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aKlaKie Monday, May 22, 2023 HOOP YI Tense = Time[present, past and future] Time of an action/ verb[ASH] Simple indefinite: [V1, V2, V5(s or es)] without helping verb. It tells the action but does not tell the time(it is done or it is in process) Continous: V1+ ing Perfect: has/have/had V3 Perfect Continous: has/have/had Ving ST yA (oy aeelery Perfect Perfect Indefinite CT Tele Present | S+V1/V5(s or Stis/am/are+Vi | Sthas/have+V3 | S+has/have+be es) +o ng+o +0 en+Ving+o Leia S+V2+0 St+was/were+Vi | Sthad+V3+0 S+had+been+Vi ng+o axe) Future | S+will/shall+V1 | S+will/shalltbe | S+will/shall+ha | S+will/shall+ha +0 +vingto NSA nae) ve+been+Ving+ ° * Routine action are always in simple present tense[Add verb acc to sub] * Sentence of past is continued in past. SUA EM Ute MONO AU oR Ted Lks continuing simultaneously. So while ELEN meh

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