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This Novel Provide By: Team.

(golden star
3royal princes were born by different queens in a
royal family.
the gods blessed them equally in terms of
strength, handsomeness and wisdom but the
younger prince was born blind.
the blind prince,Drema was treated in total
disdain and hatred....the king hated to see him he
was only loved by his mother and Lila,his step
At times he sees and even if he does,his sight
gets blurry so he moved around with his poor
sight whom no one knows the cause nor the cure.
Other than his disability,Drema is God in his own
way,he has been recognized as the world's
wealthiest male model...
People all over the world thinks his mask is his
logo,uniqueness or he just don't want anyone to
see his face but he only uses the mask so the
world won't know about his poor sight.
He is the guy who doesn't step on the floor,the
guy who wears clothes once....he has it all, the
world revolves round him and this made him has a
very cold and annoying personality...
He cries himself all night wishing the sky goddess
will grant him full sight..
everyone haunts him with his sight,
his brothers, everyone
his father was worst.
even with the mask,one could tell he is handsome
but pitifully he puts it on like a sunscreen.
In a twist of fate
Drema goes to visit his kingdom for an important
royal gathering..
he ran into a very troublesome groundnut seller in
a very bad coincidence,
the beautiful and troublesome maiden doesn't
know he is the prince..
she fought the prince,
she insulted him and even stole his money and
maybe his heart...
(why and how)
(I wonder why)
there was a forest Drema goes to to pour out his
heart whenever his father or his brothers upset
him cos of his partial blindness
what happens when Drema came across a talking
leopard whose motive is yet unknown?
who is "THE HEALER".
and how long do you think Drema can hide his
drop a comment.
The healer is an epic story featuring comedy,
adventures,suspense and trust me a very deep
I will be dropping a peeps on Instagram if you're
yet to follow me please do...
[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter One

The Jewel's family had been recorded as the
second richest in the whole world. Sir
AzukaJewel,the grand king of 20remote kingdoms
is the founder of the Jewel's group which is a
group of providing the city's and kingdoms
necessities, almost all wealthy Kings are part of
the Jewel's group.
the group had like 80high school across the
globe,100 universities.
their construction companies has built like
300major roads and bridges.
like 90streets belongs to the Jewel's.
200hotels and suites.
The group had done many more but the king still
had difficulty in choosing the sold heir of every
investments out of his three sons.
The Jewel's lived in an estate which had 10empty
mansions in it. A bluish pool surrounded the palace
and another came through the back.
the first building was were the grand king stays.
the maids occupied the last building, they had like
200maids and counting in the last building most
of which were captured during wars. But only
10maids stayed inside the main mansion.
the second building close enough to the first
building was where the king's wives stays.
The princes empire was the most beautiful,
well sculptured,
well arranged,
it was designed by the best architect..
the princes empire was worth writing about.
Prince Charles is the first prince and the rightful
heir to the throne.his room was above Tochi,the
second prince.
The blind and youngest prince(Drema) room
backed the pool,his wall was very transparent
giving him an amazing sight.
Next to his room was his dressing room where all
his clothes brand settled. Some special guards
stayed around there to help him dress up....
his sight issues worsen each passing day.
at times he sees and even if he does,his sight will
get blurry immediately.
His mother,queen chiamaka had sought solutions
from both far and near but all proved abortive.

A guard held prince Drema hand softly with

respect as he took him round the compound then
to the prince empire where he belongs..
All the maids bowed in respect as the guard took
him directly passed them.
once he was out of sight,they lifted their faces
"chaiii,my love for him is undying" oma said.
"his working steps shows he's really a model, chaii
nkem is lucky. I which I am the guard holding
him....see his brows"Lisa said.
"is it me or my eyes.....the young prince looks like
an half-caste.i don't mind if he's blind or not,I
will marry him like that" Rebecca said...
"will you get back to work" a strict voice said, the
maids ran in different direction.
Nkem on the other hand took Prince Drema to his
room,he helped him lay on the king sized bed..
"your assistant will soon be here,my prince" nkem
Drema only nodded.
his eyes were as blue as the sea,it has a spark of
silver. His hair were weaved back in a pretty
He wore a white track suite with a diamond
stonned slippers and a diamond earrings he held
his white phone in his right hand were he wore
silver rings,
his handsome look will melt everyone heart,
his dark hair,
his killer stature,
he had a tattoo on his wrist and another by his
neck.more like a signature.
He is so clean and attractive.
Nkem sighed and brought out his drugs.
"my prince your medication"nkem said.
Drema chewed in his bubble gum quietly.
"my prince you haven't taken it in a while" nkem
repeated.He admired his master. it would have
been better if he wasn't blind, he thought.
"take them away please"drema said.
"but you really need it for sight"
"will it change the fact that I am born blind"
"No you're not"....nkem said.
"I am"
"please just take the drugs,if not for anything
for the sake of queen chiamaka"nkem said. Drema
took the drugs immediately.
"your loyalty amuses me nkem.yet you put your
life on the line to make me happy.How do you
manage to do this"he asked.
"my prince it's my duty to protect you"
nkem replied.
"you may live"he said.
nkem bowed and left.
Drema drifted into thoughts immediately.
"why am I born blind???
"who did I offend!!!!!.
he thought as fell into sleep.
His sleep wasn't even up to 20minutes when he
started having the same scary nightmare. he
slipped off his mask immediately,his eyes got
teary quickly...
the more he strained his eyes to see,
the more his sight gets blurry. He managed to
take his red phone,the blurriness still increased..
he placed a call to his girlfriend,Nora.
"my love.."
"Drema is it your nightmare?"
"yes,it is"..
"you know better not to sleep at night,did you
take your insomnia tea?"Nora asked.
"yes,I just did but the sight just worsened"
"I'm sorry,I love you"Nora said.
"I love you too but can you come over I just
arrived at the palace"Drema said.
he got no reply all he heard was a loud moan of
Nora from the background.
"Nora,are you okay????
"no,I mean yes,yes am....."
the moans increased.
Drema forgot his pains in the moment.
"what sound is that?Nora are you okay? he asked.
"Jeezzz this clumsy maid just spilled hot water
on my skin"she replied.
Drema sighed."sorry"...
"sorry but can you still come over I need someone
to talk to"he said.
"hmmm am busy,I promise tomorrow"she said his
face dropped down.
"okay love,bye"
"bye my love" Nora ended the call.
he dropped the phone absent mindedly and found
his way out of his room he paused and couldn't go
further when he got to the stairs...
Prince Charles came right in time,he was smiling
sheepishly as he scrolled on his phone Drema
sensed his presence and spoke up immediately.
prince Charles turned abruptly he then rolled his
"it's me Drema,your brother"
"and how may I help you please???...
Drema took his cute lips in. "can you please turn
on the light???...
Charles smirked. "You're blind how then do you
know that the light is not on".
"I can sense it"Drema replied.
Charles rolled his eyeballs and turn on the
"done"he said and made to leave until Drema
spoke again.
"Brother,can I talk to you please???"
"I'm busy,do that with your manager".
"it's urgent....
"I'm busy Drema,it's not only you that have
problem"..Charles replied.
"okay,then can you help me pass through the
stairs,I need to speak with father"he asked and
Charles smirked.
"why won't I help you pass the stairs come on" he
said abd Drema stretched out his hand.
Charles took him up and when they got to the
middle of the coiling stairs,he purposely slip his
hand away and pushed him slightly...
Drema didn't see that coming, he fell and rolled
down the stairs with blood ozing from his head..
Charles smiled and walked away before the maids
will get alerted.

[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian epic drama
Chapter Two
securities and maids came out from different
sides,both men and women.Prince Drema already
passed out.
"my prince"
"young prince"
"prince Drema"
the maids stood shocked at one end admiring his
manly figure,the guards were shocked to the
bones,they will all be in trouble for being so
careless in duty.
a maid almost tucked his hair because it covered
his sight but she was too scared to touch him not
to talk of his hair so she watched him like a movie
alongside other maids.
queen chiamaka's p.o.v
what did I hear that happened to my son?
I rushed to the prince empire immediately.
I didn't even reply my hand maid.
"how can that common guard be so careless,where
is the head guard? I shouted
"he is here my queen"another maid replied.
"and where is Drema personal guard? I shouted.
nkem appeared looking as tensed as ever,he
hasn't said anything,I slapped him.
"you will be punished for being a careless servant,
you weren't suppose to leave my son alone not
even for a second you are to stay with him and
lead him to wherever he wants to go"I
voice broke off cos of so much anger.
Seeing the boy I nutured for nine months in pain
is enough for me to go crazy.
I sniffed,
all the maids bowed.
"am sorry my queen
"it was him that said I should leave"nkem said
I wanted to slap him again,I controlled my
the guards already tried lifting Drema up.
I took Dre hand from the guards and used my
hand to wipe traces of blood from his head.
who is trying to harm you,the pain you already
felt,can't they pity you...what did you do to this
I followed the guards who carried him carefully
and in no time,the physician arrived the rest of
the maids left and just three remained.
I stood quietly beside the glass door watching
the the physician treat my angel..
"here is your phone,my queen"
I turned abd took the phone.
"Ciara please I need the you to book the next
flight to Canada,it's important"
"thank you,dremas health is really important to
me,he is my only son and the main man in my life".
"okay ma'am,the next flight to Canada is 6am
I dropped the call and watched through the glass
door.Drema is still unconscious.
The physician came out after an hour.
"he is gaining consciousness but who is Nora?"he
"Nora...that's his girlfriend"
"she must be so dear to him cos he kept on calling
the name Nora,her presence will help a lot"he said
and walked in.
I dialed Nora's number countless times,she
wasn't picking,my texts were unreplied.
Nora my dear,please pick up my calls
This is the time Drema need you help,it's really
urgent please show up it's really urgent..
no reply. and have called her number close to
30times and counting.
I strolled out to the garden while still dialing her
she didn't pick
is she having issues with Drema?
even if they are having issues that doesn't mean
she should busy my calls.
someone laughed from behind,I didn't bother
turning,I already know who it was.
she walked fully to my front; queen ivory(prince
Charles mother).
"I meant to ask,where is your son walking stick or
doesn't he need it to do this...."she demonstrated
how that blind uses stick to walk. I sighed.
"or do blind people not make use of sticks these
days"she said.
"ivory am in no mood to utter gibberish with you"I
said,she pushed me slightly.
Ignoring the push I got from her,I smiled kindly
at her. "and you that your son is not blind,how
many things has he achieved...
nothing good to write home about
maybe you should at least try giving birth to a
blind child so that fortune will smile at you" I
the look on Ivory's face got more bittered.
"Hey don't twist anything for the fact will always
remain the same,your son is blind,so what's the
essence of his wealth if he can't see"she replied..
I point a warning finger at her"ivory do not insult
my son never never in your life and please he is
not blind.He might be blind in your eyes but not in
my eyes"I said.
"you are very right Chismaka,in your eyes your son
is not blind but in the eyes of others he is
blind,you should have just remained barren all
your life instead of giving birth to such a thing
you call son"she said.
"only the gods knows why i gave birth to Drema
,you're the owner of your mouth please yourself
and do whatever you wish...
quick reminder ivory, my son is better than the
other princes and you know it!! I pushed her the
way she did to me,
she almost fell.i smiled and walked away.
Nora just disappointed me today.
"where is the Nora?the doctor asked.
"I guess she's busy...never mind I will take care
of it"I replied and went in.
I sat quietly beside Drema on the bed.
"my handsome Drema you will be fine.No harm will
befall you my son.
I rubbed his palms softly.
"Nora"...he called.
"yes,my love I love you"I replied in Nora's tone
He kept on calling her name
I kept on repeating the same thing.
although I was fed up but I stayed till the next


Authoress p.o.v
Chidinma a very beautiful girl aged 21 was seen
sweeping her compound very early in the
morning.Though her family can be regarded as
the poorest of the poor but she lived her life to
the fullest...
she doesn't even mind if her father's house is
located in the most dirty part of Eziala(the most
local kingdom ruled by the current king)
She has a nice height,a beautiful body stature
with an amazing face but her trouble surpasses
her looks as she is very trouble some,careless and
blunt.She has 10clothes in total which are four
dress wrapper and 6gowns.
Her father is a carpenter and her mother sells
groundnut.their family is the poorest that was
more reason why her mother borrowed money in
every saving place
she had a little brother Nonso who was just
Chidinma has no time for men or even girls no one
even wants to associate with a commoner only
hanah talks to her and even if she does it's just
that doesn't stop Chidinma from getting into
trouble anyways.
she dropped the broom tiredly,
Nonso was up already.
"escort me to the stream"
"how many times are you fetching?
"till the drum fills"she said.
"go alone,who will help mama fry groundnut"
Nonso said.
"ohh it's true*she said and left.
She met her mates once she crosses the boarder
but they all ignored her no one seems to notice
they were all busy chatting in groups.

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"aaah Dera is pregnant for a drunkard,it's really
good for her at least her pride will come down"

there is a royal party at the palace this food,free drinks,free entrance...

hmmm the princes are back so the party must be

really grand...Ewww

I must attend in my best dress,best bead, best

Mildred said the princes are extremely

butttt the Queen's are all temperamental... most

especially queen Ivory she's so bossy I wonder
how the maids cope
she heard different things,out of everything she
pitied the Dera girl who got pregnant out of
soon they all arrived
each of them fetched water in pots.
she hurried back home,only her house was far to
the stream.
she passed through the back door and was about
pouring the water when she heard sounds....
"where is your daughter???
that sounds like madam Tamara's voice...
"where is your daughter???
"any problem"her mother came out.
"where is your daughter? don't answer me with a
question.where is she?? madam Tamara's voice
got high
"don't I have any right to know why you seek my
daughter?? her mother said.
"how dare you question me? don't you know who I
am I won't ask again for the last time where is
your daughter! do you know what she did? am
asking you!!! madam tamara shouted.
"what are you waiting for??
"go inside and bring that daughter of a witch
outside!!! she added.
this woman again! I dropped the pot quietly and
ran from the back I passed earlier.
[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter Three
Chidinma ran into the nearest forest in a little
smile,sure that the leaves covered her face very
well she took a deep breath and maintained
"what is it madam Tamara? I don't like the way
you came to my house this early morning
shouting"Chidinma mother said.
"I am not shouting...I simply ask,where is your
daughter?"madam Tamara's voice got high in full.
"any problem"
"I won't ask again,where is your daughter! for the
last time!!!
"since you won't tell me what she did, she left for
umunachi to fetch water"
"she did what? you allowed her to escape when
you know I will be coming this morning right,when
you know the crime she committed..
Madam Tamara turn around dramatically.
"don't you know what she did?
I'm asking you....your worthless daughter beat up
my son and almost got his manhood wounded...."
"don't you sound stupid? how many bones does
Chidinma have to beat up your son? is your son
not man enough"Chidinma mother said.that
statement alone made madam Tamara got
high,she couldn't hold it anymore, she faced the
servants she came along with.
"what are you waiting for?
"scatter their house!
"turn this place upside down"
"upside down" "upside down"
"burn this place down"
"burn it down"
the servants of madam Tamara scattered
everywhere around,Chidinma mother did nothing
she just stood watching them.
"I will be back for you...just pray my son get
well...let's go"
they left.
Chidinma mother sighed and went inside to
continue what she was doing.
Chidinma on the other hand moved away from her
hideout abd hastily rushed to the path she knew
they would want to pass.
there were two big deep pot hole on the way she
packed a reasonable amount of weak sticks to
cover the pot holes then cover the surface with
rustling leaves after which she rushed into
another hideout
madam Tamara sooon passed with her hand
maids,she walked right into the trap Chidinma
set..and let out a loud scream her legs already got
trapped with one of the nails on the stick
"that's what you get for shouting at my mother
instead of you to train your children well"
she said in her mind and rushed away.
on her way she ran directly into hanah,the only
maiden in this part of eziala that talks to her
maybe because they are both class... poor poor.
Eziala has close to 23 kingdoms in countings and
all her graded according to wealth standards..the
part her family falls into is the lowest and also
the most local.
no modern facilities at all compared to other
"nma how are you now?hanah asked
"I'm fine"she replied.
she's in a hurry,hanah was also in a hurry
they both ran as they talked.
"this one that you're in a hurry let me guess you
just dealt with some scape goat"hanah guessed.
"you got me"Chidinma smiled.
"hmm so who's the unfortunate goat"
"madam Tamara"
*madam Tamara?? you mean the almighty madam
"yes doesn't she deserve it"
hanah smiled."she really deserved but
hope you didn't go to far..
that woman self eehnn her own is too much"
hanah said.
"is it not because she's the healer...the only
healer here. Very proud human being she used to
collect many items,properties from people before
she heal them which is very wrong...
it is really wrong....gods gave her free hands to
heal for free but she turned it into wickedness
and business.. well that's not even the reason I
dealth with her"
"which ever way Chidinma..she deserves it for
always carrying herself like she is the king of this
take it that I am madam Tamara,this is how she
behaves when people goes to her.
"hey what do you want here??
"I am Tamara,the great healer how can I help
"Mr Man before I can heal will bringr
cowries,goats,ram, clothes, 50% of your farm
harvest before I can heal you,else nothing for
fia...the only thing remaining for her is to
command people to lay on their bellies to great
her"hanah said.
"that's by the way"Chidinma said.
Royal Palace.
queen chiamaka was seen sitting beside prince
Drema bed.He was fast asleep the queen wore a
long pitiful look.
The physician came in.
"Is there any need to fly him out again..he's
getting better he's really a strong guy despite
the amount of blood he Lost"the physician said..
"yeah I know"the queen pressed Drema hand
"I will take my leave"
"bye thanks"
the physician left.
"Obim(my heart) how are you feeling,does it still
hurts? she asked.
"umm's getting better"
"Ok...can you recollect how you ended up falling on
the stairs you couldn't have tried going out
knowing fully well about your conditions. so how
did it happen,my pillar" she asked with pure love.
Drema recollected everything. How Charles
purposely slip his hand and pushed him. How cruel.
I am blind already, can't he atleast pity me...
"obim tell me,how did it happened...
"come on Drema am listening"
"mother nothing...I can't remember anything"
Drema lied for some reasons best known to him.
gosh! this is the first time he would keep secrets
from his mother.
"tell me the truth...
"yes you don't have to know it for now,I will tell
you later"
"it's Charles right?? I see bitterness and
jealousy in him and his mother's eyes but I
assure you Drema,no harm will befall you..."
Drema rolled his eyeballs.
"that's by the way but don't confront Charles,
just let him be" Drema said.
"your mom is smarter than that..
anyways your manager and assistant will be here
soon meaning you will have to postpone your
modelling shoots for now.
I will go get nkem"
queen chiamaka said and walked out.
Nora came right in time,everything about her was
she is the perfect description of black bold and
beautiful and also the perfect girlfriend.
the queen opened the door right on her face. In
as much as the queen was disappointed that she
didn't come when her son needed her the
most,she smiled at her
"good morning mother"Nora said.The body hug
gown suited her perfectly,her face was small she
had those round bulgy beautifull eyes,nice set of
the maids behind her handled her phones abd bag.
"my dear I waited all nights did you not check
your phones,Drema wasn't happy"
"it's okay mother am here"Nora said.
the queen hugged her carefully like a treasure
"please don't break drema's heart again,the only
name he knows is his mother's name abd your
name Nora...
not seeing you when he needs you the most
breaks our heart equally*the queen said.
"it's fine mother"Nora smiled
the queen kissed her cheeks and walked away
Nora cat walked with styles until she got to a
particular door in the prince empire
there was a diamond built inscription of his name
it was pure gem stone and it glittered.
the guards at the entrance bowed to Nora,she
moved her eyes in a roll and entered.
the room was extremely side,everywhere in
drema's room smelt wealth
the lights were dim and it made the room almost
dark and even more beautiful and romantic...
his room has an inbuilt pool,
it's loved shape with scenting flowers sprinkled
on it.
there were partitions of bluish glasses
super king sized bed
royal accessories,
artificial bluish fish floors,
a dermacated place for his jewelries alone.
Nora smiled immediately her eyes met with loads
of drema's money scattered plentifully on one
Prince Drema sensed Nora's presence
"Nora" he called.
"my love" Nora rolled her eyeballs like she is
being forced to answer.
Drema sat up and stood up..
his head was already bandaged neatly, that did
not steal his sexiness.
His stature really tells he is a public figure.
"Nora I know you're here,can you stop the hide
and seek"Drema said and click his lower lips.
Nora dropped her bag and walked to Drema, she
hugged him.
"I'm sorry for yesterday night"she said, her
expression really shows she felt sorry.
Nora kissed Drema,it got intense.
lust was clearly visible on Nora's eyes until Drema
unlocked the kiss, he pulled away from Nora.
"baby"Nora said and tried kissing him again
Drema moved his face,Nora ended up kissing his
"seriously?? I apologized didn't I?? Nora shouted
like she's scolding a kid.
"I'm not mad at you...and can you stop shouting"
"ohh now's not your fault now, it's
my fault for allowing you sensing my presence"
Nora said and threatened to leave she knows
Drema can't do without her.
"I beg you with everything we have shared don't
leave me"Drema said..Nora scoffed and came
"I just feel like something is not right"Drema
Nora rolled her eyeballs.
"anyways hows the baby"Drema said and rubbed
Nora's Tommy
"I removed it...I aborted it"
"hunnnn why??? Drema tried not to shout,he felt
more sad. why is Nora doing all these to him.
"I'm not ready to give birth now. I'm not ready to
be a mother now!!!
Drema turn his face to the other side.
"I'm sorry"
"we will have another one"
"I'm sorry"
Nora hugged him from behind.
"what now? I said we will have another one" Nora
said and kissed him.
"but Nora... why!
"I know"
Nora deepened the kiss,they both ended on the
[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 4
Chidinma's house
Chidinma sat on the mat with her younger brother
nonso,they both counted and tied the groundnut
they will be selling the next day.
just then her father came back from work...he
wore a long pitiful,worried face.
his wife stood up to him..
"nnayi(my dear husband) why the long face,what
happened"his wife said.
"well there is no sake today and madam Tamara
finally succeeded in locking my workshop.
Chidinma stood up on hearing this
"why will she lock it....infact that woman wants me
to enter one trouser with her"
she said abd tried rushing out but her father
dragged her back.
"it's okay mma,leave her she said she will open it
when her son gets well.i don't blame her I blame
her dad said abd walked inside while her mother
sat back on the chair and continue peeling
Chidinma sat back on the mat,
somehow she felt she is the cause
"father am sorry,I was the one that dealt with
madam Tamara's son. He was trying to rape
nmachi...I can't stand seeing him direspect a
woman in that manner".
"why did you interfere"her mother said.
her father's face widened.
"seriously you beat him did you beat a
man up so badly"
"hmmi will tell you...I took his hand like this" she
said abd took nonso hand to demonstrate
her mother cleared her throat.
"you're using your brothers hand to do
experiment right??.
nonso chuckled.
"you did well my daughter"her father commended.
she smiled and served her father's food, she
even sight hanah coming from afar
"mma your friend"
"I know"
she replied and passed the back to meet Hana
they chatted as they walked down.
"Chidinma the royal party is tomorrow oo"Hana
"Soo should I fry stone"
hana grumbled"we should be there".
"as for me am not attending oo,you know me now I
can't stand one spoilt brat commanding me...I
have pass that level"Chidinma said.
"but I really want to go,the gists I heard from
Ozioma really want me to get a glimpse of what
the princes looked like..
you know I told you I had a dream I was the
queen"hanah said.
"this could be my opportunity of stealing one of
the princes heart..."hana said in fantasy
"sorry to say but Hana you're sounding like those
cheap girls"Chidinma wanted to tell her but she
just kept quiet.
"or am I not beautiful enough?? Hana said.
"what you're gorgeous,you're what every man will
dream off"Chidinma told her instead.
"hmmm I know am beautiful now"hana said.
"but how will you pass through the fort gate we
are actually on the lowest rank in all kingdoms we
don't even have the right to see the king face to
face not to talk of seeing the princes and
attending the thoughts tho, am not
discouraging you actually" Chidinma said.
"I will go,I already make friends with the
security guiding the fort gate,he will allow me
into the estate...
infact let me go and see him this night" Hana said
"you will follow me right?"
"no I won't,I was actually helping my mother
before you came"Chidinma said.
"escort me now at least you already said you
won't follow me to party tomorrow,just this last
one this night follow me"Hana said.
"fine I will follow you" Chidinma said.
they both headed to the fort gate.
Royal palace
queen Chiamaka was seen in the kitchen
monitoring the maids in charge of Drema health.
She has been so cautious and watchful she
doesn't trust any of her co wives not even her
personal maids..
she left the kitchen and wanted to take her
phone from her room..
gosh how can she forget to call CeCe.
"my queen your attention is needed in the throne
room"a guard said.
"okay"she replied and branched there.
queen ivory and the other queen were already
seated, she took her seat quietly beside the
queen throne since she's the youngest wives.
what can be so important to discuss.
prince Charles and prince Tochi walked into the
throne room...
lastly the king came in and sat graciously
"where's prince Drema??" queen iko(tochi's
mother) asked.
"and does this gathering looks like the one meant
for the blind*queen ivory replied.
the king cleared his throat.
they all kept silent.
"I keep getting old each passing day and I feel
like it's time I make the heir known?the king said
and paused.
"hmm who your highness"queen iko said.
"what kind of question is that,Charles is the first
son and the rightful heir"queen ivory said.
"never,the rightful heir here is my son Tochi!!
queen iko argued.
"have you gone mad!!
"you're the one who I mad,selfish,greedy, self
queen Chiamaka watched them argue, she
smiled.she doesn't care who the heir is....
her son is already made..
money and Fame is not Drema problem the only
thing that pain her is that the king hated Drema
and does not like seeing him,
Drema grew up without the love of a father and it
really pained her.
"enough women!!!
he king said. queen ivory and queen iko kept quiet.
"all my sons have a right to the throne and all my
investments,any of my sons with more
valour,compassion,wisdom and affection will be
the rightful heir...good night"
the king said and left.
Charles walked out almost immediately
Tochi followed.
Chidinma and mma arrived at the fort gate where
they met a lots of loaded securities.
Chidinma gasped.
waooow is this place for real???
there are no sands on the floor unlike the other
parts of the kingdom.
is this heaven??
the street lights were sharp,
just like phosphorescent lights.
the maids were gowns, skirts unlike the dress
wrapper she and Hana tied.
everything seemed news to her.
the flowers,
the tresss,
the road line...
even the air
Hana walked up to the security she knew, she
greeted him and begged him to allow her and
Chidinma enter....
"it's night already...I promise I will allow you in
the party tomorrow"the security replied.
Chidinma stood at a distance watching them,
"please now"hana pleaded and looked in chidinma's
direction, the security followed her eyes....he was
a young guy,well built also.
"is that your sister???
"ohh yes yess allow us in...we won't take much
the security said..
Chidinma abd Hannah both moved into the estate..
Chidinma was more thrilled but she didn't show
her surprise face,she really know how to control
they counted the mansions in the estate..
it was more than 18,
everywhere was well set..
"is that the palace?? waoow it's nice and
different from our type of house*Hana said
"mma you've not said anything"
"ohh it's pretty,can we leave now"Chidinma said.....
Prince Charles moved to the top tower in the
palace in a frustrated manner,how can the king
said that thing...
what the king did there was trash!!
instead of declaring him he real heir he said
he sighed and drank out of his water can in a
rush,he threw the can angrily and looked into the
sky then down.
it was like a movie.
Chidinma turned a face in a slow motion from
where she stood with Hana,the tips of her local
weaved hair fell on her shoulders,
her lips,her face caught prince Charles attention.
her feet were slipperless...
prince Charles couldn't blink for some seconds,he
kept on watching Chidinma.
Chidinma on the other hand kept on dragging
Hana for them to leave
when Hana didn't answer her,she ran off.
Hana ran after her.
"sorry I kept you waiting,I got carried away"
Hana said.
"it's fine"
they passed many more estates.
"but Chidinma I have no clothes to wear for the
party tomorrow"Hana said.
"it's fine,I will make one for you"
"ahh thank you...
"but I need some satin attire"Chidinma said.
they already walked in the streets.
they came across Ozioma,she came out of her
house with some stuff materials to trash.
"is that not the satin material"Hana whispered
"yes it is"Chidinma replied
they both rushed to Ozioma.
"Ozioma please don't throw those materials away
it's useful"Chidinma said even though she's not
the one that wants to use it.
"you want my trash. Ewwwww" Ozioma said in a
saussy voice.
"yes I....she wants to add it to some materials so
she can help me make cloth,you see I really want
to attend the party too"Hana said.
"you really think the securities will allow you into
the party seeing you wearing some trash made
clothes" Ozioma said mockingly.
"well a wise man once told me that it's not about
what you have,it's about what you make from
what you have"Chidinma said.
Ozioma laughed at them mockingly.
"that sounds like something a poor person will
"you want my trash then get it out of the
dustbin"Ozioma said abd threw the materials into
the dustbin.She turned to leave.
Chidinma grabbed her from behind..
"what!!! leave me alone"Ozioma said.
"good before I leave you alone,deep your hand
into the dustbin,give me the clothes you throw
there respectfully and lastly apologize to me
"else what!!! Ozioma said.
"maybe you should ask madam tamara what I did
to her!! Chidinma said and locked her cloth
[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 5
"leave me alone,I will pick the materials" ozioma
rolled her eyes
"better"Chidinma said and left her cloth
she stood still and shook her head.
"you this Chidinma girl who do you think you
are?you are even controlling me over my own own material...imagine"ozi said
Chidinma wanted to lock her cloth again until
hanah drag her back directly.
"mma,leave her it's her cloth"hanah said.
"leave what!
"if I catch .....ozioma you know me ooo"
Chidinma said and break free from hanah, ozioma
didn't move and that angered her
she tried pushing the big dust bin which was
almost filled up but it was too heavy for her.
"hanah warm dinma oo if she pour my dustbin"
ozioma said.
"dinma do you need help" hanah rushed towards
Chidinma and both of them successfully pushed
the dustbin down making ozioma compound got
littered.Hanah packed the materials in smile
"Chidinma I will report you to chief
"well I don't care,u can as well tell the priest.
Chidinma and hanah rushed out.
Next morning.
Nora lay naked on her bed with a delivery bed
sheet which covered her body.Her thick black
hair fell freely.A man came out of the bedroom
and lay beside her.
Nora rose up abd sat on him,the guy feathered
his lips on her neck,she moaned gently into the
kiss as she raised her butt up to finger herself.
her expression soon change
"what's wrong?
"Mike I really want to be in your arms till night
but I need to go"
"go to where??
"come on I need to go and see Drema" she said
and stood away from the bed.
"I thought you were gonna break up with
Drema???Mike said.
"I love him okay,he treats me like an egg he
always pamper me so much and even begs me even
when am at fault....all that can you do them??. .
that's the difference between you and Dre,
instead of breaking up with him,we need to
reduce the rate we are seeing each other" she
Mike fell to the pillow,watching Nora dreamingly
she is the perfect girlfriend.
Nora walked out of the shower and wrapped the
towel jacket round her body,her figure was
amazing her hair was short and her skin colour
was just great
she sat down and applied her face cream
Mike slowly kissed her neck from behind.
"I really want to be alone please"she said.
*fine,I will leave but when I will seeing again"
"I will text you"she said abd dropped her face
Mike dressed up,picked his car key and left.
shortly after he left,a knock was heard on the
"who the hell is that??
"your slim tea is ready ma'am?.
a maid in a check dress came in and bowed to drop
the tea tray,it slipped mistakenly,a splash drop on
the green ball gown Nora had selected for the
royal ball party.
"am really sorry ma!! the maid apologize
"aaarrghh must today be bad??
"am really sorry ma I can clean it right away if
you may". she said
she tried to take the gown.
Nora shouted at her.
"so am expected to wait till it's cleaned,why are
you commoners so stupid,what makes you think
that it will be okay if you clean it... don't you get
it your hands even makes it dirtier" she said.
just then Emma, Nora's friend and two others
walked in.
"you can imagine this ugly swine ruined my
dress...she ruined it"Nora said
"but it's just a little stain"Helena said.
"arrghhh!! Nora flinged the gown.
she took her phone and ordered another one.
"bae I saw Mike's car driving out...or is that not
Drema's manager"Helen said.
"Soo what are you insinuating?? Mike is Drema's
manager,he might have come to deliver important
message to Nora"Emma said.
"ohhh I totally forgot Drema's condition"
Royal palace
the palace was as busy as a bee,more crowds kept
trooping in
the crowd was ever increasing
so many dignitaries and crlebrities were
spotted,every sight was colourful and incredible..
different models of cars were seen moving in and
A cool music played in the background.
everyone was in his or her best.
everyone was happy moving about but for prince
Drema he wasn't sureif he's happy with the
the door to his room open,he sensed the person's
colongne it turned out to be prince Tochi-his step
"Dre"Tochi beamed but Drema didn't even turn
Tochi walked over and stood beside where he
stood beside the window.
"Dre"he called again and placed his hand on his
"I also which you don't have partial blindness"
that statement made Drema turn
"are you taunting me? I know you meant the
opposite... and as you can see am busy before you
came in so please leave me alone" Drema
said..Tochi smirked
Drema ruffled his hair,Tochi hugged him
forcefully before leaving.
Drema felt not so him.
Eversince he arrive here,his father didn't even
check on him neither was he called alongside with
his brothers whenever they want to have
now today is the welcome royal banquet but he
wasn't among the sons his father will be
celebrating....the whole world believed the king
had two sons; Charles abd Tochi.
Obviously his father is ashamed of him.
"not like am interested in the throne,but
whatever father is doing is really not fair not like
I made myself this way"...
He was silent in thought.
A maid in white uniform came in with a glass of
milk,she was clean.
"good morning my prince"she said courtly
"who are you and what do you want??
" brought you...
she stammered,
jeeeez she felt a rush of adrenaline being so
close to prince Drema
"leave!!! Drema said.
she bowed and rushed out.Nora came right in
"sorry I came late...are you not coming downstairs
for the banquet"Nora asked as she drew nearer
to kiss Drema.
Drema moved his face away.
"nora, when did you start using red choice
perfume,it smells like a man scent"he said.
"whaaaaaattt!! are you trying to say am smelling
like a man...Drema are you serious"..
"ohh sorry maybe it's my nose..I'm sorry I didn't
mean to say you slept with a man. My Nora will
never do that. I'm sorry"he said.
"Drema!!! I am leaving! I'm done already! you think
I am the problem in this relationship right the
problem is not me...
you're the problem. I just wish you weren't blind!
how many ladies can love you the way I
know what you make me cry,
I'm done"
"baby wait! am sorry,I didn't mean to..
"please don't leave!!
Nora left and slam the door angrily.
"must today be this bad!
Drema tried to find his way out but instead the
door opened into Mr Kelvin,his manager.and
Bethel his assistant
"drema! bethel said and took his hand.
"come-on you might fall don't injure yourself"
Mr Kelvin helped him back in.
"tell me"Drema said.
"you have a shoot in the next 1hour"
"pass"dre said.
"startimes,gotv and DStv wants to interview you"
"pass pass pass".
"your unveiling is today"
"okay,where is the location"
"I sent it to your mail"
bethel moved over to Drema,she's a female and
Drema's assistant for close to 2years now
"Drema,what's wrong...who hurt you?..
"when you were coming you met Nora..didn't
"yes,I did".
"can you help me beg her to give me one more last
chance,please do it for me I don't want to be
alone"Drema said,his love was so pure.
"okay"bethel said.
"Soo we should go for your shoot"
"ohh yes"
nkem came in immediately.
"sorry please I want to speak with the prince
alone*he pleaded
"sure"they excused them.
"tell me"Dre said.
"my prince I brought you these contact lens,it will
really help minimize your eyes blurriness although
you will need to strain your eyes to see just a
and this lens can only be used twice a week" nkem
Drema nodded and nkem fixed the lens for him
"how is it?
"hmm better but my sight is very weak,I still
need to strain my eyes before I can see..
the sight isn't just clear enough...I appreciate it
anyways"Drema said.
Mr Kelvin and bethel took Drema out.
they passed the back so no one will recognize

Chidinma dressed Hanah up in the gown she used

needle to sew.
"shey you learn tailor,the cloth fine die" hanah
"am glad you love well at the party
oo"dinma said as she helped her with the local
make-up too.
"awwww,chaiiii them go no say I don arrive" hanah
"I will leave now"Chidinma said and ran home, she
carried her tray and went in with it. Her mother
counted groundnut worth of #5,000 on her head.
"don't sell credit ooo mma"
"hmm yes, bye"she replied and rushed out.

the car Drema was in suddenly stopped.

"Mr Kelvin forgot some files"bethel announced
the last car quickly rushed to the palace.
Drema stepped out of the car
bethel quickly rushed to him.
"sir this environment is strange,you need to get
back to the car"she said lovingly.
"no need"Drema replied and adjusted his face
mask. He strained his eyes like nkem told him, the
sight was weak but he could still see unclearly.
he took a step forward.
bethel followed him.
"you don't need to follow me,am okay..I have on
"but the sight the lense will give you isn't clear
enough,don't fall inside gutter oo"
Drema smiled and moved forward.
bethel wasn't still sure of the enviroment. Drema
kept on walking.
the phone in his pocket rang,
he picked the phone and tried to look if he will
see but his sight got weaker
Chidinma on the other hand was coming in prince
Drema's direction,she thought she heard
someone calling groundnut so she turned while
still walking..
she jammed prince Drema,her tray fell..
all the bottled groundnut broke, the ones tied in
nylon rolled into dirty water.
"you have poured my groundnut away!! Chidinma
shouted and lick Drema's neat top.
"heyyy do you want to infect me!!! Drema said in a
clear Britain ascent.
"you better speak wetin I hear(you better speak
the language I understand)" she said and bend to
pick the nylon groundnut..
she was surprised Drema didn't bend to pick with
her. Drema on the other hand was still struggling
with his sight.
"pick my groundnut!! pick my groundnut!! Chidinma
Drema bent uncomfortably,his sight got weak
already luckily his hand touched a groundnut nylon
the moment he bent.
he picked it abd threw it away immediately.
Chidinma got surprised.
"you poured my groundnut away and still throw it
away!! are you maaaaaddd!!
"hey you know what,am not allowed to touch
anything that touch the ground,just tell me your
account number let me transfer the fucking
money" prince Drema said.
"pick my groundnut! else.....
"it seems like you don't know who i am how dare
you talk to me in a command tone" Drema said.
"eeeehh what? who are you?? are you the prince
or the king!!
"I think am richer than them"Drema said.
"you must pick my groundnut ooo"
Chidinma said and tried touching Drema again,
Drema removed his face cap.
Chidinma doesn't know he is the prince..
"idiot pick my groundnut you're showing me your
face so I can see the expensive earring you're
wearing...who knows if you stole it or you even
borrowed it"Chidinma said.
prince Drema's pride was hurt...he suddenly
wished Chidinma knows he is the prince or even a
"pick my groundnut and pay for the damages!
"okay,calm down commoner! I don't have cash on
me,maybe you should take my phone" he said.
"give me my money ooo....
"I said I don't have cash on me! Drema said and
strained his eyes to see Chidinma face, he was
surprised his sight didn't get weak.
is sight got clearer!
is this a miracle or what????
it suddenly got weak back to the way it was..
"give me money oooo!!! Chidinma shouted.
Drema's. phone rang.
he picked the car,it was bethel.
"sir where are you Mr Kelvin arrived already"
"okay okay,just walk down please come with some
cash"he hung up.
Drema strained his eyes again..
no no no it didn't work but it got clear few
minutes ago..
bethel arrived to the scene.
"excuse me what is happening here? bethel
inquired,she already held Dre hand.
"this guy,is he your brother,he poured my
groundnut away,I won't let him go until he pay"
Chidinma said.
"hold on how much is your groundnut..." bethel
"#60,000" Chidinma said
"what #60,000 that's too much for ordinary
"aunty I actually sell two types of groundnut.. the
first one is for important people like the king,
musicians,the princes...
yes even the youngest prince likes my groundnut"
Chidinma said
"you mean the youngest prince,prince Drema likes
your groundnut"bethel asked.
"yes he likes it oo and we are tight friends"
Chidinma said.
"but you're standing with the youn----
"pay her the money,am getting sick already"
Drema said. Bethel shook her head and paid
Chidinma the #60,000.
Chidinma collected the money,
"umm complete"
"if you pour my groundnut away tomorrow
again,it's 100k"Chidinma said.
"God forbid,you won't meet him again
tomorrow*bethel said in defense as she moved
Drema into the black car.
Chidinma laughed to herself,picked her tray and
ran home.
[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 6
********Chidinma's house
Chidinma rushed in through the back door where
she tossed the tray she stupidly held the purse
"dinma you're back,you came back early oo go and
rest small so you will hawk the last tray" her
mother said.she walked in.
"good evening papa"
she greeted her father as she find her way to
the room she shared with her brother.
she kept the purse under sleeping mat then took
a deep breath.
"what am i suppose to do with this money now
she smiled when she remembered the incident
most importantly the way Drema acted..
"seriously? some people are stupid!!
what's my business anyway.
she took off her clothes and tied a neat wrapper
she bathed and wore the only gown she have..
she took the purse and passed the back door
where she bumped into her mother.
"dinma where are you going?"
"mama am not hawking today again,am tired"
"tired kwa,how much have you sold today.
nnayin(my dear husband) did you hear dinma
saying she's not hawking today"
"let her be if she say so,she used to hawk like
6trays in a day...leave her alone she will do it
tomorrow"her dad said,she smiled.
"chidinma how much did you sell today,give me the
chidinma sighed and hands the purse over to her
"this purse is heavy,what did you put inside
"chimoooo 60,200 how come.
"where did you get this money from,start talking
well I know you too well that you don't steal"her
mom said,her dad already stood.
Chidinma laughed.
"hmm the gods have buttered our bread
"it's one proud rich boy like that he poured my
tray away and paid me"she winked.
"sooooooo!!!her mom said.
"go with the last tray now,who knows if there's
another person that will pour it away"nonso
said...she crackled.
"what do we do with the money???


Drema's Suite.
Prince Drema arrived in town,in a five star hotel
precisely where he lodged.
It was a couple suite,he felt comfortable sharing
the couple's suite with his assistance, Bethel.
bethel has been his assistance for close to 2years
so no cause for alarm.
bethel won't stoop so low to try anything to take
advantage of him.
Soon his designer arrived and got him dressed he
looked sooo hot in the cooperate suite. Since he
will be modelling for coca cola, his suite was
white fitted shirt,a sky painting red jacket....
his shoe was as if it shouldn't touch the floors.
He's already made..
Soo handsome..
"over to me"the industry's stylist arrive and did
little make up for him.
he carefully brush the soft brushes on his face
everything was set and perfect.
they left.
prince drema's personal guard helped him to the
dinning,he sat although his sight still got weak or
was he imagining it that time his sight got clear .
no no no it was the truth.
his sight got clear the other time when the
groundnut seller was fighting him.
somehow he wished Nora was there when his
sight got clear he could have seen what his
girlfriend looked like....
but instead,the first female face he saw was that
of a groundnut seller.Not even his mother's
fuck!!! he got so confused.
he sat at the dinning where bethel already sat
"how's my schedule?"
"the shoots starts by 4 and would end by 6 or 7
after that you're totally free sir.
"okay"he replied.
He drank milk only.
bethel stood up and helped him with the apples.
"so did you help me talk to Nora
"umm I tried to also know how spoilt
your girlfriend is? she insulted me for interfering
in your relationship matters"
"she gave no listening ears
"yeah..she totally shunned me in the presence of
her friends"bethel said.
prince Drema said nothing.Bethel then smiled and
placed her hand on his hand.
"You're really handsome,gentle,kind and cool I
really wish you could let go of Nora
she's not the girl for you
she always makes you feel like you will die without
she carries herself as if she is the only beautiful
girl in this world.
she wants you to always beg her...why? because
she knows you can't leave her that's why she's
feeling proud.
does she even says sorry whenever she is
"it's alright, Bethel thank you" prince Drema cuts
bethel sighed.Just then her phone rang.
"sir your shoot is about to start"
Drema stood up.the lenses nkem gave him was
helpful but his sight still gets weak and very
unclear some times.
the shoot was successful and he insists they
return to the palace immediately.

Royal palace.....
the royal banquet was still going on when they
arrived,it was still very late.
his guards helped him to the prince empire.
"my son!!!
queen chiamaka came right in time and hugged
"how's father??"he asked in turn.
"he's....he's ..he's fine...u can just
"no I really want to talk to father right now...
"no you can't,the party is still..
"I mean he's having a meeting with the chiefs"
his mother lied.
knowing fully well that the king don't want to see
Drema,she had to put on the distance.
"you can go"she dismissed the guards and led
prince Drema in herself. Everyone they came
across gasped in awe and took pictures of prince
Drema!!! Drema!!!
oh my God! I love yyyyooooou!!!
jessss!!!! he's so hot!!
I never knew he's in this banquet!!
the girls screamed crazily and were even pushing
each other. No one knew he is a prince...they only
knew him as a celebrity that was the part that
bruised drema's ego
"relax drema it's just for a while
"your father loves you! he will see you once till
her cool! should I set your bath now!!
"hmm no need" Dre replied and laid flatly on his
king sized bed.His mother sat and carefully lifted
his head on her laps.
she sang for him like a baby, Drema chuckled the
image of the groudnut seller suddenly flashed to
his memory,he smiled for no reason
the door opened revealing Nora.
queen chiamaka smiled and excused them.
Drema already perceived Nora's scent he knew
she's in the room but he kept quiet intentionally.
"Drema,I came to tell you that I need space? she
"you need space? if it's about the perfume
matter I already said am sorry,what else do you
want me to do!
"you are shouting at me Drema! Nora said, she
really wanted Drema to beg more she wanted him
to chase after her and beg but unfortunately
Drema didn't even stand from where he lay on
the bed.
"whatever I am leaving,am done!.
she threatened.
Drema didn't even move,
he didn't beg her and begg like he used to do.
He strained his eyes to see Nora's face, although
his sight got blurry but he captured the cloth she
he could see all her breast in that little gown she
wore....he kept quiet.
"whatever I am leaving,am done" Nora shouted
and left,she knows Drema will soon call her to
************** Chidinma's house
chidinma and her mother were seen in the
kitchen.she smiled to herself as she stirred the
lemonade tea.
her mother was busy making the chicken kabeb..
"mama you should go and give the remaining
money to madam tamara,you know how miserable
she gets if her money isn't paid in time"dinma
"yes it's true"
nonso rushed in.
"happy birthday nonso!! chidinma shouted and
handed him a cup of lemonade tea.
really!!! nonso beemed.
"mama are you celebrating my birthday with
chicken kabeb and lemonade tea"
"yes now...did you call your friends? your clothes
is inside"
"mama I love u!! aunty Chidinma I love you! nonso
screamed and rushed out.
[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 7
the night got so tiring for Chidinma,she got tired
with moving from one place to the other at the
orphanage where they celebrated nonso's
"I had a lot of fun today"nonso beamed.
"good for you"she replied him and rushed out to
bath.when she was done at the back bathroom,she
tied her wrapper and walked in Hannah arrived
right in time,
she placed her hand in the back door before
Chidinma could lock the back door.
"Hy Hy Hy...
"chi wait"Hannah said over excitedly.
"did you win a lottery or raffle?
"aiish it's more than a lottery"han replied
"what then?
"chaiii the banquet was super hot..ahh dinma you
missed. Should I talk about the celebrities that
came or the handsome princes...
Soo many handsome faces,I wish you were there"
Hannah said.
"good you met them,will see you tomorrow"
chidinma said abd wanted to lock the door.
"hey"Hanna put her hand again.
"but am not done talking???
"umm okay wait let me body is getting
cold already"dinma said and rushed in
she wore a dress wrapper she really want to lay
on that mat and sleep but she can't deny her best
friend listening ears.
she walked out to meet her,they stayed under the
"the princes got recognized...his highness was
really nice. He has two sons although I thought
they were three"Hannah said.
"ohh okay"dinma replied.
"gosh they are so cute,especially the first
prince..he's handsome"Hannah smiled.
"is that all??"
"noo am not done"Hannah dragged her back
"I thought I had seen the best handsome face
until this hot cake arrived in the party. You need
to see his face,the girls couldn't help
screaming...I think it's a celebrity"Hana said.
Chidinma nodded.
Hana smiled,Chidinma looked at her confused
when she hugged herself.
"is that why you're hugging yourself? someone
who doesn't even knows you exist" Chidinma said
they both laughed
"his name is drema...those classic girls at the
party were shouting "drema" so I think that's his
name. I like attracted to him
will he find me attractive enough,
I mean will he ever notice me"Hanna asked.
"of course you're beautiful"Chidinma replied. her
mind wasn't even in all what Hana was saying what
she needed was a great sleep.
"out of the princes that came,he dresses so
sexy..his walking steps are amazing--
"Hannah are you sure you're not in...
"good night already*Chidinma said abd walked in
through the back door.
"if only I have an hour glass shape like you,he will
notice me faster"hannah said.
"you're crazy now"
"am not crazy....because of him am applying for a
maid in the royal palace*hanna added.
"good luck...goodnight"

Nora's Suite...
Nora strolled in her room,
her right hand held her two phone cos she was
expecting a call.
the other phone rang
"what happened have been expecting your calls
since???*she said
"am sorry madam but the gown isn't ready. Emma
won't be going on the runway anytime soon...glow
skin dropped her"
"so what happened to the gown?"she asked.
"the designer recorded 38 instead of 30 which is
your preference" I'm sorry I didn't cross-
check"viola said.
"it had allowance,didn't it!! jeez voila I was
feeling sick but you just ruin my mood what's the
essence if my effort isn't paying off" Nora
almost yelled.
"it's not my fault also..."Viola said
"must today be bad"Nora said and dropped the
call angrily.
she strolled round her room for a while and
finally moved into the section where she had a
pool.She sat in the white pavement that
separated the pool water.
she relaxed well but still felt water on her pant
the pavement stored a little quantity of water
it was very white and beautiful.
soon a maid moved in with a set of towel alongside
with kits.
she helped Nora to take off her crop top,her
bikini was exposed revealing her full breasts.
the maid closed her eyes as she gently applied
the oil at her back into her waist.
she dropped the sun burn oil and dammed Nora's
hair with a warm towel then sprayed a
moisturizer all over it.
Nora tied the big towel.
her white phone rang.she smiled in full as Stella
helped her with the phone
"who is calling??
"madam it's Denzel"
Nora frowned,she thought it was Drema.
why hasn't he called her.
she collected the phone from the maid and
dismissed her.
let me exercise patience till tomorrow,
he will call me....he always beg me to stay"
she layed on her bed.
her pride has taken over every part of her body
hi Nora! Emma has been picked up again.. you're
getting the gown after it's been modelled
right??" she got a text.
she stopped staring at dremas picture and picked
the phone where she got the text.
sure! I always be the first to buy....what's the
recommended price" she texts.
nothing much...just 1million naira so cheap"
ohkay,I will send it now" she replied
she copied the account number and wanted to do
the transfer until she remembered what week it
"Drema hasn't sent me my wardrobe allowance
for this week,is he joking or what?"
she seethed and wanted to call him but her pride
won't allow her.
"why should I call him now when he will still come
back to beg me!!
she terminated the process and transferred the
money from the last money drema sent to her..

Prince Drema's.
prince drema was finding it difficult to sleep as
usual,his insomnia condition doesn't allow him
sleep at night so the queen hired a story teller to
tell him stories through out the night.
drema find it as a great help plus the woman was
just then his phone rang,
the woman helped him with the phone.
it was Bethel,he dropped the call soon..
the story teller told him one more story but she
wants something better for prince drema.
"can you try to close your eyes so you can
sleep??"the woman suggest.
"aiishh,I develop headache each time I try.. I
know better not to try that"
"can you leave,I just want to be alone" prince
drema said.
"ohkay,have a nice night"
the woman left.
prince drema dropped the pop corn bowl, it
dropped the moment he stood. He took few steps
forward and noticed his necklace wasn't with him
"did I dropped it??
"if yes then where???
he moved out as usual,his sight got weak and with
the lenses he managed to go up the stairs and
located the king's room.
he was about knocking when the door opened to
his face...It was Charles.
"what do you want and who brought you up
here??"Charles asked.
"is that a question??"drema replied and pulled
back his hair band.
"am here to see father"he added.
"which father? is it the one that disowned you?
Charles smirks.
"if you call him father...why didn't he show you
off at the banquet,I guess he was too ashamed to
admit a blind son"Charles laughed
"either blind or not,I still want to see father...
it's not about what's outside,it's about what's on
the inside" drema said.
Charles fumed...
drema smiled and chewed his gum slowly that
alone made Charles angrier.
"leave before I push you've overstayed
your welcome infact you're never welcomed"he
"I forgive you for the fact that we share the
same father! I give you this last chance to move
away from my way"drema said.
Charles laughed."that sounds like something a
weak person would say".
"yes father"Charles answered and purposely
slammed the door on Drema's face.
"who was that?? he heard.
"it's no one important" he heard.
he doesn't know what he felt hearing his father
say something as hurtful as that.
"are you okay"nkem came right in time
"just take me out of here"
"where sir???
"anywhere"he replied.
nkem took him he knew what was on
drema's mind.He stopped at a cool place.
drema stepped of the car and walked down, nkem
got uncomfortable when drema stood for a long
time he knows the story too but he thought
drema will be over it by now. he decided to call
bethel and inform her.
"this is exactly where I stood...I saw the girls
face and I wasn't blind for a seconds"
he said..
"you mean you see???nkem asked.
drema stared at him but he didn't reply.
""drema please we have to go before people
recognize you not sure of this
environment"nkem said..
drema didn't move..
Chidinma on the other hand was enjoying her
peaceful sleep until the soft hand of her mother
woke her up.
they forgotten to return money to the place they
borrowed from.
"you need to return this money to madam
Tamara..tomorrow is suppose to be the
deadline...onsiso onsiso(fast fast fast)"
her mother said.
Chidinma stood immediately and collected the
money while rubbing her sleepy eyes.
"onsiso onsiso!( fast fast) nonso will follow you
since it's night"her mother headed.
she hurried out with her brother.
Bethel on the other hand arrived to the spot
prince drema was. she was quick to find his
necklace on the floor near to the path side.
"why are you here drema? is it this??"
she asked. drema didn't even reply.
she sighed.
"you don't need to let them hurt you emotionally
not everyone will be part of your life
forever,some will come and go...
some to stay matter how sweet
sugarcane is,we can never swallow it." bethel said..
"I saw for 1seconds when I met that girl"
prince drema said.
"common you're imagining things"bethel said
"it doesn't look like an imagination am I a kid"
drema said and walked down.
Just then Chidinma and her brother walked
beside the scene. Drema didn't notice because he
had his back turned to the path he was facing. it
was bethel who saw Chidinma first.
chidinma got scared when her and bethel's eyes
locked. they must have find out she duped them
"aunty am sorry,I was only playing but you fell
into my trap of #60, don't have any
important groundnut it was just
drema turned,his sight got cleared again and he
couldn't help with staring at this girl who seemed
to be the most beautiful....
nonso noticed the look and held his sister who
didn't notice firmly..
"run"he whispered to her
[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 8
without hesitation,Chidinma agreed with her
brother and that both ran out of the scene to
where their mother went them.
it was the first time nonso will see a guy stare at
his sister for so long....that was why he asked
them to run.chidinma herself didn't notice all
they stopped running to catch their breath when
they arrived.the smell of cooked herbs abd
shrubs was what greeted them and the maids
we're seen working at night.
madam Tamara is not only bossy,she's mean and
Chidinma wondered how she managed to heal the
"excuse me I want to see madam Tamara"
Chidinma asked one of the maids.
"for what? if you're here for healing procession
then go and line up under the shades till it gets to
your turn"
"am not here for healing,I came to deliver my
mother's message"she replied with an eye roll
"whatever it is you will still have to cue before
you see madam Tamara"
the maid walked out.
Chidinma had no choice than to go under the
shade,the crowd there was much so she stayed
behind the shade.
she even peep several times to see if madam
Tamara is coming,finally she saw her in the inner
room making her hair.
is this woman Soo mean??
she kept the sicks waiting and she's making her
hair....between hair and human life which is more
she sighed angrily.
she turned,the guy sitting in the middle of the
shade was battling madness and if care is not
taken,the madness will go out of hand the chain
they used in holding him down is almost
loosed.another woman at the front was in tears
her baby was compulsing and might die within
madam tamara finally came out,the woman stood
up immediately.
"the healer of our time,my baby is dying"the
woman cried.
"have you completed my payments? now leave!
leave! leeeave!!" madam Tamara said
"I beg of you ,I don't have anything else...I
already gave out my beautiful beads and clothes,I
also gave out my best ointment, my farm produce
right now my store is down..."
the woman begged.
madam Tamara laughed.*your acting skills is really
"I beg of you...okay just heal my daughter and I
promise she will serve you for two years as
payments* the woman said.
"okay we have a deal,give the child out"
two guards came and collected the child from the
woman.Chidimma watched she really pitied the
woman who went home sadly without her child.
"my healer have completed payment please heal
my son from this madness,his madness was caused
due to the death of a loved one"
"you can go"
finally it got to chidinma's turn.
she already saw how inhuman this woman is so she
avoided looking her in the eyeballs.
"yes,you what ailment do you have?..madam
Tamara asked.
*I have no ailment.i am chidinma the daughter of
uremma,my mother went me to deliver the
community money to you..
"here,have it" Chidinma said and stretched the
parcel to her.
madam tamara recognized chidinma as the girl
that beat her son up because he was trying to
woo her.
Chidinma on the other hand maintained a strong
serious face but madam tamara saw beyond a
troublesome and beautiful maiden, she saw
something different.
she muttered something inaudible to herself
"isn't this my opportunity....I mustn't loose this
girl"she said in her way as she thought of ways to
retain her down.
"what's that your name again?"she asked.
"does that matter,take the money..." Chidinma
replied with a serious face.her spirit doesn't feel
comfortable immediately madam tamara arrived.
"look at me"madam tamara said.
Chidinma did but it was until madam Tamara
repeated herself.
"now take it back to your mother and tell her the
limits have she will have to serve
punishment for late payments..."
"what late payment are you talking about?
tomorrow is the deadline and I brought the
money today...
are you serious looking for a way to cause trouble
with my household" chidinma said.
she walked away with her brother.
madam Tamara smiled at her back view till she
was out of sight.


Prince drema's suite....
no one believed prince drema when he said his
sight got cleared for 2minutes and that alone
made him feel like no one cared for him
"sir you need to relax"bethel said.
"bethel am for sight got cleared"
"but it's just an imagination,sir you saw nothing
how can you say you saw for 2minutes and the
sight got weak again.. this sounds like a
joke"bethel said.
drema got lost of what other word to say to
convince them
"it's not possible,that's a joke right? prince tochi
"swears drema's blindness is turning into
madness"prince Charles said although it was when
the doctor took drema in.
"for now my prince,you need to let go of all need to stop thinking your health
is just getting critical"the doctor said.
"critical?? I said I saw!!! my sight got cleared--
drema was saying,the doctor injected him a
particular injection that made his system
weak to even talk.
"rest for a while"the doctor said and covered him
with the slivery duvet. the woman in charge of his
health bowed and leaned over to remove his gold
earring, and finger rings. she dropped them
carefully in his jewelry box.
The queen walked in.
"doctor how is his health?"she asked.
"fine...but he needs therapy,I think the blindness
is turning him into something else" the doctor
said. the queen sighed.
"when will the therapy take place? doctor just
help me I don't want to loose my son"the queen
"I will send the timing schedule,panic not my
queen.Am also after the prince wellness"
the doctor said and finally left..
the queen sighed and sat beside her son.
"Obim talk to me,what's wrong??
"what happened this time again??
Prince drema tried talking but the injection made
him soo weak.
"mother I sight got cleared" he tried
speaking,but his words came out in stammers
the queen wiped her face
she was already crying,she was scared drema will
go mad as the doctor said.
"mother I saw.....I really want to see that girl
again"his words came out as of he were a toddler.
"I can't hear you....just relax my son! your
condition is really making me cry, wait let me call
Nora"she said.
the network was bad..
"no don't call her"prince dre said his words
wasn't even clear enough.
the queen didn't heard him so she finally left to
call Nora on phone.
"my prince do you need anything"
nkem came in..
drema scoffed,this is just the most terrible
moment in his life...everyone thinks he is mad
when he said his sight got cleared for a moment.
"I don't need anything" he said and luckily his
voice got cleared.the power of the injection just
"okay my prince"nkem said and turned to leave
"do you also not believe me nkem? prince drema
"I do,my prince"nkem replied the reply just made
drema happy.
"then do me this favor"
"your wish is my command??
"I need you to look for that girl...I don't know but
you need to tell her"prince drema said
"okay,I will do that now"nkem said and got to the
door until drema spoke again.
"but don't tell her am the prince,tell her that I
am your brother and my name is Obim"
prince drema said.
"okay my prince"nkem rushed words and went
drema fell back to his pillow relieved.
nkem on the other hand got to the parking lots,he
was already in the Bugatti sport car he
remembered what drema said and opt out for a
very low car class,he drove out to that spot he
looked around like he dropped something.
"how on Earth am I suppose to find this girl?? he
walked down a bit.
still no sight or glance of her.
he walked down and finally saw two kids playing
around in dirts.
"that is a stranger run away!!!!!
the kids ran away,nkem got more frustrated.
"I will come very early tomorrow" he said to
himself and turned,he caught the sight of
Chidinma returning with her brother..
"hey hey...dear maiden" he beamed in
composure,she already recognized her as the
groundnut seller.
"do you need something? chidinma said,she
doesn't recognize nkem.Its only bethel she
"I'm nkem"nkem said abd stretched out his hand
which Chidinma ignored.
"ohh sorry"he dropped his hand down.
"how can I help you? as you can see am in a
hurry"she said.her face was serious already.
"'s my brother, he's blind but he said
his sight got cleared for 2mins upon seeing
you..Soo I was thinking if you both can meet who
knows if his sight will get cleared forever" nkem
Chidinma looked nkem from head to toe..
"who sent you to me? maybe you should go back
and tell them you did not see me" Chidinma said
and walked out..
"have you ever loose a loved one before?? have
you ever seen a loved one in pains!! please this is
my blood brother and he is in pains,I do not ask
for your life,I only plead for an hour of your
time..."nkem said.
somehow the words got to chidinma.
"fine...Soo what time are we meeting??" she
"same spot here tomorrow evening,please don't
disappoint me,I trust you to do what's right"nkem
she replied and left.
Nkem also couldn't help it,he stared at the
retreating figure of Chidinma. He can't deny her
sexiness despite how baggy her clothes were.

[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 9
prince drema's suite
prince drema wasn't himself,he kept on moving to
and fro in his room,his mind raced ten thousand
folds his head got full.
he soon stop moving and collected his breath "so
one day,I am finally going to use my sight"
"ohh God I need a miracle"
he said and took his lips in.
the image of chidinma's face flashed into his
memory countless times each time her memories
flashed,he smiles absent mindedly.
sounds if his ringing phone distracted his
thoughts,he picked the phone from his pocket
while straining his eyes to see the caller ID,it
screened bethel he hastily picked the call.
"my prince"
"Gotv wants to interview you and your unveiling
for Heineken beer is tomorrow,your travelling
should get started immediately although the
invite was late"bethel said
"please cancel all my schedules"he replied.
"pass pass pass*he said.
"But Dre are you seriously walking out on
140million naira...are you for real?? I will advise
you to give this a second thought.
.besides you sound nervous..
this is a global star record,this opportunity is
rare"she said.
"maybe it's not meant for me then...because that
tomorrow won't work"
"are you questioning me bethel?
"aaah am sorry sorry sir
"better" he dropped the call.
he ran his fingers into his pretty hairs, unknown
to him some obsessed maids already lined behind
the bluish glass that gives him an amazing
sight.just to see his face..and everything that
revolves in his room.
the HD wallpapers,
the glass floors..
the royal couchhh
the tables were his jewelry sat lined together
mixed lights came out of the bathroom door
halfly,everything screamed wealth.
"I wish I could go in but he doesn't likes anyone
around...I feel like he's proud"Abigail said..
"hmm no I don't think he's proud...he just like
being lonely,at least his girlfriend comes
around"chioma added..
"back to the quarters"
the maids dispersed on hearing Rose voice.
"there will be sanctions for roaming the young
prince empire next time"rose,the maids
coordinator said.
"we are sorry"
"sorry for yourselves..."
"clear the remaining three beds,another one will
be brought in shortly" she added.
"hunn why??? another three maids!
rose walked out.
Nkem entered prince drema's room.
"hey how did it went?"drema asked.
"fine my prince,she both are meeting
4pm tomorrow at that same spot"
Dre took a deep breath.."please don't disappoint
me I had to work out of 140millionaire."
"I hope this works"Dre added.
"it're really strong"nkem added.
"if not for anything,I want to feel a father's love
it hurts whenever he ignores me"Dre said.
nkem just smiled,he suddenly felt free with the
"you know I still don't know how to thank you,
nkem...thank you for being this true"
"it's my duty to protect you"nkem said.
"ask me anything,I will give it to you even the
ones that are not possible I will make it
possible"he said.nkem smiled.
"aahh nothing...maybe you should just be my.. ahh
I don't want anything" nkem said.
Dre laid flatly on the bed and hugged the fat
teddy bear to himself.
"why???Dre asked
"you know the rules my prince" nkem said.
"what rules???
"don't you know I am a slave to the throne,long
conversation with you is wrong,I shouldn't even
sit with you"he said.
"sounds funny"drema said.
"we could just be brothers me drema if
you want"prince drema said.
nkem smiled,he was shocked a bit. He knows
drema grumpy side tho.
"you mean--
"yeah drema call me that but when we are seeing
the girl tomorrow,don't forget my name is
Obim,and I am meeting her as a poor boy" drema
nkem smiled.

Nora's place.
Nora was at the poolside with her princess
friends.laura walked out in pant and bra. also an
award winning model.
she took the lemonade juice pack.
"you shouldn't be drinking should take
mapia instead"Emma said.they all laughed except
for Nora.
"gosh I can't believe prince Charles could do that
to me at the banquet,he left me stranded and
started looking in the midst of those village girls
that looks like dirt"Princess Laura said.
"he looks like someone who has taste"Amanda
"then he's probably tasteless in women"Jackie
said and poured herself wine.
"you and Charles didn't share anything it was just
one time sex and that was because you both
jammed at the club you both wanted it and you
got laid that moment"Nora said.
"what do you mean? U mean Charles doesn't like
me???*Laura asked.
"I never said that,Charles doesn't look like
someone who wants to be in a relationship you
obviously were not a Virgin and he didn't make
any promises...that one time sex doesn't mean
he's your boyfriend"Nora said and walked in.
she's not just sure of what's wrong with her.
she got dressed in a perfect red dress,she
brushed her hair,her mom called.
she picked the call.
"did you go to drema's palace??
"mommm!!! she rolled her eyeballs..
"have you called him!
"fine,no I haven't"she replied
"he should be the one to call me,and I am not
going to his place till he calls me to apologise" she
"umm Nora,it doesn't depends on whether he is what's inside that matters. He buys you
gifts,he gives you 7million naire every week and
monthly wardrobe allowance, he treats you
"sooo??? Nora replied.
"please come back to your senses"her mom said..
"okay"she said and dropped her phone
she dialed drema's digit.
He picked immediately but never said anything...
Nora's pride won't allow her say a word, she was
expecting drema to start begging her when he
picked but surprisingly he said nothing.Not even
drema dropped the call when she wasn't saying
Nora started crying.
. Chidinma's house
Chidinma was frying groundnuts,her mother was
trying it,nonso who sat on the floor counted them.
Hanna arrived.
"good evening nne" she greeted.
"my daughter"her mother replied Hana.
she collected the spoon from Chidinma, dinma
went to answer Hana in her room.
"guess guess guess"Hana said.
"I don't know how to guess so just tell me"
Hana took a deep breath
"I just got the maid the royal palace!! free
accommodation,free food and a fat salary plus I
will see my dream man, the only guy that I think
of...imagine I don't even think of my own future,I
will really meet prince drema in human..I will be a
maid in his empire" Hana exclaimed.
"huni that's happy for your job"
dinma said sadly.she will miss her friend.
"we can still be together you in there
are application for 3maids,you need to apply
faster before it gets too late"hana said.
"umm noo,I am okay. I can't leave my mother and
brother no matter what...I should be telling you
not to forget me"she said.
Hana smiled.
"so what type of maid are you there??
"hmm the princess maid. Princess Lila will soon
arrive from the states,I am her assistant"
Hana said.
"chaiiii those spoilt kids,it's well" dinma said.
they both laughed.
Hana left afterwards.
Chidinma took her evening bath immediately hana
left, she wore the most beautiful dress out of
the ten she had. she didn't bother about her hair
she only oiled it.
prince drema already arrived at the location with
nkem.drema's dressing was so low and he did that
purposely,he felt more comfortable not letting
her know he is the prince.
he waited patiently for her in the spot with nkem,
his Royce Roy's car was packed in a distant..
he had no earrings,rings,and chain on..
his hair was binded with a local bracelet and a
local bracelet was on his neck as planned by

Chidinma oiled her hair and walked into her

mother's room,she poured a little powder on her
palm,she had no idea why she wants to look
she even looked in the mirror several times.
"when last did I look in the mirror??
"hey mirror am I beautiful enough???
she poured the powder away and used a little
Vaseline on her lips.
she walked out with a small local bag.
"dinma where are you going to? her mom ask.
"okay don't stay long"she added.
"should I follow you?"nonso chirped in.
"no it's far,next time" she winked.
just then hefty men walked into their compound
and grabbed Chidinma....
her mother stood up immediately.
"nneeeee(mother)!!!!! Chidinma screamed when
they grabbed her.
"move it"...
"Chidinma!!! her mother screamed,the hot spoon
almost fell on her legs.
nonso rushed out,one of the men pushed him
"let me go ooo"
"where are you taking me to?...
her mother doesn't know what to do.
she shouted the village name.
"Chidinma !!!!....she shouted her name.
"what did I ever do to this village,I already lost a
child before now another one got snatched from
me,who did I offend?? forgive me please!
she shouted.
"mama don't shout,your health"little nonso said.
madam Tamara showed up all in smiles.
"let's meet at the chiefs house??? she said.
"Chidinma,where's my daughter? are you the one
behind it!!! she asked. madam Tamara laughed.

[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 10
nonso ran out of the compound with his mother
who was already in tears.
meanwhile prince drema was still waiting,he
strained his eyes to check time it was already
"this is serious..I can't believe am waiting for
someone"he muttered and walked down to where
his car was packed. he leaned on it.
bethel was able to track his location down so she
came with Mr Kelvin.
"i prepared everything for the travel sir"
"I told you i won't have time today"Dre replied,
his face cap covered his face fully.
"what are you doing here that made you cancel
the deal?*Mr Kelvin asked.
"nothing,I just feel like staying here alone with
nkem. you and bethel can kindly leave us alone
you've overstayed your visit in fact you're never
welcome"Dre said
"as you wish rema but I hope you will change your
mind concerning the deal...
mr Kelvin and bethel stepped into the car and
drove away.
"Rema is really getting can imagine
him walking out of 140millionaire what will I tell
sir tired of covering up for
drema"bethel said.
"whosoever rema is waiting for is special because
the rema I know doesn't like dirt you can imagine
him staying in this type of environment"mr king
"I wonder who it is"bethel said.
"me too...
Mr Kelvin abd bethel didn't actually leave,they
packed their car at a distant. bethel was really
concerned about who drema wants to see.
it began to rain,she looked out the window drema
was still leaning on his car
"we need to stop drema,he will catch serious
cold"she said.
"leave him alone...
"just let's stop him..
"let him be"Mr Kelvin said.
"it's raining
"it's not too much
"drema has a condition"
"I think he is moving in... you care too much about
him, remember you're only an assistant" Mr Kelvin
"thank God"
bethel felt relieved..
drema sat in his car with nkem.
nkem knew the time wasn't by their side again
plus it's getting dark.

Chidinma mother arrived at the chief empire he

came out minutes after madam Tamara arrived
"good evening chief...please where is my
daughter"she asked.
"is it really true you borrowed money from
community savings??.
"yes I borrowed the money but I returned it" she
replied.the chief faced madam tamara.
"she said she returned the money so why snatch
her daughter??
"ummmm my chief you see...
"hmm her payment was late"
"what time did she bring payment?
*hmm 12pm mid night meaning the day already
passed and that is the same thing as she doesn't
have funds and the community punishment is
slavery" madam tamara said.
"Chimoooooooooo" chidinma mother couldn't help
but shout.
"enough*the chief said.
"it's a lie my prince the payment was never late
"this is my judgment...your daughter must serve
madam tamara for 7days" the chief said
madam Tamara wasn't still happy with the days
she thought the chief will say 1month despite all
the money she gave him yesterday.
"this is unfair oooo
"this is unfair oooo....her actions ain't deliberate
my daughter got there earlier but Tamara
rejected the money...
nonso took his mom away to the house.
"the good heart of a mother they say melt the
heart of the gods.wgy is my own different? I
borrowed money for a child welfare another child
got snatched from my hands why? why me God
the creator?
Chidinma mother started crying
"mummy stop's just for 7days she will
soon come back" nonso said.
"why should I stop crying? only the gods knows
what my daughter is going through in her
house,only the gods knows .."
"mama please hold yourself...I plead with you for
us all please.."
"hmmm am not crying strong"
she cleaned her eyes.

that night Chidinma was taken into madam

Tamara's compound,the guards left her there and
madam Tamara walked up to her.
"kneel down"she said
Chidinma remembered the chiefs warning so she
knelt.obeying this woman for 7days is something
she thought she could never do.
she pounced in her immediately she knelt,
she pulled her hair and started beating her.
"you caused me caused me
pains!!! how dare you beat him up!!!!
Chidinma screamed as her hairs were being pulled
painfully.her screams filled the nooks and
crannies if the compound.
A sick prince from the nearest kingdom heard her
scream and got healed immediately unknown to
madam tamara
she left Chidinma and pushed her.
"rubbish...rubbish how dare you!!!
the other maids laughed at Chidinma who was in
tears. It was the perfect time to make jest of
"show her the dirty clothes and the barrel, give
her a pot after she must have washed all my
clothes. Let her fill the barrel with water before
night falls"..
Chidinma wiped her face.
*I have not offended you...take back your
allegations bikonu(please)" she said
"you still have the mouth to talk...right?
you little witch,have you not done enough, didn't
you beat up my son because he wooed you....ohhh
you think you are the only beautiful maiden in this
you're going to live here
you're going to work here
day and night.
until I release you in the 7th day
take her away.
"take her out of my sight. Nonsense..
the maids dragged her up.
"oya oya. biyen nsi só(faster faster)....
madam Tamara walked into the sicks room one
after the other and was surprised to see prince
edwardlooking Hale and hearty.
"I'm healed"the prince said.
"you mean you're fine"
"yes am fine enough to eat" he replied.
madam Tamara was surprised
"you want to eat that means you're hungry thanks
to the gods I will tell a maid to get you food at
she walked away.
nkem checked his time again
drema already knew it was late,Chidinma won't
come again so he told nkem to drive off. "are you
"yeah am heading towards there now?.

Chidinma sat on the floor.

she separated herself from the other maids as
the thought of meeting who nkem said she wants
to meet filled her heart.
she looked at her pretty cloth which was now
soiled with dirt..
she really failed the person she was suppose to
what if the person is still waiting??
she stood up and made a sneaking attempt until
she heard a barritone voice.
"where do you think you're going??
Chidinma moved back.
"where are you going to
"I'm talking to you are you deaf, speak" madam
Tamara said.
"emm I...I...I was just...
"where are you going for the last time???
*stop that nonsense am talking to you*..
"my mother I want to go and see her"she said
"you want to go and see your mother. who gave
you the permission to leave this compound....umm
I like your guts.
let this be a warning,
don't you dare leave this compound unless I say
"don't dare me ..
"Chidinma don't dare me.
"get out of my sight and go and grind the pepper"
she ran in and walked to the large kitchen, some
maids laughed at her and those where the ones
that are jealous of her.
she grinded the pepper, madam Tamara asked her
to bring it so she left.
"this is it where should I drop it??" she asked.
"what type of question is that?? pour it on my
head now" madam Tamara replied..
and Chidinma poured the pepper on her head at
[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 11
maids rushed madam tamara from left abd
right,dinma got quiet surprised by the massive
number of maids....
she stood and maintained an innocent face as she
watched them gush over.
"what have you done??
"how could you spill the pepper all over her??"
"jeeezzz are you five"
"my eyeesssss
"aaahh it's hurting me...somebody help,I said
helpppp!!! blow air blow air,I think am getting
blind already"that was madam tamara screamed
as everywhere in her face burns her hotly.
the maids got disorderd, almost all of them were
happy with what Chidinma did,some even smiled at
her madam tamara just met her
"nne calm down,the water is coming...
"don't worry it will soon go,ulomma bring water"
adaora shouted.
"okay am bringing it"ulomma said
the others laughed at how madam Tamara
" eyes...OMG!!!!!
"I think am going blind already"...
"ummmm ada,there is no single water in the
house"ulomma said,she didn't even move from
where she sat.
"where are these eyes..
"ewooo it has entered... somebody help"
madam tamara got teary..very teary.
all the maids pitied madam tamara and ulomma
stood up to get the water, ada dragged her back.
Oluchi went to the barrel and intentionally poured
all the water away.
"she deserves that for starving me last night"
she said.
"she might get blind if we leave her like that" one
maid said.
"we won't attend to her..let her feel more pain
before we do,Chidinma thanks for your bravery
without you here,we might not have our sweet
revenge"Juliet said..
"umm I didn't do this for anyone to have revenge
I only did this following the Accord of her
words,if you don't mind...I need to get somewhere
before the witch eye will open" Chidinma replied
and rushed out of the compound straight away to
the spot she is suppose to meet nkem, she felt
bad no one was there.
"I don't know who you are and what you are.. it's
not my fault I failed in my promise,I hope we get
to meet some other times"she said to herself.
maybe he came and left when he didn't see me.
Chidinma eyes stupidly glued to the spot she
duped drema #60,000,she tried to recollect his
face..she didn't even look in his face cos he had
on a face cap that day.
"whatever I don't care"she said.
"to you that I am suppose to meet today that I
didn't,am sorry"she said in her mind.
she walked straight to her father's house.
her mother walked out from the back.
"mama"she said.
they hugged theirselves.
"it's remaining 6days...I will try*she said..
her mother nodded.
"please eat well and don't think"she added.
her mother forced out a smile
"I should start going now"
her mom's face suddenly got pale.
"where's nonso??
"am here aunty chidinma".
both siblings did a high five.
finally she left.
by the time she returned to madam Tamara's
compound,it was calm.she walked in and joined the
other maids.
"you're in duty"aku said.
"Chidinma you're on duty...serve the sicks
dinner"she added.
"I was on duty last I suppose to do it
today again?"Chidinma replied..
"I am the head're expected to obey
whatever order I give*aku said.
"head maid indeed"Chidinma told her and walked
out to the kitchen.
she put food in many plates and placed them in
tray to deliver one after the other.
she got to the sicks section and met different
people with different ailments.
"how many did madam tamara heal daily" she said
to herself as she served them food one after the
she went back to the kitchen and packed the last
set of foods in the tray.she moved them to the
last sick section...
there was still a last room,Chidinma wondered
what room is she opened the door slightly
only to meet her man in the room, the sight alone
made her knew he was a prince. she closed the
door before he could turn.
"maybe he came here for healing"she thought.
she moved the tray into the last section and
distributed food to the sicks till it was remaining
one, she walked up to Aku.
*you said there are 35sick people but I could only
count 34"she said.
"have you seen Jackie?"Aku asked.
"who's Jackie???"she asked.
"do you need to know,yours was is too give her
"that room...that way" aku pointed.
"be careful around Jackie...she is insane and she
bites, her madness was caused as a result of
loosing a loved one so she bites,all you need to do
is to pass her food through the window" aku
"why didn't you say this're not good
at acting tough"Chidinma said.
she got to the window side and saw the
Jackie,she was really wild as Aku explained.
Chidinma felt jackie is too young to be like this.
she opened the window and placed the food there.
Jackie rushed it like a mad dog..
she collected the food from the window, poured
it away and ate from the ground.
"it must really be hard for mad people..poor
Jackie" she said and watched her display her
madness. Unknown to Chidinma the healed prince
already stood at a distant watching her.
"Jackie"Chidinma called.
"Ebube don't leave me!!! ebube I love you!!!
Chidinma watched Jackie displaying madness she
got close to the window where Chidinma was
standing,Chidinma forgot her hand was
there..Jackie took it quickly and bite her.
"ewwwwww!!! Chidinma withdraw her hand quickly
but it was too late..
the prince smiled from where he stood.
"hey,will you be my friend. my name is
Chidinma"Chidinma waved at Jackie.
she stupidly gave her hand again.
Jackie bite her,this time she didn't take her
hand away,she endured.
the prince was surprised than ever. Chidinma gave
both her hands to Jackie who kept on biting.
she don't know why she's doing that..
"Jackie"she called.
"Ebube"Jackie said in madness display.
that must be the name of her boyfriend,their
love must be really strong to make her mad"
Chidinma thought.
"ebube!!! ebube!!!!
Jackie's madness display increased.
"yes I am ebube your boyfriend"Chidinma replied.
*ebube, you're ebube"jackie replied.
"yes I am.."Chidinma added and look straight into
her eyes, unknown to her Jackie started seeing
images of her dead boyfriend instead of seeing
Chidinma doesn't know what she's doing, she
thinks she is consoling the mad patient.
"ebube!! Jackie started returning to her real self
"yes,I am ebube" Chidinma said. Half of Jackie's
madness returned to sanity.
"my darling Jackie,open your eyes to the world
around you,open your heart to the world around eat so that you will gain more
strength"dinma said.
jackie looked at the food then back to chidinmas
face,she started seeing images of her dead
boyfriend more clearer.
"Ebube!!!! ebube"
Jackie said and almost hugged Chidinma through
the window,Chidinma held her hand tight from
the window.
"ebube my love you have returned to me" Jackie
said in tears,she didn't display madness again.
"no I have not returned to you.You have to forget
me and move on because I am dead already,I have
traveled to the land of the dead" Chidinma said...
"ebube!!! Jackie started crying.
"yes my love but we can't be together
anymore,we have been separated by the seven
seas"Chidinma said.
"why? ebube don't leave me!!
Jackie cried the more and held Chidinma hand
tightly, unknown to Chidinma her madness had
been cured.
the prince who was watching quietly noticed and
was surprised..
Aku passed by and was surprised to see that type
of closeness between Jackie and Chidinma.
"why are you waiting your precious time in feeding
her?? Aku said.
Jackie jerked to her normal sense and left
dinma's hand.
"what am I doing here??
"why am I in rags!!!!!!! Jackie shouted.
"hey you are your madness getting out of
hand,a servant is coming to tie you down again
before it gets worst"Aku said.
"I am not mad,I am Princess Jackie of Reemah
kingdom,I demand to know why am here"Jackie
"are you healed??"Aku was surprised.
Chidinma was also surprised.
"get me out of this stinking the door!!
I don't like dirt"Jackie said. she was truly back
to her senses.
Aku was surprised. she bowed to jackie.
"am sorry my princess I will get the keys" she
rushed out...
Chidinma was still surprised,
she really can't explain what happened. Jackie
looked at her and smiled.
"You just healed me,tell me what's your name"
she asked. the prince got more interested.
"something is wrong somewhere" Chidinma said
and rushed out. to the backyard. she looked at
her palms, marks of the bites Jackie gave her was
very visible...
"she said I healed her...but I was just playing
with her..I was only said those words to her out if
"am so's not me"
"it can't can it be me"
"Chidinma...the trouble,I play a lot,it must be
madam tamara's herbs and shrubs"
Chidinma thought as she moved to and fro. She
turned and caught the sight of the prince she
removed her eyes immediately and turned to the
other side..
she walked in the other side.
"I am prince Simeon..."
she heard.
"greetings to you"she replied without turning.
she finally turned and wanted to walk out.
"it's actually rude to walk out on a prince" Simeon
"so should I wait for you to leave before I leave"
Chidinma asked.
"I love smart girls" he said.
"don't worry you will soon stop" she replied and
walk out.
[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 12
Prince simeon ego was hurt,he was surprised
someone spoke to him in that manner, not even a
male but a female.
"have I suddenly turned ugly?"
he said to himself. He turned immediately,he
looked at her till she was out of sight. everything
about her was beautiful and loving just that she
looked troublesome.
madam tamara walked down,he looked away.
"my prince"she said.
"tell me"he said.
"since you're healed and now healthy,I was
thinking you might want to leave tomorrow" she
"umm am not completely healed..I still want to
stay for some time"simeon said.madam tamara
was surprised.she remembered when simeon was
brought here,he shouted at everyone saying this
environment is not his type.
someone would have thought simeon has changed.
"Really???"she asked.
"yes,hope you don't mind"he sounded polite.
"ohh not at all...but you once said this
environment doesn't suite your health,have you
forgotten"madam Tamara grinned in her head,she
wondered what changed her mind totally..
"as you wish my prince,the place is set
already"she said instead and left
simeon walked down to the place that was
prepared by him by Aku.
I sat and poured himself a glass of wine.
madam tamara couldn't help but notice simeon
smiling to himself at regular intervals
she shrugged and dragged Aku to a corner.
"was anyone with the prince??"
"no, no one was close to his room as you
Aku bowed and walked away.madam tamara wasn't
convinced enough.
She suspected Chidinma and called Aku again
"you know what,just tell the securities to lock
Chidinma up"she said.
Aku rushed out to the maids room,all were
asleep.she woke Chidinma.
"did you check the prince room?"she asked.
"no,did anything happen? next time don't disturb
my sleep"dinma replied.she rubbed her sleepy
"fine,madam tamara wants to lock you up you had
better run away if you like yourself"Aku said with
an eye roll.
"I should run away and come back very early
tomorrow"she asked.
"yes madam Tamara is asleep already,she won't
know you weren't locked up...all you need to do is
to get back before anyone wakes up..getting
locked with the securities might be the worst
thing that happened to you"Aku said.
"okay! thank you! Chidinma stood,she ran to the
door,the securities were already coming.
she turned to Aku.
"why are you helping me when you hate me?" she
"I hate you...but after all you're worth helping"
Aku said.
Chidinma smiled and rushed out through the back
************* light opens in chidinma's house.
chidinma's mother was sitting under the shade in
front of their compound.Her face looked so
sick,she was seriously down with fever.
"mama,please eat!! nonso said.
"my son...take the foods away,it makes my
condition more worst"she replied.
"please mama...papa is not around,aunty Chidinma
is not around also"
"mama you're crying"....
"mama please"...
nonso stated.
"only the gods know what my daughter is passing
through in tamara's house"she said.
"but today is the third remains 4days"
"I know..but the 4days looks like 4months in my
"'s okay"
mother and son hugs each other.

Prince Drema's suite

As usual,drema couldn't sleep at night.
He was just stuck with a bowl of popcorn and the
boring story teller as usual..
"how many more hours is left for the day to
break?"he asked.
"my prince,it's just 9pm"the woman said.
"that's still a long way to go"he replied and fell on
his pillow.
"don't make that face again my prince,it's not
cute"the woman said.drema took the other pillow
and covered his face.
"can you check my phone for me??
the woman took his red phone.
"is there any missed call from Nora?" he asked
"hmm no"
"what about missed messages?"
"no my prince!!
"I just want to be alone for now...get the fuck out
of my room"he said.
the woman still sat.she felt his pains.
"get the fuck out of my room"he said again. the
woman understand drema well.she stood up and
bowed immediately.
"turn off the fucking lights"he added.
the woman dimmed his room lights and went out...
drema uncovered his face from the pillow. His
tears streamed down and fell on his pretty lips he
cried for everything
he cried for his sight...
he wished he was poor and have sight..
he wished he can see how handsome people say he
is in the mirror.
he wished his father will branch to say "hello".
His phone beeped..he knew it was bethel.
He picked up..
"tell me"he said.
"good news sir"
"what? good news!!
"ummmm"bethel cleared her throat.
"Sir you're great.....You've covered 100 city's bill
boards,that's a good start. Ultimate made you
their ambassador your worth now equals
998billion're making history...this is.."
drema hung up.his tears fell on the phone.
"In the end,it's just me alone again.."he said to
himself.he hugged his teddy.
The intercom on his door beeped,he wished there
will be someone else that cares apart from his
He didn't just turn,he chewed into his bubble gum
hanah walked in with a milk shake in a royal
tray....she almost gasped put of excitement.
the room was like a paradise to her.
it has different bluish glass door
there was even a pool in one section...
her eyes caught the fansy of his jewelry box, his
money was scattered on the floor.
everywhere was just wealth in all.
drema knew someone was in but he doesn't just
feel like talking.
hanah dropped the milk shake with respect. she
was tempted to look in Drema's face.A rush of
adrenaline rush down her spine as drema looked
she can't explain what was wrong with her, "why
can't I look in his face?" she muttered to herself
and finally did.
he has a pouted pink lips that looks so juicy and
soft,each time he makes balloon with the gum,his
dimples tighten into a cute one.
"jeezzz I can't wait to tell Chidinma I met the
young prince..."she said in her mind.
she served the milk shake and served it to rema.
"my prince,your milkshake..".
"go and get a you expect me to drink
that dirty thing"drema replied..
Hana curved out a smile,she dropped the milk
shake back disappointingly.
she was happy the prince spoke to her.
"I'm sorry my prince"she courtised.
She noticed his mood and walked out immediately.
"everyone makes me feel bad"drema said to
himself.he stood up and dropped the teddy to the
his door opened again.
the perfume on the person was different therby
making it difficult for him to identify.
"is that a maid??"he asked
before he could say anything,his birth bracelet
was slipped off his hand.thats the only thing he
had in common with his father.
someone just stole from him.
"Charles???" he called.
"fool it's not Charles"the person said.
"Tochi??"he called.
"try again"the person said and walked out.
"please am begging you don't take that away,
that's the only thing I have in common with
you guys feel the love of a father everyday
but I can't even call father
because it got stuck in my sight, so am always
The only place I feel the love of a father as much
as I want is in that bracelet,
please am begging you,let me feel the love of a
father just like that" drema said.that bracelet
seemed like his father.
"I know it's precious to you that's why am taking
it away"the person said. drema knew who it was
when he uttered those words.
he sighed and left his hand.
the door slammed with a strong sound.
"why is everything getting worst for me!!
he ruffled his hair.
nkem came right in time.
"my prince!!!
drema didn't reply.
"hmm I understand"nkem said.
he picked the car keys and helped him out.
he stopped the car in a calm arena.
he sat facing drema on the grass field, drema laid
back on his hand...
"I will stay there" nkem left him alone.
he pitied him.
"It's getting late"nkem told him
"I know"he replied.
"okay,rema"nkem returned to his normal position.
rema sat upright and digged his fingers in the
grass where he laid on.
his white top was bright.
somehow he felt like removing his rings,he did and
tucked them in his pocket.

Chidinma on the other hand got tired from

running.she stopped to catch her breath as she
walked slowly.
her house was still far,
maybe this was just an opportunity to check on
her mom..
she walked down.
nkem saw her from afar and quickly moved away
from drema's car that he was leaning on.
Chidinma suddenly changed direction and stopped
walking in nkems direction.
by the time nkem raised his head,he didn't see
Chidinma again.
he dropped his phone and ran in a very high
speed.He has never run like that in his entire life.
he ran down no glimpse of Chidinma
he ran down again,and saw her.
jeezzz she already walked down.
he ran after her and caught her hand,dinma on
the other hand recognized him.
"hey,you walk so fast" he said.
"where you running after me?"she asked.
"yes,I was"nkem said.
Chidinma didn't say anything.
"I told you about my brother the other day,he's
here now.please meet him now"nkem said.
they both walked the grass field.
"where's he??"Chidinma asked.
nkem looked around.
"are you playing with me or what? chaii why did I
fall a victim"Chidinma said.
"but he was---
drema walked in from the opposite direction.
his eyes cleared on seeing Chidinma.
nkem breathed in relief..
"is he the person am suppose to meet"dinma
said..nkem nodded and excused thrm
drema sat on the grass.he drank from his water
can he laid back flatly.
dinma sat beside prince drema in the grass the
space in their middle was enough for a mountain.
dinma suddenly looked in the other side, drema's
sight disappeared again.
"can you please look at me,my sight just
disappeared again"drema said.
"I don't understand how am I responsible for the
regulation of your...siig..."
Chidinma starmmered and looked at him, his sight
got cleared again..
"I'm Obim"drema said.
"Chidinma"dinma replied.
drema stared back at chidinma..
"did you brought me here for staring?"she said.
"since when are you having issues with sight?" she
"since birth"
"okay,what about your parents"....
"I don't have parents,I only have my brother"
drema replied.
"you don't have parents? where you abandoned??"
"if I was abadoned it would have been better than
being rejected"drema said.
"that's serious"Chidinma said and looked at him
with a pity eyes.
she looked away.
"sorry..Obim right?"she said and looked at him
"but why is it that it's only me you can see.. this
is mysterious"she added.
drema didn't say anything,he stared at her..
dinma smiled and shifted very close to him, drema
was surprised.
"I don't know what's the cause of this..but I
think being your friend will go a long way" dinma
drema crackled,he almost laughed.

[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 13
Royal Palace
queen chiamaka suite
the guards came back in full without a glimpse of
"my queen we didn't find him"a guard said.
"and then I said I shouldn't return if you don't
find him"she replied,they rushed out back. for
some minutes she wasn't myself.she eel so not
her as she walked into drema's suite.
seeing everywhere calm and quiet breaks her
heart so much,she sob quietly..
my son!!
my chidi(my pillar)
my mma(beautiful)
my peaceful rema....
she said in between it also my fault that
I am your mother.
"drema why are you doing this to me?" she asked
myself. she wiped her face with the back of my
palm and walked out.she waited for the guards
who went in search of him,they already
returned,still without drema
"you still came back without him"she asked
"yes my queen..Nkem is not also around so we
assumed that they went out together"a guard
"also the younger prince favorite ride is not in
the lot,that shows enough prove that they went
together"another guard said,the Queen's heart
came to rest immediately.
"you should still stay in the boarders,no one
sleeps till my son returns"queen chiamaka said
and went in.
queen ivory was coming from the opposite
direction.she intentionally moved in her way. I
sighed and left the way for her,
she blocked it again.
"his highness demands our presence"she said
"that's still not enough prove to block my way"
queen chiamaka added.
"have you ever thought of getting a surgery for
your son??"she asked.
"ivory don' dare you drag my son into this-
she smiled and moved back while stylishly fanning
herself with her hand.
"perhaps you should have thought of borrowing a
chicken eyes for your he can at least
watch my OWN son taking place of the Kings
heart"she said and then laughed. Queen chiamaka
joined her in laughing.
Ivory suddenly stopped and rolled her eyeballs
wondering why chiamaka laughed,she wanted her
to get angry and hit her..she really want to push
her into doing something bad and frame her up in
the Kings presence.
"chickens are actually very vicious birds,I have no
idea why or how they are symbols of
cowardice"queen chiamaka replied instead. ivory
frowned and walked out angrily to the throne
she sighed and followed her.
ivory took her space beside the king,she sighed
and sat at the last couch.
the king walked in graciously and took his seat on
the high throne. Charles and tochi walked in. no
one greeted,they both sat on different couch.
"I called this meeting because of blinks
company,the amount it generates is getting much
and without a heir to the investment am scared I
might have to start again"the king said with
authority,no one spoke.
"Charles am trusting you with this company but
you must get married first so the money won't be
lavished in frivolous things"he added
"married!! Charles said and rolled his eyes up. a
guard walked in and bowed to hand the king a
the king showed the portrait. it was a well
photographed portrait of a beautiful girl. Charles
looked at it for a while,
tochi smiled. indeed,the girl in the portrait was
"she's princess Laura,it is said that there is no
beautiful maiden like her in all 23kingdoms what
do you say about her?"the king asked.
"not good.she has no shine in her eyes,she doesn't
deserve someone like Charles" ivory said.
"why?? isn't she beautiful enough?.
"the girl will not only be Charles wife,she will be a
young queen too,there shouldn't be any reason to
point her out"....
queen chiamaka watched as they discussed and
conclude without her permission.
"fine.i will find another princess for Charles,
since you said this isn't beautiful enough" the
king said.
"you don't need to father,I already have someone
in mind"Charles said and walked out
queen ivory followed her son all in smile. queen
chiamaka left lastly. she was still worried for her
son who hasn't returned.
she wasn't even looking where she was going, she
bumped into the royal adviser,
all the files in his hands fell.
"am sorry my queen"
"umm no need"she smiled and bent to help him
pick the files.
"you don't need to,my queen"the royal advisor
said. queen chiamaka already bent when a
particular file caught her fansy.
*statement of ownership*
Jewels group and co.
Tochi- 30%.
she sighed and picked it up for the advisor. she
Drema .
drema got comfortable with drema just on their
first meeting,maybe because she is the only one
he can see.
not this time,he can't handle being with a girl
again.cos after getting used to her,he will still
end up being alone....
that's why he came up with the idea of acting girl will date a broke guy.
that's just the perfect way of making Chidinma
gets comfortable with him,
a perfect way of them not falling in love so none
of them will be hurt in the end, he just wants to
be happy. if he can't get happiness as a prince,he
will get it as a pauper.
"obim have you eaten"Chidinma said.
"no do you want some food"he asked.
"yes,let's go together"Chidinma said and stood up
from the rock she sat..
drema also stood up from the grass he laid on, a
diamond stoned chain fell from his hair. he was
lucky Chidinma wasn't looking,
he quickly wore his facecap and picked the chain..
"what food do you like? I like abacha(African
salad)"Chidinma said as the walk.
"well I like...umm..ab"prince drema stammered he
doesn't know of any local food..
"me too,I like the same food with you" he quickly
"ohh..that's the first thing we have in common"
Chidinma said.drema smiled.
they got to the food seller place..drema leg
pained from walking too much.
Chidinma sat,he lined with other customers to buy
"jeezzz I can't believe am doing this" he said to
himself. finally it got to his turn.
"two plates"he said.
"abacha how much?"the woman said.
drema doesn't understand the method of buying
food..the woman was the understanding type.
"mr,I sell from #50*the woman said..
"just sell what a normal person can finish" drema
said.the woman put salad in the two plates,she put
veggies,meat and fish.
"OMG...rockstar rema!!! a girl came to drema's
"you're mistaken..maybe I just look like him" he
said,he carried the food and walked to where
Chidinma sat.
chidinma smiled and started eating
immediately...rema couldn't touch the spoon not
to talk of eating.
"you're not eating..this is not good on the first
day of friendship*Chidinma said.
"here,open your mouth".she added.
drema eat from her hand and forcefully
swallowed it....
"is this food really good for your health?"he
"hunnh"Chidinma said.the noise didn't let her
hear him clearly.
finally she drank water. unknown to drema, the
girl who recognized him already went to call her
friends who were current about celebrities.
that's him..
that's him....jeeezzz he looks like Rema
same height,same handsome face..
jeezzz someone check his neck,the tattoo.
the girls already got much....
drema quickly took chidinma hand,they both went
out through the back door.again, Chidinma didn't
notice,she only thinks drema took her out of the
restaurant cos she was done eating.
drema left her hand,they both walked down..
"I will escort you to your house"drema said.
"who will escort you back? am the only one you
can see right"she said.
"I almost forgot"drema said,they both chuckled.
drema tucked his both hands into his pockets, the
diamond chain which he kept there slipped into
the dirty water when he removed his hand.
drema stopped and looked in the water and didn't
say anything.
"it's five millionaire,I can always buy another
one"he said in his head.
"what's that??..
"it's nothing important"
"if you lost something then you should look for it
no matter how small it is"Chidinma said.
she comfortably walked into the dirty water and
started searching for what fell from obim
drema didn't still say a word
minutes later dinmma brought out the diamond
hair chain from the water,she was surprised. It
was a real diamond.
"actually it's...." drema tried saying.
"but you said you were....." Chidinma tried saying
too but, drema covered her mouth and hugged

[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 14
chidinma's p.o.v
without saying a word,he uncovered my mouth and
hugged me for a long time.out if surprise, I
dropped the hair chain on the floor,it was the
first time a guy hugged me,I felt familiarity in his
arms.....he scent so nice but he is suppose to be
my friend right?.
the other guy nkem came close from afar,I don't
know what he did,I felt a ray of light flash on
me.finally he came closer and picked the chain.
I let go of obim.
"that's actually a gift from my family and since
they abandoned me I felt it's useless keeping
it"he said. I looked away and ran as fast as my
legs could carry me.
I arrived home,I couldn't even think of madam
I walked to the room nonso and I shared,I
grabbed another wrapper.Jeez I can't believe I
search into the dirty water for his hair chain and
he even said he doesn't wants it.
"why am I even concerned? I just met him today
and I am already digging into his past I
I took off the dirty clothes and thmued the new
wrapper,I even wore my slippers wrongly.
Chidinma are you okay??
I scratched my neck as I wore it in the right way.
I tore out a page from an old book,then poured
ink in a flat plate.i remembered how the chain
looked so I drew it.
"maybe I should ask the Goldsmith the worth" I
thought abd folded what I drew but then I tear
it again.
"drawing this means I don't trust
him...chidinmaets give trust a trial" I said as I
trash what I drew.
I went out and soaked my cloth in water.i put
water in a bucket to bath. someone was there, I
waited for my turn.
"but why did he hug me? could he start liking
me...that's not possible I might end up breaking
his head"I said in my head.
nanza came out of the bathroom,I took my water

Nkem's p.o.v
I laughed hard immediately Chidinma left. I
looked quietly in dremas face,he look sweet but
his Expression made me laughed more.
"bad. am not even a great actor"he said.
"jeez that was so close"I said.
"I tell you,some random girls recognized me" Dre
said like the gentleman he is,he bite his lips halfly
giving him that attractive look.
I laughed.
"is it funny"he said.
"anyways thank you"he added.
"don't mention bro"I added.
"but why are you saying thank you...I did what a
brother could have done"I said.
"yeah...this is actually the first time a girl who
doesn't know me did something for me without
trying to impress prince drema or gain any favor"
he said.
"you deserve it"I said.
"fine..where did you park the God dam car,my legs
hurt*he said and wore his face cap.
"over there"
we walked down and moved in the car
the AC was on,drema drank the whole water in
the can.
"tomorrow is another day"I said.
we both chuckled.
I drove straight to the palace,we arrived 12pm,
the time was far spent already.
queen chiamaka face softened immediately she
sight drema.
"I wasn't able to kept me waiting" she
"I'm sorry Mom,it's all fine"rema said and kissed
her cheeks.
"what about me that don't have a mother?" I
asked lowly.
the queen chuckled and Pat my head.
"bless you my son"age said..I grinned.
"I guess you are coming from Nora's place? " she
drema looked sideways.
"ohh you guys ain't over it--
"my schedule is so tight tomorrow" Dre said
another thing,I took him to his room.

Jackie's p.o.v
I still can't believe I was insane for 3good
months.i felt at ease when the royal guards
arrived,my mom(the queen) came alongside
we cried in each other's arms.
mother am fine"I said in screams
"am really fine"I screamed again.
madam Tamara came out.
"Tamara thank you... thanks to you may the gods
bless your healing hands"my mom says.
"iseeee(amen)"Tamara replied.
it was really a long night,my mother discussed
long with mAdam Tamara but I really want to see
that girl,the one speaking to me,
she healed me.
I rushed into the maids quarter,she wasn't just
there,the other maids were fast asleep.i even
uncovered their face,she wasn't still among them.
oh my God
what do I do??????
and I am not sure I will ever come here again, to
the part of this kingdom.
"my princess do you need something"a girl said
from behind me. Judging from looks she is a maid.
"what about the girl who served me food hours
ago?"I asked.
"how does she looks like? fair or dark? do you
want to give her something before you go,I mean
I can help you deliver it"she said.
"I want to meet her in person"I said
"she is not around,I don't even know who you're
asking for"she said and left.
"Jackie it's time to leave"my mother's maid
came.i sighed abd followed her. I deliberately
made us passed the window side, I remembered
everything she did. the consoling words,how I
bite her hand.
"you must be looking for something"a maid from
the healing house said.
"yes,the aunty that served me dinner. kindly helo
me give her this card...there are call centers in
Ezials kingdoms tell her to give me a call,I will call
the call center in return for better conversation
so I can get her"I said.
"okay,my princess"she said and took my card.
"that must be Chidinma,she served you" she
I nodded she left.
I looked the window once again, a bracelet was
there.i picked it up,her name was even written
there "Chidinma".
I smiled.
"every Cinderella forgets her shoe,you're also a
Cinderella for forgetting your bracelet....I make
you my role model from this moment"
I smiled again.
"Jackie......"I heard.
OMG,I rushed out.
[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 15
Jackie's p.o.v
"my princess,dinner is set"
"are you sure you don't need anything?
"should we call the doctor??
"you're still not speaking"
the maids chatter at my door while I just sat on
the bed looking all worried.
it really means I will still be mad if that maiden
didn't come to rescue,I even had her hand bitten.
gosh! I feel terrible.
I fell on my pillow,I changed positions again.
"how did she do those things?
"Jackie remember... jeeezzzz!!!
I can't really recollect,but i saw a light shine so
bright on her wrist the moment she said those
comforting words to me,the light from her wrist
shine to my eyes and then I regain my senses.
but why was I the only one seeing the light? why
not the both of us???
"arrrghh this is just so confusing?".
I changed positions on my bed again.whatever it is
what her,I will find out.
a knock came on my door.
"who's there?"I asked.
no reply,the door opened and a maid came in with
a flat tray,on it was a mug.
"yes,didn't I say I want to be alone"I said.
"yes my princess but I guessed you will need this
since you like chewing chocolates bar" she added
and dropped the tray.
"where's nanny Alice?"I asked
"she travelled so am taking replacement"she said.
I took the mug.
"hanuel what the fuck is this!!!!!!
"strawberry sauash"
"is it?? why is it so watery and not iced? do you
expect me to drink this...why are you commoners
so stupid.
You brought me this without tying your hair, you
didn't even wear gloves"
"am sorry,it was because I placed it carefully in
the tray".
"and you still didn't wear gloves...have you...--
i paused.i remembered a commoner cured my
madness and I am here insulting another
godddd why didn't my mother train me well.
"am sorry my princess,I will take it away and get
you another one"she said.
I carried the mug immediately abd drank it like
that.she was too surprised.
" I said earlier,I
didn't mean"I sighed and hit my forehead.
I couldn't even apologize properly.
hanuel smiled."it's okay,I understand".
I returned her smile.
"will you reach me how to apologise??
"sure"she replied.

Next day--- Vanilla town

Nkem's p.o.v
drema sat quietly at the beach facing the
ocean,he wore a very transparent shirt with
nothing inside then he wore shorts.A neat maid
stood beside him she held his towel and his water.
the photographers were set and ready,
everything was prepared for the shoots.
just then Mr kelvin walked towards drema.
"am tired of waiting,where is the model,does she
knows she Is keeping me waiting"rema said.
"you should be glad they rescheduled this shoot,i
mean you cancelled it first"Mr kelvin replied him.
"whatever"drema said.
"don't worry you will be glad to see who your
partner is in this commercials"bethel added.
just then two cars drove in. a slim nicely statured
light skinned tall girl walked out. she wore a
matching bra and pant with a long transparent
jacket then she wore glasses,her hair was dyed
red,she was very attractive
"perfect"the director clapped when she walked
out with her assistant behind her.
"omg Rose Alexander,it's nice having you here I
can't believe this"bethel smiled
rose returned her smile and catwalked to rema
she took off her glasses abd hand it to her
drema strained his eyes a little.Rose smiled as
she admired drema secretly she's just trying
hard not to freak out.
"ohh it's the international super model,Prince
Drema Jewel. it's a pleasure,I have wats want to
shoot with you"rose said.
"well the pleasure is shared equally"Dre replied
"let's do a good job"rose said,she was surprised
drema didn't even look at her although rumor said
he is blind...
now that she's seeing him live,he can't look in her
"am sure am not ugly"she said in her head.
"rose you have just 8outfits to model and the
shoot is over. Drema is just an asset to make this
shoot superb and go viral remember this swim
suits are hand made design by the best designer
of the year,that's why we didn't settle for
average model"the director said.
rose nodded and took her eyes off drema. she
was made up into the first outfit,drema was also
made up.
their first shoot was captured in the waters.
All through drema strained his sight but at times
it gets clear on its own.
"perfect"the director said
the last shoot was made in water.
"cut cut cut"...
drema left rose hand,rose intentionally made it
look as if she can't swim. Drema caught her under
the water with just one hand..
"help me...I can't"....
drema bent into the water to lift her weight
fully,the photographer captured that scene
unknown to everyone.
drema lifted rose out.
"am cold...I can't swim...I..."
rose stammered and hugged drema unexpected.
"then stop being a model if you can't swim" drema
said and dropped her in the water.
nkem laughed...
Drema's p.o.v .
"where else are we visiting??" nkem asked.
"I don't have any schedule today..let's just go
home"I said.
"did Nora call"I added.
"nope"he replied.
"your sight seems to be improving,how good is it
now"nkem asked.
"same...just 1% different"I said.
he chuckled.and drove out.
the security card followed my car from both
behind and front.
"I want to stop by at Nora's house"I said and
plugged in my head set.
soon we arrived.
I carried the flowers nkem got at the mall and
went into Nora's house.
my sight was manageable so I find my way
inside.Nkem waited at the door while I went in
the living room was empty. I looked on the couch
and saw her bra,her pant,her cloth, his belt,his
shoes,his wrist watch..
I wiped my face with the back of my palm..I saw
his shirt,her shoe, a pack of condom.
a single tear fell from my eyes,everywhere was so
littered and disgusting.
I dropped the flower on the floor.i turned to
I took my lips in and turn back again.
Nora came out in a very short towel,my sight just
got clearer. She was surprised to see me.
A guy showed up from behind also shirtless. I
recognized him as the governor's son and my
He kissed Nora right in my presence,Nora pushed
him away slightly.
"drema....can you see now?? can you see me??"she
asked.still shocked.
tears stream down her eyes when I didn't say
anything.i looked at Romeo from head to toe and
walked out, Nora chased after him.
"no drema don't go...don't turn your back at me
you already promised me" she said. drema
"drema it's not my fault,I can explain"...
"explain what?? wasn't I good enough,and even if
I have a poor sight,does that matter?? it's not
what's outside that matter,it's what's on the
inside...tell me did I offend you??? the way I
treat you,I doubt if any man will treat you that
same way" I said.
she started crying.
"am...I can explain..."
"was this the first time with Romeo?? I asked,
she kept on crying.
"then I guess it's the 100th" I added and walk

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[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 16
Nkem's p.o.v
prince rema came out of Nora's apartment
minutes later.waow I thought he was gonna be out
in the next hours.
what happened??
I watch him walk out,his hand placed on his
forehead. Nora rushed out after him in just a
polo shirt that was as low as her hips.
"Dre my love...pls wait"
"it's over Nora ..we are over"
"no drema please"
"stay away...from me..forever"
he rushed out,Nora still rushed after him crying
and begging it didn't make a difference prince
drema looked really hurt.
he moved into the car swiftly,Nora rushed back in
when she heard the press siren.
poor must be really hard for him.
soon we arrived in the palace.
he passed the living room where his mother sat,it
really looked like Lila is back.
he hugged his mother.
"hmm my son,how are you?you look sad,stop
pretending to be happy"
"am fine,maybe it's work"
"and you even slimmed down,come here I really
want to hug you again" welcome my love" she said.
drema smiled and kissed the sides of her cheeks.
"where's Lila??
"she will be back hopefully tonight"
"all right.
drema walked upstairs himself without any
assistance,queen chiamaka was surprised.
"finally Dre the sight drug worked"she said to
I smiled and followed him up.
Chidinma's p.o.v
someone tapped me from sleep,I rolled to the
other side.
"Aku am too tired to do morning duties help me"I
said.from sleep.
"who's Aku?? I heard.
I sprang up immediately only to see nonso.
"chimo(oh my God) how did I get here?"
"what day is today, nonso?"
"exactly I wanted to ask you did madam Tamara
released you already? today was supposed to be
your last day"he said.
I remembered all what happened last night.
jeez Aku said I should return very early,am dear
I rushed out
"you're going"nonso asked.
"no,am xoming"I replied and changed my slippers.
"bye bye" I rushed out.
hmm madam Tamara will do much scold me,that
old hag.
I got half way,a group of girls ran after me.
"Hy Chidinma"
"Hy dinma"
"can we be friends"
the girls said.i stop to catch my breath
"can you help me with something?
"wait dinma I called you first?"
"what?? I greeted you first"
"I know you first,answer me first.
the started dragging me.
"stop this nonsense"I said abd break free from
their hold.
"most helpful Chidinma we mean no harm,here is
an apple for eat it, an apple a day keeps
the doctor away"Lara said. I smiled and collect
it.i ate a bite.
"now how can I help you?"I said.
"that handsome guy you were with yesterday
"you mean obim"I said.
"awww is that his name?
"he is really cute!!
"I fell in love at first sight" they giggled.
"ohh really he is my friend,I can help you tell him
if you want" I said.
"yes,kindly help me deliver my love letter to him!!
"pls mine too"
I collected the pink papers from them.
"I will deliver them"I said abd hurried away to
madam tamara.i got so unlucky she caught me
sneaking in.
"and where are you coming from?"she asked.
"don't dare me! answer me directly and stop that
sturtling"she said.
"am sorry I won't sneak out again"I said.
she picked a pestle,I ran back.
"didn't I told the guards to lock you up"she said
"I got scared I will be raped and the gods will
punish me and moreover it's my last day today"I
"and I just increased it to the next 21eke market
days,until I release you"she said.
"whaaattt?!! I gasped.
she walked in and she really mean it.
Drema's p.o.v
my sight really improved at least 50%. I dropped
my stuff's and walked into the shower. pictures
of Nora's room filled my memory.i washed my
face and came out.
must all women be sluts..I can't believe Nora,she
hurts me badly,just when I decide to give this
love another chance it dropped me again.
maybe love was never really meant for me,it is an
exam I keep failing.
I wore my robe and awaited mr Kelvin
a knock was heard on the door soon.
"who is it???
"why don't you find out yourself"
I turned back.
"Lila" I smiled.she walked in and hugged me.
"how have you been?"
"great"she replied and walked beside me.
"your cloth is pretty"I said
"hmm can you now see...OMG! my brother can
see"she screamed and fell right on my phone.
I chuckled,she just broke the screen.
"partly,I can see partly" I said.
"the drug worked".
"no drug worked,an annoying girl make it clearer.i
feel like it's some magic"I said.
"really?? that's similar to the healer in the fox
story book"Lila said.
"wait did something like light shine on her wrists?
jeez she must have some powers.i will like to meet
with the girl"she said.
"no need,it's our little secret"I said and sat on
the bed. Lila fell on me.
"let's go and ate dinner" she said.
"royal dinning,you should join the family now that
your sight is clearer"she said.
"hmm I don't want to..."I said.
"please,I will cry if you don't come"she said.
"fine"I smiled and followed her to the next floor.
the royal palace just got beautiful each passing
"greetings to the youngest prince".
the maids and guards bowed. Lila smiled and held
my hand tightly. until Charles showed up.
"Lila come over here!! I am your brother,you
should hang out around me and not some random
blind ass"he said.
"prince Charles...prince rema isn't blind. he's my
half brother,can you just let love and peace
reign"Lila said and held into my hand tightly.
Charles raised his hand to hit Lila,
I caught his hand and twisted it down.
"you should rather hit yourself instead of hitting
a lady*I said. the Queen's rushed out. to eat
dinner too I guess.
the king,walked into the large royal dinning
gracefully also.
"what's happening here???"queen ivory asked
"drema,my son"queen chiamaka said and took my
other hand.
I took my lips in..
Tochi came in last.
"what's happening here??? the king said.every
where got silent.
"ohh my goodness Charles,what happened to your
arm...."queen ivory said. Charles groaned from
"I said,what just happened here..." father said
"it's drema,how dare he take sides with
Charles,he is really getting spoilt this days" queen
ivory said..
my mother sighed. "and how are you sure??
"Enough. Now drema apologize to Charles" father
I took my lips in and walked to a sit on the
dinning.i uncovered a plate.
they were quite surprised I can see partly.
"Drema you need to apologise,don't you hear is
highness"queen ivory said.
"sadly enough,I have money but I don't have
respect but I have which one do you
want exactly?"I asked.
"whaaaatttt!!! queen ivory asked. Lila jerked her
hand and sat beside me on the dinning.
"father,can you tell queen ivory to stop trying to
separate me and prince drema"Lila said.
I smiled.
queen ivory walked out angrily.

[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 17
queen ivory's p.o.v
OMG! my heart just fell into my stomach.
I don't want to believe drema can really see or
could he be faking that shit..
"did he really see?"Charles asked.
I moved my face and walked out of the suite
straight away to the dinning where I stood behind
the transparent glass to watch.
the dream in which he imagined himself
seeing,does he knows what it's called?.
prince tochi walked in and say opposite to drema
on the dinning.
"Hy"he said to drema.
drema smiled back.i scoffed.
six maids walked up to them,I was surprised 5 out
of six focused more attentions on drema.
are they really obsessed?..
"my grace,shall I serve your meal?
"I really can do it...
"here...flower cakes,spicy rice...scrambled eg..
"it's okay,I will do it"Lila said and uncovered the
dishes one after the other.
she served drema fried plaintain and eggs, the
other maids served tochi.
can he really see now?
I sighed and left to the inner chamber where the
king sat with his cabinets,discussing.
"he must have the phoenix scar on his
wrist,that's so much power"I overheard.
what are they really discussing..
soon the meetings dismissed,I was left with the
king alone.
"you look sad"he said.
I let out more tears.
"won't you punish drema for what he did back
then,he doesn't even apologize and that's an
insult to me"I said.
his highness sighed and pulled me in a hug.
"what exactly do you want him to do,I hate to see
those tears stream down"he said.
I smiled inwardly as I let more tears outwardly
he summon a guard.
"send for drema".
"as your lordship pleases"
the guard left.
"that won't be enough,he insulted me openly, the
maids and guards were there,he should do the
apology openly,I don't just know what has gotten
into him lately.He doesn't have regards for his
elders and he always tries to take sides with
Charles...I really want you to send him out of this
palace"I said.
"not now"he replied
"really? are you liking him now"I said.
"oh no...his birth has brought nothing but shame
to my face"he says.
"then why can't you send him out or even disown
him at least the world knows you have only
Charles"I said.
"fine,I will disown him but not now. maybe after i
have gotten to the position am contesting for"he
"that will take so long,what I needed was a fast
action,I really hate to see drema around" I said
and walked out.
drema walked in the hallway right in time.
ohh my goodness,that simply means he can see.
when? how come.
he passed through the other way,I followed him
in other to satisfy my curiosity. I went after
him,he suddenly stop to strain his eyes.
I cleared my throat and walked behind him.
"mother"he called.
"mother indeed"I said. he turned.
"you really put up such bravery at the dinning can
you really see or you are deceiving the palace"I
asked,this time softly.
he slam his forehead,I think he feel hot there.
I grinned.
"sorry son"I said and moved closer. I smiled
convincing enough so he won't think I want to
harm him or something.
he moved back and walked forward. I blocked his
way again.
"I'm sorry my son,I know am a bad step mother
that doesn't deserve neither your love nor
attention...drema am really sorry"I said softly
and took his hand slowly in mine,this time he
didn't jerk back nor move away.
"but drema,can you really see..." I asked.
"not like you care queen ivory...acting like a saint
is what you know best to do.
you killed Lydia the head maid because she
refused you,what on Earth .."
"what kind of person is Lydia? you shouldn't
believe what anyone said,killing fellow human is a
great sin of the world. I can't do that. I didn't
kill Lydia,I am not faking.
drema I just want you to trust me,
you can call me mother from now on
In everyone eyes,I am such a vicious woman I
can't do such a thing drema"I said,softly.
jeeezzz I hope he gets confused enough to tell
me what I want...
he took his lips in cutely and look in the other
side. I also can't deny his handsomeness.
"fine,am sorry for what I said at the dinning" he
jeeez,my plan worked on drema.
I smiled back.
"I am not angry with you,afterwards we are
family.There is just something that hurts my
feelings,seeing you everyday that you can't see so
tell me,can you really see now...because its only
with your sight you can steadily become his
highness heir"I said sweetly.
"I have never thought of being father's heir and
you seem to concerned about my sight, are you
trying to sweet tongue me or what??
he said and walked away....
jezz,I felt an auora of hotness in my body.
drema stopped walking.
"the things about Lydia's death have made most
people disatisfied with you. in addition according
to my guards,an informant sneaks to see you
to privately keep an informat is a taboo of the
palace,I hope you get caught and punished
and mind your words and behavior,
don't make the world angry again with your dirty
lastly,my sight doesn't concerns you in anyway I
hope you learn to stay away,goodnight"
he said and walked into his suite...
he slammed the door on my face

[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 18
Royal Palace Prince Tochi's p.o.v
I watched queen ivory almost close to tears as
she pressed the open button on dremas door
countless times.
i smiled...drema must have put her in her
place.This family can only grow in love if this
queen ivory is only eliminated.
"Dre...."she shouted
"rema"she shouted again
no reply,she rushed out.
really,just like that.
I cooked and walked up to his(drema) door. I
pressed the same open button,the intercom must
have beeped so I waited a little while.
"Lila"drema said when he opened the door.
"ohh"his pink lips curved when he saw that it was
me.Although we ain't close but we are close in our
own ways.
"do you need something?"he asked
I felt his eyes sparkle when he left the door.i
followed him behind after closing the door slowly.
oh boy! Rema really has taste,the room itself was
a paradise.
"welcome to my suite"he beemed in soft smile as
he laid flat on his bed.His teddy bear was right on
his chest as he browsed on his phone
"your suite is beautiful"I said. I poured myself a
glass of wine.
"care for some?"I asked,I took another glass
he moved his eyes from his phone.
"tochi why are you being nice to me? do you want
something ..just go straight to the point" he said.
"why? am being nice to my rema? I said.
drema chuckled.
"just saying...that's how Lila behaves whenever
she needs something from me"he said and joined
me on the dining where we took wine together.
He took off his sleeping mask. it was my turn to
"Dre you really look like a girl"I said.
"really,am three month older than me
brother"drema said and knocked me playfully.
"drema"I said.
Drema chuckled.and knocked me playfully.
"call me brother"
"what,drema"I said.
he took my hand..
"ahh" I said.
"better"he said playfully.i withdrew my hand and
rubbed where he touched.
*your girlfriend is really pretty"I pointed out.
Dre took the glass to his lips,he sipped in cutely.
"Nora right??
"my ex"
"your ex??? really?? how come??? you broke up or
she broke up"
"ask me no questions and I will tell you no lies" he
"that's deep bro"I said and fell on the couch.
pictures of drema was all over the tv.
I was caught by the interesting headlines.
drema raised his head on hearing such news,
where on earth did drema meet with commoners?
am finding this difficult to believe...I mean is it
the drema that hates dirt.
the headlines continued.
I chucked.
"what's with this news Dre"I asked.
"(smiling) this is good for me,finally this is going
to clear that scandal of people saying am blind.
Whosoever posted this deserve some
reward"drema said,he sipped wine again.
"what's the source?"he added.
"the source is unknown for now"I replied
"but is it true you eat with that commoner,how on
Earth did you meet?"I asked.
he stood up and walked to the window with his
glass of wine. I smiled and stood beside him,we
both admired the beauty of the sky together.
until we saw the retreating figure of a woman
crying out of the palace.Queen ivory came out and
pushed the woman who continue crying.
"this woman will never change"I grinned.
drema didn't say a word.
"leave!! leave now!!!! queen ivory shouted.
the palace guards threw the woman out as
instructed by queen ivory.
"Nkem,find out what happened to that woman"
drema said,his eyes already turned red.
nkem rushed out.
I smiled.
"drema you really care?"I said.
he left the window side..
minutes later nkem came in.
"queen ivory seized her properties"he said.
"why? why will she do that,seeing other people
crying,does that makes her happy?"...
"what's the worth of the property??"Dre added
"I didn't ask"nkem said and rushed out.
he came back again,drema handed him a check of
6million naira to give to the woman as a refund.
Nora's p.o.v
I had been crying silently since last two weeks my
fitness even feels like something
valuable was removed in my life.
why didn't I treat drema in the good way he
deserve.That guy was so real yet I kept pushing
him away.
he loved me so much....I really hurt the wrong
my phone rang,I checked the caller it was romeo.i
ended the call and text him instead.
don't call me's because of you I broke
drema's heart besides there's no string attached
to that one night stand"I sent.
but we both enjoyed the sex--
he texted. I angrily smashed my phone.
the maids made a frightened look,I took the
stairs immediately. I got to my room.
rema was all over the news already.
waaaatttt! I took my phone,it was all over the
internet that he's not blind.
did he do surgery??
who's this dirty girl?
is that a shoot from a movie drema act in?
can he really see now? ohh no .
I took my car key and hopped downstairs. I
dashed into my car and drove straight to the
************Chidinma's house
chidinma's mother already prepared her
daughter's best food thinking she will be back at
night since today happens to be the seventh day.
Nonso was tieing the groundnut outside, when he
saw aunty Delilah coming into their compound he
dropped the groundnut and ran towards her.
"Aunty Delilah,welcome..
"ohh my god,nonso you're now big oo...
"am fine..
"where is mama?..
just then Chidinma mum ran down.
"am here oo my dear how are you
"am fine
"good to hear.
"yes ma'am,am traveling back already so I came
to take dinma along as I promised"
"eehnmm okay"chidinma mother sighed.
"my daughter will be back this night,hopefully I
pray Tamara releases her"she added.
"don't tell me Chidinma is still troublesome"
Delilah said.
"my dear .
they walked in.
"she will soon be back this night,please take care
if my dinma for me oo or it's better she should
not follow you if you know she will suffer"dinma
mother said.
"sure,she won't suffer"Delilah said..
"please what's the family name so I will be
relaxed my dear"Chidinma mom said..
"it is the Jewel's family,she will work as a maid
with the royal family,I will write it down for you
including the address"Delilah said.
"eehh that wicked king hope my dinma is safe?"
"yes she will be".
"okay my dear"..
Delilah wrote down the address,they waited for
Chidinma to return.

[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 19
Nonso's p.o.v
I collected the address aunty Delilah wrote, my
face still dropped down a bit,the thought of my
sister going to work as a maid is something I
didn't see coming.
will she ever be comfortable?...
"nonso,go and pack Donna's bag so when she
returns we will just leave like that"she said.
"eeehnnn"I shouted.
"dinma said it herself that she wants to follow
"but mum
"no buts,go and pack her bag.
"umm I will be lonely
"don't worry am here
"ok mom.
I said.i went inside and packed her few clothes by
the way,is madam Tamara not suppose to release
her it's almost 9pm.
it started raining quick that I had to shot the
wooden window.i returned to the parlor.
"in this heavy rain,is tamara really testing my
patience"mom said.
"seriously? what does that woman thinks she is?
how can she detain dinma for 7days, who knows if
she bribed the chief sef"aunty Delilah said.
"my dear,I don't blame her...I blame poverty"
mom said.
"only the gods knows what my daughter is passing
through in that witch fact am tired of
shouting,my dear pls wait let me go and check
her" she added
"mom it's raining,I should go instead" I said.
I rushed out.
Nora's p.o.v
I felt better knowing fully well that he will
forgive me,drema won't move on so easily. In his
eyes am very vicious.
my driver drove in the palace- everyone's dream
the mansion speaks of quality,the king have
classic tastes as well.
"welcome,princess Nora"
"allow me princess"
"it's really raining"
like ten maids approached my car.
I moved in the royal coverage immediately,the
other maids dropped a pair of pretty flip flop
another bent to take off my heels as I changed in
the slippers.
OMG!! see what I left.
drema I promise I won't do this to you again.
I was led in gracefully by the maids...
instead of walking in the direction of the royal
prince empire,I entered the queen empire
instead. Am very sure queen chiamaka isn't aware
of what I did to her son,being close again to her
is the best thing to do for now.
I was ushered into her suite,
she was sitting cross legged on the black couch
and of course with a fashion magazine.
Drema was the magazine cover, she was really
smiling- surely the love of a mother is the
"mother,it's a surprise" I said.
"ohh my God,look whom I have here..Nora my
dear"she dropped the magazine and smiled the
more,she pulled me in a motherly hug.
"I hope you came to spend some time with
rema"she asked.
"off course"I said in a fast nod.
"fine. the maids will move your things to rema's
room or do you want a guest room?
"oh no,I want to stay with you...I should be more
close to my mother in law"I said..
she smiled.
the maids attended me.
queen chiamaka was really the funny type.
it was night,best time to check on my rema.
I left the queen suite and took the hallway.
Charles passed the hallway at the same time.
"Hy"I waved.
he rolled his eyeballs up.
"Hy" he replied and walked away immediately.
I smiled and checked rema's suite,it was even
more pretty...
it just got classical each passing day.
I pressed the open button several times,no
response the door opened automatically. No one
was in..
everywhere in his suite was neat and well
arranged except for his phone and some some
bundled money roughly arranged on the couch..
Where can he be???
I moved out,and walked down. I finally caught his
sight at the back pool,the transparent walls give
him an amazing sight.
a neat maid held his towel and water can behind. I
passed back and took his things from the maid
"Hannah" was in her tag.
she bowed and left passing back,drema didn't
he swam too forward. I smiled and sat in the pool
chair.Until his phone rang,he swam back.
I already took the phone.
I shake water out of his hair sexily,he stopped
when our eye locked.
he picked the other phone which started ringing.
"Mr Kelvin??
"DREMA JEWEL galaxy wants to interview you in
the next 30minutes"
"all right??..
he dropped the call and called someone else..
"hello sir"
"bethel cancel all my appointments for today
thank you" he said.
whaaaattt is it because of me??
*ok sir*
he dropped the call,another call came in.
"what else again??
"what just cancelled all your
appointments,are you sure you're fine?
"nothing am fine,I just need a break" drema said..
"okay enjoy your break,am glad you just walkout
of 30millionaire" I heard.
drema came out of the pool immediately.
I gave him the towel,he took another one and
walked past me.
"rema! I'm sorry,because of this one mistake pls
don't forget the days I always stand by you and
now that you regained sight,is this how you want
to pay me" I said.
he stopped walking.
I walked towards him and hastily hugged him
from the back,his skin glittered so much.
"I'm sorry" I said.
he unlocked my hands from his waist and walked
"hnnn now,I have some hopes he will forgive me...I
promise to be more good. I swear I won't hurt
you anymore..."
minutes later,he walked out of his suite.
his dressing was somehow lame whichever way,it
suite him.
I chuckled.
why will he go out like this? he doesn't have on
his earrings,rings,chains nor anklets..
just his car key..
the face cap he used had no designs at all.
I was confused.
I watched him and nkem moved into one of the
Benz car. drema was the one driving.
are these two up to something???
Chidinma's p.o.v
I stood by madam tamara's inner chamber,a maid
was seen washing her feet.
"am done ma'am"I said calmly..
imagine I have been acting calm by obeying her
every orders without argument so she can at
least set me free today.
she is just something else.
"am really done ma'am"I said again.she acted as if
I wasn't talking to her.
"can I go??? I asked.
"to where"she flared
"today is the seventh day and .I....I...nne.
"have you filled the barrel with water? she asked.
"yes ma'am,I actually pushed them in the rain to
ease stress"I said.
she rushed out,I watch her pour all the water
"you can go only after you fill these five drums
with water"she said.
"okay ma'am"I bashed my lashes and carried the
pot.Nonso came right in time.
I gave him signs not to interfer. we both left for
the stream.He also picked a pot in the yard
someone ran after us,I turned it was Aku she was
also with a pot.
"where are you going with a pot?"I asked.
"maybe after all you're worth helping"she said.
I smiled,we walked together.
"I like your brother....he is really a gentle boy,he
was brought up well"Aku said. although nonso
already walked forward.
with the three of us,we fetched the water real
finally,am free.
"I hope we meet again"Aku said.
"fate can move a mountain"I said again and
hugged her.
I picked the love letter those girls wrote to
obim.then I told nonso to go home,he left.
although I had to lie I want to go and see Hana
instead I went to the place obim and I usually
he was there waiting for me already.
"Hy"I said.
he flashed me a soft smile.
he laid on the neat grass,both hands at the back
of his hair.
I just sat quietly.
"so how's your sight??"I said,I caught his
stares...he look sad somehow.
he quickly covered it with a smile.
"better than before..."I said.
"your mood looks wired..not like the cheerful obim
I know"I said.
"maybe because my girlfriend broke up with
me"he said.
"hunn really???"I said,in a smile.
"is it funny"he smiled too..
"no,well someone is dying to be your girlfriend
someone that's even more well behaved,not after
material things...." I said and brought out the love
I opened them one after the other,I would have
read them but I actually can't read and write.
"read this first,the handwriting looks cool"I
said..he read it out.
I burst into laughter,he joined.
I really enjoy seeing him smile,laugh and happy.
"that's njedika,she's a dark beauty she wrote
that love letter begged me to deliver it,should I
call her for you???
"are you trying to hook me up??
"what else?? you just watch me go call her...." I
"waaaatttt,it's not necessary" he said.
"it's necessary"I said.
"why are you so stubborn?"he said and took my
hand.i sat back..
"it's okay with time,I will forget her"he said.
"her- my ex" he replied.
he must really love her.
he wanted to say something,the other guy
came...what's that his name again? yes nkem
"obim,I will see you tomorrow and of course
expect more love letter your lovers won't stop
disturbing me" I said as we walked out of the
secret garden.
finally I arrived home..I just felt happy.
is it because of obim??
no,I think it's because of am free from madam
"good evening mama
"good evening aunty Delilah"i greeted,my eyes
landed on my bag which was already packed
"hmmmmm!!!!! I said to their hearing.
"you said you will follow Delilah next time she
comes right?"mom said.
"okay"I said in little voice when I remembered my
nonso brought my food.
I couldn't eat,I stared at my belongings,I can't
live far away from my mother...and obim that
means I won't see him again.
"my daughter if you don't feel like going you can
stay if you're not comfortable about it" my
father said from his room.
he was even watching me.
"aunty Delilah is it far?" I asked.
"no,it's royal comes with a fat salary
and you will be chanced to see your family once in
a month"she explained.
"aside that it's not work work everything, they
have time for resting,break and all
there is from 5am to have the rest of
the time to yourself"she explained.
"okay"I beamed. that means I can still be seeing
obim and Aku and besides I will be chanced to
meet Hana in the royal Palace.
"I will go,I will work"I said and ate happily. after
which I followed Delilah out with my bags.
[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 20
chidinma's p.o.v
I went out with aunty Delilah,my few cloths were
parked in a polythene bag...
I don't even know if I should be happy am leaving
or not...maybe it's my mother's health. Her
health is not always stable as she always needs
my help most time,now that I am leaving,who will
help her?
"are you okay?"Delilah asked
"maybe"I said in full spirit,I stupidly hugged my
"put it in the car" she said.
I lit my eyes and saw a black car just few steps
from our building,we walked towards it together.
"get in"she added.
"umm okay"I said.and moved in,she entered the
front seat and started the engine,I quickly moved
out again,she turned surprised.
"Chidinma" she shouted
"sorry one more chance" I said and rushed in. my
mom was just behind the door,I hugged her when
she smiled out tears.
"promise me you will eat well mama"I said.
"don't worry,nonso is around"
"oh okay,I feel relieved now"
"yeah,it's a goodbye then
"bye bye my daughter pls don't cos trouble..
she said.i nodded and rushed back to the car.
it was really a long ride,I even dozed off in the
car. by the time I opened my eyes an hour later
we have covered some distances we were now in
the modernized part of the kingdom,
everything was thrilling
the roads,floors,highways,everything
I saw the shops,stalls,everywhere was placed in a
high class order that I started wondering how
and what the palace will likely to look like.
The king's p.o.v
"your highness don't you think it's time to choose
a heir,this thing is now taking so long we ought to
have known who will make a good successor"queen
ivory said.
"my dear wife,I know what to do"I replied and
took a bite of the apple.
"really?? what is it your highness???
"I remembered I said any of my sons with more
valour,compassion,kindness and emotions will
access the throne and be my successor"I
said.She kept quiet for a while.
afterwards,I signalled the standing guards,he
bowed as he squat beside where I sat on the
throne. I whispered some words in his ears, he
nodded and left afterwards.
(the healer by adesola adeomowole.m.)
not quiet long the two princes walked in. I smiled
at them my two lovely sons; Charles and tochi.
"here we are father"Tochi said in a very soft
whisper,he looks so cool and calm compared to
Charles even though they had the same striking
"we are here now right?"Charles said. I signaled
queen ivory to excuse us,she did.
"my sons,it's all because of a puzzle I still find it
difficult to provide a considerate answer so I
would love to see your opinions" I said.
"okay father"tochi said.
"sure"Charles rolled his eyes up.
"follow me to see for yourself"I said and stood,
they followed me.
I led them to the palace basketball court. inside
there was a high table and on the high table were
four wine glass. Two were filled with yellow wine
while the remaining two weren't filled...
"what's this dad"Charles said.
"puzzle I think"tochi shrugged.
"you can only move a glass let's get down
to the question"I said.
"which is?"Charles added.
"arrange the glasses in the sequences; full,
empty,full, empty...remember you can only move a
glass" I said.
they glanced at each other then back to the
glasses,I curved out a smile.
"ummmm"Charles said and moved two glasses to
get the answer.
"no,you can only move a glass once"I said and
returned the glasses to their normal positions
"that's impossible" he said.
"I need some more days to think of a solution"
tochi said.
"really? some more days...okay you can leave" I
said.Charles left.
tochi bowed before leaving.He is really
respectful.But why can't they get this simple
puzzle? I taught my sons were smarts.
I shrugged and strolled to the fifth floor,I
moved down again and walked to the training
section..where I heard sounds of shooting arrows.
I stopped at a distance,it was drema shooting the
good for him.he can really see now but that won't
still make me love him like a son. I stood at a
distance and watched him make several arrow
shots skillfully.
"my prince,you should try to aim at that point I
heard it's close to the impossible"nkem,the guard
with him said.
"ok...get me some more arrows"
he said and drank water from his can.
nkem handed him the arrow which he collected
and aimed at the point.
I doubt it if he will ever get it......
"that point is too high"he said.and strained his
eyes a bit then he released the shot.
"you hit the point"nkem clappped.
"that was terrible"he said and dropped the bow
with him,he walked out. I was quiet surprised he
hit the point

Chidinma"s p.o.v
finally the car pulled into an estate,
a very beautiful estate with so many fine tall
the car stopped a few distance away,
we walked in after proper check by the
I was still amazed at everything,
the beautiful environment,
the dazzling garden that comprises of different
flowers ..
I could count at least 18 of such tall buildings in
the estate.
we moved in the third building which was a total
of three some mansion all painted white with a
touch of gold bars.
a large beautiful swimming pool was in the
compound. I saw a very pretty girl in the pool and
like six neat maids were watching over her..
I walked with Delilah till we got to the main
door,she walked in.i followed.
a maid attended to us.
"good day ma'am,how may I help you?
"oh am delilah and I want to meet prince Tochi's
"follow me ma'am"
the maids took us up..
jeeezzz is this a room.
the queen was a beautiful young looking
woman,she has a caramel skin like mine her dress
fitted her elegantly and she had numerous royal
bracelets on her wrists,on her neck was two
doubled gold chain.
"Delilah it's nice to see you again"
"yes my queen"
"good evening ma'am"I greeted.
"my dear..."she replied.
she faced Delilah back.
"I even wanted to reach you,I need like 6 more
maids. Tochi is really picky and doesn't like any of
the maids,he keeps firing them"
"am sure he will like this one"Delilah saud.
"what's your name?"the queen faced me
"Chidinma,my queen"I replied.
"not bad"she said and looked me from head to
"my queen Chidinma is not a random girl I
picked,she's like a sister to me"Delilah said.
"ohh really,I will make her more comfortable
then" the queen said.
"okay thank you
"you're welcome
"okayy queen I will take my leave"
Delilah left.
the queen faced me fully.
"so tell me about you?
"am 20years old ma,my family is really selfless we
are happy and contended with what we have,I
have a little brother whom I cherish so much
although I lost my elder brother when I was
barely 5" I explained.
"ok...what level are you in school?
"I didn't go to school....."I said,she nodded.
"but why? how can a pretty lady like you be an
illiterate?"she asked.
"that's how the gods want it for equally
smart too,you can't judge a book by its cover"I
"can you turn around?"she said.
"huhnn"I breathed in and did what she said.
she placed a call and two women came in. they
were both older.
"Crystal where do you think I should fix
Chidinma? I would have loved her to be in charge
of Tochi's room but she's uneducated" the queen
"or can she managed being among Tochi's maid?
she added.
"actually my queen,her being prince Tochi's maid
won't work,it's better she should stay in the 8th
building so she can stay with the other maids who
clean the environment"Crystal said
"ok...but I feel like she's clean and neat,I prefer
her replacing Tochi's former maid,Kayla" the
queen said.
"that's a good idea but prince tochi doesn't like
local people around,he likes his things done in
classic ways"
"okay,take Chidinma to the 8th building,show her
the room"
"okay my queen"
I followed the woman out.We walked in the
corridor then got to the hallways we cut across
some more maids,Hana was along but I doubt it if
she ever sees me..
ma'am Crystal walked to a particular door,she
beeped the open button.although no one came out.
"my prince should I get your dinner?" she asked
and was even bowing when the prince wasn't in
our presence.We only heard his voice through the
intercom device.
"no,am okay"I heard the voice,it was so calm,
sweet and soft.
It so much reminded me of Obim.
I smiled,I must be really dreaming
[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 21
Chidinma felt that the voice was somehow
familiar,same softness,same calmness.
"oh my god am I missing him already? hmmm why
won't I respect myself he is only my friend!.
"younger prince youeaj you don't want dinner?
madam crystal asked.Chidinma composed herself
"what's wrong with me?"she fiddled with her
"I thought I made it clear"they both heard the
younger prince voice again
"am sorry my grace"madam crystal said,Chidinma
wished she could see the face behind the voice.
"rema seriously you won't eat dinner?" another
voice came up.that was prince tochi
"hmm crystal you can just get me some raisins"
"I will do just that,my honor" madam crystal
said.she bowed and turned away from the
door.Chidinma follower her behind.
"why do I like dreaming a's high time I
stop listening to love stories" she said.
"dreaming??? crystal turned at her
"ahhh sorry"she added.
she watched as crystal led her out,the buildings
were so big,it would take her at least a whole
week to memorize the in and outs.
"what's that your name again?.
"Chidinma"she replied.
madam crystal didn't say a word as they moved
out of the main building she took dinma to the
8th building as ordered by prince Tochi's mother.
Young girls in fine dress wrappers were seen
moving from one end to the other,they all had a
common maid beads,maid anklet so as to identify
each other.
The maids with black beads clean the out side
environment while the maids on white beads take
care of the inside environment.
On seeing crystal,each of the maids moved
forward,Chidinma was quiet surprised by the huge
numbers of maids.
"is she replacing one of us?..
"aaah did anyone go against the Queen's law..
"hmmm I think she's a new maid...
"quiet please we have a new maid"
"join them,someone will bring you clothes
soon"crystal said and left
"hey hey..
"welcome new girl
"am Njedika. call me Dika" a girl whispered to
"Chidinma"dinma said in a small smile.
Dika walked her in.She dropped her bag on the
floor that sparkled like mirror..
"waow this place is pretty"dinma said.
the room went silence as a group of girls walked
in. The one who walked in front seems to be their
leader.She is dark,very tall,has nice set of white
"whoops there is a new rat"Nina,the leader she moved around Chidinma in circles
Chidinma felt like staying with her mother would
have been better but then nonso needs money for
a brighter future.
"No way,Nonso mustn't end up as an illiterate like
me,I must strive to gather more money and send
him to the royal training school he needs the pass
card.He is my only brother he is worth my
sacrifice...."Chidinma mind raced
"what a rat? look here I am the queen in the maid
section,you kneel to greet me"Nina said.
"you know it will be dangerous if you and I start
on a bad record"dinma said and walked directly
pass Nina to a bed she choose beside the mirror
"here head maid asked me to deliver you
cloths"Dika said.
"daalú"Chidinma said and collected the cloth
dress wrappers,she selected the common one
then walk out with Dika to the restroom where
she got changed
"now you look like one of us"dika said.
"that bed facing yours belongs to hana"she added.
"hmm Hana where is she- does she comes here
frequently? she's my best friend I really want to
see her"dinma said.
"Hana is prince dremas hand maid"Dika said.all
eyes suddenly turned to her.
"young prince!!!
"what happened to young prince!!
"any news about him!!!
the maids no time they stood in front
of dika. Chidinma was surprised by the way the
girls rushed down.
"no news about him,just free me" Dika said.
Nina walked up to her personally.
"you really do not know how to stay on your maid has the right to mention prince
drema name aside me and Hana" Nina scoffed
surprisingly the girls left to their beds.
"does Nina controls them.There are so many
drama's to behold here...I see.
This Nina girl is so full of herself...I won't spare
her if she crosses my path to look for
trouble..mama am sorry I will fail you on this
aspect although I promise to be humble of
someone looks for my trouble,it's a pity my body
doesn't tolerate disrespect."I said in my head.
"your last chance"Nina said to Dika.
"I'm sorry Nina pardon me"Dika apologized that
alone surprised Chidinma the more.
Nora sat on the couch in her suite,she soon stand
up and moved from one place in her room to the
other...she really wished drema will give her one
last chance.
"I know I let you believed and trust
only me,just me in this world but I failed you now
you lock up your heart against me? how else can I
tell you am sorry!!! Nora said aloud.
she wiped her face and walked out,straightaway
to dremas suite door.
she came right in time as the door opened to her
the sight of drema blinded her sight for
seconds,it was as if a ray of light flashed. deep
within her she felt some thing magical.
Within one seconds everything came back to
normal in her eyes it was just drema.
he wore a red knitted cardigan then a dark
designer Jean,he looked too casual and even had
on a face cap.His other hand held his phone and
car key.
"my love!! am really sorry!!!
drema looked at her once and just walked
away...Nora eye landed on his wrist,a clear mark
was seen there.
"oh my God!! she gasped.
drema on the other hand reached the secret
garden.He sat on the neat grass and waited for
Chidinma.He waited for so long but no glimpse of
"has she forgotten today again! drema said..
he kept his hopes high that Chidinma will come.He
suddenly smiled when he remembered how she
duped him 60,000.
"Chidinma you're something else" he said in a
smile. he checked time again.

Chidinma sat up.She really wish she could go out.

"obim must have been waiting!
"hunn I really hate keeping him waiting!!
"what do I do??
"I don't even know how to get out of here,every
where is just too broad..
"obim am sorry...
she said and fell on her pillow.
"obim am sorry"she said again.she rolled to the
other side of the bed.
he must really be waiting! I can't even sleep I
already get addicted to making him happy.
Chidinma said and moved away from her bed she
wiped her face and walked out.She followed the
foot map out. but the 8th building gate was really to get out become something she needs
A guard walked out that moment,asbavresult of
that,the gate was unlocked.
so slim chance!!
thank goodness it was dark. she sneaked and
made her way to the estate street,it was really
she hasten her footsteps.until a voice stopped
"who are you and where are you going to????
she heard. she first froze on her spot.
she turned...
hmm its princess Nora that haha usually tells her
"who are you????? Nora asked.
"eeeeehnnnnm"Chidinma said and look back at
Nora's eyes.

[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 22
"I remembered I asked a question"Nora said.
chidinma fiddled with her fingers as she look
Nora in the eyes.
"are you deaf? answer my question! she yelled
chidinma remained silent,she bowed her head a
"can't you speak??
"eeehnn I....I ..
"jeezzz why are commoners so stupid" Nora
sounded impatient.the presence of chidinma
suddenly irritate her.
"am sorry...I...I...I...mean..."chidinma replied
thinking of a lie.
"stop that nonsense and answer my question!
"actually am a new maid"chidinma said.
"and so what???Nora yelled.
"sooooo ehmmm so I just want to look around so I
will not get lost in the future,am really sorry I
know it's against the rules to go out at night,I will
leave just sorry once again" Chidinma said
politely,she bowed and ran away.
Nora scoffed,she walked away with her two hand
maids.They got to the main gate.
"my lady"the security said.
"have you seen drema??
"he actually drove out an hour ago?
"ok did he take guards along?
"no ma'am,not at all.
Nora got curious. is drema seeing someone else??
"security,what direction did his car take?
"I can't really say my princess".
she walked away with her hand maid.
"where can drema be,he doesn't go outside not to
talk of mingling,something is really off".
"you two can go,I will wait here till his car comes"
she said.
"okay ma'am"her maids bowed and left.
Chidinma entered the maids quarter,they all have
slept except for Nina who sat facing a mirror
arranging her hair.
She looked away when Nina looked back,she laid
facing the window.
It started raining,the room got so cold.
"obim must be in the rain waiting for me.He
doesn't even have a place to stay" Chidinma
said.she looked at the wishing star.
"Obim I wish you become rich and have peace of
mind someday"she said.the wishing star
disappeared.She smiled and slept.

Nora still waited at the gate,the rain got much

she intentionally soak herself in the rain.The
guards watching her thinks she really care for
Queen chiamaka who was looking at her from
upstairs smiled and went in.
A car drove in.Nora rushed to the car but instead
Charles stepped out.
a maid quickly tiptoed to his height and covered
him with the royal coverage.
Nora scoffed and moved away."and I thought it
was drema.but why does Charles smells so much
from liquor.Pergaos he must be coming from the
town club".
Charles walked in with two girls.
Tochi walked out,he was fully dressed.Nora left
the coverage and ran to him crying.
"tochi"she said in tears
"Nora are you okay,why are you in this rain come
on get inside"tochi said and tried dragged her in..
"no drema is in the rain.find rema I don't know
where he went to,he doesn't even know anybody
nor anywhere in this kingdom; you know his health
and emotional condition please"she said.
"first you need to get out of the rain Nora" tochi
said and tried taking her in,she collected her
hand again.Tochi smiled.They must really love
each other,he thinks.
"ok..I will find him even if u have to suspend
where I am going to...."tochi was still talking
drema's car drove in.
"that's him"tochi winks and left.
Drema moved out of his car,the maids rushed to
him with so much royal coverage. drema stopped
them from moving closer.He walked in. Nora
smiled and followed him.
"rema why will you get out on the rain have you
drema stopped walking and look in her eyes.
"do you really care??
Nora sighed and held his hand,he took his hand
away angrily. Nora almost fell.
"he has really changed. Did I hurt him this much?
I know it's my fault he is like this"..
she saw his eyes turn red. blood came out of his
nose...she was surprised. the sign on his wrist
glittered as well.
"rema you're bleeding???
she said. he wiped his nose and walked away she
knew he was angry.
"rema what mistake did I make that is not
forgivable. I was there I was always there when
you where blind and now that you've regained
your sight you totally forget about me"she said.
she followed drema in his suite and hugged him
from behind.
"our tree was long dead" he told he poured
himself a glass of wine.
"drema what do you mean our tree was long
dead,I loved you,I care for you and just because
you caught me cheating you want to leave right???
"look drema I love you
"I really love you..."she said.
drema placed the glass on his lips,desires clouded
in Nora's eyes.
"I remembered very clearly the two words you
gave me when I was dying,I asked you if you ever
loved me and you answered "never ever" I have
always regard those two words as a golden rule,I
bare your response in my heart firmly...
I don't dare to forget the times I will call your
phone you will pick and all what I will hear is you
moaning from another man's pleasure ..
what about the times that you threaten to leave,I
still come around to beg why? because am always
afraid of being alone. I just allow you around here
in this palace because I see my mom likes you..."
drema said.
"I told you "never ever" when you were dying
because I was angry. since my childhood I always
have a bad temper,at that time you where dying,I
know nothing about love" she tears.
"Anger". that word sounds very tricky...drema
said and sipped in his wine.
"I owe you nothing Nora,stop black mailing me
that you were with me when you where blind"
"I love you.i really do" she said.
drema got angry and stood up. little blood drop
out of his nose.
"from now on,if you say that you love me again I
will cut a slice of you anytime you say it" he said.
Nora rushed out....her mind pained.
she walked out of the palace hastily and find her
way to the second kingdom clan. she located the
tallisman hut and walked in.
the talisman has so many customers,the talisman
dismissed his customers and attended to Nora
when he saw that she was putting in a royal dress.
"my princess!!! he addressed her
Nora remembered the mark on drema's wrist, she
took the feather ink and draw the mark on a
paper. she showed it to the talisman.
"tell me,what mark is that???"she asked
the three lanterns in the talisman hut went off
"where did you get this mark from???..
Nora got confused. She has her own mark too but
she hasn't seen the type on drema own on
"tell me what mark is that???she asked.
"am sorry my princess,I am not allowed to
disclose this!!!
[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 23
"sir I really need you to tell me the meaning of
the mark,I promise you I will...."
"you really want to know? some things are best
left unsaid"the talisman said and stood up.Nora
stood up also.
"you really need to help me..."
"ok..this mark means"
"it means what? tell me what it means please"
Nora said already getting impatient.she got hold
of the man's wrist,she knew deep down that the
mark has to do with some magical powers.
"listen my princess,you will never know what it
means.i won't tell you"the man said and took his
hand away.Nora scoffed and walked out.
"either way I will still know what it means"she
said furiously she left the clan for dremas
kingdom.Her two hand maids rushed to her. she
ignored them and just walked towards her suite.
queen chiamaka came right in time,Nora used that
opportunity to fake tears knowing fully well how
concerned queen chiamaka would be.
"what happened? she rushed to her.
Nora cried the more.
"what's it this time again,come on! the queen
said.Nora hugged her.
"it's okay...he hasn't forgotten about you"she
patted her back like a baby.
"just smile,I hate to see those tears" queen
chiamaka said.
Nora flushed at how she handed her like a kid her
mind flashed back to the mark on dremas wrist. it
will be best to ask the queen but what if she sees
it somehow.
"no I should not be nosy,I should be acting more
queen chiamaka took her to her suite,they ate
their dinner together...
"(smiling) you treat me so much like a kid" Nora
said when the queen serve meat in her plate.
"(smiling back) that's what I owe you cos you we
were both with drema when he was blind" queen
chiamaka replied.
"but mother now that drema can see,the king
needs to count him among his heirs right? I really
want to become a future queen"Nora said..
"unfortunately drema isn't interested in such
things..I had to force him down to stay here for a
while so he won't be a stranger to what's
happening in the royal family"the queen said.
"come on eat more meats" the queen said.
soon they were done eating.
she got refreshed and the queen had her changed
in a yellow dazzling princess night gown with slits
at the front.
"you're really pretty" the queen said to her,she
brushed her hair.
"we are good to go"
"where mother???
"dremas suite"the queen said and took her hand
Nora couldn't contain her happiness.they got to
the door,it was opened immediately as soon as
drema heard his mother's voice.
drema left the door when he saw Nora with his
"you too have a nice night"the queen said as she
pushed Nora in,she locked the door.
Nora smiled,drema already rushed upstairs to his
"can I come over to your suite?" he sent tochi..
"hmm what,am with girls!! tochi replied.
Dre dropped his phone.
Nora entered his bedroom on her hand was a tray
filled with grapes.thats dremas best fruit.
"I....brought you this"she said.
drema took his both phones.
"Drema you really like grapes right? don't I
deserve a thank you for my kindness"..
"I don't need your kindness lady"he replied and
walked out of the room.
"where is he going to stay for the night?"Nora
rushed out as well. she watched drema enter
Lila's suite.
"does he now hates me so much??? she said to
herself and rushed back to his bedroom. it was
neat and well arranged except for the scattered
money in the shelf. Nora went towards it and
arrange his money properly her eyes caught the
waist chain drema bought for her....she returned
it back to him when he was dying..
the diamonds on the chain almost blinded her eye
sight. she stood up and tried picking the waist
bead,but she couldn't she felt like some forces
tied her hand from moving forward.
"what's wrong with me? she said and tried taking
it again,she couldn't her hand just couldn't go
"am I alright are my hands functioning? she said
and used her left hand. a force like thud threw
her backwards..
she stood up now so confused and walked to
where the chain was,she sat beside it and watch
it quietly.
Maids building?????
something loud like a bell rang,it was so loud that
it was heard in the whole of the maid building.The
sound was disturbing. Chidinma woke up with a
fright immediately she heard it
Nina and two other maids woke up as well.
"it's morning again"one of the girl said.
Chidinma stood up to wash her face,she also had
her teeth brushed and kept her brush beside
dika's own.
the other girls came in to do the same,each and
everyone of them greeted Nina except for
"don't you know how to greet your elders? Nina
blocked Chidinma as she put her bucket for
Nina removed her bucket and put her own.
dinma removed it and put her own,Nina skirk and
poured Chidinma water away.
"I will let this one slide away again" Chidinma
didn't say a word.
she waited for Nina and bath.she returned to the
room,the light in the room was dimmed cooly and
calmly. she opened her cupboard and wore
something simple.
Nina grinned and watched her.
"Dika what's the first thing this morning?" dinma
asked. Dika rolled to the other side of the bed
snoring loudly.
"here comes the head maid"dinma said.
"whaaaat"Dika sprang up.sge fell back to the bed
in seeing that no one was coming.
"I hope we get to stay the same spot this
morning?"dinma said.
"doesn't Hana comes here regularly?"she added.
*not frequently,she's prince drema personal
maid"Dika said. "ohh"Chidinma said.
"I wish I was in Hana shoe"Dika said.
Chidinma scoffed.
"you would also wish the same once you see the
younger prince"Dika said.chidinma doesn't even
seem moved.
"he appeared in my dream... he was so kind,he
took me to so many places...Hana doesn't know
how lucky she is watching over that rich star day
and night"Dika said.
soon the maids woke up fully.
Nina and two other girls stood nervously by the
landline waiting for it to ring.
Dika and Chidinma joined the other maids on the
waiting list.
"first three lines move out to clean the estate
road" Nina said. the maids moved out
"why are they standing by the land line when it's
not ringing?"Chidinma whispered.
"in case it rings we have to answer fast"Dika
"what if it doesn't??
"it will. princess Lila always ask for milk every
"prince Charles ask for tea
"prince tochi ask for strawberry squash
"prince rema asks for warm water."
"okk"dinma said.
crystal walked in and collected the list from
Nina,she shared the remaining works equally till it
was remaining only Chidinma and dika.
"Dika go and help in the royal kitchen. Chidinma
come with me"crystal said.
the landline rang in time.
"is it princess Lila?*crystal said.
"Yes. My protein shake,some flower cakes and
warm water for rema.Youre fired if you exceed
ten minutes"...
Chidinma heard from the phone.
ten what!!!!
her and madam crystal rushed out to the royal
kitchen. the flower cakes were ready. crystal set
everything ready in a tray and instructed
Chidinma to take it there.
"10minutes how is that possible??" she said and
walked slowly and carefully so the flasks won't
she got to the princes empire and that was where
confusion set in for her,do many corridors and
hallway,while trying to locate which one to
take,she missed a step..
her heart stopped beating for a second
immediately everything poured.
the flower cakes,the protein shake and milk
poured on the floor. only the warm water in the
flask was instact.
"chaiiii!!! she said and packed them back in the
tray the flower cake had some dirts on it.
"what do I do?????....
she looked left and right.
"do I need to do this???"she asked herself.
"i think I need it?? she said and closed her eyes
very tight.her hands moved in rhymth she did
that so quick. she opened her eyes everything was
back to normal.
"aaahh"she said.
"what are you doing there???? she heard a voice
and quickly stood up. She turned it was just a
Is this the young prince??
"nothing....I....I......I..."she stood up and bowed.
"you look lost! that's Lila room? the prince said
"hmm thank you" she said in turn.
"you're new right??"
"yes,am sorry of I didn't greet you well"she said
"Am prince Tochi"the prince said.
"ohk,your highness"Chidinma said and walked
away. Tochi still stood.
Light opened in Lila's room
Hana was mixing princess Lila's bath in the
washroom,it was all bright and glittering. soon she
started hearing voices.
"stop lying on me you got heavy"
"haha drema hold me"
"no drema..."
"I really want to be close"
" about to kiss you againnn...
she recognized the voice and smiled and left for
soon enough,drema walked down the stairs.
"my prince good---"
she said.drema didn't even look at her not to talk
of answering her.she felt sad.
she admired him from up close but it's just so
heartbreaking he doesn't noticed her.
drema got to the door...
meanwhile Chidinma also arrived at the door
holding the tray in her hand.
she knocked.

[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 24
Chidinma held both tray in her hand and knocked.
"I totally forgot that witch is in my suite"rema
said and left the door knob inside.He strolled
back in the room,meanwhile Chidinma knocked
again.Hana rushed to the door and opened it. she
was surprised to see dinma.
"Hana!! Chidinma smiled.
"hunn am the one"
hana smiled relived. dinma wanted to enter, Hana
dragged her back.
"why? dinma said.
"hmm nothing,I will do it myself princess Lila
doesn't like others serving her except me" Hana
lied.she just doesn't want Chidinma to enter cos
she knows dinma is a type of girl guys will die to
look at over and over again.. countless girls in the
part of the kingdom where they came from
fought with Chidinma saying she stole their
boyfriend's.It happened to her also,her first
crush stopped liking her the day she introduced
him to Chidinma...
Hana was scarred she will lost in this one
again...she likes Chidinma as a friend and will
sacrifice so much for it but,there should be some
"are you alright?"dinma asked,she saw the
expression on hanas face.
"(smiling) nothing bring the tray I will do it" she
said. dinma gave her the tray.and went away. she
already reached halfway when the door opened
she thought it was Hana so she turned again.
"Obim!!! her eyes widened but she didn't shout it
nor say it.
drema took the left side turn and hopped up the
stairway up,Chidinma couldn't move. she caught
the side view of his face.she wiped her face and
looked again.......his hand in the stairway rod was
adorned with royal beads all black in colour,each
of his fingers wore a sparkling diamond ring...
his earring glitters.
Chidinma got confused.
she couldn't even close her mouth.
"Obim!! the face and memory appeared in her
memory.She looked again,he already left.
Chidinma still stood her mouth opened.she wiped
her face again.
"Obim is tall....this person too is tall"
"same heights..
"Obim has tight not sure of this
person has"
"Obim has a...ohh my god same side view..
"Obim is poor.....this one is a prince"
"Obim is...."
Chidinma stopped demonstrating when she heard
the door opening again but Hana already caught
her. she held "obim".
"are you okay??"hana asked.
"i...I..I don't think I am"dinma said.she really
wanted to cry but she wants to confirm first.
"whattt??? you look somehow"Hana said.
"hmm Hana that guy that came out of the room
who is he?? is he palace guard? dinma asked.
"palace guard?? noo!! that's prince drema, prince
drema,he's an actor and an international
model....he's the youngest prince" Hana said,she
rolled her eyeballs. despite her attitude they still
"what happened,did he talk to you?
"hmm nothing,he didn't even look in my side..
dinma said. Hana felt relieved.
"thank you.i almost died of confusion"dinma said.
"really? why??.
"he kind of look familiar but am not quiet sure"
dinma said.
"you're mistaken...prince drema doesn't go out
there is no way you can meet him,not even in your
next life,I mean you are not categories you're not
qualify to be his maid"Hana said with bitterness..
Chidinma just smiled.
"I will leave now"she said instead.she felt hurt
her best friend insulted her because of a man she
barely knows.
she sighed. Hana have every right to act that
way,she always say I snatch her boyfriends and
she entered the maids quarters.
ROYAL PALACE......Jewel's dinning.
the family was complete so they had breakfast
together and the maids stood by them and
offered each person what they wanted.
Charles sat opposite the king..while tochi sat
beside his mother,drema sat beside his mother
also, opposite him was Lila.
"dad you still haven't passed judgment accross
the state mens"chris said he picked his cutlery,a
maid served him specially.
"dad you came back late yesterday why?... Lila
blocked the question Charles asked.
"sorry I had to wait to meet other Kings from
different clans,it was really hectic"
"you really looked stressed up honey,that's why
you need to choose a successor"queen ivory said.
"yes senior queen you're right,the work is too
much coupled with kingship affairs"
"what can I do??
"least I forget king Damon sent an invitation for
his daughter birthday?
"sooo??? queen ivory said.
"that means they want to use our place for the
" also strengthening my relationship with king
Damon,we have one company together.i will make
sure to seal this relationship with marriage
between his daughter and one of my sons"the king
said. he looked at both tochi and Charles..
the two queens smiled and nodded in agreement
except dremas mother.
drema ate quietly without saying a word.
"then I need you to get a present for the
princess,I hope she will be well mannered" Lila
said she stretched her cup and a maid poured
juice in her glass.
drema smiled out dimples,Lila exchanged her food
with his own. he smiled and dipped his fork in
it,he caught his father's glare immediately,it
shows nothing but hatred. drema looked away abd
dropped the fork, he stood up and walked out.
Lila noticed it and ran after drema.
she rushed down,he was already by the pool
thought Mable stones in it
"sorry?? Lila said and held his hand.
"about what!??
"about dad"
"it's okay I have an endorsement deal bye".

Light opens on Rose getting dressed for a

modelling deal which drema was the partner.
"madam you look so anxious"the stylist said.
"is it that obvious?? she asked.
"it's pretty though!!.
soon she was done,the stylist led her out to a
place where they came across drema..
everyone in the place took pictures of them
*it's just a play don't be too happy"Dre said and
held rose hand. they walked to the live room. the
press filled the outside door.
"who said drema is blind????
"when will he show us his face??
"we love you...
"we love you ..
the brand they modelled was a success and the
short film advert was a blast. it lasted till
Later they sat to celebrate their success.
Rose carried her tray to where drema sat beside
the waters,his guards weren't with him neither
was he wearing a mask.
rose flushed..she had just seen drema's full face
the tray in her hand would have stopped cos she
was so lost drooling.
"I ....I...."she starmmered..
"you're really embarrassing yourself"drema said.
rose smiled and sat on the relaxing chair opposite
"the show was real...some said we should be
couples"rose said.
drema sipped on his wine.
"sir I have booked a reservation in the hotel,we
can't go back today"bethel said. drema nodded
she walked away.
"Dre can't you see this place is cool and kind of
romantic"roses said.
Dre didn't replied,he sipped in the wine again. a
table long at about 30cm was wheeled to his
side.The chefs were all neat and professional.
"my prince!!!
"you love grapes...
the first line was filled with fruits,the second
were sea foods.
Dre just nodded,the chef left.
"so how long have you been modelling?"roses
"let's say since I was 6months old"Dre replied.
"yeah,I modelled for Johnson baby skin care and
Huggies Pampers"
"wow am impressed".
minutes later they finished their drinks. a maid
"miss rose we made reservations but it's a couple
suite with prince drema"the maids bowed and
Dre stood up and picked the keys,rose adjusted
her dress and follow him.
"very beautiful wow I love it"rose said.
drema walked to his bedroom,the other one was
for rose.
drema entered his bedroom,he locked the door
and changed in a blue prince robe,he packed his
hair up with one of the bracelet.
He opened his bedroom door,rose showed up.
"I need something"rose said. she held drema hand
and quickly placed her head on his chest.
she kissed his chest,Dre pulled her back.
"ohh am sorry"rose said.
"we can''re drunk"Dre said.
"I am not drunk are you really dumb,I have been
giving you signals all these while,getting you to
give me attention,going to can't tell
me you don't know what I want" rose said.
Dre walked back in.
"come in no string attached"rose said and walked
into his bedroom.
Dre laid on the bed and hugged the teddy,his
mind was else where,he wasn't even looking at
rose removed her nightie and pulled down her
Dre mind was far away- his father.
rose moved to the side of his bed naked,she
collected the teddy bear from rema absent
"Rema...forget about it,I will be there for you"
she said and lock her lips,shekissed him softly..
he moved his hand to her bare back,he doesn't
know what he was doing that moment.
the picture on his memory was his father and the
hateful look..
Rose pressed her lips into his until he lifted her
to lean on him softly.
Rose moaned out wordlessly..
she sat perfectly on rema,and rode him slowly,
she increased her pace...drema came back to his
senses slowly,rose moved faster and moaned all
by herself.Rema didn't push her's just a
one night stand,nothing is attached,drema
he didn't feel anything in the sex at all. Rose was
crazily in bed with him,she enjoyed being with
drema,his handsomeness,the perfect male frame.
she moaned out in high ecstasy and finally pulled
out,she laid on drema's arm.
"I love you"rose said.
"I love someone else"drema replied and slept
[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 25
Maids building?????
some maids were seen chatting,some playing
games.chidinma walked in,she just had her night
bath.she selected the maids sleeping wear from
her cupboard,it was a black overall gown with
white stripes.
her hair was braided in seven pretty cornrows.
she stand by the window,the wishing star was out
"I wish you would make obim wealthy with peace
of mind so he will have a family to call his goddess please Grant my wishes" she
"you still believed in this myth"Dika stood beside
"it's real"dinma smiled
"I don't believe in it??
"maybe that's why it isn't working for you
works for me some times".
"opps I used to believe in it but not anymore"
Dika said.
*I made a wish when I was now 23 my
wishes isn't fulfilled"Dika said.
"waow you're're older than me oo"
"are you not 23 too?? Dika asked.
"nope,am only 20,I just have rapid growth..
"really...but your face looks 18,your body look
the two laughed.
isabelle dragged Chidinma from the back,they
joined the girls who were chatting.
Someone cleared space for Nina.
dinma's eyes lit when she saw Hana.
"Hana you're staying here tonight?"she asked.
"what does it looks like am doing?"Hana
bursted.she sat on her bed. Chidinma didn't see it
as an insult,she left her bed and sat on hana's
own.she really put a lot of effort in making sure
that her place was beside Hana..
"Hana who plait your hair,it's pretty?"she asked
"do you want to plait your own?"Hana retorts.
"opps no,it's pretty"Chidinma said.she didn't still
leave hana's bed.
"I miss my family I can't wait for tomorrow,am
seeing them"olive said,she jumped on her bed
"I see myself being a successful business woman
in the future"Dika said.
"you deserve it,you have been a maid here over
two years now" olive said
"yes I have saved a lot"Dika added.
"dinma why did you work here,what's your
purpose"Christina asked.
"probably to seduce men"Nina laughed. Chidinma
"I didn't come here for myself,I came here for
my younger brother so I can raise money for him
to attend royal school"dinma said.
"waow am impressed I wish I had a sister who will
put me second after God"said olive.
"hmm I thought you want to save money for your
future.why wasting money on your brothers
education"Hana asked.
"nonso is part of my future,he is really intelligent
that I don't want him to end up being an illetrate
like me"dinma said.
"that's ridiculous"someone said.
"that's why it's my effort"dinma answered.
"hmm. that's stupid. I can't spend a dime on my
siblings future,they will forget me once I help
them get there"Christiana said.
Olive sang out
"The moment I stood to you,I noticed your nice
eyes" "I cried yesterday but I know I will be
happy today,thanks to you".
the other maids sang the chorus.
"I need love that's warm,try to forget the past
"I can't live a day without you...
"who sang that song??
"Prince drema" they all chorushed.

Hours later........
Rose rolled on the bed,she touched her sideee,it
was empty.she breathed out and flushed her eyes
she remembered last night and couldn't help but
she wore the signlet which was as low as her hips.
"waoow am in my bedroom,Dre must have carried
me here"she smiled.
she picked the two notes in the bed side.
"six millionaire cheque".
"memory deleted" was written on a paper. she
looked at the cheque again she smiled.
until a knock came on her door.
"hi ma'am,I hope you had a good night,will you he
needing anything else???"she heard.
"I will call when I need something".
."okay ma'am"...
the waiter left and she kept the cheque in her
purse,she walked out to dremas bedroom.
he was zipping in two briefcases when she
entered.His physique was something that turned
her up again immediately.
she swallowed her saliva by mere staring at his
she wanted more,she wanted to feel drema in
her,his perfect male frame...everything.
she knows what they did yesterday wasn't a real
sex,it was more of a quickie and that was because
she took advantage of his emotion.
drema ended up pushing her away.
"thanks drema,I really enjoyed last night I loved
the way you hold a woman" she said.
"it was a one night stand right,no feelings
attached plus you took advantage of my
emotions"he replied.
"yeah,I know no string was attached but we
should do it again"rose said.
"one night stand happens only once...I did nothing
to you were the one remember"
rose smiled."you said you love someone else I just
want to know more ".
"seriously? am single,not searching.i just told you
in advance that I love someone else, bye" drema
he opened the first briefcase and packed more
money she kept it on rose laps.
"I know the sex was nothing but can we still be
friends??"she asked.
drema left,rose stood up and admired his
catwalks till he was out of sight.

Chidinma tried talking to Hana,

even this morning,Hana is still ignoring her.
"what's up with her?"olive asked
"hmm nothing,maybe she's on her period" dinma
the other maids were yet to wake up..
"she can't be on her period"olive said.
"since when did she start ignoring you".
"since when I told her prince drema looks like
someone I know".
"yes, he's my friend and his name is obim,he
really look like prince drema. I tried to spot out
differences but I can't"dinma said.
just then they heard sounds.
"prince drema is back!!! Nina shouted.
two maids rushed out alongside with Hana.
"you look confused maybe you should see his face
again and confirm"Dika suggested.
"good idea"olive added.
"I don't know,he kind of look familiar,very
familiar and I want to be very sure so I won't get
into trouble if am mistaken"dinma said.
Olive,Chidinma and Dika left the place they were
tidying up.soon they cut across the 4th
building,they entered the prince empire and hide
beside the corridor....
separating the place they were standing at was a
bluish transparent glass.
Prince drema walked down his eyes was on his
phone..all the maids on the road bowed to him. he
just nodded to their greetings as he passed them.
"have you seen his face??..
"is that how he walks,he has the same walking
step with obim just that obim is poor
"this is prince drema,he is an actor and a model
what do you expect? catwalk has mastered him...
"his steps are so sexy"said olive
"he gets handsome more and more"said Dika
Chidinma didn't say a word,there is no difference
at all..
"Obim!!! she called in her heart.
Prince drema turned right in the spot they where
hiding but Dika and olive already pushed her in..
"he almost caught us..
"madam crystal is coming,run!!!
they ran away to the maids quarter.
"so what can you say now"olive asked.
"I don't even know.".
"Chidinma it's prince drema you just saw" olive
"he still looks like obim..
"you're really dreaming"Hana barged in.
"but am not. am not telling lies to get
attention"Chidinma said.
Hana scoffed.
"look here don't you have pride at all" Hana said
to dinma face.
"'s okay maybe am dreaming. He just look
like him am not saying he's the one and besides
prince drema can't talk to someone like me so I
never wish he noticed me" Chidinma said.
"now you get it"Hana said.
Olive patted chidinma's shoulder and took her
"you are both best friends,do you really have to
talk to her like that?" Dika faced Hana.
"and what if prince drema is the obim she's
talking about? I really wonder why we women are
the cos of our problems" Olive added.
"He can never be!!
"it can be any girl prince drema met but not
Chidinma....." hana said.
"doesn't she deserve something good"olive asked.
"something good? she has bad lucks,her having
ten clothes today was all because of my help so
don't say what you don't know" Hana said.
"she has ten clothes and so what??"olive said.
"hmm Chidinma have just ten clothes!
"and I was thinking she's a middle class!!
"where did you say she came from again!!
Olive scoffed,people were gossiping about dinma
"Hana this is really bad of you"olive said.
"so now you get"Hana said.
"what if???? olive asked.
"wake up from your dream"
Olive walked out and joined Chidinma in cleaning
the pool.
[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 26
Chidinma was alone at the pool cleaning, she had
no idea of what was going on in the 8th building.
"maybe I will talk to hana later" she thought as
she entered the pool fully to scrub the
underneath,just little water was in the pool.
"you're still cleaning??? Nora came out.
she was in her swim suite then a scraf was tied
around her waist.
"why didn't you get it cleaned very early?" Nora
"am sorry the maid in charge of the pool isn't
around so I decide to take it up"dinma explained.
"that's still not an excuse...jezzz poverty can
make some people to be so stupid" Nora said.she
walked out,her hand maid followed her.
Chidinma dropped the glove sponge...
Dika abd olive showed up as soon as Nora left.
"you're lucky she didn't give you punishment"
olive said.
"does she??
"aaah that's prince dremas fiancee"
"speaking of the devil she is the one".
"I see*dinma said
the two joined chidinma in the pool,they started

Light opens on prince tochi.

"this looks so difficult..I doubt it if Charles has
gotten the answer"he said.
"I can only move one glass once...
"this is mad".
he chuckled.
"really mad"Charles chuckled.he just came in.
"I swear".
"imagine I read so many puzzle books yet no
answer"tochi said.
"and today is the dead line"he added
"father will be disappointed"Charles said.
"that's why we need to find a solution"
"yes what about Google??
"no answer!!!
"how about we call drema,he might know it" tochi
said.he already stood up.
"you are causing more damages than good.. don't
call him here,he's dispied by father"Charles said.
tochi sat back.
"so what do you suggest??
"I think we have no option"tochi said abd ran out
before Charles will say another thing.
he got to dremas door and knocked. no response
he doesn't seems to be in his room. he walked
back abd saw him coming out of the tennis game
his face beemed like a good dream.
"hey bro"he said as he approached drema.
"how did you know I was looking for you" drema
said. they did the guylish hand shake.
"tochi told him..
"on what??
"you just covered over 500 billboards,your net
worth is something else" tochi said.
drema chuckled.
"ohh you need something?"Dre asked.
"yes,something very important"tochi said and
dragged drema wrist to the gym as if they are
"gym room"Dre said. tochi dragged him along.
his eyes locked with Charles,he smiled and looked
Charles got angry that tochi brought drema, he
stood up and wanted to leave tochi held him back
with his other hand.
"please brothers,we shouldn't be doing this to
ourselves...we should be the one to reconcile this
family and also make our mothers closer" tochi
Charles jerked his hand off,drema also removed
his own gently.
"that's a lucky stand"he pouted cutely and
started playing round the gym smiling.
if there's something that annoy Charles in the
moment,it should be dremas smile.
he scoffed and walked out on seeing him happy...
"Dre I apologise for Charles attitude pls don't be
annoyed"tochi told drema who was playing around.
"I'm used to it"he replied and threw a soft ball at
to him
tochi went out and came in minutes later with
they sat round the stand.
tochi smiled and explained the puzzle to Dre
"it's so easy....just take the second glass like
this,pour it's content into the third glass and
return the glass to it's position"Dre explained
and solved the puzzle.
"waoow am impressed!! tochi clapped he patted
dremas head.
the two got along so easily.They turned the gym
room into a serious play ground.
Charles smirked and left, he entered his suite the
mark on his wrist made a bright green colour,his
eye balls turned darker also..
his power has just came back in full force.
meanwhile tochi and drema played all types of
games,until drema left saying he have an online
meeting with his manager.
"obim" drema heard chidinma's voice calling in his
heart. meanwhile Chidinma was just few corridors
away serving Nora in her room.
prince drema looked around,he could feel
chidinma. sometimes she feels very close while
sometimes she seems very far.
"am kind of going crazy,am always hearing her
voice calling in my heart.Am I falling in love with
my best friend? at times the only thing I think
off is her,the only sound I hear is her

maids room/Night.
the maids stood in line to take food in the
kitchen.chidinma noticed everyone moving away
from her except from olive and Dika and she
wondered why.
she collected her food and sat on the same spot
with olive and Dika. The both of them didn't tell
her what Hana told the other maids about her cos
they felt it wasn't necessary.
"where's Hana"Chidinma asked
Olive coughed.
*sorry"Chidinma stood to get water..
Nina intentionally bumped into her making sure
that the water spilled on her.
"sorry I don't know you are coming"Nina said all
the maids laughed at dinma.
Chidinma got more curious.
I can't believe her background..
sooo her father is a carpenter...
you can imagine a groundnut seller
how did she get here..maids here are from the
lending family,the elites and not the borrowing
she have just ten clothes..
I wonder how many pants she have.
Chidinma heard. she turned at Hana then walked
up to her,she really want to cry.
"Hana what is this that am hearing?"she asked
"is it not the truth?? Hana replied.
dinma rushed out.
Olive left her food and followed her,then Dika.
"don't mind them"olive said and hugged Chidinma.
Chidinma cried. the insult didn't pain her,she only
cried because it was Hana.
"it's okay!! Dika also said.
Chidinma wiped her face and walked out.
"where to?? Dika asked.
"to obim, maybe I shouldn't have told anybody he
looks like prince drema"Chidinma said, she rushed

Chidinma passed the garden leading to the gate.

Unknown to her Nina was hiding there. Nina stood
immediately Chidinma walked passed the garden.
"where is she going to??". Nina followed her, she
went outside the gate and didn't know the
direction Chidinma took so she backed off.

4hours later.
Prince drema was already there waiting for
Chidinma,he was about leaving when he sighted
He smiled as dinma ran to him.
"sorry I didn't come for the last two days" she
"it's okay"drema said and held her two hands, he
felt that was where he belonged.
they both walked down. Chidinma already forget
about the prince drema looking like obim issue.
she feel safe it's obim with her now..
she looked in his face..he had the same look.
they walked and talked till they entered the next
kingdom which wasn't that developed.
they got to the village square there and saw so
many fascinating things,drema was amazed
somehow be preferred this poor and happy life
than his life of a celebrity.
"what are they doing over there? let's watch?
Chidinma said.her and drema drew closer to the
"it's a magic show I think"she said.
"magic?? is it real?? drema asked.
they watched.
"here is an ancient wooden heart test cup,I can
make it stand in the air"the magician said the
audience cheered. the crowd got much.
"hi pretty maiden" a guy whispered into
chidinma's ears.
"hunn"Chidinma said.
drema suddenly hold chidinma hand as if they are
"would you like some of this?? the guy said and
offered some big candies.
"hummm I...I...
"she doesn't want,if she wants I will get it for
her"drema said and took Chidinma away to
another side.
Chidinma chuckled
"are you jealous!!!
"am not,am protecting you as my friend" drema
said.chidinma smiled. she looked at where drema
was holding.
"is this magic real?? the audience cheered.
"it really stood in the air"Chidinma said. drema
bought two lemonade drink,he gave one to
Chidinma and held the other one.
"this is a heart testing cup that was used 2000
years know that you and someone is truly
meant for each other you need to hold each other
hand and shed a drop of your blood both in this
if the colour changes then you're meant for each
other and if it doesn't you're not" the male
magician said.
the audience cheered. Drema was really enjoying
the show,he never knew commoners have this
type of fun.
"drink your lemonade,obim"Chidinma said
drema tried opening it,he didn't get the lid
Chidinma collected it and gave him her own, she
opened dremas own and drank it.
drema smiled and drank Chidinma own. he doesn't
know what was there,he only knew it tastes good.
"can you tell that guy to stop looking at you?
drema whispered.
"hunnn"...dinma said.
"never mind"drema said..
"he is jealous"dinma said and suddenly hugged
drema,the guys stopped looking at her
she laughed to herself.
"there is a gift for any couple that comes to shed
blood in this cup...only if the colour changes"the
magician said
So many couples went out to try,no one won.
"the gift is pretty,I wonder what's inside" dinma
"really?? drema said.
"no one won,who else wants to try??? the magician
"it seems you want the gift"drema said.
"whaaattt!! nooo!!! Chidinma said,drema took her
out to the middle...
"oops there's another couple who wants to try!!
the male magician said. meanwhile the female
magician recognized drema as a prince..
"we want to try"drema said.
"hunnn is he your boyfriend??" Chidinma was
"yes,we love each other"drema answered.
chidinma nodded.she was scared as they moved
close to the cup hanging on the air.
drema took a new blade on the stand and cut
himself small,he cut Chidinma on her palm small
"ok at the counting of three,drop your blood
together. 1,2.....3...
drema held Chidinma hand,
they both drop their blood.
[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 27
how could it change colour?
drema look in the other side and release his
smiles,it sent girls drooling.
soon enough the heart testing change its colour
from black to red. chidinma widened her eyes in
surprise,drema wasn't sure but he was happy.
"see.have you seen that?
"look,look at that"
"they make a perfect match"
"looks like they love over gold"
"they are an excellent match"
everyone clapped and threw them nice flowers
Chidinma wasn't sure if this is real magic or not
but she's happy she will be taking gifts. she
hastily walk to where the female magician sat and
carry the gift.
the female magician stood.
"it's all fake...the magic is fake" she said.
"whaaaaaatt"the crowd gasped.
"I said it's fake,this girl blood is fake it's not
pure". she said.
"hmm what's happening?
"this has been the best magic show ever
"how can it be fake???
dinma heard things. the female magician collected
the gift from her.
"it's mine now...I won"dinma said.
Drema watch Chidinma drag the gift with her.
"it's mine now".
"not yours,you didn't win okay come back next
time to try"
"it's mine...
"I said it's not...
the magician pushed Chidinma back,drema caught
dinma,dinma still wanted the gift so she ran back
to the magician.
"my people her blood is fake don't be fooled by
her"said the magician. she really wants drema to
think Chidinma is not meant for him cause she
already know he is a prince.
Drema took Chidinma.
"it's okay I will buy you gifts"he said.
"I want this one...just that one"dinma said.
the crowd watch the drama.
drema walked up to the magician instead.
everyone kept quiet..
"we did the test and the colour changed right on
front of everyone what the hell are you
doing?"Dre said.
"Absolutely true
"Yes,I concur
"they won the gift,no blood is fake
"if her blood is fake will she be alive
"I think the magician doesn't want to release the
gifts maybe because it contain something
valuable...she's scared of losing it.."
the crowd said.
"it's obvious we win,you must not say whatever
comes to your mind.You made promises so release
our gifts"Dre said.
the magician felt defeated for the first time in
her life.Everyone clapped as Chidinma carry the
Soon they were out of the show..
"do you like it?"drema asked.
"yes the coverage is pretty I wonder what's
inside" she replied.
"let me open it"drema said.
"(smiling) you want to open it okay,I don't mind"
she said.
drema stared at her sweetly.
"what?? why are you looking at me that way? she
"(smiling) cos you're beautiful whenever you
display madness" he said.
they both laughed.
"this place is really fun,we should visit here
often"Dre said,he pressed dinma hand softly then
kissed the back of her palms..
dinma felt butterflies in her tommy,his lips were
so soft on her hand.those evil spirit in her enemy
wanted a slow deep kiss even though she has
never gotten one but she has heard her friends
talk about things like that especially Hana.
They walked to a fish cake seller.
"i wonder how this tastes"Dre said.
"#500 per stick"the seller said.
Chidinma picked a stick and ate little,she fed
drema a bite,Dre collected the whole stick and
ate all.
"waoow commoners really enjoy a peaceful life fun
filled" Dre ate more.
the taste was different
it was out of the world. He ate and ate and ate
with Chidinma.
Chidinma came back to her sense she stopped
eating and counted how many sticks they've ate.
"close to 40....".
"aaah 500 for one...
"sir how much have we eaten? she asked.
"40....your money is 40 multiplied by 500" the man
"whaaaat??? 20,000!!
"Obim how will you pay? she whispered.
"I will pay"he replied.chidinma didn't want to get
into will he get such amount.
"obim I know you don't have such amount,if I give
you sign make sure you run away with me" she
"okay" he replied.
"obim 1,2,"
Chidinma whispered and ran. Drema didn't run
with her. sure that Chidinma has covered a large
distance.He dropped a bundle of money to the
"thank you"he picked a fish cake stick and left.
"may the gods bless you sir...come next time to
eat more..."
drema was long gone. he caught up with Chidinma.
"I said better than your star they didn't
tie you. cos they use to eat someone
here"Chidinma said.
Dre chuckled.
"let me see if they mark you"Chidinma said and
took Dre hand,his hand look so expensive even in
common dressing...
he looks like an already made guy.
dinma didn't want to jump into conclusion like
that... maybe this is her own version of prince
"so have you gotten a job?"dinma asked.
"silly girl I have hundreds of people working
under me"
"ohh yes have gotten a job"Dre took his lips in.
"after all my wish was granted"she said.
"wish? what wish??? Dre asked.
"it's my little secret"she replied and ran away.
Dre ran after her and caught her by her waist
beside a car.
they both fell on the car for a second.
Chidinma felt a spark in her eyes,being so close to
obim. He almost kissed her but he was able to
control himself..
he's really disciplined,his parents brought him up
well...Chidinma thought.
"ohh my God this car is really beautiful. we
shouldn't stain it,what if the owner comes" dinma
said.dre flapped his lashes and moved away with
"what type of car is that? it looks expensive"
Chidinma whispered.
"it's a Lamborghini"Dre replied her.
"hmm its pretty*Chidinma moved round the car...
a name was written on the plate number
it was signed "DREMA " officially.
Dre covered his mouth,he uncovered it when he
saw that Chidinma couldn't read.
"it's pretty,let's go"Chidinma said.
silly that's my car
they walked a little.dre saw that Chidinma was
tired of walking.He smiled.
"hop on"he said and squat.
"are you sure? am really heavy!!
she leaned into him..and intentionally touch his
hair.then she locked her arms around his neck.
He really scent nice that she almost slept.
Dre dropped her at the place they will part and
offered her a transport fee.
"I don't want,the fun is enough for me" Chidinma
"yes"Chidinma nodded. she doesn't know what she
felt that moment. Obim told her he wants to tell
her something yesterday right...
"okay goodbye"
"hunn goodbye"she replied.deep down she really
wants a hug or another kiss at the back of her
jeezzz I think am insane.
"miss,can I get a hug?? she heard him.
"hmm yes"she nodded shyly.
Drema walked closer and pulled her in a romantic
hug.Chidinma relaxed in his arms.
"fine, bye"she pulled away and ran away.
drema chuckled and walked back to his car..

Nina put on the lights in the maid building.

by this time- 12pm...
where on earth did this girl go???
she glared at chidinma's bed. she noticed Olive
was still awake making beads.
"where is dinma???"Nina asked.
"why asking like you care?" olive answered. Hana
walked out.
"Olive be mindful of your words to me cos I can
make your stay here miserable so it's better you
cooperate with me. I had seen her sneaking of
the palace earlier and I am sure she told you
where she was going?" Nina stated.
Olive grinned and stood up. Hana walked in.
*who are you to determine if someone stay would
be miserable or fortunate?"she said...
"should we watch and see..
"olive oil or what's that your name again" Nina
"what's your business with where Chidinma went?
that should be her problem not yours...
life can be so pathetic..
why are you acting as if you care for someone you
hate?? Dika asked and stood up also.
"maybe playing cat with rat" olive said.
just then Chidinma walked in.
Hana's eyes lit at the sight of the gifts she held.
Olive just smiled.
Nina hissed and walked away.
"what's happening? Chidinma breathed out and
dropped the gifts on her bed.
"it's nothing"olive smiled.
"sooo how did it go?? olive left her bed.
"I will tell you..I want to bath first" Chidinma said
and left for the bathroom.
"I will bath too"olive said and followed her
she bath and wore the maids nightwear.
she came in and was surprised to see Hana trying
to open the gifts.
[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 28
hana left Chidinma gift immediately and
pretended she was checking the bed spread.
"I thought it was mine"she scoffed and moved to
her bed. Chidinma was quiet surprised at her
attitude,she was sure she saw her trying to open
her gift.
does she wants the gift? why is she trying to
open what's not hers?
worst enough she couldn't apologize for touching
what's not hers.
Minutes later all the maids came in.Olive was the
last to come in.
"it's really cold outside"Dika said.
"yah.time to check what's in your gift box" olive
said. dinma directed her eyes to hana.
"don't think am trying to snitch on your stuff
okay? am just surprised at how local the
decoration wrap is" Hana said.
"surprised? the wrap is beautiful even though it's
local I won't be surprised if you were actually
trying to open it when it is not yours"olive
Hana smirks"why will I try to open such dirty gift
her smelling poor boyfriend gave her".
the maids looked at each other all eyes followed
dinma and the gift box.
"even if I was to steal something,it must be
something worth stealing and not some local
gift"Hana laughed.
dinma still find it difficult to believe it was Hana
speaking of her like this
"leave it alone like that.She likes it like that and
besides who are you to call her boyfriend smelling
and poor"Dika said.
"hey Hana what's wrong with you?"said Mary
"whatever Chidinma don't mind anyone your gift is
pretty and I love how simple it is" bontle said.she
left her bed and came to chidinma's place.
"do you want to open it now,I love surprises" olive
said. Chidinma just nodded,her mind wasn't in
that conversation with olive the thought of what
changed Hana attitude really made her felt bad.
hana is making her feel like walking as a palace
maid is a crime...but she knew she wasn't doing
anything indecent.
olive opened the first gift box
"what's inside?" Dika said.
"oh my god it's pretty" olive exaggerated and
opened it fully to the eyes of everyone.
"can I touch it?? Mary asked.
Chidinma nodded quietly
the coral waist bead was really beautiful and was pure gold it glittered in all
Hana got shocked.
"where did Chidinma get something like that?
Hana sat up.she really wanted to touch the coral
waist bead,hold it to herself and test it on her
waist but her pride failed her.
instead she relaxed back and watch other maids
admiring it.
"I am really lucky to win this gift.No wonder the
magician doesn't want to release it" Chidinma
"do you know how much this cost?
"isht it the same thing princess Laura was dying
to have? jeeezzz you're lucky!!
"is your boyfriend rich? I thought you said obim
is poor" tiara said.
"he is a thief then"Nina said.
"Obim is not a thief and he is not my boyfriend he
is just a friend"Chidinma said.
"oh my god it's so pretty".
"it's okay you all should go back to your bed. I
won't open the second gift box"olive said and left
the gifts in chidinma's cupboard.
"good night chi"
"good night mma"
"good night dinma"
the maids acted nice to Chidinma,something Hana
really hated.
"good night Hana"Chidinma said and slept beside
olive. Hana walked out.
"you still said good night to her,after all she has
said to you"olive uttered.
"am not sure but that's not really Hana attitude
maybe something is wrong with her.i will find
out"dinma answered.
"oops she has been your childhood friend but-
"seriously hana is not always like that,I will speak
with her later and ask her what the matter is"
dinma said.
"and the gift..."
"what about it? dinma asked.
"it's pretty but it smells wealth I thought you
said Obim was poor"
"Hmm yes. Obim and I actually played a game we
won the gifts box"
"ohk but what type of game?"olive asked.
"heart testing anything wrong" dinma
"oh my god? why would you play such with a guy
you barely know nothing about---
wait did the colour of the this thing change? olive
"hmm it changed. is it real?.
"it's quiet real but why will you play such with a
guy you barely know nothing about" olive said.
Chidinma moved her eyes in a roll.
"wait do you like him?"olive asked.
"why do you ask? I won't answer that but I know
he likes me each time he sees me he smiled like
heaven is open to rain. Even though he's poor I
don't mind we are both happy"Chidinma said.she
turn to the other side.
"hmm I...I don't mean- I understand just be
careful cos you don't even know his background
nor his family"olive advised.
"thank you"dinma said.
hours later all the maids slept.Hana walked in and
stood in front of the mirror she looked at her
chubby self.
"am really beautiful and I have been working here
for months before Chidinma got here. It's okay
that she's not a maid inside the palace cos in that
way the three princes will not notice her,not even
the queens but why will she say her boyfriend
looks like prince drema of all people...
who knows if it's really prince drema,this
Chidinma is really worse than I thought is she
planning on seducing all the princes. if I can't get
drema's attention then no body will"
she walked out of the maids building and walked
to the 4th building.
meanwhile prince Charles was seen shooting
arrows in the garden...
"greetings to you my prince"Hana bowed.
Charles shot another arrow,
he looked back and recognized hana as the girl
the other day before the royal feast.
"hey"he called.
"my prince"she stopped.
Charles dropped the last arrow and drank water
from his can.
"what about your friend?"he asked.
"my friend? which of them?"Hana asked.
"the one you came with the other day when you
came to admire the palace before the royal
feast"Charles said.
Hana knew it was dinma he's talking about.
"you know who am talking about right?" he asked.
"hmm yes my prince but---
"what about her??..
"she died.She is dead"Hana said.
"yes my prince. A snake bite her to dead,it's been
over three weeks now. I'm sorry" Hana said.
there was silence Charles didn't say a word. he
walked away with his water can.
Hana smiled and walked on.
"should I report Chidinma sneaking out to
princess Nora??"...
"hmm no..that will be too fast,I know what to do.
My first Target is princess Lila hating
Chidinma"she smiled and finally knocked on a
"yes come in"
she moved in.
"good evening ma'am*..
"by this time,hope no problem??" one of the head
maid asked.
"it's actually about a new maid"Hana said.
"what about her??
"she doesn't know how to do anything at all and
it's really a burden to the other maids cos we
always help her do her duties." Hana said.
"are you sure she knows how to do anything cos no
one will employ her if she knows nothing"Clara
"am very sure. she can't do anything. if you're
doubting me,put her in the kitchen tomorrow let
her prepare princess Lila breakfast and see if she
will get it"Hana suggested.
Clara took the time table. "spaghetti Bolognese"
"she doesn't even know what Bolognese
means..I'm really telling you,there's nothing she
can do" Hana said.
"okay,have put her in charge of it"
"thank you ma" Hana said and left.
[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 29
light opens on one of the biggest designers,
damina davis an halfcast(half African and half
Paris) he was busy in a board meeting.
"how is the shoot for the new magazine going?...
*well it's going well sir,what about the top models
you wanted to use as the cover?.
"elozonam is in charge of that,you know this is a
body cream magazine,I need models who will sale
it to go viral".
Just then another person walked in.
"Mr damina you need to see this".
"waow I love this. Wonderful.where did you get
good male models like this? this is amazing. this is
what we need for the success of this project".
"exactly sir,this particular shoot is the talk of
the fashion world.Sam has gotten so many
contracts out of this shoot.
"yes I saw the commercial,I mean the short film
was a blast it was real and people loved it
"this video is played in all billboard on a busy road
everyday by 7pm".
"waow who is this model?.
"He's drema jewel. 40plus gold award, 30plus
silver is said that he is the most famous
and wealthy model throughout history and he is
highly respected.
this magazine is his pictures made by an African
photography (Esiet) is a best seller. A magazine
of his worth #10,000 nigerian currency...
"hmmm drema is really expensive. I don't think he
will work with us"..
"I heard he is humble too maybe we should give it
a trial. We just need to write him an open check
then send it through his manager"
"yes bethel or Mr Kelvin is good for a start. it
shouldn't delay.but where is the settings if the
shoot sir".
"anywhere drema wants it won't be a problem".
"all right sir".
maids room
the maids were all busy very early in the morning.
As for chidinma,she was still sleeping.
"are you on duty?"olive asked.
"no,until afternoon"Chidinma replied in sleep.
"me too. but the pimples on my face is getting
much I need something to clear it off"olive said.
they both walked to Chidinma cupboard.
she brought out some tumeric powder,honey
bottle and lime juice.
"will this work??
"yes,as you can see no sign of pimples on my
face.its always smooth and fresh"dinma said and
mixed the tumeric,honey and lime in a bowl for
"rub it on the pimples part".
olive took the bowl.
meanwhile on Hana's cupboard was a magazine of
prince drema.this picture gives me goosebumps"
she said to herself.
she looked away from the magazine as Hana
just then the landline rang. it was drema's room.
"Hana pick it up"Nina shouted
Hana picked the call.
"my favorite wine please".
"better go"Nina said.
*if I don't go,who else will go"Hana said.
"have you forgotten your maid hair net and
apron,you better wear gloves cos prince drema
hates dirt's"Dika blasted.
"whatever". Hana said. she wore only cap and
rushed out she met crystal in the kitchen then
she came out with the wine. she ran to drema's
suite and knocked. On his door there was a good
letter inscription of his name;.
waow his room taste increases everyday.
"yes what do you want?"one of the guards asked,a
little gruffy.
"prince drema ordered wine and am here to give it
to him"Hana said nervously..she stared in awe as
the guard let her in.
oh boy! everything changed.
The lights in his room were gloom,it has some
phoenix red flowers that made the room almost
The floors were something else. she came back to
her senses when she heard laughter's.
"drema pls let me win in this one,you've been
killing me since....are you mad???" that was prince
Tochi's voice..
"sorry bro,am still going to kill you but--
"Dre let me win here are you mad???
"hmm you're lucky they don't kill in our family I
will let this slide....
"okay kill me,kill me...
"(laughing) idiot"....
"(laughing in return) anofia(animal)".
"whattt. rema when did you start learning local
"to be sincere I don't even know the meaning of
that"dre replied.
" must means something good...
"hmm no,Anofia sounds like something bad you
know the likes of idiot. let's not use that word
Tochi smiled.
drema dropped his game pad. Hana was lost
admiring them. All she wanted was a funny,
handsome guy with high pocket she really wanted
to get noticed too.
"Rema what are we going to do about father?
"what about him??
"(clears her throat) am sorry to disturb you my
prince i...." Hana starts speaking. Prince tochi
turned but drema didn't.
"hmm I ...".
this time drema turned but Hana couldn't get a
clear sight of him cos of his hair fell on his
face,be didn't band it.
"your ordered just now"Hana said. she
traced her steps carefully and wanted to drop
the wine.
"miss where is your glove"drema asked softly
"you know I get infected easily"rema said
"you used to put on gloves before,what happened
"as from today can you stop bringing stuffs to my
room...thank you,you still remember where the
door is right?" rema said.
"my prince!!! Hana called. She won't be able to
come to this suite and admire him anymore.
"my prince last chance..." she only said in
her head. Dre turned. she bowed and walked out.
jeeeeezzzzz!!! her mind raced. what she could
think of that moment was Chidinma..
her looks were miserable
she entered the kitchen and dropped the tray
silently. Chidinma walked in.
"spaghetti Bolognese".
"what does that mean???
"chaiiii am in trouble! how do I cook that one?
chidinma put an empty pot on the gas,she doesn't
even know how to turn on the gas. everywhere in
the kitchen was so new to her. she hasn't used
this type of things.
in her kingdom,they use fire wood. Only the
wealthy use stove.
she looked back at where Hana was facing then
turn to her empty pot.
"spaghetti Bolognese"...
she forgot the different between her and Hana
and meet her.
"Hana please can you turn on the gas for me? she
asked politely...
"of course I can"Hana replied. she followed dinma
to the stand and turn on the gas.
"it's on"she said..
"but light didn't come now"..
"no if you're using gas light will not come out"
Hana said.
"ohk but why is it smelling like this?..
"yes that's how it works,the more it smells the
more the it gets hot"Hana lied.
"okay thank you".
Hana walked out.
Chidinma got confused. the pot wasn't hot as
Hana said and the smell coming out was becoming
"is anything wrong? why is this pot not hot!
she increased the gas the more hoping that the
pot will get hot but it didn't.
until she heard a voice..
"what the hell is happening here???..
she turned and hastily knelt down.
[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 30
"I'm cooking but the fire is not....."
Chidinma couldn't complete her statement, Nora
slapped her. Hana and Nina did a high five in the
spot they hid to watch.
"why are you commoners so stupid" Nora
rants,the other maids rushed to turn off the
gas.dinma was still confused,she can't tell exactly
what she did wrong.
"but I really..."
Nora slapped her again.
"do you want to burn the palace??
"I didn't...
Nora raised her hand to slap her again,queen
chiamaka walked in and held her hand.
Chidinma took her face away to the floor. She
still don't get what she did wrong or did hana lied
to her about the gas
"what happened? the queen inquiered.
"mother,she almost burnt everywhere she is not
competent,she should get fired immediately"
Nora said.
"I' queen am..."Chidinma sturttled. am I
really a fool.
"it's okay, Nora get back to your suite I will
handle things"queen chiamaka said.nora left.
"stand up"
Chidinma stood,her face still faced down.
"and you,you will be punished for your careless
need.Evan take her to the back cage,release her
after 10hours"...
"yes your highness...
Evan took Chidinma away.
"jeeez that was so smooth"Nina said
Hana moved her face to the other side
unsatisfied. "hunnn it will have been better if the
queen fired her,I wonder why she let her stay".
"sooner or later she will be fired"Nina said.
the two walked away.
"today is my free work day.i need to go and see
my mother"Nina said. they part ways.
Light opens on Charles in his suite.
He felt a surge of energy in his body system like
two contracditting spirit energy are attacking
each other. He gasped in pain trying to balance
his body system.
Air of strong ice were seen surrounding him,he
bled from both eyes and nose.
suddenly his left hand got frozen that he could
hardly move it.
he yelled in pain and dragged himself to the
glassy table on it were a bottle if alcohol and a
bottle of antidote.
He mistake the antidote bottle for alcohol.
queen ivory called as soon as she entered his and
saw him in such state.
"aaarggh" Charles yelled in more pain. the two
spirits in his body were really contracditting each
other.Half of his body got frozen with scales of a
"Charles,what is wrong with you?.
"Charles stop, alcohol is pernicious to health" she
said and collected the alcohol bottle, she gave
him the antidote bottle instead.
He took the antidote from her and pushed her
"Charles look at me"queen ivory said.
"I'm fine,leave me alone"Charles said. he took
little of the antidote. His body came to normal
likewise his temperature.
his body took the form of a human .
Charles stood up.
"my son"queen ivory hastily hugged him from the
back. He felt no pain again. he held the hand his
mother used to touch him.
he saw and older scar there and faced her.
"mother. what's with those scars???
"I seek power from the deity of the water and
what's more,I poured all my magic power into
your soul so I was injured by the west priest and
vowed not to go there again. Those scars are left
"just the small west priest.i will get revenge for
you"he said.
queen ivory smiled."really".
"yes.apparently the west priest has an issue with
the royal court,I will take advantage" Charles
mother and son hugged each other.
"Charles,soon your powers will stop contraditting
each other and will return in full within 3days. is
our promise still safe?".
"yes so far the two people that made the promise
are still alive"..
"(smiling) that's my son".
Prince drema was already set for the shoot.
somehow he felt it's an honor for him to work
with damina David but the fact that rose is her
partner for the shoot makes him want to cancel it
and on the other hand,he doesn't want to act
rude to someone who wants to work with him for
the first time.
the yellow tracksuit he wore fitted him perfectly.
he stood in front of his jewelry box and carefully
select diamond rings in his for fingers.
the intercom on his door beeped.
"I thought I told that maid not to bring stuff to
my room again"drema said and took his lips in
"my rema"he heard.
"mother"he smiled when he turned.
"you shouldn't bother you could have sent--
"hunn let me do it"queen chiamaka said and oiled
his hair,brushed it then packed it for him.
"still treating me like a kid
"no matter what you are still my baby..
"is this a trick to ask me about something" Dre
"you...." queen chiamaka said and hit his head with
the brush playfully.
"that's your code if you want to ask me for
something you know I don't want to tell you, don't
bother I won't tell you"rema said.
"you this little---
drema pecked her cheek.
"you see mother,I know what you can do. don't
try to send guards to follow me each time I go
out at night" Dre said.
"hunn but where do you usually go at nights
"I will tell you once you clock 100years. bye late".
"I love you Mom"Dre pecked her cheeks again.
his bouncers were already in to pack his things.
queen chiamaka smiled and fixed him the royal
bracelet he once lost.
"I know you are always right,whatever is it you
used to go out for at night,I will always support
you"queen chiamaka winked.
Dre chuckled and walked out.

it was might until drema arrived to his

destination.His private jet was quiet fast but
rose was missing.
"here sir I will make reservations sir"bethel said.
drema nodded.
Just then damina david,a brown skinned woman
with short hair in form of a skull vao walked down
her car towards drema.
"damina at last
"drema Jewel am so glad I could get you
"I always wanted to cover your magazine.
"we'll have always wanted you to model for me,
never knew you could be so humble
"my pleasures
"but where is rose
"Bouncers take Drema Jewel to his reservations
to avoid press scandal.
"Yes ma'am".
Royal Palace
The atmosphere looked like it will rain
seriously..and soon it rained mercilessly. Chidinma
caught quick cold in the cage, her cloths got wet
in a twinkle of an eye.
Evan might have forgotten to let her go cos her
punishment was long over.
Evan passed soon.
"Evan." dinma called from her cage.
"unlock me already my punishment is over nah"
dinma said.she was wet immersly.
"sorry but princess Nora said I shouldn't unlock
you else I will loose my job"
"but Cora ABI what's her name is not the
queen,unlock me already"
"I'm sorry Chidinma.
Evan left. Chidinma saw Nora approached the
cage she was,two maids covered her with the
royal coverage more or less like an umbrella.
"I came here to ask few questions" Nora said
"which are?? dinma replied.She hated Nora
already for this. she really did not blame Evan.
"simple,where do you used to sneak out togo at
nights"Nora asked fiercely.
"what if I don't want to answer you?"dinma said...
"and you're sure you don't want to loose your
job"Nora said.
"hunn I don't care anymore,if you're an
emperor's daughter,I am also a princess in my
family's eyes. I won't stand you disrespect me
because of a job. I think have been calm enough.
jeez have really change oo, you better leave me
and let me go if you don't want to see my other
side ooo.(scoffs)" Chidinma said.
"Where do you go at nights??Nora yelled.
"(smilled) listen,I won't tell you"dinma said.
"then stay there for one week"
"pls make it one year,in fact call your village chief
priest,add your father the emperor, rubbish"
Chidinma hissed
Nora walked away angrily.
Rain poured the more. The water her hair drained
was much,it made her hair somehow heavy. she
sat on the floor in the cage and unweaved her
Prince Tochi passed that moment and saw her
shake water out of her hair and body sexily.
her hair fell on her half back after a lot of water
was drained out of it.
Tochi didn't know when he got into the rain.
Chidinma also stood up immediately in the cage
she sat.
""tochi stammered at the sight of
the ravishing beauty in his presence.
"hunnn we you release me or you continue staring
at me as if you've never seen a lady
before"Chidinma said.
"hmm sorry.i will unlock you. By the way,I'm
prince tochi" Tochi said and unlocked het
"(scoffs) prince tochi".dinma said. she came out.
"yes,am the second prince" tochi said and took his
lips in.
"(scoffs) thank you"dinma said.
"hmmm"tochi held her back.
"can we be friends??
"friends"dinma said.
"Just friends" he said. dinma looked at where he
was holding in her body.
[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 31
tochi didn't withdraw his hand until Chidinma
cleared her throat.
"am sorry....I...
"you shouldn't touch a woman like that"dinma
"am..."tochi got lost again.
"(scoffs) thanks for your help anyways" dinma
said and ran off.
that boy is really something else but if not for
him I will still be in the rain imagine.
she removed her hair pin and scratch her hair
on getting to the maids quarter,Nina walked out
with hana ecourting her. "why do they seem close
all of a sudden? Hana has really changed. she
doesn't talk to me like before, she doesn't
laugh,play and share things with me like before.
did she put me into trouble intentionally today
am really confused.
dinma shrugged and hastily changed her wet cloth
in the changing room by the time she was
done,Hana already returned to the room.
"hey how are you feeling,you look sick" olive said.
"the rain affected me badly in the lock up,it's
just random cold"dinma replied.
"you were locked up?? why??
"'s good am out now"
"who locked you??
"queen chiamaka but princess Cora delayed my
punishment"dinma said.
"it's Nora not Cora"Dika laughed.
"whatever,she's really wicked but is that how she
"Yes,she speaks good English"Mary said.
"is that one good English? I don't think it is"
dinma said.
"why? her English is sound".
"that one?? eeeeh that one that is talking like
bird that is looking for food.I see money can
make a fox look like a princess"dinma said.all the
maids laughed except for Hana
"Who opened the gate for you then?.
"Tochi".dinma answered.
"hmm you mean prince tochi?? Mary said baffled
likewise the other maids.
"He said his name is tochi! is he a prince" dinma
said. A surge of jealousy ran through hana's spine
that she had to walk out.
dinma noticed it,she watch her walk out.
"I wonder what I did to you that made you threw
my friendship away,it seems you don't want me
around. okay I won't force it,if you go right,I will
go left"
"good night everybody"Chidinma said.

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Hana came in when all the maids slept. I can't

believe she's really shameless she said and walk
over to her cupboard which was next to
chidinma's cupboard.
She remembered the gift box and opened
chidinma cupboard she didn't even lock it. she
saw a brown envelope in her cupboard. She picked
the envelope and opened it. inside it was a neatly
bundled #500 notes,on the paper band was
"how much is her salary? is it #100,000? jeeez I
said it this girl is really shameless. Other maids
collect #70,000 even me.
she dropped her money back and closed her
cupboard for her.
Light falls on Rose
Rose ran out of her car,her assistant ran behind
"madam that's not the shoot location,this is an
"I know but am sick,I need to see my doctor come
on you can go,I will meet you at the hotel"rose
her assistant left.
Rose entered the hospital alone.
"good day miss rose first can I have your
autograph"the nurses on duty giggled.
"sure,but first I have an appointment with doctor
Blaine" she said.
"this way madam".
she smiled and walked to the doctor's office.
"miss rose
"yes doc,tell me my test result is out,am I
"yes sure the test result is out
rose collected the report the doctor gave her
"whaaat,am not pregnant but I want to be
pregnant,jeeeez"rose said.
"rose you are not pregnant,you're a super model
and you're just 23 you're not even married and
you want to be pregnant don't ruin your career
when you still have a lot undone
"arrrghh but I want to be pregnant"
"don't tell me you want to tie a man down with
"doctor Blaine you're too smart now that you
know help me please?.
"rose that's the lowest level a woman can stoop
to,you will only end up being hurt
"I don't care doctor,I really want drema. you've
been my doctor for a very long time.Are you
helping me or not?.
"well rose. Fine try getting the person to sleep
with you again,I will give you an injection that will
boost your oestrogen level".
"No he won't want to do it gain.don't worry
doctor if drema won't get seduced by me,I will
have to drug him"
"hmm rose you need to be careful,you can't carry
that type of drug around it's dangerous from
your health,what if you mistakenly drink out of it
again,I'm scared your system will break down
"No doctor I won't drink out of it.
"hmm be careful.
Damina David had a little chat with drema,she was
really impressed with the way he answered
questions.He will really go far.
they used the chat opportunity to wait for rose.
Rose car arrived and Rose ran towards damina and
they hugged each other.
"oh Mrs damina am so sorry am late
"have heard it's your habbit..
Rose laughed as she looked at where drema sat
looking elsewhere.Bethel stood beside him
pressing her phone. Rose was so lost staring at
I want to hold your hands everytime drema,I
don't know sometimes I really want to see you
everyday I even think of being your maid I am
ready to be anything you want me to be.
"Rose hello"damina said.
"ohh sorry I was lost in thoughts" rose replied
and quickly took her eyes off drema.
"rose get ready!
"come in drema let's do a good job"
drema walked behind her soon the make up artist
started their work,the custume designers where
up and the shoot was in process.
the shoot was successful.
Rose was glad she had a second chance of working
with drema again.
"waow rose you're really good but you still need
to keep fit" damina said.
"yes ma'am"rose replied and ran out of the hotel
searching for rema.
unfortunately for her their booked suite was far
away from each other.
finally she spotted him beside the pool. he looked
like he was thinking of something as he looked in
the waters.
"rema have been looking for you were
really good.The shoot was a hit" rose said.
Rema looked at her for a second and took his eye
back to the bluish pool.
Rose carefully drop her drink beside remas own
she shifted it intentionally and dropped the drug
in Rena's drink.
"(clears her throat) about last time am really
sorry for doing that,I never meant to do that I
hope we can become good friends" she said and
carried her drink. she drank out of it and gave
drema his own.
drema collected it and dropped it back.
"I hardly see you in the midst of ladies can you
tell me what type of girls you like"rose said in a
"I don't really like girls...they draw me back so I
don't get too close to them"said rema.
"whaaat.are you a gay?.
"hey Miss am not. I like girls too and I don't
really like them"replied drema.
"you're confusing yourself"rose said...
"am not. I don't get too close to girls,I don't like
girls like that most of them have bad lucks"
"wait are you saying I have badluck what type of
boy are you hunnn"rose said and splash water on
him.she want him to get too engross so he will
take his drink.
"my type of woman must be....she must be
troublesome with an innocent look just like my
mother,she must be smart what else....
"rema you haven't taken your drink"
rema carried his drink,he looked at it first then
stretch it to rose.
"drink out of it first"he said.
"whaaaat but it's your drink,I brought it for you
right.dont you trust me"
"yeah I know,but I really want you to drink out of
it before I drink"
"didn't you say we can become good friends..
"I.....drema...I... truthfully am.....
"why are you suddenly stammering? did you
drugged it???
"of course not. why will I do such a thing,in fact
let me drink it to show my sincerity"
rose said and carried the drink until she
remembered what the doctor told her.
"drink it already??
"I.....actually drema....
[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 32
"hmm why can't I drink it when I didn't do
anything bad"Rose said and collected the glass
from drema. She acted very weak and fall into
the pool with the glass.
drema wasted no time in diving into the pool he
swam to her and dragged her to the surface of
the pool.
They stared at each other for few minutes,
drema looked away and carried her up again. he
dropped her out of the pool and came out he
flipped his hair back ward with his hand and
moved a little bit as he placed his hand across his
"rose you are confusing me,what do you want? I
thought we were clear"
"I can't stand,have got a glass stuck in my
foot"rose said.drema looked at her for a while
and stretch out his hand. rose smiled and also
brought her hand but unfortunately Dre held the
sleeve of her top .
"cant you hold my hand? my sleeve won't help
"I don't touch other women"
rose stood up and wrapped her arms around
drema's waist.
"is it so wrong to want you" she tried kissing
him,drema placed his fingers on her lips.
"rose stop I don't have feelings for you..I love
someone else...yeah am a celebrity I can have sex
with women anytime I want,if I do with you I will
only hurt you cos I will only do it for fun..
I can only offer friendship..."
drema removed rose hand and walked down. where
he stood facing the glass wall and look out to the
rose felt so embarrassed as a woman,she wiped
her tears. I don't know if I can leave without
drema; she said to herself and she walked into
the shower.
...she walked out tying a red towel.
Drema picked his mother's bracelet from the
pool were he dropped it,rose also forget her
phone. Drema picked up rose phone only to find
the text message on the screen which her doctor
Rose you have not called me.How are you? did
the drug work,did he got drugged pls don't give
him the red drug so he won't over sleep".
drema was surprised.he couldn't believe his eyes.
did rose intend drugging him with wine" he said
within himself as he angrily stood up and walked
rose rushed towards him,rema showed her her
phone.She saw the text.
"what's that all about??
"am sorry"
drema angrily threw away the wine and the glass.
"why are you like this!!! (he shouted) something he
has never done for the past years; shouting.
Rose thought it was imagination, drema's eyes
sparkled fire when he shouted..
"rema am sorry,I won't ever let it happen again"
"do you think I will ever let it happen again,did
you have to take advantage of my softness??
"am sorry pls forgive me...
"I can't believe this...I can't bear seeing you
again" drema walked out.
rose walked back into her suite and started
sobbing in the bed.
Madam Tamara's compound
Nina arrived at her mother's house since it was
her visiting day.
her mother's house was not the same as she left
it,it was more big and have many empty rooms.
She would have stayed and learn about healing
but it's not her thing at all.
"my daughter you're back..eeeh see you face,
you're becoming more pretty which means the
palace is really good"madam Tamara said.
"It's really good. Queen ivory treats me well not
even like a maid since the both of you are close
friends"Nina replied.
she looked around.
"but mama why are the sicks gretting much are
you not curing them,they should be reducing"Nina
"that man has stayed on that bed for so long I
saw him in my last visit and he's still here" she
"ohh that one don't mind him,his village people
doesn't want his illness to cure" madam Tamara
mother and daughter chit chat and even gossip
"I want to go and sleep,I will return to the palace
tomorrow mama"Nina said and went in. she passed
the back door instead and check the sick wards.
Aku(her mother's apprentice) was busy serving a
mad girl food. she dropped the good on seeing
"Hy Nina"she beamed.
"(smirks) is that your work"
"hmm sorry ooo."Aku replied. she continued her
work. just then she remembered the card
princess Jackie gave her to give Chidinma. she
hasn't really had the time to go out not to talk of
giving the card to chidinma's family cos madam
Tamara was always needing her service every now
and then.
"should I give Nina to give Chidinma since they
walked in the same place"Aku said within herself.
Nina entered her mother's inner room and met
her mother chanting something's inside
medicines. she watch keenly to see if there's any
trick she can learn.
madam Tamara stopped chanting. she poured a
particular herb away. "am I sure am mixing the
right herbs and shrubs???.
Nina watched still keenly. Suddenly she saw her
mother moved her hand in circular motion smokes
filled everywhere in the room.
"waooow"Nina gasped.
the smokes disappeared and a liquid was seen in
the empty bowl.
"I hope this works....Aku come over here"
Nina quickly hide.
Aku rushed in and carried the bowl.nina followed
Aku without her noticing. she took the bowl to
the mad girl she was feeding earlier Nina watched
her feed the mad girl but there was no change.
Aku sighed and poured the remaining away.
Nina walked away,she wanted to go and confront
her mother the reason why her healing powers
didn't work.
"mama!!!! she called.
*Yes"madam Tamara stopped the book she was
"am tired already,we will talk tomorrow before
you return to the palace"
"what book is that??
madam Tamara close the book but Nina saw it
already.It was....
"what sign is this? Nina asked. she felt the mark
is familiar.
"that's the healing power sign,don't disturb me
again now go to sleep"
"healing power sign!! have seen this before on
someone"Nina said.
madam Tamara stopped immediately.
"are you serious??
"yes,okay wait let me remember the person that
has this mark on her body"Nina said and started
cracking her memory.
hopes filled madam Tamara's eyes,she has so
much longed for it.Only Chidinma bears that mark
but unfortunately dinma is not in her reach.
"where have you remembered now???
"hmmm I saw this mark on...
"please calm down and remember...
"have you remembered now...

[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 33
"mama I can't remember...I can't" Nina said. she
hit her head slightly.
"you really can't remember??? madam Tamara
"yes...I mean no...I mean yes....aaahh what's wrong
with me but have seen this before on a maid at
the palace she seems close but the face is what i
can't recollect"Nina said. why does mother seems
so I retested in the healing mark,is yet own
healing power weakened that she wants to take
another person's own...
"well mother let me go to bed,I will think over it
and definitely remember before the day breaks"
Nina uttered.she stood up.
"my lady your food is ready and served" madam
Tamara's hand maid rushed in with a wooden
decorated tray.
she placed the food gently on the low table. Nina
sat down to eat. She opened her mouth to take a
bite of the yam, madam Tamara quickly put a
round purple coloured substance that looks like
candy into Nina's mouth, it dissolves in her
"mama!!! what did you put in my mouth.."
"swallow it first???
Nina spat out little blood as she swallowed what
her mother gave her.
"Nina you're my daughter,I can't hurt you okay
calm down. You just swallowed yunn elix"
"yunn what?? Nina gasped. I don't believe in
magic powers why did you have to give me that to
swallow mother,why???
"Yunn elix is a rapid powerful magic,it has no
match at all except..."madam Tamara paused and
"it takes only 14days to cultivate into your
system,by cultivation it produces the pure glazed
fire which I will teach you how to chant only this
pure glazed fire can make you drain the healing
power of the maid with the mark" madam Tamara
"fine but hope there is no consequences if I don't
use the pure glazed fire".
"No there's no effect if you know how to control
it but make sure you find the maid and help me
with her healing power..civilians are already
loosing counts on me since am unable to cure sick
"that's serious.i will try to help you with
everything it will take,after all a mother is a
mother"Nina said.
"you're capable,you really took after me. follow
me,I will teach you how to chant pure glazed
fire"madam Tamara said.
"yes mother" Nina followed her into her inner
madam Tamara chanted the magic in Nina's
presence,it was really easy. within a blink of an
eye two shinning flowers with neon fire colour lay
on both sides of her hands. everywhere in the
inner room become soo hot.
"waooow!!!! Nina smiled. she doesn't believe in
magics but she finds this interesting.
madam Tamara breaks the chant. Nina clapped.
"hmm why are you just teaching me this now
mother,I find it interesting. if I had known this
since,I will always use it to defense myself" Nina
"you've known it now but you need to be careful.
Pure glazed fire is really dangerous, it can kill as
well but you should use it a little bit"
madam Tamara explained.
"ok.trt to chant yours.i just saw how I chant
Nina chanted her own.She got it right,she break
the chant immediately.
"but why is my own pure glazed fire not as hot as
your own???
"I just gave you the pill,it's not yet we'll
"hmm am glad"
Nina smiled. she got so excited that she ran into
her room where she continue chanting pure glazed
soon she left for the backyard where she sat on
the bare floor to throw stones into the water.
meanwhile Aku also came out through the back
door with the card princess Jackie begged her to
send to Chidinma.
"should I meet with Aku now???
"what if she doesn't want to help? hmm what if
she collects it and bit give it to Chidinma??
jeez am confused and this is the only chance I
I could have gone to the imperial palace to deliver
it to Chidinma but am a lowborn and low born ain't
even allowed to step into the royal estates..
hmm I'm really in a tight position.
Aku moved out of her hideout and walked up to
"Hy"she greeted.
Nina didn't even look up.
"Hy"Aku said again.
Nina smiled and stood up from where she sat.
"hope you don't mind if I try my new found magic
on you" Nina said.
Nina chanted the pure glazed fire and attacked
Aku with it...
"I....Nina what are you doing"Aku hastily replied
and blocked the magic with water magic.
"hmmm are you mad,remove the water magic I
want to test pure glazed fire on you"
"Nina why are you saying such things,magic is not
something you can use to do evil,magic is meant
for saving life's,it even makes life easier stop
this your nonsense. I can see you really lack
maternity education--"Aku said
madam Tamara came out that moment and break
both their magic,Aku fell to the other side
unfortunately the pure glazed fire attacked her
feet,she got burnt slightly.
"waoow it works,it really worked" Nina squeaked
and ran in.

Royal Palace....
maids room???????
Chidinma was in the cleaning the garden with two
other maids.She cleaned it dutifully and
sometimes admire the palace building. she really
wish she can enter inside again to see what the
interior really looks like but unluckily she's not an
inside maid.
she rushed back to the maids room..
Just then the phone rang. it was Tochi. Hana
rushed the phone like a hungry lion.
"hello your highness"
"kindly give the phone to the cage girl"tochi said...
"cage girl?? who's cage girl! hana asked
"I think he's talking about Chidinma" another girl
Hana dropped the phone,Dika took it and handed
it to Chidinma. Mary and the others smiled
carelessly wanting to hear what prince tochi has
to say.
"Yes....what do you have to say? Chidinma said...
"be nice,you're talking to a prince"Sandra said
lowly. dinma made a "so what look..should I kneel
down because am talking to a prince".
"I need Osmothetic wine with two glasses in my
"well am not an inside maid,Olive will--
what he ended the call,this guy is really trying me
oo.dinma said in a frown as she went for the wine
which she placed in a tray,she added the glass.
"I will be seeing the inside palace for the second
time in one month,maybe this guy is useful"
she entered the palace,no one need to tell her
she feel like she's in paradise. King Jewel is really
She followed the foot map route in the prince
empire and finally got the direction to Tochi's
She knocked,the door got opened by Tochi. He
was shirtless,the royal chest tattoo was bold on
his chest and arm...
Chidinma closed her eyes."what type of thing is
this very early in the morning??.
"good morning my prince"she courtesied she
moved in and dropped the tray.
Tochi closed the door but he still stood by it and
watch Chidinma from behind.
"is this really a room or a whole house on it's
she dropped the tray carefully and approached
the door where tochi stood.
"I need to leave my prince,thank you"Chidinma
said.Tochi blocked her way.
"No you don't need to leave,stay with me" tochi
said.chidinma clenched her fist angrily behind
"What's that your name again??" tochi said he
left the door.
"Chidinma" dinma replied she touched the door
"That's not the order given by me,I said stay
here until I ask you to leave"tochi said.
"am" this people are really trying me
tochi smiled. he watch Chidinma as he silently
gulped his wine.
"your what????
"my menstruation just came,I need to go and
clean up"Chidinma said in such an irritating
manner. Tochi threw up.
Chidinma smiled and ran out.
She passed drema door and suddenly stopped,
have never seen this door open. is the third
prince really a loner???
she ran out to the maids quarter.
"Why doesn't his highness treat prince drema as
he treats prince Charles and tochi?"Chidinma
"if you don't want to get punished you better
don't talk about that again"cautioned olive.
"this is serious,I pity prince drema even though I
don't know who he is".
"hmm you don't need to pity him.He is already
made,if he wants the whole world at his feet he
can buy it.Its just so sad someone like him will
grow up without a father's love" olive said.
"waoow.Sometimes even the rich go through pains
than the poor do" Chidinma said.
"I even heard he has insomnia right from
childhood up till now his insomnia is not cured"
"tell me what's insomnia???
"Insomnia is a disorder whereby one is unable to
sleep at night hours" olive explained.
"that's huge,even as a child he went through all
"hunn prince drema stays awake at night right
from birth I know it's lack of father's love".
"that's bad but insomnia.... insomnia can be
cured"Chidinma said..
"well the imperial doctors said it's incurable"
"that's a lie,I can cure it just that the herb
ingredients are expensive. I will be needing up to
"really. You can cure it.Then be the first person
to take a step but there is an issue.
queen chiamaka doesn't play with drema,she
prefers using doctors than local healer and
besides no maid is allowed to touch Dre spoon not
to talk of what he eats or drink. I heard he gets
infected easily,even princess Nora isn't allowed
to stay around him always" olive said.
"I think we should forget about it"olive said.
"yes"Chidinma nodded. somehow Chidinma still
wanted to help.
"here head maid sent us to deliver something's to
madam Klaus"olive said. they both took excuse
from the guards who let them out.
they passed the market square.
it was really busy so many traders were seen.
Chidinma spotted the herbs she needed to cure
drema's insomnia in a nearby herbs store.
she looks away immediately. am I mad, why am I
thinking of using part of my first salary to buy
herbs for prince drema,someone I don't even
she excused herself from olive abd finally find
herself in the herb store. she bought the herbs.
"Chidinma is this what you need for your brothers
education,you don't even have clothes you are
using your money to buy herbs for someone,what
if drema doesn't accept it?? you're just a maid so
was it really worth it....
if this is for someone like drema you will just get
hurt in the end" Olive said.but Chidinma already
purchased the herbs.
"hmmolive you're right but have bought it
already,I can't return it the seller won't collect
it again it's too late. I believe am just helping
someone. You were the one who said prince drema
is always struggling to sleep well and it makes him
look weak...
and if I make the herbs and he doesn't accept my
medicine,it's okay let's go"
dinma said. she walked in front. Olive statement
about her not having cloths really got her. what's
wrong with me am I stupid or what.i said I want
to save money for Nonso future but I already
spend half in a guy I know nothing about am I a
flirt or what?? how can I be liking and caring for
Obim and drema in the same way. she said to
"dinma sorry for what I said,I didn't mean to say
you don't have clothes I am only being concerned
you use 40,000 on someone you don't know. Am
really sorry but I don't want you to get hurt
trying to show kindness to the royal family. But
showing kindness towards drema Jewel is far
from it,it will destroy you dinma,he's too high...
we are way below him you and I are low borns so
let's just work like servants humbly the Jewel's
never tolerate commoners not to talk of
collecting help from them...
have you heard of prince Charles??
I want you to stay away from them,it's even
better we both are not inside maids" olive said.
dinma hugged olive.
"but now,the herbs is do we go
about it?? she asked.
[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 34
dinma walked faster in front.
"done.over here"olive waved,both of them walked
in front.
"hmm I will find a way for you to prepare the
herbs,nobody should know about it you know" olive
"pinky promise"Chidinma uttered,they did the bet
sign and both laughed.
"can we walk around before returning to the
palace,I really want to see the market around
here,it's dreamy unlike other 14kingdoms"
"sure we still have time"
they walked around the busy market admiring
things soon chidinma excused herself to the "pay
Porter" a place to deliver money to family and
she dropped the remaining money to the man on
"miss over here. 60,000 to who?"he asked.
Chidinma called her house address.
"is this address recognized,have not heard about
a place like this"he replied.
"it's a small village.can you still send the money?
it's my mother and it's very important"
dinma sollicited.
"you see miss,that type of environment is local
not so recognized but I will try after all that's
what I can do to a pretty lady like you"he told her
in a flirty voice.
"how many days will it take before the money
reach them??
"2days at least"
"okay,I will come back after 2days to ask if it's
deliver.Bye"she said and picked a card before
"do you trust pay porter?what if it's fruadry"
olive chuckled.
"it's an organization,I'm sure the money I sent
will get to my mother"
Olive pointed to a girl's billboard across the
"waow she's pretty
"she's princess of bian kingdom.
"waow but why's her eyeball fierce in this
picture...she's mean I guess??
"you guessed right. although I met her once at
royals,she's so difficult to serve".
"Bian kingdom,have been there once with Obim".
"now you know princess Ify right?
both of them headed to the palace.
light opens in the maids quarter.
"I think the duty post changed,olive come and
take a look"dika screamed only to their hearings.
"do we have new maids"
"hmm I think so
"don't think so,what do you expect,all those
obessed girls that desperately wants to get the
job of a maid just to see Dre handsome face"Dika
"seriously my duty post really changed but the
good thing is that am still with olive"dinma said.
"we are not together tonight look you are in the
kitchen" olive replied.
"hmm and I hate cooking. I better go"Chidinma
"wear your cover up"olive dragged her back dinma
tied the white maid scarf and apron then she
wore the white glove.
"yes am also in the kitchen"Dika said.chidinma
removed her cover up.
"please you and olive should switch,we have
something to do together please".
"what are you doing together?"Dika asked.
"hmm please just switch,it's really important"
olive added
"sure I will switch what are we friends for"
"thank you".
olive wore dika's cover up.
"only God knows what's in between them" Dika
thought as both olive and dinma headed to the
"the herbs,how many hours will it take you to
prepare it"Olive asked.
"45minutes should be enough,it's a tea herb it
doesn't take much time"dinma replied.she
stupidly look up to the prince window in the
compound that looks like a castle.
"what's the dosage?
"a cup in the morning,one at night results should
be after 2days depending on his body
energy"dinma explained.
"hmm did you learn medicine?
"oh yes,I learnt it accidentally. I was troublesome
while growing,my mother always send me to my
grandmother each time I disturb...then my
punishment was to go around searching for
herbs,cooking them and even refining
medicines"dinma said.
"waow,I always want to learn medicine but I never
had the chance"
"what are you both talking about? they heard a
Stern voice from behind.
"madam crystal!!
both of them ran away to the kitchen,common
maid servants do not touch royal foods, they help
in cleaning instead.
"after 10mins,pass the back door and go behind
the garden have set everything for the
herbs"olive gave Chidinma sign.dinma
responded.she turn to the dishes and washed
them carefully.
Opposite her was a maid in a neat check
uniform,dinma admired her cooking skills even
though those foods were unfamiliar to her.
the head maid turned to the other side,dinma
quickly rushed out to where olive told her.
Meanwhile olive left her position and took over
where Chidinma was before.
"why do I feel happy helping someone I don't
know" Chidinma was happy,she already saw three
logs of firewoods,a pot,the herbs was on the neat
rock just behind the garden.
"olive you're really smart,no one will suspect
here"she sighed and arranged the firewood she
lit the fire soon and placed the wooden pot
containing clean water to steam.
after picking the herbs,she rinsed it and covered
it in the pot to steam into a green tea. she
loitered around as she waited for it to be done.
she got tired standing and then sat on the rock
one moment she would open the flower barrier
and admire the palace.
"I really don't know why am helping you,it's okay
if you don't take it. I know you won't,cos you
really have's okay maybe am stupid by
caring a lot for strangers".
"it's almost done right?"chidinma heard an
unfamiliar voice,she turned surprised to see Dika.
"hmm its not what..Dika it's..
"I won't tell anyone I promise. I promised olive
also,we are friends right?"Dika asked.
Chidinma took her wet lips in.
"sorry,I just.....
"fine, insomnia bothers third prince so much but
no one has ever taken a bold step,am glad you did.
I hope this helps,you should put the medicine
inside here"Dika brought out a flask.
"hmm thank you"chidinma smiled and collected
the flasks carefully.
"you're wlc.the flask is mine,I bought it but have
never used it anyway"Dika said.
"be fast before the head maid start suspecting
your absence"she added and left.
chidinma nodded and put the medicine in the
flask. she cleared the place and rushed out.
"now how do I give it to him"
her mind drifted to tochi.
"miss why are you standing there are you not
suppose to be in..."
"am sorry" she rushed out.
"our duty is over" olive said.
"okay,let's go"
the three of them returned to the maids
quarter.they sat round dinma bed.
"did you managed to prepare the herbs?
Dika asked.
"yes I did"dinma replied and dropped the flask
"how do we deliver it??
"yes,I think prince tochi might be of help since he
likes seeing Chidinma around"Dika said.
"no.i don't think that will work,Tochi might think
otherwise...he might think something is going on
between dremma and Chidinma" olive replied.
"true but tochi is still our only hope".
"hmm I don't think so.lets find another
alternative"dinma said.
"Tochi asked you to be friends with him right, it's
not a big deal if you ask him for this help" Dika
"True"...Olive stood up and acted chidinma's
"good day my prince,hmm have really thought
about your request and I...I...I..want to say yes to
being your friend,just friend"
"is that difficult??Tochi is really a playful person,
he is kind too" Dika said.
"okay let me try" dinma said and left with the
soon she entered the prince empire.
"am I really doing this???
she hide behind the glass war when she sight
maids moving in a row. She peeped again,her eyes
caught prince dremma.
"my honor"
"my prince"
"your highness"
the maids who were walking in the other direction
all bowed. They rise immediately dremma was out
of sight.
"sometimes I loose my mind,why do I always feel
her around like she's really close? whatever am
confessing to you this night,I hope you will show
drema turned,Chidinma hide in her hideout.
she came out as dremma left.
"that was so close".
she approached prince tochi suite and knocked.
No reply,I don't think you're around.
Chidinma left.
She walked down and came across a delivery door.
"can tochi be inside??? she thought.
"miss excuse me"someone said.
"sorry"she said and moved out of the way
"this is prince Charles suite do you have anything
to report??
"ohh nothing"she quickly replied.
"I think I need to give dremma by myself the
least he can do is saying he doesn't want"
Chidinma adjusted her cover all and walked
the gold inscription showed drema's name on the
door boldly. She was lucky there wasn't any guard
there yet.
"ohh god save your daughter".
she reply.
she knocked and knocked,no reply.
"how do they open this door hunn? which one will
I press, green or red??
hmm...she almost pressed the green.
"hunn I think it's this one"
"no,I think it's this one"
"jeezz,it should be green"
"or I should press the two at the same time??
Chidinma almost pressed the two..
until the door opened to her face
[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 35
"one moment please,"
Chidinma heard then the door opened to her face.
It was a guy with am unfamiliar face but she
guessed him to be prince drema's guard or
assistance cos he doesn't even dress like a guard.
She instantly hide the flask behind her back.
"good evening sir"
"ohh it's a maid servant" the guy, Stanley said.
"sorry wrong room".
she tried walking out, Stanley drew her back.
"I don't think it's the wrong room".
"it's really the wrong room, bye"
"are you a spy? what do you have behind you?
"well nothingggggh
"I think you are a spy,what's that thing behind
"no it's not yours
Stanley chuckled,he find Chidinma funny
already,he turn around Chidinma and took the
flask from her. He walked into dremma suite
chidinma ran behind him as he closed the door in
drema suite. she tried snatching the flask from
him,he throw it to his other hand, Chidinma left
him in surrender,he opened the flask and smiled.
"can you girls stop stalking prince dremma's room
"what?? that's a tea herb,it cures insomnia telle
how does kindness turns into stalking" dinma
said.she felt the air around her was different.
that was when reality jolts her.
she was in the prince living room.
everywhere in the room was cold slightly..
the phosphorescent lights were dimmed and so
the stairs leading upstairs had golden bars on the
the floors were something else.
oh boy!! was this a whole house on it's own.
she blinked her lashes and walked out of the suite
so she won't get carried away.
"may god save drema from all this women,who
knows if it's poisoned or she put do as I say
charm inside?"Stanley said as he scented the tea
"what smell is this??
"I think I smell honey.......
"hmm what's ziza grass smell doing here, smells
like sweet fragrance..
"shanyoles grass
"holy heavens how did that maid afford this,did
she use up all her savings" he said to himself.
He dropped the flask
"whatever"he picked it up and walked upstairs
with it.
"boss"he took his lips in.
"come in"he heard,he opened the door.
drema already changed his dressing,he deeper
the white band in his hair.
"tell me"he said.
"one of the girls drop this,she calls it insomnia
tea"Stanley responded.
"a maid servant?? insomnia! I told you and nkem
not to collect anything from those girls right???"
Dre said without turning.
"am sorry my prince,I will dispose it" Stanley
stanley stopped...
"drink out of it"Dre said.
"I...I....okay boss"Stanley replied.he filled the
flask cover halfly and drank out of it.
"it's bitter"Stanley said,Dre looked at him he
swallowed it forcefully.
"let's see what happens in the next 7hours".
meanwhile chidinma was still standing behind the
garden waiting to see if Stanley will pass or come
like she predicted,he came out.
she rushed him.
"hi,did you deliver it? she asked.
"no,I drank it instead. Hope it's not poisoned,
next time don't bring stuffs again"he replied and
walked out.
"I really wasted my money,what was I thinking
that he will accept money just wasted"
Chidinma frowned.she returned to the maids
"why am I even angry,not like am expecting
something in return right?? maybe am angry
because if the money I wasted.
"how was it?? was it delivered?"olive asked.
Chidinma nodded negatively.
"I guessed right"Dika said.
"let's just forget about it,I was only trying to
help"dinma said.
"is the back door opened"dinma quickly changed
the topic
they are breakfast together.
"I haven't seen Nina and Hana??
"they are in the 5th building"
"no wonder here is calm"
Chidinma didn't eat.
"if it's because of the money you wasted,forget
it...I will give you 20k so that we will both share
the loss".olive said.
"am okay,its thinking of something.I
think I should be going now,today is Thursday
right?". Chidinma left, she bath and changed her
Light opens on Nora.
She sat in the palace guest room doing nothing in
particular. So many things ran across her
mind,her friends will laugh at her if they know of
her situation...
She walked out.
"my dear have been expecting you"queen chiamaka
"really am here mother"she replied.
"drop this for rema"
Nora smiled.she picked the tray and headed to
dremas suite.
she entered without knocking,the room was
empty. the plasma tv was on.It was even on news.
Nora dropped the tray.
it's really drema in the news but who's that girl
Nora checked well,the source of the news is
unknown yet.
"isn't this a movie,I mean drema can't do this"
she walked out and bumped into Stanley.
"where's prince drema?? she asked.
"he went out just now"
Nora walked out,she came out right in time,
drema just drove out.
she entered her car and trailed him behind.
meanwhile drema packed his car in the normal
spot.He stepped out and beeped his car locked.He
walked down to the place he usually waits for
"where is he going? is this the place he comes
every Thursday and Sunday night" Nora also came
out of her car.
"this place is too local,what's Dre going in this
type of place???
"it must be that girl??
"whoever you are,just pray I do not find you
nora also mixed in the crowd,she lost sight of
drema as she didn't get where he followed.
she kept on searching..
drema waited patiently,soon Chidinma arrived in
the spot.
"you came earlier"she said.
Dre quickly took her hand,they both walked
"there's a lantern show there,let's watch it"
Chidinma said.
"okay"Dre replied. I really want to confess to you
"it's so beautiful"Chidinma giggled.
"how did you find this things here?
"hmm don't talk again,it's pretty,I love the sight
but why is that flower lantern hideous?" Chidinma
"I think that's the most beautiful phoenix
flower"Dre replied.
they left the show and went else where, dinma
was enjoying her self meanwhile drema was
thinking of a way to confess to her.
finally they settled in a quiet place.
she opened her drink,
rema looked at her.
"why are you starting at me??
"it feels great to stare at you"..
"never mind.
"i was actually sad before, I lost money and it
really pained me"she said.
Dre paused his drink."how much??.
"Not really lost but I think that's what is good
for me cos he didn't send me"dinma said.
"he?? I don't understand"Dre said.
"hmm its prince drema,you know him right.. the
third prince of the jewel"dinma said.
drema choked on his drink
"Prince drema??" he said.
"Yes,anyways I don't blame him"dinma said.
drema looked at her with love. silly girl prince
drema is sitting right beside you.
"what about him? what did he do to you? I hope
he didn't hurt you"Dre said.
"don't worry forget it"dinma said.
drema smiled.
"you really don't want to tell me"he said.
"I was only trying to help cos I heard he has
insomnia so I used 40k out of my salary to
prepare him tea herb not knowing I wasted my
money and energy"dinma explained.
the drink Dre was holding dropped.
"you are also shocked right"dinma asked.
"you work in the palace???"
"yes,didn't I tell you"dinma said.
"huunn I shouldn't have helped him"she added.
"He might be cautious of something,dont blame
him too much"drema said.she works in the
palace,no wonder I feel her scent sometimes.
"have forgotten about it"dinma said,she stood up.
drema stood up also,he suddenly held her back.
"i wanted to say something"he took his wet lips in.
"what??"dinma asked.
"can you date a poor guy like me??".
"but......"Chidinma paused and look in his eyes
"but what??
"but am still working in the palace,I am so
occupied,we won't be allowed out as from next
week and.....
"if your maid job doesn't exist will you still marry
me??"he asked.
Chidinma looked in his eyes,her heart beat was
something else already. it was as if drema was
using charm on her,every where on her body was
sweeting her.
she looked away shyly.
"I will talk to my mom first so that she can stop
giving other guys hopes. when the times comes of
course I...."Chidinma paused she took her hand
away from him and the electric shock of love
no words between them. just stares.
"can you stop looking at me"she said.
"what will happen then if you talk to your
mom?Dre asked.
Chidinma turned to avoid looking in his eyes so
she won't say what she's not expected to say.
"when the time comes of course am willing to
marry you"she said.
Dre moved closer,he was still surprised she
agreed to his proposer even though he acted
"repeat what you just said" he added.
"I said when the time comes of course am willing
drema hugged her from behind,he locked his
hands around her waist then lean to kiss her.
Chidinma eyes widened,
the lemonade drink fell down from her hand
her eyes were widely opened.
Drema unlocked and look in her face.
Chidinma looked around and wiped her eyes
her mouth was still open.
drema looked at her quietly for a while and smiled
again then he lean in and kissed her again..
he unlocked and locked into the kiss.
chidinma's heart was on fire,
she became steady by force as drema deepened
the kiss.
he trailed the kiss to her cheeks then to her
neck.He went back to her lips,kissing her slowly
like he was taking ice cream.
she responded to the kiss slowly.
drema unlocked and took the back of her palm
where he kissed.
"promise me you will be good to the prince" he
"hunn..okay but it's because of you"dinma said
drema smiled and kissed her again.
"I got this for you,if you lost it you're in trouble"
he fixed the hair chain in her hair and kissed her
Nora showed up in the midst of their romance but
it was so dark that she couldn't see their face.
"Drema!! she shouted as she tucked in her hair
behind her ears,the noise was something else plus
she was in a crowd.She only sighted them from
"Drema!!! she shouted again.
Oh god.

[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 36
Nora's eyesight reduced.
she walked closer and hide 5cm behind the
nearest tree still she couldn't capture chidinma's
face,only her backside was seen by her..
drema turned slightly,Nora moved in and hide
"it's cold come over here"drema's voice said
Chidinma chuckled and rested her head in
drema's chest as they kissed again. drema
deepened the kiss into her neck where he kissed
whaaaaaaattt. Nora clenched her fist.
I thought...what the- how come- what
am so confused
is this drema
who is this girl?
what nonsense?
she hastily ran out of her hideout with both
hands on her face,she leaned on her car for a
while then drove off.
oh no...I lost drema
what I was scared of happened
what can I do now??
won't I be laughed at?
drema you can't leave me and choose someone
below me,I won't let go.
she stopped the car to the side of the street and
wiped her tears.
she stepped out of her car and walked back to
the place.unfortunately drema and dinma left.
She saw a woman selling lemonade nearby.
"excuse me madam"
"my pleasures my princess but what are you doing
in this type of place? you're bian kingdom
emperor's daughter right or am I dreaming"
"I am're right"
"my pleasures my princess"
"that aside,what about the two guys sitting here?
"they left just now"
"hope no problem? they took left direction.
"do they come here frequently?
Nora scoffed and took the direction the woman
told her.
meanwhile drema and Chidinma already walked
down.dinma couldn't help staring at drema while
he walk.
"I can't believe,he confessed his love to me am so
happy"she said to herself.she stupidly thought of
the kiss,he was so romantic.
"honey we are there..
"the mall?? Chidinma asked.
drema took his face cap and covered his face as
they walk closer
Chidinma still stood outside the mall looking at
the big door and the security standing there.
"come on lets go"drema said.
Chidinma ran behind him,they walked into the mall
and soon rema headed for the health area.
"are you sick?"Chidinma asked him
"no. not do I look sick?
a man came forward to attend to them.
"I need something that can ease stress?...
"but you don't look stressed"Chidinma said.
"I can give you's just 10,0
"don't call the price..
drema took the drug from the man and they
walked away then he handed the drug to Chidinma
"what...why are you giving me this?
"I bought it for you"Dre replied.
"stop screaming you must be stressed after using
firewood to prepare herb for the prince,the
firewood can get your hands infected so apply
this on your hand while you drink this...."
"are you listening?
"why obim this is too...
rema touched her forehead in a caring
manner."hey stop you're troublesome am the one
paying right?
"what? I didn't tell you am sick right,am
returning this" she dragged the drug back from
drema and tried rushing back to the health
center but drema took her back.
"hey stop you're troublesome
"ok ok let me go I won't return it"Chidinma said.
"ok let's go"Dre replied
just as drema left chest dinma,dinma tried
running into the health center again drema rushed
after her and took her hand .
"OMG stop you are embarrassing me(he looked
around) people will recognize me here"
"you say what?
"just let me go,let me return this drug,this money
will pay my house rent don't you know"
"don't bother I already paid"..
"all right let's go,I won't return it
"okay I accept the gift now ,so let us go" she
tries rushing out drema drew her back like a little
child till they got to the botique section.
"pick what you like
she walked about but she didn't pick anything she
was busy checking the price tags.
soon a particular gown caught drema's eye it was
black and pretty.
he picked the gown and headed over to where
Chidinma stood.
"what do you think? pretty right?
Chidinma took the cloth from him and instantly
checked the price tag "60,000".
Chidinma shouted "what"
"try it out".
"hunn"she check the price tag again
"well its too bright,thank you"
she hastily hanged the gown.
"try it out please"
Chidinma took the gown from him and headed for
the dressing room later she came out wearing the
gown she looked beautiful.. drema was woawed he
checked her out carefully... she was indeed
drema picked more clothes for her.
"can't you see the price tags,don't finish your
money and get trapped in this place" dinma
said,drema smiled and kissed her cheeks.
"what's funny??
"but my money can't possibly finish.okay I will
pick cheap ones"Dre answered.
Dre picked every single female cloth that caught
his eyes.
they went to make payment.
"how much?
just then he remembered the money might cause
Chidinma to faint
"umm don't worry just collect the cost" drema
said and handed over his credit card which the
girl returned to him.
"you look familiar sir"
"no I don't"Dre replied
"if not for one thing I would have said you are
drema jewel...
"really,are you sure"Dre asked.
he walked out with Chidinma....
"thank you,I like them but next time don't buy me
more cloths you need to save,when you have a lot
money then you can start buying anything for me
this is too much for a start"she said.
Dre held her hand well. finally they walk to where
they will part.
"take care of yourself,okay"
Chidinma walked away.
unluckily for her the palace gate was locked.
she turned to pass the back gate which she
guessed wasn't unlocked. unfortunately it was
also locked.
"has the time passed?? it's not 9pm right, this is
just 8:54??
she knocked,the gate was strong no one will hear
so she used a nearby stone to knock.
She knocked and knocked she soon stopped. the
door was opened by Nora.
"good evening"dinma said
"am sorry I won't stay out so long although it's
just 8;54" she added and wanted to walk in. Nora
pushed her out,
she looked at her cloth and recognized her as the
girl with drema.
"was I wrong?" dinma said.
"it's not 9pm already" she added. Nora slammed
the door on her face...
dinma continue knocking.
"you're fired" Nora said.
"I didn't do anything wrong...neither...
She reframed and left the back door to the main
gate.It was still locked.
"is this also Nora doing? that girl is miserable"
she said to herself and continue knocking with a
stone. Until flashlight from from a car flashes on
her from behind..
She turned,it was Charles.
Charles was also surprised to see her.
"welcome your highness"Chidinma said and
collected her face immediately.
Charles step out immediately she collected her
face,his guards followed him from behind..
dinma shifted away from the gate but instead
Charles opened the gate for her.
"get in" he said.
Charles opened the gate well for her..
"thank you"
Chidinma entered."why did he help me??
[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 37
Charles stared at chidinma's retreating figure
like a lost sheep.
"when last did I stare at a woman like this? he
said to himself,his eyes won't just give up.
Instead of seeing a maidservant in a piece of
simple clothing,he saw a beautiful model on a
night walk. her perfect curves were beyond
perfection,her steady footsteps,her elegance,
her lifted high chin bone,the sexy rhymth of her
hips,everything drives him crazy.
"my prince..."the body guard by his right clears
his throat.
Charles darted his attention.
" are still waiting outside,the girl is gone
"you really don't know when to talk and when not
to disturb,I will fire you later"
"Ethan find out about that maidservant later"
"bring in the car too
Charles walked in full spirited.
the maids bowed in a roll to welcome him, they
rose as he walked into the prince empire straight
away to his suite.
"the other maid servant told me she's dead
right?...does it means she survived the snake
bite...and when she survived,why didn't she
report back to me"
"I still don't get it,that girl doesn't look like
someone who escape death. (sips in wine from his
"maybe she lied to me"
"impossible how can she lie to me "a prince" did
she wants to get herself into trouble for
"some ladies are always jealous of each other
maybe she doesn't want her friend to meet me
the crown can this be"
Ethan rushed in.
"queen mother wants to meet you she's worried
"I know she will be,it's usual for me to see her
each time am back from work"
Charles went out to the throne room where queen
ivory and king jewel received him warmly.
"I was so tired,didn't get to greet you on time"
he said.
"I understand,you can save your energy for the
next prince task"
"prince task????
"yeah. between you and tochi"
"is that necessary at all"
they both walked out.
"what task is father talking about??
"I don't know what it is now but what ever it is
prepare yourself.good night chidi(my pillar)"
queen ivory said. Charles gasped and walked
towards the direction of his suite.
"tell Ethan to find out if that maid servant once
had a snake attack,I want to know who's lying
between the two girls".
"yes my prince"
the other guard walked out. another came in and
whispered some words in his ears.
Charles nodded in furry.
Chidinma reduced her fast step into a slow
pace,she was too shocked at what happened back
then at the gate.
"first it's that proud emperor's daughter, now
it's charles, do I know them from anywhere, why
will he look me like that and why did he help me
my head is spinning already,I don't want to think
too much anyways".
she dragged the heavily loaded shopping bags to
the maids room,before she could open the door
Hana appeared and opened it from the inside. her
normal face turned into something else on seeing
those shopping bags with chidinma. She cleared
her throat as chidinma passed her side...
"when did chidinma start working here that she
started staying out late,that girl is really
shameless" Hana walked in.somehow she wants to
see for herself.
"I thought you wouldn't come back tonight" olive
said.she removed her duvet.
"so how was it?
"more than I expected...
"yes ......he asked me out
"oh my godddd, what did you say??
"you wish! I want to go and have my bath".
Chidinma walked out,she came in minutes later
wrapped in a neat boring wrapper.
"tell me now.....wait are you sleeping in that? is
your night robe not dry already,you can wear mine
I have two.
"I actually want to wear something new to
celebrate...hmm what am I even thinking to
say"chidinma opened the first back and brought
out two night robes of colours "pink" and "purple"
olive eyes popped out on seeing the tags,the price
were written in words so chidinma doesn't know
how expensive it is..
"wait let me see very well" she said Chidinma left
it. she checked the price well.
jeeeeezzz this will pay my family house rent,
didn't chidinma say obim is poor.
"hmm what happened to it"Chidinma asked
"I love their scents"
"they are all pretty clothes"
olive checked the tags on all the clothes,she was
one smart lady. in my opinion I don't think this
obim guy is poor,he might have reasons for
keeping low profile" olive said in her head.
"hmm chidinma is really lucky....didn't she say her
boyfriend looks like prince drema???
Chidinma clears her throat."you can have one of
you want,it seems you like those two night robe".
"(jolts out of her thoughts) Dika will be jealous if
you give me and you do not give her,there's only
two night robes,it's better I don't take any in
other to be a considerate friend" olive replied
her quickly. her eyes couldn't get over the tag.
"you can take something else then"
"sure,it's been so long I bought myself new
things,am jealous of you i think I would get a
boyfriend soon" olive chuckled.the two clothes
she selected were pretty,it was the black gown
drema specially selected and a brownie gown
those two were the most expensive.
"I think I like this two but they are.....
"you can take them if you want,I actually don't
like them,it's kinda exposed"
"exposed?? it's not exposed,that's the style in it
you don't know anything. I like this black gown so
much but it looks special,it's like obim selected it
specially so I won't take it"
"anyone you like...
olive picked the one she liked and helped Chidinma
to arrange the remaining in her cupboard.
olive opened the last bag and saw a pack of
sanitary pad..she clears her throat and arranged
it in chidinma's cupboard.
She carried the box next.
"what's inside??
"its an iPad!!!
"iPad?? what's that for? Chidinma rolled to the
other side.
"I will teach you how to use it"
"here...we can watch movies? surf for news..
Olive saw the drugs.
"who is sick??
"I actually have two sickness lately number one is
headache" Chidinma said.
"the drug he got is correct,it's for headache and
stress"olive passed the drugs.
"what's the second illness? olive added.
"my heart is always beating so fast as if pumping
out if me. am I dying? chidinma said.
"you...your heart is beating faster"
"yes I don't know why,but recently every time I
get close to obim it moves faster than normal it
must be the symptoms of a disease but what is
the disease" Chidinma asked.
"I think I know the disease...."olive chuckled.she
took chidinma's left hand and placed it in her
"close your eyes and think of obim"
"why? does my sickness have something to do with
him.ok done" chidinma stated.
"can you feel it,it's beating rapidly,this is love
sickness"olive laughed.
"hunnn you're crazy,good night"
Chidinma rolled to her side, olive fell to her side.
"so I was wondering why,I mean why are you so
chaste you are very pretty and a lot of guys are
after you or are you a ghost"
"I'm not a ghost but you see olive,there are some
things you don't have to think about when you're
poor.good night".
"soo are you a Virgin"...
"whaaat no am not"chidinma replied.
"that's a lie..
"fine I won to you,can we sleep now.
"no one last question"
"tell me".
"Your boyfriend,Obim does he have a star dot on
his neck and does he have a tattoo signature on
his left arm"olive asked.she badly wants to
confirm if obim is same person has prince drema.
Chidinma sighed."star dot tattoo signature on
"I don't know,each time am with him I hardly
check him out all I know his that he has an
amazing heights,an handsome face very similar to
prince drema. is there any problem? Chidinma
"ohh nothing am sorry if my questions are too
much" olive said.
"okay goodnight,if there's anything you can ask
They were about sleeping when madam crystal
walked in.
"ohh you too havent slept,there are some works
left come over"she said.
Chidinma and olive shouted.
they followed her out to the garden where olive
picked litters,Chidinma did other things..
which include delivery.
she picked her delivery basket and set to leave
the prince empire.
she walked down,she was lost in her thought she
didn't know when she arrived.
"hey watch....." prince drema who was almost close
her hand went over his shoulder as they both fell
she fell heavily on drema,it was so close her
breasts pressed hardly against his chest.
"God am dead".
She looked in his face.he looked so much like
obim. she collected her face and looked to the
other side angrily.
why do I......
"his dark eye"
"pointed nose"
cute full pink lips
nice set of teeth
pretty skin
how can he look so much.....
"miss" drema said calmly.
"mmmm....he speaks like obim,why is my heart
beating too fast"
"won't you at least stand up?? he asked.
"ohhh!! my!!! am sorry!!!!

[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 38
chidinma hastily stood up from drema body, she
picked her delivery basket ste didn't look at
drema twice she rushed out after a quick bow.
"it's really her" drema took his lips in and went
his way.chidinma looked back again.
is that the prince drema?
waoow he is so expensive
why did I fall ahhhh
so clumsy
I was busy thinking of a way to address him
but why is his face so handsome from up close? I
look at him and what I see is obim or am I seeing
she rushed out.
finally she arrived where olive sat,she dragged
her down and sat beside her.
soon she fell back,Chidinma fell back also
they both looked at the sky,the garden was so
silent it was still in the palace they didn't leave
the main gate.
"this building is so big"
said Chidinma.
"the distance from the earth to the sun is
1.521×10^8km the least distance is 1.471×10^8km
the speed of light is 3×10^5m/s" said olive.
"what do you mean by that?Chidinma faced
her,she collected her face at once
"it means if the sunlight goes out the people on
earth need to take 8minutes to know it,now we
have bathed in the sun,it's night in fact it's an
illusory night and warmth"
"I see.You like speaking in parables,I don't even
understand a thing"replied Chidinma.
there was a little silent.
"meteor" olive shouted.
Chidinma saw it in the sky and also shouted lowly.
"if you make a wish when meteor comes across
the sky,your dream will come true but this is a
short meteor it's not like the usual,will the
effect be discounted?? olive said.
"it doesn't matter let's try first"Chidinma added.
"I wish....I wish to find my mom and I wish she
will be happy to find me"said olive.
"your turn"
Chidinma looked in the sky.
"I Chidinma wish to stand by justice and live my
life without regret"Chidinma said.
"I wish princess Lila will change towards
maidservants even if it's for one week" olive
added in a shout.
"oh I wish that too"Chidinma said.
"me too"
they turned,it was Dika.
"come on it's late..let's go"she said.
they stood up,chidinma picked the basket
"is anything wrong with princess Lila,I don't get
why you make that wish?asked Chidinma.
"just pray you never meet her"Dika replied
"she feels too perfect,if anything goes wrong
people loose their job
"that small girl does all that!
"yes you can't blame her
"hmp thank God she hasn't met with me. I wish to
serve her one day"Chidinma said.
"are you sure you don't want to loose your job?
olive chuckled.
"in fact I will serve her now
olive dragged her back,they headed to the maids
Hidden place
a guy sat facing a system. he paused and went for
his glass of wine.
"Mable record label rival of xdragon, a Savage
and vicious industry"
he scrolled down the system,surfing a lot of
things.finally he saw what he wanted.
"Drema Jewel your rival is very strong and
powerful turns out he is also a prince..
this is interesting"
be shut down his system and placed a call to a
reknown blogger.
Bethel's place
back in the industry bethel was busy on the
internet,Mr Kelvin rushed in as well.
"you saw the report???
"yes,drema's profile is on fire right now,I wonder
who is behind it.the source and is still unknown"
"if rema sees the news he won't come,he will
compromise all his schedule for this month we
can't waste our effort at this stage
"I guess he doesn't have to that's why I called
Stanley and nkem one of them should successfully
steal his phone so he won't have access to
Internet for at last 8hours by then we would
have cleared his name he won't know about it"
"you're smart. I will call either Stanley or nkem
"please do"
Royal palace Drema's suite
immediately Stanley received bethel's call drema
walked in.Nkem rushed to rema's bedroom and
picked his phone,the most important one at the
moment,he carefully removed the Sim and kept
the phone.
he returned.
drema was all dressed.
"guys is everything set????
"yes everything is set"replied Stanley.
"the car is outside"added nkem as he wheeled
down the travelling bag.
nkem smiled when drema helped him with the
bags. he actually helped,he still gives me respect
despite am working under him unlike Charles abd
tochi who always order guards around like they
are piece of trash.
"boss I can handle it"
they walked out.
the guards in front rush in front to open the door
for drema.
"nkem you're with my phone right? he asked.
"is this your sim card,I found it on the floor"
Stanley quickly answered.
"waow thank God the thief can keep the phone,I
need to place an order"
"I have a spare phone with me when we are done
in the studio you can get another phone all this
online shopping is not safe"
"yes you're right"drema collected the phone. it
was a small phone,he inserts his sim card.
"I like this phone better at least am free from
internet gossips"
"yeah that's right!.
the security card drove out first before drema's
meanwhile chidinma watched from her window as
the cars drove out.*am I really getting out of
mind? next time if I see obim, I will confront him
to tell me the truth,like is he a twin,each time I
see this prince drema I always get goose
bumps,my heart beat is something else,I have
same feelings like am with Obim" she said to
herself.she locked the window and turned only to
find Hana crying in pain.
she cried harder holding her stomach.
"Hana!!! are you okay??? Chidinma asked,she
rushed towards her.
"help!!!!( the pain increased) help!!! Hana was
crying seriously.
"I....are you okay???
"am coming,let me call someone!!!
Chidinma rushed to the door,she looked at Hana
again.she was really in pain,won't it be too late
before I come back from calling someone..
"sorry...what did you eat??...
"nothing,it's my sickness each time it shows up I
always feel miserable but there is an antidote can
you please take me outside I will show you were
the antidote is"Hana said.
"what type of sickness is that? your symptoms
are unclear. You have pale lips,sour eyes, you're
short of breath,your pulse are okay I don't
understand where this pain are coming
from"Chidinma said. Unknown to her it was only a
plan between Hana and Nina.
"am in pain!! take me behind the garden I will
show you where the antidote is,if you don't want
to help me it's fine leave me and let me die" hana
faked tears.
Chidinma hastily helped her behind the garden
she dropped Hana on one of the neat drug.
"where's the antidote?? she asked.
"there!! it's a balley herb,it's pale yellow please
help search for it am dieing,please don't let me
die"Hana faked.
"hey hang on,I will help you get the antidote"
Chidinma entered the place Hana told her.
as soon as she entered, Nina appeared Hana gave
her sign to enter.
"so you're the healer!! Nina said in her head she
hide in a distance.
"I thought as much!! she added as she chant the
pure glazed fire.
Chidinma searched and searched...
she didn't find any thing similar to what Hana
balley herb.... balley herb?? did I hear Hana
correctly,there is nothing like balley leave!!
"I wonder what type of sickness she has,even
though you betray me many times I will still help
you,this one should reduce your pain" she said and
wanted to pluck out another antidote herb.
She felt something covered her.
[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 39
Chidinma felt something covered her she noticed
that the air surrounding her got different,she
felt she was covered inwardly.
"everything was so cool before,why do I feel hot
around me all of a sudden.Is it this environment
or just me or just my imagination I feel like am
covered but when I look around, I see nothing...
"maybe am thinking too much."
what is balley leave anyway??
Chidinma still didn't find anything called "balley"
she hand picked another set of herbs to
decot.she rushed out,she felt the air around her
turn normal again. Hana wasn't in the place she
left her,she started decoting the leaves as soon
as possible.

Nina's victory smile dropped into

disappointment."why didn't it work on her,it was
tested and trusted.Now I can't even get revenge
for Hana and take what I wanted to take". She
snarled. Her fingers itched to hurt Chidinma
Hana shower from behind." Nina how did it go, I
saw her rushed out,it doesn't seem like she is
Nina gasped disappointedly." Hana you won't
understand" she says.
"hunn what's there not to understand,didn't you
say you have pure glazed flame,I also know about
that magic chant so well. I came across it in a
socery book. It's so powerful,it affects healer
than normal people except you didn't use it well"
Hana replied.
"I used it well okay.i can use it again if you want
to be sure"Nina casted the spell on the grasses
ahead of them,everything burnt into dist within
"as you can see the power is intact" Nina says
"but....but why didn't it work on her then? Hana
"exactly"Nina told.
Hana's hatred filled eyes dazzled,she really want
to stab Chidinma at the back so badly, to her she
is just an obstacle.
she hates her so much that the mere sight of her
burns her skin.
"I just hope it shouldn't be what am thinking" she
clicked her tongue.
"what are you thinking? I don't even care if she
will be hurt or not,I just need to extract her
healing powers for my mother.Even if we can't
hurt her,do you know of a way the healing power
can be extracted?" Nina said.
"Hunn. you want her healing powers,I want to see
her cry so deep and beg for mercy,I want to see
everyone hate her so badly. It's a win- win for me
and you,Nina. I will tell you this. Despite how
powerful your "pure glazed flame" is,it can't
affect god of war.
now that Chidinma didn't get affected,it only
means two things. One it's either she has already
gotten intimate with God of war or she wears a
thing of him that protect her secretly" Hana
"God of war??? does that type of person exist? I
only read them in stories...if god of war exist as a
person,then what type of human will he be"Nina
"he isn't afraid of string enemies,he can bear
what's unbearable to others. that's the definition
of god of war has a human. It's okay, I suspect
chidinma's boyfriend I have my way of finding
out. For now,lets pretend as if we are enemies so
I can gain chidinma's trust back"Hana said.
"pinky promise"
"pinky promise"
they both giggled.

Long minutes dragged by. Chidinma finished

decoting her herbs and already she tasted it to
be sure of what she did.
she squeeze out the water from each scoop of
wet grinded leaves and applied them to the
mixture which was already in a bottle.
She rushed to Hana's bed.
"here Hana,I have made you so many antidotes
for your sickness.This one heals, this one
soothes,and this one calms. make sure to take
them everyday and have a rest to assure it's
effectiveness" Chidinma said and presented the
"Chidinma I...I.....(faking pain Hana sat up).
Chidinma helped her sit up,she opened the
concontion bottle and pushed it to her mouth,
Hana held where Chidinma hand touched on the
bottle. Her eyes were filled with smiles.
just fake smiles.
"Chidinma really sorry for how I behaved on the
past months,I acted so imature but you still care
about this idiot which is me..
all the things I did in the past few months were
not what I wanted. I did bad things to you
because am jealous of you,
I was so jealous cos eversince you came here,
everyone in the palace liked you,
I was so pained of loosing a best friend
I'm really sorry...
Hana starmmered on her words and took chidinma
other hand.
"am very sorry,give me a chance and allow me
make it up to you in the future. if you want,from
nowards you and I should share the same mind,I
will tell you everything I encounter and you will
share yours with me like we used to do before.
I will be a good friend and not leaving you,I...
Chidinma suddenly removed her hand from Hana
she dropped the antidote in her hand and stood
"hmm Hana I actually have work to do,take care
of yourself.....and....
Hana cried.Her tears were so real,it moved
chidinma within seconds.
"I will get the napkin..have heard you already,
just take the medicine and rest enough"she said
and helped her back.
"Chidinma what do I need to do to make us go
back to the way we are before?" she asked.
"you don't have to do anything. You still have
work to do in the mine,I will help you to finish it
good night".
Chidinma spoke with the head maid about adding
Hana's chores with her own for two days. Crystal
agreed with her to finished Hana's duties for the
night in the mine and for the next two days.
She wanted to tell olive about it...but then she
waved it off.olive and Hana are like cat and rat
she even doubted of she can ever complete the
duties tonight. that means she won't be seeing
Night was almost falling,surprisingly she finished
Hana's work in the mine. The Jewel's mine where
they extract minerals and treasures from. The
work was so tedious.
meanwhile Nora watched as Chidinma extract
minerals from the pit. There was no one there,
the mine coordinator was absent as well. Nora was
feeling angry just staring at her.
I wonder what drema sees in this dirt..
drema doesn't like dirt,how come he even have a
taste like this. it can be any other girl and I will
accept it was because I fucked up but its a maid
servant! a common groundnut seller. it's really a
slap to my face.
Chidinma extracted the last plastic of mineral
oil.All thanks to Hana,she now looks so dirty on
the face,hands and legs. The underground was
really dirty.
she walked to the nearby tap where she washer
her face,hands and legs.
Nora's eye won't still give up.
How can someone in a plain maidservant uniform
look like royality without even trying?
it angered Nora very well.She has to work hard in
looking like a princess.
she watched as changed dinma carried the pot of
water on her head after washing her face,hand
and legs. As Chidinma got closer to her path,she
came out of her shadows and placed a leg on her
Chidinma stumbled on it and fell.Her pot broke
onto pieces and she winced,rubbing her index
Nora bent and grab hold of her neck."watch
where you're going,slave"she snarled.
Chidinma swieveled her head and stood up. She
stared at her."you placed your leg on my path"she
told her bluntly.
"you have no right to talk back at me,and you have
no right to make such an unfounded
accusations"Nora scoffed, loudly.
Chidinma gave Nora a long dirty look,her fingers
itched to slap her. She's the prince drema's
bride to be right. how can she forget this lady?
she didn't
When chidinma's eyes held Nora's defiantly, she
let go of her neck. "Do well to avoid my
path,maid.The next time you do, going to whip you
bitch"she said and push Chidinma back, as
Chidinma fell again, Nora straightened to her full
height,she walked away slowly.
Chidinma watched her catwalk slowly,she took a
deep breath to calm the anger coarsing through
her as she stood.
"crayfish bended legs,don't you look like a cricket
already" Chidinma said,lowly.
Nora heard,she turned back sharply.
"did you say something??? her anger could
swallow ten storey building.
Chidinma scoffed. in her mind she said "you think
it's only you that have attitude".
"I said did you just say something!! Nora roared,it
was as if she wanted to kill.
"mba mba(no no)
"my princess,I dare not say anything but I
mentioned "cricket" I mean I wonder how a
handsome and wealthy prince will take a cricket
as a bride. I mean doesn't the the prince have
eyes??? I just wish to have an insecticide,what do
you think" Chidinma said. Nora gritted in anger.
"Did you just call me a "cricket"
"and did you just insult prince drema by saying his
blindness has not yet recovered...!!
"mba mba mba(no no no)
"how can I say such a thing? I didn't even
mention names?
"but my princess,it's fine if that's what you
think. in short I really pity the prince. His taste
in women I so poor...
"You....guards!!! Nora shouted.
"aaaahh I really want to use the restroom now
"my lady there's a cricket behind you"
Chidinma said. luckily,an insect made a sound.
Nora turned back.
"I will go and bring insecticide"
Chidinma ran away before Nora could turn.

[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
Chapter 40
She is his lucky charm. Lucky charm.
now enjoy
Nora's eye turned sour.
she didn't only felt tricked,she felt used and
miserable.No maid servant had ever had the right
to talk back at her.
what now. A common groudnut seller.
shortly afterwards,the guards she called
arrived."my lady what shall we do for you'
Nora flared angrily."No need! she has left,how
can dumb and idiots be guards,you can't even
answer fast to deal with a fly"
"we are sorry my lady.we can still help you handle
this? what's the maidservant name? we can help
"I said no need. I don't even know her name so
how then will you identify her. royal Palace has
200+ maid servant,so it's still useless" Nora
shouted and walked away.
checking dinma words hurt her deepest.
"I mean I wonder how a handsome and wealthy
prince take a cricket as a bride. does the prince
not have fact let me go and bring
those words really made her face burn.
she barged into her suite,looking at herself in her
mirror angrily.her fingers itched to torture
Chidinma in the underground dugeon or the mine
where no one would notice.
Nora got so engrossed in her dirty thoughts that
she didn't notice queen Chiamaka walked in.
Chidinma finally moved out of her hideout as soon
as the guards cleared out.
there was light everywhere in the palace,escape
wasn't something easy.
she rip tier and was getting almost successful
until she heard a hoarse voice saying "stop".
Chidinma froze right into her spot.
chaii I only have mouth to insult,I can't endure
torture oo.
"my friend" she heard and recognized
the voice. Prince tochi,it was him.
she smiled and turned to him.anytime. in trouble
you always show up.
she hastily ran to tochi's side as soon as she
heard the guards coming out. Nora must have told
them to keep a check.
The guards coming increased in large numbers.
Chidinma already ran to tochi. she hide behind
him although he doesn't seem to have a very fit
physique unlike obim.
"what's wrong with me? why must I compare
every guy I meet with Obim? it's okay forget
about him big head,you're in trouble.
"ahhh prince tochi you're my friend right
"Biko(please) help me out am in trouble don't let
them see my face!! those words came out of her
mouth calmly.
"No one"the guards bowed to tochi and moved
back to their initial position.
Chidinma moved out. tochi chuckled. "you're a
bunch of trouble right"
"humm yes. thanks for today"Chidinma said and
hastily remove her hand.
"so how will you pay me back? asked tochi.
"hmm I really don't have money,I could have
cooked for you but you see am a very bad
cook...I...I..bye bye no one should see us together
else am doomed" said Chidinma, she rushed out to
the maids section. unfortunately again she ran
into crystal the head maid.
Is trouble really made for me.
"you this girl,what are you looking for at night? is
this the rule! go to the 3rd building and reflect on
your punishment!
"yes ma'am"Chidinma curtised and turned to
"come back,it seems you will be useful. here
deliver this to old Nana,in the magic clan. if you
like get carried away by those unreal things you
are on your own"
"yes ma'am"Chidinma curtised again then left.
she took short turns and arrived in the exact
"this is so beautiful
"the market place is even open at night
at the central of the market there was a crowd.
Chidinma squeeze herself in,it was a magic show.
How real is this???
she walked away and came across another magic
something the magician called "beast of dream".
it tells people's dream by giving out bubbles.
chidinma got carried away.
is this some movie or what?.
"I want to watch a dream"a young woman from
the crowd said and dropped a huge amount of coin
bag. The magician changed soon a bubble
appeared. everyone watch the woman dream in
the bubble.
"I would have watched but I have no money".
Chidinma stepped forward,everyone clapped for
"hunn is this even real?"she said loudly.
"yes it is real.There are two types of dreams
one is a blue dream from memory,the other is a
yellow dream of desire.When people dream of the
things that had once happened then the dream
bead will glow blue light which is the coloured
blue dream of memory.
if it's a dream that has never happened but just
an imagination then the dream bead will bring out
a yellow light which is yellow coloured dream of
People often dream of reality at the very
beginning of their dream but then it gradually
fills with all sorts of imagination the dream will
change from...
chidinma interrupted."it sounds difficult to
understand,to put it simply can I say that the
yellow dream is fake and a blue dream is real, if
it's both blue and yellow then it's half fake half
real"said Chidinma
"miss you're really smart to get it easily. I will
give you a dream for free"
"okay,I want it now.
Chidinma waited. finally the magician let out her
dream,it was a blue dream from memory meaning
In the bubble dream,chidinma was seen kissing
prince drema who was dressed in a royal attire.
"hunnn whaaattt
"prince drema in my dream eeehnn
"am I really that girl he is kissing!!! eeehhh!!
Chidinma looked confused.
"why is it prince drema and not obim??
Someone from the crowd used a whip to wipe the
bubble,the dream cleared out. Chidinma turned
only to meet a fierce face of a lady.
"tell me who is that lady hugging prince drema in
that stupid magic bubble! asked the girl.
Chidinma looked around,all eyes on her. it was
clear enough she was the girl. Her. but why her
with prince drema.
Eversince she was born,she never liked anything
royality. her mother hated royality, she hated
royality she doesn't want to have something with
Her mother hoped for her to marry a simple and
ordinary guy.
"I have no idea too,I was just watching also. with
that whip of yours,I couldn't see if the girl was
me or not"she answered.
"hmm even a poor villager can watch a dream, he
wasn't kissing you okay,he was bitting you if you
don't know
"and who are you,how dare you spy on prince
drema's dream?? asked the girl.
"I am a palace maid servant.if you want to see
prince drema,just go straight turn left,left,and
left go on" Chidinma said. the girl ran
Chidinma laughed. "very senseless girl.i tricked
someone again".
she delivered what crystal sent her and returned
to the palace.

the healer; adesola golden stories..

Royal Palace
Princess Lila and princess Jackie looked too
pretty to be described. they looked amazing.
"bestie I thought you wouldn't come
"why won't I? its prince drema unveiling
"come on let's go"
"hmm I ordered something's,the maid will bring it
then we can go"said Jackie.
meanwhile Hana stood by the door with what
Jackie, Lila's friend ordered. she opened the
door and moved in.
Jackie took her thing,Hana bowed and left.
"I wonder if there's maid called Chidinma here?
"how will I know,there are up too 200 maid
servants here,should I count the slaves or low
borns?"answered Lila.
"just that am looking for her. she's my mentor,
she cured my madness"said Jackie.
"ohh really" Lila shouted.
she took the landline and called crystal.
"hello,let all maids with the name Chidinma come
to my room now"
Lila dropped her landline.
Chidinma on the other hand walked back tiredly
to the palace. the walk was too much.
do I need to report to crystal?
aahh no need let me rest.
"hey report to princess Lila's room" olive said.
"she asked for all maids bearing Chidinma go now"
"wait princess Lila,why is she looking for
Chidinma,hope Nora didn't report me to her, I
won't go!
"okay,let's go to the room then
Crystal saw Chidinma leaving."what type of girl is
this hunn! she heaved a sighed of relief.
"Chidinma!!! she shouted
Chidinma heard."the end has finally come for me!!!
"dinma!! crystal shouted.
"okay ma'am!!
"am going now!!
Chidinma replied and head to Lila's room.
"it must be for something good,how can I stop
her from going" Hana thought, as Chidinma
approached the door of Lila.
"Chidinma"she called.
"hunn Hana,is anything wrong??
"yes,my antidote I misplaced it can you..( ahh am
in pain)
"okay,I will get it but let me..okay fine I will get
your antidote now,if you misplaced it again I will
not make you another one in the future"
before church dinma could turn,Jackie opened
the door from the inside and saw Chidinma. she
dropped her phone to the floor and hugged her
"leave us now"Lila said to Hana. they took
chidinma in and locked the door.
hana sighed and left in anger.
"aunty I have a lot to discuss with you but time is
not by my side" Jackie said,it's almost time for
their flight. Drema's show will start any moment
from now and she wants to watch live with Lila.
"then let her follow is to my brothers show" Lila
"good idea"
the both of them pulled out Lila's last box and
brought out the gown. it was the only gown that
occupied the box. the both of them spread it on
the bed and chidinma was waowed the gown was
amazing. it was a show back gown,dark red on
colour and the thread was laid diamond.
"oh my god this is nice"Jackie said.
"I used up all my savings and even stole from the
king to buy it" Lila said.
"how much
"10million dollars
"Jesus Christ of Nazareth. holy Mary
"chidinma what do you think?
"waoow it's pretty"dinma said.
"good because you are wearing it to the party"
"aah what if I get kidnapped,this is too costly
"you haven't been to a party and we really need
some time together so let me do you this favour
common aunty Chidinma say yes"
"ok am game"
Jackie was done and Chidinma was so beautiful in
the gown. They looked her hair and stretched her
natural hair, they were all amazed.
"here is our mask
"waow this one suites Chidinma
"I know right I carefully choose it,we must cheer
for drema. this is his industry and team banner
"what about her shoes?
"got that covered.
Lila brought out a box,Jackie removed the shoe,it
was a carefully molded glass shoe.
"Chidinma you look beautiful
Jackie placed a diamond anklet on Chidinma
leg.chidinma turned her back to the mirror.
"whaaat my back is so opened,only my breast is
covered part of my....
my waist is showing,if obim sees this he will feel
betrayed,like am I advertising my body...
"beautiful that's the style"Jackie clapped
"you're looking good you have a nice figure and
your skin is so flawless"Lila complimented for the
first time in her life, she will say something good
to a maid.
Lila and Jackie walked out with dinma.
Lila took 6maids. Hana and olive were along, Hana
couldn't hold her hatred olive cheered Chidinma
up. The maids wore pink checked gown with flat
shoes and their hats.
like 12guards followed them.
Charles saw them from his window,his eyes
wouldn't just give up. Very soon you will be mine,I
will specially choose you on the royal feast day
and tell the king I want to marry you.
Charles looked away.
They took off. Chidinma felt like she was in
wonderland she couldn't believe this was her.
All thanks to Jackie.
They arrived.
Chidinma felt she was in heaven.
"reporting live,Lila jewel is at it again, she just
Lila is sure a famous ice skating rock star, Jackie
was her best friend,they go everywhere like
sugar and ant.

Jackie held chidinma's hand as they stepped

out,Lila walked in the other side abd held
chidinma's other hand.
the cameras which were suppose to point at Lila
and Jackie focused attention on Chidinma
who are you
what's your name??
are you a model?
who are your parents?
what's your relationship with princess Lila and
princess Jackie???
"this press are scary?
Jackie took chidinma in. It was sure crowdy, they
found a space,the guards bought different light
"drema must win,we must cheer up very well!!
Lila said. almost three quarters of the crowd held
drema's fan based banner.
he has the strongest fan base.
Chidinma head started too hurt.
the more she sees drema's picture,the more
confused she is....
it's my obim???
I don't know my head is hurting??
"aunty Chidinma are you enjoying yourself? Jackie
"yes,but I feel....
"it's alright,mentor.
Mr Kelvin and bethel saw Chidinma
"who is that goddess?
"yes,exactly what we need!!
"height checked,figure checked,colour checked,
skin checked,hair checked check check check
perfect" Mr Kelvin heaved a sigh of relieved.
"and luckily they wore the same colour of outfit,I
hope she agrees*said bethel.
Chidinma still didn't get herself.
the more the crowd cheered for drema who will
soon show up on stage,the more confused she
Hana noticed this, Olive walked forward and
whispered into chidinma's ear "what's wrong??
"nothing,I feel hurt somehow,I want to leave
here!Chidinma said and stood up.
Mr Kelvin saw that Chidinma wanted to leave, he
rushed to the VIP place where they sat.
"we don't have time can you act as prince drema's
"whaaaaat!!! Hana shouted
"whaaattt!!!! Lila
"whaaaaaaattt!! Jackie.
Olive smiled.
all eyes to Chidinma.
"I want to leave here,my brain is paining me and
you're even making it worst"she answered.
"please it's my brother,prince drema please just
act as a girlfriend. Name your price" said Lila.
"yes please mentor"Jackie said.
"he's your prince,help him*olive whispered.
"whaaattt noooo. how can I betray obim???

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[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
(Season 2) Chapter 41
Her love for him is pure and magical.
now enjoy
For Hana,today is her most miserable day.
Chidinma is an obstacle she feels she needs to
eliminate faster.
"she can't do it. she is a maid servant not a
celebrity she can't she will get caught" Hana said.
"that's even better she is a maid so the secret is
safe" bethel said.
"I really can't it's impossible
"Chidinma look at this as helping drema
"I think she can do it; olive said
"I he in trouble? Chidinma asked
"yes big trouble
Chidinma looked at Lila,how can she say no?
"ok it is settled".
"won't prince drema be mad after knowing
Chidinma is nothing but a maid servant" Hana still
"he can't be...
"Chidinma you can do it no need to be nervous it's
drema,he is human,he doesn't bite,you shouldn't
get scared to be around him"
"who said am scared of him? I'm only scared this
will lead to something that will make me betray
my boyfriend.
"noo, you won't,prince drema is not that type of
man he....
chidinma thought and agreed to follow bethel.
"bye dinma,remember to be proud.." olive said,
Hana clenched her fists secretly as Chidinma was
taken away.
they walked out just then Chidinma got more
nervous,she felt her heart beat increased for no
reason.This feelings only pops up if obim is around
or when I miss him..
or am I liking two guys at the same time? that
was when bethel touched her hand.
"it's no big deal,Chidinma right?
"hmm yes but do you know. that groundnut seller?
bethel laughed."really? waoow I almost didn't
think of it. no need to worry, I was once a fish
Chidinma laughed.
"remember you can't let anyone guess your
class,you need pride,poise,grace and don't talk
slot,don't be too polite"bethel added.
Drema rushed out fully dressed.
"am not late am I
"you are,but you look good
"thank you
drema wore a red suit with a white shirt inside
his black curly hair was styled handsomely, he had
little diamond earrings on his hair and wore a
silver bracelet and his silver necklace his shirt
has diamond stones as buttons and drema
unlocked the first two buttons exposing his
flawless skin and the necklace.
his trousers was pencil fitted and not long like
the normal style,it maintained a distance from his
Mr King took off dremas suite jacket and held it
in his hand as he gave drema his mask which he
held in his hand.
they took only 3 black cars,drema took only three
guards and no maids. they trailed off.

back at the party,everyone had on their masks on

even maids. Hana took off hers angrily and
searched around for Chidinma. I wonder where
they took her to.
"waoow,the crowd is ever increasing" olive
removed her mask, giggling.she turned and caught
Hana's expression.
"looking for something??
"yes,Chidinma I wonder where they took her to
am worried for her
"you don't need to worry for her, princess Lila
and princess Jackie can't sell her out, can they??
minutes later rose arrived. Olive stand up
immediately from where they maids sat to see
this particular celebrity in person. Rose walked
around in styles and walked down the red carpet
before wearing her mask, so many people waved
at her. she got there and the presses rushed her..
Rose ignored all questions as her guards carefully
walked her down till she got to one of the VIP
the show started,the cheers didn't get much cos
who they wanted hasn't arrived.
Light opens back outside as drema's car arrived.
the press magically knew it was him, drema
stepped out and looked around then he wore his
mask the press took pictures of him, he looked
really awesome.
"alarming, drama Jewel's shows up without a date
again to his performance"
"dremas love life needs to be looked into
something is wrong" another reporter said.
"how can our city's sweetheart have a mysterious
love life???
the paparazzi tool pictures of drema as drema
tried walking in, me Kelvin ran to him.
"drema are you okay
"I think so
"how can you show up again without a date
"is it relevant??
"OMG those most reporters will start doing a
background check on your love life we all know
your past can cause a rumour
"they might even bring back old rumor that one
that you're blind.. or that you're gay
"I'm going ahead I will just them am gay( he
"you're smiling
"am going
"fine I found someone of high class,celebrity life
is an act she could act as your date
"I don't want any fake girlfriend, my
performance is better without lies" drema replied
and walked in,he knew he could easily ignore the
press and reporters.
He entered,the cheers and shout got out of hand,
cameras light flashing on him from left and
it was just as if everyone came to see him.
Drema Jewel, can you take off your mask please",
a chubby girl said.
Drema took it off,he almost go blind again
because of the lights.
"the prince his so charming,why must Chidinma be
chosen!! Hana bite her lips bitterly.
"hunnn I never knew he is this popular, will those
people ever let him go!! olive climbed her seat and
raised drema's fan base flyer in the air.
Rose left the VIP seat and made her way into the
Rose smiled at that question.
"well he is....
Just then drema felt someone place her hand into
his the hand was warm and very soft,he looked at
her she looked so beautiful,her skin colour and lip
shape reminded him of chidinma that he got lost
for a seconds,the press noticed that and took
several pictures if them together.
drema tried to see through her mask but she just
smiled angelically.
Mr Kelvin must have hired this model to act as my
Chidinma looked at drema with the mist romantic
expression on her lips. "honey am sorry,I took
drema raised her hand fast she gave it a fast
Chidinma suddenly felt her hear beat
her heart was so confused! same thing when obim
kissed me.
what was I thinking when I agreed to this now, my
heart is loosing control.
Rose frowned and walked away as drema took
chidinma away
"oh my god she's drema's date
"no wonder they wore the same colour
the reporters were awed.
"drema's girlfriend showed up today
"money is written all over her,we all wonder who
she is.
Mr Kelvin turned to bethel.
"this girl is a natural actress
"she did it perfectly well,who can believe she's a
"not only a maid,you remembered that groundnut
seller that duped drema? she's the one..
"whaaattt(he laughed).
Soon the show started.Chidinma sat quietly in the
seat prince drema put her, "miss this is all an act
don't remove your mask"
she remembered what Dre told her.
suddenly the shouts increased,if her ears was
hearing well, the shout was all about drema..
the more she hears the shout,the more confused
she became.
Her heart leapt again as someone carried her
from the seat she sat,then the cheers got
loudest. That was when it dawned on her that
drema carried her.
drema quickly took chidinma to his car before the
reporters and stalkers if fan will flood out in
large numbers.
"we should leave now sir" the driver said.
he replied and took his lips in then removed his
6securities car followed his car to the hotel
where they booked reservations.
Chidinma was tempted to remove her mask, it's
better not to remove it either.
"I guess my manager paid you off" drema said
"yes sssssiii (don't be to polite)" she remembered
what bethel said.
"yeah" she said simply.
drema nodded. why does she looks so much like
Chidinma,if only she can remove that mask and let
me see.
"so what's your name?and where do you base?
Dre asked
"my name is Krishna I base in Paris"
"ohh really
"yes,what about you? you're drema right? I heard
your name from the crowd,I must admit you're
really famous.
"well,am just drema drema Jewel" drema replied.
She is another person,but her voice and
everything is same.
the car pulled into the hotel where bethel booked
"there is a little problem,the presidential suites
have all been booked there's only...miss Krishna
are you comfortable with that
"no problem"..
"okay sir".
the guards moved their things in.
drema didn't spare Chidinma another glance, he
walked upstairs immediately even though this
Krishna scented like Chidinma to him.
"good night" Chidinma said.
drema was all gone.
Chidinma looked her room door and fell on her
she laughed hardly.
"am miss Krishna. I base in Paris!!
she laughed again. well I wish to be miss Krishna,
she took off her shows and left her room to the
living room.
the plasma tv was on, there was a landline on the
far end of the living room...
soon the waiter arrived.
Chidinma answered it, she removed her mask
the waiter almost jumped on her.
"Mrs jewel,can I take a picture with you...I just
saw your face??
the waiter took pictures then handed Chidinma
the food menu.
"am your waiter for today,which dish will you like
Chidinma collected the menu but then she can't
"I...umm...just bring everything on this row! she
her order was delivered. Chidinma went back to
her room and removed her gown, the nightie and
other clothing were so revealing so she selected
the yellow jersey.
She returned back to the living room with her
All the dishes tasted good,the meat were juicy
and so fleshy with soft bones..
maybe God wanted me to taste wealth today
that's why he present this opportunity.
Chidinma ordered more till she was full.
"this is really good!! she relaxed on the soft couch
and sipped in the wine slowly. later she put on her
mask and focused on the tv.
she slept off there.
in her dream obim appeared to her and kissed
hours later

" mean you brought the contract files

outside" drema rushed downstairs.
"okay,Stanley am coming!!
he added and rushed back to take the car key, he
passed the living room and saw Chidinma fast
asleep on the couch.
"what type of sleeping position is this??
"didn't this girl said she's based in Paris!!
he moved closer and adjusted her neck well on
the couch. who sleeps with shoes on?? he took off
her shoes,his eyes ran into her neck immediately.
"who sleeps with mask on?
"this girl is something else??
he drew her mask away and was stunned with her
face. "Chidinma" he whispered slowly. it was really
he leaned in and peck her lips softly then look in
her face quietly.
he was so surprised,
he took her both hands where he kissed deeply.
this must be Lila's handwork,he thought
he stared at her on sleep with eyes so cool, his
eyes ran down to her lips.
"obim am sorry I acted as ....."
rema heard her sleep talked.
he smiled. sleeping and talking,this girl is
something else.
"it's okay love"drema said and patted her in
sleep,he peck her lips again he smiled into that
kiss and locked tongue with her.
it was more than a kiss,it felt so
drema enjoyed every bit of it
he doesn't want to stop,if he continues she might
fake and it's not yet time to reveal his identity to
He unlocked from the kiss.
"sorry if I put you in shock,dinma. I guess am
fond of doing that to you" he said and tried
kissing her again .
[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
(Season 2) Chapter 42
Prince drema tried kissing Chidinma again but
unfortunately chidinma opened her eyes. why is
his face closer. she was shocked with
drema removed his face instantly.
"what were you doing to me,you almost kissed
me...." Chidinma touched her lips,why is it wet she
blinked her lashes,she's ready to pick a fight.
She stood up,drema watched her like a movie
"you removed my mask and took off my shoes did
I send you? what type of nonsense is this?
"what type of prince are you!!!
"tell me now,what did you do to me??
she shouted.
drema still watched her like a movie
"am I talking to someone? Chidinma grabbed his
white top.
she came back to her senses and quietly check
him out,his amazing height and figure drove her
crazy to remember obim.
He wore a black jeans and plain white top.. he
wore flat slippers which was designed with pure
gold chain,his hair was styled sexily then a black
band was deeped in it,then his earrings were two
little gold.
what am I thinking anyway,now that he already
sees my face,he knows am a maid right...
he wouldn't want to take advantage of a maid
right?? why am I even over reacting,my lips is
always moist.
maybe I really jam talked.
Chidinma left his top.
"am sorry my prince..I will leave now"
she said and walked away,drema drew her back by
her hand,the butterflies in her Tommy increased
at this moment she wasn't thinking straight.
"am actually your O.....
just then Lila knocked on the door chidinma
instantly took her hand and rushed to the door
Lila dragged her hand out.
"come on let's go,Jackie is taking care of the
guards outside"
Lila dragged dinma out of the room,I almost told
her have confused her enough. Drema locked his
suite door.
Lila instantly removed her mask with which she
covered chidinma's face.
"we need to hurry. queen chiamaka mustn't find
out what I did today" Lila said.
they both ran into the car and waited for Jackie
who came before they drove away.
Jackie handed Chidinma her card and with the
help of olive chidinma went inside the maids room
unseen and so did Lila. Both of them heived a sigh
of relief.
Chidinma was so tired,she removed the earrings
and all other expensive things that can cause
suspicion and retired to her bed.
"Bestie how was it?" Hana asked
Chidinma was too confused to answer anybody.
the moment she woke and caught prince drema
stares replayed in her memory and when he drew
her hand.
"he wanted to tell me something,I wonder what it
"hey Chidinma" hana called. Chidinma already slept
"huumm she doesn't want to answer me,what type
of proud girl is this.
"Chidinma!!! Hana called louder this time and
tapped her.
Chidinma woke up forcefully." do you need
"I want to sleep beside you..."said Hana.
" olive said that first...but..okay no problem"
Chidinma shifted to the other side, those
memories won't stop coming. Hana noticed her
one thing Olive hated about Hana is that Hana
knows Chidinma best,she can interpret chidinma's
mood perfectly,she can tell if something is wrong
with her. she seemed to have known all of
chidinma's secret since childhood.
"talk with me..
"am fine"Chidinma said
"you don't look like you're fine"
Chidinma went to her cupboard and took the
teddy bear obim bought for her. she removed the
nylon and went back to bed with it. I don't know
what he did to me in sleep,I hope you can forgive
Chidinma slept hugging the teddy, olive entered.
"Hana you're sleeping in my place
"what happened to your bed
"hmm am....I just wanted to stay close to the
window because of fresh air..
"fresh air??? when there is fan,even the room
heater is on..
"I mean I want natural fresh air"Hana said.
Olive looked at Chidinma who had long slept she
walked away,she knew something was wrong with
Hana this one she is getting close to Chidinma.
she went to the other bed.
"what's with them?" Dika asked.
"I don't trust Hana she's up to something" olive
"what happened?.
"Prince drema is the same person as Obim,I pity
Chidinma and she's already in love with him" olive
"whaaaaaaattt. Jesus Christ of Nazareth. holy
"hey don't shout,I know that's why Hana is
getting close to her"
"since when do you know prince drema is obim?
"since last four months,I hope you can keep
"that's deep. Can Chidinma agree to even marry
someone like him,I pity prince drema he has gone
through a lot already,I know that's why he didn't
tell her his true self....
but Chidinma is somehow lucky ooo,am jealous"
Dika laughed.
"hmm yes,but for now you need to shut up and
don't tell anyone. We promise to always help each
other right"olive said
"Yes,no matter who is more lucky,we can't be
jealous. but this Hana is something else"Dika
"what pains me most is that,no matter what
Chidinma won't still take her as an enemy.
Hana woke Chidinma again.
"what happen???
"nothing,are you sure you don't want to talk to
Olive and Dika look at each other and made an
annoying cough.
"I don't think you're fine. what's this sign on
your neck???" asked Hana.
"what sign?" Chidinma touched her neck.
"it's an hickey??
"hickey? what's an hickey??
"when someone kiss you too much,this sign shoes
in the place"said Hana.
Chidinma touched the place again. He really
kissed me,the prince took advantage of me what
type of stupid sleep did I slept,I betrayed Obim.
"aaahh this mark is plenty there where you with a
man back there on the party or is it the prince......
Chidinma didn't say anything,she covered her
ears with the pillow.
Next morning
Prince drema walked out of his penthouse,the
maids lined out in a single row,he didn't answer
nor look at any of them he responded only to
nkem's greetings. and bethel walked up to him.
"You left the suite early
"did you sleep here
"no,I only came to check my mansion
"ok let's return to the palace.
Just then he remembered the whole neck kissing
incident with Chidinma,he plugged in his white ear
pod. I will only put her in more trouble if I tell
her now,why is my love life so complicated??
love is the only exam I keep on failing.
"boss you haven't visited CT gold industry to
know how it's doing" said bethel.
"I trust you to do that for me
"(smiling) it's really fine and your automobile
company's are doing just great.
drema nodded.
"aah your live show yesterday has gotten lots of
engagement,starlife wants to interview you
"can you stop talking about that please?
"(smiling) okay sir.

Royal Palace
Nora was on phone.
"how is the investigation going
"we need time
"find out who that girl is at all cost
"we will do so soon enough
"do so please without delay
"trust me we followed them to the royal
palace,and my guys are watching the palace
closely no one has left..
"whaaattt! that means that girl leaves here..
"yes,it's under our control..
"noo noo don't worry I know who the girl is. It's
Chidinma! that bitch.
Nora ended the call,I really over underestimate
that maid.
That morning chidinma woke up and started her
duties,she ignored everyone. she didn't even
greet anybody.
Lila spoke with Jackie on phone then sat to scroll
through drema's internet pictures she enjoyed
watching his live show,drema's music is really
good. just then she saw the pictures of drema
hugging with a commoner.
what's my brother doing with a pauper and in
such a dirty environment.
this girl sure looks like Chidinma,how is this
Lila dropped her phone and called the maids
landline. she requested for Chidinma.
Chidinma came in minutes later.
"what the hell you doing hunn,you are a commoner
how dare you seduce my brother, do you know who
and what he is....." Lila almost flared up but then
something changed her mind when she looked at
Her innocent eyeballs and lashes that curled up
beautifully,her maid cloths were neatly ironed to
bring out her elegance,her sandals thoroughly
this lady sure looks like an angel. Lila closer her
mouth and didn't shout at her.
"you called me personally,did I do anything wrong
or do you need anything?
Chidinma asked without blinking.
"I don't need anything"she replied calmly.If
drema really loves this woman and am rude to her
then it's a disrespect to my brother.
"then I guess my presence is irrelevant" Chidinma
"hmm do you have a twin? Lila asked.
"twins??? am the only female in my family..
"are you sure? you better think
"no" Chidinma nodded. It's only me and Nonso, my
older brother is long dead,I didn't even had the
chance to see what he looks like all I know is that
his name is "Darren".
Lila gave Chidinma her phone.
"she looks like you,the commoner drema hugged"
Chidinma looked at the pictures stunned for
minutes she collected the phone,to see better it
was really her. she even saw her groundnut tray
on the floor.
"what do you have to say? Lila asked.
the phone started shaking on chidinma's hand
"is that really you?" Lila asked.
Chidinma tears stream down,she dropped the
phone and ran out of Lila's room.
"it's really him,why am I Soo stupid? I stupidly
let him use me!!!
Chidinma said in tears,she wasn't looking well
until she bumped into someone.
"sorry!!! she said and wanted to pass the other
direction,the guy took her hand back. Her tears
still stream down as she looked at the guy, she
hasn't seen the face before but the guy sure
looked expensive..
He held her hand and answered his call with the
other hand.
"drema am already waiting for you at the...."
the guy answered his call. on hearing the name
"drema" Chidinma hijacked her hand, the guy
collected her back.
"hey why are you crying!!.. he brought out an
handkerchief and wiped her tears.
"it's really him,I stupidly let him use me"
Chidinma said and cried the more. She has
promised not to tell anyone but she doesn't even
know why she is telling this guy she is just
meeting for the first time..
[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
(Season 2) Chapter 43
now,enjoy....STOLEN MOMENTS.
Chidinma collected her hand carefully and walked
out,she wondered why she told him her
"why am I getting emotional this days,it's okay
forget about it"Chidinma wiped her face with
both hands and Chris smiled.
"I wonder what's wrong with her"
Chris said.He entered drema's suite and walked
to the glass wall and look out. he was surprised to
see Chidinma
she stood there quietly behind the garden and
watch the bluish was so dim he couldn't
see her face clearly but he knew it was her,the
crying girl
He ran downstairs and walked to where chidinma
stood the lights were so dim and romantic.
Chidinma saw Chris,she looked away.
"he is prince drema's friend who knows if they
are both the same"; she said within herself.
Chris was really shy he didn't know what to say so
he just stood beside her.
"good evening sir
"ohh someone is here,I don't know I just came to
look at the waters"Chris replied.
"I better go inside" chidinma said
"no you can still stay if you want
she looked at Chris face helplessly and at every
stares she took,she felt pain more and more.
"hey,I think you cry a lot
"it's nothing sir,the water is so calm.
"it's really. You're beautiful can you stop wasting
those precious tears
she kept cleaning her face chrid wondered what
was wrong with her.
the tears got embarrassing so she ran away. Chris
sighed and returned to the prince empire where
he waited for drema.
Prince drema arrived after the long day,it was
already evening.visiting his numerous companies
really ate up his time plus the shoots he had
today,he still had a lot to complete. If not for
Chris he wouldn't have come to the palace
he walked up straight to his suite,
it was only him he didn't take any guard along.
"rema you kept me waiting seriously" Chris said,a
smirk on his lips.
"really,when did you arrived?
"a while ago.
"the palace is somewhat cool,I saw a maid ran out
crying an hour ago" he added.
"a girl??? rema emphasize
"I thought you've stopped that bad attitude of
flirting with girls"rema added.
"me???? well I tried to calm her down but she ran
away. guess what???" Chris clicked his tongue.
"whaaattt! rema turned to him.
"she's pretty,I think she's gorgeous" Chris said.
rema shook his head and locked the door behind
him,just then he looked at the mask in his hand
and remembered Chidinma, the look on his face
was damn pure. The memory of kissing Chidinma
and him wanting to tell her his real identity didn't
want to leave his mind.
it occupied him all through the day.
Drema suddenly wanted to see her again so he
dialed the landline and ordered wine and grilled
fish sauce for Chris. He was too tired to hear the
voice of the one who picked the landline but he
wished it was Chidinma. this was the only way he
could see her here.
He heard a knock on the door,he opened up and it
was Dika. Drema was disappointed he really want
to see chidinma's face again.
Dika bowed and placed the order on the dinning.
Dika left.
"Are you alright?" Chris asked.
"I think so"rema replied he sat on the dinning
opposite Chris.
Chris poured the fruity wine into the two
"I brought the contract files with me"Chris took
a sip of his wine.
"good for you"rema dropped the glass back and
took his car key.
"wait for me,I need to see someone it's really
urgent bye" he ran out.
Chris dropped his glass.
"I wonder what's so important for you to abadon
a contract file that worth millions".

Chidinma ignored everyone. For the rest of the

day,it was only her and her maid duties. Now she
just understand the reason why Nora hates her
so so much.
As the night approach,the maids dismissed. It
was in that moment crystal ordered Chidinma and
two other maids to serve Nora, not only Nora,
Nora and her royality friends.
"don't this girls have house!
"they are really shameless,hunnn!! two of the
maids said.
"especially that nora or whatever she calls her
name,worst still prince drema doesn't likes her"
another maid said.
"it's just a matter of time,prince drema will not
accept that engagement"
"I really can't wait" another maid said.
they kept quiet as soon as they approach the
suites where Nora and her royality friends were.
They walked in.
Gina took Nora's empty glass until Nora spoke
"you all can leave except her" Nora pointed to
chidinma widened her eyes,this is really a lot of
work she held her anger in and served them while
chidinma served princess Laura, the other
princess Sheila intentionally spilled her water on
At this moment,chidinma couldn't take it
"ohh such a pretty maid" Sheila said.
another of Nora's friend poured the cold wine on
her from her head. before she could think of
anything,different things landed on her body
"the prettier the better" she heard Nora.
"indeed" Laura added.
"This is just a warning,chidinma
I hope after this,you will do what's right by
staying away" Nora said. Chidinma walked out.
Nora sat back.
I can't believe this,drema really amazes me.

Chidinma returned to the maids building to wash

herself up.she still refused to talk to anyone. she
wore the maid night ware and slept away.
OMG why am I so stupid.
but why did he lie to me,I don't understand. she
hugged the teddy bear.
Dika tapped her.
"what's wrong Chidinma,you look so dull.
"Obim is prince drema
"whaaaat!! Dika acted surprised,she was expecting
this already. She felt like smiling but chidinma's
expression wasn't smiling.
"what the guy you said you love
"yes,he is really prince drema
"how is that possible??
"this means you don't love two guys at the same
time,omg am happy" olive said,in a low voice.
"this means you're indeed in love with drema
"no wonder you always say obim and prince drema
look alike sometimes you get confused
"is that why you're dull.
there is nothing to feel bad about am sure drema
likes you too,he did that for a reason.
Hana walked in,anger and jealousy surging through
her body system. "that's impossible stop pouring
kerosene to fire, olive do you need glasses?..
Chidinma looked at Hana.
"can you all stop talking about this? liking the
poor obim was enough for me but him being drema
jewel is like a dream!
"Yes a dream,a big dream because someone like
him can never love you,he obviously wanted to use
you" Hana said.
Olive knew it was jealousy,how can Hana speak in
this way.
"Chidinma don't mind Hana,that's impossible you
need to ask him yourself why he kept low profile",
olive said.
"humm I pity you chidinma. Have you forgotten
the house you came from? you know how much
your mom hates trouble. You better stay away
from him so you don't fall more and more in love
with him", Hana said.
"Hana is correct...
"I don't agree,Chidinma you have to meet drema
and hear him out"
"tell him what,do you want Chidinma to get more
hurt"said Hana.
Chidinma put pillows to cover her ears.
"everyone leave me alone,thanks for your concern.
Hana slept beside chidinma's bed before olive
could come.
"you slept in my place today again.
"first come,first serve! Hana said.
Chidinma stood up with her pillow and teddy.
"olive come and stay,it will contain three" she
said.Olive smiled.
they slept in a row with olive in the middle.
Hana clenched her fists tightly as she watched
chidinma carefully. No wonder the pure glazed
flame Nina attacked her with didn't work.
Prince drema is actually a god of war..
this sounds interesting....
"everything will be alright"olive whispered.
"he made mistakes,but why can't I stop thinking
about him".
Hana clenched at her fists at chidinma's
statement."I think the best idea is to breakup
with him".

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[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
(Season2) Chapter 44
Chidinma was the first to open her eyes the next
morning. Her eyes hit on the window. It's dawn
outside the silence of the early morning was
"same duty post this morning,let's get ready and
go to the mines"olive rolled into her. Chidinma
they both get ready,some other maids were up.
before Hana and the rest woke,they already left
for the mine.Somehow, olive saw it as an
opportunity to speak to chidinma.
after a while,she hesitate.
"it's very early,it will be uncultured to bring last
night topic up"; she said within herself.
they worked quietly in the mines,extracting
minerals and all sort of valuable resource the
mine attendants were also on their guard.
"why are those people wearing different uniform
from ours; asked Chidinma
"cos they are slaves,they work every day and
night orders from the king are taken strictly by
"that woman looks old,how long has she been a
"it must have been long"
"no wonder my mom hates royalities,you can
imagine that old woman working"
Chidinma shook her head.
"what will it cost king jewel to set them free,it
doesn't matter if they are not is people. Am
begining to dislike royals"
"Prince drema is not like them. He makes sure big
foods comes to them most of the days. He comes
here frequently and command the guards to pack
foods in big silver bowls he treats them well.
Prince drema is never in support of his
father,drema is a good guy,he has never maltreat
a slave,he has never made a slave labour! prince
drema saved me twice or have you forgotten am
an orphan??
I have a feeling he will set them free if he
becomes king in the future" olive said the truth
Chidinma was about talking when a low born maid
servant came to inform her that queen chiamaka
she left olive in the mine and went to answer the
"yes my queen
"I will send you on an errand
"okay my queen
"I hope I can trust you
"yes my queen"
"ok. I need you to get my jewel set for the royal
feast next tomorrow.
my friend in Vietnam is designing it,she will be
sending it down but she hasn't given me any exact
time,it might be tomorrow or next tomorrow"
"ok ma'am.
"so you and the driver will go to the penthouse,
she will send it through her servant once it's
"yes my queen
"you won't come back without it,I don't want to
hear stories that it got lost
"ok ma'am.
"this should be enough money to keep you for the
two days,here is the address give it to the driver
"okay ma'am.
Chidinma bowed and left to the maids quarter she
bath again and started changing.
"where are you going?"Hana asked
"going to get queen chiamaka jewel set" she
replied,another maid peeped the address.
"drema's penthouse! I was the one who went last
month. gosh,drema has a luxurious taste his
penthouse is far beautiful than the palace" Gina
"I was unlucky I didn't get to see drema
throughout that two days,who knows you might be
lucky" Gina added.
"if you're lucky he comes around,seduce him and
get pregnant for him so that you can he his baby
mama"Sarah said
"Chidinma even if drema shows up just ignore him
or better still break up with him"Hana said
"yes Hana" Chidinma replied.
Dika widened her eyes.
minutes later she left with the driver.
Chidinma and the driver arrived at drema's
the uniqueness of the place is what everyone will
admire but not chidinma. in fact she pretended as
if she didn't see the beauty of the place.
"when will the woman send the queens jewel and
how long will I stay here?"Chidinma asked instead.
"within two days,the order should arrive. Just
that Rhoda today might be tomorrow hope you
have something to sustain you?
Chidinma raised the money given to her.
"okay,let's go in then" The driver said and
dragged the bag in.
As the driver sat in the living room,Chidinma
walked around the penthouse it was so
beautiful,the pool had two colours the white part
and blue part,she wondered how come there was a
stair inside the pool. This stairs demarcated the
blue side from the white side.
it was indeed awesome,
the base of the pool was tiled gold.
she checked every other place,the rooms
"hmm miss,you can take the room
I will take the couch here" said the driver.
"no need.My house is not far,I will come back
tomorrow morning" Chidinma said. It was just a
coverage lie,she has never been comfortable
staying alone with the opposite sex.
"yes,good night"
Chidinma walked out and took a taxi. She was
stunned when she arrived. her house wasn't the
same wretched house she left. Aaah it even have
a dream or am I dreaming!
she paid the taxi and knocked on the gate.
no reply.
"am I really dreaming or what???
she knocked again,it was opened by her junior
Its been 6months I left home,how come nonso is
taller than me or am I dreaming.
"welcome!! nonso beamed and hugged
chidinma.both siblings were happy.
"how is mother??
"she should still be in shop or her friends place
"don't you know? didn't Hana deliver any letter to
you,have sent several letters to her to
deliver"nonso said.
"I didn't receive any letter"
Chidinma shook her head. Nonso was shocked.
"what type of friend do you have? have sent you
to 10 letters for her to deliver,anytime I call the
palace landline to speak to you she always says
you're not around or are you always around?"
nonso asked,fluently. not speaking the normal
pidgin,his English was so sounding.
"at last my effort didn't waste to work and send
you to school"Chidinma said within herself.
"am always around. Hana didn't tell me anything"
"I think you should be careful of her,then" nonso
said thoughtfully.
both siblings went in.
Chidinma started calculating. 100k per months
eight months will be 800 thousands..
my mom really spent those money wisely.
"thank you very much,I promise I won't
disappoint you"nonso said as they both sat facing
the tv.
Chidinma nodded.Her mind stupidly think of
where she and drema usually meet on Thursday
night,it's not really far from her house.
"is today Thursday?
chidinma collected her face immediately who
knows if he is waiting for me.
should I go???
no no I don't think I should go..
aaah is better I go and break up with him once
and for all or what should I do?
think think think......
am really thinking of him this days.
and as for Hana,why didn't she deliver those
letters to me??
is she planning on hiding my family from me.
I can't believe that girl.
"are you going somewhere!
"yes,I will come back
nonso also stood up.
"alright I will follow you,it's night already this
area is not safe"
"hunn,you want to protect me??
"yes,am a big boy now oo"...
they both heard the gate sounds.
"mama is back from shop
"I can't believe Hana. what does mother sells now
"eggs, wholesale.
"welcome mother!
"ohh my daughter!!! Mrs uyah dropped her bag and
ran into the soft embrace of her daughter.
"why didn't you reply the letters,I always get
worried every months..
"am sorry it's work,no time.
"that's a lie,Hana didn't deliver any letters to
her" nonso said.
"'s fine. I came to spend the night with you.

meanwhile prince drema was patiently waiting for

Chidinma on the other hand tossed on her bed she
really can't stop herself from thinking of him.she
checked the time.
"I know he is still waiting!
her iPad was beeping non stop. she doesn't know
how to answer a call not to talk of replying
texts.She could only stare at the screen each
time it beeped.
she got up to wash her face then changed. she
picked her purse and walked towards the
direction of the back door.
"by this time,who are you going to see???.
she heard her mother's voice from behind..
her mother's eyes widened.
"it's so late,common you can tell me anything..
she requested.
"hmmm... it's...."
she suddenly paused. she knows she dare not
mention the word PRINCE in her ears.

[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
(Season2) chapter 45
"am the most sincerest person to you in this
world,I find every means to plan and prepare for
your brother. You promised you won't hide
anything from me right???
chidinma's have tightened on the door knob. One
thing she has never done is lying to her mother. if
at a,it's better to keep silent than mention
PRINCE in her ears,worst still tell her he is her
the iPad rang in her pause.
A phone!when do you have time to chase after
material things,you have really changed.
"it's okay,just tell me"
"I promise I won't be upset"
Mrs uyahs face tightened in a scrowl. chidinma
shook her head. "Obim" slips out of her mouth
mistakenly,that alone got Mrs uyahs more curious
than ever.
"mama you must have misunderstood her. I will be
needing some textbooks in school tomorrow she
wants to check if the bookshop still opens at
nonso stood chidinma up.
"these are the lists of books,can we go now?
nonso asked smartly,chidinma responded as well..
"are you two playing with me??
"mum we need to check it out, bookstore closed
by 10pm" nonso added and opened the door,both
siblings ran out.
"what a relief"
"am always there for you
"thank you,aaahh I almost died of silence
"but who exactly are you going to see.
Chidinma hastened her footsteps the moment
Nonso asked that question.He hurried up and
caught up with her.
"let me protect you"
nonso said and locked his palms with her. Unlike
Chidinma who is a beautiful brown skin girl,nonso
is fair. He look very much like their mother at
some points he could be mistaken for a girl. Apart
from his skin colour difference with
chidinma,they still look very much alike.
the eye, eyebrows,straight pointed nose,moist
pink lips and even heights.
If chidinma could pass out for a mermaid with her
flawless beauty and bold curves, nonso could also
pass out for a merman.
Indeed they were both clean in beauty.
"it looks like it will rain"
"whatever. I really need to meet him and ask why
he lied about his identity...
"lied? who? who exactly are you going to see"
Chidinma kept quiet and hastened her footsteps.
Nonso caught up with her again.
"I can keep your secret,I won't tell mum"
"why I feel like you are going to tell her"
"if I would,then I wouldn't have...
"don't push it through
"but I just helped...
Chidinma dragged his hand along.
Blinks Industry.
Stanley was helping out with the files rema didn't
wait to finish.
"rema is really getting wierd"
"did he realize what this papers are??
"how can he??
"why am I even bothered? he has made enough
money already.
He sorted the files neatly,just two contracts
congratulations,rema we just walked out of
20million naira" he sent.
Just then,the head guard rushed in with the
"prince drema is missing,his foster dad will speak
with you".
Stanley collected the phone, Mr Kelvin rushed in
as well.Stanley placed the phone on speaker. Sir
Lucien is actually the board manager,he used to
stand as a father for drema and helps him sign
some official documents when necessary,that's
why most of them refer to him as a foster
"Do you really know how to do your work? you're
remas personal bodyguard yet you don't know his
"I'm sorry Mr Lucien,he actually asked me to stay
back and help him sort out his unfinished
works"Stanley imagined saying,it's just an
imagination he dare not utter a word as sir Lucien
"rema was banned from walking around alone? I
hope his car at lock mall area won't cause a
scandal. why did you allow him alone what if he
had an attack?
how about him been set by competitors??
"I'm sorry"
"you're fired"
"I'm sorry sir,his gps is on. I will track his
location now
"you are still fired

meanwhile prince drema was still waiting,he

checked his watch and it was already 10:45pm,the
rain started drizzling. He got wet sexily as he
moved to and fro.
He knew his body can't withstand too much
cold,but he just hope she will show up.
I can't believe I waited for close to 6hours
the rain got heavy.
he walked down and leaned on his car,the rain got
heavy by force.
soon Stanley got there.It took a lot of efforts
before he could find rema
"your highness you shouldn't be here"
"did you trail me here?
"your GPS"
he puts on the umbrella.
"maybe it's really useful"
rema collected the umbrella and walk down with it
in the rain.
"are you waiting for someone??
"me noo,I mean who can possibly make me wait I
would miss this spot so I want to spend some time
here before leaving"
"as you wish your highness,we will be at the suite
when you are done,we can leave together...
"have warned you several times not to refer me
as your highness or whatever. You can leave,I will
handle my stuffs"drema remove the umbrella and
throw it at Stanley.
"don't catch a cold"rema said.
"you're the one who shouldn't catch a cold"
Stanley was moved by his generosity.
"I'm the boss,am taking care of you as a master
should and you're rejecting it!. he walked down
"rema they are---
"PRINCE DREMA!!! the other guard shouted out
so loud,all eyes followed him.
OMG prince rema
prince rema is here!!!
OMG!!! that's him!
my eyes doesn't deceive me have stared at h
several times but the face cap and nose cover
were confusing me from recognizing him...
OMG!!! so sweeettt
so many phones went up.
drema walked hastily to his car before the crowd
gets much, Stanley entered the other car and
drove away.
It began to rain more heavily,
while driving Stanley looked out for the back
"where first??
"hospital,your penthouse or the palace!!
"palace,Chris is still waiting" he replied and plug in
his head set.

immediately drema's car went out of sight,

chidinma and nonso arrived in the rain.
"wait here
nonso waited in the closed store nearby as a
shield while chidinma went to look out for the
spot. she found no glimpse of Obim.
She waited for closed to an hour and finally gave
up when it was late.
"did you meet him..
"he left already,I was late
"how are you sure he came
"he came"chidinma replied sadly.
"what if he didn't. In my opinion you shouldn't be
sad for such a play boy".
"he came!! I know he came
"I believe in him
"hunn. but he lied to you about his identity. Have
you ever thought that maybe he doesn't want to
see you?
Chidinma collected her face immediately.
"it seems you really can't wait to see him"
"yes,even if we can't be together in the future"
"I am very satisfied with him being obim but him
being prince drema is all like a dream,how dare me
"whaaaaaattt,he is prince drema!! your boyfriend
is prince drema but.....
"I know it already. but I just...I just want to see
him for a distance one more time.

Stanley stopped the car in front of a pharmacy

store,the other guard went in and both drema's
medicine for cold.he returned and they drove
straight to the palace.
Hana was among the maid that welcomed him at
the entrance,as soon as he was out if sight,the
maids rise.
"sorry I kept you waiting let's get started" rema
told Chris
"one of your contract file is missing I think" Chris
"forget about it,move to the next one"
"really?? it's really the most important one!
rema dropped the laptop and went over,it was
really true.his contract file with star is really
"am coming!!
he rushed upstairs to his room and started
"are you sure it's here. damn you're careless
rema scattered everywhere.
Chris helped him in the search as well,he fell
tiredly to the king sized bed.
rema adjusted his headband and check his
bedroom CCTV footage.
"that's it, Charles came to my bedroom. I think
he moulded a spare key,how dare he!!.
rema rushed out calmly.
Charles wasn't in his room,he finally found him in
the royal dinning were all the family sat, including
his father the king.
rema could feel hatred mixed with hurt as his
eyes locked with his father. He overlooked it,
actually he is used to it. he walked over to
Charles since he wasn't eating.
"we need to talk" he said.
Charles made a bubble out of the gym he was
"we need to talk??"rema said again.
"I wonder what the blind needs to say to me"
charles said.rema clenched his fists and still
maintained his calm handsome look.
OMG! third prince is so cute..
he looks so manly!!
if only he could have chance to royal dining!
I don't mind staring at him all day!!
the maids muttered.
Charles stood up angrily,it was him who was the
center of attraction. why would drema come and
spoil it.
"what do we need to talk about??...
the king dropped his cutlery.
"hand it over?"rema said.
"hand what over; Charles
"the file you took away from me; rema.
"I think your blindness is back again" said
"I'm in no mood for bantering words,just hand it
over"rema clicked his tongue,he doesn't seems to
care about whosoever stares at him or his
hoodies of stalkers. As a worldwide celebrity,he
is used to it.
"if you don't hand it over,I can sue you for
defamation"added rema.
"are you calling me a thief; Charles
"I still don't want to expose you as a thief,as
brothers what will the world think of us; rema.
Charles turned in defense..
"father,he just called me a thief!!!!...
the king stood up.
"what prove do you have?",
Rema tucked his hands in his pocket,the flash
drive will easily expose charles but he thought of
the maids and guards.he doesn't want to expose
charles in front of them.whi knows if a spy is
planted among them
"How dare you bastard call my real son a thief?
the king said hoarsely.rema felt the hatred real
"now apologize"...
"not to me,to Charles!!.
"you can have my contract file if you want,money
is not my problem. there are more if you want but
me apologizing to you over my property (smiles)
should I say over my dead body???
rema said lowly and walked out on everyone.
[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
(season 2) Chapter 46
A stunned silence was observed as everyone stood
speechless watching rema walk out.
this is just too much
the third prince looked fierce just now
have never seen this side of him
he walked out on king Jewel....
murmurs could be heard from the maids angle
"guards get rema down,he must not pass the
boarders"queen ivory pointed out with flares in
her eyes.
nkem kept quiet.
the guards returned almost immediately with
hands crossed.
"my queen,we couldn't.. catch up with him,his car
is locked"the guards retorted.
the king walked out of the royal dinning.
Charles rushed up to the upper floor where he
could get a perfect and wider view of the palace
building although it was far but he could see
rema's side view through his car half tinted
his left hand where he wore the simple bracelet
was on the steering,he already pull out his hair
band so his hair fell on his eyes.
Charles clenched his fist tightly,his hands itched
poisonously. He wants to see rema unhappy all
day,all nights,all of the time...but here he
was,looking all ethereal.
"why are you watching him from here? we are
brothers,you should go to console him for the way
father spoke to him,it was kind of harsh" said
"am also a victim okay"Charles blurted out.
"did you really steal his contract file??
"wait are you also calling me a thief!
"it's just a question
Charles collected his face,he took his lower lips
in."he must be really sad after how father
treated him harshly and even called him bastard
in front of those maids".he said in a less
concerned tone.
tochi shook his head."no rema is not like that, I
doubt it if he will feel sad,in fact this type of
things only boost is morale. I don't think he have
any fear".
"I will go and comfort him"tochi said and started
walking away with hands in his pocket
"are you not following me?
"why should I follow you??
"because we are brothers,and am sure you stole
his contract file..
"yeah,I stole it don't tell me you want a cut
"that's why you can't be king after father,you
have no compassion!
tochi shook his head and walked away.
After a while,Stanley rushed downstairs.
rema's car was still locked.
he noticed he wasn't with his royal bracelet,
Stanley breathed and knocked on the glass
after what seemed like eternity,
rema whyned down the glass door.
"Stanley I want to be alone,no one must know
about my whereabouts"he whispered in a singing
voice and drove away. Stanley watch the car. I
pity him,he has never known what it means to be
rema reversed his car back to where Stanley
"yes,your sorry rema
rema nodded and plugged in his ear pud.
"don't forget to feed my friends in the mines" he
said,ready to drive away
"I can't get access to the royal kitchen
anymore,Charles won't let any good food reach
the slaves".said Stanley
Rema took his lips in."he is really childish,anyways
I left some cash in my drawers,if the money
doesn't last you can deduct from my credit card"
with that,rema drove out...
"this is the last time I will ever set my feet here"
he mumbled and drove out slowly..
two security cars followed his cat strictly on sir
Lucien order.

Hours later,the securities queen chiamaka sent to

trail rema returned.
"my queen he is safe"
"he didn't pick my calls
"are you sure he is safe...
"yes,he is in one of his penthouse.
queen chiamaka nodded and picked her phone.
Rema please don't get angry,you know that's
how your father behaves right from time I beg
you don't travel out,I will resolve it.
she sent but no reply.
the message was marked seen but no reply. this
only got queen chiamaka worried.
Nora walked in.
"he didn't reply,mother".
"how about,I dress and go to see him. You have
the address right?.
"good idea"said queen chiamaka.
she selected the outfits for Nora. The gown was
she placed a diamond anklet on Nora's leg them
she placed a diamond laid waist bead accross her
waist coupled with the gold one she wore already.
Nora turned her back to the mirror.
satisfied with what she saw,she smiled.
Hana!! Bridget!!!
two of them rushed out
"yes my queen
"wear your uniform and go with her..
Nora smiled as an idea popped into her head, she
wanted chidinma to be among the maids that will
follow her so she will have more chance to punish
"(smiling) mother I want to change this maid with
chidinma"Nora said.
"ohh that one,I sent her message to get my jewel
from madam Claudia,she is not around"
"is anything wrong!!
"no my queen,I mean madam Claudia always send
your jewel to drema's penthouse that means the
maid girl is in drema's mansion....
"yes,I sent her with Evan
"okay ma'am.
"Hana go to the 8th building and pick 4more
"okay my queen.
queen chiamaka walked out. Hana and Bridget ran
out and they wore yellow check gown with flat
shoes and their hats,they followed Nora out of
the compound.
On seeing Nora,four of the 6 door body guards
followed her.
"isn't it much? the maid closest to Nora asked
"that's drema's mother for you
Nora sat back in the car with her driver and the
second car was where her guards sat.

soon they arrived.

Nora was waoowed,although she wasn't too
surprised but this was more than what she
the sight in her presence was dazzling,the view
was like a wonderland.
The maids couldn't hide their surprise as well. No
wonder people exaggerate about his wealth.
the maids stayed in the compound. Hana suddenly
wished she was on chidinma's shoes she knows
rema really loves chidinma..
it is chidinma he loves,Nora is just a liability.
"is rema in?? Nora asked the door guards.
"yes"they affirmed.
Nora walked like the royalty she is,the door
slammed opened automatically. She walked into
the slivery built living room.
everywhere in the living room was shining..
the was a large flat bluish water screen..
it was so pretty for an aquarium.
little goldfish and other little fishes swam freely
in the water screen.
everywhere was amazing.
she jolts out of her amazement the moments she
heard footsteps of him coming from the stairs.
He was dressed simply in a yellow t shirt,all over a
dark jeans,his belt had on little diamond stones.
He didn't notice Nora until Nora called his name.
"baby I came to see you" she said and stared at
him with lots of affections.
"I'm listening"he gestured,he didn't look in her
direction,he twitched the ring on his index finger.
"hmmm about the king...he doesn't mean all what
he said to you,can you come back and continue
living in the palace"..
"at some points you should stay out of my affairs.
The palace is one thing that join you and together
right? now that am not there I hope you can stop
trailing me like you own me and besides you broke
up with me long time ago right! if that's all you
can leave"
"rema stop moving away from me,I said those
things cos I was innocent"Nora said.
"I that all???
"(happily) yes,thank you for giving me another
"guards,take the stranger out of my mansion.
"whaaattt we are engaged!!!
"by who? where's the engagement letter? asked
"on no condition must you come here without
evidence that we are engaged"he added. Nora
felt her whole system was on flame,the image of
chidinma in her memory only makes the flames
"rema,is it because of that poor tramp you are
treating me this way,because without her you
have no choice than to take me back".
Rema walked out on her,he went his way.
"baby we need to talk..."
Nora tried following him,the guards blocked her
"my lady you can't go any further"
she jerked her body from the guards,they are
really treating her like a stranger.
"this way please" the guards held her again.
"it's because of her right?? that useless
the maids held Nora cry.
"I swear I will kill her,I will make life difficult
for her,mark my words"Nora added.
"Just pray chidinma doesn't make your own life
difficult first"drema replied. he was finally out of
"this way please!! the guards said.
the guards sending her out made her really mad.
[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
(Season2) chapter 47
Nora jerked her hands off,she looked so
desperate just now.
the guards handling her like a stranger is
something she can't fathom.
"you don't have to hold me,I can see the door"
she said and took one more last look at the
house,and it only make her anger increased.
"you this useless girl come out now!!
"stupid chidinma come out side now!!!!
the guards held nora again and walked her to the
door. she scoffed and stormed out angrily, the tip
of her heels stumbled on a little stone which
resulted into a fall.
her hand maid rushed to her.
"madam are you okay?
"i won't back down without a fight,it's okay that
I won't have drema but that useless girl won't
have him too,am going to kill her I swear am going
to kill her"
the maids gasped.
only Hana understands what Nora meant.
"what are you staring at,let's go??
the maids helped her to enter into the car and it
drove away. Her eyes burned,her fingers itched
to hit someone. remembering all what she have
lost even made the flames in her eyes increased..
She never lacked anything when she was still with
drema,she is also from a rich family but being
drema's girlfriend has a lots of advantage..
his jewelry company delivers her all sorts of
jewelries for free.....
and his cosmetics companies delivers her all sorts
of skin care routines,even samples all these
things makes her gets more rich friends like
hers.She never lacked any make up kits cos as a
model and male musicians, drema's company uses
fame to sell products..
and he deals with proffessionals.
Now that she doesn't have rema anymore, she
have to use her money to buy all those things so
her friends will believe she is still with drema and
she is running out of costs badly even her friends
are starting to doubt her.
when are you going to resume training,Nora!
It's been six months already"Loretta,one of her
friend messaged her.
another message beeped in.
"hello Nora
"Nora I told you I wanted you to model those
imported bikinis for me and I just released a new
sport outfit too; it's already the talk of the
industry and it's a face off contest!
Nora mutted the message from Romeo.
"why should I model for you,Romeo haven't you
done enough. You're the reason I cheated on
she dropped her phone.
"madam are you okay
"do I look like am not okay
"ummmm just that....
"your face,it looks like you wanted to kill
Nora scoffs
"off course,I need to hit someone really hard.
"umm did third prince accept the engagement
pronounced by ...
"mind your business
"yes ma'am.

few minutes after Nora's car left

a flashy Lamborghini drove into rema's
mansion,the guards knew who it was so they
opened the gates without delay.
"welcome sir Chris!.
"welcome sir Harry!
Chris beemed at the guards and walked in, while
Chris went to look for rema in the
penthouse,Harry entered the kitchen straight for
snacks and juice.
finally Chris found rema playing guitar while
staring at the clear water. His tone was so calm
and sweet.
"rema are you sure of your decision??
"do I have any option!!
rema dropped the guitar and walked away.
Chris followed him,rema sat on the upstairs rod.
Chris dare not sit there,he is scared of heights.
"do you want to commit suicide?
"that place is high and dangerous! what if you
fall,rema get down now!
rema took his water can and drank out of it, his
little earrings glittered.
"he is still your father no matter what" said
"am not his son anymore
"rema tell me you're joking.
"(smiling) do I look like am joking
"seriously,rema why did you change your name you
removed jewel from your name are you
drunk"Henry said, he sat beside rema. he isn't
scared of heights unlike Chris.
"have never seen a father that hides his son
against from the world. All my life have never
asked for something huge.
Charles wanted the throne,he wants to be the
king... tochi also wanted the same thing
but me,I never wanted all that.
I only wanted the love of a father,why can't I
have it.....sometimes I feel like I don't have a
father at all so it's better I stop bearing his
name" rema adjusted his hair band and smiled out
Henry nodded and ate from his crackers.
"are you really going to be Sir Lucien foster son?
"in fact have signed the documents..
However,I have taken a different path and I will
never call king jewel father,we have no
relationship anymore.
have removed my royal jewelries and royal
properties,have throw them into the rivers to
break off our father and son relationship. Since I
throw them away,our connection ends. If we
become competitors later,I will show no mercy"
rema said.
Chris frowned. Although sir Lucien is a good
man,apart from being an ex president he is always
been there for rema and he likes rema a lot....he
still doesn't like the idea of rema throwing away
his royal things away.
Henry smiled. "you've endured him enough"
"that's not the topic for today,practice is in the
next 6hours"
he walked away

Next morning.....
Chidinma and her brother were seen in the
market,at their mothers store.
Chidinma was cleaning while nonso was bringing
out the eggs carefully.
"can't you carry eight crates together??
"aahh it's heavy!!.
"it's heavy??? and you eats so much...where are
all the foods you're eating going to? lazy kid !.
"am not a kid,am even taller than you.
"go and use tallness to collect money in bank
they finished shading the eggs.
customers started coming. Chidinma won't stop
looking at time,she needs to leave in the evening
for queen chiamaka's gold.
in fact she should be in dremas mansion cos
that's where the address stated but,she doesn't
just want to see obim's face...
a part of her doesn't want to see him.
the other part can't wait to see him.
when it was 4pm,she left the shop to nonso and
besides Benita,their mothers worker arrived so
she left.

soon she arrived. it took long before the guards

allowed her in. she went straight to Ethan in the
workers section.
"the woman has a bad timing,she hasn't deliver
the queens jewelry" Ethan told her.
"okay,I think I should go
"why are you leaving again,you should stay here
what if she suddenly delivers it and you're not
here. since tomorrow is the last day,her delivery
should be tonight or very early tomorrow"....
"okay"Chidinma sighed.
ethan called one of the inside maid and pleaded to
take chidinma in for the night.
"ummm does the boss knows about this
"security has been really tight this days,let me
inform third prince first"
the maids left.
she came back again.
"what's your name in case he asked?
Chidinma collected her face.
"Chidinma" Ethan replied quickly,the maid left
why do I look so nervous??
it's okay forget about it...I will just tell him we
should break up once he sees me.
the maid came back minutes later.
"ohh follow me.Luckily he didn't ask for your
Chidinma felt they walked.
she already promised herself not to get carried
away but it seems everything in the house was
meant to tempt her.
"your room for the night" the maid told her.
"hmm is there anything I can help you with"
"ohh yes,the kitchen!!
chidinma followed her. She really wanted to see
drema but as a woman,she has her pride and even
if she won't break up with him,she still wants to
give him attitude.
she helped the maids to do almost every work,
she even mopped against tomorrow.
"I predict that we will be friends in the next
5secs the moment I saw you"
"ohh really!!
they ate from the same plate.
"you're really beautiful ooo,what work do you
"am also a maid!!
"okay goodnight.
"emm is there still anything you want me to do??
Chidinma asked,she is just trying to make drema
not to see her.
"there's nothing left,good night!!
"are you sure? you better think very well!!
"ohh yes,third prince takes cold milk in the middle
of the night,here is his water,help me take it to
his room"
"thank you goodnight" Emily said and ran away.
exactly what am trying to avoid,what have I
gotten myself into.
she carried the tray and followed the foot map to
his door room...
everywhere in the hall way was glassy. there were
like six guards at the entrance.
"I will just drop this! Chidinma stretched the tray
to the guards but instead they opened the door
for her to go in.
what type of luck is this!!!
she moved in. the fresh air greeted her. she saw
drema sleeping peacefully on the king sized she carefully drop the tray without making
a single sound.
she dropped it and watched rema for a while, she
tiptoed and even adjusted the duvet to cover him
his temperature was hot yet he looked so Hale
and hearty.
she felt his temperature again.
what's my business?? didnt I say I will break up
with you??
she went to his washroom and came back with a
bowl,she collected icecubes from the fridge and
folded her handkerchief smoothly to dab his
forehead. After some minutes,his temperature
came to normal.
"water!! she heard.
"hunn....water,do you want water"
Chidinma formed the maids voice and made an
attempt to reach for the glass. drema drew her
back in a manner that she fell back to the bed
heavily. and he was almost lying on...
she closer her eyes tightly and used her hand to
hold his chest from coming closer.
she opened her eyes immediately,drema saw it
was her,he knew it was her already,from her
touch,her scent,everything.
they stare at each other from seconds..
"rema I want to break up" she imagined her self
"rema...." she said.
rema bashed his lashes and leaned well into
words,he stared at her with so much emitions
"rema let's....." she didn't complete it.
"why didn't you tell me?why did you lie to me!!
she asked instead.
"I'm sorry! Dre replied and kissed her
immediately.chidinma removed her hand
immediately their lips touched...
"I want to show him attitude,why can't i push him
"I can't even say let's break up to scare him.
drema deepened the kiss,Chidinma opened up
immediately and let his saliva come in,she let him
touch her freely and kissed her the way he
wants,he deepened the kiss and they both didn't
plan on disengaging from the kiss.
As drema kissed her lips deliciously,she felt his
hand come to her hips.
she smiled against the kiss and held him tight.
"I miss you,don't do that.....
"ouuccch remaaaa!!!
she made sweet sounds into the kiss as he
brushed his fingers on her butt.
He unlocked from her lips and kissed her neck
then up to her ears.
Chidinma felt beautiful as drema held her
manly,she looked away innocently and stood up.
"time to show him attitude" she said to herself.
drema also stood up,on his feet were the foam
bedroom slippers.
"Chidinma,I said am sorry...
"I actually wanted to tell you that day..
Chidinma made a fake scoff and took her hand
away before drema will charm her with his looks
and touch again.
"am very angry at you and I do not want to see
you again" Chidinma said,smiling inwardly.
she ran away.
drema chased after her.
she was fast enough to rush into the other room
where she locked the door.
drema breathed out and knocked.
"honey...I am sorry....that low profile stuff,I did
it for a reason am sorry if I put you in a state of
"(smiling on her bed) I don't want to see you
again,I want to break up!
"fine,let's break up" said drema.
"fine,as from today I am not longer your boyfr...
Chidinma rushed to the door immediately.
"are you out of your mind,when did I say I want
to break up??
drema chuckled and pecked her lips softly.
"I love you...

[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
(season2) Chapter 48
Nora arrived at the palace,the maids were careful
not to make any mistake that will upset her.
"Nora are you alright
"how can I be alright when that useless girl has
finally charmed rema?
"we will talk later"
Nora ended the call. It would have been better if
chidinma is someone she can deal with, she is
really tough and has attitude.
it can be any other girl but why her???
why chidinma??
I guess I will have to use someone greater and
higher than me to punish her.
She was angry all through the nights,rema was
right she doesn't have any engagement prove. she
sighed and walked out of her suite to see queeen
chiamaka. she overhead voices as she passed the
throne room.
sounds like the priests voice.
they might be solving some kingdom issues. she
sighed but suddenly stopped as she heard king
Jewel's voice.
"why are they not compatible??
"my two sons are actually qualified!!
"I didn't say they are not competent,your
"but whaaaaattt....
"I adjourned this competition".
Nora walked away before she will be caught for
eavesdropping. What if rema is the competent
one?? she suddenly hated Chidinma
"so soon,you're back"
queen chiamaka said. Nora bowed and entered her
"yes mother,rema has a lot to do so I couldn't
stay for long"she lied.
"okay,he was just angry. I was scared he will
travel out"said the queen.
Nora gave a small smile
"mother I thought you sent that Chidinma girl to
get your gold,isn't she back??
"aah madam Claudia has a bad timing,she will
deliver it tomorrow; the queen said
"but I saw the girl you sent message"
"you mean you saw chidinma
”yes,I saw her sneaking out with the driver you
sent with her their romance in the garden was so
much that they almost tore each other's cloths
off,I forget to tell you"Nora lied.
the queen was surprised.She really like
chidinma,her beauty and everything and besides
she likes the way she is tall and clean she has
never treated her like a maid.
Nora saw how surprised queen chiamaka looked.
"are you surprised,mother?
"Am really disappointed in her. I like that girl so
much and sometimes I wish I was her mother, I
never knew she is a slut. she is free to continue
her romance with the driver,he is her level” queen
chiamaka said.
Nora smiled.
” those girls that have innocent looks are really
the badest.
queen chiamaka took her phone.
”hello emily
”yes my queen
”make sure Chidinma sleeps in the maids
room,don't let her see my son.
”okay ma.
”monitor her activities and report to me
”yes my queen

Chidinma walked out of rema's shower while

already wearing the pretty towel jacket...she tied
her hair well then closed the curtains.
rema walked in while doing some things on his
"are you done bathing"
she nodded.
"did you wash your hair??
she nodded and follower him.
rema picked a kit and opened the door to the
shower,Chidinma entered. It was a water floor so
rema carried her and made her sit in the glassy
he removed the bet she wore and used his fingers
to brush her hair backwards,she smiled and held
his other hand.
"I thought you will be mad if you find out my
identity"he said and applied some liquid stuff in
her hair.
chidinma nodded.
"I even wanted to break up for real"Chidinma
smiled,she lifted her eye up to look at his face
but couldn't.
"break up"rema said in a childish tone.
”yes” Chidinma chuckled.
”youre too high to be my boyfriend...I actually
don't want a rich boyfriend,I want an ordinary
man,someone I can is not really
everything” she said.
”heeeiiiiiishhh” rema said and rubbed the soap on
dinma cheek
”so what am I to you now
”my bear
rema started laughing
”can you pity me at least"he said and lean into her
then kiss her deeply.chidinma enjoyed the way he
stared at her,she likes how he desire everything
about her.
drema unlocked and cheese dinma wiped where he
"you wiped my kiss
"yes, punishment for ignoring me. You knew I.
Chidinma as prince drema yet you don't talk to
”i ignored you?what am I doing now...hin” he said
and scratch her hair.
”its true,you really snubbed me when you're
prince drema,it's only when you're obim you care
for me”
"am sorry love” rema said and took the hand
shower.He applied water on her hair. Chidinma
smiled.That felt so sweet. I can't believe obim is
washing my hair,let me look at how he is doing it.
Chidinma smiled and turned her face to look at
him she didn't know rema wanted to spray
"honey wait--" he tried covering her eyes but it
was too late. It already entered her eyes.
"my eyes"she hits his chest
"you're are stubborn....why were you trying to
look at me"he asked as he used his hand to wipe
her eyes.
"what did you spray,this thing is hurting my
eyes"Chidinma said and held drema's top,she used
it to wipe her face.
"my eyes!!!!.
rema picked the hand shower.
Chidinma was so scared.she held rema so tight
and carefully brushed both hands into his waist.
rema moved her face up and poured water then
used his hand to wash it off.
"is it okay?
"a little"
rema applied more water.
"what about now
"no" Chidinma nodded and held him more tight,
she was really enjoying the water.
rema chuckled and brush his fingers into her wet
hair then he scrubbed her hair behind
she felt sweet....he was just so sweet and caring
for a rich guy.
"sorry sweetheart just wait a Little while it will
stop"he said.
Chidinma nodded and turned her face,she hugged
him to herself as he scrubbed her hair
"see the person who wanted to break up for
real,do you know how much I bought this too" he
mouthed to himself and carefully moved her hair
behind her ear,he raised her face up then blew
air into her eyes.
rema wiped her face down and brushed his wet
fingers through her lips.
Chidinma held him tight and bite his tommy from
the top romantically.
she felt him dig his fingers into her her ear, she
opened her eyes slowly to meet the beauty of the
shower room, everywhere was worth it.
"I will apply more water"rema said and tried
walking to take the warm water hand shower,
Chidinma held him tight.
"don't leave me alone
Am I insane
"I won't,I just want to take this" he
said.chidibma watch him handle the shower
equipment fast.
rema smiled when he noticed how Chidinma was
holding him,he likes how she was so free with him.
”definitely she doesn't see me as a wealthy
celebrity,she sees me as the ordinary obim and
that's what I want”
”i will pour you water so you wash your face
again"he said. Chidinma nodded. Her hair was
quiet lengthy and curly,the lenght amazes drema
perhaps she hasn't cut it since birth.
rema lifted the shower and poured water to her
she was so wet.
drema took his lips on sexily and his red eye lens
dropped. he doesn't have eye issues anymore he
just got use to wearing that. eversince chidinma
cured his blindness,he hasn't showed anyone his
real eye colour.
maybe because only Chidinma deserve to see it.
rema stared at chidinma in another way,he has
never looked at a girl in such manner...she was so
tempting and no girl has ever made him loose
control of his desires.
the water drip down chidinma's hair to her face
into her chest,the towel jacket was so soaked
already,thus becoming so loose.
she was really attractive and rema is not a saint
he might commit a sin with her,cos no girl has
ever moved him to this extent..
rema smiled,he force himself to stop looking at
her attractive body but his eyes won't give up.
he looked away.
gosh!! he closed his eyes.
"you're washing my hair and you're closing yiur
eyes how will you see what you're washing, are
you suddenly becoming lazy of your duties or
what??” chidinma stated.
”who said am getting lazy” rema said and poured
the water fully.
Chidinma removed her hand then she let the
water drip on its own.
rema can't hold it anymore,she tempts him in
every seconds. He moved closer to her and held
her up by her waist.
"done" he said abd tried kissing her
"not yet"Chidinma placed a finger on his lips.
she used her other hand to tie her loose towel
rema nodded and kissed the back of her palm he
followed her around like a fool around the shower
room,she jumped and tried taking another towel
to dry her wet hair,rema hugged her and kissed
her neck upwards.
she wiped where he kissed.
"you wiped my kiss again.
"yes--- Chidinma looked at him.
"okay"rema cooled and Pat her hair dry with
another towel.
Chidinma carefully remove the jacket,since it was
wet. she was now left in her inner towel. It was so
short down to her hip.
drema looked away immediately. Chidinma laughed
at his face in the mirror. she feels so crazy and
sweet she just feel different each time obim
touches her or stare at her like that.
she is really getting stupid....she never expected
she could feel this way for a guy. she
remembered how she use to beat up boys.
I guess this is how love should be.
"here" rema handed her another white jacket, it
was so long and not exposed...
"you have girls stuffs in your house,that means
you use to bring girls here? Chidinma said.
rema chuckled. "are you jealous?
”what??? am not wearing,you said you love me yet
you have other girls stuffs....."
"I ordered them an hour ago"rema chuckled. she
looked so cute when jealous.
"I don't want it"Chidinma collected her face and
faced the mirror.
"should I order some other types??
"I don't want...
"what do you want
"your shirt" she said.
rema smiled,he came back with one of his favorite
sweatshirt brand.
"thank you" Chidinma collected it and wanted to
remove her towel,drema cleared his throat and
looked away,he turned when she was done.
"you can't change in front of anyone apart from
me"rema said.
"hunn jealous" Chidinma said.
soon they were done. rema carried her up into his
arms. he took her to the bedroom,she wrapped
her legs around him and kissed his neck,she
played with his adam apple.
everywhere in his skin was glittering...I should
have known he is not poor...
how can a poor person have a spotless skin.
"obim you can't carry any other girls like this
apart from me"chidinma said.. rema dropped her
on the bed and pecked her lips..
she suddenly remembered her mother's words.
"from this place down is beyond play for any
person,don't let any stupid boy touch here, until
you're married that's when I will remove my
waist bead"...
Chidinma was just 10 then.
"okay Mama,I promise,you will always see your
chain on me"
chidinma was brought back to present by dremas
kiss.he withdrew and covered her well.then he
dimmed the lights.
chidinma nodded,she was surprised drema won't
share the bed with her.
"if you need anything,press that button I will
come"drema said and locked the door.
Chidinma rolled to the other end of the bed.
minutes later she pressed the button.
drema heard it in his room and rushed to her
room immediately, Chidinma quickly pretended to
be sleeping.
drema sighed and returned.
chidinma laugh to herself and pressed it again.
drema rushed to her room again.
she faked sleep. he returned.
Chidinma laugh to herself and pressed it again,
drema rushed to her room again.
"am I hearing things now!
he left but unknown to change dinma he was
hiding at the door.
just as she was about pressing it again, drema
opened the door,their eyes locked.
"you need flogging”drema said...
"I....I..."chidinma starmmered.
"it's mistake, sorry I really love you am scared
you will leave me alone"Chidinma rushed and
hugged him.
drema watched her,eyes with love, not knowing
what to say.

[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
(Season 2) Chapter 49
Royal Palace
Lila was escorting her friends who came to visit
her out of the palace when a black car drove in. A
girl walked out,she was elegant beyond
descriptions she had a very short natural hair and
a very fair skin which can be mistaken for white
from afar. She was slim and tall,she's nicely
statured and she smells royality.Her face was
round,with a pretty pointed nose.She wore like
three earrings on each ears she walked with pride
and grace, her outfit was short,yet the classics.
"princess Stephanie!!!
"Stephanie!!!! Steph!!!
both old and new maids from the 5th mansion
waved at her,she smiled and waved back at them.
she even bowed to the head maid.
Lila saw her and left her friends. she ran towards
Stephanie and hugged her.
Stephanie pecked Lila.
"i miss you,you don't look childish anymore
"am a big girl, Stephanie you're so beautiful
"thanks Lila.
meanwhile the royal family already sat to eat
breakfast in the royal dining. Stephanie handed a
maid her bag and ran towards the dinning.
"I came in foods time
"mother, father" she pecked them.
"you've grown big,Steph"king Jewel said.
"you've grown up way,he meant" tochi said as he
pull out a seat in the royal dinning,he sat beside
his sister, Stephanie.
Stephanie smiled at queen chiamaka,she pecked
her cheeks softly.
"how are you dear,it's been long how is your
studies?"queen chiamaka asked.
"tedious,but am doing well"steph replied.
"am glad you came for royal feast ahead if time....
"thank you mother
"ohh I missed you,after you left,no one come to
my room to read fashion magazine.
Stephanie laughed.
Hana bowed and took Stephanie's little bag inside
her suite.the maids already arranged it for her
ahead of her arrival.
A neat maid in check uniform stepped forward
and served everyone the food they asked for.
"do I eat raw tomatoes? or are you having
problem with sight??? Charles blurted out to the
"am sorry sir??? the maids bowed and removed
the tomatoes...
"where is your glove? you're serving me food
without wearing gloves,do you want to.....
"it's okay Charles. our maids are also humans,
they can't be perfect for us....
bring it,I will do it" Stephanie said and took the
maids position,she served the whole table and
went back to her seat.
"you're fired"Charles told the maid.
"i thought I just apologized for her" steph said,
she was surprised about how king Jewel gave
Charles so much authority.
everyone ate in silence.
"wait someone is missing,where is that curly hair
cutie"steph whispered in Lila's ear.
"his hair is longer now",Lila said.
"he must be so cute now" steph replied
"cute and snubbish"tochi added.
"but where is he?? Steph asked.
Lila gave Steph the look she understands.
that poor kid,I wonder why father hates him so first assignment in this house is to find
out why. Stephanie said to herself.

A knock on the door woke Chidinma up with a

start. she scanned through the expensively
furnished bedroom she found herself. Rema's
bedroom. she said to herself and wore the high
foam slippers she saw and rushed to the door
"am coming"
she said and pressed the open button on the thick
glass door.
"good morning my prin-----
Emily paused as soon as she saw Chidinma.
“you.....what are you doing here..
she points out.
”i....I...slept here,is there any problem? asked
Emily looked at her carefully,from her hair to her
toe. why is she wearing prince drema's shirt? is
she a slit or what? no wonder queen chiamaka told
me to monitor her movements in this house and
make sure she doesn't get to prince drema! what
a shameful girl.
"you're the maid sent here for pick up right?
Emily asked instead.
"yes I am
"umm can you not tell anyone about this" Chidinma
said,Emily looked at her with bad eyes.So she
knows she's really a slut.
"okay"Emily replied dryly and entered prince
drema's suite,she almost pushed Chidinma away.
Chidinma overlooked it but on a normal day, she
would have put her in her place.
"I respected you chidinma until I found out
you're a cheap wore this morning".
”Emily can you not tell anyone about what you
saw,look it's not what you are thinking”.
“except you know what am thinking”
Emily replied. chidinma sighed and watched Emily
clean and arranged rema's suite. she got the locks
to his wardrobe and arranged the money in lines.
Emily was expecting chidinma to get moved by the
money and all that,but she doesn't even matter
notice all that.
“when are you going to get the gold you came here
for cos I see you are actually doing another thing
here like chasing after men,it will end in tears for
rema won't ever date a poor smelling maid,so I
just guess is use and dump” Emily added
Chidinma still stared at her unmoved,she was so
disappointed Emily could say such words to
her.she didn't reply her cos her relationship with
Obim is secret.
"I am not seducing men,hopefully madam Claudia
will call me to come and collect the queens gold
today and I will be leaving immediately I see her
call. Again I beg you not to tell anybody what you
see this morning" Chidinma said and left.
emily scoffed and arranged rema's jewelry box,
she puts everything in place,beside the bed side
red pretty share was a letter. Emily took the
letter and opened it.
meanwhile it was the letter rema wrote down for
dinma before he left for his important morning
Emily read the letter and couldn't believe the
relationship between them,she read the letter
again in disbelief.
"Jesus what have I done????
she shouted and walked out.
Emily shouted.
dinma answered from the kitchen,she had already
bath and had her cloth changed. She wore a long
skirt that had front slit with the matching top.
she looked really beautiful.
"what happen? why are you shouting my name or
did you got bitten by the dog" said chidinma
without turning from the plate she was washing.
Emily moved closer and saw the hickey on her
neck. she is really prince drema's girlfriend and i
spoke rudely to her.
"why are you shouting my name,when you have
nothing to say? next time then shout me in
vain"chidinma said on little anger,the little
friendship she had for emily already dried up
minutes ago..
"ummm...let me wash the plates".
Emily said.
“no need” chidinma replied.
“ummm you shouldn't be washing plates am the
maids here”
“am also a maid too,so no need cut the crap”
“umm I mean am the maid here,if prince drema
comes here and see you washing plates...
“(scoffs) why will he be angry at someone who
knows nothing than to seduce men”.
Emily swallowed into nothing. I'm in deep trouble"
she said to herself.she thought of another way to
apologise,just then a guard came with a phone
that was ringing out loud. dinma slowly remove her
hand from the dish washer and collected the
"good morning ma'am
"the gold is ready but I can't send my attendant
down,she is busy.come to the airport now .
"okay ma'am,I will come
Chidinma dropped the call and returned the
phone,the guard bowed to her but Chidinma
quickly collected her face.
"the food is in the fire I will go with the guard to
collect the gold"she said,without looking at Emily.
"noo don't go,rema said you shouldn't go
anywhere in the letter,he said he will go get it"
Emily said.
"ok" Chidinma cleaned her hands and walked out
to the slivery built living room where she quietly
somehoe Emily words got her and came back to
"he will use you and dump you. last last he will go
for the next sexy but rich lady".
what if Emily was right? even if she believe obim
will not do such to her.
I mean the way obim treats her says it all,the way
he looked at her and desired her body.. she has
never seen him look at any other girl in that
manner except her.
what if Emily is right???
it's okay,stop thinking about it.
Emily walked down and sat on the same couch with
chidinma whose eyes is on the plasma tv.
"hey,your food is on the dinning.
"thank you,am not eating...
Emily cringed,she placed her hand on chidinma's
hand on the couch.
"about what happened earlier am.....
her ringing phone interrupts her. she picked the
phone and excused herself,it was queen chiamaka.
"I remembered I told you to monitor that
Chidinma movement? she sneaked out with the
driver right??? said queen chiamaka.
"whoever said that?? Chidinma was with me all
through yesterday,she never went out" said
the queen was surprised.
"who's lying between you and Nora? whatever I
don't care. Don't let the snake get close to my
son"queen chiamaka said and hung up.
Emily dropped the call and returned to the living
“why didn't you tell me you're the real
"am sorry for what happened earlier”
“youre sorry???
“for what crime exactly,you people should leave
me alone oo” said Chidinma.
I don't know whatever lie Nora told the queen all
I know is that you're innocent,and rema loves you
so much” Emily said inwardly. she just pray rema
shouldn't watch the CCTV camera to see what
she said to her..
[kill me heal my heart]
© adesola adeomowole.m.
Settings;Nigerian Epic drama
(Season2) chapter 50
Nora walked about in her room,the royal feast is
in two days time,she looked worried as ever.
” Your chances of getting shamed is really high
and rema wanted to hit me because of that maid.
fine the only way you can help yourself is with her
gone” Nora's assistant said.
Nora placed a call.
” hello
” how may I help you
” I was the one Loretta told you about you will
receive your pay directly from me just make sure
to kill that girl
” the girl in the picture”
” yes,her name is chidinma,she is a maid in the
Jewel's house as well
” count it done but that's if she leaves the
house,you know how rema's house looks like
securities are so tight
” okay but if she is with drema jewel stay clear
don't make mistake and hurt him in place of
chidinma,I won't take it lightly
” ok no harm will come to the pretty boy all we
have to do is deal with chidinma
” yes,that's it..
she dropped the call,her assistant patted her
” are you sure that will work??
” hopefully,Nora stop that face. How can a
common maid make you feel like this?
”lets wait for the good news
**************hours later
madam Claudia could not reach queen chiamaka so
she sent her a text message.
my dear friend,I delivered the gold to your son
drema instead of the maid,I wonder why he came
to take it because the maid picked the call,she
was supposed to come instead but she
didn't...unless of course you know what am
thinking" she sent.
meanwhile queen chiamaka was busy washing
fashion show with Lila and Stephanie when the
message tune beeped.
"Lila that's my message tune,get me my phone in
the bedroom"
"of course mum"
before she sluggishly stood up,Steph already
picked up the phone in the bedroom,she wanted
to walk towards queen Chiamaka. just then the
phone blinked on,she saw the text message.
what's your own if rema comes to collect the
gold” Steph said to herself and shook her head.
I know my friend,I sent them together, thank
you for your concern”
she sent the message and deleted everything
then she walked out and gave queen chiamaka the
” here mum ”
” thanks”
queen chiamaka looked at her phone she saw no
text so she continue watching the tv.
chidinma was seated on the couch taking in the
lush appearance of the living room,her eyes
darted from the large flat screen for once the
movie were on full display.
the inner part of the house smelled more
riches,it's more beautiful than the outer part..
the shining features were beautifully arranged
and the settings were just too great.
” you haven't drank or eaten anything,is it
because of what I said earlier?? I already said
am sorry I wasn't in my right senses” Emily
apologize for the uptenth time.
Chidinma nodded.
” have really forgiven you,am serious I just don't
feel like eating or drinking”
” okay let me drink the juice,see” she drank out
of the juice.
” thank you for forgiving me,I will go back now”
” I will follow you”
the already bored dinma followed her. they
started talking like before again.
she followed her to the kitchen. The kitchen
seems to be the most luxurious ever,when she
thought she has seen it all in royal Palace.
” is that a new maid???
Chidinma heard of the maids as she stood beside
Emily. she doesn't really like cooking so she
watched every of Emily's moves and helped her
with the little errands such as bringing
ingredients from the deep freezer, cutting the
onions,cutting the carrot, chopping the pumpkins
and all that.
Emily tasted the grilled oyster sauce,her
expression changed.
” is there a problem
” yes,I decanted so much salt in it
Chidinma collected the spoon and tasted it,she
spilled it out immediately.
she took a plate and collected the meats in the
sauce inside another pot and handed Emily the
sauce pot.
” pour it away,I will make another one
Emily took the pot and went away,dinma started
afresh. Emily was amazed,she was really learning.
she took another onions and copied chidinma's
style of cutting the onions.
minutes later Chidinma stirred the steaming
sauce,the aroma was starting to come out she
covered the pot.
” looks like it will be delicious..
” all thanks to my mum.
” all of you can go and rest,I will do all the works”
Chidinma said.
”are you sure??
”seems the new maid is responsible???
dinma nodded.
just then rema's red car pulled in..
the guards rushed to his direction to open the
door from him,he whyned down the glass and stop
them from coming.
he spends some minutes receiving calls in the car
before he finally walked out.
he catwalked down to the door,it opened
automatically,he held the gold box in his other
hand and replied a text quickly.
he noticed the awkward silence in the living room
and hopped upstairs faster to the room he left
Chidinma,no one was there..
he checked his room...
he checked all the rooms....
he dropped the gold case and finally saw her in
the kitchen washing plates,she even tied and
” doesn't she know there are limits to maids and
rema watched her singing as she wash the
plates,she even danced.
she stopped and jumped up to take a napkin she
jumped again,this time she got it and opened the
pot. rema walked closer and leaned into her,he
then covered the pot back.
” are you okay, chidinma
” yes,am fine.When did you get back???
” not quiet long" he pecked her cheeks..
she wanted to continue washing the plates,rema
held her hand and rinse it in the sink.
” you can do that in my absence but not in my
presence” he held her up from her waist and
dropped her on the counter. They looked into
each other's eyes. rema chuckled and darted his
eyes to other parts of her body,he instantly knew
she hasn't eaten.
chidinma placed both hands on his shoulders and
moved him in between her legs were she already
Rema deeped kiss her,the feeling was strong it
wasn't really an ordinary kiss.
” the food is burning”
Chidinma broke the kiss and stood up
immediately.rema followed her. she turned off
the gas and scooped some food in a glassy plate.
” come on,I will feed you
they went to the counter again,Chidinma sat,
rema came in between her legs.
she smiled and fed him like a baby,she suddenly
got full seeing rema eat from her hand like that
she dropped the plate in the sink both of them
walked out. Rema got a call and excused himself
to the other end of the room he came back and
removed his palm which was designed with pure
gold chain... he wore the bed foam slippers and
sat beside Chidinma on the bed.
Another call again.
He excused himself and walked out to receive the
particular call. he dropped the call and came back
to chidinma who was lying on the bed.
He moved her hair and tried kissing her lips,
Chidinma moved away gently and covered her face
with the pillow.
"talk about it?" rema said.
Chidinma removed her pillow.
” are you really engaged to Nora,someone said you
will dump me and go for the next sexy girl”
” whoever said that” rema cooled.
Chidinma quickly collected her face and turned to
the other side.
” am not engaged with anybody,I don't have any
business with the royal families,Nora is my ex---
don't mind what people say,okay??
” what about me,who am I???
”how should I prove that I love you chidinma, am
not playing with you I really love you...
Chidinma turned away totally with her hands
” (scoffs) but why,am not up to your standards so
why do you love me,why will you love me? I was
really okay when you were obim...but now,
” I love you and that's all that matter,I can never
take you for granted and am not after your body
if I want to take advantage of you I would have
done that since ......
Chidinma smiled and kissed him
” am sorry,I was just confused
rema deepened the kiss and gave her several love
bites on her neck.
” I love you
” I love you too
” I need to go and return this gold to your mum
today else she will fire me..
” can you stop that maid work? I will work
something out for you...
” I will quit after this month,I promise
” quit now,like now...
” if I quit now,everyone will suspect. Month end is
better. I should get going,the driver is waiting
outside" Chidinma rushed words, rema drew her
back. He doesn't want her to go back there.
"I will quit after this month” Chidinma added
”lets go,I will work you out to the car”
rema cooled. dinma stole a glance at him, he
looked so cool and awesome in the white t shirt
and jean trouser he wore. His hair was rich and
full in black frontal curls...his dark eyes which
was heavily fringed with black lashes stood out
proudly against his fair skin, his skin was
His perfectly built body is very obvious,his
amazing heights and figure made Chidinma felt
like hugging him again and she did. she couldn't
help but admire the perfection of his looks....
she wondered why everything about him is just so
rema collected his hand from her and opened the
door for her.chidinma waved and the driver
minutes later,Chidinma arrived. she walked into
the palace compound and headed to the queen
empire. She met Lila and a lady which she has
never seen before.
” hy” Lila said.
” hmm,I seek the queen” she replied
” she's in her bedroom” the other girl said.
” you're the maid who went to get the gold???
Stephanie added. she looked chidinma from head
to toe.
"ohh yes,hope no problem”
” nothing you can go”
Steph added. Chidinma entered the queens
bedroom and dropped the gold box carefully as
she turned and tried walking away, the queen
called her back.
” Chidinma come back here ..
” yes my queen...
the queen looked at her from head to toe
” I don't even know who is lying between Emily
and Nora???....who knows if Emily is telling the
truth and Nora is lying??
” cos this girl is really pretty and rema likes
pretty things could they have been together... did
she spend time with rema her looks her killing she
can just seduce any man..”..
the queen thought.It took up to 5minutes before
she spoke
” you were with rema at his penthouse right? she
Chidinma was confused,thoughts ran her head
” is the queen aware of my relationship with
”did madam Claudia tell her,rema took the gold
for me am really scared??.
” is this a trick question??? or should I tell her I
stayed with the driver???
” speak up Chidinma did you stay with my son up
till now???" the queen asked,she wanted to get
what she thinks in her mind straight.
"well mother,I was with.....
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