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File: Untitled-3 copy.png (234 KB, 1486x1266)

Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)05:36:13 No.915874222 ▶ >>915875044 >>915884419

Drawthread: Sneaky Attack Edition

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)05:36:49 No.915874247 ▶ >>915875044

File: Ivy_the_Dino_is_Burly_Beardo-2.jpg (566 KB, 4036x1489)

Do not allow yourself to be diverted from the fact that Burly Beardo previously assumed a different online identity as Ivy the
Dino, where he engaged in harmful behavior towards two artists. This led to him discontinuing and removing that persona, and
now he is attempting to re-engage in the thread under a new name. He spent over a year pretending to be a woman to gain
the trust of our drawfags and then join their discord to cause trouble, which ultimately lead to his purge.

>His old larping


>Pic related
These examples showcase both his previous and current artistic endeavors. It is advised to exercise caution as this individual has a history of
dishonesty, which may potentially harm you. Just as many others before him, his falsehoods are likely to be revealed, prompting him to once more
delete his current persona.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)05:37:15 No.915874267 ▶ >>915874285 >>915875044

draw Theodore

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)05:37:28 No.915874274 ▶ >>915875044

File: hmofa_spamreq-1.jpg (800 KB, 4000x2578)

All these requests are from the

same guy. Ignore them.
(As in made by the same person
through the thread).

>all them by the same guy

>brief resume about him
>his cringe kind of posts

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)05:37:46 No.915874285 ▶ >>915875044

giving birth to my offspring, right?

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)05:38:00 No.915874294 ▶ >>915874324 >>915874372 >>915875044

File: dazzixscorn.jpg (167 KB, 1416x1072)

Requesting dazzi deepthroating Scorn's big alien cock

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)05:38:40 No.915874324 ▶ >>915875044 >>915884860

File: 1693701763300617.jpg (774 KB, 1672x1804)


>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)05:40:00 No.915874372 ▶ >>915875044

File: 278538534.png (798 KB, 1450x1562)


>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)05:40:28 No.915874384 ▶ >>915875044

File: 278538534.png (1.01 MB, 1450x1562)

Requesting bunny Morgan in this bunnysuit giving the human farmer naizuri with lots of cum
shooting into her face.

>> G0miArt 03/25/24(Mon)05:40:49 No.915874403 ▶

File: lue7xi.jpg (115 KB, 538x538)

saw her wwyd

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)05:57:15 No.915875044 ▶

>>915874222 (OP)

>> Ditch 03/25/24(Mon)06:00:45 No.915875172 ▶

File: BurberDowg.png (414 KB, 1237x1237)

Hello again. Just did some looking through the other threads and it looks like an artist exodus or some shit happened recently, nothing new though,
that shit used to happen daily.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)06:05:45 No.915875376 ▶ >>915875680


hole even

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)06:06:15 No.915875404 ▶ >>915876022

File: 1701120851524652.png (1.46 MB, 1736x2000)

draw cece fucking your wife

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)06:07:55 No.915875472 ▶ >>915875535

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)06:08:35 No.915875501 ▶

File: 121.jpg (21 KB, 422x167)

Time? Is it really that

time again?

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)06:09:41 No.915875535 ▶

File: mustrd.jpg (30 KB, 640x427)


>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)06:13:50 No.915875680 ▶ >>915875978

File: 1711331592.talonthegrypho(...).jpg (1.35 MB, 1536x864)


>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)06:22:14 No.915875978 ▶ >>915876937

File: my reaction.jpg (59 KB, 640x480)

Mine Got.......

>> OP4 03/25/24(Mon)06:23:01 No.915876022 ▶ >>915876222

niggas alr drew this

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)06:27:32 No.915876222 ▶

there are unfucked wives in this world

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)06:42:51 No.915876865 ▶ >>915876902 >>915876973 >>915877009 >>915877058 >>915877109 >>915880996
File: Alisa3 copy.png (308 KB, 1078x1479)


>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)06:43:31 No.915876902 ▶ >>915877836

now draw an anon fucking her, tenderly.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)06:44:16 No.915876937 ▶ >>915877557

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKzqSGt_Geg&t=1m [Embed]

it's so fluffy
(I may or may or may not have plyed w/ my ass a bit. projecting much)

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)06:45:09 No.915876973 ▶


>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)06:45:53 No.915877009 ▶ >>915878467

File: image.jpg (410 KB, 1594x1083)

Hi Cobra, please draw.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)06:46:59 No.915877058 ▶ >>915877836

Boobs should be bigger

>> G0miArt 03/25/24(Mon)06:47:19 No.915877070 ▶ >>915877271 >>915877383 >>915878328

File: Screenshot_20240324-234424.png (869 KB, 1080x847)

the other thread got nuke so whoever asked the before and after of Vivian
before puberty, here it is

also Vivian could be emo, I don't think she is personally tho

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)06:48:10 No.915877109 ▶

me when alisa covk

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)06:48:16 No.915877112 ▶ >>915877290 >>915877306

File: file.png (33 KB, 629x524)

hey hey hey, one req efore to bed

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)06:52:02 No.915877271 ▶ >>915877624

CUTE, thanks for drawing her pre-booba self.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)06:52:33 No.915877290 ▶ >>915878085

Anabelle fighting Satan

>> G0miArt 03/25/24(Mon)06:52:52 No.915877306 ▶ >>915877583

File: 20240319_100638.jpg (24 KB, 353x354)

your Loli OC literally riding
anon. literally on top

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)06:54:57 No.915877383 ▶ >>915877624

she got bimbofied

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)07:00:27 No.915877557 ▶ >>915877638

File: Screenshot 2023-01-18 7.4(...).png (123 KB, 279x240)

>I may or may or may not have
plyed w/ my ass a bit
Dios Mios.....

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)07:01:36 No.915877583 ▶ >>915879006

File: file.png (69 KB, 409x911)


>> G0miArt 03/25/24(Mon)07:02:49 No.915877624 ▶ >>915877664 >>915877694 >>915877912

File: Screenshot_20240315-200321.png (498 KB, 641x667)

she just has the body of a slut, she isn't one I promise
ofc it's fun doing them

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)07:03:37 No.915877638 ▶

>he hasn't seen the poop dildo

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)07:04:37 No.915877664 ▶ >>915877979

show the whole pic

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)07:05:44 No.915877694 ▶ >>915877979

>she isn't one I promise
This just telling me she is secretly a huge slut, maybe unintentionally but a slut regardless.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)07:06:07 No.915877706 ▶

File: 1654877252584.png (743 KB, 1280x720)

Smo boye

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)07:10:57 No.915877836 ▶ >>915877860 >>915877953 >>915881067

File: weird vagina with very bi(...).png (556 KB, 2128x1479)

maybe in our dreams...

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)07:11:50 No.915877860 ▶

perfect breasts size

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)07:13:22 No.915877903 ▶ >>915877972 >>915878052

File: soon.jpg (48 KB, 800x800)

>on their knees genuflecting for futatittytranny cock sucking and not the glorious machine

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)07:13:42 No.915877912 ▶

That isn't very wholesome my dude

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)07:14:46 No.915877953 ▶

Mr Sandman bring me sweet dreams, make her the most stuffed in cum you've ever seen.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)07:15:09 No.915877972 ▶

it really do be that way

>> G0miArt 03/25/24(Mon)07:15:25 No.915877979 ▶ >>915878109 >>915878189

File: Screenshot_20240315-202111.png (67 KB, 307x275)

uhhhh we can't! it's too lewd!
she doesn't know what sex is. she's been sheltered for 16 years without outside access

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)07:17:31 No.915878052 ▶

File: Screenshot 2022-12-15 6.5(...).png (208 KB, 706x394)

>From the moment i understood the weakness Cece's
cock, it disgusted me

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)07:18:23 No.915878085 ▶ >>915878098

File: file.png (107 KB, 826x836)


>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)07:18:50 No.915878098 ▶


>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)07:19:21 No.915878109 ▶ >>915878720

show me please

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)07:22:19 No.915878189 ▶ >>915878720

She could be the sweetest, most innocent girl who prays to God all the time and never does anything wrong. But that doesn't mean she might not
like sex, even if she's not fully aware of what it all means. A clumsy, naive girl who's sexually active can be quite interesting.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)07:26:33 No.915878328 ▶ >>915878720

my penis is going in you asap

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)07:31:28 No.915878467 ▶ >>915878547

fuck off botfag

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)07:32:36 No.915878497 ▶ >>915878547 >>915886161

File: 8274872578212.jpg (494 KB, 1470x842)

Requesting the manga panel in the reference

with Rivet.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)07:34:35 No.915878547 ▶

File: 1703894816680375342.jpg (586 KB, 2920x1828)


>> G0miArt 03/25/24(Mon)07:42:15 No.915878720 ▶ >>915878795 >>915878889 >>915878962

sir she's 16 :(((
she has no game so she can never get any guy to love her. she gets molested on occasion when she goes outside of her safe area

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)07:44:43 No.915878795 ▶

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYnFIRc0k6E [Embed]

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)07:48:02 No.915878889 ▶ >>915881220

>sir she's 16 :(((
That is legal in most Europe and Japan.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)07:50:34 No.915878962 ▶ >>915881220

I believe that being molested is considered a part of her innocent sexual experiences. She doesn't actively seek out kinky stuff, it just happens to
her without her control. It's just one of those things that adds to her charm.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)07:51:52 No.915879006 ▶

Loli belly

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)07:53:58 No.915879068 ▶ >>915879979

File: 1707131500782361.png (159 KB, 354x855)

how is he so perfect

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)08:23:37 No.915879979 ▶ >>915880051

File: angry.png (602 KB, 664x992)

Theofore is better

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)08:26:52 No.915880051 ▶ >>915880439

File: 1705265445294161.png (370 KB, 804x1158)


>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)08:45:58 No.915880439 ▶

non canon

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)08:47:33 No.915880472 ▶

File: shadow86.png (42 KB, 1006x617)

wet cloaca

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)08:55:28 No.915880646 ▶ >>915880888 >>915881220 >>915881546

requesting feet

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)09:06:13 No.915880888 ▶ >>915891050

File: d9fg6d7 yhb4.jpg (184 KB, 1079x1256)

no free toes

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)09:09:11 No.915880940 ▶ >>915880981

File: 1708917971824740.jpg (322 KB, 928x2048)


>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)09:11:29 No.915880981 ▶ >>915881097 >>915883671

Remember when Popoka used to post here? good times

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)09:12:28 No.915880996 ▶


>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)09:14:43 No.915881045 ▶ >>915881083

File: 1709284778478522.jpg (928 KB, 1200x1700)

Requesting this fox girl consummating her marriage with her human husband.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)09:15:56 No.915881067 ▶


>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)09:16:40 No.915881083 ▶ >>915881444

File: 1710809188784616.jpg (267 KB, 819x1298)


>> Lucius 03/25/24(Mon)09:17:07 No.915881097 ▶ >>915881109

Why won't you try to be the next popoka

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)09:17:45 No.915881109 ▶ >>915881154 >>915881626

who the fuck would want to be french

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)09:19:29 No.915881154 ▶

North Africans.

>> G0miArt 03/25/24(Mon)09:22:33 No.915881220 ▶ >>915881269 >>915881333 >>915881546

cultured individual spotted
she got molested by a horny vampire when she was 6, does the appeal still work?
oh no..

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)09:23:44 No.915881252 ▶

File: 6785674.png (62 KB, 657x674)

senran doodle

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)09:24:16 No.915881269 ▶ >>915881446

Vampires suck but yeah.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)09:27:28 No.915881333 ▶ >>915881446

>she got molested by a horny vampire when she was 6, does the appeal still work?
did you draw it

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)09:28:46 No.915881354 ▶

File: Avian_chubby_femme_posing(...).png (1.36 MB, 1068x1804)

Requesting basically anything with this

anthro bird lady.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)09:29:18 No.915881364 ▶ >>915881385 >>915881414 >>915883634

File: w7pjczrxgo7.jpg (81 KB, 972x2200)

Can someone draw her with a knotted equine cock?

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)09:29:59 No.915881385 ▶ >>915881414 >>915883634

File: 106957.picsmall.jpg (50 KB, 720x800)

Something like this one, i got more refs of her if
needed too

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)09:31:25 No.915881414 ▶

kill yourself

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)09:33:16 No.915881444 ▶

requesting jas feet

>> G0miArt 03/25/24(Mon)09:33:20 No.915881446 ▶ >>915881470 >>915881500 >>915881529 >>915881537

File: Screenshot_20240325-023200.png (355 KB, 1080x797)

he a clownpire
yes, kinda if this counts

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)09:34:32 No.915881470 ▶ >>915881776

Oh no she looks sad.
i dont like it.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)09:35:28 No.915881500 ▶

Pennywise first victim

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)09:36:45 No.915881529 ▶ >>915881776

Now show me exactly what he did.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)09:36:58 No.915881537 ▶ >>915881776

wow that sucks
>yes, kinda if this counts
wow that sucks!
why would you make it canon your OC got molested as a 6 year old and then go out of your way to make it this dumb

>> G0miArt 03/25/24(Mon)09:37:31 No.915881546 ▶ >>915881568 >>915881594

File: Screenshot_20240325-023627.png (1.41 MB, 1061x1227)

bruh. I forgot the pic

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)09:38:24 No.915881568 ▶ >>915881776

requesting armpits

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)09:39:17 No.915881594 ▶ >>915881776

Would she ever give footjobs?

>> Lucius 03/25/24(Mon)09:40:50 No.915881626 ▶ >>915881677


>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)09:43:38 No.915881677 ▶ >>915881745

>t. sheboon who chimps out daily

>> Lucius 03/25/24(Mon)09:47:40 No.915881745 ▶ >>915881755

Get any deliveries today bucko?

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)09:48:22 No.915881755 ▶ >>915883912

NTA but I did, 8 in fact.

>> G0miArt 03/25/24(Mon)09:49:12 No.915881776 ▶ >>915881794 >>915881805 >>915881811 >>915881812 >>915881830

File: Screenshot_20240325-024308.png (1.06 MB, 977x1025)

if her partner was into it perhaps, once she learns about it she'd tease him publicly a lot prob
hmmm maaaybe
reasons also to keep it simple, the guy was a simp before she was even born. also not proud of his design so it's gonna be gutted and remolded a
bit to make it more appealing
too graphic! she was traumatized from it and now fears guys :((
she hides it in the back of her mind well and has processes to suppress the trauma, she's fine now

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)09:50:32 No.915881794 ▶ >>915882021

>too graphic! she was traumatized from it and now fears guys :((
But she is constantly teasing men like in that one pic with "You can look but not touch."

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)09:51:09 No.915881805 ▶ >>915881830 >>915882021 >>915883138

>traumatized rapebait OC
you're kind of a fucked up little guy aren't you

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)09:51:27 No.915881811 ▶ >>915882021

>if her partner was into it
It would be great to see a footjob piece with her as she comments in surprise that the guy appears to be actually head-over-heels in love with her.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)09:51:27 No.915881812 ▶ >>915882021

Draw Vivian

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)09:52:20 No.915881830 ▶ >>915881853 >>915882021

What gave you that idea? his obsession with feet? no feetfag is to be trusted.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)09:53:38 No.915881853 ▶ >>915882021

he draws normal feet not footfag feet so he gets a pass on that

>> G0miArt 03/25/24(Mon)10:03:46 No.915882021 ▶ >>915882056 >>915882083 >>915882094 >>915882153

File: Screenshot_20240325-025637.png (705 KB, 1080x588)

>kinda a fucked up lil guy aren't you

not a bad idea, do you think the guy loves her or doesn't give a fuck
on its way, boss
I'm into it myself, I'm a degen ik
what's the difference? the overly details and wrinkles? I'm not into that lol
she has a love/fear relationship with men. if you look soft she teases, if you look menacing she will shut down and fear you

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)10:05:42 No.915882056 ▶ >>915882441

Size, detail, wrinkles, sweatiness, the shapes used, there's a lot of footfag phenotypes but you don't seem to fit into them too glaringly

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)10:07:17 No.915882083 ▶ >>915882441

>if you look soft she teases
This is your way to tell us she likes nerdy and underage guys, amirite? It is okay we cool in fact that is based

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)10:07:44 No.915882094 ▶ >>915882441

>do you think the guy loves her or doesn't give a fuck
He started being the latter, but he fell hard for her after long and detailed conversations.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)10:11:33 No.915882153 ▶ >>915882441

>she has a love/fear relationship with men. if you look soft she teases, if you look menacing she will shut down and fear you
Kinda cute, you should draw a nervous guy trying to act like a Casanova wannabe but acting incredibly nervous because she has big tits, and he
can't stop staring at them, which causes her to teaser him harder and ending switching the scenario completely.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)10:22:53 No.915882357 ▶

File: Clara14.png (66 KB, 506x576)

January was a good

month for us

>> G0miArt 03/25/24(Mon)10:27:18 No.915882441 ▶ >>915882598 >>915882635 >>915882673 >>915882685 >>915884155

File: Screenshot_20240325-032312.png (483 KB, 717x516)

oh nah, I'm too vanilla in comparison. I just admire it as a beauty part of the body like the ass and tits. it just makes the figure more beautiful and
she is 16 herself so maybe
you think he falls harder if he realizes she is a totally virgin in terms of foreplay and everything?

shii maybe

now that I think about it, she would unintentionally give a guy a footjob on accident

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)10:35:29 No.915882598 ▶ >>915882823

That should be me!

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)10:37:22 No.915882635 ▶ >>915882823

She appears to be the type of girl who would casually plop down on a nerdy guy's lap, snatch his Switch or Phone, and start gaming, unknowingly
giving his little buddy down there a bumpy ride with her plump derrière without even realizing it.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)10:38:28 No.915882655 ▶

File: 19109i.png (183 KB, 440x773)

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)10:39:10 No.915882673 ▶ >>915882823 >>915883225

I am for more content with your girl and underage guys, seems like a good idea.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)10:39:42 No.915882685 ▶ >>915882823

I hope all these get digitalized because I can barely read the text.

>> G0miArt 03/25/24(Mon)10:47:00 No.915882823 ▶ >>915882876 >>915882986 >>915883124

File: Screenshot_20240325-034302.png (269 KB, 579x404)

maybe vro
prob done it to a teacher on accident and is why she
with a female teacher
she don't discriminate who she dates but she do like older guys
gotta work on my writing, got it boss 07

>> G0miArt 03/25/24(Mon)10:48:54 No.915882855 ▶ >>915882876 >>915883009 >>915883124

File: Screenshot_20240325-034731.png (382 KB, 869x367)

gonna call it a day for tonight, see you amazing peeps

later :^)

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)10:50:07 No.915882876 ▶


>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)10:56:49 No.915882986 ▶

Drop the full pic asap!

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)10:58:22 No.915883009 ▶

File: 1473225930414.jpg (184 KB, 900x600)

cant believe i found this after so long

v=EnprInWJoaE [Embed]

goodnite ~

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)11:05:18 No.915883124 ▶

Goodnight Gomi. Sleep tight.
>gotta work on my writing, got it boss 07
Absolutely, these comics deserve it.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)11:06:16 No.915883138 ▶ >>915883186

He used to draw loli porn, no surprise there

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)11:08:33 No.915883186 ▶ >>915883263


>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)11:10:48 No.915883225 ▶

File: r4302u.jpg (198 KB, 520x588)


>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)11:13:09 No.915883263 ▶


>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)11:36:12 No.915883634 ▶ >>915885408 >>915885430

File: IMG_20231006_114030.png (54 KB, 1486x1069)

You meant when the horse's gland is 100%
flared up as a bell?

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)11:37:48 No.915883661 ▶ >>915883685 >>915883949 >>915884117

File: Toasty.gif (1.95 MB, 1890x1375)

finished my animation

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)11:38:38 No.915883671 ▶ >>915883681 >>915883839

File: 1696395310451232.jpg (140 KB, 960x720)

Lol i spoke with her a few days ago. I didn't know
she still being a virgin.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)11:39:40 No.915883681 ▶ >>915883703

Popopoka is a man you retarded nigger he's posted his french hairy ass before

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)11:40:09 No.915883685 ▶

that's sure a thing

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)11:41:27 No.915883703 ▶ >>915883726

Soorry im a retard.
I was talking about the author of the blind girl comic

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)11:43:04 No.915883726 ▶ >>915883766

Retarded Dick Larping nigger, that is the same guy.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)11:43:55 No.915883745 ▶

File: A_reminder_about_the_weather.jpg (68 KB, 1111x606)

Requesting a dog anthro and cat anthro

version of this image.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)11:45:21 No.915883766 ▶ >>915883801 >>915883814

It's a girl, check her twitter

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)11:48:08 No.915883801 ▶ >>915883822

No, you are retard. Popoka, is a guy. He just draw like a french, which means a faggot.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)11:48:39 No.915883814 ▶

File: 1692642780788876.png (1 MB, 638x795)

>check twitter
and this proves what..? he's not the blind girl he draws retard.
he has man hands

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)11:49:10 No.915883822 ▶

I already give you homework

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)11:50:14 No.915883837 ▶ >>915883860

File: Wolf_posing_by_Zarkayrin.png (610 KB, 546x1669)

Requesting this wolf spying in somebody's house through a window while being

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)11:50:24 No.915883839 ▶

you are so bad at lying kek nobody should ever take you seriously

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)11:51:43 No.915883860 ▶

File: 981.png (14 KB, 312x293)


>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)11:52:52 No.915883873 ▶ >>915884043

File: 1699382851723320.png (1.83 MB, 1128x824)

you have to understand it's easy to make such a simple

mistake, he's very feminine

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)11:55:28 No.915883911 ▶

File: very feminine.jpg (37 KB, 660x731)

>> Lucius 03/25/24(Mon)11:55:37 No.915883912 ▶

Oh congratulations

>> Lucius 03/25/24(Mon)11:58:51 No.915883949 ▶

What the fuck

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)12:07:15 No.915884043 ▶ >>915884066

How old is this ref?

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)12:08:54 No.915884064 ▶ >>915884096 >>915884310

File: plush.png (202 KB, 1000x1000)

Draw me more Percey art.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)12:09:03 No.915884066 ▶

going by his age its from 2019

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)12:11:54 No.915884096 ▶

>gets one drawing from dante
>whiplashes back into copedog begging mode
you are a sad attention whore

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)12:13:57 No.915884117 ▶ >>915884193

File: 1708550382731092.jpg (1.92 MB, 4653x4116)

Hi. Who are you?
Do you draw your intrusive
thoughts too?

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)12:16:52 No.915884155 ▶ >>915884192 >>915885111

File: Mei-Sevens.png (1.36 MB, 1752x2948)

Draw her fucked by an anon please

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)12:19:49 No.915884192 ▶

File: 16998.png (8 KB, 424x427)


>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)12:19:52 No.915884193 ▶ >>915884218 >>915884965

I'm just a fella who likes making folks uncomfortable.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)12:21:18 No.915884218 ▶ >>915884267

Would you like to tickle my appendix via my colon?

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)12:22:03 No.915884267 ▶

I'll do more than tickle it buddy

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)12:25:19 No.915884310 ▶

Go beg her on twitter

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)12:32:15 No.915884419 ▶ >>915892076

>>915874222 (OP)
Which character is this? I need to do some research

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)12:35:21 No.915884468 ▶ >>915884705

File: Fz4kRiZXsAAlkSQ.png (1.55 MB, 1097x1312)

ok but blind boy...

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)12:43:22 No.915884577 ▶ >>915884686

File: shantae x scorn.jpg (246 KB, 1506x1346)

Requesting Shantae giving Scorn a

titjob and blowjob combo

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)12:51:28 No.915884686 ▶

File: 1710809188784616.jpg (576 KB, 2276x1298)

one last seethe before
going to sleep?

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)12:53:04 No.915884705 ▶

I like how with the genders swapped this is played off less like torturous bullying and more like bros being bros

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:03:11 No.915884860 ▶ >>915884907

Who is this?

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:05:47 No.915884907 ▶ >>915884985

a spammer character

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:09:27 No.915884965 ▶ >>915885087

File: SCISSOR LAUNCH.png (320 KB, 896x1157)

blog? post your most gruesome
hardcore piece of art

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:10:36 No.915884985 ▶ >>915885044

No, seriously

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:13:47 No.915885044 ▶

she's the protagonist of some shitty french third person shooter called Onirism her name is Carol

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:16:42 No.915885087 ▶ >>915885260 >>915885274

File: scenebad.jpg (1.03 MB, 2560x1200)

Maybe this one, kind of depends on what you
think is "hardcore"

>> Lucius 03/25/24(Mon)13:18:58 No.915885109 ▶

I wish drawfags did something else together besides roleplay :(

>> G0miArt 03/25/24(Mon)13:18:59 No.915885111 ▶ >>915885121 >>915885144

File: Screenshot_20240325-061655.png (623 KB, 767x775)

aaand I got to get ready for work already, well that was a good sleep tho... anyways good morning guys! hope you guys
having an epic morning
I only draw my OCS. I'm too lazy to draw anything else

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:19:40 No.915885121 ▶ >>915885211

based trips, post full pic.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:21:15 No.915885144 ▶ >>915885211

Mugi drew your gal
>>915884135 →

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:25:22 No.915885192 ▶

Awww sheeeet... I jizzed on mah cat again.

>> G0miArt 03/25/24(Mon)13:26:42 No.915885211 ▶ >>915885219 >>915885257 >>915885293 >>915885362

File: Screenshot_20240325-062259.png (266 KB, 652x457)

uhhhh maybe
saw it, looked good I supposed but I wish they ignored the guy lol

like I agreed with what some of those guys said when they said that it gets kinda tiring seeing the same post/request. it's a bit
annoying at this point and wish they latched on another character like Tristana of something idk

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:27:28 No.915885219 ▶ >>915885231 >>915885246 >>915885312

Gomi this whole “teasing” is tiresome. Will you post it or just keep sharing cropped pics.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:27:56 No.915885231 ▶ >>915885293

lol botfag

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:28:34 No.915885246 ▶ >>915885293 >>915885312

maybe if you spam request his OC 700 more times he'll do as you say

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:29:14 No.915885257 ▶ >>915885312

Mugi isn't here enough to know what's spam and what's not

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:29:20 No.915885260 ▶ >>915885274 >>915885301

File: 3.png (975 KB, 2000x3983)

>that looooooooooooong handjob
kek, do you have pixiv or related? where you post your

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:30:09 No.915885274 ▶ >>915885423

>>915885087 >>915885260
I think abusefag finally found his love!

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:31:16 No.915885293 ▶ >>915885318 >>915885427 >>915885463 >>915885615

I'm not addressing the people samefagging to post replies and make it seem like their opinion represents the majority. I'm actually talking to Gomi.

Why do you bother posting edited pictures here that you have no intention of sharing? What's your goal? Do you want people to completely ignore
you? It looks like that's what you're going for. You won't be the first artist pretending to be uptight.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:31:52 No.915885301 ▶ >>915885406

yeah I got a bit lazy with connecting it all together, I keep a very low profile online unfortunately, do you have any suggestions where I should go?

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:31:54 No.915885302 ▶

botfag is crying

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:32:12 No.915885305 ▶ >>915885427

Posting cropped art is milk behavior

>> G0miArt 03/25/24(Mon)13:32:40 No.915885312 ▶ >>915885355 >>915885415

File: Butt-head.png (55 KB, 206x360)

uhhhhhhhhh .... no uhuhuhuhuh

If he stopped spamming it for a while, I'd post
uncensored Vivian lewd
I'd figure but yunno, wishful thinking and what not

>> Lucius 03/25/24(Mon)13:32:53 No.915885317 ▶ >>915885427

>drama ensues

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:32:54 No.915885318 ▶

>if you don't do what i say and post those pictures I wont talk to you
Your attention is worth $0 and 0 cents botnigger

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:35:30 No.915885355 ▶ >>915885364 >>915885393 >>915885394 >>915885418 >>915885463 >>915885645

>If he stopped spamming it for a while, I'd post uncensored Vivian lewd
Remember you have commissions and are stupid enough to have your real name in your PayPal account address. Think the shit you say.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:35:58 No.915885362 ▶

nigga you're so retarded everyone warned you about botcuck and you didn't listen
you reap what you sow by shilling your ocs here

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:36:05 No.915885364 ▶

lmao this nigger

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:37:48 No.915885393 ▶

See? We called it lmfao
The audacity of this nigger shitting and posting because he can't get his uncropped bootleg WL porn

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:37:51 No.915885394 ▶

>Stop laughing at me, I wont respond to dramaposts, you're not the majority
You're so bad at this just kill yourself to save yourself the shame

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:38:35 No.915885406 ▶ >>915885841

File: Hood circumcised to remov(...).jpg (46 KB, 565x969)

well the best i know is pixiv. here mine:

twitter is too gay so you if you post this kind of shit you will end up shadowbanned(in pixiv i have 150 followers but in
twitter just 32)

here my Discord to keep in contact:


>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:38:47 No.915885408 ▶

yeah, like the one on the top

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:39:07 No.915885415 ▶ >>915885434 >>915885463

>uhhhhhhhhh .... no uhuhuhuhuh
Hey, I was just trying to have a normal conversation with you and ask a genuine question. Just because some people here started pointing fingers
and going crazy doesn't mean I have any hidden motives in asking you something. But if you prefer responding with memes and treating me like
I'm clueless, that's okay too.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:39:08 No.915885418 ▶

Only confirming everyone's suspicion that you doxx drawfags with cheap comms when you denied doing it a million times, Bottranny. Not a good
look at all.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:39:34 No.915885423 ▶ >>915885479

shut up reni

>> G0miArt 03/25/24(Mon)13:39:54 No.915885427 ▶ >>915885447 >>915885449 >>915885503 >>915885562 >>915885610 >>915886866
File: Screenshot_20240325-063659.png (469 KB, 558x621)

lmao, Lucius please never leave. you're funny <3
I'm not milk bruh
I mean, if someone wanted to see NSFW art they could've reached out privately to see
them. might comply tbh

also teasing is fun

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:40:01 No.915885430 ▶ >>915885648

as big and large as an equine, with that flared tip, and with a knot on the base

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:40:21 No.915885434 ▶ >>915885512

had to get the seethepost out before he could be performative

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:41:21 No.915885447 ▶ >>915885645

>eached out privately to see them. might comply tbh
Thanks, but I prefer not to trust other users or artists on this platform. Sharing personal information seems like a risky move here.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:41:23 No.915885449 ▶ >>915885512

beware of anyone named nisigurath or gaph in your DMs

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:42:10 No.915885463 ▶ >>915885512

lol shut up nigga
you can tell he's REALLY shitting himself when he hits drawfags with the guilt trip and threat textwalls
let me guess, you're also 'not' the faggot who harasses cobra to draw that ugly fucking cartoon cat every time he posts literally anything despite you
saying similar shit to what you're telling gomi right now at this very second with the exact syntax and typing mannerisms, right? faggot

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:43:16 No.915885479 ▶ >>915885648

Not everyone who hates you is the chink whore abusetranny we all want you to kill yourself except the other guronigger here

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:43:41 No.915885489 ▶ >>915885512 >>915885538

Are we having another botfag humiliation ritual right now? My favorite

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:44:20 No.915885503 ▶ >>915885645

>Contact me privately
Lmao this faggot doesn't know what throwaway accounts are lol

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:44:55 No.915885512 ▶ >>915885616

samefagging this late must be hard

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:45:37 No.915885521 ▶ >>915885586 >>915885615

>all he can do is cry samefag


>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:46:37 No.915885538 ▶ >>915885586

yes he's actively embarrassing himself
>hey can you please stop posting cropped porn of your own character you have to show me the full image or i will doxx you through paypal and
murder your entire family please i just want to see your oc's boobs why do you keep teasing me give me vivian boobs your real name's on your
paypal btw haha

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:47:59 No.915885562 ▶ >>915885645

>I mean, if someone wanted to see NSFW art they could've reached out privately to see them. might comply tbh
Do you really not know what's up or are you just playing the fool? There are some troublemakers in these threads who could easily get hold of your
personal info. Coming here with a careless attitude, thinking it's all about being cool, might not be the best move. Some people here aren't kidding
around with their threats. Just a heads-up to be more cautious!

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:48:24 No.915885571 ▶

File: 1684550326944262a.png (469 KB, 600x968)

>I am Mexican, I am White

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:49:00 No.915885586 ▶ >>915885615 >>915885616

>1 minute apart
So sad

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:50:33 No.915885610 ▶ >>915885645


>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:50:56 No.915885615 ▶ >>915885627

you're recycling your replies

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:51:02 No.915885616 ▶ >>915885627

>Oh no i got caught threatening to doxx by the entire thread fuck fuck fuck what do i do fuckk...
>wait I KNOW!!!

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:51:25 No.915885627 ▶ >>915885645 >>915885652

Nice samefag

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:51:34 No.915885636 ▶ >>915885738

it's not that he's going to doxx drawfags if they say no it's just that they wont say no because of the implication

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:51:51 No.915885645 ▶ >>915885651

Damn nigger! Shut up already

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:51:56 No.915885648 ▶ >>915885853

horses don't have "bulbus glandis" you furry coomer.

cry me a river faget

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:52:13 No.915885651 ▶ >>915885677

You first

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:52:22 No.915885652 ▶ >>915885660

Those are literal seconds apart Bottard-kun

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:52:43 No.915885660 ▶

Okay samefag kun

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:53:39 No.915885677 ▶ >>915885698

You're talking to yourself and replying to the same post 10 times independent of anyone shitting on you so i have no reason to

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:53:55 No.915885686 ▶ >>915885698

Botnigger is crying so hard lol I can feel him wiping the tears and snots into his shirt sleeves

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:54:34 No.915885698 ▶ >>915885725

Watch another fag leaving

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:55:41 No.915885725 ▶ >>915885752

no one cares about the retarded twitternigger so much except you lmao go back to spamming his ugly bootleg wl
that fag only comes to shill his hideously mid art

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:56:34 No.915885735 ▶ >>915885752 >>915885756

This faggot could not be more stupid if he tried

Even poopcat has more capability for intelligent thought and witticism

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:56:36 No.915885738 ▶ >>915885765

If they don't say no, the anons will get upset. But if they do say no, he'll be upset too. It's like there's no way to win in this situation!

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:57:15 No.915885752 ▶ >>915885792

Projecting your tears of frustration must be really hard isn't it

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:57:32 No.915885756 ▶

File: hmmpf__by_nethernets.jpg (76 KB, 828x1179)

Fuck off kys I do NOT

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:57:56 No.915885765 ▶ >>915885778 >>915885820

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THvCDn8mGwo [Embed]

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:58:38 No.915885778 ▶

That's a Benis!

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)13:59:15 No.915885792 ▶

tears? of laughter? of boredom?

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)14:00:56 No.915885820 ▶ >>915885903

I am not watching a 3 minutes long clip from Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)14:02:18 No.915885841 ▶ >>915885967

I made a pixiv account, users/104629716

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)14:03:07 No.915885853 ▶ >>915885967

I didn't know you were a faggot nigger, but since you come from niger then explain to yourself what fantasy is

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)14:04:55 No.915885886 ▶ >>915885901 >>915885905

finally this fat retard shut up

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)14:05:48 No.915885901 ▶

but you are still up crying

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)14:05:50 No.915885903 ▶ >>915885922

why not

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)14:05:52 No.915885905 ▶

File: NeckBeardo.jpg (68 KB, 399x600)


>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)14:06:48 No.915885922 ▶

Not a fan of the show.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)14:09:02 No.915885967 ▶ >>915886074

error 404

ok coomer

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)14:13:22 No.915886074 ▶ >>915886139

works on my end

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)14:16:01 No.915886139 ▶

now is working. check ur dm

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)14:16:51 No.915886161 ▶ >>915886350 >>915886651

Source on the manga panel on the left?

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)14:24:31 No.915886350 ▶ >>915886562

It's here: >>915886161

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)14:30:23 No.915886523 ▶

File: t023.png (211 KB, 480x576)


>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)14:31:47 No.915886562 ▶ >>915886651


>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)14:35:38 No.915886651 ▶ >>915886793

Sorry, wrong link. It's here: >>915886161

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)14:40:59 No.915886793 ▶

Very funny

>> Lucius 03/25/24(Mon)14:43:37 No.915886866 ▶

Thank you g0mi

>> Lucius 03/25/24(Mon)14:49:19 No.915886996 ▶ >>915887041 >>915887083

Thanks for chasing away the talent guys

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)14:51:35 No.915887041 ▶ >>915887086

nobody made dipshit magoo start seething and threatening to dox people because they post cropped art

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)14:53:33 No.915887083 ▶

File: Fart02.png (66 KB, 666x666)

The talent has always
been here

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)14:53:41 No.915887086 ▶ >>915887186


>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)14:57:41 No.915887183 ▶

File: Ronal the Barbarian Request.png (1.4 MB, 1371x893)

Requesting Ronal and Alibert from the danish animated movie "Ronal the Barbarian" wearing those loincloths/ jockstraps/ g-
strings like the ones in the movie (the ones that show off a bulge in the front and expose the butt a little in the back) with
Alibert's jockstrap being different from Ronals.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)14:57:46 No.915887186 ▶

As in... Mr. Magoo?

>> Lucius 03/25/24(Mon)15:01:04 No.915887237 ▶

All drawfags that come here leave because they all reach the same inevitable conclusion

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)15:12:30 No.915887489 ▶ >>915887548

File: alma easter.png (53 KB, 511x635)


>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)15:14:25 No.915887548 ▶ >>915887599 >>915887653 >>915890784

doesn't look so rapey :>

>> Lucius 03/25/24(Mon)15:16:14 No.915887599 ▶ >>915887653 >>915887740

File: Untitled95_20240325152447.png (70 KB, 511x635)

How bout now

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)15:17:56 No.915887653 ▶

File: NSA.png (25 KB, 300x300)

100% keks

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)15:21:21 No.915887740 ▶ >>915888103

What are her preferred victims?

>> Lucius 03/25/24(Mon)15:34:11 No.915888103 ▶ >>915889235

File: Untitled95_20240325154146.png (68 KB, 511x635)

Tired salaryman in karaoke rooms
(She is small and cannot fight

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)15:43:34 No.915888349 ▶

File: doodie-0040.gif (13 KB, 224x163)

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)16:10:13 No.915889235 ▶ >>915890284

File: Alma Onatopp.png (18 KB, 530x469)

How does she kill? Imagining her doing some Xenia Onatopp move and squishing
him like a backed potato.

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)16:18:34 No.915889488 ▶

File: Feminist society and Its (...).png (1.27 MB, 1127x4807)

Good morming sirs.

Here my thesis about why woman is the nigger of the

>> Lucius 03/25/24(Mon)16:41:01 No.915890284 ▶ >>915890729

Shit that's kinda perfect. She's the last thing you taste before your melon explodes. How did she get those killer thighs?

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)16:52:02 No.915890729 ▶

good question
maybe every day is leg day?

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)16:53:26 No.915890784 ▶ >>915890908

all this sex art is what i dont fucking draw here anymore
hello byte, care to join us for an unforgettable luncheon?

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)16:56:44 No.915890908 ▶

yes I'd be honored

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)17:00:18 No.915891050 ▶

Cute cat :3

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)17:05:08 No.915891238 ▶

i forgot to put why*, sorry

>> Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)17:26:11 No.915892076 ▶

A loli named Anabelle, Snack's OC

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