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Total No. of Questions : 4) ' \

SEAT No.:j j
PA-10040 [6009 ]-~23 [Total No. of Pages: 1
T.E. (Com puter E~ne ering ) (lnsem)
(2019 P~ttvn)('\,_~emester - II) (310252)
C'v '
Time: 1 Hour.I /Max. Marks: 30
lnstructi.ons to the ca,~- ~s:
1) Answe r Q.1 2, ~ r Q.4.
2) Neat diag ~ 11u_s@'drawn wherever necessary.
3) Figu ~es r ~ indicate full marks.
4) Assu ·rabl~' 1ta, if necessary.
{_~ q,·
QI) a) E¥ai n ~win g: [5]
i) Vs Internet
ii) ~M L headin g tags with syntax. r;:;, ·
b) ~ e HTM L code for GATE Examination ,~stra tion page. \Veb page
should have elements such as text~ ~ pa~w brd field, checkbox, radio
button, select box, submit and r~ut !&e tc. [5]
c) What is CSS? Expla in CSS in,.!t~~1nc~~th example. [5]

Q2) a)
. ~I t~
Diffe rentia teHT MLV s~L5 \Q~ [5]
b) Write the HTML code, e;)t~~ a~le to explain interna l and extern al CSS.
{')" Co· ·(SI
c) Expla in the HTTP re'lf(ie~~d HTTP response model in brief. ~1
Q3) a) Expla inDoc umen tT~"z nDOM . - ~·(5]
b) Write the JavaS cri~n cti~n for generati~g Fi~onacC,(_series. ~·,/ ~5]
c) What is Angul ar JS? Explain Angular JS du-ectlves ¥'\I!chng ,v1th
example. 0'!fr" I5]
OR ~- -~
Q4) a) Write the JavaScript code for name, email a~b il~m ber validation
in registration form. ---~ \() [5]
b) Explain the concept of Document Obje der.y ' [5]
c) Explain the advantages ofjQuery. Exp14fu] u~9:s)'ntax with example. [SJ

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