousand the horse then these even head to nod
did _
" The reason It's simple . I if not enough learn to be , to be short the part other
people fill up line number that I told you . then I chieftain not perfect not saying fact
of refusal for a reason drag coming that is My speak I myself refute on pass not
Because. "
that speak heard court of law face slightly dreamed _
to hear only thus good sound , but this finally the court I one nonsense not keep
not However , one hundred thousand myself one speak punctual called meaning
not isn't it ?
intended Whether whether or not in fact question have gap too without one
hundred thousand speak was _
" The volcano Shaolin Department Different Path going place Different The reason
is need None . the reason is if there is Only One , the chief soft-spoken cause
volcanic teaching completely misalignment Because. "
"... it's out of line. did you ?"
" Yes , Chief ."
one hundred thousand slowly breathe inhale decidedly declared _
" This on the spot clearly sun I'll leave it . At least I as a proxy there is Han , the
volcano everyone seeking cause for save number there is this do not turn away
won't will be . certainly someone have to sacrifice If , that sacrifice is Different not
volcanic share to be will ."
calm but indeed steady it was voice volcanic every to this strong tremble hugged
line it was the voice
" That's the volcano from the past Following On Will , the volcano Protect go out
will do It's a discussion ."
His on the lips soft smile bloomed _
" So The chief also this fact certainly Remember . this the volcano until now walked
It's a road ..."
one hundred thousand gaze Him looking up there is volcanic to the disciples
headed _
any warm and again any strict it was snow
" In the future to walk It's a road ."
volcanic of the disciples eyes that in the voice as if in response shined _
1187 episodes . in the future to walk It's a road . (2)
volcanic will . volcanic consultation .
that horse accurately What do you mean at once understood this is there was no
if here there is these Prior situation don't watch If not , now barely long writer in
place right puppies shout out stand mouthful in words let it go may have thrown
away I don't know .
However situation from scratch watched these are that horse giving strange ring
bag and baggage received _
which degree responsible shoulder doing If these empathize no choice but to
without reality _ ideal gap maybe because I don't know .
Everyone is learn _ Everyone is I promise . consultation to protect and honor the
cause that I will seek
first sword heard when , first in ignorance introductory when Everyone is on the
chest blue dream to bear prepared Is n't it ?
However strong unfairness know that mouthful consultative the price what Know
when no more called consultation speak in the mouth support not Became throw it
so that one hundred thousand horse ring eggplant will _
the volcano now more More than shamanic small clan No. _ elevated as much as
location Many burden to shoulder became _ By the way then volcanic Deputy
Manager Jang Moon consultation in the mouth contain there is
this the sight two by eye copy crab how how much Was it only ?
“ The will and . . . ”
the court strange in voice speak was _
“…… Consultation .”
His on the lips relaxed smile bloomed _
“ that the word Like in Shaolin will map agreement no in words I hear . I
misunderstood Is that so , Jang Moon ?"
one hundred thousand more big smile building then court of law speak received
“ Of course then the intention is No. _ just each other seeking consultative way
different say the word give wanted only .”
the court slowly head I stumbled .
“ Assistant Jang Moon . that in the word put it in self exhalation not admit it won't
number Do not have bayo . age all lice young People's on horse ears lean doing
reason , age all these are this exhaled already lost It must be because .”
at a glance one hundred thousand acknowledging word same , but that in strange
bone there was one hundred thousand on horse exhalation except nothing no in a
sense to interpret number there is I mean .
“ But Unfortunately exhalation high , but to the question About as an answer not
enough not thing It is like .”
the court head Stirring recited _
“ Volcanoes and Shaolin meaning different _ so that one Path conflict number
None .”
a little moxibustion brought in he dark by eye one hundred thousand looked up
resemblance crushing blazing was the gaze . Absolutely body withdrawn no choice
but to Do not have chill young there was
“ that only answer each other admit it to step away the world faced situation green
paper does not . one unmanned , also one sectarian position one by one to
consider easy not saying girl Deputy Minister Jang Moon do you understand Don't
you ?"
one hundred thousand that on horse as if affirming Eyes rolled up
he too know there is more than more than reality is it's reality Girl .
“ all of these position One by one be considerate give look eventually Jung-gu
heating become Don't . what if Deputy Minister Jang Moon properly became refute
summer solstice If you can't , I the volcano under heaven comfort ignored stick My
meaning only Height to set up accept no choice but to None .”
emotions scratching nonsense , logical loophole pointing out words , even court of
law attitude pointing out Words , ten thousand years like a rock firmly sustaining
court shake it could n't
' That's why scary will .'
Tang military evil me too without knowing lips crushed it
cause My as a cause Samun these scary case That 's why so that from the past
Countless hero and Hyo-woong the cause justification get betting for life walked
will _
until now under heaven the cause certainly in heaven there was However this
Moment that the cause I the court grabbed _
so one hundred thousand what speak hahaha therefore the volcano on the dottan
missing the civilians turn away My meaning only to present What ?' in in words all
rebuttal not possible wouldn't it ?
of course turn away number there is yes admit it throw away That's it . However
that in return the volcano Countless things have to lose will do will _ yet perfectly
public opinion not get unhappy because it is a volcano even more .
Tang military evil as if contemplating Eyes wound up one hundred thousand looked
'It's okay , Dojo ...'
Tang military music one hundred thousand I on horse perfectly refute get off don't
expect did n't that now membrane volcanic long became to a hundred thousand
too much harsh demand _ in the first place situation So far drag On responsibility
Different to them There is , inherited to this solve demanding also laughable Work
Isn't it ?
even if losing that Even if there is , point your finger subject Han Yi even if My
claim If you go through becomes _
volcano alone that every Thing affordably not put won't Tenni last word
volcanic in the decision to follow equine meaning is a volcano with arrowhead to
present crab No. _ the volcano myself down by decision obtained fruit Gladly Chun
Woo Meng dividing Like a volcano have to will do responsibility Also into to lose
mean _
young one hundred thousand to carry yet that load excessively heavy .
Tanggunakdo patrons among the The Age young axis , but now scrutinize look
Cheon Woo-blind patrons in the middle than that The Age Many lice Only only
swear there was no
so so far Hyunjong His shield shield Became gave as if now he one hundred
thousand shield shield Became should give do _
make a decision hardened Tang military evil membrane in conversation to
intervene for to wear took off However one hundred thousand speak pulled out that
more It was fast .
“ The chief to me keeps on same speak to do You do .”
one hundred thousand facial expression extremely It was quiet .
“ The chief one branch I understand if you can't Eventually same of conversation
repetition to be only .”
“…… Soseung what have to understand that Anything else ?"
“ individual I not enough number However , volcanic long sentence never scarce
lice to be number None . What is a long sentence Mundo representing take a seat
Before sectarian meaning acting on behalf take a seat Because . From now on that
fact prove it I will .”
one hundred thousand Eyes a little thin floating court watched _
“ The chief discussed The cause is ' more Many these saving side That ' s right . Is
that right ?”
“ so simply to say that is no . precisely under heaven comfort for degree have to
walk that on the side It’s close .”
“ The packaging great , but in the end don't sacrifice even if you don't felled these
to sacrifice I mean . right Don't you ?"
the court glance frowned .
“ Assistant Jang Moon . sacrifice delightful this is there is no save number there is
these save won't eardrum None . to hit led irreversible number Do not have do sun
if thrown away that every the price under heaven Manmin lose felled other than
that how the volcano until when that in reality Right not idealism holding to be do
you think ?"
that on horse one hundred thousand head it was
“ Right I mean . However right not also say do ."
“ Why ? right ?”
“ More Many these save for more few this to sacrifice thing , eventually people's life
weighing on pass not Because. ”
“ Ha …”
until now in a hundred thousand About respect Most keep it came court of law from
the mouth For the first time laughing leak came out
“ That’s volcanic Is it logic ?”
he outrageous no seemingly cynicism don't hide can't asked .
“ of people in life up and down no _ each one precious _ that do not know lice who
are you there However that just Lee Sang-il it 's just Single death and cloth Name
death . that two middle one have to choose if Deputy Minister Jang Moon what
would you choose ?" |
“ Up and down no , each other same value to carry more Many of these life more
few of these than life be important capital there is other than that .”
“ Is that so ?”
one hundred thousand lips subtly twisted _
“ The chief want to doing of the word meaning is I understood . However that the
horse soon people's of life weight to share number that there is meaning only . that
the standard Sui Gun whatever I mean .”
“ such horse not …”
“ encyclopedia The one is How are you ?”
“ No , heat and one ? with two The one is How are you ?"
court of law face distorted _ This horse tail hold droopy on pass not saying thinking
heard Because .
' only this Were you sleeping ?'
Entrance Because I'm at odds However , a hundred thousand to this had good
impression all crumble as much as pathetic It was logic . the court this meaning Do
not have debate more Following conflict value feel could n't
“ no more speak sun have to see make sense there will be no thing Like ……”
“ Chief .”
that It was a moment . one hundred thousand complexion one-sided thing is .
“ Then I Backwards to the chief I will ask .”
"... what You mean ?”
“ The chief make a decision will do number that You did it , backwards again Let
me ask you . Everyone is same Ira will do When , one life and cloth life middle
which side more Is it important ?"
the court a little hesitated _ same despite the question In a instinct something
hidden there is feel received to blame
However same called up to the condition mine in the question how what pull out
number there is mean ?
“ Buddhist I to choose number No, but of Shaolin host Nara Ramen rightly cloth to
choose it is each other value to compare number because there is no just at least
one more Many this to choose it is choice difficult so turn away number is Because
there is no ! that is that responsibility other than that Chief Jang Moon !"
“ Of course then chairperson thinking is I respect you . finally The chief one
sacrifice cloth save number if there is that is right you are speaking will be . right ?"
"........ That 's right ."
no more look around to speak exhausted discarded the court head nod affirmed .
about this when diarrhea one hundred thousand horse tail catch have to see
nothing but compulsion not won't Because .
However continued one hundred thousand the question is the court Not at all even
imagine summer solstice couldn't it was one hundred thousand eyes Moment court
pierce through seemingly sharpened _
“ Then one people's life and cloth feed save money middle one if you choose which
side up Would you like to ?”
court of law eyes spurt I became numb . I'm crazy no , now one hundred thousand
what ask a question want to do you to understand it was difficult Because .
“ That’s What …”
“ again Let me ask you . one people's life sacrifice mangeum get my starve die
going cloth Name life save number if there is then What would you do? one
people's life throw away cloth name Would you like to save me?"
court of law firmly closed lips Absolutely slowly happened _
' This is ......'
question only little changed Only . changed case nothing no _ However here yes
sun if thrown away he people's life instead money chosen lice Became throw away
isn't it ?
chieftain immediately don't answer can't let's hold back one hundred thousand
again asked .
“ Maybe money Is it a problem ? then grain is How about ? one people's by
sacrifice everyone save grain get number if there is Person instead grain Would
you like to ?”
“ Hey , look . Deputy Chief Jang ..... This is What …”
“ Grain Is it difficult ? then rather that grains grow up pay with a pile of manure Do
you ? full rice get pay if it is manure to the chief one people's than life be important
capital There must be .”
“ Representative Jang Moon !”
intolerable the court on the spot jump happened _ His two in the snow to live
soared _ Shaolin moderator the court gushing live _ under heaven nobody Shh can
afford number there will be no
However one hundred thousand one chido back off did n't
“ Sit down . My the horse yet it's over did not .”
“ What Sophistry ...!”
" Why is it sophistry ? the host did if you say one People saving than cloth name
save means more be important number yes isn't it ? then he life one et cetera than
a pile of manure Can not do it so what The problem Will it? "
“ Look here , Assistant Manager Jang Moon !”
“ In the first place !”
one hundred thousand from the mouth gully voice raised _
“ to compare number Do not have Thing Compare ! to choose number Do not have
Thing to choose if , eventually world every of thing value share It will ! then not
evaluate shouldn't will do Thing to evaluate Becoming , not slashing shouldn't will
do Thing cut down It will !”
the court speechless blocked seemingly lips bit off
“ At first of Haenam life !”
one hundred thousand two in the eyes flames burned up
“ After that on the enemy line besieged friendly life ! After that from the front fight
fallen wounded life ! After that other question life ! that behind power not not young
of the disciples life ! by weighing more value Do not have Thing give up number
that there is horse , this world every Thing throw it away number that there is horse
and what Is it different !"
“ Abandon it ! Throw it away ! throw away In addition Throw it away ! like that lose
shouldn't will do even that all Pay throwing away what you want to keep do you !
the host you are speaking more Many these are where do you have the host you
are speaking Cheonha Manmin how where Is there !”
“ This ....”
“ yourself believe accompanying even these like a devotion Pay throw away lice
how how one-sided diagram Do not have these Protect I'm willing to pay will it ?
the chairperson Manmin Arguing , that Manmin most value without here is this is
back chieftain Isn't it ! that is Shaolin The intention is that chairperson If it is a
cause !”
one hundred thousand this clenched wedge stuck _
" The volcano that cause and together work never there will be no will ."

1188 episodes . in the future to walk It's a road . (3)

at any moment rush as if one hundred thousand staring the court deep breathe was
blown away Then slowly again in place sat down

However His eyes are in place sit down than before More cold light spouting there was

" tell me didn't you It's called mouth-to-mouth ."

His voice is like ice cubes one hundred thousand dug into

" to choose number Do not have Thing Choose . I will capital there will be However that
make a choice Sun doing crab leading it 's outside nobody sun gist not make a choice
Sun doing lice !"


" Therefore to compare number Do not have Thing compare , drop shouldn't will do
make a decision dismountable other than that ! Deputy Minister Jang Moon that Into
the mouth tell me didn't you ? that responsible I will carry it then Deputy Manager Jang
Moon one People exoneration for cloth Name life Give up doing that right you do are
you? "
one hundred thousand don't answer does not OK the court it behold seemingly face
frowned .

" More than everyone to discuss number there is However that More than Because die
going of these boiled who reward mean ?"

" Who to the chief that make a choice will do qualify did you give it to me ?"

one hundred thousand to the question the court two Eyes woke up

" of Shaolin because it's a roommate of others life to scale number there is will it ? if not
the host Different not As a legal ambassador to judge number there is will it ?"

" Look here ! Assistant Jang Moon !"

" to choose number Do not have Thing have to choose do _ that responsible shoulder
have to do ."

simmered one hundred thousand head it was

" that responsible take it copy lice It's only the boss seemingly tell me do not that already
Many these walked the road, and the ancestors contemplating In addition troubled work .
and they already in future generations conclusion told ."

"... for future generations ?"

court of law on the face puzzled seemingly rubbed off predecessor how To them what
speak told mean ?

" The chief also accustomed you know I mean . we are that meaning consult call me ."

court of law face distorted _

" that what obvious … … "

" obvious sound what wrong are you? "

one hundred thousand on the face passion was young

" darling yourself to be wise here is this is every on measure bring put it on . However
really wise this is not evaluate shouldn't will do that is not evaluate does not ! they are
ancestors so chieftain you are speaking bar didn't you know ? they just I'm stupid that fact
not discuss Wouldn't you?"


" Only the head don't think not thing ! With this Lee follow up without , my Mind going
Path accompanying thing ! predecessor that consult called . and for us Only that
consultation Jekyll Thing I begged you! that they I was stupid because of this not that is
only was correct Because. "

court of law face waves trembled _

" They already you knew will . their posterity , own only the brilliance believe value to
judge at the time which Days Is it happening !"

" By the way ... "

" Therefore disciple in teaching I have that More than anything consultation emphasized
will . that simple teaching inside U.S what should take precedence whether to put it in
paid will . Let me ask you , Chief ! that great , that exalted Shaolin predecessor to the
chief what did you tell ?"

the court My fist closely grabbed . His dressed firmly closed Midongdo Island summer
solstice did n't However one hundred thousand already this of question answer know
there was

of course I will lee no _ world which than the clan consultation and in rebirth About relief
emphasized where is Different not Because it's Shaolin . so that Shaolin strong north
become , so far strong north become , so far strong the guardian to be number there was
crab Is n't it ?

" that the ancestor now moderator look what would you like to that doleful self-sacrifice
really Are you sorry ? tears of blood shedding down make a choice Good job Would you
like to compliment me?"

" Shut up !"

court of law from the mouth lion's back burst came out

This His reason broken sound and at the same time , endangered maintained negotiator
broken it was the sound

" Listen let's listen Hani , I ca n't doing sound I don't think so ! now Shaolin consultation
Even if I forsake said you mean ?"

" Then follow Are you there ?"

" What !"

" replace the chairperson negotiator what you think are you? "

" Then the volcano know there is you mean ?"

" I well I don't know . However in the volcano know there is lice There is ."

one hundred thousand gaze immediately one to a person returned _

" Yoonjong !"

suddenly yourself vocative voice is like a scream let's fall Yoon Jong sparkly surprised Him
looked up

" I Are you talking ?"

" volcanic as a disciple Answer . consultation What is it !"

“ Consultation is … ”

Yoon Jong Still Eyes rolled up perplexed to the extent sudden A question , but roughly
wrap around number is there was no this in the answer that which than ever sincere have
to contain do _

therefore Yoon Jong the answer is little out of nowhere in a place started _

" Doga -do non-sang-do (道可道不常道) . Dora if you call no more Taoga No , negotiate
consult vocative Moment consultation is more More than negotiator not will ."

His voice is increasingly more calmly sink went _

" Doran If you ask The more I wonder More floating clouds grasped seemingly far away
and the people thinking as if complete and ideal something No. _ Likewise Conference
Also not complete does not . sometimes wacky , sometimes selfish , sometimes It's
unreasonable . people's Mind so Because it is ."

" Again ."

" But so that negotiator consultant will be . Doran every Thing naturally let it go put thing
. then water is Under flowing naturally flows . sometimes bend over and then stay and
again sometimes scattered but Eventually should be will do place heading towards .
people's mind Also same . what is mind sometimes stupid , sometimes evil , sometimes
Selfish, but in the end water is flowing wide to a place Moving on ."

again knit Yoon Jong two in the eyes deep light was young

" So finally consultation People believing thing . my chest on the call answering will be .
do that number if there is eventually correct to a place move on Because it will ."

one hundred thousand Big head nodding court looked up

" Did you hear that ?"

However the court still furious stick shot it

" what did you hear I mean ! just bald ideal day it's just Don't you ! So , that Great
idealism die conflict They … … "

" Ah , that really pond listen I'll give it to you."

somewhere touk protruding in sarcasm court of law head up one side swish returned _
door on the side sit down there was Im So-byeong sneakily that look at while ignoring
steadfastly speak was _

" so thousands of people for the sake of Mind big one even a person more help if you
want why between the internodes stuck fist or wielding whether you are I don't know . in
office if you went out more more help would have been I would ."

" Gee , now how what ... … "

the court giga clogged with face Lim So-byeong looked up The green forest king one ,
yes have to see Sapa monster . then lice how court of law in front like that speak line up
mean ?

" wrong nonsense No. "

then court More bewildered one that is It was Namgungdowi . of the five generations
chieftain Namgung Sega's Soga-ju Different eardrum no of the green forest speak
helping spiral will _

" More big work and more _ big meaning to achieve crab certainly more correct work If
you do , Kang -ho itself It's a contradiction isn't it ? U.S to exist number there is The
reason is country strength world everywhere reach every these don't look down can't
Because . really the host cause if you want to discuss small in shaolin the world discuss
rather than , rather country buoyantly So Kang Ho-ga very to disappear fabricated side
right Don't you ?"

" Sogaju !"

court of law two in the eyes bloody it was revealed

" all like this to come out is it ? that I don't mind unhappy with sophistry situation Really

" Stop it , Chief ."

that Moment cool voice is court of law speak hung up

the court Moment speechless clogged _ too much Familiar voice is it was heard It was
Hyeyeon .

" The chief Wrong ."

"... what did you?"

" The chief you were wrong did ."

“ You … ”

court of law on the face bewilderment young _

Different these are I will number there is However Hye Yeon-man so not becomes _ no
matter how the court ripple in the mouth raised enemy have Hae- do , Hye-yeon anyway
he directly raise taught Because .

then Hyeyeon how this speak will do number do you connect

" now The chief of these speak try to deny summer solstice shouldn't will do speak do
There is ."

" What bullshit doing are you?"

" Buddha , Shakyamuni long-time asceticism at the end enlightenment got back what did

out of nowhere to the question the court answer instead Hyeyeon pierce through saw _
Hyeyeon was ambiguous

" The Buddha enlightenment got back , seven Days seven th pass while agony at the end
under heaven Own teach spread middle-aged to rescue answer take out you let go then
Buddha For the first time did Days What is it ?"

this time too returning the answer is there was no the answer come back girl expected
crab was not seemingly Hyeyeon answer came up with

" that hand reaching where there is to them preach , and feet reaching where there is
these disciple accepting it was ."

" Hyeyeon . This , this guy ... "

" Amita Buddha ."

Hyeyeon head of class and speak was _

" The Buddha the world to save You did , but heaven every where reach disrespect myself
make it did not , in the past identity using that meaning more far to spread lower leg You
didn't . Buddha Oh my gosh moaning middle-aged for one work that high meaning
closely there is to them tell taught thing . yes , just That 's it ."

Hyeyeon's clear transparent eyes to the court headed _

" that horse wonder become , that teaching illegal has been . like that being propagated
flow up to the chief reached that Isn't it ?"

court of law Snow shook .

Shaolin host he this on horse undeniable number no _

" of the chief if logical Buddha did work small on pass does not . more big place pussy
unhappy Foolish dental in action It's just . that big bulldoze realized Buddha thousands of
people for nothing summer solstice did not crab will be . However chieftain . that
teaching indeed Was it in vain ?"


" Therefore myself grow up thinking this is Deputy Manager Jang Moon meaning by
swearing not felled will be . Bondi what is illegal yourself saving from thing beginning ,
endlessly selfish length Isn't it ? By the way how My in hand reaching this to save lifting
this stupid selfish to criticize medical charge are there? "

" yes this guy ... … "

" The chief Shaolin being the moderator Before , the Buddha teach to follow doing one
people's If you are a fire … … "

Hyeyeon's voice is sombrely court swept shook .

" by yourself to hell to fall lip skin previously , which that for real Whether it is a fire you
should have been thinking do ."

Hyeyeon pity to the fullest put , but Absolutely firmly declared _

" The chief ... Wrong ."

that horse sharp like a dagger court of law heart pierced through

1189 episodes . in the future to walk It's a road .(4)

court of law vacant eyes for a long time to Hyeyeon fall off did n't

Hye Yeon Eun dare that look at facing pussy did n't afraid or It's embarrassing No. _ just
now he court facing see that to the court too much harsh Days to be girl get to know It
was because
" Huh ... "

for awhile After , the court from the mouth frustrated the sound of laughter flowed out

" Heh heh ... Heh heh heh ... … "


" Heh heh heh heh ."

the court Finally look at play it Different these It was Everyone is that two in the eyes
steady will contain there was the court head to stir outrageous no seemingly said .

" Now I saw … … in the first place This nothing meaning Do not have I think it was a seat
. to be together thought Do not have to them I just hanging there would have been only

" Chief ."

" Assistant Jang Moon ."

the court quietly to wear opened . His in the voice more More than hostility anger
packed yes did n't

" you You won ."

court of law cool in the eyes why what packed whether one hundred thousand egg
medical charge there was no

" I thy logic break myself there is no theory there is still talking this I what channel Will you
win ?"

His gaze one hundred thousand beyond to Hyunjong heading to complex and strange
expression building there is to Hyunjong I mean .

" The world how much scary where if you know car even in the mouth I can't talk speak
Boldly doing young people are pushed out old people what channel Can you afford it ?"

“ Chairman . We are … ”

" Assistant Jang Moon ."

again to a hundred thousand towards court of law in the eyes bitterish seemingly buried

" that stubborn more than that , high consultation , and that shake Do not have the
theory someday Deputy Manager Jang Moon neck cringe called a volcano clan to
destruction lead capital that there is girl you should know ha ."

" Justice crying these are strength Before surrender , have mercy crying these are badly
trampled on , negotiated discussing these are in scourge sore throat bay place ."

one hundred thousand Jigsi Eyes rolled up

" Life is I am old , and the world is Except for the devil hell that stubborn more than that
hell hold on will do power is be it , that hell replace strength not I can't ."

the court thick sigh exhaled _ His face no wonder a lot exhausted seemed _

" This is low degree gossip no other than just true I will Other than that , it's true ."

one hundred thousand The chest even if crushed one seemingly got heavy he how Do n't
you know ? the volcano already enough experienced one person that .

the court again asked .

" with that really okay is it ? grandly I said, but in the end until now sun came as if the
volcano most in front sacrifice , blood to shed I mean I don't ."


" around spare line do not know lice how thousands of people to think number will there
be Did you ? then backwards , so around dear lice how one-sided diagram Do not have
these for that wasteful life take out to let go do it . that the thorny road , the hell same
Path called consultation lamplight as one revealing to walk number Will there be ? thy
name to follow dead to them it was great congratulations number Will there be ?"

this is with a bad feeling doing horse it wasn't

it's court so blue dream dreamed the times Was n't there ? that chest in spirit burned
enemy Was n't there ? worn out I want to wearing lice Oh my gosh where will there be
the body get old street that only the chest hot want that Person that .

This already past lice yet backcountry unhappy to this handing over advice , and tread
came back thorny road dare destined to posterity handing over was a concern .

However one hundred thousand that on horse just laughing fell .

" my name follow perishing These are did you?"

"That 's right ."

one hundred thousand this time around there is these looked up

" Chief , can you see ?"


" of the chief in the eyes they myself right here not command life bet to follow with these
Can you see it ?"

the court head turned _ there firm with face court looking up there is volcanic the
disciples there was

" As a long sentence I will do work just , their most in front in the fire pit jumping that's
all ."

" you directly ?"

" Yes ."

one hundred thousand head nodded . the court absurd seemingly asked .

" Moon Joo to be lice most dangerous where My body to throw are you? "

" I do can't the reason is What is it ?"

" Assistant Jang Moon ... "

" Chairman . The chieftain chairperson take a seat nobody to replace pond will do Do you
think ?"

this to the question the court to wear closed .

" other the doorstep of course Shaolin student among the who one chairperson take a
seat replace lice there will be none here will . the host too much excel Because . But … … "

one hundred thousand head I stumbled .

" I No. _ I volcanic anyone me replace number that I think . just Now is I go out turn date
only . Someday than me more better lice of course My take a seat to inherit will ."

court of law lips a little trembled _ then Him looking one hundred thousand smile built .

" Moon Paran therefore present That is . alone will do number Do not have Thing do for ,
and in a lifetime across found will in future generations bequeathing for , so for real
excellent The long sentence … … "

one hundred thousand head turn Hyeonjong glance looking at speak was _

" posterity believe number there is This is . and posterity more better by way conflict
number so that doing This is it ."

that on horse clear shoulder a little trembled _

' Long sentence death sentence ... … '

laughing there is hearing look in front of you visible only was like every that is posterity
and the future for the sake of was talking look was good

" So I scruple without jump in will be . Gro Because shedding blood to bear will be . that
blood , that will , that sacrifice a volcano More like a volcano make what is fact believe
doubt not Because. "


" and with me Different of mundos action the volcano so far not wrong not Path that you
have been walking fact to prove will ."

" Assistant Jang Moon ."

the court sigh exhaled _

" I dare this speak chart whether I don't know , sorry blowing just one more I will ask you

" Please Xiamen , Chief ."

" that means well Okay . for some reason I understand . However nevertheless one but
only at all unravel I hope not ."

" That's What is it ?"

the court hundred thousand and one Hyunjong , and volcanic the disciples that in the
eyes contained _

" The volcano with it Are you okay ?"


" that high will , that stop line do not know negotiator which result with came most well
know place volcano Is n't it ?"

the court frog asked .

" This time too same result welcome to be capital there is and that high Conference
Because rather the world collapsing result welcome to be capital there is the volcano
really still it's okay mean ?"

one hundred thousand Binggrae smile built .

" Chief . Lee to the question About the answer is volcanic Deputy Manager Jang Moon
not volcanic Lee Dae-Jin as a hundred thousand give will do thing It's like ."
"... one As a disciple mean ?"

" Yes ."

one hundred thousand taking a deep breath speak was _

" The chief you said the part me most for a long time to worry did . past and together act
past and same result welcome felled that indeed correct whether it's work I mean ."

"... Amitabha Buddha ."

" I Also once upon a time ancestors I was stupid Eyes spilled equator there was , meaning
Do not have sacrifice said angry paid equator There was . rather than resentment in
sorrow near was an emotion I mean . However chieftain . chairperson as you say strong
go through copy Since the I conclusion get off number there was ."

one hundred thousand volcanic the disciples looked up this the horse just to the court
doing the answer is not , these to everyone doing the word seems like

Then head turn court upright staring Absolutely serious in voice to wear opened .

" The chief they that's wrong do you think ?"


" again Let me ask you . that with life consultation went through people that it was
wrong do you think ?"

“ That is… ”

" No . No . Yes . not ."

one hundred thousand head I stumbled .

" A person line doing The reason is that line these bring Because . that by itself good luck
Because. "


" Even on the road sidetone sense forced , even in impossibility in rebirth About have
mercy to emphasize The reason is that sidetone center be merciful good result Import
because of this No. _ diarrhea result good not chart being a person Because , as a person
line doing that right Because. "

one hundred thousand two eyes are downright at will be strong seemed _
" The chief You are a Buddhist, and I It's a dosa . together why U.S predecessor to judge
that result have to discuss do you even if world Everyone is that choice that it was wrong
blame though , at least chief and We so not felled thing Isn't it ?"


" returned result good I couldn't for a reason line If you criticize me , line doing this is no
one Namji not to be will be . good luck for rather than doing to yourself good result to
bring only work want to field will be . then chairperson as the saying goes royalties hell
and be different bar it will be gone chieftain . the host you said with hell same royalties
fabricated that is Are you an ancestor ? if not are we ?"

without a word one hundred thousand looking at court of law Snow small trembling
there was

" wrong pay the price pay will do Those who with life line did predecessor No. _ be
punished get will do these are that ancestral High meaning properly take over unhappy
posterity , and high meaning bury discarded These are . current Kang Ho-ga that
ancestral meaning take over consultation If practiced , now and not equal would not
have Tenni I mean ."


" same result no regrets won't you did you?"

one hundred thousand Binggrae laughed _

" volcanic predecessor left behind means the volcano subsequent one , one hundred
years and thousand year and lead will be . maybe called a volcano two letters Oh my
gosh stay there is one forever It will continue ."

"... Assistant Manager Jang Moon ."

" I wish that if there is Only one . I Also their Path follow , to the fore I'm not ashamed not
the latter felled will be . therefore Someday I Also like them will go through in future
generations lead lice felled will ."


" my Select Because the world crumble capital that You did , Chief . we are already magic
defeated . already capital Do not have Sapa call out stop paid out . However this time
too we are In addition same situation Before stood . Why ?"

one hundred thousand two in the eyes firmness was young

" Truly consultation do not practice I can't , my predecessor meaning properly take over
unhappy successors Foolish do repeat Because . compromise In addition compromise, and
the reality name Before slow down to step back Repeat , whenever we are In addition
Different magic facing stand up to be will be . In addition Different saffron knife face to
face to be will be . and Someday To them You will lose ."

"... Assistant Manager Jang Moon ."

" my in conclusion It is one ."

one hundred thousand shoulder unfolded _ he inherited volcanic will with him were

" This deep folly more not repeat not even for yourself learn frozen Thing to practice do .
that is volcanic Lee Dae-Jin My Will , volcanic Jang Moon's agent My will, and also … … "

one hundred thousand this every Conversation to finish last speak that in the mouth
contained _

" volcanic It's a will ."

Everyone is overwhelming with face one hundred thousand looking at in the midst of
one only people head dropping fell .

Qingming . His shoulder faintly trembling there was

1190 episodes . in the future to walk It's a road . (5)

Was it right ? if not Wrong ?

for the blue that make judgment get off deserve there was no Right away that Because
he was a party .

no matter how he fiercely to the hearing I protested Handel , the contemporary the
volcano one work stop inside unhappy sympathizer in fact change does not so that to rate
number there was no

sigh mixed It's a fight buril number even though , that the spirit disparaging to them
angry pay number is even though , that choice brought pain My to life receive paid these
in front predecessor was right the horse car will do number there was no

However now , their meaning inherited these predecessor not wrong didn't Say it give
there was Cheongmyeong only one never then think forced enemy despite not having I
mean .
what if really hearing including the death penalty in the realm this the sight watching If
..... day by day exalted going volcanic Rather than a phase , alone stay midfield across
there is clear More than an activity , a hundred thousand I horse more big consolation
would have been

they life throwing to tell one that finally So far continued girl Know would have been
Because . their death value Do not have that that it wasn't Thing identify number to be
Because .

one hundred thousand court looking Binggrae smile built .

“ Therefore We our Path veil I do , Chief .”


" Of course chieftain in your view Silly same stupid may be seen I don't know . But ... in
the world then stupid too should be doing thing Is n't it ?"

speak finished he court toward depth head bowed down

“ the chief make a suggestion not accept not able I understand feel free to I hope .”

“ ......... Amitabha Buddha .”

the court Eyes winding up dislike was out any long want silence only after slowly Eyes
popped up he around Different the patrons looked back

“ Chun Woo Meng’s Different You too meaning Are you the same ?"

“ Yes .”

most first answered case It was party music . he serious with face head nodding added .

“ hit young whether it's the end I don't know , but the volcano Deputy Manager Jang
Moon on horse is wrong no I think .”


“ And perhaps the world alterative case old-fashioned these not like that of these It will be
a decision . Oh my gosh acclimatized these seemingly stupid only hastily felt then
decision I mean .”

party evil on the lips young smile more deepened _

“ Is that right ? Wrong? right away to judge number to be to the extent I wise this is
nope , at least I make a choice accompanying on regret there will be no will be . which
result welcome to say chart I mean .”
Namgungdowi Also head nodding was in sync and to wear opened .

“ Chief .”

“ …… Tell me , Soga- ju .”

“ I Also paternalistic choice must was right speak want case No. _ that the choice is
certainly It was hasty .”

the court sombre expression build _ rather on Namgungdo expression was quiet .

“ But Yes Handeul , my father-in- law that on the chest had even the spirit deny want to
does not . that the spirit losing Moment Namgung Eun every Thing losing thing or same
here Is n't it ?"

“ ……”

“ Therefore Namgungse Also volcanic that meaning to be together do . Namgung Sega

Changcheon first generation speak redemption for most at loss not to be that self-
righteousness Because. ”

court of law in the mouth insignificant smile was young

that speak I admit it No. _ just myself old crab anew I felt it Because .

still empathize difficult . just only hastily looks like what is the world only with will break
through get out number to be as much as comfy place Is n't it ? But ......

' I Also It must have been .'

The past court Also now with these picture different would not have will _ the court
finally the world accept yourself cut off gave out However these are with him Different
Path I will walk declare there is

Wrong would you ? Or .......

" other of people the horse dare listen pussy even if you don't to be thing It is like .”

already their eyes that decision what is Say it give there was

“ I …”

the court for awhile speak hang up Hyeyeon looked up do not turn away without face to
face come face to face coming Hyeyeon's in sight court of law corner of the mouth little
more curl up went up

“ one people's as a Buddhist your make a choice I respect you . that High the spirit how
what in words to cut down number Will you be there ?"
Hyeyeon's Snow a little got bigger However the court Within head I stumbled .

“ But one people's Buddhist No , of Shaolin as a foreman your make a choice to respect It
is difficult . that spirit wrong result cause in case your death alone that result can afford
number no Because. ”

“ Chief ......”

the court That's right not little bitterish expression built .

“ So … the Shaolin , and Shaolin Department together old file room The fifth generation
Forward in heaven About which support summer solstice won't , and Cheonwoomaeng
independently in progress at work opposite doctor clearly will do will be .

one hundred thousand face a little hardened .

this the horse old file room officially Chun Woo Meng old file room each other Different
it's a place fact to announce and different not .

I'm ready do , but actually court of law from the mouth this horse coming out girl I heard
spine getting cool case what to do number there was no old file room , that yes in letters
how much deep history and legitimacy are you together more than anyone well know to
be Because .

“ Also Chun Woo Meng other gate liver occurring even in dispute The old file room not
intervene won't will .”

“ Chief !”

this on horse reacted this is It was party music .

Different these are Is that so do hand over capital There may be , but only party evil this
horse what do you mean clearly to understand Because . This even if saffron Cheon Woo
Meng attacking situation happens Even though the old file room is Cheon Woo Meng
help I won't declared and no different

this declaration meaning that is only one .

complete division .

so far Shaolin Cheon Woo Meng partisan one forked admit it came anyway _ themselves
have to bear will do Target look up came . so that each other quarrel even if there is
blatantly not hostile did n't

However the court now this on the spot , more More than Cheon Woo Meng potential as
an ally pussy I won't declared will _
Kang Ho-sa in Shaolin wish old file room , same on the wave About hostile declared
enemy was there

perhaps This Cheon Woo Maeng is called ' Jeongpa ' even the truth deny spiral whether
or not I don't know . Shaolin Department The old file room under heaven every Yang
Min-gwa wave to protect because it's a place

Backwards Say it their protection take it unable these are sectarian no nonsense not isn't
it ? Different Path to walk Declaration with one to afford too much big It was the price .

party music looking at court of law gaze to a hundred thousand move went _ so much
big declaration even though one hundred thousand previous and even alittle don't
change did n't just calmly court of law look at accept there was

' That's great ."

the court Such declaration one thing , these About bad feelings because it wasn't

Volcano , Cheonwoomaengi why that Path veil do you now I understood . However court
Also Own Path have to walk doing person . the spirit two in letters every fate to hang he
too much far Wow abandoned .

then that Also Own from the standpoint do your best have to do will do ter . at least one
more Many power assemble the world to come over to these to oppose In order to with
the blind want to join of these move stop infield do _

even if that In progress Cheon Woo Meng by evil should be stipulated to say chart I
mean .

“I understand I will give it to you .”

that chilly speak exhaled crab myself even if not one seemingly in court the voice just It
was quiet . that ask a question received one hundred thousand quietly sigh exhale _

“ Honestly understanding is It's difficult, though ."

Then Within head all he shoulder proudly spread out court faced _

“ That’s chairperson cause punctual If there is a way , we Also moderator to blame

qualification is There will be none .”

the court lightly smile built .

Cheon Woo Maeng Own line firmly and the old file room Cheon Woo-blind momentum
to break justification get paid out
he wanted result not , but got that that there is no will do number there was no in heaven
About position exactly summer solstice If not , by now he in heaven being dragged there
would have been Because .

“ Then has been .”

chieftain on the spot happened _ this long Conversation to finish This time said seems
like OK sit down there was Everyone is on the spot wake up then court watched _

“ Amitabha Buddha .”

the court head of class and dislike was out

“ good with face to break up hard It has been , but each other position I checked make
sense that there wasn't will do number there will be no will .”

“ We Also picture I think .”

court of law gaze from a hundred thousand with clarity move went _ Something
expression mysterious visible clarification looking at court of law gaze this time Eyes
winding up there is to Hyeyeon headed _

" Stubborn more than finally collapsing The reason is that more than to go through
length Absolutely to be painful it's because ter .”

that voice is everyone's in the ear clearly stuck _

“ of Shaolin being the moderator Before one people's Unmanned , difficult make a
decision got off to you About respect mark . please that length Too not tough not .”

the court slowly head bow down Everyone is facing head bowed down

“ Well then .”

and the court regret without body turned _

Something regret left blazing Jong-hyung Different these stare Look at court of law
behind follow room outside went out patrons then court to see off for a room went out

“ Seeing off It's ok .

“ Nevertheless polite crab There is ……”

“ That one My Mind It is convenient .”

“ If that’s the case …”

the court Binggrae smiling Hyeonjong looked up

“ My lord .”

“ Yes , Chief .”

“ great the disciples You left it .”

“ . . . for me undeserved They are guys .”

the court Binggrae smile building said .

“ next time smiling with face each other to face number wish do .”

“ Me too be so I hope .”

“ Hello .”

the court manor front door toward let's walk Everyone is then court of law back view
watched _ and that moment , till the end endured Hyeyeon Forward run went out

pretend to be popular felt the court swipe Hyeyeon looked back

really run away but what _ speak Sun Whether egg number no Hyeyeon let's hold back
the court first speak handed over

“ directly go through Look .”

“ You so far of these deceit saw _ these to achieve only saw _ However that conscious the
price what know discarded More than that , from now on you Also that responsible share
shoulder will do will .”

“ …… Yes , Chief .”

“ Then myself feeling barga to be will _ in the shaolin go cheek number Do not have It will
be a long way ."

that horse It was over .

healthy words , congratulations words , even resentful even a horse leave behind without
the court regret without manor went out

that commanding step by step watched Tang military evil sigh rested .

“ The janitor You are the room chief .”

"...... Yes ."

one hundred thousand in good spirits head nodded .

“ such are you a person Shaolin chieftain It must have been .”

Tang military evil small smile building said .

“ Too don't worry Don’t .”

“ Yes ?”

“ volcanic long text Also anyone doing place is no Say it ."

one hundred thousand on the lips Department of Tang Gun Music same smile bloomed

“ It should be so .”

court of law My back left one hundred thousand gaze high into the firmament headed _
cloud one dot Do not have the sky seemed _

“ For sure .”

eternally open blue the sky them just look down report there was

1191 episodes . why like that felled what ? (One)

“ Chief .”


“ Chief !”

repeatedly called only after the court shape of the bell looked back bell-shaped face is
naked heat up there was the court undisturbedly asked .

“ Why Is that so , long storyteller ?”

“ Really like this to die will it ?"

“ So ?”

Jong-hyung that it is boring seemingly heat up raised .

“ like this lukewarm to finish Days Isn't it ! their arrogance report then reaction are you
coming out ?"

“ The chief directly did This is a suggestion . No , no . that is where the host did Is this a
suggestion ? old file room directly one offer Isn't it ?"

the bell type two in the eyes double wick turn on furious in tone speak was _
“I mean right That 's right , the chief how much good make a suggestion did are you sure
dare listen even if you don't to be to the bitter endure stretched out hand , how that
hand like this kick abandoned mean ?"

However the court then Him report Binggrae just laugh did _

“ good Isn't it ?"

“ Yes ?”

“ old For Ambition overflowing young people see as much as happy work Do not have It's
the law . Moreover Shaolin Bulgara grunge there determined these view even more It is
difficult .”

“ Gee , now this Such …”

“ Leave it Let's leave it .”

the court Still head I stumbled .

“ easily conflict number there is Days misaligned that is I'm sorry , actually Our from the
standpoint look picture Bad ten thousand No. ”

Jong-hyung zero Understanding Branch not saying seemingly head was tilted

“ This is how Bad Days Isn't it ? them absorbing place Failed, and the manager openly
Disgrace ... ugh , no , that ..."

" disgrace I got hit .”

“ That , that meaning is It wasn't …”

Jong-hyung end of words crushed swipe court of law look at avoided _

no matter how good try to pack sun let 's see what horse Either way , in the end outside
let's see Shaolin host the court now gat volcanic at Jangmoon right to a hundred
thousand admonish listen tail subtract discarded only with invisible won't Because .

that stubborn Shaolin chieftain blue volcanic to Deputy Manager Jang Moon disgrace
suffered It's work , the luxuries how much would you like I don't know I don't know few
days pass by before I'm strong do not know lice Do not have rumor Became throw away
will _

“ so do you think little I'm sorry do .”

“ Chief ?”
the bell type continuity Understanding not going seemingly court stare saw _ the horse
feel sorry but no matter how look at it now court of law face is pitiful unfamiliar was not
Because .

is it an illusion I don't know , rather little feel relieved until you see did _

“ This is Bad ten thousand It is not .”

intolerable Jong-hyung again asked .

“ In the end every that catastrophe stricken that Isn't it ? Cheon Woo Maeng gupawa
Different Path I will walk declared . that result Kang Ho-eun than before more clearly in
two not divided Wasn't it ?"

“ saffron and magician midfield hositamtam aiming There is , between us It's division .
Oh my gosh this grotesque do it where are there? "

“ Amitabha Buddha .”

that speak even listening calmly dislike except the court Was it frustrating , Jong-ri-
hyung? road voice raised _

“ This the law None . It's called the old file room. So , let 's go so always between just
good would you? sometimes than enemies more severely confronted place old file room
Isn't it ? still strong crisis shut up if you want when was that seems to be back second put
together fought . so that old file room old file visit number there was thing Isn't it ?"

“ Yes . It was .”

that the horse not wrong didn't seemingly the court calmly head nodded .

“ But how there rude speak will do number there is mean ? no matter how yet young Even
though it is these the law None !"

the court Binggrae smile built .

“ Long-Wayman .”

“ Yes ?”

“ The successors I don't know committing work successor wrong not ancestral Wrong .”

“ That , that ”

“ In the end , the the horse My on the face spit spitting to be Only . we properly inform
not persuade unhappy will , who blame would you like to? "
Jong-hyung zero planting uncomfortable seemingly I was coughing . the court again
once laughed _

“ And … the volcanic Deputy Manager Jang Moon one the horse simple pagina out of
ignorance originated only No. _ know can't learn because I couldn't doing horse not ,
rather Too well learn well _ By-self doing I mean .”

“ That’s What …?”

the court Katabuta do not elaborate without just head I stumbled .

“ So just Let's watch .”

“ Chief . one Now is one o'clock Urgent ......”

“ The more you hurry go back Isn't it ?"

the bell type lips snuggle Chew Waiting started _ To be honest Say it the court What
believe Wolf Is the world peaceful? at all egg medical charge there was no

“ Chief , really . you don't know are you? ”

“ what mean ?”

“ This consultative in a breakdown Because the host how much big damage did you wear
I mean . not Still …”

Jong-hyung say not to wear shut up abandoned . However the court he what speak want
to did it know that there is seemingly instead speak finish gave _

“ location to narrow Road narrowed in the state okay consultation suggested disgrace I
got it , now me facetiously see these more to become more that You will say it .”

“ It’s okay .”

the bell type don't answer However , the court already answer heard seemingly speak
Following went _

“ such case picture not important It 's not . important thing , whatever old file room
isolated in the situation said to be will .”

“ second horse That ......”

doldrums seemingly I want to agree bell-shaped in the ear perplexed horse plugged in

“ now in the situation than this more good Days where are there? "

the bell type dazed with face Eyes It was terrifying .

“ Oh , no , chief . say the word wrong did crab Isn't it ? this how good is it work ? rather
than this more Bad work to find difficult That 's about it .”

that on horse the court head lightly I stumbled .

“ Work is to think therefore changing It's the law . think sun Look , long writer . now The
old file room partisan even within location diminished want to doing work as you please
summer solstice unable situation Became I threw it away . right Don't you ?”

“ Yes ! My horse that That 's right !"

“ So Absolutely good situation person That’s it .”

the bell type outrageous heart don't hide can't court pierce through saw _ In my mind , '
this yangban disgrace I got hit mind very get out Did you throw it away ?' doing profane
thinking all heard _

However the court then His expression report just haha laughed _

“ of the theravada horse to understand difficult It is a shape , long- printed .”

“ Honestly Yes .”

“ The old man . so far world People old file room not _ _ in the walk cheering hand listen
June the reason is what is Do you know ?"

“ Yeah ……”

Jong-hyung answer summer solstice could n't I don't know not His Into the mouth speak
want to not reason It was because

“ consultation Because ? ”


“ Yes . of course he too That's right . However that is everything is No. _ so far People
Cheon Woo Meng pushed The reason is old file room is strong to be in power Because.

“ Ah …”

just then the court what speak do you understood Jong-hyung fiercely head nodded .

Different these when you hear to point maybe a horse I don't know , but Jong-ri type
court of law horse picture not wrong not got it

of the people in recognition The old file room implicit strong man At the same time ,
absolutely are powerful strong to protect called Jeongpa recognize Because openly
hostility not mark won't only , their in the walk ship hurting three people why isn't there ?

“ Then the host did The word is …”

“ Yes , long- timer . this time to work The old file room Anymore strong no to be will .”

chieftain Still speak Following went _

“ Gangnam I saffron took over , and the west side Cheon Woo Blind seized situation . As
a result In the past Than old file room location is half below said to have decreased I will
have a look .”

“ ……”

“ So world People no more old file room Anything My made up Road will do number
there is Kang Ja-ra pussy won't will . and that in the old file room belonged these Also It
will be the same .”

court of law on the face strange smile was young

“ on the outside enemy If it occurs , the inside to unite It is prepared . so far old file
room each other not agree not the reason is what is Do you know ?"

Jong-hyung a little troubled seemingly hesitate that answer came up with

“ outside never ....... properly became enemy was not Because of that .”

“ Yes , yes . one th steep forage that I suffered But , I saffron old file room to bring down
to some extent was not Because . However now How about ? Cheon Woo Blind in the
old file room away get out discarded moment , saffairun no more comfy enemy no has
been . furthermore The old file room I With Cheon Woo Meng partisan center leave
arguing doing It is the situation .”

“ second in hand gripped Thing robbed want doing this is None . I today's result
announcing moment , so far feet without there was old file room the clans think different
no choice but to there will be no will .”

“ …… really Would you like that?"

still doubt not erase unhappy In the voice , the court Eyes winding up dislike was out

“ Right now in Sichuan there is only the clan even if you look Yes . Cheongseong ARMY
to the south sapphire in threat afflicted , in the north Cheon Woo-blind on the mighty
tormented There is . they It's called the old file room. roof without hold on pay number
Are you there ?”
“ ....... the store manager more It must be severe . shopkeeper to Yunnan located place .”

“ Yes , yes .”

actually so far Sichuan clan to the court revolt heard big reason middle The one is old file
room internal secret conflict conflict to blame there is

historically Shaolin , Shaman , Huashan , Gong , Jongnam , Open to the center one
Hanam around with the clans Sichuan , Yunnam , and Cheonghae located outskirts the
clans in hand gripped of power size at all was different .

court of law in location in narrowing follow revolt heard the clans together on the
outskirts there is they are scoundrels However now they too no more this confrontation
Following go out can't will _

from shaolin authority little more trying to bring to Cheon Woo Meng have every Thing
to be taken away Panni , what have a choice will there be

“ If you First at the moment the problem is It will be resolved .”

“ That’s all No. ”

the court head small stir said .

“ so far old file room make a choice one will do Whenever Many Thing to consider did
reason Also old file room was strong Because . Everyone is that make a choice to blame
ready Became because there was However now The old file room implicit Kang Ja-ra will
do number no , my way to live find to move chart accusatory have a chance notably
None .”

“ Ah …”

“ such in the meantime I Cheon Woo Blind consultative value there Height I heard you,
the heavens now consultation cost Days to be Whenever old file room not Cheon Woo
Meng to find field will be . little It's awkward But , one foot backwards back off
justification obtained That is .”

the court Binggrae laughed _

“ But It's kind of awkward take over possible Days Is n't it ? so Jang Moon-in . today's
work to hide not in a hurry drink look out Positively Please let me know . Shaolin the
court volcanic young to Deputy Manager Jang Moon disgrace well done being hit make
a suggestion being rejected that you were kicked out I mean .”

“ . . . really still Would you ? ”

“ Nevertheless felled that no , so doing will .”

“ Oh , I see , Chief .”

“ Amitabha Buddha .”

the court quietly dislike was out

they don't know will _ themselves which work did it I mean . now soon changing situation
looking you 'll understand

" Look , Assistant Manager Jang Moon . All at work responsible accompanying girl . that
responsible now old file room not Cheon Woo Blind shoulder will do Go .”

the court just that situation little fast to advance Only . Now is with that It was enough .

“ But Chief ....”

“ Tell me .”

court of law notice a little copy Jong-hyung again to wear opened .

“ But In the end ..... how whatever happened saffron have to fight doing in the yard I
Cheon Woo Blind old file room completely divergence The thing is ……”

the court head I stumbled .

“ Just little to go back only . Eventually in order It will flow ."

“ consultation overflowing young man cowardice Many old man felled that is that
courage to lack Because of this , angst cut off went out also because No. _ It's just ... the
world crab Lee Sang-man good to be as much as comfy place not Because. ”

“I have to .”

“ Why ? ancestors finally to compromise no choice but to whether there wasn't Know If
so , we Where Tulji do not know the heavenly shaft same young Cheon Woo Meng
instead of the world make sense realized Cheon Woo Meng accept number to be It will
be . finally little return instead more better Path conflict number to be felled will .”

“ I understand .”

Jong-hyung now all knew seemingly head nodded . right now only yourself chart one
hundred thousand I aspiration how much Branch can't I'd say don't think did n't

like that head up stiff Cheon Woo Meng absorbing than to break Road broken softened
these absorbing crab more profitable will do will _
Just ......

“ By the way , Chief .”

“ Yeah , the long writer .”

“ That … really perhaps so ask questions It would be , but if ... really on cloth one , in one I
Cheon Woo Blind really till the end their meaning persevere if Then …”

how felled will it ?

of question the finish in anxiety buried abandoned . the court slowly Eyes rolled up

“ Then …”

luck take off long time in silence Eyes winding up there was the court Within the sky
looked up eternally open the sky Eye to chill it was blue

“ Two middle one would be Everyone is to be fair ruin or Or …”

“ ash inside life again As if blooming , like never before Different the world spread out ."

the bell type suddenly murmur body fell . hazy flowed out court of law voice is left
behind aftertaste for a long time go away did n't

1192 episodes . why like that felled what ? (2)

“ Sa , Sasuk !”

“ Why ?”

“ story Did you hear me?”

“ What ?”

in haste the door open came in Kwak Hoe-eul even looking white coat face is just boring
did _ Kwak Hui only the face look right now Magicalado broke in I would like to , but this
wet sandy the guy nothing not at work make a fuss drop stand crab it's everyday Bonnie
that face report notably Interest have did n't

“ A ship , a hundred thousand private residence you know ! hundred thousand Sook !”

“ The death penalty Why ?”

“ Jang Moon-in You are !”

“ Oh , yes . you will be Someday It will be .”

Baek Sang Lee report there was on paper again look at got off
“ No ! Sasuk , that horse not Jang Moon-in Because you are !”

“ Oh , yes . Because I knew .”

“ Gee , it ’s real ! now in the manor rumor dig deep It has spread ! Jang Mun-in hundred
thousand to Sasuk long writer take a seat You gave it to me !”

just then Baek Sang Lee road head holding look at gave _

“… … Jang Moon-in ?”

“ Yes !”

“ Suddenly ?”

“ Because it is ! blitz take a seat You gave it to me ! riot It’s gone , now !”

“ Uh … … So yes In other words , Jang Mun-in to the death penalty long writer take a seat
that you passed on right ?”

“ Yes !”

now Baek Sang Lee I understand subject Happy with sheep Kwak Hoe-ga fiercely head
nodded . that nod see white coat eyes are half way released there was

“… … Why ?”

“ That’s in the future a volcano for … … .”

“ Why ?”

“ bur , court , that Shaolin chief and Conversation while … … .”

“ Why ?”

“… … .”

“ Why ?”

Kwak Hoe-ga to wear closed . white coat lips poodle poodle trembling Thing saw Because
. Baek Sang Lee soul out in voice murmured .

“ So That's ... … .”

“ Yes .”

“ That’s why like that felled is it? ”

“… … that Me too … … .”
“… … .”

blankly Kwak Hoe-eul looking at Great White what to do line I don't know doing Kwak
Hui confrontation like that for a while continued _

“ The death penalty , it’s a fortune sword .”

“ Come in .”

luck sword Still the door open room in entered . Unam is left table Before sit down
documents tidy up there was incoming girl would have heard I would even the eyes gist
without did work Even doing look Oh yeah usual That was it .

the luck sword that Before sitting said .

“ The story I heard .”

“ A hundred thousand Did you mean ?”

“ Yes , the death penalty .”

Unam calmly head nodded .

“ It was so . with you already do not consult unhappy point is I'm sorry . I understand
give I wish .”

“ Say nothing all He does .”

of fortune-telling on the lips small smile tied up

Bondi next on the stand Jang Moon-in should have been will do this is one hundred
thousand not it is fate Unamdo Ungumdo picture thinking at the volcano dozens year
have lived

Jang Moon-in . heavy responsibility heavy burden together place .

nevertheless volcanic mundochigo , long sentence in place rising want greed Do not
have lice some not to be will _ myself just want if of course to climb number there would
have been that take a seat take out let go how much it must have been difficult guess
difficult not .

then big job one it was right after Unam is as usual even alittle be different barga there
was no This is it that inaction high even if you don't luck sword meteorite respectfully to
death enshrined accompanying will _

“You have suffered .”

“ Suffering .”
just then document pile up all organized Unam finely Next let go a fortune teller facing
saw _

“ It should be will do it's work so only that .”

“ in the right way going case Oh yeah easily I hear it actually most difficult work too I do

that speak heard Unam prey laughed _

“ quite taoist same speak will do line Know it has been except for the sword didn't know
the guy .”

that on horse luck sword humble seemingly My nose bridge was scratched

What is the death penalty Oh yeah Weird is existence row and by distribution If you ask
of course parent-like sage My stomach more must be difficult will do It explodes , but the
luck sword at the volcano most difficult this is Different not It was fate .

“ The disciples grow Bonnie like that It did .”

“ good work .”

Unam Binggrae laughed _ now iron all brother see as if I mean .

“ But death penalty .”

little embarrassed luck sword swipe speak turned _

“ The death penalty Are you okay ?”

“ Um ?”

of fortune-telling eyes quite got serious

“ The death penalty are you human no matter how orderly to follow even if regret there is
no you won't I would .”

that speak heard Unam prey laughed _

“ Why ? yes cute student to the guys Even if it's harm Shall I look Is that so ?”

“ The death penalty Really ... … .”

“ Ha ha .”

lightly Smile discarded Unam is Within head I stumbled .

“ I’m sorry … … . To be honest no if it's a lie won't you ?"

“ Yes . It would be .”

luck sword lightly sigh exhaled _ easy would have happened lee no _ of course I will will

“ You too by the way , me too by the way , someday a volcano best in the world Munpa-
ro lead I want wind with yes didn't you ? someday I Jang Moon-in if U.S suffered with
volcanoes Different to a place make Going I wanted to .”

“… … Yes , the death penalty .”

the luck sword meteorite in the voice van bitterness feel number there was

that Also wished _

Unam Jang Moon-in become , luck sword he Volcanic First Sword Became The past the
volcano get it back that is on the volcano introductory after two People all the way
dreamed It was a dream . from someday it's reality name Before crushed look up capital
without Became abandoned I did I mean .

“ But regret same case None . the reason is what is Do you know ?”

“ I don’t know .”

the luck sword To be honest said . he actually this speak Listening for this in place came .

Unam Still smiling said .

“ You me to be difficult Because. ”

“… … yes ?”

out of nowhere it was the sound luck sword only eyes It was terrifying . perplexed His
face looking Unam small laughed _

“ such expression to build thing no _ you it's because the horse Because no .”

squeaky smiled Unam was ambiguous

“ You me difficult The reason is It's simple . I to you be in debt jin crab no Because .

“ something Understanding conflict thing same yet Understanding Branch not ghostly was
the word

“ Poor Home the child nevertheless parents Respect , but children poorly raised parents
interior I can't sorry throw away number Do not have It is the law .”

“ Ah … … .”
“ fun case child Also that fact know that there is point . so that in my heart I once or twice
make a mistake even if you commit parents pond winning chuck I understand line go
think throw away did it .”

luck sword what horse want to know seemingly head nodded .

“ Certainly then side there is thing It is like .”

“ Yes . now you also egg will _ you children that parental by eye report to be because it
will .”

luck sword sigh exhaled _

“ That’s right , the death penalty .”

Hyun Jong-man to children sorry emotions with there is case No. _ luck sword Also same
heart embrace there was he as a teacher I to children sun June that no _

white house crown what to do but he _ teach During volcanic the disciples notably stand
out don't reveal could n't they adult that is Different not Cheongmyeong appeared after

practiced martial arts was it because that is true no that is luck sword that myself most
well know there is Calm skill there is if you were a teacher on the street wandering
around third class only with negligence disciple wonderfully grow up paid Because .

then luck sword the disciples make a mistake would have committed when stinging _
scold number will there be child properly do not feed can't don't wear unhappy like
parents , their blame summer solstice would it have been

“ Do you understand ?”

“ Yes .”

Unam head nodding said .

“ now volcanic the key is who even if you look white porcelain ship and celadon stomach
. However I that children correctly lead myself there is no children in the eyes I little less
difficult and a little less severe Jang Moon-il only .”

“… … .”

“ with parents child the same case good it 's work However the child eventually to
parents foolish to beg it happened sun June that Do not have parents finally that foolish
receive line no choice but to no . Someday I have sense of entitlement I children might
ruin it not knowing worry for a long time sun came .”
“ The death penalty … … .”

luck sword new by eye meteorite saw _

this people how Since when this think sun came is it?

just volcanic the future copy it's a decision I thought . of power the backbone volcanic to
the core hurry handing over that reasonable because of work said that I thought .

However Unam is A little more deep place report there was looks like His on the head the
volcano more getting stronger road same case in the first place there was no just the
disciples correctly to grow number there is only the way report there was will _

“ such in the meantime one hundred thousand the guy to me come That 's right to
yourself In the past About debt no .”

“… … .”

“ So long writer in place go up I mean . then he as an assistant a volcano good lead

number that there is Goyan it's the guy that horse what meaning line I don't know .”

that speak heard luck sword Paan Daeso exploded _

Different Ramen that speak straight away You must have heard . and even a hundred
thousand that on horse dare sincerity hide put or Hajin would not have will _ However
then worry do there was for Unam that horse how did you hear

“ So to ponder also no isn't it ? more good length even though there is Different Path
stubborn that is just my greedy Because only .”

“… … However the law crab yes Don't you ?”

“ Ha ha . on the volcano jurist Are you there ?”

“ The death penalty !”

“ It's a joke . What like that angry is it me ?”

Unam chukkuk smiling head I stirred .” The regret if not It's a lie . sorry if not I already
would be a good man However my choice was right Dee a little even in doubt None .”

“… … .”

“ And Lucky sword .”

“ Yes , the death penalty .”

“ regret stay sorry case too much natural It is work .”

luck sword that is what do you mean seemingly meteorite looked up

“ the good to do thing is right to follow case always then it will line to choose crab easy
happy if it's work Oh my gosh line not follow won't lice where do you have cheat sore I
must be sorry Seonji won't you ?"

that horse to the sword big ring the year before gave _

“ It must be hard it's a line ... … .”

“ Yes , yes . Are you tired not doing the line just My of the mind in comfort pass it doesn't
mangeum stack up put living sign was starving to the beggar throw giving coin one the
door really Sunil number Are you there? ”

“… … that no pond I will .”

“ Yes .”

Unam slowly head nodded .

“ But My day with wages coin two the door received lice to the beggar giving one inquiry
coins are that by itself is the line while sticking out cheat bitter , a few over and over
don't worry wouldn't you ? nevertheless regret win pay that hand protruding that It is a
line .”

“… … what horse All right , the death penalty .”

luck sword prey laughed _

“ In the end death penalty greatly handsome It's called the master speak do you wanted
That ’s it .”

“ This the guy ... … .”

“ Ha ha ha ha !”

luck sword Paan Daeso exploded _

Feel good . Feel too much It was good .

this People His the death penalty everyone wish volcano long writer take a seat like a
devotion throw away , cheat sore I'm sorry grumble this People Right away His was the
death penalty .

“ Because I believe line number there is will .”

together Big smiled Unam Within Still smile built .

“ A hundred thousand 'cause he's a guy I watch On my student are you a bastard line
number there is will _ this in the times that as much as a guy a volcano well lead guy too
there will be no Because . that guy's as the saying goes to the guy debt no that on the
chest negotiator full _ And … … .”

“ Countermeasures None .”

“ Yes . Measures Do not have goofy ... … . big hum . that's it U.S well assist give to be
work .”

Unam sneakily bitter laugh let's spill luck sword with him facing laughed _ Unam said .

“ Luck sword .”

“ Yes , the death penalty .”

" well done will you?”

luck sword corners of the lips roll up raised .

“ I until now copy death penalty one Work during this two number one thing It is like .”

“… … first the second What ?”

“ In the past it's hard pond I will at dawn wall beyond running away mind change
returned … … .”

“ that mouth shut up homicide sun chuck before .”

“ Uh-huh ! where the master killing slaughter in the mouth Do you have it !”

two the death penalty each other looking laughed .

two all in the eyes trust and belief was full High to a place towards , but never that in
place I don't care not Because these Boyle number there is It was the eyes .

“ It will be fine .”

“ Yes . do well will .”

“ Yes . do well it will who Disciple .”

warm with laughter meteorite seen luck sword said .

“ By the way, the death penalty .”

“ Huh ?”

“ from before little it's weird I mean .”

“ Huh ? what … … .”

“ One hundred thousand My It’s my fault .”

Unam trembling by eye a fortune teller looked up the luck sword like a blade firmly
perfect cut said .

“ Slightly Spoon put on do not This concession pond do .”

“… … disrespectful bastard .”

finally They too , on the volcano living These were

1193 episodes . why like that felled what ? (3)

the rumors than the wind fast . and which the rumors than that the ship more fast is the

one hundred thousand volcanic Assistant Manager Jang Moon in place Up court of law
make a suggestion that I refused the rumors word as it is a gust of wind Became Cheon
Woo Meng the whole swept away

of course embarrassed no choice but to Do not have it's a thing one hundred thousand
long in place scarce people No , Hyunjong volcanic as a long writer too much steadfast
position with there was being a person Because .

Bondi which whether a group momentum good when head not replace not crab It is
basic, but processing with momentum that influence widen going out there is the
volcano so much sudden change myself greet the reason is how where will there be

“ What ?”

someone was astonished

“ Oh , no , why ?”

someone I was perplexed .

“ replace what to do... … ?”

someone I was worried .

it's a reaction varied , but in the reaction equally shock and concern included there was

the volcano Cheon Woo Meng lead outgoing Moon Para Gun , to Cheon Woo Meng
belong to there is If these everyone acknowledging bar . sudden volcanic change Even in
Cheonwoomeng Affect not giving maybe not to worry about no choice but to there was
no will _
However they received shock no matter how big Even if … … out of nowhere in the dry
sky lightning bolt beaten volcanic to the gatekeepers incomparable number is there was

inside comfortable sigh well Sleep I woke up and suddenly of the house head changed .
volcanic the disciples Truly soul fall out abandoned .

volcanic the disciples dazedly each other looked back

they bubbling gather there is look copy get on sectarian the disciples talkative fast passed
_ usually if equal Is that so I would , but today situation situation Bonnie I whispering even
the sound nerve was written

“ Then … … .”

blue and white bewildered with face asked .

“ Now what how felled are you? ”

“ How good luck What how okay . hundred thousand death penalty Jang Moon-in you've
been Do n't you?"

“ Ah , no , that like this in lightning bean stir-fry ' like eating done ' do to end is it work ?
Jang Moon-in changing Is it work ?”

“… … Originally not right ?”

“ However the volcano genealogy Do not have Even though it's Moonpa ... … .”

“ This baby ! pedigree Do not have Moon Par ! genealogy solid ! ruin it short only that .”

“That or that . ”

“ It’s different !”

to wear crooked stretched out blue and white head turn Baekhyun looked up

“ And … … long writer take a seat to hand over there , one hundred thousand privately
not meteorite to my senior Gaya doing thing Isn't it ? then meteorite boarding house
how felled Is it ?”

“… … It's me I don't know . Jang Mun-in did it's work each other not consult Did n't you

“ It is But ... … .”

everyone's expression complex and strangely change went _

Bad Days no case know there is in the first place one hundred thousand Someday Jang
Moon-in sun eat Person Was n't it ? that Sigina out of order It was a problem , a hundred
thousand Jang Moon-in felled on to oppose people there was no just they expected and
little , very little Different part would have looked Only .

However that small Different part situation very A lot of twist put there was

“ There … … Then … … .” “ Huh ?”

Lim Pyong-I clumsy with face head tilted _

“ that Long doorman … … no , originally Long doorman … … . Oh no , that _ not that Hyun
Jong-jin … … . oh , this too not ... … .”

Baekhyun Eyes sticky rolled up

“ For once I'm a long writer Let's do it .”

“ Then hundred thousand How are you ? ”

“… … I'm a collector Let's do it .”

“ No , that the law … … .”

“ Just only here First like that Let 's do it !”

“ Why angry pay Is that so? ”

“ Oh , sir !”

prickly Lim Pyong-I quickly again to wear opened .

“ Then … … Moon-in Jang how Becoming are you ? now long text take a seat You gave it
away .”

“ Taesang Jang Writer Becoming beggar .”

“ Is it Taesang Jangmun ?”

“ Yes .”

Baekhyun head nodding was ambiguous

“ long sentence take a seat transferred Ancestors are called ' Taesang ' . by name
referring to is the law Moon-in Jang tae sang janitor Becoming , the elder Elder Tae-Sang
felled beggar .”

“ Ah … … .” Lim Pyong-I Something thinking seemingly be silent suddenly Eyes frowned .

“ No , Sasuk . then that … … Taesang Jang Liter case long writer distribution above
referring to you mean ? Either Taesang Jangmun or Taesang Elder .”

“ It is .”

“ Then Unja ship What about the boarding houses ?”

“… … huh ?”

“ Then they what call me do you Elder Road No , not even Tae Sang not … … .”

“ That … … uh ... … . huh ?”

Baekhyun head tilted hair squeezed _

“… … they Elder Tae-Sang do you won't you ? that … … usually Tae-Sang Elder Taesang
Jangmun name is predecessor long text elder to refer to However , more than a long
writer one distribution High line up respectful also say Because … … maybe ?”

“ Then now Are you Jang Moon-in ? a while ago Jang Moon-in tae sang janitor that you
become Did you?”

“ That … … then Jang Moon-in tae tae chant Will you be ?”

“ What ?”

“ Tae Tae , Lee baby ! Tae Tae !”

“… … Are you a Tae-Tae-sang writer ?”

“ Is that so ?”

Im Pyeong-eui eyes became shaky doubt full of buried _

“ That’s usually there is name is right are you? ”

“ This , there it ! really there is is it? ”

“ Hmm … … .”

Im Pyung-eun First deceived to give with face head nodded .

“ But Sasuk , then .”

“ Huh ?”

“ distribution one go up Every ' Tae ' self one more sticking are you? ”

“ I As far as I know … … .”
“ Then later Yoon Jong death penalty long writer take a seat I inherited it , until then now
Jang Mun-in live if you are Tae Tae-tae as a listed writer call me doing are you? ”

“… … .”

Baekhyun with both hands My face wrapped around no matter what never do want to
didn't horse finished mouth outside popping out fell .

“ What this Dog genealogy … … .”

“… … genealogy to be solid You did .”

“ It’s not solid . baby ! not solid ! world which clan at the same time Jang Moon-in sun
copy min three each will there be ! like this genealogy solid clan Oh my gosh where Are
you there !”

“ That really solid are you? ”

“ Ac … … .”

that moment , wear shut up there was blue and white again speechless opened .

“ I , but … … .”

“ Again what ?”

“ No. _ that the principle is I see A little Weird crab there is As the saying goes, ' Tae '
means ' former ' or ' ancestor ' . What do you mean ?”

“ Rather than a former respectful Meaning ... … .”

“ Then meteorite What about the dormitory ?”

“… … huh ? that is what sound ?”

“ So , elders. Automatically elder because you are the prince singly more paste felled I'm
guessing meteorite boarding house long writer in place right enemy I don't have It's
called Tae-Sang Jang Liter if not felled thing Isn't it ?"

“… … .”

“ Then we in the volcano Tae Tae Sang's statement You are here , Taesang Jangmun not
Are you there ?”

“… … .”

“ Yeah Unja My stomach as the elder You are called ... … to the doorman It's called
Taesang Jangmun will do capital None .”
brain all jumbled up Became went _ loads tangled in the feeling Baekhyun Eun urgently
head turned _ this the part in the first place he to clean up The problem No. _ this Thing
tidying up people seperately yes isn't it ?

“ Father , the death penalty ! how A little sun week … … . huh ? death penalty ?”

Baekhyun head tilted _ sum up should give will do Baek Sang Lee in the corner soul out
with face sit down there was

I the yangban In addition why like that is there

“ A death penalty ?”

“ That … … .”

“ Yes ?”

“… … that is what is it important cubs ... … .”

white coat from the mouth soul get out

“ This at age … … this at age elder very It looks ... … . I this at age … … .”

“… … .”

“ at most acquainted side clan the guys everyone I'm the great ... … . why only me Elder …
… . Only me … … .”

“ Great .”

comrade heartily Baekhyun Eun small I was coughing .

“ No , though … … What like that Bad Only … … .”

“ Now volcanic fame when it gets high under heaven we name too slowly to spread But ,
a volcano elder It's white then what would you think ... … .”

“ Wow , the death penalty ! Tohodo perfect taoist Tohora grunge Right away white hair
grandfather come to mind ? great , majestic You are there !”

Excitingly chattering Baekhyun Eun suddenly this one kill seemingly staring white coat in
the eyes sharply look at down _

white coat speak only after hearing themselves what in plight have you faced for the first
time Know became white porcelain the ships one by one sighed _

“… … Elder .”

“ Jangga-do pond I went … … .”

“ It is . I Elder side alone are you coming in ?”

“ I the same I hate it ... … .”

yet vain hope throw away unhappy volcano of old bachelors around the eyes became
moist .

“ The master what Are you married? ”

“ Man ! the volcano even if married It's okay !”

" Arthur . Cheongmyeong bubble biting turns over that the cub one every time here
shaman line I know .”

“ No , of the clan jurist That's right Why … … .”

“ There .”

that Moment Kwak Hoe-ga sneakily hand heard _ everyone's gaze to him turned to

“ That … … the privates important actually one miss have you thing It seems .”

“ Huh ? what ?”

“… … main disciple get married will do in case on the volcano make a living to dress up
summer solstice isn't it ? prose outside pond I'm leaving ."

“ Yes . What natural sound do it .”

“ Cheongmyung young there is plus newlyweds self-confidence Are you there ?”

“… … .”

Moment speechless blocked white porcelain ships in concert a little upwards looked up
and short hour During Many the future Imagine saw _

At the same time head down they are heartwarming smile built .

“ Let’s quit .”

“ nail will do It’s a thing .”

" to marry people what is it wrong this all crime stacking beggar .”

still notorious Dosara People innocent this to hell to attract would it be and that all I
understand line mind large People that chart still problem . mate a day far do the dirt
floor rolling around rolling around forage who would you like

“ The law what make sense do you have reality It 's like this ... … .”
“ Noisy .”

Baekhyun petulance young with face hand Hwihwi I stumbled . and topic Different to a
place turned on

“ That’s By the way , the situation so far it happened accident friend the death penalty now
how where there is are you ? come what even an explanation A little sun I have to give it
to you .”

“ Who are you? hundred thousand Are you private ?”

“ Yes . that … … big hum . long writer That is .”

“ one hundred thousand if it's private What maybe By now … … .”

Kwak Hoe-ga Something imagination going seemingly faint with face I far place toward
look at threw it

“ committed of work pay the price very well done pay you will thing It seems .”

“… … jackal to the herd Surrounded ?”

“ Yes . Would it ?”

Baekhyun Something imagination going seemingly head slowly nodded .

that demons let it go two lee no .

he small sigh exhale swipe Different the disciples looked back everyone on the face
excitement and worry , worry shuffled seemingly It was complicated .

he soul out white statue on behalf of said .

“ Everyone You know , yet Jang Mun-in affirmed matter is No. _ Moon-in Jang to the
disciples concealed crab did not exist man , we need to know will do daily lesson that in
condensed milk about certainly explain give will .”

“ Yes , Suk -suk .”

“ Yes , the death penalty .”

“ So just now needlessly snout tease not be there between us doing I mean Problem to be
crab no , but here only us there is crab isn't it ? in vain we too confused to wander there
is make an impression line need is no _ what horse Do you understand ?”

“ Yes .”

“ Yes . everyone Disband .”

“ Yes !”

Everyone is let's disperse Baekhyun sigh exhale head turned _

“ The death penalty .”

“… … I It's a re-evaluation ... … . no i _ Why … … .”

“ Ah ! who look Opening beggar line Got it ! mental A little set up Let's go , please !”

“ that the yangban how what I'm thinking ... … .”

“ It U.S how Do you understand ? usually then It’s a yangban .”

scattered white statue dragging Baekhyun Eun sneakily strange smile built .

' hundred thousand death penalty Because he is a long writer .'

that Also I'm anxious do _ one hundred thousand pond believing case not , but to them
in volcanic long sentence Only Hyunjong was the only one Because .

However that concern in the midst one Branch emotions obviously came up he too what
to do number Do not have it was a thing

' the volcano little more might be fun I don't know .'

he interior be sure number there was maybe Different the disciples same think do to be
would say

1194 episodes . why like that felled what ? (4)

than the wind more fast rumor Cheon Woo-blind manor banged Right away that time .

“ Okay then , Long Moon . I will go away .”

“ Ummm , yes .”

Different patrons Harm June in a place court of law reaction and him to deal with on the
way about was discussing volcanic mundos take a seat finished _

Hyunjong head reminiscing to wear opened .

“ More Detailed part and in the future in the direction about seperately Time take out
Let's talk .”

“ Yeah , so I will .”

one hundred thousand on the spot wake up Different Ogumdo all on the spot happened
“ Well then .”

he nod saying hello body turn a room went out

widely sound and together the door close awfully Hyun-Young urgently to wear took off

“ No , the long writer !”

“… … In addition what nagging are you going to do it ?”

“ This is Too not impatient Don't you ?”

“ Ok .”

Hyeonjong from the mouth sick sound leak came out

“ Hey , you bastard ! eventually you want Road all became crab Is n't it ? By the way why In
addition Are you nagging ?”

“ No. _ one hundred thousand to the guy long writer take a seat handing over the story
Weren't you?"

Hyunjong sigh snuggle rested . called elder crab Bondi say so there is winning a seat But
, even this problem , anyway it's a problem how which in rhythm dance dance do you

“ It’s me Do you understand ?”

“ Then really Jang Moon-in nothing discuss without that guy suddenly one what is a
horse are you? ”

“ Because it is .”

“ Heh heh … … .”

Hyunyoung said, ' What like that outrageous human all Are you ? ' in by eye one hundred
thousand out make a visit looked up

“ these days kids It was scary ... … .”

“ condolences no isn't it this place Kang Ho-Ra Yes , if it was Saga already child give birth
home achieved would have left age .”

“ It is but … … .”

Hyun-Young bitterly taste finished .

understanding is do _ Hyeonjongdo what to do number Do not have the situation

would have been will _ Hyunjong volcanic long writer in place there is one court of law
make a suggestion refusing case impossible because it was work
However no matter how yes sea chart , the long writer take a seat like this easily hand
over throw away give it a go

the kids are accomplished the ball myself come true paid as if not mistaken don't tell a
tip inflicted case Different not It was Hyunyoung , but he too no way Hyunjong this in a
way react line is even imagine summer solstice could n't

“… … anyway long door one every time look countermeasure Because you don't ."

that speak heard Hyunjong shy with expression muttering said .

“ To the kids moved It looks like it .”

“ Originally It was , originally !”

at that time wait listen there was phenomenon Binggrae laughing to Hyeonjong said .

“ a little worried to become do .”

“ A hundred thousand mean ?”

“ Hundreds of thousands A hundred thousand , but I Unam Lee zero in the heart It takes .”

" Hmm , yes . my With Unam seperately Stories share Look .”

“ Yeah you have to give will do thing It is like .”

Hyun-Young limp grumbled .

“ now Unam Lee What is the problem ? right now one hundred thousand go Jang Moon-
in became on the plate .”

“ Jang Moon-in not Long door , yet .”

“ That’s That's it what is it Jang Moon-in Deputy Manager Jang Moon what different .”

“ It’s different . really as a long writer called rather than burden obviously do less because
it will .”

Hyun Jong-eun one hundred thousand out the door slip away looking I thought .

' easy I don't think so .'

Different these this time work looking at time how about I don't know , but volcanic as a
long writer long-time the years lived Hyun Jong-eun that nickname giving burden well
know there was

myself shouldered is a burden so myself win infield do _

However In addition easy Days no also to know Just ' deputy chief Jang Moon ' nickname
that Jim's weight at least a little reduce cycle wish it was only

“ That … … Jang Moon-in . therefore really long text Seat hand over are you ? Really ?”

“ Twok .”

Hyunjong glance frowning Hyun-Young spilled _

“ This guy Today, depending why Wolf Are you shy ?”

“ No , too Isn't that sudden !"

“ When What on the volcano it's sudden not Days did you have I Cheongmyeong the guy
introductory after that properly Ready equipped take it easy go ahead copy Days at least
one was there this That is .”

“ That’s long writer the word right But ... … .”

Hyunjong prey laughed _

“ Why ? now back room as an old man back off ok even a pear Are you twisted ?”

“ Oh my , what say the word like that do you even in a dream wished It’s a job .”

Hyun-Young tongue hanging out handshake hit .

“ Honestly now the volcano we same mountain valley the villagers to afford bulky Too got
bigger . kids Thanks to good also look good _ also eat to be strong I did that is where we
on the subject Gadankina did you ?”

“ Yes . Yes .”

Hyeonjong on the face light smile was young

“ Anyway be here it was a thing Than you think little speed up so what picture Will it
change ?”

His the voice just It was quiet . already every Thing accepted seems like

“ in the future a volcano to live that is I are children and volcanic make a choice have to
bear doing also I children . then volcanic direction Also I the kids are to decide doing that
Right .”

“ Ok .”

Hyun-Young was immersed that sick in the sound concern and understandable At the
same time packed there was
“ We just I the kids are Too extreme or extreme make a choice summer solstice so as not
to from behind if you watch felled will .”

“ We ever did Days then thing Isn't it ?"

“ Yes . be different that is no _ just first speak doing lice one hundred thousand became It
will be just that .”

changed that is no _

However Many that be different will _ that here there is count people's thinking all was

“ Good job , long- timer .”

phenomenon on horse Hyunjong swipe look at gave _

“I believe to give speak to do difficult does not . However that into action to move easy It
's not . Jang Mun-in this or that situation follow up without just believe support gave true
that to the child certainly big strength to be will .”

“… … .”

“ Excellent .”

“ Great .”

Hyunjong humble seemingly I was coughing . ear the end a little blush there was

“ star public affairs all you do .”

that look looking phenomenon Binggrae laughed _

' You are comfortable . '

Hyeonjong tone Before Than obviously became lighter so that once again Know becomes
_ so far he how much big feeling of burden fighting was there

one hundred thousand on time then gist If not , Hyunjong first that feeling of burden
pressure win can't crushed may have collapsed I don't know .

' this It would be fair .'

sometimes what is nature fickle appear , but in the end should be will do to a place
destined because the law

phenomenon membrane head to nod will do it was time

“ But … … .”
“ Huh ?”

Hyun-Young something it's weird seemingly door side up looked up

“That guy oddly horse no Don't you ?”

“ He ? who ?”

“ Oh , who is it? Who are you ? most first in the mouth bubble biting length jump bastard

“… … Qingming ?”

“ Yes . Right away gnome I mean .”

phenomenon small laughed _

“ The guy as usual wild Even if , really sectarian big talk to decide when get serious
Wasn't it? "

“ Hmm .”

“ Besides the guy the horse not chart a hundred thousand fairly comfortable feeling thing
It seemed like one people's unattended how much admit it the main prayer and .”

Hyun-Young It's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooy seemingly head I tilted to

Hyeonjong asked .

“ Even Jang Moon-in like that Do you think ?”

“… … Cheongmyeong mean ?”

“ Yes .”

“ That … … I cheek when just ... … .”

“ Just ?”

“… … mind get out there is thing Like ?”

for a moment static flowed _

count People Absolutely uneasy by eye door side up looked up


a room spiral jogger previously walking one hundred thousand My back stare Look at
awkwardness loads soaked in voice to wear opened .

“ That … … .”
“ Um ?”

“ Great !”

one hundred thousand looking back Snow let's meet Jo Geul-eun in vain I was coughing
. Then again allusion said .

“ That … … residence . a while ago me , i ... … .”

“ What mean ?”

Jo Geul-eun car speak connect can't hair buck was scratched just now he looked in action
about apologize wanted will _

“ That … … I thinking A little It was short … … .”

“ Damn !”

However that Moment Yoon Jong Absolutely severe in voice shout out hit . sparkly
amazed jogger round by eye Jong-eul Yoon saw _

Yoon Jong expression Sim Sang-chi did n't he colossal make a mistake would have
committed sometimes saw severe Yoon Jong face There there was

“ No , the death penalty … … . I What wrong ... … .”

“ Yes wrong what Don't you know?"

“ Yes ?”

this replaced Yoon Jong again shouted _

“ Where dare Chapter . door . vs. _ Rike like that say the word giving is it ! chivalrous sin
bite short root vein do in chamhoe-dong run down punishment get spirit would you like
to set up hurry properly again example equipped reverently speak Bring it up !”

that speak heard jogger stroke head turn one hundred thousand looked up

jogging on the face young expression copy one hundred thousand himself too without
knowing chills feel flinching backwards one foot backed away moment .

“ Oh my gosh ! Jangmoon representative !”

jogger that on the spot flat lie down bowed down

“ Disciple ! this Disciple ! to die I made it aaaaa ! disciple thinking short to Jang Moon
Dare ! vain mang hair chattered ! disciple tongue pick it up that sin bite Please oh oh oh
“… … summer solstice Don't .”

“ Jang Moon Jae-hee ! please anger loose Please . I situation be here line I don't know oh
oh oh oh !"

" don't Don't … … .”

that Moment jogger at all Cheol Puduk Forward fell over

“ Sin is only to the disciple there is Different the death penalty generously forgive me
give it to me sin bite Please . Jangmoon representative !”

“ Hzmlug … … .”

“ Yes Ino Ohm ! Deputy Minister Jang Moon summer solstice don't tell do you Isn't it !"

“ Aigoo ! I how dare Deputy Manager Jang Moon name Will you rebel ? Giraffe Ramen
crawling , if you die I will die !”

“… … then A little Die , please ... … . please a little ... … .”

that Moment one hundred thousand from the side strange voice is heard _

“ Assistant Jang Moon .”

“… … huh ?”

one hundred thousand head turn _ Lee Seol Lee … … that Lee Seol inexpressive with
expression before without shaking trembling this one report there was

“ Assistant Manager Jang Moon … … .”

“… … .”

“ Long sentence … … . Unpack .”

laugh hold on unhappy she head stroke turned _ At the same time one hundred
thousand on the face blah blah cracked went _

“… … brother-in-law .”

“ Long sentence … … .”

“ Yeah .”

“ Assistant Jang Moon .”

Wow ... … . he People madly doing dexterity have you been until now I this didn't know

“ Hehe . Congratulations , Sasuk !”

Soso to the fullest smiling with face clap hit . surprisingly ordinary bright that in reaction
one hundred thousand trembling head nodded .

“ Yes , thank you… … .”

“ Oh , my, my ! Come home ! my mental A little Look ! Sasuk Jang … … . oh , this too Isn't
it ? then I what call me doing right ?”

“… … .”

“ Yes ? dormitory ? I to stay now what call me One? ”

of our place on the face the devil overlaid there was

one hundred thousand helplessly My face with both hands wrapped around

' That's why do I didn't like it .'

this in blood was starving jackal flock Him just let it go two Riga no isn't it ? situation the
situation rushed but from now on suffer work do you think stomach upset Absolutely
twisted _

then , see unhappy Hyeyeon to wear opened .

“ Amitabha . volcanic disciple not I drill the word nope , everyone teasing excessive It
seems .”

“ Hee , Hye - yeon Monk !”

one hundred thousand impressed with face Hyeyeon looked up yes i _ people still yet … …

“ No , Deputy Chief Jang Moon .”

“… … yes ?”

“ Kang Ho’s jurist solemn bar , one sectarian Jang Mun-in to me respect Don't not will be
. from now on just It's Hyeyeon ... … big . Call give … … shio . Whoops !”

Hyeyeon one by hand My to wear in haste shut up manly manly Head shaking trembling
there was

'… … just all If 👌👌 I hope .'

these fast to remove crab strong peace for most proper length maybe ? tolerable People
all agree thing like ?

“ Ah ha ha ha ! Come on Jangmun !”
“ Hey ! I privately Jang Moon-in felled girl by eye I see you .”

“ Munpa form zaal back ! Hey , Cheong Myung ah ! what word A little do … … . huh ?
Cheongmyung-ah ?”

just then everyone's gaze to the blue returned _ and At the same time flinching shoulder
fell .

“ you , you why Is that right , Cheongmyeong -ah ?”

“ Are you okay ?”

white discolored discarded Cheongmyeong half way to wear Berlin Chae , blankly west
there was gaping Into the mouth crumbs Became discarded soul storm water getting out
there is only same _

“ Dong … … .”“ Dong ?”

“ Dong … Ryongi ... … .”

“… … .”

“ Dong … Ryongi I am a long-time writer … … . I Disciple … … .”

“… … .”

“… … must die ... … . just I must die ... … . I What to say until this time alive this forage two
by eye see ... … . just get out It should be ヒピ... … . Heh heh heh heh .”

“… … .”

“You must die . oops ... … . I must die .”

“ Is that so , Sasuk ?”

face wrapped around gripped one hundred thousand helplessly I was brainwashed .

“ Who I young A little have throw away come .”

“ Oh my gosh ! That's right ! who name is ... … .”

“ Die , this Baby !”

“ Aaaaah !”

finished Snow back one hundred thousand jogging hit it

like that jogger throwing out scream sound and Cheong Myung like a flame shedding
lament sound for a while manor sadly wandered around
1195 episodes . why like that felled what ? (5)

“ Once …”

breathe rushed one hundred thousand firmly to wear opened .

“ I Assistant Manager Jang Moon in place right that is right , but your is private In
addition the death penalty in fact none of that ! yes , at least change did n't So as usual
like no other about give becomes _ Do you understand ?”

“ Understanding did . But …”

“ Again what ?”

“ It understandable In the process ...... people Too with blood make let go thing Isn't it ?"

everyone's gaze smashed down there is to the jogger poured out

“ .. quite a bit You have to be squeamish .”

“ That’s That ’s right .”

“ Honestly excessively It was me .”

“ Even if cheap .”

of course here there is Everyone is same do but already _ their in my mind Own past
deeds same case charred disappeared it was behind

jogger only from the standpoint to be embarrassed I would , but what what to do regret
to vomit snout already puffy pour there is

“ Anyway …”

From here with momentum if pushed forever as a joke have to live that girl intuition It
seems , a hundred thousand in the eyes to the fullest power give said .

“ I yet formally long writer in place right also No , he's the second disciple identity
changed also No , definitely ! As usual ! just as ever Talk about it ! what horse Do you
understand ?”

“ Yes , Assistant Manager Jang Moon .”

“ … just It's a private residence do it ."

“ A. _ still how Is that so ? in the doorstep jurist There is .”

“ that sectarian law road beaten want to if not It's a private residence do it .”
“ Hey , the powerful .”

“ Oh my gosh . with power take a picture press shunnaga You must follow .”

“ Yes , Deputy Chief Jang Moon .”

one hundred thousand head up Under drip fell . Something sad visible His on the
shoulder Yoon Jong carefully hand put on

“ Location .”

“ …… Huh ?”

“ Responsibility I'll take it summer solstice didn't you Hold on .”

“ …… _ responsibility It wasn't .”

“ living crab all then thing Is n't it ?"

Yoon Jong quietly one hundred thousand I consoled you , but situation getting better
that is it wasn't this jackal to the herd enough being bitten after After that In this way
comparison not not shroud dingo flock Him to bite all will _

" This the doorstep have to be damned okay .”

Occasionally to be clean will do in the conduit with seungnyang wild dog only swarm it
happened mean ? volcanic the ancestors If you look lament with tears river to achieve it
was a thing

now The problem is , one hundred thousand Right away that jackal herd called the chief
was the point . myself what do commit have you thrown away once again realized one
hundred thousand around the eyes deceased tears stole _

“ Turn it off … uh … well , long sentence …”

I Look , me .

eyeball Bamtaengga as much as possible beaten let it go somehow one Madado plus His
deceive to turn over head flirting I human Look !

quietly feet stretched out jogging hair Jigsi trampled one hundred thousand again
coughing in vain atmosphere ventilation tried _

“ Ummm . Guys .”

“ Did you hear me? Under them !”

“ Wow ! Deputy Manager Jang Moon Became from the tone You are different ! this Is it
power ?"

“ … Soso -ya , please .”

“ Yes , Deputy Chief Jang Moon ! Words ... No , please order it !"

Soso smiley smile smiling one hundred thousand speak received _ like that laughing
Person deceive turn over laying also If you are talented it was a talent

“ Speak out .”

one hundred thousand briefly coughing in vain infinitely Earnestly said .

“ You too As you know , I A lot of not enough .”

he what speak harden horse tail hold to sag prepare do there was Oh Gum that on horse
sneakily to wear closed .

“ by yourself to the doorman Assistant Manager Jang Moon take a seat to request did ,
but I like a long writer a volcano well lead conflict number to be Khitan confident in one
work it wasn't just So that did Because one work .”

some head nodded .

“ And you too maybe same thing will _ yet to you confident no that is I know . But .... the
situation like this Became discarded More than you too as before to be equal It will be
difficult .”

“ Yes , Suk -suk .”

“ What horse I know .”

This generation changing it's a thing

changed that is notably no _ Hyun Jong-eun still volcanic long writers , they still volcanic
Second disciple and third disciple Only .

However one hundred thousand at Jangmoon right more , someday they are elder
should be and a great disciple should be do _ that time their Than you think more early
pulled will _

“ Suddenly to you too responsible hand over Became I'm sorry ."

“ No , sir .”

Yoon Jong head I stumbled .

“ suk-suk why then make a decision did you get off enough I heard . and that thinking
even if it's wrong don't think does not . Suk-suk enough us I will lose If you promise , we
of course him corresponding us I have to ."

“ Yes .”

one hundred thousand on the lips soft smile was young exactly oh my at the time His
heart most well I understand giving case this is yunjong

the volcano volcanic In order to make a decision get off need there was However I still
not enough , yet a volcano to lead lacking is a person So ……”

one hundred thousand five swords toward head bowed down

“ You me A lot of help me Please .”

that greeting received Oh Gum in concert head nodded .

“ Yes , Suk -suk .”

“I will .”

“ worry Don't do it , Sook ! do your best I will do it !”

Excitingly tease to eat did and still less to tease I did here there is these are all one
hundred thousand why this make a decision did it I understood .

and one hundred thousand then June Thanks to not want not in the situation Force
dragged Thing Harm paid fact too well got it so one hundred thousand see in the eyes
thanks young won't lee there was no

that in reaction hundred thousand degrees lips a little bit off

Too sudden work backlash body maybe interior was concerned By the way His brother
and sister the yarns he which with my heart Deputy Manager Jang Moon in place
whether it has risen I understand give there is

“ Me , me too I will help you .... Private ......”

even down there was even jogging power squeeze said .

chest one corner crushed one hundred thousand a little around the eyes pressed . and
work hard voice to calm down said .

“ Yeah , forward . Many the map moon Please ..."

“ Anyway or not .”
suddenly flew crooked in the voice one hundred thousand head up sideways returned _

pair on the wall My back lean stick crouched down Cheongmyeong With a face, ' Oh my
gosh , very good luck You did .' do talking seemed to

“ view good .”

“ Now long writer to be Min and then long writer to be The minute said ' Oh my gosh !
Jang Moon-in how much tiring I'm sleeping ! suffering There are many !' do each other
stand up giving forage report there is forever street long writer to be Work Do not have
Person pear goofy good . right ?"

one hundred thousand swipe Different these looked back you A little curl up behold as if
However with passion full car one hundred thousand for whatever will do thing was like
Ogumdo this for a moment sneakily look at Harm abandoned .

' the rain Against fight crab not You should avoid it.'

' That now wrong touch really pond cheek form see .'

Seodang dog three if year Pungwoldo Island I 'm reciting it , Cheongmyeong bloke from
the side some year even after staying atmosphere grasp one pond would you ?

now that one almost on fire oil tank or the same touch Right away popping in the oil
tank closely Going want to people no one no _

However that their is the position one hundred thousand entry is Not at all was different

'... you bastards .'

little late do your best do it all Said I 'd help

those are Before magic guys appear back road not look back run away are things no ,
rather one hundred thousand kick as bait throw line they are bastards

Oh my gosh believe bloke one no speak again once reflective one hundred thousand
swipe clear notice looking at carefully to wear opened .

“ Ummm . big ! I ....... Cheong Myung ah . . . ”

“ Oh ?”

clear face Moment brightly brightened up

“ Oh my gosh . volcanic Deputy Minister Jang Moon this lowly third disciple to the guy
directly by the end walk Give it to me .”

“ This I'm sorry body two bar I don't know ?"

one hundred thousand face slowly pale tired went _

' my I human that shit line Got it.'

Assistant Manager Jang Moon take a seat I will ask I swore when , him most
burdensomely did that is as a long writer he have to endure will do weight no , me damn
bastard was the reaction .

Look ! I young that Eye upset thing A little Look !

“ The Moonpa Backwards even if I go back oily resin . where is a row is distribution all
skip blue the guy long writer take a seat Take it !"

“ Huh ? as a matter of fact in the mundane Norms and ! huh ? Law ! huh ?"

“ Cheongmyung-ah .”

“ The situation What if it's only this time sun going is a principle what all if you ignore
well done Munpado All of a sudden third class clan felled it ! uh where history and
traditional at the volcano This …”

“ Cheongmyung-ah .”

“ my in the eyes soil ingress Until then ……”

“ Cheongmyung !”

“ Huh ?”

crazy chatter Daedan Cheongmyeong head heard _ OK one hundred thousand chin lifted
up that sharp jaw line as if showing off head raised one hundred thousand in the world
most luck Do not have in tone touk exhaled .

“ If you twist you long writer either do ."

Moment clear mouth rice cake happened _

“ Uh …? Uh …”

“ Or to the doorman Go Follow me ."


“ nail don't you nothing pond will you?"


“ Then shhh _ quietly mouth close Stay here , third- generation disciple ."

one hundred thousand shit Smile giving Moment clear body lean sideways passed over

slap .

two eyes are rotten like Dongtae light lost and powerless gaping in the mouth last left of
soul even the dregs went out

“ I . . . I Why …”

only one In my room sunk discarded clarification copy Oh Gum-eun Heartily admiring
one hundred thousand looked back

“ Oh my God … . word some In a word …”

“ This is of power power ?”

“ I young subtly in power Because I am weak .”

“ Subtly radish . son openly Weak .”

Yoon Jong to a hundred thousand whispered .

“ A little badly loser thing Isn't it ?"

“ …… I the cub this to some extent sun have to give okay . not then Forward Work year is
more like that there would have been will .”

“ Well …”

Yoon Jong convinced head nodded .

one hundred thousand hand to stir to wear opened .

“ Anyway this and that will do the horse many , but first Sun will do from Let's do it .”

“ Yes ? Sun will do isnt it ? now What urgent crab are there? "

“ Jong Yoon , Jo- Gul .”

“ Yes , Sasuk !”

“ each sectarian to the lords my speak tell Come .”

one hundred thousand on the lips meaningful smile was young

“ People speak If I spit it out keep it Haenam to save conflict will .”

“ Ah !”

just then that problem recalled jogger Oops doing with expression elasticity spilled _ so
much shocking Days one after another Rise Bonnie charred forget there was will _

“ do work all finished put conflict as much as relaxed situation No. _ fast situation discuss
see you tell me .”

“I see …”

“ What ? Haenam ?”

that Moment all die went Cheongmyeong Eyes turning over jump happened _

" hey , this crazy Human ! how a volcano What how to do it !"

“ Ah , so if you regret early introductory white porcelain ship you should have oh my ,
this how one ? I long writer take a seat give even if you want celadon to the ship line
dory no ? in the doorstep to keep will do jurist there is I'd say who That ’s why .” |

“ I , I …! I ... oh my !"

Cheongmyeong finished back neck hold backwards let's go Oh Gum strange with
expression each other looked back

' bad Is n't it?'

' rather ok ?'

Jang Moon-in changed utility already feeling started will _

1196 episodes . this how how Did you hold out ? (One)

“ How are you?”

“I will work there will be no thing know there is But .... still Perhaps The problem there is
case Is n't it ?"

“ fine are you ?”

Soso farouche with face head turned _ her gaze reached where Cheongmyeong futon laid
lie down moan sick there was

“ Uh … so …”

Something a little hesitated She is Eyes sticky winding up said .

“ It’s a tantrum .”
“ A tantrum ?”

“ Yes , tantrum .”

Yoon Jong Eyes It was terrifying .

“ That … uh … so …”

sick clarification glance copy he trembling asked .

“ It’s called tantrum. sick really there is was it ?"

“ There is . People big job went through worrisome get sick dead the story A lot of listen
have you seen thing No. ”

“ … listen I saw it .”

“ That’s It’s a tantrum .”

Jong-eun Yoon again head turn lie down there is Qingming side up saw _ moaning bloke
Next carefully sitting Hyeyeon delicate by hand towel in water wet on the forehead put
on give there was

the patient caring Absolutely careful only look look at it Hyeyeon how much mind kind Is
it Buddhist? egg thing was like

but little Minor The problem If ......

“ The Heart Sutra of Mahavanya Paramilda bodhisattva bodhisattva Haengshim banya

paramilda .....”

“ Sir , sir ! patient caring disrespect out-of-country Drink it !”

“ invoice striking thing Isn't it the same !"

“ Delicacy no ! Delicacy !"

Oh Gum annoyance sound let's shout Hyeyeon's sideways approach together Do Kyung
wanted to jogger stingy sneakily backwards fell out then jogging stared Yoon Jong
tongue kick our party saw _

“ No , but It's a tantrum this What …”

“ It’s special I do .”

Soso to wear salsa pushed out

“ Usually this the sick wet a person or Hwaman left old people well it takes I 'm sick
Yangban is …”
“ No. ”

“ a lot no . he if caught not felled It's sick ."

“ I know Person during It's called heart medicine horse and most not fit not People This is
Qingming , the death penalty ."

“ Is that right? ”

Yoon Jong stretch tongue kick moan sick clarification look up

“ in tantrum hanging case I will number that Even if it is , it is uninhabited the guy party A
little caught like that fall ill Until then …”

“ Oh , no , the death penalty . like that to say Days No. ”

“ Huh ? Why ?”

jogger a little tired with face said .

“ think look This really Serious Work Isn't it ? I young that in the North Sea blood cake
would have been when moaning sound one th not threw Are you a guy ?”

“ such the guy like that head tied up lying down there really Hurt I would .”

“ . . . Illy there is .”

that up to the story listen Nani sick Cheongmyeong the guy A little I'm sorry I can see ...
no , actually not sorry Not ... Anyway !

“ How much tantrum If it exploded …”

“I will …”

and that horse came out Moment their the gaze naturally to one place to go back no
choice but to there was no

room on one side reclining one hundred thousand world every girl all bereaved with face
head sideways beating there was at a glance look color A little faded also same in the
form ......

gaze driven girl felt one hundred thousand blah blah blah split to wear slowly opened .

“ I …”

His waves trembling Lips through all die going voice is leak came out

“ I Assistant Manager Jang Moon in place right crab …”

“ … like that until you fall ill will do work ?"


“ Huh ?”

Well , Sook . that who do you know

“ So For that guy ... Jang Il-so Fuck you fed Or ...... Magician again issued Or ......
Jongnam run wild Shaolin in front wake up dancing than that , I at Jangmoon right crab
more tantrum popping called work right ?”

"... that's like that Will it? "

“ I What should I do ? a wealthy movie I will enjoy …”

one hundred thousand rustle rustle don't Going started _ soul laid hundred thousand
and one sick clarification alternately looking at Yoon Jong from the mouth Absolutely
sigh snuggle leak came out

victor Do not have a fight case oh my at the time inscribed I mean .

“ I live live uninhabited in tantrum it takes girl all see you I baby too Oh yeah interesting
baby .”

" Well . That ' s wrong I mean .”

“ child Mr. ! Surprise !”

“ Do n’t say do Appear , monk !"

Suddenly clarification throw me away approached Hyeyeon shiny bald hair swish brought
in will _ Everyone is surprise let's be surprised he a little shy with face said .

“ …… Amitabul , I’m sorry . funny words I hope you are in the middle of it .”

“ But wrong you mean ?"

Hyeyeon head nodding speak was _

“ uninhabited in tantrum hanging crab Weird crab No. _ actually horse different That 's
right , Mujin in the world in tantrum most well it takes They are .”

“ Yes ? living uninhabited tantrum hanging dead speak listen copy few Do not have thing
Do you think ?"

“ say a little bit change often listen copy story . in the river artist piled up body getting
weird phenomenon referring to horse yes Don't you ?"
“ Huh ? ho , maybe Simma ?"

“ Yes .”

Hyeyeon Binggrae laughed _

“ And wearing a coin large in a sense look same it's a phenomenon will do number There
is . mental by blow in the mouth of a coin lifting development rare I don't I mean .”

“ Is that so ?”

“ So scrutinize look as much as strong in tantrum often it takes these too there will be no
will be . worldly living these strong people do not wear coins Simma vigilant as if tantrum
bottle on the border live I don't I mean .”

“ . . . listen Bonnie That too That ’s right .”

“ Follow look strong people most weak thing Isn't it ?"

“ tantrum most severe Kinds of Don't .”

in the first place What are strong people love affairs cover not , if you are wrong from
the knife take out see tribe Is n't it ? Normal these in words solve or _ _ find litigation ask
for even work for now hit throw away crab Kang Ho-in is

so vase Nagi perfect good side-by-side have no choice but to

especially that guy that Kang Ho-in among the Property urgent dirty by the way in the
first hand counted is human turn around look until now in the mouth of a coin not take
all right live there is crab more Wonderful . . . .

“ Come on , wait a minute . then Cheong Myung now at Simma heard horse ?"

“ suk-suk Jang Moon-in said at Simma listen ?"

“ People Are you new ?”

one hundred thousand color little more faded moment , soso perfect cut said .

“ No. _ that one just It's a tantrum ."


“ Even wearing a coin Simmado no , just pure It's a tantrum . mouth If it was Simma I I
know .”

“I do .”

“I see . sosoga don't know Riga None .”

“ With martial arts nothing relation None . no , whatever if a person in the mouth of a
coin you might have heard I don't know the death penalty so much history pure and
muhak strong Affect not received Guernsey I don't know . anyway As a result just My
temper pond by winning Seat laid lying down It will .”

“ ... fortunately is it? ”

“ Are you happy ?”

Yoon Jong heartwarming smile building hair tied up lying down Cheongmyeong looked

“ One Shin , One Shin, One Shin, One Shin (日新日新又日新) horse It reminds me .”

“ That’s good word Isn't it ?"

“ good I mean . that guy temper dirty case excessive to the extent know There is , day by
day look the more you look more newly get dirty how good not Will it work ?”

“ Just openly curse do it ."

“ I crazy man .”

then , the door open came in Lee Seol left and right I looked around Next droopy there is
one hundred thousand to discover with your finger cock cock stabbed .

“ The death penalty .”

“ The death penalty .”

" Uh , huh ?"

far away went mental tip barely caught one hundred thousand head listen Yui Seol
looked up

“ Moon lords . all have you gathered I have to go .”

“ Munju ... the meeting , I have to go . yes . I have to go …”

light wish discarded one hundred thousand like a mollusk sobbing body caused _

“ Go . I It's a long sentence ... but also the age young the guy late mask not not . don't
worry do n't now conflict because it will .”

Soso is Even if you tremble feet moving one hundred thousand slip away saw _ Then
suddenly then thinking heard _

“ jog death penalty .”

“ Huh ?”

“ next Jang Moon-in just death penalty do it .”

“ ... suddenly what Are you bullshit ?”

“ good place is death penalty You have to ."

Something egg number Do not have feel uncomfortable felt jogger What do you say to
say will do it was time

“ Uh , where ? where are you going ?"

lie down worrisome I'm sick there was Cheongmyeong suddenly upper body jump got
up Eyes was giddy

“ Munju ? meeting ?”

“ . . . he In addition why Are you there? ”

“ Sosoya , sleep . approximately same case do n't you one eat one about the moon
sleeping Go .”

“ sleep poison There is …”

“ Give me Look . I A little write day in yes .”

“ . . . wrong write die .”

“ That’s might be better you do n't know well think Look .”

Cheongmyeong My body covering there was duvet almost kick blow up abandoned on
the spot jump getting up dizzy I am staggered _

“ I , I …”

“ Why By the way , man !”

Everyone is to dissuade ask Cheongmyeong Eyes turned over

“ I , me too Go !”

“ No , the body. not good The guy is ……”

“ Oh no _ okay ! me ...... me human what do to commit line know ! I how revived It's a
volcano ! I human roll it up two number is None! ”

“ Cheongmyeong-ah … you’re a private person .”

“ Yes . I private residence the guy roll it up two number is none ."
no matter how look at it now the volcano you roll up There is , Chung Myung ah . and
Probably like this on the way A little more massively roll up eat thing it 's like

“ My , I Let’s go ……”

feet about to move Cheongmyeong My back hair hold staggered _

“ Ouch . The backbone …”

“ I , I , I fall that one ."

“ Who even support sun have to give doing thing Isn't it ?"

“ So that case know There is , honestly touch want to not .”

“ Me too .”

around People crane I took it off , but now clear in the eyes then crab come in lee there
was no

“ Tue , the volcano is I I protect ... the volcano ...”

like a river walk outgoing hundred thousand and one like a sick following clear look
blankly looking at misogynistic from the mouth in concert sigh leak came out

clan look ....... very well go back


“ First of all …”

Tang military evil a little coughing in vain to wear opened

until now was as if this in place Hyunjong if there were he this speak will do need is There
may not have been , but Hyunjong to a hundred thousand power put on Cycle is it for this
in place not attend did n't

so Cheon Woo-blind substantial Vice President role do there is he situation once tidy up
speechless frame need there was

“ Everyone you know work again to speak It's a new thing, but a hundred thousand Dojo
volcanic Assistant Manager Jang Moon in place You have come .”

“ Yes , my lord .”

“ that at the seat so much the situation no wiggle passed , but originally everyone
congratulations sun should give will do It’s work .”

in place gathered Everyone is head nodded .

“ Yeah , that … new young blood Cheon Woo-blind in a serious way Since I joined ,
Deputy Manager Jang Moon make to go volcanic Cheon Woo-blind the future for from
congratulations handing over crab That 's right ..." That 's right But …”

Tang military evil Something vein missing with face Before sitting hundred thousand and
one clarification saw _

“ . . . Jang Mun .”

“ Yes ?”

"... by the way goofy why Is that so ?"


“ that for a moment Between Magicalado meet have you come ?”

one hundred thousand half way faded with face forlornly to wear opened .

“ I’m … okay . nerve write Do not .”

one hundred thousand ailing like a chicken I'm groaning , my clarity state more It was
serious . almost mind get out discarded like a person be depressed angry take out It was
bullshit . breath one th rest Whenever come and go seemed to

' My lord ......'

Tang military music no wonder ghastly in the mood Eyes sticky rolled up

' this how how Did you hold out ?'

a volcano to afford these certainly have to go through doing vicious stomach pain Even
for Tang military music descending It was a moment .

1197 episodes . this how how Did you hold out ? (2)

Is it a stereotype? I don't know , why then crab yes isn't it ?

one group or organizational chieftain change , young people that take a seat pierced at
the time eggplant Normally Expectation same thing .

of course concern no not , but that in the process The problem if not generally new
young blood to bring vitality , wide Aspiration My back looking forward to that normal
day ter .

By the way This is......

party evil around the eyes Farre trembled _

' Than these guys in Sichuan you are my uncle more vitality I 'll be there .'

now Yonsei Too many mentality come and go yangban , but still ailing better than
chicken get better wouldn't it ?

More His stomach sting doing gun , me Handsome face I can't Boyle to the extent
mattangi liver Assistant Manager Jang Moon the guy how much I'm with court in
confrontation party evil chest hot heated He is the mastermind point is

volcano the guys no matter how look at it egg medical charge no . egg Number ......'

vicious inspection and mental out a maniac going back and forth blue or volcanic
anticipation one on the body subject dedicated kick long writer hundred thousand and
one town Silly brother Dongryong going back and forth A hundred thousand or so .....

Forward this with the guys Cheon Woo-blind big talk have to discuss that thinking Denis
already Hyeonjong empty seat to chill fiercely felt It was party music .

“ So … that …”

continue to wear close to be number is there was no Tang military evil trembling to wear
opened .

“ This place is you made you say?"

“ Yes ?”

“ This Seat What is it ?”

“ . . . me . ”


at that time Tang military music realized _ why on the volcano like that violence rampant
whether I mean .

this between guys suited live look naturally than words fist first get out not wouldn't it ?

“ Ah ... Ah , yes . I ... yes , I It was .”


“ So , I you all collected The reason is Uh …”

one hundred thousand head tilted _

“ … why was it ?”

and that Moment Tang military music saw _

anger and melancholy back and forth clear face word as it is like a slaughter distorted
look .

arguably Tang military music living like this scary the sight copy enemy there was no in
front of you that the heavenly devil to come chart this fear not feel can't will _

“ … the reason There was .”

“ Hey , this !”

membrane Cheongmyeong Eyes turn over seizure to start moment , in advance waiting
there was Oh Gum waited as if body blow up His to wear shut up body take a picture
pressed .

even usually whenever possible from behind tongue garage there was Even Hyeyeon
terrified with bare hair clear chest pressing stretched

“ Cheongmyung ! Let 's take care of Jang Moon , represent Jang Moon !"

“ other people report You are there !”

“ Mouth ! mouth Shut up , your mouth ! here word wrong if really in chamhoe-dong I will
be dragged away !”

“ there upright Catch it !”

that look obliviously watched Tang military evil me too without knowing face with both
hands wrap around head snuggle bowed down

' really Are you okay ?'

rather even now old file room hand grasped crab get better maybe ? violently opposed
droughty guys too two by eye this forage look still Shaolin history and tradition proud
prestigious Isn't it ? do Songsan toward back road not report run thing looks like

that Moment Lee Seol dazedly there was one hundred thousand hair beans I knocked ,
and the cold water soaked water bottle to a hundred thousand pushed out

“ Drink .”

“ …… ah .”

cold water receive at once inhaled one hundred thousand face gradually color get it back
went _

how look Oh yeah interesting It was a sight . just face value pond do arbitrarily released
there was expression cracked down just that , just that People different seemed _
“ I'm sorry . I A little state not I like it ."

“ When Was it good ?”

“ Yes ?”

“ …… No .”

Tang military evil My lips snuggle bit off I damn volcano to the guys talkative moved
looks like he this speak all and .

one hundred thousand loose coughing in vain to wear opened .

“ several the moon lords Cheonghae mother god The reason is Cheon Woo Blind most
Preferentially Sun will do work to discuss It's for ."

“ Let’s discuss …”

quietly rehearse seen Tang military evil small head nodded said .

“ means if correct That 's fine , Assistant Manager Jang Moon . that the horse most first
will do work let's decide mean ? if not you already Jeonghan at work about that How to
discuss let's see mean ?"

“ means in the latter Close .”

" Ummm ."

party evil expression a little It became subtle .

Hyeonjong this in a way speak not would not have will _ Hyun Jong-eun something to
decide before Different of these from the opinion used to listen because I did However
one hundred thousand myself already Jeonghan Thing let's discuss do _

inclination by difference neglect pass over capital may be, but a little uncomfortable felt
also It was true .

at that time one hundred thousand said .

“ Ah , misunderstanding. roll up Please ."

“ Um ?”

then party evil a sign did you notice he calmly was ambiguous

“ I volcanic Jang Moon's agent only _ _ deputy chief No. _ I drill the word Cheon Woo-
blind as an ally make a decision acting on behalf that no , just volcanic As Deputy Chief
volcanic comment presenting That’s all .”
"... well ."

“ of decision authority is always as it was to the lord There is , I giving the word soon
Lord's as an opinion I think roll up Please .”

High in a place doing person no , low in a place doing it's a proposal it meant detail
scrutinize For example volcanic Deputy Manager Jang Moon eggplant practical position
is Cheon Woo-blind Vice President role undertaken than the price low , other other with
the clans The difference there was no

But ......

“ Assistant Jang Moon . From a standpoint , we picture to think It 's hard . priority with
the lord you one clan belonging to crab …”

“ The lord our comment give preference Could you please ?”

“ … I understand .”

Tang military evil Immediately head nodded .

Different Ramen I don't know Hyeonjong never do it won't will _ Hyeonjong It's fairness
suspicious have a chance no isn't it ?

furthermore Hyun Jong-eun outrageous there will be no to the extent Own the disciples
believing At the same time ......

' Under heaven My the disciples most pond hateful You are also Because .'

precisely the disciples pond rather than believe the disciples with there is madness most
well understand there is Person But ... Anyway .

so volcanic in the comments more specially ears tilting Such as work wide open won't will

“ But like that if the volcano Different with the clans same right to speak have one
Munpa-ro to be treated no choice but to None . Are you okay ?"

“ Of course Work Isn't it ?"

one hundred thousand to think also no as if immediately answered .

“ Originally should have do . that is soon 'Cause it 's crazy until now the volcano Cheon
Woo Meng proactively drag going as if looked The reason is just Cheon Woo-blind the
lord volcanic long text take a seat to serve you were there Because . if the Lord lord in
place if you climb Danga that role to do It will be .”
“ Ummm .”

“ The volcano is in heaven privilege to demand thinking even alittle None . we built more
than Everyone is equality by default summer solstice Isn't it ?"

party evil corner of the mouth me too without knowing swipe went up

' Certainly ...'

People in power the premiere comment subject case usually have number there is in
power I don't care won't it 's time This In the end , no matter in power premiered called
a person chart already enjoy there is power laying down case picture easy not saying will

what is power soon comfort .

given comfort dare refuse discomfort be yourself need where will there be that nobody
don't blame if not even more I will need no _

However now one hundred thousand the volcano implicitly in cheonwoomeng carry
there was superior right and even the entrance detached I'll put it down speak there is

young possible daily map I don't know , yes chart awesome visible case It was true .

“ That’s volcanic are you thinking ?"

“ Yes , my lord .”

“ Um . good work . exactly young people different .”

head nodded Tang military evil suddenly strange expression built said .

“ But Say it .”

“ Yes .”

"... with you thinking A little Different lice I have visible thing Do you think ?"

“ Yes ?”

that on horse one hundred thousand swipe My sideways saw _

“ Oops ! Oops !”

to Ogum crushed Cheongmyeong in the eyes bloody feet built stick rocking there was
Wondok Department with hate full cold that two Snow like ' that how obtained right , that
you lazy Road put it down ! this son-in-law Ganja baby ! at the volcano rot Turn it off !'
do crying thing only was like
“ Ugh !”

“ Stay still A little be there !”

“ Who Go line A little Bring it , quickly !"

“ Do , will you give me a donga ?”

“ Dong-ah not iron wire ! this baby Dong-a line tied up What What shall we do ?”

“ No , right now. wire where To save me …”

Oh Gum rocking clarification desperately pressed down that bizarre yet terrifying the
sight stare looking at one hundred thousand on the lips Moment fishy smile was young

“ Lord .”

“ Ummm ?”

refreshingly look at open one hundred thousand party music looking very relaxed turo
said .

“ Nerve write even if you don't It will be .”

"...... That , is it ?"

“ Yes . I now volcanic As Deputy Chief I tell you There is . By the way Why ' one ' of the
three great disciples reaction like nerve write Guernsey to understand It is difficult .”

“ Koo , cool .”

Moment Sarega listen discarded Tang military evil body Big rocking coughed up

“ This , one Third Disciple ?”

“ Nerve write do not on the volcano widely scattered third disciple middle one day only .
by the way black A little write line know bastard in place to attend but yes _ have to see
one Third Disciple only , volcanic official with the position perfectly it doesn't matter Do
not have count If you hit It will be .”

“ Uh …”

volcanic Jang Moon-in representing Me and the ' one ' three great disciples opinion
middle what more Does it matter ?"

“ That , that That ... no , though be ...... so doing case That’s right …”

“ Ha ha . too much bald Days Isn't it ?"

Tang military music saw _ softly water is one hundred thousand swipe clarification I
looked each smiling look I mean .

that face copy Cheongmyeong at all shaking convulsions caused _ Then Within pure
white until the bubble pug pug asked .

“ Kuruk …”

Cheongmyeong baroque sound out Eyes turn over let's go Within room ease It became
quiet . intermittently twitch convulsions causing pretty , very far go discarded was the

' This , even Is it okay ? '

of course I mean That's right . Volcano Swordsman no matter how flying that long
However , as an identity If you ask volcanic to the third because only formality principle If
you ask this at the seat right to speak Do not have crab It is normal .

' But still Is it the Volcano Swordsman ?'

really even this way felled is it ?

“ The Third Disciple like not volcanic As Deputy Chief say the word Let me give you …”

“ Huh ?”

“ now Cheon Woo Blind most first of all Sun will do the move consultation to go through
Also, with the old file room different Thing overtly doing work .”

“ Yeah , that ’s right .”

“ So the volcano Different Dear Moonlords , now Immediately number of people stand
out to Haenam to depart Thing I suggest . Most fast , three days do not pass not hour
within prepare finished Gangnam break through to Haenam to reach Thing purpose .”

“ I … that little Urgent ......”

“ in ignorance myself there is only those join Please . joining min if not the volcano alone
to Haenam I will head .”

static flowed _ speak finished one hundred thousand shit laughed _

“ It’s more than that .”

that Moment Tang military music realized _ this crazy Assistant Manager Jang Moon the
guy hit by target Only only the court that it wasn't fact .

party evil stomach again sorely come started _

1198 episodes . this how how Did you hold out ? (3)

“ That … no , Assistant Manager Jang Moon .”

a little perplexed in voice speak pulled out Tang military evil Big I was coughing . Then
barely smooth complexion recover sigh exhaled _

“ Of course to Haenam Gaya that Deputy Manager Jang Moon in the claim I agree .”

here dissenting have a chance no _

already Cheon Woo Maeng old file room Different Path to walk promised _ and that at
the core certainly to Haenam there is what if now come to Haenam heading to If you
hesitate with court Negotiation on the spot they did the horse just in the mouth valine by
sound being dismissed word will _

so up to here natural it's a thing

“ And now of Haenam situation picture green paper not also know there is to be number
if there is cursory side it would be nice However cursory and brash that is never same
horse no ."

hundred thousand Also that at the end agree seemingly head nodded .

“ The trip to Haenam easily to think Days no . Gangnam to the deepest Gaya do n't of
course enough ready and contrast need it hastily to act work be wrong capital yes Isn't it

“ The Lord’s words ten minutes I agree .”

one hundred thousand head nodding party music looked up

“ Sacrifice cut down For the sake of harm cut down even for contrast is should be
enough do .”

“ But How can I …”

“ right away that Because. ”

“ Um ?”

Moment one hundred thousand mean I understand unhappy Tang military evil a little
head was tilted OK one hundred thousand calmly was ambiguous

“ now Most cursory side damage reduce number there is It's a road ."

“ ....... Haenam Are you talking ?"

“ No. ”

one hundred thousand a word Hesitation without Immediately answered .

“ Of course Time shortened Days in Haenam help good luck will do will be . However U.S
Calm hurry up doing The reason is Haenam because of this No, to Gangnam Gaya will do
these Because. ”

“ … a little more Details explain see .”

“ We to Haenam discussed crab Yesterday Today Days No. _ no matter how Meng
internal only a few speak We shared, but the words finally flowing out prepared Is n't it ?"

Tang military evil that on horse make sense that there is seemingly head nodded .

“ And In recent years even the chief our intention Know has been . moderator Also why
negotiation whether it's wrong Different to them have to explain will do Tenny , this
about Stories share to be probability high .”

Tang military evil just then that I understood seemingly head nodded .

“ You mean , our to Haenam Even in saffron to be known number that there is giant .”

“ Yes , yes . of course I together speak divided people not trust unable that is No. _
However what is a horse water and like forever put it in leave lock up two number None .
malice even if there isn't . no , rather malice no Because Shh leak get out number there is
That is .”

party evil face a little got serious make sense there is say was thought Because .

'It's Sapaeyeon ...'

Shaolin do not intervene if not situation little would have been different I don't know ,
now their to Haenam no more hide difficult probability has risen

“ It got annoying .”

now Cheon Woo-blind from the standpoint Gangnam land word as it is few no different
where _ By the way There saffron their to Gangnam know there is situation Became what
if you throw it away ?

' There are many _ _ the dead ground _ _ It will be .”

face hardened Tang military evil one hundred thousand looked up

“ Assistant Jang Moon .”

“ Yes , my lord .”
“ Deputy Minister Jang Moon the horse I understand . However concern lifting also
That's true . situation become difficult number because hurry up that the horse glimpse
Understanding I go, but …”

“ Dangerous where Ready without jumping Hyung-guk to be capital that there is You will
say it .”

“That ’s right .”

Tang military evil obediently let's affirm one hundred thousand again to wear opened .

“ I Also that part think pussy not that is No. _ However only this time Time turn it off the
solution come out Days No. _ U.S to think During them Also take measures to seek
Because it will .”

“ Ummm . But …”

“ And that take measures erected lice It is a long day .”

that speak heard Tang military evil to wear shut up abandoned .

Each other plan prepare encounter ? that result how ok here there is these are all know
there is each other prepared the battlefield in the condition long day the year pay lice
hyeon strong exist does not

“ Of course know There is . impatient Dangerous You will see it .”

Tang military music do not deny without one hundred thousand speak listen only did _

“ But until now Cheon Woo Maeng each other comment to coordinate an agreement get
it out do your best to find place too much Many Time consumed . so far that way would
be right I don't know , from now on not will .”

party evil expression a little hardened .

from now on horse which whether it means get to know Because . of war terrified strong
cover let's sell good Everyone is gather sit down comment converging result to find
method like to use crab pond becomes _ important that is fast judgment and drastic
ability to execute to be will _

“ That’s your are you thinking ?"

“ Yes , my lord .”

one hundred thousand head nodded .

“ But that choice be wrong case irreversible number Do not have result give birth done .”
“ Therefore three days Time talked will be . I alone most good How to find out number
None . However here you are with people three days if time the best I don't know lane to
some extent find out number There must be .”


“ two Branch How to Moderately compromise need that I think . self-righteousness I

should avoid it, but it takes time Too attractable also not will be . so from now on
defined hour within desperately answer have to find do .”

Tang military music chin lightly touching in thought locked . first would have heard when
answer without hurriedly think I did , but listen look This extremely reasonable It was a
story .

he new by eye one hundred thousand saw _

court of law in front proudly comment present when usually this no I felt it , but definitely
this the man green paper not . Different these volcanic new Assistant Manager Jang
Moon the inauguration unconventional in the case break up unable During one hundred
thousand already next number for in trouble went in crab it is clear

I am impatient will you be immature I don't know , but volcanic Jang Moon-in I will
number no Did you?'

this look report there , then one hundred thousand one equine make sense It was
understood .

“ First of all …”

Tang military evil a little glance frowning said .

“ Maybe want again once I'll check it out , but this Cheon Woo Meng belonging to clan
with qualifications the volcano proposing Any opinions ?"

“ Of course Yes it is . more good thinking if any , anytime position replace number There
is .”

“ I see .”

to point out will do part straw back Tang military evil again asked .

“ personnel stand out ask for I did , that the number of people which to the extent
thinking is there each Munpadang some So much ……”

“ thinking if it is street each Munpadang one people , total Heat more than not if not do
Tang military evil Moment perplexed with face Eyes Big popped up

“ barely that degree by personnel to Haenam to go is it? ”

“ by personnel saffron to face number Will you be there ?"

one hundred thousand shoulder Shrugged .

“ Even if hundred , or two hundred I'm going chart in Gangnam to the saffron if besieged
properly strength write pussy can't to be beaten will be . yes saffron to face number there
is number What if mobilized ?”

“ . . . the war It will begin ."

“ Yeah , right Yes .”

one hundred thousand determined with eyes party music upright stared at

“ So to Haenam going the number of people Minimize .”

“ But then to them would have been discovered at the time resistance there will be no
would you?"

“ Therefore in ignorance myself there is with these limited will . and to be number if there
is each in the clan new law excellent with these pulled If you give I hope .”

“ … the new law ?”

“ Yes .”

one hundred thousand halo to shine seemingly dedicated with face Boldly said .

“ If caught to bounce I do .”

“ ……”

" Tulle when to be number if there is in all directions torn apart torn splashing side
survival rate to be high So , even alone sapphire chase Harm run away number there is
person thing . this top priority It is a condition .”

“ Uh …”

illy there is I mean . ah of course illy There is .......

Tang military music finally expression in management Failed . blankly one hundred
thousand looking I thought .

' Jangmunin's on location right People like that speak in the mouth containing case Was
there ?'
much less not Then people too which degree High in place rise words and deeds to be
careful crab It's common ...

Tang military evil coughing in vain head nodded .

“ Then volcanic The proposal is that the new law excellent as a decimal priority fast to
Haenam reaching Thing as a top priority let's think giant .”

“ Yes .”

Tang military evil chin touching said .

“ good think Same , but countermeasures no visible also It's a problem . priority like that to
Haenam to arrive If , they safety to evacuate way not worth it to go from Problem Isn't it

“ That’s we to worry about need None .”

“ Huh ? that In addition what Sorin ?”

that Moment one hundred thousand lips strangely twisted _

“ Bondi Cheon Woo-blind if the way Haenam to escape way up perfectly imagine make a
plan Thought it was , in fact that meaningless Days Isn't it ?"

“ Why ?”

“ Actually that all ready to Haenam I arrived Haenam that How to pond believe me , just
There I'll stay sun throw away we What What would you do ?"

"...... Huh ?"

party evil face a little I became numb . one hundred thousand upper body more straight
spread out said .

“ now most important case of Haenam doctor to confirm It 's work . that behind work
that behind even if we discuss will be . now every the problem is saffron Gangnam seized
backwards with Haenam contact broken from occurred Because it is .”

“ … it’s a contact network .”

“ Yes . I priority that contact network in recovery focused that that's right It is a thought

“ Um . if so exactly A little …”

priority head nodding wanted to see Tang military evil Moment stopped . think Bonnie
Something it was weird Because .
“ No … your the horse A little It's a contradiction isn't it ? they to Haenam I'll stay if U.S
with them network of contacts make so what make sense will there be? "

that ask a question heard one hundred thousand on the face strange smile bloomed _

“ We make sense No , of course ."

“ By the way ?”

“ Lord . what is a person certainly meaning there is work doing crab not important does
not . sometimes compassion based on line doing on that meaningful there is case yes
Don't you ?"

“ Are you compassionate ?”

“ think Look .”

one hundred thousand Absolutely pity as if said .

“ one to the group belong there is sibling same clan on the enemy line isolated chae ,
properly became contact not without there is Different people how much kid ceaselessly
Would you like to ?"

“ one group ? Old or old file room ?”

“ Yes !”

one hundred thousand on the face really compassion feeling blazing expression drape
there was

" Haenam nice formal three treatment department I will be with you if of course Cheon
Woo-blind main body directly step forward them I should help , but I can't handl those
guys there leave just to step turning case people's dory No. _ At least to Gangnam liver at
Kim broken contact network to some extent recovery sun I should give it to you .”

“ I Shaolin Department old file room isolated Haenamist booklet directly receive , pay
strong people all that situation egg number so that I mean . that is people's torii, and the
master duty Is n't it ?"

“ ... usually then girl it's right one ?"

“ Haha , my lord .”

one hundred thousand Absolutely brightly laughed _

“ Now this volcanic It is also .”

party evil face blatantly became shaky of course the master not he volcano in front help
dory to discuss A little However , this Something direction A little Weird thing It seems

that Moment party evil gaze naturally one to a person headed _ First perfect atmosphere
only look at it one hundred thousand doing at work every case quarrel girl thing same
People yes isn't it he still obviously ......

“ Oh ?”

and Tang military music saw _ little only until chart ax eye pure white floating there was
Cheongmyeong admired seemingly Eyes lantern lantern shining one hundred thousand
see look I mean .

“ quite Is it plausible ?”

“ Fufu , isn’t it ?”

“ Goodbye if Even if maharaja bald the head redly dye line number Will there be? "

“ This is long writer It’s dignity , the third generation disciple .”

“ ok ....... this time I admit it .”

with embarrassment dyed party evil in the snow gradually strength released went out

' Really even this way Are you okay ?'

he quietly I thought . this seat ending Road somehow Hyeonjonggwa stand alone sun I'm
going to see

1199 t . this how how Did you hold out ? (4)

confused swirling thoughts barely organized only after Tang military evil again to wear
opened .

“ something it's complicated However , in conclusion as it were only a few by putting

First to Haenam towards back , their doctor let's check is it? "

“ Yes . Lord .”

“ If they Chun Woo Meng will be together will do in the city Cheon Woo-blind main
body support or do so Haenam wave to escape How to looking for them in the old file
room as it is stay I'd say will do when old file room Haenampa interracial a ferry build
give ?”

“ Yes .”
“ work well when released good will , well unravel even if you don't cum cum cum cum
Shaolin fucked Food ...... No , to Haenam way out tween line capital are there ?"

"That 's correct ."

that speak heard Cheongmyeong chuckle laugh _

“ If this rather Haenam loyalty I wish it was over I hope . hee hee ."

“ . . . Chung Myung-ah . you robbery .”

“ Who isn't it ? Heh heh heh heh !”


shaky by eye clarification looking at Tang military evil think want to organize seems , my
chin kneaded _

' bad I don't .'

First risk sudden to give just by Gumi pulling do _ actually I mean right I mean , now of
Haenam position to this and that that case word as it is Cheon Woo-blind to forecast not
just isn't it ?

at the outside there is Road power pull together to Haenam I advanced , but the
Haenam group Jang Mun-in said, ' Why Are you here ?' said sun throw away Moment
Cheon Woo Maeng under heaven nerd become dry will _

' lead going military medical charge as it increases saffron attention have probability
diagram exponentially to increase tego .'

priority urgent in the situation feet subtract good few to Haenam let's go the horse
exactly good It was an opinion .

suddenly Deputy Manager Jang Moon in place right In addition , the court in
conversation put out horses together Too be radical worried side There was , more than I
thought one hundred thousand balance well keep there is as seemed _

“ By the way .”

“ Yes .”

“ that It's called a ferry case how what channel to keep are you thinking ?"

Tang military evil Understanding Branch not saying seemingly head tilt _
“ It’s called the old file room. with Haenam contact completely to hang up did crab no . I
will no choice but to there was no beggar . in Haenam to Gangbuk even if you can't two
thousand five hundred Lee reaching distance Isn't it ?"

“ Um . Yes .”

“ Opening under heaven proud special Jeon Seo-gu Even the request for a thousand
miles one at a time cloth lee more than Branch ca n't horse cloth Lizzie Actually five
hundred Lido barely I'm going have a look therefore open is everywhere Zidane install
and whole book intermediary method second write yes Isn't it ?"

everyone head nodded . This In Kangho accustomed known there is was the way

“ But we are in Gangnam branch to install number no , so your if you say chapter without
water mirror two thousand five hundred Lee reaching distance fall a ferry have to
prepare that horse Isn't it ?"


one hundred thousand the answer is let's go party evil Snow narrowed down

“ Maybe Haenamist Jang Moon-in write June booklet one holding come public opinion
make want to see the horse Is n't it ? that In reality easy not work .”

“ Public opinion I will make one few No, but ..."

“ Um ? you certainly public opinion make Shaolin …”

“ I just situation I will tell you did you? Too previously going out case Whether or not .......
of course Lord's in shaolin About bad feelings I understand ."


Moment party evil face a little blush _

“ Heh heh . I for awhile misunderstanding did It looks like it .”

“ Are you wrong?”

“ Just yes Hase .”

" Yeah ."

Tang military evil again once cough in vain and then one hundred thousand looked up

“ So ? public opinion want to make crab no then case need no is it? ”

“ That is…”
one hundred thousand membrane What do you say want to answer moment ,
cheongmyeong bluntly to wear opened .

“ What then girl I'm worried ."

“ Huh ?”

Tang military evil clarification looking back Moment Cheongmyeong head stroke turn _

“ Hey ! map !”

“ Yes .”

clear in a cry Im So-byeong immediately answered . People even a caterpillar did you
come do head I'm looking around , Im So-byeong jusom jusom body got up Next laid
there was map wide open unfold pay _

" straight Listen !"

“ ...... yes .”

Everyone is car that the sight look at can't head turn fell .

oh my god ... the green king map with hook inscribed are you human

no matter how green forest king I'm a sapphire , but treat receive people no ...... me the
yangban how What for in heaven stick there is maybe ?

“ over there Look .”

“ Huh ?”

map copy of these Snow Absolutely frowned _ already know there was However , the map
Bonnie Haenam and this place how much dusty anew feeling woke up Because .

“ But Haenam-do really Is it big ?”

“ How much castle one is it big ? Shaanxi half to some extent I will .”

“ Ah , halfway through .”

“ Ah there Don’t !”

“ Huh ?”

Cheongmyeong with a chin map of Haenam part point to

“ Here . here .”

People's look at collected Cheongmyeong explain start _

“ Haenam-do ocean in the middle float there is case Yes, but with land distance far away
close . Right away above peninsula There is ."

“That ’s right …”

big on the continent like a tail flick protruding peninsula see , that Right away Under
Haenam there is

“ So most near between shores straight distance only according to fire sixty only Lee not
not saying That ’s it .”

“ sixty Riga Are you close ? ship overthrow some time is Gaya doing It's gone ."

“ Ah , that that's about it what .”


I vast in concept awe I heard it , but it now secondary problem .

“ By the way … that ferry and what Does it matter ? no way People send that the strait
cross over let's the horse not tego now _ the problem is in Gangnam People get in
number no thing Isn't it ?"

“ So have a solution said That ’s it .”

“ Huh ?”

“ now a ferry to keep place in the problem is count you have it two thousand five
hundred Lee round-trip number there is case only people no _ By the way people in
Gangnam pond go in and the sea have to cross do _

“ … isn’t it ?”

petty The problem there is But , that it's the key will do number there is

in vain anxious Tang military evil swipe amplify _

“ Sapaeyeondo the fool not Tenny , you said I the peninsula ironically guard to be thing
Isn't it ?"

“ Yes . I know .”

Cheongmyeong of course seemingly head nod _

“ Then that three everyone solve number there is How to write It 's okay . Icheon five
hundred Lee round-trip number and sixty _ about li felled the sea at once crossing
number there is ! People's in the eyes inconspicuous without there Ogal number there is
bastard !”
“ Huh ?”

People all head smirk _ then person .......

“ A ghost door ?”

“ A. _ no matter how even a ghost door that not not . Express delivery chart the situation
You cover it .”

"... Then what ?"

Right away that It was a moment .

Cheongmyeong suddenly My in front hand shy push I put Something Heo Yeon Thing
catch take it out

“ Huh ?”

“ Wow …”

“ Oh my God .”

“ Come on here Yes ...... No , this cub hold on ?"

“ Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !”

white baby clear Clothes hold on desperately resisted _ Person speak understand it's a
bastard Bonnie Roughly return situation that's weird Thing intuition will _

“ Uracha !”

However Eventually dragged came out white baby on the floor Cheol Puduk do falls off

on the floor flat prostrate stick fast around swish turned around white baby one side
toward with power to run did that It was a moment .

“ run Look .”


white feet in the air bad stop _

“ Where run Look . yes . not still slowly winter road Coming , scarf one if there is perfect
Envy you did I'm doing it , Saldo plump steamed scarf thickly one I will come .”

“ People baby beast baby ! feed give grow up I wish the price of rice must ! this cub
where money too Do not have in the conduit meat the meat there is Road all suck eat it
up now come Trying to get away !"

“ Keiei ……”

that Moment People saw _

pure white marten in the snow chicken dung same Tears drip falling look I mean .

'I'm sorry .'

' He too what if .'

' Still king of green than get better Isn't it ? '

that look copy swear word chuckle smiling said .

“ Certainly back-to-back if the guy Haenam-do that's about it just like that Ogal number
There will be .”

“ I really _ felled are you? ”

“ for nothing white electric _ _ _ Is it an island war ? only heart if you eat Per day cloth
Lido conflict number there is .”

“ Oh no _ the sea is there ?"

“ Originally animal than people swim more well hit it I if it's a guy sixty lee that's about it
All of a sudden I will cross .”

“ Hey ……”

“ for nothing spirits No. ”

swear word that speak listen sue stay _

“ Even in the Palace of the Beast especially to deal with As much as it is a spirit creature
, that ability not sure in the meantime will do number Is there is there no than to this guy
work to make way no crab It was a problem …”

swear word swipe clarification look back

"... a little to learn one I want to and .”

“ No. _ lord !”

“ don’t learn Do not !”

“ The Beast Palace animal You are my friend ! that one friend not vice It's a slave trader !"

Tanggunakdo head nod _

“ Certainly … they people border chart marten vigilant work I don't think so . diarrhea to
be on the border handl , me large in a place this small marten one Marie to find case It
would be impossible .”

“ Is that so ?”

“ It's reasonable . Indeed , the spirit in variety useless A lot .”

“ Hehehehe . I will line know until now feed give put to sleep give one That ’s it .”

“ Great .”

“ But eat sleeping the problem is how do you day Two days take Days not no matter how
hurry even round trip three or four days more than take I would .”

" What I'm worried . it's a beast hungry to hunt hang out , sleep come cave digging I will
sleep .”

“ . . . is a spirit creature. a person or Is n't it the same ?"

“ A. _ horse yes That 's it . need when It's a spirit creature, and it's annoying when beast _
all then thing Is n't it ?"

“That 's reasonable .”

strong Conference as a group name blowing Cheon Woo-blind those in power

Jomakman one animals to exploit for make a plan stand up satisfied laugh building
horrendous sight unfolded _

one hundred thousand in the eyes on the floor Cheol Puduk overturned stick sigh
snuggle exhale white look come in His ' Ha ... life . ' called voice is I can hear coming only
was like

Something weird sense of unity feel it same white sir Is that so ......

“ Ummm . anyway then contact network the part It has been resolved .”

Tang military evil Hurry situation tidy up

“ The horse long , but important case this have a plan reality is there , and Different
sectarian thinking is how about doing it would be ."

Tang military evil head listen Different the patrons look up

“ How do you think this on the plan Do you agree ?”

that horse end awfully Namgungdowi to wear opened .

“ one hundred thousand stamp . No , Deputy Chief Jang Moon .”

“ Yes . Soga Lord .”

he one hundred thousand upright looking say .

“ one I will check . to Haenam have to head will do dental condition What is it ?"

“ As I said each in the clan inaction high , especially new law fast If these Good .”

Namgungdowi head I stumbled .

“ that horse No. _ dare each in the clan one People take out going condensed milk asking
will .”

“ Ah , that It's simple . I to Haenam we in heaven affiliated clan power off Haenam for go
out willing that there is girl see Cycle for .”

“ I understand . then to Haenam going dental reputation high or famous the higher the
more That would be great .”

“ It is But …”

“ Well then .”

Namgungdowi head turn party music look up

“ In Namgung Sega most suitable this I will send you .”

“ Huh ?”

“ In Namgung most inaction high , prestige high , and they persuasive place help to be
This ......”

“ Come on , maybe …”

“ Yes ! I directly I go .”

Tang military evil My face with both hands wrapped around

why All together …”

why together this is the shape

this damn things .....

1200 episodes . this how how Did you hold out ? (5)
" Look ⋯⋯ . Sogaju . "
Tang military evil sigh snuggle resting to wear opened .
" The trip to Haenam you think More than dangerous daily tax . no matter how as a
decimal in the eyes inconspicuous not going that say goal handl Say it ."
" know There is . Lord ."
" Nevertheless Namgung's Sogaju ⋯⋯ . Actually california role do there is you
directly to Haenam to go is it? "
Tang military evil nonsense not felled called sound seemingly voice a little raised _
" now Namgung's in the situation even you stool to suffer if what Days will it
happen really I don't know that case Is n't it ?"
cool It was intelligent , but Namgungdowi just calmly to laugh it was only
" Of course know There is ."
" Nevertheless you to Haenam to go is it? "
" Yes ."
that of hesitation even a fragment invisible not determined answer heard Tang
military music Eyes sticky wind up abandoned .
' Namgung Hwang better .'
Namgung Palace Measures Do not have side but it was own emotions win
because I can't burst coming out to come was close
By the way this humans are With the Emperor Namgung Dali to think that is all
thinking emotions don't intervene not in the situation Namgung Palace same
conclusion bring _
the process different result If the same , rather the process wrong side to deal with
easy isn't it ?
" Sogaju ⋯⋯ ."
" Assistant Jang Moon ."
that Moment , Namgungdowi head turn one hundred thousand look up
" Yes . Soga Lord ."
" Deputy Minister Jang Moon what to do do you think volcanic at Jangmoon You're
up , behind you stay the disciples to Haenam Would you like to send it ?"
that on horse one hundred thousand shoulder Shrugged .
" On the volcano then Deputy Manager Jang Moon exist does not . volcanic
Deputy Manager Jang Moon most in front most first acting This is . of course I
directly to Haenam conflict will ."
that on horse Namgungdowi thing behold seemingly party music look up
" That's right ."
" ⋯⋯ ."
" volcanic Deputy Minister Jang Moon directly to Haenam You're going , Namgung
's Soga-ju What picture Great title body would you like to subtract by power on the
volcano crazy unable Namgung, but at least that heart only support won't will ."
" No . That unnecessary on the part competitive spirit not feel If not ⋯⋯ ."
" That's approach No. _ the Lord As you said , Namgung is now intact state No. _
past Namgung who you represented Those who most I at Maehwado famous you
did it differently . Then Bonnie now in Namgung that only by name Namgung to
represent number there is people some Namji not situation ."
" ⋯⋯ ."
" So. "
Namgungdowi shoulder side stick to wear opened .
" The old man earned of work most direct a party to the party how much be brutal
number whether go through copy Namgung's member , and Namgung Sega's
position to represent number there is person and to Haenam heading with these
well in unity every mission successfully lead number there is this ."
" ⋯⋯ ."
" In Namgung that the right person out there None ."
Tang military evil like a seashell to wear closed .
somehow to refute speak find to see I did , but never to refute horse do not rise
does not logically almost to perfection was close It was because
so that Tang military music usual with him not fit not speak in the mouth to contain
no choice but to there was no
" Look , Sogaju . "
" Yes . Lord ."
" You too As you know , your with father I friendly there is was between Just erase
it will do number is without each other a drink dividing on notably difficulty there is
Saido It wasn't ."
" know There is . each other faced situation If not , the two the minute little more
vulgar between You must have been ."
" Yes . Yes . "
Tang military evil sigh snuggly exhale _
" So my admission little consider have to give summer solstice won't you ? what if
you this time to Haenam Because even if it goes wrong if I that friend's face how
Can you see it? "
" That's don't worry even if you don't will be ."
Namgungdowi Binggrae laughed _
" I know If you are a father , go to Haenam liver me to blame Riga Because there is
none . back to Haenam Branch not Thing to blame will . my father-in-law then You
were ."
" ⋯⋯ ."
Tang military evil honey eaten dumb became _
think Bonnie Namgung Hwang really then was a person Because .
" Come on , hey uncle yes Isn't it !"
" My uncle the other day dressed hurt Too deep , long journey hold on You're
having a hard time . nephew became by way how injured dressed to uncle then
please drill number Will you be there ?"
" That ⋯⋯ ."
Namgung Myung If you hear it , ' No ? me Are you okay ?' Called immediately I
would accept it, but unfortunately Namgung Myung now this in place there was no
" That , then ⋯⋯ ."
Tang military evil somehow speak squeeze doing moment , swear squeaky to wear
opened .
" The Lord also position You must be embarrassed ."
that on horse Tang military evil Absolutely sigh snuggle exhaled _
actually Tang military music someone dry or something The reason into people's
ankle catch stand lice it wasn't normally around what Days earned calmly watching
nonchalant in the inclination near is _
However really Cheon Woo-blind have a meeting organized plight Became Bonnie
, he usually did Road if you roll Everyone is to hell falling up to three days not take
won't thing was like
' My lord ⋯⋯ .'
once again Hyunjong Cheon Woo-blind as an ally what work do Was there ,
grievously to feel It was party music .
sometimes finally the kids are want Road to be Thing why like that every case
other walk Whether to put stuffy when There was ⋯⋯ .
' These are other bet Otherwise , even to the West Station conflict They are
bastards .'
so Although result unchanging even if you can't other hanging Work in itself make
sense there is it was
" ok . heart replace thinking is ⋯⋯ I don't think so . of course there will be no once I
see ."
Tang military evil sigh snuggle exhaled behind again to wear opened .
" No . But in the first place I one The question is volcanic in the comments ⋯⋯
whether you agree or not ."
" Even in the Ice Palace I directly I'll go !"
" ⋯⋯ ."
Tang military evil soul bereaved by eye head turned _ His in the eyes loads
recalled face one Seol Sobaek seemed _
" No , of course in the binggung than me you are great great people many .
However Binggung is in the midfield well known high not bar , who even if you go
obvious make an impression Cycle difficult will ."
" ⋯⋯ no , palace lord , first ⋯⋯ ."
" So ice archery I directly going side right I think . I no power glacial archer take a
seat served There is , a person even if not enough seat giving persuasive yes
Wouldn't you !"
moment _ _ in mind benign by eye snow bag looking at binggung of elders face
came to mind
- us the lord Absolutely excellent courtier Becoming glacial history New write will be
' that at the end notably disagreement no But ⋯⋯ . '
elders .
you will If you were thinking , I a child here bring me shouldn't have Do ⋯⋯ . no ,
even if at least I water sprinkled Indian ink same human on the side tear off I
should have put it ⋯⋯ .
party evil Your gaze is ' Ha , goon ' well It was big .' in by eye delightfully snow bag
looking up there is to the blue headed _
I human every malice is the source every ⋯⋯ of evil .
" Gungju ⋯⋯ . I water is that is volcanic in the comments ⋯⋯ in favor ."
" Yes ! Of course . I agree ! disagreement same case None ."
" no . like that Star ⋯⋯ ."
" Binggung isolated in a situation volcanic with help again happen number There
was . at that time the volcano in the North Sea Wow gist if not we now here to be
number Were you there ?"
" ⋯⋯ ."
Tang military evil quickly to wear closed .
" The person dory need to know is a person . like that again happened binggong
how same in plight be in trouble there is these turn away number Will you be there
" That , of course . That 's right ."
Different lice this speak If you did , ' life is It's real .' in speak Right away would
have pushed It’s a Tang military evil , but it’s so-so-baek in front at all this speak
take out medical charge there was no
I to the child then speak doing that is Like growing sprout kick throw away blazing
feeling guilty gave Because .
sometimes young age too weapon to be girl sharply to feel It was party music .
" good I think ."
" My lord !"
swear word humble with face said .
" only the elders to convince Way thinking doing do you mean ?"
" Oh ⋯⋯ . That's ⋯⋯ ."
Seol Sobaek perplexed face lets do it swear word chuckle laughed _
" same as an archer I one Advise ."
" Yes ! I'll listen ."
" Sometimes myself called the palace Thing understand and use need there is
please Sun doing if it's work agree same case not important won't when that there
is I mean ."
" Oh ⋯⋯ ."
" This seat when you're done my to a place come , I courtier ' Persuasion ' to _
which whether or not let me know I'll give it to you."
" Thank you ."
" Oh , baby What Teaching ⋯⋯ ."
" of one palace Gungju Ramen more More than I'm a kid will do number is no .
right Don't you ?"
party evil Snow shook .
here right no if glacial archer disregarding treat not isn't it ? His from the standpoint
absolutely in the mouth to contain number Do not have was the word
then party evil feel do you know Don't you know , Seol Sobaek recalled with face to
the oath ask _
" Then Are you the king ? directly Are you going ?"
" The Beast Palace this time not participate I won't ."
" Uh , why ?"
" We being a foreigner It's because ."
swear word prey laugh _
" Chun Woo Meng like that here that I don't One , the midwives still to newcomers
prejudice there is then these two rush to convince Handle , to them picture good
make an impression not giving can't Go ."
" ⋯⋯ but Haenampa Also in the backcountry there is that is It's the same ."
" So to the binggung street to say one girl . However two clan all going that is
picture good ca n't This Cheon Woo Meng for It's a decision ."
" Ummm ."
Seol Sobaek firm with face head nodded .
" Besides of the beast the representative already determined yes isn't it ? That too
very important role in charge ."
" Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !"
" This cub to a person teeth reveal ? really 👌👌 have to see spirit Do you want to
set up ?"
white baby fever there is Road right with face aggression while vomiting clear voice
to hear again become pale the floor scrape dance _
that look blankly looking at Seol Sobaek convinced seemingly head nodded .
" ⋯⋯ That's right ."
here spirits like a person to deal with people and spirits really like a person to deal
with People there is
same I mean make sense Really ⋯⋯ . yes . Oh yeah different _
" Then left The place is ⋯⋯ ."
everyone's gaze one to a place headed _
and that look at received this is already prepare said seemingly immediately
answered .
" Thunderworm ! Thunderworm ! conflict will ."
Lim So-byeong face is It was desperate .
" In the beginning Sapa cub there mask Bad recognition only give it good
awareness would you like to refluent crab best , but that in the heart not If you eat
caterpillar I will send you . strength good as a porter even to write good I will !"
" ⋯⋯ ."
" That's even if not It's ok . now Immediately Green Forest green wood to the
elders About Detailed directory write it drill Tenni ! in those anyone Choose ! who
even if you choose I immediately send Drill ⋯⋯ ."
" Hey ."
" ⋯⋯ ."
Cheongmyeong bluntly say .
" don't bullshit not you also come ."
" Sa , Sapa to Haenam Why ⋯⋯ ."
" Oh, okay . come ."
" ⋯⋯ Recognition only ⋯⋯ to get worse ."
" Because it come ."
" ⋯⋯ ."
" The green green forest king going gal ."
Lim So-byeong joining price own with the doctor Not at all Regardless of
determined It was a moment .

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